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District Disaster Management Plan-2019 Bhavnagar Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority and District Collector Office – Bhavnagar Foreword “Disaster Management is everybody’s business” We live in a fast changing global environment where peril and risk to human society abound. Disaster has the ability to maim and kill people. They destroy property and the environment. Yet, disasters occur and re-occur with lasting detrimental consequences. NDMA's guiding principles for the preparation of the Plan at district level has been to draft the Plan in a participatory approach with the preparatory process essentially strengthening the communities, elected local bodies and administration's response and preparedness. I am extremely pleased with the deep involvement, support and cooperation of various stakeholders from community, line departments and other important groups in the preparation of the DDMP Bhavnagar. I am hopeful that the Bhavnagar District Disaster Management Plan and its process guidelines would inspire other Districts to follow the multistakeholder participatory approach. The Plan also lays out the coordination structures at varied levels along with defined level for response as per the impact of the incident. I hope that this plan will be widely used by all the stakeholders in Bhavnagar encouraging us to make participatory multi-stakeholder plan for other districts of Gujarat as well. The multi-hazard District Disaster Management plan of Bhavnagar is divided in two Parts. Part-1 is a comprehensive document covering all possible hazards, with a systematic analysis of risk and vulnerability, element at risk and level of impact through scientific method and experience, it also include the IRS. Part-2 is all about informative details of the district. Hope the updated DDMP 2019 shall be immensely useful to all departments and agencies and shall prove to be beneficial to public at large. Harshad Patel (IAS) Collector & District Magistrate Bhavnagar Preface Disaster risk reduction must be an everyday concern for everybody. Due to natural and man made disasters people are being tested time to time. As on today, it is observed that people of gujarat are strong and bold to counteract disasters confidently. Technology is developed to work with such disasters. Bhavnagar district is vulnerable towards multiple types of disasters. So, It is very necessary to be prepared for and respond in a timely manner to it. Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority and Collector Office Bhavnagar prepare the communities and Government Officials from grass root level to top level for securing quick response mechanism under the Disaster Risk Management Programme. There are four DRM Components; These are Capacity Building, Awareness Generation, Mock drill and Plan Preparation. There are some other programmes like; Gujarat School Safety Programme and Apadamitra project headed by GSDMA for preparing community. I am elated by this Bhavnagar District Disaster Management Plan as it has been developed in a consultative manner with constant inputs and feedbacks from all the stakeholders. This Plan has moved beyond the reactive relief based approach and has a concise plan of actions for different stakeholders at District level for disaster risk reduction, emergency response and recovery. This District Disaster Management plan is a necessary document for reducing risks due to hazards and vulnerability; I hope this great document would be really helpful for protecting life and properties as well as sustainable development in the future. Umesh Vyas (GAS) Resident Additional Collector Bhavnagar District Disaster Management Committee Sr. Designation Position Remarks No. in DDMC 1 Collector/ District Magistrate Chairman 2 District Development Officer Member 3 District Superintend of Police Member 4 DCF, Forest Member 5 Resdential Additional Collector Member 6 District Supply Officer Member 7 District HomeGuard Commandant Member 8 Exe. Engineer-R&B State Member 9 Exe. Engineer-R&B Panchayat Member 10 Exe. EngineerR&B State Irrigation Member 11 Exe. Engineer- Water Supply Member 12 Superintending Engineer- PGVCL Member 13 Superintendent Civil Hospital Member 14 CDHO Member 15 District Agriculture Officer Member 16 Dy.Director Animal Husnundary Member 17 District Primary Education officer Member 18 District Educatin Officer Member 19 Port Officer Member 20 Airport-Director Member 21 DRM-Railway Member 22 Divisional Controller-State Transport Member 23 Regional Transport Officer Member 24 Regional Officer-GPCB Member 25 Dy.Director-DISH Member 26 Dy. Director-Information Department Member 27 Dy. Controller –Civil Defense Member 28 District Munivipality Officer/Chief Fire Officer Member 29 NGO Member Member 30 Media Person Member 31 All SDM Member SDM, Bhavnagar Member SDM, Sihor Member SDM, Palitana Member SDM, Mahuva Member SDM, Talaja Member LIST OF ABBREVIATION/ACRONYMS GSDMA: GUJARAT STATE DISASTER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY DCO: DISTRICT COLLECTOR OFFICE DCR: DISTRICT CONTROL ROOM EOC: EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTER BMC: BHAVNAGAR MUNICIPAL CORPORATION DC: DISTRICT COLLECTOR DDO: DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT OFFICER MC: MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONER DSP: DISTRICT SUPRITENDENT OF POLICE RAC: RESIDENSIAL ADDITIONAL COLLECTOR DRMP: DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME CBDM: COMMUNITY BASED DISASTER MANAGEMENT CBDP: COMMUNITY BASED DISASTER PREPAREDNESS IDRN: INDIA DISASTER RESOURCE NETWORK SDRN: STATE DISASTER RESOURCE NETWORK DDMP: DISTRICT DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN DDMC: DISTRICT DISASTER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE CDMP: CITY DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN CDMC: CITY DISASTER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE TDMP: TALUKA DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN TDMC TALUKA DISASTER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE VDMP: VILLAGE DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN VDMC: VILLAGE DISASTER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE SDMP: SCHOOL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN IEC: INFOR MATION EDUCATION COMMUNICATION ICS: INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM SOP: STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE CMG: CRISIS MANAGEMENT GROUP NAC: NOTIFIED AREA COUNCIL NCC: NATIONAL CADET CORPS NSS: NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME NGOS: NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION ULB: URBAN LOCAL BODIES UEVRP: URBAN EARTHQUAKE VULNERABILITY REDUCTION PROGRAM AC: AREA COMMANDER ESF: EMERGENCY SUPPORT STAFF GSU: GROUND SUPPORT UNIT IAP: INCIDENT ACTION PLAN ISS: INCIDENT STATUS SUMMARY UC: UNMIFIED COMMANDER TUL: TIME UNIT LEADER SUL: SITUATION UNIT LEADER TS: TECHNICAL SPECIALIST TB: TRANPORTATION BRANCH RO: RESPONSIBLE OFFICER LO: LIAISON OOFFICER NO: NODAL OOFICER IRS: INCIDENT RESPONSE SYSTEM IRTS: INCIDENT RESPONSE TEAM IC: INCIDENT COMMANDER ICP: INCIDENT COMMAND POST ICS: INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM LS: LOGISTIC SECTION LSC: LOGISTIC SECTION CHIEF OS: OPERATION SECTION OSC: OPERATION SECTION CHIEF PS: PLANNIG SECTION PSC: PLANNING SECTION CHIEF GSSP: GUJARAT SCHOOL SAFETY PROGRAMME NCRMP: NATIONAL CYCLONE RISK MITIGATION PROGRAMME Part-1 Chapter Sr. Description Page No. No 1 1 Introduction 1.1 What is disaster? 1.2 Aims and Objectives 1.3 Evolution of the plan 1.4 How to use the plan 1.5 Authority for the plan 1.6 Stakeholders and their responsibilities 1.7 Approval of the plan 1.8 Plan review and updation 2 2 Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Assessment 2.1 Matrix of past disasters in the district 2.2 Hazard Risk Vulnerability Assessment – Authority that carried out HRVA 2.3 Tool and methodology used for HRVA 2.4 List of Hazards with probability 2.5 List of Vulnerable Talukas and villages (Hazard wise) 2.6 Resource Analyses 2.7 Capasity Analyses 2.8 Outcome and recommendations of the Hazard, Risk, Vulnerability and capacity analysis 3 3 Institutional Arrangements 3.1 D.M.organizational structure in the State 3.2 D.M.organizational structure in the District 3.3 District Crisis Management Group (Task Force) 3.4 District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) 3.5 Insident Response System in the District 3.6 EOC setup and facilities available with the location 3.7 Alternate EOC if available and its location 3.8 Public and private emergency service facilities available in the district 3.9 Forecasting and warning agencies 4 4 Prevention and Mitigation Measures 4.1 Prevention measures in development plans and programs 4.2 Special project proposed for preventing the disasters 4.3 Hazard wise mitigation measures 4.4 Hazard wise non-structural mitigation measures Summary of mitigation measures 4.5 Specific projects for vulnerable group 5 5 Preparedness Measures 5.1 Identification of stakeholders involved in disaster response 5.2 Formation of persons and training for- (A) Search & Rescue (B) Early warning (C) Evacuation (D) Damage and Loos Assessment 5.3 Training need analyses 5.4 Arrengements for training and capacity building 5.5 Activation of Incident Response System in the district 5.6 Protocol from seeking help from other agencies 5.7 Checking and certification of logistics, equipments and stores 5.8 Operational check-up for warning system 5.9 Operational check-up for Emergency Operation Centre 5.10 Seasonal inspection for facilities and critical infrastructure 5.11 Command and coordination- identification of quick response teams 5.12 NGOs and other stakeholders coordination 5.13 Seasnol preparedness for seasonal disasters 5.14 Community awareness, education and preparedness 5.15 Community warning system 5.16 Procurement 5.17 IDRN/SDRN updation 5.18 Protocol and arrengments for VIP visits 5.19 Media management / information dissemination 5.20 Documentation 6 6 Response Measures (Multi-Hazard) 6.1 Response flow chart 6.2 Warning and alert 6.3 District CMG meeting 6.4 Activation of EOC 6.5 Response planning, preparedness and assumption- Quil