Rams Win Thriller to Sweep Border

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Rams Win Thriller to Sweep Border Volume 126, No. 95 Wednesday, March 1, 2017 NEWS Why the free Plaza books? PAGE 5 The CSU basketball team mobs sophomore Prentiss Nixon after their win over the Wyoming Cowboys. Nixon made the game, winning three points OPINION in the fi nal moments. The Rams defeated the Cowboys 78-76.PHOTO BY ELLIOTT JERGE COLLEGIAN Trump: the only person to trust Moby Madness: Rams win PAGE 6 thriller to sweep Border War By Eddie herz two dudes (Emmanuel Omogbo such an exciting game. There is in Mountain West play. @Eddie_Herz and Gian Clavell),” Nixon said. something about this group, they “I thought that was another “We’ve worked hard all season. may be destined. Through every- great game,” head coach Larry For the second consecutive Gian fouled out and someone thing we’ve been through, all the Eustachy said. “I’d like to say we game Colorado State delivered had to take the shot and the ball negativity, all the ups and downs, didn’t play well, but we did. Give in the fi nal seconds to earn a vic- came to me with 12 seconds left it never broke us. It never even Wyoming all the credit, I’m not tory and CSU fans stormed the on the clock. I just jumped up bent us.” sure we should have won that court. and stuck it.” The regular season sweep game. They played extremely Only three days after Em- The shot came after Wyo- over Wyoming marks the fi rst well and we knew that no lead manuel Omogbo hit a 3-point- ming’s leading scorer, Justin time since 2013 that CSU has was insurmountable for them.” er to beat San Diego State, the James, hit a 3-pointer to give the won on both sides of the border. CSU began the game on a Rams once again pulled some Cowboys a one-point edge with The last time the Rams swept 14-2 run, making fi ve of their fi rst late-game magic. 10 seconds left. the Border War they were a sin- seven attempts from the fl oor. A&C Sophomore Prentiss Nixon “There really is something gle-digit loss team competing for Colorado State continued to roll hit a game-winning three with about this team that is special, a Mountain West crown. in the early stages of the game UCA to open fi ve seconds remaining to beat more special than any team I’ve Similarly, the win over the and led by as many as 16 with Wyoming 78-76 on senior night ever had,” head coach Larry Eu- Cowboys gives the Rams a half- 10:41 remaining in the fi rst half. play on Hitler in front of 7,883 fans at Moby — stachy said. “They just fi nd a way game lead over Nevada for fi rst Aside from their e cient the largest crowd of the season. to win. It took a couple great place in the Mountain West. 62.5 percent clip from the fl oor PAGE 11 “I made the shot for these plays by both teams to make it CSU is now 21-9 overall and 13-4 see MOBY on page 8 >> COLLEGIAN.COM 2 Wednesday, March 1, 2017 FORT COLLINS FOCUS Katie Beth Kaylor, junior psychology major, and her boyfriend Paul Braford, sophomore computer sciences major, enjoy a sunset together before the snow returned earlier this week. PHOTO BY TONY VILLALOBOS MAY COLLEGIAN Everybody makes mistakes, includ- overheard on the PLAZA ing us. If you encounter something • WEDNESDAY this • campus • says • funny • things sometimes in the paper you believe to be an error email [email protected]. 7 AM - 11 AM Automated Music Broadcast “Ow my belly button ring is stuck in my belt. 11 AM - 1 PM HENB One Third Man Follow Help I’m gonna die.” @CSUCollegian on Twitter 1 PM - 3 PM Automated Music Broadcast “Can I take your picture?” Follow Oscar & Simon The Rocky CSU Collegian 3 PM - 5 PM on Instagram “Do you want my nips in it?” Mountain Review 5 PM - 7 PM Sapphire FCC Training Show Like “I didn’t know I came in a soup form” CSUCollegian on Facebook 7 PM - 9 PM Squid The Cephalopodcast “I just don’t like fun. You know that.” 9 PM - 11 PM Emz Through the Decades Follow CSU Collegian on Snapchat Lory Student Center Box 13 EDITORIAL STAFF | 970-491-7513 Fort Collins, CO 80523 Julia Rentsch | Editor-in-Chief Randi Mattox | A&C Editor This publication is not an official publication of Colorado [email protected] [email protected] ADVISING STAFF State University, but is published by an independent corporation Mikaela Rodenbaugh | Managing Editor Zoë Jennings | A&C Editor Jim Rodenbush | Student Media Adviser using the name ‘The Rocky Mountain Collegian’ pursuant to [email protected] [email protected] Kim Blumhardt | Advertising Manager a license granted by CSU. The Rocky Mountain Collegian is a Cale Rogers | CTV Adviser 6,500-circulation student-run newspaper intended as a public Chapman Croskell | Social Media Editor Michelle Fredrickson | Enterprise Editor forum. It publishes four days a week during the regular fall and [email protected] [email protected] Hannah Copeland | KCSU Adviser spring semesters. During the last eight weeks of summer Colle- Erin Douglas | News Editor Jonathan Garbett | Design Editor gian distribution drops to 3,500 and is published weekly. During [email protected] [email protected] the first four weeks of summer the Collegian does not publish. Natalie Dyer | Photo Editor KEY PHONE NUMBERS Seth Bodine | News Editor Distribution | 970-491-1774 Corrections may be submitted to the editor in chief and [email protected] [email protected] will be printed as necessary on page two. The Collegian is a Douglas Hawkins | Digital Illustrator Classifieds | 970-491-1683 complimentary publication for the Fort Collins community. The Taylor Tougaw | Opinion Editor Display Advertising | 970-491-7467 first copy is free. Additional copies are 25 cents each. Letters to [email protected] [email protected] the editor should be sent to [email protected]. Chad Deutschman | Sports Editor Josh Kloehn | Webmaster [email protected] [email protected] NEWS Wednesday, March 1, 2017 3 CITY Fort Collins for Progress gains momentum with small sta , but big plans By Haley Candelario @H_Candelario98 of the organization. The organization currently “The reason it’s ‘Fort Collins has nine people as chair mem- for Progress’ and not ‘Fort Col- bers and normally has 30 reg- Andrew Bondi, Dani String- lins Against Trump’ is because ular volunteers at their events. er and Lacey Brunmeier of Fort we really want to be positive and According to Brunmeier the Collins for Progress had known not focus on Trump himself, but Planned Parenthood rally had each other for only 36 hours pri- focus on the community at large around 200 volunteers. or to the start of the Peace and who may be negatively impacted Bondi, the Membership Ser- Solidarity rally on Nov. 12 that by this administration,” Stringer vices and Outreach Chair, said drew a crowd of over 1,300 peo- said. “If we focus on those people Fort Collins for Progress has al- ple. instead of of focusing on the per- lowed members of the commu- Fort Collins for Progress, son I think that’s a much more nity to become more politically formerly Rams Against Trump, positive approach and more ef- engaged with their local and has hosted numerous rallies fective in the long run.” state governments, such as en- and marches since the election Before the Peace and Sol- couraging members of the com- of President Donald Trump. idarity rally Stringer said the munity to voice their opinions Bondi, Stringer and Brunmei- group did not expect the organi- about the Northern Integrated er took over the group after the zation to gain momentum like it Supply Project at the city council person who initially created has. meeting on Feb. 21. Rams Against Trump left the “We hadn’t really thought “(Fort Collins for Progress) Andrew Bondi, Lacey Brunmeier and Dani Stringer of Fort Collins for Progress pose for a picture after their “Represent Us, Cory!” rally.PHO- organization of the fi rst event about this being anything,” gives us the ability to react to TO BY FORREST CZARNECKI COLLEGIAN up to them. Rallies and marches Stringer said. “But we had so everything instead of what just have been reactions to the fed- many people at the (peace and comes out of the Oval O ce,” eral government and to the local solidarity) rally wanting to get Bondi said. “We’re also dealing Bondi said the group en- “I’ve been here for nine years policies. our information and wanting to with the things that are coming courages community activism and I’ve never gotten active until Stringer, the Marketing and give us their information that we out of the Senate and Congress because he was not politically recently because I never felt like Public Relations Chair of Fort realized that this has to be some- and all the way down here.” engaged until recently. see PROGRESS on page 14 >> Collins for Progress, said the thing-that it needs to become name change refl ects the values something.” Jake Knebel, an activist with Fort Collins for Progress, stands with his Colorado fl ag during the “To Immigrants With Love” event on the plaza. February 8, 2017. PHOTO BY DAVIS BONNER COLLEGIAN Jeff Young and his daughter Leilani came to “show their support for all immigrants” along with an estimated 200 other protesters during Fort Collins for Progress’ rally in Old Town.
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