The Courier Volume 3 Issue 12 Article 1 1-15-1970 The Courier, Volume 3, Issue 12, January 15, 1970 The Courier, College of DuPage Follow this and additional works at: This Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at DigitalCommons@COD. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Courier by an authorized editor of DigitalCommons@COD. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. DuPage Holds First Annual Blood Drive... To Save a Life By Peggy Moore “We never felt that the project in the blood in which case the drawn and it cannot be used within arrange for equipment needed for would become a reality,” said receiver may get a tremendous The College of DuPage first 21 days, the blood must be thrown the blood drive. Kautz. “I never thought it would reaction. out, for the life span of blood is 21 annual blood drive will be held come to this. It snowballed.” from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday, days. “The donated blood will be sent According to Mrs. Valire Burke, Jan. 22 in art room K157, for a 16- to the blood bank to help repay for Pledge cards were passed out to college nurse, the donor will be year-old hemophiliac who will Blood that is close to the ex¬ the blood used by Glenn,” said students last December. There are screened before giving blood.” need blood the rest of his life. piration date is converted to Kautz. now 560 pledges from faculty and “This involves a thumb test that plasma.