The original documents are located in Box 7, folder “9/17/76 - National Federation of Republican Women” of the Betty Ford White House Papers, 1973-1977 at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Betty Ford donated to the United States of America her copyrights in all of her unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. . -

D·He lssu~d ---- Byp_ Howarc Revised

FACT SHFET ~vfrs.Ford' s H"ice

Event Reception."'------­ Group l\ational Federation of Republican Women DA TE/TIJ\!E September 17, 1976 3: 00 . m. ContJ.ct Mrs. Patricia Hutar (Mary Foster) Phone 484- 66 70 Number of guests: Total 100-120 Women------x Men (few- staff) Children ----- Pb cc State Floor Principals invoivc:d ------Mrs. Ford Part ic i patio n by Principal ----=------yes (Receiving line) no (mingle informally) Remarks required no ------~ BJ.ckgroun

REQTJ!RD:lF.NTS Soci3l: Guest list yes (Pat Howard will distribute list. ) Invitations no Programs ----no Menus------no Refreshments yes (coffee, iced tea, and tea pastries) Entertainment__ =-.:::c__no ______D c co rations/ tl0wers---'------es 1\1 us! c yes ~ocial Aides --'--yes------Drc~s Bus. Suits - Short Dresses for the Ladies Coat check ? (DRR) 0th er ------Press: Photographcrs__ -1.y_e:._s ______TV Crews \','!Jitc Hot1~c Plioto[!rnphcrs yes Color yes Mono. - ----''------0th c r------Technical Support: i\1icrophones no Pl\ Other Rooms no ------~ ------Recording·----'------no Li eh ts no Tr:insportation Buses (2 or 3) - enter thru SE Gate P.1rkin3 South Grounds •_ __;;::_:_.=.=.=-~:...;::.;=.::=='------~------I lo using,______

Othcr______mis e r~.stage.p! atfP rms) ______

Project Co-ordin,1tor____ ...:_...:.:..::...... ::.:::...::....:..:....:::.=....::::..__ Pat Howard ______~~------Phone 2 92 7 Site di::igrams should be attached if technical support is hL·;ny. THE WHITE HOUSE



Event: Reception for the Board of Directors of the National Federation of Republican Women

Date/Time: Friday, September 17, 1976 3:00 p. m.

Place: State Dining Room

Number of Attendees: Approximately 100 guests

Principal: Mrs. Laddie F. Hutar (Patricia) 1 President /

Schedule of Events: 3:00 p. m. Your guests will arrive through the Diplomatic Reception Room and will be escorted to the State Dining Room where refreshments will be served.

3:10 p. m. After your guests have arrived, Maria Downs will escort you via elevator to the Grand Hall area where you will greet Pat Hutar.

You will walk into the State Dining Room with Pat Hutar and mingle informally with your guests.

You will proceed to the platform located along the center of the south end of the State Dining Room and make remarks.

You may wish to join your guests for refreshments or return to the Family Quarters.

NOTES: There will be press cov_erage.

A White House photographer will be present. -2- Reception for the Board of Directors of the National Federation of Republican Women

Military Social Aides will be present.

Marine Corps String Ensemble will be position ed in the Grand Hall.

Guest list is attached.

Background information is attached.


II not OY' '" Gov f ...... _f(L"' r It l~ 0 WHO LOOKS AFTER THEl1 LADIES. '. ..

TALKING POINTS 1. I want to thank your President, Pat Hutar, for the opportunity to greet each of you. 2. I am pleased that Pat (Hutar) is serving as a member of my Campaign Steering Committee. 3. Since the Federation's founding in 1938, you have made outstanding contributions to the Republican Party and Republican candidates. As the largest volunteer women 1 s political organization in the world, you are the greatest asset the Republican Party has. 4. Many of you served as delegates to the Convention in Kansas City. The number of women delegates to our Convention increased from the 1972 Convention. We are proud of the contributions women are making to our Party leadership. 5. The issues this year are Republican i ssues -- fiscal responsibility in Government, a bigger free enterprise, a strong national defense, local control over local affairs and preservation of personal freedom for the individuals.'_.

6~ With your talent, your enthusiasm and your help, we will have Republican victories in the White House, the halls of Congress, and throughout the States in November. Aprill976 Contact: Douglas Lee Director of Communications nFR / National Federation of Republican Women, Mrs. Patr/icia Hutar, President

Biographical Data Mrs. Laddie F. (Patricia) Hu tar President, National Federation of Republican Women

Patrica Hutar of Glenview, Illinois became the 12th President of the National Federation of Republican Women in January, 1976, and as President will preside over the national organization of approximately 230, 000 women.

I. Since taking office, Mrs. Hu tar has worked actively to increase the involvement of Republican women in both local and national politics and to encourage them to run for public and party offices. She has been especially active in the development within the Federation of a new young women's program. New Founders 1 76 is designed to encourage young women to become leaders in the Federation and in the Party.

Pat has been active in the Republican Party for many years ••• having served as Illinois state and National Public Relations Chairman, as NFRW Fourth Vice­ President, Second Vice-President and for four years as Fir st Vice-President of the Federation. Her service in the Republican Party began as precinct captain in 1955, and she has worked in various county, state and organizations, and served as Co-Chairman of the Young Republican National Federation in 1961-1963.

Pat Hutar served as a member of the Presidential.I.ask Force on Wo~ns .Eights and Responsibilities and has twice participated in U.S. Study Tours of the North A Han tic Treaty Organization. In 1974, she was named U.S. Representative for the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and in 1975 headed the U. S.Cieiegat10n to the International Women1s Year Conference in Mexico City.

Former Assistant Chairman of the Republican National Committee {1964-1965), Pat has been a leader in several Pr es_idential campaigns as Illinois Co-Cba i·rwa n. (!,960 & 19-64); as Regional Director for the Women's Division i-n the 1968 Presidential campaign, and served in 1972 as National Director of Volunteers for the Committee for the Re-Election of the President.

She has a diverse professional background as a public affairs consultant anrl cis ~.r r(tJ author of, The Investment Club Way to Stock Market Success, an invest~ent (...- club book, She is active in many business and civic organiz ations. ~ ~~}

Married to Laddie F. Hutar, they have a daughter, Elizabeth and a son·: John. j

310 First Street, Southeast, Washington, D.C. 20003, Area Code 202/ 484-6670 Yes. I want to join with the 230,000 women who are building political leadership among America's women through the National Federation of Republican Women ... who are promoting political awareness and political action by women as policy planners and decision makers ... who City ______are advocates for the principles and objectives of the G.0.P. State ______Zip ____ Telephone ______

Return to:

National Federation of Republican Women, 310 First Street, S.E. , Washington, D.C. 20003, 202/ 484-6670 We're campaign managers, telephoners, Congress­ The Federation also: A Republican Woman 's club is a Saturday morning women, door-to-door canvassers, state legislators, • Provides an organization through which women session for new party workers on campaign tech­ and state party chairmen. We promote political who share the principles of the Republican Party niques. It's a state federation and local federated awareness and recruit qualified candidates-both can join in Republican activities; clubs recruiting and supporting a woman candidate women and men. We encourage and help women • Distributes political education materials to its clubs with experienced volunteer campaigns and fund rais­ achieve leadership roles in government-in the on campaigning, raising funds, building member­ ing efforts. It's a Tuesday luncheon featuring a local Republican Party and in the community-as policy ship, planning programs, and maintaining good city councilwoman. It's interested women expressing planners and decision makers. There are 230,000 of public relations; their position at a leg islative committee hearing. It's a us. We're the members of the National Federation of • Encourages the recruitment and support of Re­ barbecue to raise funds for a Republican Con­ Republican Women, the largest women's political publican Women candidates through campaign gressional candidate. It's all of these things and organization in the United States. sem inars and such publications as "Consider more. The N.F.R.W.-Building Political Leadership The N.F.R.W. is an autonomous affiliate of the Yourself for Public Office" (This book is designed Among America's Women. Republican National Committee and is composed of to motivate Republican women to become 2,900 clubs in every state, the District of Columbia, candidates for public and party offices.) ; and the Virgin Islands. It's a constant resource for • Recruits new Republ ican Federation leadership political education, recruitment, and training in both from America's young careerists and homemakers on and off election years. through the N.F.R.W. New Founders '76 Through issue oriented literature and "nuts and Committee; bolts" campaign technique seminars, the National • Encourages the formation and sponsorship of Federation of Republican Women trains and informs STAR's (Sub Teen-Age Republicans, ages 9-13); women to elect Republican candidates and en­ • Provides research material and legislative informa­ courages them to become candidates themselves. tion to its members; and • Recruits talented and trained women to fill ap­ pointive positions in Government. Local federated clubs, both large and small, are the spirit and substance of the National Federation of Republican Women. It is here at the grassroots that women meet regularly in their local clubs to share views about public issues, assist local party units in educating the voters, and build leaders and new ideas for better government and a stronger party. THE WHITE HOUSE


September 16, 1976



SUBJECT: Your Reception for the Board of Directors of the National Federation of Republican Women - Friday, September 17, 1976 - 3:00 p. m.

Attached for your review and approval is the proposed scenario for your Reception with the Board of Directors of the National Federation of Republican Women.

As indicated on the attached background information, you received this group on September 19 , 1974. At that time, you were presented with a crystal elephant. No presentation will take place at this event.

Terry O'Donnell's office has the President scheduled to drop by your Reception at approximately 3: 30 p. m. When the President arrives, you will then proceed together to the platform that will be located along the center of the south end of the State Dining Room and make remarks and introduce the President.

The Board of Directors were allowed to bring guests to your Reception if they wished to do so. There will be two men present.

Thank you. THE WHITE H O USE



Event: Reception for the Board of Directors of the National Federation of Republican Women

Date/Time: Friday, September 17, 1976 3:00 p. m.

Place: State Dining Room

Number of Attendees: Approximately 100 guests

Principal: Mrs. Laddie F. Hutar (Patricia) President

Schedule of Events: 3:00 p. m. Your guests will arrive through the Diplomatic Reception Room and will be es carted to the State Dining Room where refreshments will be served.

3:10 p. m. After your guests have arrived, Maria Downs will es co rt you via elevator to the Grand Hall area where you will greet Pat Hutar.

You will walk into the State Dining Room with Pat Hutar and mingle informally with your guests.

You will proceed to the platform located along the center of the south end of the State Dining Room and make remarks.

You may wish to join your guests for refreshments or return to the Family Quarters.

NOTES: There will be press coverage.

A White House photographer will be present. -2- Reception for the Board of Directors of the National Federation of Republican Women

Military Social Aides will be present.

Marine Corps String Ensemble will be positioned in the Grand Hall.

Guest list is attached.

Background information is attached.



The Board of Directors of the National Federation of Republican Women meets semi-annually to handle the business of the organization and plan programs for the 225, 000 -federated Republican women across the country. This fall meeting is September 15-18, 1976, at the Washington Hilton Hotel.

Members of the Board are the Presidents of the 52 state Federations (including the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands), the national officers, and the chairmen and vice-chairmen of various national Federation committees. The committees conceive programs in such areas as campaign, membership, public relations, special voter groups, legislation, and so forth.

The Board last met in Washington in $eptember 1974, and Mrs. Ford received them at the White House at that time. -Som~ current members of the Board also were members then, some are new. In Se_pEn_tp~97_?J_ the_Ei:.e.sident addressed the Biennial Convention of the NF llJl . m.:.P-~_,M, but Mrs. Ford was not with him. Many Board members were delegates and alternate s in Kansas City. ·

During the Board meeting the women will hear from Elly Peterson, Deputy Chairman for Voter Groups of the President Ford Committee (Thursday - :SC af~on) and PFC Chairman Jim Baker (Saturday morning ). Other speakers ~L will also emphasize campaigns; and Friday before they g o to the White House they will meet with Senator Ted ·srevens, Chairman of the Republican Senatorial Committee, and Represei1tahve"'l'.%"'y "'{_and ~ gt, Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Commitfo-e. Luncheon speaker that day is Representative Henson Moore of Loui~iana.

A major NFRW goal this year has been seeking more qualified women candidates for public and Party offi~e. and of course- llie F ederation Is ~ose is to provide the trained campaign force to elect Republican candidates at all levels.

The rFRYf is sponsoring "President Ford Team Day" on October 2 , when_ eve nts and activi"tie s on behalf o t e resident will take place in commun itie s <'...-: (j) across the nation. And of course many Federation members are serving ~ ::0 in official capacities with state and local President Ford Committees every- j where, mostly as volunteers. ___/

Mrs. Laddie F. (Pat) Hutar was elected NFRW President at the 1975 Convention and took office January- 1 of this )rear .. NATIONAL FEDERA.TIO~T OF REPUBLICAN WO~N



Pat Rutar President Chicago, Illinois

Betty Heitman First Vice President Ba ton Rouge, Loui:

Ann Blackham Second Vice President Winchester, Massac

X~ Ann Miletich Third Vice President Albia, Iowa

Jean Birch Fourth Vice President Great Falls, Mont<

Margaret Scott Secretary Pacific Palisades 1 California ~

Betty Rendel Treasurer and Indianapolis, Ind: President, Indiana State Federation of Women's Republican Clubs

Bea Kowalski . Member-At-Large and Wallingford, President, Connecticut Connecticut Federation of Republican Women

Judy LaMora Member-At-Large Colorado Springs,j. Colorado

Jackie Wells Member-At-Large and Cocoa Beach, Flor President, Florida Federation of Republican Women ---.

NATl ONAL FEDERATION OF H.Er'UilLTC./\1'1 \-!Q:-il:N ..



Barbara Peck President, Arizona Apache, Arizona Federation of Republican Women

Evelyn Thomas President; Arkansas Prairie Grove, Federation of Republican Arkansas Women ·

Jackie Harker President, California Encino, Califon Federation of Republican Women

Ha:ty Lane President, Colorado Englewood, Colo1 Federation of Republican Women; Chairman, Legislation ._ and Research Committee

Margaret Hastings President, Dela·ware Seaford, Delawa1 Federation of Republican Women

Nita Medico President,· D.C. League Alexandria, Virg of Republican Women

Lil McAfee President, Georgia Albany, Georgia Federation of Republican Women

Jo Oblinger President,. Illinois Sherman, Illinoi Federation of Republican Women

Twyla Humpleby President, Iowa Federation Iowa City, Iowa of Republican Homen

Bernice Hyland President, Kansas Federation Washington, Kans of Republican Women

Gerri Simmons President, Kentucky Bowling Green, Federation of Republican Kentucky Women

Marion Kurf iss President, Louisiana Alexandria, Federation of Republican Louisiana Women

! ' Margery Lawrence ~.FL. President, ·Federation ... Rockland , ~!aine of Republican Women

Joan Beck President, Maryland Clinton, N.:irylanc Federation of Republican Women NATION/..L FEDERATION OF RErUBL TC.A~·J WO'fEN



Maxine Hunter President, Massachusetts Leominster, Federation of Republican Massachusetts Women

Dianna Forster President, Republican Williamsburg, MJ Women's Federation of Hichigan and Vice Chairman I Fund Raising Committee I Jayne Hilde Presiderit, Minnesoata Plymouth, Ninne~ Federation of Republican Women Dene Pace President, Mississippi Corinth, !lissi~ J Federation of Republican Women I Marybelle Wnuk President, Missouri Kansas City, ?-tiJ Federation of Republican .1 Women

Haggle Speer President, Montana Helena, Montana· Federation of Republican Women

Lorraine Langford President, Nebraska Kearney, Nebras~ Federation of Republican Women

Doris Johnson President, Nevada Federation Glenbrook, Neva1! of Republican Women

Noel Gross President, New Jersey Saddle River, Federation of Republican . New Jersey j Women l

Joan Gordon President1 New Mexico Hobbs~ New Mexi1 Federation of Republican Women

Phyllis Kelly President, Federation Snyder, New Yor~ of Women's Republican Clubs of New York State, Inc. and Chairman, Program Committee I I Ginger Hegler President, North Carolina·. Lincolnton, Nor1' Federation of Republican Carolina Women

Norene Bunker President, North Dakota Fargo, North Dalt Federation of Republican. Women •• JO ..




Lois Leggat President, Ohio Willoughb Federation of Republican Women

Edwina Hizer President, Oklahoma Tulsa> Ok Federation of Republican Women

Beverly Hyers President, Oregon Portland, Federation of Republican Women

Katie Kier President, Pennsylvania Glenshaw, Council of Republican Pennsylva Women

Ida Cayoutte President, Rhode Island Federatio.n of Republican Women

Jenny Childs President, South Chapin, S Carol1na Federation Carolina of Republican Women

Meredith Taylor President, Rapid Cit Federation of Republican South Dak

Anne Bergman President, Texas Weatherfo Federation of Republican Texas Women

Dolores Bennett President, Utah Federation Logan, Ut of Republican Women

Claire Duke PresLdent, Vermont Barre, Ve . Federation of Republican Women

Virginia Lampe President, Arlington Federation of Republican Virginia Women

Helen Nelson President, t.:ashington Aberdeen, Federation of Republican \.!ashing to Women · .. . Louise Leonard President, West Virgina Harper's Federation of Republican West Virg Women

' . ·-·-- . .~.,...~~ .-. ~:...... : ...__ ......




Dorothy lfacDonald President, Wisconsin Waukesha j Federation of Republican Wis con s ir Women

Minnie Newton President, Wyoming Cheyenne, Federation of Republican Wyoming Women


;F·r \ .~. ~: . - .





Marge Logan Vice Chairman Albuquerque, Bylaws New Mexico

Mary Alice Warren Chairman Winston-Salem, Campaign North Carolina

Cathy Smyth .vice Chairman Dallce. Texas Campaign

Gertrude Miller Chairman · Chicago, Illin~ Fund Raising

Ellie Holt Chairman Muncie, Indian<: Membership

Huda Jones Vice Chairman Beattyville, K€! Membership

Joni Jackson Vice Chairman Madison, Wiscon Program

Betsi Amig Vice Chairman New Cumberland Public Relations Pennsylvania

! ' ......




Doris Thoen Chairman Portland, O:re Achievement Awards

Teresa Garland Chairman Roanoke, VirE Americanism

Joann~ Collins Chairman Kansas City, Black Involvement

Sally McKenzie Vice Chairman_ Dallas, •texas Cormnunity Relations

Mildred Totman Chalrman East Alstead, Mamie Eisenhower New Hampshire Library Proje~t

Mabel Stickel Parliamentarian Thousand Oaks' C;;ilifornia

Ruby Life Chairman Waveland,Miss Senior Americans

Lovelyti Evans Vice Chairman Chicago, Illil Senior Americans

Eleanor Schicht Vice Chairman St. Louis, Ni• Senior Americans

Florida McDonald Chairman °Las Vegas, Nei STARS

June Trombla Chairman El Dorado, Kam Ways and Means l

Betty Lamont Liaison for NFRW with Da_rien, Connec the Women's National Republican Club, Inc. t:1\ "n l ~ : .. \L FTD!:!!?·: nn:·: o::· J\i-:i'tl i'. J.TC:l\ ~i W 1 ~ '.! Lt{ - ····- ··------· -·-- -·------



Sh:J.k:::r llcieht!>, Chi.o

2h:n. Bernntschkc New York, New York

LouiGc Bi rd Ponco. City, Oklahoma

Laur~ Iloulton New York, Neu York

Bormle Bruce Corbin, Kentucky

Ve lm.'.: Childc rs Pikeville, Kentucky

Robert Coll ins Kansas City, Hlssouri

!snbelle Collison Hauwatoso,

Ruby Doria Elm Grove, Wisconsin

Mae Fleetwood Seaford, Delaware

Nelia Foster Corinth, Mississippi

Kathieen Freund Chesterfield, Missouri

Jessica Jackson ' Madison, Wisconsin

June Kraft West Union, Iowa

Vivian Kramer South Euclid, Ohio

Vi Henken Aiken, South Carolina

Thelma O'Hara Covington, Kentucky

Dorothy Rand Old Hickory, Tennessee

Cnyle Roettger Eden Prairie, ·Minnesota

Barbara Ulhrich West Hartford, Connecticut

Daisey l-!!1i tchall Excelsior , Minnc~ota

Frances Wideman Birminr,ha;n, Alabama ...... -





Nary T. Foster Executive Director Washington, D.

Lynn Norfolk Director, Research Alexandria, Vj and Seminars

Bernice Robertson Assistant/Secretary Washington, D.

Sallie N. Barre Convention Director Greenwich, Con

Douglas 0. Lee Director of Communications Alexandria, Vi For Immediate Release Thursday, September 16, 1976


Mrs. Ford will hold a reception Friday, September 17, at 3 PM on the State Floor for the Board of the National Federation of Republican Women.

Members of the Board are the Presidents of the 52 State Federations, including the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands, the national officers and the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the Federation committees. Approximately 150 guests will attend the reception.

# # #

Press pick-up in West Lobby at 3 PM