JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Laurence Nigay EHCI group

Interaction modality   “EHCI” for and  Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction  Created in 1990 multimodality  9 professors and assistant professors  1 CNRS researcher Joseph Fourier University  1 CNRS research engineer part time LIG Grenoble Informatics Laboratory  14 PhD students  5 project engineers  1 visiting researcher Engineering for  10 master students Human-Computer Interaction

JIRC Journées Informatique de la Région Centre

EHCI group EHCI group: Research thematic

 EHCI group belongs to LIG  Engineering for HCI (Computer Science Laboratory of Grenoble)  188 academic researchers Interaction  367 doctoral / post-doctoral students, visitors, engineers Computer science Supported by  45 technical and administrative staff contribution System Human Human sciences

 23 autonomous research teams  Understanding the human-computer phenomena  Establishing links between psychology-ergonomics  4 principal themes and software engineering  Infrastructure (networks and data)  Software (foundations and design models)  Designing, developing and evaluating interaction techniques  Interaction (perception, action and dialog)  Knowledge (learning, agent models and web-ontologies)  Developing conceptual and technical tools based on HCI principles: Utility, Usability, Context

Laboratory of excellence EHCI group: Research axes Persyval-lab

 5 complementary research axes  Pervasive Systems & Algorithms at the convergence of the physical and digital worlds

  Interaction with small handheld devices Signal & Information &  interaction Automatic Communication  User interface plasticity Control Technology marrying  New interaction techniques physicality & computation

Mathematics and Simulation

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 1 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Scientific themes: Outline Design trade-offs

 Research framework Designers face a fundamental  Scientific themes challenge:  Research approach How to balance the trade-off  HCI & between  Three research axes power of expression and  Foundations of my work simplicity of interaction?  Interaction modality  Multimodality  Combining the real and virtual worlds

© W. Mackay

Scientific themes: Scientific approach: Design trade-offs deduction and induction

Theorical Model New Revised model model Research challenge? Move the curve!

Empirical Observation Evaluation Re- evaluation

© W. Mackay © W. Mackay

Scientific approach: deduction and induction HCI & Ubiquitous Computing

 Ubiquitous computing 1991 Model New Revised Theorical M. Weiser Scientific American model model  Calm technology

Artifact Prototype System design  Invisible technology  Technology available at any place  Symbiosis of the real and digital worlds

Empirical Observation Evaluation Re- evaluation

© W. Mackay

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 2 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

HCI & Ubiquitous Computing HCI & Ubiquitous Computing

 Virtual  Embodied Reality

Ubiquitous Computing HCI & Ubiquitous Computing

 Three revolutions in computing  HCI in the context of 1010 MainframeUbiquitousPC Computing Computing Computing “Ubiquitous computing” 109 1N 1computer computerscomputer  a seamless interactive environment 108 N users1 user  unobtrusive, everywhere 107  often invisible and yet in our consciousness 106 105 104 103 102 101

1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Machines sold per year (M. Weiser, UIST 94)

HCI & Ubiquitous Computing HCI & Ubiquitous Computing

 HCI in the context of  HCI in the context of “Ubiquitous computing” “Ubiquitous computing”

 “Our surrounding is the interface”  Unprecedented challenges for interaction to a universe of integrated services. This will enable citizens to access IST services wherever they are, design whenever they want, and in the form that is most “natural”  Combining the real and virtual worlds for them  Multiple interaction devices/modalities  Small and large interaction surfaces  Dynamic contexts of use

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 3 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

HCI & Ubiquitous Computing HCI & Ubiquitous Computing

 HCI in the context of  My scientific goals: “Ubiquitous computing” 1. Design and realisation of interaction techniques  Unprecedented challenges for interaction for large information spaces design (interactive visualisation)  … while defining an opportunity for the users’ 2. Design and realisation of acceptance of innovative interaction techniques interaction techniques on mobile devices going beyond the desktop paradigm (mobile techniques) 3. Design and realisation of The Xerox Star has reached its limits interaction techniques for combining the real and virtual worlds (combining real and virtual worlds)

HCI & Ubiquitous Computing Outline

 My scientific goals:  Research framework  Scientific themes  Research approach 1. Design and realisation of  Ubiquitous computing interaction techniques for large information spaces  Three research axes (visualisation) From the point of view of  Foundations of my work 2. Design and realisation of Interaction modality interaction techniques on mobile devices and  Interaction modality (mobile techniques)  Multimodality 3. Design and realisation of Multimodality interaction techniques  Combining the real and virtual worlds for combining the real and virtual worlds (combining real and virtual worlds)

Interaction modality Interaction modality

Human Representational  Modality = (device, interaction language)  Theory ICS acoustic Subsystems articulatory ears mouth subsystem subsystem  APU Cambridge  A set of sensors (input devices)

or effectors (output devices) face limb & visual tactile  ICS as predicting retina subsystem body subsystems  A processing facility based on a language cognitive hand resources Internal P1 camera Input modality Output modality Digital involved in using Processes P5 P2 and choosing screen pen

P3 modalities loud microphone speaker

P4 keyboard mouse touch screen

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 4 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Interaction modality Interaction modality

 Modality = (device, interaction language)  Recent interaction paradigms such as perceptual UI tangible UI and embodied UI open a vast world of possibilities

 M1 = (microphone, natural language)  M2 = (keyboard, command language)  M3 = (mouse, direct manipulation)  M4 = (PDA, 3D gesture) embodied UI  M5 = (HMD, 3D graphics) AR  M6 = (bottle-sensor, 3D gesture) tangible UI  M7 = (GPS, localization) perceptual UI  M8 = (Tongue display, 2D shape)

Interaction modality Interaction modality

 INPUT Modality =  Go to the middle INPUT Modality = of the message

Modality = < , natural language>

Flights from M = M = Pittsburgh to Boston MATIS project

M = M = Embodied UI

Interaction modality Interaction modality

 Input M =  Input M =  Devices: wiimote, iPhone, trackIR, Shake …

Perceptual browser project Gesture Recognition

SHAKE triple axis accelerometer, two capacitive sensors and a vibrotactile actuator

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 5 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Interaction modality Definition of a modality

 Input M =  Input M =  Examples: wiimote and trackIR


The position of tokens are tracked by a vision based mechanism. A tracking video camera is fixed on the top of the table. NAVRNA: A system to visualize, explore and edit RNA.

Definition of a modality Definition of a modality

 Input M =

Tertiary structure

Secondary structure a) One token: panning action

b) Two tokens: zoom + rotate

Definition of a modality Definition of a modality

 Input M =  Input M =  Multitouch menu: MTM

Two-handed interaction: Bending one branch of RNA

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 6 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Definition of a modality Definition of a modality

 Input M =  Input M =  Multitouch menu: MTM  Multitouch menu: MTM

15 degrees of freedom Thumb: 5 degrees of freedom

Bulchholz, B., Armstrong, T. J., (1992) A Kinematic model of the human hand to evaluate its prehensile capabilities, J. Biomecanics.

Definition of a modality Definition of a modality

 Input M =  Input M =  Multitouch menu: MTM  Multitouch menu: MTM

Definition of a modality Definition of a modality

 Input M =  Input M =  Device: cubtile  Device: cubtile – Immersion www.immersion.fr  One interaction langage – First 3D multitouch interface per surface – 5 multi-touch surfaces  Two-handed interaction – Rear Diffused Illumination – Multiuser

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 7 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Definition of a modality Definition of a modality

 Input M =  Input M =  Two handed-interaction  Two handed-interaction  Psychological Theory -Kinematic chain –   Y. Guiard      – Right-to-left reference: The right hand performs its motion relative to the frame of reference set by the left hand – Asymmetric scales: Different temporal-spatial scales of motion    – Left hand precedence: The left hand precedes the right: for   example, the left hand first positions the paper, then the right hand begins to write – Right hand preference: Is the one finishing the action, touching the world

Definition of a modality Definition of a modality

 Two handed-interaction  Input M =  Wavelet menu on iPhone

 Space on screen  No keyboard for shortcuts (novice mode)  The best way to interact is to use only one-hand  Eye-free interaction

Input modalities on small devices Input modalities on small devices

 Marking menus  Marking menus  Multi-stroke marking menus • Advantages  Instead of considering a spatial compound stroke, – Circular design  Multi-Stroke menus introduce a serie of simple strokes – Fluid transition – Scale independance  Require less physical input space in novice & expert modes  A submenu is displayed on top of • Limitations its parent menu – Screen space requirement  Overlapped marks – Number of commands  Increase accuracy in expert mode • Error rate in expert mode • Ambiguous marks in expert mode  Increase the number of items  No ambiguous gestures in expert mode

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 8 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Input modalities on small devices Input modalities on small devices

Wave menus

Wave menus  Few physical input space  A submenu is displayed at the center of the menu system. In order to remain visible, its parent menu is then enlarged to Novice Mode surround this submenu  In expert mode, Wave Menus (1) work exactly the same way as Multi-Stroke Menus (2) Expert Mode

Input modalities on small devices Input modalities on small devices

Wavelet menus: extension on Iphone Wavelet menus: extension on Iphone

• The Wavelet menu appears centered around the contact point. • By drawing a stroke towards the desired item, the first level is enlarged permitting progressive appearance of the submenu. • A second stroke selects an item in the submenu.

Input modalities on small devices Input modalities on small devices

Wavelet menus: Wavelet menus: extension on Iphone

Long lists management: the linear list appears in the center of the Wavelet menu and is surrounded by its parent menus.

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 9 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Input modalities on small devices Input modalities on small devices

 LeafMenu: extension of linear menus  LeafMenu: extension of linear menus

Definition of a modality Definition of a modality

 Input M =  Input M =

 Object-Sensor = Mixed objects Ambient room  MIM: Model of Mixed Interaction Media Lab MIT A conceptual model for designing augmented objects  OP (Object Prototyping): A toolkit based on the  Input M = conceptual model MIM for prototyping mixed objects

Movements Pressure Torsion

Definition of a modality Definition of a modality

 Input M =  Input M =  MIM: Model of Mixed Interaction  OP: Object prototyping

mixed object  Toolkit developed in Qt physical digital  Toolkit that includes ARToolkit, Phidgets, properties Linking properties modalities Interface-Z sensors

OP - Prototyping mixed objects: Combined development of form and interaction.

Scott E. Hudson HCI CMU

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 10 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Definition of a modality Definition of a modality

 Input M =  OP: Object prototyping 

Definition of a modality Definition of a modality

 Input Modalities (sensing modalities)  Input Modalities  M1 =  M2=

Get  M1 = (micro, command)  M2 = (trackpad, 2D gesture)  M3 = (camera, 3D gesture)

TROC project

Definition of a modality Definition of a modality

 OUTPUT Modality =  OUTPUT Modality =  M =

CASPER project M = M =

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 11 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Outline Multimodality

 Research framework  Design space Set of atomic/combined  Scientific themes modalities  Research approach Combination  Ubiquitous computing Context Modality

 Three research axes of modalities  Foundations of my work  Interaction modality Information Selection of Multimodal  Multimodality to be one or several modalities Expression conveyed  Actor of the selection

Selection criteria

Multimodality Multimodality

 Who is performing the selection  Who is performing the selection

No adaptation Designer User System Adaptability

Information Selection of Multimodal to be one or several modalities Expression Adaptivity Selection by Selection by Selection by conveyed the designer the user the system Actor of the selection

Multimodality Multimodality Adaptability Adaptability

 Selection of the modalities by the user  Wizard of oz

Go to the middle of the message

Gestural modality Speech

Accomplice Subject

Embodied modality Direct manipulation

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 12 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Multimodality Multimodality Adaptability Adaptability

 Use of the modalities  Selection of the modalities by the user  All sessions / All subjects

Speech  M1 = (trackpad, 2D gesture) Direct manipulation Tactile Gesture

Embodied  M2 = (camera, 3D gesture) Gestural

 The subjects used all of the modalities  Individual preferences leading in some cases to Get Speech specialization  M3 = (micro, command)

Multimodality Multimodality Adaptability Adaptivity

 Use of the modalities  Selection of the modalities by the system  All sessions / All subjects  Context-aware systems

24% Tactile 45% Gestural Speech 31% Tata tata  ta ta ta  taaaa tata

 Individual preferences leading in some cases to specialization  Subject 4: Tactile modality for rotating a puzzle piece  Subject 9: Speech for rotating and collecting a puzzle piece

Multimodality Adaptivity Multimodality

 Selection of the modalities by the system  Design space  Context-aware systems  Grand challenges  To what extent can modality selection & Combination Context Modality configuration be automated? of modalities  Proactiveness (take the initiative), Predictability, Transparency  Where full automation is not possible or desirable, how can human involvement be Information Selection of Multimodal to be one or several modalities Expression supported? conveyed  End-user programming of context-sensitive environments Actor of the selection Selection criteria

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 13 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Multimodality Multimodality

 Selection criteria: Context  Design space Set of atomic/combined modalities Type of infor. Combination Context Modality of modalities Temporality

Dialogue Dialogue Information Selection of Multimodal Interface Interface Persistent to be one or several modalities Expression conveyed User User Transient Physical env. Physical env. Variability Selection criteria Static Dynamic

Atomic and combined modalities Atomic and combined modalities

 Interaction modelling at the modality level  A vast world of atomic and combined modalities  Rich enough to express differences  any physical object can be involved in interaction as a device

 We can no longer expect to model each input and output modality in all their diversity at the  Abstract enough to enable reasoning concrete level  among modalities (vast world of modalities)  We need to reason about modalities at a higher  any physical object can be involved in interaction level of abstraction  between modality and task/system/service/ context issues

Multimodality Multimodality

 Characterisation of a modality  Characterisation of a modality

 Active modalities  Human sense  For inputs, active modalities are used by the user to  Spatial  Dimension: 1D 2D ... issue a command to the computer such as a pedal to  Location  O. Bernsen 93 move a laparoscope in a CAS system  Temporal  Linguistic  Transient/Persistent  Analogue  Active / Passive  Arbitrary  Passive - Implicit modalities Modality  Private / Public  Passive modalities are used to capture relevant information for enhancing the realization of the task, information that is not explicitly expressed by the user Physical level Logical level to the computer (PUI). For example tracking position Modality =

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 14 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Multimodality Multimodality

 Characterisation of a modality  Characterisation of a modality

 Physical level  Physical level  Human sense: Sight  Human sense: Sight  Spatial: Location = screen  Spatial:  Temporal: Persistent Location = operating field  Public  Temporal: Persistent  Logical level  Private  2D  Logical level  Non Analogue  3D  Arbitrary  Analogue  Non arbitrary

Multimodality Multimodality

 Characterisation of a modality  Design space Set of atomic/combined modalities

Combination  Physical level Context Modality  Human sense: Sight of modalities  Spatial: Location = screen  Temporal: Persistent  Public  Logical level Information Selection of Multimodal  3D to be one or several modalities Expression  Analogue conveyed  Non arbitrary

Multimodality Multimodality

 Combination of modalities Tasks  Several studies  UOM 94 / TYCOON 95 / CARE 95

 CARE properties  Relationships between Devices, Interaction Languages languages and Tasks  C : Complementarity  “Put that there” paradigm A : Assignment Devices R. Bolt, MIT, 1980  R : Redundancy  E : Equivalence

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 15 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Multimodality Multimodality

 Flight simulator of a military fighter, used for studying future interaction techniques in the cockpit

Modalities: M1: Aircraft location M2: Pilot’s orientation M3: HOTAS commands M4: Speech commands

Multimodality Multimodality

 TROC: a game based on the technique of barter  M1 = (Magnetometer, orientation)  M2 = (GPS, location)  Complementarity of M1 and M2 for selecting an object Complementarity 2

3D orientation (radians)


Multimodality Multimodality

 CARE properties  Combination of modalities Devices Languages Tasks D L a set D of Devices can a set L of Languages can be : be : - equivalent - equivalent  CARE properties - redundant - redundant - complementary - complementary according to according to

a particular language li a particular task ti a device d can be : i assigned to a language lj can be :  New combination space assigned to  Different schemas and aspects of Modality M Tasks combinations M a set M of modalities can be :  5 aspects: temporal, spatial, articulatory - equivalent - redundant - complementary syntactic and semantic according to a particular task t  i 5 schemas: [Allen 83] a modality m j can be : assigned to

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 16 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Multimodality Multimodality

 Combination of modalities  AR Puzzle

Combination schemas

Temporal Anachronism Sequence Concomitance Coincidence Parallelism

Spatial Separation Adjacency Intersection Overlaid Collocation

Articulatory Independence Fission Fission Partial Total Duplication Duplication Duplication Syntactic Difference Completion Divergence Extension Twin

Semantic Concurrency Complementarity Complementarity Partial Total & Redundancy Redundancy Redundancy Combination aspects

Turn 48° to the left

Multimodality Multimodality

 PERM system: a CAS system for kidney  Puzzle puncture

M1 =

M2 = M3 =

Multimodality Multimodality

 Combination of  Design space Set of atomic/combined M2 = and modalities M3 = Combination Combination schemas Context Modality

of modalities

Temporal Anachronism Sequence Concomitance Coincidence Parallelism

Spatial Separation Adjacency Intersection Overlaid Collocation Information Selection of Multimodal to be Articulatory Independence Fission Fission Partial Total one or several modalities Expression Duplication Duplication Duplication conveyed Syntactic Difference Completion Divergence Extension Twin

Semantic Concurrency Complementarity Complementarity Partial Total & Redundancy Redundancy Redundancy Combination aspects

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 17 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Combining Outline the real and virtual worlds

 Research framework  Scientific themes  Research approach Non-tangible world  Ubiquitous computing Real world Computer world  Three research axes  Foundations of my work  Interaction modality  Multimodality  Combining the real and virtual worlds

Combining Combining the real and virtual worlds the real and virtual worlds

 Profusion of terms   Bit / Atom Non-tangible world Real world  Computer Augmented Environment Computer world Virtual world  Augmented Video  Augmented Interaction  Augmented Virtuality  Augmented Reality  …

Combining Augmented Reality the real and virtual worlds Augmented Virtuality

 Common objective Virtual world Real world Augmented Reality VR

Purpose of the task = real world Non-tangible world Real world Computer world Virtual world Virtual world Real world Augmented Virtuality VR

Purpose of the task = computer tangible UI gestural UI graphical UI keyboard UI embodied UI

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 18 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Augmented Reality Augmented Reality Augmented Virtuality Augmented Virtuality

Au gm e nt ed Purpose of the task

ex ec ut io n Real Go a l an d Augmented Reality Real world (AR) world or Virtual world (AV) tas k Augmented Augmented Execution Evaluation Virtual Augmented Virtuality world Au gm e nt ed Type of

ev al ua tio n Execution Evaluation augmentation

Augmented Reality Augmented Reality Augmented Virtuality Augmented Virtuality

Interaction modality Interaction modality

Purpose of the task Purpose of the task

Real Augmented Reality Real Augmented Reality world world

Virtual Virtual Augmented Virtuality Augmented Virtuality world world Type of Type of Execution Evaluation augmentation Execution Evaluation augmentation (Input modality) (Output modality) (Input modality) (Output modality)

Augmented Virtuality Augmented Virtuality

 New input modality on mobile devices  Head tracking  intuitive improves both input and output capabilities  Inspired by natural movements  Input: Head movements to navigate  Output: 3D effect

Virtual world

 based on head tracking Execution Evaluation with the front facing camera (Input modality) (Output modality)

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 19 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

Augmented Virtuality Augmented Virtuality

 Head-coupled perspective for 3D display  Off-axis projection

Display Display Display

View looking View looking View looking Forward Left Left Standard display Head-coupled display

Augmented Virtuality Augmented Virtuality

 Off-axis projection  Well adapted for 3D UI

Augmented Virtuality Outline

 Video: viewed more than 2 million times – various  Research framework articles (Wired 2011, MacStories 2011, …)  Scientific themes  Application on AppStore:  Research approach i3D: Glasses-free monocular 3D  Ubiquitous computing  Downloaded 1,5 million times  Three research axes  Foundations of my work  Interaction modality  Multimodality  Combining the real and virtual worlds  Conclusion

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 20 JIRC - Orléans Mercredi 29 Mai 2013

In the 80’s, Brian Gaines introduced a model on how science technology develops Conclusion over time

 Modality and multimodality: A VAST space of possibilities to be explored

 Augmented Virtuality / Augmented Reality:  Multimodality:  Real world (Action/Perception)  Digital world (Action/Perception)

 Multimodality is an integrating vector for several recent interaction paradigms that include:  augmented reality 1980:  augmented virtuality Today: Richard Development Today:  tangible interfaces Bolt tools for Interaction MIT replication modelling

Thank you ?

Laurence Nigay - [email protected] 21