THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authorrty of the Repubhc of Kenya
SPECIAL ISSUE THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authorrty of the Repubhc of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 ) Vol. LXIX-No 34 NAIROBI, 4th July 1967 Price Sh 1/50 CONTENTS The National Assembly Elections (Registration of Voters) Regulations 1964 and The Local Government Elections Rules 1966-Notices to Electors 704 SUPPLEMENT No. 52 Bzlls 1967 (Published as a Special Issue on 3rd July 1967) SUPPLEMENT No 53 Acts 1967 SUPPLEMENT No 54 Acts 1967 ' 704 TH F, K EN YA G AZET TE 4th July 1967 GAZETTE N OTTCE N O 2420 - --- Regtstratton Umt No Place of Regkstratton TH E N ATION AL ASSEM BLY ELECTION S (REGISTRATION OF VOTERS) REGULATION S 1964 (L N 56 of 1964) NYBRI DISTRICT Kam u 364 Oë ce of the Dlstrlct Oflicer, THE LOCAL GOVERN M EN T ELECTION S RU LES 1966 M athlra (L N 101 o! 1966) Gatundu 365 ,, N Chehe (lncludlng Cheho 366 ,, olqcs To El-Bc'roits Forest Statlon) NOTICE ls heleby gwen that lt ls proposed to com plle new KaD yu 367 , reglsters of electors for the purpose of the electlon of m em bers GR atgealt l 3698 ,, to- G athelm 370 ,, ,, (aj the Natlonal Assembly, Oalkuyu CTA'' 371 > (b) Local Authontles G aclklwuyku $$B'' 3732 ,' , A1l persons who wlsh to be reglstered as electols for the Barlcho 374 ,, purpose of elther or both of these electlons, and who are lcuga 375 ,, qualé ed to be so reglstered Gakuyu 376 ,, , m ust attend personally before the K R eglstratlon Om cer or A sslstant Reglstratlon OK cer for the M abroaltglnoaln Tl ownshlp a3,7J98 ,, reglstratlon um t ln whlch they are qualé ed to be reglstered, Tjuu
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