A Study of Lexical Features of Community in the Script Milk


Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M.Hum) Degree in English Language Studies


Erni Dewi Riyanti Student Number: 10 6332 027





Erni Dewi Riyanti

Student Number:


Approved by

Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. ………………………… Thesis Advisor Date: August 13, 2012





Presented by Erni Dewi Riyanti 106332027

Defended before the Thesis Committee and Declared Acceptable.

Chairperson : Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. ______Secretary : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. ______Members : 1. Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo ______2. Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd, M.A. ______

Yogyakarta, August 13, 2012 The Graduate Program Director Sanata Dharma University

Prof. Dr. Augustinus Supratiknya




This thesis is dedicated to my parents, my soon-to-be husband, my family, and my friends who are willing to be part of my academic journey.

"The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way." (Karen S. Magee)




This is to certify that all ideas, phrases, sentences, unless otherwise stated, are the ideas, phrases, and sentences of the thesis writer. The writer understands the full consequences including degree cancellation if she took somebody else's ideas, phrases, or sentences without proper references.

Yogyakarta, August 13, 2012

Erni Dewi Riyanti




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Erni Dewi Riyanti NIM : 10 6332 027

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A Study of Lexical Features of Gay Community in the Script Milk beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal: 13 Agustus 2012

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Erni Dewi Riyanti




Praise to Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala for the endless blessing in accomplishing this thesis. My special gratitude goes to my thesis advisor, Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. for his kind support, guidance, suggestion, and patience to help me completing this project. I would also like to offer a sincere gratitude to all the lecturers in English Language Studies for teaching as well as sharing knowledge during my study in Sanata Dharma University, F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D., Dr. Novita Dewi, M.S., M.A. (Hons), Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo, Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A., Dr. J. Bismoko., and Prof. Dr. Ch. Bakdi Sumanto, S.U. An earnest gratitude goes to my beloved parents, Bp. Sutardji and Ibu Udji Murgijati, whose support and trust have strengthened me to walk and be responsible for every decision I made. Also, to my brothers and sisters, Anjas Budi Satriya, Sumarni, Dyaning Wulandari, Dani Maulia Rahman, and Baskoro Budi Riyanto, as well as my dearest niece and nephew, Alleta Zahra Satriyani and M. Kenza Putra Rahman. I deeply express my appreciation for their support, advice, patience, and prayers. In addition, I will not be able to complete this work without full support from my colleagues in the Language Training Center, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (Pak Jati Suryanto, Bu Noor Qomaria, Pak Pratama Ahdi, Bu Ika Wahyuni, Bu Luluk Iswati, Bu Mariska Intan Sari, Bu Arifah Mardiningrum, Bu Sri Ani Puji, Bu Yashinta Farahsani, Bu Nurul Yusnita, and staff). I do present a genuine gratitude for their kind support and prayer. My sincere appreciation is offered to my colleagues who had spent their time to be the proofreaders of my data and thesis writing, Pak Cisya D. Nugraha, Bu Tri Utari S., Ms Pitriawati, and Ms Dinda Darodjatun Sholihah. To all my classmates in Class B of 2010 ELS (Mbak Anjar Dwi A., Mbak Athriyana S. Pattiwael, Mbak Umi Rohmiyatun, Mbak Orpa Tambing M., Mas V. Tangguh A. Nugroho, Bu Bernadetta Eko P., Dameria Magdalena, Tri Sugiarto ―Dede‖, Caecilia Devie K., Lelly Sepniwati, Fitria Rahmawati, and Rusdiana Kurniawati) and Pak Mul, I do appreciate your heartfelt and priceless companionship for the last two years. I would also like to thank Rizkha Destianri Ridwan, Erwin Pebriari Widyatmoko, Rezkina Hartini, Siti Rohmah, Nur Muhayyati, Anies Rohidayah, and Des Maria Dewi Mayasari for being very encouraging friends. Also, to my best friend and partner in life—past, present and future—Yoga Okto Putomi, your kind understanding, constructive arguments, pleasant chats, and sincere support convey everything. Last but not least, I thank all whose names cannot be mentioned one by one here. May the Almighty grant His endless and generous blessings to you all.

Erni Dewi Riyanti





CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION...... 1 1.1 Background of the study...... 1 1.2 Problem limitation...... 9 1.3 Problem formulation...... 11 1.4 Research goals...... 11 1.5 Benefits of the study...... 12

CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW...... 14 2.1 Lexical feature: a marker of language variation...... 14 2.2 Semantic change...... 22 2.3 Language and linguistics in LGBT communities...... 25 2.4 LGBT and gay movement in United States...... 32 2.5 Milk and the history of LGBT films...... 35 2.6 Review of related research...... 38 2.7 Theoretical framework...... 40

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY...... 43 3.1 Data collection...... 43 3.2 Data analysis...... 45



CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION...... 49 4.1 Lexical features in the script Milk...... 49 4.2 Meaning changes in the lexical features...... 76

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION...... 100 5.1 Conclusion...... 100 5.2 Recommendation...... 103





Table. 2.1 The Classification of Formation Process of Lexicon in English 19 Table. 4.1 Frequency Distribution of the Lexical Features...... 49 Table. 4.2 Single Occurence of Taboo Words in the Script...... 50 Table. 4.3 Single Occurence of Gay Slang in the Script...... 50 Table. 4.4 The Occurrence of Gay Slang...... 67 Table. 4.5 Types of Semantic Change in the Script Milk...... 76 Table. 4.6 Examples of Narrowing...... 77 Table. 4.7 Examples of Semantic Bleaching/Shift...... 80 Table. 4.8 Examples of Metaphor...... 84 Table. 4.9 Examples of Pejoration...... 88 Table. 4.10 Examples of Broadening...... 91 Table. 4.11 Examples of Metonymy...... 94 Table. 4.12 Examples of Amelioration...... 97




Figure 1.1 Rainbow Flag (the , Gay, Bisexual, and emblem) in the Neighborhood of Castro Street, ...... 5




Appendix 1 The Occurrence of Lexical Features...... 109 Appendix 2 Semantic Changes...... 127




Erni Dewi Riyanti. 2012. A Study of Lexical Features of Gay Community in the Script Milk. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Style in communication is a crucial element of language use. It characterizes one community to another. In the field of sociolinguistics, the difference in the use of language which occurs in various communities is studied in the field of language variation. This study points out a discussion on the gay community and typical lexical features used—as the form of variation occurred in the community—which is developed in the chosen source, the script Milk. The research aims to answer the questions What kind of lexical features does the gay community have in the script Milk? and How do the meanings of the lexical features change in relation to the social and political situation in 1960 – 1970s? As the source of data, the script Milk was obtained from The data are 130 items out of 161 scenes which reflected common features used by the gay community in the script and were classified as word and phrase. In assuring the accuracy on the result of data classification, the researcher used the help of proofreaders. After that, the researcher employed an analysis using linguistic and social theories. First, in exploring the forms of lexical features used in the study, the researcher worked under Wolfram and Schilling-Estes’ theory. Also, to determine types of meaning change took place in the script, the data were interpreted according to Murphy and Koskela’s categories of semantic change. The findings are divided into two groups, taboo or swear words and gay slang. Taboo words used in the script are fuck, shit, goddamn, asshole, pot, and what the hell/heck? Meanwhile, the gay slang are gay, come out, trick, , queen, faggot, and the us’s. The findings in both taboo words and gay slang chiefly indicate the condition of the users themselves. Even though taboo words do not exclusively belong to gay community, they can effectively express various emotive conditions. As in the use of gay slang, the slang brings out two opposing reactions which imply awakening and intimacy. Thus, it is initiated into a movement. In addition, most of the meaning changes indicate exclusivity and negative association. Oppression and marginalization addressed to the gay community in 1960 – 1970s give effects to the meaning changes as they shape the psychological condition of the community members. Interestingly, there are types of semantic change which indicate positive notion in the midst of oppression and marginalization. It can be seen as a signal to the strengthening movement of minorities on their demand of change. In term of language use, this change indicates that words and phrases used as well as meaning changes occur as the attitude of the gay community as a counteract to common mockery tone used by the mainstream society. Though, the community members have interestingly used them to mark their awakening and movement.




Erni Dewi Riyanti. 2012. A Study of Lexical Features of Gay Community in the Script Milk. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Gaya berbahasa adalah salah satu elemen dasar dalam penggunaan bahasa. Hal ini memberi karakter antara komunitas satu dengan lainnya. Dalam lingkup studi sosiolinguistik, perbedaan penggunaan bahasa antar komunitas dibahas dalam variasi bahasa. Penelitian ini membahas tentang komunitas gay dan leksikon yang digunakan dalam komunitas tersebut yang diambil dari skrip Milk. Penelitian ini berusaha menjawab dua pertanyaan, yaitu "apa sajakah fitur-fitur leksikon yang digunakan oleh komunitas gay dalam skrip Milk?" dan "bagaimana makna kata berubah sehubungan dengan kondisi sosial dan politik di tahun 1960 - 1970an?" Sebagai sumber data, skrip Milk diunduh dari Ada 130 data yang menggambarkan fitur-fitur yang umum digunakan didalam komunitas gay dan kemudian diklasifikasikan sebagai kata dan frase. Untuk memastikan akurasi dari klasifikasi data tersebut, peneliti menggunakan bantuan beberapa korektor. Setelah itu, peneliti menganalisa leksikon yang muncul dalam skrip Milk menggunakan beberapa teori linguistik dan sosial, diantaranya adalah teori dari Wolfram and Schilling-Estes dan juga Murphy and Koskela. Temuan dari penelitian ini dibagi dalam dua kelompok yaitu kata-kata tabu dan slang kaum gay. Pada kata-kata tabu, kosakata yang ditemukan adalah fuck, shit, goddamn, asshole, pot, dan what the hell/heck? Sementara itu, slang kaum gay yang ditemukan dalam skrip ini adalah gay, come out, trick, queer, queen, faggot, dan the us’s. Temuan pada kata-kata tabu dan slang kaum gay mengindikasikan kondisi penggunanya sendiri. Walaupun kata-kata tabu bukan merupakan ciri khas komunitas gay, kata-kata ini telah secara efektif mengkomunikasikan berbagai kondisi emosional penggunanya. Pada penggunaan slang kaum gay, kata-kata yang ditemukan mengindikasikan dua temuan yang saling bertolak belakang yang mengarah pada kebangkitan dan kedekatan antar pengguna. Hal ini kemudian mengarah pada munculnya sebuah gerakan. Menariknya, terdapat beberapa tipe perubahan makna yang mengindikasikan makna yang positif ditengah-tengah tekanan dan pengasingan. Hal ini dimaknai sebagai menguatnya pergerakan minoritas yang mengacu pada keinginan mereka atas perubahan. Dalam hal penggunaan bahasa, perubahan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kata dan frase sebagaimana juga perubahan makna mencerminkan sikap komunitas gay yang memilih untuk melakukan perlawanan terhadap cara pandang yang cenderung menghina di kalangan masyarakat pada umumnya. Perubahan ini menandai kebangkitan dan gerakan untuk mendapatkan pengakuan.





There are several fundamental sections of the thesis that will be presented in this chapter. The first part is the background of the study which gives general view on the study. The second section is the problem limitation which mainly describes the focus of the study. Next, problem formulations and research goals are presented as they cover the core issues of the thesis. Finally, research benefits are being offered as a contribution of the study to a wider audience.

1.1 Background of the study

Language is an essential medium on human‘s communication. To communicate ideas effectively, human beings employ various strategies to achieve their goal. Style in communication is then crucial since it characterizes one community to another. From the language standpoint, the community creates and nurtures language of its own. A distinctive language reflects identity grew in a certain community and points out its characteristics. Holmes (2001) points out that language varies according to its users, according to where it is used and to whom, as well as according to who is using it. For instance, the language of stockbrokers employs special terms, such as, bull and bear, curbstone brokers, or selling short. It may not be easily understood to those who are involved in tourism industry or education since each of these communities employs different usage of words or terms.



In the field of sociolinguistics, difference in the use of language which occurs in various communities is studied in the field of language variation.

Language variation is probably known as one of the most popular studies in this field. In the past, the study is bound by time and place (known as natural dimensions). Hence, the subject matter is included either in geographical or historical linguistics. Recently, human dimensions play significant role in reshaping the approach to language variation. It is then known as social variation of language. For instance, Labov‘s study on speech community conducted in

Martha‘s Vineyard and New York City. In his study in the island of Martha‘s

Vineyard, Massachussets, Labov examined the shift in the phonetic position of

/ay/ and /aw/ used by the local community. The study illustrated the use of parameter, such as, region, age levels, occupation, and ethnic groups, Labov described the correlation between complex linguistic patterns with parallel differences in social structure, as well as its impact to the linguistic process

(Labov, 1972). Labov‘s investigation in New York City is a subsequent study which aimed to test his theory with a bigger population. He focused on the incidence of final and post-vocalic /r/. The result illustrated that rhotic use of /r/ reflected social class and aspiration, and was more widespread in younger speakers.

In this point, both studies show speakers‘ agreement on social meanings and evaluations of the variants used. They incorporate variability in the language use.

Here, the study does not represent ‗language‘ as a whole; however, it analyzes language used in particular community, probably its spread to other speech



communities too. Thus, an understanding may point out the role of the activities of the speakers which then feed into the linguistic system. There are generally four types of motivation which determine the occurrence of language variation, especially on how people use language. First is a desire to show how one fit in with some people and are different from others. The second is a desire to do things that have value in the community (and associate oneself with that value).

The next is a desire to do things that are looked down on in the community (and have others look down on one). Finally, there is a desire to work out how others are orienting themselves to the concerns as mentioned in the first and second points (Meyerhoff, 2006).

In addition, Durkheim (1938 cited in Coulmas, 2002) asserts that collective representation, emotion, and tendencies are caused not by states of the consciousness of individuals but by the conditions in which the totality of social group is placed. Thus, the language variation an individual employs may be the result of his or her desire to identify, or to differentiate him or herself unto certain social group. The more the individual‘s effort, the more obvious distinctiveness occurs. In this point, the variant can be seen as a value which is highly regarded by the members of a certain community as these members try to offer responds or orient to the value associated to the variant.

Hence, language variation, in which this study mainly be based on, also takes place in a gay community. In this sense, language used in this community is the aspect on building sense of belonging as well as ways to identify its members‘ existence. This study points out a discussion on gay community and typical



lexical features used—as the form of variation occurred in the community—which is developed in the chosen source, Milk‘s script. This is a fascinating area of study since gay community develops typical characteristics. In-group communication requires particular way of conveying thoughts and needs, as well as maintaining typical identity through the articulated words. In English, this stereotype mainly indicates code words that can only be understood by the people inside the community.

In discussing typical characteristics of gay community, the language variation studied is in the form of lexical features. These features are significant because they do not only represent, but also reflect concurrent interaction, conflict, resolution, and adjustment took place in the speech community. In this case, the speech community is a group of gay people inhabited a suburban area of

San Francisco namely Castro District. In the setting of the United States of

America in its 1960 – 1970, the community led by —a businessman turned into politician, developed into an outstanding and efficacious group.

As mentioned earlier, this study analyzes an Oscar-winning film screenplay or script entitled Milk, a biographical depiction of Harvey Milk, a real- life character and the first openly gay official in the political history of United

States. Harvey Milk started his involvement in politics from a small camera shop in the suburb of San Francisco namely Castro Street. His shop then grew as the headquarter of gay movement which led to his candidacy to a chair in San

Francisco Board of Supervisors. Gay people in Milk‘s era received fairly harsh



treatment, especially from the police department since their tendency to use marches and protests that mostly end up in chaotic strikes.

Figure 1.1 Rainbow flag (the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender emblem) in the neighborhood of Castro Street, San Francisco (Retrieved from, at10 November 2011)

Having been nominated for five times, Milk finally sat on the Board and breezed a wind of change in the way he persistently stood against ―Proposition 6‖.

This regulation confronted equality on job vacancy, especially for those with different sexual orientations. Milk only served 11 months as a supervisor as he and San Francisco Major, , were shot to death by fellow supervisor because of a different political view. Milk is regarded a martyr to his people who is also a prominent figure among gay rights activists.

Scott (2011) asserts that Harvey Milk in this film is described as a warrior whose passion was equaled by his generosity and good humor. He aims to recruit as many gay people as possible and leads them to stand against stigma and discrimination.



The following is an excerpt from the script of the film Milk. It is taken from scene 21, page 4 takes place in Milk‘s apartment, right above his camera shop.

Milk is talking to his partner, about his plan to get involved in politics.

Harvey Milk: We'll form our own business association! Start with the gay- owned businesses. We'll get the addresses of every customer that comes in the store for a roll of film and we‘ll ask them what they want, what they need changed. We'll get some money rolling in here. Revitalize the neighborhood. Scott Smith: Can I come in now? Harvey Milk: One more minute! (back to his new scheme) And I can go to the neighborhood banks. They must have some gay customers. Scott Smith: Look Harvey, What's with all this political activist crap? I mean, I thought you were a goddamn Republican.

The excerpt shows, in one hand, on how passionate Milk is in channeling the aspiration of his gay neighborhood. He plans on having a business association which—in his term—revitalizes the neighborhood. Milk emphasizes on gay- owned businesses and gay customers to accentuate his interest on equal and appropriate treatment for gay people. However, Smith puts emphasis on his reluctance to Milk‘s proposes by mentioning political activist crap and goddamn

Republican. The above words illustrate what a grueling idea proposing of a change is.

One point which makes Milk interesting is the fact that the film compellingly tells a celebratory story about inspiring person who successfully achieved positive change. The film mostly received positive reviews and won various awards. In regard to reviews upon the film, Peter Travers of Rolling Stone magazine, as cited from (accessed at 30 June 2011), points out that

Milk is a total triumph, brimming with humor, heart, sexual heat, political



provocation, and a crying need to stir things up. In addition,

(accessed at 5 November 2011) quoted Mick LaSalle of San Francisco Chronicle claims that Milk is a great San Francisco story which becomes a great American story. Moreover, two of the most outstanding awards achieved by the film are

Best Actor in Leading Role for Sean Penn who starred as Harvey Milk and Best

Original Screenplay for Dustin Lance Black. Focusing on the screenplay or script which is being utilized in this study, the strength of the script is it grasps both radicalism of Milk‘s political ambition and the pragmatism of his methods. He also asserts that Milk understands how modern politics can be messy, as a result of grubby interests and noble ideals (Scott, 2011)

In addition, being gay in Milk‘s time, circa 1960 – 1970, is a problematic decision. American gay movement in 1960 – 1970s faced numerous challenges, such as police brutality, violence, death threats, suicide and anti-homosexual hysteria fuelled by the religious right. In his seek of support and recognition, Milk found a neighborhood which then became a strong base of gay movement. A review in (accessed at 5 November 2011) points out that in such rough time, Milk then transformed himself from a hedonistic hippy to slick media, savvy orator. Later on, the gay community Milk aided in the first hand namely Castro District turned out to be a stepping stone in Lesbian, Gay,

Bisexual, and Transgender (hereafter LGBT) movements in United States.

LGBT is a popular term to name certain groups of people within the gay culture. The term gay women (lesbian) as well as bisexual and transgender were then added as they were traditionally left out of or underrepresented in research



studies and health initiatives (Cochran and Mays, 2000). Furthermore, these people are characterized by not only their , but also their practices, subcultures, and social movement. LGBT movements are characterized by their collective, inter-related pressure groups which goals of social acceptance are highly popular for several decades. In the United States, the movements appeared alongside with the explosion of and .

Later that decade, the aforementioned movements were then accompanied with the development of bisexual, transgender, and queer histories. Under different banners, such as, lesbian feminism, gay liberation, queer movement, and transgender activism, these groups had nailed their grounds in the 1970s.

The groups started from a principal liberation idea from sexual oppression to bringing down social construct of masculinity and femininity. These various groups then shifted to more surfaced and organized movement, political activism, which is in Milk‘s case, a career he pioneered for people who shared the same interest as him. From his Castro District, Milk built a gay community as well as political path with strong conscience of social acceptance and equality. In expanding conscience, popular ways used by these groups are holding demonstration, being actively involved in politics, and gaining attention through the use of popular media, such as fashion, printed and electronic media.

In regards to World Englishes, Leap (1998) points out that it has opened up doors to a relatively new, fast-growing and considered exciting area of language and gender-centered sociolinguistics. In this sense, word choice will take a significant role in defining particular community or society. The focus of the



study covers vocabulary items and metaphors, sentence and paragraph structures, narrative styles and conversational strategies in the setting of both English- speaking and other indigenous language around the world. The use of those features basically serves various reasons, e.g. to mark same-sex identity, to introduce an alternative gendered perspective to the conversation or narrative, or simply to be unconventional, creative, and witty.

An engaging, relatively untouchable field of research discussing the issues around LGBT offers a new line of investigation. Researches identifying linguistic features which represent and exchange ideas within the LGBT communities and determining how the features shared and represented the communities are highly needed. The aspects of age, ethnicity, geographical condition, educational background, employment status, and class are some determining factors which highly contribute in explaining the language used in the aforementioned communities.

1.2 Problem limitation

The phenomena on language used are appealing to be studied, especially on lexical features in the chosen source, the script Milk. Two points would be investigated in this study. To begin with, the use of the lexical features is essential to determine and explain the form of typical lexicon used in the gay community, particularly in 1960 – 1970s in which the setting took place. It will show what lexical features are being used and what the features are associated to. In



particular, the features under investigation are in the forms of words and phrases found in the script Milk.

The features are essential since they are the linguistic proof which makes the script valuable to be studied. As mentioned earlier, gay community tends to speak differently since its language meant to convey certain code which can only be understood by the in-group people. Informality of situation in which the features took place also greatly influences on the emergence of the features.

Furthermore, code in this study is being manifested in form of some taboo words related to anger, annoyance, surprise, or even sarcasm, such as, fuck, shit, goddamn, and asshole are the reflection of informality occurred in the community, as well as unique words which chiefly addressed the community itself, like, gay, queer, faggot, come out, and queen.

It is then led to the next point of the study. The emerging features will be investigated in term of types of meaning changes occur in the script Milk. It will give explanation to the development of meaning in the lexical features used in the community. In the use of language, the social background gives influence in a particular community because it is impossible to speak the same way in various circumstances. They offer different degree of formality and delivery. In particular, the findings on type of meaning changes found in the script Milk will also include the condition of gay movement in the United Stated circa 1960 – 1970s.



1.3 Problem formulation

Based on the aforementioned background and the problem limitation, research questions proposed in this study are as follows.

1. What kind of lexical features does the gay community have in the script


2. How do the meanings of the lexical features change in relation to the

social and political situation in 1960 – 1970s?

1.4 Research goals

There are two points to deal with in this study. Firstly, the study aims to discover the lexical features used in the script Milk in which the involvement of gay people will indicate the emergence of typical words and phrases. In the study of sociolinguistics, the extensive use of typical features is one of the indications on the occurrence of language variations. The variation happened in the gay community on the script meant to be the way to develop the members‘ personal way of communication, in order to build boundaries from people outside their community.

Additionally, this study also aims to determine type of meaning changes occur in the script Milk. These meaning changes assumed to be the result of social interaction and they reflect the situation in which the scenes take place. This study intends to present findings on the linguistic features in form of list and then interpret the findings mainly based on sociolinguistics theory. The interpretation is the way to explain the relation between language used in the community and social realm in which the story takes place. In particular, the findings on features



found within the lines in the script Milk will portray the condition of gay movement in the United Stated during the 1960 – 1970s.

1.5 Benefits of the study

As the study on lavender linguistics as well as LGBT (Lesbian, Gay,

Bisexual, and Transgender) is a progressive and continuously expanding field, this study is expected to contribute to several segments, such as, for language researchers, for LGBT researchers, and for common readers. For language researchers, this study offers a ground for understanding LGBT and its phenomena found within the groups. In this case, particular attention to the language used, especially the use of slang within LGBT communities is highly expected. It may not only depict reality occurred in the LGBT communities, but also their contacts with various social groups. Hence, wider investigations conducted in the field of LGBT or lavender linguistics can contribute significantly in the development of language used in the contemporary setting. More exploration in both linguistic and social significance of the LGBT communities is highly needed since this area of investigation is considered out-of-touch.

For LGBT researchers, this study presents a perspective on the relation between language use and social movement. It is expected that this study can trigger further and bigger studies concerning marginalized sexual orientation- based communities. With a growing understanding upon minorities, including

LGBT communities, critical thinking upon normative sexualities can be further discussed and normatively handled. As for common readers, this study can develop better mutual understanding. As always, discrimination occurs when



empathy and appreciation are absent. Hence, to promote acceptance, proper treatments, and equal chances for people with different sexual orientations lived around us, more exposure on academic works related to studies on LGBT is also considered necessary. In addition, this study is expected to give a good input to the development of similar works in academic scope, especially those which are related to the use of language in the real setting.





This chapter illustrates literature review, some related studies and conceptual framework as the foundation of the study. At this point, theories on lexical features, semantic change, language and linguistic in LGBT communities,

LGBT and gay movement in the U.S., and Milk and the history of LGBT films will be discussed. The importance of presenting these theories are giving firm bases in regards to the discussion on the subsequent chapter.

2.1 Lexical feature: a marker of language variation

In investigating linguistic features which go hand-in-hand with gender and

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) concept, the analysis on a given text may start up from the basic fundament of a language namely word choice.

One significant factor which determines the choice of words is formality of situation. Word choice can indicate quite different attitude toward the state, the addressee, the person being described and so on (Finegan, Blair and Colin, 1992).

Word choice also indicates the speech situation in which the term is being used, for example, in intimate or distant, formal or informal, serious or jocular, and so forth. These affiliated situations of use will contribute in dimension of meaning that is quite distinct from the referential meaning of a word.

In general, the notion of word choice in practical use goes hand-in-hand with context of speech. Context in this sense may cover up various aspects of regional



background, social status, ethnicity, and some other social-based traits. These aspects offer a good chance in not only understanding what topic is being discusses, but also how people discuss a certain topic. Then, it leads to a particular judgment which then establishes a complex set of social characteristics and personality traits. When variation occurs, language differences come up as a product of intertwining aspects of social interaction, as ‗facts of life‘ (Wolfram,


As sociolinguistics mainly puts emphasis in the study of language within or among groups of speakers, investigation on the groups to be studied is as important as the emergence of variation as the result of language used in various groups. Wardhaugh (2006) points out speech community as the type of group which sociolinguistics attempts to investigate. Here, the speech community must be the one which really exists, meaning that the community concretely uses a particular language worthed to be studied (Lyon, 1970 in Wardhaugh, 2006). In addition, ‗real‘ speech community should consist of people who use a given language (or dialect).

Wardhaugh asserts that speech community cannot only be examined by its linguistic characteristics, but also to the identity of the community itself, such as, social, cultural, political, and ethnic. These characteristics are commonly labeled as speech markers. However, it is practically complicated to draw a clear line of community membership. Then, Gumperz (1971 cited in Wardhaugh, 2006) offers a definition that communities can be defined partially through their relationships with other communities. Internally, a community must have a certain social



cohesiveness; externally, its members must find themselves cut off from other communities in certain ways.

As there is general tendency that a person may belong to different communities, Morgan (2001 cited in Wardhaugh, 2006) argues that on any particular occasion, a person may identify with only one of them, the certain identification depending on what is especially important or contrastive in the circumstances. This identification will reflect what people do and know when they interact one another. It is the shared knowledge, beliefs, and values which build the foundation of identity and representation of ideology.

In relation with variety occurred among speech community, Wolfram and

Schilling-Estes (2006) point out languages are patterned on several different levels and they consist of vocabulary of a language (lexicon), the sound system of a language (phonology), the formation of words and sentences (grammar), the meanings of words (semantics), and the use of language forms to perform different functions (pragmatics). As this study aims to conduct specific investigation in the study of lexical features used in the script, the linguistic field which specifically discusses this issue is named lexical semantics. Barker (2000) defines lexical semantics as the study of word meaning. He asserts that word-level semantics is interesting since words are names for individual concepts. In addition, Baldwin (2005) composes a working definition of lexical semantics as the study of what individual lexical items mean, why they what they do, how we can represent all of this, and where the combined interpretation for an utterance comes from.



Murphy (2012) states that studies in lexical semantics are closely related to various fields. For instance, in pragmatics, lexical semantics gives distinction between a word's contribution to the meaning of an utterance and the contributions of context (pragmatics) and co-text (the phrasal context).

Meanwhile, psycholinguistics offers perspective in lexical semantic issues and provides methods in explaining how words and meanings are organized in the mind. As vocabulary is acquired throughout life, issues in lexical acquisition can be addressed through language acquisition theories. Talmy's (1985) study of lexical-semantic typology, Weigand's (1998) contrastive lexical semantics, and also Gumperz and Levinson's (1996) linguistic relativity are some examples of lexical semantic studies in anthropological linguistics. In addition, works on polysemy and the development of semantic networks are the application of computational linguistics.

It is the lexicon in lexical semantics which this study attempts to investigate.

It is considered fundamental as lexicon is one of linguistic elements which undergo changes over time. Changes in the level of lexicon may occur in the addition or loss of words, the emergence of new words through word formation or borrowing, or the changes in cultural and technological schemes. Since language is handed down from one generation to another, changes upon the use of a particular language are considered normal, as changes may happen in the phonological, morphological, or syntactical level. There may be the case in which someone fails to communicate since he/she is unable to recognize a word used by some regional or social group. In the worst scenario, it may result in the



communication breakdown. Here, lexical differences take place. Soda in

Philadelphia is simply a carbonated drink, yet in Chicago, you will get a glass of carbonated drink with ice cream in it. Another example is sneakers, tennis shoes, gym shoes, and running shoes which refer to the same basic type of athletic shoes worn as casual footwear.

The above examples explain how lexical differences can manifest in several different ways. It mainly because the relationship between a real-world object and the word used to describe is almost always arbitrary (Wolfram and Schilling-

Estes, 2006). Hence, we will find different labels to describe the same object (or idea) in the different dialect areas. Differences may also take place when we find diverse objects and activities in different regions. For example, people in coastal areas use marine-related terms more often than those who live in inland areas. The formation process occurs in some different ways, namely coining, compounding, acronyms, blending, clipping, conversion, proper names, borrowing, folk etymology, back formation, recutting, and derivation, in which affixation is part of this formation process. Table 2.1 is Wolfram and Schilling-Estes‘s classification on lexical differences.



Table 2.1 The Classification of Formation Process of Lexicon in English

No Term Definition Examples 1 Compounding two or more existing words are in-group, honeysuckle, combined to form a new word breakwater, fatback 2 Acronym a new word which is formed by radar (radio detecting and taking the initial sounds or letters range), WASP (White Anglo from existing words Saxon Protestant), UN (United Nations) 3 Blending parts of two words are combined to smog (smoke/fog), brunch form a new word (breakfast/lunch), sitcom (situation/comedy) 4 Clipping a process in which words are gas (gasoline), dorm formed by shortening existing (dormitory), lib (library) words 5 Conversion words are shifted from one part of run as a noun in ―They speech to another without any scored a run.‖, breakwater change in their form as a verb in ―Everything around the island is breakwatered.‖ 6 Proper names A specific person, place or thing jello, frigidaire, Xerox changes into common nouns which refer to a general class of items 7 Borrowing Words from other languages are chipmunk (Ojibwa), incorporated into the language or delicatessen (German), dialect arroyo (Spanish) 8 Folk Words are altered to make their cold slaw (from cole slaw), etymology meanings more transparent old timers’ disease (from Alzheimer’s disease) 9 Back Shorter words are created from burgle (burglar), orientate formation longer words based on the removal (orientation), conversate of what appears to be an affix but it (conversation) is actually part of the original word 10 Recutting Words are reanalyzed into an apron (from a napron), - component parts which differ from aholic as in workaholic the original parts (from alcohol + ic), a whole nother (from an + other), 11 Derivation Words are created through the bewitched (from bewitch + addition of a derivational affix ed)



In addition to the formation process of lexicon in determining language use of group‘s identity, slang is possibly one of the most popular forms of language used in numerous groups. Slang is the variety used in situations of extreme informality, often with rebellious undertones or an intention of distancing its users from certain mainstream values. Crystal (2003) asserts that slang indicates membership of a class of speech varieties of limited usage in the speech community. When particular slang is also used in the presence of another member of the same group, it serves as an affirmation of solidarity with another member.

Slang is understood as variety of speech characterized by newly coined and rapidly changing vocabulary, used by the young or by social and professional groups for ‗in-group‘ communication. Thus, it tends to prevent understanding by the rest of the speech community. In addition, slang is the result of linguistic inventiveness, especially of young and lively people who want fresh, original pungent, or racy terms with which they can rename ideas, actions, and objects that they feel strongly about. One standing example of slang is the word queer itself.

Commonly understood as a derogatory term for anyone considered ―not straight‖, queer develops into a blanket term for any related discussion of Lesbian, Gay,

Bisexual, and Transgender. Although some groups in LGBT community still find it offensive, the term is then widely accepted by younger, urban, and progressive members.

Compared to British English, slang in American English includes the wide use of taboo words, which in the actual use taboo words consist of swearing.

Taboo, for some anthropologists, is not just an isolated fact in a culture but an



important element in the structure and social life of a culture. In western societies, taboo is related to sex, religion, bodily functions, ethnic groups, food, dirt and death. Some taboo words are used in order to express pain, pleasure, hate and even love.

The best example is possibly fuck. Sheidlower and Black (2009) assert that etymologically, the word fuck firstly appeared in an army‘s medical document, to describe a state of illness under the abbreviation of Found Under Carnal

Knowledge. Another variation on the abbreviation is For Unlawful Carnal

Knowledge which allegedly attached to adulterer or rapist. Beside its sexual connotation, fuck may describe the situation of fraud, disappointment, trouble, violence or anger, passiveness, confusion, difficulty, hopelessness, thoughtfulness, incompetence, laziness, disapproval and rebellion. For instance, scene 28 depicts a young man yelling to the crowd in —the base camp of Milk and his gay movement—as ―The fucking cops, man. Cops are pulling people out of Toad Hall.‖ In these lines, slang of the fucking cop expresses hatred and wariness at the same time.

In a wider sense, another significant linguistic feature in the form of a marker is idiom. Crystal (2003) defines idiom as a term used in grammar and lexicology to refer to a sequence of words which is semantically and often syntactically restricted, so that they function as a single unit. From a semantic viewpoint, individual words cannot produce the meaning in the idiomatic expression as a whole. As from syntactic point of view, idiom is a ready-made utterances and an alternative terminology for this term is ‗habitual collocations‘.



For instance, the idiom it’s raining cats and dogs, meaning raining very heavily, will be interpreted oddly and differently when the expression is alternately changed into it’s raining dogs and cats or it’s raining a cat and a dog.

Corelli (2011 cited in Ager, 2011) mentions that idiom constantly enriches

English with its carried out meaning, it accomplishes a significant function of paraphrasing what is going on, and what is being said. Idiom also conveys culture in day-to-day setting, so that it carries customs, values, and insights to its audience.

2.2 Semantic change

Semantic change is a dynamic process of meaning shift throughout times.

Algeo (1990) asserts that it is the intrinsic interest of semantic universals as indications of the structure of the human mind. Hence, it may create reliable linguistic reconstruction. Research on semantic change is concerned with the description and classification of meaning changes in order to detect reasons, types, and effects of semantic change. Living language is believed to undergo change over time. It triggers numerous researches and studies to be conducted in identifying particular changes or types of change occurred. Since there is tendency of language to be handed down from one generation to the next, change occurs as a way to adapt changing time and situation. As a result, change happens in various language aspects.

In the semantic field, word meanings rarely change suddenly. Words usually develop new meanings which are related to previous ones. As a result, this process



occurs continually. Interest in semantic change is a reflection on language flexibility and also an indication that semantic, among other linguistic features, has the least resistant on changes. In addition, the cause of semantic change is taken to be an effort of individual speakers to communicate and express their thoughts. In relation to the lexical field, semantic change affects the structure of lexical fields because change in the meaning of one word in the field requires changes in the meaning of the other words. Child language, vagueness, loss of motivation, polysemy, ambiguous contexts, and structure of the vocabulary are some factors which influence semantic changes.

Semantic experts offer quite varied classifications of semantic changes.

Most of them are in terms of opposing pairs of mechanisms like amelioration- pejoration, broadening-narrowing, metaphor-metonymy (Traugott and Dasher,

2002). McMahon (1994), for example, pursues similar classifications. Broadening

(extension or generalization) increases the number of contexts in which a word can be used, although again, paradoxically, reducing the amount of information conveyed about each one. Some examples of broadening can be seen in the word bird which originally means ‗small fowl‘ and broadens to ‗any winged creature‘; the word barn previously means ‗place to store barley‘ and turns into ‗farm building for storage and shelter‘.

The next classification is narrowing (restriction or specialization). O‘Grady et. al (2005) assert that narrowing involves an increase in information conveyed, since a restricted form is applicable to fewer situations but it tells us more about each one. For instance, hound which previously means ‗any dog‘ becomes ‗a



hunting breed‘; meat changes into ‗flesh of an animal‘ from ‗any type of food‘. In the following classification, as the attitude of speakers and hearers to particular words may change as the value assigned to the referents of words alters, it will result in improvement of word meaning (amelioration) or decrease of word meaning (pejoration). Amelioration involves an improvement in assigned value, for example, pretty previously means ‗tricky, sly, cunning‘ and then turns into

‗attractive‘. Pejoration is a downward move in evaluative attitude, is frequently due to social prejudice or shifts in societal attitudes (Hughes, 1988, in McMahon,

1994). For example, silly previously defines as ‗happy or prosperous‘ and then shifts into ‗foolish‘, and wench simply means ‗girl‘ into ‗wanton woman or prostitute‘.

Murphy and Koskela (2010) expand the standard classification with the addition of metaphor, metonymy, and bleaching. Metaphorical change occurs when a word comes to be used to refer to something it does not denote literally; however, it has some kind of resemblance to the literal meaning. For instance, the word head originally means ‗body part above the neck‘, and then it changes into

‗a person in charge of an organization‘. Another example is stud which means

‗good-looking sexy man‘ which is derived from a ‗male animal used for breeding‘.

Metonymy involves a word being used to refer to something that is associated with its literal denotation. For example, tea is rather interpreted as

‗evening meal accompanied by drinking tea‘ than simply as a ‗drink‘. Anorak, also, is ‗a hooded jacket‘ which then signified ‗a nerdy person, stereotypically



viewed as wearing an anorak‘. The last classification is semantic bleaching/shift which involves the weakening of meaning, typically through overuse of a particular word. Semantic bleaching/shift can also refer to the loss of lexical meaning that occurs in the process of grammaticalization. Bead, for instance, means ‗prayer‘ which recently denotes into ‗prayer bead‘ and immoral is ‗not customary‘ which shifts into ‗unethical‘.

2.3 Language and linguistics in LGBT communities

To begin with, in discussing language, gender, and sexuality, it needs to be stated that the terms sex and gender are inseparable; two concepts which so frequently mixed and mistaken. Singh and Peccei (2004) define sex as biological category, which is usually fixed before birth, while gender refers to social category, which is associated with certain behavior. On the whole, gender is a broadly and commonsensically accepted concept as people tend to grow up surrounded by a particular set or concept of gender. It is so reasonable that people generally accept it to be true. Gender is embedded in so thoroughly in our institutions, our actions, our beliefs, and our desires, that it appears to us to be completely natural (Eckert and McConnell-Ginet, 2003).

What appears to be urgent is to look beyond this common sense and formulate fresh perspective, especially in relation to the use of language which may become a building block of beliefs. It then creates the term gender differences which—according to the Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender—defined as differences between females and males that reflect cultural expectations and experiences. In more popular jargon, these cultural expectations and experiences



lead to gender stereotypes that also greatly contribute to dichotomous patterns of speech: masculine – feminine as well as homosexual – heterosexual.

There are facts that English employs two different terms to describe opposing gender. For instance, in describing animals, English uses lion-lioness, stag-doe, and stallion-mare or in describing professions, e.g. steward-stewardess, waiter-waitress, and actor-actress. Spender (1985 cited in Saul, 2010) argues that males have had far more power in society, and this has included the power to enforce their view of the world, especially through the use of language. Sexism in language, she asserts, does enhance the position of males, and males have had control over the production of cultural forms. Nevertheless, linguists may come to a consensus that it is the user who can determine whether or not language can be sexist. Social construct plays a vital role in this point, so that some symmetrical terms introduced, e.g. police officer, flight attendant, and chairperson to construct bias-free perspective on gender-related dictions. In this sense, language used has started to diminish the notion of placing one gender over another and contributed in shaping nondiscriminatory perception upon gender.

In line with , a new approach is introduced namely gender theory. Gender studies and queer theory explore issues of sexuality, power, and marginalized populations in literature and culture (Brizee and Tompkins, 2010).

Theorists and critics working in these two theories are interested in the breakdown of binaries, such as, male and female, the in-betweens. Hence, the study of queer or lavender linguistics comes to its popularity. This branch of linguistic analysis works mainly under queer theoretical perspective which according to Leap (1995)



is an important new linguistic enterprise. In Leap‘s term, lavender linguistics is the study of the construction of ―lesbian and gay genders‖ in everyday language use in particular cultural and social domains Issues of authenticity, passing and eroticized language play as well as the salience of silence, non-verbal behavior and gaze, are characteristic of a developing queer or lavender linguistics.

The term lavender language and linguistics is used to address issues related to the pronunciation, vocabulary, and meaning of the language of the gay community. It characterizes the homosexual code by employing acronyms, word play, and double meaning, in order to maintain secretive manner and exclusiveness on the language used within the inner circle. The adjective lavender implies ‗gay-friendly‘ situation surrounding gay issues. Lewis (2010) asserts that lavender is the color most often associates with lesbian and gays. Furthermore, some use this term referring to the homosexual life style. The language itself adapts Polari, lexicon used in 1950 – 1960s—in which issues related to gayness considered taboo and restricted.

Chauncey (1994 cited in Mey, 2009) asserts that in the early 20th century in the U.S., the term queer was used as a term of self-reference (or identity category) for homosexual men who adopted masculine behavior. By the 1970s, 'queer' had been appropriated by heterosexuals as a pejorative and ceased to be used as a term for self-reference by homosexual men. Later, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, a political activist organization known as attempted to reclaim 'queer' as a general term for sexual and gender minorities. Here, 'queer' includes—but is not restricted to—all sexual and gender minorities. Thus the common



denominator for is their marginalization and exclusion rather than being unified by some common identity or shared social practices.

By focusing on individuals who are not prototypical members of traditional

(ethic) identity categories, the study on language use under queer theory attempts to gain insight into the normative forces that underlie social practice. This field, commonly named queer linguistics, emphasizes the language practices at the margins of traditional approaches in order to examine how membership in particular speech communities is negotiated and contested. Moreover, by using particular linguistic variables, speakers may associate themselves with (or in opposition to) particular identity categories and norms for the interpretation and use of indexical meanings (Bucholtz and Hall, 2003, 2004).

Motschenbacher (2010) states that queer linguistics transfers ideas from queer theory to linguistics. Queer theory has evolved as a reaction to the gay and lesbian rights movement in the U.S. in the 1970s and 1980s, when many activists started to question that there is a coherent lesbian, gay male, or even gay-and- lesbian subject to base political agency on. For queer linguistics, all identity categories are problematic because they normatively regulate and exclude those who do not fully meet their normative requirements. This is true for the categories

‗woman‘ and ‗man‘, but just as well for ‗lesbian‘ and gay, which are not treated as internally homogeneous in queer linguistics.

The study of gay male ways of speaking first emerged in the early 20th century. During this period, male was understood largely in terms of , and men and women who displayed normative gendered



behaviors were not generally considered homosexual, even if they engaged in sexual acts with members of their own sex (Chauncey, 1994 in Mey, 2009). Since gay male language was seen as a byproduct of deviant sexuality and gender expression, research focused primarily on sexual vocabulary and the alternative use of gendered language, such as the use of female pronouns and feminine proper names by . Whereas some linguists saw gay male and lesbian language as a unique form of cultural expression, others viewed gay and lesbian ‗argot‘ as a result of oppression and marginalization. Those who favored assimilation and believed that gay men and should differ from heterosexuals only in terms of sexual practice viewed homosexual ‗slang‘ as a byproduct of oppression against homosexuality.

Building on the 'ethnic model' of the civil rights movement, linguistics typically viewed gay male language as a basic component of gay and lesbian culture. Bruce Rogers (1972) and Julia Penelope Stanley (1970) collected extensive vocabularies of lexical items that were typically seen as reflecting the unique cultural identity of gay and lesbian speakers. The first major collection of research specifically examining gay and lesbian language was Gayspeak

(Chesebro, 1981). There are pros and contras upon the findings. Hayes (1981) argued that gayspeak was an authentically gay way of speaking that differed from heterosexual language in three particular contexts: the 'secret setting', the 'social setting', and the 'activist-radical' setting. On the other hand, Dersey (1981) questioned the existence of gayspeak, arguing that the structures described by

Hayes were not unique to gay or lesbian communities. He argued that gay male



language was not particularly different from the language used by other marginalized groups.

Another research is the work of William Leap (1996). The study of lavender linguistics was a respond to the surfacing phenomena of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) movement in the U.S. In real sense, it also comes up as an alternative standpoint to traditional approach of language and gender. Leap

(1995 cited in McIlvenny, 2002) argues that lavender linguistics construes the construction of ―lesbian and gay genders‖ in everyday language used in particular cultural and social domains as an important new linguistic enterprise. A developing study on this field of linguistics can be seen through the investigation of authenticity, passing and eroticized language play, as well as the salience of silence, non-verbal behavior and gaze.

He worked on an authentically gay male language, Gay Men's English that differs from the language of heterosexuals. Leap described gay men's English largely in terms of norms for interaction such as the use of cooperative discourse.

However, Kulick (2000) claimed that none of the structures decried by Leap are unique to gay men. Hence, Leap openly admitted that his view of Gay Men's

English is restricted to a specific subset of gay men, namely white middle-class men in the U.S. Leap argued that although Gay Men's English does not reflect the language of all gay men's English, it is an important marker of gay identity for many speakers and has spread to other groups of gay men with the globalization of Western views of homosexuality (Leap and Boellstorff, 2004).



Although the linguistic structures of gay and lesbian language overlap with the speech of other social groups, it is more likely that the distinctive character of gay and lesbian language might be found in the ways in which those structures are combined (instead of the structures themselves). For example, in camp talk,

Harvey (1998, 2000) analyzed it as a set of rhetorical devices that produce a style that indexes gay male identity. Furthermore, he asserted four basic linguistic strategies: paradox—the juxtaposition of contradictory or conflicting meanings, inversion--the reversal of the expected meanings of signs, such as the use of ‗she‘ to refer to a man, ludicrism—utterances that highlight ambiguity or indeterminacy in meaning, and parody--forms that exaggerate stereotypes about speaker orientation. In Harvey's analysis, the linguistic structures involved are not uniquely gay, but the way in which particular structures are combined serves to index gay male identity.

Most early studies of gay male and lesbian language use focused on

'homosexual slang', or the lexical items unique to gay and lesbian communities.

Many early researchers viewed gay and lesbian vocabulary as a mechanism for dealing with the stigma of homosexuality. Some view gay or lesbian slang as a survival strategy creating a social space in which being homosexual was acceptable. Some view it as negative result of social marginalization that continued to exclude gay men and lesbians from larger society. Moreover, that gay vocabulary was not simply a mechanism for dealing with stigma but that it was a means of defining social roles in gay and lesbian communities (Kulick,



2000). A well-known example is British's Polari which will be discussed in the second part of this section.

A final aspect of gay language and linguistics is the role of language in maintaining or the social norms that enforce hegemonic

(compulsory) heterosexuality and marginalize gay, lesbian, or transgendered speakers. This research has transformed the field of language and gender into the field of language, gender, and sexuality (Bucholtz, 2004). Gray (2011) determines that heteronormativity is a term used by social theorists in order to discuss the way in which gender and sexuality are separated into hierarchically organized categories. It has become one of the most important ways of thinking about sexuality within the academic study of sexuality.

It is through heteronormative discursive practices that lesbian and gay lives are marginalized socially and politically and, as a result, can be invisible within social spaces such as schools. Theorists have become interested more recently with bisexual, transgender and intersex lives. If one is able to exist between gender and sexual categories of identity, then one provides a counter argument to the idea that gender and sexuality are fixed and/or natural human characteristics and provide a way to challenge the understandings of these categories.

2.4 LGBT and gay movement in the United States

The history of LGBT movements in the United States dated back in the early settlement of European immigrants to the New World as well as several recorded historical evidences in which the Native tribes also illustrated the same-



sex sexual behavior. Furthermore, the world of same-sex sexual and cross-gender desires and acts existed across United States history in the late 19th century inspired more audacious and militant movement in the mid-twentieth century.

The campaigns for equality, freedom, justice, and liberation waged by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender in United States started around 1950s.

However, the growth of LGBT studies came into surface in the 1970s. Stein et. al

(2004) state that researchers working on the field of LGBT share the same opinion that the language used to describe sexualities and genders has changed over the course of U.S. history and this language has reflected and produced not only changing meanings but also practices.

According to Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, the milestone of modern gay-rights movement in the United States is Stonewall riot on 28 June 1969. The riot sparked when an officer of New York City Police Department raid an illegal . As the impact, LGBT activists in New York set up the first Gay

Liberation Front which also recruited wide-ranging members, e.g. Black Power, feminist, and anti-Vietnam War activists. More and more cells of the Gay

Liberation Front started to demonstrate their stances. Moreover, it got more radical and confrontational as well.

Some activists chose to go on marched and occasionally ended up in clash with local officers. Some others picked political path to gain more power that will benefit the ideal they stood for the LGBT movements. Several standing figures who had admitted their affectionate orientation, yet publicly gained official status were Kathy Kozachenko (Ann Arbor City Council), Elaine Noble (Massachusetts



House of Representatives), and Harvey Milk (San Francisco Board of

Supervisors) (Stein, 2004).

In particular, Harvey Milk was considered as the first openly LGBT elected official of a large U.S. city (Stein, 2004). He was a liberal Democrat who supported equal rights for minorities and women. Milk only served 11 months in the Board of Supervisors since November 27, 1978. He and a fellow official,

Major George Moscone, were assassinated by former city supervisor, Dan White.

In his short political career, Milk successfully urged to prohibit discrimination in housing and employment based on affectionate orientation and started programs that benefited to minorities, workers and the elderly.

Milk is considered an ill-fated politician, even a martyr, for his short period of service for San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Born and grew up in New

York, Milk had been aware of his homosexuality in his youth. He graduated from

New York State College and joined the navy for 5 years service. With his gay partner, Scott Smith, Milk built a camera shop in a working-class part of San

Francisco which then developed into the city‘s gay neighborhood. Castro District mainly became Milk‘s alignment for all of his political movements. Starting from

Castro district, Milk gained his political fame and alliance with other minorities in the city.

In discussing lexical features used in gay community, it is crucial to seek for social aspects which shaped the identity through language used. Clarke

(2010) introduces the concept of LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) which as much as part of society as any other group; they contain



people with a wide range of views, some of which do not always match up to the

‗progressive‘ or ‗radical‘ views that people are assumed to hold, such as, gender, , transgender and queer, race, religion and spirituality, rural life, and ability.

2.5 Milk and the history of LGBT films

LGBT films in United States grow mainly in underground level. As the nature of taboo upon LGBT issues works in the similar way all over the world around 1960 – 1970s, interests in depicting gay or lesbian life should produce films independently, sometimes under the mask of artworks. Benshoff and Griffin in Queer Images: A History of Gay and Lesbian Film in America illustrate that sexuality (of all kinds) was a taboo subject for roughly the first two-thirds of the twentieth century. Queer images in early American film are especially hard to find, and often they look very different from those produced today because even the cultural meanings of basic terms such as heterosexuality and homosexuality were in their instability.

Images of gay and lesbian lovemaking were almost totally absent from classical Hollywood films. A good example is a short film experiment shot at the estate of Thomas Edison in the 1890s. Today, the film is commonly entitled The

Gay Brothers (1895), but the film itself had no title card. In this short snippet of a half-minute long scene, two men clasp each other and dance in circles.

This cinematic record of same-sex physical intimacy is provocative, yet the image‘s intent is difficult to know for certain. In 1970s, different approach of



producing films depicting homosexual life is highly influenced by current socio- political situation. In addition, gay came to replace the more clinical term homosexual, and a new concept of —to families, friends, and coworkers—became the key strategy to sexual liberation and pride in oneself. The felt need for media representation of queer lives was acute, and rather than wait for Hollywood to mend its ways, queer people began to produce their own films in unprecedented numbers.

However, there was also a new desire to produce films that would document the emerging LGBT communities of the 1970s and to reclaim the gay and lesbian past. The aim of these films was multiple. They were meant to unearth historic

LGBT communities that had been formerly overlooked and through that process help define and solidify the struggles of contemporary queers. These documentaries also demonstrated that gay and lesbian people were indeed everywhere, in every walk of life. The rallying cry ―Out of the closets—and into the streets!‖ was heard with increasing frequency. By coming out, gay and lesbian people of this generation hoped to dispel negative stereotypes, show the straight world that they existed in great numbers, and develop a sense of pride in themselves (Benshoff and Griffin, 2006)

One of the most important gay liberation victories occurred in 1973, when the Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association voted to remove homosexuality from its official list of mental disorders. Another important aspect of gay liberation was the solidification of gay male and lesbian identities and communities in most large western cities. By 1977, over two hundred



thousand people were marching in San Francisco‘s annual parade. In addition, the existence of gay male and lesbian had an impact on the commercial sector of most large cities: gay bars, bathhouses, nightclubs, discos, coffee shops, bookstores, movie theaters, music festivals, and gift shops began to appear in neighborhoods where homosexual people congregated.

As the dream of a utopian LGBT community was splintering into various smaller queer communities, a growing backlash against any and all forms of queerness was taking place. The gay liberation movement was a thorn in the sides of some people, and moralists began to invoke the Bible (as well as discredited medical ―experts‖) as a means to justify their prejudice. Faded pop singer Anita

Bryant launched a successful campaign to repeal gay rights protections in

Florida, and the Briggs Initiative in California—which would have outlawed gay and lesbian teachers—was fiercely debated before it was narrowly defeated.

By the 1970s, underground cinema, physique films, and sexploitation pictures were all evolving into other modes. As obscenity laws were repealed, physique films and sexploitation films were superseded by gay-male hardcore pornography.

Underground cinema also morphed into new—and more sexually explicit—forms

(Benshoff and Griffin, 2006).

Milk is a biopic directed by Gus Van Sant about the life of Harvey Milk, gay activist, and politician from the Castro Street, San Francisco. His last eight-year life, including his success as first openly gay person to be voted into public office, depicted in the film in a chronological order. The film itself starred Sean Penn

(Harvey Milk), James Franco (Scott Smith), and Josh Brolin (Dan White), the



newly working partner yet opposing supervisor. The script was written by Dustin

Lance Black whom adapted the screenplay from a biographical book Harvey

Milk: The Major of Castro Street.

The film and script received mixed reviews, mostly positive. A renowned movie reviewer, rated Milk of 94% from professional critics and 88% from general audience. It reflected positive acceptance on the depiction of the life of a popular gay figure made into film. Both the film and script received various awards namely 8 Academy Awards nominations (won Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for Sean Penn and Best Writing, Original

Screenplay for Dustin Lance Black), 4 BAFTA Awards (won Best Film, Best

Leading Actor, Best Make Up & Hair, and Best Screenplay – Original), and 2

Writer Guild of America Awards, both for Dustin Lance Black‘s screenplay.

2.6 Review of related research

In discussing dialect in the gay community, it is necessary to be discussed some prior related research to provide background understanding and possible interconnectedness with the study. Here, it is essential to emphasize that gay and lesbian language may occur entirely within a context of straight society, where language may convey social information about sexual orientation that is not detected or understood by straights present in the interaction (Baker, 1997, in

Livia and Hall, 1997). There are two researches taken into consideration here, the

Polari and Bar Queen‘s slang. Both researches are principally based on the invention and development of lexicon in the communities employing the slangs.



The first example is Polari, a Gay British Slang. Polari or ‗Palare‘ is a gay slang language which was popular in 1960‘s and almost died out recently. It was used in the time when gays needed more private slang. Particularly in London, there were two types of Polari dialects, West End—mainly influenced by theater- like neighborhood and East End which is based on canal/ boat-speak. Baker

(2002) asserts that Polari is principally a lexicon which derived from various sources. It mainly covers some common features of slang, such as, rhyming, backslang, Italian, Occitan, French, Lingua Franca, American airforce, drug-user,

Parlyaree (slang for tinkers, beggars, and travelling players) and Cant (older form of slang used by criminals).

This slang is used chiefly by gay men, yet, lesbians, female impersonators, theater people, prostitutes, sea-queens (gay men in merchant navy), and even straight people also use it. There was almost no written evident on Polari. Yet, there was a BBC radio program namely Round the Horne in the late 1960s which made Polari widely recognized. Constant users of Polari in this radio show are fictional Julian and Sandy—played by Hugh Paddick and Kenneth Williams.

Other Polari users are British actors, like, Julian Clary, Larry Grayson, and Peter

Wyngarde. The lexicon covers adjectives (bijou for small, bona for good/nice, and fantabulous for wonderful), nouns (carsey for toilet, esong for nose, and gelt for money), and sex-related terms (blow job) for to give oral sex, dish for anus/bum, and trade for a gay sex partner).

The second example is Bar Queen speech. This is a language used by bar queens in Texas. Barrett (in Livia and Hall, 1997) defines bar queens as gay men



with dense social networks centered on gay bars and for whom being gay is a self- categorization of primary importance. The study of Bar Queens’ speech was chiefly a broad discussion on the form and use of the speech intended to raise issues relevant to the way in which might be studied.

There are some features found in this study which can actually be classified as a stereotype of gay men‘s speech and found relatively similar in any gay community. The first is the use of lexical items which specify color terms, empty adjectives (e.g. marvelous, adorable, etc), hedges, and boosters. The second is the use of wider pitch range for intonational contours. The next is hypercorrect pronunciation, the presence of phonologically non-reduced forms, and hyperextended vowels. And then, there is also use of lexical items specific to gay

(fish to describe women in pejorative sense, work it to show a way to attract one‘s attention in a bar, and Miss Thang or Mizz Thang to refer to someone who thinks highly of her/himself. The final feature is the use of H*L intonational contour, mostly in vowels, like in ―FAABulous‖.

2.7 Theoretical Framework

Language varies according to its circumstances. Holmes (2001) points out that language varies according to its users, according to where it is used and to whom, as well who is using it. In sociolinguistics, the study on language variation covers up the surfacing phenomena on variety of words, phrases, and expressions.

This study focuses on identifying and analyzing lexical features in the script Milk.



It particularly investigates distinctive linguistic features which go hand-in-hand with gay community.

In identifying and analyzing lexical features, Wolfram and Schilling-Estes‘s

(2006) theory is being used since the study needs to point out words and phrases classified under lexical, phonological, syntactical, and language use (pragmatics) differences. Here, the researcher focuses on the lexical items which are going to be analyzed in the following chapter. With lexical semantics theory from

Pustejovsky, classifications are made and they will determine patterns in the findings and their significances in term of particular characteristics which represent gay speakers in the script.

Seeing social condition in shaping meaning, the researcher use semantic change to scrutinize changes in meaning on various lexical items found in the script. As semantic change deals with change in meaning; a new meaning is added to the already existing meanings (Campbell, 1998; Blank, 2001, in Heim 2006).

The researcher considers the use of dictionary in explaining changes in word meaning. These dictionaries are Standard English dictionaries, like Oxford

Advance Dictionary, Cambridge Advance Dictionary, Merriam-Webster Online

Dictionary, and Longman Online Dictionary. In seeing meaning change, online urban dictionary is being used as it provides context, especially on taboo and slang words. The reason of using online urban dictionary is that it is the only accessible source which is in line with the aim of the study and it also gives quite distinct explanation to meaning shift in the words and phrases under the study.



In addition to the information put in the first and second sections, the analysis on the lexical features will also cover the rise of LGBT movements in

U.S., oppressive and violent responds in dealing with LGBT movements, as well as social pressure put into the movements themselves. The discussion will also cover obstacles, physical and social implication of living in LGBTQ communities.

To relate the discussion on psychosocial aspect of the aforementioned communities, the researcher will also quotes the history and development of

LGBT in United States by Stein (2004).





The third chapter presents steps in collecting and analyzing the data used in this research. In the section of data collection, the researcher presents source, type and number of the data. Next, the process of gathering the data will be explained which is followed by the explanation on how the data is treated before it is being analyzed under data processing section. Finally, the researcher presents some procedures in analyzing the data in the data analysis.

3.1 Data collection

For this study, the researcher used the script of Milk as the source of data.

The data were taken from primary source which were already available in an internet website. There are two advantages in using primary data in a research.

First and foremost, primary data provide basic unbiased information and considered as original data. In this sense, the data are regarded raw and available to be utilized. In addition, as mentioned in (accessed in 11 July

2012), collecting data using primary source offers an immediate picture of events, often reveals information not found elsewhere, does not interpret the evidence after the fact, and aids in the discovery of truth about a person, event, issue, etc.

However, it is also stated that this type of source also has weaknesses, such as, it is difficult to read, only a representative of one point in time with no explanation of preceding or following events, and may also be biased, one-sided and



emotional because of a limited perspective. For this study, the researcher was mainly based her choice on primary data which was in form of film script since the source itself is highly attainable and regarded as original piece of work, as well as the acclaimed award-winning product which reassured the quality of the work.

In acquiring the data, the script Milk‘s was obtained from, one of the largest and most respected sources of film script. The website provided original script which can be used freely as far as under educational purposes term.

The script was chosen as it contained written forms of character‘s expressions, especially those considered the reflection of language used in gay community.

The expressions under study which were being used are in the form of linguistic unit namely words, phrases, and language expressions. The researcher collected one hundred and thirty items which reflected common features used by the gay community in the script. The data were classified as word and phrase which principally reflected lexical items used in the gay community. These data were used in identifying semantic change to determine meaning development in the features under study.

There were two steps in collecting the data used in this study. The first step was collecting the data from and then, downloaded script and converted it into Ms. Word format in order to be read, and reread easily. Although the script provided sufficient setting in each scene, the researcher opted to watch the film Milk in order to achieve understanding upon parts of the script which



were best described visually. This helped the researcher, later on, in classifying lexical features appeared in the film script.

The next step was sorting the data which contained chosen lexical features.

In addition to the previous steps, the data were then classified into several categories. One hundred and thirty data in form of words and phrases were divided into two categories, taboo words and gay slang. Next, the data were also classified into seven categories of semantic change to determine types of meaning change took place in the script.

In assuring the accuracy on the result of data classification, the researcher used the help of proofreaders. These proofreaders are fellow graduate students who are currently studying linguistics. This was an essential step since checking and crosschecking were greatly needed to keep the classification and the interpretation of the data was on the right track. In choosing the proofreaders, the researcher mainly based her decision on the availability of the proofreaders themselves and their familiarity with the field under study. They worked on the data classification made by the writer and gave written feedback that will be used for improving both data classification and analysis.

3.2 Data analysis

In analyzing the data from the script Milk, the researcher worked under a framework commonly used in a sociolinguistics study. The framework which was used in this study consists of describing lexical features used and of explaining the meaning changes which occur in the lexical features in relation with the social



condition in the 1960 – 1970s. This framework was mainly similar to most study working in sociolinguistic field. Sociolinguistic study was used to investigate social aspect of language. McArthur (1998) asserts that sociolinguistics focuses on how the use and norms of language vary from one society to another and the way in which attitudes influence perceptions of the characteristics and abilities of speakers. Therefore, study which mainly links the relationship between language and social class background become issue of considerable sociolinguistic importance.

The researcher employed two steps in analyzing the data. First, using linguistic and social theories, the researcher employed an analysis in exploring forms of lexical features used in the study under Wolfram and Schilling-Estes‘ framework. The theory determined the lexical features used by the gay community. The significance of the language used in characterizing community‘s membership by the use of typical lexical features was then interpreted with the related theories which illustrated social-political situation in United States in 1960

– 1970s. These resources were being used as the fundamental assumption in investigating the relation between language used in the community and gay—and

LGBT, in general—movement in the era.

Another point is the data classification to determine types of meaning change took place in the script. The data were classified according to Murphy and

Koskela‘s (2010) categories of semantic change namely narrowing, broadening, pejoration, amelioration, metaphor, metonymy, and semantic bleaching or shift.

The data would also be linked to theories on language variations and LGBT



movements, to enhance the discussion on language used in gay community. From these categories, typical words and phrases analyzed according to frequency of occurrence and significance of use due to their contexts, especially the LGBT movement in 1960 – 1970s, if any.

In analyzing both lexical features and meaning changes, the researcher selected scenes in the script in which the words and phrases reflected the language used by people in the gay community. These words and phrases were then classified and coded according to the groups mentioned in the aforementioned theories. The coded data were then interpreted in line with related theories, both in linguistics and social. Finally, the researcher presented her findings in the subsequent section, findings and discussion.





This chapter describes findings and discussion on the result of the study. In the first section, the findings which mainly answer the first research question mentioned in the first chapter of the paper are presented. Next, the second section offers interpretation on the findings which answers the second research question.

These two sections elaborate both findings and theories which have presented in earlier and some additional theories. It aims to enhance the explanation or interpretation of the data.

4.1 Lexical features in the script Milk

In order to answer the first research question about the lexical features used in the gay community in the script Milk, the classifications are made based on

Wolfram and Schilling-Estes‘s (2006) theory on several different levels of variation. The levels include vocabulary of a language (lexicon), the sound system of a language (phonology), the formation of words and sentences (grammar), the meanings of words (semantics), and the use of language forms to perform different functions (pragmatics).

Here, the researcher focuses on the use of lexicon or vocabulary since choices of word is considered significant, especially in depicting a particular community. According to Pustejovsky (1993), no longer is the lexicon simply the repository for thematic roles and certain grammatical exceptions. It is rather being



seen as a rich theoretical construct with its own complexity and formal properties.

It means that lexicon or vocabulary matters since it bears properties which are worthed to be explored. The result shows that there are 130 data out of 161 scenes in the film script. During the data classification, several words appear repeatedly and most of them share similar meanings. Consequently, in seeing the distribution of the data, in each of its occurrence, the words are classified based on the number of occurrence as illustrated in the table 4.1. They are grouped under the terms of word and phrase.

Table. 4.1 Frequency Distribution of the Lexical Features

Number of No Classification Items Occurrence 1 Word Fuck 13 Gay 11 Shit 8 Come (out) 8 Goddamn 7 Trick 4 Asshole 3 Queer 3 Queen 3 Pot 3 Faggot 2 The us‘s 2 2 Phrase What the hell/heck? 3 Total 70

However, there are also words or phrases which only occur once throughout the whole script, as shown in table 4.2 and 4.3. These findings constitute the variety of expressions used by the characters. Table 4.2 indicates the single



occurrence of taboo words in the script. There are 13 words and 7 phrases classified within this category.

Table. 4.2 Single Occurrence of Taboo Words in the Script

No Word Phrase 1 Doused licking you 2 Cute (a) bit over the top 3 cock, balls, prick sucking them off 4 Heck to take over 5 Goners so passé 6 Ghetto lay off 7 doggy-doo pissed off 8 Hippie 9 Catch 10 tinker bell 11 lotus-blossom 12 Goner 13 Push

In addition, there are also words and phrases found in the group of gay slang, as shown in table 4.3. The occurrences of these findings mainly reflected various usage of slang which characterizes the community member in this script.

There are 5 words and 32 phrases which are classified within this category.

Table. 4.3 Single Occurrence of Gay Slang in the Script

No Word Phrase 1 bigotry Boss Tweed, Mayor Daly 2 cock-sucking back in concentration camps 3 (the) fruit witch hunt 4 (the) straights fight the hell back 5 (a) prick take after 6 stood in our way 7 pretty cute



8 my high heels 9 all this political activist crap 10 my little poo 11 handsome suit 12 (a) shopping list 13 closet case 14 put out literature 15 our backs to the wall 16 a bunch of pansies 17 some kind of street shrink 18 straight candidates 19 all of your lesbian 20 a slew of them 21 all first lady 22 your boyfriend 23 fresh heads 24 sore losers 25 sore winner 26 (a) "homosexual" with power 27 some uppers 28 (a) new of scene 29 (a) total joke 30 no scene 31 around the corner 32 gets dragged

In this section, the findings in form of words and phrases are divided into two groups, taboo or swear words and gay slang. These two categories are basically made as the major findings indicate these classifications. In taboo words, there are fuck, shit, goddamn, asshole, pot, and what the hell/heck? Subsequently, on gay slang, there are gay, come out, trick, queer, queen, faggot, and the us’s.

The following paragraphs are the interpretations of the aforementioned classifications.

There are a number of taboo or swear words used in this script and various reasons can be used in determining this finding. Pinker (2007) states that taboo



language enters into a startling array of human concerns, from capital crimes in the Bible to the future of electronic media. Whether they are referred to as swearing, cursing, cussing, profanity, obscenity, indecency, vulgarity, blasphemy, expletives, oaths, or epithets; as dirty, four-letter, or taboo words; or as bad, coarse, crude, foul, salty, earthy, raunchy, or off-color language.

Jay (2009) further asserts that taboo in English is placed primarily on sexual references (blow job, cunt), and on those that are considered profane or blasphemous (goddamn, Jesus Christ). In addition, taboo extend to scatological referents and disgusting objects (shit, crap, douche bag); some animal names

(bitch, pig, ass); ethnic-racial-gender slurs (nigger, fag, dago); insulting references to perceive psychological, physical, or social deviations (retard, wimp, lard ass); ancestral allusions (son of a bitch, bastard); substandard vulgar terms

(fart face, on the rag); and offensive slang (cluster fuck, tit run). Indeed, most of the classifications above appear in this script, as described in the following section.

To start with, the findings illustrate common occurrence of the sexual reference word fuck. It is commonly used in various groups since the word fuck is widely known for its versatility. From the findings, it can be identified that there are various forms of fuck. In this script, fuck not only shows intimacy upon the members of the gay community in Castro Street, but it also represents the emotive situation in each of its occurrence, such as, anger, insult, disgust, and even joy.

Fuck appears as single word in six data and the following paragraphs are some interpretations of the data. First, in scene 53, Harvey Milk and



are staying up in the night before the election. They are talking about the chance of winning the supervisor seat that year.

Harvey Milk: Can you assemble a thousand people in an hour? Cleve Jones: Fuck, Yeah. Harvey Milk: Well, if I run again, you're gonna be my man.

The use of fuck in this excerpt shows confidence rather than anger. Throughout his several supervisor candidacies, Jones is Milk‘s trusted campaign staff. He owns the quality of organizing people which Milk recognized right after they met.

In this situation, Jones is being tested, whether he can assemble gay people for a protest in one hour. Jones shows his eagerness by the use of fuck to make it more convincing. In this scene, this taboo word offers positive tone, quite different from its typical negative tone.

The next is in scene 82 where Milk gives a tour for Jones in his new office in the city hall. Passing by some of his colleagues‘ offices, he identifies them either as friend or foe. At the time they pass ‘s office, Milk‘s statement is as follows.

Harvey Milk: And street talk only around Feinstein. Shit, goddamn, fuck, all that. It bugs the hell out of her. (arriving at his office) Annie, can you set Cleve up on mail? : Will do. Harvey Milk: Come into my office...

Dianne Feinstein is the chairperson of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. In this context, Milk tries to describe her responsibilities and to make them dramatic, he uses several taboo words, including fuck, all at once. Here, the use of shit, goddamn, fuck gives stronger emphasis on the responsibilities and pressures

Feinstein has to carry out. Taboo words used in this scene provide a highlight to



either preceding or subsequent utterance; it may also give dramatic effect to the utterance itself.

The third occurrence is in scene 100. The scene takes place in Castro and

Market Street where Cleve Jones is in his attempt to assemble people for a march.

As Milk supervises from afar, Jones tries to both speak and direct the crowd to move into the City Hall. It turns out that the crowd does not move to the direction which Jones is expected.

Cleve Jones: Forty years ago tonight, the gay citizens of Germany found out they no longer had civil rights. Tomorrow morning, the gay citizens of Wichita will also awaken to find that they too have lost their civil rights. You have whistles. You use them when we have been attacked. Tonight we have been attacked. (cont'd) Fuck. Shit. Harvey! Get the press to the marquee. Cleve Jones (cont'd): Move... Left... Move... Left...

In this excerpt, the use of fuck shows how Jones is panicking when the crowd moves in an unexpected direction and Milk does not seem to lend a hand to direct the crowd‘s movement. In this sense, fuck indicates rush, as well as emotional circumstances following the use of the word.

In addition to demonstrate the versatility of fuck, there is a scene which indicates that it can also be used in form of verb. At this point, the word mainly expresses anger. In the scene 91, Milk and his staff gather up in the office of Phil

Burton, U.S. congressman, to discuss about Proposition Six which is part of Anita

Bryan‘s initiative to exclude gay people from any part of social practices.

David Goodstein: (condescending to Cleve) we deceive people into thinking we can beat this, we'll have riots and only increase this backlash. Harvey Milk: Good point, David. Maybe we should just roll over. And make it easier for Briggs to fuck us in the ass.



The growing number of supporters on Anita Bryan‘s proposition made Milk weary, as shown in the phrase to fuck us in the ass. It expresses Milk‘s frustration and rage. The phrase itself is a term of insult, literally means having anal sex. It can be interpreted that there is weak or even no bargaining position owned by minorities in the board. Hence, the speaker‘s anger is given emphasis with the addition of fuck in this phrase.

In form of phrase, fuck is used in several ways. The first example is that fuck can be added to noun. In this part, the word fuck gives emphasis on the feeling directed to the noun being described. For instance, in scene 28, when Harvey

Milk, Scott Smith, and the rest of the campaign team discuss and debate on voting system, a young man runs into Castro Camera, Harvey‘s residence and home base of his movement, reporting on a riot between police officers and gay people.

Young Gay Man: The fucking cops, man. Cops are pulling people out of Toad Hall. Harvey Milk: Why? What did they do? Young Gay Man: They‘re sweeping the streets. It‘s happening right now. Scott Smith: Come on.

Here, the use of fucking shows the young man‘s annoyance and anger to the officer whose authority is being used to legalize violence. A club or pub is known as the place to gather up for many kinds of community. In this case, the gay movement in San Francisco was started from a club or pub gathering. San

Francisco Police Department took it as disturbing activities, so that most of the gatherings would be dismissed with or without prior notice. It is quite reasonable that the young man expresses his anger by using fucking cops in his utterance as a reaction to repeated violence done by police officers.



Another example is in scene 53, in which Cleve Jones and Harvey Milk are talking in Castro Camera, the night before supervisor election. Here, they are talking about Jones‘ lover and his break up during his travel in Spain.

Harvey Milk: Which one were your greatest lovers and which were your greatest friends. Cleve Jones: Is that supposed to help? Harvey Milk: Maybe a little. Or not. Cleve Jones: I went to Spain last month. Long story. In Barcelona, there was this memorial march for gay people that died under Franco. Of course, the police tried to break it up. But these queens didn‘t run. No. They turned around and they started a fucking riot. I saw a bullet, one of those big rubber bullets rip through a ‘s scalp, but she kept on fighting. She was screaming, but she kept on fighting. I mean... our lives. There was blood literally running in the gutter. In a gutter.

In this scene, the use of fucking with noun in the phrase a fucking riot indicates admiration, especially to address the bravery of gay people in Barcelona. The situation is quite similar to the previous example, frequent riot between gay people and police officers. What is being emphasized by the word fuck is the fact that gay and lesbian people in Barcelona opt to fight back, to show resistance which is quite in contrary to the gay people living in the neighborhood of Castro


Also, fuck can be added to an adjective as an expression of disbelief or skepticism. An example of this finding is in scene 93. Milk and his group are gathered in Cleve Jones‘ apartment discussing about ‗coming out‘. The discussion heathens up when Milk asks everyone in the group to come out to their family in order to give example to younger gay people.

Harvey Milk: The movement needs people to be up-front. Why were you fighting me in there? Scott Smith: Those are kids in there. You're asking them to lose their families.



Harvey Milk: If their families don‘t love them for who they are, who they really are, then they should lose them. Scott Smith: That's fucking insane.

In this situation, Smith is in a strong disagreement to Milk‘s statement about coming out to parents and other family members. He expresses his disbelief by a curse. In addition to his disbelief, the word fucking attaches stronger emotive element to the curse.

Another example is in scene 101B; in his office, Milk is discussing with his staffs about the growing support on Proposition 6. All of them are frustrated by the lack of support to minorities as well as possibility on stricter rule applied, especially to gay community. They then brainstorm popular issues that can increase support to Milk, a counter idea to Proposition 6.

Harvey Milk: (steaming back in) We need something populist. What's the number one complaint about problem in this city? Cleve Jones: The fucking piss smell in the Tenderloin. Harvey Milk: Close. Frank Robinson: Dog shit.

It is Robinson‘s idea which then be taken as ‗populist issue‘ in strengthening

Milk‘s position in the board, yet Jones‘ idea is unique. It implies jocular and unimportant idea. Here, fucking shows irony or sarcasm. It shows another versatility of fuck in which aside of its dominant angry tone, fuck can also convey hopelessness and mockery.

To sum up, the aforementioned examples explain the versatility of the word fuck. The word fuck not only shows intimacy upon the members of the gay community in Castro Street, but it also represents the emotive situation in each of its occurrence. Seeing from its form, fuck appears as a word as well as a phrase.



As a word, fuck is in form of noun to express emotive situation or dramatic effect, as a verb, it principally expresses anger. As a phrase, fuck is added to noun to express emotive situation, such as anger, joy and frustration. Fuck can also be added to adjective to express disbelief, skepticism, irony or sarcasm.

Secondly, the use of scatological word or word which describes disgusting object occurs in the form of shit. In this script shit, similar to fuck, can also express anger, annoyance, surprise, pleasure, condemn, and boredom. Shit in this script emerges in two ways, as a word or phrase; moreover, both are in form of noun. As a word, shit come up in the company of other taboo words, for instance, in scene 82. This scene describes the situation of Milk‘s new office in the city‘s board of supervisors. He gives a tour to Jones and shows other supervisors office, in a way to evaluate the owners‘ position to gay community.

Harvey Milk: And street talk only around Feinstein. Shit, goddamn, fuck, Harvey Milk (Cont'd): all that. It bugs the hell out of her. They arrive at his Lead Aide's desk: it's Anne Kronenberg. Harvey Milk (Cont'd): Annie, can you set Cleve up on mail? Anne Kronenberg: Will do.

Here, shit expresses Milk‘s envy on Diane Feinstein‘s popularity. Moreover, the curse is uttered convincingly with the use of goddamn and fuck, underlined the previous sentence, and expressed emotion effectively. Hence the use of shit in this context primarily points out effectiveness in conveying emotive expression, as well as giving stronger sense to the expression.

As a phrase, shit can give stronger emphasis on the speaker‘s tone, either surprised or annoyed. With the company of some other taboo words, the achieved effect gets stronger and noticeable. However, as it occurs in the script, shit is



mainly used in literal description of waste or excrement, as shown in scene 101B.

In discussing popular issue to strengthen Milk‘s position in the board, Robinson offers a proposal of fined to people whose dogs pass its waste or excrement in public space.

Frank Robinson: Dog shit. Jim Rivaldo: If you cleaned up the dog shit in the town, you‘re the next Mayor. Cleve Jones: "Mayor Milk." Harvey Milk: I like it.

Shit is interpreted quite literally in this context. The use of this scatological word chiefly addresses cleanliness issue in the city, even though it is considered ordinary and insignificant issue.

In summary, shit primarily describes a disgusting object. In this script, shit is mainly used in the literal description of waste or excrement. Similar to fuck, it can also express anger, annoyance, surprise, pleasure, condemn, and boredom.

Both as word and phrase, when shit comes up in the company of other taboo words, it gives underlined to the preceding sentence and specifically shows emotion. Even though shit is considered milder than fuck, it can convey emotive situation as efficient as the word fuck.

Thirdly, another taboo word occurs in the use of goddamn. This word mainly reflects profane or blasphemous act. The word goddamn initially has a religious-associated meaning. However, in this context, it mostly deviates from its original meaning. Goddamn effectively give emphasis on both disbelief and anger. Here, it turns out to be offensive because of its insulting tendency. In this script, goddamn occurs in two forms, either as single word or as a phrase. As an



example on the use of goddamn in form of word, scene 130 describes a situation in ‗No on Six‘ center; headquarter which Milk established as a protest and rejection to the establishment of Proposition 6. In the night of voting result, Milk is discussing with Cleve Jones on a possibility of march and strike if the proposition is finally legalized.

Cleve Jones: I can have 15,000 people here in an hour. But there's gonna be riots if this thing passes. Harvey Milk: (darkens, pointed) There goddamn well better be. Cleve Jones: (stops, a beat, then) what are you telling me? Harvey Milk: I can't say this because I'm a public official, but if this thing passes, fight the hell back.

As Proposition 6 gives less advantage to growing population of homosexuals in

San Francisco, it is quite obvious that Harvey Milk puts a lot of attention to any step in legalizing the proposal of the aforementioned regulation. Since he is still an active official, Milk cannot openly propose a strike. However, in response to

Jones‘ idea, he simply points out his agreement by using the word goddamn. It means that he implicitly agrees of a strike due to the result of the voting.

As a phrase, the following excerpt, from scene 68, shows the use of goddamn in combination with a noun. Here, the combination is resulted in an expression of exclamation. The scene shows a conversation between Milk and

Smith. Smith decides to leave as he cannot comprehend Milk‘s political ambition.

It is the day when Smith decides to take separate way.

Harvey Milk: If people are ever going to take me seriously, I have to win this one. Scott Smith: Since when did you care if anyone took you seriously? Harvey Milk: Anita wants to put us all back in concentration camps. Rick Stokes is too weak to beat her back if she gets to California. I have to be in office to protect us from them. Harvey Milk: Oh, goddamn it



The word goddamn in this context used as single word, mainly functions as interjection and expresses disbelief. Smith is a loyal and supportive partner to

Milk. However, Milk is increasingly aware of his role in maintaining gay people‘s interests to be taken into account by both politicians and commoners. At this point, his rather radical movement is in opposition to Smith‘s perspective. It irritated Milk and to channel his annoyance, goddamn comes into use as an expression of disbelief.

Another example of the use of goddamn in form of a phrase which is in combination with noun is in scene 21 where Milk and Smith are having a conversation in their apartment about Milk‘s plan to establish a business association which is gay-friendly and, in Milk‘s belief, will create a strong bond among gay people in the neighborhood.

Scott Smith: Can I come in now? Harvey Milk (O.S.): One more minute! (back to his new scheme) And I can go to the neighborhood banks. They must have some gay customers. Scott Smith: Look Harvey, What's with all this political activist crap? I mean, I thought you were a goddamn Republican.

Here, goddamn is used to express mockery and hatred. Republican is considered the conservative side of politics in United States. It indicates that gay community members most likely detached from this party since it will be quite impossible for them to propose equal treatment.

To put it briefly, in the script Milk, goddamn mainly reflects profane or blasphemous act. The word gives emphasis on both disbelief and anger. Similar to prior findings, goddamn occurs in two forms, either as single word or as a phrase with insulting tendency. As a word, goddamn can function as interjection and



express disbelief. As a phrase in combination with noun, goddamn is used to express mockery, dislike, hatred, and shock.

Next, asshole is a slang term for the anus and is used to depict a stupid or dreadful person. In the script, it mainly shares similar meaning and is in form of both word and phrase. In general, the word asshole means to describe a person‘s state of eccentricity. As it is considered soft condemn—compared to the notably offensive fuck—the word asshole can also demonstrate anger and annoyance as most of taboo words. For instance, in scene 68, as a noun phrase, Scott Smith packs his belonging and prepares to move out Milk‘s Castro Camera shop, the place where they live together, because of a continuing dispute with Milk.

Harvey Milk: Just one more. We can't let Rick Stokes take this one. Scott Smith: Let Rick Stokes take it. Nobody thinks you're a fraud here, Harvey. You're not in New York, you're not a closet case asshole anymore. People respect you here. Relax for a year. Get us back on our feet.

The use of asshole in this excerpt shows description on Milk‘s personal quality. It needs to be considered that, in the past, Milk was an ordinary homosexual. When he decided to move to Castro Street, he made movement which gives better awareness to gay and lesbian in his neighborhood, as well as provided sanctuary for these minorities. Closet case asshole itself is a poor portrayal to homosexual who stays behind the door and enjoys safety of pretending to be heterosexual.

Smith tries to give self-assurance to Milk on his success.

Scene 118 shows the use of asshole in form of a phrase, especially adjective phrase. In this scene, in his kitchen, Harvey Milk is in an argument with his partner, Jack Lira, because of his constant absence. Lira is in rage since Milk is too busy with his work and campaign team than spending some time with him.



Jack Lira: You are horrible! I have worked on this surprise for you for weeks! Harvey Milk: Are you drunk right now? Jack Lira: You are an ungrateful asshole! Harvey Milk: Jack, I'll have more time soon.

Milk is accusing Lira of being drunk which makes him angry uncontrollably. In response, Lira is blaming Milk for being insensitive to his effort to give a surprise to him. Here, Lira uses ungrateful asshole to express his disappointment.

In summary, asshole is a term which commonly used to depict a stupid or dreadful person. This term can also use to express emotion, like most of taboo words. As a word, asshole demonstrates a person‘s state of eccentricity. As a phrase, especially adjective phrase, it expresses disappointment, anger and annoyance.

Subsequently, as the script takes its setting in the 1970s, in which social movement among minorities in the U.S. reached its peak, there is a noticeably popular slang namely pot. This word originally means container; yet, it then shifts into a term for marijuana. Dated back in 1938, the term pot probably originated from Mexican Spanish potiguaya means marijuana leaves (Harper, 2001).

Movements in 1970s primarily heighten the use of marijuana, especially among young adults.

As slang, pot attains it popularity and turn out to be part of many social issues in the decade. Here, pot is frequently mentioned as one of political commodities in this script. An example on the use of pot is in scene 33. Milk is handing flyer of his supervisor candidacy when a young man named Cleve Jones,



his future campaign manager, passes him and unexpectedly involves in a small talk with Milk.

Cleve Jones: I faked a lung disease to get out of PE. So what? What are you, some kind of street shrink? Harvey Milk: Sometimes. But what I'm talking about is that we can change Phoenix. But we have to start with our street: police abuse, rent control, pot, parks, seniors issues. Cleve Jones: (turns to go) Good luck with all that.

The same interpretation can also be addressed to another line stated by Harvey

Milk, in regard to marijuana issue. Here, Milk is handing out flyer to passerby. He explicitly endorses the legal use of marijuana as an advantage of voting him.

Harvey Milk: Public dental care for retired people... Legalize pot, vote Milk. Hey, I like the way those pants fit! Where are you from, kid? Cleve Jones: (LAUGHS) Sorry old man, not interested.

Pot is interpreted in the same way as ‗marijuana‘ circa 1960 – 1970.

Additionally, in this context, pot was an issue which widely covered by political activists as it was extensively used by young adult claimed themselves as hippie.

In addition, pot was considered as part of problems in gay community where Milk lived. Addressing such popular issue is chiefly beneficial for him and his candidacy.

As a summary of explanation on pot, the word originally means container.

In its development, pot then shifts into a term describing marijuana, as it probably originated from potiguaya (marijuana leaves). In 1970s, pot was one of political commodities as it brought pros and contras along its use. In addition, pot is extensively used by young adult called hippie. In this script, pot can be interpreted as a support to freedom, as a political stance, as well as a symbol of resistance.



Finally, phrase what the hell/heck? This phrase is known for its versatility since it can be inserted into various interrogative sentences. Basically, when an interrogative sentence goes with the hell/heck, it not only conveys its literal meaning, but also is being added with emotive elements. Emotive elements generally vary within surprise, anger, shock, frustration, and disappointment. For example, in scene 93, Milk and his group are gathered in Cleve Jones‘ apartment discussing about ‗coming out‘. The discussion heathens up when Milk asks everyone in the group to come out to their family in order to give example to other younger gay people.

Harvey Milk: I thought you got out of politics. Scott Smith: Politics. Not the movement. What the hell was that in there? Harvey Milk: The movement needs people to be up- front. Why were you fighting me in there? Scott Smith: Those are kids in there. You're asking them to lose their families.

At this point, Smith is annoyed by Milk‘s request to the group members as it is a too much demand. As an expletive, the addition of the hell in the sentences illustrates annoyance and anger at the same time. Without the use of the hell/heck, the tone of the sentences will be quite ordinary. At this point, emotive feeling employed by the characters can be effectively channeled.

In summary, the phrase what the hell/heck is known for its versatility. It can be inserted into interrogative sentences, in which the phrase gives better emphasis compared to interrogative without the addition of this phrase. In this sense, the result of using what the hell/heck is commonly interpreted as a curse. It is added to a sentence to enrich the meaning with various emotive elements which generally vary within surprise, anger, shock, frustration, and disappointment.



In the researcher‘s viewpoint, the extensive use of taboo or swear words indicates psychosocial condition of the characters. Taboo words not only express, but also communicate emotion as most of the words and phrase convey anger, surprise, joy, disappointment, and despair. In addition, the aforementioned findings also reflect high degree of familiarity or intimacy among the community members. Lawrie (2006) asserts that people use taboo words without much thought in situations where they feel reasonably sure that those who hear them will take no offence. It implies that the people involved know one another very well and feel among themselves that they express the ―truth‖. Therefore, gap or boundary among the members has been removed, created egalitarian relation, and then strengthens the movement built by the community itself.

The second classification is in the use of slang which is mainly associated to

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) communities, particularly to the gay community in this script. Most of the words illustrate negative association upon the community. It is fairly obvious as LGBT communities in United States had a tumultuous period in 1960 – 1970s—years in which the script took its setting—and resulted in sporadic movements. The occurrence of the slang is shown in table 4.4.



Table. 4.4 The Occurrence of Gay Slang

Number of No Classification Items Occurrence 1 Word Gay 11 Come (out) 8 Trick 4 Queer 3 Queen 3 Faggot 2 The us‘s 2 Total 33

First of all, lexicon which is closely associated with gay community is the word gay itself. This word is unique since in the development of its meaning, gay directly points out the community members. The findings demonstrate that the word gay, similar to the word fuck, also come out in two forms, namely noun phrase and adjective phrase. The most significant form is in noun phrase, in which the word gay is added into a noun, like, gay money, gay community, gay Disney

World, and the gay vote. An interesting example is in scene 130. Milk is waiting anxiously for the result of candidacy voting when all of a sudden, a young teen call and thanks Milk for saving his life.

Young Teen: Nobody. That's the uh... I just didn't want to die anymore, sir. I met your friend Don down here. I turned 18. I voted today against Prop Six... Thank you, Mr. Milk. Harvey Milk: No. You did this all by yourself. Young Teen: I don't think I'd be alive right now if it weren‘t for you. You were right about LA. It's like gay Disney World. Harvey Milk: No, you did that all by yourself, Paul.

Gay Disney World in this point is used to describe a situation where so many gay people gather up and it creates joyful ambiance. For this young guy, having the



chance to be part of this community is like a perfect escape from his intention to commit suicide. Similar to previous finding, as it is completed with adjective, gay forms adjective phrase, for example, top gays, a lousy gay man, and an out gay.

Here, gay does not solely mean homosexual person. It gives detail and sense of belonging to each phrase. Hence, it characterizes the phrases as an exclusive usage in the community.

Second, another lexicon which is commonly used is the words come out or out. This is probably the most significant lexicon associated with LGBT communities. Come out is known as a process of claiming one‘s sexual orientation which is made publicly. Come out is considered a risky claim since society remains resistant upon one‘s sexual orientation. In the script, come out used as call for an action, for instance, in scene 112 where Milk delivers a speech on Gay Freedom Day Parade.

Harvey Milk (cont'd): My name is Harvey Milk, and I‘m here to recruit you! I want to recruit you for the fight to preserve your democracy! Brothers and sisters, you must come out! Come out to your parents, come out to your friends, if indeed they are your friends. Come out to your neighbors; come out to your fellow workers. Once and for all, let‘s break down the myths, and destroy the lies and distortions. For your sake. For their sake. For the sake of all the youngsters who‘ve been scared by the votes from Dade to Eugene. On the Statue of Liberty, it says, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free."

The word come out is repeated for several times, with the emphasis in parents, friends, neighbors, and fellow workers. The aforementioned examples show that

Milk intends to urge as many gay people as possible to claim themselves homosexual and proudly embrace it.



Third, trick emerges in this script specifically used to describe homosexual.

Ayto (1998) records the emergence of trick in 1965 and defines it as having casual sex, closely related to prostitution. In this context, it means gay prostitute and the person engaged into it for financial reason. Here, the word trick can be used as a verb which indicates an action of prostituting oneself as shown in scene 33 where

Milk and Jones talk about go for a vote as part of gay movement.

Harvey Milk: Cleve Jones, you‘re adorable. We should get you over here and get you registered Mr. Jones. Cleve Jones: Fuck that. Elections of any kind are fucking bourgeois affectation. Harvey Milk: Is that right? What do you do, trick up on Polk Street? Cleve Jones: (only half-joking) If I need the cash... But I'm little bit more selective about my clients than you are.

On the other hand, it can be in the form of noun, in which trick shares similar meaning to male prostitute. In scene 35, Milk is in Church Street to verify one of his gay friends who is murdered that night. In this case, he is defending the victim and his as a couple; none of them are prostitutes.

Cop: The fruit was walking home with his trick when they were jumped. (from the victim's wallet) Name's Robert Hillsborough. Did you know him? Harvey Milk: He used to come into my shop. Are there any witnesses? Cop: Just the "trick." Jerry Taylor. Harvey Milk: Jerry wasn't a trick. They were lovers.

Next, queer is a word commonly used to describe homosexuals or members of LGBT communities. This word develops its meaning from particularly odd, unusual or eccentric into male homosexual or gay. In its early use, the word queer is considered offensive because it improperly derogates one‘s sexual orientation.

However, over gradual change in the course of 20th century, the meaning of queer comes up as a self-empowerment term among LGBT communities (Collins and



O‘Brien, 2011). It not only becomes a sexual orientation, but also a political statement. In this sense, the word queer improves its meaning and even becomes synonymous to the term LGBT.

Queer is mainly in form of noun, as it reflect a homosexual person.

Nonetheless, it can also be either in form of adjective or of verb which principally maintains the association of ―out of normal conduct‖. In the script Milk, queer appears only as a noun, for example, in scene 33, the use of queer as a noun principally points out the presence of a gay in midst of heterosexuals and claims the state of being difference as well as marginalized.

Harvey Milk: Okay. Let me ask you one thing before you go back to work. What was it like to be a little queer in Phoenix? Did all the jocks beat you up in gym class? Cleve Jones: I faked a lung disease to get out of PE. So what? What are you, some kind of street shrink? Harvey Milk: Sometimes. But what I'm talking about is that we can change Phoenix. But we have to start with our street: police abuse, rent control, pot, parks, seniors issues.

Subsequently, queen emerges in a way to describe gay people that mostly determined by their look or appearance. According to Ayto (1998), queen is applied especially to a passive or effeminate homosexual. In addition, it also means a gay with flamboyant or glamorous way of dressing. So far, this word essentially develops into a derogatory term aiming gay people because it labels a small group of gay people and then applies it into wider context, as shown in the scene 36.

Jim Rivaldo: I‘m just saying that at this point, it looks like all the big guns, all the gay money, the real money, is gonna get behind Feinstein and all the straight candidates they consider "gay-friendly." Scott Smith: Who cares about those old queens?



The aforementioned excerpt provides an example on the use of queen which chiefly shows insult. As a form of sarcasm, insult is an inseparable part of gay characters in the script, especially in dealing with rough time or turbulence in their life.

Next, faggot occurs as an example of ethnic-racial-gender slurs. This word is considered offensive since it is commonly associated with male homosexual or gay. The word faggot emerged in 1914 and commonly referred to unpleasant and worthless woman in American slang and faygele or ―little bird‖ in Yiddish

(Online Etymology Dictionary, 2012). Here, faggot—sometimes shortened into fag—comes as a curse. In scene 50, Harvey Milk is Hastings College of Law for

Candidate Debate. Art Agnos is his debate rival. They are discussing about security issue in various neighborhoods of San Francisco.

ART AGNOS: Mr. Milk, I've been a social worker in this city for years. I know Sacramento. I know how to get done what we all need done there. HARVEY MILK: Tell me something Mr. Agnos... right here in the Castro, Robert Hillsbourough was murdered for walking home with his long time partner. He was stabbed fifteen times. The last words he heard were "Faggot, Faggot, Faggot..." now you say you're outraged. Why than does your liberal establishment refuse to answer our calls? Why do they not bring these murderers to justice?

The aforementioned lines indicate pejorative association of the word faggot upon gay people as it directly points out difference in appearance or attitude among gay people. LGBT communities in the 1970s live side-by-side with injustice and prejudice. Violence is part of their life. Milk points out this fact by repeating the use of faggot in order to explain unjust manner directed to them. In addition, repeating the word faggot also functions to demonstrate tone of anger.



As a final point, the ―us’s‖ appears in marking the boundary of gay community in the script Milk, as well as in defining sense of belonging upon the community. Us is normally used as a pronoun to indicate belonging of two or more people. Considering themselves marginal, gay people in Castro Street urge other gay people who still stay ‗in their closet‘ to come out, in order to gain more power in making statement of their existence. The word the ―us’s‖ principally tries to embrace new comers, those who are willing to come out of their closets, as expressed in scene 159 which describes Milk‘s memorial service with his voice over as a background of the scene.

HARVEY MILK (V.O.): --If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door... And that's all. I ask for the movement to continue. Because it's not about personal gain, and it’s not about ego, and it’s not about power... it's about the "us's" out there. Not just gays, but the Blacks, the Asians, the disabled, the seniors, the us's. Without hope, the us's give up-- As the thousands of mourners arrive at City Hall, they place their candles around the statue of Lincoln.

In discussing single occurrence of lexical items in this script, the researcher mainly divide them into the same categories as the frequent ones. As mentioned earlier, under taboo words, there are 13 words and 7 phrases in use. Meanwhile, there are 5 words and 32 phrases in gay slang category. An example of taboo words used is in scene 37.

Scott Smith: "Harvey Milk will have a dream journey and nightmare to hell, a night of horror. You will be stabbed and have your genitals, cock, balls, prick cut off." (beat) I'm calling the police. Harvey Milk: They probably wrote it. Look, think of it this way. If they try to kill me, I'll get the sympathy vote. That might be just the push we need.

The scene is taken in Milk‘s residence when he received a letter threatens his life.

As mentioned in the above lines, taboo words like cock, ball, and prick are



principally referred to male genitals. In this case, this threat is directed to sexual abuse aiming gay people. A similar finding can also be observed in scene 89. Tom

Ammiano, a TV presenter is interviewing John Briggs, Milk‘s political opponent and one of Proposition Six promoters. Suddenly, a protester is cursing at him.

The phrase sucking them off is literally similar to licking. However, in this context, it means doing a blow job or oral sex.

Tom Ammiano: And how are you going to determine who's a homosexual? John Briggs: Sir, my bill has procedures for identifying homosexuals. Another Protester: Oh yeah, How? Will you be sucking them off, Briggs?

In terms of gay slang, there are also similarities in findings for both word and phrase. For instance, in describing heterosexuals, the data indicate the use of straight, only with different combination. As single word, scene 62 describes a situation where Milk and his entourage are gathering as well as welcoming new member in the campaign board, Anne Kronenberg. Kronenberg brings out news on another gay candidate to be nominated in the board of supervisors.

Harvey Milk (cont'd): Gentlemen... Anne Kronenberg. (off their puzzled looks) A woman... A woman who likes women, isn't it? Anne Kronenberg: Hi guys. Mr. Milk... Rick Stokes isn't pulling out. He's officially filed to run against you. My friend at The Advocate says David Goodstein is backing him. Michael Wong: A gay candidate against a gay candidate. That‘s unfortunate. Jim Rivaldo: They'll split the gay vote. The straights will divide and conquer.

In this context, the straight is identified as a referent to heterosexuals as it is placed next to the word gay. The point being referred to the aforementioned line can also be found in scene 40 in which Milk criticizes Goldstein for being



opportunities, taking advantages from both straight and gay candidates. Milk is questioning Goldstein‘s commitment in endorsing gay candidates in his capacity as media mogul in San Francisco.

David Goodstein: I worked for a financial institution in New York. I was very discreet. One night I went to the Metropolitan Opera, but someone spotted me at the opera, II Trovatore, Verdi. I was sitting in a box, next to my lover. Someone spotted us. Next day I was fired. So I decided to do something about it. Came out here to San Francisco, I bought The Advocate. I use my money and my influence, in very subtle and quiet ways, to do what I can... Harvey Milk: So you think that backing straight candidates is the best way to help us? David Goodstein: Yes, if they're friendly to our cause

From several terms of gay slang used in the script Milk, it can be summarized that some of them are pointing out gay community negatively. It can be seen from the association of gay people with travestite or gay prostitution

(trick), typically flaming or glamorous in appearance (queen), and ethnic-racial- gender utterance (faggot). As a counter to these negative characteristics, the rest of words or phrase put remarks on self-assurance (queer), call of claim (come out), and sense of belonging (the us's). The aforementioned categories indicate that, in the script Milk, gay slang not only denotes negative side of the gay community, but also point out the awakening of the movement itself. Therefore, the slang interestingly bears two opposing sides in the script Milk.

Thus, the findings in both taboo words and gay slang chiefly indicate the condition of the users themselves. In 1960 – 1970s, the members of gay community experienced severe oppression because of their considered deviate sexual orientation. As a result, the community members employed taboo words to



release anger, frustration, or disappointment. However, taboo words do not exclusively belong to gay community since the words are known for their universality and versatility. Therefore, it can be summarized that the taboo words used by gay community in this script mainly reflect their psychosocial condition.

In the use of gay slang, it can be said that the oppression itself brought two opposing reactions. In one hand, the slang words show negative stereotyping of the community itself. On the other hand, the words can also indicate the awakening from severe condition the community experienced. Awakening brings along togetherness or intimacy as tolerance is then built within the oppressed situation and initiated into a movement. In addition, in the script Milk, the use of gay slang mainly emphasizes the urge to ‗come out‘. It is understood as an attempt to claim an existence within the mainstream culture.

Sexual based communities in the U.S. circa 1960 – 1970s mainly treated as

‗the other ones‘. Hence, it ended up in a situation where staying inside of the closet was a safe choice. In this case, Harvey Milk and his entourages strongly determine to advocate as many gay people as possible to come out. In terms of the language used, the use of both taboo words and gay slang indicate the tendency of being exclusive and secretive. They mainly identify the position of the gay community itself which is marginalized and oppressed. The aforementioned classifications can also be seen as markers of group membership which put forward egalitarianism and strong determination for an existence.



4.2 Meaning changes in the lexical features

Another point to be discussed in this section is semantic change which will characterize meaning changes took place in the script. For this reason, the study focuses on lexical semantics which is the study of word meaning (Barker, 2001).

As also mentioned earlier, lexical semantic is concerned with the identification and representation of the semantics of lexical items. This discussion is considered essential since there needs to a systematic outline in identifying meaning of related words and then it will be used to determine the role of social background in shaping the meaning changes.

Semantic change itself is used as the tool to investigate meaning changes in the lexical items used by the gay community and resulted in several points as the findings. As discussed in the second chapter, there are seven types of semantic changes used in this study, namely amelioration, pejoration, broadening, narrowing, shift, metaphor, and metonymy, as shown in the table 4.5. In addition, a complete analysis of the types of semantic change occur in this script is shown in Appendix 2.

Table. 4.5 Types of Semantic Change in the Script Milk

No Types of changes Number of occurrences 1 Narrowing 45 2 Bleaching/shift 29 3 Metaphor 19 4 Pejoration 17 5 Broadening 15 6 Metonymy 3 7 Amelioration 2 TOTAL 130



First, data with frequent occurrence of meaning change is narrowing. It is also known as specialization; the change of meaning in its denotative meaning.

Here, the meaning of a word becomes less general or less inclusive than its earlier form. There are 45 data found under this type. Most of the changes occur in the description of person, activity, and object. In describing person, changes chiefly occur in the way of identifying homosexuals, both gay and lesbian. Some examples of narrowing are shown in the table 4.6.

Table. 4.6 Examples of Narrowing

No Data Meaning Original Contextual 1 I know, I know, I‘m not what you the raised part at woman-like, expected, but I left my high heels the back of the feminine at home. (4/HM) shoe 2 Listen, Harvey, you're pretty pleasant and sexually attractive cute, But I don't date guys over attractive forty. (13/SS) 3 Public dental care for retired Any of several a slang word for people... Legalize pot, vote Milk. kinds of round marijuana, usually (33/HM) vessel of baked smoked in a pipe clay, metal, glass, or as a cigarette etc, with or without handle, cover, etc, made to contain liquids or solids, esp. for cooking 4 Fuck that. Elections of any kind used to emphasize to disregard, are fucking bourgeois affectation. your opinion of ignore (used with - (33/CJ) something it, -that) 5 Is that right? What do you do, an action which is a bait, victim trick up on Polk Street? intended to (33/HM) deceive, either as a way of cheating someone, or as a joke or form of



entertainment 6 Okay. Let me ask you one thing a homosexual, young gay man before you go back to work. What especially a man was it like to be a little queer in Phoenix? Did all the jocks beat you up in gym class? (33/HM) 7 Jerry wasn't a trick. They were an attractive child a homosexual lovers. (35/HM) or woman male who engages in casual sex 8 I‘m just saying that at this point, it the coins or notes Possession of any looks like all the big guns, all the which are used to gay person gay money, the real money, is buy things, or the gonna get behind Feinstein and all amount of these the straight candidates they that one person consider "gay-friendly." (36/JR) has 9 Hi Rick, handsome suit. Annie, (1) Handsome: Referring to do you have any more hand describes a people dressed in cards? (69B/DP) man who is well-tailored suits physically or tuxedos, such attractive in a as businessmen, traditional, capitalists, or male way government agents (2) Suit: a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt that are made from the same material 10 Oh yeah, How? Will you be to pull in liquid or a blow job, sucking them off, Briggs? air through your sucking a penis (89/Prtst) mouth without using your teeth, or to move the tongue and muscles of the mouth around something inside your mouth, often in order to dissolve it

For example, in scene 33, Harvey Milk is having a conversation with a young man he just met when he was handing flyer of his supervisor candidacy.



Harvey Milk: Okay. Let me ask you one thing before you go back to work. What was it like to be a little queer in Phoenix? Did all the jocks beat you up in gym class? Cleve Jones: I faked a lung disease to get out of PE. So what? What are you, some kind of street shrink?

Here, queer is used to depict male homosexual in various ages; however, in this context, queer—with the addition of little—is specifically targeted to young male homosexual. Another example is in describing activity, as in scene 131, where

Milk gives a speech in front of a crowd of gay people and other homosexuals. He gives highlight to the importance of coming out; in this sense, it is to claim one‘s sexual orientation.

HARVEY MILK: To the gay community all over this state... my message to you is... so far a lot of people joined us and rejected Proposition Six, and now we owe them something... We must destroy the myths once and for all, shatter them. We must continue to speak out... and most importantly, most importantly, every gay person must come out.

In general notion, come out is simply an action of going out somewhere with someone for certain social event. With the context of gay community and its movement, come out is a kind of statement; a statement made publicly that one is a homosexual.

Scene 69B is an example of narrowing in describing object. The scene takes place in the hallway outside a lecture hall where Rick Stoke, Milk‘s political opponent and also an open gay, gives a speech. Anne Kronenberg, Milk‘s new campaign manager, is handing flyer with Milk‘s sign and creates a long line of gathering women and lesbians. Stokes gets infuriated and here comes Dick

Pabich, Anne‘s colleague in Milk‘s campaign team.



Dick Pabich: Hi Rick, handsome suit. Annie, do you have any more hand cards? Rick Stokes: These people are not from this area. They need to leave. Now. Dick Pabich: Not true. Guess where we found them all, Rick? A slew of them. Way up on Valencia Street. Living right there in our district. And you see, as it turns out, Annie here is very, very popular with the ladies.

Handsome suit generally means good or dapper clothing, such as, shirt, trousers, or tuxedo. Here, it refers to the way upper society, such as, businessmen, capitalists, or government agents dress up to define their class.

Semantic bleaching or shift is the second type of changes in this study.

Murphy and Koskela (2010) use the term semantic bleaching for this classification as it involves the weakening of meaning, typically through overuse. Furthermore, shift can also refer to the loss of lexical meaning that occurs in the process of grammaticalization. There are 29 data found under this type in the script. Shift occurs in the categories of activities, expression, object, person, and situation.

Some of the changes occur in the shift of expression, in form of taboo words, like, goddamn, fuck, and shit. Some examples of semantic bleaching or shift are shown in the table 4.7.

Table. 4.7 Examples of Semantic Bleaching/Shift

No Data Meaning Original Contextual 1 They turned around and they (1) Fuck: used to Another term for started a fucking riot. (53/CJ) emphasize asshole your opinion of something (2) Riot: a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled public meeting 2 Oh, Goddamn it (68/HM) To send to awe, disbelief



punishment without end after death 3 --bring out the old, bring in the (1) Fuck: used to something to add new. This is over. Done. I don't emphasize in a insult want to see one more thing that your opinion say's fucking assembly on it. of something (69/HM) (2) Assembly: a group of people, especially one that meets regularly for a particular purpose, such as government, or more generally, the process of coming together, or the state of being together 4 And street talk only around used when Expresses disgust Feinstein. Shit, goddamn, fuck, expressing all that. It bugs the hell out of her. extreme anger, or (82/HM) to add force to what is being said 5 Whatever. He can get them in two (1) Fuck: used to Something to add Sundays at church in Orange emphasize in a insult fucking County. (88/CJ) your opinion of something (2) Orange County: an area in California, U.S. 6 Good point, David. Maybe we (1) To fuck: to Term of insult, to should just roll over. And Make it have sex with have sex with easier for Briggs to fuck us in the someone ass. (91/CJ) (2) (In the) ass: arse (= the part of the body that you sit on) 7 That's fucking insane. (93/SS) (1) Fuck: used to Full of Insanity,



emphasize Madness and your opinion briefing from a of something mental disorder or (2) Insane: illness. mentally ill

For instance, in scene 69, Harvey is furious because another gay figure is announcing a candidacy for the San Francisco Board of Supervisors—a serious threat to Milk‘s existence.

Harvey Milk: --bring out the old, bring in the new. This is over. Done. I don't want to see one more thing that say's fucking Assembly on it. Cause this three-time faggot loser is running for Supervisor goddamn it! Gentlemen... Anne Kronenberg. (Off their puzzled looks) A woman... A woman who likes women, isn't it?

In general, the word goddamn is basically expressed denounce upon endless punishment, without end after death. Yet, its meaning is completely changed as it simply expresses awe or disbelief which is a versatile taboo or swear word. Here,

Milk is employing the aforementioned meaning to express annoyance.

Next to shift in expression, there is shift of situation, with the addition of taboo words, to provide stronger emotive element. The word riot is principally defined as a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled public meeting. However, with the addition of fucking preceding the word riot, the meaning turns to be more urgent and worrying, as shown in the following excerpt of scene 53.

Cleve Jones: I went to Spain last month. Long story. In Barcelona, there was this memorial march for gay people that died under Franco. Of course, the police tried to break it up. But these queens didn‘t run. No. They turned around and they started a fucking riot. I saw a bullet, one of those big rubber bullets rip through a drag queen‘s scalp, but she kept on fighting. She was screaming, but she kept on fighting. I mean... our lives. There was blood literally running in the gutter. In a gutter.



Another finding is shift of object where taboo words again dominate the lines, as in scene 88. In Milk‘s office, Anne Kronenberg brings out news that

Senator John Briggs and Anita Bryant try to file petition for a statewide referendum to fire all gay teachers and anyone who supports them.

Harvey Milk: How many signatures does he need to get on the ballot? Qualify for the ballot? Cleve Jones: Whatever. He can get them in two Sundays at church in Orange fucking County. Harvey Milk: (instead of fear, excitement bubbles up) so, this means the fight's coming here, where we can do something about it! Wichita's one thing, Kansas City. But Anita's heading for San Francisco! She's not going to know what hit her. Smile, children! This is the fight we've been waiting for.

Orange County is third most densely inhabited county in the state San Francisco, known for its committed Christian-based communities. By using fucking as an infix, it shows both rage and disappointment upon difficulties in endorsing equality for homosexuals. Infix is considered uncommon in English; however, considering the versatility of the word fuck, fucking can be used as an emphasis to the uttered expression.

The next change is on metaphor. Metaphor is generally defined as deviation from literal meaning; word comes to be used to refer something it does not denote literally, but has resemblance to the literal meaning (Traugott and Dasher, 2002;

Murphy and Koskela, 2010). In this script, metaphor appears in 19 data and under some different categories, such as, object, activity, person, and situation, as shown in table 4.8.



Table. 4.8 Examples of Metaphor

No Data Meaning Original Contextual 1 Anita wants to put us all back (1) Back: in, into or A place where a in concentration camps. Rick towards a tyrannical Stokes is too weak to beat her previous place or government sends back if she gets to California. I condition, or an a group (or groups) have to be in office to protect earlier time of people that the us from them. (68/HM) (2) Concentration leader/leaders of camp: a prison the tyranny where people are doesn't/don't like. kept in extremely Often times, it is a bad conditions, closed-off area that especially for is surrounded by political reasons barbed-wire fences and search towers. The main reason that the tyrannical government sends these people to the camps is because they want them killed off because they think that that particular group of people is inferior or a danger to society. Not many people survive these camps. 2 Well, look what happened in (1) Shopping: the matters to be discu Germany. I mean, Anita Bryant activity of ssed, already says that the Jews and buying things requested, or other Muslims are going to hell, so from shops wise attended to you know she has a shopping (2) List: a record of list. And we are not going to short pieces of let John Briggs or Anita Bryant information, legislate bigotry in this state... such as people's (90/HM) names, usually written or printed with a single thing on each line and often ordered in a way



that makes a particular thing easy to find 3 People need to know who it is (1) Old: having lived something as that‘s being affected. You need or existed for unusual or strange, at least one old queer on this many years homosexuals, now flyer. (a dig, to Goodstein) (2) Queer: be used to describe Excuse me, yeah. Maybe you (especially of a homosexuals, should volunteer for that, man) bisexuals, and David. (91/HM) homosexual transgendered (3) Flyer: a small people piece of paper with information on it about a product or event 4 Come on, Jack, it's time to go. (1) Fresh: new; Young man (to Cleve) Get everyone different or together at your place. I want another young people, I want women, I (2) Head(s): the part want fresh heads. Get of the body organizers and Fighters, not above the neck politicians. Come on, Jack. that contains the (91B/HM) eyes, nose, mouth and ears and the brain 5 Take some time off. Fifty's the point where in close proximity right around the corner. (a converging lines, relative to another devilish grin) Nobody will edges, or sides meet location; also, want you after that... I can something that is handle D.C. (133/CJ) apparent or will be realized soon

Metaphor which appears in the category of object mainly describes hindrance dealt by gay life condition at that time. First example is in scene 93.

Scott Smith and Harvey Milk are having an argument about Milk‘s insistence on a claim that every gay should come out.

Scott Smith: Those are kids in there. You're asking them to lose their families. Harvey Milk: If their families don‘t love them for who they are, who they really are, then they should lose them. Scott Smith: That's fucking insane.



Scott Smith: You were the biggest closet case in New York. You asked me and all your boyfriends to keep our (more) (cont'd) traps shut. I mean, you‘re being the hypocrite in there.

Closet case is a condition in which a homosexual (gay or lesbian) refuses to claim his sexual orientation. Furthermore, this condition is considered in contrary to the purpose of most LGBT movements which proposed coming out to lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender.

In discussing metaphor under the category of activity, most of the items used described the condition of gay people who are still under oppression, as shown in scene 68 in which Milk and Smith are arguing about Milk‘s decision to rerun the supervisor candidacy.

Harvey Milk: If people are ever going to take me seriously, I have to win this one. Scott Smith: Since when did you care if anyone took you seriously? Harvey Milk: Anita wants to put us all back in concentration camps. Rick Stokes is too weak to beat her back if she gets to California. I have to be in office to protect us from them. Oh, Goddamn it

It needs to be noted that, at that time, religious activists went hand-in-hand with both political figures and government officials, especially police department officers. It was obvious that these activists gave strong influence upon various public policies. One of the religious activists is Anita Bryan who is referred by the aforementioned line. The words concentration camps are mainly popular during

World War II where millions of Jewish hostages captivated and died inside them.

Concentration camps in this sense figuratively demonstrate oppression made by religious groups or activists. Through a tyrannical power, it presents the gay movement a dangerous and threatening label.



Metaphor in the category of person appears as a reflection of gay movement in the neighborhood where the setting takes place. Here is the example.

Harvey Milk: Come on, Jack, it's time to go. (to Cleve) Get everyone together at your place. I want young people, I want women, I want fresh heads. Get organizers and Fighters, not politicians. Come on, Jack. Cleve Jones: (as if Jack can't spell) what about, S-C-O-T-T?

The words fresh heads in the scene 91B demonstrate metaphorical representation of the nature of the movement itself. Here, fueled by young homosexuals who shared same concern on equality, gay movement in Castro Street organized into a movement aimed to Milk‘s official candidacy. Fresh heads can be interpreted as additional gay intellectuals who will make the movement grew solid and strong.

Meanwhile, in the category of situation, metaphor emerges as an illustration of the condition happened surrounding the gay movement. As shown in scene

133, Harvey Milk and Cleve Jones talk right after the result of the voting on

Proposition 6 is announced. The result shows rejection on the application of the proposition and it means a winning to Milk.

Cleve Jones: I told you, I don't "do" losing. Harvey Milk: I think maybe we're best with our backs to the wall. It's too quiet. (a new idea, what's next) I think we should march on Washington D.C. next year. Cleve Jones: Milk, you're a decent politician, a mediocre businessman, but you're a lousy gay man. (Harvey knows what he's getting at) Take some time off. Fifty's right around the corner. (a devilish grin) Nobody will want you after that... I can handle D.C.

The abovementioned excerpt illustrates constant struggle Milk and his team made to generate a safe neighborhood for homosexuals. With the help of young campaign team, he manages to win the heart of oppressed homosexuals in order to achieve equal treatment in various life aspects. However, Milk knows that the



movement needs to be passed down to his campaign team. That is why Jones teases Milk with the phrase around the corner after mentioning Milk‘s age. It indicates that the struggle is still way to go and young, brave, intelligent leader is highly required.

The following type is pejoration. It is known as degradation of meaning, especially when a certain word attains less favorable meaning than its principal meaning. Murphy and Koskela (2010) highlight pejoration as a process of semantic change when a word becomes more negative. There are 17 data found under this type and some of them are shown in the table 4.9.

Table. 4.9 Examples of Pejoration

No Data Meaning Original Contextual 1 Look Harvey, What's with all this Solid waste worthless junk political activist crap? (21/SS) matter passed and/or pointless from the bowels things 2 We weren‘t just a bunch of A small plant one who lacks the pansies anymore. We had our first with wide flat appropriate taste of power. And it was about flowers masculinity that time that someone first called associated with me the Major of Castro Street, or I testosterone and may have invented the term myself. like the pansy (27/HM) displays a shade of purple and a flower like demeanor but is however a fruit 3 I faked a lung disease to get out of a psychiatrist or gangster, mobster PE. So what? What are you, some psychoanalyst kind of street shrink? (33/CJ) 4 Who cares about those old queens? (1) Old: having old gay man (36/SS) lived or existed for many years



(2) Queen: a woman who rules a country because she has been born into a royal family, or a woman who is married to a king 5 The "top gays" in San Francisco the female ruler Really, really, were David Goodstein and his civil of a country really flamboyant, rights lawyer sidekick, Rick Stokes. (and possibly David was a rich old queen who'd irritating,) man. bought the biggest gay magazine, Almost always The Advocate. He had it delivered gay. to subscribers in brown paper bags so no-one would know. That's how he lived his life, covered up, discreet. (38/HM)

Significant changes in this section occur in the category of people. First example occurs in scene 27 in which through his voice over, Milk describes the recent condition as well as the future of gay movement in rough neighborhood of

Castro Street.

HARVEY MILK (V.O.) (cont'd): And it wasn‘t only the gays who noticed what was happening. Also the straight people. There were some very unexpected ones. Teamster leader Allan Baird walked right into my shop and ask me if I could get my people to help boycott Coors beer. And the Coors beer boycott had not been too successful. But I got my people to get all the Coors beer out of all the gay bars, and immediately Coors fell from number one and they caved. A week later, the Teamster union, for the very first time, hired openly gay drivers. We weren‘t just a bunch of pansies anymore. We had our first taste of power. And it was about that time that someone first called me the Major of Castro Street, or I may have invented the term myself.

The word pansies initially defined as a type of flower. Nonetheless, in this context, this word is negatively associated to man with feminine characteristics.



Hence, the meaning has shifted and put emphasis on the negative connotation for male.

The following example is in scene 33 where Cleve Jones meets Harvey

Milk for the first time and involves in a discussion about his pessimistic way of seeing gay movement.

Harvey Milk: Okay. Let me ask you one thing before you go back to work. What was it like to be a little queer in Phoenix? Did all the jocks beat you up in gym class? Cleve Jones: I faked a lung disease to get out of PE. So what? What are you, some kind of street shrink? Harvey Milk: Sometimes. But what I'm talking about is that we can change Phoenix. But we have to start with our street: police abuse, rent control, pot, parks, seniors issues. Cleve Jones: (turns to go) Good luck with all that.

Originally, street shrink is a term which is used to describe psychiatrist or psychoanalyst. In its development, it shifts into a way to label gangsters. It can be related to the fact that gangsters mainly own particular area and occupy strategic streets.

A final example is scene 36 which also indicates semantic change in form of pejoration. Milk and his entourage are having a meeting, evaluating about the movement their political rival made and the impact to their movement.

Jim Rivaldo: I‘m just saying that at this point, it looks like all the big guns, all the gay money, the real money, is gonna get behind Feinstein and all the straight candidates they consider "gay-friendly." Scott Smith: Who cares about those old queens?

Queen is a regal status, specifically attributed to a woman who rules a kingdom or married to a king. Hence, old queens will be regarded for her seniority and important position. Yet, as it is put in the context of gay community, old queens is interpreted as gay people who are conservative and pretentiously elegant. To



younger generation of gay activists, these people are insurmountable barriers since they have settled down in their ‗closets‘ and visibly appear as good straight public figures.

The fifth type in regard to semantic change is broadening. O‘Grady

(2005) defined broadening as the process in which the meaning of a word becomes more general or more inclusive than its historically earlier form. The data in this section are grouped into person, expression, and activity. In the category of expression, the data shows repeated use of taboo words which mainly express anger, frustration, disappointment, and also surprise, as shown in table


Table. 4.10 Examples of Broadening

No Data Meaning Original Contextual 1 Fuck, Yeah. (53/CJ) used to emphasize Expresses your opinion of complete surprise something and joy 2 All right, lay off. He registered when someone Leave alone, stop 120 voters last week. (88/HM) stops employing being mean to. someone, sometimes temporarily, because there is no money to pay them or because there is no work for them 3 So do any of your volunteers, but a woman whose A lady who is you don't go and make them all husband is the considered to be first lady. (88/CJ) political leader of the best at every a country or a part thing of a country 4 (smiles, trying to lighten) And the an attempt to find Where a person potential witch hunt against you and punish people decides to target



straight people, right? (124/HM) whose opinions another person for are unpopular and reasons which who are said to be may, or may not, a danger to society be obvious 5 I thought you were a goner, Paul (1) one whose Somebody who is (130/HM) case is going to or has hopeless died, also used in (2) person or thing an irreverent way that has no to defuse a chance of situation through continuing to humor live

For instance, in scene 53, Harvey Milk and Cleve Jones are staying up in the night, before the election. They are talking about the chance of winning the supervisor seat that year.

Harvey Milk: Can you assemble a thousand people in an hour? Cleve Jones: Fuck, Yeah. Harvey Milk: Well, if I run again, you're gonna be my man.

The use of swearing fuck in the aforementioned excerpt principally expresses surprise. Here, the recent meaning broadened from its initial sexual intercourse- related meaning. In addition to surprise, Cleve Jones uses fuck to show his excitement in conducting march, as he is a new member of Milk‘s campaign team.

In the category of person, broadening takes place in the concept related to gay community, for example, in scene 88. Milk is in his office and having a pressure from his own team members to vote off proposal regulation of Dan

White, Milk‘s fellow city supervisor. The discussion heathen up as it touches

Milk‘s meek reaction on the pressure and his overrated relationship with Jack




Cleve Jones: Oh god oh god! Here we go, Harvey to the rescue. Isn't it enough that we have to put up with Jack? Harvey Milk: All right, lay off. He registered 120 voters last week. Cleve Jones: So do any of your volunteers, but you don't go and make them all first lady. Michael Wong: Harvey, what does Dan White do for you? Really? Politically?

In general sense, first lady is addressed to the wife of a ruling president.

Meanwhile, in the aforementioned excerpt, first lady indicates to any women, especially those are considered important. As it is uttered in the context of gay community, the words all first lady can be interpreted as any partner (in this case

Jack Lira) who is considered important and deserved to be treated well.

The third category of broadening is activity. This category mainly describes action and reaction made by not only the characters but also the movements, as shown in scene 124. Harvey Milk is chasing Dan White who is on his way out of the Supervisor Chambers. They are arguing about their disagreement and lack of each other support on proposed regulations.

Harvey Milk: Black skin and White in the police department? (Dan steams) Dan, even Ronald Reagan is opposed to Proposition 6. You're looking more and more out of touch. Dan White: Okay, if I come out against Prop 6, it's only going to be for the invasion of State's rights issue. That‘s it. Harvey Milk: (smiles, trying to lighten) And the potential witch hunt against you straight people, right?

In the past, witch hunt is known as an activity of hunting and punishing people for their witchcraft practices. Yet, at the time the terms are put in the setting of gay movement, witch hunt is aiming blame at any person who is considered deviate from the common norms, in terms of sexual orientation. The blame will be based on prejudice and punishment will be given without any clear reason.



The next type of semantic change is metonymy. This type of change occurs when a word is being used to refer to something that is associated with its literal denotation (Murphy and Koskela, 2010). There are 3 data found in the script under the classification of metonymy, as shown in table 4.11.

Table. 4.11 Examples of Metonymy

No Data Meaning Original Contextual 1 I am here tonight to say, we will (1) National: A group of well- No longer sit quietly in our elating to or educated youths Closet. We must fight everywhere typical of a that have an the Anitas go. Anita Bryant did whole country extreme not win tonight. Anita Bryan and its people, knowledge in the brought us together. She is going rather than to bush. to create a national gay force! part of that (The crowd ROARS) (61/HM) country or to other countries (2) Gay: homosexual (3) Force: physical, especially violent, strength or power 2 And for the first time in my life, it (1) (used as the More than one all came together... the union object of a verb person. Similar to boys, the women, the seniors, the or a we, only referring gays and minorities... All of the preposition) me it to someone else us's showed up... (74/HM) and at least one instead of other person yourself (2) objective case of we 3 --If a bullet should enter my brain, (used as the object More than one let that bullet destroy every closet of a verb or a person. Similar to door... And that's all. I ask for the preposition) me we, only referring movement to continue. Because and at least one it to someone else it's not about personal gain, and other person instead of it‘s not about ego, and it‘s not yourself about power... it's about the



"us's" out there. Not just gays, but the Blacks, the Asians, the disabled, the seniors, the us's. Without hope, the us's give up-- As the thousands of mourners arrive at City Hall, they place their candles around the statue of Lincoln (159/HM)

In addition, Panter and Radden (1999) explain that metonymy works on shift of meaning based on part-whole relations that enable the speaker(s) to say things quicker and to shorten conceptual distances. Hence, it becomes a universal strategy of cost-effective communication. In this script, Harvey Milk uses this strategy in his speeches, as shown in the scene 61.

Harvey Milk: My name is Harvey Milk... And I want to recruit you. (the crowd roars approval) I am here tonight to say, we will No longer sit quietly in our Closet. We must fight. Not only in the Castro, not only in San Francisco, but everywhere the Anitas go. Anita Bryant did not win tonight. Anita Bryan brought us together... She is going to create a national gay force!

In this scene, Milk and his entourage are marching as a reaction to Anita Bryant‘s victory over Gay Rights Law in several states. Here, he walks in front of an angry mob which potential creates another riot and it also means another clash with the police officers. In his speech in front of the City Hall, Milk tries to put underline on the importance of gay movement‘s resistance on Bryant‘s proposition, especially in San Francisco. He emphasizes on the scattered groups of gay people to stand against oppression made by mainstream group. A national gay force means the more the force put by the mainstream group, the stronger the bond among them. In this sense, a national gay force represents small scattered groups of gay people in San Francisco and the phrase generates a metonymy.



Another example of metonymy is shown in the scene 159. It is the day of

Milk‘s memorial service. In this scene, thousands of people walk to the City Hall to pay tribute to Milk‘s service, mostly to minorities. Through a voice-over, Milk expresses his hope on the struggle of minorities for appropriate recognition.

Harvey Milk (V.O.): --If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door... And that's all. I ask for the movement to continue. Because it's not about personal gain, and it‘s not about ego, and it‘s not about power... it's about the "us's" out there. Not just gays, but the Blacks, the Asians, the disabled, the seniors, the us's. Without hope, the us's give up-- As the thousands of mourners arrive at City Hall, they place their candles around the statue of Lincoln.

Milk‘s pride as a part of minority groups in San Francisco is shown by the words the us’s. The use of the us’s can indicate belonging. Here, in Milk‘s viewpoint, the us’s refers to sense of belonging to minority groups which in 1960 – 1970s struggled for respect. Gay movements, particularly, in the U.S. reached its culmination in 1970s. Milk‘s success in gaining a supervisor‘s position reflects a success in the struggle of minority group to obtain respect and recognition.

The last type of semantic change is amelioration. Amelioration occurs when an improvement in assigned value of the utterance (Hughes, 1988, in McMahon,

1994). There are two data found under this category and classified as object and expression. The data are shown in the table 4.12.



Table. 4.12 Examples of Amelioration

No Data Meaning Original Contextual 1 I'm not gonna let those little (a piece of) solid a term of Pacific Heights biddies write me waste from the endearment off anymore because of a body ponytail. I like it. No more bathhouse, no more pot, for me and my little poo. Speak for yourself. Come on. (43/HM) 2 Who the heck is that? (69/JR) an expression of A non offensive usually slight replacement for anger or surprise, the word "hell" or a way of adding used to express force to a amazement at statement, some unlikely act question, etc or strange object.

As an object, the phrase my little poo expresses endearment which is an improvement from its original meaning, a piece of solid waste. In scene 43,

Harvey Milk and Scott Smith are going for fitting of an outfit. Out of Milk‘s fine and dapper suit, Scott is disagreeing to his shoes and haircut.

Scott Smith: No. No, not cute. I hate the shoes. I hate the hair. You‘re not fooling anybody. Harvey Milk: I'm not gonna let those little Pacific Heights biddies write me off anymore because of a ponytail. I like it. No more bathhouse, no more pot, for me and my little poo. Speak for yourself. Come on.

Here, the excerpt explains how the phrase little poo gets better meaning. The gay community in this script deals with various difficulty, so that it affects the choice of words in the daily basis use. In this sense, instead of insulting his partner, Milk attempts to use the term poo to show his affection to Smith. Furthermore, it maintains the intimacy between Milk and Smith.



Another example is in scene 69. In this scene, Milk introduces a new staff to his campaign team. Milk‘s team is basically composed by gay men. Anne

Kronenberg‘s presence is a kind of surprise to the rest of the team. Moreover, her presence is a replacement to Scott Smith, Milk‘s previous partner and campaign manager.

Jim Rivaldo: Who the heck is that? Harvey Milk: (suddenly cool) That‘s our new campaign manager. She called last week to volunteer and I asked for her help. Dick Pabich: Help or take over? What about Scott? Harvey Milk: We need new blood. (introducing them). Gentlemen... Anne Kronenberg. (off their puzzled looks) A woman... A woman who likes women, isn't it?

A lesbian works for a group of gay is quite rare since lesbian and gay community tend to have separate movement. The word heck is a replacement to the word hell which has stronger connotation. The phrase who the heck is considered an improvement, since the meaning of heck—originally describe anger—in this excerpt becomes an expression of surprise. Moreover, LGBT movement in 1960 –

1970s generally denotes the reputation of gay movement other than any other sexual orientation-based group. For that reason, it gives further explanation to several members‘ astonishment on Milk‘s attempt to accommodate woman‘s role in his movement.

The aforementioned evidence shows that out of seven types of semantic change, most of the meaning changes indicate exclusivity and negative association, such as, narrowing, semantic bleaching, metaphor, and pejoration. It can be linked to the social condition of the gay community itself in 1960 – 1970s.

Oppression and marginalization, as mentioned in first section of the discussion,



gave effect to the meaning changes as they shape the psychological condition of the community members. This psychological condition mainly caused by the segregation of gay community from mainstream society in San Francisco which is resulted in marginalization. However, this situation then led to claim of existence in form of gay movements.

Interestingly, the rest three types semantic change namely broadening, metonymy, and amelioration indicate positive notion in the midst of oppression and marginalization. Even though the data are considered minor, it shows that there is still positive tone within the community itself. It can be seen as a signal to the strengthening movement of minorities on their demand of change. Hence, starting from gay movement, these scattered groups of minorities come up jointly as a force to claim existence and appropriate treatment.





In this chapter, the researcher will summarize points which have been discussed in the previous chapters, as well as offer some recommendations to further researchers conducted in similar field.

5.1 Conclusion

The study of language and linguistics in LGBT communities has grown into a fascinating line of language research. It essentially puts its interest in investigating typical characteristics in language use as well as who is using it.

Since a community develops the language of its own, certain language portrays the identity grew in a community and describes its characteristics. As in sociolinguistics, language variation is one of major fields which investigate not only the development of language use related to its natural dimensions, but also through its human dimensions. Durkheim (1938 cited in Coulmas, 2002) asserts that community serves as collective representation, emotion, and tendencies are caused not by states of the consciousness of individuals but by the conditions in which the social group in its totality is placed. Hence, language used in this community can be seen as the aspect on building sense of belonging as well as way the way to identify its members‘ existence.

This research focuses on language use in gay community. Related to World

Englishes, Leap (1998) asserts that study in the field of language used by LGBT communities is relatively new, fast-growing and considered exciting area of



language and gender-centered sociolinguistics. The research aims to discover the lexical features appeared in the film script Milk shown by the use of typical words and phrases, as well as to determine the role of gay movement to the emergence of the features themselves. The research aim to answer the questions What kind of lexical features does the gay community have in the film script Milk? and How does meaning change occur, in relation with the social and political situation in

1960 – 1970s?

In answering What kind of lexical features does the gay community have in the film script Milk?, the result shows that there is a significant use of taboo words which express various emotive elements, such as, anger, annoyance, surprise, frustration, and so on. Also, gay slang is used quite extensively. It is an indication of self-recognition among the gay people. Words like gay, queer, come out, and faggot will be differently interpreted if they are used in community other than gay ones. The use of gay slang of course fits contextually to be used only by the gay community. In general, the words reflect the condition of the users whose egalitarian circumstances ensure intimacy within their utterances. Yet, the extensive use of taboo or swear words indicates psychosocial condition of the characters in the script. Additionally, these words also mark the tendency of being exclusive and secretive.

Another result is related to the way the lexical features develop meaning.

Significant result indicates that the features develop narrowing which means that exclusivity is being employed in this community. The members adapt common words or phrases and then develop new meaning to make it their own



vocabularies. Other than narrowing, semantic bleaching or shift also becomes significant finding in this study. Shift, similar to narrowing, gives meaning a new domain since it totally changes its sense and adapt a new one to serve the purpose of the users.

Therefore, the findings in both taboo words and gay slang chiefly indicate the condition of the users themselves. Even though taboo words do not exclusively belong to gay community, they can effectively express various emotive conditions. As in the use of gay slang, it brings out two opposing reactions led to awakening that brings along togetherness or intimacy as tolerance is then built within the oppressed situation and initiated into a movement. In addition, most of the meaning changes indicate exclusivity and negative association. It can be linked to the social condition of the gay community itself in

1960 – 1970s where oppression and marginalization gave effect to the meaning changes as they shape the psychological condition of the community members.

Interestingly, there are types of semantic change which indicate positive notion in the midst of oppression and marginalization. It can be seen as a signal to the strengthening movement of minorities on their demand of change. As a result, in term of language use, this change can be concluded that words and phrases used as well as meaning changes occur in those words and phrases as an attitude the gay community has made a counteract to common mockery tone in the words they employ. The community members have interestingly used them to mark their awakening and movement.



5.2 Recommendation

Researches investigating lexical features may be regarded as a fundamental investigation to broader and more extensive studies in linguistics. Kulick (2000) asserts that most early studies of gay male and lesbian language use focused on

'homosexual slang', or the lexical items unique to gay and lesbian communities.

Many early researchers viewed gay and lesbian vocabulary as a mechanism for dealing with the stigma of homosexuality. Some view gay or lesbian slang as a survival strategy creating a social space in which being homosexual was acceptable. Some view it as negative result of social marginalization that continued to exclude gay men and lesbians from larger society. Moreover, Kulick argues that gay vocabulary was not simply a mechanism for dealing with stigma but that it was a means of defining social roles in gay and lesbian communities.

Nevertheless, the trend has shifted as context plays significant role in determining the use of lexical features in one group or community to another.

Therefore, there comes a study of heteronormativity which specifically addressed queer theories, sociology, and also psychology. Bucholtz (2004 cited in Mey,

2009) argues that research in heteronormativity has transformed the field of language and gender into the field of language, gender, and sexuality. In addition,

Gray (2011 cited in Mey, 2009: 845) determines that heteronormativity is a term used by social theorists in order to discuss the way in which gender and sexuality are separated into hierarchically organized categories. It has become one of the most important ways of thinking about sexuality within the academic study of



sexuality. This field of research is considered actual since it incorporates wider perspectives and theories.

The researcher personally sees it as a future of studies in language and linguistic in LGBT communities since theorists in linguistics and other social studies have become more interested recently with the life of not only gay and lesbian, but also bisexual, transgender and intersex. These groups are the communities which are socially and politically marginalized as the result of heteronormative discursive practices. Barrett (cited in Mey, 2009) states that if one is able to exist between gender and sexual categories of identity, then one provides a counter argument to the idea that gender and sexuality are fixed and/or natural human characteristics and provide a way to challenge or ‗queer‘ our understandings of these categories. Therefore, in the near future, language use can invest in the understanding of the idea of living within people with various sexual identities.




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Appendix 1 - The Occurrence of Lexical Features

No No Lines Classification Meaning data Original Contextual (COME) OUT) - 8 1 31 The more ―out‖ you make us, the more you incite them. Harvey, Activity used to show movement away from a person who no longer hides in the step back and quiet down. (40/DG) the inside of a place or container closet and chooses to express him or herself openly in their sexuality 2 46 And the young people in Jackson, Mississippi, in Minnesota, in Activity When the sun, moon or stars come the term used by lesbians, gay men and Richmond or Woodmere, New York, coming out and hearing out, they appear in the sky bisexuals to describe their experience of Anita Bryant on television telling them that they’re sick, that self discovery, self-acceptance, openness they’re wrong; there is no place in this Great country for them, in and honesty about their sexual this world... They're looking to us for something tonight... (his big orientation and their decision to share moment, realizing his true mission) And I say, we have to give this with others when and how they them hope! (61/HM) choose. 3 83 We’re going to convince the 90% to give a shit about us 10%. We Activity to go somewhere with someone for a When gay men and women and bisexuals have to let them know who we are. (his big new idea) Everybody social event can finally accept who they are and has to coming out. Across the entire state. No matter where they reveal their orientation to friends and live. (92/HM) family 4 99 My name is Harvey Milk, and I’m here to recruit you! I want to Activity to go somewhere with someone for a A term referring to a person deciding to recruit you for the fight to preserve your democracy! Brothers and social event tell once and for all that he is a sisters, you must come out! Come out to your parents, come out to homosexual your friends, if indeed they are your friends. Come out to your neighbors, come out to your fellow workers. Once and for all, let’s break down the myths, and destroy the lies and distortions. For your sake. For their sake. For the sake of all the youngsters who’ve been scared by the votes from Dade to Eugene. On the Statue of Liberty, it says, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free." (112/HM) 5 101 People are coming out, though. We met with groups in Bakersfield, Activity to go somewhere with someone for a A term referring to a person deciding to Redding, a dozen people showed up in a library basement in Fresno social event tell once and for all that he is a asking for our support if they came out. Last Sunday, the Reverend homosexual of St. Mary's came out to his entire congregation... (117/DP) 6 102 People are coming out, though. We met with groups in Bakersfield, Activity to go somewhere with someone for a A term referring to a person deciding to Redding, a dozen people showed up in a library basement in Fresno social event tell once and for all that he is a asking for our support if they came out. Last Sunday, the Reverend homosexual of St. Mary's came out to his entire congregation... (117/DP) 7 116 To the gay community all over this state... my message to you is... Activity to go somewhere with someone for a A term referring to a person deciding to 109


so far a lot of people joined us and rejected Proposition Six, and social event tell once and for all that he is a now we owe them something... We must destroy the myths once homosexual and for all, shatter them. We must continue to speak out... and most importantly, most importantly, every gay person must come out. (131/HM) 8 129 I ask this... that If there be an assassination, I would want five, ten, Activity to go somewhere with someone for a A term referring to a person deciding to one hundred, a thousand to rise. I would like to see every gay social event tell once and for all that he is a lawyer, every gay architect come out-- (158/HM) homosexual

FUCK – 13 1 11 The fucking cops, man. Cops are pulling people out of Toad Hall. Person used to emphasize your opinion of Something to add in an insult (28/YGM) something 2 13 Fuck that. Elections of any kind are fucking bourgeois affectation. Expression used to emphasize your opinion of to disregard, ignore (used with -it, -that) (33/CJ) something 3 42 They turned around and they started a fucking riot. (53/CJ) Situation (1) Fuck: used to emphasize your Another term for asshole opinion of something (2) Riot: a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled public meeting 4 44 Fuck, Yeah. (53/CJ) Expression used to emphasize your opinion of Expresses complete surprise and joy something 5 51 --bring out the old, bring in the new. This is over. Done. I don't Person (1) Fuck: used to emphasize your something to add in a insult want to see one more thing that say's fucking assembly on it. opinion of something (69/HM) (2) Assembly: a group of people, especially one that meets regularly for a particular purpose, such as government, or more generally, the process of coming together, or the state of being together 6 68 And street talk only around Feinstein. Shit, goddamn, fuck, all that. Expression used when expressing extreme anger, Expresses disgust It bugs the hell out of her. (82/HM) or to add force to what is being said 7 71 Whatever. He can get them in two Sundays at church in Orange Object (1) Fuck: used to emphasize your Something to add in a insult fucking County. (88/CJ) opinion of something (2) Orange County: an area in California, U.S. 8 76 Good point, David. Maybe we should just roll over. And Make it Activity (1) To fuck: to have sex with Term of insult, to have sex with easier for Briggs to fuck us in the ass. (91/CJ) someone (2) (In the) ass: arse (= the part of



the body that you sit on) 9 86 That's fucking insane. (93/SS) Situation (1) Fuck: used to emphasize your Full of Insanity, Madness and briefing opinion of something from a mental disorder or illness. (2) Insane: mentally ill 10 89 Forty years ago tonight, the gay citizens of Germany found out they Expression used when expressing extreme anger, Expresses disgust no longer had civil rights. Tomorrow morning, the gay citizens of or to add force to what is being said Wichita will also awaken to find that they too have lost their civil rights. You have whistles. You use them when we have been attacked. Tonight we have been attacked. Fuck. Shit. Harvey! (100/CJ) 11 93 They're calling it a "successful mediation." You're a God damn Expression used when expressing extreme anger, Expresses disgust hero. Fuck. We came this close to a riot. (101B /CJ) or to add force to what is being said 12 94 The fucking piss smell in the Tenderloin (101B /CJ) Object (1) Fuck(ing): used to emphasize awful smell your opinion of something (2) Piss: urine (3) Smell: to have a particular quality that others can notice with their noses 13 106 Fuck, Harvey. It's poop, okay? I just hope I’m more important than Expression used when expressing extreme anger, Expresses disgust poop. (123/JL) or to add force to what is being said

SHIT – 8

1 68 And street talk only around Feinstein. Shit, goddamn, fuck, all that. Expression the solid waste which is released something inferior or worthless It bugs the hell out of her. (82/HM) from the bowels of a person or to describe something that is the worst. animal; excrement 2 80 This is shit. This is Shit and masturbation. It's just a coward's Expression the solid waste which is released Exclamation of frustration or anger response to a dangerous threat. (91/HM) from the bowels of a person or animal; excrement 3 81 This is shit. This is Shit and masturbation. It's just a coward's Expression (1) Shit: the solid waste which is (1) Exclamation of frustration or anger response to a dangerous threat. (91/HM) released from the bowels of a (2) The thing everybody does, but no person or animal; excrement one will admit to doing (2) Masturbation: the act, to touch or rub your sexual organs in order to give yourself sexual pleasure 4 90 Forty years ago tonight, the gay citizens of Germany found out they Expression the solid waste which is released something inferior or worthless no longer had civil rights. Tomorrow morning, the gay citizens of from the bowels of a person or to describe something that is the worst Wichita will also awaken to find that they too have lost their civil animal; excrement rights. You have whistles. You use them when we have been 111


attacked. Tonight we have been attacked. Fuck. Shit. Harvey! (100/CJ) 5 95 Dog shit. (101B /FR) Object (1) Dog: a common animal with four Something that is worthless and of legs, especially kept by people as inferior quality a pet or to hunt or guard things (2) Shit: the solid waste which is released from the bowels of a person or animal; excrement 6 96 If you cleaned up the dog shit in the town, you’re the next Mayor. Object (1) Dog: a common animal with four Something that is worthless and of (101B /JR) legs, especially kept by people as inferior quality a pet or to hunt or guard things (2) Shit: the solid waste which is released from the bowels of a person or animal; excrement 7 105 You just had them pull me out of my big vote on the dog shit Object (1) Dog: a common animal with four Something that is worthless and of ordinance for this? What, do you do this on purpose? (123/HM) legs, especially kept by people as inferior quality a pet or to hunt or guard things (2) Shit: the solid waste which is released from the bowels of a person or animal; excrement 8 109 You're the asshole that just passed that dog shit thing aren't you? Object (1) Dog: a common animal with four Something that is worthless and of What the hell do you have against dogs? (125/Pby) legs, especially kept by people as inferior quality a pet or to hunt or guard things to describe something that is the worst (2) Shit: the solid waste which is released from the bowels of a person or animal; excrement

POT – 3

1 5 I bought an ounce of pot. Don’t move for a second (19/SS) Drug Any of several kinds of round vessel a slang word for marijuana, usually of baked clay, metal, glass, etc, with smoked in a pipe or as a cigarette or without handle, cover, etc, made to contain liquids or solids, esp. for cooking 2 12 Public dental care for retired people... Legalize pot, vote Milk. Drug A term for marijuana or any sort a slang word for marijuana, usually (33/HM) smoked in a pipe or as a cigarette 3 17 Sometimes. But what I'm talking about is that we can change Drug Any of several kinds of round vessel a slang word for marijuana, usually Phoenix. But we have to start with our street: police abuse, rent of baked clay, metal, glass, etc, with smoked in a pipe or as a cigarette control, pot, parks, seniors issues. (33/HM) or without handle, cover, etc, made to 112


contain liquids or solids, esp. for cooking

GAY – 11

1 23 I’m just saying that at this point, it looks like all the big guns, all Object the coins or notes which are used to Possession of any gay person the gay money, the real money, is gonna get behind Feinstein and buy things, or the amount of these all the straight candidates they consider "gay-friendly." (36/JR) that one person has 2 28 The "top gays" in San Francisco were David Goodstein and his Person (1) Top: the highest place or part Famous gay men civil rights lawyer sidekick, Rick Stokes. David was a rich old (2) Gay: homosexuals queen who'd bought the biggest gay magazine, The Advocate. He had it delivered to subscribers in brown paper bags so no-one would know. That's how he lived his life, covered up, discreet. (38/HM) 3 40 Phoenix? (off Cleve's smile) At least now you look gay. Let’s go Person happy guy a homosexual male or female inside. (52/HM) 4 45 I am here tonight to say, we will No longer sit quietly in our Closet. Activity (1) National: elating to or typical of A group of well-educated youths that We must fight everywhere the Anitas go. Anita Bryant did not win a whole country and its people, have an extreme knowledge in the bush. tonight. Anita Bryan brought us together. She is going to create a rather than to part of that country national gay force! (The crowd ROARS) (61/HM) or to other countries (2) Gay: homosexual (3) Force: physical, especially violent, strength or power 5 77 Corey Wares is an out gay— (91/RS) Person (1) Out: used to show movement A masterful move in which the outgayer, away from the inside of a place becomes far more gay and faggot-like or container than the previous holder of the Queer (2) Gay: homosexual Crown 6 78 With the heat bearing down on your movement right now, we feel Object (1) To dodge: to avoid being hit by (1) To runaway, escape, or use ninja- it's best to dodge the "gay" bullet. Go for the human rights angle. something by moving quickly to tactics (such as teleportation, or (91/RS) one side smoke-bomb-and-backflip) to avoid (2) Gay: homosexual being caught. (3) Bullet: a small, metal object that (2) When a gay friend keeps reverting to is shot from a gun gay innuendo during a conversation, often unwarranted. Describing detailed gay sexual acts without being asked. 7 98 Doggy-doo's a real issue, George. A Powder blue pen to sign the Object (1) Gay: homosexual Any forum of which the true intention of city's first Gay Rights law... George, we need your help with (2) Community: the people living in the webmaster is to meet up with gay and



Briggs... The gay community will have your back from now on. one particular area or people who bisexual men in real life, but masked as On all issues, I hope you'll have ours. A beat between them. An are considered as a unit because something else. alliance is forming. (107/HM) of their common interests, social group or nationality 8 100 Senator, as a Christian it's interesting that you don't seem to Object (1) Gay: homosexual (About homosexual) story about understand what Christ was about. He was about accepting people (2) Myth(s): an ancient story or set mystical beings, powers or events and giving love, not carrying a Bible in one hand and hatred in the of stories, especially explaining otherwise impossible to perform in other... (cheers from the audience) ... Now all the gay myths have in a literary way the early history reality that only exist in imagination been shattered, all the fears, all the-- (115/HM) of a group of people or about natural events and facts 9 115 I don't think I'd be alive right now if it weren’t for you. You were Situation (1) Gay: homosexual A code word meaning "making out on right about LA. It's like gay Disney World (130/YT) (2) Disney World: an amusement the beach" or any other kind of hooking park up, for homosexual 10 121 Milk, you're a decent politician, a mediocre businessman, but you're Person (1) Lousy: very bad extremely bad or poor homosexual a lousy gay man. (Harvey knows what he's getting at) (133/CJ) (2) Gay: homosexual (3) Man: an adult male human being 11 125 Let me remind you of something, you're up for re-election. If you Object (1) Gay: homosexual the opinion of a group of homosexuals as re-appoint Dan White, you will lose the gay vote. They listen to (2) Vote: a usually formal determined by voting me. You won't be elected dog catcher. (140/HM) expression of opinion or will in response to a proposed decision; especially : one given as an indication of approval or disapproval of a proposal, motion, or candidate for office

GODDAMN – 7 1 7 I mean, I thought you were a goddamn Republican. (21/SS) Person To send to punishment without end To describe a noun (Republican) that is after death very much disliked 2 49 Oh, Goddamn it (68/HM) Expression To send to punishment without end awe, disbelief after death 3 52 Cause this three-time faggot loser is running for Supervisor Expression To send to punishment without end awe, disbelief goddamn it! (69/HM) after death 4 67 And street talk only around Feinstein. Shit, goddamn, fuck, all that. Expression To send to punishment without end awe, disbelief It bugs the hell out of her. (82/HM) after death 5 92 They're calling it a "successful mediation." You're a Goddamn Person (1) Goddamn: To send to awe, disbelief hero. Fuck. We came this close to a riot. (101B/CJ) punishment without end after death (2) Hero: a person who is admired



for having done something very brave or having achieved something great 6 112 (darkens, pointed) There goddamn well better be. (130/CJ) Expression (1) To send to punishment without awe, disbelief end after death 7 128 (finally crumbling, tears roll) Where is everybody? Didn't anyone Expression used as a way of saying you do not lack of attention you are willing to give give a damn? (157/SS) care about something, especially the something, not to be interested or annoying things that someone else is involved doing or saying


1 15 Okay. Let me ask you one thing before you go back to work. What Person a homosexual, especially a man young gay man was it like to be a little queer in Phoenix? Did all the jocks beat you up in gym class? (33/HM) 2 34 So, on election day, out of 32 candidates vying for 6 seats... We Person a homosexual, especially a man young gay man came in 10th. We lost. But only a few votes shy of my becoming the first big eared, cock-sucking, queer as a three- dollar-bill-man, to be elected to public office. (41/HM) 3 79 People need to know who it is that’s being affected. You need at Object (1) Old: having lived or existed for something as unusual or strange, least one old queer on this flyer. (a dig, to Goodstein) Excuse me, many years homosexuals, now be used to describe yeah. Maybe you should volunteer for that, David. (91/HM) (2) Queer: (especially of a man) homosexuals, bisexuals, and homosexual transgendered people (3) Flyer: a small piece of paper with information on it about a product or event

QUEEN – 4 1 24 Who cares about those old queens? (36/SS) Person (1) Old: having lived or existed for old gay man many years (2) Queen: a woman who rules a country because she has been born into a royal family, or a woman who is married to a king 2 29 The "top gays" in San Francisco were David Goodstein and his Person the female ruler of a country Really, really, really flamboyant, (and civil rights lawyer sidekick, Rick Stokes. David was a rich old possibly irritating,) man. Almost always queen who'd bought the biggest gay magazine, The Advocate. He gay. 115


had it delivered to subscribers in brown paper bags so no-one would know. That's how he lived his life, covered up, discreet. (38/HM) 3 41 I went to Spain last month. Long story. In Barcelona, there was this Person a woman who rules a country because A flamboyant homosexual, usually male, memorial march for gay people that died under Franco. Of course, she has been born into a royal family, always FABULOUS. the police tried to break it up. But these queens didn’t run. No. or a woman who is married to a king (53/CJ) 4 43 I saw a bullet, one of those big rubber bullets rip through a drag Object (1) Drag: to move something by A man who dresses up as a woman for queen’s scalp, but she kept on fighting. She was screaming, but she pulling it along a surface, usually entertainment purposes. This man is not kept on fighting. I mean... our lives. There was blood literally the ground always homosexual or bisexual. Often running in the gutter. In a gutter. (53/CJ) (2) Queen: a woman who rules a they are just regular men who like living country because she has been an alternate life in the evenings born into a royal family, or a performing. woman who is married to a king (3) Scalp: the skin on the top of a person's head where hair usually grows

TRICK – 4 1 14 Is that right? What do you do, trick up on Polk Street? (33/HM) Person an action which is intended to a bait, victim deceive, either as a way of cheating someone, or as a joke or form of entertainment 2 20 The fruit was walking home with his trick when they were jumped. Person an attractive child or woman a homosexual male who engages in (35/Cops) casual sex 3 21 Just the "trick." Jerry Taylor. (35/Cops) Person an attractive child or woman a homosexual male who engages in casual sex 4 23 Jerry wasn't a trick. They were lovers. (35/HM) Person an attractive child or woman a homosexual male who engages in casual sex

FAGGOT – 2 1 38 Tell me something Mr. Agnos... right here in the Castro, Robert Person small sticks that are tied together, Slang term for homosexual, usually one Hillsbourough was murdered for walking home with his long time used for burning on a fire who is flamboyantly flaming partner. He was stabbed... fifteen times. The last words he heard were "Faggot, Faggot, Faggot..." now you say you're outraged. Why then does your liberal establishment refuse to answer our calls? Why do they not bring these murderers to justice? (50/HM)



2 53 Cause this three-time faggot loser is running for Supervisor Expression child or woman somebody is really a homosexual mostly goddamn it! (69/HM) used instead of calling somebody stupid or a loser


1 47 Let Rick Stokes take it. Nobody thinks you're a fraud here, Harvey. Person (1) Closet: a cupboard or a small (1) A homosexual who denies their You're not in New York, you're not a closet case asshole anymore. room with a door, used for homosexuality, and claims to be People respect you here. Relax for a year. Get us back on our feet. storing things, especially clothes heterosexual. (68/SS) (2) Case: a particular situation or (2) someone being arrogant, rude, example of something obnoxious, or just a total dickhead.... (3) Asshole (or arsehole): an unpleasant or stupid person 2 103 You are an ungrateful asshole! (118/JL) Person (1) Ungrateful: not showing or An annoying/abrasive person expressing any thanks; not grateful (2) Asshole (arsehole): an unpleasant or stupid person 3 108 You're the asshole that just passed that dog shit thing aren't you? Person an unpleasant or stupid person someone being arrogant, rude, What the hell do you have against dogs? (125/Pby) obnoxious, or just a total dickhead

THE US'S – 2 1 63 And for the first time in my life, it all came together... the union Person (1) (used as the object of a verb or a More than one person. Similar to we, boys, the women, the seniors, the gays and minorities... All of the preposition) me and at least one only referring it to someone else instead us's showed up... (74/HM) other person of yourself (2) objective case of we 2 130 --If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every Person (used as the object of a verb or a More than one person. Similar to we, closet door... And that's all. I ask for the movement to continue. preposition) me and at least one other only referring it to someone else instead Because it's not about personal gain, and it’s not about ego, and it’s person of yourself not about power... it's about the "us's" out there. Not just gays, but

the Blacks, the Asians, the disabled, the seniors, the us's. Without hope, the us's give up-- As the thousands of mourners arrive at City Hall, they place their candles around the statue of Lincoln (159/HM)

WHAT THE HECK/HELL? – 3 1 85 Politics. Not the movement. What the hell was that in there? Situation an extremely unpleasant or difficult Expression of surprise. Incredulous.



(93/SS) place, situation or experience Shocked. Equivalent to saying "what on earth" or "What Gives". 2 110 You're the asshole that just passed that dog shit thing aren't you? Situation an extremely unpleasant or difficult Expression of surprise. Incredulous. What the hell do you have against dogs? (125/Pby) place, situation or experience Shocked. Equivalent to saying "what on earth" or "What Gives". 3 111 No. What the heck are you? (129/Girl) Expression an expression of usually slight anger a synonym for "what the hell", or surprise, or a way of adding force expression of surprise, Incredulous, to a statement, question, etc Shocked. Equivalent to saying "what on earth" or "What Gives".




No No Lines Classification Meaning data Literal Slang 1 1 I know, I know, I’m not what you expected, but I left my high Attire the raised part at the back of the shoe woman-like, feminine heels at home. (4/HM) 2 2 Listen, Harvey, you're pretty cute, But I don't date guys over forty. Appearance pleasant and attractive sexually attractive (13/SS) 3 3 Are you on some uppers or something? (15/SS) Sexual-intercourse The top part of a shoe or boot above On top of the heel and sole 4 4 (meaning a closet case) Oh. You're one of "those." (examines Situation (1) new: recently created or having  Complete Antithesis of Individuality Harvey's eyes) Well, I think you need to find a new of scene. Some started to exist recently  Exclamation of joy amazement, or new friends. (15/SS) (2) scene: a view or picture of a said when everything is going well place, event, or activity 5 6 Look Harvey, What's with all this political activist crap? (21/SS) Matter Solid waste matter passed from the worthless junk and/or pointless things bowels 6 8 Harvey, come on. Opera is so passé (27/DN) Appearance (1) No longer considered modern Old-fashioned (2) Past one’s prime 7 9 Jim Rivaldo. A great mind. Harvard graduate, which nobody cared Compliment (1) Great: very good smart, wise about in those days in the Castro... including himself (27/HM) (2) Mind: the part of a person that makes it possible for a person to think, feel emotions and understand things 8 10 We weren’t just a bunch of pansies anymore. We had our first Person A small plant with wide flat flowers one who lacks the appropriate taste of power. And it was about that time that someone first called masculinity associated with testosterone me the Major of Castro Street, or I may have invented the term and like the pansy displays a shade of myself. (27/HM) purple and a flower like demeanor but is however a fruit 9 16 I faked a lung disease to get out of PE. So what? What are you, Person a psychiatrist or psychoanalyst gangster, mobster some kind of street shrink? (33/CJ) 10 18 No. I think you should do what you do well. You should be a prick. Person A small mark or hole made by Coward But come with us and be a prick. Fight City Hall. Fight the cops. pricking Fight the people who made you come here to do what you do. A small sharp pain (33/HM) 11 19 The fruit was walking home with his trick when they were jumped. Person the usually sweet-tasting part of a tree someone who is a flaming flamboyant (35/Cops) or bush which holds seeds and which homosexual can be eaten 12 25 "Harvey Milk will have a dream journey and nightmare to hell, a Expression  Cock: an adult male chicken Penis night of horror. You will be stabbed and have your genitals, cock,  Ball(s): a round or roundish body A total asshole, jerk, or jackoff (or 119


balls, prick cut off." (37/SS) or mass jagoff)  Prick: a very offensive word for a stupid unpleasant man 13 26 They probably wrote it. Look, think of it this way. If they try to kill Situation a strong movement towards a place To sell something, drive me, I'll get the sympathy vote. That might be just the push we need. (37/HM) 14 27 It's a total joke. I mean, it’s got no rhythm. No humor. It's Situation Anthing said or done to cause a funny rhyme, story, and/or pun usually insulting. (37/HM) laughter or amusement designed to either poke fun at an everyday issue, celebrity, and/or designed to be so disgusting that it is funny. 15 30 So you think that backing straight candidates is the best way to Person (1) Straight: a person who adheres to non-gay candidate help us? (40/HM) conventional attitudes and mores (2) Candidate(s): a person who is competing to get a job or elected position

16 32 For you, politics is a game, a lark. It’s like putting on a rock festival Person a usually young person who rejects A Hippie is a person who was raised or staging a "love-in." You're too old to be a hippie, Harvey Milk! the mores of established society (as under the ideological system that came (40/DG) by dressing unconventionally or out of the tumultuous 1960's in North favoring communal living) and America and western Europe. They are advocates a nonviolent ethic either of the flower-child/baby boomer generation or that generations' subsequent offspring. They possess a core belief set revolving around the values of peace and love as being essential in an increasingly globalized society, and they are oftentimes associated with non-violent anti- governmental groups. 17 33 So, on election day, out of 32 candidates vying for 6 seats... We Sexual intercourse  cock: an adult male chicken Oral sex came in 10th. We lost. But only a few votes shy of my becoming  sucking: to pull in liquid or air the first big eared, cock-sucking, queer as a three- dollar-bill-man, through your mouth without to be elected to public office. (41/HM) using your teeth, or to move the tongue and muscles of the mouth around something inside your mouth, often in order to dissolve it 18 35 No. No, not cute. I hate the shoes. I hate the hair. You’re not Appearance (especially of something or someone More than just a pretty face, a person



fooling anybody. (43/SS) small or young) pleasant and who also is beautiful inside and makes attractive others feel good by his/her acts, words or simple presence. 19 36 I'm not gonna let those little Pacific Heights biddies write me off Object (a piece of) solid waste from the body a term of endearment anymore because of a ponytail. I like it. No more bathhouse, no more pot, for me and my little poo. Speak for yourself. Come on. (43/HM) 20 37 We ran and we lost the Supervisors race for the second time in Activity annoyed (1) Angry or annoyed about something 1975, but with more votes than ever before. So in 1976, against angry, irritate or someone everyone's advice, I really pissed off the political power houses, in (2) the feeling that murder is a perfectly the Democratic party by running against their man, --Art Agnos, a acceptable solution to your problems part of their "Political Machine." And this time, not for Supervisor, due to anyone and everyone being so but for a bigger job, for the California State Assembly. (44/HM) bloody annoying. 21 39 My God, you're handsome up close. Can't tell you how much I'm Activity to move the tongue across the surface for a guy (or girl) to lick a girls vagina looking forward to licking you, in the polls. (51/HM) of something for sexual pleasure 22 48 Anita wants to put us all back in concentration camps. Rick Activity (1) Back: in, into or towards a A place where a tyrannical government Stokes is too weak to beat her back if she gets to California. I have previous place or condition, or sends a group (or groups) of people that to be in office to protect us from them. (68/HM) an earlier time the leader/leaders of the tyranny (2) Concentration camp: a prison doesn't/don't like. Often times, it is a where people are kept in closed-off area that is surrounded by extremely bad conditions, barbed-wire fences and search towers. especially for political reasons The main reason that the tyrannical government sends these people to the camps is because they want them killed off because they think that that particular group of people is inferior or a danger to society. Not many people survive these camps. 23 50 I know. You're a catch. (68/SS) Person to take hold of something, especially The present tense verb for a male to be something that is moving through the on the receiving end of booty buns. air 24 54 Who the heck is that? (69/JR) Expression an expression of usually slight anger A non offensive replacement for the or surprise, or a way of adding force word "hell" used to express amazement to a statement, question, etc at some unlikely act or strange object. 25 55 They'll split the gay vote. The straights will divide and conquer. Person a person who adheres to conventional Heterosexual, used to describe a person (69/JR) attitudes and mores who does not participate in "dangerous" activity such as drugs, alcohol, sex or criminal activity. A good girl/guy. 26 56 Yes. We take after Harvey. (69/MW) Activity to be similar to an older member of to make something known to the public



your family in appearance or character 27 57 Okay Gentleman, we’ve already got a tinker bell, a lotus-blossom, Person a fairy (=an imaginary creature who A term or alias used to describe the way Jim and Dick in their three-piece suits. We need someone to looks like a small person but has somebody runs on the court. manage things. A woman this time. Plus, She's the right price, and wings and can do magic) who helps she’s got bigger balls than Just give me whatever is in the register Peter Pan in the play and book Peter at the end of the day. So should I call the Chronicle about getting Pan by J. M. Barrie. She talks to US an actual endorsement? No? (69/HM) Peter Pan by making bell-like sounds. 28 58 Okay Gentleman, we’ve already got a tinker bell, a lotus-blossom, Person (1) lotus: a type of tropical water lily (Thai) female breasts Jim and Dick in their three-piece suits. We need someone to (2) blossom: a tree which produces manage things. A woman this time. Plus, She's the right price, and flowers before producing fruit she’s got bigger balls than Just give me whatever is in the register which can be eaten at the end of the day. So should I call the Chronicle about getting US an actual endorsement? No? (69/HM) 29 59 Then you should know this race is for District 5, the Castro, not for Person relating to homosexuality between woman whose emotional, romantic, and all of your lesbian... compares—(69B/RS) females sexual energies are geared towards other women. 30 60 Hi Rick, handsome suit. Annie, do you have any more hand Object (1) Handsome: describes a man who Referring to people dressed in well- cards? (69B/DP) is physically attractive in a tailored suits or tuxedos, such as traditional, male way businessmen, capitalists, or government (2) Suit: a jacket and trousers or a agents jacket and skirt that are made from the same material 31 61 Not true. Guess where we found them all, Rick? A slew of them. Person a large amount or number 1. A slut; sexually immoral or dirty Way up on Valencia Street. Living right there in our district. And woman. you see, as it turns out, Annie here is very, very popular with the 2. The accumulated and dried female ladies. (69B/DP) ejaculate that remains on a man’s penis after sex. 32 62 They've accused me of many things, but never as blatant a lie as Activity describes something bad that is very very noticeable; used in reference to rude this. (139/HM) obvious or intentional or malicious intent/behavior 33 64 We'll deal with him tomorrow. Oh god. Harvey is DOUSED with Activity to make something or someone wet to have sex with, hard and in some champagne. (76/JR) by throwing a lot of liquid over them instances to beat up/down

34 65 A bit over the top. (81/CJ) Activity the highest point, level, or part of anyone that has crossed the limits of something sanity or anger in a conversation, relationship, or situation, or gone crazy to the point of danger 35 69 All right, lay off. He registered 120 voters last week. (88/HM) Expression when someone stops employing Leave alone, stop being mean to. someone, sometimes temporarily, 122


because there is no money to pay them or because there is no work for them 36 70 So do any of your volunteers, but you don't go and make them all Person a woman whose husband is the A lady who is considered to be the best first lady. (88/CJ) political leader of a country or a part at every thing of a country 37 72 Oh yeah, How? Will you be sucking them off, Briggs? (89/Prtst) Activity to use the tongue, lips and mouth on a blow job, sucking a penis someone's sexual organs to give them pleasure 38 73 Well, look what happened in Germany. I mean, Anita Bryant Object (1) Shopping: the activity of buying matters to be discussed, already says that the Jews and Muslims are going to hell, so you things from shops requested, or otherwise attended to know she has a shopping list. And we are not going to let John (2) List: a record of short pieces of Briggs or Anita Bryant legislate bigotry in this state... (90/HM) information, such as people's names, usually written or printed with a single thing on each line and often ordered in a way that makes a particular thing easy to find 39 74 Oh Harvey... your boyfriend is in the closet. (90B/DG) Person a man or boy who a person is having The sweetest boy you have ever known. a romantic or sexual relationship with This creature can often be seen holding hands with his female counterpart in its natural habitat; his hugs are considered cure-alls in the way of modern medicine; his ultimate concern is that he can make his female counterpart happy. 40 75 The Latino, he's locked himself in the closet upstairs... Harvey, Situation a part of a play or film in which the Guys and Girls who are usually (almost Harvey, Phil Burton is here. He's likely the next Speaker of the action stays in one place for a ALWAYS) Egotistic, Self-Centered, House and a very important ally against Proposition Six. So please, continuous period of time Narcissistic. Loves taking pictures of no scene, all right? (90B /RS) themselves. 41 82 Come on, Jack, it's time to go. (to Cleve) Get everyone together at Person (1) Fresh: new; different or another Young man your place. I want young people, I want women, I want fresh (2) Head(s): the part of the body heads. Get organizers and Fighters, not politicians. Come on, Jack. above the neck that contains the (91B/HM) eyes, nose, mouth and ears and the brain 42 84 I'm serious. (beat, the room gets quiet) If we’re going to beat Prop Situation a quarter of a city in which members an impoverished, neglected, or otherwise 6, we tell all of them to come out. Every gay lawyer, teacher, doctor of a minority group live especially disadvantaged residential area of a city, dog catcher... We have to leave the ghetto, we have to let all those because of social, legal, or economic usually troubled by a disproportionately people out there know that they know one of us. And if somebody pressure large amount of crime doesn’t want to step out of the closet, we open the door for them.



(92/HM) 43 87 You were the biggest closet case in New York. You asked me and Object (1) Closet: a cupboard or a small A homosexual who denies their all your boyfriends to keep our traps shut. I mean, You’re being the room with a door, used for homosexuality, and claims to be hypocrite in there. (93/SS) storing things, especially clothes heterosexual. (2) Case: a problem, a series of events or a person being dealt with by police, doctors, lawyers, etc. 44 87 You were the biggest closet case in New York. You asked me and Object (3) Closet: a cupboard or a small A homosexual who denies their all your boyfriends to keep our traps shut. I mean, You’re being the room with a door, used for homosexuality, and claims to be hypocrite in there. (93/SS) storing things, especially clothes heterosexual. (4) Case: a problem, a series of events or a person being dealt with by police, doctors, lawyers, etc. 45 87 I won't always be here. Somebody else will have to take over. Activity to start doing a job or being To assume control, management, or (looking him in the eye) I need you to be the scary one now. responsible for something that responsibility. (99/HM) another person did or had responsibility for before 46 91 Okay, okay! My name is Harvey Milk, and I want to recruit you. Activity (1) To legalize: to allow something to show intolerance towards others that (AN ENORMOUS CHEER rises) I want to recruit you for the fight by law are different from oneself, such as those to preserve our democracy against the Anita Bryants and John (2) Bigotry: an action, strong, of different ethnicities Briggs who are trying to legalize bigotry! We have a choice to unreasonable beliefs and who make. The fight is at our doors. We must either go back in the thinks that anyone who does not closet and shut it tight, or fight... History shows that if we continue have the same beliefs is wrong to fight, we... will... win. (101/HM) 47 97 Doggy-doo's a real issue, George. A Powder blue pen to sign the Object waste matter discharged from the A fresh batch of moist dog waste city's first Gay Rights law... George, we need your help with body, especially feces Briggs... The gay community will have your back from now on. On all issues, I hope you'll have ours. A beat between them. An alliance is forming. (107/HM ) 48 104 If in your statements here and all these newspaper and tonight, you Object to make a light stop shining by To place or relocate an object or focus of say that child molestation is not an issue, if it’s not an issue, why do pressing a switch attention to another premise or domain of you put out literature that hammers it home? Why do you play on situation this myth and fear? (119/HM) 49 107 (smiles, trying to lighten) And the potential witch hunt against you Activity an attempt to find and punish people Where a person decides to target another straight people, right? (124/HM) whose opinions are unpopular and person for reasons which may, or may who are said to be a danger to society not, be obvious 50 113 I can't say this because I'm a public official, but if this thing passes, Activity to defend yourself when someone to defend oneself against someone or



fight the hell back. (130/HM) attacks you or causes problems for something; to retaliate against someone you or something. 51 114 I thought you were a goner, Paul (130/HM) Person (1) one whose case is hopeless Somebody who is going to or has died, (2) person or thing that has no also used in an irreverent way to defuse a chance of continuing to live situation through humor 52 117 You ever heard of sore losers? Well, I'm a sore winner... I thought Person (1) Sore: painful and uncomfortable someone who loses in a fair competition we were goners. (HALF-JOKING) I'd started looking forward to because of injury, infection or but whines about it on a constant basis, the riots (133/HM) too much use blaming everyone around them for their (2) Loser(s): a person or team that loss except themselves does not win a game or competition 53 118 You ever heard of sore losers? Well, I'm a sore winner... I thought Person (1) Sore: painful and uncomfortable someone who wins and spends far too we were goners. (HALF-JOKING) I'd started looking forward to because of injury, infection or much time gloating over it, to the point the riots (133/HM) too much use that the rest of the people feel poorly (2) Winner: someone who wins a about even participating game, competition or election 54 119 You ever heard of sore losers? Well, I'm a sore winner... I thought Person (1) one whose case is hopeless Somebody who is going to or has died, we were goners. (HALF-JOKING) I'd started looking forward to (2) person or thing that has no also used in an irreverent way to defuse a the riots (133/HM) chance of continuing to live situation through humor 55 120 I think maybe we're best with our backs to the wall. It's too quiet. Object (1) Back: in, into or towards a to be in a defensive position (a new idea, what's next) I think we should march on Washington previous place or condition, or D.C. next year. (133/HM) an earlier time (2) Wall: a vertical structure, often made of stone or brick, that divides or surrounds something 56 122 Take some time off. Fifty's right around the corner. (a devilish Situation the point where converging lines, in close proximity relative to another grin) Nobody will want you after that... I can handle D.C. (133/CJ) edges, or sides meet location; also, something that is apparent or will be realized soon 57 123 He gets dragged into this closed door meeting at the Police Situation (1) Get: to obtain, buy or earn to take part in or as if in a drag race Officers Association, suddenly he wants his job back? (140/HM) something (2) Drag(ed): to draw slowly or heavily 58 124 How many of our propositions has Dan shut down? We could Activity (1) Stood (stand): to be in a vertical blocked finally settle this police desegregation nonsense. Cement rent state or to put into a vertical control. Dan White has been the vote on the board that has stood in state, especially (of a person or our way. The vote. (140/HM) animal) by straightening the legs (2) Way: a route, direction or path 59 126 (stern, silent, a beat, then) I'll make my decision on Monday. (as Person (1) Boss Tweed: William Marcy (1) Boss Tweed: Short for Tweedle Harvey's on his way out, with a wry grin) You know what you Tweed, an Dumb of Alice in Wonderland.



sounded like just now? Boss Tweed or Mayor Daly. (140/MM) American politician most notable Known for being insanely stupid. for being the "boss" of Tammany Someone that babbles on about Hall, the Democratic nonsense like they know what they Party political machine that are talking about & everyone cares. played a major role in (2) Mayor Daly: An insane student the politics of 19th century New teacher who makes a boring class York City and State. ballin' (2) Mayor Daly: (John) Augustin 1838–1899 Am. dram. & theater manager 60 127 (returns the smile) I like that. A "homosexual" with power... Person (1) Homosexual: a person, extra or to a large extent of homosexual that’s scary. (140/HM) especially a man, who is sexually capability attracted to people of the same sex and not to people of the opposite sex (2) Power: ability to control people and events



Appendix 2 – Semantic Changes

No Data Lines Classification Semantic changes Meaning Original Contextual 1 36 I'm not gonna let those little Pacific Heights biddies Object Amelioration (a piece of) solid waste from a term of endearment write me off anymore because of a ponytail. I like it. the body No more bathhouse, no more pot, for me and my little poo. Speak for yourself. Come on. (43/HM) 2 54 Who the heck is that? (69/JR) Expression Amelioration an expression of usually A non offensive replacement slight anger or surprise, or a for the word "hell" used to way of adding force to a express amazement at some statement, question, etc unlikely act or strange object. 3 3 Are you on some uppers or something? (15/SS) Sexual-intercourse Broadening The top part of a shoe or On top of boot above the heel and sole 4 9 Jim Rivaldo. A great mind. Harvard graduate, which Compliment Broadening (1) Great: very good smart, wise nobody cared about in those days in the Castro... (2) Mind: the part of a including himself (27/HM) person that makes it possible for a person to think, feel emotions and understand things 5 35 No. No, not cute. I hate the shoes. I hate the hair. Appearance Broadening (especially of something or More than just a pretty face, You’re not fooling anybody. (43/SS) someone small or young) a person who also is pleasant and attractive beautiful inside and makes others feel good by his/her acts, words or simple presence. 6 37 We ran and we lost the Supervisors race for the Activity Broadening Annoyed, angry, irritate (1) Angry or annoyed about second time in 1975, but with more votes than ever something or someone before. So in 1976, against everyone's advice, I really (2) the feeling that murder pissed off the political power houses, in the is a perfectly acceptable Democratic party by running against their man, --Art solution to your Agnos, a part of their "Political Machine." And this problems due to anyone time, not for Supervisor, but for a bigger job, for the and everyone being so California State Assembly. (44/HM) bloody annoying. 7 44 Fuck, Yeah. (53/CJ) Expression Broadening used to emphasize your Expresses complete surprise opinion of something and joy 8 66 And street talk only around Feinstein. Shit, goddamn, Expression Broadening the solid waste which is something inferior or worthl



fuck, all that. It bugs the hell out of her. (82/HM) released from the bowels of ess a person or animal; to describe something that is excrement the worst. 10 69 All right, lay off. He registered 120 voters last week. Expression Broadening when someone stops Leave alone, stop being (88/HM) employing someone, mean to. sometimes temporarily, because there is no money to pay them or because there is no work for them 11 70 So do any of your volunteers, but you don't go and Person Broadening a woman whose husband is A lady who is considered to make them all first lady. (88/CJ) the political leader of a be the best at every thing country or a part of a country 12 84 I'm serious. (beat, the room gets quiet) If we’re going Situation Broadening a quarter of a city in which an impoverished, neglected, to beat Prop 6, we tell all of them to come out. Every members of a minority or otherwise disadvantaged gay lawyer, teacher, doctor dog catcher... We have to group live especially residential area of a city, leave the ghetto, we have to let all those people out because of social, legal, or usually troubled by a there know that they know one of us. And if economic pressure disproportionately large somebody doesn’t want to step out of the closet, we amount of crime open the door for them. (92/HM) 13 88 I won't always be here. Somebody else will have to Activity Broadening to start doing a job or being To assume control, take over. (looking him in the eye) I need you to be responsible for something management, or the scary one now. (99/HM) that another person did or responsibility. had responsibility for before 14 103 You are an ungrateful asshole! (117/JL) Person Broadening (1) Ungrateful: not showing An annoying/abrasive or expressing any person thanks; not grateful (2) Asshole (arsehole): an unpleasant or stupid person 15 107 (smiles, trying to lighten) And the potential witch Activity Broadening an attempt to find and Where a person decides to hunt against you straight people, right? (124/HM) punish people whose target another person for opinions are unpopular and reasons which may, or may who are said to be a danger not, be obvious to society 16 114 I thought you were a goner, Paul (130/HM) Person Broadening (1) one whose case is Somebody who is going to hopeless or has died, also used in an (2) person or thing that has irreverent way to defuse a no chance of continuing situation through humor



to live 17 119 You ever heard of sore losers? Well, I'm a sore Person Broadening (3) one whose case is Somebody who is going to winner... I thought we were goners. (HALF- hopeless or has died, also used in an JOKING) I'd started looking forward to the riots (4) person or thing that has irreverent way to defuse a (133/HM) no chance of continuing situation through humor to live 18 128 (finally crumbling, tears roll) Where is everybody? Expression Broadening used as a way of saying you lack of attention you are Didn't anyone give a damn? (157/SS) do not care about something, willing to give something, especially the annoying not to be interested or things that someone else is involved doing or saying

19 4 (meaning a closet case) Oh. You're one of "those." Situation Metaphor (1) new: recently created or (1) Complete Antithesis of (examines Harvey's eyes) Well, I think you need to having started to exist Individuality find a new of scene. Some new friends. (15/SS) recently (2) Exclamation of joy (2) scene: a view or picture amazement, or said when of a place, event, or everything is going well activity 20 48 Anita wants to put us all back in concentration Activity Metaphor (1) Back: in, into or A place where a tyrannical camps. Rick Stokes is too weak to beat her back if towards a previous government sends a group she gets to California. I have to be in office to protect place or condition, or an (or groups) of people that us from them. (68/HM) earlier time the leader/leaders of the (2) Concentration camp: a tyranny doesn't/don't like. prison where people are Often times, it is a closed-off kept in extremely bad area that is surrounded by conditions, especially barbed-wire fences and for political reasons search towers. The main reason that the tyrannical government sends these people to the camps is because they want them killed off because they think that that particular group of people is inferior or a danger to society. Not many people survive these camps. 21 62 They've accused me of many things, but never as Activity Metaphor describes something bad that very noticeable; used in blatant a lie as this. (139/HM) is very obvious or reference to rude or intentional malicious intent/behavior



22 65 A bit over the top. (81/CJ) Activity Metaphor the highest point, level, or anyone that has crossed the part of something limits of sanity or anger in a conversation, relationship, or situation, or gone crazy to the point of danger 23 73 Well, look what happened in Germany. I mean, Anita Object Metaphor (1) Shopping: the activity matters to be discussed, Bryant already says that the Jews and Muslims are of buying things from requested, or otherwise atten going to hell, so you know she has a shopping list. shops ded to And we are not going to let John Briggs or Anita (2) List: a record of short Bryant legislate bigotry in this state... (90/HM) pieces of information, such as people's names, usually written or printed with a single thing on each line and often ordered in a way that makes a particular thing easy to find 24 74 Oh Harvey... your boyfriend is in the closet. Person Metaphor a man or boy who a person The sweetest boy you have (90B/DG) is having a romantic or ever known. This creature sexual relationship with can often be seen holding hands with his female counterpart in its natural habitat; his hugs are considered cure-alls in the way of modern medicine; his ultimate concern is that he can make his female counterpart happy. 25 78 With the heat bearing down on your movement right Object Metaphor (1) To dodge: to avoid (1) To runaway, escape, or now, we feel it's best to dodge the "gay" bullet. Go being hit by something use ninja-tactics (such for the human rights angle. (91/RS) by moving quickly to as teleportation, or one side smoke-bomb-and- (2) Gay: homosexual backflip) to avoid being (3) Bullet: a small, metal caught. object that is shot from (2) When a gay friend a gun keeps reverting to gay innuendo during a conversation, often unwarranted.



Describing detailed gay sexual acts without being asked. 26 79 People need to know who it is that’s being affected. Object Metaphor (1) Old: having lived or something as unusual or You need at least one old queer on this flyer. (a dig, existed for many years strange, homosexuals, now to Goodstein) Excuse me, yeah. Maybe you should (2) Queer: (especially of a be used to describe volunteer for that, David. (91/HM) man) homosexual homosexuals, bisexuals, and (3) Flyer: a small piece of transgendered people paper with information on it about a product or event 27 82 Come on, Jack, it's time to go. (to Cleve) Get Person Metaphor (1) Fresh: new; different or Young man everyone together at your place. I want young people, another I want women, I want fresh heads. Get organizers (2) Head(s): the part of the and Fighters, not politicians. Come on, Jack. body above the neck (91B/HM) that contains the eyes, nose, mouth and ears and the brain 28 87 You were the biggest closet case in New York. You Object Metaphor (1) Closet: a cupboard or a A homosexual who denies asked me and all your boyfriends to keep our traps small room with a door, their homosexuality, and shut. I mean, You’re being the hypocrite in there. used for storing things, claims to be heterosexual. (93/SS) especially clothes (2) Case: a problem, a series of events or a person being dealt with by police, doctors, lawyers, etc. 29 94 The fucking piss smell in the Tenderloin (101B /CJ) Object Metaphor (1) Fuck(ing): used to awful smell emphasize your opinion of something (2) Piss: urine (3) Smell: to have a particular quality that others can notice with their noses 30 104 If in your statements here and all these newspaper Object Metaphor to make a light stop shining To place or relocate an and tonight, you say that child molestation is not an by pressing a switch object or focus of attention issue, if it’s not an issue, why do you put out to another premise or literature that hammers it home? Why do you play domain of situation



on this myth and fear? (119/HM) 31 113 I can't say this because I'm a public official, but if this Activity Metaphor to defend yourself when to defend oneself against thing passes, fight the hell back. (130/HM) someone attacks you or someone or something; to causes problems for you retaliate against someone or something. 32 115 I don't think I'd be alive right now if it weren’t for Situation Metaphor (1) Gay: homosexual A code word meaning you. You were right about LA. It's like gay Disney (2) Disney World: an "making out on the beach" World (130/YT) amusement park or any other kind of hooking up, for homosexual 33 120 I think maybe we're best with our backs to the wall. Object Metaphor (1) Back: in, into or to be in a defensive position It's too quiet. (a new idea, what's next) I think we towards a previous should march on Washington D.C. next year. place or condition, or an (133/HM) earlier time (2) Wall: a vertical structure, often made of stone or brick, that divides or surrounds something 34 122 Take some time off. Fifty's right around the corner. Situation Metaphor the point where converging in close proximity relative to (a devilish grin) Nobody will want you after that... I lines, edges, or sides meet another location; also, can handle D.C. (133/CJ) something that is apparent or will be realized soon 35 123 He gets dragged into this closed door meeting at the Situation Metaphor (1) Get: to obtain, buy or to take part in or as if in a Police Officers Association, suddenly he wants his earn something drag race job back? (140/HM) (2) Drag(ed): to draw slowly or heavily 36 124 How many of our propositions has Dan shut down? Activity Metaphor (1) Stood (stand): to be in a blocked We could finally settle this police desegregation vertical state or to put nonsense. Cement rent control. Dan White has been into a vertical state, the vote on the board that has stood in our way. The especially (of a person vote. (140/HM) or animal) by straightening the legs (2) Way: a route, direction or path 37 127 (returns the smile) I like that. A "homosexual" with Person Metaphor (1) Homosexual: a person, extra or to a large extent of power... that’s scary. (140/HM) especially a man, who is homosexual capability sexually attracted to people of the same sex and not to people of the



opposite sex (2) Power: ability to control people and events 38 45 I am here tonight to say, we will No longer sit quietly Activity Metonymy (1) National: elating to or A group of well-educated in our Closet. We must fight everywhere the Anitas (pars pro toto) typical of a whole youths that have an extreme go. Anita Bryant did not win tonight. Anita Bryan country and its people, knowledge in the bush. brought us together. She is going to create a national rather than to part of gay force! (The crowd ROARS) (61/HM) that country or to other countries (2) Gay: homosexual (3) Force: physical, especially violent, strength or power 39 63 And for the first time in my life, it all came together... Person Metonymy (1) (used as the object of a More than one person. the union boys, the women, the seniors, the gays and (pars pro toto) verb or a preposition) Similar to we, only referring minorities... All of the us's showed up... (74/HM) me and at least one it to someone else instead of other person yourself (2) objective case of we 40 130 --If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet Person Metonymy (used as the object of a verb More than one person. destroy every closet door... And that's all. I ask for (pars pro toto) or a preposition) me and at Similar to we, only referring the movement to continue. Because it's not about least one other person it to someone else instead of personal gain, and it’s not about ego, and it’s not yourself about power... it's about the "us's" out there. Not just gays, but the Blacks, the Asians, the disabled, the seniors, the us's. Without hope, the us's give up-- As the thousands of mourners arrive at City Hall, they place their candles around the statue of Lincoln (159/HM) 41 1 I know, I know, I’m not what you expected, but I left Attire Narrowing the raised part at the back of woman-like, feminine my high heels at home. (4/HM) the shoe 42 2 Listen, Harvey, you're pretty cute, But I don't date Appearance Narrowing pleasant and attractive sexually attractive guys over forty. (13/SS) 43 12 Public dental care for retired people... Legalize pot, Drug Narrowing Any of several kinds of a slang word for marijuana, vote Milk. (33/HM) round vessel of baked clay, usually smoked in a pipe or metal, glass, etc, with or as a cigarette without handle, cover, etc, made to contain liquids or solids, esp. for cooking 44 13 Fuck that. Elections of any kind are fucking Expression Narrowing used to emphasize your to disregard, ignore (used



bourgeois affectation. (33/CJ) opinion of something with -it, -that) 45 14 Is that right? What do you do, trick up on Polk Person Narrowing an action which is intended a bait, victim Street? (33/HM) to deceive, either as a way of cheating someone, or as a joke or form of entertainment 46 15 Okay. Let me ask you one thing before you go back Person Narrowing a homosexual, especially a young gay man to work. What was it like to be a little queer in man Phoenix? Did all the jocks beat you up in gym class? (33/HM) 47 17 Sometimes. But what I'm talking about is that we can Drug Narrowing Any of several kinds of a slang word for marijuana, change Phoenix. But we have to start with our street: round vessel of baked clay, usually smoked in a pipe or police abuse, rent control, pot, parks, seniors issues. metal, glass, etc, with or as a cigarette (33/HM) without handle, cover, etc, made to contain liquids or solids, esp. for cooking 48 20 The fruit was walking home with his trick when they Person Narrowing an attractive child or woman a homosexual male who were jumped. (35/Cops) engages in casual sex 49 21 Just the "trick." Jerry Taylor. (35/Cops) Person Narrowing an attractive child or woman a homosexual male who engages in casual sex 50 22 Jerry wasn't a trick. They were lovers. (35/HM) Person Narrowing an attractive child or woman a homosexual male who engages in casual sex 51 23 I’m just saying that at this point, it looks like all the Object Narrowing the coins or notes which are Possession of any gay big guns, all the gay money, the real money, is gonna used to buy things, or the person get behind Feinstein and all the straight candidates amount of these that one they consider "gay-friendly." (36/JR) person has 52 25 "Harvey Milk will have a dream journey and Expression Narrowing (1) Cock: an adult male (1) Penis nightmare to hell, a night of horror. You will be chicken (2) A total asshole, jerk, or stabbed and have your genitals, cock, balls, prick cut (2) Ball(s): a round or jackoff (or jagoff) off." (37/SS) roundish body or mass (3) Prick: a very offensive word for a stupid unpleasant man 53 27 It's a total joke. I mean, it’s got no rhythm. No Situation Narrowing Anything said or done to a funny rhyme, story, and/or humor. It's insulting. (37/HM) cause laughter or amusement pun usually designed to either poke fun at an everyday issue, celebrity, and/or designed to be so disgusting that it is funny.



54 28 The "top gays" in San Francisco were David Person Narrowing (1) Top: the highest place or Famous gay men Goodstein and his civil rights lawyer sidekick, Rick part Stokes. David was a rich old queen who'd bought the (2) Gay: homosexuals biggest gay magazine, The Advocate. He had it delivered to subscribers in brown paper bags so no- one would know. That's how he lived his life, covered up, discreet. (38/HM) 55 30 So you think that backing straight candidates is the Person Narrowing (1) Straight: a person who non-gay candidate best way to help us? (40/HM) adheres to conventional attitudes and mores (2) Candidate(s): a person who is competing to get a job or elected position

56 31 The more ―out‖ you make us, the more you incite Situation Narrowing used to show movement a person who no longer them. Harvey, step back and quiet down. (40/DG) away from the inside of a hides in the closet and place or container chooses to express him or herself openly in their sexuality 57 32 For you, politics is a game, a lark. It’s like putting on Person Narrowing a usually young person who A Hippie is a person who a rock festival or staging a "love-in." You're too old rejects the mores of was raised under the to be a hippie, Harvey Milk! (40/DG) established society (as by ideological system that came dressing unconventionally or out of the tumultuous 1960's favoring communal living) in North America and and advocates a nonviolent western Europe. They are ethic either of the flower- child/baby boomer generation or that generations' subsequent offspring. They possess a core belief set revolving around the values of peace and love as being essential in an increasingly globalized society, and they are oftentimes associated with non-violent anti- governmental groups. 58 34 So, on election day, out of 32 candidates vying for 6 Person Narrowing a homosexual, especially a young gay man



seats... We came in 10th. We lost. But only a few man votes shy of my becoming the first big eared, cock- sucking, queer as a three- dollar-bill-man, to be elected to public office. (41/HM) 59 38 Tell me something Mr. Agnos... right here in the Person Narrowing small sticks that are tied Slang term for homosexual, Castro, Robert Hillsbourough was murdered for together, used for burning on usually one who is walking home with his long time partner. He was a fire flamboyantly flaming stabbed... fifteen times. The last words he heard were "Faggot, Faggot, Faggot..." now you say you're outraged. Why then does your liberal establishment refuse to answer our calls? Why do they not bring these murderers to justice? (50/HM) 60 39 My God, you're handsome up close. Can't tell you Activity Narrowing to move the tongue across for a guy (or girl) to lick a how much I'm looking forward to licking you, in the the surface of something girls vagina for sexual polls. (51/HM) pleasure 61 40 Phoenix? (off Cleve's smile) At least now you look Person Narrowing happy guy a homosexual male or gay. Let’s go inside. (52/HM) female 62 41 I went to Spain last month. Long story. In Barcelona, Person Narrowing a woman who rules a A flamboyant homosexual, there was this memorial march for gay people that country because she has usually male, always died under Franco. Of course, the police tried to been born into a royal FABULOUS. break it up. But these queens didn’t run. No. (53/CJ) family, or a woman who is married to a king 63 43 I saw a bullet, one of those big rubber bullets rip Object Narrowing (1) Drag: to move A man who dresses up as a through a drag queen’s scalp, but she kept on something by pulling it woman for entertainment fighting. She was screaming, but she kept on fighting. along a surface, usually purposes. This man is not I mean... our lives. There was blood literally running the ground always homosexual or in the gutter. In a gutter. (53/CJ) (2) Queen: a woman who bisexual. Often they are just rules a country because regular men who like living she has been born into a an alternate life in the royal family, or a evenings performing. woman who is married to a king (3) Scalp: the skin on the top of a person's head where hair usually grows 64 46 And the young people in Jackson, Mississippi, in Activity Narrowing When the sun, moon or stars the term used by lesbians, Minnesota, in Richmond or Woodmere, New York, come out, they appear in the gay men and bisexuals to coming out and hearing Anita Bryant on television sky describe their experience of



telling them that they’re sick, that they’re wrong; self discovery, self- there is no place in this Great country for them, in acceptance, openness and this world... They're looking to us for something honesty about their sexual tonight... (his big moment, realizing his true mission) orientation and their And I say, we have to give them hope! (61/HM) decision to share this with others when and how they choose. 65 47 Let Rick Stokes take it. Nobody thinks you're a fraud Person Narrowing (1) Closet: a cupboard or a (1) A homosexual who here, Harvey. You're not in New York, you're not a small room with a door, denies their closet case asshole anymore. People respect you used for storing things, homosexuality, and here. Relax for a year. Get us back on our feet. especially clothes claims to be (68/SS) (2) Case: a particular heterosexual. situation or example of (2) someone being arrogant, something rude, obnoxious, or just (3) Asshole (or arsehole): a total dickhead an unpleasant or stupid person 66 55 They'll split the gay vote. The straights will divide Person Narrowing a person who adheres to Heterosexual, used to and conquer. (69/JR) conventional attitudes and describe a person who does mores not participate in "dangerous" activity such as drugs, alcohol, sex or criminal activity. A good girl/guy. 67 59 Then you should know this race is for District 5, the Person Narrowing relating to homosexuality woman whose emotional, Castro, not for all of your lesbian... compares— between females romantic, and sexual (69B/RS) energies are geared towards other women. 68 60 Hi Rick, handsome suit. Annie, do you have any Object Narrowing (1) Handsome: describes a Referring to people dressed more hand cards? (69B/DP) man who is physically in well-tailored suits or attractive in a tuxedos, such as traditional, male way businessmen, capitalists, or (2) Suit: a jacket and government agents trousers or a jacket and skirt that are made from the same material 69 64 We'll deal with him tomorrow. Oh god. Harvey is Activity Narrowing to make something or to have sex with, hard and in DOUSED with champagne. (76/JR) someone wet by throwing a some instances to beat lot of liquid over them up/down



70 72 Oh yeah, How? Will you be sucking them off, Activity Narrowing to pull in liquid or air a blow job, sucking a penis Briggs? (89/Prtst) through your mouth without using your teeth, or to move the tongue and muscles of the mouth around something inside your mouth, often in order to dissolve it 71 75 The Latino, he's locked himself in the closet Situation Narrowing a part of a play or film in Guys and Girls who are upstairs... Harvey, Harvey, Phil Burton is here. He's which the action stays in one usually (almost ALWAYS) likely the next Speaker of the House and a very place for a continuous period Egotistic, Self-Centered, important ally against Proposition Six. So please, no of time Narcissistic. Loves taking scene, all right? (90B /RS) pictures of themselves. 72 77 Corey Wares is an out gay— (91/RS) Person Narrowing (1) Out: used to show A masterful move in which movement away from the outgayer, becomes far the inside of a place or more gay and faggot-like container than the previous holder of (2) Gay: homosexual the Queer Crown 73 83 We’re going to convince the 90% to give a shit about Activity Narrowing to go somewhere with When gay men and women us 10%. We have to let them know who we are. (his someone for a social event and bisexuals can finally big new idea) Everybody has to coming out. Across accept who they are and the entire state. No matter where they live. (92/HM) reveal their orientation to friends and family 74 91 Okay, okay! My name is Harvey Milk, and I want to Activity Narrowing an action, strong, to show intolerance towards recruit you. (AN ENORMOUS CHEER rises) I want unreasonable beliefs and others that are different from to recruit you for the fight to preserve our democracy who thinks that anyone who oneself, such as those of against the Anita Bryants and John Briggs who are does not have the same different ethnicities trying to legalize bigotry! We have a choice to make. beliefs is wrong The fight is at our doors. We must either go back in the closet and shut it tight, or fight... History shows that if we continue to fight, we... will... win. (101/HM) 75 97 Doggy-doo's a real issue, George. A Powder blue pen Object Narrowing waste matter discharged A fresh batch of moist dog to sign the city's first Gay Rights law... George, we from the body, especially waste need your help with Briggs... The gay community feces will have your back from now on. On all issues, I hope you'll have ours. A beat between them. An alliance is forming. (107/HM ) 76 98 Doggy-doo's a real issue, George. A Powder blue pen Object Narrowing (1) Gay: homosexual Any forum of which the true



to sign the city's first Gay Rights law... George, we (2) Community: the people intention of the webmaster is need your help with Briggs... The gay community living in one particular to meet up with gay and will have your back from now on. On all issues, I area or people who are bisexual men in real life, but hope you'll have ours. A beat between them. An considered as a unit masked as something else. alliance is forming. (107/HM) because of their common interests, social group or nationality 77 99 My name is Harvey Milk, and I’m here to recruit Activity Narrowing to go somewhere with A term referring to a person you! I want to recruit you for the fight to preserve someone for a social event deciding to tell once and for your democracy! Brothers and sisters, you must all that he is a homosexual come out! Come out to your parents, come out to your friends, if indeed they are your friends. Come out to your neighbors, come out to your fellow workers. Once and for all, let’s break down the myths, and destroy the lies and distortions. For your sake. For their sake. For the sake of all the youngsters who’ve been scared by the votes from Dade to Eugene. On the Statue of Liberty, it says, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free." (112/HM) 78 100 Senator, as a Christian it's interesting that you don't Object Narrowing (1) Gay: homosexual (About homosexual) story seem to understand what Christ was about. He was (2) Myth(s): an ancient about mystical beings, about accepting people and giving love, not carrying story or set of stories, powers or events otherwise a Bible in one hand and hatred in the other... (cheers especially explaining in impossible to perform in from the audience) ... Now all the gay myths have a literary way the early reality that only exist in been shattered, all the fears, all the-- (115/HM) history of a group of imagination people or about natural events and facts 79 101 People are coming out, though. We met with groups Activity Narrowing to go somewhere with A term referring to a person in Bakersfield, Redding, a dozen people showed up someone for a social event deciding to tell once and for in a library basement in Fresno asking for our support all that he is a homosexual if they came out. Last Sunday, the Reverend of St. Mary's came out to his entire congregation... (117/DP) 80 102 People are coming out, though. We met with groups Activity Narrowing to go somewhere with A term referring to a person in Bakersfield, Redding, a dozen people showed up someone for a social event deciding to tell once and for in a library basement in Fresno asking for our support all that he is a homosexual if they came out. Last Sunday, the Reverend of St.



Mary's came out to his entire congregation... (117/DP) 81 108 You're the asshole that just passed that dog shit thing Person Narrowing an unpleasant or stupid someone being arrogant, aren't you? What the hell do you have against dogs? person rude, obnoxious, or just a (125/Pby) total dickhead 82 116 To the gay community all over this state... my Activity Narrowing to go somewhere with A term referring to a person message to you is... so far a lot of people joined us someone for a social event deciding to tell once and for and rejected Proposition Six, and now we owe them all that he is a homosexual something... We must destroy the myths once and for all, shatter them. We must continue to speak out... and most importantly, most importantly, every gay person must come out. (131/HM) 83 117 You ever heard of sore losers? Well, I'm a sore Person Narrowing (1) Sore: painful and someone who loses in a fair winner... I thought we were goners. (HALF- uncomfortable because competition but whines JOKING) I'd started looking forward to the riots of injury, infection or about it on a constant basis, (133/HM) too much use blaming everyone around (2) Loser(s): a person or them for their loss except team that does not win a themselves game or competition 84 118 You ever heard of sore losers? Well, I'm a sore Person Narrowing (1) Sore: painful and someone who wins and winner... I thought we were goners. (HALF- uncomfortable because spends far too much time JOKING) I'd started looking forward to the riots of injury, infection or gloating over it, to the point (133/HM) too much use that the rest of the people (2) Winner: someone who feel poorly about even wins a game, participating competition or election 85 125 Let me remind you of something, you're up for re- Object Narrowing (1) Gay: homosexual the opinion of a group of election. If you re-appoint Dan White, you will lose (2) Vote: a usually formal homosexuals as determined the gay vote. They listen to me. You won't be elected expression of opinion or by voting dog catcher. (140/HM) will in response to a proposed decision; especially : one given as an indication of approval or disapproval of a proposal, motion, or candidate for office 86 5 I bought an ounce of pot. Don’t move for a second Drug Pejoration Any of several kinds of a slang word for marijuana, (19/SS) round vessel of baked clay, usually smoked in a pipe or metal, glass, etc, with or as a cigarette



without handle, cover, etc, made to contain liquids or solids, esp. for cooking 87 6 Look Harvey, What's with all this political activist Matter Pejoration Solid waste matter passed worthless junk and/or crap? (21/SS) from the bowels pointless things 88 7 I mean, I thought you were a goddamn Republican. Person Pejoration To send to punishment To describe a noun (21/SS) without end after death (Republican) that is very much disliked 89 8 Harvey, come on. Opera is so passé (27/DN) Appearance Pejoration (1) No longer considered Old-fashioned modern (2) Past one’s prime 90 10 We weren’t just a bunch of pansies anymore. We Person Pejoration A small plant with wide flat one who lacks the had our first taste of power. And it was about that flowers appropriate masculinity time that someone first called me the Major of Castro associated with testosterone Street, or I may have invented the term myself. and like the pansy displays a (27/HM) shade of purple and a flower like demeanor but is however a fruit 91 16 I faked a lung disease to get out of PE. So what? Person Pejoration a psychiatrist or gangster, mobster What are you, some kind of street shrink? (33/CJ) psychoanalyst 92 18 No. I think you should do what you do well. You Person Pejoration A small mark or hole made Coward should be a prick. But come with us and be a prick. by pricking Fight City Hall. Fight the cops. Fight the people who A small sharp pain made you come here to do what you do. (33/HM) 93 19 The fruit was walking home with his trick when they Person Pejoration the usually sweet-tasting someone who is a flaming were jumped. (35/Cops) part of a tree or bush which flamboyant homosexual holds seeds and which can be eaten 94 24 Who cares about those old queens? (36/SS) Person Pejoration (1) Old: having lived or old gay man existed for many years (2) Queen: a woman who rules a country because she has been born into a royal family, or a woman who is married to a king 95 29 The "top gays" in San Francisco were David Person Pejoration the female ruler of a country Really, really, really Goodstein and his civil rights lawyer sidekick, Rick flamboyant, (and possibly Stokes. David was a rich old queen who'd bought irritating,) man. Almost



the biggest gay magazine, The Advocate. He had it always gay. delivered to subscribers in brown paper bags so no- one would know. That's how he lived his life, covered up, discreet. (38/HM) 96 33 So, on election day, out of 32 candidates vying for 6 Sexual intercourse Pejoration (1) cock: an adult male Oral sex seats... We came in 10th. We lost. But only a few chicken votes shy of my becoming the first big eared, cock- (2) sucking: to pull in liquid sucking, queer as a three- dollar-bill-man, to be or air through your elected to public office. (41/HM) mouth without using your teeth, or to move the tongue and muscles of the mouth around something inside your mouth, often in order to dissolve it 97 50 I know. You're a catch. (68/SS) Person Pejoration to take hold of something, The present tense verb for a especially something that is male to be on the receiving moving through the air end of booty buns.

98 53 Cause this three-time faggot loser is running for Expression Pejoration child or woman somebody is really a Supervisor goddamn it! (69/HM) homosexual mostly used instead of calling somebody stupid or a loser 99 58 Okay Gentleman, we’ve already got a tinker bell, a Person Pejoration (1) lotus: a type of tropical (Thai) female breasts lotus-blossom, Jim and Dick in their three-piece water lily suits. We need someone to manage things. A woman (2) blossom: a tree which this time. Plus, She's the right price, and she’s got produces flowers before bigger balls than Just give me whatever is in the producing fruit which register at the end of the day. So should I call the can be eaten Chronicle about getting US an actual endorsement? No? (69/HM) 100 61 Not true. Guess where we found them all, Rick? A Person Pejoration a large amount or number 1. A slut; sexually immoral slew of them. Way up on Valencia Street. Living or dirty woman. right there in our district. And you see, as it turns out, 2. The accumulated and Annie here is very, very popular with the ladies. dried female ejaculate (69B/DP) that remains on a man’s penis after sex. 101 121 Milk, you're a decent politician, a mediocre Person Pejoration (1) Lousy: very bad extremely bad or poor businessman, but you're a lousy gay man. (Harvey (2) Gay: homosexual homosexual 142


knows what he's getting at) (133/CJ) (3) Man: an adult male human being 102 126 (stern, silent, a beat, then) I'll make my decision on Person Pejoration (1) Boss Tweed: William (1) Boss Tweed: Short for Monday. (as Harvey's on his way out, with a wry Marcy Tweed, an Tweedle Dumb of Alice grin) You know what you sounded like just now? American politician mo in Wonderland. Known Boss Tweed or Mayor Daly. (140/MM) st notable for being the for being insanely "boss" of Tammany stupid. Someone that Hall, the Democratic babbles on about Party political nonsense like they know machine that played a what they are talking major role in about & everyone cares. the politics of 19th (2) Mayor Daly: An insane century New York student teacher who City and State. makes a boring class (2) Mayor Daly: (John) ballin' Augustin 1838–1899 Am. dram. & theater manager 103 11 The fucking cops, man. Cops are pulling people out Person Shift used to emphasize your Something to add in an of Toad Hall. (28/YGM) opinion of something insult 104 26 They probably wrote it. Look, think of it this way. If Situation Shift a strong movement towards To sell something, drive they try to kill me, I'll get the sympathy vote. That a place might be just the push we need. (37/HM) 105 42 They turned around and they started a fucking riot. Situation Shift (1) Fuck: used to emphasize Another term for asshole (53/CJ) your opinion of something (2) Riot: a noisy, violent, and uncontrolled public meeting 106 49 Oh, Goddamn it (68/HM) Expression Shift To send to punishment awe, disbelief without end after death 107 51 --bring out the old, bring in the new. This is over. Person Shift (1) Fuck: used to emphasize something to add in a insult Done. I don't want to see one more thing that say's your opinion of fucking assembly on it. (69/HM) something (2) Assembly: a group of people, especially one that meets regularly for a particular purpose, such as government, or



more generally, the process of coming together, or the state of being together 108 52 Cause this three-time faggot loser is running for Expression Shift To send to punishment awe, disbelief Supervisor goddamn it! (69/HM) without end after death 109 56 Yes. We take after Harvey. (69/MW) Activity Shift to be similar to an older to make something known to member of your family in the public appearance or character 110 57 Okay Gentleman, we’ve already got a tinker bell, a Person Shift a fairy (an imaginary A term or alias used to lotus-blossom, Jim and Dick in their three-piece suits. creature who looks like a describe the way somebody We need someone to manage things. A woman this small person but has wings runs on the court. time. Plus, She's the right price, and she’s got bigger and can do magic) who balls than Just give me whatever is in the register at helps Peter Pan in the play the end of the day. So should I call the Chronicle and book Peter Pan by J. M. about getting US an actual endorsement? No? Barrie. She talks to Peter (69/HM) Pan by making bell-like sounds. 111 67 And street talk only around Feinstein. Shit, Expression Shift To send to punishment awe, disbelief goddamn, fuck, all that. It bugs the hell out of her. without end after death (82/HM) 112 68 And street talk only around Feinstein. Shit, goddamn, Expression Shift used when expressing Expresses disgust fuck, all that. It bugs the hell out of her. (82/HM) extreme anger, or to add force to what is being said 113 71 Whatever. He can get them in two Sundays at church Object Shift (1) Fuck: used to emphasize Something to add in a insult in Orange fucking County. (88/CJ) your opinion of something (2) Orange County: an area in California, U.S. 114 76 Good point, David. Maybe we should just roll over. Activity Shift (1) To fuck: to have sex Term of insult, to have sex And Make it easier for Briggs to fuck us in the ass. with someone with (91/CJ) (2) (In the) ass: arse (= the part of the body that you sit on) 115 80 This is shit. This is Shit and masturbation. It's just a Expression Shift the solid waste which is Exclamation of frustration or coward's response to a dangerous threat. (91/HM) released from the bowels of anger a person or animal; excrement 116 81 This is shit. This is Shit and masturbation. It's just Expression Shift (1) Shit: the solid waste (1) Exclamation of



a coward's response to a dangerous threat. (91/HM) which is released from frustration or anger the bowels of a person (2) The thing everybody or animal; excrement does, but no one will (2) Masturbation: the act, to admit to doing touch or rub your sexual organs in order to give yourself sexual pleasure 117 85 Politics. Not the movement. What the hell was that Situation Shift an extremely unpleasant or Expression of surprise. in there? (93/SS) difficult place, situation or Incredulous. Shocked. experience Equivalent to saying "what on earth" or "What Gives". 118 86 That's fucking insane. (93/SS) Situation Shift (1) Fuck: used to emphasize Full of Insanity, Madness your opinion of and briefing from a mental something disorder or illness. (2) Insane: mentally ill 119 89 Forty years ago tonight, the gay citizens of Germany Expression Shift used when expressing Expresses disgust found out they no longer had civil rights. Tomorrow extreme anger, or to add morning, the gay citizens of Wichita will also awaken force to what is being said to find that they too have lost their civil rights. You have whistles. You use them when we have been attacked. Tonight we have been attacked. Fuck. Shit. Harvey! (100/CJ) 120 90 Forty years ago tonight, the gay citizens of Germany Expression Shift the solid waste which is Exclamation of frustration or found out they no longer had civil rights. Tomorrow released from the bowels of anger morning, the gay citizens of Wichita will also awaken a person or animal; to find that they too have lost their civil rights. You excrement have whistles. You use them when we have been attacked. Tonight we have been attacked. Fuck. Shit. Harvey! (100/CJ) 121 92 They're calling it a "successful mediation." You're a Person Shift (1) Goddamn: To send to awe, disbelief Goddamn hero. Fuck. We came this close to a riot. punishment without end (101B/CJ) after death (2) Hero: a person who is admired for having done something very brave or having achieved something great 122 93 They're calling it a "successful mediation." You're a Expression Shift used when expressing Expresses disgust God damn hero. Fuck. We came this close to a riot. extreme anger, or to add



(101B /CJ) force to what is being said 123 95 Dog shit. (101B /FR) Object Shift (1) Dog: a common animal Something that is worthless with four legs, and of inferior quality especially kept by people as a pet or to hunt or guard things (2) Shit: the solid waste which is released from the bowels of a person or animal; excrement 124 96 If you cleaned up the dog shit in the town, you’re the Object Shift (1) Dog: a common animal Something that is worthless next Mayor. (101B /JR) with four legs, and of inferior quality especially kept by people as a pet or to hunt or guard things (2) Shit: the solid waste which is released from the bowels of a person or animal; excrement 125 105 You just had them pull me out of my big vote on the Object Shift (1) Dog: a common animal Something that is worthless dog shit ordinance for this? What, do you do this on with four legs, and of inferior quality purpose? (123/HM) especially kept by people as a pet or to hunt or guard things (2) Shit: the solid waste which is released from the bowels of a person or animal; excrement 126 106 Fuck, Harvey. It's poop, okay? I just hope I’m more Expression Shift used when expressing Expresses disgust important than poop. (123/JL) extreme anger, or to add force to what is being said 127 109 You're the asshole that just passed that dog shit thing Object Shift (1) Dog: a common animal Something that is worthless aren't you? What the hell do you have against dogs? with four legs, and of inferior quality (125/Pby) especially kept by people as a pet or to hunt or guard things (2) Shit: the solid waste which is released from the bowels of a person



or animal; excrement 128 110 You're the asshole that just passed that dog shit thing Situation Shift an extremely unpleasant or Expression of surprise. aren't you? What the hell do you have against dogs? difficult place, situation or Incredulous. Shocked. (125/Pby) experience Equivalent to saying "what on earth" or "What Gives". 129 111 No. What the heck are you? (129/Girl) Expression Shift an expression of usually a synonym for "what the slight anger or surprise, or a hell", expression of surprise, way of adding force to a Incredulous, Shocked. statement, question, etc Equivalent to saying "what on earth" or "What Gives". 130 112 (darkens, pointed) There goddamn well better be. Expression Shift To send to punishment awe, disbelief (130/CJ) without end after death 131 129 I ask this... that If there be an assassination, I would Activity Shift to go somewhere with A term referring to a person want five, ten, one hundred, a thousand to rise. I someone for a social event deciding to tell once and for would like to see every gay lawyer, every gay all that he is a homosexual architect come out-- (158/HM)