Socio-Cultural Aspects

Chaitanya and his close associates brought about a revolution in religious, social, lit­ erary and cultural fields of , Acharya Jadunath Sarkar has, therefore, called it a renaissance< 1l in social and cultural history of Bengal. Sri Chaitanya's neo- shattered Hindu's caste distinction and established a sort of equality among the various castes by dint of Sankirtana His followers also tried to bring about a change in the ortho­ dox Bengalee society by preaching Vaishnavism as outlined by Sri Chaitanya. Their out­ standing achievements in various branches of socio-cultural life as in Harilut, art and sculpture and popular belief, in Sankirtana and Mahotsav and in literary output have been described with charts and photographs in this chapter in different sections.


Socio-Cultural lives of the Vaishnavas The socio-cultural lives of the Vaishnava families throughout the period of our study have been traced first in this chapter. Their daily life including food, dress, manners, pas­ times, marriage rituals, disposal of the deceased etc. has been focused here in fuller de­ tails.

Here is given some socio-cultural aspects of this district by visiting some Vaishnavite temples and maths and by interviewing some prominent Mahantas and saints. They live a plain simple life. They are vegetarians and strictly follow some rites and rituals. But there are some who take both vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods. It is seen that some fami­ lies have vegetarian menu for generation after their inception to Vaishnavism and do not take any food-grain on Ekadasi. But in maths and temples, non-vegetarian food is strictly prohibited. There is also some variety in food-habit. In Radhaballav Jiu temple of Gonsaiberh of Panskura, Kalmi (a kind of spinach) is compulsory in everyday meal) and in Ramanand temple of Arapur of Panskura, no cooked food is offered. There 1s also va­ riety in the dresses of Vaishnavas. The people of all Gaudiya maths wear safforn dress but others prefer white clothes. Some wear under clothes and white clothes like lungi. The Mahantas of Gopiballavpur put on dhuti and simple dress, but during worship in the temple, they wear safforn ones of cotton or silk. 'Simplicity and humility' have been no­ ticed in the manners of present Gadiswar (Mahatma) of Gopiballavpur Sri Krishnakeshabananda. The Vaishnavas, on the whole, are following their traditional Brahmanical rituals in their marriage rituals. The Mahantas of Gopiballavpur still adhere to their tradition of marriage with the karan caste. The grihi Vaishnavas, more or less, follow the same tradition with a few exceptions in recent time.

1. Sarkar, Jadunath. (Ed.) History of Bengal, Vol. II, pp. 220-221. [ 173 1 The Vaishnavas follow both the system of burning and burying the dead bodies. It is seen that the Vaishnava, belonging to upper rank prefer burial. In case of Gopiballavpur Mahantas, there is a peculiar creamation system. Their deadbodies are burnt. But they do not touch the dead-bodies or mourn. Both these are done by the people of Sadgop caste to which Syamananda belonged. They (sadgops) also observe Asaucha (impurity) for ten days, shave their heads and perform sradh rites. The sons of dead Mahantas do not par­ ticipate in these rites. But they offer the expense to the Sadgops. On enquiry I was told by Sri Brajendranandanananda Dev Gosvamin, one of the members of the Gosvamin family of Gopiballavpur that whenever one dies, his or her soul is released from tempo­ rary earthly bonds and it goes to God and enjoys eternal bliss and sports with Him. So there is no cause of sorrow or grief. This is the belief traditionally current there.

Harilut At present, Harilut (throwing of sugar-cakes) which had its ong10 relating to the wor­ ship of Vaishnava deities has been much in vogue after the worship of , Mahaprabhu and after the Kirtana. In many families, Harilut takes place after the worship of Hari (krishna) on every full-moon night. This custom is rapidly spreading in the worship of other gods and goddesse, (local deities) which are known as Durgalut, Basantilut etc. Even if it is now being done in the worship of Muslim Pirs.

From such instances, it is evident that Vaishnava rituals and mysticism are making a deep dent into other beliefs of Hindu and Muslim culture as well and going a long way to create a casteless society.

Art and Sculpture Vaishnavism has affected art, architecutre and sculpture. In fact, there is an inner re­ lation between art and sadhan-bhajan. If the temple is beautifully built and adorned, it may spontaneously arouse a devotional spirit in the viewers, not to speak of the devo­ tees. So, man has drawn or carved the figures of gods, goddesses, mythological events, specially Chaitanya and his sports on the walls of the temples. These are very important for the study of folk attitude, their tastes etc. In the metal and wooden figures of and Chaitanya and in the carving of windows and doors of the temples, we have had ample evidence of beautiful art. Details have already been discussed in chapter VI.

Folk Belief In spite of much advance of technology and reason, man's belief in religious wonders has not abated. Such blind faith in Vaishnavism is not an exception. It can be proved by citing some instances.

1. The Jana family of village Khukurdaha under Daspur P.S. prescribes a tree root for curing bone-fracture. It is distributed from their Hari altar at every Sunday noon after consecrating to Mahaprabhu. About 1200-1500 patients assemble every Sunday to secure the medicine. No fixed fee is charged. Some paisa and a betel-nut are to be offered for the medicine. The medicine is to be held with a thread by piercing the ear. There is another condition that the patient, if cured, is to offer Q..1dJ.Q to the Mahaprabhu. This family has been doing the same for four generations. [ 174] 2. Mr. Chandi Sera of village Gourangabarh under Tamluk P.S. began to prescribe an iron-ring in 1306 B.S. to cure rheumatism. He offered this from his Gouranga Mahaprabhu temple. His discendants Jagannath and Srikanta have been doing the same till today at a charge of Rs. 20 per piece. First a Brahmin priest performs the worship in the temple and sanctifies the ring with the name of the patient. Then the ring is offered to the patient with directions to be followed. Even both Hindu and Mus­ lim patients of Calcutta, 24 pargana, come here to have this holy ring.

3. The people's faith in glory of Ramananda temple of Arapur of P.S. Panskura has been already described in details in chapter VI.

4. Sri Sudarshan Maity of Village Kusar under P.S. Panskura offers a copper maduli (amulet) to wear from the neck by a red thread for rheumatism. He requests the pa­ tient to offer puja to Mahaprabhu after cure. He also offers medicine for dental dis­ ease in the same way.

[ 175 J SECTION- 8

SANKIRTANA Sankirtana or Kirtana generally means the recitation of songs in honour of God espe­ cially relating to the activities of Lord Krishna i.e. Krishnalila, a generic term for such 2 song.< > It is believed that Kirtana had its origin in Bengal at the time of Joydev in the 3 12th Century A.0.( > Then Kirtana was sung in Sanskrit as evident from the Gitagovinda of Joydev. The next development of Kirtana songs occurred in the 15th Century when Vidyapati, a Maithili poet, composed his lyrics and then again it was further developed by 4 Baru Chandidas, the author of Srikrishnakirtana.< > Though there remained the flow of Kirtana in Bengal before the time of Sri Chaitanya but the tide started with him. Chaitanya introduced the Sankirtana or Kirtana i.e. the recitation of the name of Hari or Krishna - as the best way of realising the love of Gopis for the Krishna; and Radha for Krishna through devotion (bhakti). In 1509 Sankirtana was first performed in the house of Chaitanya at Naida.(5l Narahari, a contemporary poet, who witnessed the Sankirtana writes : "srikrishna - chaitanyas tu kaupina - dhari dinavesah sannyas - asram - alamkrito'tyanta - durdantam balavanta maha - vrisabha durdudham adhyatma - vadinam visay-andham ku-yoginam jadam ajasra - madyapam padam candalam I yavanam murkham kula - striyam prema - sindhau patayamasa; anandena vaikunth-opari sthapayamasa kevalam prema - dhary - aiva sarvesam afc>yam sodhitavan, asurabhavam ca curnitavan; kim anyad va bahu vaktavyam purusan eva prakriti bhavam ninaya. sri-krishna chaitanya bhava-kala-vimohitah sri gadadhara pandita bhava - darsana-samudita gopi-gana-bhava vedantino'pi visayino'pi prakriti - bhaver nirnrituh, vaisnavanam ka khatha."(61

Free English translation : Dressed poorly in a loin cloth, Sri Krishna - Chaitanya or­ namented the Sannyasasrama (the stage of Sannyasins); he dipped into the ocean of loves the extremely uncontrolled, strong and most mighty atheistic-monists, men blinded by wealth, the bad yogins, confirmed drunkards, sinners, candalas, yavanas (Muslims), fools, and house-wives, by (showering) bliss (on them), he placed them in Vaikuntah. Only by torrents of love he cleansed the minds of all, and destroyed the evil in their na­ ture. What more shall we say? He induced feminine mode of delicacy and grace in males. Sri Gadadhara Pandit infatuated (by perceiving) the emotional dancing of Sri Krishna - Chaitanya (enjoyed) mentally the vision (of Krishna); not to speak of the Vaisnavas, the monists, and (even) the men of affairs, danced, imbued with the feelings of the milkmaids. (lJ

Thus the part and parcel of the followers of Vaishnava religion as preached by Chaitanya was their participation in the Sankirtana. The followers of Sankirtana came to be known as Gaudiya Vaishnavas or Chaitanya Sampradaya. The mission of Chaitanya

2. Mitra, K . .!Si.!:1ruli!, p. -15. 3. Outta, Rina, Banglar Kirtana-0-Lakasangit, p.-53. 4. J.QiQ. pp.-53-54. 5. Oas, H.C. (Ed) Sri Chaitanya in the Religious life of India, p.·32. 6. Thakur, Narahari Sarkar, "Sri Krishna Bhajanamrita" p. 31-32. 7. Quoted from Oas, H.C. {Ed.), QQ,, p.32 [ 176] "was to make even the lowliest god-minded; he wanted the people to be free of all social barriers and political bondage and racial and doctrinal inhibitions. To him there was no dif­ ference between a high priest Brahman and a lowly sweeper as both live in God and God lives in both. According to him, the best and easiest way to kindle the latent spark of the Divine already in everyman is to make him Godminded by taking the name of God in spirit of humility, devotion and selflessness" .<8l For this he introduced Sankirtana to make a common platform of worshippers through the utterances of the name of Hari or Krishna. In this context we can remember the comment of Tukaram, one prominent preacher in the mediaeval period. He has said, "Kirtana is the meeting place (confluence) of God, the devotee and God's name. He has called Kirtana the opposite flow of the Ganges. The Ganges flows from the feet of Vishnu to redeem sinners. But Kirtana is flowing from the devotee's heart to reach the feet of Sri Vishnu."<9l So he also says that the 'Name' generates strength in human heart, destroys all fears. One can have the blessing of God and get salvation by uttering His name. Therefore, the followers of Sri Chaitanya takes Kirtana as an important and indis­ pensable part of their Sadhan-bhajan (worship and meditation). Hiteshranjan Sanyal has rightly said that "Chaitanya-followers are convinced that Kirtana is the essence of all reli­ gions and the best means of Love. In the religion preached by Chaitanya, loving devotion is the final goal of realisation. As a method of worship it is simple and unostentatious. Even rituals, utterance of hymns, austerity and guru are not essential in this process. Kirtana has no barrier of time and place, person and situation. Any one can sing Kirtana 1 anytime at will. If Kirtana is sung in one mind, one must obtain loving devotion."< o) Sankirtana was declared to be superior to all sacrifices; million horse - sacrifices were but equivalent to a single recitation of Krishna's name which was compared to the Kalpataru.< 11 l Kirtana is broadly classified in two categories - Namkirtana and Lilakirtana or Rasakirtana The mahamantra of namkirtana or namasankirtana is - "hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare." It was Chaitanya who introduced Nagarkirtana i.e. Sankirtana in public through pro­ cession. In the Nagarkirtana the singers have to walk a certain distance in the surround­ ing of a group of families or a village with chanting in melodious tone the holy name of Hari in some special occasions. For example, after the completion of Astha Prahar (the Kirtana continues for one day only) or Chabbis Prahar (Kirtana continues for three days and nights). Harinam Sankirtana is organised by a village committee and the group of singers walks round the village singing the praises of Hari in accompaniment of musical instruments. This type of Kirtana is called Verha-Kirtana. During the out break of some epidemic such as Cholera, Pox etc. the Verha-Kirtana<12l is performed in the sense of ho­ liness to drive away the germs by the sound of musical instruments. The ma(;ic spell of Sankirtana touched the hearts of people irrespective of caste and creed; and perhaps it

8. Sen, S., "History of ", p.-81 9. Sanyal, Hiteshranjan, Banglar Kirtaner ltihas, p.19 10. lb.iQ, p.27 (Translation from Bengali version} 11. "Chaitanya Charitamrita", Adilila Ill & VII, Madhyalila - XV & Antyalila Ill, Premavilasa by Nityanandadasa, 1913, pp.48 & 148. 12. Santra, G. "Temples of Midnapore" p.-99 [ 177] was the greatest contribution of Chaitanya to the religious life of India when society was greatly distorted under the Muslim rule. In the Namakirtana the name of Krishna is sung and anybody and everybody can sing it in ecstatic joy in accompaniment of Mridanga and Karatal. The chtef aim of Namakirtana is to stir up pure love and devotion for Krishna in the singers' and listeners' hearts. It is heard that when Sri Chaitanya performed the Namakirtana, being almost overwhelmed in celestial love, thousands of common people joined him. A distinctive fea­ tures of the Namakirtana is that both the chanters and the listeners forget their individual identity and lose themselves in ecstatic dance. It is true that such mass singing is not heard anywhere in lndia.(1 3) In the Namakirtana, prayer for obtaining His supreme bless­ ing and the insignificance of human existence may also be sung with melody. The utility of this Kirtana is to get rid of carnal desires and achieve the purification of the soul. There is no bar to time and place for this kirtana. Another type of kirtana is Lilakirtana which is solely based on the different sports and activities of Krishna's life. So in such kirtana there must be some story of Krishna's life. The popular and notable Lilakirtanas are Janmalila, Nandotsav, Balyalila, Gosthalila, Danlila, Rasalila, Holilila, Jhulan, Kunjabhanga,, Avisar, Biraha or Mathur etc. Even the subject of Lilakirtan is collected from the life and teaching of Sri Chaitanya and his successors like Haridas, Madhumangal, Sati Anusua, Charushila etc. But unlike Namakirtana ordinary people who are not aware of certain restriction and formulation as required by Vaishnava norms can not join the Lilakirtana. Again, some Lilakirtanas should be sung at some specific time, for example, the Gosthalila would be performed at day time, Raslila at the dead of night (after 12.00 P.M.) etc. The singers of such kirtana should follow certain rules as mentioned in Ujjvalanilamani written by Sri Jiva Goswamin and they must have senses of r.ggg_ and ragini. It appears that the Lilakirtana singers must have previous training in that subject. Only in later age some powerful poet singers like Narottama Dutta, Jnanadasa, , Balaramdasa and others were allowed to bring certain varieties in Lilakirtanas. Once Narottama Dutta called a meeting of a large number of Bengal's learned and distinguished Vaishnava scholars and poets at Khetari Mahotsav conducted by Santosh Dutta in the Rajshahi district (now in ). In this assembly a unanimous decision was taken to regulate and devise the norms of kirtana song and this led to the birth of well-knit Lilakirtana and also the singing of the glory of Sri Gouranga known as 'Gourachandrika' as the preface of this Lilakirtana. This type of kirtana is found largely in Midnapore district. The Lilakirtanas are generally recited in in five Gharanas(types)­ Gadanhati, Manoharsahi, Reneti, Mandal"ini and Jhadkhandi. The style of Kirtana intro­ duced at Khetari by Narottama Dutta was called Gadanhati as Ketari is a part of Gadanhati Paragana. The Manoharshahi style originated in Manoharsahi Paragana in Burdwan and the chief exponents of this Kirtana were Jnanadasa, Govindadasa, etc. The Reneti style was developed by Vipradasa Ghose, a padavali composer having taken its 14 name from Ranihat in Burdwan.( ) The break of this kirtana is short. As the illy_ (dissolu­ tion) and m.a.tra (a unit of division in Indian musical measure) of this kirtana is swift, it is compared with Tappa and classical Thumri. There were 26 ~ (keeping of musical time by clapping one's hand) in it. The Mandarini style evolved out of the tune of the Mangalakavya~ and perhaps a kirtaniya named Bansibadan was its originator.(1s) Accord-

13. Mitra, K., ~ p. 7. 14. !Qi.d. 15. Mukhopadhyay, Harekrishna, "Banglar kirtan-o-kirtaniya", p.33. [ 178] ing to Harekrishna Mukhopadhyaya the number the Talas of this Kirtana is nine. The tune of this Kirtana is easier and simpler than that of Manoharsahi. The name Mandarini owes its origin to Mandaran, a part of West Midnapore in Orissa border. At present the tune of Kirtana called as 'Dac' is assumed to be sung in Mandarini.(16l Even this tune of Mandarini is traced in the 'sari' song in Midnapore district. The Jhadkhandi style evolved from the tune prevalent in the bush - covered Jhadakhanda region on the border between West Bengal and Bihar and Orissa.(17l The song was probably popularised by one Gokula of Pancakot.(18l But Mandarini and Jhadkhandi style could not survive long in the fact of the onroad of Reneti. We may infer that the Reneti style got importance with the support of Sri Syamananda who learned it from his guru Hriday Chaitanya at Kalna. Hence this style predominated in Midnapore district. At present it is in the verge of extinction, owing to the great popularity of Manoharshahi kirtana.(1 9l Prof. R.K. Chakraborty says that Reneti was revived by some professional Kirtana singers (i.e. Beni Oasa) towards the middle of the nineteenth century in Midnapore district. In many Vaishnava temples in this district Kirtana is sung with Kb.QJ. and Karatal in the morning, at noon and in the evening after the Q.21b. (reading) of Vaishnava sastras. In this connection we may mention the name of Mahaprabhu temple of Tamluk, Radhagovinda temple of Gopiballavpur etc. where Kirtana is done thrice a day. So in the serene morning the sweet melodious tone is heard : "raj jago raj jago bole sukasari bale kata nidra jao go radha kala maniker kole.''<20!

Free English Translation : The parrot couple sings, Awake Rai, awake, How long do you sleep, 0 Radha, in the lap of Krishna? OR "utha utha gorachand nisi pohail 21 nadiar lok sab jagia baithai."I J Free Translation : 0 Gaur, awake and awake; the day has dawned. The people of Nadia have all awoke. This morning Sankirtana invokes a spirit of purity, honesty and cheerfulness in the hearers. Again, the offering of midday meal to Gopal alongwith the devotional Kirtana with hlJQl and karatal inspires the same feelings in all. The singers sing, "It is noon, come Gopal, come I Oh Lord, go to the dining hall."(22l In the evening - lighting of lamps, the blowing of conch and ringing of bell etc. are heard from the temple premises. 'Joy joy gora chander aratico sabha janhabi bhane jagomano lobha." Free Translation : Huzza! Huzza! How Charming is the candle burning worship of Gorachand! It captures the hearts of the world - says Jahnava.

16. Dutta., Rina,~p.95 17. lQi.!j. 18. Chakraborty, Ramakanta, Vaishnavism in Bengal ( 1486-1900) p.455. 19. lQi.!j. 20. Popular ~ heard in everywhere. 21. Another popular hll::tana. 22. "bela hala gopal aisa akhana, bhogmandire prabhu karaha gaman." This popular sung in the temple at noon. [ 179] In all Vaishnava festivals like Janmastami, Rasyatra, Dolyatra, Rathayatra, Jhulan yatra or Mahotsav the Nam kirtana is sung. When this Namsankirtana continues without break for the stipulated period, the group of singers are replaced by others. Lilakirtana is generally held on the occasions mainly in the evening, some times at noon or the after­ noon to entertain the people assembled. At the end of the Lilakirtan the prasad (flattened rice, rice, fruits, sweets etc.) is distributed among all present. If the festival continues more than a day different kirtana groups are hired to perform the Lilakirtanas. The Harinam sankirtana is held on various occasions. Not only in the Vaishnavite temples but also on the occasions of worship of other divinities viz. Durga, Kali, Basanti, Bhimpuja etc. the sankirtana is held. On the occasion of Dhakeswari Kali worship of Raghunathbari under P.S. : Panskura the very sankjrtana is held at dawn and after the completion of worship. At Bishalakshi temple of Barada in Ghatal subdivision the kirtana is held after the animal sacrifice. Here the altar of sacrifice and Tulasi Mancha exist side by side. Though the theme of kirtana is the signing of the glory of Radha and Krishna, it has been also indispensable for people of other religious faiths like Sakta and Saiva. Hence it appears that the sankirtana has united and has been uniting people of various existing religious faiths from the lowest to the highest. The kirtana has now been an indispensable part of socio-religious life of the people of Midnapore district. In every Hindu family there must be kirtana when somebody dies and when his sradh (funeral) ceremony is performed. In many families of this district kirtana and Mahotsav are held during entering a new house, the establishment of a Harimancha, Annaprasan (first rice eating ceremony), marriage ceremony,(23l annual festi­ vals or on some special occasions. At the end of Harinam sankirtana Hariiut (throwing of sugar-cakes) is done. In the full moon night kirtana and Harilut are held in many houses.(24l Another sect of part-time mendicant kirtaniyas sing kirtana with khol and karatal from house to house in the month of Vaisakha, Magha and Kartika daily or at an interval of two or three days and collect their remunaration in rice, cash, vegetables etc. This custom enables the people of all Hindu family to listen to Kirtana staying in their own houses. This tradition of spreading Vaishnava ideas and culture continues in towns and villages. Somehow, whenever a kirtana is held anywhere many people crowd there and join the holy mass, forget their different caste, rank and position, realise the nothingness of the human existence on earth and feel a deep sense of humility and social affinity. In a word, kirtana generates in the listeners' hearts some sort of selfless and spiritual love. In conclusion we may say that kirtana is a part and parcel of the Vaishnava festivals and on many occasions kirtana is arranged. There are many small and large parties of kirtana throughout this district. Some kirtaniyas take this kirtana as their professions and some take it as secondary act or as hobby. There are no barriers of caste, creed and religion among kirtaniyas. About two thousand kirtana teams are keeping alive the Vaishnava culture in Midnapore district. Before furnishing a list of some different kirtana sampraday an attempt is made to throw light about a few notable kirtaniyas in this district.

23. Lilakirtana was sung when Mr. P.K. Das, a renowned teacher of Deulia Hiraram High School married at Hanubhunia village under P.S. : Nandigram. It was done while Mr. Dwidendranath Jana, Asstt. teacher of Jafuly Deshpran High School married Minati Jana at Brindabanchak village under P.S. : Nandigram etc. 24. Note : "hari harae namoh krishna jadabay namoh, jadabay madhabay keshbay namoh" is heard in every Harilut. [ 180) A few Kirtaniyas in Midnapore

We have already noted that some Vaishnavas have the kirtana as their professions and some have taken it as their pastimes and some are amateurs. A good I

K-3. Rasikananda, too, like his 9J.ill!, was a renowned kirtaniya. "Rasikananda was always frenzied in sankirtana. Who was not overwhelmed with his singing?"(27l The proof of his proficiency can be ascertained by this quotation - "Having taken prasad, every one goes to sing kirtana. The son Achyuta himself dances. Charming is his dance ! How graceful is his movement ! He sheds tears of joy during dancing."(28l K-4. Sri Tulsi Das, the eldest son of Rasamoy, a disciple of Syamananda, was a fa­ mous singer in his age. Hearing his sweet singing, Rasikananda burst :nto tears and sometimes got lost in an ecstasy of Divine Love.

"Tulsi sings sweetly like a cuckoo."(29l Rasamoy and Tulsi had a kirtana party. During the Mahotsav at Dharenda, the kirtana of this party rent the air. K-5. It is mentioned in Sri Rasikamangal that Syamadas and Mohan whom Rasik freed from the prison of the Hijli Governor were good singers. They sang kirtana with Rasikananda.

25. C.C.M., Antya Lila 26. Syamaoanda Prakash, Chapt. 5, p.27 27. B.A., Taranga- 15, p.645 28. RM, Paschim, 16th Lahari, p.133 29. J.QiQ, Dakshin, 4th Lahari, p.64 [ 181 1 K-6. It has been known from spot visit and personal investigation that there was a tra­ dition of kirtana culture through generation, in the Mandai family of village Mahabatpur in the area of Chetua Daspur, there is the tradition of kirtana singing in the Adhikary family of village Uttar Narkelda under Tamluk P.S. Mahendra Adhikari of this family was a Matriculate and learnt kirtana for 10 years at Maynadal Kirtana College of Navadwip. Returning home he made many disciples and served kirtana in eight districts with great fame. The people of his locality called him Ostad. He performed Lila kirtana. His son Yasadanandan was also a good kirtaniya.

K-7. Rosendra Ghora of village Kharidanger of this police station was & famous kirtaniya. He performed both Nama kirtana and pala kirtana. His son Syamsundar Ghora is a good 'kirtana' singer. K-8. Sri Krishna kinkar Beskari of village Payrachari of this Police Station is an M.A. (Double) and rising kirtaniya. He is Brahmin by caste. He has been serving kirtana in some villages on invitations. Besides this, he attends religious seminars and takes part in reading scriptures. His father Kanailal was a learned man and famous kirtana performer. He left many disciples. K-9. Sri Bishnuhari Das of village Mahammadpur of P.S. Moyna was a professional and noted kirtaniya. He did Lila Kirtana. Narahari Das and Sachinandan Das of Kiyarana village of this P.S. won fame as professional kirtaniyas. Their popularity spread far. Sri Radhakanta Das of this village is a teacher. He serves Lila kirtana and reads the Bhagabata. K-1 0. Satis Das of Batnam of P.S. Nandigram was a pala kirtana singer. K1rtana was his profession. K-11. Sri Sanatan Das Babaji of Nitai Gouranga Ashram of village Raghunathpur under P.S. Chandrakona has formed a kirtana party of 12 members of his ashram. They have been performing with good name the kirtana in five or six districts. K-12. Sri Haripada Das of village Gourberia of P.S. Sankrail is a famous kirtaniya. His educational qualification is only class V. He is 56. Yet he has been a good singer by dint of his talent and perseverance. He has also 500 pupils some of whom have earned good name. K-13. Sri Santosh Kr. Sahoo of village Manua under P.S. Panskura is a good kirtaniya. He is 85. Though he has scanty academic qualification, he has attained profi­ ciency in pala kirtana and his fame has reached outside this district. Some years ago he went out of station with his party for two or three months at a stretch and travelled various places serving kirtana. He can not go out now, but teaches many a pupil at home and has a fair earning. K-14. Sri Mukundaram Bhowmik of Raychak under the same police station is a Railway service holder. But kirtana is his hobby. Though he belongs to the scheduled caste, he has toured many places serving pala kirtana with good name.

K-15. Radheshyam Adak, an inhabitant of village Saraberia of this P.S. also sings kirtana. He is a West Bengal police. But he loves kirtana heart and soul. In the meanwhile he has sung kirtana in two or three districts with credit.

[ 182] K-16. Among the female kirtaniyas Smt. Radharani Das of Purul of P.S. P3~skura is very famous even outside this district. She has taken Lilakirtana as profession. K-17. Smt. Manjurani Das of Mirjapur of P.S. Debra, Smt. Binda rani Das of Gopalpur of the same P.S. and Rekha Maity of P.S. Sabang have acquired fame in the districts (Howrah, Hooghly, South 24 pgs.) by doing Lilakirtana mainly. The above discussion amply proves that kirtana has a great impact on the people of Midnapore district which possibly may not be seen in any other districts of Bengal except Nadia.

In this connection we must say something about the Vaishnava singers. Being a scheduled caste in origin Anathbandhu Das of village Porachingra of P.S. Nandigram has become a pious Vaishnava. He has built Radha Govinda temple in his house. Now he earns thousands of rupees per month by his profession of Ramayanagan. The Akasbani Calcutta has broadcasted his song a few times. Sri Joydev Das, a householder Vaishnava of Village Kamdevnagar of P.S. Khejuri has been famous with his singing of the Ramayana. He has brought out two cassettes known as "Syamananda Rasayan" and Rasikananda Rasayan". These cassettes speak volumes of his sweet voice, command of melody and devotional mood. Sri Subal Das. another notable Vaishnava of Harasankarpur of P.S. Panskura has also brought out two music cassettes named 'Rasik Rasayan' and 'Radhar Nupur' which have very popularity with the people. Further, it is to note that Sri Ramkrishna Manna and his band of Village Kaya of P.S. Panskura, Sri Haripada Das and his group of village Gourberia of P.S. Sankraile, Sri Anantakinkar Das and his band of P.S. Gopiballavpur wander about from place to place by performing the Lila kirtana about Syamananda and Rasikananda. These examples prove that the life and activity of these two preachers have become the important themes of kirtana even at the dawn of the 21st century A.D. There are such hundreds of Kirtaniyas in this district. Some are purely protessional, some are part-timers and some amateurs. We see that they are teachers, service hold­ ers, policeman etc. among them. Though they have a tendency to earn something through kirtana, they are, no doubt, keeping up Chaitanya's movement of devotion through kirtana and lifting the human souls from gross earthly attachments.


Sl. Team I Sampraday Leader Category Address Remark No.

01. Srrgurulila Kirtana Chaitanya Ch. Pal. Lila Kirtana Kaliganj, Kshirpai. ?i·ofession Sampraday.

02. Ramkrishna Ulakirtana. Radharani Das. Lila Kirtana Purul, Haur. Profession

03. Gour-Nitai Kirtana. Gitarani Das Adhikari Lila and Kartikakhali, Profession Namakirtana Khejuri.

"' 04. Manjurani Das Sampraday Manjurani Das. Lila Kirtana Mirjapur, Debra. Profession

---~- 05. Brindarani Kirtana Brindarani Das Lila Kirtana Gopal Punja, Debra. Profession Sampraday

06. Shyamsundar Kirtana Shyamsundar Mandai Lila Kirtana Nayabasan, Dimari. Profession Sampraday

1 07. Sri Nitai-Gour Kirtana Nitaipada Das. Lila& Nama- Nitai Gouranga Profession kirtana Ashram, i Radhunathpur, 1 I

, _____ ~------·-----~-----·--·------·-· -- Chandrokona. :-~+~= 1 Sri-Gour Nitai Kirtana Archana Das. Lila Kirtana C/o. Kesab Mondai Radio Artist. I; Mahatran, Ratulia, I I Panskura.

1---- L .. ------'"" ------· --·~ ------" "' """ I I Sri Chaitanya Lila Kirtana Kasigan j. Kshirpai. Radio Artist. I og 1 Niranjan Pal. Lila Kirtana Sampraday. i

------·--·---~---· .. ------·-·-·------·-··------~- 10. Sri Sri Nitai Gaur Kirtana Ram Krishna Manna Lila Kirtana Kaya, Ratulia, Radio Artist Sampraday. Panskura.

------~-"·-~-----~------f--- .. ------f------·------11. Kirtana Sampraday. Dihigumai, Khanchi, Profession Chandan Das Adhikari Lila Kirtana ' Kamala Das Adhikari Nandakumar. ------·-- 12. Ramananda Salak - Namakirtana Purul, Haur. Profession Sampraday. --·--·------·-·---- !------..·-- 13. Shyamshree Kirtana Ashok Maparu Nama& Lila Gaygirchak, Moyna. Profession Kirtana. -- 14. Janaberya Sriman Gayatri Das Adhikari Nama & Lila Janaberya, Moyna. Profession Mahapravu Kirtana Kirtana

15. Nityananda Kirtana Tapan Kumar Maji. Nama& Lila Pulsita, Mahimpur. Profession Kirtana

16. Sri Nityananda Lila Kirtana Nityananda Das. Lila Kirtana Paharchak, Moyna. Profession Sampraday. -- 17 Dakshin Katal Kirtana Sudhir Ch. Manna. Lila & Dakshin Katal, Profession Padavali Panskura.

30. Data have been collected personally. p T.O. [ 184] A LIST OF KIRTANA SAMPRADAY IN MIDNAPORE DISTRICT Contd....

St. Team I Sampraday Leader Category Address Remark No.

18. Lila Kirtana Sampraday Gostha Behari Pal. Lila Kirtana Paschim Kotla, Profession Midnapore.

19. Shakti Pada Das Kirtana Shakti Pada Das. Lila Kirtana Sara Gokul Nagar, Profession Moyna.

20. Nitaigour Sankirtana Sangha Rabindranath Nama& Lila Bansdaha, Profession Pramanik Kirtana Charakona

21. Srinitai Gour Ashram Phanibhusan Das Nama Nitai Gourang Profession Kirtana Sampr, Kirtana Ashram Raghunath pur, Chandrakona ·-- 22. Kirtana Sampraday Atul Ch. Jana Nama& Lila Hajichak, Gkoshpur, Profession Kirtana Kerpur. I ·--~~·- 23. - Ajoy Kr. Ohara Nama & Lila Vaikunthapur, Profession Kirtana Chandrokona, ··-1------·-···-·· 24. - IPankoj Ghorui Nama& Lila Paschim Panihat, Profession I Kirtana Kespur,

··----~----····- !------·------25. - Atul Ch. Das Nama& Lila Kondhdanguri, Hobby ----1 Kirtana Binpur

1------f----· ----~-~----···---- Nama 26. - Ananga Mohan Jana Mistrichak, Kespur, ~obby --~ Kirtana I -·-- --~~----~----~------'· --~-~-~------· - ·-·-1I 27. Amulya Mahata Dalapati Ganapati Mahata Nama Kumirkata, Salbani. Hobby. I Kirtana Sampraday. Kirtana I .. -f--...... ···----c---·· ---·· -----~- ·i' Nama i 28. - Madhusudan Mahata Hatia, Bulanpur, Hobby. ! ' Kirtana Goyaltor.

··------··- '--· --·-- - -~------f------·- 29. - Jamuna Mahata Nama Kadamdiha, Hobby. Kirtana Goyaltor.

---~-·· -- 30. - Asit Baran Mahata Nama Saluka, Binpur. Hobby. Kirtana --1------31. - Kalipada Das. Nama Tabageria, Kespur. Hobby. Kirtana ·--- 32. Aswini Manna Dalapati Madan Mohan Khan Nama Kusum Dahari, Hobby. Kirtana Sampraday. Kirtana Goyaltor. -- 33. - A~un Karmakar. Lila Kirtana Mayabandh, Hobby. Salbani.

34. - Rupchand Lohar. Nama& Lila Goyaltor. Hobby. Kirtana -- 35. Avay Chandra Puila Mantu Chandra Dalui. Nama Morda, Sonapetia, Hobby. Sampraday. Kirtana Kespur. .. Nama 36. -· Anil Baran Mahala. Kirtana Bhurusatora, Binpur. Hobby.


Sl. Team I Sampraday Leader Category Address Remark No.

37. Avay Chandra Puila Krishnaprasad Dal. Nama& Lila Talkunai, Neradeu!, Hobby. Sampraday. Kirtana Kespur.

38. - Sudarsan Bag Roy. Nama Bandarbani, Hobby. Kirtana Dahijuri, Binpur.

39. - Gourhari Monda!. Nama& Lila Devkul, Hatsarberia, Hobby. Kirtana Debra.

40. Srikantapada Bhunia Biswanath Maiti. Nama Dubrajpur, Hobby. Dalapati. Kirtana Harirampur, Daspur

41. Kartick Chandra Monda! Kartik Monda!. Nama Ajoynagar. Rathipur, Hobby. Dalapati. Kirtana Ghatal. ------42. - Kangal Monda!. Nama Chathla, Ghoshdiha, Hobby. Kirtana Kespur.

43. - Kanailal Santra. Nama Kiyagerya, Kirtana Chandrakona. Hobby. . .. 44. Kalipada Dolui Dalapati Sachinandan Nama & Lila Pankhua, Bala, Hobby. Goswami. Kirtana Chandrakona. ·-···-i-- ··---!------· ...... 45. Kangal Singal, Dalapati Madan Midya. Nama Siramani, Vadutala, Hobby. Kirtana Kotali.

1-----1------·---~---~ 1---·---· -·--- 46. - Nandulal Ghosh. Nama & Lila Sohobani, Kespur. IHobb; . Kirtana ...... !---..... --~----· ·------.. - .. . -!--·-··---·-···-·-· -·-- ··-1---··--··-· --" 47. - Kalipada Das. Nama Kanapur, Hobby. I Kirtana Chandrokona. I ---····-·-·------·---1------· -----~---- f.----··· ····"1 48. - Sadhan Chandra Nama Kalaberya, Hobby. I Dalai. Kirtana Kolagram, Kespur.

-----· ·-·------~---~---·------49. - Kishori Mohan Nama & Lila Amritapur, Kespur. Hobby Adhikari. Kirtana .. Nama 50. - Kenaram Monda!. Ambitoria, Kespur. Hobby. Kirtana ..- --·--····- 51. - Kedar Chandra Pan. Nama Kota, Sirsha, Hobby. Kirtana Kespur. ·--·-- 52. - Pradeep Chakraborty Nama Gamarhati, Hobby. Kirtana Kolagram, Kespur.

53. - Sakti Samanta. Lila Kirtana Ramgarh, Hobby. Dhamkurya, Chandrakona.

54. - Govinda Ch. Sera. Lila Kirtana Singakhai, Hobby. Harirajpur, Daspur.

55. - Madan Ch. Bag. Nama& Lila Shyamnagar, Debra. Hobby. Kirtana 56. - Gaur Hari Monda! Nama Saninageswar Hobby. Kirtana Patna, Kespur. PTO [ 186] A LIST OF KIRTANA SAMPRADAY IN MIDNAPORE DISTRICT Contd ....

Sl. Team I Sampraday Leader Category Address Remark No. 57. Kangal Singal, Oalapati. Gour Hari Mudi. Nama Oerepur, Puichara, Hobby. Kirtana Goyaltor.

58. - Madan Mohan Mudi Nama Oerepur, Puichara, Hobby. Kirtana Goyaltor.

59. - Golok Mahata. Nama Chatta Kadna, Hobby. Kirtana Goyaltore. Nama 60. - Surendra Nath Mandi. Sitalpur, Salbani. Hobby. --- Kirtana 61. - Harisadhan Oas Nama & Lila Dhanyaghari, Hobby.

Adhikari. Kirtana Sal bani. 1 -----"!l Hobby. 62. - Nandadulal Oolui. Nama Hizli, Neradeul, Kirtana Kespur. I

63. Gour Hari Das. Nama& Lila - Babuibasa, Hobby. Kirtana Devagram, Salbani. ·------~-----~------· --- -- Nama& Lila 64. - Gorachand Das Ramgarh, Binpur. Profession Mahanta. Kirtana --1------Hiradharpur, 65. - Gourmohan Ghose. Nama Hobby. l Kirtana Chandrakona. Nama 66. - Phanindra Maji. Kirtana Tabagerya, Kespur. Hobby. ------· -- -- 67. - Chandi Charan Ari Nama Barabala, Hobby. Kirtana Chandrakona. 1------~------·--· . ------68. Chitta Ranjan Jana, Taraknath Monda!. Nama Srirampur, Hobby. Dalapati. Kirtana Chandrakona. I . ------l 69. - Bankim Behari Maiti Nama Andichak, Hobby. Kirtana Ghosepur,Kespur. . 70. Jaladhar Mondal Dalapati. Jaladhar Monda!. Nama Saora, Jhankra, Hobby. Kirtana Chandrakona. --c------f-·· 71. - Uttam Kumar Sar. Nama Laxmanpur, Hobby. Kirtana Goyaltore. ------f-.....------Hobby. 72. Jhareswar Santra Dalapati- Murali Santra. Nama Palangpur, 0-Singabadak. Kirtana Amritapur, Kespur.

73. - Basudev Singh. Nama Singla, Bulanpur, Hobby. Kirtana Goyaltore.

74. - Dhruba Chandra Maji. Nama Karanda, Hobby. Kirtana Jotnarayanchak, Debra.

Nama 75. - Sital Prasad Mahata. Mathurapur, Hobby. Kirtana Bhimpur, Salbani.

76. - Narayan Jana. Nama& Lila Raipur, Magra, Profession Kirtana Kespur. PTO [ 187 J A LIST OF KIRTANA SAMPRADAY IN MIDNAPORE DISTRICT Contd....

Sl. Team I Sampraday Leader Category Address Remark No.

77. Nepal Chandra Parya, Bholanath Parya. Nama & Lila Jhankra, Profession Dalapati Kirtana Chandrakona.

78. Nandadulal Pratihar Bibhuti Patra. Nama Lodhasol, Ramgarh, Hobby. Dalapati Sankirtana Binpur.

79. Narasingh Dule Sagar Chandra Bag. Nama Lurka, Raipur, Hobby. Kirtana Keshpur.

80. - Natabar Mondal. Nama Jambani, Pirakota, rlobby. Kirtana Salbani. f--· ··-- 81. - Nimai Swarnakar. Nama Raghunathpur, Hobby. Kirtana Chandrakona.

82. Naba Kumar Midya Dalapati Basanta Kr. Mal. Nama Boluri, Supapursuri, Hobby. Kirtana Daspur.

83. Bansari Mohan Samanta Nimai Monda!. Nama Hajichak, Ghoshpur, Hobby. Dalapati Kirtana Kespur. -----·------84. l - Shyamsundar Nayak. Nama Andulia, G hosepur~~Hobby. I Kirtana Kespur. I f---r------·-····------·-·· ------85. - Dhanapati Mahata. Nama Hatia, Bulanpur, Hobby. ~ Kirtana Goyaltore.

--~-----~ 86. -- Nandadulal Mahanta. Nama Angar Kuria, Hobby. Kirtana Bandgora, Jhargram. I I -----~------r------·--·------·-·--- 1 87. - Birendra Chandra Nama Malighati, Debra. Hobby. Bhunia. Kirtana I ------88. Parbati Chandra Haldar Balaram Nag. Nama Deyanchak, Hobby. Dalapati Kirtana Chouka, Ghatal.

89. - Vijay Krishna Ghosal. Nama Atghora, Srirampur, Hobby. Kirtana Chandrakona. -- 90. - Bamapada Prachanda. Nama& Lila Piyasala (North), Hobby. Kirtana Amdangra, Kespur.

91. Bharat Dhar Dalapati Rabi Hati. Nama Mahisgot, Bala, Hobby. Kirtana Chandrakona.

92. - Bhabananda Das. Nama Chancharber Hobby. Kirtana Ashram, Dhamkura, chandrakona.

93. - Sudarsan Pan. Nama Rajbandh, Amsole, Hobby. Kirtana Gorbeta.

94. Manaranjan Khamrui Govinda Gopal Dogra. Nama Amsole, Gorbeta. Hobby. Dalakarta Kirtana PTO [ 188} A LIST OF KIRTANA SAMPRADAY IN MIDNAPORE DISTRICT Contd....

Sl. Team I Sampraday Leader Category Address nemark No. 95. Manoranjan Khamrui Ranajit Dalai. Nama Kaliganj, Kirpai, Hobby. Dalakarta. Kirtana Chandrakona.

96. - Dasarath Bagra. Nama Dnoany, Chandur, Hobby. Kirtana Chandrakona.

97. - Ratan Samanta. Nama Simana, Hobby. Kirtana Manoharpur, Daspur.

98. Shakti Pada Ghose Sudhir Santra. Nama Singakhai, Hobby. Dalapati. Kirtana Harirajpur, Daspur. .... 99. - Nitai Chandra Jana. Nama Chakrajput, Hobby. Kirtana Akalposh, Debra.

100. - Narayan Chandra Nama Harinarayanpur, Yobby. Bhunia. Kirtana Mafighat, Debra. ·-- 101. - Nibaran Mahata. Nama Krishnanagar, Hobby. Kirtana Binpur. ··----·----· ------··---- 102. - Haladhar Monda!. Nama Chauli, Goyaltore, j Hobby. Kirtana Garbeta. 1--- 1------.. --. ---···-·"' 103. I ------Nitai Chandra Das. Nama Avirampur, Kirtana Sakharampur, r;obby Daspur...... --··. ·--- -~---·- . --··- ~------104. Nama ..... ~bby 1 - Ashok Chakraborty. Moula, Kirtana Chandrakona. f------··-· ------·-·-.------. . - ---·-·-----.. -.-----·· ~------105. - NandaKumar Nama Kulbahara, Samanta. Kirtana Garhsonapeta, Hobby. Kespur. ------...... ------106. - Nitai Monda!. Nama Palanpur, Amritapur, Hobby. Kirtana Keshpur. ------107. - Hiralal Mahata. Nama Kundarisole, Hobby. Kirtana Chottanagdona, Goyaltore. -----.----- 108. - Sribas Manna. Nama Kanchantala, Hobby. Kirtana Magra, Keshpur.

109. - SudhirCh. Das. Nama Tabagerya, Hobby. Kirtana Ghosepur, Keshpur.

110. - Subal Chandra Sar. Nama Laxmanpur, Hobby. Kirtana Akchara, Goyaltore.

111. - Sagarika Das Nama Ramchandrapur, Hobby. Adhikari. Kirtana Moyna. - ----·· 112. - Tapas Pattanayak. Nama Ramchandrapur, Hobby. Kirtana Moyna.


Sl. Team I Sampraday Leader Category Address Remark No. 113. Shyamsundar Sampraday. Shyamsundar Das. Nama Brindabanchak, Hobby. Kirtana Moyna.

114. - Bapi Das. Nama Brindabanchak, Hobby. Kirtana Moyna.

115. - Baneswar Sera. Lila Kirtana Anandapur, Moyna. Hobby.

116. - Adwaita Das. Lila Kirtana Brindabanchak, Hobby. Moyna.

117. - Krishna Das. Lila Kirtana Garhchaura, Moyna. Hobby. ·- 118. - Nityananda Das I

120. Srichaitanya Kirtana Shyam Das. Lila Kirtana Tilkhoja, Moyna. Hobby. Sampraday.

-----~---·---- 121. - Narayan Samanta. Lila Kirtana Kalagechia, Moyna. '-bbby.

122. Brindabani Kirtana Rampada Das. Nama& Lila Garh Moyna, Profession Sampraday. Kirtana Moyna. :------____ , ____ 123. Srihari Kirtana Sampraday. Anil Kumar Pal. Nama Ping Ia, Profession Kirtana Purusattampur. !·· ------· .._ 1124. Nama Srikantha, Moyna. Profession Trinayani Kirtana Bholanath Bera. i Sampradaya. Kirtana r----:------· -·------~------·----·--·------·-- 125. - Mamata Rani Das. Lila Kirtana Arangkiyarana, Profession ( Handicapped) Moyna. --- 126. - Tulasi Adhikari. Lila Kirtana Bhagabanpur. Profession

127. Shyamsundar Kirtana Basudev Roy. Lila Kirtana Chakgarupota, Hobby. Sampraday. Tamluk ------128. - Dipak Kr. Das Lila Kirtana Abdullah, Pingla. Hobby. Adhikari.

129. Radha Madhab Kirtana Joydev Pal. Nama Mohadol. Hobby. Sampraday. Kirtana

130. - Bankim Barman. Nama& Lila lsmailchak, Moyna. Hobby. Kirtana

131. Mahapravu Kirtana Sudarshan Singha. Nama& Lila Janaberia, Hobby. Sampraday. Kirtana Panskura.

132. - Sudhakrishna Santra. Nama Palangpur, Hobby. Kirtana Amritapur, Kespur.


Sl. Team/ Sampraday Leader Category Address Remark No.

133. Mahapravu Kirtana Satyaranjan Kuladhya. Nama Goyar, Keshpur. Hobby. Sampraday. Kirtana

134. - Subal Chandra Khan. Nama Tabagerya, Hobby. Kirtana Ghosepur, Keshpur.

135. - Badal Chandra Pandit. Nama Dharampur, Goyar, Hobby. Kirtana Keshpur.

136. - Ramratan Mahata. Nama Hatabari, Hobby. Kirtana Baragaoya, Raipur. 1----- ·- ·---- 137. - Rampada Bhunia. Nama Parameswar Pota, Hobby. Kirtana Jhalka, Keshpur.

- -~-----· 138. - Gobardhan Bhunia. Nama Dhigha, Ghosediha, Hobby. Kirtana Keshpur. -- 139. - Laxmikanta Nayak. Nama & Lila Ghosepur, Keshpur. Hobby. Kirtana

-~-- -- 140. - Subhas Das. Nama & Lila Pirakata, Salbani. Hobby. Kirtana

-----~------··-~---·-- 141. - Harekrishna Monda!. Nama Jouthuri, Jhatla, Hobby. Kirtana Keshpur. . ------142. - Nimai Chandra Mishra Nama& Lila Pandat, Belasini, Hobby Kirtana Debra. f----.--.------·· - ----~------· --~------~------143. -- Ashok Kumar Mandai. Nama& Lila Bhimpur, Kolagram, Hobby. Kirtana Keshpur. ' ------144. - Santosh Sahoo. Nama& Lila Manua, Sajinagachi, Profession Kirtana Panskura.

145. - Mukunda Bhowmik. Nama& Lila Raichak, Profession Kirtana Sajinagachi, Panskura. .. ------______, __ ---- 146. - Ranjit Bag. Nama Barakari, Dhohko, Profession Kirtana Raipur.

[ 191 ] SECTION- C


Introduction Mahotsav means a great festival. In Vaishnavism the 'word' has acquired a wider sig­ nificance. It means a religion based activity. To be clear and more precise, it is the con­ gregation of Vaishnava devotees and common people on the occasion of the worship of Vishnu, Radhakrishna, Chaitanya or some Vaishnava saints and the sharing of prasad (cooked food) which is offered in the worship. According to O'Malley, "Mahotsav is a festi­ val at which offerings are made to Chaitanya or Gouranga, the great Vaishnavite reformer, as well as to his companions and disciples and a large number of people are feasted. It is also accompanied by Hari Sankirtana."<31 l But there is some limitation in O'Malley's statement. He has stated that Mahotsav is held only during the worship of Chaitanya or other Vaishnava saints. But it has been found in the spot visit that it is also held during Radha Krishna's worship and many other occasions. Mahotsav, in brief, is a grand festi­ val and a great communion of Vaishnavas singing Kirtana songs and eating together. Antiquity : It is very difficult to find out the exact date of the beginning of Mahotsav as the past is veiled in darkness. From Vaishnava scriptures we come to know that the antiquity of Mahotsav is traced back earlier before the arrival of Sri Chaitanya. It is stated in the Madhyalila of Chaitanya Charitamrita that once Madhabendra Puri, in a trance of di­ vine love, was wandering aimlessly at Sri Vrindavana. After his bath, he was resting un­ der a tree, tired and hungry. At that time, a boy came to him with a pot of milk and re­ quested him to take it. The saint was charmed with the boy's beauty and sweet words. After drinking milk, he fell asleep. Then he dreamt that the boy took him to a bower and said to him", I live in this bower. I suffer much from heat, cold and rain. Take me out from this bower with the help of the villagers and install me on the top of the mountain. I shall grant redemtion to visitors. My name is Gopal and I hold the Gobardhan mountain." Madhabendra Puri executed the instruction of his dream. He took the help of villagers, re­ moved the covering of grass and earth and recovered Gopal. Then he worshipped Him with the offering of fruits, milk, ghee, boiled rice and vegetarian curries and held a Mahotsav with the beating of drums, khols, cymbals and the singing by the women. So "a Mahotsav was organised by one day's preparation."<32l It is known that in the early part of the 16th Century A.D., Sri Udharan Thakur of Subarnabanik (goldsmith) caste, a disciple of Sri Nityananda held Mahotsav and hundreds of Brahmins took the prasad. During his marriage, Nityananda said in reply to the queries of the Pandits of their caste, " whenever I fail to cook for myself, Udhharan rescues me by doing it. From that day, we have Mahotsav everyday in accompaniment of friends and relatives. As per my order, Udhharan cooks and many a Brahmins take it gladly(33l". So some opine that Mahotsav began from the time of Nityananda. Some say that Chaitanya started the Mahotsav on the occasion of Haridas's death. It is written in the Chaitanya Charitamrita that Chaitanya, accompanied by his followers, cremated Haridas in the sea­ shore. Then, sitting at the gate of Jagannath Temple, he collected alms and held a

31. O'Malley, Bengal District Gazetteers, Midnapore, 1995, P.-81 32. C.C.M., Madhyalila, (Ed.} Kishore Ch. Goswamin, PP. 114-121. 33. Chaitanya Bhagabal [ 192] Mahotsav in honour of late Haridas and took the prasad with all his disciples. Then he said, "Those who have taken part in the funeral rites of Haridas by such activities as dancing, singing kirtana, putting soil on his grave and eating in the Mahotsav will in no time obtain Salvation."<34> Again, the Danda Mahotsav at 24-Parganas during Chaitanya's life-time has also been mentioned. It was sometime after 1514 A.D. Chaitanya sailed in the Ganges to go to Nilachal and descended at the Ghat at Panihati. So the ghat became a holy shrine and is still worshipped as the Chaitanya Ghat. Before Chaitanya's departure for Puri, 1-Je directed Nityananda to preach the name of Hari throughout Gouda. Once Nityananda, in accompa­ niment of his disciples, came to Panihati Ghat in course of his preaching tour and took rest under a tree on the river-bank. At that time, pious Raghunath Majumdar, the nephew of Hiranya Majumdar, the famous Zamindar of Saptagram, saw Nityananda and prostrated himself at his feet. Nityananda called him "Chora"<35l and said, "your punishment is the en­ tertainment of the Vaishnavas. You should arrange a Mahotsav with curd and flattened rice to feed the Vaishnavas here."<36l This auspicious day was the 13th day of the full-moon fortnight in the month of Jaistha. Raghunath at once executed his order by holding the Mahotsav under that emi­ nent banian tree. This "flattened rice Mahotsav" or Danda Mahotsav" is still held at the same place on the same date. Many Vaishnavas assemble here at this occasion. The great saint Sri Ramkrishna also attended this function. A twelve day Danda Mahotsav at Sri Vrindavana has already been mentioned in de­ tails in Chapter V. After this many Danda Mahotsavs were held at Dharenda, Syamsundarpur, Nrishinghapur, Gopiballavpur and some other places. The number of Danda Mahotsav during Syamananda's life-time and Rasikananda's life-time was 51 and 22 respectively. A 12 day Danda Mahotsav is still now held at Gopiballavpur. It is stated in Rasikmangal that many Mahotsavs had been held in different places. Premvilas records a great Mahotsav at Kheturi (Rajsahi district) in 1613 A.D. on account of the installation of six deities including that of Gour by Sri Norattam Thakur. A poem describes, "A Mahotsav is held at Kheturi every year on full-moon day of Phalgun."(371 Syamananda and Rasikananda were once present at Kheturi Mahotsav. From above discussion, it is clear that Mahotsav had its beginning in the past, though the exact date of its beginning is still unknown. But it is certain that it had an impetus af­ ter the arrival of Sri Chaitanya. Mahotsav is a lively Vaishnava festival in rural areas of Midnapore even today. Occasions Mahotsavs are generally held on the occasions of - i) The birth and death anniversary of some Vaishnava saints or founders of maths and temples; ii) The installation of Gods and Goddesses in the temple; iii) The bringing of some Vaishnava or local deities by a householder for worship;

34. C.C.M., Antalila, (Ed.) Kishore Chandra Goswami, 1345, p.391. 35. It is said that Raghunath wished to get the blessing of Chaitanya directly avoiding the media of Nityananda. 36. C.C.M. Antalila, pp. 360-362; Chakraborty, P. Ei Bangalay, pp.14-20 37. P.V. p.19, "prati batsar phalguni purnima dine, hay mahotsav kheturi bhavane." [ 193 J iv) Entering into a newly constructed house or building and

v) Punishing somebody for committing some social crimes or for deviating from the path of Vaishnavism.

In our description of other topics it has been already stated that special festivals with worship, kirtana and Mahotsav are held in great enthusiasm at many Vaishnava maths and temples on the birth and death anniversary of the founder saints. Such observances at Gopiballavpur Radha Govinda Temple on the birth day of Rasikananda, at Tamluk Mahaprabhu Temple for the founder Basudev Ghosh and at Raghunathpur Nitai-Gour Temple of Chandrakona for Ramdas Babaji are some of the examples. The real purpose of these festivals is to remember the contribution of these saints in preaching Vaishnavism among the masses in order to redeem them of their sins and lift their souls to the realm of divinity. In fact, these Vaishnava activities changed the hearts of many people and their way of life and also strengthened amity, friendship and neighbourly feel­ ing among the detached people and communities. In major families in this district, Sankirtana for four quarters (for only day time or the night) or eight quarters (for a day and night) or 24 quarters (for three days and nights) are held with big Mahotsav on the occasion of the installation, sanctification and dedica­ tion of a Hari-mancha or Tulasi-mancha. In such Mahotsav the villagers are invited to take part in the feast of prasad. In such Mahotsav the idols of Radha-Krishna or Gouranga are brought home. In some cases, individuals hold Mahotsav for the fulfilment of their previous prayers of having a child or recovering from dangerous diseases or winning in a law suit. etc. Some also set up temporary Tulsi-mancha for the Mahotsav. From spot visits and from discussion with Vaishnavas, it is assumed that whenever there is a Mahotsav, other ingredients like worship and kirtana must accompany it.

So we see that the expenditure of the temple Mahotsav is met by the income of the temple and by the subscription and contributions of devotees and disciples. Family Mahotsavs are solely financed by the individual families. In this connection another type of Mahotsav, i.e. village or community Mahotsav, demands mention. It is managed by a village committee which collects subscriptions from each family of the village and per­ forms with the help of village volunteers all other activities connected with it Perhaps the outbreak of fatal epidemic diseases like cholera or small pox, the fear of flood, drought and famine or some outside danger in the past united the villagers to derive moral strength from such religious activities. Almost in all villages of Midnapore, such Mahotsav is organised once a year, especially in the months of Chaitra, Baisakh and Jaistha.

In the family Mahotsav or village Mahotsav, the people approach the mahantas or priests owning the idols with the prayer to take them home for the stipulated period of Mahotsav. The dates of famous idols are hardly available within a month or two. The de­ mand for the idol is so much that same idol or idols are worshipped at noon in one house and in the evening in another. The Gobardhandhari idol of village Deriachak under P.S. Panskura spends in the devotee's houses about half of the year. This idol has no fixed fee. The devotees have to pay Rs.200.00 to Rs.SOO.OO for it. We like to mention here fees of some of the idols :

[ 194] 1) Mahaprabhu idol of Paya in P.S. Ramnagar Rs. 500.00

2) Mahaprabhu idol of Pakuria in P.S. Panskura Rs. 500.00

3) Gopinath idol of Haldichak in P.S. Tamluk Rs. 500.00

4) Mahaprabhu idol of Uttar Asutpur in P.S. Tamluk Rs. 200.00

From above examples it is obvious that the owner mahantas or priests have a good income from idols. Some owner priests also work as the cooks of the idols and earn ex­ tra income for his labour. At Balisai and Panbazar festivals of P.S. Ramnagar, 16 Mahaprabhus and Radhakrishna idols are brought from different places and placed at dif­ ferent seats of the pedestal. Though no fee is paid for the idols, they have good income from the pranami of the devotees.

The number of family or individual Mahotsavs is far greater than other types. In this connection one family Mahotsav deserves mention. In 1340 B.S. a Mahotsav with sankirtana went on for 45 days at Rameswar Das's house at Anandapur of P.S. Moyna. Idols of 64 Gopies were put up in 64 bowers and there were for Kunjabhangas (breaking of bowers). 32 sankirtana parties came here from different places. Everyday 3-4 thousand people were entertained with rice prasad. In those 45 days, no family at Anandapur 38 cooked its food.( ) The description of this Mahotsav can be found in contemporary litera­ ture.

Among the community or village Mahotsav, the Balisai Mahotsav of P.S. Ramnagar conducted by "The Baichitrer Agradut Gosthi deserves mention. People irrespective of caste, creed and religion are selected as members of the managing committee of this function. Sri Chaitanya Anudhyan committee of village Balluk of P.S. Tamluk has been holding Mahotsav and function for a few years. Gouranga Utsav Committee of Kaya Mahatran of P.S. Panskura holds the Mahotsav and kirtana in every Phalgun. Such ex­ amples may be multiplied by hundreds.

Menu of Mahotsav

The menu of Mahotsay is strictly vegetarian. There are very few Mahotsavs with un­ cooked food like Chira-Dai (flattened rice, curd). This type of Mahotsav is held at Gonsaibazar (Navakunja Mahotsav) of P.S. Chandrakona and at Hakola Hari Temple of P.S. Tamluk. But most Mahotsavs in this district have cooked rice and various vegetarian curries with payes and sweets. Onion and garlic are strictly prohibited.

Relation between Mahotsav and Kirtana Kirtan and Mahotsav are interrelated and inseparable. In most cases kirtana precedes Mahotsav. Perhaps Kirtana drenches the soil of mind with water of devotion, and then the audience take prasad with great relish. Of course, kirtana is held sometimes in some place at an interval of a fortnight or month without Mahotsav.

38. Malibura, An article - Moyna Sanskritir Ruparekha in Krishi-Puspa Pradarsani-o-Bai Mela 1994, Moyna, p.34.

[ 195] Impact

Though the Mahotsav and kirtana are the Vaishnavite rituals, people of other castes and religion, irrespective of high and low, rich and poor assemble to listen to kirtana. It is as if they take part in mass prayer. This paves the way for fostering communial harmony and national unity. The message of love and non-violence of the Vaishnavism, preached in melodious tone and enthusiasm, exerts a powerful influence on the audience and prompts them to create a classless society. In the close of the 20th century when self­ centricism and selfishness have raised their poisonous hoods to kill long cherished social values, when inter-party politics has been vitiating our peaceful life and when our leaders are mostly corrupted and dishonest, Mahotsavs and kirtanas in our district are uncon­ sciously doing much to fight these evil forces to some extent. Before concluding this section, the Mahotsavs of Navakunja at Gonsai Bazar under Chandrakona P.S. and of Sripat Gopiballavpur have been described briefly as case study and a chart of chiefly institutional Mahotsavs of different places has also been incorpo­ rated to highlight the over-all impact of the Mahotsavs on the socio-cultural side of the district people.


There is a sepulchre of Late Premasakhi Goswami at Gonsai Bazar under Chandrakona P.S. Because of this tomb, Gonsai Bazar is also called Samadhi Bazar. Premasakhi and his descendants were the preceptors of Chouhan Royal family of Chandrakona. They donated some devottar land to meet the expenses of the worship of Sri Vrindavana Chandra and Sri Radhaballav Jiu. There was a stone temple of the deities in front of Premasakhi's tomb. A stone inscription was discovered in front of this temple on 25th Aswin of B.S. 1381. There is the broken face image on one side of this stone and on the reverse side there is some writing in Sanskrit. From this inscription it is known that Sri Madhusudan built this temple in 1550 Saka year (1628 A.D.). Perhaps Premasakhi came to Chandrakona before this time. He was the disciple of Sri Jiva 9 Goswamin.P ) At present there are, in this temple, no deities which were worshipped in the past. It has been known from Kamala Devi, the widow mother of existing Mahanta Sri Manoj Goswami that about 150 years ago, when malaria broke out in a virulent from in this area (Chandrakona), lsanchandra of this Goswami family went to Lalgarh Paragana under P.S. Binpur with the deities. And still today Sri Vrindavana Chandra and Sri Radhaballav Jiu have been being worshipped as the family deities of this royal family. Lalgarh king Satisnarayan Sahas Ray donated 12 bighas of land for the worship of the idols.

At the initiative of Gopeswar Goswami, a descendant of Premasakhi Goswami a Harinam Mahajajna was held in the Navakunja in front of Premasakhi's tomb at Gonsai 40 Bazar of Chandrakona in the month of Chaitra of B.S. 1357.< ) Thereafter this festival had 41 been observed a few times (thrice) by him< ) and this is still going on. This function pre­ sents the essence of Srimat Bhagabat, the Raslila of Srikrishna in the Navakunja at the nine pedestals during nine nights. The combined idols of Radha and Krishna are put up in the centre and the idols of Radha's eight main maids are set up on eight altars at e1ght corners of this centre. These eight maids are Lalita, Baisakha, Chitra, lndurekha, Champaklata, Rangadevi, Tungavidya and Sudevi. Recently a baroari and a fair have been added to this festival. Merry-go-rounds, circus etc. now enhance the allurement of the fair. Many shops and stalls come here.

Sankirtana is held for nine days and nights. Everyday there is an arrangement for worship, food-offering and guest entertainment. On the eighth day, flattened rice is offered. The whole function is conducted by Gopeswar Harinam Mahajajna Committee. Sri Vijoykrishna Ghose, a cloth merchant and the Secretary of the committee in 1994 in­ formed that about 500 earthen bowls full of flattened rice are offered. Every year flattened rice amounting to 6 or 7 quintals is purchased for this. Everyday about 10 to 15 thousand people come to the fair and about 1000 people are given square meals everyday. Count­ less disciples also assemble here from Midnapore, Howrah, Hoogli, Bankura and 24- Parganas. The expense is met by subscriptions and donations of disciples and local people.

39. Singha, Radharaman. Chandrakonay Navakunja Mahotsav, p.40 40. l.Qld. p.17 41. Dirghangi, K.L., Bhagna Oeuler ltibritta, p.24 [ 197] Impact This festival has been carrying on the tradition of Vaishnava culture in Midnapore. This ceremony is upholding devotional piety and spiritual aspect of Harinam chanting once in­ vented by Sri Chaitanya and introduced here by Gopeswar Gosvamin, a descendant of Premasakhi. This festival has done away with the class distinction and it is invigorating the spirit of love, friendship and co-operation.

Here is the heredity of Premasakhi Gosvamin given below

Sri Chaitanya dev Sri Rupa Gosvamin (disciple) Sri Jiva Gosvamin (disciple) Premasakhi Gosvamin (disciple) Radhaballav Gosvamin (son) Shyamlal Gosvamin (son) Panchanan Gosvamin (son) Swarupmohan Gosvamin (son) lsanchandra Gosvamin (son) Upendranath Gosvamin (son) Gopeswar Gosvamin (son) Present Manoj Gosvamin (son), (a Railway employee).


We are tempted to cite for case-study 422nd Panda Mahotsav of Sripat Gopiballavpur which was held from 7.6.2000 to 19.6.2000 (24th Jaistha to 4th Asada, 1407 B.S.). In chapter V, we have already narrated the origin of this great festival. It was held 22 times during Rasikananda's period at Gopiballavapur. The Gosvamin family of Gopiballavpur has been keeping up the same tradition with the help of their disciples. This year we have the good fortune to attend this festival which started on 24th Jaistha with the compact programmes of the Nagar Kirtana in the morning, reading from the Bhakti Sastras (devo­ tional books) in the forenoon, Annya Mahotsav at noon, reading of Bhakti Sastras and their interpretation by Vaishnava scholars and the discussion on the passages from Bhagavata and the Lilakirtana at night. The programmes for other days remained almost the same. Various kirtana groups, noted religious persons and scholars, and local and outside artists and singers were requisitioned for different days. Naturally, the festival be­ came a congregation of many virtuous persons. We witnessed a fair held in the temple promises, around the dais (stage for function) on this occasion. About sixty temporary stalls were erected here. One speciality of the fair is that any kind of nonvegetarian food is strictly probhibited with the gambling, frolics and funs as provided by merry-go-round etc. Yet many people from South Bengal districts and adjacent districts of Bihar and Orissa attended Ihe festival and fair for acquiring vir­ tue and having diversion. It was once the largest festival and fair of the Vaishnavas in the district.

Though it is a festival conducted by the Gadiswar Mahanta of Sripat Gopiballavpur, mainly the disciples of this Sripat bear the huge expense of this 12 day festival. Just be­ fore the festival, the disciples are called to a meeting in which particular disciple or dis­ ciples promise to bear the whole or the part of expense of a particular day and their names are printed in the programme. The existing Gadiswar Mahanta informed us that about one lakh rupees is spent on this festival. But he declined to furnish us with the statement of expenses for each day.

We also availed ourselves of the opportunity to collect a direct information about a 15 day Mahotsay, another important festival of Sripat Gopiballavpur by personally witnessing. It continued from 2.2.99 to 18.2.99 on 346th death anniversary of Rasikananda. A Mahotsav Committee organised it pompously like the previous years. Just on tbc day pre­ ceding the festival (on Feb. 1) a wandering kirtana party walked along singing and carry­ ing the flags, and reached a disciple's house where a Mahotsav was organised and where they had taken prasad. The party returned to Sripat in the evening. Next 15 days passed through the compact programmes of reading scriptures and devotional books; debates, discussion, lectures on Vaishnava theology, Bhakti Sangeet, Ulakirtana etc. The holding of Mahotsav (for providing meals to the visitors) for all days was the indispens­ able part of this festival. Many radio artists, renowned persons graced the occasion on invitation. According to statement of the present Gadiswar Mahanta, more than one lakh rupees was spent on this festival and the disciples and local generous people bore all the expense.

[ 199] A LIST OF PLACES WHERE MAHOTSAVS ARE HELD WITH 42 HARINAM SANKIRTANA IN MIDNAPORE.< > Sl. (:)olice Village Organizer Time Period Occasion No. Station 1. Chandrakona Raghunathpur Nitai Gour- Phalgun Chabbis Prahar Birth anniversary of angaAshram Ramdas

2. " " " Magh .. Death anniversary of Haridas Thakur and Krishnananda Babaji

3. " " " Dol Continous Birth anniversary of 24prahar Chaitanya 4. " " " Purnima --- Jhulanyatra ~- 5. " " " Sravan --- Annyakut Utsav -~- 6. " " " Kartick --- Birth day of Krishna .. -- 7. " " Sravan Birth day of Radha 1------f-.------·----- ~------·- 8. " Ghola ;:! Bhadra 5th days Pay homage to Sri Chaitanya 1------·------·---·- 9. " I " Community Asada Asta Prahar Pay homage to Chatitanya !---- -·~·------t-- 10. Dhaikhanda Phalgun -l f.--~===~=t~~ 1------~------~ I == 11. " Shyamganj.. " Phalgun Asta Prahar Pay homage to Chaitanya -·--- f-- -·--- ~------~ ---~~·'------~1;·~------:. .. q Parmanandapur Vaisakha " I -- f------·-- -· 1------~~---~~------····----~ .. ~- ·-·-----~-~-~------~--· -~·1 ~-~-- ,, ,, 13. " Jara Jaistha 5 days j f------~-- ---~------"~--- ~- --·-----. ------14. " Bagpota " Vaisakh Asta prahar ------· ------~ ... -~--·------~----~--~---·--- 15. " Dingal " Jaistha " .. ~---~------·------~------16. " Madhabpur " Vaisakh Sixteen Prahar " - . 17. " Baruri " Chaitra " " f----.. ~------~--·-· 18. " Gajipur Bhagabat Kartick " Annyakut Utsav ashrram

·--·-·---. ~~-----··-· 20. " Joyantipur Mirakata " " " as thai

21. " " .. Sravan " Jhulan yatra 22. " Gajipur Bhagabat " " " ashram

23. " " .. Aswin " Birth anniversary of Jajabar Gosvamin

24. " " " Magh " Birth anniversary of Saraswati Gosvamin

25. " " " " .. Birth anniversary of Haridas

42. Data have been collected by personal enquiry. PTO. [ 200] A LIST OF PLACES WHERE MAHOTSAVS ARE HELD WITH HARINAM SANK/RTANA IN MIDNAPORE Contd...

Sl. Police Village Organizer Time Period Occasion No. Station 26. Chandrakona Gajipur Bhagabat Aswin Sixteen Prahar Birth anniversary of ashram Haridas 27. Chancharberh Adharashrarr Phalgun Birth anniversary of Chaitanya

28. Dharampur Manasa Jaistha Chabbis prahar Pay homage to temple Chatanya 29. Midnapore Durmuth Gourgovinda Agrahaya11 Asta prahar Death anniversary ashram Saraswati Gosvamin f---- 30. Magh Birth anniversary of Saraswati Gosvam1n f------+------+-----t----+------t------31. " " " Kartick " Gobardhan puja and Annykut r--+------+------+----~~-----+------~------32. Phalgun " Birth anniversary of Chaitanya t---t-----·------t------+-----+-----+------+------j 33. Keshpur Anandapur Gaudiya Phalgun " Birth anniversary of Chaitanya Chaitanya math

t----34-_.+----____" ______--t---·-· ______·-·. ----.- ______-_------_-- 35. " " ----~~~~-~~"" ~~-~~:~S~ra~v~a~n~~::~- " " ---1---II=J=h=u=la=n=j=a=tr=a==~---Nandatsav ~ f------·------"------36. " " " Kartick " Annyakut Utsav ------+------t-----+------if------+------37. " Sankrui Community Jaistha Pay homa:JS to Chaitanya ------!------+------+------+------38. Parulia Anytime Chabbis prahar Pay homage to of every Chaitanya five year r--+------+------+-----t----+------+------39. Garbeta Sarengagarh lnstitution Vaisakh Asta prahar Pay homage to Radhagovinda

40. Nohari Chaitra 24 prahar Pay homage to Chaitanya t---+------r------t------+---~~-----~------41. Kharikasuli " Vaisakh " Pay homage to Radhagovinda t---t------+------+------t------+------+------42. Nalpa Community Pay homage to Chaitanya 43. Uttarbil Pay homage to Chaitanya 44. Sripat Institution Kartick " Death anniversary of Kanai 45. Dhanchhara Saraswata Vaisakh " Pay homage to ashram Chaitanya l----+------l------1~-----t----t------I~------46. Kharhnsama Uttaman­ Pay homage to anda ashrarT Chaitanya

47. Midnapore Town Chandabil Community Vaisakh Asta prahar Pay homage to Chaitanya


Sl. Police Village Organizer Time Period Occasion No. Station

48. Midnapore Town Town Syaman- Phalgun Asta prahar Birth anniversary of andaGaudi- Chaitanya ya math

49. " " " Magh " Birth anniversary of Saraswati Gosvamin 50. " " " Aghraha- " Death anniversary of yan Saraswati Gosvamin 51. .. " " Vaisakh " Birth anniversary of Gosvamin

52. " Ballavpur Institution " " Death anniversary ot Sivananda I ···-1 53. " Puis ita " Bhadra " The worship of Radhaballav ,Jiu -- 54. Contai Town Bhagbat Phalgun " Birth anniversary of math Chaitanya ·-· ·-----·-- 55. " " ,; Sravan " Jhulanyatra ------56. !! " " " " Nandatsav ····-·- f-----· ------57. " L--~." " Aswin " Death anniversary of Jajabar Gosvamin ------"-- f- 58. Nayagram . Rangamti Community Vaisakh 24prahar Pay homage to Chaitanya ... f-· --...... --.... s~T -~ -----~-·-~----~- -~-----~------1 59. Nandigram.... Hanubhunia Community Jaistha " Pay homage to Chaitanya .. -----r------·· --·-· -·------~--- J

60. " Srikrishnapur Community " Asta prahar Pay homage to I Chaitanya ···------· ... ------·------61. Sutahata Srikrishnapur " " 24prahar Pay homage to Chaitanya ------62. Contai Karalda " " " Pay homage to Chaitanya --f--· ·------63. Khejuri Tikashi Individual Jaistha 24prahar Pay homage to Chaitanya ------64. Narayangarh Khurshi " Chaitra " " 65. Pataspur Bhairabdari Community Vaisakh " " 66. Bhagabanpur Analbere " Phalgun " Birth anniversary of Chaitanya

67. Datan Routarapur Individual Chaitra Asta prahar Pay homage to Chaitanya

68. Bhagabanpur Analbere " Phalgun " Birth anniversary of Chaitnaya ------69. Datan Routarapur Individual Chaitra Asta prahar Pay homage to Chaitnaya . ··------70. .. Mogalmari .. Magh " ,; PTO [ 202 J A LIST OF PLACES WHERE MAHOTSAVS ARE HELD WITH HARINAM SANKIRTANA IN MIDNAPORE Contd...

Sl. Police Village Organizer Time Period Occasion No. Station

71. Ramnagar Bodhora Kaibally Po us 5 days Death anniversary of adayini Kishari ballav sabha Gosvamin

72. Ramnagar R.S. Ground Pan bazar Kartick 24 prahar Chaddya IAadal Utsav (See Fig.-14) samity

73. " Haldia Individual Phalgun " Pay homage to Chaitanya ---- 74. " Paldhui " Vaisakh " "

~--· 75. " Bharibarenga " " " " - -- 76. Naraghat Pichalda Gaudiya matt" Phalgun " Birth anniversary of Chaitanya ---~ 77. " " " Magh Asta prahar Death anniversary ot Saraswati Gosvamin --·--~------78. Kharagpur Town Gaudiya Vaisakh 24Parhar Birth anniversary of math Santu Maharaj r------"------~ I 79. Keshiary Keshiary Gaudiya Phalgun " Birth anniversary of I Chaitanya ------~--- ·- -·· ------80. " " " Magh " Birth anniversary of Saraswati Gosvamin ------I 81. " " " Sravan Asta prahar Nandatsav f------~------82. " " " Kartick " Govardhan puja ----1 ------·------· 83. Daspur Kalmijor Chaitanya Magh 24 prahar Birth anniversary of ~ Gaudiya Saraswati Gosvamin I ashram I . ------~------84. Garbeta Bagari Bagari Po us Asta Prahar Worship of-k;~~~~ray·-~ krishna ray Jiu Jiu temple

85. Tamluk Town Mahaprabhu Chaitra 5 days To comemorate temple Basudev Ghose, the founder of the temple --- 86. " " " Phalgun Asta prahar Death anniversary of Charan Das I 87. Gopiballavpur Gopiballavpur Sripat Vaisakh " Death anniversary of (See Fig.-15) Radhanananda and Naryananandea Dev Gosvamin

88. " " " Jaistha 12 days Danda Mahotsav

89. " " " Asada Asta prahar Death anniversary of Govindananda Dev Gosvmin . ·-tI 90. " " " Sravan " Jhuda Utsav and deathj anniversary ot 1 Govindannandea dEN j


Sl. Police Village Organizer Time Period Occasion No. Station 91. Gopiballavpur Gopiballavpur Sri pat Aswin Asta prahar Death anniversary of Baishnadananda and Nandanadanand Dev Gosvamin

92. " " " Kartick " Death anniversary of Govinda Gopalananda Dev Gosvamin 93. " " " Aghraha- " Death anniversary of yan Biswambharananda 94. " " " Po us " Death anniversary of Sarbeswarananda ·---- 95. " " " Phalgun 15 days Death anniversary of Rasikananda --- 96. Paskura Station Gaudiya Magh 24prahar Birth anniversary of ashram Saraswati Gosvamin 97. " " " Sravan Asta prahar Jhulanyatra 98. " Khasarban GopaiJiu Vaisakh 2 days Worship of Gopal Jiu Temple -·------I 99. " Deriachak Gobardhan- Sravan Asta prahar Death anniversary of I dhari temple Joykrishna Gosvamin ---· -. ---1 100. " " " Kartick " Annykut Utsav I 101. " " " Chaitra Asta prahar Death anniversary of Kuchban Das Babaj1 ------~-oP -- - 102. '' Purbagopalpur Radhabenod Kartick 24prahar Panchamras Utsav JiuTemple ------· 103. " Pakuria Mahaprabhu Phalgun .. Birth anniversary of temple Chaitanya 104. .. Ghosepur Individual Vaisakh .. Pay homage to Chaitanya r--f--·------105. .. Koyamahatram Gouranga Phalgun ?Day " Utsav Committee - ~--·- 106. " Raniyara Individual Vaisakh Asta prahar Pay homage to --l (Subal Guru) Gobardhandhari ---- 107. " Naskar Oighi Late Sahadev " " Pay homage to Monda! Chaitanya 108. " Dhanjoypur Harardhan " " " Adhak 109. " Roychak Kshudiram " 16 prahar Pay homage to Maity Gobardhandhari 110. " " Biswanath " " " Maity r---- 111. Moyna Uttampur Uttampur Jaistha 5 days " To comemorate Utsav Pitamber committee Gosvamin

[ 204] SECTION - D

Writings on Vaishnavism in Midnapore

In the Midnapore district there are ample Vaishnavite writings which throw light on the lives of Vaishnava saits, their holy nature, ritualistic festivals and culture and the holy shrines and tombs. These have not only enriched the Bengali literature but also enhanced the influence of the Vaishnavism on the people. These have also helped the Vaishnava preachers facilitate their preaching. Among the writers, most are the prominent saints ad­ hering strictly to their faiths and obeying all sorts of tenets and ritualistic observance and giving vent to their inner urges of devotion. But there are also not a few who were not devout Vaishnavas, but also wrote out of their deep faiths in the Vaishnava deities. Of course, some writings have come to light and some are still in the manuscript-form because of paucity of funds or disinterestness. Here is a meagre attempt of illuminating some writers and their compositions. PW-1. Basudev Ghose was the first renowned pada-writer in the district. He regarded Narahari Sarkar his g.!.![Y and began to compose devotional verses at his inspiration. He has acknowledged his debt to Narahari Sarkar. He wrote in his pada, "I have drunk the feet-washing water of Sri Sarkar Thakur and desired to compose verse".(43l In fact he has overcome his preceptor in writing padas about the sports of Srigouranga. So far 159 padas have been found bearing his name. Among these 150 are in Bengali and the rest in Sanskrit. There are 41 verses on the theme of Sannyas of Sri Gouranga. These are full of literary qualities. In such lyrics the griefs of his mother Sachi Devi, his wife Vishnupriya and the com­ mon people have been poignantly depicted.(44l Actually Basudev Ghose is the first lyric poet of Gouranga's sports. Kaviraj Goswami has praised him eloquently in the words : "Basudev has described the Lord in his song in such a way that even the wood and stone dissolve to hear this song."(45l Another Chaitanya devotee Debakinandan has said, "I shall carefully bow down to Basudev Ghose who knew nothing except Gouranga."(46l About him says Dr. Dinesh Sen, "Basudev Ghose is the supreme among the lyricists writ­ ing about Gouranga." Though he was not a native of this district, he had spent the most part of his life at Tamluk and produced his padavalis and books during his stay here.(47l His lyrics are written in simple, easy and lucid language to enable the readers to compre­ hend the meaning easily. Here are quoted some of his lines : "Vishnupriya came to Sachi and sitting at the door of her room said meekly, "He was sleeping in the bed-room, but I am struck with the bolt without finding him at dawn." "Sachi Devi accompanied by her daughter-in-law Vishnupriya, was crying aloud "Nemai', going along the path. On hearing her cry, the people of Nadia also cried aloud in lamentation and asked the passers - by about Nemai's whereabouts." Again, Sribus was older than Chaitanya. But he was very intimate to Chaitanya. Every evening Chaitanya sang and danced at his courtyard. Malini, Sribus's wife, was an

43. Adhikari, lndubhusan, (Ed.) Medinipurer Lekhak-Lekhika-0-Granthapanji, Cal. 2000, pp. 38-39, 48 44. J..Q.k!. 45. J..Q.k!. 46. J..Q.k!. 47. Basu, Gogesh Chandra, Medinipurer ltihas, p.605. [ 205] intimate maid of Sachi. So Sachi said to Malini, "Oh dear Malini, tonight I dreamt a dream that Nemai came home. He stood in the courtyard, I was sleeping and came out uncon­ sciously to hear Nemai's voice. He took the dust of my feet on his head and wept catch­ ing hold of my neck." Above verses are very simple and easily conceivable. Basudev Ghose wrote two books Gouranga-charit and Nemai-Sannyas. These are written in such melodious rhyme that these are sung as kirtana. The author was a bright star of this district in Bengali lit­ erature. PW-2. Syamananda was also adept in writing devotional songs on Radhakrishna. His noted work is Adwaita-tattavas. In this book he has written Madhabendra Puri's advice to Adwaita. His other two well-known writings are Upasana-sara-Sangraha and Vrindavana­ Parikrama. Besides these he has some other verses in lucid and comprehensible lan­ guage. Sri Madan Mohan Adhikari published in 1991 A.D. a collection of verses of Syamananda and Rasikananda entitled Syamananda and Rasikananda Padamrita. It con­ tains 29 verses of Syamananda. The book Kanak Manjari Sri Sri Shyamananda contains Syamananda's 7 verses. Here is a quotation of two lines. "Oh, brothers! sing the names of Srikrishna Chaitanya and Nityananda. Your all suffer­ ings will give way to delight." Again, to describe the beauty of Krishna he writes- "Our kanu is so beautiful that he has worn the beautiful tilak on his beautiful forehead. He is dressed beautifully in the beautiful dress. He is adorned with beautiful garland on his beautiful neck which is swinging beautifully and beautifully." Here it is to be mentioned in this context that his verses have been founC: in vanitas of Dukhi Krishnadas, Dina Krishnadas, etc. Perhaps these were written before his spiritual realisation and the fact is confirmed in the concluding lines of his book - "lti Syamananda dasa birachita sadhake siddha rupasya darshanang prasanga sampurna."(48l PW-3. Rasikananda, the chief disciple of Syamananda, is a well known name in Vaishnava literature. He has two books- "Sakha Barnan and Rati Vilas and a few verses. The book Syamananda and Rasikananda Padamrita includes Rasik's 38 verses. He has composed the following verses on the shave of Chaitanya's head on the eve of his re­ nouncing the world. "Then the barbar came, sat in front of the lord and put the razor on his lusty hair. Seeing this, the people assembling there cried aloud and shed profuse tears." Before his passing away Rasikananda said to his disciples- "Select my burial ground near the feet of Sri Gopal at Remuna and sing Sankirtana day and night." PW-4. In that age some women also attained proficiency in composing devotional verses and elegies. Some verses were composed by Syamapriya Dasi, the second wife of Syamananda. They laid bare her inner soul in sweet and heart~feeling language. Rasikananda was the main follower of her husband. At Rasik's death the wives of Syamananda were deeply grief-stricken. Syamapriya Dasi expressed the deep sorrow of her heart in the following verse. "How can we drag our lives. The day is dark without Murari. From today the worship of Hari-guru-Vaishnava will be left out. Who will fulfil our will without Rasik. Rasik was the

48. Sen, Sukumar, Bangia Sahityer ltihas, Cal., 1940, p. 461 [ 206] wave of the flow of devotion. He has now merged into Kshirchora. We weep out in utter despair. We find our surroundings void and meaningless." PW-5. Syamananda's second main disciple was Damodar. He was born at Kesiari. He was a Sanskrit scholar. His two prominent disciples were Gobardhan and Balaram. Gobardhan lived in Midnapore and belonged to the family of Syamananda. He wrote some verses which are very lucid, charming and heartrending. Here is quoted one of these. "Sweet is the sport, sweet is the assembly, Syama and Gouri are very sweet amidst the sweetmaids who are incessantly sporting very sweetly circling them." PW-6. Kanuram Das or Kanu Das, a disciple of Damodar, was also a writer of Vaishnava pada§. He was born at Dharenda in the district of Midnapore. His name has been men­ tioned in Rasikmangal. Fourteen of his verses have been traced. Here is quoted only a couplet. "It is very sweet to hear the sweet sound of his Napur (foot girdle). So Rai is ad­ vancing among the woods to see him - says Kanuram." PW-7. One of Syamananda's disciple Dhukhi Shyamdas was a good poet. He loved to call himself Dhukhi. Some believe that Syamananda and Dhikhi Shyamdas wer-o the one and same person. But Shyamdas was born at Hariharpur under Kedarkund paragana of this district. It is on Balichak-Sabang metal road. His parents were Srimukh and Bhabani Devi. His successor Gouranga Adhikari obtained a §anad from the Government after the Ten years' Settlement. His next generations have been living in the same home-stead land. His noted devotional work is Goyindamangal. It is not a kavya. But he has de­ scribed Krishna's sports as noted in the tenth part of Srjmat Bhagabata in melodious rhymes and expressions with the figures of speech so beautifully that the book is classed as a ~· The poet was adept in delineating karunra§a (tragic feeling). The theme is "Krishna has left Vrindavana and become the king of Mathura. After many days he re­ members Brajadham, Nanda and Josoda, and Radha suffering the pangs of separation. So he sends Uddhaba to get their news. As Uddhaba comes, Radha tells him weeping­ "ln the chilling winter of Pousa with storng wind, I lie down on the lotus leaves in the ground and recall in mind the love of my lord, but my cruel sister-in-law hurts me with her unkind words at very step." He wrote another book 'Ekadasi Brata'. He also translated Sri mad Bhagabata in verse on the basis of Sridar Swami. He travelled singing Govindamangal in many places of Midnapore. Many aristocrats families and Zamindars became charmed with his song and donated him some rentfree land. His descendants obtained san ads for such lands after ten years 'Settlement'. But in this sanad, the specific name of the deity has not been mentioned. But in the Zamindari office, the name "Govindaji" has been incorporated. Sri Govindaji is not a deity. It is the book Govindamangal. Syamdas worshipped this book everyday with flowers and sandal paste. His descendants still follow this custom. PW-8. Gopijanaballabha Das, the poet of Rasikmangal, was an inhabitant of Dharendra under P.S. Narayanagarh of Midnapore. His father Rasamaya was the direct disciple of Syamananda and he himself was that of Rasikananda. His book deals with biographies in lyrical verse. These biographies form an important section of the Vaishnava literature. Rasikmangal is also sung with musical instruments in this district like Sri Chaitanyamangal. It is also read with tune. The language is easily comprehensible and luncid. Gopijanaballav Das also worte some books on the ~. the Bhagabata and some other bhakti sastras. [ 207] PW-9. We find a few other prominent writers and poets among Syamananda's disciples. They were gifted with poetic powers and possibilities. We have mentioned in the chapter­ V that all the Mahantas of Gopiballavpur have composed some poems. We also have mentioned that Sri Vishwambharananda Deb Gosvamin was a great scholar and genius. PW-10. Sri Brajendranandanananda Deb Goswami of this family has been still writing many books. Even Dakshajasundari Devi, the mother of exiting Gadiswar (Mahanta) has composed some verses. Some of these have been published in Syamanandi Patrika. PW-11. There are, in many parts of this district, many Vaishnava writers, poets and es­ sayists who have been writing on different aspects of Vaishnavism. Doctor Haripada Roy of village Kayamahatram of P.S. Panskura has been writing regularly on Vaishnavism. His son doctor Sudarsan Roy has been following his father's footstep in writing verses, es­ says, drama and books. Many of their writings have been published, some published in Srimohini, a journal (Puja Publication). Sri Sanatan das Babaji (Santi Brahmachari) of Netai Gouranga Ashram of Raghunathpur, Chandrakona also regularly writes essay and verses. His writings are practical and straight forward. Dr. Pradyot Maity, exprofessor of Tamralipta Mahavidyalaya and my guide, has been frequently wirtings valuable essays on various Vaishnava festivals in this district. Prof. Pranab Roy of Daspur, now residing in Hooghly Housing Estate has written essays with invaluable information of many Vaishnava temples. Sri Kanailal Dirghangi of village Joyantipur of Chandrakona P.S. has furnished the historical facts of many ancient maths and temples in his book Bhagna Deuler ltibrita. In his Chandrakona museum, there are some broken Vishnu idols. Sri Bibhuti Bhusan Das, the priest of Radhamadhab temple of Kolaghat town has written two books, but these are still unpublished. These two are "A Book of Questions and Answers of Vaishnava Theol­ ogy" and Sadhan Madhukari (A direction to vaishava saints on to observe daily rituals). Sri .Jundhistir Jana of Mirgoda village of Moyna has written some books and articles in his pseudo name of 'Maliburo', Sri Satya Ranjan Adhikari of Bhekutia of P.S. Nandigram, professonally a teacher, has written some articles in magazines and newspapers. The Mahanta Bishnu Das of Sri Bhagabat Math in Contai town has been regularly producing verses and articles on Vaishnavism. Gopinandan Goswami of Gopalpur of P.S. Mahisadal has many writings. Late Jyotirmoy Nanda of Mugberia, an erudite Sanskrit scholar, wrote precious articles in the Netai Sundar Patrika published from Baranagar Patbari of Calcutta. Besides the aforesaid authors on Vaishnavism, the names of other poets and writers collected so far with their literary works are furnished in the following chart for a compre­ hensive picture.

[ 208] Writings on Vaishnavism in Midnapore .

Sl. Title of the Book Author Brief note about the Publication No. work 01. Sri Shyamananda 0 Doctor Sudarshan A brief life sketch of Publication by Subhasis Punyabhumi Dharenda. Roy. (Chandrakona) Shyamananda. Roy 1401 B.S., Sri Gouranga REsearch Centre, Chandrakona.

02. Rasbilaser Parinati Doctor Sudarshan Mystery of the incarnation Publication Sankarshan Roy. of Gouranga Mahaprauu. Roy, 1400 B.S., Sri (Chandrakona) Gouranga Research Centre, Chandrakona.

03. Sriman Mahaprauu. Sanatan Das Biography of srichaitanya Pub. From Sri Nitai (Santi with several photographs. Gouranga Ashram, Brahmachary) Raghunathpur, Chandrakona, 1396 B.S. I Life and Message of From SriBhagabat Math 04. Sri Guru Bani. Srimadbhakti Baman Maharay. srimadbhakti Jajabar Contai, 1397 B.S. Goswami with questions I and answers about the Vaishnava system of sadhanbhajan for welfare of Mankind.

Mystery of the name of Publication by Govinda 05. Sri Sri Krishnanam 0 Lila Srimat Abala- krishna & his sports along prasad Das Chancharber Rahasya. nandaSwami. with direction of Ashram,Chandrakona. I sadhanbhajan formulated I by Vaishnavism. I

--···--- --·~·------··--- Adharchand A book of sadhan-Bhajan Publication by Govinda 06. Bhrantimukta Rahasya. Prasad Das Chancharber Goswami. by sahajia method. Ii 4 I ashram, chanc nl

This history of perverted Publication by haripada 07. Vaishnava Dharmer Doctor sudarshan ways of Sahajia roy, SriGouranga Research Kalankita Adhyay. Roy. Vaishnava with an inten- Centre. Chandrakona, 1401B.S. tion of save guard of sacred religion of SriChaitanya .

The life story of sri Sri Netai Gouranga Ashram 08. The Supreme Being sri Sanatan Das Chaitanya. Chandrakona, 1986. Krishna chaitanya the Maharaj. Embodiment of love. Dealing with the signifi- 09. Kirtania Sadahari. Haripada Roy. Publication sudarsan Roy cance of Harinam as well Medinipur Sahitya samsad as the dvice of Sri Mahatran, Ratulia, 1393 B.S. Chaitanya.

Sports of Krishna in Sri bhagabat Ashram 10. Krishnalila Smaranica. Sri Guru Das. chandrakona, 1403 B.S. rhyme. 11. Dharmatatta 0 Rahasya Discussion about Santi Math, adhara As Mahananda Das. hram chancharber, Bigyan. vaishnavism. chandrakona, No mention of the date of publication. PT.O. [ 209] Writings on Vaishnavism in Midnapore Contd. ...

Sl. Title of the Book Author Brief note about the Publication No. work

12. Rasaswadan Lila. Haripada Roy Manuscripts of 15 Year of writing 1352 B.S. kirtanalyris lyries on Mahatran, Ratulia, Madhurja Rasa. Midnapore.

13. Kanakmanjuri Brajendranan Life and activities of Sri Sripath Gopiballavpur 1397 Srishyamananda . danananda Deb Shyamananda. B.S. Pub. by Goswami. Radhamadhabananda Debgoswami.

14. Anirudhabatar Life history of Sri Sripath Gopiballavpur, -do- Rasikmurari Rasikmurari. 1396 B.S.

15. Basikavya Brindabana Vishnu Maharaj. Devotional Bansikavya of From Sri Bhagabat Math Lila. Brindabana Lila. Contai, 1403 B.S. -- -- 16. Srigurudever Patravali. -do- A Book indicating the Same place, 1398 B.S. Vaishnava Sadhan Bhajan through the letters of Jajabar Goswamin.

17. Vaishnava Dharmer Sudarshan Roy. Manuscripts in the form of Sri Gouranga Research Pratham Path. questions and answers on Centre Chandral

21. Ye Jana Gouranga Bhaje Sudarshan Roy. Life History Sri Gouranga. Pub. by Tapas Mandai Se Sara Chatur. Medinipur Sahitya Samsad Mahatran. 1393 B.S.

22. Bhababes Abatar Sudarshan Roy. Biography of Rasikananda Publication by Maya Roy Rasikananda 0 Sripath and direction of Vaishnava Medinipur Sahitya Samsad Gopiballavpur. Bhajan. Mahatran, 1393 B.S.

23. Sri Bairagya Nirnoy. Sudarsan Editing of the republication Sri Gouranga Research Roy(Edition). of the ancient book of Centre,Chandrakona, 1399 Narottama Thankur and B.S discussion of renunciation of Vaishnava Bhajan.

24. Mathura Milan (ancient Mahendralal Khan. Anecdote of Mathura Year of publishing -1883 book). union in Krishnalila. A.D. No other information is available.

25. Bhaktiratnamala Asutosh Sarkar. Devotional songs on Ancient Book. Vaishnava religion. Year of Publishing-1339 B.S. PT. D. [ 210] Writings on Vaishnavism in Midnapore Contd....

Sl. Title of the Book Author Brief note about the Publication No. work

26. Shyamananda Prakash Krishna Charan Preaching of Sripath Gopiballavpur. (Kavya) Das. Shyamananda in Poetic First Ed. 492 form. Chaitanyabda.

27. Bhakti Pushpanjali. Asutosh Sarkar. Devotional songs on Ancient book, Pub. 1341 Vaishnavism. B.S.

28. Pushpa Mala. Asutosh Sarkar and Compilation of devotional Pub. 1355 B.S. Attyananda Giri. songs.

Ancient Book. 29. Purahit Darpan_ Surendranath Method of worship to be Bhattacharya. followed by Vaishnava Priests.

--~ Sripath Gopiballavpur. 30. Ahaituki Kripa 0 Sri Dla,t:J Udl i:lll.H i:ll i:llli;; Biography of Shyamanda. Debgoswamin. Shyamananda and his devotional character.

31. Devarchhana Chayanika. Niranjan Maduli. The method of worship of Pub. by Haradayal Maduli various gods and god- Chatri, Egra, Midnapore desses as per Vaishnava 1402 B.S. creed.

32. Sri Govardhan Charit. Ramananda The history of idol of Sri Sripath Deriachak, -I Goswami. Govardhandhari. Midnapore 1363 B.S. I 33. Nitya Kirtana Padavali. Nimai Charan Dey. Vaishnavite Bhajan and Nitai Gouranga Ashram l Kirtana. Raghunathpur, Chan- drakona 1382 B.S. -··------· ·-----I 34. Nama Rasamrita Kona. Haripada Ray. Discussion about nama To be published_ (Manuscripts).

35. Sri Guru Kathamrita. Haripada Ray. Theory of Guru (Manu- To be published. scripts).

36. Harikathamrita. Yishnupada Mishra. Devotional songs on Kedarpur, Panskura P.S., Vaishnavism. Midnapore. -- 37. Bhakti Kusumanjali. -do- Devotional songs. -do-

38. Sri Chaitanyar Antardhan Malibura. About the disappearance Moyna Prakasani, Rahasya. of Sri Chaitanyadev. Calcutta.

39. Sriguru Charit. Badrinarayan Biography of Bhagabat Malleswarpur, Chan- Chakraborty. Maharaj. drakona.

40. Kaiballyamrita Barshini. Ranjit Kishore About Raspanchamadhya Ramgarh, Midnapore. Bhakti Sastri. of Sri Madbhagabat.

41. Bhakti Charit Katha. Gurudas Biography of Narayandas Bhagabat Math, Contai. Gosthabehari. Thakur. 42. Sri Rasikmangal. Gopijanaballav Das Life and Activities of 2nd Ed. pub. by Mahanta Rasikananda. Gopalgovinda Debboswami Gopiballavpur 1342 B.S. PTO. [ 211 ] Writings on Vaishnavism in Midnapore Contd....

Sl. Title of the Book Author Brief note about the Publication No. work 43 Ramananda Goswami. Madan Mohan Das. The glory of Sri Pub. Debkrishna Brahma- Ramananda Goswamin. chari, Panskura, 1403 B.S.

44 Chandrakonay Radharaman Singh. Summary of Raslila. Pub. Radharaman Singh Nabakunja Mahotsav. Gonsaibazar, Chadrakona, Midnapore.

45 Sri Sri Shyamananda Rasikananda The book of how Pub. by Mahanta Satakam. Debgoswami. Rasikananda saw his guru Gopalgovindananda Shyamananda, tested him Debgoswami. and felt. Gourabda 500. -·-··-- 46 Sri Sri Rasikananda Sacinandan Biography of From Sripath Gopiballavpur. Charit. Adhikari. Rasikananda.

47 Sripath Gopiballavpur Present Mahanta The glory of Sri path To be published. (Gupta Brindaban) Krishna Gopiballavpur. Mahana. Keshabananda Deb Gosvamin.

48 Astikaydarsanam. Sri mad Explanation of Vaishnava Sripath Gopiballavpur. Viswambharananda theory and philosophy. DebGoswami.

49 Jharkhande Mahapravu Dr. Sudhir Kr. A Bengali book on the Pub. by Sm. Bhakti Bhowmik. account of the journey of Bhowmik on behalf of the Lord Chaitanya in Marang Buru Press, Jharkhand. Mecheda, Midnapore.

50 Sadhan Madhukari Bibhutibhusan Das. A document of everyday To be published. (Manuscript). Sadhan Bhajan and rituals I to be followed by the Vaishnava.

51 Tamuluke Sri Chaitanya. Gopinandan The informations about Sri Pub. on behalf of Gosvamin. Chaitanya's arrival at Tamraliptia SriChaitanya Tamluk and establishment BaniPracharSangha of historical fact in this Goutam Goswami, connection. Gopalpur Midnapore, 1986 A.D.

52 Sarabali Rahasya Dhirendranath Devotional songs on Pub. by Satyaranjan (Kavya). Adhikari. Vaishnavism. Adhikari, 1387 B.S.

[ 212] Vaishnava Writings : article, verse and song published in Patri ka/Magazi ne Sl. Article Author/Poet Theme in brief Publication No.

1 . Sri Gouranga Geeti (aong) Haripada Roy Abont Sri Gouranga Sri Mohine, Puja Education Gajipur, Chandrakona.

2. Etc harinam Tathapi Santi Brahmachari About harinam Srimohini, Puj£> Cducation duakha Keno (Prose) 1405 B.S.

3. Banglar Kirtana (article) Taraknath Rudra Kirtana Desha Bandana (Monthly) Aswin, 1404 B.S.

4. Bhagabat Prem Bhakti Swapan Kr. Vaishnavite Bhakti "Daspurbarta" puja ed. rahasya (article) Sa manta 1401 B.S.

5. Prema 0 Baichitra (article) Haripad Roy Vaishnavite Prema "Srimahini" 1378 B.S.

--~- 6. Prema Sindhu (article) Santi Brahmachari Love and sweetness of "Manonika" puja ed. sri chaitanya 1404 B.S.

7. Chaitanya dev 0 Pranaykrishna Equality in the eye of "Prakita Namita" puja ed. samyabad (article) Gosvamin chaitanya 1404 B.S.

8. Joy Gopa (verse) Bishnupad Kuilya Devotional poem on ln"Brindabanthakekhasa~ Sri Gopal ban" 1406 B.S. Raghunath bare.

10. Nadiar Aakash (verse) Santi Bramachri Verse on Sri Gouranga Epare ganga opare padma verses compl. by sudarsh- am roy medinipur sahitya samsad, 1999 A.D.

11. Chaitanya mahaprabhun Sudarshan Roy Various doetrines and Fifth centenary of Aprakata lila proof about the den mise srichaitanya utsav of chaitanya smaramika koya, mahatran 1392 B.S. --- - ..... ···---- 12. Banglar birshista surad- Radharaman About sankirtana Fiften centenary of hara sankirtana (article) Sri Chaitany Utasav

"···-----~ 13. Sri Chaitanya padapadme Gostha Behari Worship of Sri Gouranga " bigynpti (poem) Kuilya gouranga 14. He gourhari bhagaban Haripada Roy Derotional song on "Srirnohini" 1402 B.S. (song) Sri Gouranga 1---- 15. Kam. 0 prema (article) Santi Brahmachari To differen:;iate between " lust and love by the Vaishnavite bhakti

16. Kali yger nam (article) Santi Brahmachari Discussion on Harinam of "Chetua sanbade" introduction of Sri Chaitanya Daspur 1997, A.D.

17. Gopi prema-o-radha Brajendranandan lnportant discussion on Bratantsav Talika, 1406 B.S prema (article) anda deb gosvamir live of Gopi and Radha for Sri Gopiballvpur. Krishna

18. Prachin Chandrakona Prof. Pranab Roy Valuable description on "Purnima" Daspur dharma charcha (article) ancient temples of Chandrakona

19. Padavali Kirtana (pada) Makhan Das On Krishnalila "Satsangha Barta" 1391 B.S. Jharagram.

PT.O. [ 213] Vaishnava Writings :article, verse and song published in Patrika!Magazine Contd. ...

Sl. Article Author/Poet Theme in brief Publication No.

20. Mahanayak Srikrishna Ranjit Kishore Comparative study on "Satsangha Barta" Jharag- Rasanayak Sri Gouranga Bhakti Sastri Srikrishna and Gouranga ram, 1392 B.S.

21. Naba Vaishnav Dharma 0 Dr. Bishnupada Preaching of Rasikananda "Sri Sri Rasiknurari" 4th Rasikanander Bartaman Das centenary of Rasikananda prasangikata smarak patrika, 1991, Sripat Gopiballavpur.

22. Srimatir purvarag (verse) Dakshaja sundari Love of Sr. Raqdhasani " Deb Gosvamin -"-- ·- 23. Bhagabti Ohara (article) Satyarmjan Preaching of " Adhikari Shyamananda

24. Krishna Bandana (Poem) Alakarani Das Praises of Sri Krishna " -- 25. Nilachaler Pathe (article) Anil Kr. Das Description on tervelling of " Rasikananda towards puri

26. Sri Sri Rasikananda Anup Kr. Das Praises of Rasikananda " (verse)

27. Gitame Parama Vidya Anata Ch. Dasad- Conversation between " hikari Krishna and Arjuna

28. "In rememberance of Nimai chandra Das Praises and salutation to " rasikananda" (poem) Rasikananda

29. Goudya vaishnava Manabendra Philosohy and theology of "Chetua Sanbad" dearshan o chaitanyadev Choudhuri Sri Chaitanyayadev Daspur 1999. (article)

30. Brahman gramer rasutsav Sambhunath Ras festival of Shyamc- "Mukulika" ban8rjee dang;4 (article) Ghatak hand and Sri Radha High School, 1973 ----~ 31. Prachin mandirer Dr. Pranab Roy Vaishnavite temple of "madhukari" Maryajole. Bhagnabashes (article) Narajole 1993 --- 32. Gurukarben Kake (article) Santi Brahmachari How to choose guru "Chetua Sambad"1405 B.S

33. Dwarakaliler ed Adhya Subhasish Roy Sweet discussion on "Srimahini", 1397 B.S. Nilachale (article) Krishna Lila --'----· 34. Bhababesh Avatar Santi About the preaching of " Rasikananda (article) Brahmachari Rasikananda . ---- 35. Dakshin paschim bange 0 Dr. Bishnupada Peraching of Syamanan- "Pravu Shyamananda Sandangna Behar orissya Das da and Rasikananda patrika, 1st year, 1379, B.S Vaishnava Dharma Prachar (article)

36. Concubinage of the Gopis S. Adhikari Selfless love and devotion " (article) of Go pis towards Krishna ----· 37. Sri Sri Giru tall (verse) Dhirendranth The Qualities of Guru " Adhikari

38. Bisnupriya devir shjivan o Santi Brahmachari To Revolt against commu- "Srimohini" 1398 B.S. aprakata lila. (article) natism with the idels of Sri Chaitanya ------~---· 39. Sampradaikata o sri Santi Brahmachari chaitanya (article) PTO. [ 214] Vaishnava Writings : article, verse and song published in Patrika/Magazine Contd....

St. Article Author/Poet Theme in brief Publication No.

40. Bartaman Dharma (article) Santi Brahmachari At present the tendency of "Srimohini" 1403 B.S. Vaishnavism

41. Bekaratwe Srichaitanya Santi Brahmachari Contribution of Sri Chaita· "Srimohini" 1399 B.S. Abadan (article) nya on the solvation unenployment. 42. Sri chaitanya tirodhan Sudarshan Roy About the demise of "Srimohini" 1398 B.S. Adhyay 0 Madhaber Sri chaitanya Punthi (article) 43. Medinipure Srichaitanya Laxman Ghose Arrical of Sri Chaitanyain "Srimohini", 1395 (article} Midnapore 44. MandirTerra Cottay Dr. Pranab Roy lnfhnece of Sri Gouranga Sharabhuja Sri Gouranga on seulptues on the (article) temples ,~-45 Sri Chaitanya dever Dr. Pradyot Kr. Bhakti mo·Jement of Sri Fifty centnary of Sri --~-~ I . Bhaktibad o Sarbojanima- Maity Chaitanyadev Chaitanya Utsav committe, l_ _ ta (article) smarak grantha Tamluk I 1986 ______1 46. Sri Radha Krishnai Sri Vivejananda Das Life of Srichaitanya " I Chaitanya (article) 1 r· 47. Sri Chaitanya o Banglar Prot. Sh~ama~-~~-p-a-ct_S_r-ic_h_a-it_a_n-ya----+----~--- . - -l ~ nabajsgsaran (article) Maity

1 48. Bhuridata Srichaitanya Nadi Narik Praises of Krishna "Chandra Kona Geetiga~~~ .. (article) ed. Sukumar baneqee I ---·--r------~ r------·-· -- --f------.. -- 49. Sri Krishna prati Gopid... Nadi Barik Praiseshna Chandreakona sahitya ~ 1 I (song) samsad 1396 B.S. · ----·------· . __ _, ______c------.,----+------t------50. Srimati Birahanmal (song) Akhil Ch. Das Suffering of Sri Radha tor Krishna

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