A Check List of the Aphi Ds of Tasmania and Their Recorded Host Plants

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A Check List of the Aphi Ds of Tasmania and Their Recorded Host Plants CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk Provided by University of Tasmania Open Access Repository PAPERS ANI) PROCF,EDINGS OF THS ROYAL SOClmy 0>' TASMANIA, VOLUliUil 97 A CHECK LIST OF THE APHI DS OF TASMANIA AND THEIR RECORDED HOST PLANTS By E .•1. MARTYN and L. W. MILLER Entomology Division, Department 'OJ Agriculture, Hobart ABSTRACT identity have been omitted. The only exception In this first check list of the aphids occurring in is for some of the aphid trap records where the Tasmania, 69 species are recorded. Of these 4:ol la.rge bulk of common species has not been retained. have been recorded from bO'th host plants and The information is complete to December 31st, 1961. aphid traps, 12 on host plants only and 15 solely Later records have been included only in exceptional from traps. The host plant list comprises 148 instances. species from 46 botanical famiUes. LIST OF APHID SPECIES INTRODUCTION L Acyrthosiphon pelargonii (Kalt.) s.str. Although various species of aphids have been recorded from time to time by previous Government Host: Erodium 'moschatum (L.) Ait. Entomologists (Thompson, 1892 and 1895; Lea, 1908; Localities: Grove, New Town, Triabunna. Evans, 1943) no check list of the aphids occurring Collection Dates: Oct., Nov. in Tasmania has ever been published. When one of Trap Records: April, June, July, Sept.-Dec. us (L,W.M.) initiated a study of the aphid fauna of Tasmania in 1944 there was virtually a complete 2. Acyrthosiphon pisum (Ha.rris) ssp, spartii lack of specimens, identified or not, in the col­ (Koch). lection of the Tasmanian Department of Agricul­ Hosts: Cytisus 'monspessulanus L, Lathyrus ture. This was unfortunate as it prevented a sp. direct check from being made on the validity of Localities: Dynnyrne, Grove, New Town, previous records, some of which on the basis of our Sandy Bay, Taroona. present knowledge were certainly erroneous. CoUection Dates: June, ,July, Nov., Dec. Trap Records: Oct.-Jan., May. Collections from 1944 onwards have greatly in­ creased the number of species known to occur in 3. Acyrthosiphon primulae (Thea.). Tasmania from the 18 species recorded by Evans Host: Primula sp. (1943) to the 69 species now recognized. By 1957 Localities: New Town, Taroona. the stage had been reached where the publication Collection Dates: April, July, Oct. of a check list was considered desirable and one Trap Records: --. of us <E.J.M.J has been engaged since that time in checking the slide and spirit collections and 4. Aphis acaenovinae Eastop. revising the earlier identificattons in the light of Host: --. current usage. An aphid trapping programme Localities: Grove, New Town. initiated in 1960 has also resulted in the discovery Collection Dates: --. of some further species. Trap Recol'ds: Oct., Dec. This check list is arranged in three sections. The 5. Aphis craccivora Koch. first section is an alphabetical list of aphid species and contains the records of hosts, localities and Hosts: Clianthus pun ice us B. & S., Lotus sp., collection dates; the second is an alphabetical list Phaseolus multittorus Willd., Phaseo/us of host plants and the aphids recorded on them; vulgaris L., Trifolium rep ens L., TrifoliuTn and the third is an alphabetical list of botanical subterraneuTn L., Vicia faba L., Vicia jaba families and the genera in these families that have L., var. minor Beck., Vicia sativa L. been recorded as aphid hosts in Tasmania. Localities: Cressy, Grove, Hobart, Kingston, Latrobe, New Town, Sandy Bay, Sorell, The check list is based on specimens retained in Stra,thblane, Taroona. the permanent collection of the Department of Collection Dates: Feb., March, June, July, Agriculture and host records for which aphid Sept., Nov., Dec. specimens are not available for confirmation of Trap Records: Aug., Oct.-ApriL 53 54 CHECK LIST OF APHIDS OF TASMANIA AND THEIR RECORDED HOSTS 6. Aphis gossypi~ Glover . I', iscus sp., Senecio.cruentus DC., Senecio sp., , 'E:osts: Aster' ·sP.: 'Bo'Jvdi-dia"sp., ddssia sP.,;; ; 'Tfi/olium 'prdtertse L.;'Veronica sp., Vicia Cucumis sativus L., Cucf,t/i;Bitfk l rlmo; 1:..,)' I Cyphomandra betacea Sendt.; Lachenalia . I t.o~t~ftf!2:: dessy, Grove, Hobart, Launces­ tricolor Thunb., Photinia sp., Sedum sp. ton, Lenah ValLey, Longley, Lutana, Mar­ Localities: Burnie, Grove, Hobart, Launces­ gate, Mt. Stuart, Mt. Wellington (c. 1000 ton, New Town, Sandy Bay, Taroona. ft.), New Town, Pittwater, Rosny Pt., Collection D3Jtes: Jan.-March, June, July, Sandy Bay, Summerleas, Taroona, Tewkes­ Sept.-Nov. bury. Trap Records: Sept.-May. Collection Dates: March, April, June, Aug.­ Jan. 7. Aphis nerii B.d.F. Trap Records: April-Jan. Host: Asclepias fruticosa L. Loc,alities: Hobart, New Town. 14. Brachycaudus persicaecola (Boisd'). Collection Dates: March. Hosts: Prunus persica Sieb. & Zucc., Prunus Trap Records: Oct., DeC.-April. salicina Lindl. Localities: Dynnyrne, Hobart, New Town, 8. Aphis spiraecola Patch. Somerset. Hosts: Aster sp., Chaenomeles ;aponica Collection Dates: Sept., Oct. Lindl., Cotoneaster sp., Hydrangea sp., .Trap Records: Oct.-Dec. pyrus communis L., pyrus malus L., Spiraea sp., Viburnum opuZus L. var. sterile DC. 15. Brevicoryne brassicae (L.). Localities: Devonport, Grove, Hobart, Mar­ Hosts: Brassica chinensis L., Brassica oler­ gate, New Town, Premaydena, Ranelagh, ace a L., Brassica oleracea .L. var. ramosa Sandy Bay. Alef., Cardaria draba (LJ Desv. Collection Dates: Jan.-March, May, July, Localities: Grove, Hobart, New Town, Rich­ Nov. mond, Summerleas. Trap Records: Sept.-June. Collection Dates: March, April, July, Sept., 9. Aphis sp. oct. Trap Records: Aug.-June. Host: --. Locality: Grove. 16: Capitophorus elaeagni (del Guercio). Collection Dates: --. Trap Records: Jan. Hosts: Carduus pycnocephalus L., Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., Cirsium vulgare (Savi) 10. Aploneura lentisci (Pass.). Ten., Cryptostemma calendula (LJ Druce. Hosts: Bromus mollis L. (roots), Lolium Localities: Bridgewater, Cambridge, Cressy, perenne L. (roots) , Ribes nigrum L. Douglas River, Freshwater Point, Grove, (roots) . Launceston, New Town. Loc'alities: Grove, Hayes, M'argate, New Town, Collection Dates: May-July. Ouse. Trap Records: oct.-June. Collection Dates: March, June, Oc,t., Dec. Trap records: Nov.-March. 17. Cavariella aegopodii (Scop.). Hosts: Apium graveolens L., Daucus carota 1l. Aulacorthum solani (Kalt.). L., Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Pastinaca Hosts: Campanula medium L., Lathyrus sp., sativa L., Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Physostegia sp., Senecio sp., Solanum tuber­ Nym., Salix sp. osum L. LocaUties: Cressy, Glenorchy, Grove, Hobart, Localities: Dynnyrne, Grove, Hobart, New Howrah, Launceston, New Norfolk, New Town, Pittwater, Tewkesbury. Town, Summerleas, Taroona. Collection Dates: Jan., July, Oct., Dec. Collection Dates: March-June, Oct.-Jan. Trap Records: Sept.-June. Trap Records: Jan.-Dec. 12. Aulacorthum (Neomyzus) circumfiexum (Buck­ 18. Chaetosiphon (Pentatrichopus) fragaejolii ton). (ckll.) . Hosts: Adiantum sp., Cymbidium sp., Oxalis Host: Fragaria sp. cult. corniculata L., Vicia sp. Localities: Blessington, Hobart, New Town, Localities: Sandy Bay, Taroona. Snug. Collection Dates: May, July, Aug., Oct. Collection Dates: Jan., March, Aug., Nov. Trap Records: -. Trap Records: June, Nov. 13. Brachycaudus helichrypi (Kalt.). Hosts: Aster sp., Bedfordia salicina DC., 19. Chaetosiphon (Pentatrichopus) tetrarhodum Carduus pycnocephalus L., centaurea (Walker) . cyanus L.; Chamaecytisus proliferus (L.f.) Hosts: Rosa. rubig~nosaL., Rosa sp.cult. Link., Chrysanthemum sp., Cotula coron­ Looalities: Grove, Hobart, Lenah Valley, New opifolia L., Cytisus sp" Dahlia sp., Daisy ,Town, Summerleas, Ulverstone. (Compositae), Erechthites quadridentata Collection Dates: April, Sept., Nov. (Labill.) DC., Helianthus annuus L., Hib.,. Trap Records: May, Oct.-Dec. E. J. MARTYN AND L. W. MILLER 55 20. Cinara (Cupressobium) cupressi <Buckton). 31. Eriosorna lanuginosurn (Hartig). Host: Cupressus macrocarpa Gord. Hosts: pyrus comrnunis L.(roots), Ulrnus Localtties: . Claremont, Hobart, New Town, cq,mpestris L. Sandy Bay. Localities: Cambridge, Castle Forbes Bay, Collection Dates: April, June, Aug., Sept. Claremont, Grove, New Town, Ranelagh. Trap Records: Oct. Collection Dates: Sept., Dec.-April. Trap. Records: Dec.-April. 21. Cinara (Cupressobium) tujafilina (del Guer,) species group. 32. Euceraphis punctipennis (Zett.l. Host: Callitris tasmanica <Benth.l B. & S. Host: Betula alba L. Locality: Coles Bay. Looalities: New Town, Taroona. Collection Date: May. Collection Datos: April, Sept. Trap Records: --. Trap Records: Sept.-July. 22. Cinara sp. 33. Hyadaphis joeniculi (Pass.). Host:Picea sp. Hosts: Daucus carota. L., Lonicera sp., Pet­ Locality: Oatlands. roselinurn crispum (Mill.) Nym. Collection Date: May (Specimens immature). Localities: Glenorchy, Hobart, New Town, Trap Records: --. Summerleas, Taroona. 23. Coloradoa rujomaculata (Wilson). Collection Dates: April, Oct.-Dec. Trap Records: Feb.-April, Oct. Host: Chrysanthemum sp. Locality: Hobart. 34. Hyalopterus arundinis (FJ. Collection Date: April. 'rrap Records: --. Host: --. Localities: Grove, New Town. 24. Drepanosiphum platanoides (Bchr!. Collection Dates: --. Trap Records: March-May, Dec. Host: Acer pseudoplatanus L. Localities: Hobart, New Town. 35. Hyperomyzus Zactucae (L.l. Collection Dates. April. Trap Records: Feb.-June, Oct.-Dee. Hosts: Ribes nigrum L., Ribes sp., Sonchu8 oleraceus L. 25. Dysaphis apii!olia (Theo.). Localities: Grove, Hobart, New Town, Rane­ Host: ---. lagh, Bandy Bay, Summerleas,
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