SUNDAY AUGUST 9, 2015 LOCAL Suspect released after manhunt

By Meshaal Al-Enezi ty. His car was cordoned off by explosives men.

KUWAIT: Security authorities decided to Central Prison release a Saudi national yesterday after he was Assistant Undersecretary for Roads Engineering arrested following a manhunt. The man was at the Ministry of Public Works Engineer Ahmad questioned for refusing to be inspected by a Al-Hussan said the ministry completed 44 per- local mall’s security on Thursday. The incident cent of the central prison infrastructure, as well began when a Saudi national who was pulling as its expansion in order to provide better serv- a suitcase refused to allow security men to ice to the Interior Ministry services building at a inspect the bag. He then boarded a sports-utili- total cost of KD 10,912 million. Engineer Hussan ty-vehicle (SUV) and drove off, prompting said the project aims at linking the central police to launch a manhunt to find out why the prison building with various lanes and use the suspect behaved that way. Police were able to surrounding areas and raise the building’s arrest the vehicle’s owner at Mubarakiya capacities. He added the project also aims at Market’s parking lot, but released the driver providing buildings with fresh water, increasing and the passenger after questioning. The man’s parking capacity, in addition to linking behavior had raised suspicions as authorities Sulaibiya road with Firdous road to serve resi- are not taking any chances in light of the secu- dents of Firdous area and Sulaibiya factories. rity situation following June 26th terrorist He said the project contains 33 km long attack. road network and a total area of 663 meters Zain main partner of the squared. It also has a rain drainage network IS supporter arrested that is 22,312 meters long and sewage of A security source said a Saudi national who 11,939 meters squared. He said the project adopts the Islamic State’s (IS) ideology was includes fiber optics networks to supply build- Avenues charity initiative arrested in Jahra and will be sent to state securi- ings with electricity and street lighting. In collaboration with Red Crescent Society

KUWAIT: Zain, the leading telecommunica- support disadvantaged children who are in It is worth mentioning that Zain has previ- tions company in Kuwait, announced its main need of immediate help because of war or ously been awarded with the Gold Award for partnership of the Avenues charity initiative natural disasters. Several digital smart screens Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility to support disadvantaged children through are placed throughout the Avenues mall and from the Arab Organization for Social the use of smart screens. The campaign use a creative solution to attract and encour- Responsibility. The company spares no efforts comes in collaboration with Kuwait Red age mall visitors to donate as per the official in maintaining its social commitments and Crescent Society. processes of Kuwait Red Crescent Society. human spirit through multiple initiatives like Zain took part in the inauguration ceremo- The company’s partnership of this charity supporting humanitarian aid campaigns dur- ny that took place in the Avenues mall with initiative comes in line with its Corporate ing the past turmoil period, in which the com- the attendance of Kuwait Red Crescent Social Responsibility strategy that seeks to pany offered free calls and SMS services to Society’s Chairman Dr Hilal Al Sayer. Zain’s contribute to the welfare of the society in Palestine for a whole week, in addition to pro- main partnership comes in line with its several ways. Zain prides itself on its long- viding the opportunity for its customers to Corporate Social Responsibility and track of records and contributions it has put donate by sending a free text message that is Sustainability strategies to take part in chari- in philanthropic areas. The company strongly donated to humanitarian aid to the people of table programs that contribute to the welfare believes that such initiatives help infuse a Gaza. In addition, the company donated an of local and regional communities. sense of responsibility into members of the amount of half a million US dollars that was The campaign aims at encouraging mall society, to help support those who are in earmarked for food and medical supplies for Environment police visitors to donate a small amount of money to need of help. the needy. inspect Kubbar Island Global growth to positively Local spotlight

KUWAIT: The Environment Police and find suitable solutions for it. The impact oil prices: Omair Five years after Department, which is under the visit was made at the request of By A Saleh be submitted to General Security sector, made an Assistant Undersecretary for Borders Minister Hind Al- the Arab Spring inspection visit to Kubbar Island to Security Major General Sheikh KUWAIT: Oil Minister and State Minister for Subaih. Sources check for environmental problems Mohammad Al-Yousuf Al-Sabah. National Assembly Affairs Ali Al-Omair said oil said the study sup- producing countries expect a world economy ports privatization growth that will take place in the coming period and stresses its and will have a positive effect on oil prices in the importance to future. Minister Omair added they are totally serve citizens and By Muna Al-Fuzai assured about the implementation of the oil achieve better eco- strategy that is set until 2020 and will continue nomic returns to its implementation until they reach a production the country instead rate of four million barrels. Omair noted Kuwait of money squan- has outstanding relations with importing coun- dering violations. Ali Al-Omair tries, be it in Asia or in Europe, as Kuwait is able to maintain its market share in world markets. [email protected] Meanwhile, Minister Omair issued a decision Health insurance law postponed to attach the internal audit group and legal The health insurance law for pensioners, which t has been nearly five years since the Arab Spring affairs department to the office of the chairman the Health Ministry seeks to implement this revolutions engulfed the streets and occupied of the board of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, month, is facing some obstacles that may post- Iheadlines and many people lost their lives to which is him, instead of CEO Nizar Al-Adsani. The pone it until next month. Sources said the min- bring change for the better - change that raised sev- minister issued the decision to form a committee istry is in contact with insurance companies to eral slogans against corruption and military regimes, to look into the notes and violations mentioned agree on the mechanism of implementing the but never for freedom! Do Arabs even understand in the Audit Bureau report on the oil sector. law, yet there are issues that are still being dis- freedom? Why didn’t the Arabs seek freedom in the cussed. They said the financial issues top the list revolutions instead of replacing an old power with a of non-agreed upon matters especially since the new one?! Study to privatize co-ops finished companies are presenting prices that are higher This article is not a social or a political study, but The study to privatize cooperatives is now ready than what the ministry presented. at the Social Affairs and Labor Ministry and will we have to look at the subject of freedom compre- hensively that exceeds wearing miniskirts or veils, to the absence of free thinking. While we were Crimes applauding the Arab Spring, we missed the point report Five persons detained that any real change must enhance freedom, other- wise all efforts are wasted. Freedom in any society must be based on two during traffic campaigns main factors - freedom of expression and freedom to participate in national decision-making without KUWAIT: Capital Traffic Department launched sev- 3,150 tickets and impoundment of 110 vehicles being penalized for having an opposite opinion or a eral campaigns in , Shuwaikh and and detention of five persons. different point of view. This is the inherent under- Second Ring Road which resulted in the issuance of standing of freedom and democracy, which has not been achieved in any country that was affected by the Arab Spring. The Arabs clearly failed in rearrang- ing their home countries after the revolutions because of a lack of understanding the freedom they wanted, with access to power and decision- making. The Arab revolutions revealed the fragility of the so-called civil institutions of the civil society. These groups are meant to focus on human development in the absence of leadership and internal organiza- Man critically wounded tion, because people are ignorant over ways of par- in four-car collision ticipation and decision-making. For many years, no one had the freedom to decide, and this was evi- dent in most of the Arab Spring countries. Five years By Hanan Al-Saadoun have passed since the Arab Spring occurred and KUWAIT: Airport firemen responded to a call about a four- those who are still imprisoned or perished don’t vehicle accident and removed a number of injured people even know why! out of the vehicles. The persons, including one man who The Arab Spring brought chaos and activated as sustained critical injuries, were handed over to paramedics. well as fuelled many terrorist groups such as the A case was filed to investigate the circumstances behind Muslim Brotherhood and a number of militants such the accident. as IS and Khorasan to turn those places into fields for killing innocents. The Arab Spring motivated so- called foreign fighters to move from their home ‘Suicide’ countries to lands that have no connection with A security source said that a person hanged himself in them, while their governments are turning a blind Al-Watiya compound’s parking lot. Police found the eye and are scared to take them back. Indian man hanging dead from a rope tied around his People must understand that freedom has no neck. The prosecutor ordered the case to be treated as ceiling or limits. I am free in every way as long as I a felony case. do not hurt people or the state - after all, freedom belongs to all people. Human rights organizations in Arab countries must convey the message that peo- Fires reported around Kuwait ple’s freedom is not in the hands of powers or insti- Several fires broke out in different accord- tutions. ing to the Kuwait Fire Service Directorate (KFSD). The first It is unfortunate that the demand for freedom in fire was reported in Hadiya near a co-op branch and was the Arab world is based on what is permitted under put out by Mangaf firemen. The second fire was in a vehicle the customs and traditions of the community, that was on Seventh Ring Road heading towards Kuwait International Airport. Mubarak Al-Kabeer firemen put it because the so-called clergy draws a certain per- out. The third fire happened in a Jahra power transformer, spective of freedom, limiting freedom of choice and while it was being maintained. The power was cut off and thinking and associating these rights with societal fire was isolated before being put out. One electricity approval. This is a mistake that swallowed countries, emergency team member was injured. Another trans- and people paid for it. former was reported on fire in Shuhada, South Surra. So after five years of revolutions, change is only firemen responded to the scene and put out the partial. fire which was caused by an overload.