Central Desert News

Edition no. 19 / SEPTEMBER 2013 inside Central Desert Shire turns 5! Central Desert Shire turns 5! 1 Governor-General visits Ti Tree 1 he Central Desert Shire celebrated its fifth birthday on 1 July. Central Desert Shire From the President 2 CEO Cathryn Hutton visited Lajamanu, Nyirripi and Yuendumu to thank the local T From the CEO 2 employees who have been a part of the Shire for five years. Staff received service recognition certificates as a thank you for their effort and Governor-General visits Ti Tree community 3 contribution to the Shire. The Warlpiri Handbook for Harmony launched 4 Laramba ladies in the ‘Big Sing’ 5 Harts Range Races 6 50 years of Yuendumu Sports: A grand success 7 Making & cooking with flour-drum stoves 8 Recipe: Fried rice 8 No germs on me! 9 SNAICC Indigenous Early Childhood Conference 9 Kids clean up in Laramba 10 ESO Trainees complete training 10 First aid in Yuendumu 11 Darwin softball championships 11 Workplace mentor 12 New Deputy Shire President 12 Atitjere family fun day 13 Telling our story in Canberra 14 Bright new future with RJCP alliance 15 Young women in Engawala 15 Our new fencing team 16 Governor-General visits Ti Tree Local Boards 16 n Tuesday 20 August, the Ti What’s on around the Shire 16 OTree community hosted a visit from the Governor-General, Her Excellency the Honourable Quentin Bryce AC CVO. The visit was part of a whirlwind tour of the NT which included visits to Groote Eylandt, Ti Tree and the Utopia Homelands. The magnificent staff at Ti Tree worked above and beyond the call of duty to make visiting Ti Tree a very special experience for the Central Desert News is published by Governor General. For more pictures Central Desert Shire Council PO Box 2257 NT 0871 see page 3. Ph 1300 360 605 www.centraldesert.nt.gov.au Please send your stories to [email protected] Message from the President

elcome to the September edition months. While it is sad to see the end of Wof Central Desert News. What a CDEP, we believe that the Remote Jobs busy few months it has been around the and Communities Program (RJCP) will be Council. a good replacement and provide practical Ti Tree had an exciting visit from the support, training and assistance to help Honourable Governor General, Quentin people living within Central Desert. Bryce. I am pleased to announce that Her I went to Canberra in June Excellency enjoyed her visit and enjoyed accompanied by the Deputy Shire talking to traditional owners of Ti Tree. President Robert Robertson and John In July a workshop was held for Local Gaynor, Director Community Services. Board Chair and Deputy Chairs and the We met with Ministers to talk about the SSMs. The workshop helped the Chairs future of the Council, and to help them learn good leadership and how to work understand the challenges we face with together with the SSMs to make sure service delivery in the . their Local Board is successful. This newsletter highlights some very We have said farewell to CDEP. special events that have happened in It was a beneficial program that has our communities, including the 50th provided huge benefits to Aboriginal celebration of Yuendumu Sports Carnival! people throughout our Council and I hope you enjoy the newsletter. throughout Community Councils before that. A special thank you to the staff who Adrian Dixon have worked on CDEP over the years Shire President and to those who have worked hard to bring CDEP to a close over the past few

Message from the CEO

he recent announcement by the to support Local Boards through TMinister that she will be implementing professional development and capacity changes to the Local Government Act building. At the recent Chairs and Deputy heralds a new phase in Local Government Chairs workshop it was clear that these in the Northern Territory. boards have a breadth of experience and The changes are designed to give local authority that is invaluable to the communities more say in the long-term Council. plans and budget for their community, The staff are looking forward to provide a reference point for community working with Councillors, the Department members to bring up matters that are and our own Local Boards to ensure that important to the community, deal with the reforms work for our community. urgent issues and act as a conduit to the Regional Council. Cathryn Hutton These outcomes clearly align with the Chief Executive Officer Council’s vision for its communities and are reflected in the Shire Plan. This Council recognises that local people must have a strong say in making decisions about their community. The Council already has established and well supported Local Boards in our communities. In fact, the last 12 months has seen a resurgence of interest in Local Boards with the highest number of meetings occurring since the Council’s formation. The Council continues

2 • Central Desert Shire Newsletter Governor-General visits Ti Tree community

n Tuesday 20 August, the Ti OTree community hosted a visit from the Governor-General, Her Excellency the Honourable Quentin Bryce AC CVO. The visit was part of a whirlwind tour of the NT which included visits to Groote Eylandt, Ti Tree and the Utopia Homelands. The magnificent staff at Ti Tree worked above and beyond the call of duty to make visiting Ti Tree a very special experience for the Governor General. The Governor-General Her Excellency the Honourable Quentin Bryce, was full of praise for the community of Ti Tree. During her visit, the Governor- General visited the Ti Tree Women’s Safe House before walking over to the Aged Care facility for morning tea. Edna Snape, Ti Tree’s Aged Care Coordinator, provided the Governor- General with a tour of the facility and introduced her to a number of the Ti Tree Aged Care clients. Her Excellency was very interested in hearing about the challenges of providing meals and services to clients in such geographically distributed areas. The Governor-General enjoyed a cup of tea and a chat before being presented with a beautiful artwork by local Wilora artist, Evelyn Pultura. ‘I am honoured to receive such a beautiful gift,’ the Governor-General told Evelyn. After a brief tour of Ti Tree and the local communities, which included hearing a local band from Pmara Junta practice, the Governor- General enjoyed a wonderful barbecue arranged by the local staff at Ti Tree School. ‘The Ti Tree community was very pleased to host the Governor- General,’ Shire President Adrian Dixon said. ‘The Shire staff worked extremely hard to make the day a success and they should be proud of their efforts.’

Central Desert Shire Newsletter • 3 The Warlpiri handbook for harmony launched

Warlpiri Mediation Manual, developed by the residents Aof Yuendumu to help solve problems and resolve future conflicts, was launched on 16 August in Alice Springs. The manual was developed by Yuendumu residents with the support of the Central Desert Shire and FaHCSIA. On 30 July, the manual was presented to about 50 community leaders and elders in Yuendumu to collect feedback and comments. All in attendance were provided an opportunity to comment and give feedback on the manual. Everyone felt proud to see the manual in their own language and all said that the manual will assist in resolving their conflict wherever they live. Central Desert Shire CEO Cathryn Hutton said the Shire is proud to be part of the peace process. ‘Our Mediation and Justice Program supports the Yuendumu Mediation and Justice Committee, helping to bring families together to resolve their differences.’ The development of the manual was facilitated by Willowtree consultants. The drawings and narrative are products of many hours of consultation with community members. President of the Yuendumu Mediation and Justice Committee Robert Robertson said it was the silver lining that has come from the community’s well documented troubles. ‘This has taken a lot of hard work, a lot of soul searching and a lot of forgiveness. We are very proud that Yuendumu has turned the corner. We are focussed on maintaining the harmony. This manual is a road map for us, it will help guide us and keep the peace,’ Mr Robertson said.

4 • Central Desert Shire Newsletter Laramba ladies in the ‘Big Sing’

ight CDEP women from Laramba Ejoined with Indigenous women from Hermannsburg and Areyonga and the whitefella choir members from all over Australia for the annual ‘Big Sing’ in the Desert at Ross River Resort. Following our first visit to the Big Sing, a gospel singing group formed at Laramba a year ago as part of the community development programs of CDEP under the direction of Kath Derrin. Every Monday night a large group of community members meet at the new CDEP Training Centre for a sing-a-long in English and Anmatjere. This was the women’s second visit to the Big Sing so we were much more confident in singing at the front of the group sharing our culture with the whitefellas in attendance. Some of the women helped Maree Jones, the CDEP Literacy trainer, to translate one of the songs into Luritja for all to sing. The Big Sing was a time of sharing our different cultures and a great example of the Shire’s motto ‘Two Ways One Outcome’.

Central Desert Shire Newsletter • 5 Harts Range Races

he Harts Range Races was another roaring success this year Twith plenty of Shire involvement. The Shire sponsored The ‘Tom Cleary Stakes’ two-horse race which was won by David Bird Jr. The trophy was presented by Councillor Louis Schaber. The tug-of-war competition was won ‘by our very own extremely muscly directors,’ said Glenn Marshall, CDS Director Works. The Atitjere community celebrated in style on Saturday evening with a band and the rodeo had plenty of thrills and spills. The Shire assisted with managing the rubbish and providing firewood to keep the guests warm. While it was a big family event with running races, tug-a- war contests and kids’ rodeo events, it was Darius Webb who put on the performance of the weekend with a spectacular ride to win the Open Steer Ride competition. The weekend was a great example of how our pastoralists, police, community and the Shire work together to create a first- class celebration of remote lifestyle: a world-class tourism event in the heart of the Central Desert Shire region. And, in the meantime, the Directors have started doing push-ups in preparation of next year’s big event!

6 • Central Desert Shire Newsletter 50 years of Yuendumu Sports: A grand success

he people of Yuendumu held the 50th TAnniversary of the Yuendumu Sports Weekend over the August long weekend. The ‘Yuendumu Olympics’ has traditionally been the flagship community sporting event in and, after a brief break in recent years, everyone in Yuendumu was excited to restore its reputation and they didn’t disappoint. After a very moving traditional opening ceremony on Friday afternoon, there was a friendly footy match between two home teams. With 17 football and 12 softball teams in total – some who had travelled for hundreds of miles to try and take out the big prize – the competition was fast and fierce. Central Desert Shire was the major sponsor of the softball competition and congratulations go to the Laramba Roos who managed to pip Haasts Bluff Swans in the grand final to take home the trophy. All community organisations worked together to lend a hand and the Yuendumu Sports Committee members performed brilliantly at leading each of the events and creating such a wonderful time for everyone. Warren Williams, a member of the Yuendumu Sports Committee, relayed the message: ‘What a weekend! I think everyone thoroughly enjoyed it.’ Mr Williams added, ‘ We’ve had comments from people – different tribal groups giving us feedback about the Sports Weekend – saying that Yapa completely had control over everything – and it was very peaceful thanks to our Night Patrols and Mediators.’ The Central Desert Shire was proud to support the 50th anniversary of Yuendumu Sports.

Central Desert Shire Newsletter • 7 Making & cooking with flour-drum stoves

t was fantastic to see the CDEP men so Ienthused in this activity, as they created their own flour oven for a wonderful barbecue. They started with 20 kg drums and cut out a side area where the wood could be placed at the base and fed as required. The open top of the flour oven allowed either a wok or flat plate to be placed to cook on or in. Due to a number of pesky flies the men burnt off the surrounding area, which kept the flies to a minimum and created a better working environment! From a simple drum CDEP men created their own small, efficient, portable barbeques that can be used time and time again, something very simple to make and also very cost effective and for the whole family use.

Recipe: Fried rice Cooking Ingredients: • Cook rice beforehand and set aside to cool. • 6 slices of bacon, chopped • Add oil to wok and fry garlic, onion and bacon until cooked. • 2 brown onions, sliced • Break eggs into wok and stir-fry with other ingredients until • 6 cloves garlic, chopped cooked. • 1 packet frozen peas • Add frozen peas and corn kernels and continue to stir-fry. • 1 tin corn kernels, drained • Add the cooked rice and combine with the cooked ingredients. • 6 eggs • Continue to stir. • soy sauce • When all ingredients are combined and hot, add soy sauce. • 1 kg rice

8 • Central Desert Shire Newsletter No germs on me!

ancy Lewis is shown here all Ngloved up and getting ready to prepare lunch for Willowra school Lajamanu workcrew children. Nancy works alongside Kirstin Kitson and Jennifer Fishook in the Willowra School Nutrition Program where they serve breakfast and make healthy lunches for the school kids every day. There are a number of School Nutrition Programs operating within Central Desert Shire: including at Willowra, Engawala, Laramba, Wilora, Yuelamu and Nyirripi. Last school term the SNP staff prepared and served 7675 lunches across the six Craig Patterson, Hector Patterson, Michael Erglis, Lionel communities. Wilson at work installing landfill entry grid. SNAICC Indigenous Early Childhood Conference etween 3–7 June 2013 twelve early childhood staff Battended the SNAICC Indigenous Early Childhood Conference in Perth. The staff members were from Laramba Childcare, Atitjere Crèche, Yuelamu Crèche, Nyirripi Crèche, Yuendumu Childcare and Yuendumu Playgroup. Laramba Childcare, Yuendumu Childcare, Yuendumu Playgroup and Early Childhood Reference Groups were all asked to present at the conference. The staff stood strong and spoke up about the importance of early childhood, growing kids up strong and keeping a high level of respect for culture and traditional Indigenous child-rearing practices in our services.

Central Desert Shire Newsletter • 9 Kids clean up in Laramba

uring the June school holidays the Youth Sport and DRecreation team organised a community clean-up project with the help of Linkz volunteers. Kids aged between five and 15 years old participated in this activity. ‘I was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the kids,’ Madeleine Boyd from Linkz said delightedly. ‘They really enjoyed the clean-up and we all had lots of fun during the activity.’ Zack was award a prize for collecting the most rubbish. As part of the activity, recycling was separated from the other rubbish so that money earned from recycling can contribute to the program’s purchase of disco prizes and basketball competition prizes. Almost 600 cans and bottles were collected for recycling purpose. Everyone who participated, including staff, Linkz volunteers and kids, were very happy and proud to be a part of this project in making our community clean and tidy. Laramba community is proud in taking the lead and getting a head start over the other communities in this year’s Tidy Town Competition. The Laramba Youth, Sport and Recreation team is looking forward to do some more great work with the coordination and cooperation of all the stakeholders in the community. ESO Trainees VIIP accommodation complete training he Atitjere VET Infrastructure for Indigenous People (VIIP) Taccommodation was officially opened in 1 August 2013. This project hree men from around the Shire completed was originally part of a Tangentyere Council funding application under Ttheir Traineeship in Essential Services in July. the National Training Infrastructure Program intended to support local Gibson Long and Marcus Briscoe from Yuelamu training at the Olympia Mine. Unfortunately the mine has not eventuated and Leston Spencer from Nyirripi have completed and this facility is now used as accommodation for visiting trainers all on- and off-the-job requirements and will be and staff. The Council gratefully acknowledges the support that it has awarded their Certificate II in Electro Technology, received from the Australian Government for this project. Remote Area Essential Services. They have been working in their communities and attending training at Charles Darwin University in Alice Springs since February 2012. Marcus and Gibson have been appointed as the Essential Services Officer (ESO) in their community. They are responsible for all of the Power Water work in their community including operation of the new Water Treatment Plant. All three guys will be attending the graduation ceremony in Darwin at the end of November. Anyone interested in working in the Essential Services Program should contact Trevor Twyman on 0458 447 746. You can also speak with the ESO in your community for more information. Congratulations to Leston, Gibson and Marcus.

10 • Central Desert Shire Newsletter First aid in Yuendumu

ifteen Indigenous ladies participated spider and snake bites, broken bones, Fin first aid training in Yuendumu on rashes, breathing problems, allergies and 30 and 31 July. The training was held embedded objects. Participants learned at Childcare and staff, families and different bandage techniques, CPR RJCP participant were involved. The and basic first aid skills. Everyone who first aid course was focused on healthy attended achieved a certificate, nine ladies children and what to do in emergency passed their full first aid and the other six situations where children or adults get passed their CPR. A great outcome for the sick or are hurt. The training covered children and families of Yuendumu.

Darwin softball championships very year Central Desert Youth, Sport and ERecreation supports the winner of the regional softball competition to attend the NT championships that are held in Darwin by NT Softball. This year, the softball team from Nyirripi took the number one position within the Central Desert. Yuelamu was also very lucky to be sponsored by GMAAAC to attend. On Thursday 1 August, after both teams were supported by WYDAC and the Council to reach Alice Springs, the Nyirripi and Yuelamu softball ladies, accompanied by three Council youth workers, all boarded a coach to travel to Darwin. What followed was an adventurous four- day journey highlighted by competitive softball and good stories in the making! The final results in the championships included Yuelamu winning third place and Nyirripi finishing in fourth place in the entire Northern Territory Softball Tournament, which is a great result. All in all it was a great trip, the group had a lot of fun and there was a bucket load of laughs had by all. It is definitely something to keep in mind for all the teams next year: if your community softball team wins the regional competition, you may also have the chance to go to Darwin in 2014!

Central Desert Shire Newsletter • 11 Workplace mentor

he new Workplace TMentor for the Western Region, Vaughn enjoying stints in the garden growing Vaughn Hampton: Hampton, started with flowers for my girlfriend Samara. the Council in mid July. ’m a descendant I’m looking forward to a successful He comes with a wealth of the Warlpiri of knowledge and I career with the Council: making new experience, particularly tribal group. friends and building good working in the mentoring I have two relationships with fellow Council role, and is already a children: a son employees. valuable team member. Kyle, 17 years old, Being responsible for the western area We warmly welcome and my daughter allows me to see and work with many of Vaughn to Central Lyarni who is 14 my countrymen and women. Desert. years old. Having this opportunity to help build good relationships and long successful I have held various mentoring careers for my people and fellow positions mostly dealing with Indigenous employees in various areas within the employment. Warlpiri nation gives me a very satisfying For the past six years, most of my feeling. mentoring has been in the mining sector. I would also like to thank everyone for I currently enjoy watching AFL, and making me feel most welcome since I have most of all watching my nephew Curtly started my employment here at the Shire. Hampton play for the new team the Giants (Greater Western Sydney). I’m not sure if it’s old age, but I have also recently been

New Deputy Shire President

t the June Council meeting, Cr Robert Robertson was elected Aas the Deputy Shire President for a term of one year. Cr Robert Robertson is based in Yuendumu. He has been actively involved in the Local Board for many years and is also the driving force behind the Mediation and Justice Committee. Cr Robertson will be taking over the reins from Cr Norbert Patrick. A big thanks goes to the outgoing Deputy Shire President Cr Norbert Patrick for his commitment and support over the past year. Cr Patrick will continue in his role as Shire Representative on the LGANT Executive and also continues to be the voice of local government on the Regional Governance Working Group.

New Deputy Shire President: Robert Robertson

12 • Central Desert Shire Newsletter Atitjere family fun day

n 7 August after a big weekend at the Harts Range ORaces, Atitjere Creche held a Family Fun Day. Mobile Families As First Teachers, the Remote Health team and the Childcare team all came together to put on a day full of activities based on healthy lifestyles. Healthy eating, hygiene practices and brain stimulating early childhood activities were all part of the fun. All children under the age of five in the community came to the day, parents and children got involved in the activities and took home all sorts of information, healthy food show bags and some helium balloons to end the day. All in all a fantastic day in Atitjere!

Central Desert Shire Newsletter • 13 Telling our story in Canberra

he Shire President, Adrian Dixon, Deputy President Robert TRobertson and Director of Community Services John Gaynor travelled to Canberra in late June to meet with government ministers and representatives, opposition spokespersons and departmental officials. The group were able to broaden the understanding of many of those they met about the challenges of service delivery across the Shire. The group were able to improve the Department of Health and Aging’s understanding of the high need for aged care in Engawala and Willowra and are confident that the Council will receive additional funding for these communities this financial year. Whilst In Canberra the group also met with the Attorney General and his department to discuss Night Patrol operational and budget issues, Minister Macklin’s Office (FaHCSIA) to discuss the CDEP extension and an equitable distribution of youth funding, Minister Collins’ Office (DEEWR) to discuss the roll out of RJCP, and with Minister Snowdon to discuss issues relating to Central Australia generally, including roads, conditional rating, health and aged care, RJCP and CDEP. We also took the opportunity to meet with Opposition counterparts, Senators Brandis, Scullion, Payne and MHRs Hatsuyker and Ley, to ensure they were across our issues and challenges. ‘This was a successful trip,’ Shire President Adrian Dixon advised. ‘It demonstrates the benefit of taking the time and effort to meet face to face with our Commonwealth leaders.’

14 • Central Desert Shire Newsletter Bright new future with RJCP alliance

ighteen local Yuendumu men and seven local women have Ebeen recruited by building company New Futures Alliance with the support of the Central Desert Shire’s Remote Jobs and Communities Program (RJCP). They are currently working and training so they can secure long-term jobs building and upgrading homes in the community. The Council has opened RJCP Offices in Yuendumu, Yuelumu, Laramba, Ti Tree and Willowra. If you want a job, or if you want to train so you can get a job, see your local RJCP representative, talk to your local Shire Service Manager or call Soraya on 8956 4108. RJCP . . . it’s working to help you find real jobs.

These Yuendumu Ladies have been doing a cert II in cleaning operation with National Job Link through New Futures Alliance (NFA) and RJCP for four weeks. They will then given full time and part time jobs with NFA cleaning the camps and cooking for the contractors.

Young women in Engawala he CDSC Youth, Sport and Recreation leader Tin Engawala, Sarah Williams, planned a special event for young women called Healthy Living, Hair & Beauty, alongside others in the Youth Work team. The young women enjoyed having facials, manicures, doing hairdressing, and talking about what it means to have a healthy life in many ways. This was followed by a healthy cooking class where everyone made delicious omelettes that had eggs, cheese and lots of vegetables inside. Throughout the whole activity the young women talked story and listened to music. Everyone enjoyed taking lots of fun photos with the iPad, and all the young women are looking forward to having another activity with all the women again soon. Marda-inthurra!

Central Desert Shire Newsletter • 15 Our new fencing team

e welcome some new staff Wwho have joined our Housing Management Program. The staff are building fences at Pmara Jtunta (Six Mile near Ti Tree). These skilled locals are assisting Brian the Builder in constructing the fences around some houses and they’re doing a great job! The fencing team are scheduled to visit the following communities before Christmas: •• Wilora •• Nturiya •• Willowra. From left: Dwayne Nelson, Graham Woods (Traditional Owner), Bryan Walsh and Dorrance Presley

Local Boards What’s on around hairs and Deputy Chairs from Local Boards across the Council the Shire Ccame together in Alice Springs for a full day of professional development and networking. ‘It was great meeting the other Local ➜ Ordinary Council Meeting in Alice Springs, Board Chairs,’ Cr Jacob Spencer (Deputy Chair of Nyirripi Local Board 11 October – all welcome. as well as CDSC Councillor) said. ‘It is good to see such strong Local Board leaders. Local Boards are important to the Council and they ➜ The next round of Local Board meetings are the communities’ voice in Council’. will be held between the 22 October and 5 November. Please see the Council’s website www.centraldesert.nt.gov.au for updates.

➜ The Shire’s vets will be visiting communities over the next couple of months. The following dates have been booked: September 1–2 Willowra September 3–4 Laramba September 5–8 Ti Tree September 9–10 Atitjere September 11 Irrelirre (outstation) September 12–13 Engawala September 14 Mulga Bore

16 • Central Desert Shire Newsletter