Fall 2006 Final Pub.Pub

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Fall 2006 Final Pub.Pub November - 2006 CONNECTING AND IN- FORMING GAY, LESBIAN, BISEXUAL, AND TRANS- GENDER PEOPLE AND THEIR FRIENDS ACROSS by ALYSON HUNTLY Cheri THE UNITED CHURCH OF DiNovo CANADA. oters in Toronto’s Parkdale‐High celebrates WORKING FOR JUSTICE Park provincial riding elected the AND FULL PARTCIPATION her victory minister of an Affirming OF PEOPLE OF ALL SEX- Photo: UAL ORIENTATIONS AND congregation as their new MPP in Peter an Ontario by‐election on Sept. 14. Power/ GENDER IDENTITIES IN Toronto THE UNITED NDP candidate Cheri DiNovo, a Star CHURCH AND community activist and the minister at THE WORLD. Emmanuel‐Howard Park United Church, defeated the Liberal candidate, Toronto city councillor Sylvia Watson, following a race INSIDE THIS noted for personal attacks and allegations of ISSUE smear tactics. DiNovo used the traditional church‐based DiNovo’s Affirming congregation approach of “reading the banns” in 2 Reflections from the recently received Affirm United’s annual advance of the ceremony for parishioners co-chairs award for Affirming ministry Paula Barrero and Blanca Mejias. Theme speaker: 2007 programming. Listening and learning are also 3 Affirming ministries As the minister of an inner city church, important to DiNovo. The Radical award DiNovo believes she is called to welcome Reverend, her radio program on the the poor and marginalized into her University of Toronto station CIUT‐FM, has 4,5,8 Conference congregation. Inclusiveness and respect for a phone‐in component which allows 6 Volunteers of the Year individual differences are hallmarks of listeners to make their own contributions to for 2006 religion as she practices it. each week’s topic. In 2001, DiNovo performed North DiNovo is on leave from her 7 Alberta Affirming American’s first legally recognized same‐ congregations: 8 by congregational duties while she holds her 2008? sex marriage. Issuing licenses for such seat in the Ontario Legislature. marriages was not yet being done, but 9 General Council 10 Accepter la diversité 11 Leadership changes Women from East and West are 12 Claudette Esterine’s 2006 conference ser- mon 2006 volunteers of the Year 14 Membership renewal t its annual general meeting in Affirm United’s Volunteer of the Year Toronto on July 29, Affirm award recognizes individuals who have United recognized three women made outstanding contributions to the as volunteers of the year. Cherie work of the organization; and recognizes MacLeod, from Moncton, along with individuals who have been prophetic in Sandra Lockhart and Annabel Sheppard their witness on behalf of the full from Edmonton were commended for their acceptance and inclusion of GLBT people in advocacy and action on behalf of gay, the United Church and in Canadian society. P.O. Box 57057 Somerset Stn. lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. Story continued on Page 6 Ottawa, ON K1R 1A1 www.affirmunited.ca INSIDE consensus Consensus is the newsletter of Affirm United, an organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their friends within The United Church of Canada. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Affirm United. Your news stories, articles, and letters are always welcome. Consensus Let us make a small roof chamber This was a comfort made real by the inspired energy of the many reserves the right to edit for with walls, length, clarity or style. hands and hearts that prepared a and put there for the holy one: creative space for three diverse Send to; a bed, a table, a chair and a lamp, communities whose unity is [email protected] so that whenever expressed in the call to make room for the holy in all places and in all Consensus the holy one comes to us, 1120 Moselle Cresc. people. Affirm United found its this One can go in there. voice in this gathering. Ottawa, ON II Kings 4: 10 Those who attended our annual K1C 2T2 general meeting spoke of our need to 613-841-2354 be a strong and clear presence in our As I recall our gathering at the Church and in the world. And so it is Together in Toronto conference in July, Contributors to this issue: my prayer that each of us may make this verse from Elisha’s story comes Edward Avey, Ruth Bramham, Ken Delisle, room for the holy in our own midst to me. It describes a room much like Claudette Esterine, Sally Harris, Nicole and make real that welcoming the dorm rooms that many of us Hamel, Roy Holton, Betty Kellner, Read presence in our Church. May it be so Sherman stayed in at the University of among us, within us and through us! Toronto during the conference. It Managing Editor: Alyson Huntly was a delight to discover that a small Editors: Péter Balogh, Oscar Russell, room with only a bed, a table, a chair On behalf of the co‐chairs, Pierre Chartrand and a lamp can offer a surprising Sally Harris Layout: Colleen Adair amount of comfort. Affirm United 2007 conference and annual general meeting avid Guiliano, newly elected United change the world. Church Moderator, will be the Theme We will celebrate the 25th anniversary of Affirm— Facilitator for the 2007 Affirm United Friends of Affirm—Affirming Congregations—Affirm United. There will be a celebratory banquet on Saturday conference. The conference and annual night. general meeting will be hosted in Peterborough, Ontario The theme will focus on the seed that was planted next year, at St. Andrewsʹs United Church, 441 Rubidge 25 years ago—where we started, what we have St. The dates are set for Friday August 3 to Monday accomplished on the journey, where we are headed, and August 6, 2007 (the civic holiday weekend). other “seed stories.” The conference will be called “Never Doubt ...,” More information will follow. Organizers hope to based on a quotation by Margaret Mead: “Never doubt have a registration brochure ready by February. that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can 2 consensus fall 2006 by ALYSON HUNTLY and submitted this to the provincial Registrarʹs office where it was entered legally. However, this was due to a elcome to a church where you belong. clerical error. Where everyone belongs. It doesnʹt matter In presenting the award, Affirm United co‐chair what youʹve done, who you love, or how Sally Harris said: long youʹve been away. Youʹre welcome “As a pioneer in this and many other ways, Emmanuel‐ here, to an affirming, loving church.” Howard Park stands as a place of justice, safety, These are the words that greet visitors to the Web acceptance, and welcome to people of all sexual site of Emmanuel‐Howard Park United Church, a orientations and gender identities. It is our hope that Toronto congregation that in August received Affirm other United Church congregations will be inspired to United’s 2006 annual award for Affirming Ministry take risks, even sometimes at substantial cost, to follow Programming. Christ’s leading in confronting the principalities and The congregation is unequivocal in its welcome, powers that withhold rights of the many from the few.” declaring: Affirm United’s annual award for Affirming “Our church believes that Christ wants us to be ministry programming has two goals. One is to recognize welcoming and loving to everyone—sinner and saint, the creative ways in which congregations and other gay or straight, all races, all genders. Christ sat with the ministries provide on‐going connection, education, and enemies of his day—tax collectors, even with Judas at the support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender last supper. Today the categories may be different, but people; the second goal is to publicly highlight these the message is the same. To be a Christian means to efforts to encourage others in the United Church of welcome and love everyone.” Canada to use them as models for their own activities. The church has two services each Sunday, a more traditional morning service and an evening service that attracts street people, the poor, and anyone who canʹt make it to the morning service. The congregation feeds thousands of needy people each year at a free community supper after the evening service. In receiving the award, Emmanuel‐Howard Park’s minister, Cheri DiNovo, spoke about the pioneering role her Toronto congregation played in the struggle to achieve legal same‐gender marriage in Canada. Emmanuel-Howard Park stands as a place of justice, safety, acceptance, and welcome to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. On September 29, 2001, Emmanuel‐Howard Park Cheri DiNovo (right), minister at Emmanuel- became the first Church to perform a same‐sex marriage Howard Park, receives Affirming Ministry award that was legalized in North America. The congregation from Read Sherman married Paula Barrero and Blanca Davila using banns, fall 2006 consensus 3 he Affirm United annual general meeting took importance of keeping members of the national place July 27 to 30 during the Together in Toronto Affirming Ministries working group updated on conference that was held in conjunction with churches or other ministries that are beginning the other denominations. Over 60 Affirm United Affirming process. It is important for Affirm to be able members participated in the AGM. Highlights of the to offer support and accountability to those in the midst meeting follow: of the Affirming process. The Educational Resources group is looking at changing the role of consultant to Membership make it more relevant. Important reminder to all The total membership in Affirm United increased by members: If you know of an Affirming ministry in over 30 people during this past year, an encouraging sign process, please contact co‐chairs, Brian Mitchell‐Walker of the continuing strength of the organization.
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