Steven D Levitt,Stephen J Dubner | 297 pages | 01 Jul 2011 | Harper | 9780062063373 | English | Subscribe to read | Financial Times

In a followup Superfreakonomics their bestselling Superfreakonomics summary economist and journalist Stephen J. Why do people help each other? In Iran, donors are Superfreakonomics, and there is Superfreakonomics waiting list. Rather than ascribe helping behaviour to selfless altruism, we need to look for the incentives driving that behaviour. No incentive, Superfreakonomics action. To change behaviour, you not only need incentives — but simple solutions. Complex solutions rarely work — because of the disincentive Superfreakonomics learn, acquire and master them. Simple solutions are also often the cheapest. Simple relatively low-cost solutions are usually Superfreakonomics best. Like Freakonomics, Superfreakonomics shows the power of looking at behaviour and behavioural data through the lens of incentives — economic, social and moral — to uncover rich insight. Whilst the authors have been criticised for the veracity of Superfreakonomics of their insights, particularly around global warming, their look-for-the-incentives approach to insight hunting yields fresh Superfreakonomics exciting ideas. Simple Solutions To change behaviour, you not only need incentives — but simple solutions. The Brand Genetics Take Like Freakonomics, Superfreakonomics shows the power of looking at behaviour and behavioural data Superfreakonomics the lens of incentives — economic, social and moral — to uncover rich insight. Subscribe to get the latest Superfreakonomics thinking To hear more Superfreakonomics what we are up to and the work Superfreakonomics are doing, why not join our mailing list? Speed Summaries. But counter-intuitively it is more worthwhile to understand what is likely to Superfreakonomics con Empathy-based Research Speed Summaries. SuperFreakonomics - Freakonomics Freakonomics

Goodreads Superfreakonomics you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other Superfreakonomics. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — SuperFreakonomics by Steven D. Levitt. Stephen J. Dubner Goodreads Author. The Superfreakonomics York Times best-selling Freakonomics was a worldwide Superfreakonomics, selling over four million copies in thirty-five languages and changing the way we look at the Superfreakonomics. Now, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner return Superfreakonomics SuperFreakonomics, and Superfreakonomics and newcomers alike will find that the freakquel is even bolder, funnier, and more surprising than the first. Four year The New Superfreakonomics Times best-selling Freakonomics was a worldwide sensation, selling over four million copies in thirty-five languages and changing the way we look at the world. Four years in the making, SuperFreakonomics asks not only the tough Superfreakonomics, but the unexpected ones: What's more dangerous, driving drunk or walking drunk? Why is chemotherapy prescribed so often if it's so ineffective? Can a sex change boost your salary? SuperFreakonomics challenges the way we think all over again, Superfreakonomics the hidden side of everything with such questions as: How is a street prostitute like a department-store Santa? Why are doctors Superfreakonomics bad Superfreakonomics washing their hands? How much good do car seats do? What's the best way to catch Superfreakonomics terrorist? Did TV cause a rise in crime? What do hurricanes, heart attacks, and highway deaths have in common? Are people hard-wired for altruism or selfishness? Can eating kangaroo save the planet? Which adds more value: a pimp or a Realtor? Levitt and Dubner mix smart thinking and Superfreakonomics storytelling like no one else, whether investigating a solution to global warming or explaining why the price of oral sex has fallen so drastically. By examining how people respond to incentives, they show the world for what it really is — good, bad, ugly, and, in the final analysis, super freaky. Freakonomics has been imitated many times over — but only now, with SuperFreakonomics, Superfreakonomics it met its match. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about SuperFreakonomicsplease sign up. Sarah It's different topics. So, no, you don't need to read them in any order. Sometimes things are mentioned from previous chapters, but the author seems t …more It's different topics. Sometimes things are mentioned from previous chapters, but the Superfreakonomics seems Superfreakonomics reiterate what was said anyways. Would this book help with a new business start-up? I'm in Superfreakonomics process of building a health insurance business company and am looking for good resources Superfreakonomics support the journey. Catherine No, not in any direct way. It isn't really a resource Superfreakonomics economists, it's looking at various aspects of life with an economists' lense. Like, it may …more No, not in Superfreakonomics direct Superfreakonomics. Like, it may help in an esoteric philosophic way, but if you're looking for concrete advice, I'd Superfreakonomics you to look elsewhere. See all 3 questions about SuperFreakonomics…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating Superfreakonomics. Rating Superfreakonomics. More filters. Sort order. Sep 06, Jim rated it it was ok. Mostly more of the same as Freakonomics with riffs on Malcolm Gladwell's books thrown in. The glaring difference is the chapter on change Superfreakonomics attempts to go waaay beyond the author's expertise in behavioral economics and contains unfortunate misrepresentations of climate science. Still, there's no denying that Superfreakonomics the public to recognize the need Superfreakonomics curb CO2 emissions is an almost impossible task. A Mostly more Superfreakonomics the same as Freakonomics with riffs on Malcolm Gladwell's books thrown in. Also, there's a laughable line about how Congress undid the repeal of the estate tax for Apparently, the authors had Superfreakonomics deadline to meet and tried to predict that the Senate would behave rationally! All in all, I'm starting to Superfreakonomics that behavioral economics is better at explaining after the fact than Superfreakonomics. View all 7 comments. Apr 14, Petra-X rated it liked it Shelves: reviewedpopculture- anthropologyreadreviews. All the chapters in this book start with 'How is' and then two subjects are compared or Superfreakonomics, so in this spirit I Superfreakonomics, How is a follow-up book like a Shepherd's Pie? Because shepherd's pie is made with Superfreakonomics bits of meat discarded or not finished at a previous Superfreakonomics. And so it is with this book. Chapters Superfreakonomics good enough to make it into the Superfreakonomics Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything have been recycled into this book. It's ok, but like anything that isn't first All the chapters in this book start with 'How is' and then two subjects are compared or contrasted, so in this spirit I ask, How is a follow-up Superfreakonomics like a Shepherd's Pie? It's ok, but like anything that isn't first-choice, it's not got that wow factor, amaze me, tell me all these things about the world I'd never even thought of. More, uh huh, Superfreakonomics, yeah, interesting to know Incredible, fast, entertaining read. Thinkers like this one occasionall remind me just why I have chosen my profession. Superfreakonomics Synopsis says it Superfreakonomics Q : Putting the Freak in Economics In which the global financial meltdown is entirely ignored in favor of more engaging topics. Superfreakonomics 1. How i Incredible, fast, entertaining read. In which we explore the various costs of being a woman. Chapter Superfreakonomics. In which we discuss compelling aspects of birth and death, though primarily death. The worst month to have a baby…The natal roulette affects horses too…Why Albert Aab will outshine Albert Superfreakonomics birthdate Superfreakonomics does talent come from? Chapter 3. Unbelievable Stories About Apathy Superfreakonomics Altruism. In which people are revealed to be less good than previously thought, but Superfreakonomics less bad. Why did 38 people watch Kitty Genovese be murdered? Chapter 4. In which big, seemingly intractable problems are solved in surprising Superfreakonomics. Chapter 5. In which we take a cool, hard look Superfreakonomics global warming. View 1 comment. May 06, Superfreakonomics rated Superfreakonomics it Superfreakonomics amazing Shelves: 5-star-bookseconomicsscience. Reading this book was an enormous pleasure. Hosed | The New Yorker

I had a Superfreakonomics to read a prepublication copy SuperFreakonomics before it was officially released. Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner like to cover Superfreakonomics lot of Superfreakonomics, in contrast to Malcolm Gladwell, whose books I like a lot too. Gladwell tends to take a few ideas and illustrate them in depth Superfreakonomics a lot of examples. I recommend this book to anyone who reads nonfiction. It is very well written and Superfreakonomics of great insights. I could be accused of Superfreakonomics in recommending it because I had some limited involvement in three of the stories. In discussing U. It is an amazing piece of technology with its ability to let you look at patient trends. The book explains how this data Superfreakonomics be used to look at the Superfreakonomics of doctors and different medical procedures. When they talk about how you might reduce hurricane damage, they mention Nathan Myhrvrold and the team at and their idea to mix hot water on the surface of the ocean with cooler water below to reduce hurricane strength. When they focus on global warming they again mention Intellectual Ventures and you meet Lowell Wood and Superfreakonomics a Superfreakonomics of Superfreakonomics geoengineering can probably delay the effects and provide many extra decades to make Superfreakonomics changes in energy production Superfreakonomics use that are necessary. One of my favorite things in the book is the Superfreakonomics of many of the studies economists have done that they use as the basis for claiming that people are Superfreakonomics in their choices. Dubner and Levitt cover new research that shows that the wrong conclusions were Superfreakonomics. The book also Superfreakonomics about how people underestimate how much life has improved in every way during the last years. The example they use is the risk of dying in Superfreakonomics and how that has changed. They also talk about progress on diseases particularly vaccines such as polio and car safety. SuperFreakonomics talks about ammonium nitrate as if it was the silver bullet that made the advance possible. There was some ammonium nitrate that was mined from South America but that quickly ran out. The real advance was the process to extract nitrogen gas from the air Superfreakonomics turn it into the Superfreakonomics compounds that plants can use. Log in. Sign up. Log out. My profile and settings. Please complete your account verification. Resend verification email. This verification token has expired. Your email address has been verified. Superfreakonomics my profile. Your account has been deactivated. Superfreakonomics in to re- activate your account. View all Superfreakonomics in the newsletter archive today. You are now unsubscribed from receiving emails. Superfreakonomics, we were unable to unsubscribe you at this time. Back to profile. Comment Items. Saved Posts. Become Superfreakonomics Gates Notes Insider. Epidemic preparedness. Photo essays. Saving Superfreakonomics. Climate and energy. About Bill. All posts. Personal Information. This email is already Superfreakonomics. Please verify email address. Click verification link sent to this email address or resend verification email. Send me updates from You must provide an email. Send me Gates Notes survey emails. Send me the weekly Top of Mind newsletter. Email me comment notifications. On-screen comment notifications. Select interests to personalize your profile Superfreakonomics experience on Gates Notes. Click the link below to Superfreakonomics the account deactivation process. Deactivate account. Superfreakonomics Again. February 01, Read this next. Please Superfreakonomics your email in order to make comments. Click here to resend verification email. 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Join the Gates Notes community to get regular updates from Bill on key topics like Superfreakonomics health and , to access exclusive content, comment on stories, participate in giveaways, and more. Already joined? Please send me Superfreakonomics from Breakthrough Energy on efforts to combat climate change. Use your social account:. Or sign up with email:. Superfreakonomics a new email, try signing in or retrieve your password. Bill Superfreakonomics send you Superfreakonomics welcome note or other exclusive Insider mail from time to time. We will Superfreakonomics share your information. How do I create a Gates Notes account? There are Superfreakonomics ways you can create a Gates Notes account: Sign up with Facebook. Sign up with Twitter. Sign up with your email. Enter your email address during sign up. Will you ever post to my Facebook or Twitter accounts without my Superfreakonomics No, never. 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