~M~1el 1...... - ...... -. ; ;>,,, ••>'" EDIATOR .==:=:==::=;;;;;;;======::"

! j!~,;5S THAT NEVER HAPPEN MEDIATOR IN REC~IPT r~.7 I ( "~ALL ltl6l-\1 MAIM ROCKEFELLER FEARED 'INTERESTII.LEttERS I. "NE.ED~'\ l<.E.MOVE. YOUI<- 1 t\f\1- 1 SAW:'TH 15 ACT DENATURED PRODUCT I>SfO~, Some Approve While Others Disagree I Helped Put This Country Dry to Save With Policy of Paper His Gasoline from Competition MINISTER WaiTES I_TE~ESTING' NOTE r AMERICAN FARMERS PAY THE PRICE

Scoresof Letters to the Paper from People in AlI W~s o~ Ufe­ Many Unav.aiIable for publication Because of Radical VIews While Rest of WorId is Making Rapid Adv.ancement in Perfection -Publish Four This Week to Encourage Others of Industrial AJcf}hol as a Substitute Motive Power, t~ Publicly ExpressTheir Sentiments. America Stands Still-Impossible Regulation of Distilling Product the Cause

The Mediator is in receipt of fifty-j time and think it only fair to say that The real cause of prohibition in I turing a,"ld puiting on the market six letters this week, written by sub- in some respects I have changed my the United States is John D. Rocke-: denatured alcohol at a good profit to scrihers and others interested in thefmind. Your reporters I feel have had felelr, This is proved conclusively I themselYes, still at low cost. This paper and-its policy. Many ¥e un", .a).etteropportunity to watch the ef- by Senator Ed"in S. Broussard of would never do fl'Om Rockefeler's signed for obvious reasons, none of fects of prohibition.than have we of L'ouisiana, a square shooter and -a standpoint. Much of the Standard which 'we "Would think of ·puhHsbing the cloth. I h.ave been awakened man that strikes straight from the on profits would be diverted to the with the exception of a single one, J'Tough your editorials and front- shoulder, figuratively speaking. In farmer..But how to stop it. Only which becaues' of its consnUi:.tion, page exposnres and am willing to a remarkable speech in the senate a corporation lawyer -could figure' it stmck our funy elbow. For the most admit that possibly the law has not last winter Senator Broussard laid out. It was figured out to a nicety part these co~:mum.capt:ms·q,r:~\vrit- worked out as I had expected. It O'VER 300'0 MAVERICIS the effort would not be in vain. The bare facts and figures which areIand the farmer was made the goat. ten in good' f·aithizid are properly does seem hard to change human' ''1a\' was not clear at that time, a fact startling in their nature and ring When the time came the agricultur­ signed, though not fqr pupu~a~on. nature through the medium of law. 'BAVE BEEN BRAIDED th~t has always been regretted, He true. He charges that indirectly II ists were the very ones to cut their We are publishing four of these 1 still ,think you are too brutally:. .'>. -, ". . . ',' at all times w~nted to give a poor boy Rockefeller and the Standard Oil in- o\vn throats, when they thought they shorl letters that the public may frank and. possibly premature in a chance and had that privilege when tere,sts financed the long drawn out were doing the countrry a religious know of the deep interest hundreds your studied diagnosis of the prohi- Mter SamSOn had finished "figur- he took into his office I. J. Dunn and ·prohibition campaign, not from a [and moral good. of' people take in our fight against bition question. 'in'" up Thursday he found that more· others. In the twenty-nine years that moral standpoint, but to further theirI ;!>.t th~s ~ime the Rockef~ll:rs and obnoxious prohibition and the side I· Very Resp't'y Yours, than half of the 6000 mavericks had we have knov.n him, this real master own selfish ends, oL.ler 011 Interests gave tuelr sup- we take on···thingS- political,. locany, B...J M been rounded up and' coralled in the of 'lIdJaws ,vas a ways a ea er lD. his As far back as 1906 the oil inter- IP~~L<....L~ we,, __ADt':-s:.IIDon "e~~~ w'hi , ch state and national. We publish these (The above communication was re- greatest of all his Spring drives. profession im~ressedand a genuine friend. of ests of the world, as well as the re- "\\a"f~ome,enol'ganizatio~tnen 111 line ,.oddn" Older few ,\ithout any~Othingcomment whatsoever !-ceived from a prominent local divine Business men are taking an unusual tboys that hi:n as bemg sponsible heads of the val'ious gov- an standpoint., Un- in fact koo".' .. personal:.Y ofI'sho ha.s :.:t been airaid to in.vesti- method of inducing then.· employeesImade of the rIght roatenal. eruments, came to the conclusion tIl .the Standard 011, backers tmew the conditions the letters deSCl"lbe.gate conditions as they are and not to join this year. Scores of them are that sooner 01" later there would have then support to Wayne B. Vilheeler ~ nnen~ We .. p.rm.t.the,s..e p..TIn••..c.iPall.. y.•...... • to .. -,:5 he W.. Ould_ pe.'..•.Edrsonally like to h.ave paying one-hali their initi- D.FNKISON DOES NOT to be developed a 'iubstitnte for gas- and his league, all financial support courage oj;h(;ml j;o,~te their Views cheI).l appea;r.-c .) ation fees and· advancing the other! . -- ~. ~ • -'ine fol' mot>ve pov;er Experiments thad come from the churches, whose

'~~ . M: ~:l=:=:~~¥ bo. . ~E§,f:[~;~~;;;I;~!':~~~~~E;:i1~:ig~I:1~;:~~t~~:;f~~;§]~1::£~:~~f~~~Ei~~~~~~~ The Mediator, 1 How does it come that you never the entire six thousand into camp. I o~ hIs men become contammated. anI oil standpoint was that it could the Standard sprInkled barrels of oil h b tl Omaha, Nebraska, jUJ:1P onto t e many eer Jom·- ts on Mr. DaVidson,..'head of the member- IThose• are. not, the exact v;ords, hbut.be oroduced at less expense than gas- on lem In·.<.hL e way•0 f ca".-II Gentlemen: Eighteenth, Ninet.eeuth andT.wenti.- ship committee, says it will take' the mea~ng is all there. Dan .,as ol!;'e. Ave there was the rub. The country was flooded with Au- I ~ Some one called my attention toI ·th streets, b.ath IS, those run III pr1- some tall hustlmg. for a few days but b""one• so far . as to sav. • he would not• _ Farmers- ,.rmse the stuff out of t··j-"a1oOn pI'opaganda ,hundrerd _ S of yeur publication about two years ago. I '~ate houses along these streets? that it is a cinch the deed will be done, ~~dertake ~o stop anybo.dy from YI,,- ,,-hich comes alcohol. Com, rye, po- silver tongued orators were engaged. I bought a COP~T at that time and was I ~{ear1y every one of them ~as at v.-e11 done, when the roundup is Ihng -" Den~Ison. That 15 ve:"Y ~at- tatoes, wheat, beets. in fact most any Lies and exagerations by. the mil­ thoroughly disgusted \Vith it. You least one lewd woman working the completed. Of the more than 3,000 iural "or hill1. The .fact remams Lhat ,egetable, The g~eater the demand lions were broadcasted, until they had bee~ ~ s~e~ liber~l .g~i~g, were roasting prohibition and even game and some of them have wee mavericks now branded fully forty Mr. Butler has hm-:self for alcohol for industrial purposes, e::en ,the element many , then advocating a return to the old or four. You surely know about per cent of them have ·felt the siz- very often recently In ,that VICilljt~, the "'reater the effort On the pal1; of or wnom voten for prohlbitIon. The . f th d if d 't ." f' whinlJ ha"- aroused conSIderable spec- b •• saloon, if I interpreted your mean- some 0 em, an you on. you zlmg branding Iron for the irst·," c ~ t .h . T. fanners not onlY to raIse bIgger I b t + YOU • t ill on ing aright, ha'.'e been uymg· tl·'1e oug11· cO geta h.. ep t·0 Yourself'.If tilUe. !. ulation.'. It is apparen'h hatomI thi IS CI'OpS '"out 'to co-operate. III. man ac- (Continued Page 8) paper on the newstan.ds since that (Continued on Page Three) less mterested m t e woe ng _....:.... .:- ~__

VllIE~ JOHN J. O'CONNOR DIE~ 11;~a~~:~~~d~o;lS:·m~net~~~~~:~(}~~~\ "MAHA THIRD UNITED STAT YOUTH LOST A REAL FRIEND . h h h ca1"p' for the-e· V IIIn SUMMER TO fO'M~~~ y ~:;:t" ~:~~hin~ el~~" SEA"" norThecamerecentas deatha distinctof JohnshockJ. O'Con-to the ~ tl: 0::._ • d that 11;1'. IN PER CAPITA· PARK AREA , '. opn Al~ kRIIC PARlr SIlURDAY commumty,. even t hough h'IS fal'1'mg .J" eI savs. Dr oes. health during ilie past few weeks in- I

(Heated that the end v.as not far dis .. . 'N . N Pal'k and Bouleyard S','stem Under Commissioner Hummel hIIs. One Manv New and Novel Attractions Offered .tfl Amusement Loving I B(.~Il\-:E::;S Public-Amateur Base1Jall Gaining Strong Foothold-.­ tanto The acting editor of tbe paper \ {'iTVE O}fAH..4. FlmfS of Best Maintained in the Country-Twenty.three Pu Ie ':~- ~ ~ .A Buffaloes Are Making Good on Early Season was especially grie"l"ed to learn of his. 'T'h'"- "'1'r'-'" .U1US=<>"'11""nt'" Parks--To Know Omaha - PredictionS--:-Other Sport News. demise, through a personal friendship !Guntner, l'a.Jlroao contlac:or"" ",re Citizens Should Visit Each Park. that was cemented veal'S ago. Icertainly gb.-ing Omal:a busmess men _. .' ,,~th thirt~en The "good time" lid on outdoor fun! Besides the e:ll:tensive improvements, Back in 1894 Mr.' O'Connor invited, I a lot of business in connection I A great maj{l1ity of Omaha people! reatlOn; there ar: supel"Vlsed goC's off Saturday witli the opening! including modern rest room", and a .'n f act urged th. e wn't'er t 0 studY '1aw!"l-el'"Ul construction work out in Wv-. I_"take' in" two or three parks durmg!, playgrounds• eqmpped ror all out of 'd h- ' '. th.<. tu' 11 ominO' the "ea"on and seem to think thev Idor games, as well as green houses, of Kmg Park for a five months run, !long shelter shed in front of the park, un er 1m proIDlS1ng . aL even a y o' ...... j .'. 1 . _ ~n d to be followed later by grand OP€ll-! eve~' building has been given a new ' have done their duty to themselves: varlOUS specJes of trees, .f O'ller" ings at other amusement parks. coat of paint. and to their rfamilies. If you would i birds peculiar to this cllmate WhICh I Doi~is~ kno\v Omaha properly you must know are valuable as an example for nature Boasting new amusement features While thp-usands of people "\Vll! In'N Omaha fifty I Years Ago its parks. Here is a list of parks and '·study. The system is conneeted by and improvemets costing over $200,-1 journey out to Krug park for the outdoor annusement places that all 35 miles of boulevard. 000, Krng Park win be in resplendem:. grand opening we expect to see Bar i I A popular South Omaha packing Commissioner Charley Unitt was should visit during the summer. ; Omaha began the establishment of Mdel' for the big opening, which has ney Bureh ~n the same das', tomor­ house man had an unexpected call still opposing the elimination of the KmO" Park Militarv Avenue, prin-! a lJark system in lS54 with Jefferson .as a feature a high diving perform- I row, enter-LUll. a great crowd of dyed­ from his old friend, Jim Jamerson, "Death curve," Ht' was also opposed. cipal ';.muse~ent pa;k in the city; ISquare,. at~ tha.t . :~me i~ th: h~art of ance by D.r.. carv.'ers two bea.UtifuI.'. !:in-the-wool .base ball fan.s who ha:e an authority on Vacuum Cleaners. to Anna Victorillm and lumber that Lake Manawa, Council Bluffs, boat-j th: busme"s dI.St~ICt, ,,~en It "as set trained diving horses- followed WIth unusual Interest tne Jim found nobody home but a little "ost money. ing' and bathing; Riverview Park,! ~slde. for ~ p~ohC park. The ,square These educated horses will mall£a tfortunes and misfortunes of his well­ thing like that didn't keep him from wit~1 ~lub. near river,. famous for its !lS stIll mamtamed and a pUblIc bath S5-foot leap. in a tank of water balanced b.aseball Barney's Carey-ing on and off a little. the mysterious "Girl in RW"· on, boys are scheduled to o~ a three­ The traffic cop at Fifteenth and fast growing "zoo." Fontenelle. pop-l house, where free soap and towels are Farnam had thought it great fun to ulal' as a recreational center. :Mil- furnished to thousands of men and their backs, as 'e sounded better and had still retains its natural beauty. Levi Iand from year to year has been im­ used in the'recent war, revolves in a· ten wonder if the average man or better results. .Carter Park is The largest park in the iproved, Yet keeping its original and eircle, shooting its OCCUpants high in Iwoman of this city realize to what Prohibition sleuths had an-ested system, having an area of 303 acres J natural beauty until today it is one the air and Then submerging them in extent ltsand lot" base ball has taken Charley Miller, the Vinton street Lots of the boys out around cartel' with a lake covering more than two :of the prettiest in the system. A na­ a trick covering. root in Greater Omaha. Old timers drUggist after they had found three Lake who had been singin' "Aint we hundred acres. Elmwood Park con-! tional Dark expert has declared this The caterpillar produces all the who have not kept up to the minu~e hundred 'gallons of alleged acq!lol, Got Fun" have changed it to "Ho;v; tains 200 acres and is koo\\'TI thru-! park to' be the fourth most beautiful thrills that the dough boys got when on the national game can hardly re- which seemer like a small amount to Dry I Am." out the west as the "Picnic Park" be-I park in the United States. they rumbled over the top in their alize that as many as six thousand arrest a :ma:Il. for. cause of its popularity.with picnice:s.1 Since that early date th~ syste~ has iron clad chariots to charge the Hin- or more.faJ!S attend the SU¥day am- . Charles ~{Irk had. left f~r. Kan~s Other popular parks mclude BeID1s,! grown gradually from Its onginal denburg line. -., ~ateux ~esatthe v~ous public On the first lap of the race the on the .adV1:e of h1s PhYSIC1a~l;nhO Deel' park, K{)tmtze, -Curtis-Turner,! ~ost of $481,964.15 to its prersent val­ The "big clop", or rolle,: eoa....~7parks. This speaks well, not only for iSputh OII:la!lla Longhorns had nosed had offj~.e.s ill the Federal bUl. g. Gifford, Mercer, Himebaugh, SpringInation. Kearly $l,OO(J,OOO have been remade.led at a cost af $30,000, Wl11llthe qaality of baseball as played hy .out To-m QuinI¥t's Rogtiera but Tom It was ngured out that the c~~~ Lake, Highland, McKinley, Clearview i spent in im?~ovements in the parks, offer dips that will send its patrons The local teams, but of the park man-· was a long distance runner and was. a!. Fort Leavenworth was t; and Martin. Band concerts are held J.>uch as paVIlions, green houses, ba.nd in the various parks under the direc-l stands, seats, flower beds, permanent awa•.. y' with a. tin'gle in .their veins [Iagement. under the.. direction of.. ·. Jos- .. ,pro... ,... bably saving. .som....e.. of hi... ·S s.tuff. for nght. after a series of 6O-foot dips.eph RummeL" ~ :finish. King Ak. saig. it was a. tion of the city Concert. Club. paving, sidewalks, lagoons and water A growing demand for "m.ore and· After a long winter of indoor'great race.' " .. ~ou had to -leave it to some of the Omaha maintains a park sstem ofIsystems. In this great park area more' thrills" by the public -caused sports in whieh boxing matches have --_ police doWn at t~e station to do the twenty-three parks, containing 1,4001eight· parks and & portion of another the' park management to increasethelheld the center of the stage, Omahaj Joe Hernckhad been arrested for right thing at'the right time. Headed acres; a total valuation estimated at were donated to the city. • ~ps in the structure. amusement seekers once more willrupning a baseball pool by Andy and by Patrol Conductor Rishling the S2.(}{}O,OOO. This vast area makes Orn- Omaha parks are used practically U~~pt4qI'l;i3.s'i..~gmI¥9Y~ ~ trek to' t4e ropusem,elJl;. an4 ba?eballcQIDP,any, now Joe sa.Ys M is going.boys raised a nice jack pot for an old ~ the third city in the United states the year round. In the spring and ~lian y in: park area per capita. In the sys- summer there are the usual out-of- the.,... Krnk.· pn.:dr.. for )]1.. o1"....e. .. 'tW.,0 -par... ,.k.. f.o.r...a....seasonof summer sports ur... stick.i;o Ke.. ne pool Or open up &\ma.n th.. at was an in but his shoe months putting the ~I~ m shape. and recrea~O~s. 'Piflg-pong ~e; . stnngs. tem may be foulld every' out-door rec- j (Contlnued on Page Fom) i"age Two THE MEDIATOR, OMAHA. NEBRASKA 2.:='. '% .~,... ¥ ..@ ,---~~---...... ;o....,------,I-"---IIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIII!IIIIIIIIII_-----_IIII!IIIIIIIIII"1J 1!e"'------...... ---...... --., The. MEDIATOR I A'.. ·U·.' C·y ION MONUMENTSILatest Designs I PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY !I. Perfect Service I The Mediator Publishing Co'. I1 Goine On' Every Day BigliIleof:=:emarbleand f AT lantic 7040 215 Karbach Block AN INDEPENDENT PAPER j FRANK SVOBODA I EDWlNL. HUNTLEY, Editor.aIid Proprietor U15 So. 13th St. OMAHA. I Per Year -'. $2,00 Single Copy - ,. S Gents Ent.ered as second class matter at the pootoffice at ~=ta';"B~mfjr;.m~ffjF!A!ffJ.it..,,:~mB FfjrJAF!!JfI4.g'f!j·FlAfJffl!Brrsll'fj,ii/·'V!lll'B~lI!Irz1Bfj~Ee'!lJ: ~ Omaha, Nebraska, under the act of March ...9, 1879. 12:30to 5:00 P. M. •• EVERY SUBSCRIPTION IS REGARDED .AS .AN 7:30 to 11:00 P. M. ~ ~ OPEN ACCOUNT. THE NAMES OF SUBSCRffiERS s~ .. The Best of Service 'Ii- WILL BE INSTANTLY REMOVED FROM OUR MAILING mi2!! '..N...... h.N••N.YN,h.h.....B..h •.l'...... NN.Y,/'o ilII LIST A.T EXPIRA.TION OF TIME PAID FOR, IF PUB­ ~ ~ ~ ~ LISHER SHALL BE NOTIFIED; OTHERWISE THE SUB­ ~ Phone HArney 0590 1,1i SCRIPTION REMAINS INF,ORCE AT THE D:&SIGNATED ~ ~ ~ m SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. EVERY SUBSCRIDER MUWf m ~ UNDERSTAND THAT THESE CONDITIONS ARE MADE A PART OF THE CONTRACT ~ETWEEN PUBLISHER AND SUBSCRIBER. I~ ~ MEDIATOR, NEWS STANDS ~ Ben Reinschreiber & Son Ii GO 0 I § . !>l Joe Radicia " • 16th and Farnam Jeweler!l!li ii Meyer's News Stan

.... , . - j:t. The New Sportsman : !:a.."· • ,,·.." Y.·..•..••• "' ,p ",. ,.,.".l'.·,. "fa·" " B,. ,.~ GOES WET t. i :: One Dollar Down ~ When the State legislature of New york voted, yelY decis-jt CIgar Store i',:= . =: ively, to repeal the prohibition law of that commonwealth, ase- t t := Places a Columbia :: vere blow was dealt prorhibition and the forces back of the t . ::: :.. - Eighteenth Ame~dment. The Act does not sound the death knen t CIGARS - TOBACCO - CANDY ; ~: Grafcnlola In ~ of prohibition but it 'will prove a wedge for an opening against :t :t :. YH =: Volsteadism.~ The elected representatives of the Empire st~te':t Direct Wire On All Sporting Events .±:= our ome :: read the -will and mind of their constituents and acted accordingly. :t :t =: :: The repeal of the New York state prohibition enforcement I' :t :t :. Purchase and pay for a -: -act means a great deal to the mllions in this country who haVe]t RESERVE YOUR FIGHT SEATS ±~ few records and for ONE =: . t tl ' 4!' b' . f ...... 1.... DOLLAR DOWN, the ~ conSlS en y and persIStently ~ought pl'Ohi ItlOn as it has been 0 - + at the Sportsman's ... 1·. Columbia Grafonola of ;.. ficially interpreted thr:ough the Volstead enforce~ent act. It 11 :l~ ONLY your choice will be sent ~ means that one state has elected a set of representat:ves wh? dare I: ! I'$. at once to your home. =: act for the people they represent, and are unafraId to pIOneer It Now under the management of 41.: $125.00 Can at our recital rooms :.. along this line. Other states are sure to follow the lead of New II t +I:: and you ·will be sure to :: _'<1 •• ed b I I • York and It· Will reqUIre umt action by ut a few 0 fthe dense y I: "CLINK" CLAIR. . "'"-+ I:. • findand finishone justthattheyoudesignwant. ..: populated states. of the east to fOITce favorable action looking to 't 4: i·: :- the modification of the Volstead.act by the next national congress.!t SPORTSl\JEN'S HEADQUARTERS TEL. JA 9852 +I:: Columbia Relords- The Latest Music Hits =: It took only the united action of a smaIl minority of prohibi-l+ - ; !:: :: tion workers plus a bunch of rotten highbinding grafters, work-l t++o1+t-+*-1..J~*.f.+*+*+T++*T+*++TT++1:oTo1<+*T.:H,T~+T+1 'I' '$. The very latest music hits are now ready for your selec- :- ing as officers ~f t~e Anti-sal?On league, to force the obnoxious I! I'$. tion. Remember, you are privileged to take home with you '!- law on the) entire cnmtry, which came about laI'gely through a iB" the records you ,vant, play them on your own instrument, .: national state of mind brought on by the WaI' and the effect of I Iis. returning to us ,vithin 48 hours those pieces you don't like :.. , 'II after hearing them a couple of tin1es. ,.. war. ! 1.. ." Now that the g'reat majority of people have gone back to al N0 PIace LtlkI. e HI'0 mes j:: We HaTe the Columbia You Want. Prices Range from $80 t-Q $3(l(l :: sta~e of normalcy ~d.~ave pr<;>fited by a few y~ars of actual eX-l I:: S b II & M II P" C :: perIence under prohibItion as It has been practiced, or rather as; BltI.III"ard Parlors I} C mo er ue er lano 0.. .: it has.not ?een practiced, they are sure to back up their I-epre-l I:: 1514-16-18 Dodge Street Atlantic 1856 =: 'SentatIves ill .any ~onest effort to repero-the enforcement act j i == :~ whn such a bIll IS Introduced. ,!I !'.· •••••..• N.l'h·..••• ·.·.Y.l' v.·.· YrI'rl'..rl'N~ .. SofaI' as New York state is concerned it will now be neces-j ! sary for the government to furnish all the enforcement officers. I' i.__• ',,, __ ,_••• ,,•,•. ,•,••••.••. ,•. ,•.• ,•,,•,,•,,.,.,, Tlle state is w.et. That is, so far as the local go,rern:rn.ent is eon- f THI R TY TAB LES ! .:.- - -.- - -.++ -.-.- -..-.-r.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- -.-.- - -.-.-.-.-.-.-..:( cerned. It is now ~o-ainst the law of the state for a police officer, i ":;: .;. a county officer or a state agent to make arrests of persons sell- J Also Full Line ,+ NA ' ::: ing booze, This comes about automatically ~ the Empire statei CIG A R San d S 0 FTDR INK S I::: :~: -()~ .the prohibition question is back to where ip was before prohi- i I:~: KES :~: bItion became a law. Thus the government will be foreed to send i Y ':' hundreds of sleuths to that.. state ill addition to those on the l I:;: For :~: ground if they.'\\-ish.to make.even a pretense at law enforcement.! I:;: MEN :~: 'When vanous other legIslatures mee~ they are sure to fo1-! Open 7 A,1\'[. to :L\'Iidnight i::: CLOTHES and ":" low the lead of New York. , Pennsylvania, minois, i 1+ WOMEN ::: and other naturally wet commonwealths will be very apt to repeal I I::: :~: the law, and when that happens it should not be hard to convince j I:~: :i: congress that the people are not only willing but are insistent 1 I:~: Ie :i: that the Volstead enforcement act must be changed so that the! BASE1\.fENT SEClJRITIES BUILDING I·;' Cash or C~ red t .:. CiOmmon people can onee more get their wine or beer without j I:~ - :~: breaking the law, a thing that is now being done a million times I :;: 115 SOUTH 15th STREET ';. between the rising' and the setting of the sun. I' i::: _ + _ _ _ +_ +_._ :;: ______~ 'i+.+ ••.•..•••• +.·· ..···+····+ ·+············ r~~~~~ ~:..>:..~)+)+:..~:..:-:-,..:..:..,.:..:..:...;..:..:..:+(...:...~:+:..:..~=":..:..)+:..:..:...:-:..:..:-:..:..:-:..:w:..:...:..:..:..., ; I +;:... +:+l I ..:-:-:-:-:..:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:..:-:-:-:-:-:..:-:-:-:...:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:.. ~~ ~~~l Il~ ~~~ Phone JaG.,kson~ 3354 STRICTLY:MODERN STEA:M HEAT i. .::+ t Hotel He ,811 ,-.:. .:• ••+ .-:. f .•:. .:. t ·:·1 I';' Hot and Cold Running Water .;. •• WE STORE FURNITURE AND MERCHA:f\T))ISE ·:·1 PHONE ATLANTIC 8164 IY Y 11 i SI.EVER'S II Best and Mos' Convenien' Location in City II 1 t I ao~ 11 I I Van &. Storage il EVERYTHING STRICTLY MODERN i n I .~ ~..:.! MODERATE PRICES-RATES $1.00 lJP ... 622-24 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET ••' ~. .+.' I"":· .:. I Furniture and Piano Moving, Crating, Packing, ~hipping :i:! In the Heart of the Shopping District :~:. :~: 1 TRUNKs AND BAGGAGE .DELIVERED :~: fr :;:1.:. +:.. *.;.. (: 1·S06 Cass·.. Street Phone JA 3354 :~: I 'VVM. KOEl\1JG, Prop. :i: :i: 'i' +·4-1 ••"" +•• •:+... .:.. I .:. ..:...... :. I .:. .:. +c:~ .....:+(~ ~ ~)+, ~· ~ ~· ·"·"·"·"'·"~"·". ~)(...... :.1 1'+' ':. !M·..• •~..,,: • ..•..•.. ..x .. !k )H; )!; ~ .:. .+:~:• .,,. - .. -.:...... • '4 ,.:fl''' ., .. :oJ-'+' ,.. to',.: ...... IIIIIIIIII 1 :i: Caters to gentlemen exclusively. .:.-.:..~:..x..:..x+(..: ,...):'-:..:..:..:+(..)t:..:..:..:.-.:..:..:4+~:""'+(++: ::.....:..:":-:--:-:-:-;":-:-:-:-:-:+:...z-) I:!; Close to all theatres and places of amusement. :!: :~:J :~: :~: i PHONE JA,.. 3763 M·.IDWEST In the heaI't of the shopping district, i' r;; {. 1-:' ·i' i PaxtonHotel~ Pharmacy i' Cigar Store II I i . Open. Day and light ~~ 319 South Eleventh Street :~: :~: ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF PAXTON HOTEL TOBACCO :~: REASONABLE PRICES--SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES !.:~ . i·.·,... CIGARS CIGARETTES ~ :!:.• t. . 14th and R.. j:i: :~ <~ arney .. tl}. I __IIIIIIIIII ...... :-:-:-:-:-:-:..:..:-:..:..:..:..:..:..:...:....:..:..:..:..:...:..:..:....:..:..:..:..:-:..:-:...:-:..:..:..:-:..:..:-:-:..:...:....:...:-:-:...:-:..:..:.. ~~~~~>:-..~'\,.~...... :-~~~:-x--:-:-* : THE MEDIATOR,OM.1'JiA. NEBRASKA Page Three

ROCKEFE~~~~:g:~~DPRODUCT SIE~~~;~A:~~ ~1~~~~~GEI'IT' 'n'.. '1 ········.,··.-,r~NNNNNN.'.~ (Continued from Page One) .The. average busi~ess man occupied' 0. UO,W... ~ ~ \TIth the many duties that are sure el . ard, I.- HRMCN·Ie::II result is ancient. history. to fall to his lot, is not overly soci- EUROPEAN -:.. •• ". The Anti-saloon leagu'e and Rocke- able during his busy hours. However Corner 10th and Howard Stree~ 1:: ...: feller interests were too wiseMto Qpen-. some men have the happy faculty of IEverything Up-to-.Date. .Fint._... 922 No. 16th St. ~ ly put anYthing into ~e Amendment maldng< busmess a pleasUre not only Clll8li Cafe in ~nnecti~ All Can :. -; concerning reference' to any curtail- fot himself but for his customers as r:DS8 the Door Froro the R. It. Stfr , '$. > lent of alcohol for commercial pur- well. Such a man is Will Sievers, !lon. '.- .: n W--II poses but the Qil iterests knew how who conducts the Sievers Van and IPRICES ARE POPULAlt' -: :or ~ handle the questiQn when the time Storage Company on Cass street. He :: .: PAXTON & GALLA(jIfER CO. came. has been in business for eighteen JOHN MARTIG, Proprietor.:.. Ne'wC! :: AUTOlVlOBiLE SUFPLIES To say they have done a good job years, for the last three :vears in his I , •••• • •• ! g .. • ~nwtlnuH1iRl11rUllRJ:tmumltmlmlDJnwmlU1iilIIIRUln .- ~ 7EJI-H South Tenth Stre-el is putting it mildly. They hav.. e for- present lOcation. During the time ...... _"""'"oruw""',,"'...... __.- ..... S d .... ever ruined the chances for the Unit- :Mr. Sievers has been here' his com- ii, nI:· tan :: •••••••••••••••••••;;•••••••••i!! ed States of conipeting with other pany has worked up an enviable bus- ~i HI·:"· countries in. the manufacturing of a iness and largely because "Billn Ii Farrand &Spellman II :: :=.JA C K 0 ~ B R i E N I SUI·bstituhte bioI' gathsolinl~ ~c~as~~ knco'~~eSouhslo,~ a:owel~r:t h~sempPl:~~:::' ~I\~ E ~. ThILdE CT~NI ~/1ICTI °FRI d M tl d ~ 41~i ~i :: a ong a een· e u tmla e clH J 2201 Curning St. •• • stimates IUTIllS e on 1 e, t't a s, oors an an es. for John D's great ~iIlterest in pro- II II :: ~ Telephone ATLANTIC 1629 716 North 17th St. hibition. , h~~ =_d ....." FRUITS A..ND CANDIES =: 1.1IlIIIi1ll'lllll!••••••••••••••••••••••_ •••• 'Vben prohibition became a fact, FEDERAL .rUDGE DECLARES Soft Drinks e n _· &" I" bureaus fQr the enforcement act got VOID A PART OF THE i! II ~ CIGARS-TOBACCO =: .----__••••••__••••••••••••••'1 busy "I""ith regulations that made it !:N~Al\IOUS VOLSTEAD ACT Ii . Ii :; CIGARETTES :: aU but impossible for anyone to d~s-e Physicians in states where liquor H Cigars Tobacco ~¥ := .: . i~ till denatured alcohol except at an may be prescribed were interested in n Cigarettes .= 11 :" almost prohibitive price. (It now the decision handed down by Federal' H §¥ - DORSEY'S costs sixty cents,.while it is probable Judge Knox at New York on :May 9. un, - ._, ~ that a good profIt could be made on He declared in an official opinion that ~~ Your Patronage ~~ ~ gasoline at fif~en Gents.) .. a physician may prescribe as much, II II ~ Chicken Shack The~e r:gulationS make It a cnme~ 11i!!uor to a person as he thought best H Appreciated H 'gJ a perotentmry offense, fo: the farm and declared void that portion of the ~¥ ¥¥ I~ Tom Tucci er that made the law possIble, to take Yolstead act which limits such ¥~ H!~ 5206 Center St. 11'- gr~;n potatoes even the unsal- ;,;;' _.... _ m_nu...... _'...... ,,!E! ::::; (,.oW,." anlounts. 'DIlmauumutiiWlmhIiiIlilttl2lll!MlJltmtmlltlfUa8JUlQlUUtlJflRtUIIUlllttlllblmatmUtwnlttllmuJ ~ able rotted grains, and turn them I!'!!l into industrial alcoh~l at a good prof~ / _ Ii SOFT DRINKS ~ :,~~:.;::~~:;~=~l~:~~,I·C$o·oc·uo~rt~e~;.lo++01 :O~A~~ Chicken Dinners ... 0'11 Hotel Plaza 'I C S I from low 'cost motive power. The :t I ''HOUSE OF COMFORT ~ 1701 Cmning Street ~ enforcement 'sections of the_laW' and i ,;: ~ AND COURTESY" I . ~ CARL DOUGHERTY, BEULAH and CLAUDE JAMES IN HIGH-CLASS ENTERTAIl\TJ.\'IENT ~haey rum·1ineffg~~tOft· htahet eVvarIerv·.oufsarmbUrerBaUSm· 0 14th and Howard Sts. @@@gooJt!~!:t'~:~CiI@~'lt!g~:g i:l l;;;l".. That M-.Id C,-ga r- :)-} . ! ••••••••••••••••••••• ...,. the countI2 • would turn bootlegger. if ~.0" I. RatM $1.00 Per Day and Up t he were allowed.>"1to manufacture com- ·t- J. B. KELKENNEY, RIES-HALL PRINTING eo. ....8 Job Printers l mercial alcohol; it is an untrue in- 1- • C I Owner an

~ tomers. SCOTCH, RYE, BOUR- ~ ~, 1IlZ CUlling Dcwglas 1191 II WITH US? -- l~ B9N , C(~GNAC, RUM and many ~ ;;: ~<..l~ , Certificates $250 to $5,000. Rates Reasonable but Adequate. Ci ....~.Y,- .~ .otner fla"l:ors. $2.0~ ~~I w~I~:: ~ i Doug~-~ 4~"'O· No ..h .....tii'#©'1©rn'»*'~~ Dear Sirs:__ If waban.t t°thbur:r 0 I jl RIEPEN Dan Butler nde him "out e Jom ~ with our FUSEL COMPOUND, ~ PI... j. 1 ~. just across the street from the So. I ~ win instantly remove FUSEL oils, § ~ ! ~ High School,4602 So. 24, run by (-t~ bad odors ann .other impurities; § .:..:.-:--x..:..x ..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:...... :..:..:.(..:-.x..:--t! FUN ERA L l~ ~ ~eavy ~ ~- ~ two men) selling booze and gambling I1!ade .of rockel }?late, No. 1 ::: 1 D IRE C TOR S 'i.. Beinert Pharmacy and a hangout for bootleggers ~ho i N~~ 2fi~~:~s fhti:~ le~u~~r~~ ~ i DR. ZOIO D. CLARK t 1 ·\1 make smart eracks t.o school gIrls;; ute, $15.00. ~ {+ ·i"l New L 0 cat ion .~ PREScRIPTION SPECIALISTS ~ ELE~R9 ~d ~ ~: ~ passing. I have wrote to him twice C9N:QlTE, ?1ellows. I'.:i: DENTIS T ! 23rd AND CUMING STS. I 1101 North 18th Street and he dont do a. think, trying to! ~ ages ~qUIds.m fIve ID.l:?utes Wlth- § ;;- Room 309 Karbach Bldg. :::1' Phone Jackson 1226 . ~ ~ mcrea;s~nJt con~nt.;; b 'ld lit'cal machine. So let out alcholic e ::: .to II' UI up_a po 1 ~ uses electncity only. 1 gaL slZe,~. ~..:-:-:-:..:..:..:-:..:..:..:..:..:..:-:..-:--:..:..:.....:..:..$+:~·ll I FREE DELIVER.Y TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY him have both barrels. § $5.00; 5 gal. size, $10.00. Also a ~ , I ' •••••••••••••••• I ••••••• !. 1 ' •

YoUl~ Resp. J. P. S. I ~~d~~~~~i~~1;:;S~e~~PeI I Ttt~.J:~eM£PS -1111 f Drexel Pharmacy t~ :,~ =:=~ ~~~~e~ ~:6C~?t~e.KINO& ~ -- i=== Upon ReqUest,==_ SOIT It III Hyland Apartments Open Every Day In the V'u.r 8 a. m. I Registered Phabrma::~lld' I. i.'~, f,il Omaha Neb ~ray 6--2923 1=-Chas. JarI & Co. = to Mldllillht. I! Large Stoc1< Rub e~ ...... s. I j~ Phone \Vebster 1215 ~ To the publisher of our little paper t~ 1703 Leavenworth St.. Omaha, Neb. ~.~ p .•. f Prompt service. Open !Evenings. ; I~ I . littl N f·'· •••.••.••..•••••••••• t· tqg . . ~ I am sending you a e ew 0ifl=fJU1I1JUt1U1UlUnUUUUUnlUntlltflUmmIlUmmlmmmm!m~mUllllmmUU:i:=. = Reg.. Le Bron J. E. aR.,. t A. T. D-ANIELSON. Prop. f I ~iJ=t;;;~~~#i#U:;P¢*:::M-~,.;gtne::;!i#ftu;*4S:::~*t;;mt-~mo::rnt;ru::~~~ of the River Side an the Bottoms, as , Phone Douglas 2t}19 i i Tel. Tyler <;[74. I if F" I P W~ C d' ur~ I and my wife was Moter Riding a I LAST' CAR LEAVES Le BNHl & Qray Electrical WBrk$1 J 16th and Wabstttr Street.. .. i I 11 1 !stu a- ay lien i Sabbath day. looking a round Take-\ . Expert El..echieal.· liln.n...... I' ••••••• •• ••• •--- I A mild system of treatment that cures Piles. Flstn 3 nnl! f ing in the'sites and Vew.s I never Ge _.e-:i'::""" l \ e otherRectaJDiseasesinashorttime,withontasev..re.sur-' .. Fat"'nam Street Line Motors" nerator8t Elec1c.fC :.me- f ~t#§'n;*ma=j#¥#¥#qi='=';j#t#I-t#d:=:iu~; ~ gica! operatis!J~ No Chloroform.. Ether or other .teneral seeN So mutch Improvements tharr 15th and Farnam for Dundee.._. 1:22 ~vajo~ Repairs, Armajure ! lei Ed 1 . ""'!"'theticnse4- AcuregnaranteedinJ!verycasedccaptd ZOrn',g un as ,ye seeN Down on North! 13th ~nd F=nam for 46th and '48 Winmng EIeetric Wirmg t ~ !€I i fer treatment. and all meney to be pmd"'!'tIlcnred. Wntefor book onRectaUAl\Bases~namftI - J:' Cummg .._.. ... 12. tUo South 18th St. Omah N b: ;o;i ~! andtestinHlnialsofmorethanlllOOprommentpeoplewhohavebeenpermanmItlylllD: 11 Street we think That was quite a Depot for Dundee ~:~: i •••••••••••••• ' .- •• ~•• ~ ..:.•.:l.'~~.".'.. ~''-_-~II DR. E. R. TARRY. Sanitarium. Petf'r Trust (Bee) Bld~. 01'lUliA, lfIm. t t t r und Dow thair an 13tft and Farnam for Depot ._ : l:<' De aver' s"" _ rea 0 go a 0 n . Harne,· street Line ~ ~ --;:======:fI~~ over a round the Hog Ranch Road :l3d 'and: Parker to 6th 8t. ·__12:50 I' h ~.c D th' - Wl'11,33d and Parker to Depots.._.. _l:15.~1:40 AMERICAN TR NSF'I:'l='1'~P' il~l5; I>ii I' ous II you go own all' }OU .. 6th and Center for 33d and Parker.. 'A·' Ell The Milky W ayt 0 HHappy eaIth see all class of People, even Black .. Park and North 24tl; Streets CO'MPANY ~ E ~ ~ and ""'bite living together we onley 16th and Farnam. East S!de 1;03 ~A')9 ~ I IS . .. 16th and Farnam. West Slde. .. 1.23 J' cks PI S passedaonepwl·oman",'fIeeBkn°lweuAan ~:~~::::i~~fJ~r~=~~i~ft a on ~~.. ..=.,,;=,' ·1~.':I:i' ALAMITO DAIRY PASTEURIZED Mll..E. she ha a ane Willte ung ue P-. 18th and Farnam for 24th and Ames_ 2:03 1324. Leavenworth.~ a..ce . rion on and her hair combde an She South Omaha and 42d and Grand Your Health-the Health of Your Children--depends in Shure look like a Wake Doll. She, U~ ::::l~':nmft~~2~:'~he Dent have no ruge ou or no :::: Storage Space Always '!' . ..· When you consider that milk improperly, ignorantly or Powder on her face to Make her self 30th and Spaulding for Depots.-__ 1:48 Available. look Pirtty eather. an we must send Leavenworth and Deaf Institute carelessly handled has been the cause of more sickness than her name in an that is No Bott~ but m~ :::: ::t::::: (~';;~~~~ .ir~~ is any other article of food, you'll realize the importance of T'lli I uld r' h h Benson and AlJbrlg!)t SOFT DRINKS ~ KNOvVING that the mlk you buv is S AYE li:ed\ut w:1me:w s:~s l:~~rdo~I' i~lli ~~ ~ i~~ JI~~i~hL- i;~~ ImnmUnmmmnUnnllllJllIIUUmmm,c I GAR S iSi Back of every bottle is an organization ~f men skilled in n~ B tto h 13th and Farnam for 24th and N_ 1:23 h '1k on th e LUVer I) ms som w ear m~, Fort C.-oak Line andling mI • wife an I past her on Eleven street' 24th and N Sts.• South Oma.ha--12:ll0 JA_ 2197 TO BA CC 0 . th ·th B kit' her Fort Crook . ---12:80 ,~ ,gOIng sou WI a. uc I~ Owl Cars D M· ~ CIGARETI'ES hand as wee was gomg north In our 16th and Farnam-south to 24th and .. ALAMITO DAIRY CO.. Vinton - 1:50 eSOlnes ,. car wee 1mow sh e .dint see us 01' She 16th and Farnam-south to 24th and ! Phone Douglas 0409 26th and LeaTeJlwmih Sts. Would' of spoke. Now lillie if you Vinton .---- &:30 HI .. 16th and Farnam-south to 24th and . ll!::======:::!.i happen to see this 1n our paper don Vinton . 4:20 0 t e I get mad or I don want enny Lillie 16.en~d Farnam-north to 24th and 2:45 .. 'cu~Mi@D!W#!#i#",«m Friends get mad a bout it. wee hant 16th and Farnam-north to 24th and 13th and Howard ~mlllllllIllIUUmllIllUmmll"IHIiHJI':: lthe only cuple that bas heard tbe Re- lSt1i:rid F&rnam-north to 24th and 3:30 ! ..JABEZ CROSS :: marks that Lillie is a Pirtty woman Ames e' 4:20 80ft Drinks, Fine All-Day Lumlb :: . . 16th and Mason to 46th and Cuming_ 3:52 Best Place toS,·top =- F II LI S ...... _. _ for a plaIn woman well I will close 16th and Farnam.'to 46th and Cum.in.. g 4:00 - CAndies. u na _." gar-. ... , 1 th E Polite Servkle. :: hopn to see this in Our little P~~r 46:0f~d Cuming to 0 and Ban- 4:21 Rates by Day. = t20 ae. 14d1 at. o-aaa. = P S Iwant yon all understand this IS 16th and Faxnam to lOth and Ban- Week or Month 74mmJltUtHfHUUnOOlllmlllllllUmtll~ No Slander on the Poor girl and wee ,croft 24th Street Cross-Town 4:~ know she has got a lot Bessness pe- Uth and Lake to 24th and VInton....l%:48 Moderate Pn·ces pon DRUG co. 24th and Lake to 42d and r. 12:35 Candle.. Tobacco, Drull8, RtlbbOJ' pIe for Frends for a POOl" Ohpren. 42d and Lto 24th and VintOR-- 1:15 I GOOEIa and lkmd...... W"man. Cauncll Bluff.. and Omaha EMIL LEAF Prop v Pearl and BrOad.WlQ" tor Omaha..- 1:30 ,. OPU:N ALL H'GHT . ~N~~:tsi:~l C:;:~'t~~ i~~~~~ori'o~ ~~ ~lnllllllmnIUJJIIJHUllllllmf(III11U1I11It1 ~Dee.".r: a;;;;;~=e;;;;ry_1_~_)'4_~_Re;:;;;:;';e";:;;;:;_;:;;;:;~_ ~ get .::I .. ... x-:-a.ge Jrour' 'i'HE MEDIATOR, OMAHA, NEBRASKA

HERl\IAN lVIO~~.FERINGJIAS i AND ORA II KNOCK • BETTER WEATHER AGAIN 1 Would Fight Firpo THRlits Herman Montfering is back in the I city after an extended trip to those ,OUT' PICTURE "AT .THEEMPRESS palts of.: the earth knO\vn as "weti spots_" Herman did not get "wet"· "Is . :Divorce . a Failure'!" to be .lli,e!' It is an after-divorce ro- but almost so. according to his I shbv,'1l at the Empress theatre cnm- :"ance in which, by a curious trick of friends. Henuan has a business of I lllencing. Saturday, May T2;bj and Fat~ari.d a friend-the divorcee,lier .his ow'n, and all his ovm,. thank YOli.l' w!th Lewh Baird,has been· called a ·l!'yerand her ex~husband are thrown Some of his friends have been con­ "four, punch picture." The count is to~;ether under circumstances that gratulatill.g hin.l t1:at spring 'is here I .very conservative! It is true that sr;ratch off the polish of civilization again, and that the roans are getting there are four tremendous punches ~~d cpmpare the genuine wOlth ofb",Uer, If Herman is not one of our I of . a spectacular nature--a disaster the two men. regular sUbsl:J,.ibers, he does not I at 'sea, one ship crashing into au- Miss Baird is, as always, woman- know what he is plissing. His stor, I other and sinking; a tornado of ly; intelligent, and charming to the is worth telling, and we are going to II swirling wind, ~d pelting :rain Ull eye. Her acting is always so COll- tell it soon. .land and .sea; a fight under water vincing, that however unreal· a sIt------I between a man and a shark; ,and a uation maybe, she makes it seem en- OPENS volcano, beautiful in its terribleness tirely possible. The story calls for ONION'S VALUE AS MEDICINE and wonderful in its rea.lb--m, hurls three men to use their fists against For Many Ailments There Is Nothing skj;-ward the tOPOI a mountain. each other, and the fact that' each That Will Get as Good Results ~qually ~tirring epochal, and te man is a broad shouldered 0 si..'\:-footer in Short Time. y llSe are the· drarhatic'puncnes fu' "Is·Di- adds suspense to the sc'enes.·· They weig;ht champion, i" anxious to meet TV D vorce a Failure?" In spite of the are Richard Tucker, Tom Santschi, The sweet J,taIirrn or the Bermuda Luis. Firpo, the S"!1th Anie~-j{-an "sock tll;neliness of a divorce picture, when and Walter roicGrail. All credIt 1S onions are the ones to be enten au king,t) ,vho der:-';l'!l't= !-"n ';" I·''';''');\'''' l'E­ May 12th at 7:00 P. M. uniform marriage and diVOTCe laws ,due Wallace Worsley for some splen- naturel, their fiavor being much more "f',ntly, a;~ being advocated for th:e. United did direction. "Is Divorce a Fail- delicate than that of the common va­ states, there is nothing preaehy in ure 7" is an Associated Exhibitors re-l :cieties. But onions are really sweet- Scientists Find Use -BETTER THAN EVER . , ,.enersof the breath after the local ef- tb.is adaptation by Miss Baird p£Misl'l i:ase:md :renlams at the Empress un- fects have passed away, as they cor- for Macerated BilIf! Dorian j;reve's stll-ge draWa, "_W til FrIday, May 18. rect stomach disorders and carry off , D. C.-Gove=em sci· the accumulated poisons of the' sys· entists are 'working with success in tern. They provide a blood purifier I their efforts to retain the paper in I !Y\L\HA THIRD CITY that all may freely use, and do perfect RIALTO·-(}FFERINGS I " NEW FEATURES the millions of dollars in worn and i IN UNITED STATES ll'i work in constipation troubles. As a unfit United States paper currency, Huge Settings For' "Isle of Lost ! PER CAPITA PARK AREA vermifuge the onion cannot be sur­ which is cut up and puiped every day passed, and, eaten raw, will often Greater Attractions Ships.ff (Continued from Page 1) by the treasury. By a de-inking proc­ I check a violent cold in the head. One ess they are now getting a fairly clean th~ er small onion eaten every night before product in 1'eclainiing the paper, and I What is probably largest ship Idoor re g;,ttionS-basebal1, swimming retiring is a well-known doctor's pre­ it Is believed the economy will be im­ iltterior ever c1>H~c~d sma WJ;lv:-land b0a.ting, wading, play apparatus, Ride the , scription for numerous affections of portant, even if the result can be (rocker) IJ~tfoJ;m WI¥' b!riJ.t at for th~e Y~UJ1~stgrs), tenms, and alrle I,( the head, and is highly recommended used only for wrapping paper, inas- tile UlJite,d Studi!>!> in II:ollywood for,o{)rseshoe pitchmg. for sleeplessness; it acts on the nerves ,much as two or three tons of paper liint h:-ve lUways KRUG PARK'S ginning Sunday. . I these parks last year drew an attend- "croupy" child. been used h' "'1\-liges to ~.>·S ood. TIl? il1};erior. s~t-a -replica of the IanCe of 300,000. FAMOUS ORCHESTRA dilring- salon of a trans Atlantic liner i " There are spacious picnic grounds x- i • • . ( ..: ..:_: : ..: :. :..: : ..:_:'\'+:..:_:_:..:

SHE SAID: "Don't you dare intimate that another man 1).ad any­ thing to ~o with our divorce!"