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November 1985 Daily Egyptian 1985

11-11-1985 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 11, 1985 Daily Egyptian Staff

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Southern ll1in oL~ U ni\' e rs it~ at CartlOndal Monday, November 11 , 1985. Vol. 71, No . 61 Administration Faculty committee has doubts about summit asks Somit to stop WASHINGTON tUr l) - The Reagan administration plan for C&P split began its finat countdown to the superpower summit 6, ~9ula Buckner StatfWritef ment reconfiguration will have Sunday with low expectations on the facut;' tenure process. a bout the outcome and doubts The SILI·C Faculty According to current policy, tho t the meeeting will produce Organizing Com mittee has the " accepting" department even a joint communique sent a letter 10 President faculty must vote to accept !be summarizing points of Albert Somit. urging him to "transferring" department agreement. reject College of Com· faculty. If such a vote were to " We hope that there will munications Dean Keith reject the latter. such a come out of this a more con­ Sanders ' "poorly conceived merger would have an effecl structive and stable kind of and inadequately considered" on C&P faculty without tenure relationship," said Secretary proposal to dissolve the and those who were tenured of State George Shultz. "but it Ci ne!lla and Photography after 1977. the letter states. remaIns tn ae seen." Depllrtment. A second question concerns Reporting on his talks last The 12·member committee. the "set goals and objectives" week with Soviet leaders in affiliated with the Illinois which John GUYO;"l . vice Moscow . Shultz predicted Education Association·NEA. president for academic Jffairs frank and c\'en argumentative approved the letter during its a nd research. has stated the discu ssions between President monthl~ meeting Thursday C&P abolition is being mad. to Reagan and Soviet leader and forwarded it to Somit fit. The goals were SCi after Mikhail Gorbache,' '" Geneva. Friday. Sa nder s: ~" aluat e d the Switzerland. program, but the committee With the summit just nine " IT HEAL\, \' does not make wa nts to know who set them days away. Shultz and other sense to abolish one of the most and what they a re. officia ls said Reagan wi ll be successful programs the prepared to meet oviet University has to offer," the IT ALSO asils what Sanders' criticism head on and fire back letter states. " What the dean is '.... ith his own " jew of how proposing to do is to sacrifi ce See SPLIT. Page 5 Soviet actions in a range of qua lity in the name of qual"­ areas - from arms control to tity." regional conflicts - a re Somit is in Europe until responsible for the tensions Monday and could not be between Wa shington a nd reached for comment. Moscow. The leiter states that Sar,· ders' "unilateral" decision to AI most. o((iciaJs sa id. the move cinema to the Radio­ administration is hopeful lhe Television Department and summit will plant the seeds of better relations between the"I:!:d ~~"f~: superpowers by establishing Shopping in the rain unanswered questions which an agenda for easing tensions. are " vital." GUI Ny' the Flculty O'lllnizing Aft", I hord dIY' ••hopplng , K-Mlrt cu._ outalde Comml .... Ind .... dNn ho•• Veterans Day SuRd.y to flee I hII rd downpour. Ar.. r"ldenta CIIn expect THE COMM ITTEE firstly dltl.,..,t plctu... of the cl_ to be marked more of tM MondlY, with. 50 percent chllnc. of rein, questions the effecl depart· Ind photcIgr8plty ._IIon. with flag-raising Air Force ROTC cadets will UN work never finished, offic.ial says conduct a Veterans Day flag· By L1u EII.nhau.r r~_ !si ng ceremony Monday on SlaflWrite, Nations is inherently slow and the embryonic stage. He mecbanism for negotiating," t he Old Main Mall undramatic, but he added thai stressed that the United he said. "Some of !be problems simultaneously with It the 159 member nations of "the work of peace is never Nations is not a world before it are not gomg to be ceremonies in Washington in the United Nations " truly finished and seldom gives f.')Yermenl. resolved instantly." which President Reagan will followed" the organization's immedia te, sa tisfactory "For the United Nations to place a wreath at the Tomb of charter, the United Nations results." succeed in any area there must During the United Nations' the Unknown Soldier in would be a more effective He said !be answer to many be a willingness to com· anniversary celebration which Arlington Cemetery. body, according to Michael of the p"oblems faced by the promise and courage to take ended October 24, Stopford The SIU·C program will United Nations already lies tbe first step and act in a said that several new topics begin at 10 :50 a.m. with an ~:f~~!~r1~ Jfeecb'}iiCfr(~r~~~ within its charter which, be global way," he said. aside from older ones, like the invocat' on by Capt. Undersecretary General for said, is based on "consensus war between Iran and Iran and Juanitaeliza Carroll, Air Force Public Information. not coercion" as a means to Stopford pointed out that the the system of racial Reserves chaplain, followed Stopford spoke to an resolve conflicts. head of the United Nations, the segregation in South Africa, by presentation of the colors, audience of about 200 in the Old "The blueprint for in· secretary general, has no were addressed by the 70 playing of reveille and the Main Room of lhe Student ternational cooperation is in military might to back up his heads of state who spoke raising of the flag promptly at Center Friday at the invitation the charter," Stopford said. decisions or those of the before the General Assembly. \I o'clock . of the U.N . Association in " If member nations truly General Assembly. " He only Clarence G. Dougherty, vice Southern Illinois. His visit W3:i apply the principles of that has the power of his moral " WE THINK all of the time president for campus services, planned to celebratl' the charter. there will be hope." forces ." Stopford said. thai public understanding and will give brief re ma rks . United Nations 40th a n· involvement is important to elerans Day commemorates niversary. HOWEVER, STOPFOHD NEVERTHELESS. HE said, try to resolve some of these the signing of the Armistice said, the ideal of having a n the United Nations can and problems." StO&fOrd said. ending World Wa r I and honors STOPFORD. A a 32·year·old organization with worldwide often does (;Ise tensions bel· servicemen and women in all native of the United Kingdom. authority to represent the ween nallons. "The United C~iS~ ~w~~1aS~::urn .S. wars . said the work of the United " global constituency" is still in Nations has provided the Sout.bern JIIinois. This Morning Azevedo objected to wife's trip, lawyer says ------By John Krukowski state's attorney and public Tbe divorce was approved 'Momix' show StaffWri1er ,~ IU·C employee, in 1981. In Friday's tes timony, defender in Jackson County, May 5, 1980, with ber husba~d a strangE:: mix T es t imony for the Marie Azevedo's attorney said said Marie Azevedo came to agreeing to pay S800 a month In prosecution in the trial of that Allan B. Azevedo had him in July 1979 seeking a child supporl. - PageS Emmett Cooper is scheduled objected to his ex·wife divorce from her husband, to resume Tuesday and ex· travelling to India with their Allan, who worked as a dentist RIDGEWAY TOLD Clemons Salukis no match pected to end Wednesday. four children. in Murphysboro. that details, such as which State' s Attorney John " He wanted the children not Ridgeway said IIfrs. Azevedo parent would have control of for Ar'~ansas State Clemons told presiding Judge to leave the state of Illinois. not "'as seeking dissolution of !be the children at what time, Stephen Spomer Friday that togo 10 India," said William G. marriage on grounds of mental caused minor disagreements - Sports 16 he will call up "10 or 12" more Ridgeway. cruelty aod was asking for between !be Azevedos, but that witnesses to testify againsl eustody of ber four children, great dissen;;ion didn't arise P.rtly clouoy, wIth ctllnc. of Cooper, the man accused of RIDGEWAY, AN altorney child support and division of rain, murdering Marie Azevedo, an since 1954 who has served as marital property. SH TRIP, PI"" 5 .-----.------Newswrap nation/world I Political prisoners begin I hunger strike in S. Africa

JOHA:\~ ESBURG . South Af rica (UP!) - About 32 political ! pflsoners began a hunger strike in Capc Town's maximum· security Poll smoor Prison Sunday a s pOlice said four people died in the worst anti·governmenl violence in a week. Fa mi ly and t friends told reporters in Ca pe Town the hunger strikers refused I breakfast Sunday to start their campaign. ,____ :'!_~_!i!_~ __!': ___ ! Tass criticises Reagan' s address to Soviets MOSCOW (uPI ) - The Soviet Union Sunday blasted President Reagan's radio address to the SO"iet people as {ull oi propaganda. saying it demonstrated Washington does not intend You' re an Instant Winner at Regene's to do its part toward curbing the arms ra ce. The officia l n ~w s agency Tass i.sued the scathing criticism a day after Reagan delivered his lo-minute a ddress, which was translated illto Russian and beamed into the Soviet Uni on by Voi ce of America . Ugandan rebels seize airliner with 49 aboard - KAMPALA, Uganda

Fire destroys buildings in downtown Marion 1/ MARION tian Laboratory Monday through Friday during regular semesters a-rid Tuesday through Friday duJ:i" summer term by Southern lUinois University, Communications ltuiJding. Carbondale. IL 62901. Second class postage paid at Carbondale. N~t;::! . P~S:11~~~o!.~~r:;. r=iofu:rC:~ions Building, Subscription rates are S40 per year or S25 (or six months within the United States and $105 per year or S6S (or six months in a ll (oreign f countries. IlIr':~~:':' i ~.nga~:le~~=- to Daily Egyptian. Southern Professional group picks Woman of-the 'Year' By Alan Richter S lafl W tller FedcrCttion of Bu smess and ··Fidella has a IOlal history Profess ional WomcTfs lu bs of Southern.·· Peh.:l's saici . Aller 38 \'cars of se n 'icc to Inc in 1980-81 and as director "She W3 S her when thel e SI '.r. F ide ll " Doolin. of th e Yo ung Wom e n 's were 0,,1\· couple of a!:.~ ' sta llt d ' r ~ lO r for genera l Auxi liary of the Univers it\' buil dings . . at'c l un ti ng . was flamed Baptist ' Ch urch for O\'er 20 "There is n·t anything in II' ,'" .. ; of the Year by the year . busi ness a ffairs that Fidelia (" . rbor.dale Bu siness ' and ha sn't been il1\·olved in,'· Professiunal Women. DOOLl:-; SA il) she is state Peters said . Peers within th e chairwoman (or Women in orga nization c hoose who Transition. WIT is a new AT liEn job. Doolin trouble· recei\'es the award ba sed on program designed to address shoots accounting problems ca reer achievement. com· the needs of wome" think:ng and genp' . lIy rec~rds and mu nit v servi ce and about retiremf: u( or changing reports Ltle finacial tran­ organizational participation. careers. she explained. saclions of the University. Doolin said. The award was "WIT ",ants to develop g iven dur i ng Natio nal programs and projects that ·' Non·routine exccrt{ions, Business Women's Week. held will koep these women in· that's what I delll with," during the la ~ ' hit c ~1aq~.tfitas r-71illPitiiiii--~:!r.Q:e~1O.e.o..w ,QllJ.g~. !:;.t.3.6~c7.e.21

! ~ Jte"dl[uQPt~ps Miller & Lite 80~ Speedrails I . ~..~ The most complete stock 01 natural 40c: Drafts : ; : ~ :. . foods and vitamins in Soulh<">m I llinois 90~ Seagrams 7 2.25 Pitchers I ,-""--~. 100 West Jackson St. I I Bef'M!ten NOf'"th II hr"\OIS alY.t The railroad ) 90~ Jack Daniels I Hcurs 9 .00 to .s 3Q f\Ion ·Sal I Sunday 12 to 5 F'hCne ~9 · 1 74 1 I t : SOFT FROZEN YOGURT in a cup or cone All The fun of Ice c ream- plus ftle good things of yogurt High In taste ION In fa t Natura l fr Uit flavOl'" s F amcus Dl!Innm Qua llry Thi .. coupon ond 19~ entitles bao,ar 19C to a reg . cup: or cope of DANNY.YO Special ., Expires 11 ·30·85 llIifr~ ~YORKTOWN LEXiNGTON: 1 Opinion & Commentary :> . BUNKERl\~~w'~~R~ H· NE' Student·Chi.f, Tricla Yocum; Editor!.,1 Page Ed itor, Thomos Atkins: PEARL . ~( ASloc:lo'. hfit(K"iol Page Editor. William Wolk.r: FocvUy Managing Editor. Will iam Ha rmon. -IO ·PLE Don't take risks :;ULF· with sex education LIFE IS FULL OF RISKS . Some risks challenge people to accomplish more than the.' thought they were able. Others are simply foolish and should be avoided al all costs. Having sex is a risk. Some people will argue that premarital sex is imrn'll"ai. But regardless of marital status. it is a foolish risk to have sex withoul birth control or before both people in­ N lved an, prepared - emotionally. financially and in all other "ays - to deal with its predictable consequences. Despite the obvious potential consequences. however. many college students take the risk and are faced with an unwante:l pregnancy. Some not-5(H;urprising results were foand in a survey. con­ ducted from February 1984 to May 1985. of 154 women with un­ wanted pregnancies who used services al the Wellness Center. Sixty percent of the women with uln<'ante..i pregnancies had not used birth control or were not sure if they hall when they became pregnant. Forty percent of the women surveyed had used birth Letters control. AmOlll! those who had used some form of birth control. method incooIUlt.ency - not taking the pill at the same time every day ... misllling a condom or a diaphragm - not method failure ",as the main reason for the unwanted pregnancy. Play critique led readers astray Despite the greater freedom and frankness with winch sex is This letter is in negaro to sort of expert on pantomimes. watching. ~ nowadays. many young people are unknowledgeable Terri Queen's review of Ms. Queen cootinues to make a Another remark that came about their bodieG and how they work. Myths and moral coo­ " Grimaldi : King of the fool out of herseU by saying rrom a lM!rson totally ignorant victions also coofuse many young people about the realities of Clowns" (Nov. I >' Ms. Qv-!en's that the harlequin and the to the wo.'lders and purposes of sex. play is more ,( a clowns run back and forth on the stage was about the Velcro tragedy than a review. I think stage mU.i.'lg sounds like 17th closures in Joey's costume. Education is the remedy for this problem. The best place. of she must have been asleep century Three Stooges. For Queen sa ~"S it was "too tacky." course. f... sex education is the home. But some families neglect during the play or maybe she your inf..-mation. Ms. Q-.Jeen. Wbere does she think this is? this responsibJity or deny children access to the information didn't open her eyes. I'm sure the Three Stooges are 20th The realistic period? She may about their bodies that they understand sex. It·s as if not most people who saw the play century pantomimes and can find it interesting to note that telling children about sex will ensure that they acl responsibly. and read the review will agree be traced bad to 6th century Cecil Beaton. who designed ugh. If one did nol see the - Linda Gilliam, senior . Radir a nd it never fails : just say " no." born in the J800s and was some cluwn enough. one was not and Tele\·ision . Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Library checkup Ha\'e you experienced the frustration of not being able to loc:He a book that is snti"" posed 10 be on the shelf at the library? Well. I'd like to comment (In one of the Jh,.'lCis i bili ties of wha t happened to the book . P icture a greed-drivcn persun a t the beginning of a semesler who walks through the shelves and removes a ll the book,; relevan! :0 his or her in terest . The verson then s tock ~, up the books in a carre.l or a loc k,~r . As the semes e r draws to {.:n end, the ttmptatinn to do this will be grealer .

.A. boor. 51'!arch requeht woulJ nOt gi ve a iibrary employee a legilimale right to check ;he books in Ihe carrel or the locker. The employee would si mply go to Ihe shelf to see if the book is relurned. It's like checking every morning 10 see ir a ste:ilized chicken will lay an egg.

I suggest the administration set up a policy to check out a ll the books in the carrels and the lockers. Also. the library should routinely check those places to veriiy the process. If any book is found unchecked. the book must be returned to the shelf and the carrel user musl be fined for his or her self;.h t>ehavior . The booI 10 our journali s m a nd cinema . of r;icuit'.', a nd r ecommended coll eagues in C&P affecls us ~ aode rs' proposed merger Ihal the' deparlmer" " reduce all. " Allekruse said. " Which of SUB could resull in one phOIO the number of under5raduate us can say 'hat OUf diSCipl ine program in 3rt and one in students in r e l;. ti on to will not be the next to be \·ie· SPECIAL journalism or the program available courses. f"cully and limited?" TRIP, from Page 1 ------COU PON ------1 ntil Mr;. Azevedo announced he ,'as called 10 identify her six or seven days. according to her ~ia ns to take the child ren bod} at SI. Joseph Memorial a nother witness Friday, Dr. I to India to visit relatives and Hosp,tal in Murphysboro. Donald We bb. an 'insect SOc OFF ! fripnds. M ~ rie Azevedo's body had taxonomist al the lllinois All Subs and Deli Sandwiches! A petition asking the state to been found that day in a Na tural History Service in I allo\\ ber to take the children wooded area northeas l of Champaign. I ·Spec;a ls n01 incl uded I out of the United States for two Carbondale. months was approved in court FHA:-; K COOPER. a cer­ I CALL FOR DELIVERY I March 6, 1981, and Ridgeway ACCORDING TO Dr. Steven tified fingerprint examiner said Mrs. Azevedo also signed Nuernberger, a pathologist with the State Police. said no I 549.3366 I a bond stipulating that she who also testified Friday, usable prints were found at the I~ ______OFFER EX PIRE S 11 11 7(85 JI wo~ld pay $13,000 if she fa:ld Marie Azevedo's body had 12 murder scene. Krail N. LaUig. to '~turn with the children. gunshot wounds which were a firearms specialist with the inflicted from two directions Illinois Bureau of Scientific CLIP AND SAvE ALLAN AZEVEDO was less simultan.eously. Services. said his examination than enthusiastic. Ridgeway of bullets and cartridges found recalled. Nuernberger, who had al the scene indicateuts. Seven days later found on the body was al least Office . • SPECIAL. LUNCH. SPECIAL. LUN • LUNCH () :::r: BOOK WORM AL•• T Fourth Annual SIU PRESS Book Sale VI• Hundreds of Titles, Thousands of m Copies at the Student Center, DRAFT ()" ~1I Ballroom B u r> Z Monday/ Tuesday, Nov. 11 & 12 30r MEDIUM SOFTDRINK·r 9AM - 5 PM C w ith purchase of any slice Z ONL Y: SIU Press Sale Books @ 50¢-$3 •...J () « of our Award-Winning Deep Pan Pi zza :::r: ALSO: Drawing for Free copy of the u at our special Lunch Time price of LU • TREASURES OF TALIESIN : 76 Cl.. VI UNBUIL T DESIGNS OF FRANK V') LLOYD WRIGHT By Bruce Brooks " Pfeiffer featuring 106 Color •I $1.49 FOR ANY SLICE~ U r WELL AS: Ben Gelman autographing Z (up to a $2.42 Va lue) " BIRD WATCHING WITH BEN" ::::> • during the noon hour Nov. 12 . ...J r We a re so proud of the QUALITY of o ur C Z Pleiades Records @$2 per disk • DEEP PAN PIZZA, we'll practicall y give you () «...J a draft beer or Medium Soft Drink just for I giving us a try. We're sUr!: you'll be back. VI• M aster Card and Vis a Charge Cords Accepled -V m 611 S. I LLINOIS AV E. () out yo u r no me a nd add ress below a nd h ove chance to w in TREASURES OF TAllESIN by TBE r> Bruc9 Brooks Pfeifler. ~7 ~.,:"".. : ,... &OLBMI :£ 529-4138 • :3 If you haven't /1 1 d t/.J(J Gold Mine latel y, rou ha ven 'l tried the Gold M ine C • lVIJ3dS • . H)Nnl • H)Nnl • i\i IJ3d'S • H)Z ACROSS rness Organization Briefs invite\ all to the 'i I ond::'" ,1' ~~a Today's Annual Culturefest - Sun., Nov. 17, 1985 10 B'('Ors 111':1" ~ S () ("iF T '1 FOil Ad · 1.1 AI'''lCl''C: Grinne ll Hall Cafeleria. Brush Towers vancement of Management 1SA'IX-fl.-. will have officer elections a t 160,o;.mounl"O 4:00p.m.o8 :00p.m. liGu\ I 'p4'<' Dr WIII,am Thomas. l:lementary Sr. hool Superintendent 7: 15 p.m. Monday in Studen t 18 M OSS I)Ot' Puzzle CCJltcf Mississippi Room . \0 P,sa eoUl & Rev B R HollIns. Rock Hill B a~tist Ch urch ;00 S t allone,..,. [nre" ainmem Include'!. ~1 Beaolng Ilem I'll I 1.1.1 I' E HOBEHT of 13 Whef'll.' P (){'I~ . Black f If(' Danccr ~ . i hc 198:; M as (bcnf'H and man\ more Keichen a nd Robert Ar· 24 Time peltod!> Puzzle answers c hitects , a F rench ar­ ,"6 M ;u n mill' QCPOI abO' are on Page 10. chitectural firm. will spea k a : ~o CrwsE' 8 p.m. Monday in Fa ner J ' Ala', S'Qm.l Museum Audi:oriurr. . Robe rt 32 [~(' is considered an expert in the 3': R'dlculous 38 P'!>.l s rt~(" oow~ 28 HOIOS title to 2 all beef dogs and fry adaption of historical buildings JQ p, Ojl"cfton 30 Sac.fed W OI ~ 33 Cnlle to modern day usage. ~ \ PelVIC DO""S 1 .o.. · eCl J, Wrap-up ~ O'la pod fiC a 35 A,m Done 45 FM Ian 3 Bt:v era.;~ 36 Canada 5 - .: OI~ '''' P'c.s Rebelhon $2.00~.. ALPIIA KAPPA Psi will 48 CU flf'll lt ~ 49 Mo. occan weapOflS 3 ; Take 1151-.5 LATE NIGHT JACIIIQ $!WE have a business mceling a t i 5'n t'le lac... ..,! 40 Soan1S'l $lha,a 50 Pub serVing 6G:m p.m Monday in Student Center 51 G OI on hrs! 43 B'ea ...... a ler Dog 'n' Fr'y $1.00 lIT': ~ ~J1 0' Cl lnO 44 Aanch ammal 55 Succumbs B?i1 roomA. f G'a SPS 46 Smeal 57 Ta!i.e place lofter 9pm) --= - ~I Fooe scrap .: 7 UO~ I bf anches 58 Chose again " FAMILY STAIIILlTY in 10 N o~a SeD" " 5 1 A Chufchtll 521 Ave. 6.1 BluSl e. 52 tnt:cnsea Coli for Delivery 549-1013 S. lIlinoh Industrial a nd Post-Industrial b ': PudCltllg ' ype 53 Forly - Societv " will be presenled b~' !,.., Coatt'd m ;>lal 54 Slaae la,e Deni s' La dbrook . Wesler n .,f, To 'Cl "ally 56 Staae sel 6- Pp,s.-1r'< tlClP! 59 MIIo-oam Au s tra l ian I nstitute of GO ThlfCl pre! Technology from 810~'30 p.m. 61 Noun Sulll)' TL"'sda\' in Faner i\luseum 62 Roebuck r. 4 T11E'01C Audl! orium .\ II'OHK SIIO P on the Self In tn .l clion Center will be present ed by Jerry Hostetier (f'om 2 to 3 p.m J\l onnay in the Learning Resource Center Conference Boom In Woody Hall. .. IHGJI.J.. I.'\C. lI'ill in· ten 'jew on campus ' 1 \l es d a ~ fo r business. agriculture. and indus t r ia l management major . Register a l Ca reer P lanning and Placcl7lem . Woody Ha ll B·204 im · mediately . A com pany present.ation will be gh'cn at 5:30 p.m. Monday in Student Center Ba llroom C.

ALPHA KAFPA P si will issue credit card a pplication for juniors. seniors and graduale students from 9 a .m to 5 p.m. Monday and \\ t:\~. nesday in the Siudent Cen t',r and 9 a.m. t Q::\ p.m Tuesday li\ Rehn Hall.

~1.\:-; l· E I. JOSE. of the finance Department. will speak on the f utures Ma rket al Ihe the fi nancial In· \'estmenl ::'OC lc l y meeting at i :30 p.m. Monday In Student Cent er Kaskaski a Rvv:n.

reg. $65 - $90 (flatl ond H.. II )

.".-MS-! (i l oY.lea t h~ r .; (olon) SHOES 'N' STUff

8}\ Travel Service, Lid I 549·7347 I C.ubondAle to I I Chluso I ROUNDTRIP I I I $69 I LI ______A~ rktk)M Apply .• __I

P : I~(, 6, Daily Egyptian. Novt 'mber 11. ltlS Band's 'folk fusion' music : •••• 0 ••••••••••• •• •• : entertains at ClubCaribe ..• .• ' By John Tindall ...... houses. grade s hools and city ...... Sta!IWnter A Review park concerts , Nor thern Ligh! Tonight at 7 & ~':'" had no trouble capturing the Northern Light. a four interest of the audience. The memher band. brought a Russian folk dance that songs they chose to sing unique blend of "Colk fusion" amused even the band refJected concern for current music to the Student Center's members. environmental problems. the THE TIMES Of Old Main Room Thursday "That dancing was most computer age and children. night for the fifth concert in the inspiring: ' said Kris Grimes. _HARVEY MIH' Cl ub Ca rihe series. " We '" e had dancing at our DURllIOG A break between concerts. but that one tops songs Phil Grimes told the The group is composed of them all." s tory of h"w he became the Academy Award Winr,er for Best Documentary two married couples: Phil and first male telephone operator Kris Grimes and Bill and ONE OF the dancers. Lisa in the United Slates. When he Fawn Kehl. from Princeton. Booth. junior in advertising. landed the job in San Fran­ Wis. said. " I'm here to have a good sisco, Calif.. in the mid-I960s, Mrs. Kehl explained that time. If I couldn't have a good he became the object of 4th Roor. Video Lounge " folk fusion " is a blend of time, I wouldn't be here." shorUived media aUention. American a nd Scottish tU lles Student Cenler and insLruments which creates orthern Light played Members of 'orthern Light a unique style of folk music. several songs including an met in in the early 'nos All Shows $1.00 During a normal concert over original song about the !-light as part of a larger group. ",utIfs 20 instruments are used. s ht· of whales called "E',en' Ocean Northern Light has been said. e ieeze"; a song' about touring and performing Tonight, Tuesday & Wednesday at 7 & 9pm financial difficulti"" ca lled together for the past fh'e and a T11F BA:-ID entertained " Greenback Blues" : a nd a half vears. said Mrs. Kehl. THE WORD IS OUT! more than 30 people for two song dedicated to the changing maini y in Wiscons in and hours and e n couraged sex·roles in America called northern Illinois. Carbonda le "ROAD WARRIOR" a udience participa tiO" on "Truck Driving Woman - is the farthest Northern Light IS A HIT! several songs. At one point. Dishwashing Man ... has travelled for a concert. five women in the back of the said Mr. Kehl. room formed an impromptu orthern Light established ftlERDAD chorus line and began doing a communication with the The Northern Light concert high·kick step to the tempo of a a udieJlce as a priority early in was the fifth and last in the WARRIOR song. Later. three students the concer t. Havi ng a Student Programing Council's Starr-in): Mel Gillson hroke into SOr:1e form of background in playing coffee Fall Club Caribe series. generic s~\..E \ ALL RESERVE SEA TlNG E copies S UDENT v~! RANSIT "";./srl~ " li Air Conditioned, Washroom Equipped, Reclining Seats next to Campus McDonalds Stops Located Throughout Chicago & Suburbs 815 S. illinois. Carbondale 457-222:i EXPRESS BUS SERVICE ToCHICAGO & SUBURBS KANKAKEE & CHAMPAIGN THANKSGIVING BREAK Tickets Now On Sale Also Runs Every Week Most Busses Go 1I01l-STOP Direct!

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, .. ... , , . Daily ElYJIIian, November 11., \fe, Poc.7 . , ...... , .... ., ...... , .. \ " ... By Ma ry Lung one c haracter ization to creatures and gigantic peoplE StaHWriler D&oce Review another without a pause. the - fascina!ing the audience. A dance on skis. a duel with dancers became people and Other da llces included props bamboo poles, fallt~slic selves. objects so diverse as cavemen, such as cigarettes. a rope and creatures created (rom 'lmix is a collaboration of fi shermen. television sets and a rug. During one un­ shadows cas t on a lit back­ ma ny a rtistic talents. T~ e more, all onstage in front of an rorgettable dance. the IwO Dance magic drop : thig magic was brought troupe was rounded by Moses awed audience scarcely able to female dancers used ceramic to the a udience at hryock Pendleton or Pilobolus. and stop applauding one piece facps a nd la rge. loose body A u di t ori um b y Mo mix has a core of five performers berore another had begun. stockings to create beautiful. pays visit a turday night. which expands to includp :;uo!S t One wonderful piece had the otherworld Iv creatures that lOW in it fi fth year, Momi x artists. dancers concea led behind a swayed and' moved a round the to Shryock is a dance company so in­ Sa turday ni gh!"s perrormers screen. Their backlit figures stage to calm, soothing music. novaUve and diverse it is were a group of four dancers cast weird shadows on the Other pieces were ac­ virtua lly impos s ibl ~ to define so ta lented a nd unpredictable transparent screen - shadows cornpa ni"ll by different types or even describe to those who they lert the a udience con· tha t me lted together a nd of mU!,ic. iivlTI energetic. have not been fortunate sta ntly gasping wit h surprise rno ed in perfect syn ­ frenzied tunes to sensuous and enough to sec it ror them· and amusement. Moving from chroniza tion to form odd slow instrUrT.rnl;l l c:


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....DItII.r ...... All men~ home game!> pla\ed In SI Ll Ar na at 7 J5pm c8S~S3& Men' s Nov. 16 Czec hos lava k ia /f' . h,b ·IOOII· ov. 22 Chi cago Stat", Nov. 24 Ark ansas 'ov. 26 ebraska Away Nov. 30 Wisconsin (S teven Pt) Home Oec. 2 Western Ke nt ucky Away Dec. 4 Morehead State Hom" Dec. 9 Purdue Home Dec. 14 Southwest Mo. State Away Dec. 16 Missouri Away Dec. 18 StU Edwardsville Home Dec. 21 Murray State Away Jan. 2 St. Louis University Away Jan. 4 *Braulcv Away Ja n 9 "Droke Away Jan 16 "Tulsa Home Jan. 18 "Creighton Away Jan. 23 "Indiono State Home Jan. 25 "Drake Home Jan. 30 "Wichita State Awoy Feb. 1 "Creighton Home Feb. 6 III inois Stote Away Feb. 8 "West Texas State Home Feb. 13 "Wichita State Home Feb. 15 "Bradl tY Home Feb. 20 Tulsa Away Feb. 22 "West Texas State Away Feb. 27 "Illinois State Home Mar. 1 Indiana State Away -Indicates Missouri Va Conference Games

Nov Awav Nov 26 Memphis Slate AWII V Nov. 19 San Diego St ale Home Dec... Kentuck y Awav Dec. 6 Western Kentuckv Home Dec- 7 Ball State Home De< . ,. New MexIco Awav Dec. l! Murrav Statt' Awav Ian. " Wichita Statt' Home Jan b Southwest Min-our'" Home Jan. 11 faste rn lIIino,, " Awav Jan 16 Western IllinoiS" ! ,wav Jan 18 Bradlev" ",wav lan. 22 Indiana Stu.:" Homt' Jan. 25 IlliOOIS State" Home Jan. 11 Drake· AWIlY Feb. 1 Not~rn Iowa" AWIIV Feb. 7 Eastern Illinois· Home 't'eb. l0 Sllouls Away feb. 12 Evllnsville Away Feb. 1. Weitern IllinoiS" Hom. Feb. 17 BrlldlfOV" H ..... Daily Egyptian feb. 21 Illinois Stille· Awav Feb 2) Indianll Stolle" Away feb. 2! Nonhern low." H ..... Mar. 1 Drake" H ..... Mar. 1 Wichita State" Awav M ar . ~. SWM i s~ri" Awav ·c .. 'I"to."Corri ...... ~ ,. CotmM. AII~I • •b l ..If'GC .... I• • 1 T_ hotM._ .... O'y .. ~ cvrnf!lC f'p4O'-C "p,""un"" W"lernltw ,,,,,,,,,,,,. 1 JSpn) Starting from scratch is errin' r cipe f r a successful season By Ron Warnick :tndUl~l'n~d' ',\hu:n ,,"1"', 1!.;!~I .. p· Staf'"',, 'pr \\11: J~ we ,,:a!l gc· Ht't'. 11 ~"'ld . Fnr,k!P1 aboul h;t ... ketball .. al u kl~ " Our strength till!:- Y<"Cl r 1 ~ we du a r(4!,p '1~lhle 15-1i r c"rd la:,! year TI:1S good lob Ul h ng ('are of the ha,keiball. \'car. rll· ... t-\ ear l'f);Jch Ricb Herrin ha s We also have , 00ne good cut>td in s t;~ r l H\'e"r from ~ {·r~ tc h . . hooters. W h~'o for one. tho Saluki s lost "ight Jelt C' rlll~l1 . including four - e le\ "ialiJ " WE II .\ :'(T TU play wit h mtensit) . I Blbbens . ~ a e Burrord. 3err'ard think that may bP another strengU, - C mpbell and Ken Per ry - who Ihe fact that we play beyond our 3 \'Cragro over 12 points a gam~ . The capabilitieS. The you ng men have been fou r returning lettermen coll ecltvely winners in winning programs in high 3\'Cragc'C! only 6.7 points per game in school. Consequentl) , this'll bring the '84. best out of them they possibly can. f\l any potential recruits may have They' ll come out ready to pl ay been scared a way by the Kenny Perry basketba ll ," Herrin said . scandal las t spring. when it was The Salukis will use a three·gua rd learned that PerrI" had reeeived offense to compensate fo r the lack of pa y me nts from 'a Ca rbond a le size inside. But before anything else is c hiropractor. Ther e was lillie emphasized, Herrin discusses ball remaining to replace the talent tha t control. was lost. " Ball possession is very important to u ~ We must gel a shot every time we THE ALt;KI S' lack of speed and go down the floor . We do have some sIze - the ta ll est players a re two 6· good outside shooters. foot·8 freshme n - ma ke the m physicall y outmatched by llIa ny op· " WE'LL USE a lot of mClion to get ponents. the ball inside. You' ll see ,;s take a To top It all off, the squad has the controlled fa st break whenever it's toughest schedule in its history. In there," he said. addition to lhe a rduous ~ Jisso u rj Beeause the Salukis lack ou tstanding \ 'alley schcdl1 le. non-conference op· players, Her rin says the li neup for the po:lcnts induo, Arka nsas, Nebraska , first game against Chi cnso tate on Purdue. Missouri and Western Ken· '0\'.22 is not etched in stone. tuch·. " We \\'on't start I ~ ~ ~ diil e lineup AS' a result. some are saying tha t the every ball ga me. Just beeause you alukis will be luck\' to win three don't start doesn't mean you're not one games this season. ' of the best five players. We feel we ha\'e a better team atmosphere when " YOl ' DO~ ' T like to hear it , but it's they're competing for playing time," something you 've got to li ve with." hesaid. Herrin said . " We'll have to play with One player \\ ho is certain to get his wha t we got a nd do the best we can. " share of time under the hoops is " In physical strength and talent , returninp letterman Steve Middleton, Grant Martin grabs. rebound white Ken Du aharm defends In an 'ntra.quad game In we're very limited overall. But we Pinkney-ville, have a lot or heart , desiTe , dedication See SEASON, Pogo 2A SPORT ABOUT COURT SHOE SAVINGS Save 15 % and more on In· store Basketball and Court Shoes

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Cindy Scott. head coach Pelra Jackson. guard Marallee Jenkins. guard Mary Berg!luis. center Women cagers nourish hopes for playoff bid By Afllta J. Stoner StalfWn 'Ci eig hl a dditional chances si nce the :'\c. :\ \'x panded the women's field T!.c SIl'-C women', b"kctball team rrom ;):l1()4rt It.'ams ;;; t:rpr !.!'cd t' \ l'ryone uy pf'rlorming [0 a "Our 5c hPdult.. 15 Ihe mo::! diffl('uil In ::: 1·7 record last year and Irn-mg five· the 5choo), hi~ l ory purp

GOOD LUCK sALUKI's PINCH PENNY THIS SEASON PUB says GODAWGS! Southern Illinois Stop by the Pub for P re-Game School of Cosmotology Happy Hour Warm Ups! 60¢ aglass $2.50 pitchers Adam's Rib &. Eve's Apple fcc-~ MKl\WlB. 50¢ aglass $3.00 pitchers M en &. Women's Hairstyling All Imported beers $1 _25 Bottled Beer 90¢ WALK-INS Speed rails 7S¢ ONLY Support the Saluki Men's and Women's BAS K E T B ALL TEA M S! Lewis Park Mall Parkinl Always 600 S.llIInols Ave, NeM r...,.'s&.lackson's 700 E. Grand Available DaU}' Egypti:1n. No .. cmber Ii. J985. P"kela Bradley picked as No.1 Missouri Valley team By SIeve Merritt StaflWrlter Tournament, but the Braves return rebound ing. the Hu rricane will be hard·pressed to four starters from last year's 17·13 But Coach Gene Smi thson has a live up to their predicled thi rd·place In a preseason poll of Mi ssouri club. Included in the returning quorum strong crop of recruits and ex · fin ish. Valley Conference coaches and media is Jim Les - one uf the nation's best perienced returnees in 6·7 Gus Santos personnel. the were poi nt guards and a Va lley preseason at forward. 6·9 Henr\' Ca rr and 7·foot Considerir.g tha t Tul". has made picked to win the t985·86 conference AII ·Conference pick - who averaged John Askew contending for the center fi \'e-co'nsecutive post-season a p­ crown. over eight assists and nine points per spot and a corps of guards led by 6·8 pearances . the Hurricane has game last season. Hersey Ha v.:.tins, Steve Grayer, who may be Wichita moderate cnance of making its sixth The Bravcs received seven of nine a nother preseason AII ·Conference Slale's next AII ·America candidate. consecutive post-season appearance. first·place votes and one third·place player. will also return 10 the Braves. At the point. it will likely be either vote. enough to outdistance the second· Lost to graduation was Voi se Wi nters. Mike Arline, a 5-11 junior who was - ILLI:\01S STATE - The Red· place pick . Wichita State. last ~ear ' s who led the Braves in scoring last year second in assists wit h 96. or Cli nt bires, who lied fo r second pla ce in the MVC posl·season tOL:rney wmner. 120.9 ppg l. Someone to replace the Normore. 6-1. a sophomore who had 50 MVC la st year wi th a 22-8 record, have Tulsa. last year's regular season high·scoring fOt 'ward wi ll necd to be assists and was the top defensive averaged 22 wi ns a season under coach conference champ. was picked to take found early or problem could arise lor guard. Smilhson isn't exactl y singi ng Bob Donewald and have made three third. coach Dick Versace. Look for the theul"' consecutive post-season appearances The Redbirds of Illinois State were Braves in post·season play. - losing last year in the second·round picked to fini sh fourth, followed by of the NCAA lourna ment. The Red· Indiana State. West Texas State. - TULSA - New coach J .D. Bar· birds, however. have 10 frllSh on the Drake, and Creighto,l. The Salukis are - WI ClIITA ST.<\ TE -The Shockers nett. who built a winning program at roster this year and Donewald wi ll picked to fini sh in the MVC cell ar. lost in the first round of t~e . 'CAA Virginia Commonwealth 1132-48, fi ve need to fi nd a team leader. The biggest Foll owing is a rundown of the con· playoffs last year , but the g r~test loss NCAA eppearancesJ. is faced with the thing going fo r the Redbirds is the (erence teams and wh" towatch for : was that of Xavier McDan.el, a con· loss of th ree starters. The 23-8 Golden progress of ?-footer Bi ll Braksick and sensus All·America, and sharpshooter Hurricane averaged 81.5 ppg last year . the fact that ISU is traditionally the - BRADLEY - The 191!4-85season Aubrey Sherrod. who together ? C· eighth in the nation. but Tulsa fans best-drilled team in the conference. ended with a disappointing loss to coun ted for 60 percent of the Shock'!r':; should not expect such high output this Marquette in the National Invitational offense and 40 percent of the year. With a lack of depth and heighth. S.. VALLEY. Page6A SEASON, from Page 2a a sophomore guard who averaged 1.9 points a game in 20 ga mes in 191!4 . The SOPIIOMORE G R EG Matta . points a t the P inckneY':ille scrimmage points in 10 games in '84. Accordmg to 6·foot·3 guard's s trong defensive brother of teammate Thad, p'umped in and will share inside playing time with Her r in, the 6·foot·2 Mi ddleton'S abilities and auickness will earn him 16 points at the Pinckneyville scrim· Ma rtin and Dusharm. strengths are hiS ouL. ide shooting and playing time th's season. mage. Unfortunately. the 6-fool-4 The 6·foot-8 Mar lin, a South Haven. quickness. guard won't be eligible to play until l.ich., nati ve, served in the mili tary SIX NEW junior college transfers Dec. 13, the end of the fall term. Matta for three years before coming to SIU-C. " TH ERE'S ~O doubt he'll be a were added to the 1985 team . tra nferre d from Alaba m a · Billy Ross, who hails from star ter in the majority of our ball P roviding some much·needed height Birmingham . Washington High School in Milwaukee, games," Herrin said. will be 6-(oot·7 Ken Dusharm from Another guard. 6·foot·3 sophomore is onl y 6·loot-4 , but his strong 220· Doug Novsek. a junior. averaged 2.1 Rogers State College. The junior Darren Carlile. transferred from Rend pound frame will enable him to share points in 20 games last year as a forwa rd put in 16 points at the Pin· Lake Coll ege. inside playing ti me with the tall er Saluki. The 6-foot·5 forward impressed ckneyville scrimmage and will be one Forward Harol d Birdlong. a 6·fool-4 Marlin, Krueger and Dusha rm. many with his outside shooting at a 24· of Herrin 's main inside players. junior from Olney Central College. has Hard·nosed 6·foot-4 guard Thad point performance in the Pinckneyvill e Lonnie Spears, a sophomore forward problems wi th lower back spasms and Ma tta. a native of Hoopeston. is slowly intrasquad game last Tuesday. from Blackhawk J unior Coll ege, will has been unable to play. healing from a heelbone c;'Uise aod i. Forward Dan Wei ss, the only senior also contribute to the inside game with expected to play. on the team, shares Novsek's outside hi s 6·foot·7 frame. TIn: REST OF the squad is made up Randy House, who came wi th Herrin shooling obilit) allhough he averaged Six·foot·three guard Wayne Harre, of six freshmen, aU whom will from Benton, is a 6·foot·5 forwa rd. just t .8 points a ga me in 18 games last whom Herrin describes as a " very probably have some playing lime. The 5·foot·11 Scott Hesse. a guard season. intelligent" player. transferred from Grant Ma rtin and Todd Krueger , a 6· from O'Fallon. is the shorlest member Junior Brian Welch averaged 0.9 Kaskaskia J unior College. 8 center from Lone Tree. Iowa, had 13 oft ~l e team bul plays well defensively. ----



W ISH CO ACH HE RRIN Would like to show their AND TH E MEN'S TEAM support by backing the Men·s B£Sl Of lUCK & Women·s Basketball teams throughout the season. BEH IND . If you wou ld likc h) join I he Saluki Hooslc r C luh \Vrite: Saluk, Booster Club 1'.0 . Un, 131H Carh"nJak, II. 62901

:Jacq uE. '~ !Bouti.qUE. a n d 3 hour f ilm 110,126, 135 or DISC ..£.imo u ~inE. cSE.'tuicE. developing Color Film Processed Come into Jacque' s to register for FREE limousine AVAILABLE in our lab service to and from a Saluki men's or women's home l00W, WALNUT 12 . xp . •...... • n." basketball game! We'll pick a .vinner for every home game! Carbondale. " 15 • • p d isc ...... , • • n.71 -O ur Christmas merchandise has arrived! 549,3100 20 . xp ...... • • . .. . S4.5I 24 . xp• ...... •. . . ..•5 .24 and all 14k jewelry is 50% OFF til Thanksgiving o ffer expires 11/ 18 / 85 3•• xp ...... •.... • ' 7.37 529-5522 Golden Scissors of Rich's 10 Tanning Booth Visits for $20.00 F------;o-s~~;-~;s;;l 529-·'989 Jacque's Boutique and Cold en Scissors are located in the West Pa rk Plazcl, across from Ramada Inn.

P "' ~f .f a . Daily Egyptia n, November !). J9BS WOMEN, from Page 3a - PRESENT jJerformanc(' in sconng defense spen t the Ofr-Sf'3S0n rec(wering from a , fifth: :'5.R potnts per game!. field goal recurring kn c~ inJur~ whi le srnior percenUlge loth. :;0 per:entl and EII~n O'Bnen has Improved YOUR rebound margtn , 'gth , pIUS-6 .4 I, the " Ann W 3!" a ma lor factor III our team a lu kis gamed enougi: recogniticm to la.t year and J::licn has been playi ng SALUKIS be ranked 25th 10 Ihe Women's well. Irs a plus for th~ ball club Baskelball Yearbook goi ng inlo Ihis because they're dif, prent types of season. players. Depending on \\ hu we're SAVINGS If 51 -r makes tha t prediction come playing and 011 Whd t we need at a true. Scott said they will do so with Iwo pa rticular ti me will d f ~ te nll il1c who's qualities : tale nted. exper ienced on Ih e fl oor." Scott sa Id CARD AT ... players a nd good depth. " \\'c"'c gOI good shooters, good sizc BRIDGETT 1l0:>OOS a nd Cozelte a nd IhUlk "c're going to be a smal'l Wallace sha red a similar situalion all SI BOWL team We're not a quick lea rn . but 1 last year because they were prone t.o think we'll be a ble 10 compensale by foul trouble. The pair will most likdy New Rt_ 1 3 - Carterville our style of defense. which is a very platoon again this year al Ihe No. 4, leam-orienUl ted player defen£e, " Scoll power forward posilio!!. The IwO 529-3755 said . ccmbined for 14 ppg. a nd Seal! expects even more from them this year, MARAUCE JE:>OKI:>OS, a junior, will "Bridgel! is vasUy impro\'ed. There 25C off a game of " open" bowling_ Ul ke charge on the fl oor. were such high expectations for her SIU Student I_D_required _ ';Mar ialice. as a PO'"t guard. is lasl year , she pl ayed under tremen­ mentally a coaches dream. She's a dous pressure. 1 think we'll see more of Sponsored by the Undergraduate Student Association leader. she knows what the coaches the Bonds potential this se:.son," SCali want, she's totally unselfish and she')) said. " Cozelte's a junior "OW, so she do wh&t she has 10 10 win ," Scott suid. shou ld be a more malure player, They Tonda Seals, a freshman from are Iwo of the quickesl, beSI jumpers WIlson, Ark" will add quickness 10 the and rebounders on Ihe leam, bul I poi nt position as the backup, alid will think Wp need more scoring from their enable J enkins, who logged the mosl position i , IS year ," Saluki playing lime last year, 10 take MO"DflY "IGHT IS SIO "IUHT. some breaks. SOPHOMORE CENTEH Mary ... r------, REAL MEAL DEAL I The No.2 posili on dulies go 10 senior Berghuis will fill Ihe lane again, scoring leader Petra Jackson, whom coming off a season which SOI'l of set a ~: -$1.99 : Scoll calls , "all-confe re nce. all­ record. I Real Meal Deal includes a large Danver's I everything - a tremendous player. z This is her senior year and she wants to " Mary started all bUI one game - ~ I Hamburger. Large Order of Fries and 1 go Oul a winner a nd gel 10 the NCAA never before have I had a freshma n do _I a Large Soft Drink, I tournament. as do all our players. If that," Seal! said. ML _____ ~~!~2~~~~~l~~~~~~ ______J we're to do that. Pete averaged 18 Berghuis, al 6-foo t-2, averaged the points lasl year and she's gOllo have a team-high 7.1 rebounds while she SAVE A Mouth Watering year like Ihat again Ihis year," scored 10.5 ppg. This season, she's ROAST BEEF Sandwich $ 1 99 shed her goggles a nd added con­ andHOTBAKEDPOTATO • BA CKIl'iG l ' P Ja c kson are siderable muscle 10 her 215-pound BUCKI sophomore Anne Thouvenin. "a greal frame. Fr.," rocstf!d Top 'o Jh~ round shooter" a nd freshman Dana Fitz­ , Uc.d ,h,n 'n p lj~d h 'gh I OFFER 'GOOD TH RU With such depth a nd experience, patrick. who's " very aggressive and a Plus bIg fluffy 'n del, e.ou, ";OV. 30, 1985 good rebounder, but still has a lot 10 overall. Seal! said the key for the balcf!d poloto Jearn." Scott said. Sa lukis 10 capture the Galeway . and Ann Ka ttreh filled the other wing earn an NCAA berth . is to "stay wlthm position last season and paced H:c ourselves and our game, a nd not make SaJukis with the second best scoring Iurnovers. and take advantage of a verage of J J.8 ppg. BUI Kaltreh has e\'ery possession of the ball we have." *THE WORD IS OUT!!!*


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StaH Photo by 11111 w •• t Randy House. 30. sprinted pest Greg M.tta, 12 to p ... t ur • sho! w~lIe olren Carlisle. 41 . waited for the rebound In Intre.quld letion.t PlnkneyYllle. l~EMJ~ VALLEY, from Page 4a SAYEI0%

- t:"D1ANA STATE - The ON ALL DRY CLEANING Sycamori'S finished the '85 season in a firtis~~AI~~50~~~r;c=~dt~~ I~U:~d'm: sixth-place tie, tmt {i:ature the best MVC for a last-place tie. Drake, (at our new location in Eastgate returning player in the conference, however, beat a distraught Creighton preseason A11-MVC pick and AIl­ team by 49 points in the last game of Shopping Center) America candidate John Sherman the season. The Bulldogs have 6-foot-7 Williams, a 6-foot-5 forward who center Melvin Mathis, one of the -Drop-oft laundry averaged 22.8 ppg last season. New potentially devastating offensive coach Ron Greene, who has built players in the conference, and expect -Shirt laundry service respectable programs at Mississippi to be much improved over last season. (offer good at Eastgate only) State and Murray State, will turn to With a schedule that includes gutsy senior forward Jeff McComb to DePaul, Southern Cal. Nebraska, play beside Williams. Last year, the Notre Dame and Marquette, coach CUSYOM eLIAIII.S Sycamores upset Tulsa and knocked Tony Barone - the former assistant of; lIlinois State in the MVC tour­ under Bradley's Versace - will have Ea.tgat. Shopping Center nament. This year, the Sycamores his work cut out. Creighton could start •••04444 fi gure to do a lot more upsetting of a squad of five players who have never higher-ranked teams. The Sycamores before donned a Blue Jay uniform. may be a dark-horse candidate for the conference crown . Orrensive - SOUTHERN ILLINO IS -Besides preparation and better defense are Creighton, nowhere in the Valley are prime needs. ta lent a nd experience as lacking as it is at SIU-C, and there's nowhere to go but - WEST TEXAS STATE - The up for first-year coach Rich Herrin. Serving- Buffalos' roster includes eight new who won 616 g.1mes in 29 years as a names - including five frpm junior high school coach. 25 of those years at colleges and two red-s hirts from last Benton . Sandwiches season - a nd second -year coach Gary Brothers Thad and Greg Matta (the Moss is expecting the best Buffalo latter a transfer from the University of team in several years. The transfers Alabama-Birmir:g han,) scored 1,825 Salads in cluded five team MVP·s. West Texas and 2,078 poir.ts a t Hoopeston-East State will move fron. the MVC to the Lynn High Sch<"ol. One of the two could Lone Star Conference at the end of the start at gua r'j for the Salukis. The year. tallest piayer w the SIU-C roster is 6- foot-8 Grant M. rtin, who has the 'lis tinction of being the oldest fresh­ - CREIGHTON - After a fourth­ man player in the cO!lference. place finish last season, the Blue Jays Another nt:wcomer with outstanding were hit by c{lntroversy. Benoit potentia l is Billy Ross from Benjamin (21.5 ppg, 14.1 rpg) an­ MilwaukCf:'s Washington High School. nounced his intent to make himself Ross is a player who knows how to win eligible for the NBA draft. Shortly and is used to winning.- Washington after, head coach Willis Reed, a former was the Wisconsin state champion last great with the New York Knicks, season with a 25-1 record. Ross will resigned and was followed by an probably be called on to play power exodus of Reed-recruited players. forward despite his 6-foot-4 size. Page6a. Daily Eg): plian ~ Nove.mbei il·, 1985 Gateway p for grabs; PRESENT S lukis, Drake at top OuR

o~ nita J. Stoner LUKIS I~' hI pn-.t-,se3S01l pl~y Ih(> last Sl~ \("n con:o-t'C' uli\'E.' \ r3rs VI~4GS t rllm tnC' II :-!'>! Jl;mp I·all .. Ir-C' ana Thc~ 're \"er~ young,. bu :0 me. the,' I PI.l~a· W l'j gun .01 the r;a~ l'W :l\ ha\'C' the be~l c' . h in tht l'onference. C mtt.:rcncc' title currenth il('ld l.,\ "'0 vou can ne\'er count nut 'In IllinOIs. CA D AT ••• lIIin ...H s "' tate and If gamblen. ga \' t~ the t~;:e team omehow tnc,\,'rc aJw3\'s ffigr to reyenge. tne Salukis \\ ould be up there:' COlt said . . lacored, FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER CO. S01l1hwesll\.1issOUri Stal ~ f 12·16 : 9·9 l But on Japer ... he fa\'or goes to rd urns JUSt two. but lh e~ ot! rc the two 1203 E, Main Drake. ,- 53\'" '"' IU-C women's key player of the Icam. J eanette bas ll "udch rindc SCOII, Tendal. a two lime all-conference pi ck . 529-3136 • '1)\,.; ... 3 use the\' ha\'e e\'er\'bodv back and Sharon Zeilf!1a nn. a 6-4 center who b~ ~ one guard. who wa n't a bi"g part. led th Gateway in blocks. With .he $5.00 off on purchase of two new tires a.ld the\" ha\'e Wanda Ford. who is in addition of a pair of guard transfers n;\' estimation one of the few players in from Oklahoma Slate, the Bears will $10.00 off on purchase of four new tires the country wh o ca n win a game by look to improve on last year's fourth herself. " place finish , 10% discount on service, Sponsored by the Undergraduate Student Association Las. year Ford prac.ically did lh •• Eastern Illinois (16- 12 : 8-10 1 lost two against some opponents. and she time all·conrerencc choice Toni shined in two victories O\'er SI -C. Colllins. but will have four returnees to leading Drake (2Hi: 16-2 1 '0 second in try to impro\'e on a fifth-place finish the Gatew\' and fourth in the Women's last year. Chris Aldridge. the team's National ' Invitational Tournament. top scorer a nd a n All-Gateway Ford also had the help of the Gateway honorable mention, should lead the rooki e of the year. Julie Fil':p.1trlck. Panthers this season. and two other starters who will return. Wilh the addition of one of lowa's :op lichelle Braud a nd Kim Ha rris will recruits. Sue Caspers. and sophomore return along with many other young Tina Dock from last year's bench. rlayers from the sixlh-place Bradl ey Drake should play tough, Bra"es 03-14 : 7-l ll team which lost only two key players . The Salukis ( 21 -7 : 14 -4 1. A Tradition in Custom Printing Since 1970 ·'bricp.smaids" for the past three years The ~'emalning Gate 'ay teams dcspi,f 20 or :nore wins. will not onl~ t Indiana State. Westcrri Illinois. Wednesday; All instock SIU items 20% OFF. h~'.·c to overcome the Bulldogs. but Wi chita SUlte and Northcrn Iowa , also the prcvious two yea rs champion hould haltle for the GCAC basement. our Sales Rep for your group, team, business discounts! Redbirds , but as Scott is so fond of aying. "on Coli a ny given day. anybody can win." Although Illinois SUlte 123-6: " -Il But she did hazard this prediction. " I CHECK US OUT FOR ALL lost two key piaye,-:; (Marla Maupin think Southwest Missouri's going to be a nd Calhy Beesley I from the squad a factor. Eastern has all but Toni YOUR SIU APPAREL which edged IU -C in two cliffhangers. Collins back. Bradley was a young club ·Engraving, Silkscraaning, Monogromming, Individuallettaring· JuJi Stiles and Tammy Turner return. with good freshmen. I thin!; the overa ll third and fo urth in Gateway s hooting bala nce of the conference gets beller 102 W. College accuracy. respectively. Plus. the every year. But on paper, I have to look Corbondale. Il Mon .-Fri 9 '30· 5:'30 Redbirds have Jill Hutchison - who at it as a two team race - us a nd 549-4031 501 . 9.30 · 1-00 has coached 14 years and led '.-he tea lJ1 Drake." SALUKI BASKETBALL RICH HERRIN

DOIt·T MISS YOUR SHOT TO Wilt OVER HEAD COACH 1985·86 SCHEDULE 525,000 lit PRIZES Sa'. Nov. n Cz.lCHOSLOVAKI& Fri. Now , 12 CHICAGO ST A Tl Sun. Now . 2. at ArII."... Tu • • Now . n .tN.ltr."'. Sa • . No., lI y~-S1'IVtNS POWf THIS YEAf( YOU COULD WI" TICKET I"FOf(MATIO" Mon. Dec. 1 ot W,,'.r" Kontucky COME A"D E"JOY W.d. Oec .• MOREHE AD STAll • Bra nd new aut o mobile ·Photo ight 453·5319 Mon. Dec. ' PURDUE Faculty/Staff Season Sa'. Dec. 14 o. SW M' s..ourl St ••• • $6,000 C nlist: of your choice · Saluki Hoop Shoot Mon. Dec. ,. .tMlnourl Tickets $30.00 W.d. Dec. 1I SIU·EDWAROSVILU · $3,000 Caribbea n C ruise • Po m·Po n Give Away Sa'. o.c.21 ot Murra., Stut. Student Season Tickets Thu. Jon.2 0 ' .'.loul. Unh,or<y • Weekend Holidomc Packages • Prize Drawings $10_00 Sa'. Jan .• • ...... 411 • ., • VCR & Movie Rental Package • Fly In·Drive Away Contest Thu. Jon • • · ot Orek. 0" SALE "OW! Thu. Jon. 16 ·TULSA .Much, Muc h Mo re • Much, Much Mo re Sa'. Jon. l. 'ot Cralghton \ ' 1:-;1\ Al':D Mt\ !\TUU.· ..\ ltll Al ' l ' h l' TI ~ I ) Thu. Jon. 2l "INDIANA STAll Sa'. Jon, 2S "DRAKE Thu . Jan. ,. °ot Wlchl'. s •••• "SRLUKI SALUTES" TO OUR Si'O"SORS Sa'. f.b. l ·ClHtGHTON Thu. ,.It .• °ot IIl1nol. s •••• 100'. r .... . ·W(STU .... ' STATE Alumni Association Country Companies Holiday Inn·Marion Thu. fob, 1J 'WICHITA STAt( AMC U nive rsit\' Four Theat res C urtis Mathis Jim Pearl. Inc. Sa •. f.".15 ·UAOUY Thu. f.".tt °0' Tu'" B&A Trave l Danvcr's Restaurant Pepsi Sa •. f.b.22 · ot Wft' T•••• S •• t. Bo rgsml!kr Travels Diedrich Ins. Gallery of Quatro's Pizza Thu. f.".27 "'LUNOIISfAn Sa'. ~, . 1 "ot S'.'. Cuors Ho mes Saluki Booster Club Flowers By Lavern WCIL All "O"E OA"ES AT 7:35 pm ORDER YOUR TICKETS TODAY eLlIt A"D SAVE

Daily Egyptian. November 11. HISS. Page 78 .. ".. I ' ~ •. ~ , _",- ; t, \ '..J '. I. . .. 1985-86 Saluki Men

From left. front row' Scott Hesse. Bria n We lch. Steven Mid­ dleton, Greg Matta. Thad Matta. Second row: Assistant coach Herman Williams. Grant Martin. Lonnie Spears. Todd Krueger. Ken Du!:harm. Billy Ross, Howard Gauthier. Bac:' row: As sistant coach Larry Peterson. hea d coae" Ri ch Herrin. Wayne Harre. Dan Weiss. Doug Novsek. Daren Carlile. Randy House. assista nt coach Sieve Carroll. ~on Smith. Herrin, cagers face Herculean task Ticket sales up, interest surges By Tom Mangan Sports Editor for cager team Imagine trying to demolish the Empire tate Building wi tt; a By Steve Merri" fingernail file or drain the Pacific StaffWnfer Ocean With a coHee cup and you may Surging interest in the Saluki understand Lhe job first·Yf,ar Saluki basketball team of first-year head men's baskelball coach R1Ch Herrin coach Ric h Herrin has spawned a has a head of him. three-year hi gh in sea SO" ticket sales Herrin is r ebuilding a baskC! lball and a 12-pcrcent increase in ticket r:s~~~r;: ~;~rfs;~~e:da7~n~r::S~~:l~~ sales over last season. says ticltet NCAA penalties - trying to make a manager Lee Trueblood. mountain out of a molehill of a team. Ticket sales for students will.tart on Building mountains made Herrin a Monday at 7 a .m. a t the Arena .'cke, Southern Illinois basketball legend. As offi ce, 453-53 19. which will open ~ n a high school coach. he had a 616-209 hour early to allow students with 8 a .IT! . record over 29 years. the last 25 at e1asses to buy tickets. rhe Arena ticket Benton. His learns won a Slate·record office closes at 4:30 p.m. TiCKets are 21 regiona l tournament cha m­ also available at th e Student Center pionships. 'r icket Office, 536-5531, from 8 a .m. t09 p.m. WORKI NG FROM his somewhat Trueblood said students , hould fi rst spacious office in the Arena complex - purchase a Saluki athletic event card. comple te with television and The eard can be presented to the ticket videocassette recorder to survey his offic~ to receive a book of ticketS for team and future talent prospects - the sea,;on's home games. Herrin must adjust to being thrown The ~vent card costs $10 and C~n also into the fire with no collegiate coaching be used to obtain tickets for women's experience to fall back on. basketball, men's a nd women's " My time isn't my own, it's the gymnastics and the .... mainder oi the University's," Herrin says. urve got wom', n's volleyball schedule. to be visible to the public. I've gotta be "'t'he athletic event card is really a able to recruit and be a good public looking for good play !r"fn his team success on the basketball court. gocd buy for the students," Trueblood relations person. But as far as actually rather than a good won-loss record. " J've coached seven valedictorians, said. " It can bf. U5ed to get into any coaching, it's not that much different. and seen some of my players become Saluki athletic e.:ent where tickets are To have any success, you've got to "I CAN'T SEE more than two or doctors and lawyers. And over 20 have required and U you go to a lot of have talent." three games where we have a strong become coaches. which is very athletic events, it can save you a great Herrin concedes that average chance to win," Herrin says. "But I satisfying to me." deal of nloney." players can at times be inspired to play can promise excitement. Our guys are The student rate for individual great basketball, but great teams going to play tough, hardnosed FOR HERRIN, a winning a!.titude is tickets is f,1- Trueblood st.-essed the importance cannot be built without great players. basketball in every game." much more k,~nt than winning "We need one or two great players to No matter how outgunned the !lames. He reralls a past team that lost of having a valid student ID card for build a team around. The problem is Salukis may be this year, they will Just once all seaSOIl, but still had losing purchase of tickets and admission into that Illinois, Indiana and other teams always be ready to play, Herrin says. players - tholw. lacking the true desire the arena. are all going after the same play=." " You've gotta do your preparation. to play and win. Then ,-,gain, he will "Students must show a validated We're gonna come into every bame recall a team t/yot I~ t more than haH student iden!Jfication card to purchase HERRIN MUST rely on his ability to lady to play. When it comes to Xs and of its games, but was made up of tickets as well as get in the arena on sell SIU -C to players .vho are being Os, I can match anybody. Still, the winners - those with the desire to game nights," Trueblood said. wooed by other schools. The major team has to play hard." work hard to improve. difference between sru-c and, say, U Although Herrin admits the Salukis The Salukis may not win many "Students without lD's wiD not be of I, is Olat Herrin can promise young have less than faint hopes for a win­ games this season, but Herrin feels allowed into the games, even if they players plenty of playing time. ning season, he doesn't feel that this that his players are winners. have a ticket - so save yourseH some "If I'm talking to an inside player, will be a season frought with disap­ "The most important thing is that we time and remember to bring your ID I'll tell him he has a chance to play pointment. have a bunch of fane you"l men who card." immediately, and play for four years." will play with great erfort. Tbey'll play Tickets for the general public are $6 Herrin is hoping that a few poIen­ " I'VE ALREADY surfererl some with intensity and may even """,,:-Ise a for chair seats, $4 for bleacher seats tially great players who want to play serious disappointments, ODS that will few people." and n for bleacher seats for high­ as much as possible can be persuaded live with me for a long time. We may scbooI l!l'.e ond underage fans. to come toSIU-C. have IIICIft Joues, but I won't have The mood around the Saluki " I need a lot of raw talent. The job of more disappointment." basketball camp Is one of patient Seasoii tickets for the general public a coach is to take talented players aDd Herrin's greatst disappointments striving for future success. are tIS for chair seats, with season make them better, and get tbem _ when his Benton teams failed to bleacher seats available in four dif­ motivated to play hard." win any atate titles, despite their " NOBODY AROUND bere wants to ferent categories: high scooI and under Faced with a Saluki team lacking the consistent suec:t!88f!S at the regional win more than me," lIetTin I18YS . "I for no, faculty and staff for S30, size. strength and talent to win more level. can't make any excuses. We're just alwr'li

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" II115A~TC__ .. ·'".u __

o.a, ...... " ...... Jazz Band swings with a powerful show

By Eli zabelh Cochran .. ta rdust:' was a slow Stafl Wnter Concert Review moving piece thai included The laid back appearance of heavy vibratos and muted­ Roberl Allison. SI Jazz Ba nd trumpet backgrounds. which director, and the obvious faculty member. played created a 1940s sound. The confide nce of Ihe band's saxaphone 10 Don Scha mber'.­ 1I'-""'aJgic sounds conjured up musicians make the mastery "Now a nd Then." images of a smokey bar. of jazz music seem simple. TilE TUiIOE ~ egan with • 8Y FAR the most powerfuI' The band pl!i on a concert piano inlroducUro that Rogers tune the band !llayed was Thursday nigh I al Shryock joined on saxaphone. Roger 's "Down for Doubie." by Freddy Audilorium th' I included high­ mastery of the intsrument W ~5 Green. It included st.-ong, well· energy tunes . slow-moving accented precise beals. The lunes a nd fealured several ~~r~~~e b~n t~b~U~~a~~u~~ : song's dynam ics, up·beat soloisls. pression . The low tones and rhythm and strict articulation sultry vibra te pacified the sparked an encore tha t Perhaps the mosl interesting audience. featured several soloisls. piece was "Neverbird." written by Ray Brown. which featured guest soloist Harold Miller. second-year faculty member. on string bass. Also rijfiiOiifS-PiZiiFREE o.ti l - ~ iI featured were Lee Rodriguez on tenor saxaphone and Kevin $1.00 off U_;:;?.... · .. V-t , l Underwood on trumpet. Me4llum...... with -'-Y of _II '" I Of' _.11- ~-- I XPIDII...... - ~II LLER STARTED the withM_...... II tune with a string bass solo. He _x.... plucked the large ir.strument's We A lways Deliver FREE Peps is l strings creating a deep but I quiet sound that permeated the I a udi torium. Gradually, he was accompanied by the rest of the band "'-'gi nning wit h guiu. r. The gui tar and string bass played an intricate duel thai was exe.,uted well a nd sparked looks of 2,pproval from the rC!'t of the band. Throughout the piece. the lead switched from FREESx7* siring bass. to lrumpel 10 w ith 14 or..l6 expo saxa phone hack 10 string bass. I HOUR FILM PROCESSI NG The SIU J azz Band's wei: calculaled dynamics made all 135· . 11 0 · . 126 or Disc of Ihe song 's e lemenls de teclable. EGYPTIAN PHOTO Til E BAiIOD'S firsl piece. " Our Band Will Shine." by 717 S.I11inois Chuck Sayre, was a high· Carbondale.IL energy piece. It featured Kevin Underwood on trumpet. 519-1439 Brent Wallarab on trombone. Ac ross fro m a nd Lisa Sim Onfo:l on drums . 7 10 Bo ok S t ore In addition (0 Iheir solos. Wa ll a ra b a nd Underwood played a duel with impeccable .ntonat ion. which is often diffi cu lt due 10 Ihe di fferenl ranges of Ihe Irombone and trumpet . Gues! _o loisl Buddy Rogers. Puzzle answers OG'I~\.Qtt 6th Anniversary Sale

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Clauified Information Rate.

(3 line m ln .mum , oppro ,,,mOlely 15 words ) Muslcol One doy . 58 t e n l, ~ r Irne . Two doy" ·S.3 (e n! s per Ime . per day. I K~G POiY lIOO 1 . ~ All tunen Throe Of four days. · .. 1 cents pel' 80u Be n::;,;,;: .-r.o" o n '0'-' Slrlngt. line. J»fdoy 1 for S! "' ud.o cClbl. ,ole ICIOI five thru eight doyI - 41 cenls per Sovnd Core 11 S S Unh.~ l fy , On ,he /" :Jnd " 51·S'" PA ,.""'0". line, pel' day. repoln r_ordi"9,'udio, Nne days . 36 cenls pttrlrne pet" day. 6951An6S r., thru nineleen doys . 15 centl pet' GUITAR LESSO NS IN m ony ,ryln line. per day. ,nd uel, ng rod-'n', CI" blun . o nd fou d 7.! 4S6 Twenty or more days . '19 cet"lb per 6700An 75 line, pet"doy. NATURAl rENDER ST'A TQCASTE' 1979 . .... 111'1 CO " . d ean IJSO Co li 519·S I70 7JlbAn64 All Classified Ad .... n i. ln; mUlt be proc..... d 12:00 noon to ,-].8.Un opp.or in rIeI.t do.,', publica tion. Ai\.,thing proc.n.d oft.r 12 :00 noon will go h the following do.,., publicatiot" , Th. Da il., Eg.,p'lon cannot b. nOSE '0 SIU. e.fro nice, J ond 4 r.'pon,ibl. fo r m o re l~on on. ~------:------'--'I ALTERATIONS bdrm. flKn, Inluloted. ~ IWh 549· day, inco rr.ct In,.rtio". 4101, (Jpm.9pm1 Ad .... rtl'.n o r. r.'pon, lbl. for VIC SUBAfCU I SEWING • t.41'1061 checking th. ir od .... rU'.m.nb for OUAlITY 1 8EOflOOM oporlm...,'. DESIGNING " ', obl. lot'Orlon , d ean. qul. t . • Hon. Errors no t the foull of the KOEnlCi SERVICE I elene '0 com"...., 1001 W Wolnu. od .... rtl,., which I.".n the ... alue M7·19JlI of t he ad .... rti'm.nt w.1I b. CE"TER I Reasonable Rates 70811061 odju,ted. II .,our ad oppea" 1040 E. "AI". CA~BO"DALE 529·1000 I 48 HR . SERVICE incorrectl., . or It .,ou w l,h to canc.1 AVAILABLE .,our od, ca ll 536·331 1 before 12:00 I ROYAL RE"TflLS nOOl"+ for canc.llatlon in the n.Ie' SUBARU 7500.MILE I HRS: 9:1JO.5:00 M·F 457.... 22 do.,., i"u• . An., ad which j, cone.lled before RECOMMENDED INTERV AL I 10:1JO.4:00 Sat. APTS.AND_U . xp lrotlon w ill be charged a $2.(1(1 MAINTENANCE I ,., ... ic. I... An., under EVELYN'S HOMIS AVAILAIIU $2.(X) will be fori.ned. ::'=~~:,,:::::-::-"::="~_!::.. :::.~~ I NO_ THIIOUOH THI 1... -_ ',--,. I No od!! will be mi,·douifled. INI_ SIMI"'•. Cloui!l.d od .... 'tl'lng mu,' b. (REGULAR $34.25) • HOT RAGS paid in od",olK* • • cept tor tho.. I occount, w ith ..tabll,hefO fO IIolb'""_ YES f WE: ACCEPT chIldren ond pell lUlliAN AN D GA Y lolk I, hef'e 10 ond up Wal.., ond "0'" Inc! S49 ",ce elf 5190 mo Ulilme, ;nclud.d 'bedrooml. I iX60. coble ovol/oble Ih len. In 'otm OM rei..,. Operr Wed· IJrSo, .S169,So CoIIS19. /46 7. "., 519-"'" Svn, 4· 11 p", Coli 519 GAYS 69).48061 lS00806J 4U51", I ~1"_Lo" n " J41 , ao.M COAl r fUf'n ',t..d. "...-y WHY lENT? I UY your 0Wt'I 11 ~ wid. MOlIl[ HOME SPACES ovolfobl. COVENANT CH"'511AH SCHOOt neor ",m~ o.-ollobl. now Coif mobil. horne 'ot only U49 down ond Nice q111ir1 olmo,phef'e Ro.of'l'le A""vo/ C"'II' Fruil Sol. Ploce I MMP 1 mile louth on Hwy 5 I !>4'. Sloo 0 mont" In l.,etl /nt!uded 4H 13S1Of S2'9·1011' 6"S.Io6S otd..,., ~ No"ember " PItotte 5:'- l I 5" ..... 44. " 113 3733 All., Jpm phone " 57 661' lfFlO£NC'f' .... P,.," · M.£NJS FOR ' .."' 7 " /J4~ l .ncoln vmo~ .... p,~ CIo,. '0 I OOS[ TO SIU, •• tro nlr., J end .. campUI ,u," qUI.' ,.,fo,,,. bd.,., lu,n. ' '''1,1101,"" no ~rs $' 9. , roxler., pr.f~'.d sr") S~~' ~J~ 401 (Jpm.9pm) 04198b6 ' i-U llNIS t-4[O rwo 801M I blO(It OIllGINAl G[ODESIC DOM[ Itome f,om ro",P'" . /0 W ",_mon SJOO YESTUYfA" ANTIOUES AND 0' " Sue"ml",'., 'lI11e' ,bd,m, , Collecffbl •• 1 Ivy end S.II , .. , . Old mo 01,0 un'ur" :1 bd,.., In MUf' berh, (113J111 ·064" D"Y'boro, S110 mo CoU &a1· 91b61 We,tMain Htun tkrllSoI 10 0". ... 66111077 pm Th '"'' X,,.,ol l • I ORM II'IEU ' ''epl '11''' . no pels, M'BOt!..:" FUll,., OR U",""'" I bd,,,, cru'.' neighborhood '!'~ N COflco gal heo!. S 100 No P4" S. 9·' .... 1I Lowtol. 4,'·5911 6691&10 &9598b66 l .... IlG£ 1 SOfIA opt In ll'eor old .. IM '!ORO 3 8D"M hOllse S 91 h U"II bldg on Old 13 {toward '''0 5745mo ~9 . 'i" M'borol laundry 0'..0 eo,,'n IoJr . 111Slbl1 ef.e n _ " . ln l ulo'~ no P4" S"9 I N W CDAlf J bdrm holl'. 41,e' 391J MOt/U NI' neighborhood wHl ronl .der pel; lIS18061 519 519' or 811 ' 189 J BaRM fUJIN or un""" 1000 \0 7' "8b7' I, "Men"r ,eMod. I.d POliO pool TOP COALE lOCATIONS 10,1.11''1'' !. ""n I,~ CO"'Po,ll we'" 10 bdfm '",rn "OtI1e . ,, 're: nlf 3 Orll ... ..,..' Iy Moll COlin try {lilb C"cle btlrm 1000r" hou,.s no pell (0 11 Ap/, w "ghl P'Op."y Moncgem.nt S,o " '" 68' "'5 ""bBbl0 1116806 1 OlSCOllN ; HOUSI NG J • bdrm EFF ICIE NCY APi AVAil 10" IlIrn hou~el , ,,,"1., we, ' e l C'dol. med,olely (lO'L' 10 ro"'pill P::--.odo Inn coli 68' " "5 l, ... odry 'or,/.".' Co" '57 5J' O 0' " ' J8b70 5" 70580her Opm t NICf TWO SORM oil go, 11" 'S.10 1 dOle 10 Nor,onel ood , cl-lool wel.r AU umm£s INCLUDED FII,,.,she-d po,d ~ hoff N 5pt.I'Ig.' S175 No 1 bdrm dote '''' "ompill [ .... n.ngJ dog, (to wolMbech 519 "" 5. Q 5' 9.089 1 ,.,0 116-4 80&1 11898b4' VlRY Cl£AN 1 bd,m W Ill lilt''' J 8CRM JUS ; .n I.m. for Ou.el ore1I.n' r ,_" ,_fn t.-t ,... ,.-, THINK Of YOU 1 OF " bdrrn . H orlh Shot. 0f0' :/-3 e~ 'bl" rooMh of __ cwallob'. FilII ""theft. "r.-ploce. C."r., S31!' pe, rno Wo l.... I,... h, ANDSTAI\TTO ptO''' '"SI. I o r>d he" bolh ""'Y"'n loWf"rpro"lded .,., 7·.911 Co lI ~' - lJb9 Anou 'rOff> PII"lom 415511b65 GLOW. THIS IS ..cuW Mill ap."o.c 15 All SIlES AVA ILAlllEl I. 1. 3 bdJ ,...... DeSore. Crob Orchocrd fit . ,,,,al TRUELOVE. EfFICI EN CY M ·IIOIO · WEST Cdo'. Che-op I 5" ·3.SO YOU GOTTO ~.;:~~:':do !t, :,~~;~, •• " ~:'r 615111b65 P'eleulonel or g,ed slllde'" t.j KNOW! ptel..,.red 481·1030 belor .... 681· /1101011"'" MARK 13"" 65 GOlD nAME GtASSES In br'OWI'I COAlE_ AorOSS ' 10M I V.', N. or cose ' Jfoco/I. IIghlly tin ted P'eose downlown end SIU 2 bd,m . • n· MOIlLE H:"-¥.ES FO« r. n' lo.n"n. c,o" 451-6816 ....en J ~ lurn . oppl/onc:e. SilO .51·5 ...1 MobIl. Horne Po," Qulel (H"&:'o , I FEMALE NfEDEC. :Fi,Nr> ,."...,Ier . ' ''76G6' qfl.,5pm mlle,oulh CH'l Hwy 5' S-4'~"3 1« very IlIce 'urn • barm Opl "-"T. lILAC( lAI pup W"'I. thell bIoI Cdcle High. No... 7 7S061o /0 . 6915kl1 lew/, Pori. T~et • • 519-"93 HAPPY NICE'IIOIM • 11 ond , . """de,. ,f'" leword/ 11 5.9-6Il0l. "....., i~I I G6 ! evorloble 'or '0/1 Ou~t per". clole IOOMMATE NEEDED FOI ,prl"Sl BIRTHDAY EffiCIENCY 10 compcn ond Jollndrofl'lol l ocked J6F l_':' Pork 3 nice ,oomtIMJl., mol/bo• • , . ne pels. d. poslt Coli 0.,."., bedroom. S I~ Coli 519-5791 APARTMENTS S-4'-(U9I 0( "51·5975 l.,5I1H' JOH" 44J98c6' IOOMMArE NEEDED TO ,,-". nl" 1M' ;h . " . ",tt.~ Ail c.tioooI It a... eo., .. TV. Coli _ S iU ~ f,0~lE, ~~~~;~ ~ " o: l~r~C:'i 'r:.w,:~y~:~ :fot :S7.~ ...~oble MANO 'X' COMEDY lMofr.· The 1)8' -'663 tH . 51·780' ' ''''Itr6J KI.. 04 leughter. Mort-Wed·Frl, c..,.tM Wn ,.... .• 69"8c6-4 SEEKING 100000TE IIEGIN Jon • 1:00pm 0f'I WIDI! Compul lodle CAJf!ONDA .. E " - OOT OM , .. '001 1 lll.",lelll 'O'NI'ItKu"se. , br .• , _ .. . •.• ' . "'04 -...ride {lo,. to cempu' SIrx*en" belh. gorope_I",nd«k. An'tolol, . l WANTED ACiOlS AND ACTltESSES ffflcicac. ""rtntall pt.'e"ed 5"...... mIn fromcompulen lt 13. Mllltbe 101:' ,,.., .. ' X Comedy T"'-o'",- h · , .... SRtIIIs-" 46968c6 I I conlcl. nllo",.. '.'pon perl en per .: ,.referred. Inlormol at. S' 57 SO,....o end holl "'''/ Coli 48 1- " .51·5soa. J lm .------, .nt)4of·..,4pm« leo.... m.u~ • .. 7...,7163 Savles·Stalr-Dover PltOFfSSIONAl M A GIC,AN 1. J & MAWltE NON.SMOKING ~IH,~ 529-4042·457-5422 4...... AVAILAIILE 101:' odllll" orwJ childr.n, 'IO~'ol~_OOO"' O"- I .Itore house In qo.I~f rftlden"ol Owl,'mos portlet Call (4111 } 45 1· 529-3929 *"... :..,.., :..... ,.. Ine Ighborhood S I SO p Ili, holf utll 2>0'. ~ WH' Cd . Ce ll oround 10 em. 549·5566 7S09165 4(J'l' w ... , Cho • .,. lS071tr6J ~"H'"T" 1 OR1 roomrnor•• n~ 101: l.wj, Benin' Real . 07 wH'CoI'-!:. PQt'kApl Spring '" Coll o".r5p",. 61"090" ~9 - 7845 1*'iii!·jll:!3@t'M I Estate 1 1<1.", Ap .. At..o 75OS IlH5_ 205 E. Main ';Sl·2134 Dupl . . .. LOVE. OlD S 5 I Unity Pe'nl ene 01 Ihe ,.w o"d berrer e".1 on '·hghlend.r JEA". MARCilE. ~.4ollli * CARBONDALE 10rgelol ,ecluded shog torp.'. o rr , * HOMI I '.'rlg "o"e Cllllom k , t~h." Sloo m';. ~ " 9" S05 SlACK MOBILE HOMES 7' I8S'69 J ~- - I NICE' 8ED"00M w wo:s h.t a"d Highway 5 1 Nor th d.'r~' "'001.; ..p ,n 0 1l1 ~ 1 erea " m, 0' '0Wf"r Coli d1-r.-t87 oof) ~fJ " 131J '8 • Cohl ... ~,"on Free Bu s to StU c,·... Sc:", • I.,. ."O'E· eo "1rlo...... 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Den Coupon Chips Ahoy _Si.a, ... IlfL.... t rei· 52.49 1'41bo. Lions 10th victim of Bears tb.~Piet...ePlaee CIII( AG t UPI ' - Quar oldler Field. It was Pavton's with 5:0t lellto close the gap lo tcrback S"l \ f' Fuller. subbing 69th career l OO-~' a rd plus game t4-3 . The Bears' defen e also (or the injurru Ji!'l !\! :.. ;\1ahon . and his fift h in a row. had held on a fourth and two at STUDENT CENTER !')cored a pair of lo~chdown s Fuller scored on a l-\'ard run their O\\' Jj 23 t!a rJicr in the a nd Chicago's defense fo rced in ule first {ollowing quarler. FIRST FLOOR four turnovers to lead the a n inter ception by lJavc ~ unbeaten Bcars to a 24-3 Duerson and added a a·yard The Bears then launched 457-6441 vi ctory Sunday ove r the fun la te in the third quai·ter. their most impressive drive of Delroil Lions Ca lvin Thomas scored on a i­ the day against a Ii mile per The win was the tOth ya rd TD run late on the second hour wind. Fuller. who was i of Enlargement Special ~ s traight this season for quarter. t3 for 112 yards filling in for Chicago. marking lhe first The Bears' oefense forced McMahon who was out with a from Your Negative from Your Slides time in a decade a NFC team four turnovers - two fumble bad shoulder. connected wilh i S .20...... 3.5 S 20 n had gone LO-~ . The victory a Iso recover ies and two in­ Payton on a 22-yard com­ k S1.00 ... " ...... 5.7 SI.SO p gave the Bears a five-game terceptions - and lhrottled plelion and added a 23-yardcr I S1.75...... blO .. S2.oo r lead in the NFC Cenlral wilh quarterback Eric Hipple and toTim Wrightman toset up the m 15.75 ...... 11.14 .. S6.2} s six 10 play. The Lions fell to 5- the Lions' passing atlack. TO . Fuller scored on a keeper 5. Detroit·s lone score came around the right side with No Other OiKcunh App l~No Quont ity U~itot i on.Offe r Expires 1. _30_85 The Bears. relying heavily a fte r cornerback Bobby 14 :32 left in the game to seal ,. on its ground a llack. had Walkins recovered Fuller's the lriumph. Kevin Buller, Walter Payton gain 107 yards errant pitchout to Willie Gault who earlier missed a 43-yard in 26 carries and Mall Suhey midway lhrough the lhird allempt in the fourth quarter_ had 102 yards in 16 carries to quarter. But the Bears' tacked on a 39-yarder with ~ : "a2 spearhead the ground-orienled defense forced tI,e Lions lo Idt in the game afler an in­ Special atlack on a bluslery day at sellle for a 34-yard field goal terception by Otis Wilson. Men netters take third at tourney Taesday or Wednesday By Sandr. Todd OVERNIGHT SlaffWriter Visconti beat ISUs Brian In the third round he was Begley (7-5 ). (6-4 ) in (.he matched against Memphis The SJU-C men's tennis preliminary round which Slate's Steve Lang. who team took a surprising third­ advanced him to a second­ leFevre said transferred from VCR and Z movills place finish out of nine teams round win over Wichita·s Steve Arkansas. one of the nalion's over the weekend in the final Salthouse. (6-3>' (5-7) . (6-4 >' In lop 10 tennis schools. and is a tourlI2ment of the season. held the championship round, he tough opponent. in Helieville by SIU-E. overtook Robert Fly of " He's a heck of a player, 57.99 " I figured we'd do good to Memphis Slate. ( 7~ >' (6-Il. everyone lhought lhat lhis guy get fourth," said Saluki coach " He's volleying beller and would win," he said. 1 Dick LeFevre. " but we took a serving beller," said leFevre. Wadmark had hi s own idea 1620W. Main 529·415~ good. solid third. " " Hc's more consistent at or who would win and defeated Using the normal NCAA winning points wi th forehand Lang (6-4 ), (3-.3 ) . (6-4 ) lo scoring method for regular­ volleys." conclude his singles piay. season matches. the Salukis In the No. I fli ght . Per In the NO. 5 porlion or the racked-up 53 points behind Wadmark rated a third place tourney, Lars Nilsson ad­ Va nderbilt's 67 a nd Wichila finish. vanced to the championship State's 60 for lheir final round, but lost to Vanderbil t's standing. Indiana trailed wilh The first-round draw fa ced Brad Goodman, (i-51. (6-4 1. 4i points for fourth-place. him against Indiana's No. 1 man, Pamos Kambedellis - Nilsson teaIJlPl1!.!r v, llh Juan Chris Viscon\i. the O. 3 Wadmark won (6-4 >' (6-4 ). Martinez lo lake second place Sa luki singles player, turned in Wa dmark played a good ill the NO.3 doubles slol. In the a win in singles flight NO . 3 and second round match against finals. Nilsson and Martinez teamed up wilh Jairo Aldana Vanderbilt's No. I seed but lost lost to Memphis Slate's leam to win the No. 2 night doubles in the final set with scores. (6· of Robert Fly and Lars division. I ), (5-71. (6-3). Nilsson. ( ~ ). (7-5). SPIKERS, from Page 16 Soulhwest Missouri (4-3 ) still The wi n"er of the tour­ Bears by scores of 15-8, 15-9 !' 3ve m a thm a t ical nament receives an automati~ and 15-8. SIU-C was led !:.oy r ossibilities. but lillie more. berth to the first round of the junior middle-blocker fat :-1CAA championships, which Nicholson. who had a match­ The tour nament. which is begin Nov.29. high 18 kills and a red-hot .454 sla ted ror the weekend of The Salukis have won nine of atla<:k percenlage. 10v.22-23 and will be played on their last to matches a nd will SI U-C continued its he Salukis hOlne courl. wi ll pi t take th!:i r longest winning domi na lion of the less l he NO.1 sero again t he ~o . 4 s treak or the year into next powerful Gateway teams on ... eed wi. i ~'" the ~ o 2 and )Jo. 3 weekend's season finales Saturday by defeating Wichita ... ceded learns squaring off in again I Wr.. te-n lll:nois and State bv scores of 15-10. t5-i ,he other fi rst round match. At Bradlev. Include'!! in Lt.e seven­ and 15-8. Ihis p01!1!. Illinois Stale seems mate", winning streak are five The Salukis closed out lhe '0 have a bead on the No. t consecu tive matches in which r~ad trip on Sunday by ;ced while the Salukis can the Salukis have won in three defeating the Mizzou Tigers Js. ure h m elves or the 1\'0 . 2 straight games. for the second lime this season se<.-di ng by defeating Bradley In Friday's match with - SI -C also whipped the a nd lI'estern Illinois next SWMO. lhe Saluk is hit .aol as a Tigers in three-slraight games weekend. team while pOliSh in" off lhe in the Southern Classic. SOlITHERNOOTDOOR .OAR ADVENT\JRE RECREATlON THE WEllNESS CENTER , Christmas Break Trips A PART OF YOUR StU STU DENT HEAL TH PROGRAM filDEC. 13-Z I , BIG BEND NATIONAL PARK, TEXAS EVERYONE HAS BACK PACKING &. WHITE WATER CANOEING REGISTER BY DEC. 3 - fEE: $170.00 QUESTIONS THE VEGnARIAN ,AN. Z-1 1, 'S6, flORIDA - CANOE IN EVERGLADES ABOUT AIDS AL TERN A JIVE NAnONAL PARK &. SNORKEL IN THE KEYS Vegetorian diets can be safe and healthy A ponel diSCUSS Ion wtfh representatives fram if k"ow whot your're doing . This one REGISTER IIY DEC. 4 - fEE: $3 1 5.00 heolth re and r eloted profeSSIons os well night workshcp co.... ers the as members of the gay communtfy Come basics ond reasons wh'f w ifh your • NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY ques lions They make gc.od sens~ . Come sa mple some tastv • fEE INCLUDES ALL TRANS~ORT AnON, fOOD, MONDA Y. NOV. I I treats. EQUIPMENT &. PROfESSIONAL INSTRUCTION 6:30-BPM • A $10.00 DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR SPACE TUESDAY. NOV. 12 7-9PM Recre ation center fOR DETAILS: CALL OR VISIT THE ADVENTURE Multi- purpose Room RESOURCE CENTER, SRC, 536-5531 EXT. 15 M -TH4-S. f 10-3 OR CALL .' I 7_.~Em dAie.A. Uf.416t. J INDIANS, from Page 16 - arbondale una'1le 10 do anything of­ louchdow n pass. making the . hiropractic fen .\"cly and punted away score 2i -O . § three downs later . In the second ha lf. ASU linic Both team's defenses held lightened ull or 5lU :i?htened each other in check unt il up. depending on wno one Individual & Family Health Care J emison broke loose up the asked. AS U punter Stacy Gore Dr. Randy]. Da\i d , Chiropractic PhysiciAII middle for a 40-\"ard touch­ was then victimi;;:cci. b\" th e down with 51 sCl:onds left. wi nd for onl y a 4-yard- boot. Benlng Sque.l'C AU tnsurances lOS S. \Yashtngton F ra nk Richa rds" kick in to the downed at the Indian 22. accepled stiff wind W:iS wide left. a nd King compleled his best pas. Carbondale. fL 62901 the scar'? remained at 6'(). 10 J ames " The Flame" (618) 457-8127 In tl < 'econd quarter AS\: tc\"enson fv r a 19- yard explodec On their next pickup. and f u llbac ~ Bruce possess ion. fine runs by Phibbs ra n it lt1 two plays ..... Th e s ha m ~ 0; it IS tha l all eho e pCcJp/c ha lfbacks Maddo, a nd la ter. A two-POin t conversion who m arched on \.\Iashmgron are convmced Whiteside put the ball on the was a ttemp'tcd with 0. l\litchell t oda~ ,hat the" actIon) were iurilc. In iacl. sn; one-\"a rd line. where back­ run. but faIled. The score stood 'he v saved hundrc-ds of thousands 0: livf:s." up fullback Lewi Brown ran it 3127-6. III for the score. This tIme the Brown returned at quar­ kick was good. ma king the terback for the Indians and score 13-0. promptly marched his team lO DANIEL ELLSBERG Three plays from scrim­ t h e SIU 19 . where a mage la ter. Saluki punter misdirecti on play to Maddox lectures on .. . Drew Morrison ki cked into lhe ran up the score to 34-6. gusty wind for only 20 ya rds to Early in the fourth quarter. .. The Pa st and FIJlUre of Con p jraror;al theSIU 48. Da n Wetze l recovered a Go\'ern ment Two pla ys la ter. quar­ Robbi ns fumble on the ASU 29. . r,.; ..·j ~ .: .... j' ·... m to WatergJ te. How D,d terback Robbins dodged King then completed two The y Happen' cO" erage on a keeper for 32 passes for 10 yards a picce to I .. The Duties o f An American U!izen yards and on the next play Sebron Spivey and Bobby walked into the end zone un­ Sloan and ran it in himself for touched for an eight-yard run. a four·yard touchdown, Again, making the score was 20-0. a two-point conversion a ttempt T~.ursday, November 14th, 1985 With anolher short Morrison failed . leaving the score al 34- punt \ d 23-yarderJ inlo lhe 12. 8:00pm Davis Auditorium (Wham 105) wind downed at the ASU 48. Late in the qua rter. Robbins Robbins and his backs drove carried the ball three limes down the field again a nd found and scored a 10-yard louch­ FREE split end Cany Francis in the down, The SCOie was 41 ·12. SponsCi ed by ri ca Peace ProJect e nd zon e for a 10-yard ASU. Co-spon5<',d by SPC. GPS C. uso

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"., ~ ~ 11 Da ily 15 Salukis no match for ASU Indians By Ron Warnick " I'm not giving any excuses StaffWnler erupted lor 2t points in the Fullback Rickey J emison car ries a nd compl eted bOlh his second quarter en route to a 41 - led the Indians with 146 yards passes lor 23 yards and for our performance today:' a After Saturday's game 12 massacre. The loss dropped r ushing and a TO on 18 carries. a nolher louchdow n. dejected Dorr said alter the ended mercilully. head loot ­ the Salu kis' record 10 ~-6. Ha lfbacks Boris Whiteside a nd The much·publicized Indian game. "and' know the players ball coach Ray Dorr seemed a ending any hopes fo r a wi nning Preston Maddox bOlh carried delense lived up lo lheir won't aiveany. either," bit mesmerized by Ihe season and shooting down the b&Jl nine limes for 57 and 70 repulation. as they stymied Like the last two losses, the Arkansas Stale Indians. remaining hopes lor a lie wilh yard~ respectively. Qua r­ IU-C lor only 140 yards total Salukis had the upper hand " I can't belie',e how last Northern Iowa for t he terba( ~ Dwane Brown ran f(\!' ollense. early when Ir.~ian lullback they are." Dorr said a lter the Gatewav Conference cham­ 5t yards in t3 carries a nd Tailback Byron Mitchell J emison lumbled .lter a 29- game. " They're as quick as a pionship. completed bOlh pass attempts mar,. ged 72 yards on 19 yard scamper, and John Field lootball team as we ha\'e The ASU wishbone ollense lor 21 yards. carries. and quarterback Pat recovered at the SIU 35. played this year ." executed its plays well - Even seeond-string passer King, who replaced a n ill With a gusty 30-mph wind at The Saluki delense also left laking or pi tching the ball to Mark Robbins got in on the lu~ Kevin Brown. completed only lheir backs, the Salukis were no JO!Jbt as to who was hyp­ a ny Iree ha nds in the backfield with 82 yards rushing and two fi ve 01 22 passes lor 50 yards notized when the India ns lor 439 yards on the ground. touchdowns scored on 16 and was intercepted oncc. S.. INDIANS. p.ge15 Sports Spikers near Benton fans appreciate scrimmage Gateway title By Ron Warnick Staff Writer had 25 lor the Maroons, but lhe only exceptional thing about with 3 wins A Ie\\' came to cheer lhe the game was its sloppiness. By Stay. Merritt basketball a htkis, but most 01 " We didn' t always play the several hundred lans in under control. We showed Staff Wri ter Benton High School's Herrin signs 01 being selfish. We Wilh just two conference GymnasIUm Friday night didn't shoot as well. But it ga rnes left on the schedule. the came to cheer the man the usua lly gets a little sloppy a t Saluki volleyball team moved gym was na med after. a n intra squa d game. a step closer lo clinching aspol The Rotarv Clu b honored "The onl y progress I lhink in the Gateway Conference Rich Herrin during ha lftime 01 we made was where we pJayed championships by whipping the Saluki men's basketball wi th more intensity latc in the Southwest M iss ouri and team ',; second intr asCluad ball game. I liked the lact that Wichi ta State O\'e r lhe scrimmage. paying homage to the Maroon tea m tried to come weeke nd in three-game his 25 years 01 coaching at back and played very hard to matches. Benton Hig h School. He is a win th ~ game. ,. Herrin said. With a win over non· Benton institution. and few Briar, Welch brought so m~ conference foe ~ns ouri on could hope to match his 616-209 appreciative gasps Irom the Sunday, lhe Salukis' se"enth o\'erall record. 21 regiona l crowd ea rly in the game when consecuth'e \'ictory. SI ·r championships. 11 South­ he took a long pass on a last­ improved its overall record 10 Seven championships and break and loudly dunked it 23-I~ . The Salukis are now li ed three undefeated teams. home. wiUt Illinois State lor lhe " It's a great honor and Unfortunately, he got a little conlerence lead - both teams surprise for the recognition dunk-happy and missed two stand at 6-1 on the season. they gave me," said a gracious other attempts. The misses Northern Iowa follows in thir(. He rrin affc r the game. " r place while Bradley slipoed to didn' t e ven Ulink about it. As j~:3:;=ti~t~ort~~~' oIT::~ foorth place. Western illinois far as r was concerned. [ was night. and Southwest Missouri arc jus t coming back home." "It's tough to watch those tied lor sixth. Also loudly cheered were misses. You need to ge t those With the win. the Salukis Benton alumni Da rren Carlile, inside shots down when you get assured themselves of no sophomore guard, and Randy them. Our inside people aren't worse than lourth place in the House. Ireshman lorward. working hard enough to block conference and need just one Despite of all the honors and out and get the ball. win to guarantee a berth in the standing ovations, Herrin " But when you're playing conference post-season relused to get too sentimental two Ireshmen and junior tourney. about his old coaching days. college pl~yers inside, you're While the Salukis were " It·s a great community, gonna have some inex­ moving closer to assurring and it's been a great 25 years. perience." Herrin said. themselves a spot in the four It was Lough leaving, but I'm Like the Pinckneyville team pat,sCllson tourney , very happy in the position I'm game, the players got a little Northern Iowa was in the in now. All I want to do is bring impatient in their shooting. process of becoming the first winning basketball to SIU," " This is the hardest lo teach Gateway team lo clinch a Herrin said. - good shot selection. You've St." 'hOIo"ltr JtI .... 0vttI berth by upsetting the Bradley And Herrin probably wished got to know wben to shoot the s .... Mtdcl_, 24, outrun, Thad ...110 on • '.11 _k dun", the Braves. UNI finished its the Salukis earned some more ball and when to pass it olf. It Benton Krimme,• . " You've got to give them "We're very young, but we'll Gatewa~ schedule with a 01 their own cheers and ap­ takes time, and some players record of 7-2 (22-5 overall). plause as the White team have a very difficult time some lreedom to do some playa IitUe harder and more prevailed over the Maroons 87- learning this," Herrin said. things individually to make under control belore the year's Il'inois State, SIU-C and Bradley are the Iront-runners 74. Herrin said that letting the them betler ballplayers and let over. But we've got a lot of lor the remaining three ber­ Steve Middleton racked up players playas they wish in them enjoy the game, but you things to work on belore we ths: Western Illinois (4-3 ) and 26 points and House had 19 on intrasquad games is important have to mal.e sure they do play the Czeehs next Saturday the Whites, and Doug Novsek - up to a point. what's right. night," Herrin said. See SPtKERS, Pag.14 Men swimmers open with win over Hoosiers By Sandra Todd StaffWnter the sweet taste 01 victory. but in a one-two win in the I.()()t). watched [he versatile Kratt points between lirst and third with an a ppetite to keep on yard freestyle wilh respective and Gerhard Van oer Walt places. The Saluki men swimmers tasting that sweetness. Iim es ol~ : 29 . 8 a nd9 : 29 . 9 . stroke their wav to first- a nd lelt Indiana, Big Ten champion " It was a good win, very Brinkman got out 01 the s..crnd-piacc finishes in lhe " He's doing very well," lhe past three years in a row, decisive. and everyone swam water and perlormed an tOO-yard individual medley. Ingram said. " He's extremely in the bubb!c:: on Friday in real well." said Ingra m . unusual leat by swimming in Kratz completed the race til consistent on every dive." I nd ianapelis when they SlU-C made it cie round, medley !'elay. lime which Ingram said is lorging lar ahead 01 the I()().yard Iree, a one-two finish considering that the shoe was It wa, n't only a surprise lor most likely "one of the top ~tu!!!'!eci Hoosiers - "That's a in the 200-. ard back, with on the other loot when the two Indiana Ingram said he was couple in the naE?n" .t ,,'1;s deep hole ther\,," .aid Ingram. Roberts' winning tin1e 01 1 :53.9 teams laced each other last supris.. 1 by the lead which stage 01 the season. Bd"-kman Indiana's !Jr'ave was dug and Kratz' close second-place March. Indiana's win 01 68-45 backstr liter Scott Roberts and finished in I : 38.3. deeper by the biggest surprise time of 1 :54.0 and another one­ marked only the third Ic:;s 01 breastst coker Ca rl Garrett The Hoosiers retaliated with ul the day - Chad Lucero's two finish by Brinkman and lhe 1984-85 season lor the gained I,)T the team. a win in tbe 5O·yard Ireestyle. viltOry in the diving com· Grillhammar ir. the 500-yard Saluki men. Ingram said lllat Garrett. a Doug Boyd's :20.9 edged petilion. Lucero lailed to make lree. Saluki coach Doug Ingram sophomore, perlormed a Saluki Tom Hakanson by five- a lC~lhree showing .t last After the 500. Ingram SIlid had a bad taste in his mouth Iifet!me-best split in U,e relay, tenths of a second. year s Indiana dual meet, but that the close-out looked ap­ Irom last year's loss to In· 57.2, by twosecoocls. Indiana's strtke lorce was r.u1led out a close competition ll"rrent becaUSj! aU of the diana. Friday'. victory sent Next, SaIuki. Erwin Kratt put to rest aiter the SO. or lbe win FrIday with 2Il10.7 weak Saluki events were )he team borne not only with and Gary Brinkman punched bowever, as the Hoosiers _ I"Jints. There w~ only 7 completed. Page 16. Daily Egyptian, November 11 , 1115