The Emergence of the Philippine “Anti-Media”: The Duterte Factor

Jermaine V. Beltran University of the Baguio Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Benguet, 2600, Philippines Email: [email protected]

Abstract: The Philippine is perceived to be the freest in Asia. However, it also has its faults which its audiences have noticed. This study was aimed at exploring the factors which have lead to the audience’s dissent and subsequent emergence of an online anti-media movement. A qualitative research method was utilized where in posts and websites were analyzed with the Agenda Setting Theory to explain the frames being made by the and anti-media. The results showed factors such as the and its tools in creating a new virtual community.

Keywords: agenda setting, anti-media, audience bias, political bias, social media

Abstrak: Media Filipina dipandang sebagai media yang paling bebas di Asia, walaupun tidak terlepas dari kekurangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggali faktor yang mendorong audiens untuk mengemukakan perbedaan pendapat dan memunculkan pergerakan anti media online. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk mengamati posting di media sosial dan website dengan menggunakan Teori Agenda Setting, terutama untuk memetakan keterkaitan antara media mainstream dan anti media. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor seperti internet dan aplikasi di dalamnya mampu membentuk komunitas virtual yang baru.

Kata Kunci: agenda setting, anti media, bias audiens, bias politik, media sosial

The Philippine news media has been dubbed outfi ts owned by his cronies were allowed by several media watchdogs as one of the to “practice” journalism. Those which were freest media community in Asia. In fact, it against the President were closed down. has full protection from the The Constitution However, some remained open, albeit of the Republic of the Phillippines 1987 doing underground reportage, the so-called (2013). The Bill of Rights mentions that “no “mosquito press”, despite the threats of law shall be passed abridging the freedom persecution from the government. of speech, of expression, or of the press…” After the EDSA People Power (The Constitution of the Republic of the Revolution in 1986, the history tell that Phillippines 1987, 2013). This statement freedom from almost 2 decades of Marcos- stemmed from the oppressive policies of the led dictatorship, the media presented itself late President when he as the vanguard of the Filipino people’s declared Martial Law in 1972, where only basic freedoms, especially the freedom of

61 Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI VOLUME 14, NOMOR 1, Juni 2017: 61-74 speech and expression. However, as with any that persuasive power of the media, he also responsibility that pertain that freedom, the surmised that “whatever the symbolic power news media had its fl aws. Years of relatively of the news media, at least some media free-for-all coverage and unabated freedom users will generally be able to resist such have exposed abuse by the mainstream persuasion” (van Dijk, 1995, p. 10-11). media on its perceived and constitutionally- Maxwell McCombs (McCombs & protected power as an overseer of not only the Reynolds, 2002) reiterates this perceived government, but also of society in general. power of the media to control the mindset The most prevalent problem beset of its readers and audiences. In his against the news media is the issue of Agenda Setting Theory, the news media confl ict of interest especially with political has the ability to infl uence the salience of bias. Some members of the audience have topics on the public agenda. McCombs’ seen trends in the news media on the theory highlights the power of the news manner they reported on various issues of media to select certain parts of the news the society. A few of these observations coverage and leave out segments which are are unbalanced space or time for particular necessarily not of the “public’s interest” to candidates or parties, stories being angled know. Meaning, some aspects of the daily to present a rosier or equally messy picture news agenda is deliberately left out, not of political rivals, and so on. The perceived published nor aired at all for some reason: trend of favored coverage and reportage Newspapers provide a host of cues about the emanated a sense of the media setting the salience of the topics in the daily news – lead story on page one, other front page display, stage or “agenda” for the people to believe large headlines, etc. news also offers on and possibly sway their minds. No other numerous cues about salience – the opening story on the newscast, length of time devoted to event in the country with full of agenda the story, etc. These cues repeated day after day from all sectors, and even the media, than effectively communicate the importance of each topic. In other words, the news media can set the local and national elections. agenda for the public’s attention to that small group of issues around which Though Jim Morrison, an American forms (McCombs & Reynolds, 2002, p. 1). singer, may not be the best person to talk about the media, he has been quoted numerous times The theory further suggests this type of in lectures with this statement, trending leads to “agenda setting”, where a “whoever controls the media, controls the pattern or repeated relay of information has mind”. It seemed communication scholars been developed through the days of reportage. agree on the power of the made Over a period of time, issues are emphasized, by media organizations. In Teun van Dijk’s some get treated light coverage while others “Power and the News Media”, the media do not even get the attention. He also assumes has the power to “control to some extent the that the press and the media fi lter and shape minds of readers or viewers, but not only the agenda and subsequently, certain stories directly their actions…”. However, despite are pushed into the public agenda.

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With the agenda always comes the estate”, has made the ordinary citizen also issue of political bias. In “Media and question the agenda of the , Politics in Pacifi c Asia”, Duncan McCargo on whether they really cater for the public’s (2003, p. 2-4) assumes that the media act interest or not. as actors in shaping the political scene of While traditional mainstream media a certain country. He argues that the media in the country are still preferred platforms community has differing roles in politics to sway people’s minds, the internet’s tools and in just one news outfi t. There are are much more democratic or relatively various characters that mold the political free platforms for whatever one may want agenda. McCargo cites an example: to write. This also includes even distaste Different sections of the media may be of people against the ill practices of the cheering, reproving and denouncing power- holders on the same day. Indeed, a single mainstream media. It is evident in social publication may itself play diverse roles. media with status posts and comments Different columnists and editors may adopt different forms of political agency within the being publicly shown for everyone in virtual same issue of the same publication: a critical space to see. The freedom to disseminate front page story indicates that the publication is seeking to restrain certain power-holders, information, through technology, has given while a bland editorial appears to offer them another sense of democracy. This reigns tacit support, and an aggressive columnist calls for their resignations (McCargo, 2003, true with the term “semiotic democracy” p. 2-4). coined by John Fiske. He assumes that: …audience, to a varying degree, to “resist”, It would seem that the media can get “subvert”, and “recode” certain cultural away with bias through the years especially in symbols to express meanings that are different from the ones intended by their creators, the Philippines. As mentioned earlier, during thereby empowering consumers, rather than the dictatorship of former President Marcos, producers… it promised a complete reversal of the monopolistic hierarchy of the author and the the media have become the anchor for basic presumed passivity of the audience in receiving human rights and albeit meaning. The term “semiotic democracy” offered an interesting juxtaposition of ideals restricted to pro-government propaganda. -political liberty, freedom of expression and Some tried their best but people have relied creation- alongside a basic disruption of the common assumptions that inhere in authorial on them for perceived fairness and balanced control (Katyal, 2012, p. 1). news, which the pro-Marcos media did not practice. It is this heavy reliance in the William Fisher III (2004b) in Berkman “mosquito” media gave the sense they are the Center for Internet and Society shares this vanguards of freedom and policing society’s assumption that the traditional content corruption. This persuasive power that gives creators, such as established movie houses the media its perceived “holiness” in politics and television stations, no longer have the has been largely undoubted until the internet monopoly to create meanings, concepts, came. The one-way relationship in the past, and creative works. Furthermore, Fisher the thought that the media will not go against emphasized on the role of technology in its principles of fairness and being the “fourth helping the ordinary person to create works

63 Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI VOLUME 14, NOMOR 1, Juni 2017: 61-74 of art, be it fi lm, news, and other media In the case of the Philippines, the products. It is the continuing proliferation media community has long had the keys of cheaper or free but quality software and to the gates of information where they had hardware that has become available for the monopoly of doing the news with various ordinary consumer. He also opines “the new infl uencers who set or cut the news agenda. technology opportunities for a different However, through the years, the audiences style of creativity- more collaborative and have taken into their hands the dissemination playful, less individualist or hierarchical” of information since traditional media (Fisher III, 2004a, p. 31). have not catered to the particular mindset These factors of setting the agenda also of the anti-media that their agenda is not coincide with the concept of “agenda cutting”. being presented by the mainstream, often In a monograph by Rita Colistra (2012, perceived, biased media entities. The p. 100-102), agenda cutting is a “process mindset that their views and opinions are whereby problems or issues have attention limited by editorial judgments, corporate, directed away from them by receiving little and political interests of established or no media coverage”. She cites Wober and news organizations. Technology, such Gunter on how agenda cutting came about. as smartphones and has given One factor is through the media’s logistical the ordinary person the tools to freely constraints, whereby news outlets could contribute to the realm of the information only gather information and present a certain age. Thus, eliminating the monopoly of the amount of stories or reports depending on media in information dissemination. their resources such as manpower. Prejudices To illustrate further, political analysts also “cut-off” certain issues of the society. have dubbed the past 3 polls as the “social This is where journalists, intentionally or not, media elections” wherein the discourse was use subjective judgment in deciding on what no longer limited to grandstands and the stories to omit. As with any organization, streets but also in internet platforms such news outfi ts are not immune from internal and as Facebook. According to data gathered by external infl uences. Internal infl uence comes the International Telecommunication Union from owners/executives or managers who (2016), there are almost 55 million people have editorial powers and external sources are who already have access to the internet, indirect relationships to these organizations such as governments, private institutions, or which is more than half the population of even their competitors in their businesses. the country which stands at 102 million. Though Colistra’s study focuses on the view Though internet penetration in the of writers and reporters of content, the end- country is lower than its neighbors, political users of the news are particularly affected campaigners cannot eliminate the fact because the aforementioned factors infl uence that it can give them easier platforms for the way “gatekeepers” of information set the propaganda. Thus, politics transcend from the agenda. stages and grandstand to the virtual space. Sta

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Maria-Abalos (2016, p. 1-6) of the University is against ’s “programming” of the Philippines Baguio, observed political where content is scheduled in a one-way opinion is already happening online. She which is often dictated by editorial said that supporters of candidates are much judgments of those who run the newsroom more engaged in social media, specifi cally or the company as a whole. Though users Facebook, with the use of click buttons ‘like’ can “resist” these algorithms in some sites and ‘share’ while ‘comments’ provide a space such as Reddit, the attempt is futile in for posting opinions or starting a time delayed Facebook or even since “code” is discussion. Sta Maria-Abalos explained that hidden from view and un-editable. As posts online media is actually a space where people appear higher in a news feed, coincides are bounded by information and extensive with another element of social media logic. use by individuals and groups become a “Popularity” is affected by way of “distinct public space to relay information and may mechanisms for boosting popularity of “infl uence political opinion”. However, the people, things, or ideas, which is measured problem of Facebook posts rarely present mostly in quantifi ed terms” (van Dijck & complete information and lead to uninformed Poell, 2013, p. 7). For example, Facebook’s and usually brash opinions. Sta Maria-Abalos EdgeRank which is an algorithm, relying reiterated: on quantifi ed data, push some topics higher What is evident in these kinds of Facebook the feed and devalues others subsequently pages is presentation of limited information but with conversations and replies of Facebook suggesting popularity or “trending”. Twitter users with extreme and nonsensical comments. also has its own algorithm but similar to Because this is primarily used as a source of information for most voters, posts such as Facebook’s. However, these algorithms can these elicits more questions and confusion be manipulated by “trending” techniques about information contained in the post and in the thread of comments (Sta Maria-Abalos, whereby “groups of users who decide 2016, p. 1-6). something needs to become trending can

These certain interactions also change orchestrate a publicity wave to promote a the way social media sites behave. In the particular item”. This feature, which public concept of “Social Media Logic” (van relations managers and even people who Dijck & Poell, 2013, p. 5-6), Facebook want to make their ideas or themselves, take demonstrates “programmability” wherein advantage of in order to reach more people interaction of users with relational activities in a virtual environment. A stark contrast such as liking, favoriting, or sharing may in from mass media’s logic of controlled turn infl uence the fl ow of communication environments. and information. Algorithms within the No other election has made social social media site are affected by the number media abuzz than this year’s national of likes, shares, or comments of a certain polls, much more pronounced in Facebook post. More of these interactions in a post, the where much of the online campaigns have higher that post in people’s news feeds. This focused their effort. Just this year, Facebook

65 Jurnal ILMU KOMUNIKASI VOLUME 14, NOMOR 1, Juni 2017: 61-74 said it has more or less 49 million active political players, particularly supporters of monthly members from the Philippines candidates in an election, emanate in the alone (Statista, 2016). With that number, online space. campaign managers have seen a way to These mix problems and new found easily reach millions of people not only to freedoms with the internet has become the make people aware of their candidates but root of the emergence of the anti-media to engage them as well and further their movement in the online space. In this candidate’s popularity. paper, the term “anti-media” is defi ned as a Using social media has many perks virtual community composed of individuals but it also has its fair share of problems disapproving of the practices of the news particularly among the supporters of any media. The study of this phenomenon candidate. Information of any kind in social is important in order to understand the media is rarely fully presented. If a person growth of online virtual communities that needs to read a full story, such as news, in are infl uenced by agenda, personality, or social media, one will have to get out of the events. In this case, the national elections site itself to be in a certain website. This and the indirect infl uence of then candidate is problematic especially in the Philippines has instigated the where internet connectivity and speed is formation of an anti-media movement in an issue. Telecommunication companies social media. may have promos for free access to social As a result, whoever has the power media sites but the subscriber needs to have to control the agenda is whoever controls enough internet load credits to surf outside information and opinions. It has been of Facebook or Twitter. At times, even if a established that the mainstream media has person has access outside of social media its agenda. The same is true with the anti- networks, very slow connection certainly media which aims to sway people away discourages that subscriber to even click from the agenda of the mainstream media. on web links to supposedly read complete The anti-media community enforces its information. Sta Maria-Abalos (2016, p. own agenda through posting and sharing of 8) explains that the incomplete portrayal alternative information in the internet. The of ideas, opinions, and information in determination of the factors behind the anti- general, “elicits more questions and media behavior is worthy to understand and confusion about information contained in explore upon. the post and in the thread of comments”. Thus, the researcher aims to answer She added users of the social media site the following questions: gets temporarily satisfi ed eventually lead 1. What are the factors in the formation the formation of shallow political opinion. Sta Maria-Abalos’ argument explains of the “anti-media” community in the further how shallow discourse amongst Philippines society?

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2. How did the “anti-media” emerge in the the emergence were also determined. The country’s context? Agenda Setting Theory used to analyze and Based on these questions, the study’s explain the phenomena of the emergence of objectives are: the anti-media movement. 1. To identify the factors leading to the formation of the anti-media community FINDING in the Philippines. Various factors contributed to the 2. To analyze the factors on how these emergence of the anti-media in the lead to the formation of the anti-media Philippines. First, is the prolifi c use of the community internet and its tools. Numerous “news” websites sprouted even before the 2016 METHODS national elections have started. One of The researcher used a qualitative which is This website collates research method. Various social media posts news and features from other news outlets. were gathered and observed from April to Some stories were even paraphrased August 2016, which contained information from the original source. However, it is or messages against the mainstream observable that the site bannered any and media’s coverage of the elections. These all news about Duterte, his campaign, and posts were subjected to textual analysis events. Most of it being posted in the front where the researcher determined the or home page. Even after the elections, the agenda of various political sectors site dedicated a “Rodrigo Duterte” section including individuals and organizations. which is a compilation of all the content Historical and present factors leading to about Duterte (see Figure 1).

Figure 1’s Duterte Subsite

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Another site is newsportal-ph.blogspot. With the help of Facebook, these com. It has the same layout and presentation websites and its contents are being spread of content as It has a banner like wildfi re. Facebook has an algorithm headline and picture for each story such as which places highly interacted posts and seen in Figure 2. The site is dominated by sites appear on top or recurrent in news articles all about Duterte. After the elections, feeds. It is in this way that an agenda is it renamed itself into established and enhanced through repetitive visits helped out by social media. The agenda of the anti-media movement is to make Duterte known to many people through the free help of interactions in Facebook. With the use of “news website” styles of presentation, borrowing information or whole articles from other news sites present a sense of credibility. It also creates an Figure 2 Newsportal-ph’s Article about Senator ’ Offer to Duterte agenda wherein the objective information Both sites employed professional designs have been selected with a Duterte topic akin to news websites such as CNN, local from other sites are being collated or at ABS-CBN network or Other times, rewritten to suit the writer’s agenda websites followed suit such aspinoytrnding. and placed in their website. This is in,, and accordance to the thought of agenda setting among others. that the writer leaves out information and All these websites also utilized social media presents other information that appropriate to their advantage especially Facebook to for their interests. The other candidates spread its content by way of linking their only relegated their online strategy with stories or their whole website (see Figure 3). status updates, photo albums with captions, It can be shared and saved. Subsequently, and videos that are mostly personal in liked and commented then it appears on the nature and gets lost in the newsfeed without top of news feeds. interactions.

Figure 3 being Shared and Reachable Figure 4 Supporters Engagement in Mudslinging via Facebook

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The advantage of social media is it is Various FB pages, mostly groups, which relatively free to comment. This leads to the are connected or support to then candidate second factor for the rise of the anti-media, Duterte, called for the of the largest which is the freedom to speak one’s mind. broadcaster in the country for allegedly Based on the observations, supporters have having bias for the administration’s ticket. engaged in online mudslinging. Supporters One such group is “Boycott Abs-Cbn have called each other names such as Station”. On its page introduction, the group aims to encourage supporters to stop “Dutertards” for Duterte’s supporters watching the programs of the said station while “Yellowtards” are thrown against the because of its alleged bias in reporting Liberal Party’s supporters. facts. The page is full of posts with pictures The online debates became very of people showing placards to “boycott” heated to the point that the media has and the logo of the company. They also been dragged into the debacle. Facebook use the tags such as “#ABSCBNBoycott” groups have sprouted to specifi cally move in order for the posts to be easily found on against the media. ABS-CBN Broadcasting Facebook. They are taking advantage of the Corporation, the company that started the tools and features of Facebook to further widespread citizen journalism movement, their agenda to do damage in a way that the has been the most criticized in the 2016 polls. station is perceived with bias.

Figure 5 A Collaged Picture from “Boycott Abs-Cbn Station”

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When the polls were fi nished and tagging the Philippine National Police’s page. Duterte coming out as the victor, the attacks This effort of the administrator was trying to did not end. Figure 6 presents just one of the divert the attention of those who were liking many groups which have shown dissent of the the post. With the continued interaction by network, also calling for the boycott of ABS- people through liking the comment, it went CBN. This was also during the time when up on top of the news feeds. However, with 20 the President boycotted the media because more likes than the original commenter, the he said they were biased and presented him GMA News page was much more successful often in a bad light. in gaining more interactions from either their Rival network, GMA News, was not supporters or those who really do not agree of spared (see Figure 7). Unlike ABS-CBN, the comment. GMA’s detractors are much more brazen by Other that established news networks, calling to “gather in the station’s headquarters online social news network has also and kill all of employees...” (see Figure 7). been under fi re especially with Duterte’s This came about by just an article revealing supporters. Rappler was seen as “anti- Duterte’s overall fi tness which are seen as Duterte” since many of their articles pertain bias against the President. The comment may to the President’s rather “unconventional” just be in jest but there were 14 people who demeanor and rhetoric. Upon close “liked” it which is a sign of agreement to what observation, the reactions of these individuals the commenter was aiming to happen. The and groups are short bursts of political administrator of GMA News then replied by “brashness” against the media.

Figure 6 Facebook Group which Called for a Boycott of ABS-CBN for Alleged Bias

Figure 7 A Supporter of the President Called People to Attack GMA Employees

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Figure 8 A Supporter Saying the Bias of on their Various Coverages of Duterte

Figure 9 Mocha Uson in

While most individuals focused on now a self-confessed volunteer for the posting status updates, speaking their present adminisration. Just recently, Uson minds through the comments box or reacted talks about Duterte and anything under by liking or sharing, one particular person sun. Moreover, she gets more attention in has taken the rhetoric to a whole new level. Facebook where she shares her blog posts. She is Margaux Uson or popularly known She is very vocal about her dismay with for her stage name as “Mocha Uson”. the mainstream media. Such as seen in She is a former member of a sexy dance Figure 9 wherein she described established group and now a confessed supporter of news organizations as “presstitutes” which, the President. Her blog “Mocha Uson according to her, are journalists or news Blog” gained ground in the late 2010s outfi ts which profess fairness and balance because of the sexual topics she discusses. in reporting but have personal, political, or However, in media interviews, she is corporate goals in mind.

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Another scathing tirade from Uson the tables are turned whereby the agenda was a tweet she posted last July 3 where she setting of the news media pushes stories said (see Figure 10) authentic journalism out of the public’s interests, the anti-media is not learnt in school. This post earned a pushes their own interest for the public to mixed bag of reactions from journalists and understand and believe in the long run. netizens but mostly against her argument. DISCUSSION The Philippine news media is defi nitely on the ropes with the emergence of the anti-media movement in the country. The researcher has found 3 main factors to

Figure 10 Mocha Uson in Twitter the emergence of the anti-media movement in the Philippines. One is the proliferation Her posts were in response to the and increased usage of the internet. The political bias that the mainstream media penetration of the internet in the country have been presenting in their news and the easy access that cheap smart gadgets programs. According to her, the media have offer to everyone has given the freedom to been unfair to Duterte in various social and ordinary people to voice out their problems political issues. Mainstream news writers against the mainstream media’s abuse of are deliberately diverting people’s attention their vested power. The internet is a way from Duterte’s platforms by highlighting for “netizens” to prevent both setting and perceived bad news, which she explicitly cutting done by news organizations which writes in her numerous posts. Other than have pre-set prejudices, both internal and expressions of support and selecting certain external infl uencers, and biases which news which she perceives as helpful to prevent the whole picture from being Duterte’s image, her posts were more of presented to the general public. attacks on the credibility of the mainstream media to be balanced, fair, and ethical in The second factor is the use of the tools presenting the news. from the internet specifi cally websites and social media. The features of these tools Uson’s repeated and often escalating enabled supporters of then candidate Duterte “attacks” against the news media, in to further their candidate’s popularity general, sets the agenda against the especially in the online space. The tools perceived political propaganda and bias such social media and easy website creation of the mainstream media. Despite these, lead the way for people to either congregate the apparent silence of the news media to support a cause or to spread propaganda. against the online bombardments against Social media’s popularity is a come on them further enhanced or reinforced the for interest groups to engage with almost resolve of the anti-media. This is where everyone and including the mainstream

72 Jermaine V. Beltran. The Emergence of... media. With algorithms which alter the numerous sites to counter all, if not most, agenda for who interacts most to a thumbs of the mainstream media offers on their up icon which presents opportunities newspapers, broadcast networks, or online for popularity for good or for the worst. The researcher also surmises that the It is also a way of hyping the anti-media disappointment in the mainstream media, sentiment through constant bombardment brought about years of agenda setting, of posts, comments or general interactions instigated a form of social mobilization. such as likes or shares. With this “trending” technique, there is also a trend which CONCLUSION developed where like minded individuals The concept of the “anti-media” continue to interact, converse or argue in in the Philippines may not be a well much the same way. In this case, Duterte’s established community, organization, or supporters have tried to convey an “anti- even recognized as a sector of the society. media” message in a lot of engagements in It may seem like a form of rebellion or a Facebook. One salient example is the rise collection of bullies against the mainstream of Mocha Uson as the most vocal critic of media but it shows how the country enjoys the news media from posting her opinions the concept of democracy and freedoms in her own webpage even going further that come with it. Added to the mix is the by suggesting new words to describe the role of technology that has eventually freed mainstream news organizations. the common person from just receiving The third is the relatively free access information to being a contributor and that the tools have given to the people. active agenda setter. Basically, they are With the deep penetration of social media part of a grass roots movement composed in the Filipino society, the power to express of ordinary, interconnected people, acting thoughts, opinion or even news events have to set the agenda powerful, traditional, been ever so free nowadays. It is free to mainstream media would otherwise not register for an online account and use it as present. platform to say whatever a user wants. A However, the emergence of the anti- website is free in most cases. Through the media then brought into the fore some democratization of message platforms, the repercussions which has been further assumption that the media had a monopoly reinforced by President Duterte’s rhetoric on information is now a thing of the past. and attitude on the media. One effect is It is also free for almost anyone to set, cut, on the formation of political opinions by and frame the agenda. Thus, setting and the virtue of repeated bombardment of framing of the news media for decades have polarized and uninformed views of certain been challenged by the audience doing its issues of the society. Another is the abuse best to “re-frame” the agenda through their of freedoms afforded by the internet’s tools interactions in social media or putting up such as social media to promote one’s

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