GUNS Magazine May 1963

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GUNS Magazine May 1963 PRESENTS THE MUSKETEER BOLT ACTION RIFLES BUILT ON THE WORLD FAMOUS ACTION Firearms <m> International Corporation Calibers: .243, .270, 30-06, .308, 7M/M Magnum, .264 Magnum and .308 Norma Magnum. /~~~7'~,;:;f~~\\=;;::~) THE MUSKETEER II FEATURES :_h",:, -: _''', .. :~':::>~:':":' ,,*., y) .~ ::_~~ \~',;:\~:;:;<~~~~5~ewWilliams "Guide" ~'.' ~ble open sight 'C':? ;,>.:>i~~;':i~Wd~h~~kered forend and gri~"inged f100rplate /:\~~~, ".-;: \~~ ·(~~;:~>~~~~;"~.~7". ~~_ ~!trlgg~\:~~~~,;, •. 1 slm~ s/~;"' Newe~t F.N. Mauser Suprem~ adlon~ :~",;;E~us,veIY deslgnel:Yw, nut stock with Monte Carlo ~\y;) \,;; "y,;) .. \", /y,~. cheekpi~~;';;>~' "'~'-Y ~6:oded ~rc)l1t sight,'9dj able for windage and elevation r ;-V~, ". ""·,"i!<; ;;.i· \ 7ij /:' • Precision i:~e,~\ba"f~~f ~W!th'1~e!Xo/"JJ1J}d grooves • Streamlined receiver drilled and taPRed fo~{c~nJ!!i~honadfgh.tiri9~/~ Ament • Fully adjustable Sako trigger ?' '" /' ';/,.'" ,1/, .' ~jdf'""", with silent sliding fthu~b'"idf~tt:">/ :;.t~ :,)§f~ . ~l ,.>~~,~, ;:'~". /Y1:7~\~(t:· . \ < (r __ y!". The Musketeer is a strong modern 'rifle-J:l!~ig:ri~'dttq.,the-.:~":t~f,';;)' e~-s the shooter from the recoil of powerful most .d~manding requireme~ts. ~f the Americ'b·ft;!;~t~,n~~r. ,--.I- '/V :,~, \ Ii tortrid.ges. The clean a~d graceful lines ~f ~he C.ombmmg the ~afety ~nd reliability 'of the newest:C..1T~~~\\ ,~/6F~,%J).v?-~ tnmness of proportion that makes this rifle clal Mauser actions with the proven accuracy ottC?P.,.q..u~i.lty ',J la.'s:!Cl.,r/ifo.... pu;t I.". any field. Vli Y'-:/.' 1 /I"v"" { P button rifled barrels, these rifles are totally ne~'ftl9~clJ.cb. ",/(y'p-#.J:M,dY 9)Vn tNs fine rifle, with features thar few pro- pletely safe, engineered for a lifetime of top p~~to'rhiJ~c \ \v "'>dukti~fh.sVns:lcan! duplicate, at a smaller cost than that of The fine grained walnut stock incorporates,:,,~oHt¥':,(br ;\~:;c~i~~:~tiri9.9)/~"'U~ilitary rifle. features of design to assure good bedding,1hi,,\im4/ ~~>, Mu~~k,te~rrjfl 1e~f,ully guaranteed for a year by Firearms easy sighting, and complete comfort. The slopih' ':\ 'JntE!'r~~"'rlt'tio ~cil ' ration. , ~ V "/ 7;/ /.' t1 Musketeer I rifles have the same stock design r:'h,jf~t;~/n5he"cke~;a"\withoutsling swivels. They have a wing ~afety, and a single stage trigger. The rec~~.' "", . ~'Pl?'~? / fo//r';.-~ei'~r_:.sight$ and conventional sc~pe mounts. This IS a sturdy and completely dependable Il ntJn~,\~, ~llabIJ"Jn' the,}a,me ,callb~rs \as the Musketeer II with the same full year new guarantee. f ,"-"" ',,"._, ''<'''': ~-/,~/ ': /' '/ \ L ""''' " ""'" '::"'-' ", /, /' . f) ,"", "'" ,,~,:' /, / 1'>;.'1' •• (¢" " ~ ~ "~ ,/ ,.' Also avallabl~ In "Packa~ Deals" f!i;;~s~~';;:..'..;;J:'fJ '':''~?i Package #7, with open ockage ~f:.:~l;t-li"ft;~ Packag ··,#4.r:~,thout F.I. LUMINAR rifle scopes rear and hooded front LU~INAR. sco ~.~' /--'YC1ll.: sights, b'1:tWith:.~i~~sand are light weight, optically sight, or Package # 2, chOice, wltho .nt ~;!.. mounts, for thel\~pe of perfect scopes with cali­ without sights, drilled an ~ear sight, total c ,yncluq;;:j your chol~e. WiIf\\fi t most brated click adjustments tapped for the installation mg s~ope, block ,t,,\,oun§'! popular 1 ~s~op.~ for elevation and windage . f and nfle. :::l: ., $ o f accessories 0 your, ::1 Musketeer I" ...•. 137.30 and nitrogen filled tubes. choice. :,:::\ \, ,., Musketeer "II with %~\ Musketeer I )' .;, .$120.66 scope ., $17~q::\ , ". , Detachable Sako type split $16j~f,r, .~ny ring scope mounts, adjust­ Musketeer II .....$128.30 with 4x scope. , .. $17,{5;'l., Subtract witH 6x scope ,,,,.:;;,:$1 f~.80of..,t~l! ~~~Ut~1 p. c ,- able for windage, return with 2 1j, - lOx Va ria bJii -" age prices for-equi~d1'lrnt readily to zero. Polished Musketeer I •. , ..$111.66 scope $20'ti:eO Musketeer I models, blue steel. @ "6,ea,...~.,_a'io_al 'f:!!!) ~~4 W"SHINGTON 22, D. C. EUROPEAN & AMERICAN ARMS By Claude Blair (Crown Publishers, Inc., 1962. $25.00) SMALL ARMS OF THE THE SHOTGUNNER'S BOOK The publishers label this "the complete WORLD by W. H. B. Smith. by Col. Charles Askins. Revised and enlarged by Joseph The complete picture on shot­ visual encyclopedia of the weapons used in E. Smith. The most authori­ guns ... design, manUfacture, the western world from about BOO to 1850," tative reference ever published shooting fonn, ammunition... on military small arms. Spe­ all in one neat package. Not a and it would be difficult to find a better cial emphasis on U.8. and dry chronology of these items, U.S.S.R. weapons. 711 pages, but a highly readable story of description. The Chapter headings indicate more than 1700 illustrations shotgunning spiced with ad­ covering identification, cali­ venture and -humor. 365 pages, the scope of the work: I- Swords and Dag­ bers, ammunition, stripping, more than 100 illustrations. A gers; II - Staff Weapons; III - Projectile assembly, safety and history. "must" volume for the shotgun $15.00 enthusiast. Weapons (Sling, Bow, Crossbow); IV­ $8.50 Projectile Weapons (Firearms and other Guns); V -Combined Weapons; VI-The THE PISTOL SHOOTER'S CIVIL WAR GUNS by William BOOK by Col. Chorles Askins. B. Edwords. Decoration of Arms. More than 600 photo­ A noted expert shares his A firearms bonanza for collec­ graphs and a series of comprehensive draw­ wealth of gun handling "sav­ tors, students, historians. Here vy" with you. A book that is the definitive work on Amer­ ings make this a graphic textbook for the wlll· definitely aid you In be­ ica's first great arms race. The coming a better shot, perhaps author spent 5 years in re­ collector or student interested in the identi­ even a. champion. Authorita- search, digging through every pertinent source from personal fication and historical evaluation of weapons ~~~1nr~~~;~Pt~~d~~n~e~ro~~1 reminiscence to official record, types. Knowledgeable shooters producing a work unequaled in of many types. Claude Blair is a scholar of wlll need this book. For the its field. In a clear, unacadem­ high repute in the field of weapons, in beginner and expert alike. ic style, narrative or documen­ $8.50 tary. as needed, he unfolds in Europe and throughout the world. His book 450 pages the true 'mfe- stOl'y.H .. of every significant firearm, on European Armour, published in 1958, is North and South, Including already an accepted classic.-,-E.B.M. 1963 GUN DIGEST edited by foreign weapons. John T. Amber. $15.00 World's finest gun authorities, THE AMERICAN SHOTGUNNER have again created a sparkling collection of articles, facts, fig­ PISTOLS-A MODERN ENCY­ By Francis E. Sell ures, illustrations and tables CLOPEDIA by Henry M. Steb­ (The Stackpole Co., 1962. $6.95) on every facet of guns and bins with A. J. E. Shay and shooting. The only complete. O. R. Hammond. One of the more prolific of the gun writ­ unique and up-to-the-minute gun book. Fully priced and Contains eight chapters on the ers, Francis Sell is also one of the more lllustrated Catalog Sectlon of choice of pistols ... the cnr­ all domestic and imported rently American made models, controversial-perhaps because he does not guns and accessories. Includes the most useful or challeng­ 32-page section of handgun, Ing old-timers and the most hesitate to challenge theories on which others rllie and shotgun exploded worthy imports; plus six chap­ drawings. ters on the often neglected have strong (and possibly wrong) opinions. topic of ammunition. 26 chap­ $3.95 ters in all covering every He is an ardent experimenter as well as an pistol Interest. ardent hunter, and this book is a compila­ $12.50 HAND LOADER'S DIGEST ed­ tion of his findings, based on more actual ited by John T. Amber. shooting than most men ever do. With one An encyclopedia for rifle, pistol THE STORY OF COLT'S RE­ and shotgun reloaders! 260 VOLVER by Wm. B. Edwards. of those findings at least, this reviewer is jumbo pages! Fllled with orig­ A definitive study of the man inal articles by foremost world and the revolver. Contains a in complete agreement: most gunners shoot authorities. Includes: complete wealth of new data painstak­ too far, and not only at targets!-E.B.M. catalog section of tools and ingly researched from private components, self-computing files. OVer 200 photographs, bullet energy chart, die and drawings and designs. The shell holder chart. cartridge GUNS THROUGH THE AGES dimension tables-plus tips, ~~~t c;~Yl:~~d:OIU:';'r~~CtJ8 By Geoffrey Boothroyd Dotes and shortcuts from ex­ large pages. perts on choosing and using $10.00 (Sterling Publishing Co., 1962. $3.95) handloadlng tools. Tight printing makes this illustrated his­ $2.95 tory of firearms a bigger book than you would ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN FIREARMS, edited by Bob guess from its bulk. It combines broad THE BOOK OF PISTOLS AND Brownell historical background with descriptions and REVOLVERS by W.H.B. Smith. Over 1,600 exploded view Revised and enlarged by Kent photos, blueprints. sketches, illustrations of scores of gun developments Bellah. A brand new 1962 edi­ schematic drawings, cutaway tion of this comprehensive photos of thousands of modern and devices, with special attention to the handgun refernce book for the American-made guns, The long parade of ignition systems, from match­ identification and mechanics most comprehensive book of its of the world's handguns. 774 kind ever published-an indis­ lock to metallic cartridges. There are also pages, hundreds of illustra­ pensable guide for every avid tions. gun enthusiast. 1,066 pages. many suggestions regarding gun collecting, $12.50 Book bound $20.00 restoration, and values, plus outlines of fed­ Loose leaf binder $24.00 eral and state laws regulating firearms own­ ership and use.
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