Trinity Academy Eppleby and Proud to be Church of Academies

Head of School: Mrs D. McLean, NPQH Executive Headteacher: Mrs K. Williamson, AST NPQH MA

Friday 14th September 2018

Dear Parents/Carers,

The role of Executive Headteacher

I have thoroughly enjoyed spending the last year getting to know the wonderful staff, children and parents at my three schools. I thought it would be useful to send some clarification in terms of my role. I am employed by the Dales Academies Trust as the Executive Headteacher for Trinity Acdemy Eppleby Forcett, Middleton Tyas and Richmond. This means that I spend 50% of my time at Richmond and 50% of my time across Eppleby Forcett and Middleton Tyas. I find it most productive to complete full days in a school, so I generally run a two week rolling timetable. In reality, I spend two days a week at Richmond, one day a week at Middleton Tyas, one day a week at Eppleby Forcett and then alternate the extra day between Richmond and Middleton Tyas each week. This does mean that I am not always available on a daily basis; however when I am based in school, I am always available at the beginning and end of the day to see parents. The best way to contact me is via the school office.

I am delighted to be able to leave our schools in the very capable hands of our Head of School, Mrs McLean. If necessary, she can be contacted on a daily basis although we would expect the office or your child(ren)’s class teacher to be your first point of contact.

Mrs McLean and I work closely together. Whilst I take ultimate overall responsibility, Mrs McLean is in charge of the day-to-day running of the schools. We are fully supported by our senior leadership team: Mrs Spink, School Business Manager (who works across all three schools), Mr Gatrill, Senior teacher, and Mrs James, EYFS Leader.

I am fully committed to the safety and happiness of our children and staff. I am also passionate about school improvement and continually challenge everyone to be the best that they can be.

I look forward to seeing you in school soon!

Kindest regards,

Mrs K. Williamson, Executive Headteacher