( ~ * * • * * * * * * * * * * * *

I FINANCIAL REPORT * * -* * DOW JONES STOCK AVERAGES * ok 30 Ind. 950.55 up 3. 91 * -.II 20 Trans. 22B.59 up 2.33 * *- 15Utl1.103.l4up1.!1A * * 65 Stocks 309.76 up 2.13 * -.II Volume: 22,640.000 shares * * C10s1ng Gold Pnce' $131.05 * * Clos 1n g S1 1 ve r Prl ce : $4. 34 * l~~oLJuiEfM~E;:---.!""113~~~~~~_~KW~A~J~A~LE~I~N.'..!.A~T~0l~L:...l,....,!M.:!!:A~R:::!SH~A~L!:..L ~I~S~LA:!!.CN~D.::...S ,~F:..:.:R I:..,::D:.:...,:A.;..-Y .~DE=.;C:.=E~MB::..:E:.:.;R~3::....:,!...... :..:19:....:.7...::.6 ___----'-N:.::;UM~B:..;:E"""R....;:2:..:.B..:..,39_0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * w * * * WATER REPORT : * * As of 2400 hrs. 2 Dec. 1976.­ VANCE AND LANCE ADVANCE * Present Water Code: Yellow * PLAINS, GEORGlA (Urr)-- Presiden.t-e1ect Jill1l11Y Carter today named Cyrus Vance, a low-key and Water ln Tanks: 5,750,000 * respected diplomatic troubleshooter, as his choice to replace Secretary of State Henry Kisslnger. * Water Consumed: * * KwaJa1eln: 240,000 Ga1.* Announclng hlS first two cabinet eppointments at a news conference, Carter also named mlllionaire * Other: 65.000 Gal.* Atlanta banker Thomas Bertram La~ce to head the Office of Manlgement and Budqet. * Dally Use' 305,000 Gal. * Carter sald that he had known Vance for severa' years ana that Vance had oeen "a very close ad­ * Ralnfa11: Trace * visor." He said Vance was * Monthly Total: .01" * "level-headed, competent, a good that I thlnk wlll unify thlS that unemployment rose to B.l * TOMORROW * manager. " country." Vance and Lance, a percent ln November, Carter * .. The Presldent-elect said he vlrtual unknown on the natl0na1 sald he now bell eves lt wl11 * H1 T1de: 0317 4.4' 15:'6 5.41 Ie had sought advlce wldely and scene, are expected to gain be necessary to provi de some .,; Lo T1de' 0914 1.0' 2157 O.B' * that Vance had been "the almost­ easy approval ln a Democraf­ government "help" to stop the unanimous recommendation' of * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * domlnated Senate. In an earlv current economlC downtrend. ~those he consulted ln thlS coun­ mornl no 1ntervl ew today,Carter Carter has cons 1s tent1y re­ try and abroad. sald that barr1ng a natlonal fralned from promlsing a tax HURRICANE CARTER Lance, referred to by h1S emergency he has "no i ntenti on" cut or anY other spec1fic eco­ nickname "Bert," has been "a of seeklng wage and prlce con­ nomlC rtimulus once he becomes WINS NEW TRIAL very close friend of mine" and trols 1n the next four years. Pres 1dent. PATERSON, NEW JERSEY (UPI)-­ wi 11 be a "good manager, a good Carter told the news confpr­ "Although the likelihood The,ludge\n the Rub1n "Hurr1'­ flnancler," Carter sald. ence the US. € conol11Y wi 11 now lS that some stlmulation cane~ ~arter tr1ple murder trlal Vance spoke at the news con­ probably need a government wlll be requlred," he sald. ruled today the prosecut10n can ference and predicted Carter's stlmulus next year, but he in­ "the degree· and the form of present eV1dence ln an attempt admlnistration would be "char­ tends to walt unt1l after Jan. 1t wt 11 not be decl ded unti 1 to prove raclal revenge was the acterlzed by both soundness and 1s t to determi ne "the degree of after thp fl rs t of tbe vear." motlY~ for the 1966 slaY1ngs. innovation." Lance said, "a lot 1t and the form of 1t. " thus repeatinQ the stqt:ement Judge Bruno Leoplzzl said of th1ngs are gOlng to happen Asked about a report showinQ he had made earller in the da~ the state "has a right to prove whatever facts it w1shed to IJ prove. " No mot 1ve was s ugges t­ S Is Losing Lead ed ln the f1rst trlal of Carter Carter Does Not foresee Controls SANTA MONICA (UPI)--The and co-defendant John Art1s n1ne PLAINS. GEORGIA (LJPI)--Pres1dent-e1~ct J1nIDlY Carter said to­ Unlted States 1s 10slnq lts years ago. Carter, former day that bar.rlng a national emergency he has "no intention" of technolog1ca1 lead 1n aerospace m1ddlewe1ght boxlng contender, seeking wage and prlce controls in the next four years. The move research. Dr. George E. Mueller. and Artis were convlcted of the could make lt eaSler for the steel lndustry to back down on its cha1rman of the Congress of the murders 1n 1967 and sentenced controversial price lncreases which went into effect th1s week Internat10nal Astronautlcal Fed­ to 11fe lmprlsonment. But they ln the face of a stagnant ecomomv. eratlon. sald today. won a new trial thls year on a Interv1ewed on the NBC Today Mueller. Presldent of System New Jersey Supreme Court rulinq television progran, Carter as­ reply to Sov1et Communlst Development Corp .• sa1d the that the prosecution failed to sured the nation's business and Party General Secretary Leonld recent 39-nation' congress show- disclose all eVldence to the labor leaders that he does not Brezhnev assurlng the Kremlln ed tb.atthe "depth and impor- defense. foresee any waqe and pr1ce con­ that he wants a peaceful world. tance" of projects in other coun- Leop1zz1 ruled on a request trols 1n the next four years. --Was not consulted on the tries exceeded that of the U.S. by prosecutor Burrell Ives "I have no intention at all declsl0n by Presldent-Ford He sald Japan, France and Humphreys that he be allowed to durlng the next four years of yesterday to beg1n productlon Germany. along wlth the Sov1et further QUestlon Charles Franco, asklng for wage and prlce on the B-1 bomber but that he Unlon, were heav11y support1ng a Paterson pollce off1cer pre­ authority, even on a stand-by 1S not worried because he wl11 space technology. parea ~o lntroduce a posslble basis," he sa1d. "So there have the final decislon 1n the "The fundlng for space pro- raclal motlve for the slay1ngs need be no concern 1n the bUS1- matter. jects in real dollars is a frac- at the Lafayette Bar and Grl11. ness communlty or the labor The steel 1ndustry, Carter tlon of what lt was 10 years Franco testlfled late yesterday communlty that I lntend to go sa1d."missed a tremendous ago," he sald. that he saw Carter and Artis a­ toward wage and pr1ce contro]s opportunl tv to helD me and PreS1- Mueller, who dlrected the bout 1 a.m. outslde the La Petlt unless there is a natlona1

~ * ** Next WeeK's .Movies *** MONDAY 6 TUESDAY 7 WEDNESDAY 8 nruRSDAY 9 FRIDAY 10 SATURDAY 11 SUNDAY 12

Badge 373 The Stlng Alex And The ~noopy Come Drl ve In Jury Of One Gypsy Home RICHARDSO~ NFL # 10 7:30 R R PG R G PG R Murder On The 11 Harrowhouse Street People Say Hello To Forever Young From Noon Tll Mu rder On The Drlent Express Yesterday Forever Free 3 ~rl ent Express MEeK ISLAND ~FL # 9 8:00 PG PG R PG \:i PG PG he Stlng Snoopy Come Drive In Badge 373 Jury Of One Alex And The Alex And The Home Gypsy Gypsy YOKWE YUK ~,9:15,12:30 NFL # 10 7,9,12:30 PG G PG PG R R R

~noopy Come Alex And The Jury Of One Drive In ~adge 373 The Stlng The Stlng Home Gypsy - 8: 30 R 8:30 R 6:30, 8:45 6:30, 8:45 IVEY HALL NFL # 10 Na po 1eon and Rlde A Wlld 6:30,8:30 Samantha 6:30 Pony 6:30 G G G PG PG PG PG

Jury Of One Jury Of One Alex And The Snoopy Come ~he Sting Badge 373 Drlve In Gypsy Home TRADEWINDS NFL # 10 I I 8:00 R R R G PG PG PG I

ALEX AND THE GYPSY Jack Lemmon ••• Genevleve BUJold DRIVE IN Glenn Morshower ••• Llsa Lemole Comedy-Drama ••• Color Comedy ••• Color ( RD 76 ••• RT 99 ••• R RD 76 ••• RT 105 ••• PG Baflbondsman Jack Lemmon lS a cynlcal, unllkeable type who trusts no­ ThlS comedy drama lS slmllar to CAR WASH ln one aspect, every·· one and has seen too much of the bad side of llfe. He lS pltted thlng happens ln one day and nlght. The scene lS a small Texas against gypsy, Genevleve BUJold, hlS former mlstress, a free splrit town and thlngs are gearlng up for a nlght at the local drlve ln wllling to do anything for a few days of freedom and a chance to mOVle. A couple of would be robbers plan to knock off the box escape a Jall sentence. ThlS mOVle is one of the most cymcal, offlce so they can go north to a technlcal school. Some of the bltter comedies of recent memory, mlxlng humor and heavy dramatlcs klds are havlng a falllng out over who lS gOlng steady wlth whom. equally. One extraneous sex scene malnly accounts for the R ratlng. Two rlval gangs are gOlng to clash that n1ght. The center of the The score is by award Wlnner Henry Manclnl. plot follows young Glenn Morshower and h1S younger brother around town and to the1r eventual 1nvolvement w1th the glrls, th1eves and JURY OF ONE Sophla Loren ••• Jean Gabln gangs that nlght. L1ke CAR WASH there 1S constant mUS1C but It'S Drama ••• Color all country-western tunes--some current. Made on a small budget RD 75 ••• RT 100 ••• R w1th unknown talent DRIVE IN is enterta1n1ng w1th some funny b1tS. CAR WASH fans should llke 1t for the mUS1C alone. Sophla Loren lS cast as the wldow of a famous French gangster. She is flght1ng to have her son cleared of murder charges. Jean Gabin, FOREVER YOUNG FOREVER FREE 1S the mat1nee tomorrow and Sunday the famous French actor who died recently, plays an arch-conserva­ tive Judge who becomes a reluctant moderate after Loren kldnaps his NAPOLEON & SAMANTHA 1S a G rated drama about two k1ds and the1r wlfe. Thelr confrontatlon hlnges on the gUllt or lnnocence of aglng pet lion. It w1ll play pr10r to ALEX AND THE GYPSY. Loren's son, whom Gabln is trYlng for the murder of a young soclal­ M1chael Douglas and W1ll Geer star. lte. Actlon takes a backseat to drama. The flashback murder se­ quence does contaln some nudlty and vlolence. Performances are good. RIDE A WILD PONY 1S a G rated story about a poor boy 1n Austral1a who 1S given a w1ld pony to r1de to school seven m1les away. The BADGE 373 ••• Verna Bloom pony runs away and 1S cla1med by a wealthy but cr1ppled young glrl Crlme Drama ••• C010r who also loves the anlmal. Plays before JURY OF ONE at the Ivey. RD 73 ••• RT 117 ••• R Regular Clrcult at a later date. This actlon-crime-drama was the unofflcial sequel to./The French PRO FOOTBALL # 10 plays at 7:30 Saturday at the Rlchardson and Connectlon". The orlglnal story lS based on the exploits of Detec- next week wlth SNOOPY COME HOME. tive Eddie Egan of the Pollce Department. Egan plays the C-__l __'_l ___ l_l_Cl_Cl __ C_Cl-. role of a pollce lleutenant whlle star Robert DuvaJl portrays the ~ part modeled after Egan. As before hlm,Duvall lSfr 900diRICHARDSON SECOND FEATURE AND YOKWE YUK 12:30 MOVIE SATURDAY NIGHTI cop but a mean human belng. The hlghllght of the actlon, WhlCh lS never overly vlolent, lS a chase between several cars and a Clty t bus. R rated for language, the fllm lS well done. I SHOUT AT THE DEVIL I THE STING Paul Newman ••• Robert Redford I Lee Marv1n ••• Roger Moore I ComedY-Drama ••• Color RD 73 ••• RT 129 ••• PG I PG ••• Actlon-Drams I The nlcture walked off wlth most of the Academy Awards of 1973. Drama about a German battleshlp hldden ln the backwaters of an I Paul Newman and Robert Redford star ln a SlX act study of a classlc j:rclcan rlver. con game set ln the mid 30's. The two are out to sWlndle racketeer, _~)_l _____l ____C_l- Robert Shaw, out of a small fortune. Newman's role lS actually secondary to that of R~ford, who lS constantly belng beaten up, shot at and pursued ••• One of the funnlest and cleverest movies of all time. The supportlng cast lS great, made up of: Ray Walston, Eileen Brennan, Charles Durnlng, John Heffernan and Harold Gould. Theme mUS1C lS by Scott Joplln, adapted tc the. score by Marvin Hamlish.

SNOOPY, COME HOME An1mated~o •• Color RD 72 ••• RT 90 ••• G rhe second full length, anlmated feature f1lm about Snoopy and Charlle Brown, the two characters from Charles Schulz' popular car­ toon strlp. Snoopy, at the beach, recelves a letter from Llla who 1S in the hospltal. She lS lonely and wants Snoopy to come and visit her. Snoopy and hlS prlvate secretary, Woodstock,set out for the hosp1tal. ThlS should be a hlt wlth the blg klds as well as the small fry. HE IS MY BROTHER lS a PG rated drama set ln Hawall durlng the 19th century about the leper colony. Bobby Sherman and Keenan Wynn have THBSTING the starring roles. Sherman and hlS younger brother are ShlP wreck­ ed and stranded there untll a ShlP call call for them. Wlll play the circult at a later date. Plays prlor to BADGE 373 next week. V" DAVID S WA.?D r-'[ORGt P\)Y i-lIL fONYBILL MlCrlAFI ,r,JULIA PHILLIPS """' "'" ~~ .. '" pGl'!!:~ 14/8 __P~AG~E~4~ ______. ______~ ______._, ____~F~RI~O~AY~I~DE~C~EM~B~ER~3~,~1~97~6~ Lighting Ceremony Mondar CHURCH CALL CATHOLIC Saturday ~asses ••••••••• 8:00 A~, "Tr •• 58 5:15 ?M, Chapel Sunday •••••••••••••••••• 7:00 lnd 9:15 AM, Chapel 11:20 AM, Roi-Namur Saturday Confesslons •••• 4:30 - 5:00 PM 7:15 - 7:45 PM Confesslons are also heard 15 mlnutes before Mass. JEWISH Sabbath serVlces are on Fr1day at 7:00 PM at the KMR Jewish Center, Tr. 516. CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday Mornlng Worshlp serVlces are held at 9:00 AM, Room 21, George Seitz Elementary School. Visitors are welcome. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Services are held in Room hSh of the Hilton BUllding. behind Surfway. Priesthood meeting lS at 8:30 AM; Sunday School is at 10:00 AM; Sacrament serVlce lS at 11:00 AM. All island residents are welcome. PROTESTANT Sunday Morn1ng Worshlp service wlll be held at 8:00 and 11:00 AM at the Island Memorlal Chapel. Rev. Elden M. Buck wlll preach the sermon ent1tled LOVE IN ACTION based on I John 3:10-24. Holy Communion wlll be served. The 119th blrthday of the com1ng of The 1976 Chrlstmas Season wlll offlclally open on Kwajaleln Christianity to the Marshall Islands will be observed. Special at 6:30 PM, Monday, December 6, when COL E. A. Van Netta. Com­ mUS1C wlll be provlded by the Chapel Choir slngln9 BREAK FORTH, mander, KMR, throws the sWltch transforming the big pa~a~us tree o BEAUTEOUS LIGHT at the 11:00 AM hour. ln fro,t of the Yokwe Yuk Club lnto a beautlful Christmas tree, The Sunday evenlng Worshlp service on ROl-Namur wlll be held KwaJaleln-style. at 7:00 PM in the Camnunity BUllding and will be led by Rev., Buck. Each year the Kwajaleln Toastmlstress Club sponsors this fes­ tlVe event, ~ wlth the support of Andy Danko, Manager of Speclal Services, and.George Dargle, Manager of the Yokwe Yuk Club. The New Car for Driver's Education actual decoratlon of the tree lS handled by crews from Global Assoclates' FOM, whlle Global AVlonlcs lnstalls the sound equlp­ mente This year, ln addltlon to the llghtlng of the tree, there wlll be a musical presentation by Connie Cameron and a group of,her students. All KwaJalein resldents are encouraged to come to the front of the Yokwe Yuk Club th1S comlng Monday evening, December 6. at 6:30 PM, to help launch KwaJaleln lnto the Jolllest holiday season ever! PHOTO BY ,JACK SHIPMAN.' KENTRON PHOTOlAB Macrame' Demonstration

LTC L. R. Murray, Deputy Commander. KwaJaleln Mlsslle Range. recently handed a set of keys for a new sedan to Don Frlsby. Dr1ver's Education 1nstructor, KwaJale1n Hlgh School. The 1976 veh1cle has been equ1pped w1th an alternate brake pedal for the 1nstructor. The. sedan reolacpd an old r:arrvall and should enhance~the ~walaleln H1qh School Dr1ver Educat10n progr~m"

Marle-Andree Llston, above. was the maln speaker at the November Art GUlld meetlng. She presented an interest1ng macrame demonstratlon. Christmas Lights Restrictions Many of the Art GUlld members experl~ented w1th various macrame' st1tches and were amazed to d1scover that it lS not too The Department of the Army Energy Conservat1on POllCY 11mits dlfflcult even for a beglnner. outdoor llghtlng to one community display (the Banyan Tree at Marle w1ll be conduct1ng a class ln the near future when her the Yokwe Yuk Club) and the Island Memor1al Chapel durlng the materlals arrive. holiday season. Private outdoor dlsplays are not authorlzed. The next meetlng of the KwaJaleln Art GUlld lS next Tuesday, Modest indoor d1splays are permltted. December 7, at the Hllton BUlldlng. It is requested that lnd1v1duals compensate for the power used by indoor 11ght1ng by ~urnlng off unneeded 11ght1ng and appl1ances It lS also asked that these prlvate dlsplays not be left on all COMI1LJNITY CENTER RESERVATIONS n1ght, not only 1n the 1nterest of savlng energy. but also as a In order to prov1de ( ~ore equltable system for reservlng the safety precaution. Br1ght llghts are not needed to prov1de the Community Center, Speclal Serv1ces lS tak1ng reservatlons on a true H011day Sp1r1t. flrst-come, f1rst-served basls unly. The f1rst Chr1stmas needed the 11ght of but a single star. ALL person~ and/or groups should call Spec1al Serv1ces, 83331, and Hanukkah -- only the soft glow of candles. on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, for Januar'i - ~bl'uary, ard March reser­ vatlons. Reservatlons wlll be made for a three-month perlod onl~ Ronald V. Barnett Groups currently utlllzlng the C.C. must renew thelr reservatlons. Major, 00 Clas£es may be pre-empted due to spec1al communlty act1vlt1es. lJ

Tony Dorsett of flrst-ranked Plttsburgh heads the UPI's 1976 23-man All-Amer1can college football team WhlCh also lncludes three players each from Southern California and Mlchigan. Named to the offenSlve backfleld, along wlth Dorsett, were quarterback Tommy Cramer of Rlce and runnlng backs R1Cky B~ll of Southern California and Bob Lytle of M1Chl­ gan. Kramer led the natlon ln passlng whlle throwlng for 21 touchdowns, Bell ranked third in rushlng and scored 14 touch­ downs and Lytle scored 13 touchdowns whlle leadlng the nation in yards-per-carry wlth a 6.9 average. Also named to the offensive team were ends Larry Selvers of Tennessee and Ken MacAfee of Notre Dame, tackles Mlke Vaughn of Oklahoma and Marvln Powell of Southern Callfornla, guards Joel Parrlsh of Georgla and of Mlchlgan, center Derrell Gofourth of Oklahoma State and placeklcker Tony Franklln of Texas A&M. The front-four of the defense consisted of ends of Notre Dame and Duncan ~of Stanford and tackles of Southern Cai,fornla and Mlke Fultz of Nebraska. Al Ro~ano of Plttsburgn was The RAINBOWS, plctured above, overtook second place last nlght ln the Women's selected as the middle llnebacker wlth SlOW-Pltch League when SUNSHINE lost to SPARTANS I. The RAINBOWS wlll be Calvln O'Neal of Mlchlgan, Robert Jackson seeklng to wlden the gap Sunday at 4:30 PM when they meet SUNSHINE. The of Texas A&M and Kurt Allerman of Penn RAINBOWS lnclude: kneellng: L1Z Denny, Scarlett Scholte, Elana Reece, Nancy State the outslde linebackers. Gruel, Debble Daly, Darlene Koenlg, and Jan Strlcklln. Standlng, left to The defenslve backfleld was composed of right are: Terry Stncklln, Nancy ~1cLemore, AllX Taylor, Jen Gramos, Allce Dave Butterfleld of Nebraska, Oscar Edwards Balley, Clndy Terwllllger, Denlse Lynch, and Don McLearen. The batboys are of UCLA and Blll Armstrong of Wake--Forest. Stephen Stricklln, Freddy Denny, and Kelly Strlcklln. Pittsburgh, Texas A&M, Notre Dame and Nebraska each had two players elected to the team whlle Tennessee, Stanford, Rlce, LOCAL BOWLING RESULTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ Wake Forest, Oklahoma, UCLA. Penn ~tate, * * Okalhoma State and Georgia each had one. KENTRON MIXED lrAGUE * WOMEN'S SLOW-PITCH * Men * SCHEDULE * Danny Murtaugh Is Dead H19h Game 195, Lee Rldlngs * * 2nd High Game 193, Russ Kees * TONIGHT: 5:15 * CHESTER, Pennsylvania (AP) -- Former Hlgh Serles 521, Rod Molina * sON DEVILS vs OVER-THE-HILL GANG * Plttsburgh Pirates manager Danny Murtaugh 2nd ~iqh Serles 519, Lee Rldlngs * * dled yesterday at a hospltal ln Chester, Women * SATURDAY * Pennsylvanla, after sufferlng a stroke two ~Game 171, Allce Watts * No Games * days earller. 2nd Hlgh Game 154, Janlne Cox * * He was 59. Murtaugh retlred at the end Hlgh Series 454, Janine Cox * SUNDAY * of last season, citlng poor health as h1S 2nd Hlgh Serles 433, Allce Watts. * 12:00 SUN DEVILS vs GOOD TIMES * reason. He had quit as P1rates· skipper * 1:30 OVER-THE-HILL GAtlG vs LEFTOVERS * three times before, only to return to com­ Women's Slow-Pitch Results * 3:00 SPARTANS I vs SPARTANS II * mand the club. Since f1rst be1ng named * 4:30 RAINBOWS vs SUNSHINE * manager 1n 1957, Murtaugh gU1ded P1ttsburgh In the Speclal'Servlces Women's Slow­ * * to two World Ser1es championshlPS -- one 1n Pitch league last nlght, SPARTANS I moved * MONDAY: 5:15 * 1960 and the other in 1971. a step closer ln cllnchlng a World Serles * GOOD TIMES vs LEFTOVERS * Murtaugh was admitted to the Crozer­ spot by defeating SUNSHINE 8-to-4. * * Chester Hospital Tuesday after be1ng Anne Hynek led the SPARTANS I attack by * TUESDAY: 5:15 * str1cken at his home in nearby Woodlawn. contrlbutlng one homerun and two hltS. The * RAINBOWS vs SPARTANS I * Hosp1tal spokesman Kenneth Dale says Mur­ SPARTANS I OUthlt SUNSHINE 14 hltS to 7. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * taugh went into a coma yesterday morning. Trlsh Edwards was the top-hltter for the SUNSHINE gOlng two-for-three. Pee-Wee & Junior Soccer Royal May Quit Coaching Paddlehall Tournament The Pee-Wee and Junlor Soccer Leagues AUSTIN, Texas (UPI) -- Unlversity. of begin another season thlS comlng Saturday, Texas football coach Darrell Royal, en­ Speclal Services lS plannlng a Slngles December 4th at 1 :00 PM on the Old Soccer durlng the worst season of hlS 20 years Tournament for Saturday, December 18. Fleld. wlth the Longhorns, sald today he may qUlt There wlll be an Advanced, Intermedlate There wlll be four games played wlth after his team completes ltS season to­ and Novlce bracket. lots of actlon. The klds really play morrow wlth the Arkansas Razorbacks. Anyone interested ln partlclpatlng ln hard and they need YOUR support. Come A local newspaper sald today Royal had thlS tournament may call 8-3331 to re91ster. out and see some soccer Saturday. declded to step down as the Longhorns I You must decl are the bracket you Wl sh to * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * head coach, but would remaln as athletlc play in upon reglstratlon. * PEE-WEE AND JUNIOR SOCCER SCHEDULE * dlrector. Reglstratlon will be held open untll the * * In an lntervlew with UPI, Royal denled close of buslness, Wednesday, December 15. * that his declsion was final ••• but he sald * Saturday * retlrement from coachlng was on hlS mlnd. AFRS Sports Schedule * 1:00 PM COSMOS vs SAINTS * "I have not made a flnal declslon," he * 2:00 PM SOCCER SUCKERS vs SUN DEVILS I * sald. "In all truthfulness, though, lid PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL * 3:00 PM CAN DO'S vs LIGHTNING * have to say 11m considerlng it. But I Saturday, 8:30 AM * 4:00 PM SUN DEVILS II vs PANTHERS * have not reslgned. I have not glVen a ATLANTA vs LOS ANGELES * * letter of reslgnation to the Board of Sunday, 7:45 AM, game jOlned 1 n proqress * Monday * Regents or to the school presldent where lt, HOUSTON vs CLEVELAND * 5:30 PM ASTROS vs CAN DO'S * would actually go." Monday, 2: 00 PM * * In 22 previous years of coachlng at CINCINNATI vs OAKLAND * Wednesday * MlssissipPl State, Washlngton and Texas, All thlS and much more on WONDERFUL------* 5:30 PM FLYERS vs COSMOS Royal never had a loslng season. If Texas 111111 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AFRS-AM, Kwajalein Radlo, 12 20 . . -- drops ltS game wlth Arkansas, the Long­ SPECIAL SERVICES horns would flnlsh with four Wlns, S1X A-C-T-I-V-I-T-I-E-S S-C-H-E-D-U-L-E losses and one tle. WCT Challenge Opens "The season has nothlng to do wlth It,'' LAS VEGAS (UPI) -- Jlmmy Connors con­ MEN'S BASKETBALL _3 Beg1ns ln December Royal sald. "Let me put lt thlS way. I t1nued hlS dom1natlon of Ken Rosewall last and ends ln February, never felt I had to Wln blg to stay ln night by beat1ng the 42-year-old 6-2, 6-2, blg-tlme football." in an openlng round round-robln match ln WOMEN'S BASKETBALL -- Beg1ns 1n January the $320,000 WCT Match. and ends ln March. WEEKEND MEN'S SOCCER SCHEDULE Connors set the tone of the match by wlnning the flrst four games. He also broke MEN'S SLOW-PITCH -- Beglns ln February SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 Rosewall's serVlce tWlce ln the second set and ends 1n Aprll. 1:00 PM SPARTANS II vs SPARTANS III and nas beaten Rosewall 72 of the last 92 2:30 PM SPARTANS I vs BAD COMPANY games they have played each other. WOMEN's SLOW-PITCH -- Beglns ln Aprll. 4:00 PM ROI HACK~RS vs HORNETS 1976 PAGE 7

IT'S HARD TO BELIEVE p THAT HE WAS ONCE e A HUMAN BEING D.,.. u t s _, ~ ::00---:.-. 'r . _


• L Z Q, r d

BC "CMi»J, LETS 6O,Na.1' THERE $ t-OTHIN' SAlnR 1J-W.J NOW THI\T YOU M.ENTiON IT", TI'IE:Re::~ A. C.LOUD IM"T LOOK'; W,ffl REFRIGERATOR$! H IIG beTTINb TE.L.L t..lKE A.N ELEPHA.NT ~"RD TO 1"H E-Iv\ ~PI\Rr Crosswonl By Eugene Sheller ACROSS 39 Man's 55 Beam of 16 Lack of 1 Commer- rnckname !J.ght Vital energy B clal abbr 40 Woodman's DOWN 20 Pecu!J.ar 4 ASian tool 1 Front 23 Dog m country 41 Kruttmg surface "The Thm o 8 Scald pattern 2 Birthstone Man" 12 O'Neill's 45 Indlstmct 3 Arabian 24 Defeat "The 48 Coddled Jasnune 25 - buggy HairY -" 50 Sign 4 Bemoan 26 Metal dross 5 Burnmg 27 Author iii~~=jitT~~~~ .-:r---,.,.-----" I ·~~===s~i.~~~~;::~~ 1413 HairNeedle style case 51 backer,Rlcken- 6 Food morsel James M 15 Frontiers- et al 7 Annual 28 Poet Pound woman - 52 FmlS legwne 29 Prompt an o Jane 53 Declme 8 DownstairS actor 17 Afforded 54 Become 9 Indian 32 Brandy o ' 18 Beetle reddish 10 Manage cocktail 19 Shout dis- bro\\n 11 Insect egg 33 Small bullets n. approval 35 Irritate 21 Urnt Avg. solution time 25 min 36 Most 22 EnglISh .p pamful !J prmce PA LM UTS. PI~J; 38 Smger 26 Fragrance AL EE • A RIL • RLJ~ Newton & CO ST AR I CA. E~~ 29 A bounder ER •• VE 39 HOllSehold 30 French com gods n. ~i ~~ ~. 31 SluggISh FLr ~~i 42 River m GO LD .M AO L UK~ 32 Begmnmg AN A• • 1 VA. RIQ France for day or DE BS .N D.D ENS 43 MISS Horne flower RI SE R. BE 44 WhIrlpool 33 Stupefy ••CR AN E. .D EB• ASE •• 45 "Here's -'" II 34 Atmosphere HO D. CO TE DA ZU~ 46 Candlenut 35 Contend AD O. TR UE .T AE<~ tree PE ND e 36 LISt of R. SE .E NDS1 . 3 47 - Buddlusm candidates ,2 49 Needle e Answer to yesterday s puzzle comb form t l e



Now I-lE'S RETIRED 50 WI-lERE CAN W I-lE PASS TI-lE e BOCK'? e d s PAGE 8 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1976 ~------~~~~~~~~~~.

c fOR SALE SERVICES OffERED r--.---'------'------, I I GIRL'S ALL-WEATHER COAT neutral eeige, zip­ MOTHERS OF TODDLERS, ages two to flve I , ln llner, size 12 Perfect for trip state­ Want a chance to Chrlstmas shop ln peace on - I slde $20. Call Ragan's, 82709, or see at Saturday morn1ng? Brown1e Troop 7 wlll be , The HourGlass IS publIShed by Global ASSOCIate. Monday, 469-A babyslttlng Saturday, Dec. 4, from 9.30 to I through Friday at the drrecllon of the Commander, Kwa,a/e,n I 11'30 AM at the G1rl Scout Hut. ThlS wlll , M""I. Range, Marshall Islands, under contracl DASG I LARGE MICROWAVE OVEN. 650 watts with two be a FREE communlty serVlce proJect. Be­ I 60-75-C-000I Th. vIew' and op,n,on. expressed ,n the i tlmers, browning unit. $375 Call 82754. cause of flre regulatlons, thls serVlce I newspaper are no' necessarily 'hose of the Deportment of the I has to be llmlted to the flrst 30 ch1ldren ,Army 11us newspaper, an unoffiCial pulll,cation authorl~ed I SONY TC-377 REEL-TO-REEL TAPE DECK with who arrlYe. I under th. provIS,on. 0/ contracl DASG60-75-C- 0001; dust cover. Used approx. 50 hours for dub­ I II reproduced by offset printing blng $175. Aluminum-shaft golf clues: 1, COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS I 3, 4 woods, 2-9 irons, pitchlng wedge, sand CommunICations should be addressed to the HourGlass, wedge, plus bag. $50. Call 82319 after 6 PM BLUE DOLPHIN SKI CLUB. All lsland reSl­ Box 1733, APO, San FrancISCo, Cal,forn,a 96555, or by dents and prospective ski club nembers are call,ng 8-2114 COLOR TV Zenlth Chromacolor, 19-in. $350. invlted to J01n us 1n Natchlng a new and Necci sewlng machine, $195. Clothes, men's excltlng water sk1lng mOVle ThlS fllm Material, appearing In the HourGlass may no' be and women's. Can be seen Fr1day afternoon shows the flne form of some of the top reprinted Without the approval 01 the Commander, Kwa,aJeln and Saturday morn1ng at 401-A Phone, water sk1ers ln the U.S. Immedlately fol­ I M IS"I. Rang. 82466 lowlng the mOVle wlll be a meetlng of mem­ bers and prospectlve members to dlSCUSS 'I JIM WATT, Ed,tor, PAT CATALDO, Actong Assoc,ate Ed,tor, TRAVERSE ROD, 99 to 200 ln , $5, two palr plans and pollcles Be sure to be at the BONNIE JENSEN and SHARON BECHTOLD, Oll/c. Stall I flberglass curtalns, one qreen, one white, High School, Room 201, on Tuesday, Dec 7 both small, $4 Call 84569 at 7:30 PM I I l __, ___ ,~--,_,--~,---)_----,-t SPEAKERS Two 15-ln bass guitar speakers, TV IN THE BAR LOUNGE TONIGHT. Due to a wlth cablnet $265, wlthout cabinet $220. prlvate party in the Taro Room tonlght, YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to attend the Carvln bass gUltar ampllfler wlth vlnyl TV wlll be ava1lable only ln the Bar Lounge Chrlstmas Worshlp Program, Sunday, Dec 12. cover, $250. Call 83554 after 5 PM or on (adults only) untll approxlmately 8 PM at 7 00 PM 1n the Chapel. Presented by the weekends Sunday School. DINNER IN THE BANYAN ROOM TOMORROW. Due to Remlnder to Sunday School students REMINGTON AMMO, three boxes for 357 mag. a prlvate party ln the Dlnlng/Taro Rooms Pl ease bn ng two "c" batten es to Sunday Please call after 6 PM, 83217. tomorrow, Saturday, evenlng, regular d1n­ School thlS week. ner wlll be served ln the Banyan Room. TV STOCKING STUFFERS for llttle glrls. Hand­ wlll be avallable ln the Bar Lounge (adults SEWING SUPPLIES FOR PONAPE. Kalan Clrcle made Barb1e clothes, reasonably prlced. On onl y). lS collect1nq sew1nq supplles for the sale Saturday, Dec 4, Qtrs 440-B, 9:00 to ladles at Ponape Items needed are SC1S­ 11'00 AM only. ART GUILD GENERAL MEETING, Dec. 7, 7.00 PM, sors, thread, needles and fabrlc. These at the Hilton. Electlon of offlcers wlll wlll be used to make qU1lts, p1llow covers, THREE-SPEED lady's blcycle, 26-ln, small be held, and the main tOP1C of dlScusslon etc., for the Mlcroneslan Handlcraft Shop. metal bookcase, Chlld's blcycle seat; will be the art show coming up in January. Please brlng your ltems to Tr. 587 or mlrror, Slze 45-ln x 30-ln. Call 84531. Your ideas and suggestlons wlll be apprecl­ Tr. 661 by Fn day. Dec. 10. ated to make this the best art show ever. UPRIGHT PIANO, good condit1on. Seldom used All island residents are lnvlted to attend ln the past year, $250. Call 82383 after thls meetlng. MECK Rf HAZARD AREA work. Test operatlons began on Meck Island at CHRISTMAS IN THE MARSHALLS. On Frlday, 2100 hours 30 November 1976. In connectlon SONY MODEL CRF 230 world zone 23-band radlo. Dec. la, Rev Elden Buck wlll once agaln wlth thlS operatlon, a hazard area eX1sts ln the ocean and on Meck Island between Call 82704 present the program, "Chn s tmas 1n the 0 Marshalls," sponsored by the KaJeonge the aZlmuths of 330 true and 900 true CLEAN-UP SALE. Toys, games, G.I. Joe and Circle of the Women's Protestant Chapel The hazard area extends out from Meck Is­ Barble doll accessorles in good condltion. Fellowship, at 7.30 PM 1n the Communlty land for a d1stance of 3600 feet (1095 Saturday, Dec. 4, after 9 AM. Qtrs 491-A. Center meters). All personnel and craft must Don't miss th1s entertalnlng and lnfor­ stay out of the above hazard area for 24 PATIO SALE, three famllles. Clothes and matlve program. Learn how the Marshallese hours a day, seven days a week, untll fur­ what-have-you. Qtrs 106-B, Saturday, Dec 4, learn songs (not llke we do!) and thelr ther notl ce 8 AM to 12 noon. concept of a successful Chr1stmas program Presented wlth demonstratlons, personal PLANT SALE, lndoor and outdoor, large and anecdotes and a sllde show from Rev. Buck's small types, also potted palms Qtrs 106-B, experlences with holidays ln the Marshalls. Saturday, Dec. 4, 8 AM to 12 noon. The program wlll be followed by cookles __E_N_'W_E_TA_K ______and punch, plus Chr1stmas carol slng1ng. ~; ~---~-K~-~A-M-;;----~.9~7---- Remember to save Frlday, Dec. 10 on WANTED your calendar Everyone lS welcome

BOY SCOUT UNIFORM, Slze 12. Call 82709. 330 0 1!AZAnO M1FA

GRE REGISTRANTS. The Graduate Record Exam o o SET OF JUNIOR GOLF CLUBS, rlght hand. Call wlll be held Saturday, Dec 11, ln the ",'" Lynn Barry, 83337 days, 83578 evenlngs Hlgh School L1brary (NOTE your admlsslon ticket may say "Adult EducatlOn Center) TICKETS to Global Christmas Party on Dec 11 The APTITUDE test w1ll be held ln the morn­ '96 '96 Call !:l3680. lng. Please report between 8 15 and 8:30 AM 9·0000 The ADVANCED test wlll be held 1n the wOMAN wlshes to J01n basketball team. afternoon Please report between 1 30 and 90 0 Please call 84569 1 45 PM. Brlng your adm1ss1on tlcket, photobearlng 1dentlflcatlon (a second lden­ RECIPE FOR PECAN BARS WhlCh were donated to tlflcat10n lS needed 1f you do not have a the Holiday Bazaar bake table. Please call photo), and three or four No.2 penc1ls 82591 wlth erasers NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED 995, AFTER TESTING HAS STARTED For further 1n­ 516 516 ARTIFICIAL CHRISTMAS TREE, approx. 6-ft. formatlon, call the Adult Educatlon Cen­ ~"=~""-'!l>i»~""''''''''''G~~~lI!.IC~1 Ca 11 82108. ter, 82800. Hours T,W,F - 8'30-11 30 AM; Let The ~PJrit Of Chmtlll,l" Be h nV\\ here' Th - 3 00-7 00 PM. Closed Mon - jrI BICYCLE ln good cond1tlon No partlcular , model Please call 84221 after 6 PM. VERA'S SHELL BOUTIQUE 1S open every day CllnH'~nllhllg J from 1'00 to 5 00 PM except Wednesday and a lid do YOllI' ~hOPP111£:.. . i DO YOU HAVE A CAPIZ HANGING LAMP (sold at Sunday, and also from 7:00 to 9.00 PM on 1n tl1('~p ('xira h01l1 ~ nt • Macy's about September) which you wlll Tuesday and Thursday. V1Slt 491-B or call ~la{'y's & ~I.I(,\ 's \\('st- i sell? If so, please call Hank at 82170 83649. days, or 84204 evenlngs. "ME;\; ONLY"~lght , DUPLICATE BRIDGE w1ll be played 1n the Ban­ , l\Tol1day, Dp( ('1111)('1' () j PRACTICE PIANO, or a place to practlce a yan Room of the Yokwe Yuk Club Sunday nlght ():O()P~I to n no Jl~1 j' couple of tlmes a week. Call 82663. at 7'00. "\\'OM E~ ()~ LY" :\' Ig ht PALAUAN MOtlEY POTS. The Mlcroneslan Handl­ Thllrsdny, J)(,cPl1Ilwl'~) fOUND craft Shop has more money pots from Palau. (). 00 P~l to H:OO P~l ! WRISTWATCH or tenn1S courts. Owner can have These are the very speclal ones w1th carved same by call1ng Ralph at 82065 and 1dent1- llds. They wlll be on sale tomorrow, Dec 4. R'ff1e e 'c h e'enm g an ~Ject "c "n'c" "te,' j fylng. Numbers wlll be put out at exactly 10:30 AM and sale wlll run from 11 00 AM to 1 on PM. M,Il'Y'" & M,lCY'" \\e"t \\ dl he clmed from , LOVABLE rEMALE CAT, orange, whlte and gray, 4 30 to 6 00 J wearlng flea collar, moved lnto our quarters EMON LODGE NO 179 F&AM wlll hold a speclal Monday nl ght. We can't keep her Vii 11 owner commun1catlon Monday, Dec 6. All EA's are , _ 2 please call 82442. cord1ally 1nv1ted. ~ ..... ~~."".~~-..... ""~~~""~""~~~~.""~~."".""J