Unie van Waterschappen Koningskade 40 2596 AA The Hague PO Box 93218 2509 AE The Hague Telephone: +3170 351 97 51 E-mail:
[email protected] www.uvw.nl Water governance Unie van Waterschappen Water governance The Dutch regional water authority model Colofon Edition © Unie van Waterschappen, 2010 PO Box 93128 2509 AE The Hague The Netherlands Internet: www.uvw.nl E-mail:
[email protected] Authors Herman Havekes Martin Koster Wijnand Dekking Cathelijn Peters Rafaël Lazaroms Rob Uijterlinde Ron Walkier (NWB Bank) Printing Opmeer drukkerij bv Edition 1.000 copies ISBN 9789069041230 Water governance Water 2 Preface Society makes demands on the administrative organisation and the performance of water management services. And rightly so. Water authorities, from the municipal to the European level, are endeavouring to respond adequately. In the Netherlands the regional water authorities (waterschappen), are crucial in providing the required water management services, i.e. flood control, irrigation and drainage and municipal waste water purification. This sets requirements on the way in which these tasks are carried out. Moreover, it sets requirements on the way in which society is involved in water governance. We have produced this booklet for the interested outsider and for those who are direcly or indirectly involved in water management. It provides an understanding of what the Dutch regional water authorities do, with a focus on how they work as independent governmental institutions. Special attention is paid to organisation, management and self financing. These governance issues are frequently raised in contacts with foreign colleagues. The way we organise water management in the Netherlands has received positive attention all over the world.