2016-2017 K&S Music Accessories Catalog

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2016-2017 K&S Music Accessories Catalog 2016-2017 K&S MUSIC ACCESSORIES CATALOG AWARDED ITEMS WITHIN THIS CATALOG RECORDERS – CAMBRIDGE, ANGEL, TUDOR AND ZONDA BRANDS ONLY ACOUSTIC GUITARS, CLASSICAL GUITARS, ACOUSTIC ELECTRIC GUITARS, ELECTRIC GUITARS AND ELECTRIC BASS GUITARS - AUSTIN BRAND ONLY ACOUSTIC DRUM SETS AND CONCERT SNARE DRUMS – DIXON BRAND ONLY ACCESSORIES - THE FOLLOWING BRANDS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE AWARD: D'ADDARIO, DENIS WICK, EVANS, HELICORE, HEMKE, HERCULES, HOHNER, INNOVATIVE PERCUSSION, JONES, KAPLAN, LAVOZ, MITCHELL LURIE, PLANET WAVES, PRELUDE, PROARTE, PROMARK, REMO, RICO, VANDOREN, YAMAHA, ZILDJIAN, ZYEX 2016 - 2017 MUS I C ACCE SSORIES C ATALOG Instrument Sales [email protected] Band & Orchestra Rentals www.kandsmusic.com K & S Music Rental Purchase Program K&S Music Full In-house Repair Department 61 Industrial Rd Step-up and Professional Instruments Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 Music Educator Resources Exclusive discount shoppers club: (908) 790-0400 ksmusicshoppersclub.com Fax (908) 790-0407 There are many reasons why K&S Music has been the chosen band & orchestra supplier for thousands of school districts Some of the services we provide include: nationwide. As a music educator, your decision to work with K&S Music is one of • Competitve School Bids the greatest decisions you can make for • Vast Inventory - From accordions to your school or district. We allow you to xylophones and everything in between. We spend more time with your students and carry a huge selection of accessories too. less time worrying about your instruments. • Weekly Visits - Your K&S representative will visit your school weekly and will pick up/drop off instruments, make exchanges and deal with repairs if necessary. • Loaner Instruments - We provide loaner instruments if your student's instrument is in repair so they don't miss a beat. • Educated Staff - Our representatives and many staff members are accomplished musicians with industry knowledge. 61 Industrial Rd Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 • Repair Facility On Premises - With more than thirty years of experience, our repair Phone (908) 790-0400 technicians ensure that repairs are done in Fax (908) 790-0407 a stress free and timely manner. • Affordable Prices - Our rental prices are [email protected] extremely competitve and we can save www.kandsmusic.com your students money CATALOG CONTENT GUIDE BAND ACCESSORIES 3DJH 1DWXUDO 6\QWKHWLF5HHGV 'RXEOH5HHGV :RRGZLQG0RXWKSLHFHV 22-26 Ligatures 5HHG$FFHVVRULHV :RRGZLQG %UDVV$FFHVVRULHV /\UHV)OLS)ROGHUV*ORYHV BAND 6WUDSV %UDVV0RXWKSLHFHV 0XWHV 41-46 Lubricants/Oils ,QVWUXPHQW&DVHV 49-51 Swabs 0DLQWHQDQFH.LWV3ROLVKLQJ&ORWKV3ROLVK 5HSDLU6XSSOLHV 5HFRUGHUV:KLVWOHV.D]RRV )OXWRSKRQHV ,QVWUXPHQW6WDQGV =RQGD,QVWUXPHQWV ORCHESTRAL ACCESSORIES 2OGHQEXUJ2XW¿WV REEDS $XVWLQ(OHFWULF9LROLQV 6HEDVWLDQ2XW¿WV (QJHOKDUGW,QVWUXPHQWV 6WDQGV %RZV %RZV$FFHVVRULHV ORCHESTRA &DVHV %DJV 75-79 Strings 6WULQJ$GMXVWHUV 81 Perfection Pegs 82 Pegs & Parts 7XQHUV 3LFNXSV 0XWHV %ULGJHV &KLQ5HVWV 3DGV 7DLOSLHFHV 7DLOSLHFH/RRSV (QGSLQV 6WRSV 89 Tools ORCHESTRA 5RVLQ 6KRXOGHU5HVWV 3DGV 3ROLVK +XPLGL¿HUV (GXFDWLRQDO0DWHULDOV GENERAL MUSIC ACCESSORIES 0XVLF6WDQGV 104 Hearing Protection 6WDQG/DPSV 7XQHUV 0HWURQRPHV 0HWURQRPHV 3LWFKSLSHV 7XQLQJ)RUNV GENERAL &RQGXFWLQJ%DWRQV +DUPRQLFDV 0HORGLFDV 0DQXVFULSW3DSHU 7ZLUOLQJ%DWRQV ,PSULQWHG3URGXFWV P ERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS & ACCESSORIES 'L[RQ'UXPV 3HUFXVVLRQ.LWV 'L[RQ6WDQGV 126 Dixon Thrones 'L[RQ%DVV'UXP3HGDOV 'L[RQ'UXP$FFHVVRULHV *RQ%RSV3HUFXVVLRQ $SROOR'UXP6HWV 6DELDQ&\PEDOV $FFHVVRULHV 3HUFXVVLRQ6WDQGV &\PEDO6WLFN 0DOOHW%DJV 'UXP.H\V 3ROLVK PERCUSSION 5HPR'UXPKHDGV (YDQV'UXPKHDGV &\PEDO+ROGHUV0DUFKLQJ$FFHVVRULHV $VVRUWHG6WLFNV 0DOOHWV 3UR0DUN6WLFNV 0DOOHWV 9DWHU6WLFNV 0LNH%DOWHU0DOOHWV 9LF)LUWK6WLFNV 0DOOHWV ,QQRYDWLYH3HUFXVVLRQ 3UDFWLFH3DGV %RRPZKDFNHUV 5HPR.LGV3HUFXVVLRQ 7DPERXULQHV 183 Latin Percussion 'DQPDU3HUFXVVLRQ 5K\WKP,QVWUXPHQWV COMBO INSTRUMENTS & ACCESSORIES $XVWLQ$FRXVWLF*XLWDUV $XVWLQ(OHFWULF*XLWDUV %DVVHV 6LJPD$FRXWLF*XLWDUV &DVHV *LJ%DJV C 195-207 Strings 6WDJH3UR6WDQGV OMBO 6WDJH+DUGZDUH 6WDQGV COMBO 212 String Swing Hangers )RON,QVWUXPHQWV 4&KRUG *XLWDU6WUDSV 6WUDS%XWWRQV 3LQ6HWV *XLWDU3LFNV &DSRV 6OLGHV 6WULQJZLQGHUVDQG*XLWDU&DUH *XLWDU3DUWV (IIHFWV3HGDOV $FFHVVRULHV 3LFNXSV $FFHVVRULHV &DEOHV &RQQHFWRUV :LQGVFUHHQV $FFHVVRULHV :LUHOHVV0LFURSKRQH6\VWHPV Prices are subject to change without notice. 0LFURSKRQHVDQG+HDGSKRQHV *HQHUDO,QGH[ BAND INSTRUMENTS & ACCESSORIES » 5HHGV Quick Reference Guide » 0RXWKSLHFHV » Page $FFHVVRULHV BAND 1DWXUDO 6\QWKHWLF5HHGV » 5HHGV 'RXEOH5HHGV » 0RXWKSLHFHV :RRGZLQG0RXWKSLHFHV » $FFHVVRULHV 22-26 Ligatures 5HHG$FFHVVRULHV » &DVHV :RRGZLQG %UDVV$FFHVVRULHV /\UHV)OLS)ROGHUV*ORYHV 6WUDSV » 5HHGV %UDVV0RXWKSLHFHV » 5HFRUGHUV 0XWHV » ,QVWUXPHQWV 41-46 Lubricants/Oils ,QVWUXPHQW&DVHV » 0RXWKSLHFHV 49-51 Swabs » $FFHVVRULHV 0DLQWHQDQFH.LWV3ROLVKLQJ&ORWKV3ROLVK 5HSDLU6XSSOLHV » 0RXWKSLHFHV 5HFRUGHUV:KLVWOHV.D]RRV )OXWRSKRQHV » ,QVWUXPHQW&DVHV ,QVWUXPHQW6WDQGV » $FFHVVRULHV =RQGD,QVWUXPHQWV » Ligatures :H FDUU\ D FRPSOHWH VHOHFWLRQ RI » 0XWHV TXDOLW\EDQGLQVWUXPHQWDFFHVVRULHV WRPHHWWKHQHHGVRIHYHQWKHPRVW GLVFHUQLQJ SURIHVVLRQDO DPDWHXU PXVLFLDQVVWXGHQWVDQGHGXFDWRUV » 5HHGV REEDS Our catalog selection offers great YDOXHDQGIHDWXUHVZLWKLWVEURDGYD- ULHW\RIUHHGVPRXWKSLHFHVPXWHV » 0RXWKSLHFHV OXEULFDQWVVWUDSVDQGPXFKPRUH » $FFHVVRULHV $OO WKH OHDGLQJ QDPHV LQ DFFHV- VRULHVDUHDYDLODEOHIURPRXUKXJH » 5HHGV » 0RXWKSLHFHV VHOHFWLRQLQFOXGLQJ5LFR9DQGRUHQ /HJHUH 6HOPHU <DPDKD %HUJ /DUVHQ %DFK %OHVVLQJ 5RYQHU +XPHV %HUJ -R5DO 1HRWHFK » Ligatures DQGPRUH 2XUOLQHRI=RQGDZLOODGGDZKROH QHZGLPHQVLRQWRDQ\PXVLFHGXFD- » 0XWHV WRU¶VUHSHUWRLUH » 5HHGV » 0RXWKSLHFHV » $FFHVVRULHV Prices are subject to change without notice. 1 2 REEDS '¶$GGDULRVWDUWHGPDNLQJUHHGVLQDQGKDYHZRUNHGWLUHOHVVO\WRSURYLGH VXSHULRUUHHGV7KH\KDYHLQYHVWHGPLOOLRQVRIGROODUVRIQHZWHFKQRORJ\DQG TXDOLW\FRQWURO(YHU\DVSHFWRIWKHLUUHHGPDNLQJKDVEHHQUHGHYHORSHGDQG GUDVWLFDOO\ LPSURYHG7KH\ JURZ SHUFHQW RI WKH FDQH HQDEOLQJ WKHP WR PRQLWRUDQGFRQWUROWKHLUUDZPDWHULDOIURPJURZWKWRKDUYHVW+HDOWK\FDQH BAND ZZZZRRGZLQGVGDGGDULRFRP DQGVWDWHRIWKHDUWPDFKLQHU\KDYHDOORZHG'¶$GGDULRWRFUHDWHWKHPRVWFRQ- VLVWHQWO\PDQXIDFWXUHGVLQJOHUHHGWRGDWH Rico Reeds $QRXWVWDQGLQJUHHGIRUDZLGHYDULHW\RIPXVLFDOVLWXDWLRQV5HDVRQDEO\SULFHGWKHVHUHHGVRIIHU RXWVWDQGLQJFRQVLVWHQF\DQGSHUIRUPDQFHFKDUDFWHULVWLFVIRUFODULQHWLVWVDQGVD[RSKRQHSOD\HUV of all abilities. 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