The BELOIT ALUMNUS The Archway. On the corner of College and Emerson Streets, Where squirrels once nibbled their acorn-meats, Where Blaisdell and "Zeus" held chat of the weather Or on chores academic conferred together , They've builded a hall for the Social Sciences, Viewed one at a time or in groups and alliances. Its chairs, hygiwic, are screwed to the floor _- Book-cases, fir e-places, are numbered galore,· The window s are fixed from the left to give light, And w ith fans and w ith flues the air is kept right,· Each " prot' has an office to w hich to rept1ir, And mny even brew tea if for such he should care. But far the best thing in this building-it's true I Is the fa ct that it's made w ith a hole right through- A tube w hwce emerges a glow like rare knowledge, When the sunshine reflects from the bricks of North College: And we sense that the new doth the ancient enfold, And w hat's freshly minted is still the Old Gold. - R. K. RICHARDSON. October, :: :· Nineteen Thirty-One THE BELOIT ALUMNUS OFFICERS AND MEMBERS BELOIT COLLEGE ALUMNI CORPORATION President-Arthur F. Collins, '13, .153 S. Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, Ill. Vice-Pres.-Gerard A. Williams, '97, 9 Randolph St., Oak Park, Ill. Sec.-Treas.-Edith G. Kull, Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. ....- ......-80 Dr. C. S. Bacon, '78, 2333 Cleveland Ave., Chicago, Ill. 1&81-85 Rev. Wilson Denney, '81, 817 Milwaukee Road, Beloit, Wis. 1886-90 Prof. H. D.
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