Astana Celebrates 550Th Anniversary of Kazakh Khanate, Holds Ccts

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Astana Celebrates 550Th Anniversary of Kazakh Khanate, Holds Ccts +13 / +4°C WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 No 18 (84) Astana Celebrates 550th Anniversary of Nazarbayev Visits Kazakh Khanate, Holds CCTS Summit Sochi, Attends Russia-Kazakhstan Interregional Cooperation Forum words, total imports from China, By Malika Orazgaliyeva India, the Caspian states and Cen- tral Asian countries exceed $170 ASTANA – President of Ka- billion annually. The two countries zakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev have the potential to become lead- visited Sochi, Russia, on Sept. 15– ing players in the global food mar- 16 to meet with Russian President ket. Russia ranked third among the Vladimir Putin and attend the 12th world’s largest exporters of grain. Forum of Interregional Coopera- Today, our country is also part of tion between Russia and Kazakh- this market, he added. stan on cooperation in the field of Nazarbayev also stressed the im- agriculture and food security, the portance of cooperating in mutual press service of the Akorda re- investments, establishing cross- ported. border joint ventures, building During the talks with Putin, Naz- production chains and providing arbayev stressed that the forum quality transport and logistics in- plays a significant role for the two frastructure. A large-scale theatrical show was staged at the Barys Ice Palace to celebrate the 550th anniversary of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate on Sept. 11 in Astana. countries, especially in the context “Kazakhstan is completing the of current turbulence in the global construction of the Western Eu- Presidents of Azerbaijan Ilham the nation and reminder of the his- “We should remember that economy. rope–Western China highway, By Malika Orazgaliyeva Aliyev and Kyrgyzstan Almazbek tory lessons for today’s generation. we share a centuries-long his- “There is a decline in mutual which crosses the territory of Atambayev, Speaker of the Turk- He emphasised that the generation toric path with Russia, espe- trade caused by decreasing ex- Russia. With its help, we can cre- ASTANA – Kazakhstan cel- ish Grand National Assembly raised in independent Kazakhstan cially the Russian people. Over port prices and the volatility of ate centres of food supply expan- currency markets. In my opinion, ebrated the 550th anniversary of Ismet Yilmaz and Turkmenistan had lifted the prestige of the coun- the years of independence, we sion. For this, the resources of the our governments rapidly respond the formation of the Kazakh Khan- Deputy Prime Minister Sapar- try to unprecedented heights by re- have also written new pages of Eurasian Development Bank can to current issues. Today’s forum ate on Sept. 11 with a number of durdy Toylyev, as well as deputies alising the centuries-old dream of history together with the Euro- be used. Out of 12 bank projects is giving us an opportunity to dis- events throughout the capital. of the Kazakh Parliament and rep- its ancestors. pean Union and American and funded this year, 10 were agricul- cuss the most important of these President Nursultan Nazarbayev resentatives of the country’s intel- The head of state stressed that Muslim countries. Important in- tural,” Nazarbayev informed. issues,” Nazarbayev said. Nazarbayev noted that the Eura- congratulated all the country’s citi- ligentsia, sports, culture and arts Kazakhstan will always cherish ternational events hosted in our In turn, Putin stressed the im- sian Economic Union (EAEU) is zens on the day during a solemn fields. and preserve the friendship and country are now reflected on the portance of meetings involving going through difficult times and meeting held in the city’s Palace of Addressing the participants, trust with its neighbours and build pages of the newest history,” he Independence. Nazarbayev said the celebration good relations with all countries in regional leaders in Kazakhstan and trade turnover has decreased by said. Russia. The event was attended by the was a tribute to the glorious past of the world. Continued on Page A2 20–25 percent because of instabil- The leaders and members of re- ity in global markets. gional governments in Kazakhstan “At the moment, some say that and Russia attended the forum. the EAEU has stalled. It has stalled Nazarbayev stressed the impor- not because it is bad, but because tance of the forum’s theme, noting the situation is difficult. Econo- Top UN Officials Say Global that food is the most stable cur- mies rise and fall; we are experi- rency in the world today. encing crises not for the first time. “Both of our countries are ag- We should stay calm and find new ricultural and industrial. We have ways to increase trade turnover,” Nuclear-Test Ban Urgently Needed great potential in this area. Accord- the President said, as reported by world has endured over 2,000 nu- ing to the United Nations, by 2050 Tengrinews. By Yerbolat Uatkhanov clear tests. Those tests devastat- the world population will reach 9 In addition, Nazarbayev met ed pristine environments and lo- billion people. Therefore, food se- with the leadership of Russia’s NEW YORK – An informal cal populations around the world. curity will become an acute issue Sverdlovsk region and Ural Fed- meeting of the United Nations Many have never recovered from in further global development. Ka- eral University. (UN) General Assembly marked the legacies of nuclear testing zakhstan and Russia have a price- Governor of Sverdlovsk Re- the 2015 observance of the Inter- – including poisoned ground- less treasure, which is their huge gion Evgeniy Kuyvashev thanked national Day against Nuclear Tests water, cancer, birth defects and agricultural land area totalling ​​435 the Kazakh President for his on Sept. 10 and highlighted the radioactive fallout. Today, let us million hectares, as well as great great contribution to the develop- empirical threat posed by nuclear also send a strong signal that the experience in agricultural science. ment of neighbourly relations be- testing, calling for all countries to international community stands A variety of climatic zones and fer- tween Russia and Kazakhstan and sign and ratify the international united to take action that will tile soils allow us to be competi- strengthening relations between treaty banning testing. lead us to a safer and more se- tive in many agricultural sectors,” the border regions. “I have witnessed the last- cure world – a world free of nu- he said. Chairman of Ural Federal Uni- ing societal, environmental and clear weapons,” UN Secretary- Nazarbayev noted that the ag- versity Victor Koksharov awarded economic damage nuclear tests General Ban Ki-moon said at the ricultural and industrial complex Nazarbayev an Honorary Doc- have caused. Since the first test Honorary Ambassador of The ATOM Project Karipbek Kuyukov (R) shows his meeting. of Kazakhstan and Russia has a toral Degree in recognition of his in New Mexico 70 years ago, the paintings to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in New York on Sept. 10. Continued on Page A8 unique export potential. In his achievements in state activity. Kazakh Deputy PM Outlines Responses Heroes’ Welcome for for Water Challenges in Central Asia By Malika Rustem multiple water-related challenges in tion in the field of water management Int’l Space Station Crew Central Asia. and implementing combined projects Kazakh First Deputy Prime Min- In his report, Sagintayev outlined aimed at sustainable economic devel- ister Bakytzhan Sagintayev took part a number of proposals initiated ear- opment in Central Asian countries. in the Sept. 7 conference in Berlin on lier by Kazakh President Nursultan The German Federal Foreign Of- water and good neighbourly relations Nazarbayev to improve the water fice set up the Central Asia Water in Central Asia. situation in Central Asia. One of the Initiative (Berlin Process) in 2008 The event, convened and hosted by suggestions was a meeting of the to boost regional cooperation, thus German Foreign Minister Frank-Wal- council of heads of member states promoting sustainable water man- ter Steinmeier, was attended by more of the International Fund for Saving agement. The focus of phase I (2008- than 50 representatives from differ- the Aral Sea (IFAS) with participa- 2011) was on political advisory ser- ent German ministries, Central Asian tion of major donors and experts. The vices and strengthening institutions states, the European Union, United ideas also included creating a Central tasked with managing cross-border Nations, Organisation for Security Asian Investment Fund to implement rivers. Phase II (2012-2014) priori- and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) water projects and a regional centre tised support to develop approaches and other international and national for water security. for dealing with the increasing effects nongovernmental organisations. Sagintayev also voiced a proposal of climate change on Central Asian “Water supply will be a key topic to jointly develop and sign a pact on water resources. in the 21st century and is a task to be water and environmental security in The Sept. 7-8 conference on Wa- addressed by any forward-looking Central Asia, noting the importance ter and Good Neighbourly Relations foreign policy. That is why Germany of creating an open system of ex- in Central Asia marked the start of conducts active water diplomacy and, change of hydrologic data. He also Phase III (2015-2017), which is set together with the five Central Asian noted the need to improve the effi- to strengthen regional institutions and states, promotes regional coopera- ciency of the Interstate Commission processes – above all IFAS, which tion on matters relating to water. To- for Water Coordination of the Syrd- deals with regional water manage- gether, we now want to initiate the arya and Amudarya water basin as- ment. The aim is to create an insti- third phase of the ‘Berlin Process,’” sociations. tutional framework within which the said Steinmeier referring to an ear- The conference adopted a joint Central Asian states can manage their President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev (L) greets astronauts Aidyn Aimbetov, Gennady Padalka and Andreas lier German initiative to address the statement on strengthening coopera- own water cooperation.
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