
Afb a long endeavour to Mvade Kmibr her strategic position, the United States Mfiibated a shtp caiied "General Sherman" into the Taedang River m 1866. For hast 140 years since thea, the United States has vioiated the dignity and someignîy of the Korean natiaa and hmdered bie revival and devtlopment of tiet national ewmmy, tbus mffîcting intolenhle misforftnes and sutkings upon the Kamn people. In July 1905, the US, in pursuit of ber own aggressive interests, wncluded "Katsra-Taft Sami Pact" with Japaa to acknowiedge the hüer's invasion on Korea. And aRer her downfall m the World War II, the US dlqaliy occupied tile souîhern part of Korea for a colonial de. The U.S. fotcliiy dismarrtled the people's cxmmkm esîablisbihed by the sou& Korean people themselves and hastened its wloniz;acion and subjugabon through the" military nile." On May IO', 1948, th U.S. fabricrttad a sopaiatt electim m fo divide Korea into northaadsouth. in an e&rt to tum Kom into a bndgebead of aggression on the continent and a ~trategicmilitary l ~frr~woriddwnination,ttieU.S.~~0e1aated~a~scalethcwarpbto~tbewfiole of Korea On June 25, 1950, the U.S. pmvoked the Kom war and cormiü4 tbe crimes of the most barbarous killings and deJtruction evcr knom in the war history of the worid, by mobilizmg over 2 miilion-strmg armed forces with the sophisticated militLvy equipment - one-îhird of her ground fwces, mefW of her Air Force, the most part of its Pacinc Fleef and the dtmed fiorces of 15 sdteuite couables and soidh Konea. Despite the conclusion of the Koreaa Armistice Ageeflzeflt m Juiy 1953, îhe U.S. has pistently made thnîic moves to reaIiae its wild mlitim for aggressim on the DPRK, viohîhg ail of its main articles such ad Patam 3 and 4, Article 13 and Article 60 - the articles tbat stipulate fbr the pleverrtim of another war in Kma and the peaoeful dement of the Korean issue. Already in 1957, the U.S.started to turn sollth Kmea mto its nuclear base and stepped it up in fuii SWmgintbe196ûs. Ontheotbeihand,itsta~Isrge-scale~~fartheattackanthe north of Korea. In 1961 alme 34 war exemSeS as such were held. They were steadtfy imxeased in nmnber and l scope with each passin8 day. Every y-, marie than 7990 miWq provocutions have been commiaed by the U.S. tKK)ps dong the Milàaty Demarcation Lme and in the tenitorid water air of the DPRK inchrding the l%8 incident of a spy sbïp" Puebla" and the 1969 incident of a spy plant "EC-12 1 ". In the 19ûûs the US truops cracked down m cold blood on the South Korem people's democxatic moveztlent, iucluâiug tb Kwangju Peuple's Uprising, Wemoâ- the military apipmt of thc US troops aad the ROK,it hmmcd the formation of the tripartite military alliance bctween the US, Japan and Soiith Korea, and twmcbsd the 'réam Spirif' jomt militriry exncises and other large-sale war rehewsais, thmby iiK.seasing the danger of nucltrtr war on the Korean peMnsula

Ciamouring a- the" suspicion of noRh Kdsnuclear development", "suspicion of underground nuele.ficitities" and 'horth Korea's thFeat of missile ottacîc", îhe US dmup the "Operstion Plan 5027" for preemptive strike and its update versicm 'Qmttm Plan 5û27-98", and gave rise to nuclear crîsis on the Kman peninsula in the new centwy, the US labellcd the DPRK as an* aisof eviî" and has driven the sidonto the brink of war. Al1 thcre hcts show that the U.S. is directly respansible fbr the war crimes in Korea and its wild ambition for wcnid supriemacy is by no means cbanged. The Kmfntemational War Crimes Tribunal held in New York in September 2001, and the Intanational Tribunal on the US crimes in Korea" hcld m Jdy 2003, hund the! US Goveniment and the other accumi @îy of the charges of their barbart,~crimes in Korea, passcd a senttm~et2iat tfie US Govment shwtd tbcknowleâge its repoaisiity for such wsr crimes and dean apology md compensation to îhe DPRK for their wmgdoings, Taking note of the ïkt that the U.S. and the oîber wcuseà umdted mhuman and brutai crimes against the Kortan people dinmg the , violatMg the UN Werand derofficiaily- reGogmzed mternatd hws and regulatiorq Considering that they do not fulnl so fiir tbeir state responsiiility and intmafimai la* obIigsltim for war crimes as the Mdàtor despite the sentences pamû on them fol two timm in the afioreSBid iutemtüional tribumis, and

The Intunational Joint Prosecution Team mdict them for th& crimmal act as follows: 1. War Cliniierihr (The Accd) The accused are chief crhhals didyresponsible for planning, preparing, starting and carrying mtheKoresnW~;uroSewhoordered,~szd~~ecrftedthe~~and~ Mings of the Korean people, and the merciless destruction of th& national masures; and the successive US presidents and otfred leaders of the US Administration wfio sponsored and mpported sucfi crimes, evadiog their obligations anci responsibilities basexi w tbe htmatimal law. 2. Tbc Dctrilal Facb of Aîmûtk of tbt U.S. in tbc Koretn War rad Tb& CrimiiiPaty 1) Tbe Detaiied Facts of Atmcitics

The bombardmeat of the US Air Force ripajnSt the DPRK was COfMnitted according to the plan made in advançe, and the instructions given by the U.S. authorities and riiilttaay cammanders.

During the tbree-yew wsn; the planes of the US Air Force, snd thos of US Navy and Marine Caps made more than 800,000 and 250,000 sorties respectively, 85 % of which wem aii~~edat the civiiian mg&. They droppad 564,436 bombs and 32,357 mpîms, and launcbed 58?,7% rodçets, stmW 238.6571 millioa Metsand 55,797 gnoke Wh. The îotai bombs and napalms dropped amoimted to over 6ûû,000 tons, whose figure was nearly 3.7 hesof 161,425 tons ofbombs Qopped in Japan dra.ing the Mfic Wnu. Since the amof the nordi Korea is on& 113 of Japan, one can ~ilyestimate the intensity of its bomberdment

. - The United States Mdisaimiaatciybombedand sheUed tomassacretheKorean people enmassaud burn and desbroy all the public fàcilities. î'lm@mttn the the US Air Force Camed out over 1,400 bombing raids into Pyongyang City, dropphg mmthan 420,800 bbsto redw to a debris public orgsas, fàdofies and enterpriscs, educational, puMic heaW and cuitund faciiities, auâ dwcilinp houses. As of July 1950, çity had 126,000 I.esidents with 14,000 howeholds. On November 8,1950, 100 Amencan planes bombardecl the city to destnict 8,800 dwtlling hoilses and kiil 5,000 intrabitants (out of wfüch 4,ûo were women), injuring 3,155 people. Befwe the wstr there fivad 60,000 Mbsbitants in NqhoCity, but due to the US. bomlxîrdment dy50% of fhem wcrc left alive as of May 1951. And City had more than 123,100 papulatiann, butoniy57,OOOwerelefiaüveattbattgne. In Cou.over 6,500 houses wert ruinai out of 13,000 and its population (of which 80% were fsrmen) was reddfrom 80,000 to 60,000.The poputation of Jagang Province (500,000) and ci@ (12,700)were dso drasticaüy decreescd owing to the US air raids, During tBe bt @ai of 2 y-, the U.S. hrapped mmîban 200,000 bombs of large and medium size.

The United Stsltes viciousiy attewpted to destruy all tbe mataiai f-ons of the Korean people and check the revivd of th& national economy by levelling to dust the ùidwtrial facilities rehabilitated and rebdt by the Koreaai people afhKofea's restmtion. Espeçiaiiy the U.S. Air Fmmerçilessly hbsrded snd desttoyed power plants, reseîvoirs and other civilian establishments of the DPRK. On June 23" and 24*, 1952, hundreds of nie U.S. plaues made mtnisive air raids to desboy tbe Supung Power Station and other power stations and îheir dams in the Jan& River, the Pujon River and tûe Hocbon River. Ch May 13&and t4*, 1953,36 US bombers raided die Kycmyong Reservoir (SdcamReservoir at present) in Sunan Chiîy, South Pyongm PmMrrce (9vongwon county, South Pyoogan Province at present) and df;opperi more thsn 40 bomôs at 4 sorties to damage its dam and -ter gates, thus inundahg over 70 villages in 20 Fis of Daedong smd Siman Counties. As a result, over 400 famtem were drowned dead or missing; mure than 6,000 hectares of amble land were fiooded or msheû away; and over 5,000 foumers were lefi homeles without hirland, de,propercies and seeds. On Jdy 3, 6 and 8, i950, the U.S. piaaes strscked tfre Nanpb R&my three times to tcrtalty des- it, whicb was fdowed by mdhm air-raid on the Nsmpho Giass Factory on August 5,1950, inwhichthqrôombedthecity8timestohrmitmto~. On August 20 and 27, 1950, the U.S. Air Force bombardai the Hwanghae Iron Works heavify. Througbout the war, tbey dropped more than 24,000 bombs on it, thus desmi- its most equipent and facilities. From June 29 to July 20, 1950, the U.S. bombers raided 5 times the Pyongyang Railway Factory, tbe Fyoagyrmg Textiie Mill, the Ckygen Plrait, the Attificiai Si& Mil, the Pyongyang Brewery, the Appliance Manufàctory, the Oesong Department Sîore and etc. On July 4 and 13,1950 the U.S.Air Force bpped bombs on the Skwon Tede Mill for 2 timcs, ûamaging it pmtially, end on Augusî 20,1950, did again to destroy the most parts of the dl. On August 17, 1950, the U.S.bomba destrayed ttK Songjin Steel Works, the Spinning Miii, the Chongjin Pbamiaccutical Plant and other tàdmks and enterppiscs, which CO- the major part of îbnational ecoaomy. Duhg the one-year period of 1952, the U.S. Air Force flied its 2,700 war-planes to drop ove6,000 bombs on a &oit passage which was taken charge of by a railway work-twun in the Sinpukhg MayManagement Statioa. Owing to the U.S. indisaiminate and barbanc bombanimmt, more tb 8,700 factmies, mills, buildings and production &ciHies wge de- and 370,000 hectmes of arable land damageci wiîh the Ioss of 90,OOO hectares.

The U.S. Air Force terribiy desboyed and bmt to ashes the valwble ch1relics of ttie Kom nation associatcd with th& long bistory. hstall the country's bistoricrrl rciics were raiâed by air including Yongmyong Temple and Bubyokni Pavilicm in Pywgyang, Toagmyongguan in Songchon, Wrymgdaq m Haejy Namdae Gate in Kaesong, South Gate in Uijy Uisongguan in , Bohyon Temple in Mt. Myohyang, Sokwang Temple in Anbyon, and the Jmgan, Pyohun, Yujom anci Shgye temples m Mt. Kmnkang, and so on. In May, 1951 the Women's International Commission for the Investigation of Atrocities Committed by the U.S wibiessed the destniCtion Yongmymg Temple cm Manui hi11 between 10 am. to 2 p.m. cm Janq3*, 1951, Pyongyang, when it was behg bombarded and htdom by US bomkm with a great rnsmber of bombs, incendiary bombs and g8soline çontainers. And in Mardi, 1952 the Commission of htemitional Association of Deinaratic Lawyers ccmhned it again. On May 6th, 1951 Jangm Temple, a most scenic spot in Mt. Kumgmg, was also tatally Nined and on June, 1951, the I)lrerPng BuiMing and uthm wden abjects m the Singye Temple, a speaiiy pnserved museum, were dl tbrougbly burnt down. In 1% 1 the US bombarded on the YyOm Temple, tht biggest one of the 4 fimous temples in Korea and the main one of the 60 taples in Mt. Kilmkang, thus comp1eteb leveling 40 buildings of various size witb 3,000 mm, rind a stone candle stand and a 9 mreyed pagoda. J& June 1951 the US Air Force turned the buildings of the Sokwang Temple into ashes with the bombarQnent. As of May 1951, The US Air Force destroyed 99 edudonal institutions in Pyongyang (Kim II Sung University ad6 deges, 43 primary schwls, 20 midàie schoois, 5 specialized schools, 4 technological mstiMcs and 20 cvdgschools), 24 schools of various levels in , a senior middie school, 6 middte SctioOIs d 31 p&my sciiools in Ksechon amty. Fr- Jmuary to November 1952 over 200 school buildings of al1 lwels were destcipded. During the Wod of one and half month between September to the mid-october 1952, an asyïum for the aged m Anbyon Co- and an orphmage and a school for the befeaved chitdren in Changsong Couuty were bombarded severely and 27 tcachets and 60 childnen wera killed rnemiles.4 y. During the period between Januaq to he1951 the US bombardment levelled the Mbranbong Theatre m Pyongyang, the South Fymgmm hvincial Theaire, the Pyongyang National Thtatre, tbe Hamimg Cinema How, the South Hamgyoag Provincial Theatre, the W~onsmiMunicipal Li'brary, tbe Cholwon Counîy Library in Kangwm Proviace and the Jangyon Cinema House in . On 3uîy 30*, 1951, the Natid Film Studio (now callad the Konan Ftmtm Film Studio) were naned iuto debris, and on August 14: 1% 1, the Mernorial of the Naticmal Liberation Struggle (MW ded Ka- Revolutiw Musem), Pyongyang Record Man-ers, the National Aft Theatre in Pyongyang weae also Mydesbvyed by the air raid.

On J8n~3d aad 4" 1951, Pyongyang was severely air-raided, when the Central Hospital was entirely desûuctd, aud on July 13%~ Worlcers SanaSanatoriiim in Wansan City was bornbed to clab 168 lives, and the Rwhcial Hospital, the Red Cmss Hospital and Pyongyang Hospital No.1 weae bombed to kill many medical doctors auci jmtknîs. in Hospital, over 100 peuple were m)ufad in December 1950 ûy the US straEUlg and ovu 200 people weae bcnnbed to de& m F&iaary 195 1. in 1951 akme, 32 hospitals and ciinics in Pyongyang and 16 hospitais and chia in were destnoyed due to the US indiscrimmate bambmg,

From the begbhg of Ocbober 195û to the date of their reberrt, the US b.oops, who temporarily occtlpied die north«n batf of Korea, afiiested, detaineû, tortrrred and kiiled. at mdom the civilisns Who rn opposed tcJ their aggression

On Oaober 2 16, 1950 in Sinchon County, they bound cidi- m groups of 10 with stones and soi1 sacks on tbeir back and dmwneâ ibn, by ttnowing them down irito reservoirs. By the end of Novalm 1950, 2093 people were dmwned likewise in the! reservoirs and pools in the meas of Ryongmun and Nambu SuWu11ties,Sinchon C-. In the late they dctained over 300 pabiots in an air-raid shelter of Nambu Sub-County Party Cein Smchni Co\nity, in front of *ch they put corn stacks in piles and set firc on them with gasolioe sppead over them, thus çhoking them to de&. in this way they also killed 20 people iu Raesan-ri, Sunîaedr SuM=ounîy, 3qoa Coimty (Baksaa-fi, 3rmgym County, S. Hwanghae Province). On December 7&, 1950, the US troops locked hundreds of mothers and cbildren sepatately in the two warehouscs in Wonam-ri, SMcb County ami let them die fmm cold and hunger. Ami as for those remaifled alive, utey set fïre on them, pouring gasoüne ova them, and, worse still, threw in more tban 100 hand-grenades to kiIl over 910 persons incluàiag 400 mothers and 102 children. in sakdang Bridiale, Smcban, t&ey abkilled 2000-odd mhabitsnts of Uryong-~&Sokdang-ri and Chongsan-ri by throwing them mto the river with bayonets; And in the Paection River m Gojin-ri, Jaeryong Couuly, 300 innocm people were fomily drowna and in the Namdae River flowhg mmd Rakyon Mine, 500 were also dmwned in the ssme way. In SMhwanpo-ri, Jaeryong County, S. Hwan* Province, the US tnn,ps took 15 uMZirins iato the hole of a frozen river, widi their noses pierced with wire, and in Haechang-ri, Naqui Sub-County, Jaayong County (Gojan-ri, Jaeryong Co-, S.Hwamghae Province) tlie same method was employed to 70 cidiaus bound with Wye). On November 7*, 1950 al-, îhe US troops massaaed mo~than 500 people in Mt. Sudo, Ryonghig-ri, city, S.Hwangbae ProWince and nad day, ie. on Nomber e,1950,600 in the Hawu Valley, Kumsan SubXou~ty,,and ByobgCOMîy. The US troops, who temporanly occupied Kachon Sub-County, Byoksong County, S.Hwanghae ProMnce, an& 9 WPC manbers on November 25m, 1950 and gave them nothmg to et# and then kiîled thQn try disembowelhg th& Mesand cut off their fivers and htarts. in the amof Unryul Mine, Chhan of People's Conmittee of Kumsam-ri (Kummpo Worker's Disûict) was also kikûintbesameway. On Deowiber sa, 1950, the US troops look more tban 950 people tr, the Mira Hïii in Sariwoa City, N.Hwmghae Province and shot them ail to deaîh with machine gum. in Pyongyang, tb US trwps put bchind bars ova 4,000 ciM)ians in the Pyoogyang jaii, sfiot over 2000 of them in the jail yard âwt stuffed the anpes into îbe 21 air-raid shelters snd the 3 wells and reservoirsneaoby. The US troops, who wge stationai in Jungso SuM=ounty, Kaecbon Coimty, S. mgan Province, shot 35 imun;ent people to death by machine guns at 4 p.m. on December 2" 1950, when they started to rebeat And in Clman Co* Seat of Jagang Province they shot over 900 civdhs on the mad for a few weeks' period of th& OccUpBtion. Tbey also killed witb haod-gmades abouî 40 civilians at Chuhwad, Jmgyon County, S. Hwanghae Province and 73 at Ryusang-ri, Miljon Sub-County, Suncbon Couuly, S. Pyongan Provina, afkholding them m caves. The US troops m Hw8flgju County tmed the Hwangju RWer into an hand-grenade throwing exercise pund, where about 500 civilians were kiHed as the tar$ets of uieir practice. r)ining tbe battle at Lake JmgjM, S. Hamgyong Province, the US troops took civiiians as their shield anci t#en poured dom sheiis over them to kiü 120 of them. In Sinbung Sub-Couaty, Kumya Coq,S. Hwanghae Province, the US troops hanged a civiliao upside down ad pircked bis who1.e body, dius bl- him to death. And in Sagi-ri, Unyu Sub- Co*, Sm@m County, S.HwangBse Provina, they took 103 civilians to nearby trenches aod baycmcîed thm the bellies and cbests During îbe temporiatiS occupation of llOZdlm haif of Korat by the US ttoops, thy mercil- massacred 15,000 civiiians m Pyongyang, 35,838 in Smchaa, 19,072 in Anak, 13,000 in Umyul, 6,000 in Hadu, 5998 in Pyoksong, 5545 in Songhwa, 5,131 m Unchon, 3,429 in Tadam, 950 m Sariwon, 3,040 in Pyongrchaa, 2,450 inYonan, 1,400 in Jaeryong 1,199 in Jtlti~on,802 in RaLyon, 59m Pyonpn, 1,385 in Tossn, 1,293 m Pmgm, 1,000 m SrnePrni, 850 m Huichon, 5,000 m Anju, i ,561 in Kangso, 1,5 1 1 in Nampho, 1,342 in Kaechon, 1,200 in S&, 1,400 in Pnkchon, 800 in krngja, 25,300 in Yaagyan& 1,560 M CbIwcm, 630 m Woarssn, 648 in Ham. 532 in Tahon, 140 in Sonchon, and 900 in Chosan.

Fmthe fkst day of thear ocuplion of the mrthem haif of Korea, the GIS insuhed aml raped women indiscrimina* for tfieir fun tmd lrnrusemeat.

In October 18&,1950, the US Wps, wbaitcreû Songssn-ri, Daewon Sub-Couuty, Anak Counîy, S. HwaagbaR Province, ddetained and gang-raped Mua* womco in a school for 8 days, and when the latter resisted, the former kilM tbem, driving even a pole into thcir pri~parts. On Novembw 4&, 1950, the two US soldiers in Cholwon S-, Cholwon Cwnty, Kangwm Province, took a 19-ycar old gni, who was fwwater, amd raped her m turn on the road m the middg. and other two GIS assautted a 22-year o1d girl in the toilet, raping fier.

-1y in December 1950, the three US soMiers in Angok-ri, Sain Sub-Coq, , N. Hwanghtu: Province amsted and rapad 3 woirien jassirtg on îhe mdad 15 01s gang raped a 21- year old wonami living in Yipymg-ri No.2, Dongson Sub-Comiy, Chotwon County, Kan- Prwitice. On December e,1950, 14 Ois, wbo myed in Saiguk-ri, Saji Sub-County, and Singye Couuty on the way Uieir meat to the south, gang-raped a woaian, who was just 3 days after childbuth, at the point of a gua and on the same day 5 Gis gang-raped a yo~gwoman.

The US militnry occupriaD, in Pyagymg cSubWd a brothe1 in the Pyongyang Natioaal Art Theaîre and, violatbd and raped innumenible women tveryday.

The US tn>ops violated and raped the Kcma womca not only by force, but deceitfulfy by nuinmg "tbecomfOrtwwrifflstati~nfortbeUN~~d"ttre~~mf~wament#mifo~theUN~." The US troops kibly coIiScnptdd woman of 15 to 35 fhm~ail the desder their ocapation, to foÿm a so-caiicd "coPnfert women detachment fbr the US soidiers" @, Kidnapping and Forced Dr& The US kidnapped and took by force imrocent people and pairiots by various insane means of &mit, blackmail, apperisement and decxit.

On October 17", 1950, the US troops, who entend Madong, Pongan Couuty, S.Hwmghsse Province, shelied ami nred gwis at villages of Madong and arrested over 100 men and tuok them to the south by trucks and E Msngwol-ri, Cfiongchoa Sub-County, Jaeayong Cormry tbey also arrd more than 40 innoceat people to be taken by trucks to the south. In tbe mid-oaober 1950, the US sloops in Munhwa Sub.coimty, Sinchon Comity, took over 490 people by farce. As they forcibly took away the inhabitants in Sok Island, Songhws County, S. Hwanghae Pmvince, it became deserted, aWough its population was fomials. 1,700. As for Ohwa Isiand, Dongrism Sub-county, Ongjin Camîy, its population of 1 J 57 was reduced to one tenth. The aWction snd kidnspPng took pbeveqwhere in the northern part of Kmoçç\qried by the US troops: 125 peuple were tak4 away out of 400 m Suin-ri,Yanggu Sub€ounty, Yanggn County, Kangwoa Proivince, 85 people ia Bukjoap Island off the Coast of S. Pyongaa Province, over 1,800 in Joagju, N. Pyongan hvnicc rind over 670 m Sinmi Island, etc. SU& aWuction and kdmppg taalïy devastatad ûijang Is., Tan Is. and Ihgacha 1s. m N. Pyongan Province. In case of other islands, almost dl the inhabitants were taken away to the south exccpt the disabied and aged ppie.

On the order of the US Command, the hwddraf€ was Ç8nne.d out in a platmed and organrzed way. In December 1950 the US Commend ar&ered to take civilians in the oocupied mato îhe south, as tbey dizdîbt the US twps wuld not to keep hoid of the northern haifof Korea.

Spaâmg fàlse ~mnirseven with the help of airphes, the US tnw~pssaid that A-bomb would be droppad on the norrtaem part of Kore$ and took away over 2 million inhabitants to the south by ~bladrsnniiddeCeaandkilledmcxstofthemonthewsy. Ac&g to the initial investigation, they took away to the south 18,042 people in Kangwon ProvmCe done, mchiaing 8,029 men, 8,409 women, 193 oid peuple and 1,4 11 children. The fdàraibs hmthe north numW908,843, who were detained m the soedbd special rem camps. In S. ChMgChoPlg Province done, 77 camps as such were set up for them. @GarnWarfare

0 Partial GQm War$re h the autuain of 1950 US, the HeadquartefS of the US Joint Cbiefs of Staff officially fàbn'cated a pmjecttointroducegeamweaponsintatbe~War. Retreaîing from îbe nofth of Korea, tbe US troops spread dpox9ad oîha inftctious diseases in Pyongyang, S. & N. Pyongan Provinces, Krmgwoa Provhe, N. Hamgymg Pn>Mnce and N. & S. HWangbaeProviRces. In Pyongyang, N. S. Pyongan Provinces, Kangwon ProMice, Hwaflgbc Pm*, etc, dpox aiscsd~apperired7or8daysjustafterthelibgatim6.omtb&~OCCUPBfion,thati~ hmthe mid-December 1950 to 3- 1951.

In Mafch 1951 an Americaa gnm-test boat no. 1091 guided by Brigadier James, a âirtctor of the heaith welfirte departmglt of the UN Oaieral Coimami, stayed secnXty off ttic coast of the East Sea of Korea and Koje Is., and aniduded gem warfàre test witb the Kmean PûWs. The US tilioops tested then gxm wrafiire with the POWs in Whe Field Hospitain No. 14. Thcy dcialty creatcd the good conditions for the breuîing of dymîery gmaad never treated any of theses mes, thus kiiling many patients daily, even 91 on ~ovember23*, 1950. hthisçoanecbion,Co1OnelRic$ardMayJobn~otemtéeApriI1953issucoFthcMatid Magazine'' that oaiy 2 % of 1048 dysenîay patients was bospitalid aad tbe rest of thcm were divided nrt0 6 gmups for the piapose of "~~"and that each gtoua cunsisted of 252 and their mortaljîy was 90 % as they were given no mtLtjcal treatment at ali. In tbc POW camp No. 4, mmîhm 2,000 people were also dead as a result of their "esrperiment"

FmJaauary 10: 1952, the 51' Bombers and Fi&- Wing of îbe US Air Force demnthly 10 sorties on average wibi germ boaibs, to raid the transport mutes fhnSinanju to Sinuiju and hmGuuini (Kaechon Coimty) to Huicbn. Fmtbc bcgBaimg of Janusry 1952, The 3* Bomkrs ad Figbtas Wiog of the US Air Force dmpped gem bombs on the mxîhwest of Korea (mdy betweeo Pyongyang to hjuand between Anju to Cholsan) and on the east coast of Korea (mamfy Wonsan and hikchong). The 8ht Bombers and Fij&ters Whg anà the 67& Tadical R~co- Wing cùnpped a large nmber of gem bombs on the concentïated areas of the KM.ean People's Army m the front, and the 49" and 13pBombas and Fighters Wing haviiy dropped geim bombs w thc important spots and upper areas of rivers in tfte north of Kmea. Mgthe thnxmmd pgiod hmJanuary 1952, when the US startcd rm over-all germ Warrare, to Mm& 1952, various kinds of germ bombs were droppad on 169 places for 804 times.

In ordw to drop gms, the US troops employed various means - gcrm bomb, germ-scattering tank, gam &dl, papcr-bosnb (deof multi-iaym cartoon) anâ woodai Wdea. They dropped gnm bombs of various types - 500-pormd type, 1,000-pd type, pantd~ufo-~pe, oil-box-type and so oa They were more than 20 kWof genns - the vibrio, mslipmt and epidemic germs for pst, cholaa, smaii pox and epidanic hacmonhagic km,typiroid, pintyphoid (ABC), gUptiw ftva, recurrent &ver, smnonerm, Pasteur Ella pestis, anthrax, Ricketîsia proWBZtkj, shigclia Gyscntcria md so on. Between January 28, 1952 to April 24, 1953, they spread pisonous inaect mIàcted with cholaa viniaesfbr461 timcs; andbctwegi Jauuary28toApril3O,l952, thcyspreadplcasinfectcdwith pest for over 90 times.

Such crimcs of the Adamgcmi warféire were c1#uSl rçvealed by the Rep~ton thc US Crimm M Koreg prmmted by tbc Cwnniesion ofthe Insesnatid Association ofDemocratic Lawytrs, whicb had sîaycd bGtween March 3 to 19,1952, to make speciai investigations in the mas of Pyongyang Nampho, Taectioai, Pyakdong, Anjy Anak, Sinchon, Sariwon, Wonsan and JO on; and aIso by the Report fiathe lntemational Scientific Commission on Biological Warfare in Korea andaina. On Apni 1,1952, Dr Braudwciner, the head of the IADL Commission, stressed m his statememt that it was agravecrimefortheUS forasto spEcadtI#germ-nifictcdirisectsm Koreuaildt.batitwas a breach of the Hague Conveation cunCamn3 the laws md customs of war on land of 1907 aMi of the Mivasalty acapted iaw pmbi'bitmg bactaiologid warfate which was rc-staffb m fhe Genevs prosoc01 of 1925.

A most baxbiic crime çonimi#ed by the US against the Korean people was the use of chernical weapoas, a means of mass destructicm. Behwea Febmmy 1951 to July 1953, the US boops used many chernid weaps in 24 cities, ~esaadfioatlinedistRctsmKilagwonR.ovM~N.&S.)iwan~Pn,Ym~d~aiadS.Pyongan Province of the DPRK. The chemid weapons îhey used in most cases in the Km- war was sparmapbrmi bcnnbs

On May 6, l%l, the US Air Force indiscnmhttly bombcd Nampbo City, S. Fyongan Province, and spreading paisonous agents. They mided îh city far hrtimes, spreaQng Mdve poisanous gas over H

In the darfr mght of Sepkmber 1952, thGy spread the faked 100-won notes and lcaflcts, which were colltmninated with toximm, in the a.of KiiIni m S. Fyongan Province and Y- in S. Hwanghse ProvincevinceIn the mght of May 18,1952, they also dropped bivalves con- witb toxicants in m S. Pyongan Province. The US troaps took evem the POWs of the Komm People's Amy, as tée objetas of poisanMg experiment, thus killmg tbem. 10 On June 10, 1952, the US troops mobiiized 27 tanks and 12 guns to fire chernical sheiis to the PûWs, thus killuig 227 and iujining many of them saiousiy. On Jdy 7,1952, Boutner, the Head of Kojedo POW Camp,tested a gas-weapon against 120 POWs, who were detaincd in Battalion 4. He, mer wiîh two Amuican soldiers, took them in two speciaüy-made tnicks to the place about 3 kiloineters away from the Pier No. 1 for the gas- pDisoniag test. As a result, al1 of them could not open their eyes for two months aod became disabled. On August 13,1952, the US troops in the PûW Camp No. 2, in Ryongcbo Is detained mrmy POWs in a mow wireentaan;led ara, and mobilizeû îheir two platoons to ike 1,000 gas &eh for poisonhg expriment. As a resdt, more than 350 were seriously burnt, 44 lost tbeir consciousness, 4 ctied, 3 lost hearing sense and 6 bsî their sighî completely. @ Attocities against PûWs The US troops torhad aad killed tbe POWs of the Korm People's Amiy in a most me1way.

The US troops ttmted ttie POWs of the Korean Peopiets Army in an inhumane way, fàr from their obligation to provide the iaüea with all living COIidifions, hywcand medical. in , the US troops stationed in Pyongyang put taiousands of the POWs hto the Mding of the Pyongyang TdeMiü, whicb wuid not keep thean off the coldness, and rain and snow. As a resuft, 15 POWs died of the epidemic disease betwem November lO-S3,l%O. Between December 1950 to March 10,1950, the US militwy suthorities kept tens of ttiousands of the PûWs in camps on the paddy fields near the Pusan Airport and ibd diem to hard labour without proMdmg living muditions for ttiem, thus causing four fifths of them to lx sick in eacb of theh camps, 7 or 8 pisoners were ddykiiled, At 6 pm. on Scptemh 17, 1951, Co1onel Rolrin, the Comma& of the POW Camp No 78 on Kojedo Island, issued an order ta encircle the camp and kiîl al1 the POWs, who were disobedient to theirunre8~0aabbdd. Undet bis orders, 350 Gis îbrm hand-grenades and nrwl gims uldiscRrnieately at them, stabbiag tbem witb bayonets. As a resujî, 38 were kilteâ, 194 wdedand 585 detained m the cell. Ch Deçember 24,1951,300 GIS besieged the PûW Csmp No 73 at the o&rfiom tbe Commander of the PDW Camps in Kojedo Islaod. Then tbe Gls dGmanded thw the flag of Siam cmd Stripes be raid to mark the Chnstsias holiday. When the prisoners refused to follow th& dema&, thq killed 7 POWs of the KPA aod uitidy wmmded 47 anâ hdd 902 m aistody in the PûW Camp No 71. Between Febnisry to Mar& 1951, the US mifitary authorities fmced the war prisoners to hard labourfOr12to16~~. As a rd,in Febwq aime more tban 30 were killed on the spot, 380 were seized with serious illness and 17 were wounded

Eariy in January 1952, the US iroops raised an issue of ''vohmtruy repatriation" in order to bar the KPA war prisoners fiom th& repatriation. On Apd 7,1%2, the US m&q authorities ordead to prrocetd witb "the individuai intaMav and check," which to be scheduled on April9, in sucb a way as to prevent the wii~prisoners fnnn being sent back From 7 p.m. on Aprd 8, they ded out the war prisoners indîvidually to the "CIA schooi" and, threstcniag with pistols, compeiicd the latta to stay in th sdof Korea And in the dthcykilltdmdeJsJy170warpisonerswhodKiaotobcytfKf0ntlg'. ûn Apd 10, 1952, the milituüy authorhies of the POW Camp No 76 in Kojado Island distnbuteû papers toîhewarprisonenand said: "Thosewho wantto beropaatiatcdtotbcnorth, sbaU wxitta 1etter'N'm then paper, ami tbose who want to stay M the south, &all wnte a 1- 'Sn.Then they selectad thoBe wbo cailed îbr ropatratio& and seme& tartured rrad killed 90 war prîmcrs. On the same day the US troaps kilked in the POW Camp No. 91 15û war prisoners for tht ream that they prefaredtobesaitbsdttothenuh In 1952, an Amencan officer Bn,m in the PûW Csmp in Kojedo Ihd posted about 300 Ameriam offkaand soidien anwDd thr: camp and mobihd a tearorist gnnrp to dig a trench, 12 me2er~!wiàe, IO meters long ami 8 meters deep, in which they buried scores of war prisoriers, after kiWg thgn by pidsers and shovcis. ûnOctober5, 1951, the US troapsinchargeofPûW Camps Nos. 60-68 tniedtoregisterthe PûWsofKPA as "civilian detaeiees"acamüqto&e script ofthe USA When they failad, they fKed 70 shells and munemm bulle# at each camp, thus kilting 80 prieonets and injuring 500 seriously. On Fe- 18,1952, the Commander of the POW Camps of Kojedo Island !immundecl the POW CampN0.62 withab 1,000GIs~ared25heavylllChm6gunssad63 lightmchegimsttt 3:W am. beçwrse the POWs did net ngister t$anselves as aieciMb cietsinees." As a dt,120 war pkisonera wem kiîiad and 250 seriously munâed.

O Atrocities of the Medical Test The US tmops took the POWs of the KPA as the objects of tbeh variow medical tests that had never been applied to the hunum being - the objocor of the expiment far American medical students, the obj- fbm which they coufd coflect firasments of human boncs m orâer to trtat tlie Am&m wounded, and tSit objects of testmg the mcdical eMofmedicines. On Septcmber 25, 1950, the authorities of the Pwan POW Camp N0.3, a wctr primer sumamed Pak, who received a pien:& bulld-wd without any mjuly to his bone, was handed over to the Am&- medicd studgtts fw tbeir expcht hrcuüing ihe human body, which had nathing to do witb bis and as a rcsutt, lost tbe 10- part of his l& 1eg. On Jmuary 6, 1951, a US Captain SUra in the Pwin 14& Fieid Hospital eut off bones &om a war prison= swnamed Cho - a 7-cetibinmeter borie from the Iowa part of his Ieft le& a 15-centimeter bone fK,m the lmpwt of bis right leg and a 8-çentimeter long bone £tom his right hipbones - for the treatmcnt of thit Americstl wounded.

0 Ef&gacv Test of Various W- The US troops useû the KPA POWs as the objbcts of efnciency test of various weapons incladhg nuclear weapons. In the mid-May 1951, an Amenclai "Medicd Ship" No. 19, CLtlCha'ng a mile off the Fia No. 2 of KomIsaand, took aôouî 1,500 KPA prisoogJ ficm the PûW Camps Nos. 61,62,63 and 64 ad startad sail. At that time an Amcrican sageant, th& watcSnnan, pointed at the ship and said tîmt they wodd bc useû fbr tbt explosion test of the A-bomb. The tlien Egyptian mpapa "Ali Zumbr di Muisri"discknrad diai the United States took to the PacificOceanonc~ddt~galtnmQedsofpRsoagsfromthtPOWc#mpsinVanous parts of south Kmand used $iem as the targets of the explosion of A-bomb. On June 10,1952, tby made a chemid bomb test again& the POWs in Kojt-do bland, thcbcby Ming 227 and woundMg 572.

2) The C- dAaoeitics of& U.S. The above-mentianed facts are the least part of various Crimes wmmittcrd by the US mps during theKoreanwar.

The United Statts awini#ed a crime agaiust perta, by pursuing the aggression paiicy agallist the Koresti people. The United States oommitted a aime of fttigmtiy violfdmg the publicly recogruzed Iaws and customs of war. The United States comdted a crime agajnst hum,by mg,torturing and dr&g the Korcsn people during the Kmwm.

3. Fmidammtrl ChrBen and bws Vidrkù by the Accuscd 1) TheUnitedStatcsp~~rmdMstnictedtftepvOeatWllof~~~~warmKorea, and sed its fonces to the Koresn war and conrmi#ed cm1stn>cities of massacre snd destniction - the murder sad pgsecrrtion ofpeacetPl i&Wmts, and the Mdiscrimmate bombarQnent of citifs, villages d inhabitad arecis - and &us vidated the UN Charter*namdy, Paragr& 4, Article 2; aie Treaty for thc DdMion of Agpssion (Ny 3,1933); and the SGaaito of tht htmaüonal Nititmy Trial (Nurmnberg), namely Me6; the Statute of the Intematimai Miiitary TrM for tbe Far East, namely Article 5; and the Statutc of dK Nutcmberg intanational Military Trial and tfie Principles of Law Rocognized in th& Justice, nameiy Articles 1,6 & 7 - which prohibit tbc above- mentidacts. 2) At the meeting of the UN Security CoMcil on June 27 tbe United States fdtbe UNSG to ~a~mtoappfymiiitrPydaas~thcDPRKmthebesisofa6ictitious"report" on the wtrr provocatjon altbough it was held witbout tbe pdçipation of the DPRK Gov~~lf~~llt delegiüî011 and the iq#esentative of ttie USSR, bie then pemianent member of the UNSC, and thus viciously violated the UN Charter, ~l~~flteiy,Artide 32 which stipulstes that "Any state which is not amemberofthe UN, ifit is a pattyto adispuiz under amsideration bythe fhmty Comcii, shdl be iavited to participate, without vote, m the discussion reiating to the dispute'?; and Paragraph 3, Article 27 which stipulirtes thert "Decisions of the Secunty Couacil on slf other ma#en shall be made by an &mative vote of 9 members including the condg votes of the permmnt members." 3) nie United States orderad its soldien to indisCnmmate:ly kilf peaccfid inhabitants, children, old men and ail dher dviüaus, thus masswing a lot of Kwcans, which was iu gross violatim of Paragniph 1, Arb'cle 3 of Geneva Convention relating to thc hteçtiw of CiMlirm Pmsm Thne of War (Augwt 12,1949), - die pvision that tbe eonixw~batants''shall be treated huiil8neIy" and "violence to WC and person, in particuiar murdcr of ail kinds" shali remain jxobibited; and iîs Artide 50 that ''afler the outbnxk of Wties," the Pmties shouid wproted @cmeneds of war, children under 15 ,expctmt mothm aad mothers of chiidrea der7""in occupied areas." 4) in Octobcr 1951, the Unitcd States ontged md execuied the use of biolqgicat and ChcmicaI weapons extdveiy in the Korean war fiont, thus violating Hague Decldm for the Prohibitians of the Use m War of Asphyxiatin& Poisaiaous or other Gasos amd of Bacîeriological Meuiods of Warftlte (July 29, 1899), Rotoc01 for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiatuig, Poisonous or Otaer Gases and 3acteriok,@calMeîhcxis of W&ke (March 25,1975) aad Hague Tmly ancl Rules respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land (Octok 18, 1909, Hague), and other mt&d Istws Imd regutations, and CFIStOms, dchprohibit the use of gem and chemicaî WeapoIIS. 5) The United Sates extcnsively bombeci and destructed tomend villages, dwelhg houses and public buildings, and power stdons aïxi reswoirs during tbe wat, thus violating Artide M of the Protocol Additid to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949(Protocol 1), and Article 15 of the RrJfoool Additid to the Gmeva Conventions of 12 August 1949(Protocol II), whicfi stipulates thst warks or installations cantaining cimgerous forces W not be made the object of aüack, if such atbck may capse sevexe losses amongbw civilian popdation. 6) The United States kWea mass the PûWs of the KPA as the objects of the efficiency test of A & B bumbs aed weapons, mi prevented them îbm their nqmt&ion to the homelaad, thus violating Article 13 of the Geaeva Convenîion Reiaîive to the Treirtment of Prisoners of War of August 12,19$9, which stipulates that prisoners of wa~must rd ail times be protected agamst acts of violence or intimidation and agallist Wts, and Article 14 of the same Convention, whidi stipriatestbat~asofwirmentitiedmrll6actmistaeecsto~~rth&pcno1~mKtdmi. bonor. Aftcr tht wnclusion of the Koresn Armistice Agreement (MA)in Juiy 1953, the United States undermincd and violaitcd Article 13 (-ph D), Article 60 and dl other cmarticles, dose aim is to prevent the rBCUrrenÇt of a war in Korea atad to guarrmtee the peacefuî solution of the Korean question. 7) The United States tmed down the proposal of îbe DPRK to rcplace îhe KAA with a peace agreement for the duraôle peace mechrmi.cPn and pursuexi a policy of miIitrny wdnmîation on the Kom peninsula, thus cl- violahg the Treaty on the Abandment of War (August 27, 1a8) and the Treaty cm Non-aggression and its Conirol (Odobca 10,1933). 8) Tlie United States abrogatcù the DPRK-USA Joint Agnement and the DPRK-USA Agrecd Fnimce nuiMW the Joint Wadm on ~leoviZati011of tiie Korean Paiinsula, and obsfnidad the implemenîatim of tbe Jm 15 North-South Joint Deiluclearization, thus violatiag Article 2 and Article 2 (Panrgrapbs 123 & 4) ofthe UN Charter