J'' ., ; 'P/ L T; /.) ' CONTENTS OSC History ______·-----· ------2 Staff 17 Acts ______------·------3, 4, 5, 6 Ticket Information
F r \:j'' ., ; 'P/ l t; /.) ' CONTENTS OSC history ____ _______ ·-----· ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Staff 17 acts ___ ____ ____ __ -------------·------------------------------------------ 3, 4, 5, 6 Ticket information. staff telephone list ------------------------------- 6, 7 Team tra, el itinerary, publicity man's itinerary ----------------------- 8 State's daily newspapers, OSC advance grid schedules ________ 9, 10 Freshman scheclules, PCC standings in '!i8 --------------------------------- J l OSC all-Americans, honors won , Prothro era records ____________ 12 PCC standings, 1937 -J and best attendance marks --------------- 13 OSG's largest crowds. 1958 all-PCC team --------------------------------- 14 Records against PCC and Rig 10 foes , best years all games ____ 15 Intersectional games, i'CC titles won, athletic directors, captains _________ -·- ------------------------------------------------------------ 16, 17 Final OSC 19!i8 individual statistics -------------------------------------- 18, 19 Post World '-\far JI attendance ----------------------------------------------- 20, 21 60 years o[ football. dancing rally girls at OSC ------------------- 21, 22 Past and present pro gridders Crom OSC, single-wing clef en si ve p I an ______ ----------------------------------------------------------------- 23 OSC grid leaders in all departments through the years __________ 24 OSC all-lime individual and team records -------------------------- 25-31 State's largest crowds, returning lettermen, lettermen
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