Notices Visiting Committee the Visiting Committee of the Board Of

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Notices Visiting Committee the Visiting Committee of the Board Of Q Tl—ILTLCl-INICIAN 7 uo‘nru CAROLIDA 5111's. coLLace's'waaKLv navsbA-paa Vol. XL, No. 5 State College Station, Raleigh, N. C. Oct. 13, was . ,. Please! Notices The Collegions Visiting Committee The Visiting Committee of To Play For the Board of Trustees will be Juniors Are Slow w here Wednesday, October 19. Engineers’ Ball Any student wishing to make a statement should notify Jim A gala event for State College Nolan, president of the student Engineering students, the 22nd Paying Class Dues ‘ body, or Student Affairs Office, annual Engineers’ Ball, has been 13 Holladay Hall. set for Saturday, October 22, “Are you, the juniors, going through junior class dues says ‘ * * II from 8 p.m. until midnight in to support your Jr-Sr Dance? Doug Gunnell, junior class vice- , _ Off Campus Students the William Neal Reynolds Coli- asks Junior Class President president. ‘ Hugh Linsley. “The Any off-campus student who ' seum at the college. success of “Payment of junior class does ' ;‘ did not receive a Technician The big dance for. engineers one of the most cherished life- long remembrances of your col- entitle the students to receive ‘ last week, or any off-campus and their dates has been planned bids to the Jr-Sr both when they student who has changed ad- by the Engineers’ Council. The lege career is now in your con- Collegians from East Carolina trol,” warns Linsley. _ are juniors and when they are dress, please leave your name seniors,” reminds Linsley. and correct address at the College will provide music. The junior class dfficers are Technician office, Room 138, 1911 Pictured above are the new Air Force ROTC Cadet Wing Faculty Invited attempting to obtain a name “Pay your dues now so the Building and your name will be Officers with the Detachment Commanding Officer and the Direc- The council has announced band to play for the Jr-Sr, but band contract can be awarded added to the mailing list. tor of Leadership Training. Those pictured are (from left to that all engineering students this is impossible unless the and the committee can proceed Ill It! It right) Colonel James F. Risher, Detachment C.O., Cadet Lt. Col. and faculty members plus, a financial support is available with.our plans,” said-Gunnell. Free Passes Burdick, Cadet Lt. Col. Whisnant, Cadet Col. Hardison, Cadet number of guests, are expected Lt. Col. Brehm, Cadet Major Pickett, 0 The Ambassador, Village and Cadet Lt. Col. Johnson, to attend the Ball. The council Sample Bid ' Varsity theaters are sponsoring Cadet Major Huskey and Captain V. L. Nunenkamp, Director of itself, together with all others WVWP’s Mystery M e l o d i as. Leadership Training. who are making arrangements INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL—N. C. STATE COLLEGE! These Melodies are played every for the dance, will be entertain- RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA ' 'night‘ between 6:00 and 12:00 ed at a banquet just prior to p.m. For the correct name of the the ball. ..................................19...... melody WVWP will send you Air Force Appoints Officers for this year’s council Mr............................................... You are invited to join the two free passeslto one of these are John R. Combs, Leaksville, following Fraternity : You are directed to theaters. Tune in the 580 spot president; Lonnie A. Grant, Ra- indicate your acceptance or rejection by reporting to the Coordinator of Student on your radio dial each night. leigh, vice-president and chair- Activities within 48 hours at 13 Holladay Hall. Bring all bids, whether accepted Ill it! Ill Temxporo ry Officers man of the dance committee; or rejected, to this office. Hours from 8:30 am. to 5:00 p.m. If you receive BSU Walter C. Thomas, Charlotte, more than one bid, bring them all to this Office. The State College Baptist Stu- Colonel James F. Risher, Pro- onel Jimmy A. Whisnant, Direc- secretary and cha' an of the I wish to ACCEPT ( ) REJECT ( dent Union will make its first fessor of Air Science at State, tor of Material, Hickory; Cadet floor committee; an William D. _ ) the bid to the above listed fraternity. visit to Womans College on Oc- announced this week the ap- Major Henry W. Pickett, Infor- Wilkinson, Greensboro, treasur- Signed : tober 22. Transportation will be pointments of temporary Wing mation Service Officer, ,Durham; er. Local Address : ....................... Cadet Officers. In stating that by chartered bus, leaving the and Cadet Major P ‘by P. Committee Chairmen Curriculum : .......................... Home Address : ....................... BSU Center, 2702 Hillsboro St. the positions are only tempor- Huskey, Wing Adjutant, Joving- Other committee chairmen. for ary, Colonel Risher at 1:15 p.m. on Saturday after- pointed out ton, Tenessee. the dance are Jim DeFoor, Chat- Printed noon and leaving' Greensboro at that these men were chosen above is a replica of the bid which will be mailed to C a d e t Group Commanders tanooga, Tenn., banquet chair- each boy who has been accepted for membership in one of the 12:00 p.m. to return to the State carefully for their positions and were also appointed as follows: man; Hal Brinson, New Bern, College campus. Round trip costs that, if they proved satisfactory, social fraternities. Each person receiving a bid should fill it in Cadet Lieutenant Colonel John in charge of arrangements; and take it to Room 13 of Holladay Hall. The bids will including supper will be $2.50. they would probably receive the R. Rogers, Commander, Group David Gurley, Rocky Mount, be mailed positions permanently at the end on the afternoon of October 18 and must be returned by October Sign up on a list posted on the I; Cadet Lieutenant Colonel wairman of decorations; and 21 at 5:00 p.m. bulletin board in the front hall of this month. Joseph McP. Hatcher, Command- illiam Quinlivan, Wilmington, of the Baptist Student Center. The Cadets and their positions der, Group II, Fayetteville; and publicity chairman. If! * ill . are as follows: Cadet Colonel Cadet Lieutenant Colonel John Bids for the Engineers Ball Frank Pethel, Faculty-Staff Jasper H. Hardison, Wing Com- G. Dawson, Commander, Group will be available on October 13 Trot. Comm. Chair. In the interest of improving mander, Fayetteville; C a d e t III, Charlotte. and 14 in the YMCA building. Frank Pethel, a native of of the other members of the the\faculty-student relationship, Lieutenant Colonel George E. The Cadet Wing is larger Cann, N. C., was elected Chair- College Union Committeemen} Burdick, Deputy Win'g Comman- group- . o than last year by approximately Captain Victor L. Nunenkamp man of the College Traffic Com- Pethel promised in an inter- are presently canvassing the der, Raleigh; Cadet Lieutenant one hundred men. There are two is the staff Director of Leader- mittee this week. Pethel, a Navy Nclear—An.- ‘ i. campus selling memberships to view that he would try to give Colonel William H. Brehm, In- general classes of Cadets, sub- ship Training this year. He has veteran, is a junior in Electrical fair and impartial treatment and the College Union. All interest- spector General, Philadelphia; divided into AS I’s, II’s, 111’s assumed his new duties follow- Engineering. - hearing to all students who ap- ed faculty and staff are invited Cadet' Lieutenant Colonel John and IV’s. This year there are ing his arrival at State last year He was appointed _ 'sto purchase a membership from to the Traf- pear before the Traffic.Appeals A. Johnson, Director of Opera- 533 freshmen, 361 sophomores, and the reassignment of .Cap- fic Committee this fall by Presi- Court and that he would- keep i the Union Committeemen or at tions and Training, Rocky 82 juniors and 72 seniors for an tain N. McNair, last year’s Di- the main desk in the Union. We dent Jim Nolan and was elected the interests of the students in Mount; Cadet Lieutenant Col- overall wing strength of 1,048. rector. Chairman by a unanimous vote the foreground when. the Com— lt hope to have the faculty and staff well represented in our mittee meets with the Chan- membership in the Union. cellor or otherCollege officials. at: * * r’s Boll October 22 . Rifle Team A Switch! Girl's Army ROTC Rifle Team has / . begun tryouts for its 1955-1956 / \\ ' School, Wants Boys team. Anyone interested in fir- That wonderful place in the . ing on this team should contact beautiful state of Virginia call- l SFC Heuser or Sgt. roffer any ed Averette College has invited afternoon this week. The range 200 State boys to a dance. The will be open 'each afternoon informal danee (coat and tie) from 1400 to 1700 hours. Cadets will take place October 15 at do not need any prior experience. the Dan River Country Club. Dancing will be from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. followed by a midnight Ticket Prices snack in Averette College din- ing room. Reduced For . The Averette girls have visit- ‘ I State Students ed our campus once this you- 3 and are planning to return th 3, . Students, faculty members, month for our Costume Bell. ‘ employees, their families, and Let’s show our appreciation by ' 'guests will be interested to turning out full force for ME know that reduced prices will dance. be in effect for them for the !~O " pening performance of “Ice :3 i - apades of 1956.” The show will ~: be at William Neal Reynolds Coliseum on Monday night, Oc- 3"." W/ll/Z /// tobér 31, at 8:30 o’clock. .5 Attend All personnel and students of Iii ,State will be given the oppor- -— tunity of buying regular $3.00 ”I,1Wétll.v’:T- Pep Rally tickets for $2.00, regular $2.50 ‘kfi‘ tickets for $1.75, regular $2.00 174; tickets for $1.50, and regular $1.50 tickets for $1.00.
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