Credits Text and illustrations: Evlyn Moreau Proofreading: Brian Yaksha Layout: Flora van den Berg The following equipment tables are designed for Macchiato 7. Tube of pink goo dR4, symbiotic backpack, pocket bedroll, Monsters, and are inspired by post-human science fiction settings; glow bugs swarm dR8, music pod. like the comic Prophet or the manga Blame! I wrote these tables 8. Self-replicating food d8, monitor drone d8, beetle backpack, with the idea of using them for outfitting post-human scavengers life support tent dR10, glow sticks dR6. attempting to survive in the ruins of an orbital mega-structure. 9. Tasty worm tubes dR8, smart net, motion tracker, paralyzing neck crawler in a tube. Money has been replaced by energy sources and/or data. 10. Blue potato dR4, sturdy mule bot dR8, Energy is used to power equipment, but is also a valuable trade anti-toxin biosuit dR8, glow sticks dR6. commodity. Data functions like rumors and can be used by players to establish things in the fiction. Bugs and other organic 11. Feeding patches dR6, water filter amoeba dR6, devices are cybernetic/bio-engineered organisms; they are meant bio analysis pad dR8, glow bug swarm dR4. to be programmed and hacked. When in doubt about the function 12. Flavoured food bugs dR6, auto-map, wrist grappling hook, of an item, ask a player to provide more detail. gamepad with playful AI. 13. Self-replicating food dR6, glow bugs swarm dR4, satellite comlink, laser cutter, spider harness. 14. Yummy bug eggs dR6, caterpillar bedroll, flashbang bug dR6, EQUIPMENT AND FOOD cooking kit with chef AI. 1. Dehydrated ice cream dR4, slimy symbiotic backpack, 15. Self-growing meat dR6, hacking datapad, damaged AI assistant. carapace backpack, light drone dR8. 2. Dry protein biscuits dR8, smart backpack, foil blanket, 16. Cake pods dR4, pheromone suit dR8, optic cables dR10, rebreather dR6. damaged shield drone dR6, bio boosters dR8. 3. Soup pellets dR6, clumsy mule bot dR6, solar carpet, 17. Spice bugs dR6, stealth cloak dR8, spy drone dR8, 2 amoeba bags, telescopic pole. tracking bugs dR6. 4. Tasty food pills dR6, symbiotic backpack, pocket bedroll, 18. Self-replicating food dR6, hologram projector dR8, 2 trapjaw bugs. optic cables dR10, Rogue AI assistant. 5. Tube of pink goo dR4, glow bug dR6, welding torch dR8, 19. Sealed meals dR8, auto-map drones dR8, dR6. smart helmet dR8, bio boosters dR8. 6. Protein chewing gum dR8, data pad dR8, keypad dR4, 20. Cheese tubes dR4, cyber-augmented pet bug dR10, shoulder pad lamp dR8. auto-map, hearty glow bug dR6. ENERGY AND VALUABLE Notes DATA Bugs recharge by eating material (eating rations refresh one dice step). 1. Malfunctioning charge cable, broken red keypad, trivial data bits. Cables and solar panels can recharge energy sources (1h refresh 2. Belt of recycled batteries dR4, outdated instruction manual dR6. one dice step). 3. Industrial recharge pack dR10, outdated datamap dR4. Keypads open doors or activate devices of matching color. 4. Belt of beta batteries dR6, outdated 3D printing template dR6. Solar slugs may recharge like a bug or a solar panel. 5. Retractable charge cable, outdated intelligence date dR8. 6. Belt of alpha batteries dR8, outdated research data dR6. 7. Bag of recharge pellets dR4, blue keypad, data bits dR4. 8. Cumbersome solar panel, useful instruction manual dR6. 9. Folding solar panel, useful data map dR4. 10. Backpack recharge pod dR10, useful 3D printing template dR6. 11. Belt recharge pack dR8, stolen intelligence data dR6. 12. Solar slug larva dR4, useful research data dR8. 13. Solar cell suit, yellow keypad, data bits dR4. 14. Mature solar slug dR10, rare instruction manual dR4. 15. Fertile solar slug dR6, rare datamap dR6. 16. Pocket recharge pod dR6, rare 3D printing template dR6. 17. Royal electric jelly capsule dR6, rare intelligence data dR8. 18. Royal electric jelly cylinder dR8, rare research data dR6. 19. Micro recharge pod dR4, personality recording dR10. 20. Recharge symbiot dR6, rare AI template dR10. MELEE WEAPONS AND INDUSTRIAL 1. Wrench, knife or hard gloves d4. 2. Retractable whip or telescopic club d4. 3. Vibro-knife or laser scalpel d4 (battery dR8). 4. Power or foraging d6 (battery dR6). 5. Kinetic gloves d6 (battery dR6). 6. Vibro-machete or a pair of stun batons d6 (battery dR8). 7. Ceramstell axe or mono-edge sword d8. 8. Surgeon phasing glove or drilling glove d6 (battery dR6). 9. Elescopic mono-edge spear d6. 10. Door cutter or rod injector d8 (battery dR4). 11. Power pincers or Power hammer d8 (battery dR6). 12. Vibro-sword d8 (battery dR6). 13. Monofilament whip or stun staff d8 (battery dR6). 14. Rock grinder d8 (battery dR6). 15. High velocity rivet puncher d8 (battery dR8). 16. Foldable ceramsteel blade d8. 17. Plasma welder d10 (battery dR6). 18. Ceramsteel cutter d10 (battery dR8). 19. Portable disintegrator d12 (battery dR4). 20. Mono katana d10. Notes Batteries dR are tested at the end of a fight (like ammunition) Industrial tools grant advantage to damage against robots. Kinetic pushes back foes when they roll their maximum damage. Mono requires molecular sharpening after a fight or their damage step down. Stun inflicts -1HD to determine advantage in fights when they roll their maximum damage. Telescopic or whips give +1HD to determine advantage in fights. Vibro, phasing, mono and laser give disadvantage to enemy armor. RANGED WEAPONS

1. Auto-return ball d4. 2. Needle pistol or razor pistol d4 (cartridge dR12). 3. Automatic pistol d4 (clip dR8) or heavy pistol d6 (clip dR6). 4. Trash accelerator d4 (clip dR10, battery dR6) or rivet gun d4 (clip dR8). 5. Energy projector (wrist or shoulder-mounted) d6 (battery dR4). 6. Magnetic saw or monowire gun (clip dR4). 7. Magnetic bolas rifle or net gun d4 (clip dR6). 8. SMG d6 (clip dR8) or needle gun d6 (clip dR10). 9. Shotgun d8 (clip dR4) or shoulder-mounted micro missile launcher d8 (payload dR1). 10. Energy rifle d8 (battery dR6) or automatic rifle d8 (clip dR8). 11. Javelins accelerator d8 (clip dR4) or goo launcher d4 (clip dR4). 12. Flame or acid thrower d6 (fuel dR6). 13. Force projector or energy disruptor d6 (battery dR6). 14. Micro-rocket d8 or smart mine launcher d6 (payload dR4). 15. Mini-gun d8 (clip dR10) or heavy needler d6 (clip dR10). 16. Mono-razor rifle d8 (clip dR6) or heavy flamer d8 (fuel dR6). 17. Sniper rifle d10 (clip dR4) or energy pistol d6 (battery dR6). 18. Plasma or energy gun d8 (battery dR10). 19. Heavy railgun d10 (clip dR6, battery dR6) or super trash accelerator d6 (clip dR10, battery dR6). 20. Particle accelerator pistol d12 (battery dR6) or nova bomb d20 (payload: single use). Ranged weapons notes ARMOR AND OTHER Batteries dR are tested at the end of a fight (like ammunition). PROTECTIVE GEAR Automatic: step down usage die to gain advantage to damage or to hit. 1. Fibermesh poncho or cloak d4. Bolas, net, javelin and force give disadvantage to actions, 2. Foldable shield or shield drone d4 (battery dR6). immobilized on a failed save. 3. Fibermesh long coat or catsuit d6. Disruptor: step down the risk die of batteries. 4. Kevlar vest and hood or reinforced spacesuit d6. Energy and plasma give advantage to damage, can be charged for 1 5. Industrial spacesuit or basic exoskeleton d6 (battery dR6). round to step up damage die by one step.. Explosive, missile, goo: area of effect that hit d6 foes. 6. Canister of fungal plastic foam, apply in spray over the body Flamer: close range only, hit grouped enemies, burn for d4 damage d6 (foam dR6). by round. 7. Docking harness with swarm of micro shield drones d6 Mono causes disadvantage to enemy armor. (battery dR6). Needle: disadvantage vs armor, inject toxin (CON save or take 1 8. Honeycomb suit d6 or Foldable wall shield d6. damage for d6 rounds) 9 . 0-G flight suit (battery dR6) or dragonfly chitin suit d6. Nova bomb: must be installed, destroys a single ship or location, 10. Heavy Kevlar full body armor or armored space suit d8 . save or die. 11. Reactive spider silk bodysuit d6 (battery dR6). Railguns and accelerators: as mono but also punch through cover 12. Amoeba body symbiote d6. (ignore cover) can shoot through walls with the appropriate sensors, depressurize location on fumble. 13. Swarm of armor bugs d8 Razor, saw and acid force armor to make a usage roll. 14. Back-mounted forcefield generator d8 (battery dR6). Rifle and gun: disadvantage at close range, advantage at long 15. Industrial exoskeleton (battery dR6) or termite chitin work range. suit d8. Shotgun: damage step up at closer range and step down at longer 16. Military exoskeleton (battery dR6) or scarab chitin suit d10. range. 17. Mirage armored stealth suit (battery dR6) or mantis chitin suit Smart mines: wait for detonation or crawl toward targets. d8. Sniper: aiming from stealth on an unaware target grants full 18. Reactor maintenance industrial spacesuit d10. damage. 19. Military assault spacesuit or ladybug assault chitin suit d10. 20. Plasteel chrysalis or armored egg pod (walker 4HD, armor d8, battery dR8). Armor notes Batteries dR are tested at the end of a fight (like ammunition) Amoebae inflict 1 point of damage for d4 turns in melee. Assault: thrusters grant advantage to move in zero g, life support dR6 Chitin: advantage vs razor, disadvantage vs acid, natural melee weapons d6 Drone (shield): can protect other characters Exoskeletons can give advantage to strength tests Fibermesh: advantage vs mono or vibro Forcefield: advantage vs energy damage Fungal: advantage vs fire and explosions Honeycomb: advantage vs mono, edible as dR Industrial, work suit: grant advantage to industrial tests Kevlar: advantage vs bullets Military has one weapon mount that step up the ammunition dR Mirage or mantis grants stealth (test battery dR) Reactive can give advantage to dexterity tests Shield: can be destroyed to avoid damage once Spacesuit: integrated life support dR8 Swarm: advantage vs melee, disadvantage vs area of effect weapons Symbiote: refresh its dR by one step when user eats food Walkers function as a vehicle, have integrated life support dR8 MORE BUGS! Bug-related notes Bugs eat food or other bugs to refresh their dR dice by one step. 1. Annoying pet bug dR6 or Trash-eating bug dR4. Bodyguard bugs live on their host and attack when their host is 2. Heat bug dR6 or glow bug dR8 or filter bug dR4. threatened. 3. Plastic-eating bug dR6 or battery-eating bug dR6. Booster bugs can boost a randomly determined attribute by d4 4. Pack bug dR6 or adorable pet bug dR8. points after testing their dR. 5. Darts bug dR6 or spitter bug dR6. Hunter bugs hunt other bugs. 6. Hunter bug dR6 or lure bug dR6. Mimic bugs can shapeshift into any bug they eat. 7. Weaver bug dR8 or worker bug dR6. Pet bugs have no specific functions and are more sociable. 8. Ripper bug dR6 or shield bug dR8. Queen bugs make a dR test to “print” a random bug by rolling a 9. EMP bug dR6 or hypno bug dR6. d10 on this table. 10. Bodyguard bug dR6 or sentry bug dR6. Stasis bugs enable someone to survive in the vacuum of space. 11. Jump bug dR6 or wings pack bug dR6. Zombie bugs can burrow into a corpse and puppeteer it. 12. Mimic bug dR6 or ambush bug dR6. 13. Damaged queen bug dR8. 14. Riding bug dR8 or carrier bug dR10. 15. Bomber bug dR6 or bug dR8. 16. Engineering bug dR8 or hacked bug dR8. 17. Zombie bug dR6 or stasis bug dR6. 18. Booster bug dR8 or memory bug dR8. 19. Warrior bug dR10 or stalker bug dR10. 20. Healthy queen bug dR10. MORE BOTS! 1. Quirky recorder drone dR6 or radio alarm drone dR6. 2. Scrubber drone dR6 or tagger drone dR6. 3. Fire extinguisher drone dR8 or welder drone dR6. Bot-related notes Tool kits, spare parts or batteries can be used 4. Goofy companion bot dR8 or glitchy robotic dog dR6. to refresh a drone or bot dR by one step. 5. Courier drone dR6 or locksmith drone dR6. Android: advanced AI, humanoid in shape. 6. Scout drone dR6 or scanner drone dR8 or Bots: advanced AI, can speak. mapper Drone dR6. Cubes drones can assemble into various 7. Nanny bot dR8 or robotic dog dR8. structures and basic tools. 8. First aid drone dR6 or repair drone dR6. Drones carriers: roll two d8 on this table to determine the type of drones carried. Ignore 9. Spy drone dR8 or sentry drone dR6. “bots” results. 10. Turret drone dR8 or killer drone dR6. Drones: basic AI, follows basic orders, 11. Combat bot dR6 or surgeon bot dR8. communicates with “beeps.” 12. Scavenger bot dR8 or dardener bot dR8. Killer drones: programmed to hunt other 13. Drone carrier bot dR6 (come with two random drones). drones. 14. Trilobite multitool bot dR10 or cube swarm dR8. Nanny bots have a dR8 life-support compartment large enough for a human 15. Rapid response android dR10 or combat nanny dR10. infant. 16. Construction bot dR10 or bomb-disposal bot dR8. Robotic animals look vaguely like an animal, 17. Robotic mount dR8 or tarantula armored drone dR10. have a pet-like AI. 18. Newborn synth dR6 or dying Synth dR6. Synth: an android which can pass as a 19. Custom android dR8 or custom Bot dR10. humanoid, advanced AI. 20. Synth companion dR10 or synth double dR8. SOME CONTACTS 1. Solar cell farmer or cell recycler. 2. Hydroponic gardener or brewer. 3. Scavengers gang or nomadic clan. 4. Amoeba rancher or apiarist. 5. Mechanic or plastic printer. 6. Merchant or transporter. 7. Ranger or guide. 8. Bio-hybrid or cyborg mercenary. 9. Engineer or coder. 10. Oracle or priest. 11. Gene splicer or clone slug grower. 12. Midwife or doctor. 13. Prosthetic designers or drone maker. 14. Rogue AI: bot or synth. 15. Ship or hull truck captain. 16. Weapon or armor smith. 17. Honey or fibermesh weaver. 18. Archivist or lorekeeper 19. Personality recorder or memory crafter. 20. Sentient bug queen. VEHICLES Function 1. Personal transport for +d6 passengers Basic profile: HD 3, Armor d6, Weapons 0, AI dR6, Engine dR6, Energy dR6, Life Support dR6, Cargo dR6 2. Towing (Engine +1 step) or trash collector (Cargo +1 step) When spending a die on a vehicle, roll the same die on the frame 3. Garden or nursery (Life Support +1 step) and function table. 4. Coating (used to paint in space) or fire extinguishing Frame (Cargo +1 step) 5. Patrol or security (Wpn +1) 1. Ultra-light Wheeler (-2 HD) (1 passenger) 6. Bug or drone transport (get 2 free drones or bugs of the 2. Ultra-light Walker (-2 HD) (1 passenger) (melee d4) same kind) 3. Ultra-light Pod (-2 HD) (1 passenger) 7. Bomb disposal (Armor +1 step) or mine laying (Cargo +1 step, 4. Ultra-light Ship (-2 HD) (1 passenger) mini mines: d6, dR6 ) 5. Light Wheeler (-1 HD) (2 passengers) 8. Data (AI +1 step) or energy collection (Energy +1 step) 6. Light Walker (-1 HD) (2 passengers) (melee d6) 9. Cloning or medical (Life support +1 step) 7. Light Pod (-1 HD) (2 passengers) 10. Spy or monitoring (AI +1 step, Cargo -1 step) 8. Light Ship (-1 HD) (2 passengers) 11. Gun or missile (Wpn+2, Cargo -1 step) 9. Medium Wheeler (4 passengers) 12. Shield (A+2 steps) or point defense (Wpn +2) 10. Medium Walker (4 passengers) (melee d8) 13. Bug or drone extermination (Wpn +1) 11. Medium Pod (4 passengers) 14. Transport or cargo (Passengers +4 or Cargo +2 steps) 12. Medium Ship (4 passengers) 15. Repair or construction (Energy +1 step) 13. Heavy Wheeler (+1 HD) (8 passengers) 16. Courrier or scout (Engines +1 step) 14. Heavy Walker (+1 HD) (8 passengers) (melee d10) 17. Exploration (+1 step, player choice) or mobile science lab (AI 15. Heavy Pod (+1 HD) (8 passengers) +2 steps) 16. Heavy Ship (+1 HD) (8 passengers) 18. First response (Engine +1 step, Life Support +1 step) or 17. Ultra Heavy Wheeler (+2 HD) (12 passengers) assault (Wpn +1, Armor +1 step) 18. Ultra Heavy Walker (+2 HD) (12 passengers) (melee d12) 19. Carrier (Cargo +2 steps, can contain a light or two ultra lights 19. Ultra Heavy Pod (+2 HD) (12 passengers) vehicles) or splitter (+2 steps at player choice and splitter 20. Ultra Heavy Ship (+2 HD) (12 passengers) can split into two identical vehicles with -1 steps in all stats) 20. Switcher (roll a d20 two times on this table, ignore result of 19-20, the vehicle can switch between these two modes) Vehicular weapons Notes 1. Garbage accelerator d4 (use cargo dR for ammo). Vehicles with weapon points (Wpn), receive a free d6 roll on this 2. Light gun d4 (clip dR8). table for each point. 3. Twin-linked machine guns d6 (clip dR6). Vehicles can equip a weapon over their Wpn score at the cost of stepping down their Engine or Energy dR. 4. Energy projector d6 (use energy core dR for ammo). Blaster: damage step up at closer range and step down at longer 5. Laser d6 (battery dR8). range. 6. Pulse laser d8 (battery dR6). Garbage: disadvantage vs vehicle armor. 7. Energy blaster d8 (use energy core dR for ammo). Goo does an additional d4 damage per round for d6 rounds. 8. Heavy machine gun d8 (clip dR8). Missiles: test dR for each salvo of missiles launched, target must 9. Mini-missile launcher d4 (salvo 4) (payload dR8). roll to evade each missile. Particle accelerators hit everything in a straight line, if a target is 10. Energy accelerator d10 (use energy core dR for ammo). destroyed or takes a critical hit, continue to roll to hit and damage 11. Goo pellets accelerator d4 (clip dR6). anything behind the previous target. 12. Railgun d8 (clip dR8, battery dR8). Plasma gives advantage to damage, can be charged for 1 round to 13. Electromagnetic disruptor d6 (battery dR6). step up damage die by one step. 14. Missiles d8 (salvo 2) dR6. Pulse: user may step down usage die to gain advantage to damage 15. Heavy laser d8 (battery dR8). or to hit. 16. Drone torpedo d4 (dR6) (carry 3 assault drones of dR6 each). Railguns cause disadvantage to target vehicle armor. 17. Heavy pulse laser d8 (battery dR10). 18. Plasma blaster d8 (battery dR10). 19. Heavy railgun d10 (clip dR8, battery dR8). 20. Particle accelerator d12 (battery dR6). Vehicle-related notes Vehicular combat Melee damage: light and ultra light d6, medium d8, heavy and ultra Vehicles always have advantage vs personnel not in vehicles (to hit, heavy d10. armor and damages). Passengers: Vehicles can accommodate 50% more passengers at Personnel have disadvantage vs vehicule targets (to hit, armor and the cost of regularly testing the life support dR. damages). Pods are short distance space vehicles who are small enough to Vehicles use d10 as hit dice. “fly” into the megastructure. If a vehicle takes 10 points of damage in a single combat round, roll Ships can travel between orbital objects, they can’t venture into the on the Vehicular Critical Damage table. megastructure and must dock on its outer hull. Vehicles reduced to 0hp will crash, inflicting 2d6 damage to its crew Walkers can walk on the megastructure hull and fight in melee. (CON save to half). Wheelers have magnetic wheels and can roll on the megastructure hull. Vehicular Critical Damage Table (d10) 1. Armor is damaged, step down its dR. Vehicles attributes 2. A weapon is disabled until repaired. An attribute reduced to zero must be repaired with the use of a 3. The AI system is damaged, step down its dR. repair skill to regain its die steps. 4. The engines are damaged, step down its dR. Test the AI system dR to: 5. The energy core is damaged, step down its dR. »» resist hacking. 6. The life support systems are damaged, step down its dR. »» gain advantage on scans. »» gain advantage on data related skills. 7. The cargo hold take a hit, step down its dR. »» see how the vehicle reacts when giving it a mission. 8. A random crew member take d6 damage. Test the Energy Core to: 9. The whole crew take d4 damage. »» boost an attribute by one step for one scene or 1h. 10. Roll two d8 on this table and take both results. »» fully recharge the group’s batteries (takes 1h). Test the Engines to: »» push them past their limits. »» gain advantage on a piloting test. Test the Life Support systems to heal a character’s HP equal to the amount rolled. Test Cargo when looking for common gear.