JULY 1955 Volume 6 No. 7



General Summary of Weather Conditions------229

Condensed Climatological Data - States------230

Climatological Data - Stations------231

Heating Degree Days------235

Storm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena------236

General Summary of River and Flood Conditions------256

Flood Stage Data------256


Radiosonde Data------257

Pilot Balloon Data------261

Rawin Data------262


Solar Radiation Intensities------264

Blue Hill Data------265

Net Radiation------265

Daily Totals and Average Daily Totals by Weeks------266


NOTE.--This publication contains all of the climatic data for- merly printed in the MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW.

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Monthly 30 cents and annual 50 cents per copy; yearly subscription, including monthly and annual issues, $4.00 domestic, $5.50 foreign. Checks and money orders should be made payable to the Superintendent of Documents. Remittance and correspondence regarding subscriptions should be sent to "Superin- tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C."2 CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA


GENERAL SUMMARY OF WEATHER CONDITIONS Persistent heat and high humidity in middle and light to moderate snow was reported by several northern areas east of the Rocky Mountains featured stations in the Cascade Mountains and northern the weather of July 1955. Temperatures were about Rockies early in the month. seasonal in the South, but remained at well-below PRECIPITATION.--The heaviest rains of the month normal levels in the far West. Precipitation., of fell in the Southern States, in nearly every one the usual thundershower type, was above normal over of which the greatest monthly totals exceeded 10 the major portion of the Country, although notably inches topped by 17.70 inches at Van Clene, Miss. deficient in the central Great Plains and Northeast. Rains in these States were well distributed through Thunderstorms, often accompanied by damaging wind the month, thereby maintaining good soil moisture and hail, were unusually numerous west of the and good to excellent crop prospects. Great Lakes, in the South, and in the far South- Rains were also frequent and plentiful west of west. Several damaging flash floods were also the Great Lakes where frontal activity was greater reported from the far West. Hot, dry weather than elsewhere. Statewide averages were three caused a sharp decline of some crops in the central times the normal in Washington and twice normal Great Plains and Northeast. in Oregon. Crops were good, and stock water TEMPERATURE.--Hot, humid weather east of the generally ample. Rockies, beginning during the closing days of In Arizona thunderstorms brought the rainiest June, became well established during the first July in 34 years. Phoenix had 4.19 inches, the few days of July and continued uninterruptedly most in 44 years and about six times the July through the remainder of the month except for a normal of 0.70 inch. All of these rains came brief break in the Northeast on the 13th and 14th after the beginning of the summer thunderstorm and in the North Central Interior about midmonth. period on the 10th. By the end of the month stock The persistent heat was responsible for the water was generally ample and crops greatly im- highest average temperature and the greatest proved. New Mexico and western Texas also shared number of days with 900 or above on record for in the benefits of this thunderstorm activity. July at many stations. Some of the larger cities In Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and eastern reporting their highest average temperature for Colorado rainfall was well below normal and the July were: Chicago, Ill., 81.30; Detroit, Mich., corn crop was cut sharply, some beyond recovery. and Cleveland, Ohio, 79.10; Baltimore, Md., 83.50; Rainfall was also greatly deficient in New Philadelphia, Pa., 81.40; , 79.70; England, the Middle Atlantic States, and Lower Hartford, Conn., 77.00; and Richmond, Va., 81.30. Michigan. Baltimore. Md., measured only 0.30 Stations, other than most of those above, having inch for the month, a new low record for July. the greatest number of days with 900 or above for The average rainfall for New Jersey, 1.13 inches July included Fort Wayne, Ind., 20; Columbus, Ohio, or 3.52 inches below normal, was also a ; Syracuse and Albany, N. Y., 14 and 19 respec- record for that State, the previous lowest average tively; Concord, N. H., 18; , Mass., 14; being 1.36 inches in 1910. Crops In the eastern Portland, Maine, 8; and Harrisburg, Pa., 21 days. portions of the Middle Atlantic States suffered Also statewide averages were the highest on record considerable damage from the dry, hot weather and for Pennsylvania and Delaware (previous records those in the western sections as well as those in in 1901), New Jersey and Maryland (previous records Lower Michigan and New England needed rain badly in 1949). At a few stations in the Ohio Valley at the end of the month. the temperature was above normal every day of the DESTRUCTIVE STORMS.--One of the worst hailstorms month. The highest temperatures in most of this in recent years occurred in Billings, Mont., and area occurred during the last week and were cen- vicinity on the 6th. Some stones were reported tered over Iowa and eastern Nebraska. The tempera- to be 3.5 inches in diameter. Damage was esti- ture at Des Moines, Iowa, averaged 120 above nor- mated at $6,000,000. This storm also produced mal for that week and maxima equaled or exceeded the heaviest 30-minute rainfall on record there, 1000 on the last 5 days with a high of 1050 on and on the same day the first verified tornado the 31st. On the same date Omaha, Nebr., reported in that locality occurred about 10 miles east of 1080 and Gannvalley and Midland, S. Dak., 1100. the city. In most of the far West July was theeighth con- Lightning was responsible for $505,000 losses in secutive month with below normal temperatures. Green Bay, Wis., where several wood pulp storage In some sections the cool period was even longer. warehouses burned on the 27th,and $500,000 dam- For example at Fresno, Calif., July, with an aver- age in Jackson, Miss., where a transformer was age temperature of 76.20, marked the fourteenth struck on the 29th. consecutive cool month. Portland and Medford, One of the month's worst flash floods occurred Oreg., had their coolest July since 1909 and 1916 on the 9th and 10th in Sioux City, Iowa, causing respectively. Winnemucca, Nev., recorded its losses estimated at $1,500,000. absolute minimum, 290, for July on the 5th, and


T"bb I JULY1955

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* |> Sbtioo i Grreba-ti stotioo Isa .3 ff eC [z 54- > Sibon | . -F !lai IbI I 15 061 Doe 5vi110 1.86 Alaban. I0 0 ac 1021 6 61 1 7.25 1.76 F"irop' 00600. reber | .05 Ari. 00 728 Dabbed 116 51 27 S 2.861. tn 12N .8441 1e Sogpar 00000 30 Art..... 6S1.7 T7 ...orclr. 104 26 3 Stetito 60 2 365 07 C-rlisl ISIN 9.38 72.6 - . Cr-oc 121 16 Twin 1.0km 20 5 . 16 .06 M..0t01 Pass 3.36 324 Stations .00 ingfiold StW .03 Colorado 69.4 2.0 2 La5100 105' 13ISyPIcr 2NY 19 8 1.43 -. 59 Foioploy 3.86! Spr Ken T9 Coonectlcot 75.6 5.4 Waterbdry City tall 101 6 1FoioS Vllagr 41 30 2.47 -1.43 Laurel R-servoir i 7. 991 nt GOorgtot SSN55 14 1.47 -3.14 G.. get..o. SSW 3.60ii sioglon N CostleI .16 Delaware 80.5 4.3 Milford 1021 22 I531 aB P botrne Florida 80D9 -.4 NlOtl10l| 99! 18 500010,, 60 9o 7.00i -. 405Naply- 16.421MeI .11 .n. ick CAA AP Georgia -.1 etwanc lOS 8 8l ,rstSll0 top St..! 40 I tp2| 1.19lT0y tWouooio 14.47 BDr 1.51 80.2 .02 Idaho 66.6 -1.8 2 Stot.on. 1I10 I5 2 Sttoll j 22 2 .36 Aoery RS 3.96i S0o 20 No*rtog, 25 3.41 .18!G~reeupp859,G0. .26 80 4.1 Clarri borg | 109 52 1 .04 Wabsh 53 13 | 4.80 1.47j arioo 2N , 7 88| 11ightstown lltr.Nks. 79.2 3.6 CollIgconllr 8tJoSC 102 21 Ot adilso 3.29 0 I6100City 10.72! For .21 I-dlose a 79.8 4.92 Stotloxo 109 S0olacehalltowo 521 24 _.32 T 83.1 2.S do 109 7,|Nc Do-sId 14 1 65 -1.30 Plroctoo 5.2112 S Stat i .. Hp pkico oil Ir 1.00 Keatucky 79 .4 2.3 PFrioe-to 100 27 Frockfort Loot 4 5355 lI1 4.14 .02 Shelbyl lle 23 11.37| 1011000 . Bod I.44 Loot 01 Ma 81.2 -1.0 Loko Proide..r 101 10 New Iberia She 62 33 9.01 3.46 Loke A0th-6 17.21 .49 MaI e 70.3 3.1 Killmlkoohr Sa 100 0 12 Stionl j 40 1 o 1.98'-1.37 Pilinockt | 4.59 lis Ni Far6500n 25tlD .26 Isrylond 79 8 4. asroobIlt 102 6 ! ArlotOO80cr IE I 47 14 2.18iW-2.03 Nhington City 5.90 74.6 4.0 Fr..ogh 102 20 West Coweingtoo 42 30 2 .49 .8 Ch-0t-ot Will 5.13 B., rill 0 .32 0 35.91] No 5.2 | 104 27 3 StotioO 36 11 2.52|- 22 Noterls.e. t i lchy .19 Wla p00t 74 3 2 Sttiots INteottsa 74.0 4.2 Trory P00cc Plact 107 31 Cloqtet ForElp. Sto.! 38 10 5.75j 2.43 Bird Islod 12.121TyI .55 MtO~tOstppl 80.8 - .3 Moorhead 103 27 Poloh.chi. I 58 19 7.06! 2.00 Bae Clrooc 17.70 Thy 3.06 totaicto il2 .09 Mtsoeorl 81.4 3.7 Nrrectos IN 106 29 fHer 009' 44 16 3.021 -. 52 S.. o 111 7.31 El mi-t*-t IJookooc 23 2 2.49j 1.10 Gold 8015e07N 7.182N .12 66.8 -1.6 Mildred 109 19 .14 80.1 4.6 2 Stattoo 110 7. Fort RohiS-o 42 8 1.54 _I 55 0.08 No. Osah AF 5.20 Try aDordo plg .00 71.1 -2.4 ooto 1141 14 SShrldo- 23 I .61i .22 Fish Coree R5000 2.01 3 S Rvcks Corer 4.88 Pet tboiro 2S .24 DOewg.pare 72.1 4.0 BI.ohwtlr Do. 99j 222.2 Fobyoc 35 13 1.85 -1.81 79.2 5.1 3 05.110n- 104 o Loytoc 3NI 44 13 1.131-3.52 Wa's Rive.r St. porcst 4.64 Pri .06 D#e1 Jersey .30 New Mexico 71.8 -1.7 Jal 109| 14 Goolla 23 8 3. 09' .83 Cloodoroft I 10.48 Q.. 2 2 .28 Dee York 74.1 4.7 3 Stati.oo 1031 o1 O1d For0 c 2511 34 20 2.21 -1.62 Addi-on 7.36 Col 14.21| E1 1.57 North Carollo. 79.0 1.6 Mt Gilead 4W I 103j 3 Cel. 25 44 1 5.64! -. 37|Rocky Mo.n. a.6e6 C it y CAA AP 71.4 1.8 .aob IOSSW 106 21 12 S5ton0 35 9 3.18i .71 Enderlin 9.40! Doe cCetor 2SW 74 North Depota .92 77.4 3.7 NMpolexe 103 27 APCD Rtotnco Orb,,. 47 20 4.191 .42 Por-oaou It 9.66' Bar Dr.Itcil k60~ .00 Oklahowa 84.2 1.9 2 Statiooa 107 10. 8K0010 56 19 1.65j -1.14 Duroc- 7.33j4dS .00 OregoD 63.0 -3.9 WoctIogtoo 109 16 FroeoWt 14 2 .93 49j Valot: 4.30 do 0n6001112110 Sh toD [2 tatloins T Feeooyl cjalz 76.5 4.3 2 Sttiooo | 103 22 Go-o INNE 39 12 2.45 - .Sl|oodolll IS 6.95 S 3.791 10l BlookdI NB F 1.61 Ihode Island 74.1 32. Proldooc NB AF I 96 5 ig0t01I 47 13 2.741 -. 191 KI8g1000 My 1e0 80:1 CrAFAl I1.24 Sooth Carolto 80.6 .6 3 Stotois | I01 3 |Lnn Creb IN j 50 I 5.67! -. 18 Sasoaroo 0000t501 11.280 76 8 3.7 2 Statiot. I 110 31 tDeerofild Doe 31 8 2 -2.308 Vict SNE 8.491 Cod .21 Sooth Dakota 51 .32 Te...... 79.4 1.5' 4 Stott.o.. 100 265.GOtlinb-rg 25W 7 1I4. -. 36 Jo-kson Ety. 010. 12.97, Cl- Station a 18o' 2.51 .01 Oracor 10.93 Bcl T OTOOC 82.4 .0 Proaidlo | 108| 0 1 t Locko 51 If .00 Utah 71.1 -l St. Gcorto P" 110 13 E.0t Ppr tat 26 9 1! .87 -. 09 Cedar 8000k0 NY | 4.16| WBt 71.1 32.2 eods boro l8SE 98 23 LewicgtoI 39 12 2.171-1.62 Chlttenden 4.95 Gil 59 Ver§o"t Ni .50 102 18o 800600 000400 49 2 3.61 - .98 Stote Fre 11.931 Virgtina 78.7 3.3 2 St.tio... .17 63.3 -3.4 Rithlaed 109 13 2 Stottons 26 1! 1.96! 1.31 iQi..ul.It 7.62R 44 1 3.47 -1.11 Fickecs I 8.951 ar P.r. Ferry .77 west VIrgIala 76.1 2.9 rkleyB Sprlogo 101 22 Croobtrry Glades vetoIrtodille bbe 2S 74.8 4.7 PFrolrlo do ChIe-C 100 0Long0 L.k. Do 36 24 i 4.95 1.53 Cornoy 11.14| Rl- .67 11is.-io 2 S00 1100e .00 Nyost Rc 68.2 1.8 105IN5occIy 31 K|edll 20 8 .93 -. 33 Keyholr Doe j 3.91 5.41: 1S.96 Sa .90 Puerto Nite | 78.2 .0 3001 97 26 000.0. Do. 51 2 | -. 76jAdj

* And also 00 . lotor date or dates. Cli..tologitol Data for tiero of ob-roationl). Note: Dates i0 Table I apply to the period 24 hours prior to 5t10 of oboeroa- that shown (Sol individual tIO.. In c.0d .oe theh .ctol o050000 o 10 00 5h0 calendar dote pceceding


P JULY 1955 T-P-.t-. Pptwb- wia4l K of a." N.. Saw,Bloat Fsotst f C ss" W -oss) f days "All

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5i M AI A A Ath- A& IF. 7.I A i!LABA:: -F.% & hL hL I 1. 1. M. it 610 992, 2 i 0- 4- 8-- % 1009 1011011.5 90 70 79.9 0.3 0 M.biI 2111 1 80.5 95 27 63 118 0 To PI h. X-tv .... Y .1 .I 90 T 1 0 79 16.85 1. 74 1.53 21 20 37JO 46 198 009.9 1017.2 -. 2 94467 92 1 4 0.0.0 0 5.3 WE 37 92 72 81.9 .7 96 19 0 T3 85 1.38 _2.41 E, 28 213 16 7.3 67 125 0 72 80 94 172 6,6 I I 4.69 1.07 .66191L, .0 074 0 5.5SW 34 114 T:O -- F 11911 6 861 A.....A 6993 ------78 .. Is 1114 46 61 -3.5 84 14 32 969.9 10 71 99 74 0 7 0 3 -- -- 3.49 1.00 1 1102 7 :3 4 07567 1 9 1.1709 T T P- ... it 50 . 3 2 95250 6 0 59 45 4.19 3.4 ------1696 T,,,,, 4846.9 00 : 87 59 9 0 -- -- 2.50- 979la .0 0 5.6 3.7 -- mi .I.. 25'5"922.5 too7.4 911 71 728 : 1 1: I 9, 35 SZ 16. 2272 46.. S..7 LO.73 D4.6 -1.6 l0006 .291 8.6 S, 47 StI71597 2.7 :9 92 61 76.5 -. 7 327 0 54 55 5 10 3.30 9623 .0 0 4.2 3 Y.. 199 1002.0 96 8. 51 725 0 44 233 15 14 .0 0 10062 104 76 90.2 39 1:05 -. 19 :3999 6.6 ESE 39 921 11911 -4.4 112 14. 68 2. 31 .0 0 8.5 SW 36 5.1 73 0 56 35 .34 I .3122 St 22 2065 3.4 -- .0 0 9.3 59 20 923 2254 2.5 F-1 .Nh 4. 99D.3 88 Lit1. R LO14:7 96 73 84.3 2.0 ... IM. 257I002.7 10 5 3 101 30 70 4: 26 0 72 T...... :.k 93 74 83.4 1.5 99 10 71 1.39 -1.17 .52510 361 ------93 69 127 0 72 72 2.17 .0 0 6.0 ENK 27 72 02.5 -. 4 9010.69 - 93 .7465 .0 N21. 15 106 4.3 71 1926 0 -- -- 4.71 0 S.2SSW 35 SW2 :77 2.15610 .0 0 815a 5,56 ------Rot." ------CAL:FORNIAfi.1d 489 992 6 D1 1009 4 95 64 79.6 -4.6 hp 41 08 670:6 104,15 56 4. 25 0 47 .. Y.. 1008:1 97 53 74.9 -. 7 35 OU -. 01 .0000 5280 839 1 1010.8 104 13. 40 628 0 --- .0 0 72 N -21 : 73 54 63.5 -4.3 65I44I .04 -. 06 .0413 NOV 15 3001 .5 B.... I011.3 84 59 71.3 I 6 0 0 -- -- .26 .0 0 E-k. CO 69943 985 4 93135 .23 .2611 I 2380 I6 1014.6 10173 60 51 55.5 T 00 T F .... o 331 -:99 64I7.46 2 175 07 0 56 67 0 5.1 S -15 2740 1:3 998.6 10 9 6 93 60 7 0 -- -- .21 .12.00 T .0 SE 25 19 11I2 9 I.- A.y.l.s 3 _ -0 .2 5.9 102 13. 50 621 .0040 .0 0 7.3 CO 12 ------, 6 0 48 41 T .01 --- 22 My 27 T420 LI, A 9111, 91 - 80 61 TO.' -2.11 T 00 .0 0 7.0 7.452 LOOO.L 101l.3 74 60 67.2 89 20 55 5 0 0 57 68 0 VMS 24 NoB29 II C. 44 891.0 -. 4 79 20 53 6 0 0 T .0 T 00 .0 D __- 172 .69T 1012.7 80 46 63 0 5T 73 DI .0I I.L NSI910 3.178 0. 11-1 31013.5 I I 4.2 912 37 17 4 I0 .0 D 7. SW I 1113:6 69 52 6 .4 - 5 14 5II "22 N510 161 4.7 .d - I,,, 0 23 3 .0 0 ------S_..st. 341 998.3 0 0 1 94 63 8113' 48 1.0 0 51 -5- -2 53 171009 0 1010.3 78 5 4.7 105 14 55 0 76 T .01 T 0 0 .0 8. 2:2 90 55 72.5 -2.1 5. 24 0 431 .06 0 5 V S Jr o. 0 I_ S S..db-g CO 45I7861:5 102 13 49 616 0 49 .06 .0811 0 2 223 0 113 3 0 S- 11109,8 82 6 7 .6 51 .00 .00 .0000 0 9.1 SSE 34 2T Di.g. 19 1006.8 3.3 94 13 47 4 4 :D 0 9 7SSW 31 I I12 74 603 608.3 :1.0 0 -- -- .00 02 . 3.ID .1 S:.. F%...i..- CO 52 8186 4.0 0 58 000 0 0 :------01-- 63 1 6,9 73 T :.DI To 00 --- -- 29II 2.0 70 40 21 0 ,01 .02 0 0 6.3 WN* 15 .8 S-. 02 i--- 31 1. 12 136 4.9 57 S F' M-i. 2381004.7 1013.0 09 1 67 49 58.3 -3.9 73243 S: 2. 16 111 3.57 6 0 0 50 789 110129 --- To -. 03 T 00 .0 1013.3 0 7.3 :tNiVv .23 mm52100 Al .. 11. 67 2:8 COLORADO 7538 775.5 1016.4 82 4651 col-d. Sp.i.g. 64.359.3 .2 88936 8 6173 612.4 1010.6 88 57 -1.1 76 0 0 -- -- .67 -. 20 D. 5292 1 72.8 1.6 94 L34. 49 116 .31711 T T --- 838.1 10 1) 090 61 75.5 9I 49 7.0 0 42 40 2.34 -. ------11 18243 G J.-t to. 4849 2.7 991053 120 0 38 1.36 119 T 0 b1. 857.8 01086 93 66 79.4 0 517433 2.99 1.63 11.2 NNW -35 SE 26 2281 4639 656.1 LOD9.8 1:2 109457 628 .I 1.42106 T T 19.2 ESE S SI 3I 94 61 77.5 2 6 0 39 483 .48 -. .0031 .4627 S 34 SE414 1345 0654 126 0 46 39 .0110 .0 0 2.5 3:9 79 .27 -. 54 .7568 .0 1,E9 217 2 2.2 0 9.3 St 7 E21II3 111, B'!dV. p.. 3..6 CONNECTICUT 71015.7 ------86 ffstf-d 69 77.4 4.6 96 22 62 169 1010.1 1016.0 09 65 13.9 0 -- -- 1.42 -2.55 N- H.- 77.0 3.2 ge554 30I6 .77 6j6 .0 0 61015.5 I015.9 84 67 0 65 70 2.55 -1.01 ------1597 75.4 4.2 92 22. 57 13 .82107 .0 0 4:5 -- 3 0 -- -- 1.81 -1.85 9 S 31 Mg211 137 .0187 .0 0 5168 6:'l --- 18 930 1399 -0 .. 73 5.0 74 Vil..DELAWARE , 1012.9 1016.2 92 71 81.2 5.3 100 22 60 1. 20 0 60 70 .16 -4.33 .1332 .0 0 6.6 S -- --- 72 -- 6Is to 5.5 -- DIST. OF COLUMBIA ------92 735 82.9 ':'.'h"1.."t?1CO.P i4 4. 66 13. 22 0 -- 1.12.7 I.i7.. 91 74 82.1 -- 5910 1.79 3.9 99 g 4.6 4le .0 0 ------31 69 66 2.32 -1.94 1.28768 NV 23 ------5.1 999822 64 I .0 0 8.6 SSW 30 NV 23 1399 5.3 FLORIDA 1. CO 13 1015.7 61 D.y%. 1017.0 87 75 81.1 2 31 1016.5 1018.2 93 297 1 5 0 -- -- F.It My-S."h 989 71 6,04 :11.52 1.57 116 1169 .0 15 1016.7 ------0 72 10 0 6 0 8--- .29 3110912 J:cklo 0.6 4 94 15 69 S 5,911 IflIe Co IS ------120 0 -- -- 0:76 .. :,I 9U 71 :0.05 0 3 .04 1.65 201 30 .0 2i.i74 I 1018-2 g 3 7 3 :1:, 1116.7. 23 21 0 -- 0 5.9 .32 1 K., ... t ol6 9 6 8 2 969 6. 71 1. 28 -- 10.572.68 3.19 18 020 Ile 7 1 C. 51015.4 1 .0 0 72 -:I75 5.53 :2:511 1.68 14 -- .0 0 ------L.k.l..d CO .2 0 7 3 _1.6T 2 2 71 1 3 13 D 0 7.7 SE 30-- 214 229 72 62 0 .70169 .0 0 6.T :S a 4le9 5.9 51 L.., C 0 72 80.8 -. 4 94 26 --- 219 :i..i 8 94 68 11I9 0:5 0'.. I2 .. 72 0 1015 986 71 11 1:4 90 IT 2.37 1.62 18 23 .0 4 1 6.97 9 1017 68 74 L:2 :I6 27 69 6 1 0 4.237 0 5.5 -:: -- -- mi. 8 ... h 9------93 28 71 6.6 0 -. 0 1.22 15 14 .0 -- 1 2 5 ---- :0 86 T6 al.0 68 73 00 7.89 1.196 2422114 0 9.7- 34 21) :id. 106 1013.9 -1.5 88 1771 5.0 .0 0 9.0 SSE 317 11 6.3 69 8 1018.2 91 71 9 0 -- -- 3.57 -. 26 31 12 015 16 7.2 81.20 _. 9 95 27 66 125 1.0217 ------2 0 72 01 6. -. e2 1.80 9 ------10813 13 1014.7 ------17 to .0 0 6. -31 33 --- -- P- 88 75 81.3 3 S 26 1228 T.11:1h:!:.,.;o.. Ps 641114-1 95 29T 13.7 D 73 6.5 T.$t P.I. to, I1017:1 I .989 7I TO 3.59 -4.0 1.93 14 14 N Bh 0 7 T 803 .7 94 1. D 72 0 0 70 --- I lot 72 .0.3 -1.4 92 12 1:I 164 0 72 80"S - 27 SE 31 ------. "D 7 D 69 0 TIal .1.9.10,51 2.604 155 0 0 4S 70 IS 6. 7 1 .79 2 2S 218 .0: 016 15 7 I-- 5 2.1 .1 93 28 5 -3.31 I:11 242 0 1 4,1 EJ 11 I . TO 6. 21 0 73 76 3.39T 9:0 3 171, 7:0 l 42 12 12 .0 0 23 3I3 6.8 All::Is .44 9 G9OqkGIA 977 976.8 1017.4 88 70 79 988.7 ------79.1 -. 4 96466 91 7 80 2 6 112 0 TO 80 6.712 2:1.1 2.36,7 J :1 A.q..t. 1483 99362 220 0 -- 1:11 20 119 0 1010.4 1016.9 92 71 a1:3 ::2 -- S. 0 16 6.6 SW 51 594 385 1003.5 1017.6 go 71 R. 973S. 123 0 111 0 0 ------211 18 7.1 62 .6 3 -- -- 3..6 -I.2. L.771le .0 ------7177 5.6 N 356 1003.8 974611 2. 20 0 0 5 0 SS 27 N20 31117 -- 11-e 1017.1 92 71 el.5 I2.15 6.23 532 23 21 -:-_------7.0 63T 994.5 ------. 9 99468 124 0 .0.0 0 11I 91 69 00.0 .0 98 71 75 2.83 -2.51 1.04 2 1 7:1 461015.0 1017.6 28 58 I19 0 -- -- 15 16 0 0 6 1WSW r 90 70 $0.1 -1.3 95 17 2 TT -1.94 97 13 17 34 SE S.7:ig 64 121 0 TS 83 7:25 :0 0 - -- 6 856 .16 2:15 1618 .0 --- -- 5I214 6.6-- 0 7,3 SW 43 N7 B"' 413 14 6.8 60 :DAHo 2112 916 1 1110-1 Idsb: Falls :6 6 11.3 -3-95 1011 4933 8T:6 I0I1. 6 5. 16. 41 2. 15 D 46 46 6..3 - 99 15 34 612 .3 .21 2564 .0 0 .695 .21 0 9.0 NV ST VS9 16 Id.h. Poll. :2963 .0 0 9.1 14 1343:8 63 4700 ------86 SO 35 SWI-- -- 67.7 -. 4 99 15. 32 212 L-isto. 1 .67 .16 .239-- 1413 96 1111:6 --- -- 8.6 .35 4444 66" " 56 70.5 4 7 106 1167 NWN4-- -- I I 54 70.0 2:7 41 2It 0 I.T2 P ... 100542 2.12 0 1.3 87 12 IT T t.11. 1.2 45 44 .31 -. 405 :1370 T ------0 0 4 66 .0 0 11.2 SW -- 12 811 5.1- 41 526 17 104 3.8 C 314 82 C.1TIMoIS 1003.1 ------92 74 83:1 chi,.V.o 610 1:9 979.711 27. 24 0 Sol' 3 2 7 92 71 81 3 -- -- 8.19 5.59 244 ise 8 93: 6 1 9I TO 6 7 00 276 I 18 12 0 0 6.1 --- 664993.9 10, 80.5 5.0 1002.61 15 0 66 64 2-11 'I :9528 43 NS 11 10 1654.5 ri. 5 99 9 'o":1015.9 91 71 80.9 S196 0 6 767 0 :D 0 8.2 9 85 5:2 98 26.7 65 12. 1 2-2:l -1131 33 SW112127 4 977 toti:fi.ld I I J 0 19 8 :6 0 8.9 S 31 11 Sp 5 79 2. 91 3 1 . . :0 Ng 31 245 4 583 a 9 6 0 54 7 .44 .16 0 8.1 --- 43 S411 81. 4 7 " 286 222 .0 0 0. S 280 164 4 681 0 71 73 4.051 . 5 3 5 8116 5:0 60 .D. I Fo,1 383 1000.7 1016.1 92 71 81.8 3.6 97 . .!:,:e 101 4 9.167 1.1261 .1 71 75 I di FLI. 801 916:1 1:9 11 3 2 99 01 .9589 T93 9., 10, 68 11:5 6:0 10124. *5,1 2-:46 3.4T 119 .0 0 6 SSW 30 th Rood 768 9 70 T9 4 34 956 1 20 0 67 TO 5:74 .0 PS9 7159 5.2 TS 98S.: 10166.5 89 68 78.3 3 II 0 77 5.24 D 311 128 4.9 4.9 98 27 so 13 135 2.21 2.03 11 13 .0 9: SV 9NVa T$ D 60BIT631 4.231 119 0 T. SW 33 N4 I 1.45 11 12 .0 0 a.SSW 9111 6.8 64 .32 WNW9128II 5.2- So. ft.t..tes t .. d of t.bl.. - 231 -

0 ---- I u 0 131 36 :MM 25 24 1432 CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA

T.b1. 2-Contied -- ''~I __ JLY 952 sl7- Tnpe Pel doy.lto WisaNo o dy

Stat. 4Ddntd.on P. 37lo~~L

Ft. b.k Ab. 'F. 'F 'P. 6 9 0. 0 0S 0.1416 II1 3 4. 9

I .A. 0.50' o 30 0ItI 17 .29 8url i ngoto 990.9 101.1 91 70 80.7 3.9 101.27 65 26 19 0 70 72 1.92 -1.00 6941 52 N 0 12136 4.6 00 DOe Moines 70 1.0 4.0a105,31 0324 20 067 67 2.69 .75 1.53' 19 T T 12.7 S 948 984 1 1014 892 4 0 16 7 5.3. 1065 977 3 1016 06 88 607 77.S~ . p99,30 57 II12 ol67 69 4.22 .61, 1.5I012] .0 0------0 -- St... City 1094 972.6 1012.6 93 70 81. S 5.21)07 131 60 24. 23 060 63 3.50 SOP 2.24 091 T T 139 St 57 W 13 12353 3.9 II,

KANSAS 7 .0 0 0.7 --- 31~ 5II 17,10 4. 3.0, 00 Co.cordi. CO 1375 963.8 ------96 j73 84.5 4.5 103 o 65 17 20 0-- SI 1.86 -1.53 90'61 0 15.5 SSN 01 N 13 15 0f 01 4.0 05 Dodur City 2594 926.5 1011.6 I93 TO81.5 1.6 101' 0 62 14 23 0 6tO 4 1.79 -.06 :9I1 7o T T S 01 ,31- Goodled 136415 886.9q1010.7l 96 641 80.2 4.0 103 9541320 0 53 46 1.03 -1.77 .05,5 7 T 0 11.7 S5 3 5.1I106 30 64 1 30 0 60 61 2.21 -1.04 1.47 80 .0 0 10.. S 34 S5 I 16141 I' 3.6 00 Topeka 879 979.0.101369 96 73 04.3 2 13.1 5 36. 15 It I 4' 3.7 02 Wi chi to 1321 965.511012.0 96 721 84.0 3.1 102j 9o,60.1.I 280p 0 65 57 1.30 -2.13 .92 5 5 .0 0 N

.ENTUCKY 3.1 943265 4 10 0 70179 5.73 1,48 2.1 121214 .0] 0 0.7 SS- -'131057- Leol ntotn 978 987.31016.0 80 697 78.8 710 81.3 3493671243 07[5'330 .2 .2 S1 .0 0 7.2 St 45 NE 20 721212 5.0 20 Lo..soille 485 997.4 1016.3 92 3.3 76 2 0 1 I 3.0 .2 ,251 LOUISIANA Astor Bosge 64 1013.2 1016.1 90 721 81.2 .1 95 26 70 2 19 Op73 821 5.19] .32 1.01;16.17, .0 0 5.2 ------I 15 i15] 7.2 - 7 .0 0 6.4 52n9 St 20 0 10S1 7.5 Liek ChtrIe5 12 1014.6 1015.91 90 743 02.1 .196 11o 72'I4. 1800'74 021 0.57 -.36] 1.7414] . 021. 3. . - IS 01812.90 New Oriens CO 91014.6 ------89 762 02.5 -.6 95 20 '71 27 IS 0 -- 11.8i.4 4.751 0 74 02, 9.96 4.07' 2.67 1921] .0 0 6.0 5 351 E 1 310II0 0.5 - Net Orleans 3 9014.6 1016.9 089 7371.3 -.5 93 97 711 1. 15 3.541 0812 .0 07, ' - 10 1 .07 Shre-eport 252 1006.4 1015.7 92 731 82.5 -1.1 97 92 26 Op 73,600 6.17 2.47~

MAINE C_ IIo. 6241 991.5 1014.51 771 557 65.2 .9 95 10 45 2 3 05671 2.40 -1.571 .02 11 6 0. 0 09 S55 N 2 1 0'713.1 03]I 5.2 77 For tie 0 61 1011.3 1015.39 93057 71.0 3.2 95 21.45 2186377]20 -. 70' .60 7i4 .0 0 6.0, 5S 29' N' 5 013' 0,

MARYLAND 5.0 100 5. 68!13o21 Op-- __ 35 -3.59 321 Baltirmore CO 14 1--.------9 765 283 .2 3i 5 .0 0 0.1 ASW 25 NW.24 12,10 0 4.0: 71 BAl timore 46 1012.1 1016.4 091 72 01.3 4.9 99 22 61 14 19' 0. 71 73 .30 -3.041 0 -- -'- Feederitk 2 940------90 68 78.9 2.2 90 22Z 60,13, Uo: 0--. 4.71 1.00, 2.30 10,31 .0

MASSACHUSETT 2 2 0 30506 8l1e Hil Obt. 6294 992.9 1015.3i 84 65 73.1 3.9 94 . 5613 7 0 77 2.51 -T2 7297 0 11. SI2,N 11.51 NW NEP 10 917i 50.0' 79 Bonton I15j 101. 1015.2. 86 68i 77.2 5.0 90 23 3-0 3 14O0. 6570' 4.20 1.10~ 2.3995 T T 043 11 ,' Non tooket 1431015.81 1016.47 75 632 68.8 1.7 05 10.55 31 00 05,80]152 -. 21' .51 7 0 0 01..0 9 1 4.9 92 23 5K12,3 5 0 -- -- 2.20 -2.75 .92 76 .0 0 - Pittsfitld 1531 973.6 1014.9l 84 611 72,5j

MICHIGAN 6040- - 2o2.25 .1727, .0 0 0.7 --- 27r1SE30 4 4.1~ "2 Alpe.n CO 2s7 994.24------92 631 720. 4.09015113 ~14i13 90 69 79.1 0.0 iOO 2 57~25 17'0]64 63' 110 -10~ .40 7 0'.0 0 7.3 5 571 N, 27 10,85' 4.3 00 Detroit 619 990.5 1016.7' 5.1 1002 542 I1' O66; 2.71 2,. 6 7 .'St ~39 N¶27 O0,6S'. 4.5 - Detroit (Billow 722198.5.1016.2j 75 67 76.60 Ott) 10 0 P , 2.2397 .0 31.0-- 10N 4 7 e-t Lootitg CO 856 ------90 66 77.08 0.7 P72 52 1 3 9 1 7 1 594 993.2i- 80 63 71.8 1 -~l 33 1:89 .479 9 .. 0,.0- 341 20 1~~" Enoen.b, CO 4.9 92 4'401 619 991.51i016.17 89 65 76.9 2 03 - 2 50 0 'O0 0 59 4 5 7 9 4 0 52 7 Urend Rapid, 5.4, 726 56125 14 01 69 68 3,20 .15 1.2011 9 .0 . 0 71' 26 3 715 5.9 60 677 988.8 ------80 62 71.1 .0' 93 14, 50 11 5 0 - 691 Moo keton 627 993.2,1016.3' 07 65 76 01 93775 5425 12O0 64 65] I.91 -.21,1375 7 .0 0 ' 1 15121004.20-- 0,1 74 3.408 9 2.23~ 7t10 .0 0 7.7WNW121 io1291 027 SasIt Ste erir 721 994.2 1016.0 83 580 70.2 ~3]92 21. 49 ilo5

MINNESOTA 11.0 USE 30' NB 3. 9110 12 5.9i Oti~tt 1409 974.3 1010.4 00 "59 69.4] 3.0' 91131 5o]24 410 61 77 6.01 3.17 1.93 12 13T T o 7------121 5.7' - loterni F alls 1179 971.9 11014.4 0I2 f8p 69.7 39' 921J9.44 9 i06 6674 4.69 1.20 2.73 Ili 01 3.9 1.0iP )24 I 0, 710 4.43 4.07 iIIi .0 I 0 11.7 SE 42 W0 7 12 010 .1 62 Mionenpollt 8301 982.1 1014.7 89.608 78.0 017 978.3 1014.8 88 661 77.2 5,id 0 7 II 131 5 6-7 '74 2.72 .25 1.0 010 7 0 9.7 5 11--i1l2 8 4.' - -. 1301052- St. CIted 1013.9 86' 64p 74.7 4.1 90826o 53 24 1'0.065 74 0.500 4.95 199 3215 T 0 . U 1034 976.6 I I 2 MISSISSIPPI -I , 315 1004.6 1016.3 p 91 7)1 80.5 231 i~ i-- - 2 51I . 1erldiAl 294 1°003.4 ------392 70, 81.0, .1 90111 65 I 241 0 - -- 6.57 .611 1.54 14'16, .0 0- - - .2-- ,26l2 SW3 611 3 .]6 Vit'k.bg Co 231007.4 1------j 89 73 81.0 -. 5' 94'10o70' 2t1710' --- .07 4.11 2.40 0

MISSOURI 3 3.6 100 20 606 1 . 23 070 711 2.77] -.24 1.02, 6, 0 O 0 1635SSE 301 SEt 1714 .18 Colnabin 778 987.1 1010.1 92 171 81.4 20 0]60 59~ .3 -1.90, 4 3 6 S 36] N 1 1 13 i 3.61 90 741 900.4 1014.31 95 7685.41 4.5 10222o,66 ,I ~0.101' Ka..n. City 2.1 10030 64 6,0 0 -2.0 .61 323'S7'7 T7 ------' St. Joseph 809.------.-----. q41 72 83.2 2.691,. 0 7.0.-- 36p SW 4 10130 . 65 St. Loei, CO 4651 995.6 ------92 741 83.2 2.6 97 27 68 23 23 0 -- -- 5.69 278 3.7to10001067 110 26 0I 70 611 2.97 .39 1.13 10'9 .0 ' 0 6:.7 SSOW 114o].7 St. Loslo 1552 995.6 1015.6 94' 73' 83.4 Sprlngfield 1265 960.801015.5 91] 70 80:1 2'6~ 9~29 1623 21 070 76 4.12 .95 1:10 12 12 .0 0 10.5~ S 5~ NW 23~12I010 47i 70

MONTANA 9.9] NE NU 25 1 6 8 9 44 0 BillIloo 3568 889.9 1010.61 85 58' 71.7 -1.61104110 4 22 12 0 533 56 1.41 .27 .09 9' 1.0 ] 1 5 .4106120 :463 11 0 53 56] 2:60 1:13 1.16]11]10 .2 T7 9.4 U------157 9 4.7 -- Astot CO 2090 937.7 101.1 187 60 73.2 3664! 887. 21011.6 78 1 6 .0 -2.0, 97,16 423 7 049 50 4.32 2.97 1.2612 12 T T7 1.1 WSW 50 NW 2011 1010 5.1, 04 Great Fails 7 40 10 112 613 5.2 p5 2488 924.5 1011.8 800 57168.7 -.10 16P2 3 7 0 465 4.99 3.52 1.69 12 5] .0 I 0 7.7 -- SW Moore CO -2.4 9 115 2 6 0 51 64 2.70 1.72 1.01 16 16 .0 I 0 .0 WSW 52 W25 ii10 10 5. 09 Be lent 3893 873.0 1012.1 791 52 65.6 3 2965 1------771 500 63.6 ~2.45 7 p36 3 3 0 -- -- 1.321 .16 .39 0 0a T T ------11 12 0.7, - KnI issneii 010620 7216 04 -- 73 -.6 .3300 T T 10.0 Si n3 WNV 7 10 6 7 3.6' -- Miles Clty 2629) 928.5 1010.9 911 611 76.0 9 7 3 7 33 p i ' 0600 50 63 2.49~ 1.66 .97 1017 T T 6.1 NW 45 S5 9 a013 10 5.41 mis.oulx 3200 900.8 1013.3 791 51s 65.1] ~

NEBRASKA 3.11017 617 24 0 62054 1.35 -1.33 .09 67 .0 0114.3' 5------5210 1 2.7] -- Uen-d 1.01d 1841 947.5 1012.0 94 70 82.0 61 -2.49 .51 2 .01 0 96 491 22 21 50 0 2.0 07 Lintoit CO ------941 73 83.3 4.1 1504 30t 6216 23 0-- - 11104 5.0 105 31 5 16. 20 0.5..21 8460 ------.. 14 14 5 1544 958.0 1012.5 93 69 81.2 2 Norfolik 5.20 3--.01710 T 0p ---- - 91 70 80.4' - -1031301621 O00- -- Nsrth Omaha 11323 966.5 3.5 103 29 54 123 059 54 .42 -1.98 .16 5 10 .0 0 11.4 3 5 S 29 10 10 3 3.2 05 North Platle 2709 914.3 1010.5 93 65 79.3 067 62 4.06 .72 180 66 T 0 11.5 SSE 46 N 13 15160 3.4 O 978 974.9 1013.4 94' 72] 82.7 4.2 107 31 164 I,23 1.6 99 31 350 A23 055 54 1.06 _-.39 .22 916 T 0 p9.8 ESE --- -- 1980 3. -- SsOttnbl tff 3950 878.1 1010.0 91 611 76.2 71 -1.9 .29 611 T 0 9 .-- 20 SW 7 16 12 3 3.4 09 Velentioc CO 2581 921.4 ------93 65 70.7 3.4 106 31 .02 16, 23 5----

NEVADA .57 .20 .20 .0 0 0. 8WSW -36 SSE 15 17 10o4 3.7 -- EliNo 5075 843.9 1011.4 871 49 67.9 -2.3p99 14.134 7140540 39 45 7 6 1 35 30 -.00 .25 66 .0 0 10.1 --- 47 5 4 5710 4 3,5084 Ely 6257 009.3 1011.0 04 47 65.2 :329314p31 .47 1.09 1.29 .0 0 12.5 SW 044 S5 14 22 72 2.0 00 Lan Negon 2162 942.8 1005.6 101 73 87.21 -3.3 109 16 P63731 041 20 1.50 59 2.29 96 8o35 5,15 0 39 42 .35 .12 .26504 .0 0 7.6WINW 34 WB 5 21 0 2 21 01 Bent 4397 860.081011.7 87 46 66.7 17 8 6 3.2 03 4299 865.9 1010.2 88 48 68.2 -6.0 100 14 29 5S 17 1 36 32 .07 -. 24 .05 3 0 .0 0 0.0 --- 30 S 21

NEW HAMPSBIRE Co.-trd 339 1004.7 1015.5 88 60 74,1 5198 21j48 31 l 0 6269 .96 -2:61 .67 6 .0 0 .3 NW 21 NW 5 11 131 7 , 7 6262 812.0 ------60 48 53.6

NtE JERSEY 2.4 90110 1 0 - 2.29 -1.49 2 . 19 5 4 .0 0 114.2 --- 361 BI 24 110 16 51 4.0l 77 Atl.ntni City CC 81014.2 ------8 71l 76.0 165113 See ftotnoten ot .. d of table. 232 - CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA

Tabl.2--C..ti .. d JULY 1955

Tomp. P.optoWiad O.f day.- - - ThI T NA, RsN.;,osiaa -;z-* Of day.

8 .0 ig .tF.I Ftat.Mao'F 'F. Ih 0, o ... k 10 48 11. 0 71180. P, h P 37' Tot.CO 5 *.811. 90 71 *0 7 ~F. -F.%

5.2 101 5 63 14 0 661 65 1.14 -3.08 0.02 413 00 0 1.2115W 0-23 NNM 0 ~13 7] 11 5.4 -- 5.2 99i22 '62i13 .02 -3.264 .595 0 0 to .]-- 2 121 4.9 71 1.12 -1.4 .376 HTo T :6SE 4 NEW JuI0 CoOK . 01 50140, Alb~ 6 277 1014.0 1015.21 90 711 70.5 -2.0 99 9 O00 To 1.0 .1 78 8 8 7 SE43 _E9 110 15 6 4,8 75 596 6, 56 2 17 0--i1710 BTrgo.o Co 651 1008.8 1016.0 90, 631 110.5 .44 o3 01 4 3.8 -- -.0 102~ 1 50'18 2.2 .44 .90'4'13 T7 T 8.91- 591 Ng10 910112 0.0 -- O1boqoro 693109849.3 1009.8901 8765 77.01 N- yto, 49690 0046.8 1012.0 8 7,280 73.71 63 67~ .0 2.44 .417T7 .0 01 6.71S 12' Nl. Yk 38120943. 1011.24 92 5 720.29 5.1 90 22 53113 01 21]47007 5.4 95 22 '5j1i3. O 61687 .03 -2.99 .~36 1080 0 0 II0.1 MSW 33 S 23 I61169 2.7 78 5.4 94 29 I5.1 2.12 -. 30 1.09 55 .0 0 I 12.2 SW 326 SW23 110 18 32 4.6101 S0h-lt~y 277 ------[1-1-.- 890 63 76.9 5.1 97.22 80114 .37-3.87 .19 413 .0 0 1O02 -- 34 NV 6 ,13117 0.0 67 sio8--~ 1801 998.7 1016.81 00 65, 7457 5.01100 22, 85130 .02 -3.30 .27,6o4 .0 0 10O'1 NE 34 N 6 1211'7 5.1 -- 0] - -- 4.21 97 4, 49 13 .9 2.11 .00SI5 .01 0 10.5 XSM[ 3, N1 01 12 Il 34.0 HO 4.2 97 22 05513 O 62 65~ 1.71 -1.06 .50 1012 0 01 025 B,-.ttl~ 623 9909.2 1017.098706 781.0 4.2 98 22 54'13 2.05 -.41 2.02 714 0: 8---I-- V 1414224 387 Ge. o.. CO- 91096 1014. 9--00672 79.7 0 6--6 tl - 0r C 19 1014.3 1017.4 90] 721 100.3 oR8Olieo 543 997.3~ 1016.3 8a 0 0170.2 0 69 77 1 Ni0e1.Ct"d [ 2 017------09 72 780.9 1,0 9328205612 3.06 -1.441 .o1 t~19 0 0l 5. --- 26 E 28 31101101 6.4 52 2.7 99 4o 62 1 491 .24 1.60 14 12 .0 0 7.1 SM 34 5W 18 714110 6.0 55 WIrocte .I. 424, 993.31 0170 8096 70 7.7 0 74 02- 2.0 95 l8. 83 1 3.03~19 ~si 5 . 0 6.4 XS. 1OS2~1 12 11, 6.07 O 70 70 2.24 -. 4 1.2 0 12.,SS.I156 NORTH CAROLIA 1.8 87 12, 70'19 1.03 63i1 0' 69 77 6.30 .93 2.00 I5151 0 0 7.4 SW 1.37 NE 20 9 10 12] 0.6 72 A..he.i... CO . 2203 ---- r--- 6OD 74.0 .9 96 10 60 I 920 1.00. 2.0117 16 .0 5 0.6 -- 42 N 10 616 189j 5.8 61 895loe21 9790.2751017. 92as64 70'1. 2.1 97'28 65 1 0 60182 3.30 .1.7 8 414 .0 0 7.6,KNE SW85 4 110 I10, 5.6 Oreens boe CO 18917900.51017.9 89 690 79 2 .0 1.0 100 21 1479 Atlr 12O 1010O.8]1017.8 8765 761 03 1.68 -. 85' .4310 12 T7 T 11.21 K 59. 5 6 1014, T7 4.9 75 Ro-l..etiOh 433 1001.4 1017.3 890 70 80.21 2.0 10012I.39 1.74 -. 9 3 .8019I 9 .0 1 0 7.7. --.- 29' 6 91'9 .5 65 O 64 71 8.86 1.79~15 HtotoSI , 0879 9853.11016.81 09 70. 79.6i 3.2 97 22 .02 4.55, 15 . 0 13.31ssrK'54 0'10131 8 . 71 .6 101 20 ~419 1.42 .711 .471 .0 0 7.61--- 301 N 6112850 69 0'- -- -- BIorc 17850 989.6 1016.9i 86 61 73.1 OCoilo Lok CO 72471----. 1 ------039 90 791.3 0 68 75 94i27 58.12 2.37 .1.83 1.15 912 .0! 0 8.3 --- Fao 895]98795 1017.1i 85 64 74.5 3.6 SM -- -- 1111I9 5.0 -- 3.0 96,27 63.12 5.74] 2.04 1.57 14186 .0 0------26, S:1 9- -j -70T Hilldoroy CO . 07914581012. 21783 60 71.51 4.1, 96 27 65'IDo 01 6471715.5 1:801 1:93 14 11 .0 0 6.9 SSW 32 S0 , 9 4 58 -- 0010l 0 771101 5497 27o 59 25 2.50 -. 541 1.01 10 8 .0 0 9.0,S 37 N 27 13 91 91 4.7 77 Okeotc.. i.. 12090.1 1017.6807, 60 78 01 3.3, 97 27 59 ,11 01 67 72 3.17 -. 36 1.02, 71--I :0 0--- ,--- -- I----- 4.6 100'27 57,1 4.7 3921 28911.10 T 0 5.4 S 34S 6 11 9111 5.6 67 C0oi oRiObs 6- - -970A98 0, 7. .,1 3 29 14 10 .0 0 0.9 SC 4 5 S 9 7 12112 5.9 64 4.~ 98 27 8301 O 66I 721 Cincin... C~, I8097185631014.8094 672 79.2! 34 90 27 68011 3.92 .47 1.9019,8 .0 0 6 .3 --- 22 27 16132 3~.4 88 C~l v6sa 787 989.8 I013.7 9078 798.17 2.16 ... .72 9113; .0 0 8.2 3C8 N 27 12 10 9~ 4.7 82 3.0192 4 52 20 0 65 7 3.43 -. 73, 2.7018 01.01 0 8.4 SWC 33 231I 1237, 5.0, - Co, COn 8159872.3 1017.91 9149 675790 Osonon 310021 8.1 1016.81 80 49 70.4 1.01 99 '31 87116, 0 66 60) .361-1.79 .36112 0' 0 11.811SSE 40 M24 19 84' 3.5- 3.6 102 30 68 ;17 0 68 001 4.39] 1.70 1.80.917 .0, o 9. S 34NE H 696 4.2 HS oledof 878310991.5 10113.61 90 87 678.3 Oo-0dlo.to 17029759.7 101. 80 7 84 70. -3.0 70i12 42 2 0 52 8 3.22.30 1.43 18 2 .0 I------12 I 7 Okltho,. Ciy 138 91.61, 1014., 9 72 853.1 -4.8 96 14 35] I. O 40 40 1 1 .136 1.20 7i6 .0, 0[- _ : 7 7 7 40 TII_ lb72'0 9897.8 1013.67 978 75 80.7 -4.880913: 39 3 .82 .56 .45 70 .0. 0,~7.9 ---i -:I: :Ill 71I3 5.41- -4.0 091 14,32 2 1.7801.32 1.120 8 .2 T7--- -- 12I0194.9. AstoIa 510185.8 10156.756 52 07.0 -39991, :o 40 3 0] 47150 01 -.16 .0 1 .0 0 1164MN:WW NCI 11894 33]. -4 .8 3I0 i 3 .42 ' 2 01 45146 .88 .2 .91 6 4 .0 0 110.6] MM 40, C 16 117 86 4.11- .09 .47 .208i 1 0 0 .7 NM 231 Ol-. CO6 4140072.0 8.0 -3.8 86 13 1431 2 0 53 72 1 6 2 6 9 6 .9 38 1017.0981 49 -- 94 13 40' 3 loee380 1003.7 1018.3 70 49 06.0 o1 -- -- I .1 -05.1i4 ' 0 0 I5.6 -.-- 18' NW 14 1212O 9 4.9 62 WeiOCOhOC C 05----2 ---- 720 747 59. -0.1 91 13 42~ 2. 01 511711 .86 54 .38 6i11 .0 0 7.11'NW ---.- '1 1528 - Wheid~lor i 1 1 987.29 10163 8984 52 87.9 -4.9 87 13,36.11 0 22i _1 :15 41 01.0 0 ------18 15 3:21

'iendlet' 11492 9597 1012:3 837 66 9.7. .42 -4.36 .2414 0 0 129 5.2 - .dillend 2161010.2 1010.1]9 72 55 6.5 4.9 100.22 59113 ol 64 165 "'oebr 5405 987.3 10170 6 780 776.5, 5.0 98. 4o 63 20 .78 -2.86 .43] 4 4] 0 0i 5,7]Ms 201 S 4 13 9 9 5.018 3 13 28,1.08 2 ------], Sipple pt 1970 10098.0 105 6 0 650 62.6] 4.7 97~ o66 14 O 641161 ---- S 93701 79I 5.1,100 22 63113 .926 21 .0 029IS 0181 0596 4.1 94 22. 62 13 0 2.23 .1.49, .65 II;I------~ ------72 93,22 59 Hi ~kL0NI 137 .1013.0 11017. 791 67 79.02 4.6 2 2 12 0 84691 3.61 -30' 0110,101 .0 I 0 17.9]WSW 022 NV 18 I 815 8 5.31 601 1 5.8 99 o 81 13 0 -- 1.51 -2:921 .06,421 ~ .0 0 8.0! --- 29 28 I8 14 9 5.71 71 0 355oeso 1003.0 1016.1 951 70 00.4] 98i22. 04 12, 0 61 6 1.13 ---40, 71 6 0 6.51MIM 3I3 18 1 13j12 64.71 74 92;22o 07I11 0 --- 3.7 . 3 , 0 0,1.7 I 3ONN 3-C ----- ch.delhsCO 28------0'8 74 01.0 5.9~IDOI So 55'2 0 .99.-2.721.61 .0 I- 0 ----.l---I------10116 4.6 - 41ldepo1018.1. 10161.3 191 72~ 812.41 PjtbeO 1217907.4 1017. 07 66 76.9' 1.611-. 94I .92 6 4 .0 0 -- I- .- 85.O-..1 O14jgCO 26 1004.2 1015.9 91' 72 81.5 3.1, 91122 i58 13 1 I- G- ... ion 940 983.4 1017I.4 90 96 77.1 4.5 96 5154I3 60]173 3.34 .28 1.7461 7 T 0 8 7:SW 15 017 .17 StP., pe C 70 - - 8 60 76.4 l I*25

.4 93 19 '7011 4.0- 4 1.14 16 tO' .0 0 8.11... 31 _SW 24 4 10 12 6.9 68 Milis- pet I1272 998.5 0- -. 93 65 79.2 73 .0! 93 160166 I 04 7.06 -. 98. 1.85 16 17' .0 0 8 8 S -- .- i I4 13 14 6.6 -- Olood City5 116900.1011.6 1.7 792 65] 72.9 1.2LO0U 3 IsolI 7 1 75 2.95 -3.61' .76 14 Ill .0' 0 I7:21 SW .21 SSW! 7T 7 1131 6.2 81 Proo-de.c 145 9009.8 1015.0 921 66 79.5 .8 97 17. 9 4.04-16 1.1613I81 .0 0 .--.------. -- ';71212 6.1 -. .9 9713 632 680 74 7.00 1961 2 91 21 17, .0 0 19.2IWSW -47 10 1656 .8 96 28 162 2 7.05 2:351 2:46114]141 .0 0 6.6 --- 29 0 12 - -I~ COSiRHIO CO 519- -45 ---- 7868 81.7 Coocleoto. 6741 1901.1 1018.0 909 71 80.1 4.2 105 31 0549 64 65 2.00 1.00' 1.5469 0 0 11.8 SSE 601 5 12 16 14 1 2.5 84 :::Ph8i. CO 2717 1000. 1016.-- 94 715 82.8 4.6 101 6!52B 50 5 1 2.14 .08 1.25 oil 5 1 9.9 SE, 45~ 6, 12145 4.2 74 phier 2614810011.7- -:092 73 01.7 4.7~ 102 26 155 24 64 64 3.20 .21 1.51 8 12 T I 0 11.71'SK 60j 20 15114 2 3,7 -- No."Y,. II 7101 990.4 1017.1 0936 79.32 0pkeosdgboro 801- -4.8---0-9 71 79.7 5.6 .42 1.17114 12' 0 0 ---- ' I-, 515 11 6.2 -- 2.91 92 22 162 l 1.7 98 3,60 I 71 79 0.25 1.78 171IS' 0 0 0.0 5 3 N1 28 719 1X 6.2 66 H4biI 1202 9653.5 1011.5 93 66 79.6 1.5 97 27, 63 I 69 75 3.97 -. 75 1.84 tol9 .0 0 6.3 WSM 451 t28 71212 1.8 63 10 94 2.I71 24 A..~ 359o1408962. 1012.9 92 67 79.1 1.4 97 0*70 I , 73 78 5.96 2.73 1.73616 S 0 0 8.0 S5 33 6 7 410 5.9 89 2.4 9H 27, 63I1 7TI73 1.76 .2.20 .73 711 .0 0 4.6 SX 23 28 4 21 6 5.8 74 CAoo, 670 990.1 1017.1 90 70 00.0 0 8 0 .7 95S27o60 I 3.53 -1.81 I.11 1514 .0 0 3.7 SW 28 208 8815 6.4 -- S--~i C~Ot. 271- - - -90d75t82.3 .7 100 13 68 18 64 56 1.36 -.69 .66 14 1 .0 0 11.6 SSR 37 S 16 1211 8 4.91 77 -.4 9613I 60 17 58 08 3.21 .99 1.44 1 7 T 13.0 S 43 N 22 12 12 7 5.2 77 .81102 31 70 21 70 66 2.2-1I10 .0 0 9.1 SSE 42 13 I 22 7 .9 68


Tabl. 2-r-lio..d JULY 1952

T --- ]--T-- Pr-oo -op-t...o I Prcpt-lohooo

No Soo -T 00-F00 - -7.1 I

St.to-d tu.oi.r -F. L. 1.i Wood 3o o7 104 Ft MN M -. F F 'F27 11.1S 977 7 76 E 5 200. .9 4o 9 4Nb 960 76 05 'F. 'F. F 0. ~00Ii3 19 010 91 1 . ,Ib 74 8 . 00 Olo 4 1.25 -0.5 94 21 9. 01 305 Ft. Mk MO.F F7 1.739 2.:3 97 12 :721 . 0. 7 fIio---. 49 S I 9113'9] 5.51 1, Nroooo"I'llr 164 994I.210149791 76 83.3i 2 .0 -1.6 101. 641041 . 75177 2.62 1.61 0 11 5 N 140' N 4 9 10 121 5.9~ 72 Corp-- C5tl 01013.52[10-14.2 894 79 85.0 74 77 95.5931I0 26471 21 .0 H-,t- C 48791 101. 4.9----910 76, 85.9 .3 102;14 17117. 0 10.23 S 241 SE 16 18 9 4[ 3.7~~- D..tio 509 1219.01015.51 902[ 74 84.01 .4 94112 7019 0 11.0-- 321 NE12 ------[ 9 57.2742.70 2.281 0 11.2S5 ' 01912 71. -- [1-d 50090 005.231010.32 91 6 879.7 .5 93 12 ]73112. .0 68 59 .643 -1.22 iort 28th544 994.2 014.7 9,6[ 7 05.4 -.4 98M11 60 1I .5 0 8.01-- 56 NE 11 0 191272 59 .5 98 12i72120 75,7712.62 -2.09 1.76.2 10 .0 0' 106 S - -0 16,151 7.61 Go-1eAton S 1014.6[1015.9 909 74183.8 I1101 I74 10 .0 0 [14:8 5Sf *351ESE 20 9 1 4 8 5.5 - .4 10 1 64~1,7 64 --l2"047559 7 7 [13.0~ S 037 ENE 16 110 14 7' 5.3' - Nototor1 503 10125 110153.0 921 741 8317 -1. 3 98 6,2 1 0 9.7 Atrodo750 9897:301 .2 991 74~ 8785 676271.32.0 -2.79 12 95IS20 .0 SE '2 N1 27 17[14 101 5.8~ .1197 11 70112 0 7168 2~ 743-427 .0 0I73 S 3 NO11. 1315 13] 6.7~ 52 6 04S32,N14113 I3, 4.4~ -- -1.0B100 12 .6' I 72 606 :3.0 -1.i .0 .3 31 .70121 0 [9.2.5SE 35] NE 12 S5l1, 10[ 6.0 74 IOU 2 0, 65 53 4.75 _144 6237 3 I .0 0itoIo I10 1009.8 1014.3 941 751 84.7 -.1 98i1 o71120 109. 4 --- 42 NE 31 I 19112 7.0 - .1 9912 7I120 0 100 S-- -8 18 51 5.0 Nor 500 995.9 1014.11 961 74 84.91 of .0 Wiohit. Fol1o 1027 Q77.0 1012, 8 7' 74] 00 61 1.8102115 j67 1. 0[08 SE 25 E 160 20f 8 3 33 0 67 62 31.3 -.659 1.4110 ;1 9 .0 Wilfo-d 5828 843.210.3 91 561 73.4 -.6 102 14 43 8 0) 00------1611059 3.2 Solt Lok. City 4220 805. 1800'8.7 91 60~ 75.5 -1.1I102i 15 458 0 9 .8S60 35] S 9 24 3 4 2.41 1.2 12 10 .0 0 .20I II5 Oj 1.2041 41 3 0 19.6 5120 N23' 10114' 78 R.rliog33to000, 71018.3 861 621 73.8 3.4 97 22 '51 12, .0 71 4.9 VIRGINIA Lyookb.rg I947, 984.31-----88 69' 78.5 2.0 94. 3103 14 01 -- -- 3.68i .4 ' Norolk26 1015.81017.0'90 73 811.4 3.9 97 28 161 14 71'75 2.341-3.71' 762 6 132 b 2 0~11:2 705 11,6.0,4 116211011.1 1017.1 91 71 81 31 3.8 97 56,16014 0 71 77, 7.93 2.29 .0 0 4.4' NE ----2 ,----712' 12 9' 7 oRo...V 11741 977. 1017.8' 91 6,9 79.8 3.9 98~ 4.1661 So 0 6874i2.73 -2.18 0 0 7.2 30 29 ol 18 6.0 4 .0 WASHINGTON 10.6 SN.SW'01EI - 2 3-7. 7 41201 7.0 - Oly~pio 19011008.5 1015.6 7149 59 -2.91 85 13of37 2 of 501741 2.68 1.96 cl~oCO 14] ------70[ 54 62.01 8 .701144 .0 5 I11721 ------I T S.9' SSW 0211 26 61 619 7.2~ Scoottl 1411.0 05. - - 01 0,7.255-W 2015 10 a2 910 5.0' 704 Settllo-Toc ... 37911100125.0410016.'2 69 52 0. -3.8 82 14 45!2 51'78 2.10 1. 52 471541 1.28' :92 3.549I 1312 6---73 SW,-- -- -8119.-. ---- SP. Loe 2357' 944.5 1012.51 79, 53~ 66.41 -2.2 98 14 401 1.. 0 1.04'7S13 -- 1 4.04'2.752' Stogo:d. P... CO, 3958' 879.1 1010.71 59i 44 51.11 0 70008CO)01 1013.2 1010.I'58 500 54.2 -1.3 64 8 48 5 0292 6.051 4.06 .8 --- I 24 2 4 3n4 40 7 0 --1-- . 971 .691 1.1 1t N 11. CO 99 976.6 101.,I 260 7. 4.5 104' 12. 47 2 0 01..I 1061~ 972.91g1011.9 84' 51 67.4 -4.0I103 14 37 1. 47151 .431 .251 0 ,6.5 NWV - 12] 11, 81 4o41 - - 0 346 14 13 .0 459121 2 .0 I VEST WINGIIIIAi 0 10 4 171 i.-- CNhrlooto 950 9261017.4 88 6 78I1 2.1 941 364.1.1 68 78i5 901 45, 72813210 .0 0 I 4.41 NW [16en 19 70- - 6621 74:0 4Oj90 22 54 2 65 2~2361 -2:78 I 3~ 17 I,Ii0 6. 3 -. 00 Nootlg~orCO55- - - 90 70. 79.8 2.9, 95' 3. 65 l 7 01 -- :- 3.0611. o 3 11II 3 17~ 5.9 5 PorkrobogO I615 ------896- 7. 3.21 95 3 64i 22 i 4.3,-- 0 .0 i WISCONSIN 01 80000 NAy 689 9913.2 1015.9, 85 631! 741-1 4.2 i98 49,2 65 751 4.78,2. 1911 .0 .341 N 2 1 2 9 110 5.0 65 ~26, 2.49,613]2 I 0 7. 1 S 8o 9 14 0 LW Cr.0 652 990.5 1014.7 89 7T6 5 4.5 1026 59 '25 67,601 4.631 1.421 7 5. 6 -- 0 47 0 30 10 13 8. 5. 380 NiI okoN~dlooo857 6751 991.5981.4 1016.21015.7 86~91 67651 76.778.1 5.1I00,22.152 125 6661,1093.93 .631 20 i 5.4,!101'26 57 '25 0 66 74 2.10_-.33 1 t 22 112 12 7 .0 i 0 7 6.78 21 Coopor5322 030.8 1 008. 5 901 57 73.2, 2.1 96.10 43 0 0 37135' .27 .90 .0 i 040 SSN 10 124 3 4 2. 4 cheye ... 6131 I 13.4 101 1. 86 56, 70.61 2.55 liIo 48 17 19 45 45l :93 .1.03 I I 9.8[ SE 52 E: 5 1 7 II1 3 3.6,74 La d-r 55631a835.4 1010.71 88 571 72.2.~ i 5415 2 22 4 5 2.8[86 I 0 95 16. 45 2 4130.09 .21 0 f .01--- 1.2 q9I16 41 2 0 .0 i 8.1I WNW 60~ NV 6 2 1 6 4 2.9]00 Sheridm. 5942 '882.5 1011.0i 88 56, 71.8, J0 T .20 242 .0 i C.oto I Isln , 110.8 1011. 187 78 8.5 -17 89i10 73 10 73 7612.631 30 .0 0 --- -- 1 7 7 7 4.3 -- WI 10 31 11015911017.5 88 62" 72.5 -.'84 23 63 6. 65 oo0l1 1:124 :51626 .0 0 '7.OIWSW 020 ESE 23, 2 13 1 6 7.4, 47 Nonololo711016.9 1017.2 83 71 ' 76.9 :9 05 I766123 6406 .23_-.11 0 10.9 ENE 33 NV 5.2168 75 86 a56810.12 0 - - 1 1 III15 [0000 CO0 94 1086.1 1009.9 88 74 80.9 01 .0 00 114.3 NE 30 E 1 2 4 19 0 Lio 1151012.9 1018.0 821 701 75:8 67 72 .60 .9 .0 *:jooCO I 1~1009.5 1009.81 05 751 80.0 0 75 83 11. 88 ---- 70 24 23 .27,120 .0 0 I 18,co205.4 1010.8 79.52 -9,981 2.170 19 75 87 12.44 -4.621 - 5 4125 T-ok (Wo.e 1-lod) 8I10.8I1010.4 866 75 80.6 76 85 14. 30 .84 .0 Nke bl-d II11014.21013. 307 78 82.2 0 72 72 .80 -4,62 0 114.7 6.51 I .2, 09128 73 8 0 Y:,epCO 3 008.110009.9 88 75 81.6 76 85 12.99 -3.61 .23 28 2 .0 0 - - - -- 0 1 30 -. 1 92 IS 173 13 0 .6 I NEST IN1DIRS- - - - 4 .0 5.oOC 47 -- 476I 80.2 .32 1632 3 9 .2 87 31 74 1 -- -- 4.35 -1.67 7 0 --9.3 [N- S.0 J..., P.R. 9101I .Afl015. - 87~ 74f 80.3 881 7.I7129, 73 79 3.93 ---- .10I185 25 2 1 5 2 1 5 5.5 81 .0 .0 I A...... 92 1009.111014.31 661 491 57.5 .2 81 21 141 17 8 46 64 1.72 .17 .64 IS 0 0 8.05 #N 028 10 1 0 7 1 4 5.9'71 A...I00 I110I1011.9 1015.81 621 501 56.0 2 51 86 2.56 -3.03 .8612 0 O 9.1 SSE 24 SE 5 4 3 24 7. 9 .08 8 1 7 10.9 [N" 3 1 3 0 10 21 8.1 - Berr.... 22I1013.5I10I4.3 44 33~ 38.4 -1.3 60 23 29 1. I0 37 95 .31 -.52 SSN, BNtb.e I l 1009.8 1011.2 01 471 53.8 -. 7 76 21 40 4 49 86 3.95 1.66 1.9219 0 0 9. 0 sr. .27 1 3 2 2 27 Cold Ba I103 1000.8 1082.8 55 45 49.5 -- 70 21 40 1 4793 2.93 ---- .20 16 0 O 13.5 SSE *02 SSE 1 2 3 26 9.0] Codoooy 40 ------811 47 53.5 .2 7922137 17 3 -- -- 5.93 -.51 2 .08I14 0 -- 2 82 1 8.4'- Folrb..ko 436' 994.9 1012.0i 73 49 61.3 17 50 68 2.51 .59 1 .48 921 O 5.0 SN 018 Si 10 9 10 12 6.0O J..... 1IS013.5I10I4.51 66 47 56:8 2.1 82 21 434 10 48 74 2.37 -2.28 .73 15 01 O 7.0 N 17 SE 2, 2 6 23 8.21 32 B. I] Koosob.. 10 1010.8 1011.0 61 47 53.8 1.2 79 25 37 12 S 48 81.83 -.70 .4311 0 0 12. 6 NSW 032 27 3 5 233 EN :totb 3 4 999.7 1012.3 68 47 57 6 -1.1 a0622 134 1 1 3 48 72 3.53 1.21 .24 15 0 O 4.9 S 2 1 14 6 42 1 7,71 -- 8.3'26 1.1 67 1 10 45 1' 0 47a80 3.71 1.25 0 18. 2 SSE 36 SE 13 3 4 24 No.. 13100 9.8 1010.7 56 46 507' -- 5 0 1 7 Northes 1713 ------72 471 59.4 21 o6 2~ 40 1 7 - -- 1.59) 1.30 0 _ .7 - StI. F..1 I.lood 221095 1810.4 48 411 44.6 _I.31 56131 138 29 0 43 97 1.087 _.56 .8915 0 -- 0 1 30 8.7 - 7060.8~ 28 100149.61015.6 61 481 54.3~ 1.6184121 40 1 3 50 87 2.361-6.27 .78 18 0 6. 2 WSW 1 7 *Si 2, 0 7 24

Bet, fro airport .10 th-i.l. Speolfied. CO i~dlO-tNO dot. 00.. lty offi-r o08004. ot olmo Fo te~ Wile" 10000 f.,teot mile oboerod, T10 station 10 08 oquipped 0185 .,0.t.. recor-di~g iodioroet *ASd .100 on A 10800 dote or does

0Nbe of doy. I.i.o 75 or- bv for Alo..okn.. ItOlo."

- 234 - HEATING DEGREE DAYS Tabl. 3 (Base.. 65F) JULY 1955 Cursnt 7 71--

Statsand atalion 0 ~A stnt ud sttOn I B j Stats nd station SStj* nd sttion L, 1.- - -~-AA, 5 rAi i St

t 4--

ALABAIIA IOWA (Cont'd.) NEW MEXICO Birsinghaa Di 0 TEXAS (Con.t'd D Si..ou City 0 0 8~ ihluquecqus 0 0 °0 H ouston Mobi is , l 0 (CO) S lnyton 0 0 0 Houston 0 0 00 rontgonery i KANSAS Rose l l ' 0 Laredo 1 0 0 0 Concordit ARIZONA (CO) . 0 0 Lubbock Dodge City I 0 0 0 NEW YORK i 0 0 Flagstaff 105 105 49 G.odlund 0 1 0 Phoesni (CO) 01 O Albany 0 0 0 Por Arthur 0,o o 0 of o 0 Topeka (CO) 0 0 0) 00 Phoenin ol 0 0 ' gBisghneton O 0 16' SaiAngelo 0 Topeka 0o 0 0 uff lo 0 i e olf Pres'ott ° WIchita 0 16 ! Bus Atono.o oI 0 Toceon 0 0 Nee York (CO) 0 0 0 Victoria 0 0 0 0 Winslow ol o O KENTUCKY' j 15 York 01 0 0, Na.. Yuna R ochester O 0 9 WWichita F.11. 0o ol 0 °l o 0 Lexington 0 0 0 Schesectady DI 0' Louissille 0 0! 0 ARKANSAS 01 0 fnyracuas Pikeville (CO) 0 0 Ft. Snith 4 S i > MIildord 0' 20 0 NORTH CAROLINA Salt Little Rock I LOUISIANA Lake City 21 0 'fesarkana O 0 , Asheville (CO) 0 IBaon Rouge 0 Oi 'Asheville Lake Charles 0 0' 0 O i i !VERMONT CALIFORNIA Charlotte I ol 3 19 INe Orleano (CO) OI O 01 > O I R urlington Bakersfield 0 New Orleans 0' "3rneneboro Sishop o0 att.... (CO) 0 0 0 VIRGINIA 0 Shreveport O Do I Blue Canyon 0 i O. alegh O O o Lynchburg 0 0 381 brIis~gt.. ! 3l Sirbusk Di 0 o oI o! Norfolk 0 0 MAINE 01 0 Eureka (CO) 1021 10'29, hinston-Sale.W 0 0I Richlund 0 2j 267 Cariboo SO ol 0 Fre~no 108ofo~l 108o 2O 85j 0 Or-ensille (CO) 29 29 i NORTH DAKOTA !' !jRoasake Los Aogeles (CO) 0 Portland G 0 0 15 IBs-aroik 9 | 9 WAHNIGTOW LcosAngeles 32 3 31iP so! A29 DeVIls Lake (CO) 190 ht. Shasta (CO) 18os JO 37 MARYLAND 0 14 14 47 IOlYpi' 160 e1 Fhargo 3 3 97 49 Oakland 139 139 84 oaltitore (CO) 0' 25 |Sat tle (CO) Red Bluff 2914 291' O ,Grand Forks 7 7 I I Sattle-Tacoa 152 152 75 0 R atleore 0!l O' Peabisa Sairn.ee.to (CO) 2 2 92 17 0 Frederick 0 WIIHlltos (Co) 23 3 Spokane Sac,axeto j2 26 29 'Stspede Pace (CD) 430I 430 251 Susdberg (CO) ,26 26; 0 MASSACHUSETTS !Tntoosh Island (CO) 327 327 295 OHIO ! E I San Diego 11 Blue Hill Obs. 7 I 1 11. 'I I. (co) 25 25 0 2 21 2 Akron 0 0 0 61 0 S-n Frascisco (CO) !246 246 189 Boston 0 Yaien Sac Frsscisoo O Cincinnati (GO) 91 1170 1706 144 Nantucket 7 0 0 01 I o San Jose 32 32 2 Clscianati 0 °0 0 !WEST VIRGINIA 7 Pittsfield 1 25 Cleveland 0 Santa Maria 196 I 1961 98 i 0 I o0 Charleston 0 0 ! Coluebue O I o Elkins 0 MICHIGAN 0 Dayton 0I COLORADO IO | O O Wutiegto. (CO) 0 9 4 Alpena (CO) IS si01 50 S.ndueky Alaosa 41I (CO) ! 0 Parkerabhrg (CO) 0 41 64 Detroit 0 Toledo Colorado Springs 0 ol S Detroit (-ill.. Runl 0 I 0O I Denser 01 01 0 YToungstown I O WISCONSIN I I 0 Grand Junction 0 O !bsaaaba0) (CO) D 10 02 7 12 41 Pueblo 0j 62 OKLAHOMA 1132 0 Gr-ad Rapids (CO) DI O1I Okinbo City 0 0 0 Madi os (CO) 0 1 00 0 Grand Rapids O 14 I |TlS. 10 CONNECTICUT M 0 I 0 .di 0 10 Bridgeport arquette (Co) 22 691 0 i3 0 0 0 Muskegoo ! 0° 241 26 OREGON I { ! |Milwaukee 239 Bartford 0 0 01 S. Ste. Marie 121 Me. Haven 741 109 2151 0 0 I |Astoria 215 13N I WYOMING 0 0 1 | Burns (CD) 105 105 I 10 Casper 1 is MINNESOTA MiEugene DELAWARE 22 115 115l 33 Cheyenne 1 1 IDuluth (CO) 221 66i eacha. 230 33 riloington 0 01 230 f 89 Lander 6 9 7 of Duluth 24 56 | edford Internat. Fall. 11 51 i 0 Sheridan 21 21 27 DIST. OF COLUMBIA 241 o02 70 t endleton 41 41 0 01 I Elnsexpolis fI 0 Noshingtos (CO) N Portlead (CO) as6 9 13 I ALASKA 0 |Ro-hester I 0O 24 urtland ioshington °l s0 o0 25 I Anchorage 226 226 01 St. Cloud I 32 .Rosburg 239 0 0 194 j94 1 1A.tt: 273 273 FLORIDA 0 °! Sale. | 6 96 1 21 HaBrrow 916 916 7914282 MISSISSIPPI Seeton Su.it Apa.anbi ols (CO) 01 0 (CO) 236 236 Be Iethel 345 Jac~kon DI 24 0 345 Daytona Beach 0 IMeridian o° Cold Bay 474 474 Fort llyers 0 0 | PENNSYLVANIA 350 350 0 0 Evicksburg (Co) 0 I I I ICordove 933 Jacksonville (CO) 0 0 Allestoen o 0 0 Fairbanks 144 1144 0 0 0 149206 Jacksonsil li 0 0' Harrtsburg O 0 0 Juneau 2471 247 Key West 0 MISSOURI 31 (CO) 0 0 Philadelphia (CO) 0 0 Kot.b.ue 34 ! 6 0 Col a 0' O Philndelphia o ! Miaei (CO) 0 0 MorcGrth 224 234 209 0 O Kansas City | 0 Pittsburgh 0 1 oi (CO) 0 0 0 INon 436 432 ° St. Joseph O O Pittabuugh o 477 lielu Beach St. Loui °l O 0 i rtheey 179 179 1 6 Orlando (CO) 0 0 IRending (CO) 0 B 0 0 St Louis °l1 0° St.Pula 623 823 592 P..enecla (CO) 0' O S Scranton (CD) 0 3271 327 0 Springfield O o 0O 0 sI*kutatYa 381 Tallatta-ee 00 0 !Wlli Ieport o 0 0 Ttpa 0 0o 00 0 ' MONTANA sent Pale Beach RHODE ISLAND 0 0 IBillinge 221 22 S Rlock llnad Glaegos (CO) 0 0 GEORGIA 20 30 14 Providence lo 0 Athens 01 Great Falle 89| 59 24 0 Rasre (CD) b6' Atlasta 0 59 20 SOUTH CAROLINA O Belesa 93 83 36 I Charleston Augusta I Kalispell (CO) 0 0 Coluabus 0' 00 O '130 130 47 Miles City Charleston 0 Macos 0 2 2 6 Coloebia 0 0 Miessula 117 0 0 Roan 0 I 117 22 IFlorece 0 0 jGreensllle Revansak 0 NEBRASKA 00 0 SI 0 Spartasburg 0 Grsnd Island 0 0 01 IDAHO Lincoln 0 Bole (CO) 0 0 SOUTH DAKOTA 44 44D 0 Norfolk 0 00 0 00 10 LeeIston 41 41 0 ouron 0 North Platte 0 7 Pierre Pocatello 40 000 0l 400 0 Oaha 0 0 Rapid City 0 0 Scottebloff0 0 32 ILLINOIS 0 S SItoux Fals. 19 B 0 Valentine (CO) 0 11 1 i Cairo (CO) 0 01 Chicago TENNESSEE 0 (CO) 0 0 NEVADA I ristol Chicago 0 0 0 0 Elko 47 47 6 Chattexosge 0 Chicago University 0 0 0 Ely 66 690 22 Knoxtille 0 0 0 O S .egs oas 0 0 Peoria 50 0 Meephie 0 0 0 27 Mashkille 0 Springffeld 0 0 0 ° TIonopah I1I 0 INDIANA Winseanca | 49 491 STEXAS 0 Freensvi I l ] Abtlen 1 1 0 0 NEW HAUPSNINE 0 Ft. Wayne Anarillo 00 0 0 0 0I Coecod 0 11 A|etin Indianapolls 0 0 0 0 Mt Washington Obs. 351 Brownsville 0 South Send 0 0 0 0 Corpse Christi 0 NEW 0 IOWA JENNM Dellas 0 Atlantic 0 Burlington City (CO) 0 0! Del is 0 01 NI rk 0 0 0 Dee Min-e 0 o 1 x1P.. 0 5 Trenton (CO) 0 0 k (buque 0 0 Ft Worth 0 tenhkaj (CD) Galveston (CO) 0 0 0 G.lveston 0 Deta fros airport unless atherwtis specified. CO indicntes data fron city office. 235 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4 Juy15

Number i ~ i o prEstimateddamage 1 Character I Place Date Time Propety I of Remarks (excluaive I Crops storm 1 0 ofcrops)

- Galveston 1 9i40 a.m. 0 0 $ 0 i 0 FWaterspoutiWaterspout moved northwestward 6 miles east-northeast (near), Gal4 i and rain, of Galveston. weston Coun- I ty, Tex. i

Illinois 1 'Afternoon 30,000 75,000 Rain and Thunderstorm rains resulted in considerable local central porn wind flooding in Montgomery, Fayette, Shelby, and Moultrie tion Counties. Some minor wind damage in Moultrie County and local flash flood caused derailment of freight itrain near Coffeen. Storm moved northeastward.

Bowdle, dmmdsI 1,3:15 p.m. 0 0 lTornado, Small girl and pony lifted, carried 1/4 mile without County, S. wind, rains injury. Small buildings wrecked or moved on founda- Dak. and hail tions. Storm moved northeastward. 1 ConneautvillI 11 p.m. 3 0' 0 Tornado Small tornado moving eastward demolished 2 barns, un- (2 miles south ,roofed 2 others, and caused some damage to 2 resi- of),Crawford dences. County, Pa.

Temvik (morth-| 1 5:10 P*.m. 40 0 0 10,000 0 Tornado 8 buildings demolished on farm, but house spared, al- west of), [ !and hail though badly damaged. About 100 chickens killed. Emmons Coun-. I ~ Hail covered stine from 2 to 4 miles wide short dis- ty,N. Dak. tancenorthoftornadDarea. Storm moved northeastward.

Gannwille, 1 7 p.m. 3/4 220 o 0 | ornado, Tornado moving northeastward touched ground once, but Buffalo Coan- l I wind, rain, not at building locations. ty, S. Dak.F and hail|

Kandiyohi and| 1 7:30 p.m. I 100 *35 10,000e Light ilectricaoBarn demolished near Lake Lillian; several other build- Swift Coon- F I wind, hail' ings also damaged. 2 barns near Willmar destroyed by ties, Mino.. and rain fire started by lightning. Some crops throughout both counties damaged by hail. Utility services ois- rupted. Storm moved southeastward.

South Dakota,! 1 |Evening 10,000 Hail, windq25-county area reported 874 hail-damage claims. Wind northeastern} and rain 'caused $8,000 damage to open-air theater screen and quarter adjacent buildings.

[Minor storms also reported in Brown County, Kans.; and at Malden and Medford, Mass.

Lower Michigan 1-2 Afternoon I 100,000 10,000 Wind, elec-rhunderstorms, frequently accompanied by high winds, evening i trical, !struck many localities in Lower Peninsula. Wind F and rain caused most of damage, but lightning set some fires, I I : J !injuring 1 person, and killing 15 sheep. I Sorry County 2 14 p.m. 19,000 ail Tobacco damaged over about 5 square miles. N .C .

Walcott (sout-. 2 26 p.m. 12 t 150 2 , 19 150,000 ' 30,000 TornadoesIStorm zigzagged west to east; loss to buildings, crops, west of), rain, hailJ animals, and fare ;c.-inery about 40 percent. De- Richland and elect struction uneven, but many houses and barns destroyed. County, N.Dak trical Trees broken; bark stripped. Buildings blown many miles from foundations, heavy machinery moved, farm animals carried away. 1 man drawn through window of his home as tornado destroyed building, killing his elderly father. Area declared official disaster F area by Red Cross. More than 100 volunteers worked with National Guardsmen. 3 other funnel clouds ob- served in area, but none of them touched ground.

North-central 2 62307:303 10 1,/2- 1 Light 10,000 Bail Stones up to 1 inch diameter. Boyd County,1 Neur. I

Wolverton and I 2 6:30.7:301 20 4401 0 2 107,500 Tornadoes,About 6:30 p.m., tornado struck 3 1/2 miles southeast Breckenridge i wihd,rain, of Wolverton, causing property damage estimated at vicinities,| and elec $2,500. Another tornado struck about 7:30 p.m., 2 Wilkin Coun-; trical miles east of Breckenridge, causing estimated prof- ty, Miun. | erty damage of $105,000 and 2 personal injuries. 2 other funnel-shaped clouds observed, but did not I descent to earth. Path of storm not continuous; moved northeastward.

Brighton (15[ 2 Evening 0 01 Moderate 0 Tornado Storm passed through farmlands, causing damages over miles east I small area to farm buildings and equipment. of), Adams i County, CoIl" I i Massachusett 2 I Evening 3I 5,000 l Electrica. lMost of damage caused by lightning strikes. central and, a wind, rain eastern por- i I and hail tions I 2 Minor storms also reported at Duluth, Minn.; in Ohio; and at Green Bay, Wis.

Detroit Lake 2-3 20 *s F 50,000 75,000 Bail,wind, BHail as large as tennis balls damaged growing crops I and vicinity4 I I rain, and and property, and caused 1 injury. Wind demolished Becker Co l I I electriw1 several barns, cottages, and other buildings, and ty, Minn. uprooted trees. Excessive rains did considerable I additional damage. Loss from wind estimated at $40,000, hail $85,000. Storm moved northeastward. i See footnotes at end of table. - 236 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Coutinued Jul 19-55.

Numb-r # .of pereone damage a -- Character Place | Date Time .i2 of Remarks Crops storm

1 Wa lwr t5 Coun. 33I5:30 a.m. 15 *15! lWind and Sheds, barns, miscellaneous small buildings, and trees ty, Wis.I rain blown over. Signs and windows damaged. Storm moved eastward.

Forsyth, 3 1-8 p.m. $120,000 Wind hail Thunderstorms with hail affected Lee County near San- Surry, Lee, and rain ford, and northern and southern portions of Wake and WIake County. Crops and roofs damaged. Counties, S.C

Clinton (3 3 1:30 p.m. 2I FIectricalf women washing dishes, injured seriously when light- miles north- ning struck house. No damage to house. west of), Van Buren I County, Ark.j sot

Wibaux (18 3 1:30 p.m.I *1 20,000 Nail, rain ,rop damage estimated from percent of damage and area miles south and elec-covered. of), Wibaux trical County, Mont.

Worthington 3 2-2:30 p.m *4 4 5,000 1,000 l evy thunderstorm moved southeastward north of Worth- and Columbus hail, wnd ington, and across eastern Columbus, accompanied by Ohio and rain heavy lightning, brief heavy rain,and strong winds., Damage mainly to trees, signs, a few roofs, etc. One ! family sought shelter under tree when it was struck I by lightning, killing 4 and injuring 1. Prowers and 3 2-3:30 p.m. 25 ! 290 2 000 50,000 Wind,rain, uch wheat shattered. Storm moved north-northeastward. Kiowa Coun- I hail, and ties, Colo. |electrical Union (near),| 3 3 p.m. I Electrical esidence struck by lightning and considerable damage W. Va. land rain done by fire to upstairs furnishings.

Sherman Coun- 3 3:30-4:30 1 pdail and hailstones up to 1-1/2 inches fell over 36-square ty (central Tp.m.. rain mile area, damaging considerable wheat and second portion), cutting of alfalfa. Rainfall estimated at 3 to 4 Kans. inches in 1-1/2 hours. Storm moved northwestward, then eastward. Mille Lacs 3 5 p.m. 0 Light 0 Tornado Some property damage, many trees uprooted, and high- area, Aitkin (suspected) way traffic blocked. Waterspouts observed from north County, Minn. waterspouts. 1 shore of Mille Lacs. Unusual darkness prevailed. wind, and rain

Lost Land 3 5 p.m. 2 Wind and Sudden thunderstorm overturned boat; 2 men drowned. Lake, Sawyer rain County, Wis.

Spiceland (3 3 Night (p.m) 18,000 E lec tr ical Lightning destroyed barn and contents, including miles east machinery, 3,000 bales of hay, and 500 bales of straw. Of), Henry County, Ind

Walton (3-1/2 3 Night (p.m.) 20, 000 lectrical Lightning set fire to cattle barn, destroying a number miles south ~gand wind of cattle as well as barn. of), Boone County, Ky.

Gordon (near), 3 Night (P.m.) 7 * 1 Light 15,000 Hail Nebr.

Minnesota, 40,000 50,000 Wind,elec- Wind damage minor in St. Cloud-Twin Cities area. Near central por trical, Fergus Falls considerable damage to 3 farmsteads; tion hail, and trees uprooted. Loss from wind estimated at $33,500. I rain Incessant lightning; many buildings struck. Loss from lightning $1,500. Heavy hall in Alexandria-New London area; some hailstones larger than golf balls Some acreage a total loss. Damage from hail to pro- perty estimated at $5,000, growing crops $50,000. Storm moved eastward.

Minor storms also reported at Belle Mina, Ala.; in Point View community, Ark.; at Columbus, Ga.; in Madison County, Ky.; at Oakland, Md.; at Boston and Waltham, Mass.; in Ohio; and at Conroe, Tex.

Otter Tailand A.m.-p.m. Moderate Moderate ElectricajE larn and contents near Foxhome destroyed by fire set Jackson Coun- hail, and. by lightning. Hail damaged crop in 2-1/2-mile area ties, Minn. rain near Lakefield. Hailstones 1/4 to 3/4 inch in oia- meter. 1 Intake-Bloo- 8,30 a.m. 10 *3 5,000 25,000 Bail, rain ttorm moved northeastward. field-Lindog and-- ec - areas, Daw- trical son County, Mont.

Savage (nesa), 11:30 a.m 40 *2 30,000 Hail, rainStorm moved northeastward. Richland and elec- County, Mont. trical

See footnotes at end of table. - 237 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Tablb 4mCotinuud - July 1395 5

I I INunmoer1 of permona Estimated 1damage | l I T !I Character Place Date Time |° I Properly of Remarks d I(exclusive Crops I storm F I of crops)

i Marion and 1:15 p.m. $40,000 1t$ Slight Wind Severe thunderstorm. Roofs of about 18 houses blown Franklin off. Severe damage done to Marion Lumber Company Counties, Iand United States Stove Company, both of South Tenn. Pittsburg.

Vicl (near), Afternoon 0 0 500 Minor rTornado, Tornado moving northeastward damaged a few outbuild- Dewey Coun- I wind, and j ings in small area about 20 miles southwest of Vici. ty, Okla. i rain

Montvale (mr, 3 p.M. il iail, wind, Crops damaged and some small buildings buffeted. Hail Bedford (bun and rain hredded a corn field, and high winds upset wheat ty, Va. shocks, knocked farm building off its foundation, and blew over poultry cover.

Buncombe, 3-4 p.m. 3,000 77,500 il Da ie, Forsyth, Madison, Rockingham, Swain, and Surry Coun- ties, N. C.

Steele, Pee- 3:30-4:30 10,0001 Elec'trical. houses struck, losses 85 to 100 percent. iscot Coun- p.m. ty, go.

Cabarrus, 4-9 P.M. i i 15,0001 1,000 lec trica1 Iidespread lightning damage to power and communica- Caldwell, i I and wind tion lines; 1 barn burned; 1 home moved on founda- Catawba, and i tion by wind, 2 persons inside injured. Forsyth Coun i ties, N.C. 1I Atwood area, 5-5t45 PA, L14 *2- 411 2,000 1 120,000 ain and Property damage largely from excessive rainfall, un- Rawlins Coun hail official reports indicate 6 inches in 45 minutes. ty, Kans. ,Hail damage intermittent over 30-square mile area. Stones occasionally as large as 1 inch in diameter. s i~opm Storm moved northward. 1 Boone County Light Heavy il tones up to 1-1/2 inches in diameter. (southwest- r ern portion), i I~ i Nebr.

Illinois, 200,000 100,000 Rainelec-Severe local thunderstorms with hail, wind, and heavy central two. trical, rains occurred over wide area bounded by Jackson thirds wind, and County on south, De Kalb County on north, Pike and hail 1 Henry Counties on west, and Champaign and Cook Coun- ties on east. 1 fatality from lightning at Murphys- boro in Jackson County. Hail damage to crops spotty, but at large number of points.

San Angelo, 0 0 Ftust deviljlust devil moved northward. Funnel reported not To. Green 1touching ground south of Goodfellow Field. County, Tex,

Edison (4-1/, 0 1,000 1 0 Tornado 1 x 8-inch boards driven into ground. Tornado moved miles north- northeastward. east of), Furnas Coun- ty, Nebr.

Bellevue, 25,000 Electrical Fire started by lightning destroyed grain elevator, Brown Coun- including 3,000 bushels of grain. ty, Wis.

Higginsville 1 ElectricallFarmer struck by lightning and killed while plowing. (6-1/2 miles and rain southwest c, Lafayette County, Mo.

South Dakota, Hail, wind13-county area in southeast reported 260 hail-damage southeastern and rain 1 claims. portion

Chester, Liber 50,000 8ail, rain, ty County, and elec- Mont. trical

iinor storms also reported at Sparta, Ga.; at Crothersville, Goshen, and in Topeka area, Ind.; in Des Moines vicinity, lowa; at Madawaska, Maine; at Stratton, Nebr.; in Ohio; and In northern Vermont.

Lower Michigan 40,000 5,000 Wind, elec-Thunderstorms accompanied by damaging winds in number southern and trical, 1 of southern and eastern localities of Lower Michigan. eastern por- and rain 25 head of cattle reported killed by lightning. tions

hinor storm also reported in Johnson County, Ark.

See footnotes at end of table 230 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-aCobnaued - 3uly 19SS

Nuribr Esiae aig of persons I dame Character Place Date Time Propety of Re-arks J(excusive Crops storm 391; 2 ;§ of crops)

New Orleans, 5 11:45 a.m. $10,000 ElectricalLightning struck transformer at pumping station,set La. and rain equipment afire; fire chief estimated anmage to : quipment at Slo0 ooo, Birmingham, 5 Afternoon 1 ElectricaliBoy killed by lightning as he sought shelter under Jefferson and rain tree from storm. Electric power interruptions and County, Ala. other minor damage over City.

Gainesville, 5 Afternoon Narros 0 0 Light $0 Tornado Ice-house roof picked up, deposited across road. Ozark Coun- ty, Mo.

Danville (8 5 Afternoon Wind, rain, Some garages and chicken houses torn up, a number of miles west and elec- trees uprooted, and some damage to tobacco and other of), Pittsyl- trical crops. vania Coun- ty, Va.

Carpenter, 5 3-3:30 pm. 7| *3/4 20,000 il and Storm moved eastward. Laramie electrical County, *yo.

Anna Maria 5 4:06 p.m. 0 0 0 0 Waterspout Island (3 miles east of), Fla. I Tampa (north- 5 4:30 p.m. 0 01 0 0 Tornado Funnel cloud observed and reported by Weather Bureau northwest of at Tampa. Airport), Fla,

MountrailCoun 5 5:15 p.m. 25 100 0 0 20,000 1,000 ornado, Tornado moving northeastward picked up light pickup ty (north- wind,rain, truck, turned it around, and set it down upright in western por. and hail ditch without injuring passengers.. Farmstead 5 miles tion), N.Dak. northeast of Lostwood razed by storm. It leveled house, garage, and bar; killing some bogs and pouitry. On , 1935, a tornado demolished buildings on same site. Although reports of 3 different twisters in Powers Lake-Lostwood area, considered possible that same funnel cloud lifted and dipped down several times.

Sterling, 5 vening Moderate Wind,rain,&bout 1,100 acres of sugar beets damaged to various Colo. hail,and degrees; corn and grains also suffered to some ex- electrical tent. Massachusett 5 Rvening 0 10 70,000 Severe Tornado Hail size of golf balls caused severe damage to apple Nw Hampshire (suspected| orchards in Wilton, Milford, Hollis, and Lyndeboro, Connecticut hail, wind, N.H. Suspected tornado occurred in Sunderland, Mass., and Ihode rain, and accompanied by hail size of moth balls. This storm Island electrical tipped shed partially over and smaller barn beside I house moved a few feet on its foundation. Large barn completely demolished. Path of "twister" took it from i J |north to south across barns, then it veered east, and cording to eyewitness account. No mention made of letorailgtof twisteedS salings i~n wooded area, ac- funnel cloud. Elgin and 5 50,000 10,000 Rain Severe local thunderstorm with heavy rain resulted in vicinity, damaging local flooding in city of Elgin and sur- Eane County rounding area. Ill. I Marion, Grant 5 1 ElectricalLightning struck and killed construction worker work- County, Ind. ing atop unfinished house.

5 Minor storms also reported at La Fayette, Ala.; near Berger and in Randolph County, Mo.; near Diller and Odell, Nebr.; in Ohio; In northwemtern South Carolina; and in Albany area, Wis. Pennsylvania 5-6 P.m. 1 2 Hailelec- umerous thunderstorms throughout State on 5th. Crops trical, damaged by hail in Altoona-Johustown area, also rain,and dwelling destroyed by fire caused by lightning. In wind lower Somerset County, farmer killed, and his 2 sons injured by lightning when they took shelter under tree. In Luzerne County, hail caused extensive dam- age to crops and fruit trees, and heavy rains washed some fields. Large dwelling received extensive dam- age from lightning bolt in Allentown-Bethlehem area. On 6th, 2 barns destroyed by fire caused by lightning in Bethlehem Township, Northampton County. Damage 'estimated at $50,000. Lightning caused interruptions in utility services in many areas.

Kansas, north 6 1-5 a.m. in,ail age resulted from heavy rain. hail, wind, and light- eatern por wind,and ning. Locally heavy rains estimated from 6 to 13 tion electrica inches delayed harvest, lodged grain, washed out railroad tracks and bridgesand halted traffic; small areas of corn stripped by hail and occasional damage by lightning.


Table 4-Coninuned July 1955 i Number .e of persone Estimated dama acter

Place I Dote Time o S I Property of Remarks t (exclusive Crops storm

,: -J ;] oco)crops) __ -|aof I -0,000-RaIn- Webster City,! 6 All day $15,000 tain lFloodedFlooded lower part of City, damaging buildings and Iowa roads.

Columbus area, 6 112:30-1:1l 10 *3 1 50,000 |Rain Brief thunderstorm rain of cloudburst proportions Ohio p.m. visited eastern part of Columbus and adjacent area, dropping nearly 3 inches of rain. Basements flooded , over wide section. Storm moved eastward.

Fort Benton 6 1 p.m. 30 7 Consider- $750,000 Hail, wind ,.pparently a series of storms. Crop damage estimated (east of), able E rain, and on basis of similar damage in adjacent Hill County. Choteau Coun. electr"c a Storm moved eastward. ty, Mont.

Chester, 6 1 p.m. 20-3q52. 1/I | 250,000 Hailwind, tor. moved northeastward. Llberty C , l ~rain, ad ty, Mont. electricall Rudyard to I 6 2 p.m. 70 *7 Consider- |1,000,000 Nail, rain,Buildings damaged. Windows broken in about 25 build- Havre, Hilli able and elec- ings. Bail damaged some crops 100 percent. Storm County, Mont1 trical moved northeastward.

Billings, 6 2:11 p.m. 75 *5-15 115-2 5 5,000,000 500,000 Hail, wind,Rgoofs, windows, and automobiles suffered most of dam- Yel lowstone rain, andl age, but about 100 planes at airport badly damaged. County, Mont.j electrical Hailstones up to 3 inches in diameter. 6 Utility pm Ii I services disrupted. Flower beds, gardens, and crops i beaten into ground. Storm moved east-northeastward.

Prince Williaml 6 12:20 p.m. I I I I 3 5,000 |lectrical man killed and 3 injured in Manassas Park section; County, Va. farm building burned halfway to ground at Prince !I William County District Home. Huntley (south 6 12:30 p.m. 2 50 i 0 5,000 0 Tornado, Tornado moving north-northeastward struck Pryor Creek of), Yellow-I rain, hail, area. Barn lifted from foundation. stone Coun- and elec- ty, Mont. altrical Joliet (north b 3 p.m. I6 I'+ 3 82,700 il,wind,Storm moved eastward. of), Carbon rain, and County. Mont. e lee trical

Bedford (west 6 Af ternoon 10,000 Wind, haillail and wind damage widespread. Greatest damage by of), TrimbleI and rain wind. County, Ky.

Shenandoah 6 Afternoon Wind and Storm ripped off barn roof, lifted chimney off house, County, Va.1 electriml and uprooted several old trees in Harrisville area; 10 fine Hereford cattle killed by lightning in Powell's Fort Valley. 4 Turner (7-12 6 p.m. 10 4 500 100,000 Hail, rain $800 worth of livestock destroyed by lightning. miles north and elec- Storm moved eastward. of), Blaine trical l County, Mont 6 4 p.m. 6| *41 Ryegate (8-12t 50,000 BHail, wind Storm moved northward and eastward. miles sou h rain,and of) Golden r electrical Valley Coun ty, Mont.

Eastern Mas- 6 4 p.m . -mid I 5 15,000 Slight Electrical Property damage due to lightning fires and heavy rain. sachusetts, night wind, and Rhode Island, rain southern New Hamspshire, and eastern Connecticut

Brusett and 6 4:15 p.m. 25 1510-12 70,000 Hail Crop damage estimate based on percent of loss and area Jordan, Gar- covered by storm. Storm moved northeastward. field Coun- ty, Mont. Southeastern 6 4:30 p.m. 30 *2 80,000 r ail, rain, 3Storm moved northeastward. Garfield anc and elec- northwestern trical Custer Coun- ties, Mont.

Myers (near), 6 4:30 p.m. 2 75 0 0 10,000 0 ornado, Tornado moving north-northeastward picked up granary Yellowstone rain, hail, and scattered the building. 800-gallon tank dis- County, Mont and elec- appeared. Farmhouse roof removed and garage moved trical 30 feet.

Warrenton 6 5 p.m. Electrical 22 head of Black Angus cattle killed by lightning On (near), Rappahannock farm west of Warrenton. Fauquier County, Va.

Roundup (5-8 a 5:15 p.m. 12-IE *3 .V21 0 0 12,400 50,000 Tornado Observer reported funnel cloud just prior to thunder males north sapectedj storm. Hailstones as large as hens' eggs piled up to of), Mussel - hail, wind; 6 inches in depth. Windows, windshields, and headlEht shell Count I rain, and broken. Roofs and sidings of buildings damaged. Des- Kont. electrical aged wheat. Storm moved northeastward. See footnotes at end of table. - 240 -

lower part of City, damaging buildings and STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Continued July 1955

Number of persons Istimated damage I Chsaracer Place Date Thie Property Of Remarks (exclusive Crops storm II ] II of crops)

Bottineau 6 5:30 p.m. 60 0 2 $ Slightl $600,000 Hail Some farmhouse windows broken, cars damaged. Crop County, N. Dk damage ranged from 25 to 100 percent. Storm moved eastward.

Watkins (north 6 7 p.m. 15 '1-1/! 300 50,000 hail, wind, i300 damage to livestock by lightning. Storm moved of. McCone rain,and northeastward. County, dont. electrical

Jud..n, 1orton 6 18 p..m 7 15 0 2,000 0 Tornado Storm lifted walls and roof of cow barn and milking County, X.Dak (suspecte"v shed over haystack as high as building. About 50 chickens in barn killed. No damage to house located about 300 feet away, nor to crops. Cow barn 80 by 18 feet was in center of row of buildings flanked on one side by granary and on other by pig barn, no damage to buildings, nor hog barn east of granary. Terry area, 6 8:15 p.m. 1,o000 12 ,OOCI Tornado, Lpparently tornado occurred in this ares during storm. Prairie Coun- hail, wind, No precise time given for tornado occurrence. Tornado ty, Mont. electrical damaged a house 18 miles west of Glendive. Storm and rain moved southeastward.

Forsyth (8 6 9 p.m. 30 1 *1-2 100,000 Rail, rain, Btorm moved northwestward, then northward. miles east and elec- of), Rosebud trical County, Mont.

Cavalier and 6 11 p.m. moderate Consider- wind, hall, Grain flattened, corn stocks shredded, fields flooded Pembina Coun- able and rain by rains with amounts up to 5 inches. Storm moved ties, N. Dak. southeastward.

Freder ickhburi 6 Evening Slight Electrical Severe lightning damaged house and injured 1 tenant. Va.

Powell County 6 P.m. 40,000 Rain and Flash flood that followed heavy rains caused damage to (eastern electrical several hundred acres of corn and tobacco. portion), Ky

Portsmouth 6 Night Electrical Lightning hit 3 bones and 1 utility pole and lights and adjacent knocked out in Jolliffs section of County and in Norfolk Coin Alexander Park section of City. ty, Va.

Illinois, 6 225, OO010 200,000 Hail and Thunderstorms, accompanied by hail and some locally northern rain heavy rains, occurred in comparatively narrow belt Portion extending from Whiteside County across LaSille and Grundy Counties to northern Kankakee County. Mail damage to crops heaviest in Kankakee County and local city flooding very damaging at Morris, Sterling, and Ottawa.

Richmond, Electrical Golf player killed when struck by lightning. Wayne Coun- and rain ty, Ind.

linor storms also reported at Gaineavllm, Ark.; at Laurel, Lewistown, and Big Born County, Mont.; in Ohio; at Amherst, Lynchburg, Pulaski, and Warsaw, Va.; and at Keyser, W. Va.

Lower Michign, Afternoon 50,0001 25,000 llind, hail, rhunderstorms scattered in western portion of Lower western pr- electri, Michigan. High winds caused damage in meveral local- tion and rain ities. Lightning also caused some damage, injured 1 person, and killed 7 head of cattle. Mail ruined truck crops and damaged fruit in area near Colona, Berrien County. maine Bangor, 3 p.m. 8 0 0 Dust devil Phenomenon formed in large parking lot in front of O and wind witnesses, described as follows: "A cone about 25 feet across formed and dust and debrim whirled sky- ward to base of thundercloud; as it pasmed'over small trees it pulled leaves and limbs upward." It moved out of sight in 5 or 6 minutes. 1 observer reported wind light, but that definite twist was clearly visible. This observer started for phenomenon to get inside and look up, but am he approached it picked up speed and moved off. Lincoln and 3-4:30 psm. 20 1 *3 1,000,000 500.000 Tornadoes,2 separate tornadoes. First tornado struck a mile Lyon Coun- hail, rain, south of Arco, ties, Minn. mecond tornado a mile south of and wind Hendricks. Path of tornadoes not continuous. Last great destruction 11 miles vest of Marshall at 4:30 p.m.; nearly all buildings on 4 farms destroyed! 2- year old boy killed and 13 other persons injured. Heavy rain and heavy hail accompanied storm. Adjacent counties received some wind and hail damage also. Storm moved northemtward. South Bend, 3:10 p.M. 2,700 St, Joaeph lain and .|9 inches of rain fell in downtown South Bend within County, nd. electrIcl an estimated 1/2 hour causing overflow of sewers and flash flooding of so basements, etc. $200 light- nig damage, $2,800 flamh flood damage. Storm moved northeastward. 30 footnotes at end of table. - 241 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Tab"l 4-Confinued July 1955 - ~Numbs - Estimated damage Character

Place Date Time '° Property of Remarks

- _ 0 (ofcluoive Crops storm

1_ | Ft 1 of crops)_

Forsyth Coun- 7 3:30 p.m. $400 $32,700 fail 3 square miles damaged, mostly tobacco in fields. ty, N. C.

Cumberland 7 4-10 p.m. Electrical Heavy local thunderstorms caused lightning fires and and Rowan and wind wind damage to business and residence buildings in Counties, Fayetteville; lightning damage to homes and com- N. C. munication lines in Salisbury.

Ellsworth, 7 N p.m. Moderate Consider- Rain, wind, iSmall grains and corn suffered considerable damage Pierce Coun- able and elec- from heavy rain and wind. Unofficial 4-1/2 inches ty, Wis. tr ical of rain fell at Ellsworth in 9-hour period. 1 bridge washed out and section of preliminary grading of new roadbed washed out. Storm moved northeastward.

inor storms also reported at Fort Lupton, Colo.; in Fayette County, Ky.; near Hershey, Nebr.; at Ander- son and near Chesterfield, S. C.

South Dakota, 7-8 |Night fail, wind, Numerous hail claims reported in 19-county area. Wind northern and and rain caused considerable damage to old buildings. northeastern portions

Hennepin, 7-8 P.m.-a.m. 300,000 Light tind, elec- 3uilding damaged, trees uprooted,and utility services Ramsey, and trical, interrupted. At Lake Minnetonka small boat capsized Dakota Coun- and rain and cottages damaged. Barns wrecked in rural Hen- ties, Minn. nepin County. Lightning did $28,000 damage. At Crystal Airport, Minneapolis, 2 hangars demolished, 20 parked airplanes wrecked and 25 others damaged. Excessive rains flooded basements, streets, and high- ways and lodged grains. washout near Mendota de- railed a freight train. Damage from wind estimated $280,000. Storm moved eastward.

Scribner to Early a.m. 30 *2-1/2 Light I 100,000 Hail Storm moved east-northeastward. State line, Nebr.

Southeastern 1-3 a.m. 35 80,000 250,000 Tornado Path of hail up to 8 miles wide. Buildings burst out- Custer Coun- |and hail ward; trees uprooted. Most property damage around ty to Nance Loup City. Storm moved eastward. County, Nebr.

Near Oconto tx 1:30-2:30 120-2! '2-3 Light Consider- fail and Stones up to 1 inch in diameter. near Comtoci a... able wind Nebr.

Frederick 2-6 p.m. 25,000 find, rain, County, Nd. and elec- trical

Warrenton kf ternoon Electrical 3 Black Angus cows and calf killed by lightning on (near), farm 4 miles from Warrenton. Fauquier County, Va.

Bowerstown W p.m. 15-20 3,000 I H 0 Tornado Loving southeastward storm twisted down line of trees (east of), (suspected) |in orchard and uprooted trees between 2 homes which Huntington were only 50 feet apart. County, Ind.

Valier (rorth- I p.M. 9 '1/2 80,000 Sail, rain, Storm moved eastward. east of), and elec- Ponders 0oun- ttrical ty, Mont.

Centerville 4:30 p.m. lShor* 25 2,200 0 rornado Storm smashed chicken house, killing 300 chickens, (near), St. (suspected) but did no damage to nearby residence. Whirling Joseph Coun- cloud of dust, moving from south reported by farm ty, Mich. owner. Gresham area, Isp.m. l Electrical Lightning struck large tree beside home and killed Marion Coun- child playing on floor in home. ty, S. C.

Dutton (near] 7:30 p.M. 20 * 1/2 50,000 Sail, rain, Storm moved southeastward. Teton County. and elec- Mont. trical

Cut Bank, Consider- lain and Runoff of heavy rain caused flooding of streets. Glacier Co- able hail ty, Mont. 1 Minor storms also reported at Columbus, Ga.; at Scipio, Ind.; in southern Iowa; at Kimball, Nebr.; in Warwick County, Va.; and at Wheeling, W. Va.

Lower Michigan 8-9 jAfternoon 300,000 50,GO0 Wind, rain, Thunderstorms with high winds and heavy rain hit western por- 8th-af ter- hail, and several localities. Heaviest damage near St. Joseph, tion noon 9th electrical where winds estimated at 75 m.p.h. Man killed near St. Joseph when tree fell on his car.

See footnotes at end of table. - 242 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Continued July 1955

Number Eshmatod damaqe

a 1 Character Rlace D TteTime 1p;EY0 of Remarks I(exclusive c ______I ~ ofops)

Colorado, ex- 8-9 100 540 0 $7,000 $90,000 Tornado, Over area of approximately 4,000 square siles extend- tre.e rorth wind, hail ing froe central Weld County through Morgan, Washing- eastern por- rain, and ton, and Yuma Counties high winds, rain, hail, and t ion e lec trical heavy runoff, also scattered tornadoes or twisters caused damage to crops and property. Storm moved eastward.

Kentucky, 8-9 500,000 750,000 Rain,elec- Flash floods, as result of heavy rains, caused con- northern and trical, siderable damage. Bridges damaged, soils eroded, centr-l por- wind, and crops washed away, and many homes and business estab- tionS hail lishments flooded. Lightning, wind, and hail contrib- uted to excessive damage. Garrard County was hard- est hit. 1 fatality was result of being struck by lightning. Other fatality and injury result of skid- ding off rain-covered highway. rlinoais, 9 dorning 100,000 10,000 ~Rain and Wind and rain accopanying local thunderstorms occurred northern por- wind in narrow belt extending from Stephenson and Carroll tion Counties southeastward to Cook County. Most of damage due to urban flooding.

Lorain, Elyria, 9 5:30-7a - 14,000 Wind, elec- Lightning and strong winds knocked out utility lines and Welling- trical, over wide area, including Elyria, Lorain, and Welling- ton, Ohio and rain ton. Much damage to lines and poles. Storm moved eastward.

Cincinnati, 9 Afternoon 150,000 Rain and |Flash flood brought on by heavy local rain inundated Ohio electrical River Downs Race Track during race, flooding large number of cars on low parking lot and doing damage | to track buildings, etc. Casualties by lightning strikes and drowning. Storm moved eastward.

Richmond area, 9 3 p.M. 10,000 Wind and umerous trees blown over on automobiles. Light plane Wayne Coun- rain at airport flipped over with $500 damage. ty, Ind

Pender and 9 3-5 p.m. 22,000 Hail square miles damaged, mostly tobacco in fields. Surry Coun- ties, N. C.

Hamilton Couc 9 4:30-5 pm 10 Light Sonsider- HRail orn stripped. ty (south- *ble| eastern por tion), Nebr.

Oakland, 9 5-7 p.m. 50,000 Rain Flash-flood damage. Garrett o ty, Nd.

Dixon County 9 6-7 p.s. 12 3 ,000 20,000 fail Stones up to 1.1/2 inchs in diameter. (northern portion), Nebr.

Shelton and 9 6 15-6 :30 10 *6 Several Heavy Hail and Vicinity, P.M. thousand |wind Nebr.

Billings, 9 3:10 p.s. 35 *3-4 100,000 900,000 Hail, wind, Large greenhouse containing orchids destroyed. Storm Yellowstone rain, and moved northeastward. County, dont. electrical

Polk (south- 9 10: 07 p. . 1-l,2~ 300 20,000 0 Tornado Boards and limbs driven into ground. Barn demolished, west of), co-bine and crib nearby undamaged. Polk County Nebr.

Hemingford 9, 10:30 p. .Shorl4Narroi 2,000 0 Tornado Rouse undamaged, but nearby farm buildings destroyed (11 siles or badly damaged. east-north- east of), Box Butte County, Nebr

Somerset Coun 9 P.s. 21,500 Electrical evere thunderstorm with excessive lightning resulted ty, Pa. and rain in fires which destroyed barn and sawmill. Damage estimated $21,500. Heavy rains caused rapid runoff which flooded some highways.

Illinois, ex- 9 Evening 10,000 10,000 il, wind, Severelocal thunderstorms with hail, wind, and locally treme south and rain heavy rain inflicted damage in Union, Wayne, And eastern por Edwards Counties. 1 person injuried at Cobd n by tion lightning.

Grinnell (1r1 9 Evening Rain,hail, ocally heavy rain of 5 to 7 inches reported from un- sile west of and wind official gages; considerable washing of fields,' flood- Gove County, ing of highway delayed traffic. Hail destroyed many tans. acres of crops. Farm buildings and stacked feod da- Aged Oy wind at 1 farm.

Cairo (5 9 Night 5 PIarroi I 1,500 0 Tornado nnel cloud observed, moving eastward. southeast Go Ball County, Nebr. - 243 - see tootnotes at end of table. STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Continued Julv 1955

-Ntumber Pa D. ie n s d Characteo s a C Partyof Place Dat Tim* 's5 fFemmrk~s R 0' I (ecumve Crops stormn 9 3X A o0 croT") - 9 Minor stores also reported at Columbia, Ala.; at Madison, Ind.; in McLean County, Ky.; at Grantsville, Md.; near Corvallis, Mont.; near Aurora, Kearney, Newcastle, and Wood River, and in Dakota County, Nebr.; in Person County, NC.; in Ohio; at Orangeburg, Rowesville, Kingstree, York, and Oakridge, S.C.; in Portsmouth area, Va.; and at Keyser, W. Va.

South Dakota, 9-10 Night $30,0001 $100,000 Rai 1, wind, Some 650 hail claims reported in 24-county area. eastern por- and rain tion

Iowa, wester% 9-10 LatO p.M- 9, 000 850,000 Wind, rain, Heavy rain, wind, and lightning damaged buildings and and northern early a.m. and elec- crops. portions trical

9or 10 Minor storm reported at Roanoke, Va.

Rolls, Phelps 10 &fternoon Slight Wind and usts to 65 m.p.h., uprooted trees, damaged roofs, County, Mo. rain and blew roof off granary.

Connecticut, 10 3-10 p.m. 20 50,000 Slight Wind, rain, hile all of southern New England felt effects of Massachuseth and elec- storm, eastern Massachusetts hardest hit. 2.10 and Rhode trical inches of rain fell at Logan Airport, eastern BoSton, Island in 1 hour.

Alamosa, 10 14 p.m. 0 0 1,000 0 Tornado drive-in theatre, several farm buildings, and trees Alamosa Coim damaged. Storm moved southeastward. ty, Col. Lenoir, Cald- 10 15 p.M. 1 Electrical Woman killed by lightning in home. well County, N. C.

Wheeling and 10 6-7 p.s. 1 Electrical Feeder line struck by lightning halted power service; vicinity, and wind sheet-metal roof of small shed ripped off by wind; W. Va. young man knocked unconscious by bolt of lightning.

Ault-Platts- 10 8: 20 p~m 15 V2 0 01 5, 000 Light Tornadoes everal twisters or small tornadoes damaged trees, ville-Eaton transmission lines, antennas, and small buildings. areas, Weld Store moved northward. County, Colo.

New Jersey, 10 Wlectrical Dozen or more houses struck by lightning, sue in northeastern Bergen, Union, and Middlesex Counties. Damage ap- portion peared to have been light or moderate and none of houses completely destroyed.

10 inor storms also reported near Tuckerman, Ark.; at Hagerstown, Md.; at Glendive, Mont.; in Keota area, Okla.; in Portsmouth area and in Frederick and Shenandoah Counties, Va.; and in Fairmount and vicinitY, W. Va.

Hancock and 11 A M--p.- 30 1 *4 20,000 120,000 Hail, wind, ial 1 inch in diameter damaged crops and property. Benson areas, and rain Also some wind damage. Loss from hail $110,000; Stevens and wind damage estimated at $30,000. Store moved south- Swift Coun- southeastward. ties, Minn.

Idaho, east- 11 1:15-3 p.i .100 100,000 Hail Damage mostly in Bannock and Bonneville Counties with ern portion wheat hardest hit. Damage scattered along path.

Melrose, 11 3:30 p.m. 1 Electrical Kan killed by lightning while cutting hay. Nacogdoches and rain County, Tex.

Central City, 11 Afternoon Moderate tain and tors flooded streets, buildings, and basements. Colo. hail La Grange, 11 Afternoon Consider- lain and Excessively heavy rains associated with a thunderstorm Troup Coun- able electrical flooded streets of LA Grange, causing considerable ty, Ga. damage. Choked sewers were inadequate, and water in uso- streets 3 feet or more deep. Water rushed into basements and lower places and badly washed a number of roads and new development lots. Several roofs caved in from accumulated water. Lightning struck several places, causing minor damage.

Houston, 11 5:45 p.m. 15 *3 10,000 Wind, elec- late-glass windows broken. Lightning struck manu- Harris Coun- trical, facturing firm with damage of $3,000. Storm moved ty, Tex. rain, and southeastward. hail iSheffield, 11 6 p.m. 0 0 0 Sornado 'arage attached to barn completely demolished, barn mlass. Wuactsd) unroofed, and roof of nearby tool shed deposited in and wind treetop. Other buildings 100 feet away suffered no damage and no damage reported in other sections of Sheffield. 11 Minor storms almo reported at Lakeland, Fla.; at Egypt Mills to Oriole, Mo.; at Great Falls, Mont.; atEgory, Tex.; in Bichmond, Petersburg, and Swords Creek areas, Va.

Sam footnotes at end of table. - 244 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Continued July 1955

of pronse Eimated damage C

Place Dots Time -0 la PXOpeaty of Relmark - (mxclustre Crops storm

______of crops) _ _ _1

Eddyville, 12 12:20 *..n *100 Yarroi 0 $4,000 $0 Torrnado buildings badly damaged. 2 x 6-foot board driven Dawson Coun- 4 feet into ground. Storm moved north-northeastward. ty, Nebr. Ainsworth (4- 12 1-1:15 pm 1 Rarroi 500 0 Tornado Funnel cloud observed. Heavy grader blade lifted amd 1/2 miles driven through garage. Store moved northeastward. south of), Brown Coun- ty, Nebr.

San Antonio, 1212:50 p.m. ElectricalLineman hit by lightning, knocked off of 25-foot polo. Bexar Coun- and rain ty, Tes.

Lebanon (south 12 Afternoon Electrical Barn struck by lightning and completely burned with a of), Smith calf, chickens, feed, and harness. County, Kans

O'Neill, Nebr. 12 3:10-3:45 3 5,000 Consider - Wind and Sree damage over entire town; too widespread for p.m. able hail tornado.

Del Norte, 12 3:25-3:45 2 500 3,000 Hail Bailstones ranged in size from marbles to golf balls; Colo. p.M. damage mostly to crops, but neon lights, signs, roofs, and windows suffered to some extent. Storm moved southwestward.

Brule to 12 4 p.m. 15 *4 Slight 200,000 iail and Keavy crop of wheat destroyed. Ogallala, wind Nebr.

Boelus (2-1/2 12 15p m. 1 ,000 0 Tornado Funnel observed, reached ground at one point. Large, miles north. tile hoghouse demolished, barn few feet away not east of), touched. Howard Coun. ty, Nebr.

McLean Coun- 12 6 p.m. 25 55 20,000 40,000 |Wind, rain, rrees, television antennas, and high-line poles des- ty, N. Dak. Band hail troyed and crops heavily damaged by hail and wind. Storm moved eastward.

Lyons (7 miles 12 68-7 .30 P * lind, hail, In small area wind damaged farm buildings and TV northeast nf and rain antennas; wind from east, estimated at 80 to 90 m.p.h. Bice County, Milo damaged by hail, but not beyond recovery. Heavy Kane. rain caused local creeks to run bankfull.

Kearney (5-1/2 12 5: 15-6 :30 5-6 Narrow 2,500 Zonsider- tail and Hail path 1/2 mile wide. Some buildings burst outward. miles east p.m. able tornado Storm moved northeastward. ofA Buffalo County, Nebr.

Scotia (near) 12 18 p.m. 0 0 Tornado Funnel did not reach ground. Greeley Com ty, Nebr.

Terrytown, 12 8 p.m. Short Narrov |Several 0* |ornado Funnel cloud, observed by several hundred people, most- Scottsbluff hundred ly aloft. Damage mostly to roofs and treetops. County, Nebr.

12 Linor storms also reported Fall River Mills -Daa-Glenburn- McArthur areas, Calif.; near Ravenna, Scotia, and Chapman, Nebr.; and in Jackson County, Wis.

South Dakota 12-13 Night lail, wind, 500 hail-damage reports from 22-county area. eastern por- and rain tion

Kansas, west- 13 AAfternoon 4,000 tind, hail, ffumerous thunderstorms locally severe with damage in ern and rain, lole'following areas: (1) Atwood (8 miles southeast of), central por. trical, Rawlins County, at 12:45 to 1:45 p.m., area 4 to 5 ions and dust miles long and 2-1/2 to 3 miles wide; mind, heavy hail, and rain damaged buildings, windmills, and growing crops; damages from wind $8,000 to property, from hail $30,000 to crops, $100 to livestock, $2,000 to property; hail 1/2 to 1 inch in diameter; rainfall estimated at 5 to 7 inches; hail drifts 3 to 5 feet deep 24 hours later. (2) Oberlin, Decatur County, at 1:30 p.m.; high gust of wind unroofed and damaged walls of partially completed storage building, I man injured. (3) Western Smith County, high wind dam- aged powerlines, blew tops off hay stacks, and downed a windmill; hail stripped corn and beat feed into ground. (4) Northeast of Says, Ellis County, during afternoon, wind and hail; barn blown down, slight hail damage. (S) Barton and Lyon Counties, 5 to 8 p.m.; numerous small damages from lightning and strong gusty winds. (6) Finney, Gray, Ford, Kiowa Counties, at 6 to 8 p.m.; thunderstorms; small damages from high, gusty wind, occasional hail, and lightning in various localities; gusts up to 62 m.p.h., recorded at Dodge City; hailstones measuring 3/4 inch in diam- eter fell and dust reduced visibility there to. 1/4 mile at times.

Soe footnotes at end of table. - 245 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Tabl 4-Continued _TlY 1955

Number 4 of paon Estimated damage a 1Character Place Date Timeo L I Propertyl of Remarks (exclusive crops Storm , ~ -- I of crops) 3 ' - - tm -1 1 + + F- Stanton Cou- 13 350-pm $25,000 $40,000 ail and barns blown over. Stones up to 1 inch diameter. Pro- ty, Nebr. wind| | perty damage by wino, crop by hail.

CimarroniOear) 13 I P.M I0p 1/' iarrow 0 0 4,000 Tornado, ornado first observed 1 mile north of Cisarron in Gray County, rain, and dust cloud; roar heard and funnel cloud seen. Dam- Kian. dust age to roof and porch of residence. Storm oroke up about 12 miles south of Cimarron. Storm moved south- westward.

Fort White, 13 1 lectrical Boy killed by lightning while working in field. Fla.

13 minor storms also reported at Chatham, La.; at Cabool, Mo.; and near Lexington and Madison, Nebr. Kapsvi lle 14 19:45-1l1as 25,000 5,000 rain Heavy rains caused damage in area around Kampsville. and vicinity, Highway bridges and small farm buildings damaged. III.

Iroquois and 14 Morning 2 10,000 5,000 Electrical Heavy rains and intense lightning damaged small build- Ford Coun- and rain ings and standing crops; 2 boys injured by lightning. ties, Ill.

West Pale 14112:05 P.m 0 0 Waterspout bmerved by tower and aircraft personnel from West Palm Beach, Fla. Beach Airport.

Rush (5 miles 14 3-4 p.m. 7 *3 20,000 WaiI and ailstones ranged to size of golf balls. Storm moves south of), rain eastward. Colo.

Auit-Eaton 14 4:30-5:15 9 i1,900 3,000 30,000 Hail, wind, Storm moved southeastward. areas, Weld p.m. rain, and County, Colo. electrical

North Fort 14 Electrical 8 mess tents blown over; 2 soldiers stunned by light- Hood, Beli and wind ning, 2 others injured. and Coryell Counties, Tex

Kilgore, Gregg 14 Electrical ightning set 10 oil tanks afire; 30,000 barrels of County, Tex. and rain oil lost.

14 Minor storms also reported a, Rolla, Mo.; near Oxford and in Scottsbluff County, Nebr.; near Colbert, Okla.; and at Waco, Tex.

Drayton Plairm 15 9 am. Short NarroI 1,000 0 Tornado Tornado funnel observed. Storm hit wooded area, tear- (iwar), Okbltud and rain ing down many large trees, but did not damage 2 homes County, Mich. less than 100 feet from its path.

Sulphur, Murras 15 2:20-3:301 1-/2 300 15,000 Minor Tornado Tornado moved westward or south-southwestward. Drive- County, Okla. p.m. I(swmcted), in theatre screen blown onto automobile injuring 3 wind, rain, women, one of which later died from injuries received. and hail

Pauls Valley, 15 3-4 p.m. 10 *2 15,000 Minor Wind, rain, imnds blew in windows on east sides of some buildings, Garvin Coun, and hail and portion of south wall of another building blown ty, Okla. out. Public utility services out of use for varying lengths of time. Storm moved westward, then eastward. Lake Butler, 15 15:30 p.m Electrical Injury due to lightning. Fla. and rain

Sarasota, Fla. 15 Afternoon Minor Electrical Injury and property damage due to lightning.

Tulsa, Tulsa 15 ifternoon 3 50, 000 Wind, rain, Wholesale grocery warehouse and drive-in theatre County, Okia and hail severely damaged. Storm moved southwestward.

Kansas, ce 15 |Afternoon- Electrical Occasional lightning strikes caused damage to homes and souther evening hail, and and several churches. Some hail damage to crops. portions wind Wind broke trees and damaged transmission lines.

Fort Worth, 15 L:58 P.m. 10,000 Wind, hail, Damaged grocery store, warehouse, plate-glass windows, Tarrant Coun- and rain and roofs mostly in Morningside, Seminary Hill, and ty, Tex. Polytechnic areas of Fort Worth. Storm moved south- ward.

Mountain Vie 15 |vening 25,000 Minor Electrical $25,000 grain-elevator fire caused by lightning. Fire Kiowa Coun- | and rain at grain elevator was only damage reported. Storm ty, Okla. moved southeastward. Oregon, nwrtb 15 |Evening 40-50 ' 15-20 800 1 700 Wind, hail, Thunderstorm with local, strong winds and small areas western por- and elec. of hail. Storm covered most of Columbia Valley, in tion trical Counties of Clatsop, Columbia, Washington, and Mult- nomah. Extremely violent thunderstorm for this area, but damage largely confined to brief power outages. Hail of any consequence fell over only very small area, but stones as much as an inch across found. These caused small amount of damage to cars and glass. mostly to neon signs. At one rather large church, camp tents blown off their supporting framework, but damage not extensive. Storm moved eastward.

See footnotes at end of table. - 246 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-CnHnued July 1955 :I, Number of persons Estimated damage t a Character Place Date Tnme 16 7K_Property of Remarks 0I (ezclusive Crop. storm W., I1of crops) + I I Kilgore (7 15 512,500 Ilectrical|Lightning struck 4 oil tanks. miles South- west of), Rush County, Tex. 15 Sinor stores also reported near Bentonville, Ark.; at Colorado Springs, Colo.; at Bradenton and Zephyr- hills, Fla.; in Ohio; at Centrahoma and Tupelo, Okla.; and at Hico and near Valley Mills, Tex.

Washington, 15-16 17 p.m.-a.m 10,000 Electrical Unusual amount of lightning for western Washington. western Lightning caused large number of power outages in all division areas and damaged residence in Tacoma and television antennas in several localities.

Huggins, Texas 16 12 p.m. 1 Eiec tr ica 1 Farmer killed while shocking oats. His brother several County, No. feet away knocked unconscious.

Connecticut, 16 Late afte' 1,000 Ilectrical central and noon and rain eastern por- tions

Idaho, east- 16 0-6:30p.m.l 100 $150,000 Rail and Crop damage due mostly to hail in vicinity of Tetonia, ern portion where estimated 2 inches of precipitation fell. Heavy rain in city of Pocatello caused some flooding of streets and covered some streets and lawns with debris. Actual property damage slight. Scattered damage along entire path.

Washington, 16 500,000 11,000,000 Wind, rain, Several severe thunderstorms accompanied by high wind, eastern midnight hail, and heavy rain, and hail ranging in size from 1/2 to 2 division electrical inches in diameter. Greatest damage in Lincoln, Spokane, Okanogan, Stevens, Adams, Douglas, Columbia, Franklin, and Whitman Counties. Severe thunderstorm in Okanogan County between 6 and 10 p.m. Orchards damaged by hail in Okanogan and Methow Valleys. Heavy rain caused landslide, which wrecked sawmill and damaged residence. Forest Service roads and trails washed out in Winthrop and Mazama areas. Several forest fires started by lightning. Damage in this area estimated at $100,000. Most severe thun- derstorm near Reardan, in eastern Lincoln and west- ern Spokane Counties between 6 and 8 p.m. Path of storm about 2 miles wide and 20 miles long. Hail- stones ranged in size from 1/4 to 2 inches in diam- eter. Several thousand acres of wheat either dam- aged or destroyed, buildings damaged by hail, and heavy rain caused serious soil erosion. Crop damage estimated at $500,000 and property damage and soil erosion losses estimated at another $500,000. Another hailstorm damaged buildings and destroyed crops in smaller area in Stevens County near Chewelah. Hail varied in size from that of golf balls to baseballs. Lightning set fire to wheat field in Franklin County burning 1,500 acres of wheat and 4,500 acres of pas- ture land. Estimated that 10,000 acres or more of crops in State damaged by hail. Damaging hailstorms reported in Columbia, Adams, Whitman, and Walla Walla Counties. Heavy rain occurred in some areas, causing serious erosion.

Monmouth 16 Electrical 4 farm hands struck by lightning and injured, 1 County, N.J seriously.

16. Minor storms also reported near Tarpon Springs, Fla.; in Shelby County, Ky.; and at Durant, Guthrie, and Grandfield, and in Fort Gibson Dam area, Okla.

Florida 16-17 Electrica3 lhunderstorms from Gainesville and Trenton southward wind, and to Bradenton and Arcadia. Deaths and injury due to rain lightning on 17th. Numerous severe thunderstorms with lightning and wind as destructive features. Winds damaged structures and broke trees in several places. Lightning started several fires and caused considerable damage to appliances and power distri- bution systems. Canyon Ferry 17 5:30 p.m. 22,500 tain, hail, Samage mostly to roads. Storm moved eastward. Dam, Lewis wind,and and Clark electrial County, Mont. Idaho, south- 17 0:30 p.m. find, hail, Power and phone lines broken in vicinity of Twin Falls. central por rain, eme- Large transformer burned out at Oakley. Falling tree tion trical, crushed porch roof on house 7 miles north of Jerome. and dust Tree branch went through windshield of car in Twin Falls. Hail about 12 miles south-southeast of Rock- land, Power County.

Camp Brecken 17 2 Clectrical 2 fatalities result of lightning striking tree under ridge, Ky. which they were standing.

See footnotes at end of table. - 2 47 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Tabu. 4-ontinued July 1955 Nuinler I I I i - T N Estimated damage I I Clacactffr Place I Date Tine 0 Pwopeity Of Remarks 0- I (exclusive Cropa storm A of crops) I i i . 17 inor storms also reported at Anderson, nd.; in Fleming County, Ky.; in Lewis and Clark County, Mont; in Carmen vicinity, Okla.; and near Greenville, Tex.

17-18 Iinor storm reported near Ethridge, Mont. Beaumont Air- 18 10:31 a*m. 0 0 $0 $0 Tornado Funnel cloud, not reaching ground, moved northward. port ( 1-1/2 miles south- southweesttt Jefferson County, Tex

Lamema (a8 &i 18 11 :15 a m. 0 0 0 0 Tornado Funnel cloud reported not touching ground. southeast of) Dawmon Coun- ty, Tex.

luk and Pres. 18 12:37 p.m. 0 0 0 Tornadoes During heavy local rain, 2 small tornado funnels dip- ton areas, and rain ped momentarily to ground and then disappeared, Pratt Coun- neither caused any damage. One was; 2 miles east of ty, Kans. Iuka and the other southeast of Preston.

Pitt, Robeson, 18 4-9 p.M. 10,000 Hail square miles damaged, mostly tobacco in fields. and Scotland Counties,N.C

Owenaboro, Ky. 18 4:45 p.m. 3 glectricalLightning struck tree, killing 3 boys who had sought shelter from storm in tree.

Kansas City 18 P-6 p.m. *3 300 Slight Rail and Hail rectangular, up to 3 inches long. Wind gusts 70 area, Clay wind to 86 m.p.h., at Fairfax Airport. A few windows County, No. blown in. Storm moved northeastward.

California, 18 Evening Wind,rain,Power poles knocked down and areas "blacked out" in southern and elec- some regions around Palm Springs, Camp Irwin, and portion trical Barstow while lightning struck Gale substation of California Electric Power Company in San Bernardino County. Strong winds unroofed 2 houses and a church and wrecked business structure in Borrego Springs area. Near Beaumont many plums blown from trees. Several homes flooded and roads and highways washed out or inundated.

Florida 18 Rlectrical1Thunoerstorms in Panama City, Dunedin, Sarasota, and and wind Fort dyers. Considerable lightning damage to |appliances and fixtures. Television sets and anten- nas suffered greater part of damage. Structural damage due to wind at Panama City.

Galesburg and 18 10,000 5,000 tain Severe local flooding. vicinity, Knox County, Ill.

18 Minor storms also reported in Wyandotte County, Ians.; in southern New Hampshire; at Grandfield, Okla.; in southern Vermont; and at Charlottsville, Va.

Fairhope, 19 L:30 p.m. 5,000 13,000 Bail, wind, $3,000 of crop damage oy hail. Hailstones 5/8 to 3/4 Baldwin Coun- rain, and inch in diameter. Hail over area 1/2 by 3 miles. ty, Ala. electrical Storm moved northward.

Galveston (12 19 ?:56 p.m. 0 0 0 Waterspout Funnel observed from Weather Bureau Office. to 15 miles *ast-north- east of), Galveston County, Tex.

cDuf f ie and 19 1-4 p.m. Consider- slight Wind, hail, High winds caused scattered damages from Thomson south- Columbia able rain, and ward amd eastward, extending into extreme western Counties, Ga. electrical Columbia County. Mostly superficial damages done to homes and other buildings, including 1 roof blown off, TV aerials and other smaller objects blown down or damaged. Considerable power failures at scattered points; hail without damage occurred at Dearing, and lightning struck some trees setting grass afire near Thomson.

Transylvania 19 t3-4 p.m. 1,000 17,000 pail 10 square miles damaged. and Jackson Countiez,X.C

Grand Juanm kf ternoon *5 400 10,000 Wind, dust, Storm moved northward. area, Colo. hail, and rain

Columbus, 19 I PpM. hind, rain, High winds, estimated at 50 m.p.h., struck several Muscogee and elec- points in northern Columbus, blowing over several County, Ga. trical trees, 2 of which fell on homes damaging roofs; several windows and blinds broken or damaged, and a number of house roots suffered light to moderate 8ee footnotes at end of table. - 2 4d - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Tah.1_ A4nn d- 1.V a...

Pumbera atimated damage h I of peeaona I Ediaraed d

Time Is PPropea ty of Remarks 8 I I1 1 (xclusive Crops storm I 9 iF fi 4 of crp)

Georgia damage. Some utility lines brought down by sind or (Cont'd) falling trees, disrupting services in small areas. Heavy rains and lightning also occurred, out caused little damage.

Stanly Coun- 19 7 p.m. 1 $2,000 $4,000 Electrical Woman slightly shocked at Badin. Hail damaged crops, ty, N. C. hail, and wind damaged roofs. wind

Statesville 19 !Night 10,000 Alectrical lhome destroyed and 1 damaged. (near), Ire- dell County, N. C. 19 inor storms also reported in Borrego Valley, Calif.; at Burley, Idaho; at Springville, La.; near Peach Orchard, No.; in Pender County, N. C.; and near Chester and Ruby, S. C.

Tetonia area, 20 3-4 p.m. 15 *2-. ~onsider- HFail and Damage to crops patchy, ranging from slight to total Teton County, able rain damage in various fields. In many cases benefits Idaho from rain considered equal to damage from hail. Storm moved northeastward.

Cumberland, 20 P-7 p.m. 2 22 10,000 Electricall 1 soldier killed, 8 injured, in tent struck by light- Columbus, ning at Fort Bragg; 1 woman killed, 2 injured, at Onslow, and Turkey tobacco barn; 12 women shocked at tobacco barn Sampson near Fair Bluff. 70-foot chimney and other structures Countie-.N.C. damaged.

Roundup, 20 5:15 p.m. 115-2( *1C Consider- Rain and Flooded streets and basements. Storm moved northeast- Musselshell able electr L) ward. County, Mont

Wisner (near), 20 Evening 1 Light Electrical Man shocked and badly burned while repairing damagen Nebr. wires.

Venice , Naples, 20 1 1,500 Electrical Injury and property damage due to lightning. and Islamada, Fla.

20 linor storms also reported at Natchez, Ala.; in Pickens ICounty, Ga.; near Bloomfield Nebr.; in Mecklenburg County, N. C.; and in Giles County, Tenn.

Helena (near), 21 2:45-4:30 8-10 Minor Consider - Wind, elec 4ALightning struck transformer in West Helena, disrupting trical, electrical service. Farming areas suffered consider- Phillips p.m. able and rain County, Ark. able wind damage to corn and beans.

Springfield, 21 5:15 p.m. 1 Electrical Woman struck by lightning, killed instantly. Greene Coun- ty, Mo.

Idaho, south- 21 Consider- Rain ge mainly from flash flood action in several central por- able localized areas from south of Rogerson northward to tion Galena Summit. Roads and highways littered with silt and sage brush, some road surfacing damaged, and some damage to dam at Salmon Falls Reservoir.

21 Minor storms also reported at Natchez,Ala.; and near Urich, Mo.

Leevining al-22 3 p.in.21st- 50I 185,000 Rain, hail, Pccurred both days at same location. Heavy rain caused Peak, Mono 5 p.ma.22d anId elec- landslides that buried automobiles, cabins, and 2 County, Calil trical highways under tons of mud and debris estimated at 50 feet in some places.

Virginia and R1-22 102,500 RAin, elec- Runoff from heavy rain polluted Virginia Water Reser- vicinity, St. trical, voir as red ore sediment washed in. Basements, stmtw, Louis CountY and wind and highways flooded; washouts occurred. Some light- Mine. ning occurred, damage $2,500. Estimate of dam- age from heavy rainfall $100,000. Storm moved north- eastward.

Elawood, 22 P.m. 2 I /8 0 1,000 Light Tornado Ofunnel cloud observed. Loud roar heard, similar to Pierce Coun- I p~eeted~l low-flying airplane. Trees twisted and uprooted. ty, win. Iind, rain, Storm moved northeastward. and elec- trical

Savier and 22 ~:30 p.m. 2,000 Electrical, persons struck by lightning while seeking shelter Little River and rain under large tree near De Queen. Lightning wet fire Counties, to barn west of Foreman. Ark.

Lincoln Air 22 2:45 p.m. 1 Electrical iTr Force man struck and killed; Was refueling plane, BaSe, Nebr. but no fire resulted.

Nez Perce 22 1 p.m. L1 Z1 1/2 7,000 Hail, wind, /2-inch hailstones fell for 20 to 30 minutes at Red- County, Idaho and rain bird community, destroying 100-acre field of peas and damaging fields of wheat and barley. Winds of about 45mp.h., accompanied storm. Storm moved northeastward.

S*a footnotes at and of table. 249 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Tabe 4-Coutued JulI 1955

of Pomnra Etimated damage I Character Pie ])atv Tine 0i Property Of Remarks Xt o PI (excluaive Crops storm ,3 of crops) Bisbee-Wrilcoxl 221Afternoon $12,00 o oRain,wind, tain-loosened dirt caused wall of hose to cave in at area, Corbise hail, and Bisbee. Livestock auction barn damaged at Willcox. County, Ariz. |electrical

Illinois, 22 Afternoon 15,000 $5,000 Electrica1, e few severe local thunderstorms over narrow belt from northern wind, and Stephenson to Cook Counties. Minor wind and hail portion hail damage in Freeport area; 1 man killed by lightning in Chicago area. 2 Codell1outh 22 Afternoon . Kind, hail, Sudden gust of wind damaged large barn, broke trees, ann east of), unroofed small buildings. Some lightning damage also. Rooks Coun- trical ty, Kans.

Superior (nea 22 Afternoon 5,000 Consider- Wind and Neobr. |able | hail Okanogan, 22 Late after- 20 I -2 25,000 75,000 Find, hail, ,reatest damage to orchards in Okanogan, Malott, anc Malott, and noon and elec- Omak areas. 1 small plane and several buildings and Omak areas, I trical trees damaged by wind and hail. Several forest fires Wash. started by lightning. Storm moved northward. I Phoenix, 22 |Evenlng 10,000 Wind,ra In, Severe thunderstorm with locally high wind. Storm Maricopa I hail, and moved northwestward. County, Ariz. electrical

White Bird, 22 1 Electrical Cattleman injured by force of lightning strike as he Idaho was riding range. Large lump appeared behind his ear, his trousers were split, and soles of his shoes i loosened. i 22 linor storms also reported at Slidell, La.; at 1 Corrales, N. Mex.; and at Luxemburg, Wis. Fort Supply, 23 1-1 :30 am, 2 200 0 1,500 1 Minor Tornado rornado moving northeastward tore off several store Woodward i (suspected) awnings and damaged several TV antennas. County, Okla. wind, and i rain I Valparaiso 23 1:30 a n. 10,000 Electrical tarn and contents destroyed by lightning. 2 or 3 area, Porter and rain houses also damaged by lightning. County, Ind. i I Foley (near), 23 6:30 a.m. I 5,000 i lectrical Lightning hit patrol boat on Wolf Bay. Ala. I I i Double Bayou, 23 10:30 a.s 0 0 0 Tornado Funnel cloud not reaching ground, 8 miles south of Chambers and rain Anahuac, moved northeastward. Also reported by County, Tex. pilot. Illinois, 23 Af ternoon 1 100,000 75,000 Rain, wind Locally heavy rains, strong winds, and some hail north-central hail, and occurred at spotty points in Rock Island, Peoria, portion electrical Tazewell, La Salle, and Cook Counties. Damaging urban flooding in communities of East Moline, Ottawa, Peoria, and Chicago. Tents leveled at both Peoria and Lincoln, and boy killed by lightning at Joliet.

Dillon (7 23 Afternoon 2 *1-1/4 50,000 1ail,rain, north of), and elec- Beaverhead , trical County, Mont.

Vermont, New 23 13-6 p.m 5,000 WKail, rain, Rail size of golf balls fell briefly in Woodstock, Vt. Hampshire, 1 and elec- and Maine trical

Parsons (10 23 14:30 p.m. ornado Loud-pitched whine heard; sudden onset of wind or gust miles north- (Itsucte d) destroyed implement shed. Boy rendered unconscious east of), and wind when he took refuge under a tractor. Labette Coon- ty, Kans.

Washington 23 15-7 p.m. 10,000 -lectricalparn and hay burned from lightning strike. vicinity, D. C.

Greater St. 23 17:30 p.m. 100,000 Electrical, Considerable damage to boats along Mississippi River Louis area, rain, and and to utility lines; basements flooded in various St. Louis wind parts of City and County. County, Mo.

Springfield, 23 17:30 p.m. 10,000 0 roroado Porch blown off residence and several trees blown Greene Coun- [ uspecte*l, over. Lightning caused fire which destroyed old ty, Mo. electrical school house. wind, raim and hail

Union, Baker, 23 Evening 40-50 *20-30 3,500 6,500 lectrical Comparatively severe thunderstorm with fairly high and Wallowa wind, rain, winds and heavy rains in local areas. Most damage Counties, and hail caused by lightning-set fires. Some trees uprooted Oreg. by wind and powerlines downed. 1 person seriously injured by lightning.

See footnotes at end of table. - 250 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Conlinued July 1955

I , , I I : I : Number Estimated damage of persona I I Character Place Date Time -t 'St Property of Remarks 5o (exclusive Crops storm of crops) II l ,- l l ITI- II I Las Vegas, 23 $65,000 Rain Thunderstorm produced flash-flood conditions. Nev

23 Minor stores also reported at Attica and in South Bend and Mishawaka areas, Ind.; in Lewisburg and vicinity, W. Va.; and at Medicine How, Wyo.

Duval County, 23-24 kfternoonE 2 Electr icaj Death and injury due to lightning on 23d. Record Fla. wind,rain, heavy rain in Jacksonville for 10-and i5-einute and hail periods on 23d. Structures daeageu ann trees broken by wind on 24th. Hail on 24th.

Washington, 23-24 Evening- 200,0001 $400,000 Wind, rain, Thunderstorm activity over most of eastern Washington, easterL divi- early hail, and with most severe storms in Li-oln, Spokne, Grant, Douglas, , Sion morning electrical Yakima, and Garfield Counties. Thunderstore activity reached peak during early eorning hours of 24th. Lightning caused power outages in all areas of east- ern Washington. Lightning set fire to maintenance shop in Selah, Yakima County; forest fires started in several areas, 7 being reported near Colville. Largest area receiving heavy damage from wind, hail, and heavy rain in northern Lincoln and Grant Counties in vicinity of Hartline, Barrington, and Wilbur. 2 barns destroyed, television antennas wrecked and a number of trees blown over in this area. Bail daw- aged and destroyed several thousand acres of crops. Heavy rain caused serious erosion, and 30 head of sheep lost in flash flood along small stream. Arkansas, 24 i4fternoon 2 10,000 Wind, elec- Lightning struck several places, with minor damage at central por- trical, each in Conway, Clarksville, Russellville, Little tion and rain Rock, and North Little Rock. Phones and power dis- rupted. 2 persons suffered minor injuries as result of lightning at Clarksville. Wind damage mostly in Paris and vicinity, where several small buildings, trees, and television aerials damaged. Wind losses estimated at $3,000.

Kansas ,south- 24 |Afteraoon 2 Electrical Lightning damaged several properties. House and con- eastern por- tents,8 miles southeast of El Dirado,ourned. 2 women tion stunned near McCune.

Maceo, Daviess 24 5:30 p.m. 14,000 Electrical ightning touched off blaze in stock barn, destroying County, Ky. and rain barn and 4 prize Percheron horses.

Atlantic City 24 6,000 Wind moe damage to lifeboats and equipment of beach patrol. N. J. S lifeguards injured, not seriously.

Henderson 24 85,000 Rain hunderstorm produced flash-flood conditions. (near), Nev.

24 inor storms also reported at Gentry, Ark.; near Watervale, Col; at Poplar, Mont.; and at Tulsa, Okla.

Idaho, aorther 24-25 P.m.-am. 1, 500 8,000 Electrical idespread thunderstorm activity, accompanied by wind, portion rain, wind| rain, and hail, extended from vicinity of White Bird and hail to extreme northern Idaho, causing local flash floods, damaging crops, and setting fire to brick plant at Roy, burning out transformers, and breaking numerous power and telephone lines throughout area. Idaho, southb24-25 13,700 12 ,000 rain and ocal flash floods accounted for most of crop damage eastern porl electrical and covered highways and railroad with silt and de- tion bris in vicinity of McCamson and at Strevell, and set fire to barn near Downey.

High Springs, 25 a.m. Electrical njuries due to lightning Fla.

Douglas, 25 L0 a.m. I 0 0 Tornado unsel cloud observed, but not observed reaching Cochimse cou ground. Funnel first reported by pilot of aircraft ty, Aria. approaching from Mexico at approximately 10:25 a.m. Observed at approximately 10:30 a.m., as funnel-type cloud hanging vertically from base of cloud between 2 rain showers. Funnel estimated to extend 3 to 5 hundred feet below base of cloud. Continuous obser- afUDn rot pIDibie due to heavy air-ground activity. Direction of movement not determined, although city of Douglas had very heavy rain between 11:00 a.m., and noon, indicating that storm movement was from west to east or southwest to northeast. Funnel apparently over Mexico and if any damage occurred, it has not been reported to date.

Gunpowder 25 0:30 a.m. Wind and an drowned when squall capsized rowboat. River, Balti- rain | sore County, Md.

Lewis and 25 1:15 p.m. 1. 3,000 10 ,0001 150,000 BHail, wind,|rcurred in area from Clancey to Canyon Ferry Dam. Clark and rain,and W heat damaged, poultry killed, and windows and roofs Jefferson j electricaIl damaged. Storm moved north-northeastward. CoistewoMmnt.

See footnotes at end of table. - 251 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Ts.hI 4-Continsad _TAulv 195 -_ -- - _-

07-:1 ofEsiated damage t i Character Place T h e 0PoetfRnr -1*1 (excl usive Crops sorm

I3 xi iI o 3 3 of crops) --

Alseda, Harris 2512:30 p.m. Wind and House destroyed by fire caused by lightning. Several County, Tex. electrical other structures damaged. Wind estimated at 75 m.p.h. Danvers, Mass. 25 13 p.m. $10,000 Electrical In Danvers lightning caused fire that destroyed barn and 7 cows, total evaluation $10,000.

Coffee Creek 25 14 p.m. 10 $135,000 Hail, wind, 510,000 wind damage; $125,000 hail. area, Fergus rain, and County, Mont. electrical

Williauston, 25 4 p.m. Electrical gan struck by lightning. Martin Coun- ty, M. C.

Hobson area, 25 4 p.m. 25 *7 700 250,000 Sail, wind, Damage to barn by lightning $350. Wheat fields and Judith Basin rain, and gardens flattened. Windows broken, utilities dis- County, Mont. e lec trical rupted.

Broadus (30 25 Afternoon Electrical 5irl killed by lightning strike, playing on roof of miles south building. of), Powder River Coun- ty, Mont.

Angier (near), 25 Afternoon UlectricalJBoy killed by lightning. Harnett Cbun- ty, N. C.

Opheim-Saylor 25 200,000 Hail and areas,Vlallay rain County, Mont.

25 I Minor storms also reported from Nimrod to Bearmouth, Mont,; near Thacher, Nebr.; near Travelers Rest, S. C.; and at Douglas, Wyo.

Crowley-Ord- 26 Midafter- 9 *1 3,000 Heavy Wind, hail, Wind near gale proportions and heavy hail. Poultry way areas, I noon I and rain losses estimated at $3,000. Storm moved eastward. Colo.

Southwes tern 26 Afternoon 12 I*5ev- 20,000 Consider- Hail Most wheat had been harvested, or damage would haie Garden and eral able been greater. western Keith Counties, Neor.

Earth (9 miles 26 13 pm. 10 * 1 300,000 Sail, rain, N square siles of growing crops damaged. Storm moved northeast of) and elec- southeastward. Lamb and trical Castro Coun- ties, Tex.

Olton (Smiles 26 3:30 p.m. 13-1/. *1/2 5,000 25,000 Hail and Severely damaged growing crops. Storm moved south- soulhemt o), rain eastward. Lamb County, Tex. Sudan (6 miles 26 14:30 p.m. 10 BlectricallLightning struck in group of laborers chopping cotton. west of), and rain E Storm moved northward. Bailey Coun- ty, Tex.

Sedgwick and 26 Evening 7 *5 Moderate | Heavy Hail,rainHail damaged buildings and crops, killed poultry, and Phillips and windl bruised livestock. Counties, Co)lo.

Wilson (5miles 26 Hail 100 acres of cotton 90 percent destroyed. northwest of) Lynn County, Tex. Monahans (5 26 Klectricaltan killed by lightning while plowing. miles south of), Ward County, Tex.

26 Minor storms also reported at Granite and Ignacio, Colo.; and at Thurston, Wash.

Green Bay, 2717;35 a.m. 505,000 Electrical Lightning struck and set fire to wood-pulp warehouse, Brown CountX wind, and resulting fire destroyed 5 warehouses. 40-foot Wis. rain chimney and wall also demolished by lightning. Some utility lines also knocked down.

Denver, Colo 27 2:30-3:15 12 *2 30,000 Rain, wind, Heavy rain with some wind and hail in southeastern p.m.;5-7 hail, and section of Denver and soved northwestward across City p.m. electrical and suburbs. From 1 to 3 inches of rain. Streets, yards, and basements flooded, storm sewers clogged, lakes overflowed, and traffic tangled.

Lower Micdi4 27 Afternoon 5 200, 000 Nind, rain, High winds downed or damaged large number of trees and wouthastemi l and elec- did consieerable damage to utility lines and other p0P- portion I l trical erty. Heaviest damage in Greater Detroit area, but

S"e footnotes at end of table. - 252 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Contued July 1955

- - _ ___ - l l - - ___ __ ---- 7 l l -- . - Number Estimated damage of persona Character i Property Place Date Time 0 of Remarks .3a (exclusive Crops storm of crops) I Lower Middan losse also occurred around Lansing and Jackson. (Cont Id) Man killed by falling tree In Detroit.

Garden County 2717:30 p.m. 1 Electrical Man struck and badly shocked. Nebr. Clark and 27 |Night (p.m. 1 $2,000 Electricall man injured when house struck by lightning in New Floyd Coun- wind, and Albany. House struck in Clark County with $1,000 ties, Ind. rain damage.

Pennsylvania, 27 1P.m. 1 100,000 Electric ear Kittanning, lightning set fire to barn; damage southwestern rain,wind, estimated at $10,000. Near Butler, another barn portion and hail valued at $25,000 destroyed by lightning and re- sulting fire. In Turtle Creek area near Pittsburgh, runoff from heavy rains flooded many cellars and washed out surface of several streets. Clean-up and repair estimated in excess of $100000.

27 dinor storms also reported in Hardin County, Ky.; at Hancock, Md,; near Post, Tex.; and at Huntin!ton,W.Va.

Glendive (nortt 27-28 |11 p.m. -an 30 *2 1,2 lail,wind, dal1 damage reported as moderate to heavy. Storm of), Dawson rain,and moved northeastward. County, Mont, electrical

Tampa Bay are 27-28 0 rornado, Severe thunderstorm produced funnel cloud northwest of Fort Myers, wind, rain Miami Airport and hail in Miami on 28th. Lightning and Miami, hail, and caused injuries and was destructive feature of storm. Fla. electrica Lightning started several fires and heavily damaged many appliances and wiring systems. Wind damaged several structures in Tampa Bay area. Heavy rain damaged roadways and drainage systems.

Weyerhauser 27, 29, Light Heavy Kail and Hail size of hens' eggs laid low oats and corn, some area, Rush 30 electrica] damage to huildings. Some cattle killed by lightning County, Wis. on 27th, 29th, and 30th near Weyerbauser. Bulton area, 28 11 a.m. 80,000 Electrical Lightning struck and burned Rice Mills at Belton dur- Anderson ing severe thunderstorm. County, S. C

Birmingham, 28 Kidafter- Find,elec- .lthough no wind damage reported, a gust of 60 m.p.h., Jefferson I noon trical, observed at Weather Bureau Airport Station. 11 hou County, Ala. and rain hit by lightning with damage mostly in connection with electrical appliances.

Vernon (5 mile 28 P3:40 p.m. 0 1 0 $0 Tornadoes, funnels sighted by State Highway Patrol; I touched south of), wind, rain, ground, partly destroying farm building. Storm Wilbarger and elec- moved westward. County, Tex. trical

Sullivan 28 |5 p.M. 25,000 Slight Electrical rhunderstorm struck barn, destroying building and County, Teon. and wind 10,000 bales of hay. Telephone and poweriines blown down.

Anthony- 28 5 P.M. [ail and Bailstones as large as doves' eggs damaged 600 acres Canutillo rain of cotton and vegetable crops. area, El Ps County, Tex.

El Campo 28 , P.M. 0 0 O Yornado Funnel observed, not reaching ground. (north-north east of), Wharton Cxio- ty, Tex.

Lincoln Coun- 28 5 p.M. 10,000 lind Several buildings and I auto damaged; some livestock ty, N. C. killed.

Bache, Pitts- 28 I:15 p.m. 15 *3 10,000 Minor Find, rain, I farmhouse moved off foundation; several smaller burg County, and elec- farm buildings unroofed on at least 4 other farms. Okla. trical Storm moved eastward. West Palo 28 IS3l p.m. 0 0 0 Tornado Funnel cloud, not touching ground, observed from air- Beach (6 ess port. north-north- West of),Tla.

La Grange, 28 *arly night 500 Electrical rhunderstorm with considerable lightning flashes pre- Troup Coun- and rain vailed about 2 hours. Lightning struck 3 homes and ty, Ga. a store, causing only moderate damage, as plaster knocked from walls, weather boarding ripped off, and wire connections damaged. Utility lines also suffer- ed damage, more than 300 phones knocked out. Heavy rains flooded streets and filled sewers with debris.

Bennepin, Zs p.m. 47,000 Light Wind, elec- I barn blown down; other buildings and machinery dam- Stearns, and trical, aged; grain shocks and hay stacks scattered. Light- Morrison hail,and ning destroyed 1 barn and killed or. injured liveetock. Counties, rain Local heavy hail damaged crops and property. Minor YM1n. wind damage in Minneapolis proper. Damage from wind $40,000, from lightning $7,000.

dee footnotes at end of table. - 253 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Table 4-Conained -July 1955 - A: iNumber]I Eadaeh damage ' of persons _____ Character Piac Time - Property of Remanks Cropastorm _ I I _ (exus v ;I I , ;3|-gOfa crops) 1 ! l Clinton, Tenns 28 I1 |ElectricalMan killed by lightning. Morristown, 28 ElectricallWoman died of heart attack when lightning struck near- Tenn. by barn. 28 lAinor storms also reported at Anthony, N. Mex.; and in 1 I I1 1 Alexander and Sampson Counties, N. C. Anahuac (20 29 9:37 a.m. $0 rornado Pilot reported funnel not reaching ground. miles north- east of ), Ii Liberty arn I ty, Tex. I Oshkosh, Win 29 12 p.m. I I I Consider- i lectricalLightning struck and set fire to oil company ware- nebago Coun I [ | I|able I | wind,and house. Fire destroyed warehouse and contents, "car- ty, Wis . rain | load of oil and grease.' Lightning also struck 2 I I l other hones at approximately same time; damage minor. I I Bowdon, Carroll 28 Afternoon I Cons ider- Electrical Puilding under construction struck by lightning, ex- County, Ga. I able and rain act effect uncertain; biilding collapsed partly from I ilightning,I but mostly from undermining effects of l heavy rain on foundation of building. Losses from I collapse of building probably amounted to as much as I $5,000. Sterling 4oear) 29 knternoo I | lectricaloan sitting under tree struck and injured with third Nebr. Idegree burns. Grant and 29 13:30 p.m. I I 100,000 Moderate ~Windh il,;everal barns and outbuildings demolished, others dam- Otter Tail rainand| aged; trees uprooted; utility services disrupted. Counties, i1 1 electrical Locally moderate to heavy hail, reported size of Minn. I baseballs. 8 miles northeast of Wheaton, all build- ings on a farmstead wrecked. Storm moved eastward.

Lee County, 29 4 p.m. 1 1,000 Electrical oman knocked unconscious. Mule killed in tobacco N. C. `field. Several transformers damaged. Galveston (5 29 4:02 p.m. I I 0 0o 0 0 Waterspout 3ighted over East Bay. miles north- northeast )l, Galveston County, Tex.

Pahokee, Fla. 29 5 p.m. 0 0 5,500 iaterspoutslO waterspouts observed over Lake Okeechobee and 1 Imoved ashore to partially unroof store and snap off lutility pole. Storm moved eastward.

Anderson, 29 10,000 Electrical ightning burned 3 barns near Anderson, $5,000 damage. Abbeville, In Due West area, lightning struck home, $4,000 dam- and Hampton age. Hampton area, lightning damaged utilities, Counties, $1,000 damage. 8. C.

29 dinor storms also reported at Chatom, Dothan, and Columbia, Ala.; at Gainesville and Vienna, Ga.; and at Norwick, Conn.

Meadowlands 29-30 P.m.-a.m. 60,400 | Moderate Electrical rrees uprooted, buildings unroofed or damaged, corn and vicinity, wind, and and grains lodged. Power substation struck by light- St. Louis rain ning, burnt out. Lightning killed livestock. Light- County, Minn. ning damage estimated $60,400. Storm moved eastward.

Frazee vlcinitm 30 16 a.m. 25,000 Light Wind, hail, Barn demolished; outbuildings and silo damaged; cattle Becker Coun- electrical killed; numerous other buildings damaged; trees up- ty, Minn. and rain rooted. Heavy rains and hail accompanied storm.

Caledonia and 30 11 p.m. 6 *3 100,000 10,000 Wind, rain, Implement warehouse and barn under construction de- vicinity, hail, and molished; trees uprooted; poles and wires downed; Houston Coun- e lee trical windmill wrecked; brick wall of residence toppled; finn. growing crops and fruit trees damaged. Heavy rains accompanied storm. Storm moved northeastward.

Cairo, Grady 30 3 p.m. Consider- Electrical, Lightning and heavy rains heavily damaged telephone County, Ga. able rain,and cables, lines, ann transformers, but powerlines only wind slightly damaged. High winds broke off tops of some trees with no other important damage. Telephone services disrupted throughout city 7 hours or longer, and about a week required to complete all repairs.

Fort Lauder- 30 Afternoon 3hor Marrow 0 0 0 Fornado Described as small tornado, snapped 2 powerline poles. dale-Dania (Suspecteds Some property damage due to lightning. Winds esti- areas, Fla. wind, rain, mated 40 to 50 m.p.h., in Fort Lauderdale-Dania area and elec- and heavy rains flooded streets. trical

Empire (10 30 Afternoon 2 2 find Squalls, probably associated with hurricane "Brenda" miles south in its formative stage, capsized boat in Pelican Pass, ofilPlaque- resulting in 2 deaths by drowning. mines Parish La.

See footnotes at end of table. - 254 - STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA

Tabl 4-Continued July 1955

Number of pezuona Erlimated danage i Character Place Date Time Of'I Property Of Remarks 1i 0 ~ (exclusive Crops storm 5 I ofcrope) * bI I I !+ Iowa, central 30 P.m. S °10,000 Rain and ieavy showers with hail damaged buildings and crips. portion hail

Gresham, 30 P.m. Electric"aN fan killed as lightning struck tree and grounded Shawano Coun- wind, and through his body. ty, Wis. rain

Elroy, Juneau 30 15,000 E lec tr ical ,ightning struck and set fire to barn, completely County, wis. destroyed building and 700 bales of hay. 30 dinor storms also reported at El Dorado, Ark.; and near Denmark, Wis.

Oconouowoc and 31 S a.m. 100,000 Moderate Rain, wind, tainfall of 4.60 inches fell between S a.m., and 7 p.m., vicinity, hail, and 3 inches fell in 30-minute period near 5:30 a.m. Waukesha Coun- e lec trical Basements of downtown stores and residences flooded, ty, Wis. several new basement walls collapsed. Small grains and corn fields flooded. Many trees blown down by winds estimated at 60 m.p.h. Storm moved southeast- ward.

Caledonia and 31 INoon-4 P-m. 8 12 22,200 $5,000 Wind, elec- rown and farm buildings damaged; growing crops dam- vicinity, trical, aged. At Home Ridge, near Caledonia, cattle killed Houston Coun hail, and by lightning, loss estimated at $2,200. Heavy rainm ty, Minn. rain accompanied storm, some additional damage resulted. Storm moved northeastward.

Green Bay, 31 1 p.M. Sev- Moderate E lec tr ical Lightning injured several persozs and damaged utility Brown County, eral installations. Underground power cable to airport Vis. knocked out by lightning.

Chippewa Falls 31 2 p.m. 10,000 E lec trieal|Lightning struck and damaged many buildings. Storm Chippeva wind, and moved eastward. County,. Wis. rain

Arcadia, 31 3-4 p.m. 0 15,000 Minor Tornado Tornado moving southeastward severely damaged par- Oklahoma (suspected) tially completed school building. County, Okla. wind ,rain and hail Marquette 31 5:10 p.m. 0 50,000 25,000 Tornado 10 barns and numerous other small buildings destroyed ty, Wis. (suspactea( Hail 1/3 inch in diameter damaged standing crops. wind, hail, Heavy rainfall runoff eroded many corn fields. Dam- and rain. age at 1 farmstead at Newton shoved evidence of tornado action. Storm moved south-southeastward.

Fort Garland, 31 1/2 1010 0 1,000 0 Tornado Storm razed several small buildings, damaged trees, Costilla and wind and killed some poultry. County, Colo.

31 linor storms also reported at Vienna, Ga.; near Long Pine, Nebr.; and at Blue River, Centerville, Madison, and in Shawano and vicinity, Wis.

Howar rd and 31 3:30 p.m. 4,000 15,000 Rain and |eavy shower with hail damaged crops and buildings. Winsteshiek hail Couwnties, IOva

' Miles instead of yards. " Yards instead of miles. ° Includes damage to crops.


There was no major flooding during July. Dam- levee protection. ages resulting from localized overflows were relatively low. WEST GULF OF MEXICO DRAINAGE Heavy thundershowers on the 16th and 17th caused MISSISSIPPI SYSTEM extensive flooding on the Turkey Creek watershed Upper Mississippi Basin.--Minor flooding oc- and bankfull with some flooding of low lying areas curred on the extreme lower Root River at Hokah, on Nueces River from Crystal City to near Three Minn., and on the lower Zumbro River at Theilman, Rivers, Tex. Rainfall average was from 2 to 3 Minn., on the 8th from heavy thundershowers dur- inches with some heavy amounts of 5 inches. During ing the night of the 7th-8th. Some of the heavy the 3-day period from the 17th to the 19th, 20 rainfall amounts reported were: Caledonia, Minn., inches of rainfall was reported on Finley Ranch, 3.84 inches; Hokah, Minn., 3.25; Theilman, Minn., 12 miles west of La Pryor, Tex., and 9 inches, 2.47; and Zumbro Falls, 2.65 inches. 5 miles south of Uvalde, Tex. Observers report Heavy local thundershowers in the Webster City, the flood on the Turkey Creek was almost vs high Iowa, area on the 6th resulted in rapid rises of as that of last year caused by hurricane "Alice". strelams in that area. In the Webster City area considerable damage was done within the city as PACIFIC SLOPE DRAINAGE a result of rapid runoff and accumulation of Columbia Basin.--The lower Columbia at Vancouver, water backed up from storm sewers. The river Wash., and the Willamette at Portland, Oreg., itself did not get high enough to cause serious continued above flood stage into July. Crest damage and the crest-flattened rapidly as the stages of 19.5 and 19.3 feet, respectively, at water moved downstream. Vancouver and Portland, reached on June 27 and Missouri River Basin.--Heavy rain during the 28, were again equaled on July 2, but not exceeded. night of the 9th-lOth, caused substantial rises The Willamette. because of cool rainy weather near the mouths (and about 10 miles upstream) of the last few days in June, contributed sufficiently Perry Creek and the Floyd River in Iowa. Neither to cause the equaling of the former crests. Flood of these streams caused any flooding or flood damage was light. damage at Sioux City, Iowa, where the heavy rains There were several localized flash floods in (6 inches during a 3- to 4-hour interval) were the Upper Columbia Basin in Idaho during the concentrated. However, surface runoff directly month. On , flash floods inundated some from rainfall was excessive and caused consider- city streets and a part of the city's residential able damage all over the city. The only flooding area at Pocatello. was on the Floyd River at James, Iowa. On , thunderstorms caused some damage to Minor flooding occurred on the Blue River at roads and to the Salmon Falls Dam in the south- Kansas City, Mo., on the 6th, and on the Nishnabot- central part of the State. Highway 95 was tempo- na River at Hamburg, Ia., on the 9th, from the rarily blocked by mud and water runoff between intense rains on the morning of the 6th. An av- White Bird and Slate Creek in Idaho County on the erage of near 3 inches fell in the center of the 24th. On the 24th also, and again on the 25th, Blue River Basin at Kansas City. mud, trees and debris covered the highway about A flash flood caused considerable damage between 6 miles north of McCammon and a part of the Union Blair and Wathena, Kans., about 3 a.m. on the 6th Pacific Railroad right-of-way. On the 25th a due to heavy rain (4 inches) which fell in a few flash flood on Dairy Creek, about 7 miles west hours over Peters Creek. Several bridges were of McCammon, did damage estimated to run into washed out and crops in the valley destroyed. No thousands of dollars. damage resulted on the Nishnabotna River due to

FLOOD STAGE DATA (All dates 1 JOY a-Pea otherwise ,pspified) T"bb S

Ab- fid dog" p s Bib sad stbaFood -daea Rae",- Isews7!


Z..*b,. Tbeill-a, Miw.. 35 8 8 37.5 88 Willamette: Portland, 0reg. Jose 27, 28 Jaly 2 Root: loktbc,Mi.,. 47 8 8 47.9 6 ap..e: Webster City, lows 10 6 6 1 1.1 Co lbai.: Va..o.Ver, Orog. Jane 27. 28 Jaly 2 WI.ssa.i SMei- 5.s51 96 Miss: Kass.. City. We. ("BiMtter No.d4 21 6 21. 15

NisDb.bst.a: 5..b.etg I..s 18 9 9 19. 2 *P-oivsi c Ohio Basin

sabash: Wabash, lad. 12 16 16 14.1 16

Lafay.tte. lad. 1 1 17 18 , 12. 55 17

- 256 - RADIOSONDE DATA Average -ioWily.vaue TeNi. 20 JUVLY_1_905



a L

I {: 0 I A ,1

778 31 22.10- SURFACE 31' 1,619' 24.4' 43 31 42 17.8. 53 37 148S' 31! 309 24.31 84 31 8 4.I193 14.2f 75 1,000__ 31' 36' 31 31 40 102 17.00 ss, 3I1 135 13 8i 77 31 113 3.8' 89 31 38 31! 537 2267 5371 13.6 51 31' S70! 11.1 77 3I 605 24.31 72 950---- 31 503 31 31 538 7.01 80 31 514 9.4 81 900-- 31 988 31 990! 10.4 62 31 1,016 8.41 77 31 1,078 21.71 701 31 978 7.3. 71 31 963 6.5, 83 31 105 218. 60 850---- 31 1,493 31 1 462 6.9 66 31 1,486 5.71 75 31 1,573 10.51 72 31 1.447 5.7! 64 31 1,431 4.5, 82 '31 1 ,500 19.0S57 800 31 2 025 22.1 41 31 I 957' 3.3 69 31, 1 980 3.3 74 31 2,0911 14.9 75 31 1.9411 3.31 62 31 1 923 2. 3 80 1311 2 018 16. l 53 750----' 31 2,586 17.9 44 31 2,483L 2, 67 31 2,507 1.0 66 31 2,638 11 7 73 31 2,469 .61 53 31, 2 443 .3! 75 31! 2 570 12.7 52 700---- 31 3,167 13.3. 49 31 3 .0281- 2.8 64 1 31! 3,054 - 1.91 62 11 3,210' 0.4 71 31 3,013 - 2.5 49 31 2,995 - 2.3' 68 31 3.140 9.2 5S 650---- 311 3.791 8.3 55 31 3.617 - 6.1 55 311 3 644 4.91 ss 30 3.824, 5.0 69 31 3 605i-5.81 49 31 3.579 - 5.2 62 31 3 754 5.543 600---- 31 4,442 3.2 60 31 4,.234 - 9.5, 46 ' 31 4 265 8.5 54 30j 4,471, 1.4 67 31! 4:221 1- 9:31 46 31 4. 204 - 8.4 58 SO30 *403 1.2 38 550---- 31' 5.142 - 2. 65 31 4,.902 -13.6 43 1 301 4.935 -13.0, 50 30 5,1731 2.3, 58 31 4 ,8951-13.5, 43 31 4.874 -12.3 54 30! 5,096 - 3.5 36 500---- 301 5,090 - 7.0 62 30 5,.621 -18.4 40 30 5,654 -17.2'3 30 5,9205- b.5s 52 31 5,6061 -18.6 44 31! 5,595 -17.1, 49 30 5.843 - 8.5 450---- 301 6,715 -11.9 52 30 6,.404 -23.7' 37 301 6 441 -22.71 35 29 6 747 11l.05 54 31 6.394 -24.0 47 31 6 383 -22.6 47 30 6.661 -14.0 400---- 30 7.5971-17.80 44 30 7,.249 -29.8 39 30 7 289 288 29 7,6301-17.4 47 31 7.233 -30. ,47 31 7,230 -28.7 43 30 7.535 -20.3 350---- 30 8,581 -25.0 46 30 8, 186 -36.7 , 30! 8.229 -36.4 29 0,615 -24.7 43 31 8 168 -37.6 31 8.170 -35. 8 29 8,511 -27.3 300---- 30 9 683 -33.1 43 30 9 ,2351-44.3 30 9.280 -44.0, 29 9.717 -33.50 40 31 9,213 -45.2 31 9.224 -42.9 29 9,603 -35 2 250---- 30 10,939 -42.3 30 10 4351 51.0 30,10,482i-50.2, 29 10,969 -43.5 31 10,409 -51.4! 1 31 10, 432 48. 7 29 10,850 -43.8 200---- 301 12,411 -53.3 30 11,889 -49.0 30 11,933 -49.9 29 12.4311 55. [ 31811 5807'-49.3 31 11 893 148.7 28 12.327 -53.3 175---- 30 13,258, -00.9 29 12, 768 -40.2 30 12,807 -49. 29 13,249 -61.9, 31 12, 737 -46.9' , 3112. 773 -47.1 28 13,177 -57.6 150 --- [ 301 14,213 -.63.9 29 13,.701 -48 . 30 13.816,-49.6. 29 14.209 67.31 31 13 7$1746 a1 31113,790 -47. 41 27 14,100 -60.9 125--- 26'1. 3141 -b7. 5 29 14,.978 -49.2 30 15,0016!50.6 26 15,300 169.0 31 14 965 -46.6 r 31114 990 -48.7 26 15 275 -62.3 100---- 24 16.6541 67.0 20 16 435 49.4 f 30 16.4s71 -5.1 21116 638 -67.1! 31 16,443 -46.4 31117,9 -49.0 26 I6,648 -62.2 80----- 21 18.008 -63.1 27 17,890 49.32 30117, 96!55ls 16 17:,96! -64.41I 30 117,9231-46.0l -48.7 24 18,038 -59.5 60- 21 19 790 -59.9 25 19, 2911 .836 -45.3i 3129" 19,609 19. 787l-48.5 27,19 772 -51.4 14,19,766,-60.6 l -48. 6! 22 841 -57.0 50-so 21 20,933 5-7.7 23220, 988 -ss47.9 25 20,955 -1S.2 I 12 20 909! -58,2! 29 21,053 -44.71 129 21 004 -48.01 58 21.009 -54.8 40- 20 22,352 54 1 15 22 472j 47.s 21 22,408-50. 12 22, 319 -.1 27 22, 5411 :44: 2 27 22 472 -47.4 16 22,440 -52. 7 30- 1814,206 516 I 5 24,.381 47.4' 9 24.290 -48.8 10 24,181 -01.0 12 24. 455 1-44 .i 22 24, 380 -46.9, 13 24,317 -49.6 20- 10-I26,867 -47.6 5 26.815 -47.3

BOISE, IDAO X BROWNISVILLE, TEX. RUFFALO, NC BHRRWOOD, LA. CAAGUEEY,,CUBA I CARIBOU, II. CR.A.L2S0TN S. C. (911 MB.)W '1013 MB.) (994 VB.) j (1016 HB.) (1002 NMB.)E (991 MB.) to1017 UI. )

SURFACE 29 868! 24.1 40 31 7 1226.9 R3 3l , 182 22.4,74 3 i 3 26.6 83 23 122 23.3 9"I 18.2 73 31 13 24.6 91 1,000-- 29 41 31 31 144 26.4 79 23 31 58223.12121 26.3 03 3 130 35 23.4 93 I 3 31 ,1131 159 25.1 82 950 29 503. 31 082 23.6 80 ! 35I 582 22 71 59 31~ 596 23.2 78 I23 590 23.3 76 11! 558 18.7 58 3 1 616 23.4 72 23 1.0 56 900---- 29 9731 24.6 33 31 1,046'046' 21:3' 72 131 1.048 191! 61 31 110671 20. 5 74 21.0 70 3 16.2 58 31 1 .081 20.a 66 850----. 294 1471 21.7 30 31' 1539 31 1,5$60 1 7. 5 68 23 1. 549 17.9 699 3111502 12.8 62 31 17.8 63 5391 18.61 65 3 .539 16. 62 31 1,574 800----, 29 1992! 17.4 34 31, 2. ,05058 15 .7 60 I 31 2,053 13.8! 53 2,076 14.5 64 23 2.066 IS.0 66 31.! 2 ,000 9.5 61 31 2.090 14.6 3': 2,619 11. 23 750---- 29 2,543, 12.8 38 30i 2,,6060712.5 12.5 s 31 2,602 11.4 44 60 11.9 62 3113 2. 549 6.9 54 31 2,645 11.4 5961 700----[ 29 3.1141 8.1 43 30 3,180e180 9.2 57 31 3168 801 41 31 3 193 8.2 57 23 23613,184 8.4 56 3113 3,106 4.I 44 31 3, 207 7.9 58 650---- 29 3,725 3.2 48 301 3,79797 54 55 31 3:763 4.4 40 31 3,806 4.6 56 23 3.803 4.9 51 31 3, 711 I.0 41 31 3, 823 4.4 50 600---- 28 4.362 - 1.6 48 i 30, 4,441 1,6 52 31 4.423 _.7 37 31 4, 450 .9 53 23 4. 441 .9 52 - 2.2 31 4. 463 139_2248 31 4, 345 38 .8 46 550----' 28 5.053 - 6.5 43 301 5 139 - 2.2 48 30 s,122 - 3.2 28 31 5 145 - 3.13.1 50 23 1240 - 3.2 48 1 5.034 - 6.4 36 5,166 - 3,2 46 31 31 SoO---- 28 5.787 -11.6 38 301 5 889 6 3 44 29 5 867 - 7.6 5 894 - 7.5 48 I 23 - 7.9 46 31 5. 769 -11.0 37 31 5. 906 - 7.2 43 450 28 6.596 -17.1 30 6.716716:11.138 111! 38 29 6,687 -12.8 31 6,715 -12.7 48 23 -13.11 46 38 6. -12.1 44 31 6,703 31 6 576 -16.4 31 735 400---- 28 7,459 -23.1 301 7,601 16. 1 32 29 7.560 -19.0 7.596 -18.2 41 23 7,0835823 -18.9 42 31 7. 446 -22, 2 40 31 7,612 -18.0 39 350 28 8.423 -30.0 30 8 590 1 29 8.547 -26.4 31 8 .50 -25.3 36 23 8. 564 -25.8 42 10 a 414 -29.0 -25.2 124.01 31 9.6R63 31 8, 596 38 300----: 28 9 502 -37.9 30 9696696 -32.3l 29 9 641 -34.8 9,680 -33.9 36 23 -34 24 30 9 497 -37. 2 31 9. 696 -33. T 36 250----- 28 10.735 -46.1 30 10 955 -42.4 3 1 10,931 -43.9 23 10. 914 -44. 1 10 10. 731 -46.3 -43.7 1 27 10,882 -44.6, 31 31 10,948 200---- 28 12198 -51.1, 29 12.423 -54 51 26 12,335 -55.41 12,391 -55.8 2 1 12. 373 -56.1 9 12.190 -54. 3 I 31 12 409 .55.5 30 13,229 1-61.7 13 2013 175---- 28 13,062 -53.1 27 13, 264264 -60.9 1 26 13,175 -60.5! 20 -62.4 18 13, 029 -57. 7 31 13.248 -64.6 29 1 8 31 -61.6 ISO 2814 049 -55.5 25 14.207207 67.1 26 14,124 -64.61 14, 168 -67.0 14, 145 -68.2 26 13.988 -59.7 1 4,190 -66. 8 25 27115:198-57.4 21 15 290 28 15,258 -69. 4 I 8 -70.81 24 15.123 604290 -71.2 1 25 15 227 -66.08 15,229 -60.1 29 15 283 -69.2 100----1 2616,600 -37.6 16 161604 -70.8, 23 16,590 -63.8, 25 16,593 -68.0 24 16, 513 -59 .8 23 16.622 -66.8 80----- 23 18,009 57.5! 1417. 940 -68.01 21 17.957 61. 22 17, 942 -65. 3 12 17,915 -58.5 23 17.979 -64.0 60----- 319 835-..55. 13 19 690 4-6. 758 2 1 19,702 -62.3 2 1 19,735 -55. 7 23 19, 759 -60.4 690 62 17 19 -57. 21 50 ---- 998 54.2 12 20I,8s211-.81 I 20.20:901 0os-56.s! ! 20,836 -59.2 020.902 -53.6 20 2 1 -56 20. 903 _58.5 40----- 22 22 431 12 22 2261-56.6! ! 1222.32022 -54.3 22, 243 -56.2 .7 22.342 -51, 7 16 22. 316 -55.4 30--.- - 20 24300 - 7 24, 16 ,074!-.7 j 1 10 24 191 -50 22 24.081 -52.3 .2 24.217 -49.7 I I 24.163 -51, 9 I I L7326868 26:868 :406.846.8 I313 26:72926,729 :48.9-48.9 20- - 626,983 7 6 20.62228,622 -47.847.6 l l l - l

COLUMBIA, MO. 0DODGCITY. BANS. EL PASO, TEX. ELY, hEV. FAIRBANKS. ALASKA FORT HUACUUCA, ARIZ. GLASGOW, WORT. (987lB.) i (923 MB. ) (880 Bo.) (808 B. I (994 lB.) (856 BB.) I (936 MR.)

- I . l | . . i ! -- l i l l l 31 64 22.7!l 1,2 SUWFACE 31 26.0 76 3 1 238 792 26.9 52 2 1 1,195 27.27 48 2 1 1 .908 21.81 32 311 135 21.3 4'9 1,000-- 31 31 31 31 31 25.21 48 31 648 22. 7 55 120 74 44 31 86 31 lv.39 950 ---- 3 1 580 263 7 65 31 536 3 1 509 31 470 31 526 17.4 512 31 31 900 ---- 31 1,052 23.5 67 31 1 015 26. 6 48 31 994 31 503 31 521 850 ---- 31 955 31 986 13.2 517 31 991 21.5 51 1, 550 20.0 68 31 1,518 23.6 50 3 1 1.500 25.8 42 31 1.460 985 800 ---- 31 31 31 31 1.463 9.0 6 31 24.9 47 31 31484 10.0 53 2, 071 16.6 65 2,045 19.6 53 2.031 217. 43 31 I 992 22.6 29 31 1,963 I, 489 31 750 - - 13.0 5.56 ~231 2, 018 21.4 48 2.000 14.6 3 1 2.622 61 31 2. 600 15.5 54 3 1 2.051 17.4 49 31 2,550 18.9 30 31 2.492 2.0 6 700 ---- 31 3 195 56 31 31 19 31 2. 57 7 17.1 53 31 2,546 11.2 56 9.4 3, 17 9 11.1 5.4 3.172 128 55 31 3 136 14.2 33 56 650 ---- 5.9 31 3,041 - 1.0 1 31 3, 157 12.5 59 3,1I14 '7.3 30 3.813 49 31 3.800 6.9 52 2 1 3, 795 8.0 59 21 3.754 8.6 39 31 3.629 - 4.5 5i5 3, 77 7 600 ---- 30 46 31 31 31 7.7 63 3 723 3.2 4750 4, 459 4, 446 2.6 49 4, 445 3.1 63 31 4,411 2.7 46 550 ---- 30 - 2.2 42 31 4 254,- 8.4 5 30 4, 429" 2.9 69 30 4.366 46 31 5, 148 - 1.9 44 3 1 5, 145 - 1.7 62 31' 5.103 - 3. 1 49 500----- 29 6.6 37 31 31 31 4,924 -12.6 4'4 30 5,125 - 1.8 70 30 .056 - 5.5 44 5.907 - 5' 896 - 6.7 41 5,899 - 6.3 57 31 47 450 --- -11.7 36 5,855 30 5,642 -17.7 3 29 5, 880 -6.3 61 30 5, 796 48 29 6 734 21 6, 725 -11.8 3 1 6. 725 -10. 9 52 31 6.675 -14. 1 45 '7 -10.9 29 400---- 29 7.615 -17.8 31 31 30 6,427 -23.3 3 29 6, 702 49 6,611 -15. 7 38 7 603 -17.8 7,614 -16.5 44 31 7.549 -19.9 34 29 7.277 -29.7 3'7 -17.0 350 ---- 29 8 600 -2 4.9 31 -34.9 27 7, 592 29 7,4792 -21 . 7 8.588 30 8. 602 -23. 6 40 31 8,52T -26 .4 29 8.213 -36.9 27 -24 .0 40 300 ---- 29 9 701 -33, 4 31 -33.1 31 8, 580 29 8.447 -29 .0 39 9,690 29 9. 709 -31.8 38 9.622 -34.6 29 9,259 -45. 2 25 250- --- 29 10 955 -43.2 31 10. -42.7 9, 684 -32.5 29 99531 -37 .0 945 29 10,971 -41.5 31 10.870 -44.0 28 10.457 -52.2 25 - 42, 2 10, 764 20 ---- 29 12,421 -54.3 21 12,414 -53.4 28 10, 942 28 -45.6 12 447 -53.5 30 12. 331 -53.6 28 11,899 -50.4 21 -54. 3 27 175---- 29 13 265 -59.5 31 13,261 -58.8 28 13.292 -59.9 13.182 12, 411 112220 -52. 1 150t---- 31 30 -57.4 28 12 772 -48.6 20 13,252 -60. 7 27 13. Ole -54.3 28 14.218 -64.0 14, 216 -64.0 27 1 4,40 -66 .2 30 14, 146 125---- 26 -61 .3 28 13,785 -48.2 14 14, 196 -66 .5 14,058 -57.3 15, 322 -67.5 3 1 15, 321 -67 .4 23 15,331 -70.2 29 15.268 -63.0 28 14,983 -48.6 6 15,283 -69. 3 25s 15,201.5615,38325 -50.H 100---- 24~ 1 6 665 -66.7 29 -67. 7 1 9 16 653 -69.8 80- 16,659 28 16. 633 -62.6 28 16.447 -48.b 16 598 -50.4 23 18.020 -63.9 27 18,015 -63.8 IS 17.994 -64.9 26 18.017 -60.2 60 -.- 20 19 797 -60.1 23 13 28 17,913 -48.2 22 2218.004-2.-57.6 19, 791 -59. 5 1 9. 764 -60.8 23 19 821 -57.4 27 19,806 478 1 9.834 50----- 20.941 22 -57.6 1 19 -55. 4 -57.01 20.934 1 3 20,903 -57.9 22 -55.6 1a 20 , 995 40 -- I 8 22, 361 -54.6 2 1 13 20. 975 26 21.010 -47.3 -54. 1 22. 349 -54, 7 ' 22,320 -54.71 20 22.401 -53.6 26 22,485 46. 5 22, 433 30 -- 1 7 24,217 -51 . I 16 24, 202 13 I8 -51i.5 20. 24,172 -51.0 12 24. 254 -50.6 20 24,38 6,0 24 307 -- 26,886 -47 .6 6 ! .51121 26,813 -. 9 26.'991 -4S. 4

Tb.Ad Barage values for steadard prer.=- asrfeaoe. we obtai4d by radio- twore t degree. oeatigrade and relativn humidity in percent. soed..; dyna.s height (geaoptnti.Sl) in units of .98 dye.a -etero, tempers-

- 257 -

126.-16.61:24.11:54-68.01 62211815.732.342.4609167.1171.2170631446.9251;6 39033836806,4555184 32726560585752 3133113029'29'2726252117 10,68212,33513:17516:590II7."719 I104822:6023,1683,7634:42356:68777,56B6,5471,64I4 ..: 58253905312266227758'20191 1821324 -3.2:17,6-10-26_.'-44,1-55.4-60.5-66.0:61:1,-5719224742211613811:46351:1545 9.8442.84.8 '7 .2 96143 5621411 Sq53444o3728 1 3313:3029282122316 11 10,93112,39113,229115:25811,19317,9421920:83622,24324 1067I:210762:61933,8064,45055.89467:589,6804 596$607155807020811193145168 96 44 :43.9-55.8-61.7-67.0-69.4-6B.D-65.3-62.32623.27820.18.233.959.252:3114.5118. 7. :.59 6832479574568 64605756535048413631 1 232120186 10:91412.37313,20014,14515,2291012:0663,18434:4415,84056,703709 S90549803583564663 22.55682 -3-25.8-34.2-44.1-56.1-62.4-68.2-70.623...21115.011.913.118.9 7.8.4497.9 ..'39441133760709692 6662565152484642 3l31302420231311,313330949730I0:731292813224512322211722.34212 61 1216:51317.91519,73524,217 1,2,00202.S493,1063,7114,3455,0345.7696,5767,4468,41439880.902 :. 1"15580029190 13 -11.0-16438-22.2-29.0:46.3:.59.7:59.6_58-55.7-53.6-51.7-49.7I0. .52738627582 586154444138363740 3113313I331311292321611 1 I29.90322.31624,163190.6948121314,190I17 1.2,09023:2073,823456:7(358.59966I75 .::759 6167464514631669612409240283622979.1 13511 6 -16.0:33.T_43.7-555-66:64.0-58.5-55.4_51.9-6124.625,23.2.-2669:60.417.14.61112,1 7:' .8.2 4B628 1 9102T266.36155850464344393836 RADIOSONDE DATA A-g. .qmothly-1us Table. 20-Cotm.n.d JULY 1955

GRANO J I71N COLO. GREAT FALLS, MONT. 7GREE9N 80,VI. GRENAO N.C. HATTERAS, N. C. H110, T. H. IINTERNAT. FALLS. MINN. (8tU49vB.) 086 MS1(90M.) 0(986 Mg.) (10i7 MR.) (1015 MB.) 1971 MR.) - 1-1-. , - - - 8


Z0 I i 31 3_I 25 31 1,122 19.4' 62 31, 210]2.;8 31 23 2.6 8 86 31 924.0i 71 30 260 20.3 79 31 64 31 121 31 152 31] 1544 25.1~ 85 31 145! 22. 972 .30 102 31 519. 1.000--- 31 452 31 575123.1i 67 31! 60 34.4 71 31 1605 22. 8 76 31 593 19. 1'79 30 549] 21.1 66 I31 1,042 20.71 65 31] 1.076 21.5' 72 31 1,07OT 20.4 21 1,567' 68 31 1,054 10 .7:83 30 I,010] 18.9 64 950---- 31 26S 18.2, 52 31 l,535: 17.3 900.---- 177 63 31 1.070] l8.1 72 67 31 1,5327 12.5,82 30, 1,504] 10.0 67 S . 24 1 g1998 10.3] 52 211 2 052' 1487oG 21' 2.087J 14:6 70 31 230114 31] 20139 0.5. 65 31 2.045 10.6, 70 291 2,022 13.5 38 210 31.2464 1 28 21.2.46 11,2 551 31 2:59811: 58' 311:'2.637 11.2j 74 55 3122592 9.0! 53 29 2.567 11.1 51 800-:: 21i 1.94 2. 20 3 2.114a1 7. I6 2 1 2,170 8.5 52 31 3201 8.0 69 31,814 532 48 31 3.152 7 0' 43 29 3,1361 7.8,21 750---- , 31] 2 I62.37 I31 3,723i 28 0 31 3783 4.8 47 31 3,821 4.8 55 4.6 31 .362 43 313.767 5lO 29! 3.750] 4.4 48 TOO--- 31 3,13 5. -1.8 60 30 4.420 . 42 31! 46.83: 1.6 58 31 4:457 1 16 43 314 4410 2.4 29, 4.3 91] .3 43 65 3 3782 102 223 31 5.01!: 31~ 2.10 2.0 315.l06] .9 29 0,082 4.1 39 32 30 5,7 -. 7 4 30 .06.79 32 3 5.91 6 .2j 39 21 3.905i- 6.6~ 36 31 56-5. 0 .2 0330, 87T 37 42 20 6.597!..17.11 44 30 6:.68 -1.]26 3 187011.2 27 311 6.689 -1.0 27] 6,644 14.1 400 ---- ! 30 T7.R8]j9. 20" 7,4611 -23.2, 42 30] 7,5635 -19.0 31' 7,622 -17.4. 24 3IJ 7,612 -18.0~ 31 7,576 -17.8 271 7.318 '20.1 350-- 29 8,65 -26.41 30 8.424 -30.2 41 20 8.045 300 29]9,61 -34.5~ -25.9 .31 88607 -24.6~ 34 31 8,5951-25.2~ 311 ,5591-26.0 271 8.493 -27.5 I30'9:302 -27.9 ~ 30 9.642 .34.0] 31 9,709 .33.4] 25 31] 9.694i-33.7 20 9,62 -. 4 I 27J 9,584 -33.2 250--: 29110,909 -43.9] 3010.734 .46.31 20 10,8931-43.2 3 10,962 -43.31 201.8~94 -0.6 27 10,831 1-43.6 20G0-- 291I2,374 -53.8 30 12.193 .02.3. 30 12,364 -52.8 21 124251-54.9 30 12.343 -07.11 26 12.202 1-52.3 175:--, 29 13,222 -SOS, 30.13,052 .54 4' 30 213,1-58.0i 21 13,266 -60,9~ 31" 13,40-54. 30113,177 -62.4' 26 13.154 ,-57.2 IS00- 29 14 180_-62.8 30 14,032 .56.3i 20 134,731-62.9 1 31114:211 _66.0 20 14. 192 -571 3i1I4.116 .67.51 24 14.124~'59.8 123 28 110292 -65.6 30 15, 186 1l.28 -65. 3015.313 -67.0. 100:-- 2711I6.647 -65.4] 28 15. 291 1.067.5, 26115.203 .71.8 24 15.255.:61.7 30 I6.588 ' 27 16.645-_64.0 16.657 -66.31 26 16,6217I.66. 251 1.1,4 .1. 20 16 .647 .60.8 852 8010 -62.4 28 17.9 98 .37.4 20118.018 -61. 3201,09 21 24 18,00 *-6.1 24.1,2 3. 123,19,017 -20.0] 691 I 1710,36[-59.1 60 2 9.797 -38.8 26; 19.s 101 261903~93 30 22 20,946 22 19,578 63 9' 15 19,80 56.6 -56.8 23.20.974i .314.7, 21~20,972]-56.1I' I220,951 53 ~21]20703 -61:.0 5121,.I011 -54. 40----20 22,270 -54.2 18122,409" 5-2 0 20 22, 396 -03.0 264 22,385-04.9 19 22,2953-54.SI 20 22,0951.58,41 15122.4471-52.1 30::::20 24,228 -3.9 16124,281 14:! 194,266 -50.0 I 2 24,21 -1.8 20 - II 26,880 -407.8 16 24.2011-51.:6 1223,9251-~540 I10124.3271 49.0 10126980!. 4.3 026,935 -46.8 12687-48.7 7 26.857 .47.2,


SURFACE] 31] 5 13.21 75 31i 5 25.7 80 31- 1,696'22.8~ 35 31] 660 32.4 19 20! 79] 271 7 1 31 14 20. 2 74 1G. 4 57 1,0- 31] 95 12,6 72 31 138 26.0] 82 31 31 10393 950 ---- 31] 329 11.3 68 31 0594 24.01 76 121 31 3 30] 127 27.3 75 31 74 27. 6 75 31 476, 31 470 28 584 205 70 21 533 79 31 529 900 ---- 31! 970S 8.4 70 31, 1,082 21.2 72 24. 3 14. 5 60 957 31 982 22.9 22 20 1.06 221 7 31 1.002 22. 3 77 10. 5 8so0---- 21, 1,4451 0.5] 72 1.506 10.3]70 31 66 I311 31 1466 ] 31 1,4723 27.7 24 I30, 1,501 1. 70 31 1.499 20.0 75 800-- 31 1,939' 32169 31 21' 073 10 3' 66 1 1.949 S6.7 71 1.998 32.9 20 31 2.004 23.0 29 30 2.070 10.3 68 31 2.021 1 7.2 73 3. 1 72 750:--:-. 21! 2:469! .3 694 31 2.619 I121262 31 .1 21 2.539 18.4 26 31 2,5062 17.9 33 20 2,621 12.4 62 311 2.0579 13.9 76 3 1 2,471 69 700---- 31 3.011! 2.3 09 21 3.194 8.9] 60 2,141 12.2 30 31 2,146 12.8 28 30 3,192 9.0 60, 31 3.550 31 3. 019 650--- 21 3.602 5,8 36 31 3.807 0.2] 58 31 10.05 79 2.0 87 31 3.759 8.0 35 31 3,761 7.9 28 29 3,810 0,3 59 31 3,772 6.6 80 31 3.605 60 600----_ 31 4.219 -9.4 06 4,404 1.3] 58 4.412 2.6 40 31 4.419 3.4 37 I30j 29 4.453 1.6 50 31 4.418 2. 4 81I 3 1 4.226 -9.2 57 550 ---- 21 4.889 -13.6 SI 310 5.104 -2.7]56 31 31 5,106 -3.1 44 3'2 5,121 -1.3 29 5,155 -22 4 31 .17 - 1.8 80 31 4,894 - 13.3 51 500-- 31 5.604 -18.4 48 3028 0899 -7,0,55 5,855 -9.0 44 31 5.873 6.3 33 29 31 3,613 3 1 - 5.901- 6.6 42 29 5.8170 -6 63 76 -18.0 48 450---- 31 6.390 -23.9 48 I30] 6,720 -11.81 51 6,69-14.6 36 3I 6,899 -12.0 29 6.730 -11.6 325 29 6,697 .10.9 31 6,396 400--- 3 7,231 31 66 -23 .4 45 -30.8 405 30] 7.608 -17.05SI 7.545 -20.9 31 .580 -185 29 7,610 -7.5 35 29 7,585 - 16.4 63 30 7, 34 a50.... 31 8,167 -36,8 41 29 8 394 -24.5 46 31 .29.3 48 31 8.27 27,8 31 8,562 -5.8 29 8,597 -4.2 29 8,575 -23.5 64 29 8, 188 -36.05 43 300--- 31 9.214 -44.05 27 9:698 -32.7] 49 9,60 -30.9 20 9.655 -24.4 29 9,702 -32.5 36 38 9,686 65 -44.5 250.--- 31 10.411 -31.3 27 381 -31.81 29 9.3236 10.956 -42.4] 10,84I 45.4 30 10,902 -44.0 29 10.960 -42.5 27 10.947 -41.7 -31I.0 200--- 2 1,1 -9. 26 12,U424 541 30 28 10,441 12.297 -04.2 30 12,360 -54.3 29 12.429 -04.2 26 12.421 -54.2 28 11,891 175---- 31 12.739 -47,1 26 1327 -8.8 30 13. 148 -57.4 30 13,210 -5. 91,7 -02 21 l3,26 -84.2 -49. 7 150-..-. 31 13.757 -47.1 24 14,211 -66.2 30 2 7 12. 760 -4 7.6 14,110 -6. 30 14,163 -64.4 28 14.2201-85.7 14 14.217 -68.6 237 13, 777 -48.0 135---- 31 1.960 -4. 22 15.305 6. 30 15,237 -62.0 28 15,265 -66.6 22 15.319 -6-9.2 6 15,291 -74.3 2 7 14,974 -40.8 100---- 31 16.432 -47,4 18 16.630 6, 16,609 -62. 38. 16. 614 -6. 18 16.657 6-68. 80- -- 31 29 27 16, 437 -49.0 167,900 -47.1 18 17.9709 -664.81 2 4 60----31 19 808 .46.5 14 19. 751 -61.01 22 19.782 .57.4 25 19. 754 -59.4 13 19.774 -60.5 2 7 17.901 -48.6 50 -...30 21:017'46.0 14 20,891 -58.1 26 19, 794 -48.2 ] i 20 20.943 -05.9 25 20,90 -57.4 12 20.916 -58.2 26 20.993 -47.9 40----30 22.499 .45.7] 9 22,306 -33.7] 18 22,371 -52.7! 22 22.2018-54.35 11 2.321 -55.1 30----24 24, 411 -450.0 8 24.15 52. 26 23.465 -46.8 16 22 2.7 20------______24.246 _-50.7 4,169 -3. I 17 4 8 -32.0 7 3,8

ME1FORO, GR.0 MIAMI, FLA. MtDAN. EXAS NANTUCKET, MASS. NASHVILLE, TENN. HORN. ALASKA N08TH PLATTE. NEBR. 1966 M. ) II1017 MR.) (915M. (1010 MR.) (996 Mg.) (1010 MR.) (915 MR.) -8-, I SURFACE 31 401 24.0 26 3 1 82 3 1 .9 32 31 14 26.3 31 4 26.4 F871 26 94 31 177 76 29 7 F11.183 31 848, 26 2 01 31 97 31 31 18.8 31 143 92 78, 140 20.3 86 29 10. 4 S1 31 50 3 1 28 31 601 23.1I 337 68a 31 597 950.-- 551 22.7 1,075 20.2 31 31 589 21.2 25.2 67 29 522 0.3 78 31 512 900.---- 3I 1,015 .18.7 46 31 74 31 31 3I 1'.071 I .011 26 .6 50 1.053 62 22.0 70 29 963 6.2 77 31 991 27. 642 850 ---- 31 1,502 14.5 34 31 1. 567 17.1 7 1 31 1,566 31 1.51 22.8 54 31 I1*42 I S. 7 66 18.4 73 29 1.430 4.2 76 31 1, 496 24. 642 800 ---- 31 2,010 10.3 61 31 2, 082 14.1 60 31 2, 044 18 .6 60 31 2.OSS 12.9 56 21 2.084 72 29 1.922 2.1 73 31 2, 024 20 6 47 7,50 ---- 31 2,550 6,9 60 31 2.61 7 10. 9 60 31 2.59g 14.7 61 31 10.3 48 31 2.82'4 12. 1 64 31 2. 580 31 2.601 29 2. 449 68 16. 530 700 ---- 3 1 45 3. 1970 7,3.5 59 21 3, 175 10.8 61 SI 3, 167 43 3 1 3.204 8. 7 3I108 4,0 58 7.3 61 29 2, 991 -2. 4 631 31 2. 162 12,1 50 650 ---- 31 2,714 .5 38 2 1 31 3.792 6 .6 60 3 1 3.9 42 31 3.8a1I 5. I 31 54 3,780. 58, 28 3,381 59 31 3. 782 7. 450 600 ---- 31 4.346 -3.1 30 4. 450 .2 31 4, 443 2.7 55 31 4, 420 .4 38 3 1 4. 463 1. 4 9. 7 533 3.3 28 4. 198 - 57 30 4. 432 2 8 47 050 ---- 31 0. 032 - 7.3 3 1 5.135 - 29 29 5.140 - .7 48 3 1 S. 115 _ 23 31 5, 164 _ I1.9 46 28 -1 3.6b 31 21 31 3. 913 50 30 3, 132 -2,1 41 Soo0---- 3.764 .12.3 33 29 3,894 6.0 42 31 3.860 34 - 6.2 40 28 .1 8. 2 43 6.5 74 -17.9 .9 30 3,880 -7.4 40 450 ---- 31 31 6. 702 -13. 1 48 29 6,720 -lO 21 6.683 -13. 2 33 28 -23.2 42 .12.9322 31 21 7,38 9 -181.9 .9 30 6.742 -11.'0 6.:370 30 6, 701 400.---- 41 29 7.607 -16 21 - 19. 5 30 7. 625 -17.3 32 7.0577 350 ---- 28 7.214 -29:0 39 29 .19,4 31 ..291 -31.3 31 8569 -26.01 38 29 8.595 -24. .0 21 8. 536 -26.5 30 8,612 -24.1 33 28 8.554 300.-.-- SI .4 8.154 -36,1 27 .26.3 9.463 -39.4 30 9, 685 -24.23 36 29 9,700o 52~ 31 9.630 -35.0 50 9, 718 -32.4 9. 206 9,650o .34.2 250.---- .4 28, -43.6 27 31 10,693 -46.6 30 10. 912 -44.4 29 10.9N8 -2 31 10,S76 -44.4 30 t0.977 -43.3 10,410 -50.0 25 50.907 .43.1 12.1 54 -51,8 12,387 -56.5j a1 31 30 27 12. 429 -54 ,2,334 -05.0 30 12,448 -53.8 28 11.871 -47. 5 24 12. 371 .53.7 13,015 -54.0 29 13, 201 -62.7 175-- 237 13,272 -60 31 13,177 -59. 9 30 52. 295 -59. 5 28 13. 704 - 46. 4 24 13. 218 150.---- 31 27 14.140 -67.6 31 13,999 .56.3 27 14,2230-65 .7 [14.130 -63. 7 30 14,246 -64.9 28 -46.8 24 14. 173 125 ---- 31 13.151 -57.77 26 13. 230 -68,8 13. 776 26 13.2312 -70.3 31 .64. 4 28 15, 347 .67. 7 28 14, 981 -47.5 22 15,276 -66.4 31 16,555 100 ---- -58.3 25 16.565 -68.0 23 16,634 -70. I.0 31 25 16.689 -66. 0 28 16. 403 -47-5 22 16. 625 .85. 7 31 17.961 -.58.1 21 17,911 -67.1I 22 17,975 -65..7 30 17. 982 .61.0 21 is.051 -63.3 28 -47.5 22 .62.8 31 19,777 .58.7 17. 925 17, 991 19,657 -63.7 20 1 9,740 6l .4 30 19. 785 507.4 20 19,8.33-59.5 37 19,827 .47.1 2 1 19. 782 .59.I 31 20,4 -53.6 16 50, 783 -60.6 20 20.877 -38, 7 30 20,9841 .53.5 19 20.97 -57. 3 26 01,0 30 -46.6 19 200,926 .56.7 15 40 --- 28 2293.31 .53.6! 12. 187 .37.1 1 9 28 22. 272 .53.2 1S 22.393 -54.3 23 22.307 1a .54.0 24.28 24,031 1a 8 14 24.246 22. 349 30 --- 22 a0I._ .53.0 24,.133 -51. 28 24. 2323 so05 -51. 3 13 a4, 430 10 5 4,224 .30.6 20 --- 1 3 26.778 .48. 26,882 .46,8 a 26,891 .47.35 15--- 6 28,.782 - 45.53

Them. averag aws1 tor t880."a0 preffssur MotIA. MMr Obtained by ra560. t'OrO lB SMEEM 080 GEYirsf kW8 relatiGvM humaiditY Gn percewa. mOnd.MMI 47.8s4,c Neight (geopoteettal) SM "itsM R .88 dyOM-ic Mete, t.Mpra-

- 258 - RADIOSONDE DATA A-. mothly a1u Table 20-Connumed JLY 1 955 I --- - - OAKLAND, CALIF. OKLAHOMA CITY, O LA. OMAHA. N8B8. IPB10NI, 8812. IPITTSBURH., PA. PORTLAND, U. RAPID CITY, S. BAR. (1012 88.) (969 VS.) (965 aB.) (968 MR. ) (976 *B.) (1013 8.1) (902 83.)

-- X -r~ T~ r

Ii, I 8V II ii A I I I vI- I S s .8 ,' .'I8 I , I - I 'B I I I I I iiiX In 1I j K KVI II I 31 I 31 113 75) 35' SU CBACK3 6 27.fss 31 403 26.1 67 31 341 32.6 38 -353-23.81 70 20 19.2 87 I966 24.2I so 35 X loot-- 31 110 14.5 74 31 105 321 89 31 46 31 142 21 129 21.4 75 43 950 1-31 558 18.4: II 31 163 S46 28.4 52 31 36.9 61 31 512 32.6 33 593 23.8 65 31 582 21 .a 502 900-- -- 31 I1,011 19.3, 31 31 1,042 25.1' 55 31 1,0221 24.6 60 61 311 995 29.5 32 31, 1 065! 50.8 67 31 1,043 18.7 63 984 50 ---- , 31' 1,501 17.4i 31' 31 28 31i 1,142 21.4 59 1,521 21.1 62 31 1, 01 25.5 33 1:5581 17:4 70 31 1. 531 15.3 I 5485 23.6 45 Boo----' 31 2,016' 14.9i 2 31 2,064 17.6, 63 31 2,0441 17.6 64 21 2,030 21.2 40 31 2.073' 14,2 66 2,042 12.1 59 2 011 20.0 47 --- 31 31 750 31; 2,564 11.9 31 2,619 13.8 61 31 2,598, 13.9 63 31 2,589 16., 44 2,622 I1 .3 54 31 2. 598 9.3 54 2.568 46 700 - 31 3.121 8.7 23 1 3,3191 10.31 0 321 3.172 10.t 60 31 3.168 16.0 12.6 45 3,190 8.4 44 31 3.IS0 6.7 44 3.146 11.5 47 650 31 3,749 5,01 51 31 31 3,809 6.31 48 31 3 791 6.4 3 1 3 792 8.2 48 3I3 1 3.802 5.0 43 31 3,760 3:23 42 3,.766 6.6 47 oto 31 4 389 8 31 4.455 2.4 41 30 4.440 2.4 43 31 4,442 3.8 50 4, 448 1.4 41 21 4,400 - .4 41 4,412 U.S 47 550 31 508 38 31 ,1526 1.8- 91 30 5,139. 2.2 38 31 5.146 48 31 36 _67 313 1 S.1451- 2.7 5.091 - 4.4 37 48 300----j31 5,028 - 9.01 31 5 905 6.01 34 1 30 ,5889 - 7.0 5.899 34 1 31 - 3. 6 46 31 5 893 - 7.2 35 30 5.835 - 9.1 38 5.853: 43 450 311 6,647 -15.0o 31 6,735 -11.0 33 30 6.712 -12.5 131 6.727 -I0. 7 43 313 1 31 6 716 -12.2 30 6,652 -14.3 33 6.668 -54.4 40 400.--- 31 7,514 -21.4 31 7.616 -17.21 30 7.591 -18.6 311 7.614 -16.8 35 7. 597 -18. 4 30 7,527 -20.3 33 210.7 350-----: 31 8,4841 -2.6 F 28 7.545 9 5 7 0 3 6 9 31 8 602 -24.01 30 8 573 -25.8 31 8 602 8, 579 '-25. 5 35 8.501 -27.3 8,515 -28.0 300 ---- 31 * - . F 31 9 706 -32.61 30 9.67t 34.3 31 9 708 -32 28 9. 678 - 33,9 30 9, 592 -35.7 250 9.602 31 10,807 -42.6 1 31 10.962 -42.6 30 10,921 -43.3; 31 10.968 -41 .8 10.928 -43.9 211 10,832 -45 .4 10, 843 - -45.2 200 31 12.266 -53.5 I 31 12,432 -53.6 j 29F12,384 -53.9i 31 12.443 -53.2 29 12 393 -55 .2 12.288 -54.9 1X, 301 -54.5 175----1 31 13.117 -57T5' 31 13 278 -59.2 29 13 231 -59 1F 31 13,291 -59.1 2731 13,239 -60.7 30 13.131 -59.5 13, 150--- 31 F 147 14,0811-61.1 31 14,230 -64.4 29114:186 -63.0 1 31 14 241 -65. 3 26 14. 18 -65,4 30 14.086 125--:. -62.7 14.100 -62.3 3115,205 -63.5 30 15,330 -68.316 8 1 2915,292 -67.4 29 15,339 -69.3 32 1S,279 -67.7 29 15.209 -63. 1 15.219 100-- 31116.574 -63.0 27 16,668 - . F 27 16,637 -66.7 25 16.663 -67.1 1929 16 622 -65.1 24 16 597 -62 .5 16, 581 -64,.4 -0 31,17,952 -61.L 27 18,017 -64.71 25 17,997 -62.7 25 18.019 -64 .0 24 135227 17.985 -63.1 17,978 17,955 -61 .0 6- 30119,748- 581 1 26!19 792 -59.8' 24 19,782 -59. 21 19,794 -60.2 19, 774 -59.6 21 19. 785 -57 1 19 758 -568.4 50 3-- 20,900 -56.616 24120,932 57.61 2320t929 -56. 9 21 20.957 -57 .7 20,923 -57.6 18 20 936 -54.8 40-1111 I 20, 904 -57,1 30 22,321 -54.3 24122,348 -55.2 20 22,355 -53.8 19 22,3531 -54 .6 12.2347 -54.5 17 22.368 -52.6 22, 328 30 I -55 .9 29 24.178 _-51.4 23124.201 -51.4' 1 24 222-_50.6 12 24,218 -51. 1 24.195 -51.6 14 -50.1 24, 187 -55 .2 20t: : 20 26,832 -46.9 115j26'86 2-48.6 26.860 -46.7 . 6 26,878 -47.3 26. 847 -46,2 15- II--l128.747 44.6: 5128.742 -45.9 F F 5 28,813 -44. 7 10----1 8231 473 -41.616 L

] ST. CLOUD, MINN, ST. PAUL, ALASKA SAN ANTON10, TEX. SAN JUAN P. R. SANTA AaIA., CALIF. S. STE. BASIC8. NIC. (976 DE.) SPOK,688 VA86. (1009 MS.) (986 38.) (1015 8i.) 11004 38.) 1990 me.) 4929 me.)


SURFACE 31 3161 23. 4 76 231 10 7. 6 94 31 28. 31 74 243 857 31 19 25.4 81 12.8 82 13 221 19.0 so 31 722 21.7 45 31 100 31' 85 7.5 92 31 113 i 31 153 25.8 78 31 12.5 82 133 74 1.00.-- 556 108 31 950---- 31 24.2 68 31 515 6.7 88 31 574 26.5 62 21 602 22.8 78 31 515 16.2 67 31 584 21.1 61 529 900 ---- 31 1,025 21.6 70 31 951 6.2 a3 31 I, 046 23.0 69 31 1,074 76 31 51,00 31 31 19.8 21.3 26 1,046 19.4 57 3I 993 19.5 850---- 31 1, 520 18.7 70 31 1.419 5.3 76 31 1 543 19.6 70 31 17.0 71 21 1499 25 31 I1.536 31 so 20.1 31 16.4 59 50 1, 482 15.6 S00---- 31 2, 038 11.7 64 311 1 913 3.6 70 31 2.063 16.2 71 31 14.5 60 30 2,018 27 2.050 11.3 17.1 13.8 57 35 1,992 57 750---- 31 2,587 12.9 57 1311 2, 445 I .6 64 31 2.609 12.8 To 31 2. 62 7 11.9 49 21 2, 576 13.8 25 31 2, 595 451 2.533 7.1 63 700---- 31 31 31 11.2 9.5 51 31 2.989 - 10 60 31 3,187 9.5 62 31 32200 8U6 41 32,43 10.7 22 3. 164 8.1 45 31 3,091 3.3 60 650---- 31 31 S,77I 5.6 47 31 32589 - 4.0 58 31 3,801 31 3,813 4.9 39 31 3. 764 7.2 3. T77 4.8 40 31 3.695 .4 59 5.8 59 31 31, .9 600---- 31 4,422 1.5 43 31 4.205 - 7.6 31 4,451 2.3 52 31 4.457 I2. 38 4. 409 3,2 4. 421 42 31 4,324 86 5, 117 - 3.2 46 21 4.884 -11.8 51 31 5.149 - 1.6 50 31 5.151 - 2.7 34 51010 - 1.4 AI 5.007 51 450- 31 31 21 31 - 34 39 31 8.7 31 5,865 - .3 38 I 31 5.600 -16.2 43 30 5,902 - 6.1 45 56902 - 7.0 30 1.862 - 6.2 5, 863 - 7.5 32 31 5,736 13.5 43 50 ---- 31 6,685 38 31 6 403 -21.1 44 30 6,732 -1 I0 40 31 6, 722 -12 .2 31 -11.0 30 6,681 6,536 45 450--- 31 -13.0 29 AI 19.3 31 7, 563 -18.9 33 31 7,246 -26.9 42 30 7.616 -16.7 37 7,606 -18.2 30 7,169 -18.4 30 7.162 _I19.2 31 7 394 25.& 38 400---- 1.16 20 31 8,544 -25.8 31 8,195 -34.1 44 29 8,605 -23.7 33 31 8,588 -26 .0 20 8,150 -25. 7 8,541 -26 .5 31 8.347 32.6 350 ---- 31 31 300---- 9,642 31 9,256 -41.7 29 9,712 -32.2 2,089,682 -34 .9 30 9.648 -34.5 30 9.636 -34 9 31 9.413 *0.2 250---- 31 10, 897 -42.6 31 10.472 -47,6 28 10,968 -42.6 31 10,926 -45.4 30 10,898 -4356 29 1O0,78 -45,:9 31 0O,637 200.--- 31 31 12, 369 -52.9 31 11.939 -48.7 28 12,436 -54.4 12. 375 -57.3 30 12. 364 -53 ,6 27 12, 349 -53. 2 2. 103 175 ---- 21 31 1 ,220 -57. 9 31 12,816 -48.3 28 13.278 -60.6 31 13, 206 -63.5 30 13, 213 -58.4 25 12,199 -57. 9 SI 12.970 51.9 21 14, 183 21 251 150---- -61.6 31 13.829 -48.7 28 14,222 -66.8 14,139 -68 .5 s0 14, 170 -63. 1 14. 61 -1 .6 3I l3,962 .54.S 2 1 15,304 -64.1 30 15,220 -71. 29 A55281 125--- 31 15.023 -49.8 25 15,311 -70.6 -66.5 1L5, 04 -63.1 31' lS5,126 100---- 29 16 672 -63.2 31 16.481 -50.1 22 16,629 -70.6 28 56. 525 -73.4 27 16,627 -64.8 12 16,678 -62 .2 31 16,.545 55.9 27 18,049 -61.2 27 80--- 31 17.938 -49.7 21 17962 -66.6 17T,837 -70.0 22 17, 995 -625. 7 18 040 -59.9 SI l 7 963 56,0 60 -- 25 19,.856 -58.3 30 19,816 -49.3 20 19,721 -61.6 26 19, 575 -63 4 20 19.781 -58.7 S 19,845 -57,0 31 19,793 50 --- 22 21 014 -56.1 30 21.011 .48.9 19 20,860 -58.T7 26 20. 702 -60.6 19 20.930 -56.8 25 50,961 .53,5 40--F-- 20 22.443 -53 .2 30 22,478 -48.1 19 22,269 -55.8 26 22,099 -57.7 19 22. 3511 -54. 1 21 52 399 30----- 17 24, 307 -50.0 26 24. 375 -46.7 14 24,111 -52.3 21 23, 920 -54 .3 14'~24.207 -51.1 17 54.289 48.2 a 26, 952 -47.4 9 27,069 -44.6 5 26.801 -47.5 12 26. 522 -49 .9 6 26.875 -47.8 5 7,001 .44.2

l l l l l l l l - 5 - SWAN ISLANo. N. 1. TACUBAYA, MEXICO TANPA. FLA. 0TATOOSISLAND, MASW. VURACUZ, MsXICO WASKINGTON. D. C. YAEOTAT, ALAS (1012 NO,) (774 MB.) (1017 88.5 (1013 38.1 (1011 S. ) (1007 :8B. (1015 U.)

SURFACE 31 26.7 83 28 2.306 15.61 77 21 7 31 I,000.. 31 24.5 87 36 12.15 90 26 2 2 26.8 63 31 s8 24,9 78 31 12 13.6 77 II118026.5 83 159 31 52. 87 26 28 65 25,5 80 135 506 26.3 83 149 25.5 75 31 13,4 12.3 80 95o ---- 31 5170 22.8 82 28 526 31 31 568 78 85 31 I .039 609 23.5 77 26 223 23.1 SI 607 24.4 AN 31 566 10,0 900---- 19.9 80 28 999 31 1,081 20,4 76 1,015 9.9 68 26 1.029 20.3 83 31 1,074 21.1I 71 1,011 31 1,530 31 35 31 8.4 74 850--- 73 28 1,494 31' 1,174 17.4 74 31 1,489 8.1 65 26 1,521 57.5 78 3I 1 ,566 25.5 73 31 1,482 Boo---- 31 2,046 61 6.8 71 14.7 65 28 2,022 31 2,090 14. 4 70 1.988 5 8 26 22038 14.9 75 31 2 ,083 14.3 68 1,978 AN 750- - - 31 2, 592 31 4.5 60 28 2,571 14.1 77 35 2,6 42 11.4 65 31 2.517 3.2 59 26 2.593 11.6 73 31 2,631 11.2 61 31 2.805 67 700---- 25 3.163 8,2 1.8 56 28 3. 108 10.1 82 31 3,207 8.2 62 31 3.070 .1 55 24 2.156 8.2 73 SI 3.199 8.0 58 31 8.058 1.3 *7 65o ---- 31 3. 31 777 4.7 55 3. 771 6.1 3.821 4.6 65 3.663 - 3.0 23 4.9 74 30 4.8 so 31 3.647 600-- -- 30 4,421 28 4.5 1.1 52 28 4 414 2.3 86 31 4.465 .8 S1 4,291 - 6.5 33 4.417 15. 74 30 1.4 31 4.568 550 --- 29 5, 52 65 49 73 Isa 11I8 - 3.0 2 7 5,.115 - 1.4 - 2,9 31 4,965 -10.9 42 22 5.5121 - 2.0 30 5.157 - 2. 44 10,4.942001 500---- 29 S 865 48 77 22 49 - 7.2 26 5,868 - 5.6 30 5,910 - 7.3 63 31 5,691 -15.6 36 5.869 - 6.2 67 30 5.903 - 7.0 39 50 .16.7 43 450---- 29 6, 687 -12.0 46 58 SI 24 6, 695 -10.3 30 6,738 -12.3 31 6, 482 -21.4 36 6.70l -11.2 61 30 6,725 -12.1 6,456 S2.0 48 400 ---- 29 7 571 -17.6 50 -1S.8 67 52 -27,8 350 - - - 22 7, 587 30 7,614 -08.0 7,335 36 30 -IT.0 60 30 7.609 -10.2 30 7.504 .28.350. 43 29 8,556 -24.7 52 22 8,.580 .22.6 31 8,280 -34.42 29 N, 599 -25.1 50' 38 58 8,570 -23.9 47 8,591 .25.5 30 8,546 458.7 9,658H -33.2 49 18 9, 692 -31.2Z 30 9, 699 47 31 9,341 -411-34 .5 9.675 -32.8 -34.2 300---- 10,912 -33.6 30 se 9,298 .43,7 28 -43.2 10 10, 960 -41. 1 30 10. 951 31 10.562 -46,2 10.937 -43.1 30 10,935 -44. 3 .80.0 250---.- 28 12. 372 -43.8 se 200- --- :.S2. 6 30 12.411 .56,-0 31 12.037 -47.8 2. 402 -55.,6 29 t2,395 -53. 7 30 1.949 .50,7 175----- 27 53,211 -62.3 30 13.247 31 12,916 -49.0 53 13,235 -63. 0 29 13,229 -61.4 30 12.821 26 54,544 -69 .2 30 14. 186 55 13.922 -50.7 4,159 -65.9 125----150-- -- 22 -67 . S -7045 27 54 171 3.050 49.3 I5, 218 -73.8 28 15, 277 -69.3 31 15, 105 -52. 0 5,234 -74.1 25 15,265 -67.6 3050 15.823 16,524 31 25 80-----I00----- 18 -71 .7 28 16.610 16.544 -52. 7 56,812 -46 9 6. 460 .49.$ 17,844 -69.0 51 60 I1 25 17,956 -65.6 17 982 -53.3 23 17. 973 -62.9 29 17. 90 -49.7 14 19, 5S1 -65. 1 24 19. 718 29 19.831 -32.8 59.754 -69,1 28 20, 710 -62.1 21 59. 821 .49.3Z.1. SO0- --- -60.0 22 20.851 -59.'4 28 21,008 -51.8 20, 903 -56.9 28 10 018 .48,9 12 223111 19 40. - -56.7 22 22, 258 -56.0 27 22, 456 -50.1 17 52,227 -53.4 26 12.477 .40.1 30- -- -- 6 23.933 -53.0 -52 . 25 24. 344 -47.3 20----- 58 24.102 54,178 -51.0 17 54. 370 .46.5 7 26, 749 -49. 1 14 27 054 -43.8 10 16.850 -47,5 TIm avMe. v62uee to? Mtandnwd ponem?. meSante we!. ohtNie.d by radio- tue. in d.gwe.e 0.utH.gea48 884 1.26817. hemIAitp in 9980868. Tb0- & 4erm 1s*- for Stadrd pry~sr urn ~rOr btied by Wadis tor in degeram 00ttr ad NW maxtive a"ty in VBrat. .*&"a; Weyic bhight (g0potential) n -iOts of .96 tica30 "eter, toe-rs-

- 259 - RADIOSONDE DATA Ave-ag. monthly vIaue T.bW. 20t-Contied JULY 1955

*IYUA, ARIZ. (994 IB.)

I24.13T 5t.|nG k If34. 9 128

450---223 58 131 O 1 31 281 2 34 750----l 23 25080 I1.841 800---- 23 2021 20.39 35 700---- 23 39156 21 6 4 650---- 23 3 776 8 3 600---- 23 4,42, 32 550---- 22 5,124 - 91 500---- 23 5 882 - 7 450---- 23 6 703 -IIl 3 400---- 22 7,592 -18 11 350---- 21 ,5272 -25 6 300---- 19 9 674 -33 8 250---- 16 10.932 -42 8 200---- 12 12,383 -54.2 175 --- 9 13.232 -60 4 150---- 7 14 187 -60 125 ---- 5 15 2T8 -70 9

o Army Sihad Cop. Teatigo fos..d

Rots, All ob-ervti... -ohedaled at 0300, G.C. . eo..pt Ne...atla, i-rid. caleue of relatice Oseidity at levels t1-Oa -pecutorroIrs chau 0°C.Oaev sad -erst-ro where they are taken near 0200, 6 C T 'Nuber of ,baecoatio,,'foreerly beer computed aud expcrased o- the basis of toe capoc-preasore ovrc refera to tho of dynamic heIght ucly. Tenperature aad huaidlty dt ay be ice. All rela-ioc hboidity obsertatio n are obtvioed by electric hygrometer ainig for one arm-or. pressusre surfaces of usom obaerumtlont . The tempera- sod baou beuu adjusted to o .mpos..etfor the taluc oc-uecico helow thy operat- tore elues are bsed as 15 or more obsreIatlons as te aurface or 5 abserta- tug range of the humidity ele...t. tioas at a taudard pressure Ie-n. Relativ hasidity data arre n pobliobud for st.admed pre..see sarf..e. bauleg les tbsu 16 actual ubarrotions. These acreage -alues for standard pressure surfaces acre obtuited by eadio- sodeu dyenxic height (geopotl1tal) inutut of 98 dynsc eete. tempera- Reta I,. humidity data begile t ith October 1, 1948. .ere cu.pu.d oud to- turrie idegrer cuntig-cde aud relatire hbsdity in percent. peesod Ia theac tables the basis of capor-p.re.Ire ocer rater tpper ocr RADIOSOIt IDE DATA Average mon Ithly vale-i ebl2W *Air Fore DOta for Ullmcl 1955

I -- r DIeNTS, COLO. FT. II H TEXAS OGDENi UTAH RANT DL, ILL. ROiit Nr. . (829 lB.) (994 *H ) J (853 8I. | (0987 71B.) (994 N ;B.

I I Mi I71j1 I41 ]4 jI .01.0l!, 31j 2 T1------

IAl L.: . ;I -- I Z !- i-t- I I I SUnFACI 1.681 401 31 1781144 541 31 1 4501 1 21 50 31 2;27 3 2 73 1i 146- 0.81 73 1,DOO-- 31 107 31 1231 31 1541 1 13 1'21 31 102, 31 950 ---- 538 311 557' 12 9' ~5531 1 711 I 31 1.5 39 3.4 69 31 5141- 1.4 73 900---- 31 982 311 1,0121 8I 55 311 1,015] I 311 9'75 1:7 60 31 942 3.4 73 51 oo 850---- 1,45l1 311 1.4891 9 7 52 31 1,4821 j 31 1,4:14 1 57 31 1,392 - 4.9 75 800---- 31 1,943 2. 2 44 31 1990 7.7 47 31 1,969 - 4 46 31 1,9 19 - 1.4 51 311 1,867 - 7.0 73 750---- 31 2 468 41 31 2,525 0.4 37 31 2.4b6 - 4. 5 213 2.4:l36- 4.0 51 31 2,370 - 9.7 85 700---- 3.009 .90' 45 31 3.080 2.0 33 31 3,022 - 8.1 52 31 2,9 73 - 6.6 48 31 2,899 - 4 1 -12.2 60 ,50-- -- 3I 3.592 45 311 3,675j- -o---- 31 1.8 33 31 3,597 -11.8 55 31 3,5!54 - 9.9 47 31 3.467 -14.9 52 600 ---- 4 204 .12.6 43 31' 4 3071- 5.5 31 4,202 -15.6 57 31 4.1(61 -14.0 46 31 4 065 -18 4 48 3I 550---- 4,864 .17:2 41 31 4,981 9.6 34 31 4,855 -19.9 52 I3 4,8119 -18.2 42 31 4:7111-22.3 45 500---- 31 LI5.5691-.22.: 31 5,710 -15.71 34 31 5,554 -24.4 46 331 1.5 22 -22.9 42 311 5,403 -26.9 44 -o---- 31 16,.3401 .28-: 618,500 -21.61 31 6,316 -29.4 1 31 68,293 -27.9 43 31 6 160 -31.44 400 ---- 3I 7.169 .34.1 31 7.353 -27.5 31 7 146 -35.2 31 7 ,i 04 -33.7 31 6,981 36.3 350---- 31 8. 089 .41 3 311 8.299 -34.61 31 8,062 -41.8 31 8.0. 16 -40.2 31 7 895 -42.0 300---- 21 9,118 -.48 6 31; 9.357 -42 8 31 9.088 -48.9 31 9,01t1-46 .9 31 8.925 -47.5 250---- 31 to 301; a1110,562 -52.0 30 10,259 -55.8 0 210.271 -53.3 29 10.110 -52.4 200-- - - 11.718 .564. 291 11,980 -57.7 30 111,669 -56 8 30 1I,6S3 _-55.9 29 11,547 -53.4 i17 ---- 12,564 12,.824 -57.9 29 12. 519 -55.9 30 12,5.i5 -54.4 29 12,408 -53.1 150 ---- 30,h13.,544 .58.14' 30 .56.2~56 268i15800 -59.9 28 13.494 -56 3 30 1325209 -55. 6 26 13 405 -53.8 125---- 14 .698 - 231 14923 -63.9 28 14.646 -58.2 29 14,61i _-58.1 24 14.570 54.8 -60 4 100 ---- 291 16 095 - 151 16,263 -66.8 25 16 038 -60.5 24 16.O0,7 -60.7 22 15.992 -56.8 iso--- 28a17 481 - 62.6 10 17.574 -6882 20 17 411 -61 9 22 17,4f 1 -61. 4 17 17,391 -57.7 221 6D------1|9.255- .64 1 71-68.5 I 19,195 -62.0 22 19,2103 -62 8 1 19 175 -59 9 so0----- 20.277 - 16 20,310 -62.86 21 20,3, It -62.0 6 20,537 -57.9 *0--- 21, 768 --61 . 11 21.679 -60.8 19 21 7200 -. 0 56 521,725 -08.5 30 ------55.9q 5523. 500 -58 2l isI23,52, 20----- 11 286V 77 -506.2 iS ----- 3 ____ 712811 .11 -42. 5 ______-

a Aprtl doas far Lb. abone Air Force satolsa sill be isoladed in the Angost IsaaC af this phblietola.

Noate All *hertinse anhdtiled at 0300, C C..T N..btr of aberretinaa alare of relsuice htb.idity at leros with tespe-atu-rs less tes O-C. bar- refare to thote af dyas.ic height *-ly. Te.por-t-re ad hamidity dot. mmy be forerly bare nepased asd eupres.ed on the basia of the -mpur-pre-rs e note mlsolmg tar a*c or more pressre .arfecea or some bser-atioas. The tempera- i r. All e stir humidity sboeeetns are ubuelbtiedby lctri bygro. to tune vats an bsed a. 15 no ore obser tnss at the asoftrc or 5 ub.eroa- sad base here djuatedto opuesmor toe the caine aeuria.. b te apeost- tie..a t a tm*derd preasre lerel. lelatie hr idity dats are art pablIahed tag -9sge of the b..Idtty eeet for st.derd pre-mare -ef..es hena9 Iem. tuha 16 mutu-l rbSer.aties. Thae muerage v.lues for atssdard pressure s-rfsea Bore obtuised by radio-5 eslati.e hbaidity data begiselag wIth Ot0ber 1. 1948, eree .ampated ad en- oandes; dymitc height (geopoteatil a usita of .98 dyaaie meter, teepe - pressed 1s these tables oe the best. of vapor-pressure or eater. Upper air tore Ia degrees CeUtigrmde sd reltive tumidity Is pernet.

- 260 - PILOT BALLOON DATA A-..g a-otnlbly r-uItutt -ida Tab. 21 7~~-- : :: ---- - , .

Abileee, Alqeerqs.o 8lPlings, Bis.r.bk, Bome, errta- ll.I Buffclo., Brlignoet.,C elenton, |Citncanti. |Dl pest, | sly Ten. N. leI . Yon. N. Ink. Idob I Tot. N. Y. lVt.) S. C. Ohio ITe.ITe. . - (1,0 (0 (068a.) (7 .1 102 a.) (16 .. ) 1273 .. ) (1,198 .. )1 (1.910 ".)

Mmadel-m 0 I A0iu&r S II 9 1 1I t5fi ZI ]5 ji Ii I I I 4 I I I I Surface------31 165 4.1 31 204. 1.9 301 44 1.6 3'1 1181 2.4 31 327 36 30 7.0 31 262 1.7 30 265 1.6i3 1 172 4 5 30lo96 1.1631 1331 2.5 31 190 4.4 500 ------1------301431 8.4 ------3l1 258 2.3 30 2831 2.013:1182 4.312014 1.23- I 1,000------31 1 64 5.4 - -- 20 3S13471 2.9 281147la.113112631 3.1 30 28912.82' 7190 3.2 28 265 a.0- - - - - 1,500-- - 31 164 5.1 - - - 30 -851 2.0O20 170 3.7 31 328 1.0 24|1601 6.8 31|268 3.5 30 208 5.o02 7 234 1.6 27 272 .9 31 127 22--2 - - 2,000--- -- 29 159 4.8 31 202 1.9 29 1731. 3 26 187 4.8 31 202 .9 20 161 59. 31 286 3.0830 284 0.9 25|248 1.2 25 296 1.2|31 134 2.3231 192 4.3 2.500 __---_ 28 157 4.1 31 180 I.9 28 12311 2. 2 2 1 197 5.9 31 204 2.8 16 1591 4.6 31290 4.0 29 295 7.2121 252 .3 19 338 1.2 30 141 2.0 31 195 4.1 3,000 -- - 24 165 3.3 30 169 2.3 27 2411 4.1 21 207 7.0 31 222 5.5 14 158 4.6 31 295 4.2 26 312 7.512 1 95 .9 161328 2.9 291147 2.1 311199 4.0 4000 ------19 182 2.7 27 169 1.4 231242 7.1 20 234 6.1 30 219 8.6 10 152 4.1 311290 0.3 24 307 9.31 60 .S 10 351 3.9 261237 2.3 31 210 5.8 5.00S ------16 212 1.4 22 219 1.0 211246 9.7 236 7.7 29 220 11.3 1 30304 6.9 21 301 9.01 1 9 1.4 23 189 1.2 24 221 9.0 6,000 ------13 174 .8 21 225 1.7 l{2381 12.2 4I246 11.5 25 226 13.3 1291299 8.6159 3093 11.5 20 187 .8 19 224 14.4 8,000 ------1-4 252 4.1 181232115.4 1291301 11.2 14 302 1.9 16 225 2.6 16 232 18.5 10,000- 13 256 7 7 10 236 16.9 120 303 0.4 10 3 171 I~60 I5{5I 1~ 1'2 5.1 11 237 22.3 12.000- - -- 1 249 12.4 1220 7.6 14,000 ------28 307 9.3 16,000O------L 2713201 6.2 10 62 .2 20 210 1.4 . -. df- - - I Grand J*un-|Green Ray, Greensbore, Hr. ore, | aksII ~ I jLe ok lFfod |i lBiti Mobile,-- |1':I1 II.. 12/3il, '-"Il*d, | oes, tIer, Cole. 1. N. C. Mot. l le . | Ark. Ore.01 I4 Als. Te-n. | Caif. . .lb (1,475 a.) ' (210.) 1. (271i .) (767 . ) a.l6") (00 a.) (416 a. ) (12 a) (66 a.) (182 a.) (a)0 (306 .1

I . . I - 1, 1 . T, r 1, . I . . I . . I . t , 7 . . I 1 - ] r r -T I | j I N i f 1 i I __ _ Surf.- ---- 31 231 3.6 31 182 0.s529 171 0.6 29 274 0. 5 117 30 28 t 12311 30 3.7 3 1 161 1I.6 21 312 2.3 100 5.0 1I0 3.4 30 285 0.8 31 278 4.9 31 160 2.8 21 500- ---- 31 244 .6 29 203 1.1 30 140 4.1 1'76 1.4 30 311 2.0 30 124 4.08 20 187 4.2 30 273 1.1 31 274 3.9 31 162 3.5 I,000- 30 2401 2.2 27 209 I.8 29 190 . 6 29 167 3.2 29 176 1.3 20 354 3.0 29 129 4.5 25 180 2.1 27 290 .8 31 272 3.2 31 166 5.5 1,500------, 31 232 3. 5 27 261 3.9 27 232 1.7 2 7 21 9 1. 3 29 175 2. 6 2 1 230 1.1 29 293 2.2 28 122 4.2 23 i147 1.0 26 265 .3 31 261 2.3 31 102 5.3 2, 000------31 230 2.08 23 266 4.4 24 267 2.4 25 215 3.5 185 1. 6 16 252 2.7 28 232 2.7 26 126 3.6 22 2 .2 29 134 .a 24 25 .8 31 240 3 1 201 6.3 2, 00------30 22i4 2.2 20 27 1 5 .1 21 284 2.6 22 244 7.8 26 157 .08 11 224 1 .6 27T217 3.7 25 116 4.0 17 151 .0 1 9 334 21 246 3.0 30 211 6.6 25 3,000------30 221 2. 6 20 2799 4.7 19 299 2.8 21 240 9.1 100 1. 5 26 218 4.5 24 .a 1 2 178 1.0 16 351 1.2 31 241 4.3 20 225 6.1 29 215 34 l4 19 272 7.0 16 296 2.4 16 244 9.5 21 105 1. 7 26 232 6.1 21 127 2.23 15 319 2.02 30 234 6.6 26 227 5 6 12 I4 4, 000 ------20 2I16 4. 1 17 285 8.02 113 324 1 .0 233 10 .9 56 2. 4 26 235 9.4 I5 126 1.2 .10 342 32.1 21 8.8 23 237 5. 1 5, 000---- 12 10 2.371 26 225 14 289 8.1I 11 354 2.7 229 12. 0 42 3.1 25 226 10.7 I14 115 2.0 21 242 10.6 20 244 5.5 25 230 8. 3 10 52 3.52 2 4 231 15.5 31 10, 000 ----- 241 13.7 18 244 7 0 22 246 7.9 1 2 230 12.4 30 239 19.1 255 12,000----- 114 9. 6 235 23.0 234 10., 5 14,000----- 232 17.6 I1I15 235 9.6 16,000 ----- 28 212 9.0 I I . . I I . I. I . . I I . . I . I . I II , --

Yboeeei, Repi4 City, St. Cloed. See Antoni See Diego, 2Sea t, ste Spoke.. joe4noon Or45. 5. 2ak. mien. Ten. Cell f. 2arie, ich. 0.00 1-8.v C.. (345 a. ) (982 ta. ) (318 a.) (240 a.) (13 a.) 1221 a.) (725 a.) (80 a.~)

Serf- --- 31 236 0. 3 1 I37 2.3 31 167 1.0 31 155 4.1 31 270 3.4 31 254 2.8 30 215 1.9 3 1 163 1.1 500-- - 31 2 14 . 4 3 1 156 2. 4 31 150 4.0 30 269 2.2 31 268 3.4 21 181 1.0 1.000--- 31 196 1.5 311-76 2.4 30 190 3.4 30 150 4. 0 29 246 1.0a31 263 4.3 20 205 2.4 21 252 .a I.1 00 ------31 207 2.2 .55 3.5 2 7 215 5.3 30 141 5.3 20 184 .8° 31 265 5.4 30 207 2.6 31 300 1.5 2,000 --- 30 196 2.6 30 I76 4.2 26 232 6.2 20 137 5.4 28 206 1.9 31 279 6.4 26 199 3.5 21 2080 2.6 0O7 21 2, 500------30 191 3.6 29 2 4.2 22 242 6.8 20 135 4.9 20 202 2.6 21 200 7.1 25 200 5.0 309 2.8 3,-00 ------2 0 185 3.9 28 2226 4. 6 2 1 244 7.9 25 136 3.7 20 220 3.2 31 291 B.0 23 209 6. 9 31 309 2.8 4.000--- 30 176 3.4 25 2241 6. 7 21 262 7.0 137 2.0 25 219 4.7 31 286 9.1 10 220 10.7 310 2.5 10 10. 7 14 21 5.000 ------29 169 3.1 23 2 47 9.0 1a 273 8.6 123 147 2. 7 23 214 4.4 30 294 217 15.3 31 323 2.8 162 2.7 20 2239 8.8 1 7 265 10.2 11 122 3. 2 231 223 5.2 29 289 11 .3 13 213 16.9 321 4.1 8,000 ---- - 22 31 215 3.1 13 2238 12.0 12 258 11.3 1 9 228 6.5 29 289 14.9 31 308 5 9 10,000.------. 14 248 6.9 10 224 9.7 29 283 16.4 3121 6.1 12,000--- - 12 31 248 8.6 12 229 11.6 29 283 15.7 31 3191 4.7 14.000-:-::: 25 286 16.4 229 5.7 16,000- _ _ 23 291 10.0 30 10 4.7

/ Reami Dat- (Ceot'd.) 2/ Reai. Date (Cent'd.) 2/ 0i*01 Oats (Ceold.)

18,000 c. 22 o0.,. 24 dir., 2.9 speed 18,000 a., 28 onb., 169 dir., 4.8 0pe0d 18,000 a.. 22 ebO.s 309 die.. 3.4 saped 20,000 a., 19 oek., 84 dir., 3.9 speed 20.000 a., 27 oh... 111 dIr. 6.7 cpned 20.000 ... 16 o.6.. 58 dir.. 2.0 spced 22,000 c., 14 oek.. 86 die.. 4.5 npo.d 22,000 a., 27 obe., 101 dir. 8.6 *p00d 22,000 ... 14 obe.. 61 die., 3.3 spepd 24,000 a., 26 oek., 95 die., 10.9 *peed 24.000 a., 10 ob.,, 80 di-., 6.0 apead 26.000 a., 25 06*.. 90 dIr.. 11.3 0p00d 28,000 ., 19 ob. 100 d -.. 11.9 0p00d 4/ ROain Date (Cont'd.)

18.000 a., 29 o06., 66 die., 4.4 opeed 20,000 ., 28 oek., 90 dir., 6.2 speed 22,000 ., 27 obe.. 92 die., 6.6 npeed 24,000 ., 27 obs., 87 die., 9.8 npe.d 26,000 a 12 obe., 87 dir., 12.1 0p0.d

Th76- free ale ecelnant alede are Iaced en pilen balleon obanranleno1 ned P = 270e); speeds In aetera pee second. .eeo 2100 .C T.; diectionn Is degree. ftoe nerth (1 3600, r = 90-0 S = 18-,

- 261 - RAWIN DATA A-.rgelramthly dtmutuitndb LL.15 Ta~o 2

a N . Net Al asts All". Alaska N. Dak. i M T. N Y La.e S i1i~SC e (1,636 .. ) E (30 E 0(7 ) 18m) 505 m) | (7 fi) (1d2 fiI (3 m - ] (19i 1 (237 1 (I. I,95 )

4m-F.a qe e li; U 9; {* -iT X!--I-

S 0 z z

S.tf ------3 11 40 3. 63 23 .510 3 12 223 1 50 2. 531' 841273 11 2 2 S. 031 2331 1. 331 183 18 M 2: 1 48 2 3 1 72 1. 9 Soo ------3l 6 94 2'311605 .72 160 27 D143106I 10.0.6130 2, 30 2052 43 2.92 .33 31 11611 154 2,332. 33 29366 S.3 '7 1223ll. 6 7 33III158 520 - ---- 1:500-I 000 31 12,144 2-84 1131 31 123143 -5.7 292Q 21044 1.71.2 30 169i23. 1630 14645 8:61 30 2111 3 -11 31) 130 2. 209 297 5.6113 31 235 2.9311964.5i 31 176 4.53.4 31-- 111 3:1 2:00O.::--: --- 31 167 4 531 129 441 31 160 292 2429 228i 4.929153k7130 294 4.3 30 110 2 . 33 29 297 6631 231 1. 71 31223 21 1 11 I I 2 5 31174 42 31 137 4.5131143 .8 30 2 1263 3 828 2391 5.41 29 1146 6030 298 5.0 30 21 2.6 29 297 7331 214 1 1)3 246 1.2 31 5 II 4.0 OO.:: .8 I 3 1189 .7 3 122739 422 2 561 29 1 39 47 30 297 5.2 30 1091 2.6 29 298 i 7.9 311 I19 1.113 3 240 1.1 3 1 16 1 3.8 4:000 3 22 31 55 3 9i 31 173 1.5 3012 04 92T3 2540 6:929 129 3 930 303 5.0 30 10 1.42294 0113 485 NO 26 431 65 2,2 5:000-- ...... 31 334 1.1 29 I157 40 30 1291 1.8 30 226 5.2 27 2 45' 6.5 29 22 3530 309 1 6. U30 9'7 1.62 97 293 11.1 3 1 91 2.1 0 19 .83 11 .6 6 000 130 304 2 329 53 4.5 30 1611 1.3 30 232 7.025254' 8,529 95 3.3 28 300 7.0 30 98 2.7 27 296 13.1 3 173 3.0335 1.3 30 231 2 GOO------30256 2929 1TO 2.6 25 109' 4.T 28i12.32 8.3 20 253113.429 74 3.6 213 312i 9.9 29 04 5.1 22 301 17.331 54 5.7 30 2"' " ,,7 62 . I;I 256 26 225 6 420 1151 6 5261 234 7 41 14 25311C6 29 62 4.3 27 3081 111.6 29 63 6 51 118290 20 430 47 0.8 300 260 6. '7' '27 294 6.2 14,0002:' 00 ------2024 241,254 6s.1 721 23 2,111j 32l . O 18 19212' 13wl . C, 261261230 2;4 6513.9 1132 2541 -1- 14.61 2027 5749 10.65.7 25126 3111307 112.8 2b'28,i 6053 10.319:0 4323 20:5 30 4246 11.09.7 2930 274i2531 8.55.4 25 30212901 5.37.2 16.000 ------H 22 268; 2 11,11 111 2 2I 0 5b 11.9 2 41 33116 22 69 19,3 25 66 11.0 25 97! .6 17 92, 3.9 18,000 ------I 1 lo698 5.31.3 22 27; :0l ! l S1 1 512 K " l:Z 04!3 18 71) 8.1 11 1:7 11 91 4 71 'I.2 11 1.7 ------8 10.7 20 4 2.5 i 71 3.Ij 226 6l6 5 17 8, 1.8 O5,9 'l eq 71O 901 114.1 2220.000 13 6 71')i 4.5 16691 I 92I 4 I 7 84 l 7-8 II2116 K'l 1'4 047 lIi .11 92 5.5 .0 2- 86117.0 24 000 ------14 13512 10 8110 131 85 20.6

T-- I 7 I'll1b,111. 61..:d e.tt l.'. L 1tle R-k.j Medf-d. 111-i. Midl..d, N-t-k.t, Noah l.1 W. C. N. C. Mi- Ak. i 0- Fl::, T... M.-) T..... 117'..k. 0,4i C. (3 6. 80 4 (871 (14 (I 00 (7

S-1see 3 241 1 231 128 1.4'31 1W 831 193 3 7129 190 0.5 3 1157 2.0 3 1F. OT -5-.0al 91 1.9 31 136 3.7 31 216 2.8129 1881 0830167 3 1 0O--: :: 3 l - 0 13 1 1 184 3 931 '32915 7 31 'I I 6 4 7 ----- 272 I 20 0 60 2 6 1.000 ...... 12541256 229:- 3 -- - 13013 219204;; 03331 21B 6:1 129 228 1.7 31 171 3.33 28 - -30 254 5.7' 01I : 3 1 313 247 3.0 31 127 3 21152 213129 429 23835323 1:13l31318 682 299 4.06 11 3127 311 445 1 31 14456 106 32923 2902T5 45 428177327 1911 1.51.7 29 152i52 3.43 0 1,500 1 1:313 211 3 2',f 2q 2601 2671 3.23 I I 2.010 31 229 3.1 31 207 2 930 21T 14 I.1231 131 151 12 12Q4 1i31 158 9. 1) 21) 218 4.1 Ill III .4 29 167 4.3 3:13 2.1' 3.6j30 321 73 1305 1.5129 273 23 28 13 29 249 3,93 130 3.9 3 155 6.5 30 301 4.4 28 45 1.3 30 l168 4.7 3 000 20I T 3I 2 7 3.91 30 3095 31 283 1.6 29 279 6.9131 92 1.0 29 244 5 .I31127 3 .7 :1 44 83 1298 5.1 30 121 1.9 30 169 5.2 00 30 184 3:1 3l 1 217 3.5 30 2961 .83 I1252i276 ':77 3 .8 29 233 6.5 131 116 3.6 3 1 4 4 1.I73 294 7.4 30 Ill 1.8 28 161 4.0 5 0000 ------29 171 4 13 222 3831 341 .9 3 159;39 ."i.9 M276 Oi3o' 53 2.2 30 241 8.0 131 104 4 .129 0 6300 299 7:9 308j .9 27 68 3.6 6,000-:::::::::: 211 1172 3.6 3 1 233 4 :a 30 34 1.0 31 57t2.35 261274 11.1 129 4713.0 3 1239 11.3 3 1 87 C. 2a 4 I.329311 6 63 657 i.7 27 191 2.9 000 24 70 5.7 27 242 9 .127 83.1 3 139 .3 26 27116.511, 211927 236 12.9 3 158 4.0 27 3452 1.4232 9.7 30 7 .6 26 191 5.0 I; 0 00 ...... 22 165 5.8 24 236 9.0 27 64.81 13 19.920.2 263601.4242 23615.2 317 3 .12 85 310 10.5 30 34 1 14.00012:000 ------16219 2 02 15 4.7 1719 2591234 23723360 20' 51 3.65.3 3121 6115229625 266 16:6 28 31038 2.41.9 2117 2323506.1 11.4 2730 40167126 1 26 31726 4.1224 25 34110.5322 10.5 30 3272 3.93.3 1225819 266 3.13.6 205 2.8 14 125 2: 0'M1591 7. 732 07 2Om5 18 2 75 0 5 6.4 17 238 6.0 25 75 921 el 4.5 24 349 5.9 26 57 5.91 112,162 1.1 16:000 ---- :::::: 1, I I - 14!317 3. '81 I, 9 1 1.8 12 021 723 7 6 .111'3 78 7.1 17 161 1.1 21 9 0 5 l 11 11, 1:9 24 36 1,6 21 74 6,610 4 5 20. 0 ------I 56 1.2 10 71 :0 I 2l 39812zI 131 17 3.8 1 1 71, 4l7 "I 4 5171 84 148l786 112.7 23 59 5.2 20 78 186 22.000 ------92 4.2 1:11 11 1:2 77 5 . 11 87112:5 is 82 3 87 205 16 89 5:6 22 81 7.7 118 91 15 61a14 1O' I5 87 18 022 9010.1385 ll9 12 91 IT 2 16 90 10.9

11M, I 1;d tyj W.. I S. D.k.c"'. mi- R. Ci 7' N hh 0 (8 11139 so (318 (10 (242 28 72 (221 (726 l I 11P - l - l- - S grf. ------31 276 14 i. 31 4.7 3 15 4. 4 311 38t 2.0- 3}1110 1.31 25! 1911 1.3 31 3 1 90~ 2.-6 31 295 4. 2 2531 0.8 3 1 233 soo ------280 31 Iso1 6.0 ------31 1321 3.3125 201 3.4 140 9.211311 92 7. 9 3 1 319 3. 3 2801 2. 0 l. 1 31 284 28013 31 319 31 1691 8.5311 42, 2.1 31 1731 4.5l 251 211 4.7 3 1 149 9. 5 1311 97 8.4 3 l 332 3. 9 2 76i 4.0 3 1 233 2.2 2T3 5 93 175, 7.5 31, I261 2.8 31 209 31 31 242 I Soo ------4.4 25 217 4.9 1451 7. 3 313 92~ 8.4 31 1 4 2. 4 268 1 4. 3 .4 206 31 261 189 51 S.31 177 4.0 311224~ 31 93 0. 3 331 3. 0 2 5 31 32523 4. 7 25 220 5 .6 3131 141l 4. 7 1 . 8 31 27aO 5.2 31 31 4. 211 2,50 ------252 196 3. 7 3i1199 4.8 3l1 245 3 1 9 1 8. 2 31 66 31 52 43.3 2. 0 2.0*631 4. 8 25 228 6.8 ,32 3. 9 -3 294 6.0 234 31 2 48 184 2.5 311 213 S.S31248, 3 1 12 44. 0 3 1 92 7. 9 331 257 2 . 2 2981 6. 5 3 1 230 3. 1 2.6 3 000------246 5.21 25 232 7.3 31 31 31 6. 306 31 2 1630 147 I . 931 233 6. 0 312581 12 13. 3 31 99 6. 6 3 1 2 57 301 7. 5 233 5. 5 25 237 8.7 30 223° 305 22 3 31 2 49 123 1.92 30 251 7.6131 2651 6.2 25 236 10.2 3 103 2. 7 31 99 6. 1 31 2 44 4-6.3 31 232 110. 313 31 249 3I 102 4. 9 a, 7 29°9 8 90 10.9I 238 .8I 9.5230259 . 4 3 250 8. 7 31 |263~ 7.0 24 242 1.3I 30 88 2. 6 31 2 46 23 12.67 329 60 000- 31 246 238 1.7 29 250 12.1 31 256 29 31 1501 2. 7 30 2 44l 30 2.0 2431 17.9 211 242 13.0 59 2. 3 1 2' 0 294 12. 5 220 14. 2 240 310. 31 243 242 3. 9 29 242 10.81 30 257l 29 31 2231 3. 5 30 2 42l 289 14.7 30 335s 3.7 31 5.6 31 10.2 19 23 I5.9 1 5' 7 28 17. 3.58 1, oo 230 238 3. 5 29 233 13. 1 29 265I 10.1I1912421 17.I 27 30 244 6.5S 2a 233 16,l 4 2aI 17. 9 2233 28 2. 5 1 1. 5 29 2 7 280 5. 1 31 233 9. 423 200 1 .6 29 236 12.4129 261 9.7 16 2541 13.8 24 31 2 41 6.6b 28 219l 296 14.8 280 6.a 31 44 3. 3 25 279 13. 4.2 222 10.1731 93 3. S 26 232 5 5l2 8 5.213 254 5.1 20 65 6.0 Z9 131 4.86 26 210 38.6 31 2- . 224 352 7.1 16 25 7.' 243 47.T 6.9 M 17197 95 7.6 24 107 2.1243 2.6 13!2621 2. 2 2 1 90 9.8a 20 114 .: 4 215 20,00oo------3 121. 6 31 88 9. 3 20 a3 4.71 36 lo 81 13.4 26 81 14 7 19 93 2 27 5.0 93 16.431 4.2 1279I 1.0 17 2 4 276 231 22, Ooo------2q 85 12.1 17 a4 7.2197 6.7 1 75 4.6 1 1 84 15. 0 12.0 89 4.5 29 2" 6. 5 24 oo 88 89 14.5 12 89 9.0 I 7 8.2 84 18. 5 1 2 92] 13. 8 1 5 91 6.8 6. 9.6 2s:0000:- 21 88 90 14.0 200 96 2.000oo ------: 1 5 90 10.0 I1.5

Al,,t,, Ariz- (12 . (IO05 .)

Swrfoze ----- 31 253 21 17 187 Ib3' Soo ------20 171 .9 17 229 S Z 1,00----- 30 142 I S 17 225 3 7 I, 500- - -2 8 1 7 204 2.8 2,000-:-:-- :---- 29 3660 S5 16 268 I 6 2,500--- _---29 81 6 16 272 2 2 3,000------0 149 8 16 270 2.4 4000 ------30H 18 12 16 2343 3 , 0------:- 30 1 43 I I 1 7 235 4.7 6 000------31 ISS 2.3 17 245 3.5 8,000 ------30 167 1 1 16 239 5.2 10,000------26 182 3 9 14 237 7.6 12,000 ------2'S 254 3.6 14.000 ------256 25 22 X1i 000------25 277 2.1 l1 oo O --- -- 25 227 '6 20,000------27 13T2.3 22 OO----- 4 98 4:2 24: 000------1 97 7 5 * Arty Signal Corps

Obese free-ir ro..ltat wi~ds are based on -li. obser-atioa.sowd. "ear 0300 speeds In eaters per mecond. G C T. dir*.ti... i- degr... fro. aertie (N 360-, = 90-.S = 180°,W = 270-):

Iget.:~ elt prepared Arty -awly at tigb *ltitud.. or. blared to...rd I...r when the .o bar *f ob..-ti... -Ssslg 1- greater that three. See -ot. e~o w1nd op.".. V.I..& oppeorlng is thls table hbe.1d tberefore be used with cuwior Table 22 in the J....ry 1950 is..e of the CLliSATOLOGICAL DATA, Katisegl Suckary - 262 - RAWIN DATA Avmao nthly r t.t ed Toblo22 -Ai, Foree Dt. for N a..b 1955

Coil.o (1.661 a.)

JUtSfae .mt-)3

00 - 31 63 10 331 I |IbS 0.9 131 68 0.7 31I273 1.4 31 262 1 9' 5- ---- 180 3.8 ------30 257 580 20 231 3:11 1,000------331 209 6.8 -- 2-0 - 269 6.2 29 264 9.21 1500------31 238 7.3131 64 .5 30 274 9.0 30 273 13.6 2,000------131 293 2.6 31 255 9.2 31 235 2.9 30 272 11.2 274 15.3 2,5000-- - 31 286 3.7 31 268 11.3 31 253 5.6 30 275 12.9 20 277 16.3 3.000--- 31 282 7.2 31 326 13.7213 270 8.5 31 275 31 280 18 21 4,000--- 31-----317 11.9 31 270 17.2 31 279 11.6 31 275 19.7 3 1 278 23.21 .000--- 31 286 17 631 268 20.8 31 287 14.7 311275 24.6 30 6,000------312a220.4 31 277 27.8' 267 23.3 31 291 18.0 31273 29.7 28 272 28.4! 8,000------27 279 22.8 31 267 32 2130 390 23.6 21 272 28.8 22 278 36.11 10 000------24 278 26.0 31 259 37.6 27 286 26.4 29 273 42.81 2 1 275 41.8 12 000--- 23 277 34.3 30 260 44.8 26 280 26.6 27 274 40. 6 19 277 34.7 14. 000 21 272 37.9 26 263 41.3 24 269 27.3 27 276 36. 2 16 278 32.8 16,000-27 219 16 262 3. 20 264 21.8 21 274 34. 4 18 275 28.71 18.000 --- 14 269 15.3 10 263 29.61 7 264 19.1 17 274 26.1 11 2615 8. 4 20,000------1 4 271 14.0 16 271 19.6 22,000------15 263 13.6 24.000------1 270 10.5

* April data for the abot Air Forte stations till be included In the Aug.St i..ue of thib poblicttion.

These freo-si resultnt .ind are h.sed on r.in obsero tios made near 0300 .peedo Ia meters per seco.d. G.C.T.; directions In dogree. fro- *orth (N = 3600,R = 90es = 180-,1 = 270-);

Note: Re.Slt.at. prepared from ralens ot high aItitudes are biased toward lower when the aumher of oboereatloaa misalag is greater thaw theme. See ante foll.mlag wind poedo. V.Iu.. appearing In this toble ahooId therefore be .sed .Ith .autlot Table 22 Is the Jaao-ry 1950 Isaac of the CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA, Pstionl Sm#Iny.


TAisl310 Solar rmdiatlos iate..Ities, tabUlated Ia 1-D1iyl per misoste OD a osrfaoe -- rI1 to the dire-tioe of the s.JULY 1955

S.W'S a. d== Sea'.sasith dAas

1. 1 P. it Date K M P. M

787- 175.7' 70.7- ra 680.U 70.7- 75.7- 787* - 78.7' 76. 70.7 60. 60 fr 70.7 75.7 78 7-T .& -- -- -.-----..


Au nh

4.08 3.26 2.44 1 .63 Noon 1. 63 2,44 4.08 S.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 -1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 3.0

1- July 0.89 0.96 I .08 I.23 I . 40 0.921 0. 4 II--- 0.76 0 .7 ------t .93 1.04 1.21 .44 - - 12.-- .60 .79 0.94 1.09 1.30 1 .06 0.82 0.72 0.64 2--- .83 1.20 .8S 1.16 1 34 --- 13-- 63 .72 .86 1.051 1.32 1.00 8.7 .70 .64 4------. 67 .61 1.00 14 -- .47 5.6 .71 .95 1.30 5--- 78 1S -- -- 79 .93 ------! 6--- . 56 .6S ---- 18 - .43 .65 .01 .93 -1.1 .86 . 76 .69 1 9---- .34 .43 .59 .78 ------. 73 .6O ,91 1.09 1.41 1 . 03 .87 .77 20 - 280 .36 .53 .72 1.04 .56 .38 .27 ---- 9 - - - - D .44 D .55 D .63 D .78 51.22 21-- .20 .29 .41 .59 ------0 -.-- .62 .71 .084 1. 02 ------22 - .24 .31 .41 .580 -- I ------. 78 .86 .97 24------.94 1.14 1.38 1.06 .90 .74 13.---- .80 .05 -'76 --- 25------.74 .03 1.03 1.20 ------.68 .59 '876 I .06 1.30 --- 26 ------74 67 .88 1.23 .94 .75 I 14----10- - -- 76S 1 .06 1 .30 8987 - - - 22---- . 54 .63 - -- A308----21---- Sc - .62 .02 1. 07 Aver .45 .59 .72 | h9 1.26 .92 .74 .62 .62 .77 .86 - -- -1 - e18 . 76 .04 .96 1.12 WASHINGTON, D.C. IIBCO)

A,*, - -77s .69 .79 . 90 1 .06 1. 32 1. 18 97 .85 77 Aiu 4.96 3.97 2.98 1.99 Noon 1.99 2.90 3.97 4.96 TABLE MOUNTAIN, CALIF.

Julyi Aur 27------0- ---

- 761 ] ---- 2.26f 1,1 I .5 2.261 201 3.76 14------69 .92 .59 13------.66 1.05 2-7 ------.53 Jo1y 2- 1. 40 223------3-- - 1.41 I.47 126S 1- - --- 1- - 6 1 - I -- .64 I -- 5 - 1: 46 230-- |------57 ------1.40 7- I.44 6- 1 .47 -- 07 : :: 1 .43 e ------.70 .9 .62 ------9- ---- I .39 12---- I .347 :::: BLUE HILL, MASS. 13% --- 1 .34 16---- :::: 1 .29 1 7---- A- - 21&--- ::- 1. 254 226---I :::- 1.20 23G--- 1 .36 - 1 4.06 3.09 292j 1.94 00o.97 1.94 j 2.92 2.09 4.86 25 --- 1.07 1. 27 J 1.43 J 26 - -- 27---- I .43 1.48 Jo1y 26---- 1.44 I -- 29I--- IIS--- 0. 43 0 31 0.86 0.30 Aver- 0.59 0.70 0.03 1. 19 gesI 1.39 18--- .66 78 .94 1.12 9HS6--- I 76 :::: --- II---- 1.02 12FS-- .71 .83 1. 03 .86 .60 .46 LINCOLN. NEBR. 13FS-- 79 .97 14FS-- .40 .20 17%- -- .01 .50 .48 .20 i - 20 ---- :::- 1.09 .05 .60 .54 21HS-- .85 .82 .60 .50 .40 22HS-- .34 .47 .60 .00 .78 .37 .28 4. 77 3.81 2.86 1.91 1 *0.95 1.911 2.86 1 3.01 4.77 23HS-- .35 .45 .60 .78 I-- .25 -6 6 -0 4 +-I------+ + 260S-- .36 29 - :-- 1.23 I .07 .93 .04 Ja1l 31%--- .94 .70 .57 .47 2---- I .20 0.90 0.67 0.54 0.45 I :-: 11I---- I .20 .90 .67 .56 .45 Aver- 20---- 1 .20 .90 ages I .49 1 .62 .77 1 ,90 1 - - 9 7 .52 .42 25---- I .20 .92 71 .54 .37 26 ---- 1.21 .94 .73 .58 .50 * Esteapolsted 29--- 1.22 7 .01 .64 . 73 .62 *- Smoke B 76106 tSasO Asr- MilkyM sky 6S Base .od soke 1.21 .93 .72 . 59 .48 S Hase PS Mood or forest 9.. fire soke

La.9ley is the .. it used to denote one gram -alorie per square centimeter An listed 7IT able 30 appears in M-lotly Meoth-er Seres, -noI.e 72. N.. 3. MarcO explaastion of the formula used in computing the air mass values for each station 1947. p. 47.

- 264 - SOLAR RADIATION DATA JUIt 1915 Tab1. 31.a Daily total!4 &ad average daily totals by Weeks of solar and sky radiatios, PlIas the radiation reflected fros the groun.d, as resolvd .5 a vert ical sort ce facieg north at Blue Hill, Uass. during the .05th

Iat------2 3 4 y 6 7 I1 12 13 1615l 17 lb 19I 20 21 22 LangleY1 - 1--88 182 167 143 133 146 74 17 75 152 I50 173 187 186 168 167 42 147 154 188 I36 151 150 137 D ---:::: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 1 2 3 4 5

L nle- - -159 102 128 162 151 66 13,4 127 12 126 140' 147 132 54 1225 136

Table 31k Dal ~~.ad-~.dily ttl yek dk d~i. I.t.rd~I.rfetdfo the ground, as received en a vertical su-ae Iatlog ..ast at Blue Hill, Vna. durog the e.net

I- - 2 2 41 5 6 7 8 9 1 I1 12 13 14 ii 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 L sIlys - 276 29)4 241 266 228 152 404 309 366 216 310 389 431 30 22 28 55 261 345 376 229 347 346 280

I- - 22 24 22 26 27 28 29 2 1 I 2 2 4 5 22y34 118 107 1337 322 66 202 211 328 269 328 349 392 315 289 325

TabI. 31c Daily totals sad average daily totals by seeks of solar and sky radiation, pius the radiaties reflected fees the gro...d, as received a vertical surfa effaiag outh at blue HillI, Mass, daring the nosth

-2 2 i4C- i 1 1 1 12 14 1516 17 1 9 2 1 2 Le1c- 229 250 244 24 1664 222 230 222 268 2'40 272 21 28 2916 8 I 24 247178 78 281 204 227

Is - - 2 24 22128 27 2 29 38 31 I 2 Lgy. 274 120 148 1287 288 68 282 208 294 293 296 272 298 280 285 276

Table 31d Daily totals and average daily totals ly seeks of solar and sky radiation, plIs the radiation refietted free the ground, a received an a vertical surfece fas 6g seat at blue Hill, Mass , during the .05th

------21-- 0 6 7 8 0 111 2 14 1516 1'7 18 1 8 21 22 Loag le~---2-- 43 420 4491 176 16b6 483 379' 321 290 25 4257 j4130 2154 399 29'6 254 54 421 2165 41029 4155 413 388 342 Da~tle---- -23 I24 25 26 27 28 29 38 2 ' 2 7 4 5 LnIe- - -349 I154 320 282 274 88 471 292 334 412 349 I 82 314 327 242 212

Tabl. 31 . Daily tetal. and average daily totsl. by seeks of diffus. (sky) radiaties a rvteived o h-r ...iti1surface at Blue Hill, Mass, durig the -soth

I- - 2 23 4 5 61 7 8II1 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 28 21 22 La e -23 27 14 12 2768 I163 17 209 238 3109 14 6 03 229 380 21 74 245 2787 226 1409 148 171 184

IslIe---- 22 24 25 26 2712 28 2 8131 31 1 2 3 4 5 Laaglcy - 216 --- 141 180 186 183 143 (118) 1809 1i5 250 231 131 272 200 186

8 N a6: Laaqlay 1.the sail -d 10 denole One gas calorieper egssoemca eteo.W

NET RADIATION Table 32.--fet eadiatien in langley. pae day (.idnight to sidnight) at Raleigh, N. C., daring the -. nnJUYi9b

Osa. .423 4 1 .. 1 61 1 1 4 5 17 15 9 10817 22 23214 28 27 28 29 .3~0 2 11 Avg. Lage. 4 27363839 8 4 9 7 19 5212 I118 1471 239 167 391I 94~ 451418's 1128 3 41 362 1395 ~282~2780 361328 11 23 5 19 289 287

The .. wr .etOwade With a I-v and Whitlay set a.. basge radineeter oeer aThese d080 are of .. .. perlaet.I .aturn asd ar poblished as rec*ived dre the pint nfaflanh aaerpe.n-tettlInwa oth Car..lina 3tat. College at Raleigh. The isetramet elth ChicO they Wee, eaawaed radatins Of ali ease leagtha. ~nstettlaina ho st M.e checked by the Weather Burea. Eatlatecaml nlagto ..... ac o f rals d-rIag period. Chile coib Ia fall- 08 eielio is s doo8toh os 8Alfalfa.0,04.


Table 33.-Daily totals and average daily totals tby weeks of solar radiation (direct and diffuse) received on a horizontal surface, tabulated in langleys. JULY 1955

0 4 4 a4 0 x -4 5 441 441. 4

a, i 4 40 - r 0

- - . - - 4 4 4 0 . 4 . 41 4. 0 1 a 4 o 4 4 0 4 040 04 0'- 0 4 - - 4 4 , 1 0 T a a 0

__ __ _ 4 4 4 4 4 M14 4 1 4 *0 U U u 0 9 141 14 40 44 W4 12 14 PIZ 400 40 to

1955 July 2----617 841 345 537 689 688 602 679 719 557 521 634 587 125 575 789 675 615 745 856 656 638 135 816 671 680 583 746 575 794 839 740 665 ----698 801 742 510 171 630 552 (701) 572 591 569 625 --- 518 531 425 670 452 749 864 703 603 341 775 C804~ 4 23 634 736 679 455 848 438 291 ----350 637 815 429 422 647 507 446 380 676 676 701 526 705 548 748 553 517 747 784 475 --- 682 727 819 389 546 776 652 532 725 585 137 ----528 764 258 529 367 519 286 617 729 498 449 654 554 712 685 693 409 489 782 849 606 -- 189 682 815 646 720 782 565 564 839 699 726 2 ----660 523 339 613 476 514 402 604 693 336 279 648 588 706 259 627 280 340 754 854 580 --- 295 730 823 475 719 781 692 587 855 525 389 ----676 726 427 750 252 552 611 764 765 523 680 529 587 707 605 387 695 377 773 847 482 717 270 658 822 470 730 764 635 550 851 737 373 ----452 823 521 (458) 201 488 717 (713) 719 552 497 157 562 629 549 624 694 493 --- -- 382 642 657 768 809 596 729 763 266 529 846 731 720 Averages ---- 569 731 492' (547) 365 577 525 (646) 654 533 524 564 567 586 536 613 568 469 758 843 555 650 367 736 (795) 525 665 764 581 573 829 636 472

July 9----398 789 424 335 390 337 476 370 295 598 551 100 594 695 592 598 684 77 734 902 458 682 711 776 741 --- 672 737 241 697 830 620 475 ----725 727 421 242 237 416 677 379 339 472 449 542 540 613 585 789 628 421 735 939 738 402 704 778 537 476 574 738 ---i 569 785 580 337 ----166 (553) 319 331 557 362 692 700 722 667 697 513 422 684 442 805 671 738 736 910 712 667 292 244 646 241 697 749 358 228 273 373 92 q ----274 702 451 494 560 324 692 419 813 682 678 498 581 620 593 822 704 735 726 487 740 751 620 338 (778) 245 641 725 509 481 816 547 361 ----287 680 739 390 644 310 437 490 742 560 459 582 596 655 318 758 657 646 728 723 737 583 724 781 783 466 586 741 626 749 819 770 759 ----668 800 782 715 592 508 361 650 --- 604 516 587 --- 394 352 700 248 541 625 852 486 639 676 708 645 379 663 554 632 762 794 642 732 ----548 782 823 731 474 626 (619) 587 518 518 500 693 594 --- 346 326 688 229 741 396 302 577 552 733 580 563 557 708 451 748 791 546 734

Averages ---- 438 (719) 566 463 494 412 (565) 514 572 586 550 502 554 610 461 686 611 484 718 744 596 614 611 622 (673) 395 627 708 470 605 730 567 499

so July 16----390 709 805 688 551 569 (460) 634 806 79 88 703 547 63 685 655 674 570 774 814 565 174 414 576 (731) 248 447 756 510 764 796 557 719 ----571 (557) 184 515 646 498 410 707 716 592 570 729 521 305 590 688 581 582 757 817 547 604 644 534 763 458 424 740 655 729 807 736 693 * ~ 621 502- 221 472 581 544 515 700 734 562 --- 723 448 576 569 537 523 415 759 661 651 631 639 629 575 675 618 753 609 720 785 707 542 ----(572) 651 243 711 736 674 412 (715) 411 594 --- 663 469 734 545 737 400 330 726 347 667 667 753 738 650 613 706 714 570 726 736 585 737 ----245 628 343 638 575 403 516 703 610 610 604 413 554 591 611 773 644 677 745 537 703 651 691 284 --- 647 658 702 500 674 769 499 439 July 21----434 663 293 606 550 272 188 610 572 626 628 701 581 575 468 709 450 681 709 531 631 675 712 507 531 586 656 679 494 711 729 382 727 July 22----487 553 314 317 541 430 514 679 458 612 593 692 607 327 331 723 640 641 700 655 642 673 286 365 654 646 672 683 427 598 650 296 388

Averages----(474)(609) 343 564 597 484 (431)(678) 615 525 497 661 532 453 543 689 559 556 739 626 630 582 591 519 (651) 553 597 718 538 703 753 537 607

July 23----637 464 710 514 224 332 602 707 499 591 --- 698 527 279 723 450 650 446 746 -- 482 639 646 358 528 622 622 703 419 701 741 --- 579 ----542 692 538 307 296 455 390 645 688 260 --- 645 612 709 472 570 509 366 736 701 642 411 286 715 367 620 640 741 574 573 778 --- 660 ----658 --- 503 375 351 626 546 593 707 273 --- 717 618 727 459 736 584 662 735 822 667 334 193 700 748 605 685 759 438 436 287 --- 365 ----669 551 217 199 407 558 344 209 756 589 520 705 --- 697 661 683 654 593 719 812 536 678 581 711 (748; 526 687 747 428 673 723 -- 720 jt ----659 (319) 162 709 355 545 477 198 622 530 481 672 617 115 556 558 653 523 713 731 406 523 382 391 773 150 705 736 665 390 771 --- 463 ----134 732 141 695 373 504 464 283 603 121 139 317 672 712 707 560 635 166 707 814 450 115 550 674 783 72 675 727 626 701 726 --- 730 ----125 643 462 455 309 462 372 588 649 600 661 469 --- 702 401 687 618 439 714 794 707 655 330 594 774 381 674 (736) 410 704 734 606 653 Averages ---- 489 (567) 290 465 331 497 457 460 646 423 450 603 611 563 568 606 615 456 724 779 556 479 424 592 (67 5 425 670 (736) 509 597 680 -- 596

July 30 --- 420 (756) 416 368 326 482 326 688 686 610 606 608 (331) 601 468 683 625 515 709 802 565 672 491 757 768 502 643 723 582 825 680 554 655 --- 166 792 540 398 305 481 528 685 722 616 627 534 571 407 687 671 617 531 713 789 597 681 599 714 513 530 (608 719 396 707 715 331 713 Aug. 1----414 512 324 466 473 518 472 511 684 590 569 356 569 389 599 660 500 446 726 762 610 628 607 650 637 591 634 697 534 524 722 435 671 Aug. 2----438 740 187 556 653 605 494 651 695 541 515 604 556 559 636 697 608 587 701 775 609 604 687 642 679 391 571 683 400 692 704 360 697 Aug. 3----377 688 260 583 534 614 236 619 713 629 525 678 632 704 496 659 634 550 692 843 492 708 542 588 464 210 441 674 614 748 540 479 704 Aug. 4----606 694 184 693 666 430 538 432 700 447 354 372 547 689 520 672 448 526 700 686 634 590 476 585 324 367 513 682 529 689 550 390 703 Aug. 5----609 --- 92 699 662 609 571 637 578 564 434 589 572 388 461 642 464 468 514 (713) 348 621 510 574 390 477 632 (159) 559 658 548 318 706

Averages----433 (697) 286 538 517 533 452 603 683 571 519 534 (540 53~5269 557 518 679 (767) 551 644 559 644 539 438 (578:(621) 516 692 637 410 693

Note.-Langley is the unit used tn denote one gram calorie per square centimeter. Valuesa in parentheses are interpolated. SOLAR RADIATION DATA

Table 33.-Daily totals and average daily totals by weeks of solar radiation (direct and diffuse) received on a horizon.tal surface, tabulated in langleys.-Continued JULY 1955

z * o .- -.4 in a 'oa 4. N52 a 5

4. ; 0 - 2M 4 0 I, a - H - a 0- a 'a '0 o C. 0 - in al- a -. 9 - P - g in 'aV ' a5 o a M a a ) Q--bAis . 0 sas is R a' a - 4 44 n U S . 0 - a a- a a 4 u > a 0 0 COn-n 44 0 5 04 o- i a . U 5 a a- - 0 5 a 0 . - S S a a - * a) - - a . a 4 a a - a a a aV4 4 - 0 4 . 0 >C4 4 0 4 kw4 -. - 0 0 aWaH a a a - a o a - , a 0 -- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S i i 2 0 . 2 5 in 0.n mm

July 1952----697 699 832 470 849 482 791 430 790 513 790 711 529 402 346 569 528 317 606 701 652 553 615 727 528 805 470 735 706 445 (278 625 (778) July 3----498 594 727 689 887 769 813 (326) 813 691 721 716 360 485 439 704 737 739 551 617 683 72570 72 81 68 40 56 59 3653 63 July 4----607 685 762 464 879 754 833 468 832 630 707 599 307 575 557 654 -- 681 606 646 593 690 699 724 622 795 566 743 512 618 721 542 (7 July 5----520 400 813 443 673 572 836 523 818 536 706 671 486 699 711 500 -- 586 148 --- 429 656 662 529 (551 794 585 546 567 774 486 630 (786) July 6----533 537 833 569 879 414 837 700 833 323 655 562 600 699 706 488 401 --- 232 693 526 409 450 678 (534 791 209 609 294 779 710 686 825 July 7----445 614 44 420 869 679 841 716 816 665 623 534 645 726 727 685 453 741 504 650 461 547 516 400 729 618 733 779 653 769 248 611 813 July 8----405 528 62 492 858 615 771 534 802 590 232 530 676 679 676 544------559 627 620 642 589 334 688 814 706 786 505 761 722 632 (792)

Averages------529 579 719 507 871 612 817 (528) 815 523 634 617 515 609 595 592 -- 612 485 645 557 597 608 585 (625 804 557 657 543 675 (507 610 (770

July 9- 8--43 355 626 477 861 624 771 582 811 526 558 693 682 600 624 461 -- 653 628 696 574 685 669 497 594 816 694 640 292 765 740 373 (800 July 10----431 474 712 666 799 724 829 660 673 351 819 713 664 532 552 616 -- 722 643 493 682 325 406 643 622 791 615 476 530 749 460 454 - Jul 1-----303 438 718 734 841 777 ~448 586 782 711 639 692 666 512 627 683 --- 741 400 576 614 586 738 568 773 786 723 601 593 653 448 698 (747 July 12----166 536 595 716 821 771 837 488 773 716 782 686 618 547 620 709 671 717 557 551 387 724 745 255 764 716 717 694 708 691 708 429 (692 July 13----252 262 617 651 807 765 829 177 756 709 718 595 437 630 705 1(695) 317 695 164 485 423 614 644 552 628 564 568 765 699 671 468 537 (734 July 14----537 469 749 447 583 595 789 149 544 288 621 657 308 542 5221 693 195 701 697 551 444 646 635 423 602 743 547 757 668 689 446 622 -- July 15----572 722 715 454 785 545 811 343 685 676 267 651 552 733 7031 565 180 698 735 421 291 551 574 --- 351 701 391 746 582 745 301 685 (708

Averages---- 415 465 676 592 785 686 724 429 718 568 658 670 56 55 62(632 341 704 546 539 488 590 630 490 619 728 608 668 582 709 510 543 (737 on July 16----631 739 782 564 814 427 814 395 737 519 578 675 521 746 740 I305 40 --- 662 387 398 131 346 482 251 672 198 665 646 763 495 634 (760 July 17----621 520 603 518 820 560 817 330 718 563 529 563 347 732 707 374 682- 74 316- 504 526 589 704 727 421 668 603 686 718 711 680 629 (783 July 18----679 602 788 217 815 536 812 349 547 595 395 577 426 723 693 617 7051 740 428 236 613 583 592 --- 555 733 571 758 718 511 654 644 (796 July 19----607 697 341 397 798 785 799 533 700 636 371 526 668 432 402 544 650i 718 500 158 550 592 698 --- 732 740 568 685 716 603 692 642 (740 July 20----462 526 510 370 712 783 705 608 483 635 754 602 659 683 631 657 671 703 343 623 499 521 458 449 683 746 671 689 707 708 590 516 (646 July 21----688 443 686 617 --- 708 584 615 688 685 618 585 260 683 674 631 684 683 178 619 467 651 685 --- 563 725 654 601 701 695 625 625 (650 July 22----620 520 735 581 780 692 629 345 664 369 631 425 601 677 679 579 670 671 670 687 418 640 628 382 593 677 619 706 665 700 595 71 (654

Averages----616 578 635 466 790 642 737 454 648 592 554 565 497 668 647 530 638 710 443 459 496 530 587 510 543 709 555 684 696 670 619 629 (718

July 23----624 505 (790) 322 715 443 461 354 636 280 651 552 636 420 645 342 676 682 239 669 518 594 574 524 487 684 557 251 596 618 547 561 (683 July 24----516 383 798 455 500 636 472 512 611 626 411 695 442 497 620 713 673 650 635 590 529 349 328 498 739 233 383 570 668 477 683 718 (653 July 25----568 401 (501) 621 818 760 506 590 681 639 569 653 656 460 541 655 571 673 652 528 517 181 580 495 573 385 640 576 942 668 701 622 (631 July 26----540 533 (764) 620 844 743 754 526 765 674 527 658 654 675 669 617 380 194 476 563 618 604 407 581 656 745 676 544 150 720 (710: 556 771 July 27----452 626 771 581 846 341 758 233 759 687 306 684 622 587 686 639 320 690 575 258 585 538 578 638 85 749 428 549 507 730 (3101 656 (768, July 28----511 592 724 547 820 233 760 651 759 554 374 543 594 657 694 528 472 710 417 562 587 45 190 577 751 739 500 443 644 747 (668 540 (743) July 29----293 478 --- 489 830 719 806 580 740 600 521 672 543 637 677 426 656 693 473 646 603 636 195 632 719 678 675 714 581 730 (701 632 (728)

Averages------501 503 (725) 519 768 553 645 492 707 580 480 637 593 562 648 560 536 613 495 545 565 421 407 564 573 602 551 521 541 670 (617 612 (711)

July 30----416 510 (768) 580 820 688 793 216 674 416 --- 865 582 588 643 507 600 699 338 -- 589 645 322 580 654 700 660 736 624 689 (669 689 (722) July 31----442 527 749 534 709 632 620 532 317 471 -- 577 591 664 686 300 657 690 504 -- 432 665 483 556 502 678 670 694 948 581 (649 426 678 Aug. 1----603 434 752 462 668 471 592 601 456 553 --- 467 589 574 607 629 597 705 417 663 512 605 562 584 598 709 528 493 670 666 (486 516 (682) Aug. 2----665 698 800 495 708 712 756 516 652------637 280 676 660 497 219 692 461 551 484 552 653 621 582 580 619 482 676 664 (241 446 693 Aug. 3----566 694 719 399 703 587 729 72 296------656 426 431 529 507 121 701 553 641 590 669 623 619 639 737 697 591 678 278 (493 488 (707) Aug. 4----612 368 717 578 569 472 602 663 403------629 628 222 258 606 301 673 534 491 418 427 400 589 437 662 689 609 667 215 (388) 651 (340) Aug. 5----337 615 708 622 591 565 568 300 644------30 3 653 57 426 387 648 820 632 541 588 496 611 414 --- 498 686 653 671 (601) 615 629

Averages ---- 520 550 (745) 524 681 590 686 414 492------595 533 544 566 496 412 687 490 595 509 593 506 594 547 678 623 613 659 538 (5041 547 (636)

Xote.-Langley is th, unit usod to denote one eras calorie per square centimeter. Values in parentheses are interpolated. SOLAR RADIATION DATA

Table 33.-Daily totals and average daily totals by weeks of solay radiation (direct and diffuse) received on a horizontal surface, tabulated in langleys.-Continued JULY 1955

U 5 - 0

0. 05 00

.0. .0 . 0 0 b

i0 aa .' ~. 0 O 3 a.-~. CC a .0 A 0 a0 0 0 0 W. ... .M. a M 0 a . 0 5 a. U .0 M u M 0 0 5 i 0 0. .0 5 0 :% 0. 55 55,M VI co VI w , a, a, in ni a, F' E- E- D W Q. N - C

1955 July 2----677 687 398 525 371 427 521 491 721 535 516 593 774 624 683 656 643 July 3- 8--38 743 603 633 196 213 638 658 743 50 682 706 --- 728 627 566 I778 July 4----878 723 600 657 314 364 505 660 --- 369 613 648 --- 702 517 592' 698 July 5----349 682 564 --- 624 678 751 519 470 390 496 572 725 691 687 511 648 July 6----724 616 339 --- 251 312 545 254 762 607 530 (590) 733 585 691 486 271 k' July 7----701 560 645 476 292 307 699 539 731 373 716 636 745 589 669 5641 59 July 6----475 695 603 566 368 406 601 338 714 574 374 534 757 695 667 253 495 Averages ----- 606 672 536 571 345 387 608 495 690 414 561 (611) 747 659 652 518 590

July 9----758 721 386 537 146 156 665 490 716 127 611 593 748 703 (60 368 798 July 10----820 491 542 409 161 206 382 557 747 592 378 741 733 515 688 469 413 July 11----825 689 661 --- 367 471 642 713 657 352 375 713 637 648 707 368 660 July 12 - 8--44 740 659 --- 705 650 782 727 608 394 471 747 652 709 713 547 570 July 13----806 705 575 --- 697 (699) 776 640 679 (361) 594 724 526 658 689 706 271 ' July 14----759 705 548 657 661 (686) 744 589 664 559 610 668 481 683 691 662 693 July 15----301 (607) 430 606 673 657 482 530 710 176 561 269 622 601 681 632 630 Averages ---- 730 (665) 543 552 487 (504) 639 606 683 (366) 515 636 628 645 (682 536 576

O~July 16----234 246 394 498 221 263 676 581 457 603 538 519 548 185 669 538 695 July 17----638 645 498 667 635 (737) 788 583 401 604 412 476 369 603 705 575 547 * July 18 - 8--79 605 510 508 478 (667) 853 365 562 538 467 630 678 648 576 592 667 July 19----680 727 579 516 598 (669) 717 476 328 575 654 737 583 719 668 410 706 July 20----692 463 618 603 606 --- 787 697 749 630 521 674 584 368 697 574 705 V July 21- 8--20 687 550 --- 602 710 763 664 727 661 301 653 684 --- 622 607 554 July 22----515 629 561 625 503 522 695 627 --- 692 650 630 584, --- 718 637 732 Averages---- 590 572 530 569 520 (595) 754 573 537 615 506 617 576 505 665 562 658

July 23----698 612 426 582 515 524 659 575 --- (607) 676 532 501 (579) 693 532 686 July 24 ------313 459 285 232 275 705 320 --- 649 417 666 322 -- 549 326 705 N July 25----(720) 286 556 469 269 392 730 634 --- 655 382 664 326 315 676 514 652 July 26----447 618 607 540 223 285 352 632 720 657 671 631 640 592 641 602 476 July 27----374 505 376 --- 193 (441) 496 449 685 (520) 624 298 707 582 681 613 495 July 28- 7--52 --- 287 --- 253 384 722 314 702 254 413 668 435 97 716 474 252 July 29 -- -- 608 260 581 --- 239 317 307 494 670 --- 331 706 399 357 695 144 497

Averages -- -- (600) 432 470 469 275 (374) 567 488 694 (557) 502 595 476 (420) 665 458 538

July 30----304 394 607 274 98 145 523 486 631 (464) 527 598 540 441 677 352 703 July 31----522 475 651 376 227 305 704 507 608 (518) 204 514 416 563 709 433 680 N Aug. 1----693 635 464 530 427 449 748 563 593 629 602 565 596 597 499 654 638 Aug. 2- 576 609 475 57 529 500 663 614 --- 624 673 600 682------1 4 Aug. 3----388 701 508 585 430 580 751 428 (399) 578 609 495 505 -- 742 637 444 Aug. 4----451 377 440 444 572 (665) 746 239 391 688 451 337 521 -- 696 592 637 Aug. 5----505 389 491 550 563 (655) 730 538 --- 639 518 456 688 608 715 366 618

Averages---- 491 1511 519 146714071(471) 695 1482 1(524)(591)~ 5121 509 1564 552 673 521 623

NOte.-Laugley is the unit used to denote one gram calorie per square centimeter. Values in parentheses are Interpolated. NWRC, Aslev11le, N. C. - 11/14/55-- 1650 Chart I. A. Average Temperature (OF.) at Surace, July 1955. V..-. b

0! Gatuil.A t~petu.oPrcpatu FT omNw!(u


W Vl .

1~ - - P

1* - I ,. L





Perpentageof Normal of SkySky CoverCover Betw"nBetween Sunrise andand Sunset, July 955.XPS§o chatv=4Polo vib.$

B.Pr6tq4fNr4Suhz Chart VIII. Average Daily Values of Solar Radiation, Direct + Diffuse, July 1955. Inset: Percentage of Normal Average Daily Solar Radiation.

. Fo 95 90 es

e, I i 7-. /

I*k I ] I I I .i. II V.-

F 0,90*0 * tw. '4' : ' 8*0 -06 9r .. Boo -%'t VI 51

, . QS 0.

:- -- A -


I re. k , -, -- 001 4 "I --,- 'ii, --1 -1- - , I Ij 1 - - 1t4 : 1,

Inset disjontinued as of J-noary I955 I - - I et t o be eesdrnclwhen notirnatre Vecoq'o'teiol ) 41 w\Ij I7


-, -- ;, 1- ;,," It -- - I

I00 L-i.; 4'1 - -i IfX' IR:d TU-5: - 1; -NR e) I

-- -- -,-. - ,-j 95'. , go8 Chart shows mean daily solar radiation, direct + diffuse, received on a horizontal surface in langleys (1 langley = 1 gm. cal. cm. - 1). Basic data for isolines are shown on chart. Further estimates are obtained from supplementary data for which limits of accuracy are wider than for those data shown. Chart IX. Tracks of Centers of Anticyclones at Sea Level, July 1955.

I . /~



/: - 4 1

,x I./, * . I~

EN I< 4I /-/ -1 r I/ / I-- -<' l I N.b


900 '4" 60'tt¢-t t t------*: -4 -4- ' - 4 7., 50, t------; e 4 s ' 50 40° -i---i40' -b

300 J L - 30'' -o-. 2 a I\ I

05b Circle indicates position of center at 7:30 a. In. E. S. T. Figure above circle indicates date, figure below, pressure to nearest millibar. Dots indicate intervening 6-hourly positions. Squares indicate position of stationary center for period shown. Dashed line in track indicates reformation at new position. Only those centers which could be identified for 24 hours or more are included. Chart X. Tracks of Centers of Cyclones at Sea Level, July 1955.

'7' ,0.

W( 1i


;- ItA



Uj, - 1 Cnd 90° ,--it I 1.: ::'. 7YO \ s 60° 4 -- ; 50°0 ! 1 - I I50 Ll;~'I 40° r- - - I - I X 403

300 , i i Cur 20 ------Ir MOn 200 300 400 500 t00 100 800 "00 1000 POt-AR STERFOGRAPHIC PROJrCTION ii STANDARD PARALLEL AT 60' -ii| j~

Circle indicates position of center at 7:30 a. m. E. S. T. See Chart IX for explanation of symbols. Chart XI. Average Sea Level Pressure (mb.) and Surface Windroses, July 1955. Inset: Departure of AverageaPressure (imb.) from Normal, July 1955. 17 1\ 165 160 150 140 120 10 80 0 40 30 25



MOU^Y I. in170 165 160 150 140 120 100 80 90 40 30 25 2

~0B*100300 5007 0

5Th ] 0 0 O~i35 10 10

Cottow U..anIsthrm.baedon adosodeobervtins t 600. . ~.Winds showin nblck arebaed4on pilot balloonobservationesat 2100G. M. T. those, showno in red wr based on rawins taken at 0O0 G. M. T. Wind barbs Indieate wind speed on the Beaufort scAle. Chart XI. Average Dynamic Height in Geopotential Meters (1 g.p.m.. = 0.98 dynamic meters) of the 700-mb. Pressure Sure A a Temperaturin OC. at 700 nb., and Resutant Winds at 3000 Meters (m.s.l), July 1955. 18 7s 170 165 160 1504 100 0 6040 025 2

\',, ,

0 40



t~mlw~k!V vt - 1 .O;0 -- Oa' CJL inC0 ~.a ndRwlatWi i t 5000 Meer (..1.) Ita~y 1955.





ftew~w! Sa 4*.O 2p

98*3230 9 0 7. . ..

Ns 110 105 100OT.II,, 95 90 85so5 0 xa bittn ~ i~b8t ad~4awd ebaovtiei~t080 . I.T.winds ahovwn inblck are based noni* balloon obaervationsat t2100G. M.T.; tlo son nre rebse n a; Vat000QhRu.id barbs indicate wid peontBeuwtsae ierXV. Average Dynamic Height in Geopotential Meters (1 g.p. m. = 0.98 dynamic meters) of the 300-mb. Pressure :i: .I Average Temperature in 0C. at 300 mb., and Resiltant Winds at 10,$00 Meters (m.s..), July 1955. 175 170 165 160 150 140 120 100 o 60 40 30 252



W5 *04 sbAL 1.5 8 Zn _Dertment B CoRmmerceOFFICIAL BUSINESS I WEATHER BUREAU I -NWRC - Asheville, N C..