Welcome to the Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust Publication Scheme. The Publication Scheme is in three parts, as follows:

PART ONE: Introduction PART TWO: The Classes of Information that we hold PART THREE: Inspection and Monitoring Bodies, Index to the Publication Scheme, and Useful Resources

PART ONE: Introduction


• What a Publication Scheme is

NHS Wales includes a number of statutory organisations (NHS Trusts, Local Health Boards and Community Health Councils), which are accountable to the National Assembly for Wales and the Minister for Health and Social Services for the performance of their health functions and for meeting their statutory financial duties. The National Assembly for Wales together with NHS Trusts, Local Health Boards and Community Health Councils and General Practitioners, Dentists, Pharmacists and Opticians providing NHS services are individually required to provide a Publication Scheme under the Freedom of Information Act.

This Publication Scheme is a complete guide to the information routinely published by Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust, how this information is published and whether any fee is payable for access. It is a description of the information about our Trust, which we make publicly available. We shall review the Scheme at regular intervals and monitor how it is operating.

It is important to us that this Publication Scheme meets your needs and we have designed it to be a route map so that you can find information about Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust easily. Under Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (there is a link to the Act in Part Three below), the Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust has a legal duty to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme for the publication of Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust information. The purpose of the Act is to promote greater openness by public authorities (of which Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust is one).

The Publication Scheme will help you to find all the information that the Trust publishes. The Freedom of Information Act does not change the right of patients to protection of their patient confidentiality in accordance with Article 8 of the Human Rights Convention, the Data Protection Act and at common law. Maintaining the legal right to patient confidentiality continues to be an important commitment on our part. To help with this, we have appointed someone who is called a Caldicott Guardian, and who has responsibility to ensure the protection of patient confidentiality throughout the Trust in accordance with your legal rights.

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In Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust, our Caldicott Guardian is:

Mr Stephen Griffiths Director of Nursing and Patient Services Trust Management Offices Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER

Information Management

Information falling into the Classes will be retained in line with the Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust’s policies whereby information is held, retained and destroyed in accordance with NHS Wales guidelines. Information required for the business purposes of the Trust is stored at the Trust.

Advice and assistance

Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust will provide advice and assistance to anyone regarding this Publication Scheme. Please contact the Project Officer (details below) for further information. If you require specific assistance due to any disability or learning difficulty, we will provide all reasonable advice and assistance with your query.

• Feedback

Any questions, comments or complaints about this Scheme should be sent in writing to

Stephen Forster Director of Finance Trust Management Offices Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER e-mail: [email protected]

If you require copies of this Scheme, any of the information mentioned in it or any advice and assistance, please contact:

Sharon Taylor Project Officer IT Department Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER e-mail: [email protected] Direct line: 01970 635409

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If you have a compliment or complaint about how the Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust has dealt with your request for information from the Scheme, please write to:

Allison Williams Chief Executive Trust Management Offices Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER

• Rights of Access to Information

Freedom of Information Act • The Freedom of Information Act recognises that everyone has the right to know how public services such as NHS Wales are organised and run, how much they cost and how you can make complaints if you need to. You have the right to know which services are being provided, the targets that are being set, the standards of services that are expected and the results achieved.

• From January 1st 2005 Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust will also have to respond to requests about the information that it holds and a right of access to that information will be created. The rights to request and access this information are subject to some exemptions, which the Trust has to take into consideration before deciding what information can be released.

Code of Practice on Openness • At the present time, in addition to accessing the information identified in this Publication Scheme, you are entitled to request information about Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust under the Code of Practice on Openness in the NHS issued by the Welsh Office in 1995. Hard copies are available from the NHS Wales Department of the Welsh Assembly Government. Sometimes, some or all of the information cannot be provided and we will explain the reasons why not when this happens.

Data Protection Act • Under the Data Protection Act 1998, you are also entitled to access your clinical records or any other personal information held about you and you can contact Matthew Poole, Data Protection Officer, to do this.

Matthew Poole Data Protection Officer IT Department Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER

e-mail: [email protected] Direct line: 01970 635403

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Welsh Language Scheme • Each Trust, along with other NHS organisations, is obliged to have adopted a Scheme which has been approved by the Welsh Language Board in accordance with the Welsh Language Act 1993. A copy of our Welsh Language Scheme is included in Class 5. The Publication Scheme is available in Welsh and English and we will identify what information is available in the Welsh language. Information that is available bilingually will be designated by “Φ”.

Environmental Information Regulations • The Environmental Information Regulations which came into force in 1993 set the standard for the release of information about the environment in which we live and work. These are likely to be strengthened within the next eighteen months under a European Union Directive. Until the new Regulations come into force, information relating to the Environment can be requested using the existing regulations and the Code of Openness.

This document is also available in Welsh.

When dealing with requests under the Freedom of Information Act, we will withhold information that is exempt under that Act or is personal, confidential information about individuals and is protected by the Data Protection Act 1998. This does not affect your rights to information requested under the Data Protection Act 1998.

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The information is grouped into broad categories as follows:

1. The NHS and how we fit 2. Who we are 3. Financial and Funding Information 4. Corporate Information 5. Welsh Language Scheme 6. Aims, Targets and Achievements 7. Our Services 8. Reports and Independent Enquiries 9. Principal Policies and Procedures 10. Public Involvement and Consultation 11. Regular publications and information for the public 12. Complaints 13. Human Resources 14. Communications with the Press and Media Releases 15. Environmental Information 16. This Publication Scheme

We will state how you can obtain the information outlined within each Class and whether a Welsh translation is available. This Publication Scheme is available in Welsh and English. Where information is available in both English and Welsh it will be designated by “Φ”. Information will be available via the website (www.ceredigion-tr.wales.nhs.uk), as a hard copy or through other media as state within each Class. The publications are all free unless otherwise indicated within each Class [£]. Where information is provided at a cost, the charges will be calculated as set out in Class 16.

Any document available on the website, transmitted electronically or provided on CD ROM or Floppy disk will be provided as a .pdf file. This means the recipient will need Adobe Acrobat Reader ™ to view it. Please visit www.adobe.com to download a copy. The Trust accepts no responsibility for any problems encountered in the access, download and use of this software.

The Trust’s commitment to publish information excludes any information that can legitimately be withheld under the exemptions set out in the Code of Practice on Openness or the Freedom of Information Act. Where individual Classes are subject to exemptions, the main reasons relate to the protection of commercial interests and personal information under the Data Protection Act 1998. This applies to most Classes within the Publication Scheme.

If you require copies of any of the information mentioned in this Publication Scheme, please contact the Project Officer or the Director of Finance. Contact details are on page 2.

The Publication Scheme will be available in both hard copy and on our web site.

This Publication Scheme refers to and contains documents available from April 2003 unless otherwise stated. Other documents may be available from previous dates and will be indicated in the Classes. These will include documents thought to be of immediate public interest, for example patient information leaflets.

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1. The NHS and how we fit

Information showing how we fit into the NHS Wales structure and how we link to the National Health Service Wales Department within the Welsh Assembly Government. Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2)

There are over 600 NHS Trusts in the UK and a full list can be found on the www.nhs.uk website, along with other details about the National Health Service. Health functions in Wales are devolved to the National Assembly for Wales (NAW) under the Government of Wales Act. The NAW, through the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) and the NHS Wales Department, has devolved the commissioning and provision of health care to Local Health Boards and NHS Trusts. The Welsh Assembly is responsible for the policy direction and allocation of funds for the NHS in Wales.

The NHS Wales Department has regional offices, each with their own Directors. The Directors are responsible for holding Trusts and Local Health Boards to account on a day-to-day basis for the effective discharge of their duties. The Mid and West Wales Regional Office can be contacted at: 2nd Floor Telephone: 01267 255255 St David’s Hospital Jobswell Road Carmarthen SA31 3YH

There are thirteen NHS Trusts in Wales. A full list can be found on www.wales.nhs.uk. The Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust provides services for the geographical area of Ceredigion and Mid Wales. A full list of our services can be found in Class 7 below.

Core national documents include the following: • Improving Health in Wales • NHS Wales Plan • Informing Health Care • Performance Management Strategic Framework • Human Resource Strategy • Welsh Risk Pool

All these documents and others are available on the HOWIS website at http://www.wales.nhs.uk/page.cfm?OrgID=1&PID=733

Hardcopies are available via: The Assembly at the Pierhead The National Assembly for Wales Pierhead Street Bay CF99 1NA Tel: 02920 898688 or 02920 898600 Fax: 02920 898947 E-mail: [email protected]

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2. Who we are

Details of the Trust, its organisational structure, key personnel and key partners. Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2)

Established on 1 April 1993, Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust provides an integrated acute and community health care service. This close integration helps in the prevention of unnecessary admissions to hospital and promotes continuity of care. Bronglais District General Hospital in Aberystwyth provides acute services, supported by community hospitals in Aberaeron, Cardigan and Tregaron. Staff based at the community hospitals and GP Practices throughout the locality provide community services.

The headquarters for the Trust are based at Bronglais General Hospital, Aberystwyth. The address is: Trust Management Offices Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER

Mission statement "Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust aims to provide a high quality, integrated health care service for the people of Mid Wales.

This is supported by the following principles:

ƒ We treat patients and carers as individuals;

ƒ Staff development is a priority and is based on equal opportunity;

ƒ We are committed to working in partnership with others."

Description of the community we serve

The main area served by the Trust’s hospital and community services is similar to the existing Ceredigion County Council boundary, incorporating a population of approximately 70,000. Areas of South , North and North Pembrokeshire also fall within the Trust’s catchment area, bringing the estimated total population served by the acute service to 120,000. Additionally, there is a large student population in the area with Universities in Aberystwyth and Lampeter and tourism impacts significantly on the Trust in the summer months. Bronglais General Hospital, Aberystwyth is the main centre for acute services, including 24 hour A & E.

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Organisational chart The chart below indicates how the departments are organised into directorates. Further information about service provision can be found in Class 7 (Our services).

Clinical Support Services Directorate Biochemistry, haematology, Clinical Director histopathology, microbiology, General Manager radiology, outpatients, health records, medical secretaries

Medical Directorate Iorwerth, Meurig, Ystwyth and Clinical Director Rheidol wards, Leri Day Unit, General Manager physiological measurement Head of Nursing technicians

Surgery and Anaesthetics Directorate Carys, Gwenllian, Llewelyn, Clinical Director Owain Glyndwr and Rhiannon General Manager wards, theatres, intensive care, Head of Nursing A&E, genitorurinary medicine and Head of Midwifery family planning

Medical Director Medical advice, medical Dr Alan Axford complaints, audit, training and library services Chief Executive Finance Directorate Finance, contracts, information Allison Williams Director – Stephen Forster services, IT and service liaison Deputy Director

Nursing and Patient Services Directorate Nursing advice, podiatry, Director – Stephen Griffiths dietetics, occupational therapy, Deputy Director physiotherapy, speech and Business Manager language therapy, pharmacy, Localities Manager Aberaeron hospital, Cardigan Senior Head of Nursing (Community) hospital, Tregaron hospital, Practice Development Nurse district nursing, health visiting, Clinical Governance Manager community dental services, paediatric services, Angharad ward, Family Support Team, school nurses and complaints Human Resources Directorate Personnel advice, training and Director – Jo Davies development, chaplains, Manager communications, occupational health, Welsh Language Scheme and staff accommodation Facilities Directorate Specialist advice, works, estates, Head of Estates capital programme, hotel services, Head of Hotel Services Health and Safety advice and telecommunications Strategic Planner Planning

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Who’s who

Non-Executive Directors (Non-Executive Directors can be contacted via the Trust Management Offices at Bronglais General Hospital)

Eleri Ebenezer, Chairman Eleri Ebenezer comes from a London Welsh background. She served as a Councillor for the London Borough of Ealing for 16 years where she chaired the Social Services and Personnel Committees. Her health career started in Ealing Community Health Council and she was a Non-Executive Director of a Family Health Services Committee from 1990 to 1996. She was appointed as Chair of Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust in 1996. Eleri also chairs the Charitable Fund Committee and the Remuneration Committee.

Nick Busk Nick’s early career was spent in sales and marketing, primarily in the textile trade. He worked in the NHS from 1985 to 1988 as the District General Manager of Crewe Health Authority. After this, he was involved in business and management consultancy, working alongside clients’ management at all levels, not only for the enhancement of profitability and quality, but also for the shaping of their strategic development. The clients were, in the main, major industrial, commercial and public sector organisations. Nick is now retired, apart from the activities associated with the post of Non-Executive Director of the Trust, which include the Chairmanship of the Clinical Governance Committee and membership of the project groups for Tregaron and Cardigan Hospitals. He holds an M.A. from Cambridge and is a member of the Institute of Healthcare Management.

Chris Hewitt Chris was appointed on 1 October 2002. A graduate of the University of Wales Aberystwyth, he worked for 18 years as a professional mathematician, statistician and manager within the Ministry of Defence and the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency. Since July 2002 he has worked for the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, handling the Association’s relations with the National Assembly. As well as his role as a Trust Board member, he serves on the Trust’s Audit, Clinical Governance and Remuneration Committees and is a member of the Cardigan Integrated Health and Social Care Scheme Project Board. He has recently been appointed chair of the Trust’s Information Management and Technology Steering Group.

Dr Anita Rogers Dr Rogers was appointed to the Board on 1 October 2003. Originally from Canada Photo currently and the USA, Anita has lived in Tynreithin, a hamlet near Tregaron, for the last five unavailable years. Dr Rogers is currently a lecturer in Human Resources Development at the Open University. Over the years her employment has varied from Career Counsellor, Training and Development Co-ordinator and Development and Adjunct Professor at the University of San Diego. She has also been a Lecturer and Consultant at Lampeter University. Dr Rogers was formally a co-opted member of Ceredigion Community Health Council. Anita is a member of the Clinical Governance Committee, the Research and Development Committee and the Non-Executive lead on equality issues. She is also a member of the Tregaron Project Group.

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Amanda Newman Amanda was appointed as a Non-Executive Director in February 2003. She is the University of Wales College of Medicine Director of Personnel and joined the College in this position in May 1996. She is a graduate from the University of Wales Aberystwyth, has obtained a Diploma in Personnel Management from Teesside University and has recently been awarded an MSc from Bristol University. A member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, Amanda has worked in human resource management for various organisations in both the public and private sector. Amanda is a member of the Audit Committee and the Agenda for Change Project Group.

Emlyn Thomas Emlyn retired from Local Government in 1995 after a career spanning 33 years, 13 years being in the Civil Service. His experience is in the field of employment, training and economic development. During his career he travelled extensively in Europe, America and the Far East dealing with both large and small companies. On retirement, Emlyn became a County Councillor representing Aberaeron on Ceredigion County Council. He now holds the Cabinet Portfolio for Finance and Personnel. He is also a Member of Aberaeron Town Council and was the Mayor from 1997 to 1999. In October 2003 Emlyn was appointed as Vice Chair of the Trust and Chair of the Audit Committee. He is the Non-Executive lead for complaints and a member of the Charitable Fund Committee and the Aberaeron Project Group.

Executive Directors

Allison Williams, Chief Executive Allison took up her appointment in January 2003. Originally from Swansea, she has a BSc (Hons) in Nursing from Southbank University, London, and a Postgraduate Certificate in Education from the University of Wales, Cardiff. Her clinical career was focused in women’s health and genetics and she spent a year at Southampton University as an Assistant Lecturer in Nursing. Allison returned to Cardiff in 1991 and held a series of management posts in the University Hospital of Wales before taking up her first Board level appointment in 1996. As General Manager for Surgery (UHW) she was responsible for delivering on the transfer of services and closure of the Prince of Wales Orthopaedic Hospital, supported the rationalisation of the Cardiff Royal Infirmary and took the corporate lead on Waiting Lists and Emergency Planning. Allison moved to Scotland to take up post as General Manager – Medicine where she managed an extensive clinical portfolio in Lothian University Hospital NHS Trust. This included the transformation of services and delivery of a PPP hospital.

Dr Alan Axford, Medical Director Dr Axford was appointed Consultant Physician at Bronglais General Hospital, Aberystwyth, in 1976. He trained at University College Hospital, London, and prior to his appointment at Aberystwyth, he worked at the Medical Research Council Pneumoconiosis Unit at Hospital. At Bronglais Hospital he has been head of the Departments of Respiratory Medicine and Oncology and was appointed Clinical Director of Medicine in 1995. He became the Trust’s Medical Director in 1997. Dr Axford is the Trust’s Lead Clinician for Cancer Services and contributes to MRC Cancer trials. He is a member of the South West Wales Cancer Network and is Chairman of the Lung Cancer Advisory Group. He is also a member of the All Wales Lung Cancer Advisory Group. Dr Axford has a keen interest in Telemedicine and the use of information and communication technology in health care.

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Stephen Griffiths, Director of Nursing and Patient Services/Caldicott Guardian Stephen trained as a RGN in Bridgend in the early 1980s and has a clinical background in acute and rehabilitation medicine. He held several senior posts including project nurse, practice development nurse, Assistant Director of Nursing and Deputy Director of Nursing before joining Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust in 2001. Stephen has an MSc in Nursing where he looked at the development of an educational needs assessment for registered nurses for his thesis.

Stephen Forster, Director of Finance Stephen first arrived in Aberystwyth to study for a Masters Degree in Micropalaeontology at the University in 1985. Stephen was appointed as a Welsh National Finance Management Trainee studying for CIPFA, placed with Health Authority in 1988. The first Welsh trainee to study at Liverpool Business School he completed his CIPFA professional accountancy exams in December 1991. Stephen had by that time been working as Divisional Accountant in Clwyd Community Care NHS Trust for 9 months. When Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust was created in April 1993 Stephen took the opportunity to return to Aberystwyth as Assistant Director of Finance in the new organisation with responsibility for Financial Accounting and Paymaster functions. Promoted to Deputy Director of Finance in 1997 his responsibilities widened to include Financial Management and Control, Head of Information and IT for the Trust and Procurement/ Supplies. As from 1st December 2002 Stephen has been Director of Finance and alongside his principle financial duties is the executive lead for the Freedom of Information Act.

Jo Davies, Director of Human Resources Jo first arrived in Aberystwyth to study for a degree in History at the University in 1982. She obtained her Membership of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development in 1987 and MA in Bristol University in 1997. Jo has 12 years experience working in the NHS in Human Resources. She commenced work as a Training Manager in 1985 in South Health Authority and moved in to general Human Resources work in 1986. Returning in 1995 after a 6-year career break, Jo worked as the Human Resources Manager for the Bristol Royal Infirmary for 5 years. In 2000 she returned to Wales as Assistant Director of Personnel at Bro Morgannwg NHS Trust before joining Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust in January 2003 as Director of Human Resources.

The above staff, plus two Trade Union representatives, form the Trust Board, who meet on a monthly basis (see Class 4 for an agenda of meetings and latest minutes). The Trust Board is accountable to the First Secretary of the National Assembly for Wales. The Board’s aims are to set the strategic direction of the organisation, to monitor and review performance, to ensure effective financial stewardship and high standards of corporate governance are maintained and to ensure that there is effective communication between the organisation and the local community.

Partnership outlines

The Trust works with a number of other organisations to ensure delivery of services and their development in accordance with national guidance and local need. Some of these partner organisations are mentioned below:

Ceredigion Local Health Board The Local Health Board is responsible for the commissioning of secondary care and the provision of primary care for their residents.

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They can be contacted at: Y Bryn Lampeter Ceredigion SA48 7PD http://www.ceredigionlhb.wales.nhs.uk/ Telephone: 01570 424100

GP Practices There are several GP Practices in the Ceredigion area. The Trust works with GPs to ensure patients receive the appropriate care for their health needs and that there is continuity of care once a patient leaves hospital. Full details of GP Practices in your area are available from the Local Health Board (see above) or from the local services directory on the nhs.uk website.

Social Services At the present time the Health and Social Care agendas are becoming more closely linked at Welsh Assembly level, and indeed this is reflected at local level as NHS Trusts, LHB’s and Social Services Departments work more closely together to ensure that patients’ care is seamless so that individual patients do not evidence a change of service provider from one department to another.

In order to improve patients’ services there are a number of joint projects, which have been developed over the past 2 or 3 years in order to create a patient-focused service. At policy level the Trust, along with the LHB and Social Services, are at the current time working on the Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Strategy for Ceredigion, and this involves working at all levels across all organisations in order to ensure the strategy reflects the needs of the local population.

Voluntary Sector The voluntary sector provides a key service in many areas to the population of Ceredigion, whether this is through organisations such as the Red Cross, Crossroads, Age Concern or the many other societies and charities which take an interest in and play an active role in the delivery of services within the county. The Trust continues to work with these organisations to ensure that the services they provide complement those that are provided by the Trust.

Pembrokeshire and Derwen NHS Trust Mental health services are provided by Pembrokeshire and Derwen, some of which are based at Bronglais General Hospital. For further information about these services please contact the Trust directly on 01437 764545 or visit their website at www.pdt-tr.wales.nhs.uk/

The Trust also has working arrangements with Carmarthen NHS Trust, Swansea NHS Trust and Powys Local Health Board.

Information sharing protocols The Trust is in the process of developing Information Sharing Protocols to govern and control how information is shared with partner organisations. This information will be made available upon the completion of this development process.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) The Trust has a number of SLAs with other providers, including Powys Local Health Board, Carmarthen NHS Trust and Pembrokeshire and Derwen NHS Trust, for the provision of staff and services. These include agreements covering the provision of visiting medical staff to the Trust. They also include several central support services such as laundry, software development and supplies.

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3. Financial and Funding Information

Funding details, Service and Financial Framework (SaFF), charging policies and financial accounts. Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this Class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2)

For the financial year 2003/2004 the Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust was allocated around £39 million of public funding. Of this money, £38 million is for revenue and £1 million is for capital projects. The Director of Finance, Stephen Forster, has corporate responsibility for the Trust’s finances. His contact details can be found on page 2.

Strategic and Financial Framework (SaFF) The Trust is required to have agreed with commissioners of services a Strategic and Financial Framework outlining the finance and service requirements for the coming year. This Framework is agreed annually between the Trust and its primary purchaser (Ceredigion Local Health Board), taking into account the community requirements of other Local Health Boards in Wales. The Welsh Assembly Government signs off the final version before it can be converted into a detailed Long Term Agreement between the Trust and the Local Health Board.

Procurement Policies Our Supplies and Procurement department is part of the Finance Directorate and the Supplies and Procurement Manager is responsible to the Assistant Director of Finance. The Trust currently uses the following policies to govern its procurement process to ensure that appropriate supplies and services are purchased and the Trust gets value for money.

• Policy for the selection and procurement of patient care equipment and associated consumables • Maintenance contracts policy • Ordering procedure • Quotation and tender procedure • Receipt of goods/services • Requisitioning procedure • Storage of supplies documentation • IT procurement policy

Standard terms and conditions The Trust uses three different sets of standard terms and conditions in supplier contracts. These are: 1) Conditions of Contract for the Purchase of Goods 2) Conditions of Contract for the Supply of Services 3) NHS Conditions of Contract for the Maintenance of Equipment

Official Journal of the European Community adverts Where the estimated value of the goods or services being tendered for exceeds the current threshold stipulated by the European Commission, then the tender will be advertised in the Official Journal of the European Communities. The threshold for contracts subject to European Public Procurement Regulations currently stands at £100,410 for supply/service contracts and £3,861,932 for works contracts. Further information about OJEC can be found on their website at www.ojec.com

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Tendering See above for the procedure for tendering.

Financial Accounts – available annually. Our financial year runs from April to March. Once our accounts have been officially signed off, information will be available on request. This information will include an income and expenditure statement for the year, balance sheets, a cash flow statement and associated notes.

How we obtain funding for services Trust Board budget setting papers – the most recent set of papers are available. Funding is provided by the Welsh Assembly Government to Ceredigion Local Health Board, who then commission the Trust to provide the required services by agreeing activity and cost.

Gifts and Bequests Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust has a proud record of service to the people of Ceredigion, North Powys and South Gwynedd. We are particularly dependant on our close links with the local community. In support of our NHS services we maintain a range of Charitable Funds registered with the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales (registration no. 1052231). For each hospital and our community services we hold separate funds for wards and clinical support departments.

If you wish to make a donation, discuss a bequest or gain further information, please contact:

Carwen Jarman Deputy Director of Finance Ael-y-Bryn Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER

Telephone: 01970 635919 E-mail: [email protected]

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4. Corporate Information

Reports, policies, minutes of meetings and business plans. Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this Class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2)

• Annual Report – [Φ] This is published in late September of each year, and coincides with the Annual Public Meeting. The Annual Report demonstrates the Trust’s performance and achievements during the year. • Trustees Report – [Φ] This is also available to coincide with the Annual Public meeting and is produced by the charity registered as Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust General Fund Charity. The report is produced as part of the Trustees duty of public accountability and stewardship. The current Trustees are the Non-Executive and Executive Directors. • Corporate Objectives – The Trust has objectives to which the operational objectives of each Directorate and Department must be linked. The Corporate Objectives are reviewed annually. • Register of Interests – Non-Executive and Executive Directors are required to declare any personal or business interest, which may, or may be perceived (by a reasonable member of the public) to influence their judgement. • Establishment Orders – In 1992 a Statutory Instrument was passed that established Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust. This Instrument is available on the HMSO website or on request from the Project Officer. • Standing Orders – These set out the responsibilities which govern the conduct of the Trust, its committees and subcommittees and defines the responsibilities of the Trust Board Members, Directors, Officers and employees of the Trust. • Standing Financial Instructions – The Trust is required to make (and may also vary or remove) Standing Financial Instructions for the regulation of the conduct of its members and officers in relation to all financial matters with which they are concerned. They detail the financial responsibilities, policies and procedures adopted by the Trust. • Codes of Conduct –The Trust conforms to the NHS Wales Code of Conduct and Accountability (1995). Please contact the National Assembly for Wales at: Pierhead Street Cardiff Bay CF99 1NA Tel: 02920 898688 or 02920 898600 E-mail: [email protected]

Trust Board The Trust Board (the membership for which is outlines in Class 2 – Who are we) meets on the first Thursday in the month except in January and August. Meetings are open and members of the public are welcome to attend. The Board is responsible for formulating the strategic perspective for the Trust and monitoring its application via the Executive team, managers and clinicians within the Trust. We will make available the most up to date approved minutes and agenda. If you require earlier sets, please make sure that this is clear in your request.

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The Trust Board has the following sub-committees:

Audit Committee – This committee agrees internal and external audit plans and discusses issues arising from audits. The committee meets three times a year and we will make the minutes of meetings available. The membership is: 3 Non Executive Directors (In addition, the Chief Executive, Director of Finance, External Audit Manager and Chief Internal Auditor are ex-officio members of this Committee)

Clinical Governance Committee – This committee reviews and develops the Clinical Governance strategy and ensures a patient focussed approach and high standard of care. The committee meets every two months and we will make the minutes of meetings available. The memberships is: 3 Non Executive Directors Director of Nursing and Patient Services Medical Director Chief Executive Director of Finance Director of Human Resources Clinical Director – Clinical Support Services Directorate Clinical Director – Medical Directorate Clinical Director – Surgery and Anaesthetics Directorate Clinical Governance Manager Medical Director, Ceredigion Local Health Board Ceredigion Community Health Council Representative

Remuneration Committee – This committee deals with the remuneration for Executives within centrally agreed bands. The committee does not have set meeting times and because of the personal, confidential nature of discussions, the minutes are considered to be exempt from release under the relevant sections of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The membership of the Committee is: Chairman 4 Non Executive Directors The Chief Executive and Director of Human Resources may also attend as necessary.

Management Board This is the executive operational decision making body for the Trust. This Board meets on the last Thursday of every month, except in December. The Management Board membership is as follows: Chief Executive (Chair) Medical Director Director of Nursing and Patient Services Director of Finance Director of Human Resources Acting Head of Hotel Services Acting Head of Estates Clinical Director – Clinical Support Services Directorate Clinical Director – Medical Directorate Clinical Director – Surgery and Anaesthetics Directorate Postgraduate Organiser Therapies Representative

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We will make available the most up to date approved minutes and agenda. If you require copies of the minutes and agenda for previous meetings, please make sure that this is clear in your request.

For more information about the policies and procedures in the Trust, please see class 9.

Some of the information is of a personal and confidential nature and will be excluded as will any other confidential material. Material relating to the health and safety of specific individuals, as to law enforcement or criminal or regulatory enforcement or audit issues may also be excluded from publication. Section 36 of the Freedom of Information Act identifies an exemption that may mean that there may be circumstances where material cannot be released because the appropriate officer of the Trust has taken the view that it may be prejudicial to the conduct of public affairs.

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5. Welsh Language Scheme

This Class contains the Welsh Language Scheme of the Trust, which has been approved, by the Welsh Language Board and any associated documents. Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this Class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2)

The Trust has an Equality Steering Group that deals with the Welsh language, the Disability Discrimination Act, the Sex Discrimination Act and the Race Relations Act. We will make available the most up to date approved minutes and agenda.

A copy of our Welsh Language Scheme is available on request Φ

The Co-ordinator is: Bethan Jones Human Resources Department Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER

Direct line: 01970 635300 e-mail – [email protected]

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6. Aims, Targets and Achievements

Financial targets, aims and objectives and key performance indicators. Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this Class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2)

How we measure ourselves Controls Assurance Within the NHS, risk management has become increasingly important in order to minimise the risks to which patients and staff who work within the NHS are exposed. This is managed within the NHS under the umbrella of controls assurance and one of the key elements for delivering upon this has been the introduction of Welsh Risk Pool management standards over the past five years, covering a wide range of activities, from consent to infection control, to catering. The Trust is assessed against a wide range of standards for each of these areas on an annual basis and actively seeks to improve its performance against each of these.

Clinical Audit This is a small department within the Medical Directors’ Directorate. The staff work with the clinical staff in auditing their work with patients to monitor that standards are met. Standards are often set by Royal Colleges and professional bodies and relate to particular diagnoses or procedures. The information we need to monitor these standards is found in patient health records. This information is collected and entered into a database written for that audit and then analysed. A presentation of the analysed data is then created and taken back to the individual or team who initiated the audit. Every two months staff meet to present and discuss audit findings. An action plan is generated from each audit and this provides the basis for a change in practice that will raise standards. As well as audits initiated by the Trust, the department also submits data to national audits that have been commissioned by Royal Colleges and other bodies. Individuals, teams of health care professional or members of the management team can request that audits are undertaken. Audit proposals are scrutinised by the Clinical Effectiveness Steering Committee to see that the request is appropriate and fits in with the Trust’s priorities.

Clinical Governance Clinical Governance was introduced in 1997 as a key aspect of the Government’s quality performance agenda for the NHS. There are seven key pillars to clinical governance as identified by the Commission of Health Improvement. These are:

• Clinical risk management • Clinical audit • Research and effectiveness • Staffing and staff management • Education and training • Use of information • Consultation and patient involvement

The Trust has an active Clinical Governance Committee, which includes representation of the public, and through this Committee seeks to improve the quality of service to patients across the Trust.

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Caldicott In December 1997 the Caldicott Committee’s Report on the Review of Patient Identifiable Information was published by the Department of Health. This reviewed the use and transfer of patient identifiable information, concentrating on the flows of information from NHS organisations to other NHS and non-NHS bodies. The Committee made a number of recommendations aimed at improving the way in which the NHS handles and protects patient identifiable information. The decision to adopt the Caldicott principles in Wales was set out in Welsh Health Circular (98) 80 (please contact the Publications Department at the Welsh Assembly, details on page 15). A key recommendation and initial task of the Report was the establishment of Caldicott Guardians to oversee access to patient-identifiable information.

Our Caldicott Guardian is

Stephen Griffiths Director of Nursing and Patient Services Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER

Direct line: 01970 635821 e-mail: [email protected]

Comparative Health Knowledge Systems (CHKS) The Trust submits information on a monthly basis to CHKS, who provide benchmarking and consultancy services to NHS Trusts on a broad range of performance indicators. The information presents an ideal resource for monitoring performance and benchmarking against ‘peer groups’. The package is used to highlight data quality issues within the Trust.

Welsh Assembly Targets The Welsh Assembly Government sets targets for care included in the SaFF process and Long Term Agreements, including waiting list times, Accident and Emergency unit waiting times and 10-day cancer targets.

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7. Our Services

The range of services that we provide and how we deliver these. Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this Class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2)

Clinical Services The Trust provides inpatient and outpatient services at four hospital bases. The District General Hospital is Bronglais in Aberystwyth. This is supported by the three community hospitals in Aberaeron, Cardigan and Tregaron, and support services provided in the community. The Trust also runs a clinic at North Road in Aberystwyth.

Bronglais General Hospital provides the following services: Accident and Emergency 24 hour designated centre Children’s services Including inpatient and community paediatrics, play therapy and school nurses Day hospital Providing day care for the elderly Day Surgery Unit Including pre-operative assessment, minor surgery, endoscopy and colposcopy Dietetics Including nutritional needs and feeding problems Dialysis Unit General Medicine Including cardiology, respiratory medicine, oncology, haematology, diabetic care, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s Disease, care of the elderly, rehabilitation, stroke unit, continence advice, palliative care and art therapy General Surgery Including urology, male urodynamics, colo-rectal care, breast care and general surgery Gynaecology Including cytology, early pregnancy advice, emergency contraception, colposcopy and female urodynamics Intensive Care Obstetrics and Midwifery Including community midwifery and the Special Care Baby Unit Occupational Therapy Including assessment, rehabilitation and promotion of independence Ophthalmology Including orthoptist and retinal photography Orthopaedics and Trauma Including joint replacement and general orthopaedic surgery Outpatients Including fracture clinic, ophthalmology, general medicine, diabetic care clinics, general surgery clinics, gynaecology and obstetrics Pathology Including biochemistry, haematology, histopathology, cytopathology and microbiology Pharmacy Including dispensing and preparation Physiotherapy Radiology Including Barium examination, urography, ultrasonography, mammography, interventional radiography, MRI and CT scanning Speech and Language Including speech and swallowing problems Therapy

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There are also several specialist nurses/therapists based at Bronglais. These work in the following areas: Diabetes Control of Infection Continence Stoma Care Respiratory Therapist Female Cancers Cardiac Rehabilitation Discharge Liaison Osteoporosis Clinical Trials Macmillan nurses Ophthalmology Oncology Pre-assessment

North Road Clinic provides ophthalmology outpatient care, podiatry services and a genitourinary medicine service.

The hospital also has its own League of Friends who assist the hospital through fundraising activities to provide equipment for patients’ comfort and support to the patients and staff.

Aberaeron Hospital This hospital currently has no inpatient beds and is used primarily as a base for Outpatient clinics run by Consultants and Specialist Nurses.

Cardigan and District Memorial Hospital This is a 25-bedded community hospital with care provided by 6 local G.P. Practices caring for their own patients. Patients are admitted for acute nursing care, rehabilitation, for medical/social assessment and for palliative care. There is a minor injury unit that is open from 9.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 12.00 noon on Saturdays, with medical cover provided by the doctors from the Cardigan Health Centre. There is also an X-ray department that is open from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Consultants and Specialist Nurses regularly hold Outpatient clinics at the hospital. There are also Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Podiatry and Speech Therapy services based at Cardigan Hospital that are provided by the Trust. There is a strong and effective partnership between the hospital staff and the Primary Care teams, including District Nurses, the Red Cross Home from Hospital Scheme and Social Services to ensure continuity of care for patients, families and carers. The hospital also has its own League of Friends who assist the hospital through fundraising activities to provide equipment for patients’ comfort and support to the patient and staff. In 2001 Cardigan Hospital gained the Charter Mark Award for excellence in serving patients effectively, open communication and promotion of patient choice regarding services. The Award is also in recognition of the good working relationships with other healthcare providers.

Tregaron Community Hospital This hospital provides sub-acute nursing, rehabilitation, recuperation and palliative care and a full range of community nursing services. Medical cover is provided on a day-to-day basis by the local GP’s who are contracted as Clinical Assistants. There is also weekly Consultant cover provided from Bronglais General Hospital. The hospital currently has 29 inpatient beds, one of which is dedicated to palliative care. Other services include Occupational Therapy, Chiropody, Physiotherapy, Dentistry, Speech Therapy and a minor casualty unit. The hospital also the base for several Outpatient clinics run by Consultants and Specialist Nurses. In 2000 Tregaron Hospital gained the Charter Mark Award for excellence in serving patients effectively, communicating openly and promoting choice of and access to services as well as work with other healthcare providers. The hospital also has its own League of Friends who assist the hospital through fundraising activities to provide equipment for patients’ comfort and support to the patient and staff.

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Any recent decisions approved by the Trust Board about service changes or variations and the reasons for these can be found in the minutes in Class 4.

Non-clinical services Our non-clinical services include procurement (see class 3), facilities and estates management (see class 15), catering, hotel services, information, IT and Human Resources (see class 13).

Waste disposal – our Policy for the safe handling and disposal of clinical and other waste is available on request Catering – The Trust provides catering facilities at Bronglais General Hospital, Cardigan Memorial Hospital and Tregaron Community Hospital. These facilities serve the patients, relatives, visitors and staff as well as being open to the public. At Bronglais, the restaurant Cegin Caradog received the Calon Curiad Ceredigion 2002 Award, presented by Ceredigion County Council who organise the Award. Library – The Trust library is based on the Bronglais site and is accessible to all Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust staff. Primary care practitioners and other health care personnel within the catchment area of Bronglais Hospital may use the library for work-related purposes. Registered students of the Universities of Wales may use Bronglais Library whilst on placements.

If you wish to make a comment, compliment or complaint about any of the above services please write to:

Allison Williams Chief Executive Trust Management Offices Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER

A copy of the Complaints Procedure is available under class 4 of this scheme.

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8. Reports and Independent Enquiries

Independent inspections and findings regarding the Trust (See Part 3 for a list of bodies that monitor and inspect us). Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2)

CHI report [Φ] Annual Report [Φ] Trustees Report [Φ]

Other reports will be made available at appropriate times in the future.

9. Policies and Procedures

Trust Board approved policies and procedures in use within the Trust. These include, but are not restricted to, Human Resources and Health and Safety. Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

The full list of Trust wide corporate and clinical policies is available on request. The policies contained in these lists are also available on request. Please see page 2 for contact details.

For Human Resources policies, please see section 15.

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10. Public Involvement and Consultation

Details of consultation procedures, decision-making processes, timescales and responses, consultations in progress and how you can become involved. Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2).

Public/patient involvement In October 2001 WAG launched “Signposts – A Practical Guide to the Public and Patient Involvement in Wales”. This set the scene for how NHS organisations should look to engage patients and members of the public in the development of services and the quality of care delivered within NHS bodies.

In 2002, in response to this document, the Trust published its own Strategic Framework for Service and Quality Improvement through Patient and Public Involvement 2002-2005, which identified how the Trust would seek to engage and involve patients and the public in the running of the Trust and does this through a variety of means e.g. questionnaires, satisfaction surveys, focus groups, complaints etc.

Public consultation periods The Trust undertakes to publish information about ongoing Public Consultation exercises. The information will be available and valid for the duration of the Consultation period, normally 3 months. The information will be removed once the Consultation period has expired. Where appropriate, a summary of findings may be published.

Availability of Business Cases The Trust has several ongoing capital schemes at any given time. Major capital schemes can involve changes in the provision and location of services and the public will be actively involved in discussions on such changes from an early stage. At present the Trust is required to submit business cases for these schemes. We will make available copies of the Outline Business Cases and Full Business Cases once final approval has been received.

11. Regular publications and information for the Public

Guidance and information leaflets. Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2)

There are currently numerous patient information leaflets provided by the Trust. These will be available in Welsh and English unless otherwise stated. Only current leaflets will be available, leaflets no longer in use will not be available.

A list of Trust produced patient information leaflets is available from the Project Officer.

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12. Complaints

Policies, procedures and contacts for complaints. Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2)

Complaints procedure [Φ] A copy of our complaints procedure and accompanying leaflet will be available once procedures are updated in line with new NHS guidance.

It is the Trust’s aim to provide the highest standards of care at all times, but we recognise that sometimes things go wrong. Our complaints procedure is designed to ensure that when there is a problem, everything possible is done to resolve it speedily and effectively.

If you wish to make a compliment or complaint about any issues relating to the Trust, please write to:

Allison Williams Chief Executive Trust Management Offices Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER

If you wish to provide feedback about the administration of the Publication Scheme, please write to:

Stephen Forster Director of Finance Trust Management Offices Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER

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13. Human Resources

Employment policies and procedures. Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2)

The full list of Trust wide Human Resources policies is available on request. The policies contained in these lists are also available on request. Please see page 2 for contact details.

Current vacancies link – http://www.ceredigion-tr.wales.nhs.uk/all/jobs If you are looking for details of our current vacancies, please contact:

Human Resources Department Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER

Telephone: 01970 635300 E-mail: [email protected]

Our Equality and Human Rights statement The Trust’s commitment to equality of opportunity for all has been recognised through its re- accreditation for the ‘two ticks’ symbol ‘Positive About Disabled People’. The disability symbol demonstrates recognition by the employment service for employers who have agreed to monitor their commitments regarding employment, retention and career development for disabled people.

The Trust has an Equality Steering Group that deals with the Welsh language, the Disability Discrimination Act, the Sex Discrimination Act and the Race Relations Act. We will make available the most up to date approved minutes and agenda. If you require earlier sets, please make sure that this is clear in your request.

Description of the workforce

The Trust participates in the Welsh Assembly Government annual workforce planning process to determine the future needs of the NHS workforce. The table below is an indication of current staffing levels, by employment group, using the figures in the Annual Accounts for 2002/2003. (Figures are in full-time work equivalents)

Medical and dental 8.6% Ambulance 0% Administration and estates 19.9% Healthcare assistants and other support staff 12.2% Nursing, midwifery and Health Visiting staff 45.6% Nursing, midwifery and Health Visiting learners 0% Scientific, therapeutic and technical staff 13.7% Other 0% Total 100%

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Training and Development The Trust is committed to lifelong learning for all staff and continues to work with partner organisations to extend the range and calibre of development activities available. The Trust was re-accredited for Investors in People in June 2002, demonstrating commitment to the identification, planning and delivery of training and development of each employee to support the delivery of the Trust’s objectives.

Human Resources Strategy The Trust has continued to develop best practice in all key areas of the National Human Resources Strategy “Delivering for Patients” and the Trust’s local Human Resources Strategy. The aim of the Trust’s Strategy is to:

“create an environment to encourage and motivate staff at all levels to contribute effectively to the achievement of the Trust’s objectives of providing high quality services and care for patients. This will be achieved through the development and retention of a high quality, competent workforce with appropriate staffing levels, which is highly motivated, properly rewarded and has a sense of fairness and pride in their employment.”

For a copy of the National Documentation please contact: The Assembly at the Pierhead The National Assembly for Wales Pierhead Street Cardiff Bay CF99 1NA Tel: 02920 898688 or 02920 898600 Fax: 02920 898947 E-mail: [email protected]

14. Communications with the Press and Media Releases

Regular communications with the media. Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2)

We will provide copies of our releases to the Press and to the Media on request. Alternatively they are available from our website.

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15. Environmental Information

Information about our buildings and land holdings, their current use and any plans we have for change. Information required to be placed in the public domain as a result of the Environmental Information Regulations, any Environmental Enforcement action and associated information (see also Introduction to Publication Scheme). Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2)

Properties include Bronglais General Hospital – Acute and Mental Health Services (the latter being provided by Pembrokeshire and Derwen NHS Trust) North Road Clinic – Ophthalmology, Genitourinary Medicine and Dental services Aberaeron Hospital – Clinics and Social Services Cardigan Hospital Cardigan Health Centre Tregaron Hospital 9 Market Street, Aberystwyth Lampeter Health Centre – part leased Lampeter Clinic The Wern, Caradog Road, Aberystwyth – Residential flats 1, 2 and 46 Dan y Coed, Aberystwyth – Residential flats

Environmental Working Group This group has recently been formed and the most recent minutes will become available soon.

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16. This Publication Scheme

In this class we will publish any changes we make to this Publication Scheme, the criteria on which our information management policies are made and a referral point for all enquires regarding information management generally in the Trust. Also included is information relating to any charge we make for information provided through this Publication Scheme. We will also publish any proposed changes or additions to publications already available. Information provided within this Class will comply with the requirements of our Welsh Language Scheme.

Information in this class is available from the Project Officer (contact details on page 2)

The information in the Publication Scheme will include final versions only. Unapproved or draft versions of information will not be released under this Scheme. Unless a request states otherwise, the most recent version of documentation requested will be released. If a previous version is required, please make this clear.

Cost of Information

For the most part, we will charge you only for hard copies or copying onto media (e.g. CD ROM). Some information is available free, but in some cases there may be a charge. The charges will vary according to how information is made available. Charges are as follows:

a) Via the Trust’s Web Site – Free of charge, although any charges for an Internet Service provider and personal printing costs would have to be met by the individual.

For those without Internet access, a single print-out as on the website would be available by post from:

Sharon Taylor Project Officer IT Department Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER e-mail: [email protected]

or by personal application at Trust Headquarters.

However, requests for archived copies of documents that are no longer accessible or available on the web may attract a charge for the retrieval, photocopying, postage etc.

We will let you know the cost and charges that will have to be paid in advance. We will not provide printouts of other organisation’s websites.

b) Leaflets and brochures - free of charge for leaflets or booklets on, for example, services we offer to the public. Please see section 13 for information about the leaflets and guidance the Trust regularly publishes.

c) “Glossy” or other bound paper copies, or in some cases a CD Rom, video or other mediums, may incur a charge. Further information is available from:

Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust - Freedom of Information Act 2000 Publication Scheme 30

Sharon Taylor Project Officer IT Department Bronglais General Hospital Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 1ER

e-mail: [email protected]

d) e-mail-will be free of charge unless it says otherwise

The charges will be reviewed regularly.


The material available through this Publication Scheme is subject to the Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust’s copyright unless otherwise indicated. Unless expressly indicated on the material to the contrary, it may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium, provided it is reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading manner. Where any of the copyright items in this Scheme are being re-published or copied to others, you must identify the source of the material and acknowledge the copyright status. Permission to reproduce material does not extend to any material accessed through the Publication Scheme that is the copyright of third parties. You must obtain authorization to reproduce such material from the copyright holders concerned. For HMSO Guidance Notes on a range of copyright issues, see the HMSO web site: www.hmso.gov.uk/guides.htm or contact:

HMSO Licensing Division, St Clements House, 2-16 Colegate, Norwich, NR31BQ, Tel: 01603 621000, Fax: 01603 723000, Email: [email protected]

Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust - Freedom of Information Act 2000 Publication Scheme 31


Bodies involved in inspection/monitoring Index Useful Resources

The bodies involved in the monitoring and/or inspection of our services:

• NHS Wales Department of the Welsh Assembly Government (www.wales.nhs.uk) • Audit Commission for Wales (www.audit-commission.gov.uk/wales) • Commission for Audit and Health Improvement (www.chi.nhs.uk) • Directorate of Counter Fraud Services (www.doh.gov.uk/dcfs) • District Audit (www.district-audit.gov.uk) • Health and Safety Executive (www.hse.gov.uk) • Medicines Devices Agency (MDA) (www.medical-devices.gov.uk) • Medicines Control Agency (www.mca.gov.uk) • National Clinical Assessment Authority (www.ncaa.nhs.uk) • National Patient Safety Agency (www.npsa.nhs.uk)

Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust - Freedom of Information Act 2000 Publication Scheme 32


Aberaeron Hospital 8, 22, 29 Access to information 3 Advice 2 Aims, targets and achievements 19 Annual Report 15 Audit Commission 32 Audit Committee 16 Board meetings - agenda 15 Board meetings - minutes 15 Board subcommittee meetings – agendas 17 Board subcommittee meetings – minutes 17 Bronglais General Hospital 7, 21, 29 Budget setting papers 14 Business Case 25 Caldicott 1, 2, 11, 20 Caldicott Guardian 2, 11, 20 Cardigan Hospital 8, 22, 29 Catering 23 Ceredigion Local Health Board 11, 12, 13, 14 CHI report 24 CHKS 20 Classes of information 5 Clinical audit 19 Clinical governance 16, 19 Clinical Governance Committee 16 Clinical services outline 21 Codes of conduct (Board members) 15 Commission for Health Improvement (CHI) 20, 32 Community description 7 Complaints - general 8, 23, 26 Complaints - publication scheme 2, 3, 26 Contact details 2 Controls assurance 19 Corporate Objectives 15 Copyright 31 Corporate information 5, 15 Cost of information 30 Data Protection 3 Description of the community 7 Environmental information 4, 29 Equality Steering Group 18, 27 Equal opportunities and human rights 27 Establishment orders 15 Executive Directors 10, 11 Feedback 2, 26 Financial Accounts 13 Financial Information 13

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Fraud, Directorate of counter 32 Freedom of Information Act 1, 3, 5 Funding information 13, 14 GP Practices 12 HSE 32 Human Resources 8, 11, 27, 28 Human Resources Strategy 28 Information Sharing Protocols 12 IT procurement policy 13 Job vacancies 27 Leaflets 25, 30 Library 8, 23 Management Board 16 MDA 32 Medicine Controls Agency 32 Mental Health Act Commission 32 Mission Statement 7 Monitoring bodies 32 National Clinical Assessment Authority 32 National Documents 6 National Patient Safety Agency 32 NHS and how we fit in 6 Non clinical services 23 Non Executive Directors 9, 10 Obtaining funding 14 OJEC adverts 13 Organisational chart 8 Our Services 21 Partnerships 11, 12 Pembrokeshire and Derwen NHS Trust 12 Personnel 27 Policies – Clinical 24 Policies - Corporate 17, 24 Policies - Human Resources 27 Press releases 28 Procurement policies 13 Public consultation 25 Public involvement 25 Publication Scheme, What is the 1 Publication Scheme, class of information 30 Register of interests 15 Remuneration Committee 16 Reports and enquiries 24 Rights of access 3 SLA's 12 Social Services 12 Standing financial instructions 15 Standing orders 15 Strategic and Financial Framework (SaFF) 13

Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust - Freedom of Information Act 2000 Publication Scheme 34

Supplies policies 13 Tendering 14 Training 28 Tregaron Hospital 8, 22, 29 Trust Board 11, 15 Terms and conditions of contracts 13 Trustees Report 15 Vacancies 27 Voluntary Sector 12 Welsh Assembly Targets 20 Welsh Language Scheme 4, 8, 18 Welsh Risk Pool 6, 19 Who are we 7 Who's who 9-11 Workforce description 27

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Useful Resources

Office of the Information Commissioner www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk Wycliffe House Water Lane Cheshire SK9 5AF

Lord Chancellor’s Department www.lcd.gov.uk Freedom of Information and Data Protection Division Room 151 Selborne House London SW1E 6QW www.wales.nhs.uk/foi This is the NHS Wales Freedom of Information web site www.foi.nhs.uk This is the NHS Freedom of Information web site


• Code of Practice on Openness in the NHS – www.doh.gov.uk/nhsexec/codemain.htm Department of Health Publications PO Box 77 London SE1 6XH

• FOI Act 2000 - www.legislation.hmso.gov.uk/acts2000/2000036.htm Printed copies are available from The Stationery Office, their customer services can be contacted on 0870 600 5522. The text phone number is 0870 240 3701.

• FOI Act 2000 Explanatory Notes - www.legislation.hmso.gov.uk.acts/en/2000en36.htm Printed copies are available from The Stationery Office, their customer services can be contacted on 0870 600 5522. The text phone number is 0870 240 3701.

• Code of Practice under Section 45 FOI Act 2000 - www.lcd.gov.uk See Lord Chancellor’s Department contact details above.

• Code of Practice under Section 46 FOI Act 2000 - www.lcd.gov.uk See Lord Chancellor’s Department contact details above.

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