Congressional Record-Senate. May 4

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Congressional Record-Senate. May 4 4396 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MAY 4,_ sion to Russian Blair, Company B, Fifty-fourth Illinois Volun­ L. F. Frey, pastor, and Charles Schneider, W. Senne, and William teers-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Wizner, trustees, representing 218 members, against any change By Mr. MORGAN (by request): A bill (H. R. 6971) for the in the preamble to the Constitution of the United States-to the relief o! William H. Ballard-to the Committee on Military Af­ Committee· on the Judiciary. fairs. By Mr. MEIKLEJOHN: Petition of E.H. Phelps and others, By Mr. NEILL (by request): A bill (H. R. 6972) for the relief against the income tax on incomes of loan and building associa· of Henry McGill, Monroe County, -Ark., to the Committee on tions-to the Committee on Ways and Means. War Claims. Also, petition of H. E. DOt·dendorf and others, against the in­ By Mr. PAYNTER: A bill (H. R. 6973) to place the name of come tax on incomes of loan and buildin~ associations-to the Angus V. Wilson on the muster roll of the Forty-fifth Regiment Committee on Ways and Means. Mounted Infantry Kentucky Volunteers-to the Committee on By Mr. MORSE: Resolution by the Legislature of Massachu­ Militarv Affairs. setts, indorsing House bill 5294 to regulate the mode of removal By Mr. CURTIS of Kansas: A bill(H. R. 6974) to pension Mrs. of letter-carriers-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post- John H. Clark-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Roads. - By Mr. HEARD (by request}: A bill (H. R. 6975) for the relief By Mr. PICKLER: Petition of 121 citizens of Oldham, S. Dnk., o1 the heirs and creditors of Elizabeth Townsend-t.o the Com­ and vicinity, asking for the passage of a law for a postal tele­ mittee on the District of Columbia. graph and telephone by the Government-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. RITCHIE: Resolution of Toledo (Ohio} Medical As­ PETITIONS, ETC. sociation, favoring House bill 5837-to the Committee on Mili­ tary Affairs. Under clause .1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions and pa­ Also, resolution of Toledo (Ohio) Produce Exchange, favoring pers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: reciprocal trade-to the Committee on Wavs and Means. By Mr. BAKER of New Hampshire: f>etition of Charles F. Also, protest of Toledo (Ohio) Medical Association, ag·ainst ap­ Adams and 49 other citizens, W. P. Ba.con nnd 26 other citizens, propriation recommended for maintenance of library of Surgeon­ B. W. Lord and 7 other citizens, all of New Hampshire, for the General's Office-to the Committee on Military Affairs. establishment of a Government telegraph and telephone serv­ By Mr. RUSK: Memorial against the abolition of the custom­ ice-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. house at Annapolis, Md.-to the Committee on Expenditures in By Mr. BLAIR: Petition of Fred G. R. Gordon and 175 other the Treasury Department. citizens of Manchester, Potter Dyball and 100 citizens of East By Mr. SPERRY: Two netitions in favor of the regulation of Canterbury, Thomas Leavitt and 23 other citizens of Exeter, dairy products by State laws-to the Committee on Agriculture. and Nathan B. Whitten and 37 other citizens of Holderness, all By Mr. STEPHENSON: Petition of Frank E. Abbott and 68 in New Hampshire, for the establishment of a Government tel­ other citizens, C. S. Linkletter and 74 othe~ citiz~ns, Andrew egraph a.nd telephone service-to the Committee on the Post­ Henshaw and 88 other citizens, A. D. De Garma and 91 other citi­ Office and Post-Roads. zens, W. L. Ducey and 65 other citizens, S. A. Long and 68 other Also, petition of Annie M. Bliss· and 16 other citizens of Do­ citizens, aU of Michigan, praying for the establishment of a Gov­ ver, N.H., and Chicago, Ill., for the establishmentof a Govern­ ernment telegraph and telephone service-to the Committee on ment telegraph and telephone service-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Also, petition of H. J. Cartright and 50 others, J. N. Torrins Bv Mr. BRICKNER: Petition ·of Excelsior Marine Benevo­ and 14 others, William Constable and 44others,John McNitt and lent· Association, Milwaukee, Wis., signed by 23 citizens, peti­ 86 others, Albert Murray and 14 others, E. B. Bigelow and 25 tioning for the establishing of light-house for signals and light others, Gideon Noel and 22 others, William Gilbert and 94other~, - ships in the waters of Green Bay and Lake Michigan-to the W. H. Green and 18 others, Benjamin F.Pixley and 18 others, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. G. M. Finzel and 101 others, and C. W. Gibson and 12 others, all By Mr. BROSIUS: Petition of 40 citizens of Mount Joy, Lan­ citizens of Michigan, praying for the establishment of a Gov­ caster County, Pa., in favor of House bill5246against immigra­ ernment telegl'aph and telephone system-to the Committee on ... tion-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. CUMMINGS: Petition of the Journalistic Protective Also, petition of A. S. Patrige ·and 117 other citizens of Michi­ Association of New York Qity, praying for favorable action on gan, praying for the establishment of Governmenttelegraph the bill providing for Government ownership of telegraph_sys­ and telephone service-to the Committee on the Post-Office and tems-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Post-Roads. Also, petition of the New York Stereotypers' Union, No.1, of By Mr. UPDEGRAFF: Petition of Daniel Platt, of Cresco, New York City, praying for favorable action on the bill provid­ Iowa, and B. Amenderson, of Decorah, Iowa, against the income ing for Government ownership of telegraphs-to the Committee tax on national building and loan associations-to the Com­ on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. mittee on Ways and Means. Also, petition of the United States Cloak and Suit-Cutters of By Mr. WALKER: Petition of David Manning, and 560 citi­ New York City, favoring the bill providing for Government zens of Worcester, Mass., and vicinity, praying for the enact­ ownership of telegraph systems-to the Committee on the Post- ment of laws restricting immigration-to the Committee on Im­ Office and Post-Roads. · migration and Naturalization. By Mr. ENGLISH: Petition of citizens of Lake County, Cal., in support of the Manderson-Hainer bill-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. GROUT: Petition of Asa H. Peppen, of Washington, SENATE. Vt., and 2.5 others, members of S. C. Smith Post, Grand Army of the Republic, in behalf of the early settlement of the claims FRIDAY, },fay 4, 1894. now pending in the Pel13ion Office-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. The Senate met at 11 o'clock a.m. Also, petition of S. B. White, and62 others; of Topsham, Vt., Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. in favor of the bill to regulate the traffic in oleomargarine-to The Journal of yesterday:s proceedings was read and approved •. the Committee on Agriculture. _ Also, petition of R. M. Pratt, of Putney, and others, for law ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. regulating the sale of oleomargarine-to the Committee on A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. T. 0. Agriculture. TOWLES, its Chief Clerk, announced that the Speaker of the By Mr. HALL of Minnesota: Protests of the Evangelical House had signed the following enrolled bills and joint resolu­ Lutheran Churches of Bergen, Wellington, Young America, tions; and they were thereupon signed by the Vice-President: Goodhue, Arlington, Renville, Cedar Mills, Hay Creek, Water­ A bill (H. R. 6055) to authorize the construction of a bridge town, and Elysian, against proposed constitutional amendment­ over the Monongahela River in the city of Pittsburg; to the Committee on the Judiciarv. A bill (H.R:6073) to extend thelimitsof theportof New York; By Mr. KIEFER: Petition of~ citizens of Stillwater, Dora, A bill (H. R. 6442} to protect the birds and animals in Yellow­ Granite Falls, Albe1·t Lea! Austin, Benson, and other cities of stone National Park, and to punish crimes in said park, and for Minnesota, together with Charles Settgast, E. A. Malone, Nills other purposes; Sorenson, W. K. Mitche11, of St. Paul, and other places in the A jomt resolution (S. R. 74} for proper enrollment of Thomas State, favoring Government ownership of telegraph lines-to R.. Proctor in the Navy of the United States; and ihe Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. A joint resolution {H. Res. 168) instructing the Secretary of By Mr. McCLEAPY of Minnesota: Protest of St. Paul's Evan­ War to return to the State of Iowa the flag of Twenty-second gelical Lutheran Church, of Fairmont, Minn., signed by Rev. Regiment of Iowa Volunteer Infantry. I' 1894. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. PETITIONS AND MEMORTALS. Mr. HARRIS. If there be no debate I shall not object to the Mr. FAULKNER presented the petition of J. B. Drinkard and present consideration of the bill; but yielding to the Senator - 40 other citizens of Bluefield, W.Va., praying that building and from Virginia for that purpose, under the same circumstances­ loan associations, national and local, be exempted from the pro­ I shall feel bound to yield to every other Senator. However, I posed income-tax provision; which was ordered to lie on the do so. with notice that I reserve the right, if it leads to debate, table.
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