Remembrance2020 / 5781


-ECCLESIASTES 12:7 INTRODUCTION TO YIZKOR YIZKOR ELOHIM - may God remember - is the classic expression of Jewish hope and prayer for our departed loved ones. This prayer captures the indelible link between Divine memory and our own. We remember our loved ones by asking for God’s memory. God, in turn, remembers the souls of all the living and dead, asking us to remember those who have passed on. Like the Ner Tamid, the Eternal Light, which needed to be rekindled daily, we too must relight the memorial candles each year for our loved ones. We take this time to remember and give thanks for those loved ones who are no longer here. A MESSAGE FROM RABBI JUDITH L. SIEGAL: MAKING MEMORY A BLESSING This has been a difficult year of loss. There have been almost one million people in the world that have died from COVID as of the writing of this Book of Remembrance in September of 2020. Many of us know someone who has died from COVID. The loss of life has been compounded by the need to be socially distant and not in person to comfort one another after the loss of a loved one. We have had zoom funerals and shiva minyans, something we could not have imagined before. But, there has been a silver lining – by doing memorials via zoom, family members from around the world have sometimes been able to participate in services that they otherwise would not have. Judaism is an amazingly adaptive religion. Someone said at a zoom funeral lately, “this seems so un-Jewish,” but the reality is that Judaism has always changed to adapt to the situation. On this yizkor, take the time to remember. Tell the stories of your loved ones. Pass along their stories to someone else and make those memories into true blessings. May the memories of all of those we loved and who loved us become a blessing. Zichronam Livracha!

A MESSAGE FROM RABBI JONATHAN FISCH: SHARING IS CARING There is no greater bedtime story than sharing a tale from my past. Ayla will ask me about what I was like as a kid, or to hear stories about growing up with Grandma and Grandpa. More often than not, I try to retell a tale that honors those who are alive no more. A conscious decision on my part because I want my girls to grow up “knowing” their grandparents who they are named after. They will hear about my Grandpa Alan Fisch, or my Grandma Ethel Rothstein or my oldest Friend Meredith McFarland, all of whom they are named after. By sharing these stories, I connect them to their past, their history and begin to bond their soul with the soul of those who live no more. As Jews, we show that we care by sharing the very stories that express the qualities of our loved ones. As you engage in Yizkor, or if you want to honor the deceased, share a story about their life, their legacy, their impact on you or the world, and in turn, you will connect their very essence to the individual you are sharing it with. Anachnu Zochrim v’Anachnu Cholkim – We Remember and We Share…. WORDS OF WISDOM FROM RABBI PETER S. KNOBEL (z”L) The following was written for a Yizkor Service at Beth Emet the Free Synagogue by Rabbi Peter Knobel in 2017. We share it this year as we remember Rabbi Knobel, who served our community as the Interim Senior Rabbi:

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a present. My wife Elaine shared a quotation she found on a friend’s Facebook page: “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a present. During Yizkor, I think about the people and events which influenced my life. I think about what I have accomplished and what I failed to accomplish. Yizkor is a bittersweet time of remembrance. It pulls us backward in time. We cannot redo or relive the past, but remembering can be a spur to committing the mysterious future which lies ahead. We ask, “what are the lessons we have learned? Can they propel us to do better with the time we have left?”

As I sit here during this service I realize how quickly the years have passed. In my youth, time seemed infinite but now my mortality stares me in the face. Intellectually, I know the bulk of my life has passed, but I refuse to surrender to the conclusion that it is time to withdraw from the struggle to make the world better. Each day is a present. Each day is a gift. Each day is an opportunity to wipe away a tear, to encourage another to smile, to learn something new and to do something good. I admire those who came before me and paved the way for me and whose lives, presence, and wisdom remained with me until they took their last breath. Their encouragement and courage remain not only as a constant reminder of the preciousness of life, but also the importance of relationships. So many of the people whom I loved and who loved me are dead - the living become all the more precious. There were times in the past when my presence was needed but when life’s exigencies caused me to be physically, spiritually, or psychologically unavailable. I regret not being there whether because of happenstance or negligence. This service of memory calls upon me - calls upon all of us - to make greater efforts to be present to others. We know the past is history and we cannot rewind the clock, but we can try to do better because the future remains a mystery...

As I look backward and ahead, I am deeply grateful for the years God has given me, for the many blessings I have been granted and for the many people I have known and who influenced me. The memories of those who died are a blessing. I pray that when my time comes those who knew me will say.”Zechrono Levracha - his memory is for a blessing.” Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a present. THE DASH BY LINDA ELLIS

I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend. He referred to the dates on the tombstone from the beginning… to the end.

He noted that first came the date of birth and spoke of the following date with tears, but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.

For that dash represents all the time they spent alive on earth and now only those who loved them know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not, how much we own, the cars… the house… the cash. What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard; are there things you’d like to change? For you never know how much time is left that still can be rearranged.

To be less quick to anger and show appreciation more and love the people in our lives like we’ve never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile… remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.

So when your eulogy is being read, with your life’s actions to rehash, would you be proud of the things they say about how you lived your dash? ESA ENAI

אֶ ָּׂשא ﬠֵינַי, אֶל- ֶה ָה ִרים, ֵמאַי ִן י ָ ֹבא ﬠֶזְ ִרי ,Esah einai el heharim ﬠֶזְ ִרי ֵמﬠִם י ְהו ָה ֹע ֵׂשה ׁ ָש ַמי ִם ו ָאָ ֶרץ .meayin yavo ezri Ezri me'im Adonai oseh shamayim v’et haaretz.


When you were here, Your brown glance protecting me And our thoughts touching suddenly wing to wing,

When you were with me Among the passing things, The walls were like elderly relations Telling ancient tales in the evenings As we drank our tea.

Now the walls are no shelter. Withdrawn into their own silence, They pay no attention to my fall. Now the walls are plaster and concrete, A strange element, Matter Unresponsive as death. PSALM 23

י ְהו ָה ֹרﬠִי, לֹא אֶ ְח ָסר. A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; י ְהו ָה ֹרﬠִי, לֹא אֶ ְח ָסר. י ְהו ָה ֹרﬠִי, לֹא אֶ ְח ָסר. .I shall not want בי ְ הו ִבָּנהְ אוֹֹרתﬠִי , ֶ דּׁלֶֹשאא , אֶי ַ ְְחר ָסִבּיר.צֵ נִי; יﬠבְַ ל ה-ו ָ ִבּ ֵמהנְי א ֹרוֹ ְמﬠִנתֻי ,ח ֶדּוֹׁלֹ ֶתשא יאְ,נַאֶ יֲהְַח ְרלֵ ָסנִִבּייר.. צֵ נִי; God maketh me to lie down in י ְבה ו ָהִבּ נְ ֹראוֹﬠִית, ֶלדֹּׁאֶש אאֶ, ְחי ַ ְָרסרִבּ.י צֵנִי; ﬠַב ל - ִבֵּמניְ אוְֹמנֻת חוֶֹדּׁת ֶש י ְאנַ, ֲהי ַ ְלֵרנִיִבּ.י צֵנִי; green pastures; God leadeth me ﬠַל- ֵמי ְמנֻחוֹת י ְנַ ֲהלֵנִי. גב ﬠַ לנַ- ִבּפְׁנֵמְי ִשא יוֹ ְמיתְנֻ שׁ ֶחוֹדּׁוֹ ֵבֶשתב אי; ְ, נ ַ י ַ ֲה ְ רלֵ ִבּנִי.צֵ נִי; .beside the still waters ב ִבּנְאוֹת ֶדּׁ ֶשא, י ַ ְר ִבּיצֵנִי; י ַגﬠַנ ְ ל ֵחנ-ַנִיפְֵׁמ י ִשְבי ְמ ַמינְֻﬠְשׁחגְּוֹלֵ ֵבית- בי;ְצֶנ ַ ֶ ד ֲה קלֵ, נ ִי.לְ ַמﬠַן ׁ ְשמוֹ. ﬠַג ל -נַ ֵמפיְׁ ִש ְמי נֻי ְחוֹשׁוֹת ֵב י ְבנַ; ֲה לֵ נִ י. God restoreth my soul; God י ַגנְ ֵחנִַיפְ ׁ ְבִשי ַמ י ְﬠְגּשְׁוֹלֵיֵב-בצֶ; ֶד ק , לְ ַמﬠַן ׁ ְשמוֹ. י ַנְ ֵחנִי ְב ַמﬠְגְּלֵי-צֶ ֶדק, לְ ַמﬠַן ׁ ְשמוֹ. guideth me in straight paths for גד נַּגַַּפְׁם ִשיּכִִּי י-ְ ֵאֵשׁוֹלֵֵ ֵב ב; ְְּּב גֵֵי א צַַלְְ ָָמו ֶֶת, לֹֹא- ִאִי ָָרא ָָרע-- י ַנְ ֵחנִי ְב ַמﬠְגְּלֵי-צֶ ֶדק, לְ ַמﬠַן ׁ ְשמוֹ. .God’s name’s sake ג נַפְׁ ִשי י ְשׁוֹ ֵבב; י ַכִּדניְ - ֵח ּגּנַַאִַי םָתּ ְבהּכִִּי ַמ- ִﬠְ ֵאֵגְָּמּלֵֵלִֵדי י- ; צְְֶּּב ֶדגֵֵיקא, צלְַַלְְַמ ָָמﬠַוןֶֶ ׁת,ְש למֹֹוֹ.א - ִאִי ָָרא ָָרע-- י ַנְד ֵח נִיּגַַּ ם ְב ַּכּמִִיﬠ-ְגְֵּאֵלֵלֵֵי- צֶ ְְֶּּבדגֵֵיק, א לְצַַ ַמלְְﬠַ ָָןמו ֶֶׁתְש, מוֹלֹֹ. א- ִאִי ָָרא ָָרע-- ׁכִִּדיש - ְב אַּגְַַּט ָתּם הוּּכִִּ י ִמ-ׁﬠִ ֵאְֵָשמּלִֵֵﬠדַינ ְ; ֶתּ ְְּּב,גֵֵ,י א צ ַַלְְ ָָמו ֶֶת, לֹֹא- ִאִי ָָרא ָָרע-- Yea, though I walk through the כִּי-אַ ָתּה ﬠִ ָמּ ִדי; ׁדֵהכִִּש י ָ-מְּב ּגַַּאְַהטם ָי תְּ נַּכִִּוּהי ֲח -ִמׁ ֻﬠִמֵאֵ ְשנִָמּליֵֵ.ﬠִַד ניְ ; ֶ תְְּּּבג,ֵֵי, א צַַ לְְ ָָמו ֶֶת, לֹֹא- ִאִי ָָרא ָָרע-- valley of the shadow of death, I ׁד ִש ּגְּבַַםְט ּכִִּ יוּ- ִמֵׁאֵלְֵֵש ﬠַ נְ ְְּּב ֶתּגֵֵי,,א צַַ לְְ ָָמו ֶֶת, לֹֹא- ִאִי ָָרא ָָרע-- ׁכִֵּהיִש-ָמּ ְבאַה ְט ָתּי ְנ ַהוּ ֲח ִﬠמִֻׁמ ָנמְִּשי ִ.דﬠַ ינ;ְ ֶתּ,, will fear no evil, for Thou art with כִּי ֵה- ָמּאַהָתּ י ְהנַ ֲחﬠִ ָֻמּנִִידי.; me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they ׁהִשֵה ְבָמּ ְַתּטה ﬠֲי ְנֹרוַּ ֲחִמׁ ֻמלְְשנִיפָﬠַ.נַ ְי, ֶתּ ׁ,ֻש, לְ ָח ן -- נֶגֶד ֹצ ְר ָרי; ׁ ִש ְב ְט וּ ִמׁ ְשﬠַנְ ֶתּ,, .comfort me ִדֵּׁה ַָּ מּשנְַהתּ ָתּיﬠֲ ְנַֹר ַבֲׁח ּ ֶשֻמלְנֶמִיןפָ. נַיֹר, ׁאׁ ֻשִשילְ, ָח ן - -כּ וֹ ִס ינ ֶגְֶרודָי ָ הֹצ. ְ ר ָרי; ֵהה ָ מּ ה ַ תּי ְﬠנֲַ ֹרֲח ֻמ נִליְ.פ ָנַי, ׁ ֻשלְ ָחן-- נֶגֶד ֹצ ְר ָרי; ִדּׁה ּ ַש נְ ַתּ ָתּ ﬠֲ ֹרַבׁ ֶּש ֶלְמןפָ נַֹרי,א ׁׁ ִֻשי,לְ ָחן --כּ וֹ ִ סי נֶ ְגרֶו ָידָ ה ֹצ. ְר ָרי; ִדּׁ ַּשנְ ָתּ ַבׁ ֶּש ֶמן ֹראׁ ִשי, כּוֹ ִסי ְרו ָי ָה. Thou preparest a table before me ו ִהדּׁ ּ ַאַשנַתְּ,, ָﬠתֲּ ֹרט ַבוֹׁ ּבֶש לְו ֶָמפָןֶח נַי ֶס,ֹר ׁדאׁ ֻשי ִִשְלְיר, ְדָּ חן פ -וּ -נ ִכּי וֹ- - ִסי נֶ גֶ ְר דו ָי ָ ֹצה.ְר ָרי; ;in the presence of mine enemies ה ַתּﬠֲ ֹר לְפָנַי, ׁ ֻשלְ ָחן-- נֶגֶד ֹצ ְר ָרי; ו ִּכָָּדּ ׁ לַּש-אַינְְְ, ֵֵמ,ָתּי טַבַַׁוֹח ּיֶָָּּישב; ֶומָן ֶ ח ֹרֶסאדׁ יִשִיְר, ְדּ פ וּנכִּיוֹ- ִס-י ְ רו ָי ָה. Thou hast anointed my head with ִדּוׁ ּ ַשנאְַ ָ,תּ, ַבׁט ּוֶֹשב ֶמ ןו ָ ֶח ֹר ֶסאׁד ִ שיִ,ְר ְדּ פוּכּוֹנִי ִס-י- ְ רו ָי ָ ה. וׁוְּכָָּ ַשל - ְביאַ ְְ,ִֵֵמּת,י טְּבַַחוֹּיּ ָָיֵבב;י ותָ-ֶחי ְ ֶסהודָ הי ִ, ְ ר ְדּ פ וּנִי-- .oil; my cup runneth over ּכָָּל-י ְְ ֵֵמי ַַח ּיּ ָָי; וְׁלְ ּכָָּ ַשֹאלאֶַ-ְברי ְְ, ִ,ּתֵֵמ י יי ָ טִמְּבוַַֹחי ּיֵּבָָיים ;.ו ָ ת ֶח-י ְֶסהדו ָ יהִ,ְר ְדּ פ וּנִי-- ו וְׁ ַשאַ ְב,, ִ ּתי טוֹ ְּבב ֵב יו ָ ֶחת- ֶסי ְדה ו ָי ִ ְהר, ְ דּ פ וּ נִי-- Surely goodness and mercy shall וּכּׁלְְָָלַֹאש- ֶירְבְְ ֵֵמִּת ייי ָ ִמַַחְּביּיּ ָָי ֵב;םי . ת-י ְהו ָה, ּכָָּלְל-ֹאי ְְֶר ֵֵמי י ָ ַַח ִּיּמ ָָי; ם. ;follow me all the days of my life וְׁלְ ַש ֹא ְבֶר ִּת י י ָ ְּבִמי ֵבים.ת -י ְהו ָה, and I shall dwell in the house of וְׁלְ ַש ֹא ְבֶר ִּת י י ָ ְּבִמי ֵבים.ת -י ְהו ָה, the LORD for ever. לְ ֹא ֶר י ָ ִמים. THE WILD IRIS BY LOUISE GLUCK

At the end of my suffering There was a door. Hear me out: that which you call death I remember. Overhead, noises, branches of the pine shifting. Then nothing. The weak sun Flickered over the dry surface. It is terrible to survive as consciousness Buried in the dark earth. Then it was over: that which you fear, being a soul and unable To speak, ending abruptly, the stiff earth Bending a little. And what I took to be birds darting in low shrubs. You who do not remember passage from the other world I tell you I could speak again: whatever returns from oblivion returns to find a voice: From the center of my life came A great fountain, deep blue Shadows on azure seawater. YESH KOCHAVIM י ְהו ָה ֹרﬠִי, לֹא אֶ ְח ָסר. יש כוכבים שאורם מגיע ארצה Yeish kochavim sheoram magi’a artzah רק כאשר הם עצמם אבדו ואינם, ב ִבּנְאוֹת ֶדּׁ ֶשא, י ַ ְר ִבּיצֵנִי; Rak ka’asher heim atzmam avdu יש אנשים שזיו זיכרם מאיר ﬠַל- ֵמי ְמנֻחוֹת י ְנַ ֲהלֵנִי. v’einam.

רק כאשר הם אינם יותר בתוכנו, mei’ir ג נַפְׁ ִשיzichram י ְשׁוֹ ֵבב;Yeish anashim sheziv י ַנְ ֵחנִי ְב ַמﬠְגְּלֵי-צֶ ֶדק, לְ ַמﬠַן ׁ ְשמוֹ. אורות אלה – המבהיקים בחשכת הלילה Ka’asher heim artzmam einam od b’tocheinu. הם שמראים לאדם את הדרך. ד ּגַַּם ּּכִִי- ֵאֵלֵֵ ְְּבּגֵֵיא צַַלְְ ָָמו ֶֶת, לֹֹא- ִאִי ָָרא ָָרע-- כִּי-אb’cheshkatַ ָתּה ﬠִ ָמּ ִדי; Orot eileh hamavhikim ׁ ִש ְב ְט וּ ִמׁ ְשﬠַנְ ֶּת,, .halayil ֵה ָמּה י ְנַ ֲח ֻמנִי. Heim, heim shemarim laadam et haderech, et haderech. ה ַתּﬠֲ ֹר לְפָנַי, ׁ ֻשלְ ָחן-- נֶגֶד ֹצ ְר ָרי; ִדּׁ ַּש,haderech נְ ָתetּ ַבׁ ֶּש ֶמן ֹראׁ ִשshemarimי , כּוֹheim ִסי ְרו ָי ָה.,Heim et haderech ו אַ,, טוֹב ו ָ ֶח ֶסד י ִ ְר ְדּפוּנִי-- far away ּכsoָָּל -י ְְ ֵֵמי ַַח ּּי ָָיThere are stars up ;above וְׁ ַש ְב ִתּי ְבּ ֵבית-י ְהו ָה, we only see their light long long after the star itself is gone. לְ ֹא ֶר י ָ ִמים. And so it is with people we loved,

Their memories keep shining ever brightly

Though their time with us is done. But the stars that light up the darkest night,

These are the lights that guide us.

As we live our days, these are the ways we remember, we remember.

As we live our days, these are the ways we remember, we remember. TRY TO REMEMBER SOME DETAILS BY YEHUD AMICHAI

Try to remember some details. Remember the clothing of the one you love So that on the day of loss you’ll be able to say: last seen wearing such-and-such, brown jacket, white hat. Try to remember some details. For they have no face and their soul is hidden and their crying is the same as their laughter, and their silence and their shouting rise to one height and their body temperature is between 98 and 104 degrees And they have no life outside this narrow space And they have no graven image, no likeness, no memory And they have paper cups on the day of their rejoicing And paper cups that are used once only. Try to remember some details. For the world Is filled with people who were torn from their sleep With no one to mend the tear, And unlike wild beasts they live Each in his lonely hiding place and they die Together on battlefields And in hospitals. And the earth will swallow all of them, good and evil together, like the followers of Korach, All of them in their rebellion against death, Their mouths open till the last moment, Praising and cursing in a single Howl. Try, try To remember some details. B’YADO B'yado afkid ruchi B'eit ishan ve'a'i'rah Ve'im ruchi geviati Adonai li v'lo irah Ve'im ruchi geviati Adonai li v'lo irah

[VERSE 2] My soul I give to you My spirit in your care Draw me near I shall not fear Hold me in your hands Draw me near I shall not fear Safely in your hand

[VERSE 3] My soul I give to you / B'yado afkid ruchi My spirit in your care / B'eit ishan ve'a'i'rah

Draw me near / Ve'im ruchi I shall not fear / Geviati

Adonai li v'lo irah / Hold me in your hands Ve'im ruchi geviati / I shall not fear Adonai li v'lo irah / Safely in your hand

YIZKOR ELOHIM FROM MISHKAN HA NEFESH: When we ask God to remember the souls of our departed at Yizkor, we request more than a mere mental act. We pray implicitly that by focusing on our loved ones’ souls, God will take action on their behalf and save them from whatever pain they may be suffering, wherever they may be. At the same time, the implication is that this act of remembrance also constitutes a guarantee of Jewish continuity - well beyond just those we remember, and far beyond us as well. In remembering and in asking for God’s remembrance, we request divine help in continuing our people’s trajectory beyond ourselves, to achieve the ultimate aims of our people’s history. Yizkor is, in the end, not a prayer for the dead, but a promise by the living. - RABBI AARON PANKEN יש כוכבים שאורם מגיע ארצה

רק כאשר הם עצמם אבדו ואינם, יש אנשים שזיו זיכרם מאיר

רק כאשר הם אינם יותר בתוכנו,

אורות אלה – המבהיקים בחשכת הלילה הם שמראים לאדם את הדרך.



אֵל ָמלֵא ַר ֲח ִמים שׁוֹכֵן ַבּ ְמּרוֹ ִמים, ַה ְמצֵא ְמנוּ ָחה נְכוֹנָה ﬠַל ּכַנְפֵי ַהׁ ּ ְשכִינָה ְבּ ַמﬠֲלוֹת ְקדוֹׁ ִשים ו ְטהוֹ ִרים כְּזוֹ ַהר ָה ָר ִקיﬠַ ַמזְ ִהי ִרים (נִׁ ְש ַמת (פלוני בן פלוני ,ׁ ֶש ָהלַ לְעוֹלָמוֹ ַבּﬠֲבוּר ׁ ֶשנָ ְדבוּ צְ ָד ָקה ְבּﬠַד ַהזְכָּ ַרת נִׁ ְש ָמתוֹ . ְבּגַן ﬠֵ ֶדן ְתּ ֵהא ְמנוּ ָחתוֹ לָכֵן ַבּﬠַל ָה ַר ֲח ִמים ,י ַ ְס ִתּי ֵרהוּ ְבּ ֵס ֶתר כְּנָפָיו לְעוֹלָ ִמים ,ו ְי ִצְ ֹרר ִבּצְרוֹר ַה ַחיּ ִים אֶת נִׁ ְש ָמתוֹ ה' הוּא נַ ֲחלָתוֹ, ו ְי ָנוּ ַח , ְבּׁ ָשלוֹם ﬠַל ִמׁ ְשכָּבוֹ ו ְנֹא ַמר אָ ֵמן


אֵל ָמלֵא ַר ֲח ִמים שׁוֹכֵן ַבּ ְמּרוֹ ִמים, ַה ְמצֵא ְמנוּ ָחה נְכוֹנָה ﬠַל ּכַנְפֵי ַהׁ ּ ְשכִינָה ְבּ ַמﬠֲלוֹת ְקדוֹׁ ִשים ו ְטהוֹ ִרים כְּזוֹ ַהר ָה ָר ִקיﬠַ ַַמזְְ ִִהי ִִרים ( ֶאֶת נִִׁׁ ְְש ַַמת (פלוני בן פלוני ,ׁׁ ֶֶש ָָהלַַכָָה לְְעוֹלָָמה ַַּבּﬠֲֲבוּר ׁׁ ֶֶשנָָ ְְדבוּ צְְ ָָד ָָקה ְְּבּﬠַַד ַַהזְְ ּכָָּ ַַרת נִִׁׁ ְְש ָָמתה . ְְּבּגַַן ﬠֵֵ ֶֶדן ְְּתּ ֵֵהא ְמנוּ ָחתה לָכֵן ַבּﬠַל ָה ַר ֲח ִמים ,י ַ ְס ִתּי ֵרהוּ ְבּ ֵס ֶתר כְּנָפָיו לְעוֹלָ ִמים ,ו ְי ִצְ ֹרר ִבּצְרוֹר ַה ַחיּ ִים אֶת נִׁ ְש ָמתה ה' הוּא נַ ֲחלָתוֹ, ו ְי ָנוּ ַח , ְבּׁ ָשלוֹם ﬠַל ִמׁ ְשכָּבוֹ ו ְנֹא ַמר אָ ֵמן

God, full of mercy, Who dwells above, give rest on the wings of the Divine Presence , amongst the holy, pure and glorious who shine like the sky, to the soul of (Hebrew name of deceased) son/daughter of (Hebrew name of parents), for whom prayer was offered in the memory of his/her soul. Therefore, the Merciful One will protect his/her soul forever, and will merge his/her soul with eternal life. The Everlasting is his/her heritage, and he/she shall rest peacefully at his/her lying place, and let us say: Amen.


Wake up; wake up Oh ye six million... My sisters, my brother, my mother and father (I cannot stifle a choke) Wake up; return to me, to my bosom, to my heart Out of the hazy smoke You say no? It is done/ Over? Gone? A bad dream; another historic quirk? No! Wake up my friends; open your eyes Or your indifference will finish the terrible work. Wake up; wake up; wake up Oh ye millions who never knew; never Witnessed the where or for... Here! Now! Speak up; be heard; Cry out and Remember... ZAHOR! MOURNER’S KADDISH Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’mei raba י ִ ְתגַּ ַדּל ו ְי ִ ְת ַק ַדּשׁ ׁ ְש ֵמהּ ַר ָבּא, ְּבﬠָלְ ָמא ִדּי ְב ָרא כִ ְרעוּ ֵתהּ. ,b’alma di v’ra chirutei ו ְי ַ ְמלִי ַמלְכוּ ֵתהּ ,v’yamlich malchutei ְּב ַחיּ ֵיכון וּ ְביו ֵמיכון, b’chayeichon uv’yomeichon וּ ְב ַחיּ ֵי ְדכָל ֵבּית י ִש ָראֵל, ,uv’chayei d’chol beit Yisrael ַבּﬠֲגָלָא וּ ִבזְ ַמן ָק ִריב. ,baagala uviz’man kariv ו ְְ ִאִ ְְמרוּ: ָאָ ֵֵמן. v’im’ru: AMEN. י ְ ֵהא ׁ ְש ֵמהּ ַר ָבּא ְמ ָב ַר לְﬠָלַם וּלְﬠָלְ ֵמי ﬠָלְ ַמיּ ָא. י ִ ְת ָבּ ַר ו ְיִׁ ְש ַתּ ַבּח ו ְי ִ ְתפָּאַר Y’hei sh’mei raba m’varach ו ְי ִ ְתרו ַמם ו ְי ִ ְתנַשּא .l’alam ul’almei almaya ו ְי ִ ְת ַה ָדּר ו ְי ִ ְתﬠַלֶּה ו ְי ִ ְת ַהלָּל ׁ ְש ֵמהּ ְּד ֻק ְדׁ ָשא, ְבּ ִרי הוּא, Yitbarach v’yishtabach v’yitpaar לְְﬠֵֵ ּלָָּא ִִמן ּכָָּל ִִּבּ ְְרכָָ ָָתא וְְׁׁ ִִשי ָָר ָָתא, v’yitromam v’yitnasei, ֻתּׁ ְש ְּב ָח ָתא ו ְנֶ ֱח ָמ ָתא ַדּ ֲא ִמי ָרן ְּבﬠָלְ ָמא. ו ְאִ ְמרוּ: אָ ֵמן. v’yit’hadar v’yitaleh v’yit’halal י ְ ֵהא ׁ ְשלָ ָמא ַר ָבּא ִמן ׁ ְש ַמיּ ָא ,sh’mei d’kud’sha b’rich hu ו ְ ַחיּ ִים ﬠָלֵינוּ ו ְﬠַל כָּל י ִש ָראֵל. ,l’eila min kol birchata v’shirata ו ְאִ ְמרוּ: אָ ֵמן. ,tushb’chata v’nechemata עושה ׁ ָשלום ִבּ ְמרו ָמיו הוּא י ַﬠֲשה .daamiran b’alma, v’imru: AMEN ׁׁ ָָשלום ﬠָָלֵֵינוּ ו ְְﬠַַל ּכָָּל י ִִש ָָר ֵאֵל ו ְﬠַל כָּל יוֹ ְש ֵבי ֵת ֵבל. ו ְאִ ְמרוּ: אָ ֵמן. ,Y’hei sh’lama raba min sh’maya v’chayim aleinu v’al kol Yisrael, v’imru: AMEN. Oseh shalom bimromav, Hu yaaseh shalom aleinu, v’al kol Yisrael, v’imru: AMEN.

Exalted and hallowed be God’s great May there be abundant peace from name in the world which God created, heaven, and life, for us and all Israel. according to plan. To which we say: AMEN. May God’s majesty be revealed in the days of our lifetime and the life of all May the One who creates harmony Israel — speedily, imminently, on high, bring peace to us and to all To which we say: AMEN. Israel.

Blessed be God’s great name to all To which we say: AMEN. eternity.

Blessed, praised, honored, exalted, extolled, glorified, adored, and lauded be the name of the Holy Blessed One, beyond all earthly words and songs of blessing, praise, and comfort. To which we say: AMEN. REMEMBERED BY THE ABELOFF-WASSERMAN FAMILY: Martin D. Abeloff Lawrence Wasserman

REMEMBERED BY CRISTINA & DAVID ADLER & FAMILY: Bernyce “Bunny” Adler Samuel I. Adler Sylvia Adler Herbert Adler Esther Adler Morris Adler Ellen R. Anker Max Anker Frank A. Parrella Fred M. Selling Ronald J. Selling Ruth Shinensky Samuel Shinensky Mickey Teicher Morton Teicher

REMEMBERED BY JONATHAN AWNER & CARRIE STEINBAUM AND FAMILY: Dr. Harold Steinbaum Martin Terens Emma Awner Oscar Awner Dina Fiech Herman Fiech Elaine Berger Martin Berger

REMEMBERED BY ROBIN, MARISSA AND DANIEL BACHIN: Pearl Bramnick Zachary Bramnick Edwin Bachin

REMEMBERED BY JANINE AND RALPH BALKIN: Howard Goldberg Thelma Goldberg Anne Balkin Leslie Balkin Kay Blackman



REMEMBERED BY CHARLES BERNSTEIN: Lillian R. Bernstein Nathan Bernstein

REMEMBERED BY SHELLEY, ADAM, SOPHIE & OLIVER BOOKEN: Stephen G. Sackel Robert H. Traurig Madeline T. Sackel

In the rising of the sun and in its going down we remember them. REMEMBERED BY MARSHA & LEON BOTKIN: Elias Botkin Norman Golin Toby Botkin Pauline Weintraub Helen Glaser Irving Weintraub Mae Zlotnick Harold Zlotnick

REMEMBERED BY ROBERT BREIER: Benjamin Breier Eileen G. Breier Golda Breier Louis M. Breier Marcus I. Breier Samuel Cramer Mayme Cramer Solomon Gruebel

REMEMBERED BY HARRIET BROOKMAN: Doris Brookman Adolph Brookman Ruth Berman Sheldon Schaumberg Fred Kreindler Ceil Kreindler Thelma Marbey Irving Marbey Irving Brawer Marvin Brawer

REMEMBERED BY BARBARA BULBIN: Stanley Bulbin Adeline Wolfson Ben Wolfson Nettie Bulbin Henry Bulbin

REMEMBERED BY SHIRLEY, BO & SARAH CRANE: Samuel Ruskin Julia Ruskin Linda Holbrook Virgil Crane


REMEMBERED BY MICHELLE AND JEFFREY EISENBERG: Luisa Benus Herbert Eisenberg Simon Benus Fay Goldman M. Robert Goldman

REMEMBERED BY ALEX, MAYA & MIA FERN: Leonor Betty Roer Bronstein Isaias Roer Ana Bronstein de Roer

REMEMBERED BY LORRAINE FEUER: Esther Feuer Sol Kahlenberg Lester Feuer Edythe Moskowits Samuel Feuer Michael Moskowits Arnold Kahlenberg Emanuel Moskowits Pauline Kahlenberg

In the rising of the sun and in its going down we remember them. REMEMBERED BY JUDY & JEFF FINKELSTEIN AND FAMILY: Ron Albert Martin Finkelstein E. David Rosen Susan Rosen

REMEMBERED BY RABBI JONATHAN, ABBY, AYLA & YAEL FISCH: Ethel Rothstein Mark Furman Ed Meripol Harold Rothstein Jay Winthrop Alan Fisch

REMEMBERED BY NANCY & LEW FISHMAN AND FAMILY: Carole Klugerman John Greene Bess Fishman Sidney Fishman Gerry Klugerman Belle Peyser Ed Peyser Phylis Tannen Harold Tannen Marsha Dolsak

REMEMBERED BY MARY & HOWARD FRANK: Belle Frank Jay Frank Percy Frank

REMEMBERED BY SHEILA FREED: Victor Reiter Ann Reiter Owen Freed

REMEMBERED BY KAREN & RICHARD FORSTER: Florence Forster Miriam Kaplan Louis Forster Edith M. Stock Henry Kaplan Joseph Stock Arlene R. Clode

REMEMBERED BY SONA GARDNER: Alan Gardner Sidney Gardner Al Rosenberg Rose Gardner Freda Rosenberg


REMEMBERED BY HARRIET GERSHMAN AND FAMILY: Samuel Gershman Benjamin Wellner Mandel Rosenfeld Eve Rosenfeld

In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, we remember them. REMEMBERED BY STUART H. GITLITZ & JUDY ROSENBLUM: Jerry Gitlitz James Keegan Morris Moskowitz Bertha Moskowitz Anna Gitlitz

REMEMBERED BY MARILYN AND NORMAN GOLDBERG AND FAMILY: Anne Goldberg Seymour Goldberg Lillian Cataldo Gene Cataldo Marvin Marcus Sue Hogan Yale Mosk

REMEMBERED BY CHERYL & ADAM GOLDSTEIN AND FAMILY: Dorothy Hollander Harold Hollander Evelyn Lass Myer Lass William Marks Goldstein Rose Tischler Louis Tischler David Goldstein Estelle Goldstein Bruce Hollander Suretta Hollander



REMEMBERED BY MARIANNA, ANDREW, SIMONA & BRIAN GREEN: James W. Green Reyna Youngerman Alexander Youngerman Ruth Green Shulman Simon Green Judith Gindy Aileen Green Emery Green Nancy Hirsh Edward Hirsh

REMEMBERED BY CLAUDIA & JOE GREENBERG: Dorothy Greenberg Samuel Greenberg Ellen Baum Dr. George Baum Joseph Baum Nettie Baum Rabbi David Miller Dr. Jordan Baum Elizabeth Miller Mia Baum Judge Samuel Freedman Dr. Victor Baum Jenna Baum

In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, we remember them. REMEMBERED BY STUART & KARYN GROSSMAN: Margaux Renee Grossman Sylvia Grossman Morris Grossman Paul Nudelman Joseph Grossman Pauline Nudelman Ruth Grossman Max Karl Anita Karl Barrie Karl Schwade Ida Davidoff Samuel Davidoff Louis Karl Bertha Karl Fedora Berman

REMEMBERED BY OSSIE & HARRY HANAUER: Manuel Bosch Ruth Bosch Lidsky Carol Cobb Alfred Hanauer Irma Hanauer Joseph Stein Josh Stein Sylvia Stein Rose Tancer Sigmund Tancer Carolyn Taffel Annie Blango To Those Who Have No One Left to Remember Them


REMEMBERED BY DON HARVEY & KAROL HOCHMAN: Martin Hochman Minnie Epstein Ruby Epstein Miriam Epstein Ira Epstein Mary Harvey Simon Harvey Norton “Tut” Harvey Jack Kurtz George Hochman Ruth Hochman Harvey Hochman Alan Gardner Joseph Gonzalez

REMEMBERED BY IRENE & MORRIS HOLLANDER: Abe H. Hollander Barbara D. Hollander Florence R. Hollander Sam Cantor Norman F. Hollander Sylvia F. Cantor Bonnie Michelle Hollander

REMEMBERED BY JUDY & STANLEY JACOBS: Frances Berkowitz Robert Jacobs Sidney Berkowitz Sylvia Jacobs

REMEMBERED BY DAN JAFFE: Reuben Fund Lillian Newman Sylvia Fund Sankel Louis Newman Hon. Frank Meadow George Sankel Herma Jaffe William Jaffe Hon. Robert Newman William (Buddy) Reuben In the opening buds and in the rebirth of spring we remember them. REMEMBERED BY RICHARD, RACHEL, SAMUEL, & REBECCA KALSKI: Irvin Kalski Ruchel Kalski Sura Kalski Szmil Kalski Szymon Kalski Hyman Stein Fanny Stein Noach Stein Raizel Shoshana Stein Sol Stein Grace Stein Edward Stein Helen Stein Marilyn Tesler Stein

REMEMBERED BY VICKI & HARDY KATZ: Louis Katz Jack Cohen Lillian Katz Helen Mann Bess Cohen Irving Mann

REMEMBERED BY JANET KATZ AND FAMILY Larry Katz Otto Delikat Pearl Delikat Lena Katz Max Katz

REMEMBERED BY KATIE & MARK KESSLER & FAMILY: Sardou Abrahams Ella Davis Edward Davis Andrew Friedman Mel Friedman Goldie Friedman Nancy Friedman Peter Gordon Earl Gordon Joseph Hochstadter Betty Hochstadter Samantha Kessler Benson Kessler Judith Kessler Rae Kessler Halpern

REMEMBERED BY SUSAN AND STEVEN KOBETZ AND FAMILY: Burton Garber Shirley Luber Garber Morton Kobetz Shirley Kobetz Selig Garber Mollie Garber Max Luber Rose Luber William Kobetz Ethel Kobetz Alexander Leibowitz Yetta Leibowitz Marion Perlmutter REMEMBERED BY THE KOBETZ-KERMAN FAMILY: Burton Garber Shirley Luber Garber Morton Kobetz Shirley Kobetz Bess Freedman Chaim Freedman Irene Kerman Sam Kerman Rose Luber Max Luber Herman Freedman Steven Shere

In the opening buds and in the rebirth of spring we remember them. REMEMBERED BY RICHARD & AMY KOHAN: Olga Kohan Janet Doris Tonkonow Eugene Kohan

REMEMBERED BY MARILYN & RONALD KOHN: Mildred Golub Seymour Golub Roberta Kohn Gene Kohn Marylu Goldberg Robert Carp

REMEMBERED BY PHYLLIS AND ABE KOSS & FAMILY: Ben Klein Sarah Klein Arnold Klein Jack Kosobucki Libby Lehman Sidney Klein Herb Lehman Eva Kosobucki

REMEMBERED BY THE LABBIE FAMILY: Harold Ginsburg Leon Labbie Elaine Labbie Abe Ginsburg Francis Ginsburg Max Siperstein Sara Siperstein Abraham Labbie Ceilia Labbie Isadore Sachs Emma Sachs Nyles Schumaker Hy Pomerantz Anne Pomerantz Gloria Haister Milt Heslin Cliff Wolff Rachel Benjamin Calder Jacob Sloan Jane Levin Bruce Wilson

REMEMBERED BY THE LAMBERT FAMILY: Donald Lambert Iudith “Sis” Freedman Aaron Freedman Sam Lambert Sarah Lambert Milton Cohen Sylvia Cohen Harry Lebenson Toby Lebenson

REMEMBERED BY ALICE & ALAN LASH AND FAMILY: Hermine Lash Marvin Lash Lillian Jacobson Linda Pallot

REMEMBERED BY BETH & SCOTT LAZAR & FAMILY: Goldie Moskowitz Rose Washkowitz Joseph Washkowitz Henrietta Michael Isidor Michael Evelyn Lazar

In the beginning of the year and when it ends, we remember them. REMEMBERED BY PAMELA PERRY AND FAMILY; ELLEN LEESFIELD AND FAMILY: Priscilla R. Perry Hannah Geffner (Leesfield) Hon. Morton Perry Samuel Leesfield

REMEMBERED BY RHODA & MORRIS LEVITT AND FAMILY: Allen Berman Sylvia Berman Eli Levitt Yetta Levitt Fannie Levitt Sam Pincus Eva Pincus Sam Levin Zena Levin

REMEMBERED BY MARLENE & RICHARD LEVY: Beatrice Rabinovitz Morris Rabinovitz Sol J. Levy Sidney Leidowitz Dr. Reuben Levy


REMEMBERED BY PAT LIEBERMAN: Charles Lob Jo Lob Irving Lieberman Ann Lieberman Dr. Warren Lieberman

REMEMBERED BY RENEE & DAVID LIEBERMAN: Ida P. Lieberman Harlan E. Sapero Irving H. Lieberman Sari R. Sapero


REMEMBERED BY DAVID & FAITH MESNEKOFF: Ada Mesnekoff Nathan Mesnekoff Ruth Raphan Hyman Raphan Luella Lester Robert Lester Rose Jadd Albert Jadd Rose Citron Carl Citron

REMEMBERED BY THE MEYERS AND HALL FAMILY: Andrew Hall Gerald Etra Eric B. Meyers Edmund Hall Maria Hall Howard Sloane Virginia Sloane

In the beginning of the year and when it ends, we remember them. REMEMBERED BY KATE, JONATHAN, LILLY AND ANNABELLE: Dr. Gerald Etra Andrew Hall Eric Meyers Virginia Sloane

REMEMBERED BY CAROLINE HECK MILLER & DANIEL HECK: Gene Miller Seymour Charles Heck Alice Hillman Heck William Sander Heck



REMEMBERED BY MARILYN MITTENTAG: Julius Mittentag Lee Mittentag Paul Mittentag

REMEMBERED BY SUSAN, LARRY, BRIAN & JAY MORRISON: Albert Morrison Richard Morrison Rita Ginsburg

REMEMBERED BY JANE & NORMAN MOSCOWITZ: Arthur Moscowitz Gertrude Moscowitz Ira Moscowitz Jean Perwin Holly Skolnick Adele Wollner Anthony Wollner Arthur Wollner Richard Strafer Helene Jacobs Ringer Bonnie Blackburn Donald Skolnick


REMEMBERED BY GAIL NEWMAN: Reuben Fund Lillian Newman Sylvia Fund Sankel Louis Newman Hon. Frank Meadow George Sankel Herma Jaffe William Jaffe Hon. Robert Newman William (Buddy) Reuben

REMEMBERED BY JAY, BELLA, HANNAH & NATHAN, SHIRA NEWMARK, & SYDNEY SCHAECTER: Stanley M. Newmark Irving Newmark Lillian Newmark Nathan Cohen Lena Cohen Harry Spritzman Jack Cohen

When we are lost and sick at heart, we remember them. REMEMBERED BY BARBARA & DARYLE OSBORN: Jerome Bookman Clarence Osborn Clara Bookman Mildred Osborn Dorothy Mirsky Bonnie Trutt Becker Emmanuel Becker Anna Becker

REMEMBERED BY ROBIN & MICHAEL PARKER AND FAMILY: Celia Pachter Charles Pachter Claire Parker Reuben Rochkind Freida Rubin William Parker Louis Zinn Mary Zinn Rita Zinn Abraham Gordon Doris Gordon Allen Gordon Robert Zinn Gordon

REMEMBERED BY MELANIE HELFMAN PELLE AND JANNA AND MICHAEL PELLE: Tony Pelle Arthur Helfman Ruth Helfman Millicent Pelle Rynning Roald Rynning Michael Pelle

REMEMBERED BY THE PELZ FAMILY: Al Burstein Rose Burstein Burton Garber Shirley Garber Morty Kobetz Shirley Kobetz Esther Pelz Nathan Pelz

REMEMBERED BY SUSAN & BOB PICKARD & FAMILY: Anne Lemkin Marc Lemkin Theodore Pickard Murray Lemkin Maureen Wasserman Lena Pickard

REMEMBERED BY LILLIAN & ALLAN POMS: Jack Rubin Betty Rubin Samuel Poms Frieda Poms Melvin Rubin


When we are lost and sick at heart, we remember them. REMEMBERED BY THE RAKOFSKY FAMILY: Joseph Gross Lawrence G. Lane Rose Marcus Gross Alex Rakofsky Dorothy G. Lane Charlotte Rakofsky Dr. Harvey Lane Henry Rakofsky Col. Jack Lane Joel Rakofsky Elizabeth Levine Samuel Levine June Gross Slutsky Jack Joshua N. Merlis Rhoda Gross-Stern Laurence Reich

REMEMBERED BY MIRIAM GROSSMAN-RODRIGUEZ & PEDRO RODRIGUEZ: Morris L. Grossman Gretchen Vick Henry “Ray” Vick Bessie Rosenfeld Florence “Flossie” Grossman Harvey Grossman Clayton Varnell Nelia Rodriguez Pedro Rodriguez Sr. Miriam Rosenfeld Grossman Samuel F. Grossman Christine Bowden Isaiah Ruiz

REMEMBERED BY MELANIE DERNIS & SETH ROSEN & FAMILY: Martin Belovin Ida Belovin Clara Blume Jack Dernis Katie Dernis Sanford F. Dernis Manuel Polley Regina Polley Richard Polley Ernestine “Teenie” Reiss Robert Rosen Beatrice Reiss Rosen Isidore Reiss Samuel Reiss Sarah Reiss Bessie Rosen Jacob Rosen Charles Siegler Pauline Siegler Marvin Zalis Janette Krupsaw Manuel Krupsaw Chaim Richter Devera Richter


REMEMBERED BY JODI & RUBEN ROZENTAL: Suzanne Bacal Arnold Rozental Terri MacNamee Manny Suarez Shelley Ofner Stephane Tafel Larry Rosenthal Jack Richman Eva Rozental

When we have joys we yearn to share, we remember them. REMEMBERED BY DORA, STEVE, SEAN & GARRET RUBIN: Golda Brazlavsky Mildred Potasch Samuel Brazlavsky Estella Yagid Howard Cohen Gabriel Yagid Eli Cohen Jean Rubin Mijel Brazlavsky Albert Rubin

REMEMBERED BY LORI & RICK SALZMAN: Patricia Markowitz Dr. Robert Salzman Harry Rabin Alice Rabin Florence Markowitz Harry Markowitz Murray Salzman Mary Salzman Florence Fisher Worrel Fisher

REMEMBERED BY NORMAN SAXE: Mimi Saxe Ethel Marks Schultz William Harold Schultz Rita Rose Ross Harry Zelmanovitch Marjie Elfenbein Ann Saxe Benjamin Saxe Mathilda Ehrlich Max Ehrlich Esther Shear Saxe Morris Saxe



REMEMBERED BY LAWRENCE & LOIS SCHIMMEL: Arthur Schimmel Emanuel Esterman Mildred Schimmel Sarah Esterman

REMEMBERED BY SUSAN SCHOLZ-RUBIN: Alfred Dinert Gisela Dinert Michael K. Scholz Melvin A. Rubin

REMEMBERED BY DAVID & MINDY SCHUSTER: Lawrence Burton Wiener Dorothy Evelyn Wiener

When we have joys we yearn to share, we remember them. REMEMBERED BY STANLEY MANDEL & LAURIE SHAPERO: Doris Shapero Edwin Shapero Clement Mandel Julia Mandel David Jaffe

REMEMBERED BY STAN & CAROL SHAPIRO AND FAMILY: Morris Shapiro Leonore Shapiro Jack Shapiro Tracey Shapiro Eric Shapiro Abraham Ellis Valerie Ellis Annette Reznak Roslyn Schwartz

REMEMBERED BY BOBBIE SIEGAL & FAMILY: Don Siegal Ed Siegal Esther Siegal Ben Siegal Stan Siegal Teri Siegal Jesse Solomon Eva Rae Solomon Jan Solomon Bozeman

REMEMBERED BY RABBI JUDITH & BRIAN SIEGAL & FAMILY: Don Siegal Stanley Siegal Bernard Bennett Eva Rae Solomon Jan Bozeman Jesse Solomon Ed Siegal Esther Siegal Carolyn Lazarus Will Lazarus Jack Wertheimer

REMEMBERED BY DEBBIE, JIM, JUSTIN, ANDREA & JAYNE SIEGEL: Fannie Balik Sally Konigsberg David Haber Alfred Siegel Lyra Rothschild Haber Jay Allen Siegel Irving Kane Lillian Siegel Nathan Konigsberg

REMEMBERED BY MARIAN AND BOB SIEGEL: Morris Ruskin Sylvia Ruskin Bernard Miller Benjamin Siegel Mary Siegel Sandra Siegel Mark Siegel

REMEMBERED BY THE SILVERMAN-MORO FAMILY: Gerard L. Spielman Murray Silverman Rafael Moro Serrano Bernice Spielman Elaine Harris

So long as we live, they too shall live, for they are now a part of us. REMEMBERED BY JULIE & GARY SIMON & FAMILY: Thelma Birnberg David Catsman Elinor Catsman Irene Goldberg Leonard Kaplan Ben Magun Irving Magun Hyman Magun Toibe Magun Harry Simon Helen Simon Jeremy Simon Seymour Simon Marcia Simon Kaplan

REMEMBERED BY HEATHER, NEIL, CAROLINE AND MATTHEW SOSLER: Carolyn Sosler Stuart Sosler Rose Katzen Harold Katzen Al Aster Solomon Steinbook Mildred Steinbook

REMEMBERED BY MICHAEL SPRITZER & MARJORIE A. BARON: Miriam Garcia-Pedrosa Ben Spritzer Marjorie Spritzer Stella Spritzer Edna Baron Anne Frankel Irving Frankel Melvin Frankel

REMEMBERED BY RUTH STERN: Max Stern Margot Stern Leo Salinger Paula Salinger Lilo Stern Lore Stern



REMEMBERED BY PENNY & RICHARD THURER: Ethel Arlen Rose Thurer Samuel Arlen Carl Thurer

REMEMBERED BY ROBERT TISCHENKEL: Norman Tischenkel Vivian Tischenkel

REMEMBERED BY MICHELE AND BARRY TUVEL: Audrey Aibel Miranda Sylvia Berman Fannie Levitt Andrew Baruch Tuvel Toby Tuvel Hermine Wiener Yetta Levitt Eli Levitt Zena Levin

So long as we live, they too shall live, for they are now a part of us. REMEMBERED BY CYNTHIA, ANDY, ANDREA & MICHELLE VARAT: Louis Goldenkoff Vera Goldenkoff Morton Varat Ida Barsel Bea Schary Jack Varat Mildred Varat Anna Toback Charles Toback Frank Toback Rose D. Toback Jack Toback Rose Toback

REMEMBERED BY THE WHEATMAN FAMILY: Howard Dolinger Sylvia Dolinger Jack Dolinger Sandra Wheatman Miller Bernard Wheatman Helen Wheatman

REMEMBERED BY LYNN WIENER: Henry N. Wiener Israel A. Wiener Ruth F. Levin Hermine L. Wiener Rose B. Wiener And your loved ones

REMEMBERED BY MARJORIE WILKOFF: Allen Wilkoff Merwyn Markel Phyllis Wilkoff



REMEMBERED BY ROZ & JACK ZACKS: Rosalind Golman Martin Spector Morris Golman Herbert Spooner Dorothy Spector Naomi Zacks Maurice Zacks Tara Scherzer

REMEMBERED BY MARCIA & DR. JASON ZELLNER: Alec Leteve John Miseo Asher Leteve Pauline Miseo Gerald Schwartz Hilda Zellner Sarah Schwartz Theodore Zellner

The world is better because, for a brief space, they lived in it. Freda Abbott Lloyd Apple Gerald Abbott Marvin Apple James Abbott Benjamin W. Applebaum* Maurice Abelson* Bernard Applebaum Pauline Abelson* Della Applebaum* Sara Abelson* Marcia Applebaum* Frieda Weinstein Abouhov Max Applebaum* Sardou Abrahams Sadie Applebaum* Bertha Abrams Sherman Applebaum George Abrams Bernice Sammet Applefeld Claire Ackman Juana Arias* Martin Ackman Ethel Arlen* Anna Adler* Samuel Arlen* Charles Adler* Bernice Arnkoff Erwin Adler* Dr. Harry Arnkoff Flo Adler Ida Arnkoff Harry Adler* Louis Arnkoff Laura Adler Albert M. Aronson Rebecca Adler* Henrietta Aronson* Lawrence Aglow Leaty S. Aronson Harry Aizenshtat Solomon Aronson* Rose T. Aizenshtat* Toby Ascher Ron Albert Ruti Ashbel* Jacqueline Alderson Theodore Shelley Ashbel* Wilbur Alderson Lena Ashenoff* Charles Aldrich Milton Ashenoff* Leonore Aldrich Samuel Ashenoff* Wilma Straus Alexander* Alberto Attas Jennifer Alfonso Dorothea Auerbach George Alterman George Auerbach George Altman Abraham Auron Louis Altshuler* Beatrice Auron Nettie Altshuler* Hannah Avizemel Morad Ayush Amar Howard Alan Ayares Morad Amar Michael Azari Molly Ament Maria Aznar Sam Ament Miguel Aznar Gail Richman Andich* Patricia Azout Betty Andress Charles Bacal David Angel Suzanne Bess Bacal Minnie Angel Edward Lawrence Bailey, Jr. Linda Anmuth* Gary Balber Samuel Anmuth George Balber* Barnet Annis* Myra Balber Bertha Annis* Anne Balkin Linda Anson Leslie Balkin Arthur Apple Alfred Band Dorothy Apple Marcia Band Frances D. Apple* Helen Barkin Henry C. Apple* Seymour Barkin Esther Barocas Luisa Benus Gerald Barocas Simon Benus Louis Barocas Simon Berezin Miriam Barocas David Theodore Berg Edna Baron Elaine Berger Marion Barr Frieda Berger* Bella Baskin* Lazar Berger Maurice Baskin* Lena Berger Meyer Baskin* Philip Berger* Florence Baskin-Gordon* Abe Berkowitz Rivka Bassett Barney Berkowitz Sol Bassett Elaine Berkowitz Louis Bassin Esther Berkowitz Rebecca Bassin Frances Berkowitz Gideon Batelman Philip Berkowitz Dr. George L. Baum* Sidney Berkowitz Dr. Jordan Baum Joan Berler* Dr. Victor Baum Gilbert Berlinski Ellen Baum* Anna Berman Joseph Baum* Hersch Berman Mia Baum Ruth Berman Nettie Baum* Shlomo Berman Edna Bayer Sylvia Berman Howard Bayer Theodore Berman* Louise Baylus Renee Bernard Meyer Baylus Jack Berns Estelle Bearden* Adele Bernstein Irving Beck Harry L. Bernstein* Becky Becker* Joseph Bernstein Catherine N. Becker Lillian R. Bernstein Eugene Becker Nathan Bernstein Harry Becker Sivie Bernstein Jacob Becker* Harry Berry Ruth Cohan Beckett* Berte Berschler Yechiel Beckman* Leonard Berschler Elizabeth Beddall Hannah Berson James Beddall Anna Best* Alexander Bedine Benjamin Best* Richard Bedine Daniel Best Sylvia Bedine Stanford Best* Max Beitch Terry Best Anna Bass Ben* Anita Bickford* Max Ben* Linda Bickford Allan J. Bennett Martin Bickford* Anne Bennett* Morris Bierman* Bernard J. Bennett Rita Gilbert Bierman* Gary Bennett Ethel Bietch Ronna Bennett Al Biller* Gerry Benson Edith Biller* Arlene Benswanger Myrton Billings Renee Billings Susie Bookman Dina Dora Binet Shirlee Borish Henry Binet Manuel Bosch Thelma Birnberg* Isaac Boshnack Jordan Bittel Malcolm Boshnack Frances Rose Blacher Rose Boshnack Marsha Black Elias Botkin Edward L. Blackman* Toby Botkin Evelyn Blackman* Christine Bowden Kay Blackman Hon. Seymour Boyers Rebecca Blackman* Murray Bracker* Rubin Blackman* Babette “Bobbi” Bramnick Bernard Blanck* Pearl Bramnick Joan Blank Beatrice Braunstein* Aron Herbert Blate* David Brawer Bertha Mae Blate* Laura Brawer Lottie Blatt Mijel Brazlavsky* Miriam Blatt Eileen G. Breier Paul Blau Carolyn Breiter Juan Blazquez Dr. Bernard Breiter Florence Blechman Alfred Brenner Magdalena Bleier Dr. Jack Brenner Anita Blinski Florence Brenner Maurice Blinski Gail Brenner Ann Block Gertrude Brenner Albert Bloom Rose Brenner* Cantor Aaron Bloom Pauline Breslof Eva Bloom Sarah Brettman Helen Bloom Margaret Bridge Jean Builtman Bloom Wilbur Bridge Ruth E. Bloom Larry Brill Marty Bloomberg Trudy Brinen Jeanette Blum Lillian Balk Bring Meredith L. Blum* Arian Brodie Nina Blumberg Arthur Brodie Hyman Blumenfeld Benjamin Brody Ida Blumenfeld Mollie Brody Murray Blumenfeld Stanley Brody Philip Blumenfeld Sylvia Brody Reuben Blumenfeld Adolph Brookman Shirley Blumenfeld* Doris Brookman Sidney Blumenfeld* Bert Brooks Sophie Blumenfeld Florence Brooks* Moisey Blumin* Jay Brooks Craig Bofman Herbert Brotman Tom Bondy* Mollie Brotman Irvin J. Bonn Phil Brous Ruth Bonn Benjamin Brown Clara Bookman Elena Remington Brown Jerome Bookman Elizabeth Brown Helen Brown Inaclaire Carter* Max Brown Rowland Carter Nellie Brown Milton Cash* Peggy Brown Seymour Casper Robert Brown* Orlando Castillo Rosabelle M. Brown Hernando Castro Sidney B. Brown Gene Cataldo Walter Brown Lillian Cataldo SaraNette Bulbin David Phillip Catsman Stanley Bulbin* Elinor Catsman Lillian Burak Francisco Cauce Alvin Lee Burger* Ana Celnikier Barton Seth Burger* Morris Celnikier Donna Marie Burger Flora Elena Chacon* Harvey Burger Emily Chambers Louis Burger* Aziza Chamuel Sanford Jay Burger* Jacob Chamuel Sylvia Burger* Roger Chamuel Anna Burk Ruth Charin Warren A. Burk* Samuel Charin Thelma Burman Claire Feder Chase* Al Burnstein Anna Chazen* Rose Burnstein Albert Chekanow* John S. Burton* Minna Chekanow* Justin E. Burton* Leonard Cherdack Robert White Byrd Mary Cherniak* Raquel Caballero Stephen Chernok* Norman Cabel Mae Collins Chipurnoi David Calderon Perry H. Chipurnoi Jack Nelson Calderon Albert Chiron* MD Molly Calderon Rose Chiron* Ruth Calderon Carl Citron* Jack Camhe Jeffrey Citron Libby Camhe Rose Citron* Morris Camhe Arlene R. Clode Irwin Camner* Carol Cobb Joseph Camner* Helen Cobden Dr. Antonio Campo Aaron J. Cohen* Mark Allan Cannon Annie Cohen* Sam Cantor Bennie Cohen* Sylvia F. Cantor Bernard Cohen Beth Caplan Bernice Cohen* Murray Caplin Bess Cohen* Pauline Caplin Calvin Cohen Joseph M. Carlin Evelyn F. Cohen Ruth Carlin George Cohen Edith Carman H. Mort Cohen Harry Carman Harvey Cohen Dorothy Roth Carney Helen D. Cohen* Edith Carter* Herman Cohen Ilene Cohen Bernard Cowan* Irene Judith Cohen Harold Cowan* Isaac Cohen* Irving Cowan Jack Cohen Pauline Cowan Jackie Cohen* Robin Cowan Lena Cohen Sandra Cowin* Leo Cohen Virgil Crane Lillie Cohen Marilyn Crayne Linda-Lu Cohen Cali Cristian Marvin Cohen* Marilyn Cromer Michael Cohen* Maurice Cromer Milton Cohen Cecilia Crow Molly Cohen* Charles Joseph Cross Nathan Cohen Elizabeth Cross Perry Alan Cohen* Dr. David Crowell Rae Ethel Cohen Sylvia C. Crowell Romesa Cohen Minnie Zarchin Crystal* Ruth Glick Cohen Abraham Isaac Curiel S.Solomon Cohen* Hubert Curson Sandra Wheatman Cohen* Charles Cutler* Seymour Cohen* Norma Cutler Sylvia Cohen Rose Cutler* Thomas G. Cohen* Hermia Czyzewjki Herta Cohn* Henry Daims* Lena Cohn* Minnie Diane Daims* Roslyn Cohn Tillie Daims* Tracy Lyn Cohn Helen Miller Dalsheimer Werner Cohn* Hugo Dalsheimer Bernard Coira Janet Ellen Dalsheimer Esther Coira Roger Dalsheimer George Colan Frederick Damski* Roger Colan Paula Damski* Ruth Colan Steven Dan Ida Cole* Sherri Danisi Dr. Edward B. Cook Carol Dannheisser Cecile Coonin Hans Dannheisser Dr. Albert Coonin Adolph Daum* Israel Coonin Alan Davis Yetta Coonin Barry Davis Martin Cooper* Edward Davis Marion Cooperman* Ella Davis Glenn Copeland* Christian De La Iglesia Estelle D. Corenblum* Rosa Lee De LooKung Howard David Corenblum* Elena C. De La Sala Mary Corenblum* Miguel De La Sala Maurice Corenblum* Emilia Helueni De Muhafra Ronni Corenblum* Bessie Deakter* Sadie Corenblum* Max Deakter* Tilden B. Corenblum* Emanuel Deitz Charles J. Courshon Eva Deitz Alberto DelCastillo Herbert “Herb” Dunn Raul DelCastillo Albert Eastham Otto Delikat David Eastham Pearl Delikat Irene Eastham Carl Demar Stuart Eber Ruth Demar Maria Eblagon Alice M. Demattia Alice Eckstein Victor Demattia Samuel Eckstein Leonard Denaburg Fred Edelman Mary Denaburg Jeanne Edelman Simon Denaburg Sylvia Edelman Floyd Denison Adrienne Edlow Katie Dernis Irving Edlow Sanford Froy Dernis* Jack Edlow Berrie Shaw Deutschman Paul Edlow Betty Lou Diamond* Morris Edlowitz Isidore “Chip” Diamond* Abe Egherman Leahbeth Diamond Esther Egherman Sanford Diamond Mollie Ehre* Maria C. Diaz Jack Ehrenreich* Nely Dick May Ehrenreich* Howard Dietz Alan Ehrlich Millie Dietz Ira Ehrlich Alfred Dinert Stanley Ehrlich Gisela Dinert Gordon Einhorn Robert S. Dingfelder Ruth Einhorn Sylvia Dingfelder Shirley Einhorn Lillie Gottlieb Doliner* Herbert Eisdorfer Yorke Irving Doliner* Irving Eisen* Howard Leon Dolinger* Sylvia Eisen* Jack Dolinger* Herbert Eisenberg Sylvia Dolinger* Rose Eisenberg Lewis Dorfman* Sam Eisenberg Gloria Dorman Millie D. Eisenman* Jacob Dorman* Morris J. Eisenman* Jerry Dorman Benjamin Eizenman* Morris Dorman* Esther Elbaum Philip Dorman* Lou Elbaum Sidney Dorman* Bertha Elinsky Israel Dorotynski* Leo Elinsky Tedra Douglas Bernard Elkin Buddy Dresner* Gerald Elkin Carol Dresner Herbert Elkin Dorothy Dresner* Rita Elkin Marion Drucker Geraldine Elkins Seymour Drucker Abraham Ellis* Max M. Dubin* Valerie Ellis* Reina Duboff* Jimmy Ellison Marian Lee Dumaine Lee Elman* Leon Dunager* Jacob Emdin* Mary Emdin* David Stanley Feinberg Lillian Engel Elliott “Eddie” Feinberg Max Engel Herman Feinberg Morton J. Engel* Jake Feinberg Henry S. Englebardt* Lena “Lee” Feinberg Max Ennis George Feingold Sarah Ennis Moe Feingold* Sara Enser Sylvia Feingold Dora Epelbaum Edward Stanley Feldman* Edward Epstein Esther Feldman Feigle Epstein* Frank H. Feldman Ira Epstein* Joseph Feldman* Kalman Epstein* Lynn Feldman Max Epstein Max Feldman Merritt Epstein* Mildred Feldman* Mildred Epstein Selma Feldman Minnie Epstein* Stacey Malman Feldman Miriam Epstein* Leonard Fels Reuben Epstein* Lise Ferran Eugene Ernest* Esther Feuer* Max Ernest* Lester Feuer* Albert Eskenazi Samuel Feuer* Jack Eskenazi Dina Fiech Victor Eskenazi Herman Fiech Emanuel Esterman* Ruth Fiedler Sarah Esterman* Leon Fine* Dr. Seymour Estrin Gertrude Goldb Fink* Dr. Gerald Etra Harold Finkelstein* Irwin Benzion Ettelman Martin Finkelstein Sandra Ettelman Nathan Finkelstein Doris Ettinger* Sam Finkelstein Louis Ettinger* Bernard William Firestone Mildred Dlugin Evans Regina Joan Firestone Robert Barry Evans* Alan Fisch Bessie Factor* Edward A. Fischer Elise Factor* Leonard Fischer Ira S. Factor Lillian Fischer Celia Falletti Davis Fisher Herbert Farbish E. Herman Fisher* Howard Farbish Goldie L. Fisher* Arthur Fechter Manya Fisher Doris A. Feder* Melvyn Warren Fisher* Solomon Feder* Milton Fisher Sophie Daisy Feder* Rose Fisher Bernard Federman* Lillian Fitch Seymour Ira Feig Lt. Col. Arthur Fitch Harry Feil Stanley Fleischer Annette Fein Benjamin Fletcher Arthur Feinberg Herbert Fletcher Bernice Feinberg Vera Fletcher Yetta Fletcher Mel Friedman Joan Forman Mildred Friedman* Ted Forman Nancy Friedman Florence Forster Rose Kanner Friedman* Louis Forster* Alfred Frogel Helen L. Fox* Anna Frogel* Leon H. Fox, Jr. Benjamin Frogel* Sidney Fox Rita Frogel Al Frank* Jacob Fromer Belle Frank Matthew Frost David Albert Frank Kyla Fund* Edmond Frank Reuben Fund* Florence Frank* Samuel Fund* Jay Frank Janice Fusfield Percy Frank Helen Gach Sophie Gordon Frank Rene’ Galand Anne Frankel* Louis B. Galison* Gertrude Frankel* Philip Galison* Hikey Frankel George Gallaty Irving Frankel* Harry Galloway Leo Frankel Selma Galloway Buddy Freed Burton Emmanuel Garber* Ed Freed Shirley Garber Jess Freed Shirley Luber Garber* Owen Freed* Alan Gardner* Sylvia B. Freed Roger Gardner Byrna Freedman* Rose Gardner Iudith Freedman Sidney Gardner Rebecca Freedman Leon Garfield Sidney Freedman Rosalie Garfield Beverly Freeman Benjamin Garfinkel* Florence Freeman* Minnie Garner* Irving Freeman* Helen K. Gassman Jessie Freeman* Barbara Gattis Yoel Camayd Freixas Frances L. Gaynor Chaim Frenkel Herbert Gaynor Sara Frenkel Ida Geier Frances Fried Russell Geiger Martin Fried Ellen Gelband Morris Friedberg* Mildred Gelber Bessie Friedlander Rose Gelber* Harry Friedlander Samuel Gelber Bert Friedlob Herbert Gelernter Rose Friedlob Jeffrey W. Gelernter* Albert H. Friedman* Lynne Golob Gelfman Alice Friedman* Jeannette Gellman Andrew Friedman Simon Gellman Boomie Friedman Leo Gelvan* Goldie Friedman Irwin Gendzier Harry Friedman* Joyce Gerber* May Dorman Gerler* Carol Goldenblank* Leon Gershbein* Frederick Goldenblank Samuel Gershman Leon Goldenblank Walter Gersten* Minnie Goldenblank Jacob Benjamin Gertz* Morton Goldenblank* Ellen Victoria Gilbert Samuel Goldenblank Louis Gillman Sheldon Goldenblank Maxine Gillman Louis Goldenkoff* Rosalyn Gillman Vera Goldenkoff* Judith Gindy Allen Lawrence Goldfarb Leah Ginsberg Harold Goldfarb Ben Zion Ginsburg Lillian Goldfarb Harold Ginsburg Louis Goldfarb Ruth D. Ginsburg Abraham Goldman Rita Kaplan Ginsburg Benton Goldman Roberta Giroux Charlotte Goldman Jerry Gitlitz Dena Goldman Maurice Gladstone Fay Goldman Reba Gladstone Ida Goldman* Abraham Glaser* Irene Goldman Deborah B Noac Glaser* Marvin Goldman Moses B Reb Ya Glaser* Morris Goldman David Glass* Morris Robert Goldman Elsa Levick Glazer* Mort Goldman* Esther Glazer Sally Goldman Dave S. Glinn Sam Goldman Sandra Glinn Sarah Goldman* Viola Samuelson Glinn Steven H. Goldmann Moses B Nasane Glucksman* Kathi Kamen Goldmark Shelton Goble Barnett Goldner Pearl Godfrey Goldie Goldner Kenny Gold Isadore Goldsand Norton Gold Lillian Goldsand Rose Gold Ronald Goldsand Anne Goldberg Alexander Goldstein Bessie Goldberg* Anna D. Goldstein* David Goldberg Benjamin Goldstein* Harris Goldberg* Dora Goldstein Helen Goldberg Florence Minsky Goldstein Howard Goldberg Jacob Goldstein Irene Magun Goldberg Joseph Goldstein Kenny Goldberg Mary Goldstein Martin Goldberg Michelle Goldstein Phillip Goldberg Norma Goldstein Reggie Goldberg Robert Goldstein Ruth Goldberg Ruth Goldstein Sarah Goldberg* Sally Goldstein* Seymour Goldberg Sandy Blackman Goldstein* Shirley Goldberg Sanford Goldstein* Thelma Goldberg Sarah Goldstein* Sylvia Goldstein* Charles E. Gottlieb Tybie Goldstein Eleanor Gottlieb Beatrice Goldszer* Irving J. Gottlieb Isaac Goldszer Jay Gottlieb Louis E. Goldszer* Florence M. Graff Genia Golembiowski* Samuel F. Graff Nechemja Golembiowski Harold Granoff Becky Golin Joseph C. Grant Isidore Golin Phyllis Gray Norman Golin William Gray Harvey Gollin Aileen Green Pearl Gollin Anne Kaplan Green Morris Golman Charles Green* Rosalind Golman Emery Green Harold Goltz Henry Green* Mildred Golub James W. Green* Seymour Golub Milton Green Teodoro Gomar Randall Matthew Green* Bernard Gomberg Steven Green Jeanette Gomberg Simon J. Green* Joseph Gonzalez Abraham Saul Greenberg* Abraham Goodman* Allen Greenberg* Anne Goodman Anne* Greenberg Bessie Goodman Celia W. Greenberg* Bobbi Goodman Dorothy Greenberg* Harold M. Goodman* Eve Cary Greenberg Jack Goodman Joel Greenberg* Jerome Goodman* Mitchell Greenberg Loretta Goodman Samuel H. Greenberg* Ruth Goodman* Shirley Greenberg Samuel M. Goodman* Sidney Greenberg Victor Goodman Stephen Greenberg Heidi Jacobs Goodrich Tracy Greenberg Rose Gorchov* Allan W. Greene* Mollie Gorden* Fannie Greene* Sidney Gorden* George Greene Allen Gordon Helen Greene* Evelyn Lazarus Gordon Leon Greene* June Mailman Gordon Martin Greene* Robert Willard Gordon Max Greene* Earl Gordon Minnett Shain Greene Gail Gordon Myron Greene* Judy Gordon Newton Greene* Peter Gordon Pearl Greene* Spencer Bruce Gordon Samuel Arthur Greene* Shirley Gordon* Ursula Greene* Linda Gorwitz Warren P. Greene* Philip Gotlieb* Eileen Greenfield Sarah Gotlieb* Ann Greenspan Roma Gottesman David Greenspan Harry Grinspan Vicki Hamersmith Zelda Grinspan Clarence Hammer Irving Gropper Alfred Hanauer Anna R. Gross* Irma Hanauer Hyman Gross* Ida Handelman* Rose Marcus Gross Ira Handelman* Sherwin Gross Howard Handsel* Simon Gross* Barbara Harmon Susie Gross Sylvia Harp Florence Grossman Abraham W.Harris* Harvey Grossman David Harris Isidore Grossman Elaine Harris* Margaux Grossman Marshall S. Harris Mike Grossman Sara R. Harris* Miriam Grossman Steven Matthew Harris Morris Grossman William Harris* Samuel Grossman Henry Harrison* Sylvia Grossman Herbert Harrison* Frieda Grozansky Jay Harrison* Louis Grozansky Louis Harrison* Bernard Gruber Regina Harrison* Jesse Gruber Isidore Haskoe* Barbara Grundstein Simon Hassine* Richard Grundstein Muriel Hattenbach Barbara H. Grussmark* Isadore Hecht* Harry B. Grussmark* Alice Heck Ruth Gudis Seymour Charles Heck Leona Gulko William S. Heck Mary Gulko James L. Heckaman Marissa Guren Abraham Heffler Nathan Guren Selma Heffler Rose Guren Louis Heiman* Michael Guss J. Arthur Heise Jean Haber* Arthur Helfman Lyra Rothschild Haber Ben L. Helfman* Harriette Hafits Richard J. Helfman* Nancy Frank Hafner Ruth Helfman Daniel I. Hagen Phyllis Rosens Heller* Faye Hagen* Nard S.Helman Joseph Halegua* F.B. Henry Oro Halegua Dorothy Herman* Andrew Hall Joseph Herman* Leona Halperin Julius Herman* Samuel Halperin Samuel Herman* Rae Kessler Halpern Sarah Herman* Nettie Halpert* Miguel Hermolin Dr. Stuart Hamburger Eddy Gill Hernandez Baruch Hamel Rolando Hernandez Henry Hamersmith* Andrew Herris Stanley Jay Hamersmith* Bob Herris Toni Herscovitz Bonnie Hollander* Aaron Herskowitz Bruce Louis Hollander David M. Herskowitz* Florence Hollander Ethel Herskowitz* Frank Hollander* Helen Herskowitz Leah Hollander* Helene Herskowitz Norman F. Hollander* Isadore Herskowitz* Suretta Hollander Jean Herskowitz Max Holowitz* Marilyn Herskowitz Harry M. Holub* Robbie Herskowitz Joseph Holzman Rose Herskowitz Katherine Holzman Sylvan Herskowitz Viola Holzman Madeline Hertog Alex Horitck* Arthur Hertz Francis Horlick* Belle Hertzoff* Clare Horowitz Michael Hertzoff* Dr. Leonard N. Horowitz Alvin C. Hesser* Evelyn Hortick* Frances Hesser* Edward I. Horwich Gertrude Hesser* Maxine Horwich Isadore Hesser* Meyer T. Horwich* Libbie Hesser Sylvia G. Horwich* Marvin Hesser* Walter M. Horwich Norman Hesser* Isaac Horwitz* Sarah Hesser* Liller Mae Huff Sylvia Hesser* Abe M. Hurevitz* Edward Hirsch Robert Hurwitz Nancy Hirsch Rose Hurwitz Alan Hirschenson Elise Corenblum Goldberg Hyatt* Neil A. Hirschhorn Alfred Hyman Thelma Bassin Hirschhorn Rachel Hyman Abraham Hirschkowitz* Albert Ichel Julius Hittcon* Sylvia J. Ichel Nathan Hittcon* Lori Immergluck Rose Hittcon* Tedd Importico George H. Hochman* Bella Indianer Harvey Hochman* Joseph Indianer Martin Hochman* Harold Isan* Ruth Hochman* Iva Isan* Betty Hochstadter Lyla Isenstein Joseph Hochstadter Stanley Jackson Louis Hodor Abe Jacobs Zelda Hodor Bella Hertzberg Jacobs Gerrie Ruth Hoffman Grace Jacobs Leon Hoffman Irene Jacobs* Faye Hoffner Karl Jacobs* Samuel Hoffner Lewis Jacobs Linda Holbrook Robert Jacobs Arelene Holland Sara Jacobs Abe H. Hollander Sylvia Jacobs Barbara D. Hollander* Albert Jacobson* Edna Jacobson Irvin Kalski Edwin Jacobson David M. Kalstone* Esther Jacobson* Elsie Kalstone* Harry Jacobson* Louis Kalstone* Harvey Jacobson* Jane Kamin John Bennett Jacobson Dora Kaminsky* Lillian Jacobson Meyer Kaminsky* Samuel E. Jacobson* Sadie K. Kaminsky* Sarah Roth Jacobson* Sol Kaminsky, Jr.* Seymour Jacobson* Isidore Kamph Rose Jadd* Rose Kamph Elizabeth Jaffee Irving Kane Harry Jaffee Lewis Kanner Adah Jaffer* Marcia Kanner Harold Jaffer* Jean Kanter Sara G. Jaffer Walter Kanter Jonathan James Lois Kantor Lottie Janowski Norman Kantor Maurice Janowski Jack Kantrowitz Mel Jawitz Bessie Kaplan* Perry Jervis Clinton L. Kaplan* Rose Jervis Dorothy Kaplan Rosalind Johnson Eli Kaplan Solon Johnson Henry Kaplan Manuel Joseloff Isadore Kaplan Marion Joseloff Jacob D. Kaplan* Jake Joseph Jean Kaplan Marvin Joseph Joseph Kaplan* Rose Joseph Lawrence Kaplan* Elaine Juara Lena Kaplan* Hannelore Jurysta* Leon Kaplan Joanie Jurysta Leonard Kaplan* Sam Jurysta* Marcia Magun Simon Kaplan Eli Kabat Maurice J. Kaplan* Jacob Kagan* Mildred Kaplan Arnold Kahlenberg* Minerva Kaplan Pauline Kahlenberg* Miriam Kaplan Sol Kahlenberg* Morris L. Kaplan Anna Kahn Rose Kaplan Louis Kahn Anita Karl* Steven Christopher Kahr Max Karl* Sam Kaler* Dr. Mort Karlan John B. Kalick* Lenore R. Karlan Dora Kalish* Fay Karlin Emanuel Kalish Roy Karlin Hillary Kalish* Steve Karlinsky Miriam Kalish Jerome Gerald Karp Ronald Kalish* Rose Karp* Samuel Kalish* Patricia Kartiganer Martin H. Kalser Natalie Kass Philip Kass Samantha Kessler Stanley Kassal Arnold Key Marvin Katowitz* Macey Keyes* A. Bernard Katz* Rosalie Kinberg Charles Katz Louis C. King* Herbert Bud Katz David Averon Kipnis Ida H. Katz* Abraham Kipper Irving Katz* Gertrude Kipper James Katz Rabbi Morris Kipper* Lawrence Katz Kay Kirshner Lillian Katz* Isaac Kirsner Louis Katz* Daniel Klavans Max Zelich Katz* David Klearman Michael Katz Bill Kleiman Pauline Katz Arnold Brian Klein* Renee Katz Beatrice Klein* Sidney Katz* Ben Klein* Sydney Katz Ben E. Klein* Abe Katzen Dora Klein* Howard Katzen* Esther Klein Miriam Katzen Henry B. Klein Sallye Katzenstein Joseph Klein* William Katzenstein Kenneth Klein Benjamin M. Kaufman* Martha C. Klein* Charles Kaufman Matthew Klein Esther Kaufman* Mildred Klein Florence Kaufman* Pearl Klein Harry E. Kaufman* Sara Klein Herbert Kaufman* Sarah “Sunny” Klein* Jeffrey Sanford Kaufman Sidney Klein* Jerome J. Kaufman Wendy Klein Leonard Kaufman Gerald Kleinman Solomon Kaufman* Carole Tannen Greene Klugerman Sylvia Kaufman* Fanny Davidson Klumok Beatrice Kazan* Sol Harry Klumok Seymour Keith Norma B. Knies Freda Keller Rabbi Peter Knobel Celia Kellman Brian Knofsky Jacob Kellman Albert Kobert John Kellman Morton Kobetz Morrie Kellman Shirley Kobetz Scheva Kemp A. Milton Koenig Miriam Kenner Reita Spellman Koenig Rabbi Israel Kenner Sylvia Koenig* Muriel Kenton Morris Kogan* Benson Kessler Stephen Jay Kogan Edward Kessler Yetta Kogan* Herman Kessler* Eugene Kohan Judith Kessler Olga Kohan Rose Kessler Gene Kohn Roberta Kohn Lynn Krupp* Helen Komrad Pearl Krupp* Isadore Komrad* Sofia Schaffer Kupferman Nathan Konigsberg Helen Kurland Sally Konigsburg Phyllis Myers Kurland* Carol Korn Aaron Kurtz Isadore Kornblum* Harriet Kurtz Eduardo Kornfeld Jack Kurtz* Morris Kornfeld Michael Kurtz Susan Korscheck Suetelle Kurzweil Annie Seligman Kort Jesse Kutell* George Kort Mildred Kutell* Maury Kort Mildred Kutner Eva Kosobucki Robert Kutner* Yankiel Kosobucki* Alice Y. Lachin Gilbert Kotzen Irving Laden* Frances Kozloski Melvin H. Laine* Walter Benjamin Kozloski Javier LooKung Lama Bill Kozyak Donald Lambert Marilynn Kozyak Samuel Lambert Carmen Kraftchick* Jerome Lamchick John Kraftchick* Harold Lamel George Kramer* Hattie Lamel Leatrice Kramer Barbara Lamont* Leonard Stanley Kramer Bernard Lamont* Lola T. Kramer* Sandy Landy Marian Beth Kramer* Col. Jack Lane Michael Herman Kramer* Dorothy Gross Lane* Mina Krams Harvey Lane* Joseph Krau Lawrence G. Lane* Edward Kraus* Doris Langer Herbert Kraus* Maclain Langer Sophie Kraus* Min W. Langer* Sylvia Kravitz Moe Morris Langer* Lena Krefetz* Sidney W. Langer* Ceil Kreindler Kevin Lantz Fred Kreindler Jennie Lapides* Hyman Krieger* Joseph Lapides* Stan Krieger Richard Lapidus* Alice Krisel Marie Larner Annette Krisel* Herbert Laschower* Jack H. Krisel* Jeanette Riegel Laschower* William X Krisel Hermine Lash Julia Topp Kronfeld Marvin Lash David Kronish* Marva Lasoff* Rose Kronish* Morris Lasoff Nancy Kruger Bella Lato* Ruth Kruglick Adele Lauren Dr. Jerry Krupp Jack Lavay Eli Krupp* Miriam Lavay Marcia Zuckerman Lavine Leon Levene Carolyn Phillips Lazarus Edward Levenstein Edythe Lazarus Bernie Leventhal Frank Lazarus Esther Leventhal Geraldine Lazarus Burt Levey Jerry Weinstein Lazarus* Dr. Refael Nesim Levi Jules Jacob Lazarus Albert Levick* Walter Henry Lazarus Pauline Levick* Wilbur Lazarus Alihu Levicoff* Haskell Lazere Esa Levicoff* Lois Lazere Abraham Levin Robert Lazere Beatrice Levin* Sanford Leaf* Dr. Jacob E. Levin Jack Leben Dr. Joseph M. Levin Joyce Leben Gladys Levin Toby Lebenson Ida Levin Anne Lebow* Lillian Levin Joseph Lebow* Lillian Diamond Levin Lee Lebow* Marvin Levin* Sally Lebow* Rose Levy Levin* Samuel Lebow* Ruth Levin* Aixa LooKung Lee Sam Levin Morris A. Lee Walter Levin* Rodolfo LooKung Lee Zena Levin Edythe Leeds Abraham Levine* Art Leesfield Betty Levine Hannah Leesfield David Levine* Sam Leesfield David I. Levine Herman Leff Ethel C. Levine Lillie Leff* Harry Levine Edith Nardin Lehman Hyman M. Levine* Seymour Lehman Irving Levine Rebecca Leibstone* Morris Levine* Frances Leiderman* Sara Levine* Morris Leiderman* Tillie Levine Harvey Leifman Ethel Levingston Anne Lemkin* Joe Levingston Marc Lemkin* Courtney D. Levinson* Murray Lemkin* Dorothy Frost Levinson* Andre Lentini Fannie Levinson Abraham W. Leone* Jennie D. Levinson Dr. William Leone Fannie Levitt Esther Leone* Alex Levy Dr. Henry H. Lerner Elaine Levy Luella Lester Harold Levy Maria Leston Harry Levy Alec Leteve* Joseph Levy* Asher Leteve* Linda Levy Edward Leven Milton Levy Miriam Leven Mina Levy* Shirley Levy Robert London Sol J Levy Meyer Lopatkin* Frank Lewinsky Rose Lopatkin* Sallie Lewinsky* Emma Lottman Lynne Lewinson Jack Lottman Richard Lewinson Sam Lottman Alfred Lewis Eleanor Lowe Cecilia Lewis Dora Lowenstein Harry Lewis Gerhard S. Lowenstein Milton Lewis Barry Lowenthal Pauline Lewis Beatrice Lowenthal Amin Lichaa Theodore Lowenthal Mathilde Lichaa Ida Lubel Jacob Lickumovitz Manny Lubel Morris Lickumovitz Max Luber Ruth Bosch Lidsky Rose Luber Alvin Lieberman John Ludolph Edith Lieberman Eva Lurie* Ida P. Lieberman Tillie Lurie* Irving H. Lieberman Edward Lustig Warren Lieberman* Hillelene Lustig Harry Liebman Debbie Kogan Lyda* Lillian Liebman Arthur J. Lyons* Sidney Liebowitz Natalie Lyons* Evelyn Limmer* Rose Mackauf Ezekiel Limmer* Anne Mackay Susi Lindau Bob Mackay Warren Lindau Lillian Madel Jerome Linden* Sidney Magerer Helaine Levine Lipinsky* Adolph Magidson* Sylvan A. Lipkin* Anita Magidson Hyman Lipman Carol Magidson* Rose Lipman Estelle Magidson* Adele Lippman Michael Magidson Albert Lippman Rebecca Magidson Abraham Lipson* Samuel Magidson* Leonard K. Lipson* Benjamin C. Magun* Anne A. Lipton Harry L. Magun* Joseph M. Lipton Hyman Magun* Shirley Litman Irving Magun* Arthur H. Litt* Toibe Magun* Samuel Litt* Joseph Mahler* Sara Litt Irma Maidenberg Frieda Littman Milton Maidenberg Merry Jo Lob Alice Mailman Jerry Locke* Zalman Mait* Irving Lockowitz Shirley Maland May Lockowitz Clement Mandel Beatrice Loewenherz Julia Mandel Walter Loewenherz Jessie Mandell Sanford Jay Mandell* Beatriz Carmen Mendoza Adelaide Mann* Harry Merling Harold Mann* Lola Merling Helen Mann Anna Fink Mesh* Irving Mann* Ada Mesnekoff* Robert Mann* Nathan Mesnekoff* Ruth Frogel Mansdorf Eli Charles Messinger Belle Marcus* Dr. Erich Meyer Florence R. Marcus* Irma Meyer Samuel J. Marcus* Walter Meyer Peter Margolis Carole Meyers Rose Margolis Eric Meyers Michael Margulis Henriette Mezey Abraham Mariam Lawrence Mezey Libby Mariam Henrietta Michael Arthur Mark Pearl Michael Jeanette Mark Bernard Michelson* Florence Markowitz Estelle Michelson* Harry Markowitz Gussie Michelson* Jacqueline Markowitz Max Michelson* Jules R. Markowitz Arthur M. Mickler* Patricia Markowitz Betty Frances Mickler Clifford Marks Edward Mickler Fannie Marks* Lillie Ades Mickler Beatrice Markson Pauline Kort Mickler* Jacob Markson Jacob Milberg Gale Schimmel Markus Sadie Milberg Billy Marlow Eugene Milewski Herbert Marrow Eva Milewski Lillian Marrow Michael Milewski Linda Martin A.Edgar Miller* Ray Martin Ann Miller* Bernard Mass Blanche Miller* Florence Mass Celia Miller* Ann Matros* David Miller* Ben Matros* Donald Miller Helen Matros Edwin Miller Jack Matros Elizabeth D. Miller* Morton Mattaway Gene Miller Michael Matus Gertrude Miller Alfred Matzner* H. Samuel Miller* Florence Matzner Harvey Miller* Susan Diane McKenna Helen K. Miller* Leo McLarney Isaac Louis Miller* Marie Scala McLarney Joan Miller Frank Meadow Josephina Miller Gerardo Mechaber Lillie Jelenko Miller* Deborah Weinstein Meiselman* Louis Miller Marilyn Melli Margie Miller* Neal Menachem Meyer Miller* Rabbi David Miller* Ethel Murray Reuben Miller Leonard Murray Yone Miller Maurice M. Myerburg Jack Mills Minna Myerburg Jerome Mills Benjamin Herman Myers* Joseph Milton Linda Levy Myers Arthur Milton Milton J. Myers Abraham Minkowsky* Richard Myers Bertha Minkowsky* Robert Myers Barnard Minsky* Whitney Myers* Bessie Minsky* Joseph Nachman Max Minsky* Sylvia Nachman Samuel Miodownik Florence Nadler Audrey Aibel Miranda* Harry Nadler Isidore Misrahi Barbara Naer Ruth Mitchell Manuel Natelson Julius Mittentag Tesa Natelson-Wachtel Lee Mittentag H. Irving Nayhouse* Paul Mittentag Selma H. Nayhouse* Isaac Morgenstern Claire Tobelem Nedjar Melvin Morgenstern Gilbert Avraham Nedjar Donna Morris Marcelle Nedjar Lon Alexander Morris Conrad M. Needle Al Morrison Lillyan Neusner Albert Morrison Elizabeth L. Neuwahl* Richard Allen Morrison Malcolm Neuwahl* Roberta Morrison Sam Nevel Arthur Moses Abraham Newman* Blanche Mosk* Belle Newman* Morris Mosk* Gus Newman* Edythe Moskowits* Leo Newman Emanuel Moskowits* Robert Newman* Michael Moskowits Sylvia Newman* Goldie Moskowitz Stanley M. Newmark* Israel Moskowitz Louis Nieman* Rebecca Moskowitz Benjamin Nierenberg* Anna Moss* Ida Nierenberg* Bela M. Moss* Barbara Noble David Moss* Emanuel Noble Eugene Moss* Dr. Morton Notarius Frances Moss* Doris Notarius Irving Moss* Vera Numark Jack Moss* Spencer Nurkin* Rosalind Moss* Genia Offenbach Jose Muhafra Rubin Offenbach Abraham Munach* Jorge Olaniel Mary Munach* James Orovitz* Don Murphy Philip M. Osiason Beatrice Murray Frank Ostroff Donald Murray Rebecca Ostroff James Owens* Lillian Pfeifer Celia Pachter* Ann Philipson* Charles Pachter* Audrey Phillips Edgardo Pakciarz Jack Phillips* Isaac Pakciarz Rose Wolfson Phillips* Ethel Palatnik Sylvia Phillips Ida Palay* Philip Picarro Israel Palay* Lena Pickard* Albert W. Palley* Theodore R. Pickard* Dorothy Palley* Justine Pilar Roth Karen H. Palley* Theodore (Ted) Pincus Myrna Palley Stuart Pittle* Rebecca Palley Jane Plett Jack Pallot* Sophia Plotkin Jean M. Pallot* Abraham Pober Linda Pallot* Frederica Pober Peter Pallot Henry Poliakoff Richard Allen Pallot Irving Poliakoff* Rabbi Aaron Panken Bernice Pollack Phyllis Panzer David Pollack William Parker James Fenton Pollack Anna Parks Manuel Polley Israeli Olympic Participants* Regina Polley Arthur Parton Richard Polley Edward Pastroff Bertha Polster* Chester Paul Eleanor Popky Gerald Albert Paul Elaine Porter* Shirley Paul George Posnak Ethel Pearl* Ben Posner Harry Pearl* Harvey Posner Leah Pearlman Henry Posner* Marvin Pearlman Paul Posner Anthony Pelle* Rubye Posner* Esther Pelz Sophie Pottish Nate Pelz Caroline Powers* David Penn Gabriel Powers* Martin Ocilio Perez-Alvarez Paul Robert Praqer Alfred “Boomie” Perl* Bob Presby Rebecca Perl* Ernice Weinkle Preston Lauren Perlman* Isadore Price Marion Perlmutter Jack Price Jack Perry Sarah Price Ruth Perry Allan Primus* Harry Pett Milton Prosan* Zelda Pett Joan Gallant Puldy Lillian Peyton Harriet Queller* Seymour Peyton Alice Rabin Stephen Peyton Harry Rabin Arthur Joseph Pfeifer Beatrice Rabinovitz Jane Ellen Pfeifer* Morris Rabinovitz Dorothy Rabinowitz* Susan Gelernte Riker* Nathan Rabinowitz* Bernice “Bebe” Ring Sonny Raichlen Henry Ring Deena Raisler Blossom Ritter Alex Rakofsky* Leo Ritter Charlotte Rakofsky* Harvey Robbins* Henry Rakofsky* Helen Robbins Joel Larry Rakofsky* Joseph Robbins Miriam W. Rakow Theodora Robbins* Leonard Ralby Joseph Roberts Albert Ramirez Sylvia Roberts Shirley Randall Dr. Alan S. Robinson Len Rapaport James Robinson Hyman Raphan* Louis Robinson Ruth Raphan* Rose Robinson Alfred Reby Claire Rochkind* Betty Levenson Reby Nelia Rodriguez Heidi Reed Pedro Rodriguez Sr. Jackie Reed Susan Jane Rogers Andrew Reesnes Allan Rogow Ida Reesnes Bess Rogow Jean Regosin* Gussie Rohick Ethel Rehkopk Hilda Rolbin Milton J. Reich* Jack Rolbin Ruthe Reich* Aaron Rolnick Lotte (Lea) Reinitz Gussie Rolnick Andrew Reinken James Manning Rones Charlotte Reinken Lucky G. Roscoe Jessie Reiss Ann Rose Nat Reiss Carlos Rosello Ann Helfgott Reiter* Abraham Rosen Victor Reiter* Beatrice Rosen* Janet Reno Dr. Robert Rosen* Mark Reno E David Rosen Celia Greenberg Resnik* Honey Rosen Dr. Harvey L. P. Resnik Howard Jack Rosen Samuel Resnik* Jeannette Rosen Elizabeth Annette Reznak* Manuel W. Rosen Lori Reznick Kipper Susan B. Rosen* Henia Richards Sofia Rosenband Max Richards Bernice Rosenbaum Victor Richards Francis Rosenbaum Zachary Richards* Abraham Rosenberg Judith Richardson Albert Rosenberg Eleanor Richman* Charles Rosenberg* Sidney Richman* Esther Rosenberg Daniel M. Richter Freda Rosenberg Devera Richter Lillian Rosenberg* Kevin Thomas Richter Ruth Rosenberg Rabbi Chaim Richter Andrew Rosenblatt Belinda Rosenblatt Julia Ruskin Frances Rosenblatt Morris Ruskin Mosha Hersh Rosenblatt* Samuel Ruskin Saul Rosenblatt* Sylvia Ruskin Joan Rosenbloom Thelma Ruskin Allan Rosenblum Maria Saavedra Bessie Rosenfeld Mildred Gursky Sablotsky Edith Rosenmann Leslie Sable Leon Rosenmann Wendy Sable Al Rosenthal Martin Sachs Doris Rosenthal Maddi Traurig Sackel Kurt Rosenthal Stephen Sackel Marian Rosenthal Carrie Sacker* Martin Rosenthal David M. Sadkin Gerald Ross Celia Sadousky Jack Ross Leo Sadousky Leonard Ross Marty Sakalo Sarah Ross Dr. Robert Salzman Aileen Roth Anne Salzverg* Henry Roth Danny Salzverg Ina Roth Dora Salzverg* James Stephen Roth* Lee Salzverg* Sylvia Rothenberg Leon Salzverg* Dorothy Miller Rothman Shanje Salzverg* Irving Rothman Sue Rose Samuels George M. Rothrock Maria Sanchez* Ethel Rothstein Gertrude Sanders Joseph S. Rothstein Jerome Sanders Ruth Rothstein Louis Sands Eva Rozental Ruth Sands Daniel Rozio George Sankel Elisa Rozio Sylvia Fund Sankel* Albert L. Rubin Harlan E. Sapero Anne Rubin* Sari R. Sapero Bernice Rubin* Joyce Sasso Bessie Rubin Ann Satenspiel* Gertrude Rubin Frank Satenspiel* Jack Rubin* Elias A. Saul Jean Rubin* Shirley Saul Ken Rubin* Ruth Saull Melvin Rubin Lilyan (Babe) Sax Theresa Rubin* Ann Saxe Bette Rubini Benjamin Saxe Monroe Rubinstein* Mimi Saxe Irene Rudin* David Bruce Schachter* Nathan Rudin* Herman Schaffer Taiba Rudin* Charles Scharf Dr. Joseph H. Rudnick Gloria Scharlin Rosalind Rudnick Ben Schauder Isaiah Ruiz Elsie Schauder Philip Schauder Julius Issac Schwartz Sheldon Schaumberg Leo Schwartz Arthur Schimmel* Lillie Schwartz Mildred Schimmel* Mel B. Schwartz* Irene Schmid Rozlyn Schwartz* Charles Schneider Samuel Schwartz David Schneider Sylvia Schwartz Elaine Schneider Yetta Schwartz* Ira Schneider Benjamin Schwartztol Norman Schneider Karol Schwartztol Ethel Schocken Paulyne Schwartztol Robert V. Schocken Mae Secrest* Jerry Schocken Ann Seegal Eleanor Levingston Schockett Jacob Seegal Samuel Schoenholtz* Molly Seegal Sadie Schoenholtz* Gertrude Berns Segal Richard Schoenwald Artie Sekoff Michael Scholz Leah Sekoff Freda Schon Sidney Selsky Gertrude Schreiber* Randy Sender Irving Schreiber* Bessie Serkin* Manny Schreiber* Miriam Cohen Serkin* Morris Schreiber* Katherine Sestok Sol Schreiber* Frances Shaikun Thelma Schreiber* Meyer Shaikun Anna Schub* Aharon Shany Daniel Schub* Hia Shany Jane Schulman* Doris Shapero Jerome Schulman Edwin Shapero Kenneth Schulman* Allen Shapiro Robert S. Schulman* Arthur Shapiro* Helen Schulner Eric Travis Shapiro* Kate Schulner Ethel Shapiro Samuel Schulner Irvin Shapiro Seymour Schulner* Jack Shapiro* Ethel Marks Schultz Lee S. Shapiro William Harold Schultz Leonard Shapiro Dr. Leonard J. Schwade Leonore Shapiro* Esther L. Schwade Mary Shapiro* Helene Schwalb Max L. Shapiro Melvin Schwalb Morris Shapiro* Shirley Goldean Schwalb Richard Shapiro Barbara Schwartz Rose Shapiro* Daniel D. Schwartz* Tracey Shapiro* Ernest Schwartz* Wendy Shapiro* Fanny Schwartz William Shapiro* Helen Schwartz Cynthia Shaw* Irvin L. Schwartz Robert M. Shaw Irving Schwartz* Benjamin Shechter* Joan Schwartz Ginger Shechter* Barbara Sheik Hon. Samuel Silver* Helen Sheiman Jean Silver Sam Sheiman Shirley Silver Rhoda Sheldon Arthur Silverberg* Bernard Shenkman Deborah Silverman Seepa Shenkman Dr. Albert Silverman* Stephen Shenkman Edith Silverman Rose Sher Edwin Silverman Steven Shere Goldie Silverman Arnold Shevin Irving Silverman* Jerome Shevin Isadore Silverman Robert Shevin Isidor Silverman Roberta Shevin Lilian B. Silverman* Max Shifke* Lucille Silverman Mel Shifke Mel J. Silverman Rose Shifke* Melba Silverman* Miriam Shook Sadie Silverman Albert Shore Sam Silverman* Sylvia Shore Zella Silverman Merle E. Shores* Bernard Silverstein Velma Shores* Emma Lebow Silverstein Joseph M. Shotz George Silverstein Reba Shotz Max Silverstein Ann Millendorf Shubert Sol Silverstein Selig Shubert Sylvia Silverstein* Stephen Shubert Alfred Simon Leonard Shufler Bernice Simon Gertrude Shukyn* Celia Simon Elizabeth Shulman Charlotte Simon Florence Shulman Donald Simon Joseph Shulman George A. Simon Ruth R. Green Shulman* Harry Aaron Simon* Don Siegal Harvey Simon Anna Siegel* Helen Simon* Benjamin Siegel Hilde Simon Bill Siegel Jeremy Simon* Goldie Siegel Rita Simon Jack Siegel Sally Simon Jay Allen Siegel Seymour Jules Simon* Lenore Siegel Albert Singer Lillian Siegel Benjamin Singer* Mary Siegel David Singer* Max Siegel Helen Singer* Sandra Siegel Leon Abraham Singer* Maxine Sigel Max M. Singer* Anna Silberstein Sam Singer Sarah Sills Milton Sirkin Dennis S. Silver Miriam Sirkin Harry Silver Helen Sisskind* Helene C. Silver* Leona Siskind Paul Siskind Rosalind Pallot Spak Bessie Sklow* Theodore Spak Flora Necha Skop* Melvin (Mickey) Spear Doris Slade* Robyn Susan Spear Jules R. Slade* Dorothy Spector Samuel Slafkes* Martin Spector Howard Sloane Nathan Spektor Virginia Sloane Bernice Spielman* June Gross Slutsky Gerard Spielman* Dina Small* Jess Spirer Isaac Smelansky Mildred Spirer Sonia Smelansky Herbert Spooner Lawrence Smilan Ben Spritzer* Sylvia Smilan Margie Spritzer* Anne Smith Esther Spund Bill Smith Miles Spund Elaine Smith* Jeffrey Steele Eleanor Casher Smith Frances Steig Hyman H. Smith Jack H. Stein Mary Smith Josh Stein Morton Smith* Morris Stein Nathan Smith Rose Stein Stanley Smith Jodney Steinberg Abraham Sobel Cissy Stemerman* Rose Sobel* Fanny Stemerman Theodore Sobel Irving Stemerman* Tania Socherman Jacob Stemerman Welwel Socherman Bernard Sterling* David Sochet Bertha Sterling Annabelle Sokol* I. A. (Pop) Sterling Inez Helene Sokol Libby Sterling* Louis Sokol* Morton Sterling Burton Solar Robert Alan Sterling* Ethel Solar Agnes Stern Anne Weinstein Camner Solloway* Anita Stern Frieda Solloway Lilo Stern Henry K. Solloway* Manuel Stern* Sam Solloway Margot Stern Clara Solomon* Max Stern Irwin Solomon Robert Stern Carl Solwan* Ted Stern Minnie Richter Solwan* Henry Sternlieb* Vincent Somma Rose Sternlieb* Charles Sommer* Jack Sternstein David A. Sommer Sarah Sternstein Fannie Sommer* Arline Kent Stewart Albert Sonenreich Edith Stock* Sylvia Sonenreich Jacqueline Stoddard Carolyn Atlas Sosler Anna Stoffa Stuart Neil Sosler Alan Stoler Lillian Stoller Rose Toback* Pearl Stoller Janet Doris Tonkonow Ruth Shufler Stoltz Eve Topf* Alfred Stone Irving Topf Anna Stone Sam Topf* Ben Stone Selma Topf* Charles David Stone* David Topp Esther E. Stone* Kim Touby Jacob Stone Marion Touby Juliet Stone Richard Touby Lily Stone Samantha Trebbi Louis Stone Leonard Tropin Muriel Stone Ruth Tropin Senator Richard Stone Benjamin Trupkin* Lillian Stout* Abraham Turetsky Charlotte Straus Mollie Turetsky Clifford Straus Murray Turetsky Edward M. Strawgate* Leonard Turkel John Strunin Andrew Tuvel Miriam Strunin Toby Tuvel Millard Arlen Suid Alvin Tyler Beatrice (Bonn) Sumars* Lidia Tyller Dr. Jerome Summers Jose M. Ugalde Stephen Tabb Lars Ulfsparre Carolyn Taffel Frances Ullman Rose Tancer Oscar Ungar Sigmund Tancer Sarah Ungar Lynn Tannenbaum Harold Van Dam* Dr. Harold A. Taylor* Jacob Varat* Dr. Herman W. Taylor* Mildred Varat* Rebecca Taylor Morton Varat* Beatrice Teichner* Clayton Varnell Charles Teichner* Ray Vick Dr. Ronald Teichner Esther Vulgan* Peter Ross Teichner* Joseph Vulgan* Shirley Teitelbaum Bernard Wagman Nat Teller Mollie Wagman Sarah Teller Judy Wahler Henya E. Temkin* Karel Wahler Mayer Temkin Helen Wakshlag Zvi Hersh Temkin* Max Wakshlag Louise Teper* Paula Ann Wakshlag Samuel Teper* Arthur Waldman Martin Terens Dolly Waldman Carl Thurer Marshall Waldman* Rose Thurer Morris Waldman* Norman Tischenkel Samuel Waldman Vivian Goodwin Tischenkel Sylvia Waldman* Jack Toback Etta Waldorf Louis Toback* Maurice Waldorf* Sylvia Waldorf* Henry Weintraub Elsie Wallace Irving Weintraub Richard H. Warm Pauline Weintraub Helen Gloria Warner Robert Weintraub Herbert Warner Sigmund S. Weintraub Joseph Washkowitz Pearl Weisen Rose Washkowitz Helen Weiser Bess Wasserman* Sara Weiser Joseph Wasserman* Sherwood Weiser Lawrence Wasserman Audrey Weiss Maureen Wasserman Dorothy Gross Weiss* Ralph J. Wasserman* Martin Weiss Eric Alan Wayne Rachel Erin Weiss Eva Wayne* Roxie Weiss Philip Wayne* Seymour H. Weiss* Theodore Wayne* Henya B. Weissel* James Wechsler Margaret Weissel* Michael Wechsler Martin Weissel* Nancy Wechsler Roy Weissel* Marc Wedner Sam Weissel* Pamela Wedner William Buddy Weissel* Barbara Pearl Weiner Zev Weissel* Chick Weiner Mildred Weissel-Brown* Joan Weiner* Dora Weitzner* Kenny Weiner Morton Weitzner* Max Weiner* Allen Welkind* Morton Weiner* Bernard Welkind* Rose Weiner* Judith Welkind* Marvin S. Weinfeld Louis B. Welkind* Michael J. Weinfeld Danielle Wellman Rose Weinfeld Michele Silverman Wells Julian Weinkle Bertha Wendroff* Gloria Weinman Melody Weprin Aaron Harry Weinstein* Bea Wertheimer Adolph Weinstein* Edward Wexler* Alice Weinstein* Bernard Wheatman Beatrice Weinstein* Abraham White Fred Weinstein Bailka White Frida Weinstein* Linda White Harold Weinstein Betsy Wides Isidor Weinstein Betty Claire Mickler Wides Margarete Weinstein* Laura Wides Meta Weinstein* Dorothy Evelyn Wiener Oscar Weinstein* Henry Wiener* Paul J. Weinstein Hermine Wiener* Raymond P. Weinstein* Lawrence Burton Wiener Rose Weinstein Marion Wiener Seymour Weinstein Robert Wiener* Belle Weintraub Rose B. Wiener* Ellen Weintraub Samuel G. Wiener Bea Wilensky Pearl Wyman Fred Wilk Sally J. Yeager Jeanne Wilker Cynthia Yelen* Joseph Wilker Irving Yelen* Bruce Williams Louis Yelen* Mabel Williams Mollie Yelen* Sarah “Sookie” Williams Alfred Yood Dorothy Willner Molly Yood Allan Wilson Alexander Youngerman* Doris Wilson Reyna Youngerman* William Wilson Louis Zack Dr. Harvey Wine Mary Zack Doris Winnick Maurice Zacks Marion Winter Naomi Zacks Oscar Winter Elaine Zane Robert Winter Sheldon Zane Jay “Pop-Pop” Winthrop Abraham Zarchin* Cindy Wise Julius Zarchin* Fred Witkoff Miriam Zarefsky Jessie Witkoff Nikki Zarefsky Maurice L. Witkoff Louis Zeger Betty Wolf Arthur Zelman Esther Wolf Ann Zemmel* Gerald L. Wolf* Hyman Zemmel* Joseph Wolf Sheila R. Zemmel* Judith Wolf Helen Zenker Max Wolf Clara Isabel Zimelman David Wolfberg Michael Zimet Adeline Wolfson* Cecile Zimmerman Benjamin Wolfson* Samuel Zimmerman Bernie Wolfson Sarah Zimmerman Etta Wolfson* Doran D. Zinner* Henry Wolfson* Eve Zinner* Lester Wolfson Henrietta Zinner* Louis Wolfson Sidney Zinner* Minnie Wolfson David Zirkin Morris Wolfson Shirley Zirkin* Abraham Wolman Albert Zisman* Lena Wolman Jack Zisman* Charlotte Wolpe Phyllis Zisman* Helen Wolsch* Sara Zisman* William Wolsch* Mae Zlotnick Susan Woodfield Esther (Stella) Zuckerman Elaine “Toni” Woolworth Meyer Zuckerman* Ann Wruble Milton R. Zuckerman* Lena Wruble Ray Zuckerman* Max Wruble Harriet Zuller Marjorie Wyler Norman Zuller Wilfred Wyler David C. Zundell Milton H. Wyman* Dr. Warren Zundell Elfriede Zundell Fanny List Zundell Leo H. Zutler Elias Zwick Oscar Zwick Sara Zwick Samuel J. Zwilling THE HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 5500 Granada Boulevard, Coral Gables, FL 33146 305.667.5657 |