Livelihoods and Biodiversity National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan-India Thematic Working Group on Livelihoods and Biodiversity June 2003 Thematic Working Group on Livelihoods and Biodiversity National Bio-diversity Strategy and Action Plan Members Hari Babu, Narayan Banerjee, Gautam Bandopadhyay, Nafisa Barot, Chiranjeev Bedi, Ashok Chowdary, Thomas Kocherry, Sharachchandra Lele, Hanumant Rawat, E.Theophilus. Coordinator Manju.S.Raju, 210, Emerald, Petra Park, Ramamurthynagar, Bangalore-560016. Tel: 080 –5656253. E-mail:
[email protected] Technical and Policy Core Group Members Madhu Sarin, Seema Bhatt. Table of Contents Executive Summary i - iv List of Tables and Boxes v List of Abbreviations vi – vii 1. Introduction 1 - 3 1.1 Brief Background to TSAP 1.2 Scope of SAP 1.3 Objectives 1.4 Methodology 2. Forest Based Livelihoods 4 - 23 2.1 Forest Dependant People 4 2.2 Degradation of Forest Biodiversity and Threats to Livelihoods 2.3 Nature of Dependence 6 2.3.1 Consumptive Use 2.3.2 NTFP as a Critical Source of Income 2.3.3 Enterprise and the Conservation Challenge 9 2.3.4 Cultivation and Shifting Cultivation: Subsistence Agriculture 10 2.3.5 Forest Labour: Forest Villages and Taungya Villages 12 2.4 Conservation Initiatives 13 2.4.1 Joint Forest Management 2.4.2 Eco Development 15 2.4.3 Joint Protected Area Management (JPAM) 16 2.4.4 Biosphere Reserves 17 2.4.5 Community Initiatives in Conservation 2.5 Policies and Laws 18 Annexures 3. Pastoralists 24 - 28 3.1 Pastoralists and Biodiversity 24 3.2 The Threats 3.2.1 Shrinking Pastures: Gauchars and Revenue Lands 3.2.2 Shrinking Pastures: Forest and Protected Areas 25 3.2.3 Breeding Practices Disrupted 27 3.2.4 Government Neglect and Cross Breeding 3.2.5 IPRs and the Danger of Bio-piracy 3.3 Enhancing Livelihoods 3.3.1 Coordination Between Government Departments 28 3.3.2 Animal Health 3.3.3 Need for Forums/Associations for Herders 3.4 Changing Life Styles 4.