/. l MAGNUS METAL CORPORATION Journal Bearings and BronzeEngineCastings NEW YORK -:- -:- CHICAGO STATEMENT OF CONDITION DECEMBER 31,1941 RESOURCES CASH AND DUE FROM BANKS.... ..... , $12,093,862.27 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS, DIRECT AND FULLY GUARANTEED.. ' 7,429,796.B9 Municipa I Bands. .... ...................•..... 555,7B2.4B Otner Marketable Bands and Securities. .. .. 345,633.47 $8,331,212.84 Less: Allocated Reserve, for Bond Premium Amortization 233,510.47 B,097,702.37 loans and Discounts .......................•.................... 6,368,111.33 PREVENT RUST AND CORROSION Rea I Estate Owned ' . 17,631.24 ON RAIL JOINT SURFACES . • • • I nterest a cerued but not collected ..........•.••..••.•..•..•........ 35,878.53 Other Assets .... , .•.....•.• , , , , ••••.• , ••••• , • , •• , •••• ',' •• , , , . 3,078.32 REDUCE COST $26,616,264.06 of MAINTENANCE LIABILITIES NO-QX-ID prevents corrosion aod llfreezing" of Capital Stock. , .•....•... , , , ...•.•.... , $ 600,000.00 rail joints caused by brine drippings. cinders, coal gal, moisture, etc. Surplus .....'. .................................................. 600,000.00 A brushed application 01 NO-OX-ID "A Special" Undivided Profits ,... ..•. .. .• . • 108,623.21 on the rail ends, angle bars, and 'track holts at Reserve for Taxes, Contingencies, etc " . • . 108,032.64 the time rail iI laid will definitely eliminate Hfreezinal." Interest collected but nat earned. ......•............•• . 19,943.07 One large e.,tern railroad made initial applioationl DEPOSITS. ....•............................•........•.• . .. 25,179,665.14 in 1933. Extenaive uae 01 NO·OX-ID "A Special" $25,616,264.06 has followed and today the first applications are in excellent condition. DEARBORN CHEMICAL COMPANY 310 S. Michigan Ave. 205 B. 42nd St. Chicago N", York MERCANTILE NATIONAL BANK NO'O~'ID OF CHICAGO TRON+ 'ARUST 541 WEST lAC KSON BOULEVARD ~ ;, ,.
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