18 Tammuz 5780 Bringing Moshiach Values July 10 2020 Into Our Homes Price: $4.95 no. 1220

יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד ֵכּוֹלל ִוּב ְמ ֻי ָחד ַה ִה ְשׁ ַתּ ְתּפוּת ְבּ ִב ְנָין ְו ַהְר ָח ַבת ָבּ ֵתּי- -Th irdly, this instruction of “Make me a sanc ְכּ ֵנ ִסיוֹת ָוּב ֵתּי- ִמ ְדָּרשׁוֹת tuary” includes — especially — participating in constructing and expanding synagogues Besuras and Houses of Study, being the nearest inter- HaGeulah pretation of this mitzva in its original form. ְבּ ֹא ֶפן ִדּ"ְו ְיִקחוּ ִלי ְתּ ָרוּמה גוֹ' ָז ָהב ְו ֶכ ֶסף ְוּנחֹ ֶשׁת"Th is is to be done in a generous manner 34 ( ָכּל י"ג (ט"ו)35 ְדּ ָבִרים ַה ְמּנוּיִים ַבּ ָכּתוּב), ... reminiscent of “Take for Me a contribution The on the imminence of the Redemption of gold and silver and copper” and so on — reaching all thirteen (or fi ft een) kinds of con- tributions recorded in the Torah as the items that were requested from the Jews for the build- ing of the Mishkan, the Tabernacle). Start Building! Th e Torah lists fi ft een items the Jews were requested to donate, but two of them are the oil for the Menora and incense for the Ketores and the Shemen Hamishchah (the anointing oil), leaving the count at thirteen items needed for the Mishkan-structure and for the priestly garments (according .(to some commentaries — see vol. 21 p. 153, fn 70-71 for a discussion on this סו. חלקים משיחות ש"פ משפטים, ז"ך שבט, מבה"ח אדר א' תשנ"ב (15) 66. Shevat 27, 5752 – February 1, 1992 (15) ֶשׁ ַﬠל- ְי ֵדי- ֶזה ְמ ַמ ֲהִרים ְוּמ ַזְר ִזים ֲוּפוֹﬠ ִלים ֵתּ ֶכף -Th us we accelerate, hasten, and immedi ִבּ ְנָין ֵבּית- ַה ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ ַה ְשּׁ ִל ִישׁי ִכּ ְפשׁוּטוֹ ַמ ָמּשׁ. Referring to a recent UN summit at which a resolution on arms reduction was made, ately accomplish the building of the third Beis the Rebbe said that it served as the beginning of the fulfi llment of Yeshayahu’s prophetic Hamikdash in its literal and simple sense. promise. “Looking at all this” the Rebbe continued, “leads to painful wonder: how is that . . . ִו ִיהי ָרצוֹן ְוהוּא ָה ִﬠ ָקּר – ֶשׁ ַה ְג ָאוּלה ָה ֲא ִמ ִתּית we’re still in exile and we have not yet received the instruction to build the third Beis May it be His Hashem’s will — this being ְו ַה ְשׁ ֵל ָימה ַﬠל- ְי ֵדי ָמ ִשׁ ַיח ִצ ְד ֵקנוּ ָתּבוֹא ְבּ ֹפ ַﬠל ַמ ָמּשׁ HaMikdash?” the main thing — that the true and complete ֵתּ ֶכף ִוּמ ָיּד ַמ ָמּשׁ -Redemption through our righteous Moshi We therefore must do all we can to bring Moshiach, including a task alluded to in the ach should come in actual reality, teikef umi- Torah reading to be read at Minchah: yad mamash — imminently and immediately, Teikef umiyad mamash is a frequently-used phrase of the Rebbe to describe how urgently we ְוּב ֶה ְמ ֵשׁ ְל ֶזה – ַגּם ַה ָהוֹר ָאה ֵמ ַה ְת ָח ַלת ָפָּר ַשׁת In continuation to these lessons, there is .need Moshiach and how fast we hope for him to come ְתּ ָרוּמה ( ֶשׁ ִקּוֹרין ְבּ ִמ ְנ ַחת ַשׁ ָבּת): "ְו ָﬠשׂוּ ִלי ִמ ְק ָדּשׁ another lesson we can learn from the opening verse of Parashas Terumah (which we read at Th e fi rst two words (teikef umiyad) describe levels of immediacy. Mamash, a derivative of the ְו ָשׁ ַכ ְנ ִתּי ְבּ ָתוֹכם", Minchah of this Shabbos): “Make me a Sanc- Hebrew word mishush — touching, means the we want the Redemption literally and tangibly, so tuary and I will dwell among them.” much so that we can actually “touch” it with our physical fi ngers and not grasp it only as a concep- This verse speaks of creating a sanctuary for Hashem on various levels: tual idea. :Here, the Rebbe reveals a deeper dimension of the phrases miyad and mamash ֵה ֵחל ֵמ ַה ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ ַה ְפָּר ִטי ֶשׁ ְבּ ָכל- ֶא ָחד-ְו ֶא ָחד ִמ ִיּ ְשָׂר ֵאל -First, starting with construction of the pri vate sanctuary within each and every Jew, { ֵכּן ִתּ ְה ֶיה ָלנוּ ְבּ ֹפ ַﬠל ַמ ָמּשׁ, ְו ֵתּ ֶיכף ִוּמ ָיּד ַמ ָמּשׁ} ִﬠם May this all happen to us in actuality, and — as the wording of the verse “I will dwell in ָכּל ַה ֵפּ ִרוּשׁים ֶשׁ ְבּ" ִמ ָיּד" immediately so, with all the explanations of them” — and not the more expected term “in “miyad,” it” — implies. [ ֵכּוֹלל ַגּם ַהָר ֵאשׁי- ֵתּבוֹת ִדּ ְכ ָללוּת ַהדּוֹרוֹת also including the way the word miyad] contains an acronym that encompasses — in a (" ְבּתוֹכוֹ לֹא ֶנ ֱא ַמר ֶא ָלּא ְבּ ָתוֹכם, ְבּתוֹ ָכּל ֶא ָחד -Our Sages deduce from the fact that “‘with 33 -general way — all the generations of the Jew ְו ֶא ָחד" ), ְבּ ִלבּוֹ ְפּ ִנ ָימה, in it’ is not written, rather ‘within them,’” that Hashem seeks to dwell “within each and every ish people, one” of the Jewish people, in the innermost re- מֹ ֶשׁה יִ ְשָׂר ֵאל ( ַה ַבּ ַﬠל- ֵשׁם-טוֹב) ָדִוד ( ַמ ְל ָכּא -Moshe Rabbeinu, con— משה cesses of his heart. starting with ְמ ִשׁ ָיחא)] Yisroel (the name of the — ישראל tinuing with Secondly, one must construct a sanctuary - Tov, founder of Chassidus) and end ְוּב ֵביתוֹ ְוּב ַח ְדרוֹ, ֶשׁ ַנּ ֲﬠ ֶשׂה ֵבּית ָתּוֹרה ְתּ ִפ ָלּה for Hashem in his home and in his room, by Dovid, referring here to the King — דוד ing with ְוּג ִמילוּת- ֲח ָס ִדים, making it a place of Torah, prayer and acts of Moshiach, the first letter of each of these three loving-kindness. .[(מיד names making up the word

4 BEIS MOSHIACH 18 TAMMUZ 5780 5 preparing this dough was le’chaleik, to be di- before separating Challah!” vided among many, the sum of the individual portions is not considered the requisite shiur. The procedure ofhafrashas challah* is to ASK make the bracha, separate a piece of dough The Rav Halacha2go.com #231 and to declare aloud the separated portion as When Challah is Separated from Afar challah: “Harei zu challah” (this is challah). Poskim mention that verbally confirming ha- Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun When one separates challah in Eretz Yisrael, frashas challah is an offshoot of the practice of all the individual parts of the dough from krias shem (calling by name, i.e., verbal identi- which challah is to be taken have to be min fication) when separating teruma — “harei zu hamukaf (nearby); according to one opinion, teruma.” [See AskTheRav.com #9414]. this means that all the pieces of dough must If a person forgot to make the bracha before touch each other, and according to another— separating the challah, can they still recite it Can a Man Do Hafrashas Challah? they must all be in the same bowl. afterwards? The answer is: If their intention Outside Eretz Yisrael, it is midas chassidus was to then declare the dough “challah” (or this A second installment of Halachos on the mitzvah of Hafrashas Challah, (pious behavior) to separate challah min ha- is the individual’s practice on a regular basis), from Halacha2Go.com and AskTheRav.com mukaf, but bedieved if there are no other op- they may still say the bracha post-separation. Since they will proceed to make a verbal state- by Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Mara D’asra and member of the Crown Heights Beis Din tions, it’s acceptable to do so shelo min hamukaf ment concerning the separation, the hafrasha (even if the different parts of dough are not in has not yet been actualized. However, for those proximity to each other and even if they are May girls under bas mitzva mitzva. Halacha2go.com #495 who do not plan to perform a krias shem the in different locations), as long as they were all mitzva was completed with the physical sepa- separate challah? Separating Challah at a “Challah originally part of the same batch of dough. ration of dough, and a bracha post-facto consti- In Halacha #231 we discussed the halachic Bake” In a case where challah had not been sepa- tutes a bracha levatala. Halacha2go.com #825 issues involved in challah-baking events, not- There is a halacha in Shulchan Aruch that rated beforehand, e.g., if a kindergarten teacher Men Separating Challah ing that challah may not be separated with a when dough for baking challah is prepared discovers that baked challah was sent home bracha if the dough is then divided into small kedei le’chaleik, in order to divide and distribute with the children without challah having been Separating challah from dough is the mitz- portions to be taken home by the participants. it, “taking” challah is not required unless each taken from the dough, one may separate chal- va of the woman. It is specifically her mitzva, portion is of the requisite shiur. lah shelo min hamukaf, even in Eretz Yisrael. and she has priority to do it over her husband. A related question which is often asked In fact, there is a discussion among poskim concerns bas mitzva celebrations where the There are many opinions regarding how to The above halacha applies if there is a similar whether she is considered her husband’s bas mitzva girl and her friends want to bake interpret the words kedei le’chalek; there is a concern regarding matzos baked by a chabura , emissary, or if it is her mitzva inde- challah together. Assuming that the problem lengthy discussion by poskim, including the (group); one may separate shelo min hamukaf, pendently. Indeed, some poskim say that if a mentioned above doesn’t apply—either because Tzemach Tzedek, who dedicates a lot of space using the challah or matzah at their location husband separates the challah instead of his the host family is keeping all of the challah, or to this discussion. for the mitzva of hafrashas challah, and there- wife he owes her a payment of asarah zehu- for some other reason—may girls under bas At a challah-baking event where many peo- by fulfill the halachic requirement for all the vim, the amount of money one owes another if mitzva separate challah? ple gather to bake challah, a large amount of challos or matzos in other locations. It is ad- they usurp another’s mitzva. Others opine that The halacha is that children during the year dough is prepared, and often the portion that visable for a rav giving a hechsher on matzos to he does not have to pay her since the dough preceding halachic maturity, i.e. before their each participant receives is not sufficient for separate challah a few minutes before Pesach belongs to the husband, as do all of a wife’s bar or bas mitzva, which for girls is eleven, are separating challah; each woman then bakes from the matzos in his own home in order to earnings in lieu of his obligation to support her. deemed a mufla ha’samuch l’ish (near maturity), her own challah and takes it home. In such a assure that the halachic requirement is met The same applies if the husband lights the case, making a brachah for separating challah and if they separate teruma it’s valid—provid- on behalf of all those who purchased matzos Shabbos or Yom Tov candles, which is the wife’s would be a bracha levatala, a blessing in vain. ed that they are aware Who they’re separating from that entire batch of dough and may not mitzva, before she has a chance to light them. teruma for. Likewise, challah separated by girls A bracha could only be made if each par- have separated challah. Halacha2go.com #318 The only time the husband may light the can- this age is also valid. However, l’chatchila, it ticipant were to receive the appropriate shi- dles is if his wife is running so late that it is should be done by girls who are already bas ur of challah. Since the original intent when “Oh, no! I forgot to say the Bracha almost shkiah, after which lighting is no longer

8 BEIS MOSHIACH 18 TAMMUZ 5780 9 1010 BEB ISS MOSOSHIH ACACH 1818 TAMAMMUZ 577800 111 Rabbi Gershon Avtzon • I want to start by apology. A couple of nights ago, Finally, the last speaker got up and said some- I had an argument, more like a thing that on its own made it worth coming. making an friendly discussion, about how “Ladies and gentlemen,” he said, “I want to important it is for someone in- teach you something: The main thing is to keep vited to make a speech to show up to speak with the main thing the main thing…” prepared notes. The person with whom I had That’s really the reason why we’re gathered this discussion said, “What do you mean? You here today. Conferences like this are really come and speak from your heart and mind. Show enjoyable – we hear shiurim, experiences, get them that you thought about it and you don’t stronger in our hiskashrus, participate in far- need any notes.” In response, I said that I was brengens, etc. However, the main thing is how taught years ago that when you come with notes, we get our families, our communities, and our- it shows the people you’re addressing that first selves ready to greet Moshiach Tzidkeinu. And you prepared for them and thought about what today, the goal is that the main thing should you wanted to say, and more importantly, it helps remain the main thing. to keep you on track, remain focused, and not the rebbe with a volume of mishneh torah of the rambam get distracted. As a result, I had notes prepared NO NEED TO PREACH TO THE CHOIR today, but on my flight here this morning, I was so aggressively reviewing my notes that I left There’s a story that I like to tell because it the performance was over, but then he said, HORSES RUNNING HOW THEY SHOULD AND them on the plane… brings out the main point of our discussion: “And now for my final act, I’m going to show There once was a stunt man whose profession AS THEY SHOULD how I can cross the falls with a wheelbarrow KEEPING THE MAIN THING THE MAIN THING was walking the tightrope. He was preparing – and with somebody in it. But I can only do There’s a big difference between the two. to do this across Niagara Falls, and he put out Once a year, the “Jewish Institute of Religion” When did this start? One of the privileges of an advertisement for all to come and watch it if you say that you believe.” Sure enough, holds a meeting to give a public accounting of being a teacher is that I get to come with my the event, free of charge. As you can imagine, everyone said, “I believe, I believe!”, to which where it spends its money. I can tell you that family to the Rebbe for Yom Kippur and Sukkos, hundreds and thousands of people came to see he said, “Any volunteers?” it’s awfully painful to see how about ten million when school is on vacation. On my teacher’s this crazy person cross the falls on a tightrope. dollars goes to interfaith dialogue, trees, the It’s very easy to say that we believe. However, salary, while I can’t necessarily afford seats in He climbed up the ladder, reached the top of Muslims, and all the other different ideas that the question is: Are we ready to get in it? Today, 770 during that time, one of the bonuses that the rope, and is about to start his dangerous they can come up with. You name it – what- you are showing that you are ready to be in it. my father gives me every year, knowing that it’s journey. Then, he announces to the crowd, “I ever doesn’t have to do with Yiddishkeit gets very important to me, is to arrange places for can’t walk by myself. I can only cross the falls Coming to this gathering today on a Sunday millions of dollars. When it comes to the Torah me and my two sons in 770. My seat is located on this rope if you all announce that you believe afternoon, while the company is great, whoever observant institutions, the numbers are at the in the first row under the women’s section when that I can do it.” They all screamed, “I believe came today is declaring a commitment that he’s bottom of the list, and institutions are you enter the main shul. you can do it! I believe!”, and he walked across in – and I don’t have to preach to the choir. My almost non-existent. the falls and returned to the other side. The speech today has nothing to do with being in This past Erev Yom Kippur, I sat down and In any case, I arrived at this meeting and crowd thought that the show was finished, but it; that would be a speech for people who are started all my preparations for Kol Nidrei. It was actually an interesting time, as it was very sat through their presentation. Line by line, it wasn’t. He had someone bring out a wheel- not here. To convince them to come here, I quiet because all the bachurim were upstairs my heart sinks as I listen to the allocations, barrow and then he said, “Do you think that I would have to give them a speech on why they for Birkas HaBanim, and only the ba’alei batim thinking to myself, “Oy vey, how is this going can cross the falls with a wheelbarrow?” When should come. However, I have learned this year were downstairs. When you come into 770, to end?” Large sums of money collected by the crowd replied, “Maybe,” he said that he something that has really changed my outlook it’s like a printing press with an endless sup- the community, which are not even theirs, and could only do it if they say that they believe. “I on things: It’s not enough to be in it, you’ve got ply of new material on the tables. There was a they give them out to spend on such things. I believe, I believe!” they all said, and he crossed to be in it to win it… wonderful publication printed this year with a couldn’t believe that I even came to this event. back and forth. Now, they thought for sure that

12 BEIS MOSHIACH 18 TAMMUZ 5780 13 ,, There were certain nature, I have written to the Rebbe in Igros Rabbi Itzik Kupchik, matters where I had a serious Kodesh and received answers stating (in ef- fect), “You’re not the first person to do this. Shliach of Bolivia • problem, and although it Find other yeshivos that were successful in this wasn’t easy for me, I called matter and ask them how they did it.” There’s no need to re-invent the wheel! There were We really wanted to fly to Israel for this Rabbi Halberstam, head certain matters where I had a serious prob- seventh birth. To give birth overseas with of the Chabad in lem, and although it wasn’t easy for me, I called the medical conditions they have here is not Chicago, and sought his Rabbi Halberstam, head of the Chabad me- a simple matter! No “Shifra and Puah”, no sivta in Chicago, and sought his advice. It’s a help from the family, no bread from the An- advice. It’s a humbling humbling process, but so what? We don’t know gel bakery or cottage cheese from Tnuva… process, but so what? We everything, and there’s no need to go through With 7 little ones at home… Not a simple the same mistakes as everyone else. Winners matter. don’t know everything, want to learn from winners – no matter whom. But the doctor said we could get on a THE JUDGE IS MY FATHER flight no later than before Purim. But to leave the whole community and hundreds Point #5: To be successful in the avoda of more tourists and backpackers without a greeting Moshiach Tzidkeinu, you really have but that’s what winners do, because winners for Purim and Pesach? to believe that the war has already been won. want good information. Winners learn from “Bring in replacements!” you say? We just have to bring that out in the world. winners, and if you see somebody who’s been After Purim comes Pesach with all the There’s a story of two people before Rosh Ha- successful, you don’t look at his age or place preparations of making a Seder for 1000 shana: a Chassid and a Litvisher. The Litvisher of origin, you ask him what he’s doing so you people and this is the way it usually is in is crying, doing teshuva, and saying Selichos can follow suit. Fighters get stuck, but winners La Paz… It’s impossible to leave all this in preparation for the Day of Judgment, while don’t. to someone who is not experienced… the Chassid is walking and smiling happily. The There’s a fascinating story about a promi- Litvisher asks the Chassid, “I don’t understand. So with a great deal of Mesiras Nefesh, nent young chassid in Crown Heights named Don’t you people believe in the Day of Judg- Chaya decides to stay and have the baby in Rabbi Levi Feldman, an eighth-grade teacher ment? How can you walk around with a smile?” La Paz. To have the baby here, on Shlichus. in . During the summer, he gives The Chassid replied: “Of course, we believe in After Purim, the Coronavirus out- courses for teachers, and just before the sum- the Day of Judgment, and it’s very scary. But I break started and everything was surre- mer break, our school had an administrative know something that you don’t know: I know al. Impossible to understand. Unclear. staff meeting. At this meeting, one of the fac- that the judge is my father…” Yes, we’re going Only two confirmed cases and the author- ulty members mentioned that he was planning to have to go through the process of the court ities here decided to close the borders. We, to go to this course. This teacher was actually case, but the war is already won. of course, are staying. We understood that younger than Rabbi Feldman, while another When the Rebbe tells us repeatedly, “When 1000 people for the Seder are not going to much older staff member commented that he you go out to war against your enemies,” this turn up. But even if there are 100, who is had been Rabbi Feldman’s teacher in cheder. isn’t just some nice dvar Torah, it’s the real going to do a Seder for them? And who is When I heard this, I was certain that this elder thing. If we believe in our minds that the war going to take charge of the Pesach needs teacher would then say, “I’m sure you’re not has been won, then we can be winners and of the community and any backpackers going to ask me to attend his class since I was eventually make our communities into win- who stay behind? his teacher.” Instead, he said, “If the class is ners. Complete madness. Hundreds of tour- good, please let me know because I will sign In summation, the avoda of preparing the ists are trying to get out of the country. up next summer.” world to greet Moshiach Tzidkeinu is not just There is no place on the flights. Flights are Companies do not hire solely based on age. getting people to fight the wars of Moshiach, being canceled. We become a travel agency. On numerous issues, particularly of a financial but to emerge victorious. Be in it to win it! ■ We advise, check and help everyone to find

18 BEIS MOSHIACH 18 TAMMUZ 5780 19 22 BEISIS MOSO HIIACCH 188 TAAMMUZ 577800 23 By Prof. Shimon Silman • in 1992. The nations feel much less threatened ,, “Fight COVID, not each by each other, so they don’t need vast military other” was actually the resources and decide to transform them to “China has peaceful uses—swords into plowshares. content of a plea made declared a against America…The next soldiers fighting the evil Nazi Empire that was But there still may be wars in the world, es- by the Secretary General battles that we’re going to aspiring to world domination, and now there pecially wars involving nations that have not of the United Nations on cold war have…aren’t going to be was another evil empire—this time with nu- yet signed on to this new program. They are about bombs and bullets and clear weapons—the communist Soviet Union, not yet so morally advanced. Some may even be March 23 to the nations of planes and ships and tanks. It’s about artificial that was aspiring to world domination, threat- terrorist states (like Iran) or non-state terrorist the world. intelligence. It’s about machine learning. It’s ening the U.S. in particular. No, this was not organizations. Meanwhile, the more advanced about autonomous vehicles. It’s about semicon- paranoia—it was real. I was there. ones, who may develop rivalries with other ductors, and the first battle is on 5G. They con- SIP – Phase II nations, realize that that they can’t express trol 5G…This is about the future of America.” their rivalry militarily anymore—they can’t (Daniel Goldin, former director of NASA I was there…so you can’t scare me with “au- use “bombs and bullets and planes and ships on 5/18/20) tonomous vehicles” and certainly not with 5G. and tanks”—and look for alternate methods Actually, I’m very happy that these are the next of warfare: cyberwarfare, trade wars, infor- and [Melech HaMoshiach] will teach us of Sounds scary, right? Wrong! If you want to battles. Let me explain. mation wars etc. They learn other methods of know what scary is, “Ask your father and he will warfare… G-d’s ways In the prophecy of Isaiah regarding Swords tell you…” (Devorim 32:7) Not so long ago, be- and we will follow His paths… fore the Swords into Plowshares declaration of into Plowshares, he says: Then comes a second phase (SIP – Phase II) where all wars cease—”nation shall not raise And he will judge between the nations 1992, “the next war” would have meant a global And they shall beat their swords into plow- a sword against nation”—but they still learn nuclear war with Russia—to which we came shares and their spears into pruning hooks; and admonish many peoples. very close a few times, sometimes by accident war and look for new ways to express their and sometimes by open threat. nation shall not raise a sword against nation rivalry. (If I may push the metaphor, I think Rambam describes this era in the very last Halacha of his Mishneh Torah: nor shall they learn any more war. “learning war” alludes (also) to warfare that If your father is too young to remember, try involves learning and intellectual activity such “At that time there will be no famine or the second half of the verse, “…your elders and At first glance, something may seem out of as devising computer software to hack into your war, no jealousy or rivalry since there will be they will say it to you.” If they are old enough place. It seems that first it should say: rival’s computer systems.) I call them rivals and abundant good and all the delicacies will be they will remember actually practicing for a not enemies because they may still be compet- nation shall not raise a sword against nation as plentiful as the dust of the earth. The only nuclear attack—the periodic air raid sirens, ing for power and domination, but they are no occupation of the entire world will be to know school children taught to hide under their nor shall they learn any more war. longer fighting with each other. desks in case of an attack (not that it would G-d…” Then, since there is no more war, they don’t have helped any), and the “fallout shelters” in Finally (SIP – Phase III), in the last phase, need their weapons any more, so then comes: Fight COVID, Not Each Other every neighborhood stocked with food, water there is no more rivalry so they cease all etc. where everyone would run to hide in case They shall beat their swords into plowshares cyberwarfare, trade wars etc.—“nor shall This brings me to talk about our Moshiach of a nuclear attack, where the walls were lined and their spears into pruning hooks. they learn any more war.” This happens when & Science conference last month on 13 Iyar, Melech HaMoshiach is completely revealed and the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yisroel Aryeh Leib with lead to protect them from the nuclear ra- But it’s in the opposite order. My under- gives instruction to the nations on how to act, Schneerson , the Rebbe MHM’s youngest ז"ל diation (“fallout”). standing is that the prophet is saying that this in) הסכמה וברכה and they come to him to resolve all their issues. brother. The Rebbe MHM’s As the song from the 1970s goes: will happen in stages. First (SIP – Phase I), they As Isaiah says in that prophecy, Adar, 5753) to make these conferences has kept shall beat their swords into plowshares—even “And you, of tender years them—and ourselves—going for almost three before all wars have ceased—because there is And many nations shall go [to confer with decades strong. Can’t know the fears a new moral awareness that there should be no each other] more war, that war should no longer be used as This year, however, it looked like we would That your parents grew by” and they shall say one to another, a “tool of diplomacy,” that they should settle not be able to make a conference because the “Let’s go up to the mountain of G-d America had just come out of World War their differences peacefully and work together whole world was shut down. For the past ten II where they lost hundreds of thousands of for their mutual benefit. This is what happened to the house of the G-d of Yaakov years or so, we have been making them in

24 BEIS MOSHIACH 18 TAMMUZ 5780 25 30 BEISS MOSHIACH 1818 TAMAMMUZ 57578800 3311 Levi Liberow • I was not when the Rebbe sent us The title page continues to promise“Live a even a Chassidim into a shock life devoid of stress, worry and anxiety,” and toddler wave of activity promoting in small Hebrew letters right under it “trans- the imminent arrival of lates” that phrase to contemporary Chassidic Moshiach back in 5751, so I cannot speak of lingo: “The service of the war of refining the how the Rebbe’s words were received then, but world in a manner of rest and calmness.” to be honest, I don’t think it’s so relevant. I’ll admit that I came across this kuntres a What’s more relevant is how they will be while back, but dismissed it as another one received now, and I allow myself the liberty of many booklets that come out every week to experience “nun-aleph nun-beis” from a and didn’t even bother to open it up. How- non-historical perspective, from learning the ever, about two years ago when Chabad.org sichos and trying to understand what I need launched an all-new course called “Stress-Less: to do to tune myself – and the world around The Jewish Way to Living in the Moment” me – into the Rebbe’s reality. and I heard that it’s a useful tool to “Living r’ stein with jewish students on campus Week after week, in the weekday sichos with Moshiach,” I started looking into it and and Shabbos , the Rebbe gives us now I finally took the time to hear about the When I ask Rabbi Stein what year this was, “And so, I vowed that ultimately I would a glimpse into this reality and makes it clear program, its origins and its intended goals from he says “this was in 1991,” adding with a smile: transfer to a regular . And that it’s not about what’s going to happen - rath- the mastermind himself. “I’m a nun-aleph nun-beis Yid…” after 3 years, I switched to Tomchei Tmim- er it’s about what’s happening now. im in and entered shiur gimmel, A Chosen Neshama “I hopped around from one to an- We’ve been in this situation for almost three learning nigleh with Reb Meir Gruzman and other, finally finding my place at Yeshiva Ohr decades, and – if I may say so – I feel that in Let’s begin with some back-story: Who is Chassidus with Reb Zalman Gopin.” Sameach in Yerushalayim. To make up for the many ways we are still looking at the Rebbe’s Rabbi Adam Stein? Where do you come from, Chassidus, I joined a ba’al teshuva yeshiva in “After some time, I moved on to learn in 770. Besuras HaGeula and promoting it as a promise what brought you to the Rebbe, and how did Har Nof run by Rabbi Baruch Kaplan for a After getting married and spending some time for a future, when it’s really an unfolding of a you find yourself behind this program? present reality. while, and later continued studying Chassi- in Kollel, my wife and I were brought out by “I’m a product of Chabad on Campus. I was Rabbi Chaim Grossbaum to service the Jewish I’ve been looking out for someone out there dus at Toras Emes with Rabbi Zalman a student at the University of Massachusetts student population at Stony Brook University who is prepared to “challenge the system,” and Notik, may Hashem send him a refuah shleima.” at Amhurst. The Shliach there,Rabbi Chaim where we are until now. “ that’s why I sat down (virtually) with Rabbi “Coming from a Chabad House on Campus, Adelman, would wander around campus and When did you begin your involvement in Adam Stein, Shliach of the Rebbe at the cam- I always wanted to learn in a Chabad yeshi- pus of Stony Brook University, for a candid dis- invite people for Shabbos. He kept inviting me nun-aleph nun-beis sichos and with the whole va. And although I ended up learning in Ohr cussion on his revolutionary program “Living many times over the course of two years, but I Moshiach issue? never went. After spending a semester in Israel Sameach, I never lost that desire. The nigleh in the Moment.” “Coming from Ohr Sameach, I saw Lubavitch as a student at the University of Tel Aviv, I came in Ohr Someach was great, but I really wanted and wanted to get closer to Chabad and be a back, accepted the Shabbos invitation and it Chassidus and a Chassidishe atmosphere. Chabadnik because I loved Chabad and I loved just clicked. I’m holding in my hand a 68-page let- “I remember once, at a , I really Chassidus, but seeing the whole controversy ter-size pamphlet, which reads as follows on “I felt something special about Shabbos and took to heart that fact that the Rebbe Rashab going on in Lubavitch about Moshiach and the its title-page: “Living in the Moment – Six about the farbrengens, and I began going every picked all the neshamos who would go to Rebbe and Yechi in 1992-1993 put me off some- steps to being a p’mimi, living b’etzem, and week. Eventually, I got myself tefillin, went to Tomchei Tmimim and I said to myself, ‘I want what. To me — looking from afar — something revealing the Yechida.” yeshiva in Israel and became frum.” to be such a neshama!’ about it just didn’t sit well with me.

32 BEIS MOSHIACH 18 TAMMUZ 5780 33 Moments With The Rebbe

A Bigger Deal Than the Sputnik Mission

(right) Rabbi standing on the right, at the ceremony of the Frierdiker Rebbe receiving Rabbi Mindel stands behind the Rebbe during the special distribution of the bilingual which was translated mostly American citizenship in 5709 (1949). by him. The Rebbe then told him: “The world is amazed of the success of the Russian Sputnik mission, but the truth is that the printing of the Tanya in English — a book that until now was ‘locked’ to this Western world — is the true reason for excitement; this is a massive step in the direction of disseminating the wellsprings of Chassidus outward. “

Rabbi Mindel wrote the following revealing 2. anecdote about working for the Rebbe: “It (below) The Rebbe coming out to the Lag B’Omer parade was not humanly possible to keep up with the in 5750 (1990), Rabbi Mindel is awaiting the Rebbe on the flow of mail arriving at the Rebbe’s door. So it right-hand side. was even in the earlier years. Being so, I suggest- ed to the Rebbe that all letters of routine nature (such as birthday wishes or weddings and bar Mitzvah blessings, etc,.) should be signed with a rubber stamp carrying the Rebbe’s signature, Rabbi Dr. Nissan Mindel, a true something that would definitely save the Rebbe 1. Chassid fully devoted heart and soul much precious time… to the Frierdiker Rebbe and to the Rebbe “The Rebbe completely negated this idea, say- Melech HaMoshiach, was an individual ing: ‘How can I send my heartfelt wishes to a who was extremely talented and pioneered person in such a superficial way, and how would the translating of many fundamental ti- that person feel…’ And so, the idea came off the tles of Chabad Chassidus literature into table as quickly as it came on.” the English language and by extension in to many other languages once they were available in English. His translated and original works spanned from the inner (left) As a member of the Rebbe’s secretariat, meaning of the Yomim Tovim and Jew- Rabbi Mindel would have the zechus to ish tales, through Chabad history and the receive the Dalet Minim from the Rebbe on Jewish-Chassidic outlook on life. Erev Sukkos.

40 BEIS MOSHIACH 18 TAMMUZ 5780 41 CChassidushassidus 101101

Reality dictates that you can’t just do what- tion and sense of yourself in relation to others ever you want. Even the smallest child with the and reality in general can only find expression coarsest animal soul, growing up in the most through building internal bridges to the outside self-absorbed culture, learns this very quickly world by way of the feelings of attraction and Rabbi (starting from about age two). In order to get connection to the other. You also have to be Zvi what you really want for yourself from the peo- able to feel avoidance in order to protect self, Homnick ple and the world around you, it is necessary to or anger towards those things that get in the bend your will in many areas and restrain your way of what and who you care about, but that natural emotions. It is the job of the mind to is only an outgrowth of the need to connect. decide what is worth pursuing and how much However, in order to build a true love con- THERE IS NO LOVE to invest in it, and what is worth forgoing and nection with another that is a two-way street, how hard to fight your own baser drives and not a means to exploit the other for selfish self-destructive tendencies. WITHOUT SAYING NO TO SELF purposes, the mind has to rule over the heart The same holds true for the G-dly soul. and infuse the emotions with some of its nat- Hashem’s Will forces it to exist against its own ural bittul so that it’s not just about me and Chassidim claim the Tanya with introducing us to the reality will and operate within the created reality, and what I want. In fact, secular researchers have Misnaged: that everybody has that we have two selves, and they have extreme more so to inhabit the “city” of a body and discovered that the longest lasting marriages to learn Chassidus in order to acquire bittul. I opposing perspectives and agendas. In fact, the animal soul, and even “conquer” its seven emo- and the ones that report the highest level of have learned Mussar my whole life, and in my two are at war to achieve total conquest over tional faculties, so the first thing that it needs relationship satisfaction are the ones where the opinion it brought me to a greater realization of the entire “city.” to do is take control of the human intellect and people rate sacrifice as an important ingredient what a nothing and nobody I am than I would The animal soul is totally and absolutely its ability to rule over the heart. in a relationship. I can’t truly say yes to loving have gotten through learning Chassidus. you unless I can say no to my self. self-centered, which is why its most primal Before it descended into this world, when Chassid: You remind me of a saying I once instinct is that of self-preservation. The G-dly it was up in Gan Eden, it used its intellect to If that is the case with human relationships, heard from a wise older Chassid. soul is totally and absolutely G-d-centered, grasp ever higher levels of the greatness of G-d which the animal soul is naturally drawn to, all which is why its most primal instinct is to Misnaged: Really? What did he say? and its own nothingness, and direct its emo- the more so if it is to channel the super-love return to its source, thereby obliterating its tions to ever higher levels of love and fear of of the G-dly soul. Since that super-love is an Chassid: The only thing worse than a “some- own sense of self (super-bittul). As a result, Hashem, even as it “ruled the heart” restraining outgrowth of the totally selfless super-bittul of body” with opinions is a “nobody” with opin- the overarching will of the animal soul is to be those emotions from expressing its true will for the neshama, it is not just about saying no to a ions! a yesh gamur (the best and biggest self it can self-obliteration. Now, it has to nullify its own specific selfish behavior or habit that interferes be), and the overarching will of the G-dly soul will to lose itself within the “Oneness of G-d” with the relationship, it’s about saying no to the is to be battul b’metzius (nullified out of exis- in order to carry out its mission of revealing the very idea of wanting anything for myself. Or in tence). However, both of those souls are forced of the points discussed in the pre- “Oneness of G-d” within the body and animal the language of the Zohar, iskafia sitra achara, to modify their wills in the face of the fact that One vious installment (it pays to reread soul, and ultimately the entire world. It needs to subduing the “other side.” they only exist in the context of a larger reality before continuing) regarding the operations address the questions of “what am I?” and “who “Iskafia” as presented in Tanya is not really over which they have no control. and functions of the intellect is that although am I?” in the context of its mission and the true about self-denial, but rather about self-trans- intellect itself is inherently objective, since it This is where it becomes necessary for the reality as expressed in Torah and especially formation, or “iskafia” that leads to “is’hapcha.” is only a tool and has no independent say re- will to turn to the intellect to determine “what Pnimiyus HaTorah as explained in Chassidus. This is when it comes from a higher under- garding the data inputted or the conclusions am I?” and “who am I?” within that larger The answers to those questions will impact standing of “what am I?” and “who am I?” in reached, it can never be truly objective since it context. In order to address those questions the emotions, mainly the emotion of love. As relation to the G-dly reality, based on an un- is fully controlled by the will of the “self.” The rationally, the intellect needs to have the nat- Chassidus explains, although love is one of derstanding and appreciation of the greatness degree to which it is free to explore the objec- ural ability of “the mind rules over the heart,” seven emotional faculties (or three, or five, of G-d and nothingness of self, and how all of tive truth of reality depends on which starting otherwise, the emotions will operate entirely depending on the context), it is the one that perspective the “self” chooses to adopt. This is on instinct and crash headfirst into some very drives all the rest. That is because emotions one of the reasons that the Alter Rebbe begins painful walls put up by the outside reality. are where “will” meets “reality.” Your percep- cont. on p. 46

42 BEIS MOSHIACH 18 TAMMUZ 5780 43 The (uncommon) mention of Levi as one of the command of the Torah because the Torah the tribes as well as a mention of the tribe of never forbade it! Yosef as one unit (i.e. not divided into Menashe It turns out then, that the tribe of Levi will PARASHA and Efraim) teaches us, according to Rashbam, Of The Future not receive its portion in Savyon or Hertzliya that in the future, in the era of the Geula, the but somewhere in Jordan … tribe of Levi will receive a portion in Eretz Rabbi Nissim Lagziel Yisrael (like the other tribes) while the tribe MINDING THE NEW LAND of Yosef will become one unit and receive (just) one portion. What is the reason for the difference? Why in the land of Canaan, no; and in the lands of The question is, how can an explicit pro- Keini, Kenizi and Kadmoni, yes? The tribe of CONQUERING THE LAND OF THE MIND hibition in the Torah be overturned? It is a Levi was set aside to serve Hashem. Therefore, prohibition listed as one of the 613 mitzvos they were separated from the ways of the world IN THE ERA OF GEULA of the Torah, the very Torah that will never (Rambam ibid, 12), which is why they do not be changed, not even in the era of the Geula! inherit in the land. Is conquering the land of Aside from this, if the tribe of Levi really Canaan more “the ways of the world” than con- BEGIN WITH A GRIN names,” is how the Torah starts the command deserves a portion in the land, why don’t they quering the land of the three nations? Why? about dividing the land. At first glance, the get one now? And if they don’t deserve one, Chassidus explains that the seven lands A lady sits down on a train. The man sitting meaning of “to these” is that every Jew is de- what will change in the Geula? which we received at the initial conquest of next to her turns to her and says, “Lady, that is serving and will receive a portion in the land. The Rebbe answers these questions while the land correspond to the seven middos, the the ugliest baby I have ever seen. That baby looks However, a quick peek at the Sifri on the verse explaining the exact word choices of the emotional faculties, while the three lands we in a mirror, it’s going to shatter. You oughta put tells us the exact opposite, that by saying “to Rambam on the subject in ingenious simplicity. will receive in the future correspond to the a bag on that baby’s head. That baby is just ugly.” these” it indicates a number of exclusions (and The Rambam writes (Shemitta and Yovel 13:10) three intellectual faculties, chochma, bina, daas. The woman, horrified, stands up and shouts not those) “… excluding kohanim … excluding that “the tribe of Levi are warned against getting According to this, it turns out that the differ- for the conductor. “Conductor, this man has in- leviyim … excluding converts and slaves … ex- a portion in the land of Canaan.” The wording ence in the division of the land is not a technical sulted me.” cluding women,” and more. Indeed, in parshas “land of Canaan” sounds a bit odd. Why not difference but an essential difference which Korach we learned that the tribe of Levi will not call it Eretz Yisrael? “I’m so sorry, ma’am,” the conductor replies. get a portion in the land or the spoils of war, teaches us about the service and role of the “What he did is totally unacceptable on this though, like many things, this will (possibly) From this, the Rebbe learns, that the Jewish people here in the world. Today, in galus, train. I will deal with him later, but for now, change in the time of the Geula. Rambam holds that the prohibition to inherit our main role is to serve Hashem through mid- please come with me. We’ll give you a nice seat in the land of Eretz Yisrael refers only to the dos. In Yemos HaMoshiach however, we will in the first-class carriage — and a banana for The Smag (Sefer Mitzvos HaGadol, lavin land of Canaan and not to the entirety of get a “promotion,” and we will serve Hashem your monkey.” 277) writes that in the future, the tribe of Levi Eretz Yisrael. The phrase “land of Canaan” also through the three faculties of the intellect. will receive a portion in the promised land. refers to the land of the seven nations: the The difference between avodas ha’middos and NEVER MIND A SHARE IN THE LAND There are commentaries (Rashbam Bava Basra Canaani, Chitti, Emori, Prizi, Chivi, Yevusi and avodas ha’mochin is vast. While the emotions 122a) who want to prove this from the proph- Girgashi, while the term “Eretz Yisrael” refers relate to others, the intellect relates to the per- After forty years of wandering in the Sinai ecy of Yechezkel. Yechezkel describes (chapter to the promised land, the entire Eretz Yisrael as son himself. In the work of refining the middos, desert, the Jewish people arrive at the border of 48) the sight of Yerushalayim in the era of the promised to Avrohom at the “Covenant of the a person relates to the world around him while the land. In the distance, they can already see Geula. He describes its borders, walls, dimen- Pieces,” the land of the ten nations which also in the work of the mochin, a person secludes large parts of the long yearned-for land. Here, sions, and even its gates. He counts and enu- includes: Keini, Kenizi and Kadmoni. himself in order to conceive and grasp intel- before they enter, Hashem commands Moshe merates the gates of Yerushalayim (thirteen lectual ideas. This essential difference is also to arrange the division of the land and to es- That means that according to the Rambam in number to correspond to twelve tribes and expressed in the way the middos and mochin tablish how the tribes will divide the territory the prohibition of inheriting by the tribe of one to correspond to the Nasi, i.e. Moshiach): are “conquered.” they conquer from the seven nations. Levi is only in the land of the seven nations. the gate of Reuven is one; the gate of Shimon In the new lands we will get in the Geula, in The “conquering” of the middos is accom- “To these shall you divide the land as an is one; the gate of Levi is one; the gate of Yosef the land of the three nations, the tribe of Levi plished through war, i.e. birur and getting in- inheritance according to the number of the is one, etc. can get a portion and this does not contradict volved, the person descending to interact with

44 BEIS MOSHIACH 18 TAMMUZ 5780 45 things that are lower than him. The “conquer- During Chanuka of 5605/1845, three ing” of the mochin is accomplished through Chassidic giants met in Lubavitch: Rabbi Isaac disengagement and abstraction, i.e. a person of Homil, Rabbi Hillel of Paritch, and Rabbi transcending and dealing with supernal mat- Isaac of Vitebsk. They spoke and farbrenged ters which raise him still further. The tribe of about how they had come to Chassidus. R’ Isaac Levi is a holy tribe whose members were cho- of Homil asked R’ Isaac of Vitebsk, “What is the sen by Hashem to serve in the Beis HaMikdash. difference between the Torah that you learned Therefore, serving Hashem on the lower level, by R’ Zemele the tzaddik and the Torah you refining the middos, does not pertain to them; learned by the Alter Rebbe in Liozna?” they are above it. This is why Levi does not re- R’ Isaac answered: The main difference was ceive a portion in the land of the seven nations. after the learning … He began to cry bitterly In the three lands which we will receive while sighing from the depths of his soul: Oy in the future, which represent the avoda on a Rebbe, oy Rebbe. higher level, an avoda of the mochin, Levi will R’ Isaac of Homil asked, “And what was the also receive a portion and have a direct role to difference after the learning?” play in that avoda. R’ Isaac of Vitebsk answered in a plaintive As for us, we have the ability to accomplish voice choked with tears, “When we left the shi- the conquering of the expanded Eretz Yisrael ur of R’ Zemele, we were elevated in our own by already starting to serve Hashem on the eyes. Boruch Hashem, another pilpul, more higher level of the time of the Geula. We do chiddushei Torah. When we left the shiur of this by connecting to Hashem not only with the the Rebbe we were broken over the fact that avodas ha’middos but also through the mochin. we didn’t truly sense the Giver of the Torah.” We need to simply sit and learn Chassidus! This is what Chassidus accomplishes in TO CONCLUDE WITH A STORY man’s soul, the desire to ascend to the Giver of the Torah. We will conclude with a story that highlights the sort of conquest Chassidus accomplishes in Good Shabbos! ■ the soul and heart of man (recorded in a letter Based on a sicha of the Rebbe, Likutei of the Rebbe Rayatz – 29 Tishrei 5699/1938): Sichos vol 38, sicha 1 of Parshas Pinchas

Chassidus 101, cont. from p. 43 existence is only for the purpose of expressing Hashem. This is not something that is exclusive His super-love for each individual Jew. to Tzaddikim, who have rid themselves of all selfish desires. Every Jew has the power to say The Alter Rebbe made it possible for every yes to love of Hashem by employing the natural Jew to come to this understanding to some power of the “mind rules over the heart” (see extent through the study of Chassidus, and 19 AdarII). ■ to remove the blockage that his self-centered emotions place over his own super-love for (to be continued, G-d willing)

46 BEIS MOSHIACH 188 TAMA MUZ 5780 47 Bluma Landa •

If Moshe concerned about approaching speech, establishing social contacts, and more. Rabbeinu Pharaoh due to his slowness of In addition, she offers therapy to children speech, what would a three-year and adults suffering from a variety of speech was old child suffering from a stam- maladies at her private clinic in Rechovot. mer say? How can we help him In this interview, Yael exposes us to the tools maintain his self-confidence? Will this con- for dealing with stuttering in children and ad- dition eventually disappear? One can only ditional speech disorders. Nevertheless, she hope. also considers it important to note first that There’s a phenomenon of developmen- this article is not a substitute for professional tal stuttering, which starts suddenly among advice or treatment, if required. children between the ages of two and five. Yael, give us a little background. What Maybe this is the brain doing a growth spurt, examples have you encountered? perhaps some emotional trauma or difficulty. In any case, this phenomenon arouses much “Besides those cases of stuttering that we’ll fear among parents, when they reveal one fine soon speak about, we also encounter children day that to their horror, their child is actually with various other disorders in the develop- stammering. He gets stuck in the middle of a ment of their speech: limited vocabulary, dif- word, repeating syllables, making considerable ficulty with sentence structure, grammatical effort, yet unable to say what he wants to say. gender, incorrect pronunciation, repeatedly The stutter often creates a very unpleasant situ- mixing up or omitting letters, etc. ation, including concern and pity for the child, “There is also a fair share of cases of prob- who really can’t understand what’s happening lems in verbal expression, e.g., a child’s difficul- to him. Advice comes from virtually every di- ty in organizing his thoughts, describing what rection, and we turned to a professional in this he thinks and feels, and difficulty in under- field to get some reliable information. standing and deciphering simple instructions.” Yael Shalom is a speech therapist working You surely have come across some chil- in this field for over thirteen years. She began dren whose speech was totally normal, even her journey in Chabad during her professional better than usual for their age group, until studies at the University of Haifa. During they began stammering. her vacation time, she would come to study Chassidus at Machon Alte in Tzfas, and “Of course. However, we must make a dis- later for a year and a half at the Ohr Chaya tinction between the phenomenon known as women’s college. Today, she works at Ohr ‘developmental stuttering’, which is considered L’No’ar Chabad in Kiryat Malachi (an affiliate a normative and passing stage, and a perma- of the Chabad vocational school in the city), nent stammer, something that the child can a learning institution for students undergoing ch”v endure for the rest of his life. For each rehabilitation after psychiatric treatment general rule, there are thousands of exceptional and hospitalization. Yael attends to these cases. Therefore, parents must keep their fin- youngsters and teaches them the foundations gers on the pulse and not ignore the warning of interpersonal communication, normal signs. If the stuttering continues for more than three months, then the parents should defi-

484 BEEISS MOOSSHHIIACCH 18 TAMMUZ 5780 49 HHome,ome, HHacks,acks, aandnd CCofeeofee

Raizel Liberow Tips for Calmer Parenting

know the saying that goes ‘I was a A Change of Scenery: You professional at parenting until I be- came a mother’? Nothing tests our patience Often, I feel like I can be a more present and our limits like mothering does! mother when we go somewhere out of the house. Something about leaving the mess In Chassidus, the intellectual faculties are and the laundry behind and just venturing referred to as ‘parents’ while the emotional out into nature; can help me to simply enjoy attributes are called the ‘offspring’. While our the kids and have a great time together. take a deep breath and embrace our children, children naturally have big strong feelings, our Goal Oriented: job as parents is to remain the rational, intel- play with them, have a great time with them There is something about the simplicity of – exactly as they are. Share silly jokes, draw Sometimes in the daily grind, it’s easy to get lectual ones; calming, guiding, and educating stuck in a rut and lose sight of what the point nature that brings out the purity within us and pictures together, bake some cookies, read a our progeny. of all of this is. It’s helpful to recharge ourselves our children. It reminds me of the story of the book – just enjoy their company. But how to remain calm when all we want simple shepherd whom the Baal Shem Tov and with an inspirational shiur, a chavrusa with a to do is shout? Here are some things that I’m his students observed, spinning cartwheels The Triangle: good friend or learning something together trying to work on as we travel down this scenic and throwing up coins as gifts to Hashem as with our spouse. Sleeping well, eating well and staying active route together: he tended to his flock on the rolling, grassy Realizing that the specific Shlichus of our are all easier said than done but can have a hills. Stepping out of the ordinary confines of times is to be mekabel pnei Moshiach, we can Eye to Eye: really big impact on our mood and the way our daily grind and spending time soaking in try to make that a focus as we go about our day we function. We all love being our best selves One of my kids has a habit of saying “Mom- Hashem’s wonders, can do amazing things for caring for our children. and that is so much easier when we are well my, Mommy, Mommy…” a thousand times our mood and sanity. fed and well slept. “Wow, Mendel! You shared the cars with when he needs something, which could drive I am who I am: your sister! That’s living Moshiach when all any person a little bit nuts. One thing I’ve no- Taking the time to prepare healthy meals for the kinderlach will want to share! ticed is that when I stop what I’m doing and The weekdays are for accomplishing, creat- yourself – not just the kid’s cereal and leftover “You really wanted cereal but you made sure look at him in the eyes when I respond, he feels ing, building and transforming. Shabbos is for pasta – is time worth spending. Treat yourself to finish Brachos first! Your Yetzer Tov is super listened to and then runs off to play. just being – enjoying and reveling in that which to some really fresh seasonal fruits and vege- strong getting ready for when there will be no we have created. No altering, no fixing, just tables and take a few minutes to prepare them Children are bubbling with things to share Yetzer Hara at all! and stories to tell. When we take the time to appreciating that which we have. As parents, so they are ready to go when you are in a hurry. just look into their eyes, see the emotions they our job is to educate: to guide, assist, notice that Some sourdough bread in the freezer, different “I saw that! You were going to say something are sharing and just listen; it can prevent small which needs changing and work on improving cheeses, fresh herbs, healthy snacks – all to not nice but then you changed your mind! Like incidents from turning into gigantic tantrums it. Yet sometimes, there is a time to just be. tempt you to take those few minutes to prepare when Moshiach comes, all the not good things and can give us a window into their lives and Ignore everything that needs changing and just yourself something nourishing so that you can will be turned into good things!” souls. enjoy our children exactly as they are. To just then go and nourish your family. May it happen now! ■

52 BEIS MOSHIACH 18 TAMMUZ 5780 53 to prepare worksheets for her students and For some reason, she recalled the moment make summations for the class in Chassidus that she received the get. Leibel looked totally she would give over to the women after a break miserable, as he handed her the folded paper. of two weeks. Every small rustling sound made Raizele asked Zalman if her divorce might be 36 her heart jump. halachically unfit, since he didn’t give it with a full heart. Zalman claimed that there are sit- When she entered the bedroom, she felt uations where it is permissible to force him to herself gripped by an inexplicable sense of give the divorce, and he relies upon the beis terror. She went into the kitchen and drank a din. But regardless, no one flogged Leibel nor few drops of a soothing homeopathic remedy. did anyone threaten him with imprisonment. Suddenly, she recalled the homework she had Still, despite Zalman’s assurances, Raizele had received from a counselor who contacted a restless feeling in her heart. Hadas at her ’s suggestion. Oy, Zalman… Why hasn’t she heard any- “Try and think why you agreed to marry thing from her brother? She sent him two Yonasan. What were the qualities you found letters once she realized that her stay in the in him?” Her thoughts brought her back to a Review: In the past – Raizele is offered a United States posed potential risks. She asked few years earlier. shidduch with Jeffery Gold. Aryeh is living him to get money for return tickets, but he alone in Tel Aviv. In the present – Hadas She recalled how Yonasan energetically hasn’t responded. makes a cheshbon nefesh. Yonasan goes out quoted concepts from Dvar Malchus, and en- She felt a dryness in her throat, and she de- on a short camping trip, when something thusiastically recalled experiences from his cided to get something to drink. On her way to goes wrong… shlichus. How she inadvertently spilled juice the kitchen, she heard voices coming from the on him during their meeting, and how he was living room. She tensed as her name was men- careful not to embarrass her. How she connect- tioned. Silently, she crept closer to the doorway. ed to his sense of humor, feeling that alongside such a happy person, her life would be more “Raizy is too similar to my sister,” she heard beautiful. How in the early days of their mar- Eva sigh. “You know, I don’t have many rela- riage, he would accompany her everywhere so tives…I lost my brother Nachum’ke in a po- she wouldn’t have to walk alone in the dark, and grom…only Devora’le and I were left… While you and I turned to the land of limitless pos- he would make her a healthy salad and tasty sibilities, Yosef and Devora stubbornly decid- sandwiches before she went to her classes… ed, despite our fervent urging, to emigrate to Adar 5778, Tzfas. “Stay here,” Palestine, a land of unending sorrow, dragging Late Limor tried to convince Hadas. my mother with them… Poor Mother became However, Hadas was determined to return Elul 5699. New York. “Raizy, my ill there and passed away. Yosef hid from the to the rented apartment in the Canaan Late dear, Jeffrey is still waiting for an authorities, and at the end of the war, they neighborhood. Their belongings are there, answer regarding a second meeting,” Eva re- drafted him into the army and he was killed and the location is more comfortable. In minded her at the Shabbos evening meal. “We’ll in action. And Devora…, oy, Devora’le, my addition, Yonasan left…in order that she be seeing him tomorrow – in temple…” obstinate sister. I pleaded with her to leave the could return home, and it was important to poverty of Yerushalayim and come to us in “Tell him that I’m not interested,” she re- her that he should feel that she appreciates New York. However, she refused to abandon plied. “There’s nothing in common between us.” his sacrifice. the Holy Land…and eventually she left two “Think about it a little more,” Eva insisted, orphans. A tragedy…” Her voice choked with The return was not easy. In the afternoon, as she again listed the many qualities of Jeffrey emotion. she was busy with the children, while in Efraim Gold. the evening, she had a difficult time dealing David coughed nervously. “I know that it’s with the deafening silence. She sat down Raizele tossed and turned in bed. important to you to provide your niece with a

5454 BBEEIISS MOSOSHHIIAACCH 18 TAMMUZ 5780 55 green jeep stopped next to the every community provide a certain number of The shul with a squealing of the children to the Russian army for service that ,, Even after the brakes. Out of the doors, which opened sometimes lasted decades! decree was annulled, quickly, jumped two uniformed men who Throughout this long period of service, the there were large rushed to the shul. children had to eat army rations which were Once they found out that it would be a treif, hear the foul language of the gentile offi- communities of Jewish few minutes before mincha would begin, cers, and of course they could not learn Torah cantonist soldiers who they relaxed. They had been looking for and do mitzvos. The majority of these children were staunch in their a minyan in the area as they tried to beat who were forcibly inducted had to undergo a the setting sun. With extraordinary divine forced conversion and live like gentiles. These faith but spent most of providence, they ended up in our neighbor- unfortunate children were called “Nikolai’s their lives in the Russian hood and came to shul. soldiers.” army and could not After Simcha spoke with them after the When they heard about the czar’s intentions, davening, he learned that the two soldiers Jewish communal workers tried to bribe the read and write. They had recently become interested in Torah czar’s officers and ministers but it was to no barely knew the basics and mitzvos and were trying hard not to avail. The czar’s wicked plan was carried out. of Jewish life. miss a tefilla with a minyan. Simcha spoke The decree applied to children from the age to them for a long time and encouraged of twelve and they had to serve until they were them to remain strong and to learn Torah forty-three, a total of thirty-one years. A Jewish every day. child drafted from the cheder left the army as a Simcha gave them pictures of the Rebbe mature adult, empty of Torah and mitzvos and away and he was unable to do anything to to and took their phone numbers. After the far from his family and community. avert the decree and remove the threat from men left, Simcha sighed. “There are so many According to the law, the requirement to ful- the Jewish children, aside from going to the young people who are looking to learn fill this law fell upon those who ran Jewish com- gravesite of the Alter Rebbe in Haditch where Torah and Chassidus despite any difficulties. munities. They were the ones who had to draft he prayed. We just need to help them.” the boys and send them to the Russian army At the beginning of Kislev 5588 (1827), the Since we had free time, Simcha told me according to the quota they were assigned. Of course, parents refused to send their children week before his passing, he said a maamar about other times, when young Jewish boys Chassidus on the topic of “understanding the served in the army which distanced them to the army and hid them. taking of soldiers from the Jewish people by from Torah and mitzvos for many years. Tragically, money-hungry people collabo- non-Jews.” He explained how it was possible Here is the full story: rated with the government and were willing, that divine providence would place obstacles for pay, to kidnap children to fill the quotas. The “decree of the cantonists” which in the fulfillment of Torah and mitzvos. began a little less than two hundred years The kidnappers were known aschappers , for ago and lasted for painful decades, was the they mercilessly grabbed children and handed Before saying the maamar, he said that he evil plan of Czar Nikolai. He ruled a mighty them over to the authorities, knowing that they knew about the decree seven years earlier empire and hated the Jews. would have to convert. when he saw a great kitrug (heavenly accusa- When the chappers were unable to lay their tion) against Jewish youth but he was unable The czar plotted against the Jews in var- to avert the decree. ious ways. He often made decrees against hands on draft-age boys, they would grab chil- them but all the bitter, difficult decrees dren under the age of twelve and declared that In this maamar, the Mittler Rebbe explained they were older. paled in comparison with the “decree of that specifically when there are decrees, and the cantonists.” Czar Nikolai decided to The decree began under the leadership of nevertheless, a Jew fulfills mitzvos with mesirus reeducate the future generation of Jews, the Mitteler Rebbe but by the time it became nefesh, there is tremendous pleasure up above the children and youth. He ordered that widespread and began in earnest, he had passed from those few mitzvos.