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SUPPLEMENT TO The London Gazette Of FRIDAY, the 14tft of MAY, 1915.

The Gazette t$ registered at the General Post Office for transmission by Inland Post as a neiospaper. The postage rate to places within the United Kingdom is one halfpenny for each copy. For places abroad tlte rate is a halfpenny for every 2 ounces, except in the case of Canada, to which the Canadian Magazine Postage rate applies.

SATURDAY, 15 MAY, 1915.

War Office, wards for Distinguished Service in the Field, 15th May, 1915. in connection with the successful operations against Dervish forces at Shimber Berris, The President of the French Republic has Somaliland, during the months of November, conferred, with the approval of His Majesty 1914, and February, 1915: — the King, the Decoration of the on the undermentioned Officers, in To be Brevet Lieutenant-— recognition of their distinguished service during the Campaign: — Major and temporary Lieutenant-Colonel T. A. Cubitt, D.S.O., Royal Artillery. Grand Officier. Dated 15th May, 1915. General SirH. L. Smith-Dorrien, G.C.B., D.S.O., Colonel, The Nottinghamshire and To be a Companion of the Distinguished 'Service Derbyshire Regiment. Order— General Sir D. Haig, K.C.B., K.C.I.E., Captain Adrian Carton de Wiart, 4th K.C.V.O., A.D.C.-General, Colonel of the (Royal Irish) Guards. 17th (Duke of Cambridge's Own) Lancers. ~~ Croix de Chevalier, His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the promotion of Major Major S. E. Hollond, The Rifle Brigade Robert Airth Richardson, 1st Warwickshire (The Prince Consort's Own). Yeomanry, to Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, in Lieutenant (temporary Captain) E. L. recognition of his distinguished service and Spiers, llth (Prince Albert's Own) Hussars. gallant conduct on the occasion of a' serious explosion which occurred on the Transport " Wayfarer " on the llth ultimo. His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the undermentioned re- Dated 15th May, 1915.