THE CI ! ATT A NOOOANEWS: CHATTANOOGA, TENN., FRIDAY, OCTOBB1 11, 1918- - Va.; Worlay R. Hnlrhineon, drayllng. Mloh.: Rom I' Albert Butcher. Bwliser. W. Va.; Baltimore, Md.; Edward Bchanda, Chlr Grave, Alexandria, Henry I' C. III.: William T. Roches- Tenn.; Ooo. R. Dlxun Klrby. King Creek. N. C.I Ayjrugt lank Capers, Mellette, Okla.; Clell cago. Schmank. Morgan, Greenville, FOR I tie N Y.: William Pollard. ( "ii way, Wlllliton, N. D. Theodore ter, N. T Richardson. Urania, Wilson Smith. Pavla. a. - : l.; B. AMERICA'S ROLL OF HONOR New Bedford. Ma Monty J. Reee, Flatter. St. Clair Halaht. Mloh.; James CASUALTY CORRECTIONS Laurel Hill, Fla Reedy Walker, ROOFING and PAINTS Port Woiih. Teg.; Ion Ronert. Fhiln-delphl- M i'ona, Alamogordo. N. M John Muaco. Chobarant, La. ifa.: Ralph Itumhaiigh. Buchan- Wetnid, u, Frank Pacovky. Asto- . Oct. 11. Corr ctlons of d, Bick In CALL ; Joaaar-an- ria. N. Y.; Claude Harrlaon Thompaon. list sBada hospital, previously reported an. Mich William H. Rushing. tin, current casualty public J".aln-v- Contain 822 Names Killed in William flarlo. Hnnklyn. if. Cuba, N. Y.; Frank J. Thompson. Ato-rl- a, the committee on public In- missing Private Webb Oreen. i, Two Casualty Lists Tex.; N. Y.; Fori today by HAM Y, Jultua Helrholter. Flint. Mich. Wil- Raymond U Walton. formation coataln the names of the w. Ark. WILLING ft 00. Deaths From Wounds and Other liam K O Raymond Mudlaon. Ia.; William J. Werner. Kings- Returned, to duty, previously reported MAIN 40 SSS Action, 182; A'tinan, l,ucnjvllle. N. Tofll Buffalo. N. following men from southern states: and II. Hat. heldi r, Auburndal. Mas.: Jamea ton, J.; Blaloglowlcs, mlaslng Private Arland D. Burton, in Action, 53; Severely Mich.: Anthony T.I William Buhl. Brooklyn. N. Y. ; Ralph Wounded severely, previously Cause, lf"; Missing Brryuian. Greenland. It - Therone R. Crandon, Va, Catalano. Urooklyn. N. Y.: I(uell U liuttearworth. Carmel, lnd.; Martin mllnr- Privates of Whom ; E. Wounded, 370 Southerners, 124, hei.ll,,. Trenton. N. Y. : Calln IlonelU, Hyrna, . N. Y. JACOB Geor- Ban Rafael, Herbert If. Edgar. Wll' (George E. Cavanerl. Mohawk. 22 9 From (!.; e, Arc From , Ore ; Oowen, laruuiera-vlll- Tenn.; Laymond Clark, Evanivlllu, lnd.; liinimik. James John Mich.; Mo.; Clarence C. Halacy, Couriers Da Hollander. Grand Ruiildg. and 2 From Tennessee. Max N. M : TERRY EL- gia, Pa ; Ixmox Boitrg. La.l Datgar, Aragon. pert, Hotard, LIOTT L. La Waller E. Mayei, Burlington, Pa.; Frank (Mrs. Mary Elliott). Pine, ; Ala Charlaa 8. Felake. Revdaburg. SECTION ONE, ,T.I RttdOtoh LeUnbWt Port Nechas. Heeherger, Cleveland, O. Frank Stolger, Wl.; SI I.. Manrinvllle. Nan Diego. Veola. iiirrord Chaster Glbb. Wauon, O.i Th following eefUelUee ere reported Humiiicrhllt, Fa.; Mariano Buffalo, N. Y.: - : Robert D Harrington, New York, th commanding; ol thu Ainer- Ivfolln Muck lllchmond, Stockhridge. New York. I'M general . T. N. Y.; ly ('IMich.; Baker. Kellyvllle, oki.i Died of ward Henderaon. Brooklyn, i.hi xidlilonui force: (leorgu Dless. Mitchell Fall River, Ma : Killed In action v.. II henao Begnacke. Glrard, yuebec. UU' Captain Geoige A. Licroix, St. Txnila, Laveique, 2 A. Jollet. 111. llmrlaon Long, Coal City. Ind.; Thoma MlaMiig In action ada; Ijiveine Onlnver, A- Nlcode-mu- Prsncis Chhr-el- l. Mcl ber- M.Carthy, John Wounded severely Juil Corporals Augustine 1.1. ntennnt Aiiguatua B. Jdoi BUI, Wl.; Chi- 62 N. Y.l Harold K. Kelly. South Bend, lnd.; Paul flapunl, Died In in wound Brooklyn. ry, Baltimore, Md. cago. Jaroalav New York. N. niud ol accidriit Hiid oilier 6 Kmlenton. I 'a.; William Langwlth. Thomas A. Ahrey, Detroit, III.; Sruta, ,.iuf Leonard. Hergeanta Maaa.; Y.l Morrl Weleberg. New York. N. Y.i Ulfd ol dlm- Terrell, Teg.; Hairy l,onin, Mich.: Peter J McHiigh, Brighton, Gennaro Zullo. N. Y. D'eri from accident . 3 Tex.; Harry H. Myenhourg, Kreeport, Chalnier C. Berne, lnd.: Ht'OH W. Watertown, aroilne Ox-for- Prlaoner. 1'rlsoner . 6 iti. Herbert Miller, Phladelphla, Pa,; UUTTRELL ty.(Dudley R, I.uttnlli. Julfu N. Milwaukee. Henry P. Phllarial-pln- a. Privates Laplda. Brooklyn. OUK PRIDE Krnk IUirJn. Wl.; Ala.; James McAneny, V : Louis N. Total 6 Tex. Frank J. McMlllen. .Shelby. Lutenakl. Bayonne, J.; HoIkH. 1'urger, Union Pa.; Morris, Los Angelea, Cel.; Edwin Killed In Artlon. Mechanic Cliarlea Krhiilts, Neb. t, i - Neer. Nlcliola W. BKLL (Wll- Hill, N. John W. lluiinan. J- f"" Bor' Pottg Hlllboro, Va.; Puritan Hams and result UEORUE Jckciii CorporaWAUn MieMeat 8outh River. N. J.; Major Tignor, Bacpn arc more than a mere com' ..hi A. Bell). Townlay. Ala.; Adolph ill,.. T, x. nrdlno, Cal. Johnson Mill. Va. llnnrv Lynch. Momnniown. N. C u'nionrr Joecnh A. Krhe. Normal. HI Alfred I Goodwin, Sterling. with us. Puritan is l)onldon-vllle- . Wagoner modity quality our proudest achieve Corporal Alfred v. Reed, Haraon, i'l iuitH II. mu ll J. Huhm, . a Tex.; Ben T I li ndi ron. T x. La.: John lied llndrnw. la Hall. Prlvate Willie Honey. ColumMa. o. SUMMARY OF MARINE CORPS and this standard P, Bolnar, Del Rio, it. v.; Dennis Baaley, rim view, HWI Preeman. W. Va.! CASUALTIES TO DATE ment, upon we prefer to be judged as Prlvatea Jo C; Nlcholiium l'noto. ( U' 1. 11. i,i .. Danville. Ky.; linr i. ,,,.,, ki. Hovel Onk. Mi h 11 u Ham Kan.; Norri irricora . . Roy man, Charryvala. of choice foods Ctrcai-eHI- N. McClel-llo- Deatha U to the American L Laugston, Oekdah-- Ml.; Marvin J. nii, New York, Y.; ft, Hogge. Dandy, Va.: Jame N. purveyors people. fit. Paul, N. C.I Jam 1. I'ryor. I ., .. jmmoura, Hllvcr Lake, Vaah.; Pehcr. S. C; Ro C MeConrn'll. Wounded 76 120 Mnvneld. Kv William J. Jackson mum.. w B. Maxey. M Collated Men J'liry, Ephrlain J. imvu. mpiey, N. Athens. O., Jaaper - vllle, Teg.; Roy Laimnon, Yaoo City, K. Uelnpp. New l.lnhon. wis.; lieorge ijv lita. BuftM McKlnley Berger. Na- Deaths mLOM .. Hl.-- i ' Va.; Carl A. Mulci. Arnelt, Tex. nun. in v Mns Hie hard iiK.'i i. III.! Brit tain, Roawell. Wounded ..2,103 Ml.; ervllle. Joseph - D of Wound. o.: icmmonh Davia. Mout.da, Okla.: In hands of enemy ... rj Cincinnati, Abraham Tox.; I.uther 126 S.34A Surgssnta Jamea Paul Knodgrss. (illll Cm Emmona), Brewton. Alii.; pnan rullwood, Prtneetoa, Brnaet b. Miaalng SinlUifleld, W. Vm.; Edward L. bpi-nce- NKIL IORD (J. P- - l'ord). Hamilton. Ark.; Horacu U. Hvwood, Magnolia, Total 3,468 Peter (lallnn. raiivnie, voiin., Jone. Lawrenreville, O: Khner 1,pwI. Uve."e-- ' Corooral-WILLI- ,la : M The casualties are AM 0. ETCHIBON w ',';niolv. New York. Y. William O.; Herbert Frnnzen, Miami, following reported Cincinnati, Mi- of the Amer- Emma BtOhlson), Musaella, Oa. mh t . III.; Tilman J. Oulnn. O.: by the commanding general (Mra. 'Grant, Kla.: Judson D, Freeman. Elyrla. ican in uuwm Loul . van Wis.: Bert expeditionary forces (Included Private CWUIUI danger. Tex.; i.unerre. chael Jciianiiinn, Georgetown. nhova Kula Cullman, Ala.; Robert J. Tex.; 11 OOniU imrompuu. Umlsvllle, O.; John W. Smith, total): Puritan Bugg. ,im. Johns, NeaUMII,'. N C. ;rniy, liornn. Killed In action 14 '; Jee jInni. Thoina j. waieroury, Lancaster, Pa. - 3 llnly, Salt Kuluhur .Slums. W. a. . W. Jennen. Cailton, Or Wounded In action (aeverely)- .... k'nnnl. ;,....,.. Died from Accident and Other Caue. 2 Hams Bacon ; In and William BaysvlU. Ky. ' laronce IV; Alex Edmund Danlclskl. Detroit, Missing action Phillip. ,.al joni.H, Bakertown, V Kergeant Loulavllle, Kj., Jucob L. c'loaa Village. Mich.! Frank . A. ,t,imf MI'h. Total 18 Walla. Yvor Kla.; William .,, KHn, Mich.: Charlie R. Klmbro, Pilvnt.-- s S. West Ches- Cly, K,,,., ., . Henry Clay. In W. Va ; i : Kind!.-- Pit Killed Action. Youna. White Bttlmur spring-- i i.. Klwood ter. Pa : Paul Coffman. Mason City. When ham and Mra. Halite :., Morris D. Moore, Poplar you buy bacon, THOIAH W. WHITE iiiaS, N. J.; Ucorge A. Aldliucr. Hampton. Neb.; Oliver J. Garrow, Burlington, Vt Serjeant Ala.; Elbeii Wolte. Bluff, Mo. White), Robertadale, Edwatd L. Avery, Ethel, Okla.; Wllj Wounded Severely. La- - be sure to insist upon Puritan. Nor-lis- ). William L. Va. lie.,,,I.; H. linker. Dover. N. J.: Herman PA 'BB NOKR1S tJ. A. Corporal Hubner, i:wlng, Hen- rCnptaln Porte. Ind Jack M. Melrose, Mesa. Died of John Bar-tel- l, Holland. Mich.; Clyde I.uthersvllle. Ga. ' Diai.C. tAVENS fMra. P. Arls.; Vern E. Swingle, Manlatlque, Corporal DAVID ri, tl. Readaburf, Wl.; Joseph Bryan, Llcutenniita Leonard W. A'Hhearn. Suala Tenn. B. Ctarmkow Mich. "The Taste Tells" Owtnal, tuiel Illoomery, chloka.ha. Okla.: Joel Ashmon, Mass.; ICdwIn C. Call, Dexter. Phlladel- - Prlvatea Jennlna Handy. Kolokee. J. Maxwell. New York. N. , Private Benjamin Rerman, Horn. Okla.: Vernon Danley, Me.: Ceorpe Orlal Clark. I'm Thnma, V nevanev Iti, a Is. Fla.: Jamea C. Ulnhop, Va.; Flank! ., . .... j, i i St. C air. Ph.: Pa.: Vic- hl. Kre, mi- y. ; John H. Gelarel. I.ancaater, Rock-- 1 ; K. V, Y. I land, Minn.; G. Edwards. Collin. Hector. Ky. Allen ?.raA": Tho.'na New York, N. Lloyd Kault Halnte Marie. Mich.: Henry I DeKnan, tor R. Hanaon, N. Y. : Charles H. THE CUDAHY PACKING William Vange c.-r- r-- ; away Beach. Keeney, Nawaoma, Va.; John I, D. nlli Ro Newport, Ky.: William Still-- ritteimrg. - al.trhaw. KM Kaatbank. W. Vs.; Fred W. Kroll, j COMPANY Smith. Ur.lon, S. C. , , ...... v. nuin . Joseph t.l.'lar- McAllster, Mich.; win Wounded. cai.oici. n,,i.irH at. Hteawrt Detroit, water. Minn.; Harevy C. Phillips. Troy. Severely wi Kanihainnton. Mil". Robert New York. N. Y.; Francl XT . ,,, ...... Harold Morse, V w . f If oaater htM P - - - Clifford D. McCormack. Cov- Jf-'P- C. jnurrcn wuuiunra, yew saein'i icltphoew: Sergeant Halford. McMillan. Okla.: U. Murphy. Pittsburg. Pa.; Allen V. darns, La. O'Kecfe. N1 Y. : A. Thomas Thomas. New Llabon, Ind.: ington. vlch. Minn.: Amhroae Rowe. New Rochelle. Talma John O. Crown O. L. A. WALLACE, Corporal EMILE HENCKELL (Dr. Iv. Ramey. Rover. La.; Wynne I.. Van Vogt, Point, 126 Co St. Main 317. Ed- . Scott. Wlnntield, Killed In Aetlon (Previously Reported wart Carl Henrkelli. Birmingham. Ala.; Mk.; Giover Miaoix. iw.,,,-- Kchalck. Huntington, N. Y.; George D, Puritan Hams and Bacon are ward D. Bheppard. Mill Shed. Ky. Minn.; Eugene N. Y. ; Kenneth E. Cald- MlMlno). In our Chatta- - Walte. Owatonna, Webter, Attica. M. smoked dally Bugler Cieorge W. Wallace. Lexing- Minn.: AltTO N. C. Private JEWELL T. HILL (Mrs. in- N. Wilson. Item.r. AUtrtg well. Concord, . V. Ga. tanooga Branch limine, ton, Ky. Ark : HILLARY H. Lieutenant-Colon- Robert Emlen HUD. Jeffereon, freah. V. M'CLENNY M iaa hradford. CreeVt. suring brightly PrlvateALTO L. J- Mountain N. Y. Wounded Severely. meats at ail LEA-MA- (Mr Hugglna). Boyer. PoughUeepale, BIsl-nor- e. smoked Mettle McClenny), Headland. Ala.: B, Halrn, St. Paul. Minn.: Mvron Alltel. Cleveland. O.; Corporal Raymond W. Boone, times. ( C. Ala.: Oeorga Sergeant M'Dl'RMONT T. McUtirmont). John F. Mori aay, Brldjrcport. Conn.: Jim Lawrence C. Ronton. Boston, Mass.; Cal. Coffea ANDREW MKRCKlt Eu-Ke- Private CLAUDE A. FOX (Andrew J. Hprlnga. Ala.; Nogullc. Port Clinton. O.: Clarence GEORGE. T. BYRNE (W. H. Byrne), (Mra. Nellie Mercer). Dixie, Ca HENRY Tex . Fox). Cullapka. Tenn. Oliver. Mount Enterprise - Bay Minette. Al.: Peter Cotello, Gate', MILLER K. Mobile, Ala.; m u i Cai- (J. Miller). vt ft Ifanvon. Minn. N. Y. : Michael Dacuck, CUevlanrt. O.; Miaalng In Action. CHARLES MITCHELL (Mra. Fannie ""'SP 'V. "tpv Albert E. New York. N. John N. Philadel- HY- - "r"V'", Wllllmn A. Eacompre, jr.l Corporal Gravener, Mitchell) Mobile. Ala DENNIS .. Vinnt. : Odell .. si,. Jamea , ii. i.. M r.rnver. Illoomlngton. IU.1 phia, Pa. 1AND (Dan Hylund), Mobile, Ala.; Plea Tex.; Otto Sehmel-- lid.! Harold Private George D. Steuer, Bergen. N.J. Albeit A. Tay- Ritchie. Onipeland. Charloa J. Grupp, Baltimore, Shocklee, Llvermore, Ky.; Beach. N. Y.: Abe Shaevltr, M. 111.: Victor R. Phillip-so- Nial Eulo-nl- ., Bath Han. Berwyn, - Returned to Duty (Previously Reported lor, Barksdale. Tex.; Raker, New N. Y. : Aim Tnrlov. South Neb.: Harry Walter bher- "Government for 8. C. ; Jamea Willow Tree. nrlghton, Arapahoe. MIlno). inspection your protection" Urlnlger. Norwalk. Conn.: Charles Abraham Vogel. wood. wis. M. Braden Ky. : Tony Brodymott. War, W. Va.; Wll St Jo-- Mount .sterling, Privates Fred (Manafleld Brooklyn, N. Y.: Frank la. Corporal Thomas A. Blake, Jr., New Braden), Porterdale, Ga.; Francis H. DANIEL H. CHEVKH (William Chevea), n-n-a cph. Midi ; rrifion m, York N. Y.; Glen F. Cameron. Oskalooaa. Bush. Okla.: Jamea H. Roberts, Pelham. Oa.; EDWARD S. GORDON Red Cloud. Neb.; Eddy, ( ; ver. Wash. Albeit L. Cecil. Mr. Franc'ls Au'guata. an. la.; Y. ; riordon). In Action. Theodore J. Grunewald. Brooklyn. N. waiter Wright. Norfolk, va.; AiDert w. E. Lntrobe, John Ceronlmo. Tex.; VIRCIL D.l Captain-Jam- es Zundeli, John M. Jackson. Greenville. Pa.; Helnemeyer. Jamestown. IV UVinmr r. HOLLAND (John D. Holland). Horton. I. Brooklyn, Jerk. 6.1 ): H. Oulehan. SUKU lOWtARCB WILLIAM D. MALLORY D. !,leutenants-l- ra Hode. Ixmg, Lando. S. John Ala.; (Mr. Ferdinand bealy, N. Y.: Frederick L. Alts. Jersey D. Mallory). Birmingham, Ala. N. T.; Geneva. i ; I vC1 ril In Action. City N. J.; FrnnK J. hsudoi.i, M n i LI Mladng TSe'rgeants-Dan- lel L. Jones, u t . A Bonds. Gans. Okla .; j Private JAMES A. LANE Tt (Mr. Clra Schaefer. Ky. M- Frank T. 30 MaUHCI 8T CkaTTaNOOCa Nta, Maa C. Pa Osca, Paul Chapese. OttO - limce, Rldgwsy. fill M 4LM V Lana), Evergreen, Ala.: Jamea A. New M IHaAOrVAY 4111 Cie" McDowell. W. Va.; Luther Corporala-Wllll- am Flaherty. Clark. Portland, ore.: imam n. Burlington, Samuel Kaplan New York, wood. Pa.: William R. Corwin, Plnkney Smith. Roncevertre. W. Va.; Al- York N. Y.; Rumford. rad. Out bert R. Tex. v V Harry M. Nightingale. Mount Glload. O.: Clarence T. Coverdnle, Thame. Clarksvllle, M. Post Mills. Dawson. lAt Prison Me ; curence Roblnon. Adama Mills. 0.: Le Roy tr. A. Stone, Bay View. Wash.. Olanternlk, Free- - Private Palmer V. Boyd, Alton. Va. Walter Tom-pie- s Angeles, Cal.: Harry The caaualtles are ALnERT C. TEMPLES (John C. following reported Oa.: O.cir Goyea. Chu.m POCorporaTs Holmes. Minneapolis, by the commanding areneral of the Amer- Bn ton. Tower Lloyd Kails. N. Y. ; Ceorgo E. Moore. Minn.: Stewart M. Klnnird, Red Lick, ican expeditionary force: N. Y.; Killed In action fil Kv.; John E. London. Fulton, "Mechanic Anthony Banome. R. Moss. Valley, la.: Ford Miaalng In action as Joseph jdhn Iviri Wounded v 170 C Relhard. New Kensington, Pa.: Mveri N';,-Wi.h;- J. Dock. Warren, o N. Y.; Edward F. Died from wound . . Slckels, Wet Nyark. r., . or ni,lwln. Astoria, iv. Y.; Slocum. Chicago. IU.1 William Charles Died from accident and other la . Dale cauaca 4 Joseph Bartoslew la, Ielghton. Detroit, Mich.: Shepard Mam A. Crenshaw. Miami. Arlx., Samuel Miller. Kalamazoo. Mich.; Howard Lord Died of disease 2!) William Doyle, Wla.; Lewi W. Wounded slightly ... DeWItt Kan City Mo.; Morehouse. Milwaukee, r' r tester n. Emry. Last Specr. Klngsville. O.; Vernon U Trusty, Priaoners i, Tex.; Clovis M. White, Jordan. Mich.: Hnroio Port Arthur, V.; Rayinon Kenney. Webb. MISS. Total F. LouU. E. Will. Pa. In W l lan iport I William Buarler Ouy Pottatown, Killed Action. ' fi A. Hunts-vlll- e. Gl W Va,: Charles Lydon. Scranton. Mechanic George Gandy, Captain Lawrence H. Piatt. Buffalo, dy Lois W. Oakdale, New York. Pa JAMES K. McDOUOAL (Mrs Tex.: Frank Keenan, Dallon. Oa.1 Pa ; Andrew P. Kenney, Birmingham, Lieutenant Allan Wilkin Dnnglaa. W'WeS J. New York. N. Y.; : Midi.: Pa.; William Canton. Maaa. John J. Ooodfellow. Jr., Market, Gagetown. Hunts-vill- e Mass. (R. L. Satterfleld). William J. Burke. Wet Sonicrville. San Angela. Tex.: Charles D. Harned. New Frank C. Bauer. Tltusville. Kinc. Ala . Wil'lani August Schrack, Wagoner Dallas, Tex.; Emll Maxomanlr, . n N Paul D. Scott. Kansas Clt Pennsylvania. WJg.: Jullua Nile. St. Louis. Mo.: York Y.; Chefets. New Tork. N Y. E. W-- St. Davids. Pa.: Parker Mo: Frank R. Welaser, Tenney. Minn.; Cook Charley . : Adams. Mononga-hela- B. Jones. Mase.; Leland S. Frank J. Wlelklewlcx. Depew, N. Y. Privates Timothy Weymouth, -- John Allen. Beach. Larner, Oskaloosa. Kan. Harry Dull' Detroit, Mich.; Charles i. Pa.: Wesley Oreen-tand- Mo.: Ir.i Miss.: John DewItt Badgley. Erie, Pa.; Sargeanta Harry Dauglas Kva. Painter. H ersvllle. Vlthia Mass.: Thos. i Stanlslaw Bagajn. Lnwrcnce, Mich.: E. Pel v. BOltOil, Tex.: Dan Baxter. Ennls. : William Hartnett. Elmlrn, A. Buffalo. N. Y. Clinton Jef- ,V. Y. : F. Ky.; Jumea S. Bunting. Phlladelpmu, Baird, Jr.. John Ignatosky. Reading, ra.; ferson Barkway, Hudson, Mich.; William Robert Patrick New York, N. Pa.: John William Hill. Bradford. Pa.; .Vow-li- n. Jordan, J. Berg. Astoria, Ore.; Guy Bergen. S. D.; Herbert J. Bergen, Irvington. N. J.: David L. Bergen. Now York, N. Y. ; Karl L. Boyd, Cedar Rapid. Neb.: Cor- nelius Brennan, New York, N. Y. : Albert lliightnian. Muyvllle. N. Y. ; Heniy O. Brown, Mo.: Fred E. Bushman, l'rovo. P. D.; John M. Rugwell, Brook-Hel- Mo.: Dayton O. Cain. McNeill. W. Va.- - Robert A. Campbell. Weston. Ida.: Hen'rv Cody, San Diego. Cal.: HORACE G. COSKERY (Mrs. W. J. Coskery), your Jfotel Troy, Ala.; Aklm Cinius, Pawtucket, R. , John DeCarll. Livingston, III.; Arthur THE EASTERN HOTEL, with all large Hegalner, New Bcdforij, Mas.; Leo A. eleva- DeMarteau. Springfield. Mass.; Charles and well lighted rooms, steam heat and H PUStln, Marlboro, N. H.; Harold G. of Earle. North Oxford. Mas.; Harry Ever- tor service, has the reputation making you ett, Alton. III.; CHARLIE FAUST (Mrs. Bennle Faust). Millen, Ala.; Louis E. feel at home. Fischer, Chicago. III.; George A. Fitzger- The Hotel Patten and ald, Dell Rapids. S. D. : Nicola Galll, location, opposite Schenectady, N. Y. ; LUTHER LEWIS is the best in GASKEY (Charles W. Gaskey), AshevlUe, Post Office, Chattanooga. Ala.: WILLIAM N. GIBBY (Mrs. All rooms have hot and cold water, Edith L. Gibby), Atlanta. C,a.; running Reuben R. Hale. Wilson Creek, Mo.; and with baths. Henry Clinton Harper, Purdy, Mo.; Ar- many private nold Hodge, Piedmont. Mo.: Thomas A. Kates $1.00 per day and up. Special rates Ice. Camp. Colo : Thomas Igo, Brookdale, Pa.; Harlan R. Jcffers, Ozark, Ark.; Hen- to families and couples at, $8.75 and up by the ry Franklin Kegley. Engudlne. Mich.: Samuel G. Keith. Toledo. O,: Howard week. Kclley, Frankfort. Kan.; Pearl Kelley, Snow-flak- e, Fall New Hollund, O.; Grovor W. Keys, Suits Manitoba, Canada; John Kloss. that reach the hiqh Marlln, Tex.: Rudolph A. Krueger. Mer- rill, Wl. : Edward Jamea Laphani. Dear- Eastern Hotel born, Mich.; Vlrden L. Leonard. Brooks, mark in value giving C. D. GORDON, la.: Morris S. Irvine, Fall River, MasH.; Proprietor Cliarlea H. Llchtfuss, Janesvllle, Wis.: Main 1944 Thomas W. McAuliffe, Monson. Mas.; Telephone Leahmon P. McElveen. New Orleans, La.; Arthur Joseph Maas, Grand Rapids, to Mich.; Boss A. Matson, Greenville, Mich.; October days find men looking this Malt Miller, Eagle Blver. Mich.: Mans-llel- d with choice L. Mowrey, Elgin, Ariz.; James C. u store for suits; and we are ready for them Murray, Westerly, R. Li Grover Myers, Sandborn, lnd.: Walter DeLong Newman, groups of striking values. to ! Trinidad, Colo.: Torence R. Ogg, McAllis- From the Hindenburg line over the Rhine ter, Okla.; Joseph K. Palmer, Wilaon. Pa.; John J. Prsanowakl, Omaha, Nob.; Ar- thur Rasleot. Putnam, Conn.; John W. a these as Robson, Cornln, Mont.: Joseph Francis At glance you'll recognize A shoe Russell, Yonkers, N. Y.; Simon Sandler, built with a hole in Lawrence, Muss. ; Samuel J. Shauk, no ordinary "put together" garments; they're Fred S. half-spe- nt Schaefferstown, Pa.; Slebenscliuli, fin- the sole is like a Esat Hnrrlsburg. 111.; Virgil Harry Snow, with selected fabrics as the foundation and Mo.: Herman J. Staebrll, five-doll- ar Independence, bill. Darlen Centre, N. T. ; Joaeph P. Staiger, ished with skillful and correct styling. Pittsburgh. Pa.; Sylvester F. Sullivan, tailoring Half the value still remains. PltUton. Pa.: Louis Frank Tremmel, To throw the ahoe away Is Just VVest Coxsaekle, N. Y. : Fred Belols Van a wasteful as to throw away the Zandt. Stillwater, Okla.; Oscar F. Vogt, five-doll- of models 11, ,n.; half of the ar Gesala. Neb.: Ernest S, Warren, Dunlsp, When you slip on one these bill. la.; Andrew Wesner, Jr., Brooklyn. N. Y. ; A new sole will enable you to John Whelan. Yonkers. N. Y. ; John W. you'll unconsciously straighten up and stiffen your Ret full value and wear out of Wilcox. Brownsville, Neb.: Edward Wiley, Duvia 111.; Samuel and distinct- shoe the cost Is small. Junction, Williams. shoulders. Made for service, protection the and Dudley, Pa.: Naliuni Ratner, New York, Think of the cost of new ahoea N. Claude Jack - Y.: Reeves, Kellogg, la.: ive reach the mark in suit today. Get busy; Bring- those W. Rutherford. El Paso. Tex.; Thomas appearance they high old shoes to mo for soling, stitch- Houston Sherrlll, Aha Vista. Va.; Hosv-ar- d value ing und "touching up" and you'll E. Short. Swart j Cre-- k, Mich.; Melvin giving. not need to buy new "kicks" for E. Shroyer, Hyndman, Pa.; Peter Sinkl-Wio- a long time Grodno, Poland; Albre W. Stewart, Repairing "while you wait" In Heltln. Ia.; Harvey Charles Stine. St. room. Clair. Mich.: Leo 8train, Hnldtngfnrd, a cozy waiting Minn.: FRANK J. TAYLOR (Mrs. Rose Taylor), Mobile. Ala.; Louis E. Tips-woo- Decatur, HI.: George Jacob Weber, and $25 Wick. $20 REASONABLE PRICES Detroit, Mich.; Blnkey Ironwood, Mich.; William WlesnlsWaky, Trenton, N. J.; Charles F. Williams, Salllllo, O.; John Repairing While You Wait Comfy Waiting Room P. Wilson, Butte. Mont.; Joseph Boshack, Jcssup, Pa.: Earl Carey, Rochester. Pa.; Frank Culver, Muscoda. Wis.; Henry Dombroski. Waterbury. Conn. RENURY Slightly Wounded. THE SHOE Cook William H. Schmidt. Philadel- MAKER TO WEARER GEORGE FAGELSON, Proprietor phia. Pa. Private- - Steve Miski, Milwaukee. Wis. Ground Floor Volunteer State Life Building Mllng In Action, Lieutenants Henry Bradley Frost. Ar- lington. Mass.; Grady R Touchstone. Near Corner Georgia Avenue Laurel. Miss. Corporal Harlan F. Taylor, Philadel- Phone Main 6871 phia, Pu. I And East Ninth Street (South Side) Mechanic Roy N. Shaw, Pemberton, 830 Market St.. Chattanooga .It nn. New Jerey. 530 BR O APWAY.,. N tW YOrTKClTv"' r Privates Frederick Albach. Cleveland.