April 13, 2009
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April 13, 2009 www.thecurrentotillne"com· VOl .l ',\Il" ·t2, ISStTE IrR ~ . ----~~~--~~------------~----- PIKE HOUSE RECONSTRUCTION SCIENCE AWARDS UM-St. Louis honors young scientists From Scotland with love By CATE MARQUIS UMSl's Fine Arts department A&EEditor of theatre, dance and media studies presented Shake The 36th annual Missouri Regional speare classic Macbeth at Junior Seienee, Engineering and Hu the Touhill. manities Symposium took place on the UM-St. Louis campus on Mareh 12-14. Winners of the scientifie research GOm petition were announced by the Univer sity to the general publie on April 3. TIle three-day symposium offered regional high school students an op portunity to present original scientific research projeets, in fields ranging from biology to physics, to panels ofjudges. The best projeGts in eaeh of six cat egories were awarded prizes for the symposium's scientific research compe tition. The categories were: behavior/edu eation; chemistrylbiochemistry; envi Not your momma's art ronmental science: general biology; mi crobiology and medicine; and physics, Parental Advisory sh0wcases engineering. mathematics and computer UMSL's own Bachelor of Fine science. All this year's winners are stu -j Arts student's artwork at dents at Missouri high schools. Gallery 210. Projects often had a practical bend See A&E, page 9 and applied sciences were a big focus. Matthew Hill • PbaIo &iikJT "Face Recollection: Developing a Novel Members of the Zeta Phi cf\apter oLIlM-S.!:...Louls' l\I..Kappa Alpha social fraternity stand on the front P.2reh of t Qir newly renovated i miui ng :Program to in r e Recollec house during ao open Ilouse event celebrating its reopening. The house, located at 8826 Natu.raJ Bridge, was an ut destroyed in 2 006 tion Rates in Eyewitness Identification" during a fire where one member of the fraternity was tragically killed. The rebuilding Was funded mainly by loans and donations. took the firs t place prize in the Beuav iorlEducation category. The re earch By SARAH O'BRIEN The Zeta Phi chapter received structures of the Bew home, "mainly tion, or the unit that oversees the was the work of Lori Schlatter, a junior Editor-fn-Chief a $90 000 loan from their national the construction of the shell of the fraternity'S house and leases. had at Camdenton High School. Daniel Al headquarters, $40 000 in additional house " Greg Meyer, junior busi been non-existent. The old house exander Duncan, a senior at St. Charles On Saturday, the University of donations. ness administration said. While the had been behind on nre inspeciions West High School, took ecand plaee Missouri St Louis' leta Phi chaptet "What was spent outside of the frame of the hallS only took. arollnd and had been cited for having fire for "Possible Variance in cores on the of Pi Kappa Alpha opened the doors donation was about $90,000 " An a month and a half to rebuild, the alarms w ithout batteries as well as Missouri Assessment Program Com to their newly renovated fraternity dre\ M ulcheck, senior, business finer details of the llOuse took lon not having fire extinguishers. The munication Arts Test Based on English house. The house, located at 8826 administration and cw;rent chapter ger. chapter's housing corporation took Dialect Spoke.n." Natural Bridge Road ·has been under president said. The fraternity received many charge soon after the fire. In the Physics, Engineering, Mathe construction since October of 2007, Also a gift to the chapter is a donations including donations from "About two weeks later the hous matics and Computer Science category, about a year following the late-night sprinkler system that features fi ve Skyline Custom Homes, John By ing corp forn1ed again to take care of first place went to "Influence of Varying 11 BattJe of the sexes fire on Nov 29 2006 that claimed four hundred gallon water tanks ron plumbing as well as the flooring the current house as well as expan Salt Concentrations on Extraction of Oil the life of fraternity brother Brian which is located in the basement of throughout the house. sion projects," Meyer said. from Limestone," the project of Caitlyn Women have shown the Schlittler. the hous.e. The system was donated Heat and air was done by Bennu TIle new house currently is a M. Schottel, a junior at Mid-Buchanan men up continuously The fraternity managed to sal fully by St. Louis Faire Sprinkler cia Heating and Cooling, and Tope full two floors plus a basement that High School in Faucett, o. S cond this year in Tritons sports, vage the foundation of the house as Alliance and Guardian Fire Protec Plwnbing did most of the plumbing houses the DJ booth and the sprin place went to "Applieation of Network including DeFosset's all-star well as the basement area. however tion. in the new hOlls . kler system. ing Protocols to Swann Robotics.'· numbers. demolished the rest to make way for The fraternity hired Skyline A ccording to Meyer, be for the whiGh was the work of Stewal1 Boling, rebuilding. Custom Homes -to emate the main fire, the chapter's housing corpora- 5ee page 3 a senior at Jefferson City High School: See Sports, page 10 Students everywhere might be inter ested in the re-s ults of 'A omparison ONlHEWEB ENERGY SUMMIT of Caffeine Content between Energy Drinks and Their Nutritional Labels Uti lizing an HPLC: the firs t place winner in Chemistry/Bioehemistry, from Kaila Swain, a senior at Pleasant Hope High Web poll results: School. Are you bothered by the Second place went to Eryn Blake recent tax increase on Swain, also a senior at Pleasant Hope tobacco? High Sehool, for her project "A Com parison of the Calorie Values of nack Foods and 111eir Nutritional Labels Uti lizing the Atwater System." Agriculture was in the spotlight for the winners of the Environmental Seienee category. First place went to Alex Heeb, a home-schooled senio r in UM-System addresses energy concerns Chaffee. Mo. , for "Health Impacts of Burning Agricultural Crop Stub ble." By AFTON ANDERSON souri. day, April 22 with a 9 a.m. poster Technology, and William T. Morgan Second place went to Kayla Elizabetll Yes, very much so The program ,vas designed to exhibit. The registration for every of the Univcrsity of Missouri-Kan Foulk., a junior from Camdenton High Proofread~r No, not at all foster enhanced collaboration in one who has not pre-registered will sas City, will also accompany this School, for "Identifying the Role of The University of Missouri ys publie and private sectors as well eonmlence at 10:00 a.m. and end at address. This event will take place Glyphosate-Containing Herbicides on Yes, but only because it tern will be sponsoring The Mis as to enable the economie work 11:45 a.m. John F. Carney, TIl, the in Jesse Auditorium. Honeybee Mortality Rates and Colony should have been a larger souri Energy Sun1ffiit, whieh will be force development. The transition chancellor of the Missouri Uni\er The UM system has also invit Collapse Disorder." increase the University'S first- ever-compre of energy technologies to commer sity of Seience and technology will cd a host of speakers to attend the The General Biology and Microbi This week's question: hensive discussion of researc·h in the ci alized products is also one of the give a speech, followed by the key event. Tht: speakers indude Dale ology and Medicine category winning Should Tom George have fields of energy m311agement. devel key goals of this slllnmit. The kcy note address by T. Boone Pickens at Klcin, chairman of the U.S. Nuclear projects were pure scicnce research. The taken a pay cut? opment, and consumption. note speaker of the event will be ,12:15 p.m. Regulatory commission, Karen Har General Biology first plaee was taken by This event will take plaec April T. Boone Pickens, who is also the Attendanee for this event is bert, president and CEO of the u.s. Randall S. Ray II, a senior at Wentzyille 22-23 on the University of Missouri founder and chainnan of BP Capital complimentary. The. University of Chamber of Commeree institute for High Sehool, for his 'Transforming Ipo IHDEX Columbia campus. The summit will Management. BP Capital Manage Missouri Chief Research Officers, 21" Century Energy, and Bob Dix mea batatas via Direct Inoculation with What's Current 2 entail showeases of research and ment is onc of the nation's most suc which consists of Nasser Arshadi of on, senior vice president and global Agrobacterium rhizogenes." development efforts in energy, alter eessful renewable reSOlll·ee invest the UM-St Louis, Robert V. Dunean head of efficiency and sustainability Crimeline 2 ......... , .. ........... .. '. .................. .. _._._-' .... mitive fuel sources, energy storage, ment funds. His keynote address is of the University of Missouri-Co at Siemens· Building Technologies. Opinions 4-5 and other enabling technologies that an anticipated event at the summit. lwnbia., K. Krishnamurthy of the ........ -...... ~. ....... -...- ... ..........- .... Features 6-7 have taken place in the state of Mis- The event will begin on Wednes- Missouri University of SGience and See ENERGY, page 14 See SCIENCE. paW l-i ............._ . .. _.,... A&E 8-9 Stay Current Monday Tuesday Wednesday 'IifIr Thursday Friday Saturday e Sunday Weather preoictions with this taken from WVNV. Classifieds 12 Hi/low: 59/44 Hi/low: 50/43 Hi/Low: 67/48 Hi/low: 63/50 Hi/Low: 66/43 Hi/low: 58/44 Hi/low: 58/48 weather.com ......... ~ -- ......................... ._ • ..... week's weather Cartoons/Puzzles 13 Precip: 50% Precip: 30% Precip: 20% Precip: 10% Precip: 30% Precip: 20% Precip: 0% .