NOVEMBER 1976 Issue No. 66 A monthly publication by and for the community of Rochester JFoeus Episcopal church takes pro-gay positions Pirates have always captured a sense of The 6Sth General con­ logue with the Gay com­ Lobbying efforts for Wessner, comirenting adventure in the ro­ vention of the Episcopal munity through Integrity, the Gay coaununity at the on the successful resol­ mantic siijids of read­ Church which met in Min­ The Episcopal Church Gay convention were directed utions at the convention, ers. So when we saw neapolis Sept. 11-23 Caucus, meeting with the by the Rev, Ron Wessner said:"We are obviously a reprint of the story passed several resolutions Joint Comoiission on Human of Philadelphia, presi** pleased with our church of Anne Bonny and Mary relating to the rights of Affairs in Atlanta in dentof Integrity; Richard in taking these actions Read, we knew we'd homosexuals in the church January 1976. The York of Campridge, .Mass., at the same convention have to share it with and society. of the Episcopal Church the floor manager; and which approved the ordi­ our readers• Sexist The convention declar­ had studied this issue John Lenhardt of Integrity nation of women priests historians have cut us ed that "Homosexual per­ through extensive meet­ Philadelphia. Also pre­ and the adoption of a new sons are children of God ings held under the lea­ sent were the Rev. Robert book of common prayer. off fron our distant The efforts of Integrity past. TBE EMPTY CLO­ who have full and equal dership of the Rt. Rev. Herrick, program direc­ claim with all other per­ David Richards over the tor for religion. Nation­ over the next three years SET will try to bridge will be directed toward the gap whenever we sons upon the love, ac­ past several years. al Gay Task Force ceptance, pastoral con­ meeting with the new can find relevant mat­ Standing Commission to erial. This issue is cern and care of the church*** In addition, a educate the church on is­ the first of two to sues relating to homosex­ feature gays is his­ resolution was passed declaring that "Homosex­ uality. The Episcopal tory. Next month we ual persons are entitled Chvrch must come to will bring you an to equal protection of understand that it has overview of gay cont­ the laws with all other -a pastoral responsibility ributions to American citizens** and calling up­ to those gay persons who history. on society to see that are already ordained as You don't have to "such protection is pro­ well as to openly gay go back a hundred vided in actuality.*' persons presenting them­ years to be history. N [. selves for ordination. Letters from archives Concerning the ordi­ Gays are not a threat to around the country nation of homosexuals, the Church but rather a have tuned us in to the delegates voted that resource for its minis­ the historical value the church examine the try to gay persons. I of TBS EMPTY CLOSET, question in detail over would hope that by the Back issues have been the next- three years and next General Convention preserved in libraries make recommendations for we would have an openly from New Mexrco to ction at the next Gener­ gay person as a member of Michigan and from Cal­ al Convention. Resolutions the House of Deputies." ifornia to Ontario^ restricting ordination Canada. As a monthly of homosexuals were de­ Paul Moore, Jr., newspaper, much of feated. Bishop of New York, who what we report could The Bishops and Depu­ had received some criti­ be considered contem­ ties called for a study cism for ordaining mn porary history. of human sexuality (in­ openly gay person, the And the gay move­ cluding ) Rev. Ellen Barrett, as a ment is certainly mak­ as it pertains to living , commented on the ing history! This styles^ employment, hous­ action of the convention: month one major den­ ing and education. A new "The gay community acted omination (Episcopal) Standing Commiddion on with great dignity at the has revised its posi­ Human Affairs and Health convention and I am proud tion on gay issues was established and fun­ of the. way in which they within the church. An­ ded to undertake this sought to educate and fier-. other denomination study over the next three suade the church to a deep­ years and to make recom­ er understanding of bur (Catholic) has finally mendations for action for pastoral responsibility granted permission for the next General Conven­ to gay churchpersons and a pro-gay book to be tion to be held in Den­ our responsibility to published by a cleric fight for equal justice under the church's own ver in 1979. The resolutions pas­ before the law for all seal. The book is re­ gay persons." viewed on page 11. sed were developed in dia- If you missed church because you were watching TV, you didn't miss gay char­ NGTF supports research to help mothers acters on programs in the opening fall sea­ The National Gay Task ved in legal action must wh^ is ten years old or times and locations. All son. If you missed Force has announced that rely on the testimony of younger. The mother and information will be kept that too, check p.10. it will cooperate with a •'expert witnesses'* in the children should have confidential. Women in­ Perhaps the best research project funded field of sex research. lived as a family unit terested in participating bit of history we by the National Insti­ Although this has some­ for at least two years or finding out more about have to offer is our tute for Mental Health times been helpful, it with no adult males (18 the study should write annual political sur­ (NIMH) which concerns has also been disregar­ or older) in the house. to Jane Mandel or Mary vey results. lesbian mothers and their ded by judges, "This However, other adult wo­ Hotvedt c/o Ling Island Any other reasons children. Researchers research study," 0'Leary men may live with 'the Research Institute, Cen­ to read the EMPTY CLO­ with the Long Island In- stated, "might provide family. tral Islip, N.Y- 11722; SET? stituteand the Depart­ data which would put to The interviews, about- or call collect to Mary ment of Psychiatry, SUNY rest the concern of some two hours in length for Hotvedt at (516) 444- at Stony Brook, hope to courts that lesbianism the mother and each child, 2429. Women in the mid­ gather data which will makes a woman an unfit will be arranged by ap­ west can call Jaae Mandel be relevant to lesbian mother." pointment for convenient at (312) 475-4773. and non-gay mothers and Jane Mandel, research CantentM their children's adjust­ scientist for the Long ments to living in a Island Institute, and Dr. family where no adult Mary Hotvedt, post-doc­ N. Hampshire 18th to repeal male is present. The sam­ toral fellow with the ple will include famil­ Department of Psychiatry state's ^verndr, Mel- FEATURE by Mark connmlly drin Thomson, Jr., ies from rural as well as at SUNY at Stony Brook, has been one of gay Lesbian Pirates-...6-7 urban areas, in the North will be conducting the and South, so that the interviews with mothers Gay activists were liberation's most Political Survey 9 participants' adjustment and children. Both women surprised to learn that virulent foes. Voter's Guide 4 under a variety of com­ have been involved in sex New Hampshire quietly The repeal came research and teaching as repealed its sex laws. to light when Wash­ munity standards can be The repeal went vir­ ington gay activist DEPARTMENTS seen. Data from this well as in feminist groups. study will later be com­ Richard Green, M.D., Pro­ tually unnoticed in a Franklin Kameny chanced fessor of Psychiatry and package penal code to notice an article in Book Review 11 pared with studies in revision enacted June a legal magazine con­ Bulletin Board 11 which men were present. Psychology at SUNY at The reason tor NGTF Stony Brook is co-inves- ' 7, 1975. This unex­ cerning New Hampshire's Calendar.... ^ack page cooperation, according tigator. He has testified pected development penal code revision. Eapire State 3 to Jean O^Leary and on behalf of lesbian mo­ makes New Hampshire Kameny commented on the .Frankenstein 5 Bruce Voeller, co-execu­ thers in nujnerous custody -the 18th state to possibility that other Hedia Notes 10 tive directors, is that cases. make all or most states may have done Newsfronts 2 the project could be The researchers are sex acts between con­ the same and proposed On the Town 4 politically valuable in seeking women who de­ senting adults legal. that someone under«* Open i * child custody cases. No scribe thenselves as les­ This turn of take an examination of such comparati;^ studies bians and have at least events is of special all state criminal exist, and women invol­ one child living with them interest because the codes• November 1976 Page 2 The Empty Closet November 1976 The Empty Closet Page 3 ^0m^^0m G:A,G.V. SmPU2g STATS eouwD-u? This ploy failed..* hibited acts they invi­ "-^V' T^. ^^ ted another man to join and the group is now liafy^s parliament them. "Once a married attempting to exploit -*^'K^ ' couple admits strangers straight Atlanta's homo­ Want to take the cure? " Counseling phobic prejudice to may include gay as onlookers, federal You can expand your ; protection of privacy attain their end." mind (there's a libra­ ALFA noted that the ROME, ITALY - The pre­ dissolves." the majority Lesbian Lines ry), increase your cir­ opinion said, "If the newspaper advertising cle of friends through sence of a gay deputy campaign has cost more couple performs sexual social activities, help • in the Italian parlia­ than $8,000 in two Services ment - a first in Europe acts for the excitation by Jean target group, lesbians who have prob­ or gratification of wel­ weeks." The group anonymous. Sisters, are lems through peer may become a reality in added that the organ­ Lesbian Resource Cen­ thje next two years, come onlookers, they you there? Of course you counseling and training WE MAKE.REFERRALS TO PROFESSIONAL COUNSELORS cannot selectively claim izers of the advertise­ ter.(L.R.C.) is having are: walking down the Sessions. If you don't AND THERAPISTS. reports the new Amer­ ments have "gone to ican alternative to that,the state is an in­ a major outbreak of streets, driving cars, like the way L.R.C- truder." great lenghts to conceal Apathetica lesbianony- in the bars hibernat­ operates,'don't com­ TRAINED PEER COUNSELORS ARE AVAILABLE AT TIME and NEWSWEEK, their identities from mous, an exotic virus, ing for .the winter? plain become in­ THE GAY BROTHERHOOD OFFICE AND THE LESBIAN SEVENDAYS. SEVENDAYS the public," and that bateria, germ, ? , that Unfortunately, you volved. RESOURCE CENTER DURING EVENING OFFICE reports that the Radical "they represent money Party (Partito Radicale), Mc Neil publishes Strikes each year in' aren't alone. Usually, For your convenience, HOURS AND REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS. and power and not ordin­ • the bug passes with L.R.C. has pre-scheduled a small party which controversial tract ary people." the summer or fall. takes a strong stand Unlike the Legionnaire's winter approaching, but the 1st and 3rd Wednes­ IF INTERESTED IN GAY COUNSELING GROUP The church picketing this year the bug has day of each month at CALL WALT^SZYMANSKI AT; on gay and women's is­ disease, it doesn't kill WORK - H73-. sues and which won four NEW YORK - Fr. John was supported by a wide off its membe'rship; It built up immunities to 8:00 pm for "treatment" spectrum of gay organ­ just simply makes them the cold and seeks shel­ sessions. Or, you can HOME - 271-^ seats in the recent NcNeill's controversial June parliamentary and long-awaited book, izations including Dig­ vanTsh. ter in the bars for call the L.R.C. at 244- nity , Integrity, the watmth and comfort. 9030 Monday-Friday^from GAY YOUTH: INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING SERVICES^ elections, plans to re­ "The Church and the The genus-specie of - Atlanta Gay Center, the apathmtTca lesbianony- L.R.C. can be an occa­ 7-10 pm for more infor­ AND (IF INTERESTED) DISCUSSION GROUPS AT place its four deputies Homosexual," will be Socialist Workers Party, sional alternative. JML QMIE&j 258 ALEXANDER ST. ^^73-246^ by 6ther within two published by Sheed, mourn was derived from mation or self-help. May Andrews, and NcNeel and Workers World Party. the words describing - Interested in a lit­ be your prescription can years. Accroding to Gay Community News its effects, apathy and tle self-innoculation? be 'filled. the magazine, one of next month. Fr, McNeill, the replacements "will who is a chaplain and probably include the founder of Dignity/New No Roch. reps, head of the Unitary York, has had a series GBR 713 MONROE AVENUE of difficulties with 244-86^10 ^^^, 9030 Revolutionary Front of the Uoman Catholic on GRNL board GLF'ers enjoy reading the Empty Closet Italian Homosexuals'* Church over publication (FUORi:). FUORi: has of his book. In 1974, long had a close assoc­ shortly after a talk iation with the Radical at a Dignity convention The newly elected party. Fr. McNeill was told board of directors of by superiors in Rome the Gay National Lobby Virginia prosecutes to stop writing or consists of: ROBERT E. CRYSTAL lecturing On homosexual­ hets, for sodomy ity. The order from Fr. Sidney Abbott BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Pedro Arrupe, Jesuit New York PLANNING Superior General, began Ruth Abram RICHMOND, VA.- The re­ a process during which New York FOR CSAV CATHOUCS treat by the federal Fr. McNeill's manuscript Virginia M. Apuzzo ...and non cathoHcs too INSURANCE courts from the princ­ was reviewed by a board New York LIFE - PENSION PLANS iple that private sex­ of theologians and revised Karen De Crow GROUP - HEALTH ual behavior is consti­ revised many times. Syracuse, New York DiGNTTY tutionally protected, Barbara Gittings 235-4961 signaled in the March 29 see review on page 11 Philadelphia Supreme Court ruling up­ Marily Haft Mass every Sunday 5pm holding state "sodomy" During the time when New York St. Luke's Church laws, has been taken a- his superiors were re­ Renee C. Hanover 17 S. Fftshugh St. nother step- In another viewing his work, Fr-* Chicago Rochester, N.Y. Virginia case, the McNeill chose to obey Linda R, Lachman V Fourth U.S. Circuit and wait. "I received Allston, Mass Court of Appeals recent­ Fr. Arrupe's order as Carol A. Murray Sunday mass KH-HAM ly ruled, by a 5 to 3 a Jesuit under obedience Washington, D. C. vote, that married cou­ and since I wanted my Catherine G. Nelson been Raps & meetingB Tfmel Servte ples waive any rights to book to help the Catholic Chicago sexual privacy they mi­ homosexual, I wasn't Elaine Noble Social activities ght have if they invol- about to go ahead and Boston, Mass ASSAULTED ve one or more other publish a condemned Jean 0'Leary persons in their activ­ book." Fr. McNeill was Brooklyn, New York 716^ 87?-6330 ities . Write to: MKItaCWT C- SCMGC finally rewarded for Adrienne Scott GBR: an insider's look or MUGGED The Court upheld the his patience by receiv­ New York Dignity/Rochester convictions of Aldo and Ronni B. Smith P.O. Box 8295 ing the imprimatur, the Margaret Lovisi on sodo­ Catholic Church's of- New York by uncle vanya The entrance to the straight Relationships. LATELY ? Rochester, N.Y.']46}7 my charges for the ex­ On November 14th, there's 1 EAST wiBsmoiY Hsao fical seal of approval. Mary L. Stevens Brotherhood meeting roon CALL CPT. URLACHER AT ^28-7253 press reason that when Gay community News Morristown, N, J. Whether or not The Gay is forbidding. Walk down a program on finding they performed the pro- John W. Campbell Brotherhood of Rochester the alley between a pizza yourself gay, but mar­ Miami is indeed a brotherhood, shop and tiie old fire­ ried and with kids. What UtfOOCIOODOOOOOOOO William J. Carey it exists. It holds meet­ house, detour a dumpster, next? Sunday, November Atlanta backlash Los Angeles ings for its membership find a side door, walk 2Ist is a program on aimed at Jackson R. Adam De Baugh on Sunday evenings, and up a narrow flight of the Importance of fi­ Washington it tries to develop pro-" stairs into a gray-red nancial planning. Gays Out Of the Closet ' Martin J. Duberman grams that are of inter­ brick-walled room. It need to learn about ATLANTA, Ga. - A well- New York est to the average homo­ smells a bit musty, but financial decis ion-mak­ Films Films Films Films : financed anti-gay camp­ Don Embinder sexual man or woman. there is activity here. ing. aign involving newspaper Miami Yes, it has a "mem­ Scattered around the Too corny? Nbt if you advertisements and radio Michael D. Green bership list" and it room are gay publica­ have a grain of curiosi­ programs is emerging in costs $3.50 to join. tions from cities near ty, adventurism, compas­ Washington TO COLLECT - R 25-half pric< this citadel of Southern Raymond W. Hartman Joining entitles a mem- and far, with bundles of sion for the problems CHECK OUR LOW REGULAR PRICES AND SPECIAL liberalism. Los Angeles bax to vote at business The Empty Closet Stacked facing gays in a straight SALE PRICES ON THE LATEST SERIES OF ACTION Sixty members and sup­ Franklin Kameny meetings, which are held for delivery. world. And not the least FILMS. porters of the Atlanta Washington one Sunday a month and The Sunday meetings attraction of the Gay Gay Pride Alliance demon are devoted to "busi­ are the highlight of the Brotherhood is that it Paul J. Kuntzler ness affairs." TO VIEW PRIVATE 2S4 SIT DOWN MOVIE BOOTHS FEATURE strated at the Wieuca Washington ^ Brotherhood's attempt to allows you to neet others, Baptist Church on Sunday So what are the bles­ be a brotherhood. There outside the "bar scene." NEW SELECTIONS WEEKLY FOR YOUR PERSONAL DDY NITE-2ffor1 Merle Miller Some stuff is corny, July 11, to protest the Brewster, New York sings of membership in are meetings on*who will ENJOYMENT. campaign involving the Gay Brotherhood of be.the representative to but our hearts are right. clergyman Rev. Willis The Rev. J. Sandmire NYSCGO --- the New York At the conclusion of Los Angeles Rochester? J. Self. As reported They're personal^ State Coalition of Gay each meeting we stand - NEW STOCK WEEKLY OF in Robert Silverman Organizations ---that's and have a bit of a hug- Worker's World, Chicago of course. It may not be Self has been using the sparse, tucked-a^ay a big group and its or­ out. Where we embrace in MAGAZINES • NOVELS - PAPERS - RUBBER GOODS his Wednesday morning Allan H. Spear ganizational meetings a circle and like each ENT DISCOUNT Minneapolis meeting room, upstairs radio program and his from the Regular Res­ carry a lot of weight. other a little more pulpit as platforms Gary J. Van Ooteghem Another meeting is devo-^ than before. And after­ Houston taurant in the Genesee for attacks on the Co-op Building (once ted to deciding on whether ward we can gather in gay comnunity. Bruce Voeller to spend $47.00 to sup­ our little brick-walled New York the Monroe Avenue Fire­ FOUR CONVENIENT ROCHESTER LOCATIONS Following the endor­ house). Bare, old, brick port the Gay Alliance of room and not care about sement of Gay Pride walls, with scattered the Genesee Valley Asso­ being gay or oppressed Week by Atlanta's Mayor All 30 board members slogans and posters ciation (GAGV)., or out of the closet or Triangle News Dundalk News Maynard Jackson, large are nationally famous And there are meet­ with one foot still left 424 ^ Main Stre« 10 South Avwiue like "Black is Beauti­ in it. We keep on with newspaper advertisements gay personalities. Some ful" and "Gay is Good." ings where lost and foimd 32S-9S88 . 325-9527 have appeared in the are known for their role With Lambda symbols em­ gays gather to discuss the-~endless process of in politics, others are blazoned on silkscreen subjects like sex' in Ineeting someone and say­ local press, attempting big in gay business. sheets of paper. baths, sex and love and ing, hello and carrying 92 NORTH ST. to use anti-gay prejud­ Though the list pro­ sex with kids. Some meet­ on a deeper conversation FlovMr City Newt Northend News There is a very good than is possib}.e during 325 9754 ice to discredit the vides an impressive library* from which I ings are rap sessions 1066 Ean Mmn Street 490 Monroe Avenue black mayor. According array of talent, many where we probe our own the meetings or at the 32SM14 271-9816 drew several excellent bars... ** to a statement issued have noted with disap* research books for a purpose as a group and ROCHESTER. N.Y. by the Atlanta Lesbian pointment the absence program on gtfy employ­ how to interest a more Cruise if you must. Feminist Alliance (ALFA) of any representatives ment I presented one broad percentage of gays Well, we're bound to "These same interests from Dignity, Integrety, Sunday. There are novels to become involved. catch someone's eye and attempted to prevent or the gay press. like The Front Runner and Novenbe.r 7th there is make a friend. You might Jackson's election by None of Rochester's old stuff like The ginsey a program on handling find out more about him inflaming the racial three noninees were sel­ Report* the whys and hows of gay- (or her!) than at bars CALL FOR DIRECTIONS fears and hatreds of ected. and other "meeting spots." Atlanta's white citizens ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaimmm leei leeeeeeeei Page 4 The Empty Closet November 1976 m OPINION .JS^^fMJr^

In my memory, he always a boy or girl of my own During the last two wore flannel, either age. But the best stories years I lived with my oft-washed flannel pa­ were reminiscences of his parents, I spent two hours jamas under his bathrobe own boyhood in a small each day commuting to ^col­ or a plaid flannel lum­ Ohio canal town, and of lege, clerked 40-hours berjack shirt tucked the rascalities of the plus per week in a record into heavy pants. The five Dulaney brothers. store and devoted extend­ fabric was lovely to In retrospect I re­ ed 'time to a church youth snuggle against, and alize Dad spoke a lot group. Yet in that tang­ the lingering smell of about values in these led time, I grew hungry his bay rum shave lo­ nightly epics. His heroes once more for Dad's tion the sweetest of were true to their word. story-telling embrace odors- If forced to break a and started asking for NOVEMBER "Tell me a story. Dad­ pledge they quickly ad­ his tales at least sev­ 1976 dy." "Oh, I think it's mitted it and accepted eral times per month. NO. 66 (M^ UJajLtr ^JLa^^ pretty late for that," the consequences. Craft- It was obvious that he he'd say with serious manship, doing something was pleased, but he made expression. "You'll go well for the joy of ac­ no issue of it ---nor I was six years old to sleep before I hard­ complishment, was a trade­ did he show any shyness MEMBER of the gay news before I realized the ly get started." Fierce mark of the men and women at once more returning paper association. uniqueness of my father's promises from me that my he described. Though less to my bed to wrap a com­ story-telling gift. Un­ focus was fresh and un- than introspective, his panionable arm around til then, I simply as­ yawned- "Wel1, okay, I characters still had his -20-year-old son, sumed that all fathers was thinking of a story minds of their own and re­ and share the fruits of STAFF went to woric in the today,move over," and in fused^ to obey the unwise his reading and ima­ morning, and returned between the covers my order no matter who gave gination. at night with a freshly Dad would come to hug it. Their enemies were He still wore flan­ Kevi n Blake coined bedtime tale. me in his arms and fill the despoilers, the slave- nel, bay rum lotion per­ Robe rt Crystal When first grade class my head with his new tale. masters and the smug. fumed the air about him, Friends were loyal folks, Marg e David mates told me otherwise, His stories were spe­ and his body remained as I glowed at my luck and Walt DuTaney cial. In another age, my people who recognized the lean and well-muscled as Don F1d1 nger snuggled deeper into Dad would have been a ever, thanks to the de­ our nightly ritual. simple beauty of wood, Will 1am Giancursio traveling bard, an Irish light, greenery and water. mands of his house- Rene e Hughson In those days bed­ word-minstrel of the ro­ Dad's storied capped painting and morning Wllf red LeBlanc time came at 9 pm for mantic past. Some of his virtually every evening exercises. We had our Tim Mains me. I'd bathe, brush my tales were complete in­ of my life until I was tiffs, different posi­ Laey n Naundorf teeth, and present my­ ventions- Others reflect­ thirteen. Then honor- tions on a lot of issues M1ch ael Patrick self for parental in­ ed his wide-reading of roll aspirations and (particularly civil Mich ael Robertson spection. After a few American history or ad­ rights and politics), Bob Sweeney questions about my adolescent moods began to yet there was an undeni­ • venture writers. In the • keep me up long past my Fred schoolwork and the fi­ latter case, he'd borrow parents' bedtime. For * able bond between us. Lyel nances needed for the a plot or incident from the following seven years Sometimes I'd doze off Pam morrow. Mom would give Jack London, Mark Twain, only the sentiment of in the middle of a tale Rick me a warm goodnight RUdyard Kipling, or Zane holiday fires would and fail his breakfast kiss and Dad would Grey and customize it for prompt a "Tell me a story. table "pop-quiz" on the scoop me up in his arms my enjoyment, usually Dad" request. and carry me off to bed. making the protagonist »•»•> continued next page

after that weekend! •**; Another series of event:s jjusr over: dinnei- PUBLICATION parties for the Raras at INFORMATION: TOWN the Rathskellar, the For­ The Empty Closet um and the Spring House. Is published by THE SPRI/

"Yeah?" "Yeah, the one each person respects in tne market, you the others' right to know, the big guy.") secrecy and privacy. Talking to him, he We meet twice a month, in opens the world to me on Monday evenings at and shows me the joy seven o'clock. People Libraiy needs.. of it. All my fears, who are interested may my worries, years of call me at GBR (244- self-hate, ambiguities, 8640); leave your name Last month. The Empty closet appealed to the uncertainties, have and telephone number "angels" in the gay conununity on behalf of the never existed. I am for a discreet, and Gay Alliance Library. Needed to maintain the light, the air is clear confidential return well-known excellence of the library are donations and my clothes are call. No crank calls, of books, periodicals and/or funds to purchase clean. My skirt is please, they're terribly the same. Following are a few more suggestions clothing, that's all I low .class. of quality literature that the library needs to ever wanted it to be, I can't finish this continue this public service.Please send either I equals natural woman. column without mention­ monetary or literary contributions to: The Gay No fears - ing Dr. Renee Richards. Alliance Library, 713 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, I remember the first *********************** I don't believe I New York 14607, time that a skirt looked Finally the group is could have invented a like a legitimate piece here. I've wanted a group better person to be a The Cook and the Carpenter: June Arnold, A radical of clothing -to me --- national example of feminist novel of love and illegality, set on a instead of being g cos­ like this ever since I realized that I was a transexualism for the commune in Texas. ($3.00) tume or an escape or a average person to see, The Other Face of Love: A Picture History of Homo sexual symbol. It was transexual and I'm sure others have also. She is slightly over sexuality: Raymond de Becker Anthology of gay life yesterday. I had just six feet tall and the met my most favorite The word group usu­ and love, ($4,98) average is six feet. Woman-hating: Andrea Dworkin. Bistory and condem­ person. Talking to this ally makes, people think She is attractive and man is like living on of therapy and role nation of anti-woman bias in literature^ medecine, passes well, but is not politics, etc, ($3,95) the beach; the rest of playing and other none­ perfect,..who of us is? the world just doesn't such. The reason I've She is a well-mannered exist and I can let used the word is that physician which makes i my feelings ramble it describes the gather­ her very respectable knowing they won't be ing of a few people and she is composed trampled. who meet to talk, inter­ and natural during inter­ (Two guys just rode act , and meet each other. views. I must applaud past my open window on The group is open to her courage and wish bicycles, one saying anyone whom a present her luck. I wish that to the other, "David member invites; the only all of us can make the Bowie lives up there." requirement being that transition as well.

anxious trip because I'd not to fear the closeness decided to tell them of another man's body. that I was out of my clo­ There's no "happy more set of fear and was going ending" to this account, to try to live openly as although I'm a rather a man with gay feelings. happy guy myself today. open I rather botched the Dad remains rejecting telling blurting out of my gayness although the revelation instead concerned and caring of unfolding it as I'd about his son. When I intended. My Dad'was get irate at that lack the reasons for our free­ crushed and wanted to of bridge, I try to ba­ dom of response in an un- cont. from last page know "where did we go lance it with renewed free world? Anything you'd wrong in raising you?" focus on his gift to like to share, I'd hap­ plot's outcome. But de­ My news frightened him. me, the knowledge that pily read. Drop a line? AUCTION spite his irate sputter, All he could see was a it can be warm, good it was clear that for bleak, dangerous, lone­ and loving within an­ "TT both of us, being "in ly future before me. other, male's arms, BACHELORS FORUM touch" with each other His hurt made me sullen ...And what about Wed. Nov. 17th 8:00pi meant far more than the and I held back my hon­ you? As the fresh air mere exchange of stories est feeling --- that far of uncloseted times Items to sell may be from doing something revives your memory, brought along, or left wrong in my upraising, what do you make of at the Forum before. Years later, after I felt certain he'd your freedom to feel divorce ended my 9-year done something very right at ease within the em­ GAGV FUND RAISER to a woman my in raising me. I didn't brace of your own gen­ parents both loved as know how he'd take the der? What went right a daughter, I made a news that it was really in your unbringing to surprise Christmas visit in his story-telling make you unafraid? Isn't to their home. It was an embra'ce that I learned it time we sorted out

f!^.>^:d^-^rf^^}^?'J^y^,.. ^ YES! I WANT TO tt's a good time V^ SUBSCRIBE L0a 4.W 0 ^ In a plain brown enve­ lope, please send a first class CLOSET subscription <) to the name and address listed below. Enclosed is a SS.OO check to cover ^ postage and handling, subscribe to name address Zipcode

I want to save money and do not mind if my CLOSET is unwrapped and a few days late. Here's $3.00 for my third class sub­ scription, name THE EMPTY CLOSET address ^ Zipcode __

A ctosET year is 11 months. (July and Aug combined). Page 6 The Empty Closet November 197o November 1976 The Empty Closet Lesbian Pirates by Susan Baker

Anne Bonny & Mary Read

Anne Bonny and Mary Read ing company with- Her fa­ man and sent to Virginia with blood. Anne stood Her crime had been a "wo­ Pierre, came here fleeing says a woman cannot be once aboard ship, Anne were about to be al­ men were all drunk and were women, were pirates, ther better marry her off as a bond servant. She over it with a blood man's crime against her homosexual, as well as honest and independent and the young fair Mark lowed to continue on it took them a while to were lovers. Their story quick. escaped to New Providence. soaked axe, and they sail­ rightful authority," the religious, oppression. at the same time, James Read were constantly our vay that the no~ realize it was not a has been mistold and un­ Beth-an excellent mid­ ed out to the Merchantman. attempted murder of her While Anne was terror­ Bonny, Anne's discarded together. The one ac­ torious Captain Rack- fellow pirate's but the told, alternating between Anne and James Bonny wife who was blamed for When the French Merchant­ father, and would not izing the New World, Mary husband, came to heal count that all stories ham (Calico) appeared, King's own navy prepar­ super whore and oblivion, eloped. Her father dis­ the maternal death during man's crew saw them, they have been covered in the Read was coming into her his wounded ego and agree on is that Calico He is indeed a heroic ing to open fire on because men cannot bear to inherits her, and she in Caesarean birth of a were so horrified at the pardon. (The other women own in England. Much less claim his property. Jack became enraged at figure in his color­ them. In the heat of look at a strong woman and a fit of rage, burns down wealth lady and fled. scene of mayhem and demons soon learned that, while is known aboolt her, be­ He kidnapped Anne Anne's new-found lover ful costume but he battle, the crew all say "she is". As Johnson, the plantation and flees Zola-a free mulatto aboard ship, they turned murder, rape, and theft cause as a member of the and dragged her naked and threatened to slit looked to have just scurried below deck in the best historian on pi­ to New Providence, near who got tired of being over the cargo without -a were forgivable crimes, lower classes, her story and bound before the his throat from ear to risen from his bed. terror, except Anne and rates because he was a what now is Nassau, Baha- fair game for every white fight. the crime of a woman liv­ did not capture the his­ governor, and charged ear. Bursting upon the His eyes were puffy Mary, who fought like pirate, put it: mfs , surrounded with co­ man and decided to de­ Anne learned her most ing without a husband was torians • interest. her with a major felony cabin he found not Mark, and his speech in­ "all the female demons ral reefs and hidden It is known she was - deserting her husband. but Mary, a woman, stre­ distinct. He stood a sailor's nightmares mand money for it. valuable tactic, terror­ not, and fled soon after). tched out on the bed. As The odd incidents of their rocks, dangerous passage To cop some hetero­ ism. Anne was stripped to the born to Mol3 Read, whose What he really wanted clear when ordered on a stormy night are for the king's Men O'War, one historian describes out of the way by made of". At one point, rambling lives are such sexual privilege, Anne Woodes Rogers, the new waist for freedom as com­ husband had been two was money, and slyly, it: that some may be tempted endowed with fresh water governor of New Provi­ bat developed and wore years at sea. To save her all the t ime ins ist ing his damnable female Mary, in a rage, ran to turtles and wild hogs. Bonny seduced the richest companion. the hold demanding the to think the whole story dence, stood on his flag­ black velvet pants - de­ honor and insure Mary's that she not be undound Ironically of all tbe At another trial in no better than a novel, New Providence was a pi­ man on the island, Chid- ship dubiously surveying signed by Pierre. One hand inheritance from her because "that hellcat genuine lovers he men come out and join rates paradise, a haven ley Bayard, but soon de­ Jamaica in 1720, John the fight. When they but since it is supported his new domain. The har­ rested on the hilt of her grandmother, Moll dressed will kill me on the might have found her Harper, a pirate, said, by many thousand witnes­ for the hunted of the New cided being the mistress bor was littered with sun­ sword, and the other held her as a boy and passed spot," suggested divorce with, (this historian didn't, she opened fire of a rich man was as bor­ obviously uses the "She had the leader's ses, I mean the people of World. Here docked Black- ken and abandoned ships. a long silk scarf, which het off as her dead son, by sale. The crew, ex­ gift and could arouse on them, killing two Jamaica, who were present beard, Captain Kidd, Stede ing as being his wife, The surrounding reefs had she gayly waved at Woodes Mark. The problem was cept for Mary Read, who great whore syndrome and wounding old puffy- at their trial and heard Bennet, and countless and left him for a pir­ to belittle a strong us to declare war on the eyed Calico. It took , ate. Calico Jack Rack- effectively kept him from Rogers "as daintily as not that Mary couldn't had to be restrained, whole world." the Story of their Lives, other folk heroes. Here entering the harbor until any fine lady being seen play the role, but she was more than willing woman) he had to pick almost an hour and all upon the first discovery Anne Bonny came to make ham. Anne needed a male a time when the figure The Royal Queen Barnet's crew to subdue protector and figurehead off on a long ocean voy­ played it too well and to do this; but Anne of Their Sex, the Truth her fortune. high tide the next morn­ age." became wild and unruly, screamed that she "would sprawled on the bed rolled peacefully in the two women. of it can no more be con­ for her plans, and Calico was just a woman in Cuban anchor. The waves As she disembarked, Jack, named for his loud ing It had been she who so much so that her grand­ not be bought and sold They were taken to tested than that there a one-eared druken sai­ Capitalism had taken mother disinherited her like a hog or cattle," slapped on her stream­ trial in St. Jaga de la were such men in the striped and patch work designed the escape. man's clothing. lined sides. She was as lor blocked her way. Be­ pants was perfect. Con­ another shift. The wars Anne soon had estab­ anyway. Moll faced with and the crew realized Men would have us Vega, and the whole world as Roberts and Black fore him were two barrels in Europe were letting up, a child who would never she would kill any man, fast as a sloop and as crew was found guilty. beard, who were Pyrates. trary to popular belief lished herself as the e- believe that just min­ powerful as a Man o'War, on one a pint of ale, on Calico Jack was not a and the Americas were es­ qual of any man aboard be "feminine" enough to buyer or seller, who utes before, Anne, When asked if they knew the other a brace of pis­ ladies man; in fact he tablishing themselves as ship, and she did it the frustrated by repulsed with ZO pound guns, tne of any reasons why they Fade in. The port of tols. "Nobody passes here was not even a pirate trading colonies. An in­ only way she knew how. seductions, had thrown best made ship on eit­ should be spared, Anne Charleston, S.C. around who doesn't drink with (yet). He had made his digenous aristocracy had She offed a prick. Nfark on the bed and her side of the Atlan­ and Nary answered, 1710. The smell of wet me." Anne, who had her way across the Atlantic developed, and the pira- ripped off his clothes "Your honor, we plead fill of fathers, priests, teers who had offered One particularly ob­ tic. Her cabins were our bellies," and were rope, tar, and spilled as a captain's paramour noxious crew member in­ to discover Mary. Con­ lined with mahogany whiskey. Swea.t and clean and "Hey, baby, can I and gravitated to New them relaeCdl|^99 h^gK ,:«^r- sidering all the tiMe pardoned. Now neither if f s , now bacdue the pi­ sisted on brushing again­ and inlaid with gold salt air. A carnival, a walk with you," drew her Providence, which more st her every time she they had spent together, and jewels. Anne and woman^-actually produc­ pistol and shot off his than one historian de­ rates, getting in the this is a highly un­ ed a child, and the circus, a place of whores way of their profits. walked by, smiling shyly* Mary wanted her. and pimps. Dark bars and other ear. scribes as a "lively ho­ She called him out to a likely coincidence. The prize was even doctor who examined "By God, is that a mosexual community". He They had to go. Anne was a member them was the same doc­ strange stories, where There was no way of duel, calmly waited for sweeter because it be­ pirates and respectable head? I thought I was was probably copping as him to draw his pistol of gay culture, and tor they had saved shooting the handle off much heterosexual pri­ rounding them all up. Men Pierre the most noto­ longed to Chidley Bay­ from the rack aboard businessmen haggle over like Blackbeard and Cap­ first, and then just as ard, Anne's old lover, prices of stolen goods. a mug." She had estab­ vilege from Bonny as she calmly, shot his off- rious homosexual in the the prison ship ^ewei lished herself among the was from him. (Inall ho­ tain Roberts commanded Caribbean. While a stra­ who had long been out less than a year ear­ An open pulsing sore that naval forces the likes Anne was a no-nonsense for her neck, and is the life-line of the pirates. nesty, she did have one ight man may have been lier. She dismissed her hus­ child by him which she of which were not to be female. fooled by Mark's clo­ worse still, who had Anne was allowed New World. seen again in the New Many children's stor­ taken James Bonny as a Gangs of children also band, "He's of no use to promptly disposed of.) thing, I find it doubt­ to see dear Calico me," and took up residen­ Mary Read (be patient, World until the Civil ies claim Anne sailed only ful that those two would business partner. The before he was hanged, prowl the wharfs, the be­ War. Rogers had hit on a as an already established have mistaken Mary for ship had been entrust­ ginnings of the poor ce with a pirate of the she'll enter the story and all she had to times. Captain Jennings soon) was also forced better plan: The King's Captain's Mistress. In long. ed to the command of say was: "I an sorry white trash. They play Pardon. Any pirate turn­ fact. Jack was not even Captain Hudson, a with knives, drink when and his mistress Meg. by the society of the Anne and Mary were to see you in this Meg's first warning time to take a male pro­ ing himself in and re­ a -pirate until he sailed evenly matched in stren­ self-fancied ladies' predicanent, but had they can get it, and tector, but not until forming would be pardon­ with Anne; and she would man. The rest was easy. steal with ease. A young to Anne was;"You'11 need ed. In the morning he gth, able to outwrestle you fought like a man a man. You can't stay in her affair with Anne had have killed any man who many men. Neither could Anne, finding it you would not now have girl runs among them. forced her into the open would sail into the har­ did not treat her exactly convenient to play the She's as dirty as the New Providence without bor, pardoning all those have overcome the other. to die like a dog." the protection of a Man." as a woman. You didn't for what she was, a pi­ Even if by some stretch lady, seduced hin into Mary died of a rest, her red hair cut have to kill as many men who accepted, and hang­ rate in her own right. bringing her aboard short as any boy's. They Unfortunately this was ing all those who didn't. of the imagination, Anne fever contracted in true, not only in New as you were "with a man Why exactly the crew had mistaken Mary for a with the promise to prison, and Anne just say-she's the daughter of aboard ship." Advance word informed mutinied is~not known. first order all his men a wealthy lawyer, planta­ Providence, but in all only one crew would not boy (and considering disappeared. Some say 17th century society. But that Anne instigated Mary's behavior in New below deck to protect she got married and re­ tion owner that she On a full moon the accept and planned to es­ it is not hard to imagine. Providence they were her "delicate" reputa­ speaks French, and they Women could not enter fiddler crabs come out cape during the night. turned to Charleston, business or own property. When the votes were taken probably lovers even tion. Once on board, highly unlikely con­ already plan to marry her from the ocean and their Accordingly, he had bot­ Jack had ten, Anne six. then) Mary had to have Anne drugged Hudson's off. Well, a brat's a They were the property mud flats to dance on the tled up the harbor and sidering she was still of their husbands to be and Vane ten. Had they come willingly to that wine and took a walk on wanted for arson, at­ brat, and she better not shore. The fish run thi­ placed his fleet on com- stayed that way. Vane bed. the now empty deck. The try to pilfer this shop. bought, sold, murdered cker and the ^ulls dive b at watch. tempted nurder, con­ at his will. If you were would have remained Cap­ Besides, considering next morning with sweet spiracy against the Then again, if my life crazy at midnight. On tain, and Anne and Jack words about what a great not the property of one the full moon Anne Bonny All of a sudden a de­ that there were only King's authority, and were settled at age ten. serted ship started to unmistakably dead; but lover he had been, she The same port five man, you were the pro­ planned her first raid. two known English women capturing and releasing perty of all men. The move. Someone had rai­ she had always realized pirates, what were the bid him goodbye and he not a few slave ships. years later. The wharf is sed the sail and latched the men would not accept chances that they would sailed out of the har­ a little cleaner, till experiences of the fol­ One of Anne's new Others say she joined a lowing members of the fe­ friends was Pierre who the steering wheel on a a woman leader for long, end up "accidentally" bor. A little way out he nunnery, or got hanged nightfall. (A sailor on course sralghtfor Roger's and had long ago chosen on the same ship. was attacked by Anne's leave is still a sailor male population of New ran the coffee shop, with a group of reli­ Providence, all mistres­ hairdressing and dress­ fleet. He ordered it Calico Jack as her fig­ took part in it. Final­ At any rate, Mary crew. He ordered the gious fanatics. on leave.) And the pi­ blown out of the water, urehead. She threw her catch a man, decided it gunmen to open fire, but rates more respectable. ses and prostitutes, making establishment. He was safer to keep her ly the governor released emerged as a woman, and At any rate, at the show what happened to has been called Pierre but the first shot igni­ votes to Calico, he be­ her on the condition the two were insepar­ they could not. All the time Anne Hutchinson Anyone who damns England ted oil that had been came Captain, Vane was male and apprenticed her firing pins had been and France can't be all women who were not pro­ Bouspuet, Piere Delvin, as a footboy. that she give up her able, wearing fine was exiled, the Salem tected by middle class Peter Bosket, but mainly spilled over the deck. set adrift, and Anne be­ sinful ways, i.e. go dresses meant, literal­ doused with water the witches were hanged, bad. Captain James Brown The flames soon set off came second in coainand Mary disliked fetching ly, for queens, some­ night before. The fast­ has become the aristoc­ men. history has recorded him and carrying, and ran a- back to her lawful and the going price for Meg-to protect herself Pierre, the Pansy Pirate. the four pound guns which and ruler in everything master. times dressing as men. est ship in the Carib­ a wife was less than a racy of Penn, and Ben but name. She even threw way to join the army. bean was taken with Fletcher the governor of from a druken husband, His main passion was de­ had been loaded with be­ There, she fell in love It was Mary who con­ head of beef, two women stabbed him with a knife. signing fine clothes of Jack out of the Captain's They took over com­ only one man being managed to live life the New York. Anne Cormac laying pins and all mat­ quarters and inhabited with another soldier, vinced Anne not to mur­ mand of the ship. Men- killed - Captain Hud­ dressed in green, her red Common law called it Mas­ velvet and silk but such ter of flammable objects quit the army,and opened der the governor. Under way they wanted. They ter murder (earlier it clothes were rare in New thea by herself. of-War were sent out to son, by Mary. Anne had knew what we are all hair falling loose down showering the fleet with the Three Horseshoes Inn. her direction, our capture that "damnable had her revenge on Chi­ her back, frequents the was called God murder), Providence. When they balls of fire. Any min­ Eventually the crew heroes and heroines learning. If nen make which was worse than mur­ heard about a French Mer­ decided to take the par­ female", which histori­ dley by taking his ship, the laws, we must break taverns on the arm of ute the fire would reach Her husband died and stole another sloop and ans would have us be­ and now Mary had hers. first this buccaneer, der and she fled for life. chantman going by, loaded the powder room and ex­ don after and resettle the bar failed so she set out after James. them. Outlaws to break Somehow she met up with with fine material, Anne in New Providence. It was again put on men's lieve referred to the All pirates are even­ the great law Prick, we then that. Few remember plode the whole ship, He, knowing his hellcat ship. (Later they refer tually taken, and so her as the scab-kneed tom­ Captain Jennings, who had little trouble con­ taking any nearby ship important enough to Ro­ clothing and signed on wife, had already fled are lovers. took her to New Provi­ vincing him to go. gers, to keep Anne off a Dutch Merchantman. to "those infamous wo­ with Anna and Mary. A boy. Better stories fol­ with it. Two of Rogers' for his life, but his men". Come now, a ship hurricane had recently Reprinted from the col­ low her now. How she beat dence . Together they outdid sloops and two brigs fled the high seas, to ask The ship was taken by profitable turtle busi­ lection of short biog­ "One-Eye" Hawkins- Hollywood 200 years be­ English pirates, and in pluralT) destroyed the Royal a would-be suitor with a in terror. The ship ex­ pardon for her also. ness was burned to the At another one of Queen and halved the raphies , Womma Rmmmm- chair, hospitalizing him who wore a pirate patch fore it existed. With a ploded and in the confu­ Here, (possibly in some- Nary, willingly or un- ground. Anne and Mary ^ bmrmd, edited by Nancy over one eye. A victim group of Pierre's friends willinaly, joined them historian Johnson's crew. They now sailed for a month; or how dur­ sion Vane's ship slipped gay bar) Anne first met as Mark Read, English were on account toget­ "Pyrate Tryals', the the customary pirate's Myron and Charlotte ing a match she publicly of divorce by sale, a com­ they stole a boat from through the new-made hole Mary or Mark Read, who her. Bunch ($2*25 from Diama mon custom where a hus­ the abandoned wrecks in sailor. The ship's home captain of the Elisa­ sloop. So did their con­ undressed her fencing and disappeared before had also been pardoned. port was New Providence. Most historians beth, taken off the queror. Captain Bamet, Press, 12 West 25th St., master, button by button band publicly auctioned the harbor and flung tur* Rogers• ships could turn New Providence, like the chose to either not Baltimore, Md. 21218). his wife and the receipt tle blood over the topsail, Anne» Mary, Pierre, coast of Florida, de­ reasoning correctly that with the edge of her and open fire. rest of the New World mention or to refute scribes the real re­ the customary Man-o'War Other subjects in the sword. And her a lady and is recognized as divorce deck, and themselves. In had plenty of gay bars. et al. would have set­ Anne and Mary's love. collection include papers (more on this la­ the bow, they placed a On the deck stood Anne, tled down to live hon- lation of power aboard could never outmaneuver all. She better take care who with Calico Jack and America was being set­ Some say Anne didn't ship. a smaller sloop. When he Queen Christina, lesbi­ with that skinny pimp^ ter) . She was arrested dress dummy, in women's •stly and happily ever even know Mark was a an ruler of Sweden;and for deserting the second Pierre, had decided not tled by the lumpen of after; but male power xe warn not until trm pulled alongside, the James Bonny, she's keep­ clothing, and covered it to accept the pardon. the world, and many,like woman. It is known that Emily Dickinson, poet.

^...^^JZikOAX; — .-t',

The Enpty Closet •.5-; November 1976 P«g« • i ^:v «Af.

GAY 'Wi i^-vCOMMUNrTY tl ] NEWS. A mmgntMfm/ —«Mr tot IWM irf MM*!*- Fifth Annual Political Assessment // WTMMP MVA MAIW|MAAfS> MhTHfc •':'*

UA Key State Legislature »tJ* The results of the New York State Coalition 10=very supportive ._>*tsa of Gay Organizations^ 8 ^supportive 6 ^uninformed A Gft Y KfiSOTfS 6UIM (NYSCGO) survey of can­ State Senate State Assembly didates for offices af­ 4 -opposed TONCWCIVGLSllfB 2 =strongly opposed fecting Monroe County 0 =blank -' UJ 2 for legislative office for legislation which woulch o CM C4 ro to ro ro o m m ro CO ro ro ro ro ro ro In New York State were lO \o contacted for their po­ ro Rochester's finest sitions on gay issues, t^ 1 repeal consensual sodomy statutes <; Questionaires were (NYPL 130.38) for both heterosexual 8 A 8 8 la to (0 mailed In early October. znd homosexual? and the Rochester Gay Task Force members tried to make 2 amend the State Human Rights HB new phone contact with those L*w to protect citizens from discrim­ 10 M % disca'dance bar ^^^•^ local candidates who ination regardless of the affectational failed to reply by mall or sexual preference? BANANA within the two week dead ei AROMA deadline. 3 eliminate homosexuality as a 4 The responses are "determining factor" in cases involv­ UCKER quite positive. 53 per 6 8 AM-PM am ing disputes over child custody and/or e 6 cent of the candidates child visitation privileges? (16 out of 30) completed 92 NORTH ST. the questionaire. Such 4 allow/ 3 qualified gay person to survey's^normally re­ serve as a foster and/or adoptive o S t 0 ceive a 10 to 20 per parent?- a) 3^ cent reply ratio. Sena- to c C 5 eliminate homosexuality as a rea­ ^ o wnandny 2S^ draft night & & son for denying or revoking state s 5 8 10 to \n 10 w licenses (for nurses, teachers, hair a) a) $• dressers, brokers, etc.)? ^. - o a o o 6 amend current state insurance stat­ o QF CARING COUPLES, SHY FOLKS, AND GENTLE NUDES c c -rs utes eliminating discrimination against to 6 10 10 10 C £ •3 gay people? o BSBB^SS d* - 7 provide for legal union of homo­ 3 sexual couples with rights (e.g. inher­ fe B K) FOR SITTING RATES itance) similar to those of married 0 S p tuesday secand drink tor 2S^ heterosexuals? WRITE: 9^ BdARDMAN STREET ROCHESTER, NY 14607 8 outlaw police entrapmeng, entice­ ment, and harassment of homosexual citizens and of public, private, bus­ 6 G k) 10 8 % iness, and social facilities catering to the gay comrnuniiy? /

9 repeal laws prohibiting cross-dres- H iretfitesffcs^ #iro ftpr oite ing (transvestitism)? {NYPL240.35-4) B 10

PIANO TUNING 10 release all citizens presently in­ REPAIR - RESTORATION carcerated for "victimless crimes" (such as consensual sodomy, prost­ 0 10 8 6 IQ itution, cross-dressing, and minor drug 6 ask for Mark posession)?

482-4703 fit thursday IS^ off Orinhs TOTALS

U.S. Congress torial candidate Daniel when yau wear a Jiwn ^s t^shirt Key , lO^very supportive House of P. Moynlhan is not United States counted as a question­ 8 ^supportive Representatives Senate 6 ^uninfoi rued _ aire respondent, though 4 -opposed r he sent a letter endor­ 2 =strongly opposed Q: o CC CC Q sing gay rights legisla­ 0 =blank tion. Were Moynlhan counted as a respondent, c c the ratio would rise to o c .a 'c 56 per cent. 31 >. Would you introduce and/or vote «-• ta o o C for legislation which WfOtHd: o OD X o tn in ro ro t/) trt to t/) Sheriff's race Take It 1 extend the protections of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to citt^pos regardless »• fo of "sexual or affectional preference"? In a local survey conducted by the Roches­ 2 support the right of homosexual 10 ter Gay Task Force and Ea- s - y citizens to ierve in the Armed Forces (0 8 10 c TBE EMPTY CLOSET Spec­ of the United States? o ially designed questton- '3. alres were sent to Men- 3 support tax reform calling for an roe County Sheriff can­ end to discrimination against single b s to 10 10 didates Winiftn Lombard With a Body Rub taxpayers? and challenger Richard 3^ I/) c c Fairchild. Limited 4 eliminate bars to entry, immigra­ C C c space prevents the re­ tion, and naturalization of aliens 10 K) lO 2 to production of that sur­ which are based on their sexual pre­ s vey here, » for appointment ference? i- 2! Only Fairchild res­ t O o I ponded, and the candi­ 5 support the right of social agencies o c date Is on record oppos* serving the gay community to receive K) lO c 40 ing collection of data tax exempt status? c call 621-6868 o on the sexual preference o of Individuals. He 6 provide federal funding for private promised, if elected,**to agencies that provide direct social 10 end police entrapment, arKl human services to gay citizens? inticement. and haras­ CALL BETWEEN 1 & 10 PM sment of homosexual cit­ 7 halt government collection of data K) 10 iO izens and the public, on the sexual preference of individ­ 10 private, business and uals? social facilities cater­ 121 NCR! H ing to the gay communl- 8 support a woman's right ,to abor- 10 10 40 K) ty*" In concluding his tNKi (as guaranteed by the U. S. Sup­ response he stated^'WheA reme Court)? consenting adults desire tt) ocojpy thtmselves 93 with in private Is their TOTALS ee own business."

-, m. ..-Jt*:*. -.i-^aot.- -v November 1976 The Empty Closet P«9« ^^

Broderick to bring Frank and the episode into fo- Book Review: . cus — and the stanza ELECTRIC MEDIA NOTES ' worked out very well under Glenn Jordan's SHAVER THH NANCY WALKER able direction. Mother The Church and the Homosexual by Terry Dodge SHOW (ABC, Ch, 1-3, Thurs . , Sada Thompson and daugh­ OWNERS! ter Meredith Baxter Bir- Comirfett electroek tvne vp restOrtf by Mmrg Ball With so many gay 9:30 pm) may be the best ney had less to do, but clearly the religious repressive towards homo­ new_sitcom. The writing veer sliever to foctecy specHkotioM. Al BM SSSSi A Jesuit priest»' John story plots used during did it well and Kristy ports lecMed. CenUess Modek $100 -" community. That has to sexuals. A question the networks* big pre­ is very good --- fast- McNichol as the 14-year- McNeill, waited for over be kept in mind, espe­ arises at this point: If miere week, it's sur­ paced with a strong cast. old daughter remains the •"*"' jumwtTHTimommAurvio^ 2 years to publish his cially when reading the the condemnation of prising Joe didn't. The gay character is Nan­ series' most sparkling book Thm Church and thm early sections of the homosexuality is so leave Rhoda to move in cy's friend and what's -element with her natural HoaoffearuaZ. Because of­ book, where McNeill bound up in the patri­ with Carlton! Examples most refreshing is they performing of the myriad the controversial nature carefully re-interprets archal nature of Judeo- o£ gay-related stories discuss work, food and SHAVING HEADS FOR of his ideas. Church the scriptural and tra­ Christian religion, how films. There have been moods and delights of a ALL MODELS 20t OFF authorities wanted to ditional basis for moral thus far: no long talks about gay- ' much can one expect real ALICE (CBS, Ch.lO, child's growing pains-." FACTORY RETAIL PRICE investigate and review condemnation of homo­ change in attitudes ness.'. .Thanks, ABC! This MARY HARTMAN, MARY , his work. Well it's out sexuality. Many of us Wed..9:30 pm) Alice, show is just great fun. without a radical attack first episode: Girl HARTMAN is moving from now, with the official are in a different on the patriarchal bias accepts Gay. The gay the television screen designation of "permis­ space and could care that has so thoroughly guy portrayed i^ hand­ to print: Simon and HflTHm sion to publish" - - in less about elaborate infected religious con­ some, virile,.sensitive, Schuster is^publishing meet TONY other words the book is arguements on the mean­ sciousness? Many lesbi­ aYid decent. • .There was a quality paperback from the OK in terms of standards ing of certain scriptu­ an feminists are now a strong, sniggering edition detailing the SCHICK of scholarship and pru­ ral passages or philo­ asking if such "de- overtone, suggesting smash soap opera hero- CLUB BATH- MIAM dence required for writ­ sophical critiques of patriarchalization" is the producers chose the ine-'s doings and how ings on controversial stocism and Thomas even possible within subject for its exploi- * she achieved her suc­ flexamatic subjects, but it doesn't Aquinas. Why bother when this tradition. Even tation value. This cess. MH will by-line represent the official there are so many more though this book is script treated its this book and S§S in­ FLEXAMATIC FLEXAMATIC position of the Catholic important issues and less male-oriented than guest gay, a former star sists she is THE authoj. STANDARD CORD DELUXE CORD i(^92 NORT.H ST . Church. Only the Catho­ struggles with which to many, (and he himself quarterback rn the plot, Notable November Model 300 Model 400 lics could come up with concern ourselves? It's acknowledges his limita­ Specials-; CBS, Ch. 10,^ ^ 0KdS 325-97S4 such weird bureaucratic sometimes easy to forget tions in dealing in as an exotic object --- November 25: BEVERLY distinctions! something rare and dif­ Variety summed up $21.95 with trade-in $27.95 with trade-in that many folks have depth with the unique •SILLS and CAROL BURNETT Given this context, I been affected by that situation of lesbians) ferent than human. The the week this way: "The in a concert at New York's lines were also poor subject of homosexuality approached my reading of stuff and therefore it still should be poin­ Metropolitan Opera... his book with skepti­ still may have deeply ted out that much re­ when the man announces was rampant during the remember this*t)ne.' he's gay and Alice re­ second week of the sea­ cism. However I discov­ rooted feelings about mains unexplored in this plies, "You don't mean son, but no place was ABC NEWS, Ch.l3, ex­ ered that McNeill has "sin", like guilt, or area. amines the human mind come through with a well judgemental attitudes , just jolly?" it handled more effec­ in "THE HIDDEN UNIVERSE" SCHICK Another question left The Boston Globe tively and sensitively Would you like to supplement argued and foifceful po­ or fear of any social unanswered in this book said, *'The gay theme than on the season debut check local listing SERVICE 168 Re Ik SIIMI sition of advocacy for changes which might in­ revolves aroimd the fre­ surfaces once more in of ABC-TV's FAMILY ser­ for time and date. CENTER nemsTBi, M. I«M homosexuals. He knows volve equal rights for quent reference to "eth­ the opening episode of ies . A splendid script NBC, Ch.8, November your Income? well where the Church homosexuals. For such ically responsible homo- by Bethel Leslie and 17th THE HALL OF FAME 7164644216 has been. Yet he is able people this book may be ALICE. The situation is stars Bette Davis and . sexual relationships". handled rather awkward­ Gerry Day was sensitive­ We are looking for sincere individuals, who enioy the to relate sensitively to helpful. While McNeill clearly ly, to the point of dis­ ly portrayed" by members Faye Dunaway in "SISTER where the Church is now, There were two some­ points out the destruc- AIMEE" about Evange,list without compromising his comfort, as the whole of the series Lawrence prestige and financial satisfaction of building their own what surprising and tiveness of the tradi­ matter is hashed and family, with Brian By- Aimee Semple McPherson. own position. What emer­ positive threads which tional Catholic advice rehashed repeatedly, ers a standout as the Ch.8 also presents ges is a book that is I discovered in this to homosexuals (ie. for no purpose except young friend of the fami­ JOHNNY, WE {LARDLY KNEW business. Full time or part tinne. There is no investment, sure to open up debate book: One is that McNe­ YE (from the best-selling either to seek conver­ its exploitative val­ ly whose sexual tenden­ mmimiimiiwwitimimtiiHiwmiiiiim iiiiiiiwtiiiwiwwMiiiiiwiiiiiHMiiiiiiiiliiiliiimiiiliwiiiilii—lllllWi on a new level within ill is far from conde­ sion or to remain sexua­ ue..." cies needed understanding book about the late Pres. risk, or previous sales experience necessary. We will train the Catholic community. scending or paternalis­ lly inactive), he never­ and compassion. Gary Kennedy) on November 22nd, Since the Catholic tic in his attitude Well, any show which Frank, as the son, had the anniversary of his DRINKING PROBLEM? theless maintains that uses the line "Kiss you to succeed and help others, to become a Shaklee Distri­ Church has earned the towards gays. His posi­ ethical decisions regar­ my grits" three times ~^some lessons to learn tragic assasination. reputation of being one tion went far beyond a ding relationships must about the values and begrudging acceptance of needs help in many "Matlovitch", based Gay Alcoholics (AA) meets weekly heavily depend upon such areas. With comedy stresses of friendship on the former Air Force butor. of our "worst enemies" gays within the Church when Byers was arrested sergent, will be filmed in terms of its repres­ and society to an affir­ values as "stability", written on such a lev­ FOR FUTHER INFORMATION CALL 26&0240 or WRITE TO SHAKLEE "mutuality", "fidelity", el, I'll read "On the in a gay bar and needed as a two hour drama by CaU 244-8640 for deiaih sive attitudes and its mation of the very posi­ his help. It took some Tomorrow Entertainment IHHMIIWIIIllhtlllimMIIWIIWIIimiMMWIMWIIIIIMlllllllllltWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMWtlllliMIIIIIMWIIIIWIilllHlmillllllllll MM DISTRIBUTORS, 376 EATON ROAD, ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14617 influence on society. tive and necessary con­ "commitment". McNeill Town" for MY entertain- admits that he's vague ment* good counseling by James for NBC. That's no small act- tributions which homo­ m Mr-Nei 11 * s audience is sexuals bring to the on this point, but I sensed that he assumes human family. Society is as a new moral norm the losing something pre­ monogamous couple frame­ cious when it fails to work. For whatever rea­ > (- recognize the beauty of sons, he did not explore gay love, or heed the the questions raised in messages from gays about departing from this liberation. Liberation framework. from confining and op* Contemporary inter­ INVITING pressive sex roles, or pretations now indicate the sick confusion be­ that the sinfulness spo­ tween violence and ken of in the Sodom and "fli.*v;:;.,v:. ; 'f^. masculinity which pre­ Gomorrah story consisted YOU !! vails in this culture. of inhospitality, and He even goes so far as not homosexuality. to draw a parallel be­ McNeill then goes on to tween gays who have observe: TO OUR "come out" and are acti­ For thousands of years ve in liberation move­ in the Christian Mast ments and the prophetic the homosexual ham ALL NEW religious tradition. A been the victim of in­ second related point hospitable treatment, that McNeill makes is Condemned by the the connection between Church, he has been MOVIES 3rd the subjugation of women the victim of persecu­ and the oppression of tion, torture and mvmn • LOCKERS gays. For example to the death. In the name of FLOOR men of biblical times a mistaken undermtand- • SAUNA BATH (also true for today) it ing of thm crimm of was the fact of treating Sodom and Gomorrah, • REFRESHMENTS another male "as a wo­ thm t^um crime of man" that was most ab­ Sodom and Gomorrah • PRIVATE ROOMS THE horrent and degrading has bmmn and continumm about homosexual acts. to hm rmpmatmd mvmry • STUDENT RATES Typically, lesbianism day. is almost never referred How ironic. A Jesuit • COLOR T.V. LOUNGE to even for moral con* priest wants the Catho­ demnatlon, either in lic Church to stop • CENTERS OF ACTION scripture or other tra­ practicing the sin of ditional writings. "sodomy" (in the true • VALUABLES CHECKED McNeill reminds us that biblical sense of the • V.D. CLINIC EACH MONTH those cultures most word) and to start cele* rigidly patriarchal and brating gay love. Right • OPEN 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK anti-woman are also nost on • IN AND OUT PRIVLEGES (WEEK-ENDS) m TILL CLOSING Bulletin Board -^^CCMAN The Empty Closmt Col- with prmpaymmnt, wm Imctivm rmtmins the arm not rmaponsiblm for right to edit or re­ ad contmnt, Smnd mdm ^i V fuse puMication of to: Thm Empty Clommt, r: I r adm. All ads run for 12$^ Univmrsity Avmnum, SAUNA onm atoathf unlmmm Rochmstmr 14610, ^'89 ELM STREET ROCHESTER othmzwiam rmqummtmd and will bm publimhmd FOR RENT: 2 bedroom - '^ '/ ^l ,• I U at a rata of $3 for Apartment-unfurnished. thm first IS words Elmgrove Rd. Near Kodak. and 10^ m word thmrm- Couple of Single only. -J L « . ' ^ r. aftmr, Call Dave- 227-OOSO Tnclade phone number or Between 11 AM-2 PM pomt officm box numbmr or after midnight til 2AM

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KECEIVEO FEB24 7Z November 1976

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m ^ Voters Guide page 4 ^