The 9Th June, 2018
WEST BENGAL DENTAL COUNCIL Preliminary Electoral Roll for Election to be held under section 21(a) and 3(a) of the Dentists Act, 1948 (XVI of 1948), to fill the vacancy in the West Bengal Dental Council on the expiration of the term of all the members of this Council. The 9th June, 2018 The following list of persons (Registered Dentists in Part-A) of whose new registeration / renewal for the period upto 31-12-2018 was made within 31st May, 2018, qualified to vote under section 21(a) and 3(a) of the Dentists Act, 1948 (XVI of 1948), is published as the Preliminary Electoral Roll under Rules 3(3) under the Election Rules in W.B. Govt. Notification No.Medl.4818/2D-24/50 dated 14th October 1950 and clause 3 under Chapter-II of Dental Council (Election) Regulations, 1952 framed by Dental Council of India. It is also notified herewith that claims and objections relating to the entries or omission in the Preliminary Electoral Roll will be received by the Returning Officer up to 20th June, 2018 and every such claim or objection shall have to be made by an application in writing which must reach the office of the Returning Officer at Purta Bhavan, 3rd Floor, Room No.303, DF-Block, Salt Lake, Sector-I, Kolkata-700091, not later than 3 p.m. on dated 20th June, 2018. List of persons qualified to vote under Section 21(a) and 3(a) of the Dentists Act, 1948 (XVI of 1948) [See clause (3) of Rules (3) and clause (3) under Chapter-II] Sl.
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