Youth and Therapeutic Insurgency in Eastern Congo: An Ethnographic History of Ruga-Ruga, Simba, and Mai-Mai Movements, 1870 - Present by Jonathan Edwards Shaw A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (History) in The University of Michigan 2018 Doctoral Committee: Professor Nancy Rose Hunt, Co-chair Professor Derek Peterson, Co-Chair Professor Adam Ashforth Professor Mike McGovern Professor Koen Vlassenroot, Ghent University Jonathan Edwards Shaw
[email protected] ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6337-434X © Jonathan Edwards Shaw 2018 2 Dedication For my sons. ii Acknowledgements This dissertation, whatever its weaknesses, is the product of significant labor, sacrifice, and commitment from many individual people and organizations. My field research would not have been possible without support from the Social Science Research Council’s Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship program. I particularly wish to thank Daniella Sarnoff for her support and encouragement. Field research was also funded by the United States Institute for Peace’s Jennings Randolph Fellowship program. Lili Cole proved an unstintingly supportive and flexible ally there. I am grateful to the Rackham Graduate School at the University of Michigan for awarding me both a Humanities Fellowship as well as an International Research Fellowship. I thank Diana Denney and Kathleen King within the History Department at the University of Michigan for their aid in applying for those opportunities and for many other tangible and intangible forms of support during my career as a graduate student. I am thankful to have received an African Initiatives Grant from the African Studies Center and Department of African and Afro-american Studies at the University of Michigan, with particular gratitude to Anne Pitcher in that program.