Age of

1. The Spice Islands 2. Motives and Means 3. Portuguese Exploration 4. 5. A Spanish Empire and its Critics 6. Magellan’s Voyage 7. England Explores and colonizes 8. France and the Fur Trade 9. Dutch Trade 10. Slavery Chapter 1: The Spice Islands

• archipelago – a chain of islands • rain shadow – an area that gets less rain because it is on the protected side of a mountain • monopoly – complete control of selling a product or service 1. What geographic term is used to describe Indonesia? P.122 • archipelago

2. Where are the Moluccas located, and what is another name for them? p.122 • South of the Philippines, the Spice Islands 3. In what way does the Malay Archipelago occupy a special position? P. 122 • It marks the boundary between 2 sections of the earth’s crust and it is part of the Ring of Fire

4. Who had a monopoly over the spice trade during the Middle Ages? P. 123 • Arab traders

5. Which explorer wrote about his travels to throughout Asia during the thirteenth century, inspiring other explorers to travel? P.124 • Marco Polo Nutmeg and cloves from the spice Islands

The desire for spices Ginger from China led to the Age of Exploration.

Cinnamon from India

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• infidel – someone who does not believe in what is considered the true religion • navigation – traveling by ship from one place to another • hull – the sides and bottom of a boat

1. What was the name of the 4,000 mile long overland trade route between Asia and Europe? P. 125 • The Silk Road 2. What were 2 reasons Europeans were so interested in finding a route to Asia? P. 125 • Find spices • Spread Christianity

3. What were the ships built for long ocean voyages called? P.126 • Caravels

4. What tools did early explorers use for navigation and how were they used? P. 127 1. The sky – sun during the day, stars at night 2. Astrolabe and sextant – find latitude 3. A log attached to a rope – speed in knots 4. Magnetic compass - direction 5. Hourglass - time

Chapter 3: Portuguese Exploration

• moor – a North African follower of Islam • scurvy – a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C, which is found in fresh fruits and vegetables

1. Who provided leadership for Portuguese exploration? P. 128 • Prince Henry, often called the Navigator

2. What did Bartolomeu Dias spot at the southern tip of Africa? P. 129 • Cabo Tormentoso (Cape of Storms) called the Cape of Good Hope 3. Why was Dias’ expedition important and to what route did his expedition lead? P. 129 • He had shown that it was possible to sail around Africa • a route to the Indian Ocean.

4. Who led a fleet of 4 ships around almost the entire coast of Africa and on to India? P. 129 • 5. Whose route was Pedro Alvares Cabral supposed to follow and where was he supposed to go? P. 131 • He was supposed to follow the route of Vasco de Gama to India.

6. What land did Pedro Alvares Cabral discover by mistake? P. 132 • The coast of Chapter 4: Christopher Columbus

• League – an old measurement of distance equal to approximately 3 miles • Mutiny – a rebellion against a leader such as a ship’s captain • Royal standard – a monarch’s flag

1. In which group of islands did Columbus land after sailing from the Canary Islands? P. 135 • The Bahamas 2. What did Columbus call the people he met on the islands? P. 135 • Indians 3. After stopping in the Bahamas, where did Columbus sail to? P. 135 • Cuba and Hispaniola

4. What is the Treaty of Tordesillas? P. 137 • Signed in 1494, said that all land to the west of an imaginary line would be Spain’s and to the east would be Portugal’s Chapter 5: A Spanish Empire and its Critics

1. What do we call a soldier in search of adventure and wealth? p. 138

2. What is an encomienda? p. 139

• land and labor arrangements to help establish new communities 3. Who was the Spanish missionary priest who spoke out against the enslavement of Indians? P. 139

• Bartolome de Las Casas Chapter 6: Magellan’s Voyage

1. What is a narrow waterway connecting two bodies of water called? P. 140 • strait 2. What did Magellan do that set him apart from earlier explorers? P. 140 • he asserted his command 3. Where is the Strait of Magellan? P. 140 • southern tip of South America 4. What does it mean to travel completely around the earth by water? P. 141 • circumnavigate

Chapter 7: England Explores and Colonizes

1. What did John Cabot find for England and what was he seeking? P. 142 • He found Newfoundland and was seeking the Northwest passage to the Indies 2. What event in 1588 led to England’s control of the ? P. 145 • defeated the Spanish Armada 3. What was the first failed English colony in North America? P. 146 • The Lost Colony 4. What was the first successful, permanent, English settlement in North America? P. 146 • Jamestown, VA Chapter 8: France and the Fur Trade

1. What is a mapmaker called? P. 147 • cartographer 2. Who was the first European to sail up the Atlantic coast of present day United States? P. 147 • Verrazano 3. What region did the king of France ask Jacques Cartier to explore? P. 148 • the coast of North America 4. What got France interested in building colonies in New France? P.149 • the fur trade Chapter 9: Dutch Trade

1. What is a charter? P. 151 • a document issued by an authority giving a group certain rights

2. Henry Hudson claimed the land at the mouth of what is now the Hudson River for the Netherlands. Where is this located? P. 152 • Albany , NY Chapter 10: Slavery

1. As part of the triangular trade route, ships dropped slaves off in Central America, then brought what kinds of goods to Europe? P.156 • rice, sugar, tobacco 2. What is the name of the trip from Africa to the Americas that slaves were forced to make? P. 156 • the Middle passage 3. Use three adjectives to describe this trip: p. 156 • terrible, cruel, dehumanizing Chapter 10: Slavery

4. A ______is the interior of a ship below the deck. • hold

5. What is an indentured servant? • a person who owes an employer a certain amount of work for a certain amount of time

6. What were the three main reasons for European Exploration? • trade, wealth, and evangelization (Christianity) Settlements to remember:

1. Jamestown, VA – first English colony in North America 2. St. Augustine, FL – oldest existing Spanish settlement in North America 3. Montreal, Canada – oldest French settlement in North America Explorers to remember:

1. Balboa - claimed the land along the Pacific Ocean for Spain 2. Bartolomeu Dias - discovered the Cabo Tormentosa (Cape of Good Hope) 3. Christopher Columbus - discovered the Bahamas, Cuba, and Hispaniola 4. Sir Francis Drake - circumnavigated the globe in the Golden Hind (England) 5. Henry Hudson - discovered a huge inland sea; his crew mutinied 6. Magellan - circumnavigated the world for Spain and explored a strait 7. Marco Polo - traveled throughout Asia by land and sea 8. Vasco da Gama - sailed around Africa and on to India