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World Bank Document RETURN TQ RESTRICTED REPORTS-DESK . l f Report No. TO-348b ONE WEEK Public Disclosure Authorized This report was prepared for use within the Bank and its affiliated organizations. They do not accept responsibility for its accuracy or completeness. The report may not be published nor may it be quoted as representing their views. INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Public Disclosure Authorized SEYHAN IRRIGATION PROJECT ADANA PROVINCE TURKEY Public Disclosure Authorized May 21, 1963 Public Disclosure Authorized Department of Technical Operations CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS 9Q00 Turkish Lire (TL) = U.S. $1. 00 TL 1.00 = U.S. 11.11¢ T U R K E Y SEYHAN IRRIGATION PROJECT TABLE OF COITENTS Page No. SUMMARY i - ii I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. BACKGROUND 1 III. THE ADANA PLAIN 2 A. General 2 B. Climate 3 C. Soils, Topography and Drainage 3 D. Farm Size and Land Tenure 5 E, Transportation and Marketing 5 F. Present Cropping Pattern and Yields 6 G. Future Cropping Pattern and Yields 6 IV, THE PROJECT 7 A. Froject Definition 7 B. Public Works 8 CN On-Farm Development 10 D. Construction Schedule 1. E. Expenditure and Cost Estimates 11 V. ORGANIZATION AMD MANAGEMENT 13 A. Organization for Execution and Operation of the Project 13 B. Construction 14 C. Operation and Maintenance 14 D. Technical Assistance and Services to Farmers 15 E. Credit for On-Farm Development 16 VI, OPERATING RESULTS 17 VII. BENEFITS AND JUSTIFICATION 19 VIII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 20 ANNEXES 1. Existing and Proposed Irrigation Works 2. Soils 3. Present Cropping Pattern 4. Future Cropping Pattern 5. Units and Existing Construction Contracts 6. Water Supply 7. Water Requirements 8. Construction Schedule - Public Works 9. Estimate of Costs 10. Map T U R K E Y SEYHAN IRRIGATION PROJECT SUMMARY i. The Government of Turkey has requested an IDA credit to help finance part of the Government's plan for irrigation and drainage in the Adana Plain in southern Turkey. The project proposed for IDA financing is Stage I of the Seyhan Irrigation Development Plan, which is itself the third phase of a multipurpose project in the Adana Plain consisting of flood control, power and irrigation. The first phase, for flood control, was completed in 1953. The second phase, comprising an earthfill dam, a powerhouse with two 18,000 kw.units and about 80 km of transmission line was completed and put into operation in 1956, The foreign exchange cost, US$22.8 million, was financed by Bank Loan 63-TU. ii. The whole Seyhan irrigation development would cover 170,000 hectares net and certain common works were constructed at various times between 1940 and 1956. These include the Seyhan dam and reservoir, the right and left bank conveyance canals and the Seyhan and Ceyhan intercep- tion canals. Completion of the whole plan falls into three parts related to the irrigation of 53,000 hectares net, 34,000 hectares net and 83,000 hectares net. The main works in Stage I would be the modification and re- habilitation of some of the common works previously constructed and com- pletion of construction which is already in progress of laterals, tertiaries and drains to serve 53,000 hectares. WJork on the 34,000 hectares of Stage II, where no work has yet been done, would not be started until Stage I is well on the way to completion. Meanwhile, development of Stage III, covering 83,000 hectares of low-lying land, would be deferred. iii. The project would provide a reliable water supply and drainage system to an area which, though under cultivation, is at present dependent upon rainfall which is insufficient. Only a small part of the area has had some form of irrigation. The principal crops would be cotton, cereals, citrus fruits and vegetables and, with adequate irrigation and drainage facilities the area should be very productive. iv. The estimated expenditure necessary to complete the project (Stage I), including costs of construction and on-farm development, would be TL 451.2 million (US$50.million) of which US$6.2 miLlion would be in foreign exchange. The amount of the proposed IDA credit would be US$20 million or about 40 per cent of the total estimated cost. The IDA credit would be used to finance both construction and on-farm development. v. Construction and operation of the project would be the responsi- bility of Devlet Su Isleri (State Water Authority), an agency within the Ministry of Public Works, During the construction stage, a consultant acceptable to IDA, would be employed by the Turkish Government to assist in organization and to advise on design and construction procedures. For the operation of the project after construction personnel would have to be specially trained, since there are at present no comparable irrigation projects in Turkey. A qualified engineering consultant, experienced in operation and maintenance of large projects, would be employed to organize and direct operations during the first five years. vi. Three agencies of the Government, namely Topraksu (Soil Conser- vation and Farm Irrigation Service) and the Extension Service, both under the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Agricultural Bank, would provide services necessary for the successful operation of the project. Topraksu and the Extension Service would be responsible for advising on irrigation methods and on improvements in the cropping pattern. Topraksu would operate five demonstration farms and a research station and would be responsible for installing the necessary on-farm drainage systems, for providing farm plans and for assisting in land leveling and on-farm irrigation work. Farm credit would be provided by the Agricultural Bank to enable farmers to pay for the ess3ntial on-farm work and to enable them to purchase seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, equipment and livestock. vii. DSI would levy irrigation charges sufficient to recover from farmers annual operation and maintenance costs plus amortization of the irrigation works. For on-farm development work, the Agricultural Bank would make loans to farmers repayable over periods varying from 5 to 20 years and bearing interest at the current rate for loans of this type (at present 5 per cent). viii. A measure of the economic benefits of the project is an increase in the annual net farm benefits of TL 107 million. The net farm benefit/ investment ratio would be about 16 per cent. ix. The project is sound and is suitable for an IDA credit of US$20 million. T U R K E Y SEYHAN IRRIGATION PROJECT I. INTRODUCTION 1. A mission visited Turkey between June 19 and July 7, 1962 for the purpose of selecting and appraising for financing a part of the Government1 s development plan for irrigation and drainage in the Adana Plain, This appraisal report is based on material supplied by the Turkish Government, on the several reports prepared by consultants and consulting firms and on the findings of the mission. II. BACKGROUND 2. The Adana Plain, comprising about 220,000 hectares, is located in southern Turkey. The lower end of the plain borders the Mediterranean Sea. The area is bounded on the west by the Berdan River and on the east by the Ceyhan River. The Seyhan River bisects the plain, flowing in a south- westerly direction to the sea. Adana, the fourth largest city in Turkey, lies in the north central portion of the plain on the Seyhan River (see map). 3. The development of the plain is being undertaken as a multi- purpose project consisting of flood control, power and irrigation. Phase Ones the flood control levees along each of the three main river3, was com- pleted in 1953. Phase Two, consisting of an earthfill dam, a powerhouse with two 18,000 kw units and about 80 km of transmission line, is complete and was placed into full operation in May 1956. The foreign exchange cost of Phase Two was financed by Bank Loan 63-TU, amounting to US$22,844,000. Phase Three, which is already under way, comprises irrigation and drainage in the Adana Plain over a net irrigable area of 170,000 hectares. The in- stallation of a third power-generating unit is under consideration. 4. This report is concerned mainly with Phase Three. Details of irrigation works already completed or in progress are shown in Annex 1. The main items are: two unlined earth canals, one 40 km and the other 19 km, built in 1940 and 1941 respectively; a concrete diversion dam completed in 1942; an irrigation system constructed in 1946 to serve 16,500 hectares, which is now being rebuilt; and the Seyhan dam, completed in 1956 to provide storage of water for irrigation and power. 5. About the time Phase Two came into operation in 1956, soil and drainage investigations indicated the serious nature of the drainage problem and at this point the Bank suggested that before construction of the system commenced, the technical problems should be further studied and a plan for development of irrigation and drainage on the plain should be prepared. The Turkish Government retained the firm of Tippetts, Abbett, McCarthy and Stratton (TAMS) to make the necessary studies and prepare such a plan. About US$400,000 under Loan 63-TU was applied towards the cost of - 2 - this study. The report "Development Plan for Irrigation and Drainage of Adana Plain" was published in October 1961. 6. In addition to the reports prepared by consulting firms, several reports prepared by individual consultants were available to the mission. All reports have been made in cooperation with Turkish authorities. III. THE ADANA PLAIN A. General 7. As proposed by the Government, the entire plan for irrigation and drainage development in the Adana Plain would cover an irrigable area of some 170,000 hectares.
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