
TERATOLOGY 52196204 (1995)

Formation of - Mixed in the Developing Rat Conceptus Following Diamide Treatment In Vitro

ROONGRUDEE HIRANRUENGCHOK AND CRAIG HARRIS Toxicology Program, Department of Environmental and Industrial Health, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

ABSTRACT Protein-g Iuta th ione mixed di - Reduced glutathione (GSH), the most abundant in- sulfide (protein-S-SG) formation was investigated tracellular , contributes the greatest source of cel- in developing rat conceptuses during early organ- lular reducing equivalents and is known to be impor- ogenesis (gestational day 10, GD 10) using the tant in the control of cellular redox status. Glutathione whole embryo culture system. Low levels of protein- participates, either directly or indirectly, in various S-SG (25.0 ? 6.6 pmoles resolved GSH/conceptus) critical cellular processes including detoxication (Ket- were found in conceptuses under normal culture terer et al., '83; Jones et al., '86) and maintenance of conditions. Incubation of the conceptuses with 75- membrane integrity (Kosower et al., '69a). The regula- 500 pM diamide (a thiol oxidant) resulted in rapid tion of cellular proliferation, differentiation, and devel- increases in protein-S-SG (to 2- to 16-fold that of opment have also been shown to be associated with control values) in a dose-dependent manner during GSH status (reviewed in Allen and Balin, '89). Glu- 30 min of the culture period. Approximately 20% of tathione levels may be depleted considerably as a re- the observed cytosolic glutathione (GSH) depletion sult of detoxication activities and may result in cellular following diamide (500 pM) could be accounted for toxicity and altered cell functions as GSH-dependent as mixed disulfides of protein sulfhydryls, when de- protective mechanisms are oversaturated. termined in whole conceptual tissues after 15 min. Glutathione is important for the protection of devel- The most extensive S-thiolation of protein sulfhydryls oping conceptuses against embryotoxicity produced by by GSH was observed in visceral yolk sac (VYS) several xenobiotics both in vitro and in vivo (Faust- when compared to embryo proper and ectopla- man-Watts et al., '86; Harris et al., '87; Wong et al., cental cone. This result indicates that the most abun- '89). Although underlying mechanisms could involve dant, sensitive, or accessible protein sulfhydryls the chemical's ability to elicit toxicity directly, it is also were found in the VYS. Inhibition of glutathione di- probable that altered GSH status produced as a conse- sulfide reductase activity by pretreatment of the quence of detoxication processes may contribute to em- conceptuses with 25 pM BCNU for 2 hr potentiated bryotoxicity. Our observations that incubation of de- protein-S-SG formation elicited by 75 pM diamide. veloping rat conceptuses (gestational day 10, GD 10) Reincubation of the conceptuses in fresh media, with diamide, a thiol oxidant, causes dysmorphogene- following the 15-min treatment with 500 pM dia- mide, reversed both the GSH depletion and the protein-S-SG formation in conceptal tissues. The reduction of the protein-S-SG was dependent on adequate intracellular GSH levels and was inhib- ited when GSH was rapidly depleted by subsequent addition of N-ethylmaleimide (NEM, 100 pM).Un- Abbreviations: BCNU, 1,3-bis (2-chloroethyl)-l-nitrosourea;EPC, ec- toplacental cone; D'IT, dithiothreitol; DMSO, dimethylsulfoxide; der the same experimental conditions, addition of 1 DTPA, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid; GD, gestational day; mM dithiothreitol (DTT) did not significantly en- GSH, reduced glutathione; GSSG, glutathione ; GSSG-reduc- hance the GSH restoration rate nor the protein- tase, glutathione disulfide reductase; HBSS, Hanks' balanced salt so- S-SG reduction rate. The results also indicated that lution; HEPPS, (N-[2-hydroxyethyll-piperazine-N'-[3-propane-sulfo- nic acid); MSA, methanesulfonic acid NEM, N-ethylmaleimide; low levels of intracellular do not play an MBBr, monobromobimane; PPB, penkose phosphate shunt pathway; important role in the reduction of protein-S-SG. pr0tein-S-SG, protein-glutathione mixed disulfide; VYS, visceral Protein-S-SG formation may be important for cel- yolk sac. lular regulation and in mediating the embryotoxicity Received February 20, 1995; accepted August 31,1995. elicited by diamide or other oxidative stresses. Address reprint requests to Dr. Craig Harris, Toxicology Program, 0 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Department of Environmental and Industrial Health, University of Michigan, 1420 Washington Heights, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029.

0 1995 WILEY-LISS, INC. EMBRYONIC PROTEIN-GLUTATHIONE MIXED DISULFIDES 197 sis provide additional evidence that glutathione redox tered glutathione redox status during oxidative stress status may have an important role in developmental may be mediated through biological consequences of processes and embryotoxicity (Hiranruengchok and protein mixed disulfide formation. Quantitation of the Harris, '93). Moreover, redox cycling compounds, which protein mixed disulfides is important in understanding are capable of causing oxidative stress and altered this possible mechanism of thiol oxidation-induced em- GSH status, have been reported to be embryotoxic and bryotoxicity. As a continuation of our previous studies, dysmorphogenicin vivo and in vitro (Juchau et al., '86). the effects of GSH oxidation by diamide on protein It has been suggested that the consequences of altered mixed disulfide formation have been investigated in redox status that occur during cellular oxidation may organogenesis-stage rat conceptuses (GD 10) using the influence gene expression and the regulatory control of rat whole embryo culture system (New, '73). The for- development (Allen and Balin, '89). In spite of consid- mation and subsequent reduction of total protein erable evidence showing an association between redox mixed disulfides and accompanying alterations in thiol status and cellular function, the regulation of these status have been evaluated. In addition, the role of processes has not been thoroughly investigated. It is glutathione disulfide reductase (GSSG-reductase) in assumed that structural and functional modifications formation of the protein mixed disulfide was also ex- of or critical enzymes may be responsible. Var- amined. It was shown in this study that oxidation of ious studies suggest that protein mixed disulfide for- GSH by diamide can lead to increased formation of mation (or protein S-thiolation) represents one possible protein$-SG in tissues of the conceptuses and this ef- cellular mechanism for regulation of enzymatic activ- fect was enhanced by inhibition of GSSG-reductase ac- ity and cellular function in vivo (Ziegler, '85). tivity. The pr0tein-S-SG formation by diamide was a Glutathione, as the major thiol in cells, is also quan- reversible process and excess intracellular GSH was titatively the most important thiol involved in forming found to be important for reduction of the mixed disul- mixed disulfides with proteins. The protein-glutathi- fides. Correlations of increased pr0tein-S-SG forma- one mixed disulfides (protein-S-SG) are formed when tion and the embryotoxicity caused by diamide (Hiran- glutathione disulfide (GSSG) reacts with protein sulf- ruengchok and Harris, '93) implicate a possible role of hydryls of cysteine residues in proteins to form mixed the protein S-thiolation in mechanisms of embryotoxi- disulfides. Cellular oxidations, which cause depletion city elicited by chemically induced oxidative stress. of GSH and increased levels of GSSG, can therefore result in increased formation of protein-S-SG. The for- MATERIALS AND METHODS mation of protein-S-SG by oxyradical-initiated mech- Chemicals anisms other than through direct interaction with Diamide, dithiothreitol (DTT), N-ethylmaleimide GSSG via thiol-disulfide exchange has also been pro- (NEM), and GSH were obtained from Sigma Chemical posed (Miller et al., '90). Various cellular functions Co. (St. Louis, MO) as were glutathione disulfide re- may be affected by protein-S-SG formation, especially ductase and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase. 1,3- when the protein thiol being oxidized represents a crit- Bis-(2-chloroethyl)-l-nitrosourea (BCNU) was pro- ical structural element or is involved in active site vided by the Bristol Myers Company (Syracuse, NY). function of an enzyme, receptor, or transporter. Re- Other chemicals and reagents were of the highest cently, specific S-thiolated proteins have been de- grade commercially available. scribed in isolated cells under conditions of oxidative stress induced by diamide (Park and Thomas, '881, t-bu- Animals tylhydroperoxide (Guarnieri et al., '87), and menadione (Tsukahara et al., '87). Some of these S-thiolated pro- Time-mated primagravida Sprague-Dawley rats teins have been identified as creatine kinase, phos- were used in all experiments. Animals were obtained phorylase b (Collison et al., '86; Collison and Thomas, on days 6-9 of gestation from the Reproductive Science ,871, carbonic anhydrase I11 (Chai et al., '911, glyceral- Program, Small Animal Core, University of Michigan, dehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Schuppe-Koisti- and maintained on a 14-hr light/lO-hr dark cycle until nen et al., '941, and a proteinase inhibitor (Tsukahara explantation on GD 10. All animals had free access to et al., '87). food and water. The morning following copulation, in- The biochemical consequences of altered GSH status dicated by a sperm-positive vaginal smear, was desig- on protein mixed disulfide formation in tissues of the nated as day 0 of gestation (GD 0). developing conceptuses have not yet been directly in- vestigated. Some of the cellular processes shown to be Rat whole embryo culture and modulated by formation of the protein mixed disulfides tissue preparation and known to be important in maintaining the growth Pregnant dams were anesthetized with ether on GD and development of mammalian embryos include pro- 10. Preparation of conceptuses and serum for culture teolysis and glucose metabolism (glycolysis and the have been described in detail elsewhere (Hiranrueng- pentose phosphate shunt pathway) (Brigelius, '85). It is chok and Harris, '93). The conceptuses used in culture therefore probable that embryotoxicity induced by al- experiments consisted of intact visceral yolk sac (VYS), 198 R. HIRANRUENGCHOK AND C. HARRIS ectoplacental cone (EPC), amnion, and embryo. Em- pellets obtained from the preceding procedure were bryos having 8-10 somites were carefully chosen for washed three times with ice-cold 80% ethanol to elim- experiments and generally cultured in 125-ml roller inate acid soluble and to completely denature bottles in medium consisting of 33% heat-inactivated proteins. The pellets were then suspended in sodium rat serum and sterile Hanks' balanced salt solution pyrophosphate (pH 8.4); the enzymatic reduction sys- (HBSS, pH 7.4) with potassium penicillin G (41 IUlml) tem consisting of 5 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT, 0.2 mM and streptomycin (41 pg/ml) in a total volume of 10 or NADP+, 2.5 mM glucose 6-phosphate (G6P), 2 pg/ml 15 ml (one conceptus per 1-2 ml of medium). The cul- glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) (Lenconos- ture medium was previously warmed and saturated toc mesenteroides; Sigma Type XXIII) and 4 pg/ml glu- with 20% 02/5%C02/75% N2. The culture bottles were tathione disulfide reductase (:yeast; Sigma Type 111) placed in a roller-incubator and maintained at 37°C was then added to reduce the disulfide bonds and re- throughout the culture period. Conceptuses were nor- lease free GSH. The sample was incubated at 37°C for mally allowed to equilibrate in culture media for ap- 30 min, cooled and MSA was added (to a final concen- proximately 1 hr prior to addition of chemical agents. tration of 200 mM) to stop the reaction. Next, an equal Diamide, DTT, and NEM were dissolved in distilled volume of 4 M of sodium methansulfonate was added to water; BCNU was dissolved in redistilled dimethylsulf- precipitate the protein pellets. The sample was centri- oxide (DMSO). Exposure to chemical agents was ac- fuged and the pH of the supernatant was carefully complished by direct addition to the culture medium. raised to 8.0 by adding an appropriate amount of the At specific time points, conceptuses were taken from HEPPS-DTPA buffer as described above and MBBr the culture media, rinsed to remove chemicals and me- was added to a final concentration of 0.2 mM. After a dia, placed in 200 pl of methanesulfonic acid (MSA, 200 20-min incubation in the dark at room temperature, mM), quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept at 74°C the reaction was terminated by addition of MSA to a until analyses of GSH, cysteine, and protein-glu- final concentration of 200 mM, and the samples were tathione mixed disulfide (protein-S-SG), which were stored at -74°C until analysis of released GSH by performed as subsequently described. When determi- HPLC. The amount of the protein-S-SG was deter- nations of protein-S-SG in individual embryos, VYS, mined from this procedure and expressed as pmoles of or EPC were to be carried out, the conceptuses removed resolved GSH. from the media were rinsed with HBSS (pH 7.4) con- taining 10 mM NEM and dissected in the same solution Determination of protein under a dissecting microscope. Pooled embryos, VYSs, Tissues were placed in HBSS, frozen, and kept at or EPCs were also placed in 200 p.1 of MSA (200 mM) 74°C for analysis of protein, using the method of Brad- and processed as were whole conceptuses. ford ('76), as modified for use with a 96-well plate and HPLC analysis of GSH, cysteine, and analyzed in a microtiter plate spectrophotometer. Bio- protein-glutathione mixed disulfides Rad reagent (200 p1) was added to the tissue homoge- (pr0tein-S-SG) nate (15 p1) in each well. The mixture was incubated for 30 min at room temperature prior to measurement Concentrations of intracellular thiols (cysteine and of the absorbance (at 595 nm). Bovine plasma y-globu- GSH) were determined as their monobromobimane lin was used for preparation of the standard curve. (MBBr, Thiolyte, Calbiochem, La Jolla, CA) adducts When protein content was determined from the acid- using the high-performance liquid chromatography precipitated protein pellets (after removal of the super- (HPLC) method modified from Fahey and Newton ('87) natant used for GSH and cysteine analysis) (see Fig. 51, and Harris ('93). Thawed whole conceptal cells or the remaining residue was solubilized with NaOH pooled embryos, VYSs, or EPCs (in 200 pl of 200 mM (0.25 N) and assayed for protein content using the MSA) were homogenized by ultrasonic tissue disrup- method of Bradford as described previously. In tion. An equal volume of sodium methanesulfonate (4 ('76), this case, NaOH was used as a diluent, and a protein M) was then added and precipitated protein was sepa- standard curve was prepared .using bovine serum albu- rated by centrifugation 10 min). Supernatant (14,00Og, min. was removed from the protein pellets, and the pH of the supernatant was increased to 8.0 by the addition of HEPPS (1M) containing 5 mM diethylenetriaminepen- Inhibition of glutathione disulfide reductase taacetic acid (DTPA) (pH 8.5).MBBr was then added at (GSSG-reductase) a final concentration of 0.2 mM, and the reaction was Glutathione disulfide-reductase activity was inhib- allowed to proceed for 20 min in the dark at room tem- ited by incubation of the conceptuses in culture me- perature. Next, MSA was added to 200 mM, and the dium containing BCNU (25 pM added at the start of samples were stored at -74°C until analyzed by HPLC. the culture period) for 2 hr. At the end of the incubation HPLC analysis procedures have been described in de- period, GSSG-reductase activities were inhibited to tail elsewhere (Harris, '93). 20% and 40% of control levels in the VYS and embryo, For proteins-SG assays (Lou et al., '87), the protein respectively (Hiranruengchok and Harris, '93). The EMBRYONIC PROTEIN-GLUTATHIONE MIXED DISULFIDES 199 conceptuses were rinsed to free BCNU and recultured in new medium for subsequent treatments.

Statistical analysis For all experiments, statistical analysis was per- formed by ANOVA, general linear models procedure (SAS), followed by Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) * 400 * test. Significance was accepted when P<0.05. 1I I RESULTS Diamide, a thiol oxidant (Kosower et al., '69b), which has been shown in our previous studies (Hiranrueng- chok and Harris, '93) to oxidize GSH to GSSG and cause embryotoxicity, is now also shown to elevate pro- tein-glutathione mixed disulfide (protein-S-SG) for- mation concomitantly in the cultured rat conceptus. Incubation of conceptuses (GD 10) with increasing con- centrations of diamide (75-500 pM) resulted in dose- dependent increases in protein-S-SG formation (Fig. 1). Low levels of protein-S-SG (25.0 * 6.6 pmoles of GSH per conceptus, mean +SE) were measured in the con- ceptuses under normal culture conditions. The increase in mixed disulfides formed by diamide was a rapid pro- cess. Peak levels of the mixed disulfide formed by 75- 250 pM diamide were reached within 5-15 min. Those Time (min) formed by 500 pM diamide continued to increase and reached the maximum level at 30 min. During this Fig. 1. Dose response of diamide on protein-glutathione mixed di- incubation period, protein-S-SG levels were increased sulfide (protein$-SG) formation in rat conceptuses (gestational day by approximately twofold in conceptuses treated with 10). Conceptuses were cultured in media containing various concen- trations of diamide. At times indicated, pooled conceptuses (4) were low concentrations of diamide (75 and 100 pM), when taken from the culture media and processed for quantitation of pro- compared to control values. A more extensive protein- teinS-SG as described under Materials and Methods. Immediately S-SG formation (approximately 6- to 16-fold increase after addition of diamide to the media conceptuses were removed, this over controls) was produced by diamide at concentra- was designated as 0 min. Protein$-SG were quantitated as amounts tions of 250 and 500 pM, respectively. A transient in- of GSH (released from the mixed disulfide bonds) per one conceptus. Data are represented as mean ?SE (n = 3-4). Asterisk (*) indicates crease in protein-S-SG seen at time 0 min suggested a statistically significant difference from control values (P<0.05). that increased GSSG, formed by the initial GSH oxi- dation with diamide, rapidly oxidizes the accessible sulfhydryl groups of proteins and forms the mixed di- sulfide bonds. Diamide has been reported to easily dif- nmoles per mg protein in the conceptus (see Fig. 5A, fuse through cell membranes and oxidize GSH within time 0 min). Assuming that GSH depletion by diamide seconds (Kosower et al., '69b). was primarily due to the total oxidation of thiols, it Conceptuses removed from the culture media at time appears that 20% of depleted cytosolic GSH was due to 0 min (as indicated in Figs. 1 and 3) are normally ex- the formation of mixed disulfides with protein thiols. posed to diamide for approximately 10-20 sec, the time Depletion of GSH by pretreatment with the y-glu- needed for mixing and removal of conceptuses from the tamylcysteine synthetase inhibitor, BSO (ImM), did media. Under these experimental and assay conditions, not result in any significant increases in protein$-SG the value of protein$-SG formed by 15 min of expo- formation and the data is, therefore, not shown. sure to diamide (500 pM) was 263.0 ? 18.7 pmoles of Determinations of the distribution of pr0tein-S-SG GSH per conceptus (Fig. l),which corresponds to ap- formation showed that diamide caused increases in the proximately 2.58 nmoles of GSH per mg conceptal pro- mixed disulfides in all three compartments measured: tein. The total protein content of conceptuses in this embryo proper, VYS, and EPC (Fig. 2). It is not unex- case was found to be equal to that of conceptuses incu- pected that higher levels of mixed disulfides were bated with 500 p.M diamide for 15 min, as shown in the found in VYS and EPC, since these tissues were di- subsequent experiments (see Fig. 5; 0.1 * 0.02 mgl rectly exposed to the diamide added to the culture me- conceptus). During the same 15-min period, GSH was dia (Fig. 2A). When these values were normalized to depleted from initial concentrations of 25.3 +. 5.8 the protein content in each tissue, it was found that nmoles per mg protein (data not shown) to 12.6 t 1.1 most extensive S-thiolation of protein thiols by GSH 200 R. HIRANRUENGCHOK AND C. HARRIS

15 Control



A 0 Embryo WS EPC

n 5 10 15

Time (min)

Fig. 3. Formation of protein-glutathione mixed disulfides (pro- tein$-SG) by diamide (75 (LM)in control and BCNU-pretreated con- B ceptuses (gestational day 10). Conceptuses were previously incubated with BCNU (25 pM, dissolved in DMSO) for 2 hr to inhibit glu- Embryo WS EPC tathione disulfide reductase, then washed and recultured in fresh me- dia with and without diamide (75 pM). In control groups, dimethyl- sulfoxide (DMSO, 5 pl), instead of BCNU, was added. At the indicated Fig. 2. Distribution of protein-glutathione mixed disulfides (pro- intervals, four conceptuses were removed and pooled for quantitation tein-S-SG) in embryos, visceral yolk sacs (VYS), and ectoplacental of protein-S-SG. Results are expressed as mean *SE (n = 3-4) of cones (EPC). Conceptuses (gestational day 10) were incubated for 15 three separate experiments. Asterisk (*), statistically significant dif- min in the presence of diamide (75 pM), then rinsed and dissected in ference (P<0.05)from diamide, BCNU and control (DMSO) groups; #, HBSS (pH 7.4) containing (10 mM) N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) in order statistically significant difference from BCNU and control (DMSO) to prevent removal of glutathione bound to proteins and to inhibit groups. thiol-disulfide exchange. Ten embryos or VYS or EPC were pooled for determination of the protein-S-SG [expressed per conceptus (A) or per mg protein (B)]. Data are represented as mean ?SE (n = 3-4) of three separate, identical experiments. reductase activities in VYS and embryo, respectively (Hiranruengchok and Harris, '93). However, BCNU alone did not significantly elevate the level of mixed was present in the VYS (Fig. 2B). Because we were disulfide formation. Inhibition of GSSG-reductase by unable to determine the accurate protein contents BCNU resulted in an increase of GSSG supply during when the protein pellets had been used for assay of diamide (Hiranruengchok and Harris, '931, which en- protein-S-SG, another identical experiment was con- hanced formation of mixed disulfides with protein sulf- ducted in parallel, with each embryo, VYS, and EPC hydryls. As a result of observations that higher activity prepared solely for determination of protein content of GSSG-reductase (Hiranruengchok and Harris, '93) (described in Materials and Methods) and used for com- and a greater degree of pr0tein-S-SG formed by dia- parison. The protein contents of each embryo, VYS, mide are found in VYS, it is likely that increased pro- and EPC was 47.7 k 7.1, 38.7 * 6.1, and 103.2 * 29.5 tein-S-SG in VYS is responsible for the increase in pg, respectively. total pr0tein-S-SG in the whole conceptus pretreated Similar to GSSG formation reported previously with BCNU (Fig. 3). (Hiranruengchok and Harris, '93), the proteins-SG The GSH involved in forming mixed disulfide bonds formation elicited by 75 pM diamide was potentiated with protein sulfhydryls was rapidly released when by pretreatment of the conceptuses with BCNU (Fig. conceptuses were recultured in diamide free media 3). Pretreatment with BCNU (25 FM) for 2 hr resulted (Fig. 4). At 5 min after removal of diamide, more than in approximately 80% and 60% inhibition of GSSG- 50% of the pr0tein-S-SG formed during 15 min of in- EMBRYONIC PROTEIN-GLUTATHIONE MIXED DISULFIDES 201


3"I A 0 5 10 15 20 Time (min) i 8-

I 7- x 0 0 5 10 15 20

xx Time (min) - Fig. 4. Effects of dithiothreitol (DlT) and N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) on reduction of protein-glutathione mixed disulfides (protein- s-SG) formed by diamide (500 pM) in conceptuses (gestational day 10). Conceptuses were incubated for 15 rnin in the presence of diamide (500 FM), washed and recultured (designated as 0 min) in fresh media alone (control), or supplemented with DTT (1 mM) or NEM (100 pM). 1- Four conceptuses from each group were taken at the indicated times and pooled for quantitation of protein$-SG. Results (expressed per 0 one conceptus) are represented as mean ?SE (n = 3) of three identical 0 5 10 I5 m experiments. Asterisk (*), statistically significant difference (P<0.05) from control and IYIT treatment. Time (min) Fig. 5. Recovery of glutathione (A) and cysteine (B)levels in whole conceptuses in response to dithiothreitol (DW, 1 mM) and N-ethyl- cubation with diamide (500 pM) were reduced. This maleimide (NEM, 100 +MI. Experiments were conducted as described in Figure 4. One conceptus was taken and processed for determination was followed by a slower reduction process throughout of intracellular GSH and cysteine. Results are means *SE (n = 8) of the subsequent 15-min period, at which time the pro- three separate experiments. A statistically significant difference was tein-S-SG still remained at levels approximately two- determined when a P<0.05 was found. A NEM was significantly fold those found in untreated conceptuses. Addition of different from control and DTT (*). B: DTT was significantly different dithiothreitol (DTT), a thiol reducing agent, at a con- from control and NEM at 5 min (#) and NEM only at 15 min (##I. centration of 1 mM to the media did not significantly enhance the reduction rate of the proteins-SG. By contrast, addition of a thiol alkylating agent, N-ethyl- 5 min (Fig. 5) concomitant with reduction of protein- maleimide (NEM, 100 pM), inhibited the protein- S-SG (Fig. 4). The GSH levels may be recovered from S-SG reduction (Fig. 4). Reduction of protein*-SG via GSSG or other mixed disulfides of GSH (e.g., protein- thiol-disulfide exchange requires thiols such as GSH S-SG). Dithiothreitol did not produce significant addi- and cysteine as cofactors (Bellomo et al., '87). There- tional effects on the regeneration of GSH in the 15 rnin fore, under the same experimental condition, as de- following diamide removal, suggesting that effective scribed in Figure 4, intracellular GSH and cysteine cellular reducing systems are present in the developing status in whole conceptal tissues was determined. It conceptus. The recovery of GSH was inhibited by NEM. was shown that exposure of the conceptuses to 500 pM NEM quickly alkylates free GSH and therefore, re- diamide for 15 min (designated by 0 min in Fig. 5) duced GSH cofactor supply for further reduction of pro- resulted in GSH depletion to approximately 50% of ini- teins-SG. Like other cellular systems, free cysteine in tial values (25.3 2 5.8 nmoledmg protein). Following developing rat conceptuses was present at much lower removal of diamide, GSH levels in the exposed concep- concentrations compared to GSH. In vivo GSH is more tuses recultured in fresh media were recovered within important in this role because it is the most abundant 202 R. HIRANRUENGCHOK AND C. HARRIS intracellular thiol. The removal of diamide appeared to stantial portion of the protein--S-SG, as demonstrated restore cysteine levels; however, these values were not by Bellomo et al. ('87). However, cysteine in intact con- statistically significant. No recovery of cysteine was ceptal tissues did not appear to play this role, since the seen by the subsequent treatment of the conceptuses increased cysteine levels produced by DTT did not re- with NEM as expected. In contrast to GSH, intracellu- sult in an increase in the rate of reduction of protein lar cysteine was increased following the addition of sulfhydryls. This is probably due to the relatively low DTT to levels higher than those seen in the control concentrations of cysteine compared to GSH under group- these experimental conditions. The high levels of protein-S-SG (expressed per mg protein) found in VYS, when compared to EPC (a ma- DISCUSSION ternally derived tissue) and the embryo proper, indi- This study presents data indicating that mixed dis- cate that GSH and/or the thioltransferases responsible ulfides are formed between GSH and protein sulfhydr- for their formation are more abundant in the VYS. An yls during diamide exposure in organogenesis-stage rat analysis of distribution and characterization of thiol- conceptuses (GD 10). Because of its known ability to transferases in the conceptus has not been made but oxidize GSH directly, the mechanism of diamide-in- GSH is abundant. A more likely explanation for ob- duced formation of protein-glutathione mixed disul- served differences is that sulfhydryl groups of VYS pro- fides (protein-S-SG) may involve oxidation of GSH to teins may simply be more sensitive and/or accessible to GSSG, followed by interaction with sulfhydryl groups GSSG to form the mixed disulfides. The lower levels of of proteins to form mixed disulfides according to the protein-S-SG seen in the embryo proper suggest that reaction (Thomas and Sies, '91): there may also be a reduced accessibility to diamide, determined as a function of the VYS barrier. This was GSSG + protein-SH proteinS-SG + GSH. evident in previously reported observations that showed a lower degree of GSH oxidation in the embryo This reversible protein$-SG formation may occur when compared to the VYS (Hiranruengchok and Har- either spontaneously or enzymatically through the ac- ris, '93). Absolute concentrations of accumulated dia- tivity of thioltransferases (Mannervik and Axelsson, mide have not yet been determined in the embryo and '75, '80). The reduction reactions catalyzed by thiol- VYS but can be indirectly inferred from previous stud- transferase are most specific for GS-containing mixed ies by the magnitude of GSH oxidation (Hiranrueng- disulfides (Gravina and Mieyal, '93) and require GSH chok and Harris, '93). as a cosubstrate. The role of GSH in conceptal mixed The initial formation of protein$-SG proceeds disulfide formation was confirmed by showing that a through GSSG formation and the subsequent reduction rapid depletion of GSH by NEM also inhibited the over- of protein-S-SG by thioltransferase and GSH results in all reduction of protein-S-SG. Reduction of the mixed the regeneration of GSSG. The inability to remove disulfide bonds via thiol-disulfide exchange may occur GSSG via the activity GSSG-reductase may increase spontaneously, requiring only a certain threshold level the rate of protein-S-SG formation and reduce the of GSH. It has previously been reported that diamide- available pools of GSH. In this context, it is of interest induced protein-S-SG in human erythrocytes are to note that significant increases in protein-S-SG were readily reduced by GSH via thiol-disulfide exchange seen at doses of diamide that did not produce signifi- (Heast et al., '79). Dithiothreitol (DTT) is a reducing cant elevations of GSSG (Hiranreungchok and Harris, agent that has been widely used to study protein sulf- '93). This apparent discrepancy can be resolved when hydryls and thiol-disulfide exchange reactions. Dithio- we consider that GSSG is being rapidly used in the was shown to remove protein mixed disulfides formation of pr0tein-S-SG and is also being reduced to efficiently (Bellomo et al., '87) and reverse the inhibi- GSH by the NADPH-dependent enzyme glutathione di- tory effects of diamide on the activity and mixed disul- sulfide reductase (GSSG-reductase). This would be es- fide formation of the microsomal glutathione S-trans- pecially true in the VYS, where GSSG-reductase ac- ferases (Aniya and Naito, '93). In our study, however, tivities were found to be sixfold higher than in the addition of D'M' (1 mM) did not enhance the rate of corresponding embryo (Hiranruengchok and Harris, protein-S-SG reduction. This result indicates that the '93). As expected, inhibition of GSSG-reductase with high levels of intracellular GSH restored after removal BCNU results in the significant increase in protein- of diamide and supported by a high rate of GSH syn- S-SG formation (Fig. 3) and concomitant increase in thesis are suficient for the rapid reduction of protein GSSG (Hiranruengchok and Harris, '93) at doses at sulfhydryls, without requiring an additional reducing which no measurable increases were otherwise seen. agent. ProteinS-SG formation may therefore be a more reli- The addition of DTT did not alter GSH levels but did able indicator of acute oxidative stress in conceptuses increase cysteine, probably via reduction of the disul- than the measurement of GSSG or the GSHIGSSG ra- fide bonds of , the oxidized form of cysteine. In tio. addition to GSH, cysteine is also able to reduce a sub- Incubation of the conceptuses with L-buthionine- EMBRYONIC PROTEIN-GLUTATHIONE MIXED DISULFIDES 203 (S,R)-sulfoximine(BSO, 1 mM), a selective inhibitor of postimplantation development of the rodent embryo, GSH synthesis, did not result in embryotoxicity especially before the time when the chorioallantoic pla- (Hiranruengchok and Harris, '93) and did not result in centa becomes functional (Jollie, '90). The VYS digests increased protein-S-SG formation. However, intracel- proteins captured by pinocytosis to produce free amino lular GSH levels of the BSO exposed conceptuses were acids, which are incorporated into embryonic proteins. shown to be depleted (Harris et al., '87) to a comparable Thiol protease activity, which is responsible for the degree to those exposed to diamide (500 pM) (Hiran- degradation of protein following pinocytosis, has also ruengchok and Harris, '93). These observations suggest been shown to be inhibited by NEM or iodoacetic acid that embryotoxicity or protein-S-SG formation elicited (thiol alkylating agents), indicating that sulfhydryl by diamide was not due to GSH depletion per se and groups of this enzyme are important for its activity that consequences of GSSG and protein mixed disulfide (Grubb et al., '91). Alterations of proteolytic activity formation may be involved. Increased GSSG, even in via formation of mixed disulfides with the active sulf- the presence of excess GSH, has been shown to have a hydryl groups of the enzyme could be possible. significant effect on enzymes and cellular functions In summary, our studies have demonstrated the con- (Kosower and Kosower, '74). The mechanisms by which ceptal formation and removal of protein mixed disul- embryotoxicity and dysmorphogenesis are elicited dur- fides under conditions of chemically induced GSH oxi- ing the short exposures to diamide are not yet under- dation. Glutathione disulfide-reductase and GSH are stood. The deleterious effects in conceptuses that occur important for maintenance of cellular redox status and as consequences of increased GSSG and mixed disulfide control of formation and reduction of protein-S-SG. It formation must be initiated during the short period of will be important to further investigate whether pro- acute exposure. Although intracellular thiol oxidation tein-S-SG may provide a mechanism for regulation of induced by diamide was reversed when the chemical cellular functions or whether they are simply a conse- was removed, a portion of the protein remained oxi- quence that contributes to toxic effects of oxidative dized and dysmorphogenesis was not eliminated follow- stress in developing conceptuses. Findings will provide ing this short-term exposure to diamide (Hiranrueng- additional information to aid our understanding of the chok and Harris, '93). A wide variety of enzymes and importance of GSH and cellular redox status in embry- transport activities have been shown to be affected by onic development. the formation of mixed disulfides with functional pro- tein sulfhydryls (Brigelius, '85). These include enzymes ACKNOWLEDGMENTS in glucose metabolism pathways such as glycolysis and the pentose phosphate shunt pathway (PPP, Manner- The authors thank Jeffrey Ambroso, Eunyong Kim, vik and Axelsson, '80; Mieyal et al., '91; Shen et al., Sara Larsen, and Bjorn Thorsrud for technical assis- '91). Embryos during this organogenesis period of de- tance. Thanks also to Dr. Tamara McNutt and Dr. Jim velopment (GD 10 to ll) are heavily dependent on Wan for assistance in statistical analysis. 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