( ~ * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * I FINANCIAL REPORT * * -* * DOW JONES STOCK AVERAGES * ok 30 Ind. 950.55 up 3. 91 * -.II 20 Trans. 22B.59 up 2.33 * *- 15Utl1.103.l4up1.!1A * * 65 Stocks 309.76 up 2.13 * -.II Volume: 22,640.000 shares * * C10s1ng Gold Pnce' $131.05 * * Clos 1n g S1 1 ve r Prl ce : $4. 34 * l~~oLJuiEfM~E;:---.!""113~~~~~~_~KW~A~J~A~LE~I~N.'..!.A~T~0l~L:...l,....,!M.:!!:A~R:::!SH~A~L!:..L ~I~S~LA:!!.CN~D.::...S ,~F:..:.:RI:..,::D:.:...,:A.;..-Y .~DE=.;C:.=E~MB::..:E:.:.;R~3::....:,!........:..:19:....:.7...::.6 ___----'-N:.::;UM~B:..;:E"""R....;:2:..:.B..:..,39_0 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * w * * * WATER REPORT : * * As of 2400 hrs. 2 Dec. 1976.­ VANCE AND LANCE ADVANCE * Present Water Code: Yellow * PLAINS, GEORGlA (Urr)-- Presiden.t-e1ect Jill1l11Y Carter today named Cyrus Vance, a low-key and Water ln Tanks: 5,750,000 * respected diplomatic troubleshooter, as his choice to replace Secretary of State Henry Kisslnger. * Water Consumed: * * KwaJa1eln: 240,000 Ga1.* Announclng hlS first two cabinet eppointments at a news conference, Carter also named mlllionaire * Other: 65.000 Gal.* Atlanta banker Thomas Bertram La~ce to head the Office of Manlgement and Budqet. * Dally Use' 305,000 Gal. * Carter sald that he had known Vance for severa' years ana that Vance had oeen "a very close ad­ * Ralnfa11: Trace * visor." He said Vance was * Monthly Total: .01" * "level-headed, competent, a good that I thlnk wlll unify thlS that unemployment rose to B.l * TOMORROW * manager. " country." Vance and Lance, a percent ln November, Carter * .. The Presldent-elect said he vlrtual unknown on the natl0na1 sald he now bell eves lt wl11 * H1 T1de: 0317 4.4' 15:'6 5.41 Ie had sought advlce wldely and scene, are expected to gain be necessary to provi de some .,; Lo T1de' 0914 1.0' 2157 O.B' * that Vance had been "the almost­ easy approval ln a Democraf­ government "help" to stop the unanimous recommendation' of * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * domlnated Senate. In an earlv current economlC downtrend. ~those he consulted ln thlS coun­ mornl no 1ntervl ew today,Carter Carter has cons 1s tent1y re­ try and abroad. sald that barr1ng a natlonal fralned from promlsing a tax HURRICANE CARTER Lance, referred to by h1S emergency he has "no i ntenti on" cut or anY other spec1fic eco­ nickname "Bert," has been "a of seeklng wage and prlce con­ nomlC rtimulus once he becomes WINS NEW TRIAL very close friend of mine" and trols 1n the next four years. Pres 1dent. PATERSON, NEW JERSEY (UPI)-­ wi 11 be a "good manager, a good Carter told the news confpr­ "Although the likelihood The,ludge\n the Rub1n "Hurr1'­ flnancler," Carter sald. ence the US. € conol11Y wi 11 now lS that some stlmulation cane~ ~arter tr1ple murder trlal Vance spoke at the news con­ probably need a government wlll be requlred," he sald. ruled today the prosecut10n can ference and predicted Carter's stlmulus next year, but he in­ "the degree· and the form of present eV1dence ln an attempt admlnistration would be "char­ tends to walt unt1l after Jan. 1t wt 11 not be decl ded unti 1 to prove raclal revenge was the acterlzed by both soundness and 1s t to determi ne "the degree of after thp fl rs t of tbe vear." motlY~ for the 1966 slaY1ngs. innovation." Lance said, "a lot 1t and the form of 1t. " thus repeatinQ the stqt:ement Judge Bruno Leoplzzl said of th1ngs are gOlng to happen Asked about a report showinQ he had made earller in the da~ the state "has a right to prove whatever facts it w1shed to IJ prove. " No mot 1ve was s ugges t­ S Is Losing Lead ed ln the f1rst trlal of Carter Carter Does Not foresee Controls SANTA MONICA (UPI)--The and co-defendant John Art1s n1ne PLAINS. GEORGIA (LJPI)--Pres1dent-e1~ct J1nIDlY Carter said to­ Unlted States 1s 10slnq lts years ago. Carter, former day that bar.rlng a national emergency he has "no intention" of technolog1ca1 lead 1n aerospace m1ddlewe1ght boxlng contender, seeking wage and prlce controls in the next four years. The move research. Dr. George E. Mueller. and Artis were convlcted of the could make lt eaSler for the steel lndustry to back down on its cha1rman of the Congress of the murders 1n 1967 and sentenced controversial price lncreases which went into effect th1s week Internat10nal Astronautlcal Fed­ to 11fe lmprlsonment. But they ln the face of a stagnant ecomomv. eratlon. sald today. won a new trial thls year on a Interv1ewed on the NBC Today Mueller. Presldent of System New Jersey Supreme Court rulinq television progran, Carter as­ reply to Sov1et Communlst Development Corp .• sa1d the that the prosecution failed to sured the nation's business and Party General Secretary Leonld recent 39-nation' congress show- disclose all eVldence to the labor leaders that he does not Brezhnev assurlng the Kremlln ed tb.atthe "depth and impor- defense. foresee any waqe and pr1ce con­ that he wants a peaceful world. tance" of projects in other coun- Leop1zz1 ruled on a request trols 1n the next four years. --Was not consulted on the tries exceeded that of the U.S. by prosecutor Burrell Ives "I have no intention at all declsl0n by Presldent-Ford He sald Japan, France and Humphreys that he be allowed to durlng the next four years of yesterday to beg1n productlon Germany. along wlth the Sov1et further QUestlon Charles Franco, asklng for wage and prlce on the B-1 bomber but that he Unlon, were heav11y support1ng a Paterson pollce off1cer pre­ authority, even on a stand-by 1S not worried because he wl11 space technology. parea ~o lntroduce a posslble basis," he sa1d. "So there have the final decislon 1n the "The fundlng for space pro- raclal motlve for the slay1ngs need be no concern 1n the bUS1- matter. jects in real dollars is a frac- at the Lafayette Bar and Grl11. ness communlty or the labor The steel 1ndustry, Carter tlon of what lt was 10 years Franco testlfled late yesterday communlty that I lntend to go sa1d."missed a tremendous ago," he sald. that he saw Carter and Artis a­ toward wage and pr1ce contro]s opportunl tv to helD me and PreS1- Mueller, who dlrected the bout 1 a.m. outslde the La Petlt unless there is a natlona1 <lent t="ord stabl1lZe DrlCes." Natlonal Aeronaut1cs and Space Club where a group of blacks emerqency -- Wh1Ch I certa1nlv but he apparently trled to soft- Agency manned space fllght pro­ were dlSCUSS1,,<l the murder of a do not antlc1pate. en the way for a price rollback gram during the Apollo years, black bartenccr earller that Carter said he: by maklng the announcement on called on the Amerlcan scient1f- night. --Wi 11 work with Congress to the wage and pr1ce controls. lC communlty to reVlVe public Humphreys sald he had 20 br1ng about a more actlve growth The President-elect sald 'interest ln space research. pleces of eVldence or testlmony rate in the gross natl0nal pro­ that there was l1ttle he could to prove that racla1 revenqe was duct. do , untl1 lnaugurated, to the motlve ln the slaylng. --Will send an unofflclal dampen inf1at10n. Wholesale Prices Up WASHINGTON (UPI)--Wholesa1e prices ln the United States, boosted by higher costs for fuel NATO MINISTERS fACE A $2.4 BILLION QUESTION and cons ume r- ready food. ros e BRUSSELS (UPI}--Defense mlnlsters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization face a $2.4 b111ion by 0.6 per cent 1n November for question: whether to b4Y a flying radar umbrella to warn of sneak attacks by the 10w-flVlnQ air~ the second consecut1ve month, craft or mlssl1es. The question of purchasing the American-built Alrborne lJarmn_Q and Control the Labor Department sald today. System (AWACS) wll1 be the key item on the agenda when NATO's defense plannlng comm1ttee holds its But, desp1te a speedlng of the wlnter meet1ng here next week. It would be the biggest slngle off-the-shelf purchase made by the 1nflatlon rate in the past three arnance 1n 1tS 27-year hlstorv. months. wholesale prlces were The system wuuld conslst of up to 32. converted Boelng 707 alr1iners brlst1ing With electromc only 4.2 per cent hlgher than equipment where the passengers one year ago. usually Slt. The cost: an est1- a 30-foot radome fixed to the The AWACS aircraft also Wholesale prices fell ln Jan­ mated $BO mlll10n a plane. Be­ top of the fuselage llke a would be vulnerable, of course. lIa ry, February and Augus t. but cause of the expense, and the giant mushroom. Th1S can spot but so would ground radar sta­ rose 0.9 per cent 1n September depressed state of European low-f1Y1ng alrcraft and p1ck tlons~ The a1rcraft would have before easlng to 0.6 per cent econom1es, governments there have them out from a mass of elec­ the advantage of belng able to 1n the past two months. been asklng lf thlS lS one pur­ trom c "c1 utter" gl ven off by dodge lnto clouds or summon up The Labor Department sald 1tS chase they coul d do Wl thout. obJects on the ground. The fighters to thelr own defense. wholesale pr1ce 1ndex stood at But mll1tary planners say such a radar can cover a complete AWACS would fortunately co­ lB5.6 1n November from a 1967 ~v~tem 1S needed to cover an lm­ clrc1e. or it can be focused ord1nate wlth eXlstlnq qround base of 100.
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