Daily Sundial Vol
DAILY SUNDIAL VOL. 28 NO. 48 FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 20,1981 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY TiORTHRIDGE. CALIFORNIA AS fee increase goes down to defeat By MICKIE GARRETT Just under 7 percent of the student Ruiz from MEChA, 92, Ginny Campl>ell Richard Fine from Common Sense took population, 1,916 students, voted in from Common Sense, 89, Scott Valentino the seat for the School of Business and Tuesday and Wednesday's elections for AS from Progress Now, 88, independent Eddie Economics with 189 votes, followed by The ballot proposal for an Associated senatorial candidates and the two O. Chavez from MEChA, 85, independent Marty Bogoratt from Progress Now witii Students fee increase of $3.50 was defeated proposals. Philip K. Wilhite I, 45, independent Jim 175, independent Oorge McKinney, 37, Wednesday by a vote of 898 to 832, and a In the senatorial races, tlie two winning Aamoth, 44, independent Peter Feuer and 3 write-in votes. proposal raising the yearly allocation of candidates for the upper division seats stein, 32, Dona Bowman from Prism, 24, Sue Bierbaum from Common Sense AS fees given to the Children's Center were independent David Saffer, 241 votes and there were 10 write-in votes. took the seat for the School of Com-- (which was contingent on the fee increase and from the Common Sense Slate Independent Mark Walker won the seat munication and j^rofessional Studies with passing) got 734 yes votes to733 no votes. Kathleen Bailey, 194 votes. for Engineering and Computer Science by a vote of 83 followed by Robert Es^da AS President Susan Ettinger said the fee Others running for the upper division a vote of 232, followed by Ken Brooks from from Progress Now with 42 vot4C<iH- increase failed because, "It was confusion seats were Susan Ballard from Progress Common Sense with 110 and Ron Burd dependent Geoffery Ward, 37, independent on the part of the students.
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