DNITY PLANNNG BRIEFING Community Planning Quarterly Briefing October to December 08 This is a quarterly briefing designed to give everyone involved in the community planning process across the Caerphilly County Borough, as well as wider audiences, an overview of progress on the Community Strategy. Information has been supplied by each of the co-ordinators leading on different themes of the Community Strategy. Community Planning (Jackie Dix, Alison Palmer)
[email protected] Caerphilly Local Service Board (LSB) The LSB has endorsed a research report and strategy it has commissioned on developing Shared Approaches to Citizen Engagement. This work is to be rolled out across the borough through a multi-agency group. Juliet Martinez, Welsh Assembly Government, has spoken to the LSB on the Wales Spatial Plan (WSP). The WSP is an overarching framework document and an integration tool for policy and investment. It shapes the Welsh Assembly Government’s national policy and sets a regional context for local plans and policies and the work of LSBs. Colin Palfrey, Cllr Lindsay Whittle and Chief Superintendent Alun Thomas from the LSB gave evidence to the National Assembly for Wales Health, Wellbeing and Local Government Inquiry into local service boards in September. The message from the Inquiry has been positive to the benefits of the LSB approach. A transcript of the meeting and the written evidence is available via the following web links: http://www.assemblywales.org/bus-home/bus-committees/bus-committees- third1/bus-committees-third-hwlg-home/bus-committees-third-hwlg-