Greener Taxiing: Single-Engine Taxi-out Evaluations

Giuseppe Pillirone Air France Aviation Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

• Aviation’s contribution to man-made greenhouse gas emissions is 2 - 3% • The Aviation Industry is aware of its environmental impact, and is committed to reducing it further in its mission to "bring people and cargo all over the world" … • Airlines continue to invest into more efficient aircraft, more efficient operations, and the development of sustainable aviation fuels • Key figures for AF-KLM Group (Source: AF-KLM Sustainability Report 2019)

30% 22 32% 43% 31% less CO2 emissions lower CO2 emissions new, quieter, more noise reduction per less non- recycled by ground per passenger/km efficient aircraft movement waste compared to operations compared to 2005 added to the fleet compared to 2000 2011 compared to 2018

• Focusing on Flight Operations • Fuel-efficient procedures are constantly studied and applied in operations whenever possible: Flight plan precision, Speed adjustments and Optimized procedures, configurations, and, on the ground, Taxiing with one engine off Single-Engine Taxiing

• Aircraft taxiing operations are a significant source of energy consumption and emissions at • Moving on ground ("taxiing") is a short part of a flight, but in this phase jet engines are not at their optimal use • Several measures can reduce fuel-burn during ground operations • "wait on stand" thanks to A-CDM/TSAT, minimize usage of APU, optimum taxi speed, … • One improvement is to taxi with one (or several) engine shut down, since "n–1" engines provide enough power to move the aircraft on the ground

• Terminology • "Single" engine-off (one-of-two, one- or two-of-four, etc.) vs "All" engines-off (towing) • Distinguish Taxi-out (at departure) and Taxi-in (at arrival) Impact? Possible Gains?

potential fuel saving per a/c type • Estimates on the exact impact of taxiing are variable when taxiing with one engine off saved fuel typical cooldown a/c type • no direct systematic measurement available yet from AFR kg/min time (seconds) • Orders of magnitude given in the literature: A320 5 180 • "Taxiing accounts for 10 to 30% of total flight time in Europe" B737 5 180 E190 4 120 • taxi times vary by , but certainly exceed engine warmup/cooldown times • "Taxiing uses 10~13 kg fuel per minute for A320 family" A330 10 60 • Single-engine taxiing has the potential to… AT70 2 120 • "reduce fuel burn and carbon dioxide emissions by 20% to 40%" B777 13 180 • "reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides by 10% to 30%" typical turbofan warm-up is around 2 minutes UNLESS the engine is cold (2hrs stop) • Nevertheless: on the many flights operated every day, multiplying small quantities by many occurrences, will bring benefit Observed Taxi Times

• Taxi-OUT tends to be longer than Taxi-IN • Both are quite variable

Most medians above 10 minutes Most medians around 5 minutes 80% of the values spread over ~13 min

Source : NB: Eurocontrol CODA Database The two lists contain the same airports, but Extraction of ~50 European airports are sorted differently (by growing Median) Less simple than it may appear • Single-engine taxiing requires many points of attention • Need to respect engine warmup and cooldown timing (plus fire hazard at departure) • Need to respect max parameters of the running engine • Changes manoeuvrability and balance of the a/c • Not possible for certain taxiways (turns, slope, cross active rwy, …) A320 ENG1 / ENG2 start-up during taxi-out: • Simply forbidden at certain airports Steps in red are different from standard flow • Not possible depending on rain / wind / visibility … • Not straightforward on certain a/c (power syst. architecture) • Workload for single-engine taxi-out at departure is higher than for taxi-in at arrival, because of the engine start procedure • Widely used on Arrivals • (estimated at ~50%, which is probably most of the "allowed" circumstances) • …quite infrequent on Departures • (estimated at less than 10% of all departures – not a recommended procedure in most airlines) Challenges of Single-Engine Taxi-Out • "Can we encourage our pilots to perform Single-engine Taxi-OUT more often?" • Uncertainty about the "available minutes" to taxi-out discourages pilots to apply S.E. Taxi-out • Operational Flight Plans give "statistical" taxi times, that do not reflect the real conditions • Exact taxiways path, congestion of the platform, pressure, … • An accurate reliable indication of the time until would give confidence in the decision making, and allow to start the second engine not too late, not too early •  "How can we provide accurate departure info to the cockpit …" • This information exists on ground side (eg. DMAN, or A-CDM…) • "Information sharing" should be commodity nowadays (ground-ground and ground-aircraft) • A reliable way to estimate this (TTOT? EXOT?) needs to be discussed with ATM and ACDM-communities • Tower ATCOs may need to perform final sequence optimization, eg. based on wake turbulence • A-CDM implementation is not generalized, and practices are not identical on different platforms •  Absolute accuracy is not a prerequisite, a minimum available time must be known • Best Ground-Aircraft communication: Voice? Acars? Gatelink? EFB? Display at the gate? ground staff? … Conclusion

• Every measure to reduce environmental impact is good to take

• Single-engine Taxiing can bring a reduction of fuel-burn and emissions at the airport • but Safety comes first!

• Taxi-OUT appears to have some unexploited potential • but it also has specific challenges

• Additional work can be done by Airlines, ATM, Airports, to explore the conditions to encourage wider usage of this technique in standard operations