Satan’s Red Dragon Kingdom (Rev 12:7-17)

“America would shake from coast to coast in twenty four hours if some preacher anointed with the Holy Ghost gave the Roman a broadside! …These priests who dope men’s souls, these idolatrous “masses”, these Calvary eclipsing prayers to Mary, these miserable millions cheated in life and death by the greatest forgery Lucifer ever made.” [Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill, Copyright 1959, Bethany House Publishers, Pages 39-40]


Mystery, Babylon the Great… Conclusively Identified as the Roman Catholic Church — Rev 17:5 (2nd Beast & False Prophet, Rev 13:1, 16:13, 17:3, 19: 20, 20:10)

Table of Contents

Part One………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4

Introduction The European Super-State — the New (Holy) Roman Empire — Satan’s Red Dragon Kingdom Scriptural Proof that Babylon the Great is the Great City The Mystery Foundation of the European Super-State Two Great Cities 1st Beast’s Consolidated Kingdom — Satan’s Seat Roots of Roman Catholicism are Univocally Babylonian Historical Origin of the 2nd Beast, the Woman How the Roman Catholic (Universal) Church Practically Subjugates Nations Quotes from some Famous Individuals Jesuits Oath Short History of Jesuits Petrine Authority Temporal Jurisdiction: How this jurisdiction is constituted The Office of the Papacy The Holy (or Apostolic) See Vatican City/State Practical Application (Organogram) Pastoral Power & Catholic Action How the Holy See’s Global Chain of Command Operates The Jesuits: Jesuit Provinces and Assistancy’s — Jesuit Governmental Structures Opus Dei

Part Two……………………………….………………………………………………………………..………...... 29 The Colours: Purple & Scarlet — Gold, Diamonds and Precious Stones Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus Roman Catholic Inquisitions — Past and Future Don’t Think This Type of Persecution Will Never Happen Again! The Great Tribulation Divine Retribution upon Babylon the Great Wealth of the Holy See Holy See’s Secret Service Who Really Controls the United Nations? Demographic Shift — Global South 3

Part Three……………………………………………………………………………………………………...... 44 How the Holy See/Catholic Church users her Power to Conquer Nations History Substantiates the Planned Takeover of the USA Multi-Cultural Societies in order to extinguish the Caucasian Protestant Heritage The Wisdom of President Roosevelt 1st Time Ever that a Pope Addresses Congress Corporate America Pastoral Power & Catholic Action in the USA United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Catholic Bishops — Cultural Diversity

Part Four………………….…………………………………………………………………………………...….....53 Pope Francis: SuperStar & Statesman Media Hype! Kingly Role Priestly Role Holy Door Even in Death, Popes Demonstrate their Power over World Leaders Ecumenical & Inter-Religious Movement Gross Error of RCC Teaching & Beliefs List of Catholic Heresies and Human Traditions… Gross Idolatry! These are the Popes — not the Altar Boys! The Harlot’s Profile Conclusion


Introduction The author has always held the belief that in terms of the prophetic word, that the scriptures themselves are our primary source of revelation. This revelation when paralleled with information gleaned from contemporary/biblical history, together with geopolitical data, past and present, assists in relation to gaining greater insight into the subject matter. In other words, relevant prophetic scripture must primarily speak to the issues of our day. By researching the historical past — the future is made clearer thru the prophetic word. Furthermore, I am cognizant of the fact that there are thousands of interpretations available via books, Internet, audio and DVD’s, today regarding Revelation 17:5; and that in all likelihood, there will be many individuals who will not agree with my interpretation of Mystery Babylon the Great. Nevertheless, I have produced the following document in the hope that there will be some individuals that will catch sight of what I have endeavoured to convey. Regarding the aforementioned, it is necessary for me to place on record that it is my belief that everyone has a right to believe exactly what they want — just as I have. Therefore, the reader is at liberty to embrace, or reject my supposition in relation to Mystery Babylon the Great. Later on in this document — the author, of necessity unpacks the global ‘multi-cultural’ agenda of the Holy See; in so doing, the reader may think that the writer is pro-racism. This is not the case; rather this sensitive subject must be seen from the objectives of the Holy See’s primary goal of completely crushing the Reformation idea — once and for all! An idea for which countless millions gave their lives. The primary purpose of this document is to prove beyond reasonable doubt via the scriptures and contemporary sources — that the Roman Catholic Church (Holy See) past, present, and future — fully meets the biblical requirements as revealed within the book of Revelation to qualify as: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Rev 17:5).


One basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, and if we dig down deep enough in the mountain of lies, and bring out that truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies; the entire mountain of lies will crumble under the weight of that one truth, and there is nothing more devastating to a structure of lies than the revelation of the truth upon which the structure of lies was built, because the shock waves of the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to follow, awakening even those people who had no desire to be awakened to the truth. Acknowledgement: Delamer Duverus (Behold a Pale Horse, W M Cooper – www.google.com)

“Certain historical developments are willed by the Lord of History, and they shall take place. About many others – mostly minor developments, that same Lord is willing. He allows men the free will to choose between various options, and he will go along with those choices; for, in the end, all human choices will be co-opted as grist into God’s mill, which grinds slowly but always grinds exceedingly fine.” (Late, Cardinal Wyszynski — Keys of this Blood, Ibid 22).

In the past, the Roman Church (Holy See) has frequently been described as, ‘a lamb in adversity, a fox when in equality, and a tiger when in the ascendency’. (All Roads Lead To Rome – Michael de Semlyen).

5 The European Super-State — the New (Holy) Roman Empire

The late Otto Van Hapsburg said, “… A united Europe is inevitable. Unity is not a condition which nations achieve by some natural and inevitable tendency. Unity is created or imposed by vigorous human action, by effort and will. Europe awaits a modern Charlemagne, another Otto the Great, a second Charles V — a champion to resurrect the tradition of imperial unity. The coming Renovatio imperii Romanorum — restoration of the empire of the Romans — will astound the world! Europe — and the Church of Rome — will again be a power to be reckoned with.”Ack: The History of Europe and the Church – WWCG 1984

We must not reject the notion of a soon to be resurrected European Super-State in the spirit of the old Roman Empire — birthed and controlled by the Holy See as far-fetched! Because, as will be shown later in this document, the USA is a mere puppet of the Holy See. And if we consider the above quote, by the late Otto Van Hapsburg, together with America’s Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives as unpacked by Zbigniew Brzezinski in his 1997 book, entitled: The Grand Chessboard it is clear that America’s appetite for being the ‘Global Cop’ was already on the wane back then. Therefore, Professor Brzezinski foresaw a time in the geopolitical space wherein the USA would no longer be a hegemonic power; and that its sphere of influence would move from being Eurocentric to the Pacific Rim; that Europe would have to assume responsibility for its own defense’s — with Germany taking the leading role. Decades later, just as he predicted the USA is rapidly winding-down its geopolitical dominance, thereby allowing a number of regional powers to take their place upon the world’s geopolitical stage, namely: Russia, China, India and Europe. On many occasions President Obama has publically encouraged Germany specifically to increase its military presence in the various conflict areas around the globe. Based on the aforementioned, can we not see that the stage is now set for Europe to rise again as a regional Super-Power; irrespective of the seeming Moslem invasion, which the writer believes is being allowed for the ultimate purpose of slave-labour — owing to Germany’s negative birth rate and its aging population? Scriptural proof that Babylon the Great is the Great City “And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nation’s fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.” (Rev 16:19) “And the woman whom you saw is the great city which has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.” (Rev 17:18) “Here is the mind, which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains (hills) on which the woman sits.” (Rev 17:9) “And on her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and of the abominations of the earth.” (Rev 17:5) There is a linkage within the above scriptures which is immediately apparent: . Rev 16:19 links The Great City irrevocably to Great Babylon. . Rev 17:18 links The Woman to The Great City. . Rev 17:9 links The Woman to a Geographical Locality. . Rev 17:5 links Mystery Babylon to the Mother of Harlots. Therefore, these links establish beyond doubt that: Great Babylon, The Woman, The Harlot, and The Great City are one and the same entity, Rome, but, having different titles or descriptions — hence the mystery referred to in Rev 17:5. Framework The following chart is a graphic illustration of these links, and is further fractionated to illustrate the structure of this system.

© The Final Word Internet Ministry 6 Revelation 17:5 is the composite title for this woman. By dissecting verse 5 an amazing Biblical enigma is revealed: Notice that the title is written on her forehead. The forehead is a prominent position in relation to the human body, and the title is intentionally place there for all to see and take cognizance of — it’s not hidden! . To the vast majority, the intent of this Woman will remain an absolute enigma. . She is not any Babylon, but is the Great One — the preeminent! . She is designated a Mother and by implication has Daughters. . Her offspring are deemed to be Harlots. . She is responsible for the Earth’s Abominations! Do we see why the RCC refers to herself as the ‘Mother Church’ as well as calling herself ‘The Roman Catholic Church’ and not the Universal Church of Christ? Also, it is noteworthy that individual Catholics call themselves Roman Catholics irrespective of what nation they live in. We must not underestimate the importance of the prefix ‘Roman’, regardless of Catholic dogma which states that the Church was established in Rome; completely ignoring the biblical and historical evidence that the first believers in Messiah were in the main Jewish, and were found within the Roman Province of Palestine. It was only at Antioch (Acts 11:26) that the disciples began to calling themselves Christians (Christ-Followers). The emphasis on Rome (the Great City) infers that although the Catholic Church is a global phenomenon — its root, and therefore its seat (power base) will always be located in Rome, Italy. According to the book of Revelation/Daniel it is thus until just before the return of Jesus: And in the days of these kings (ten), the God of Heaven shall set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed. And the kingdom shall not be left to other peoples, but it shall crush and destroy all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Dan 2:44. The Mystery Examined in closer detail: ‘Babylon the Great’ is the mystery, and is a composite title of Great Babylon, The Woman, The Harlot, and The Great City. Composite Description

© The Final Word Internet Ministry Breaking News! Part of Pope Francis’s Christmas message (2015): "Let us allow tears of repentance to fill our eyes and cleanse our hearts." Pope Francis, today in Rome, as part of his Christmas Day message, delivered "Urbi et Orbi," that is, literally, "To the City (Rome) and to the world," from the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica. ([email protected]) Foundation of the European Super-State In the days preceding Jesus, and after, the only extant empire was the Roman Empire, which at its height ruled over the geographical area as per the map on the left (map can be enlarged). This geographical area was considered to be ‘The Whole Earth’ in New Testament times. In the book of Revelation this kingdom is prophesied, past and future as Satan’s Red Dragon Kingdom — not to be confused with China. Over time, the Western and Eastern legs of this empire ceased to exist. Part of the western leg, including Italy, became known as the Papal States and was ruled over by the Bishop of Rome (the Pope). Therefore, the various Popes de facto took on the mantle (in more ways than one) of the Roman Emperor’s — the Caesar’s — even adopting the Roman title of Pontifex Maximus (bridge between man and Jehovah). When John was banished to Patmos (AD 96) the Roman Empire (West & East) was still the ruling power of the day, and the Christians suffered considerable persecution under Titus Flavius Domitianius (‘dominus et deus’ = master and god). (www.roman.emperors.net). We must assume that the majority of Christians and a percentage Jews would not have paid homage to Caesar and therefore they paid the ultimate price of martyrdom.

7 Historically it is an established fact that Rome was surrounded by seven hillocks and the colours of the ruling elite were scarlet and purple. These colours date back to antiquity. And the seven hills… In our world there are many cities that claim to be located upon seven hills, such as: Rome, Istanbul, Mecca, Moscow, Jerusalem, Washington, New York, the list is endless… Check-out Wikipedia. What is crucial though is that the Revelation refers to two cities only, and bestows upon them the grandiose title of ‘The Great City’. There are ten verses within the Revelation that refer to ‘The Great City’ — two of which point to Jerusalem directly, and one of these is the New Jerusalem — and that City is certainly not surrounded by seven hills! So, in the case of earthly Jerusalem it leaves us with one scripture (Rev 11:8) which says that this city is the place where Jesus was crucified and is known in heaven as Sodom and Egypt. Both of these Great Cities were detestable for being totally and absolutely morally and spiritually bankrupt! Of the remaining eight scriptures, four refer to ‘The Great City’ as Babylon and the other four by association. Two Great Cities Rev 11:8 And their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified , Jerusalem. Rev 21:10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of Heaven from God, Rev 14:8 And another angel followed, saying, The great city, babylon, has fallen, has fallen; because of the wine of the anger of her fornication; she has made all nations to drink. Rev 16:19 And the great city came to be into three parts, and the cities of the nation’s fell. And great babylon was remembered before God, to give to her the cup of the wine of the anger of His wrath. Rev 17:18 And the woman whom you saw is the great city which has a kingdom over the kings of the earth. Rev 18:10 standing afar off for fear of her torment, saying, Woe! Woe to the great city, babylon, that strong city! For in one hour your judgment came. Rev 18:16 and saying, Woe! Woe to the great city which was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls! Rev 18:18 And they cried out, seeing the smoke of her burning, saying, What is like the great city? Rev 18:19 And they threw dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and mourning, saying, Woe! Woe to the great city, by which all who had ships in the sea were rich out of her costliness! For in one hour she was ruined. Rev 18:21 And one strong angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, So on an impulse the great city, Babylon, will be thrown down and not at all will be found any more. Rev 17:5 And on her (woman) forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Link this with: Rev17:18, And the woman whom you saw is the great city which has a kingdom over the kings of the earth. To recap: We understand that in John’s day there were two Great Cities — one Jerusalem, and the other, Rome, which was the capital of the Roman Empire. Jerusalem, even in the days of the united kingdom of Israel, never came close to ruling over the vast area that the Roman Empire encompassed. We must get one thing clear, and that is — since the rejection of the Son of Man by his own people, earthly Jerusalem is referred to in heaven as Sodom and Egypt and not Mystery Babylon the Great. Rome was famously known as the Eternal City upon seven hills, and the empire covered a huge geographical area and ruled over many nations (tribes and tongues). In the world of the Romans, religion and state were intertwined and the Caesar’s of the day oscillated between the roles of King and High Priest. Hmmm… is not the Pope a King (Vatican City/State) and High Priest? The Roman religion was totally paganistic and basically absorbed the Greek mythology that preceded it, simply changing the names of the various gods. In the latter years, the Caesars deified themselves and demanded to be worshipped as gods. It is interesting that non-English speaking people refer to Rome as Roma, which translated means: Goddess of the City — or as the Prophet Jeremiah says, “The Queen of Heaven’’. Apparently the Queen of Heaven was synonymous with the Empire and in actuality the two entities were inseparable. In RCC dogma Mary is the Queen of Heaven. There are many other vein-glory titles bestowed upon her — which are erroneous and highly deceiving!

8 We will now further examine the evidence presented thus far, in order to ascertain whether the RCC/Holy See fits the profile of Babylon the Great as per the Revelation in terms of her characteristics. Do not lose sight of the fact that in John’s day, Mystery Babylon (RCC) was just that, a Mystery so much so, that he could not believe what he was witnessing; hence the angel asked him, “Why do you marvel…”. John was stunned because he was looking at what would one day (distant future) become the largest and foremost Christian denomination in the entire world — a world far exceeding the limits of the Roman Empire. He was shocked because he saw that this church was paganistic to the core, power-hungry (political) and dwelt in opulence, and her wealth knew no bounds! What he witnessed was in direct contrast to the teachings of his beloved Saviour, and the humility of His original followers. And the final nail in the coffin, so to speak, being she comes in the name of Christ. No wonder she is rightly called a harlot and mother of harlots! From the outset, the reader must appreciate that the task of unpacking the hierarchal structure of the Universal Roman Church is a daunting one by any standards! It is thus, because of the inherent secretive nature of the Papacy, which makes it extremely difficult to obtain sufficient (complete) information. In addition, the Latin terminology does not make the task any easier for the layperson. There are so many vertical/horizontal and parallel dimensions to the overall structure pertaining to the Universal Roman Church and Vatican City/State, that it is impossible to accommodate all these details in the diagrams that I have produced (Page 16). The purpose of the diagrams is to unpack the broad structures in terms of assessing how the Mother of Harlots functions and her objectives thereof. It seems to me that in relation to the political science jargon, the Papacy operates within the realms of both soft and hard power; although the hard power element is usually carried out by second or third-party entities (in most cases the USA) and not by the Papacy directly. And yet, in my opinion it’s most powerful resource is not generally touched upon by the political scientists or commentators, and that is her pastoral and confessional power; Canon Law requires Catholics to regularly confess their sins to a priest, bishop, archbishop, or even the Pope (the last three entities are required to become priests in order to qualify for the other positions) who all remain priests for life, irrespective of hierarchal promotions they may attain whilst in the employ of the RCC. We believe that Germany under Vatican control mostly via the Christian Democratic Party and E.U. is the driving force behind the formation of the beast’s kingdom — (6th head; 1-4 seal judgements - Rev 6: 2-8). 1st Beast’s Consolidated Kingdom And I stood on the sand of the sea, and I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns. And on its horns were ten crowns, and on its heads was the name of blasphemy. Rev 13:1

st Seat of the Beast The above scripture encapsulates the 1 Beast’s consolidated kingdom, which we (Roma = goddess of the understand to be a regional Super-Power headquartered in Roma (Rome) comprising city = Queen of Heaven = the Virgin Mary) roughly the eastern leg of the historic Roman Empire; and the ten kings referred to in Rev 17:13 who most likely represent ten Western EU nations that break away from the EU; and give their allegiance and authority to the 1st Beast for three and a half years. This kingdom is huge, and in all probability will stretch from the Atlantic to the Urals. It will have a combined population of around 700 million making it a serious contender in the geo-political space. On the right is the crown with which Pope Leo crowned the Germanic King, Charlemagne, on Christmas day, AD 800 as the Holy Roman Emperor during a Christmas Mass at St Peter’s Basilica. Charlemagne’s crown is stored for safe keeping in a 14th century reliquary (container) at the Cathedral of Aachen, Germany. Acknowledgement: The History of Europe and the Church – WWCG (1984). Furthermore, we believe that history will repeat itself, in that the Beast as the final Holy Roman Emperor will be crowned with Charlemagne’s crown. It must be born in mind that this kingdom is not a revitalized EU — this is the Red Dragon Empire of Satan! And according to Rev 18 it is going to be an extremely wealthy kingdom, so much so, that all the nations that traded with her are going to weep bitterly at her demise. Because of her military/economic/political strength she will understandably have the power to influence far beyond her borders…

Readers take heed: Seat of the Beast = Roma = Goddess of the City = Queen of Heaven = the Virgin Mary. The ruling demonic spiritual power over Roma has always been the Queen of Heaven — this explains why the Catholic hierarchy and its adherents are so besotted over the Virgin Mary. 9 And why they promote her worship via her statues, rosaries and the erroneous sinless state and mediatory doctrines — together with the lie of her bodily ascension: The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger. Jeremiah 7:18

Rev 12:3-4, And there appeared another sign in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads… Rev 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns… Rev. 13:2 And the Dragon (Satan) gave him (1st Beast) its power and its seat and great authority. Satan gives his seat (Rome) — power and great authority — to the 1st beast. Rev 2:13, I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is… Pic: Public domain. In the mythology* of the ancient world the Serpent was universally the symbol of the sun, (which, directly is the worship of Baal/Sol — the sun god). Rev 12:9 identifies the Dragon as the Serpent of old (Garden of Eden) being Satan (devil). The Sun- god (Baal/Sol) is a great feature of RCC dogma — wherein he is venerated in many ways, and styles. Pope Gregory XIII, 1572-1585 AD adopted the winged serpent, or dragon (on the right) as his symbol on his heraldic shield Map. Pics: Public domain. The apostle Paul refers to the 1st Beast of Rev 13 as: The Man of Sin, and Son of Perdition or Lawless One (2 Thess 2: 7-9). He will be energized by Satan and comes with all manner of lying signs and wonders — he does not come in secret as some believe. And now, an accelerated history lesson… Satan’s Seat (Government) In the days that Jesus lived, Israel was occupied territory, and as such it was part of the Roman Empire and was called Judea. Rev 12:4b confirms this, “…and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.” Biblically and historically it is an accepted fact that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which is a village not far from Jerusalem. Furthermore, it is common knowledge that the Red Dragon (Roman Empire) power was the ruling power over Israel at the time of Jesus’s birth — and throughout His life for that matter. Given that both scripture and history validate that the Roman Empire was indeed the ruling power of the day; we can therefore safely say that the ‘Dragon/Serpent’ is a synonym or symbol of Satan’s Government. It is interesting that the Dragon of the Greeks is a large *serpent. The word rendered Red in verse 3 properly means Fiery; so that the Red Dragon signifies the Fiery Dragon or Serpent of Fire (*Alexander Hislop pages 226/227). Given the aforementioned, we arrive at the following conclusions: 1. The Dragon/Serpent of Rev 12 & 13 represent Satan’s Government. 2. Rev 12 refers to this government in Jesus’ day, and Rev 13 refers to the self-same government being in existence prior to Jesus’ return. The non-English name for Rome is Roma — which translated means goddess of the city. In Catholic dogma, this is none other than the Virgin Mary — Queen of Heaven. Something in Catholic tradition which we believe is directly linked to the worship of the Fiery Serpent (Baal/Sol) is the so called eternal flame. In most Catholic Cathedrals and churches the eternal red flame/globe burns 24/7 — just as it did in the Roman Temple of Vesta, Vesta = goddess of the hearth (home) and by extension the city. Pergamum was a kingdom established on the coastline of present-day Turkey, and its capital was Pergamos. It was here that the Spirit says ‘Satan’s Seat’ was (90 AD). When Babylon was conquered by the Medes/Persians around 539 BC, the priest’s together with the vestal virgins (nuns) and all their religious paraphernalia fled, and ultimately took refuge at Pergamos. So, the idolatrous and blasphemous religion of Babylon was merely transplanted to the kingdom of Pergamum. Apparently upon his deathbed, King Attalus III bequeathed his kingdom to Rome in 133 BC and therefore the city of Pergamos became the capital of the Roman province of Asia Minor and remained thus for around two centuries. Pergamos was the chief centre of cultural and intellectual life of the "Hellenistic" world. Furthermore, Pergamos distinguished itself in 29 B.C. by becoming the site of the first cult worship of a living Roman emperor. A temple was built and dedicated to the joint worship of the goddess Roma (a personification of the spirit of the empire) and the emperor Augustus. At the time John was on the Island of Patmos and Christians were suffering brutal persecution for refusing to worship the emperor Domitian (AD 81-96) — who insisted on being worshiped as "lord and god". Pergamos was also the religious capital of Asia Minor. 10 Pergamos was the center of absolute Hellenistic thought and unrestrained emperor worship, and had many pagan temples. Its designation as the place of ‘Satan's Seat’ was most appropriate. Because of the inter-relationship between the Babylonian religious practices and the Greco/Roman Empire, it was not long before these practices were absorbed into all facets of Roman life. However the various Greek deities were given Latin names thus Satan’s Seat (government) was de facto moved to Roma. Imperial Roma operated on two plains, the political and religious. Therefore, Caesar was both king and priest and was referred to as Pontifex Maximus (bridge between God and man) because of the religious aspect, there were temples, altars, eternal flame, priests, temple prostitutes (for the celibate priests), etc. When Constantine moved from Roma to the east in order to establish the New Roma in 330 AD a sort of power vacuum was left behind in Roma and ultimately two emperors were appointed to oversee the western leg of the Empire — this arrangement never really worked for a number of reasons. Roots of Roman Catholicism are Univocally Babylonian Historical Origin of the 2nd Beast, the Woman (Rev 13:11) And the angel said to me, why did you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her, that has the seven heads and ten horns. Rev 17:7 By this time, the Bishops of Roma (Popes) were entrenched and very active in the affairs of State; so by the time of Constantine’s departure for the east there had already been seven Bishops of Rome and Sylvester was the Pope of the day. Via the Holy Roman Empire (a number of European countries) the spirit of Imperial Roma lived on, and by that time the Popes controlled kings and princess and their dominions. In time they lost these territories but not the control of the masses. In 381 AD the Roman emperor Gratian refused to wear the paraphernalia of Babylonianism, and passed it onto the Roman Pontiff, Damasus. Since Damasus, every Pope of Rome has worn the garb of the Babylonian fish-hat, the crosier, and the keys of Janus and Cybele (termed by the late Pope John-Paul II as, The Keys of this Blood). Just as the pagans had worshipped their gods (icons of their deceased pontiffs, etc) in their pantheons and temples, Catholics worships the dead, patron saints and icons in cathedrals and churches across the face of the earth. The real cherry for the RCC came in 1929 when they connived and cajoled the fascist government of Benito Mussolini to give them ten acres of ground, which today is globally known as the Vatican City/State (the Divining Serpent) together with other properties in Roma. Not only did the Italian government give them land, they had to pay the RCC a massive amount of cash (compensation) as well (picture on left is Mussolini and the Papal legate signing the Lateran treaty). This was a huge breakthrough for Satan, in that the declaration of Vatican City/State provided the legal personality (jurisdiction) that the reigning Pope of the day needed to effectively operate in an ever increasing complex geopolitical world. It is very important to get a handle on this aspect, because it is another confirmation of Satan’s involvement in raising the RCC out of the ashes of the old Roman Empire. Satan’s ecclesiastical masterpiece is termed, ‘The Woman (Harlot)’ that rides the beast (political system of the 1st beast - Rev 13). One aspect of the mystery that John was seeking to unveil was the fact that religious Babylon (Holy See) would control Satan’s kingdom for three and a half years prior to the return of Jesus. And that this religious power (headed by the Pope of the day) would be an occultic amalgamation of Catholicism and possibly everything else in between; thereby well and truly returning to its satanic roots — Babylonianism! How the Roman Catholic (Universal) Church Practically Subjugates Nations As mentioned elsewhere, this woman has the wherewithal to conceive and birth (bring to fruition) the 1st Beast Empire of Revelation 13:1. And it is her, who behind the scene controls and manipulates the beast government for her own dastardly ends! And upon her forehead was a name written: ‘MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH’ (17:5). The mystery alluded to in this title is most likely because this Babylon — unlike her name-sake, Babylon of Chaldea, masquerades as the preeminent Christian religion of the world. We all know that a genuine enemy is usually easy to identify — however when the enemy purports to comes in the name of Christ, and speaks Christianese — the rules of engagement radically change!

11 Some Quotes: “And in her (Mystery Babylon) was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.” (Rev 18:24). "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." — Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister 1868, 1874-1880. "We do not want another committee. We have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people, and to lift us out of the economic morass in which we are sinking. Send us such a man and, be he god or the devil, we will receive him." - Paul Henri-Spaak, Former Belgian Prime Minister, President of the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe, 1949-51. On 9 April 2000, a decree called “Dominus Ijesus” was issued by Cardinal Ratzinger, who was a “Hitler Youth” in Poland, and who later became Pope Benedict XVI. His decree states: “It must be always clear that the one, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Universal Church is not the sister, but the mother of all the churches.” How accurate the scripture is, “… THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS” (Rev 17:5). It is her ability to operate within the disciplines of ecclesiastical and political jurisdiction that enable her to oscillate between the soft and hard power options. In addition, we must never lose site of the fact that the Papacy lays her plans over hundreds of years; this is the origin of her success! There is no other power upon this planet that is comparable to her, or can compete against her. Furthermore, according to the dogma of the Church, Catholics that have been baptized and done their first communion are considered legitimate members of the church; and as such, owe their allegiance to the reigning Pope of the day irrespective of where they live. So, in a manner of speaking, universally Catholics are dual citizens. However, dual citizenship or not, unquestionably in the main their first allegiance must be to the Pope of the day. It will become evident from the diagrams on Page 16 that the RCC is the only universal contender in the geopolitical space! It is so, because she has loyal followers within every nation upon the globe and has the infrastructure to match. She is the only organization upon the face of the earth that transcends continental and national borders — in every sense of the word. During the course of the next few pages, I will, to the best of my ability, elucidate the modus operandi of this satanically inspired ‘Mother of Harlots’ (Rev 17:5) system. Moreover, it is not the function of this document to further (than what has already been said) explicate the origin and progressive formation of the Roman Catholic Church and the Holy Roman Empire — as countless historical books, dissertations and papers have been written apropos this subject. My objective is to establish the following: 1. Two levels of jurisdiction (legality) 2. How this Jurisdiction is Constituted 3. Practical Application This document became a necessity owing to the fact that over time, the author had been unable to find definitive data documenting the detailed workings (structures) of the Universal Roman Church, and its intent thereof. Therefore, I had to ‘dig deep’ in perseverance in order to enable me to come to grips with the confusing terminology, together with the multifaceted nature of the system — in order to comprehend the structure of this megalithic Satanic masterpiece! The Roman Catholic (universal) Church is a very complex system, it is thus, because it functions on a number of simultaneous levels, which are not readily discerned; and hence, therein lies its deceptive modus operandi. “And the Serpent said to Eve…” Broadly speaking, the Catholic Church operates at two primary levels, the spiritual and temporal domains, and is extremely adept at oscillating between these two entities in order to maximize its objectives! 1. Two Levels of Jurisdiction (Legality) a) Spiritual Jurisdiction b) Temporal Jurisdiction a) Spiritual Jurisdiction The Roman Catholic Church asserts that she has a divine mandate to subjugate the whole world to Christ, and that she is the sole arbiter and possessor of spiritual truth, therefore her pronouncements are sacrosanct. She arrives at this divine mandated conclusion by the fact that the Apostle Peter was given the ‘Keys of the Kingdom’ by Jesus himself, and is expressed as ‘Petrine Authority’ because Christ told Peter that whatever he bound in heaven would be bound upon the earth; and whatever he loosed in heaven would be loosed upon earth. And that he was to feed Jesus’ sheep (Jn 21:15). 12 In other words, whatever Peter’s pronouncements were, and later additions via papal bulls and Canon Law they would henceforth be legally binding upon all the inhabitants of the earth — Catholic and non-Catholic alike. Catholic dogma states that Peter was the first Bishop of Rome, and later became the first Pope and therefore legal head over the bishops. The legal assertion is that the Apostles, via the continuous lineage of the bishops, represent an unbroken line of apostolic succession from the time of Peter to the present day. They see themselves as direct descendants of the twelve Apostles. Strange to say, that in the ensuing years the numeric has jumped from twelve to around five thousand? So, according to the Roman Church, her divine mandate was irrevocably bestowed upon her by Jesus himself via the keys of the kingdom and the apostolic succession principal. Many of us understand that this interpretation is a gross manipulation of the scriptures, and therefore it must be held in the highest contempt thereof! Nevertheless, as far as the Catholic Church is concerned their interpretation is cast in concrete, so to speak, and is absolutely non-negotiable! “Thus the Catechism states: Jesus entrusted a specific authority to Peter: "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." The "power of the keys" designates authority to govern the house of God, which is the Church. ...The power to "bind and loose" connotes the authority to absolve sins, to pronounce doctrinal judgments, and to make disciplinary decisions in the Church. Jesus entrusted this authority to the Church through the ministry of the apostles, and in particular through the ministry of Peter, the only one to whom he specifically entrusted the keys of the kingdom”. The symbol of this jurisdiction is publically on display for those who have eyes to see: Francis’s Papal Coat of Arms

The keys symbolize Petrine authority in perpetuity. The star represents the Virgin Mary. And the chard/pine-cone is said to represent Joseph. However, antiquity tells a very different story indeed! It is the symbol for the male phallic.

Petrine authority: “The Mystery of Peter's Successor Today”, Tu es Petrus: So the choir chants at the Inauguration Mass of a new pope. Notice, the Bishop of Rome is not the successor of the man who preceded him in office, but the Successor of Peter... indeed; he is mystically identified with St. Peter himself. Why is this so? As indicated earlier, our Lord builds his Church, God's Kingdom, upon the Rock of Peter's person and faith. St Peter, then (along with St James, John, Paul, and the other Apostles), remains the Church's perpetual foundation. Moreover, as chief steward of the Kingdom, St. Peter's vocation is unique and irreplaceable.” Quote from: A pastoral and catechetical tool (for Roman Catholics) off the Internet. When a new pope is elected and sits upon his Papal throne (Peter’s chair) for the first time, he sits in his Petrine authority, and as such, he takes on the mantle of the Apostle Peter — and not the mantle of the previous retired or deceased Pope. Below is the Vatican City/State — Coat of Arms — the focal point being the Petrine Keys.

The triple crown denotes the three levels of Papal authority as confirmed by the Holy See’s Press Office article updated on 03/04/2001


The Triregnum (the Papal Tiara) formed by three crowns (rings) symbolizing the triple power of the Pope:

Father of kings, Governor of the world and Vicar of Christ) from the XVIII Century, with which the bronze statue of Saint Peter is crowned every June 29th, the feast day of the Saint. Notice the cross perched atop the globe (world) – reinforcing the papal claim of world domination. b) Temporal Jurisdiction It is self-evident, that in order for the above interpretation to become de facto — some type of infrastructure is necessary to enable the implementation of the spiritual belief, in a temporal world. It must be clearly understood that every individual and position in the hierarchy of the Universal Roman Church is there to unconditionally serve the Pope, and the objectives of the Mother Church. 2. How this Jurisdiction is Constituted Relative to the above paragraph, the first thing we need to do is to define the position of the Pope in relation to the Universal Roman Church. The personage of the Pope is encapsulated in the office of the Papacy. In my opinion, the Papacy has to be one of the most misunderstood terms in relation to the office of the Pope, and the Roman hierarchy in general. The office of the Papacy can be defined as follows: Embraces the legal personality of the Pope in relation to the Universal Roman Church (Holy See) and Vatican City/State, it is this fact that gives the spiritual dimension its legal status, in a temporal world. Going forward, it is vital to comprehend this distinction: When a pope is crowned, it is with these words: “Take thou the tiara adorned with the Triple Crown, and know that thou art the father of princes and kings, and art governor of the world.” Pope Leo XIII said: 'All Catholics, without exception, must be prepared for complete submission and obedience of will to the Roman Pontiff as to God himself'. (Encyclical 'Chief duties of Christians as Citizens'). Saints these are not idle words pertaining to a bygone era, no! They carry as much weight today as they ever did — more so, because the return of Jesus Christ is imminent. The triple crown symbolizes satanic authority over: Heaven, Earth and the Underworld (Hell) — what blasphemy!!! In the highly developed media world of today, it is common to hear the following terms bandied about: Pope, Papacy, Holy See, the Vatican, Vatican City and Vatican State. What do these terms signify? The Office of the Papacy is a composite description, and is elucidated as follows: a) The Pope as the Bishop of Rome In this position he is the legal incumbent and direct successor (no generational gaps) to the Apostle Peter; and it is from here that his ‘Petrine Authority’ is derived. In terms of jurisdiction, and office, he is head of the Major Archdioceses of the City of Rome (inclusive of Vatican City). Being a Bishop he is accountable for the congregation of Roma. By extension, the Bishops of the various dioceses in and around the City of Roma administer his ecclesiastical responsibilities in the wider sense. St. John Lateran Basilica is the local church (cathedral) of Roma, and this is where the Pope preaches every Sunday, and in so doing operates as the world’s head, head-bishop; and the bishop of the diocese of Rome, and head of the local parish. This position is unique to the Pope. The Bishops throughout the world are heads of their own (local) diocese only. The Pope is also a priest, and according to Canon law, and his priestly vow, he is required to daily carry out various priestly duties, inclusive of the mass. In the performance of his priestly duties he is designated Priest of St. John Lateran Basilica. The mass is the *continual re-crucifixion (sacrifice) of Christ and is celebrated within the Lateran Basilica. *See our web site doc: (www.thefinalword.co.za/Catholisism/Purple & Scarlet.pdf — Roman Catholicism, the Greatest Hoax of All Time. b) The Holy (or Apostolic) See The Holy See in Latin is rendered as Sedes (Seat), Sedere (to sit), Sacrorum (Holy). The formal name for the chair (seat) was, and still is Cathedra Petri - literally ‘chair of St. Peter’ (www.One-Evil.org). The Lateran Cathedral (St John’s) is the Mother Church, Official Seat and Palace of the Bishop of Roma and is also referred to as the Holy See. Legally speaking ‘The See’ is the diocese of Roma, the chief diocese of the Catholic Church; therefore, the Pope as the Bishop of Roma is the Archbishop of the Universal Roman Church. 14 The chair/seat de facto enshrines the Popes legal position as Vicarius Christi (Vicar of Christ) — the supreme ruler of the Universal Roman Church. Positionally it is the ‘chair’ that guarantees the Pope (of the day) his Petrine authority. Canon Law 331:1 substantiates this doctrine. Canon Law 333:3: There is neither appeal nor recourse against a judgement or a decree of the Roman Pontiff. We have already noted that according to church dogma the Pope is supreme ruler of the world; superior to all kings, prime ministers and presidents, etc. Therefore, the reader must be aware that these spiritual and temporal claims remain very much fundamental dogmas of Catholic teaching in our day. The Holy See has the dual role of exercising singular sovereignty over both a world religion and a country. The Holy See and Vatican City/State are recognised in international law as two separate entities (though only Vatican City is legally recognised as a state). The Holy See's sovereignty is based on the Catholic Church's perception of itself as a sovereign universal entity on par with the secular sovereign states. The Catholic Church, however, realized that a spiritual sovereignty needed a secular foundation in a world of secular states. Thus, historically, the Church claimed its right to a secular domain (Papal States) to secure the spiritual sovereignty. But, unlike the secular states, the Church is a worldwide organization that has no national boundaries, as its spiritual jurisdiction extends to wherever its members reside. The Pope exercises the spiritual jurisdiction as head of the worldwide church and so doing, he embodies the tripartite functions of Prophet, Priest and King. As Prophet, the Pope is the ultimate authority on church doctrine and administration. As Priest, the Pope has jurisdiction over all the Sees or Bishops' Offices and convenes the Sacred College of Cardinals. As King, the Pope exercises sovereignty over the State of Vatican City. The Pope exercises these tri-partite functions by sitting at the Head of the Catholic Church government, known as the Holy See. The Holy See has jurisdiction globally over all Catholics; this jurisdiction is not merely a moral influence or persuasion, but is jurisdiction in the proper sense. This jurisdictional authority means that the Holy See possesses executive, legislative, judicial and disciplinary power over its citizens. Therefore, the Universal Roman Church, through the government of the Holy See, possesses all needful provision and necessary power for the operation of a global sovereign government. The Holy See via its structures is by far the largest geo-political/religious organization in the world — no other agency or government can compare with it. It is the Holy See that establishes foreign relations with nations (Embassies, consulates, etc.) and not Vatican City/State. It has its own Secretary of State (Prime Minister) and is a non-voting member of the UN, but sits on many boards in an advisory capacity. In her advisory capacity she is able to influence the content of resolution documents, and thereby bring about change — in any given situation or event. Having the ability to majorly influence the drafting of various U.N. resolutions (laws) which are binding upon member nations — is a great advantage for The Holy See. The Holy See is a member of the following international organizations and groups including the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), International Telecommunication Union, the Organization for Security and Co- operation in Europe (OSCE), the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The Holy See is also a permanent observer in various international organizations, including the United Nations General Assembly, the Council of Europe, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Also, the Holy See participates as an observer in AU, Arab League, Council of Europe, OAS, IOM, and in the United Nations and its agencies FAO, ILO, UNCTAD, UNEP, UNESCO, UN-HABITAT, UNHCR, UNIDO, UNWTO, WFP, WHO, WIPO. It participates as a guest in NAM, and as a full member in IAEA, OPCW, OSCE. In addition it has its own TV/Radio/Publishing facilities. Her Radio facility broadcasts in 40 languages. The Holy See also owns and operates one of the world’s most powerful radio- telescope named, “L.U.C.I.F.E.R., which stands for “Large Binocular Telescope Near- infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,” is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. And yes, it’s named for the Devil, whose name itself means “morning star” [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Tucson (Arizona).” Tom Horn & Chris Putnam (public domain). c) Vatican City/State: Vatican City/State is an independent country, and is internationally recognised as such. Therefore, it is a fully- fledged political entity. It has its own security guards (Swiss Guard) prints its own money, has its own bank, post office, fire dept. train station, etc. Vatican City/State has entered into a number of international treaties and 15 is a member of a number of global institutions, for example: European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (Eutelsat IGO), International Grains Council (IGC), International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO), Interpol, and the Universal Postal Union (UPU) It also participates in: World Medical Association, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Ack: Wikipedia. The word "Vaticanus" is either Latin or Etruscan. The word is etymologically associated with the word "Vatic" which is a form of "Vates." "Vates" referred to a (pagan) priest who was involved in divination (or predictions). From the word Vatican we also get the word "vaticinate" which means to divine, predict, or foretell. Ancient priests of Rome have also been referred to as "augurs." These priests of divination used a staff called an auguur's staff or divining rod. This short staff, which was used by the Etruscans, was adopted by the bishops of Rome to indicate that they were perpetuating the office of the ancient pagan priesthood. ‘Vatican’ means ‘divining serpent’ from Latin Vatis=diviner, and can=serpent. Public domain. To this day, there is much controversy within the legal fraternity, as to whether Vatican City/State, fully meets the internationally accepted norms and standards in terms of qualifying for Nation-State, status? Since it’s admittance as an observer to the League of Nations in 1944, which became the United Nations in 1948 — the Holy See’s credentials in relation to fully meeting the legal requirements in terms of its eligibility for permanent member status are also questionable. Public Domain. However, it is the writer’s belief that the Vatican/Holy See is perfectly satisfied with its observer status for the following reasons: 1) The Holy See will never ever acknowledge another power (institution/government) to be greater than herself. 2) Given the qualitative standards of her diplomats (Bishops, Priests) who, many in their own right are esteemed scientist, engineers and experts in many fields, etc. — give her the ability via her observer status to greatly influence global outcomes. Now that we have insight into the constituted ecclesiastical and temporal legality of the Universal Roman Church, we will now turn our attention to the practical application of this entity today, via its various structures. Also, it is worth remembering that the Universal Roman Church in its present format (Pope, Bishops, etc.) came into being around 650 AD — prior to this period it was work in progress, if you will. By work in progress, the author means it was in the process of evolving from just before the demise of the *western leg of the Roman Empire (476 AD), into what we evidence today. *The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 AD after it was sacked by the Osigoths and their king Odoacer. However, the Eastern Roman Empire technically didn't fall until 1453 when it was sacked by the Ottoman Turks. 3) Practical Application We begin our dissemination by systematically interrogating the primary structures as per our diagram (see Page 16), and the various roles that they play within the Universal Roman Church. In other words, the building blocks of how the Universal Roman Church is governed, and how she in turn governs, and the human resources available to her. But first, the reader needs to study the two diagrams, A and B on page sixteen — in order to familiarise themselves with the structure and terminology. a) Backbone: The backbone of this megalithic structure is categorised within the three centre-line rectangular boxes entitled: Secretary of State, Curio Romano (Administrative Governance), Vatican City/State — Vatican Bank (IOR) recently changed by Pope Francis to: Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA) headed up by: Cardinal George Pell (Sydney), head of Pope Francis’ new Secretariat for the Economy. b) Functions of the Bishops: The four rectangular boxes on the right broadly illustrate the functions of the Bishops; keep in mind that a Monsignor, Cardinal and Archbishop always remain a Bishop/Priest. The College of Cardinals is a group comprising any of number of elected (various National Conference’s) Bishops — who come together after the death of the Pope for the sole purpose of electing a successor. They are legally constituted for this period of time only. Once a new Pope is elected, they disband and return from whence they came. The Synod of Bishops is based in the Vatican and deals with issues that have been passed onto them from the National Conference of Bishops world-wide for action. The Synod reports directly to the Pope of the day. The National Conference of Bishops is made up of Bishops from around the world. Each nation is divided up into provinces, each province depending on size, may have more than one Bishop. Directly under the Bishops are Priests, their Parishes and various organizations, e.g. Schools, Convents, etc. Furthermore, the National Conferences co-ordinates local policy within each nation and the provinces located in those nations. The Priests report to their local Bishops regarding the Parishes they serve. The Synod and National Conferences directly report to the Pope however, there are many practical spiritual and political issues 16 that they deal with and of necessity they report to the Curia Romano in the Vatican; as well as the Secretary of State. c) Vicariate (Diocese) of Roma; 9 Curio Congregations & Diocesan structures world-wide; Jesuit Curia: The three boxes (ecclesia) on the left, unlike the Bishops are autonomous and report directly to the Pope as well as working through Curia Romano. Because they are of a religious nature they are comprised of Bishops and Priests, etc. who of necessity have cross-over responsibilities. This is the case with all of the religious orders, including the clergy who are actively involved within the political and civil domains of the Holy See. Structure of the Woman: 2nd Beast & False Prophet of Rev 13:11, 16:13, 19: 20, 20:10

Papacy Diagram A (Pope – Holy See – Vatican City/State)

Vicariate (Diocese) Secretary of State (Prime College of Cardinals

of Roma – Holy See Minister) - Cardinal Pietro (Electors of a new Pope) (Seat/Chair) PAROLIN Consisting of: Cardinals, of the Apostle 1) General Affairs Monsignors, Archbishops and Peter Head: Archbishop called Bishops. They are chosen from the substitute Bishop around the world for 2) Relations with States this purpose 9 Curio Congregations & Head: Archbishops who Diocesan Structures World- act as foreign ministers Synod of Bishops wide. Various religious The Synod of MBishops with its orders, Dominicans, Curia Romano: Administrative permanent General Secretariat Franciscans, etc. who are Governance is not part of the Roman Curia subject to the authority of 1) 9 Ecclesiastical Congregation’s and does not depend on it; it is the Congregation for Bishops 2) Political and Civil subject directly and solely to – via the local bishops in the100 Pope, with whom it is their respective nations. Vatican City/State & Vatican Bank united in the universal Opus Dei as a Personal 80 (IOR) Administration of the government of the Church. The Prelature is unique in that it Patrimony of the Apostolic See Synod meets to discuss is subject only to the Pope. 60 (APSA) headed up by: Cardinal Universal Catholic issue, and George Pell (Sydney), head of meets40 as and when called for Jesuit Curia Pope Francis’ new Secretariat by the Pope (Head Office - Roma) for the Economy. 20 1) General Congregation National Conference of 10 Assistancies 0 2) Jesuit General Bishops: 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 3) Assistancy Assistancy’s 4) Provincials Provinces 5) Superiors National Conference of 6) Globally 3730 Bishops, world-wide educational institutions co-ordinate local policy within (which mold the minds of each nation, via state, future political and provincial or municipal corporate leaders) boundaries

Dioceses & Parishes Dioceses & Parishes

per nation per nation

Dioceses & Parishes per nation Diagram B


Parish Parish

Diocese Parish (Cardinal Parish Archbishop Bishop)

Parish Parish Parish

© The Final Word Internet Ministry 17

Globally there are 219,583 local parish churches managed by a Priest/Deacon who directly inter-acts with communities at grass-root level. In Catholic terminology this level is expressed as: Catholic Action!

Pastoral Power & Catholic Action ‘Catholic Action’ (‘Catholic laity in action’) working from grass-root levels up is the most effective intervention by Catholics world-wide in relation to their local communities. They do this by sitting on various advisory boards, or governing bodies of the following entities: Municipal Offices, Fire/Police Departments, schools, colleges, day-care facilities, hospitals, clinics, businesses, etc., they are able influence for change. This influence is generally achieved via the voting procedure, which in turn brings about their desired outcomes. They also hold powerful positions in various structures of Governments — local, provincial and federal. The following phrase best describes catholic-action: The power to mobilize, to justify, and to legitimize action! This is achieved via the hierarchal chain of command. As an aside, it is interesting that in the Serbian language the word ‘Ustashi’ is translated into English as ‘Catholic Action’. Makes one wonder as to who really was behind the Bosnian debacle?! Given that there are globally some 219,583 parishes — the exponential factor of catholic-action is mind- boggling! As already elucidated in this document, many of the religious orders have a large laity component to them.

Diagram B Parish Parish Parish

Diocese (Cardinal Parish Parish Archbishop Bishop) Parish Parish


How the Holy See’s Global Chain of Command Operates (wheels-within-wheels) We begin by examining the human resources available to the Holy See: The basic staffing component of the Roman Catholic Church and Vatican City is megalithic! The following figures are fairly recent estimates: Vatican Curia staff = 3,000. Bishops = 5,000. Diocese = 2,946. Parishes = 219,583. Priests = 414,313. Permanent Deacons = 42,104 Lay professionals Ministers = 21,424. Lay Ecclesial Ministers in parish ministry = 39,651. Religious Brothers = 55,314 Religious Nuns = 705,529. Globally there are hundreds of thousands of individuals, full and part time, not listed in the above categories — who are co-opted via co-joined organisations that are totally committed to the endeavours of the Universal Mother Church. Opus Dei is a good example: The prelature comprises about 84,000 people, including 1,800 priests. Europe has 48,700 members; America, 29,000; Asia and Oceania, 4,700; and Africa, 1,600. Opus Dei can be equated to a highly disciplined multinational corporation with its members being seen as units of production. They permeate all level of society, be it government, quasi-government, military, intelligence services, civil, commerce, medical, legal fraternity, education, etc. the list is endless. The lay Opus Dei are not on the Opus payroll, and are usually very well educated and in key positions (in their respective fields) and therefore well enumerated, which means they contribute finances to Opus Dei. If we equate the Universal Roman Church to an international corporation it would be described as follows: Globally having 219,583 branch offices — strategically placed around the world, and 414,000 branch managers. And going up the ladder there are 5000 regional managers, 3000 Head Office staff, plus an additional 800,000 workers who do not fit into the above categories. And then there is the added bonus of having an almost zero wage bill. The reason being, staff work for peanuts, and they can never be unionized — therefore, no possibility of strikes! (Map can be enlarged: Public domain) 18 The Catholic Church (via the Holy See) has diplomatic relations with 179 countries. About 80 have resident ambassadors and the rest are based in other European cities. We will deal with how practically the Catholic Church influence’s nations globally; both spiritually and politically towards the end of this document. Ever wondered why kings, prince’s presidents, prime ministers and celebrities are forever stopping off at the Vatican? Acknowledgements: Wikipedia

The Holy See has divided the world up into Provinces. Provinces within the various countries are usually demarcated by existing state, or provincial boundaries. The Provinces are further broken-down into Archdiocese, dioceses and Parishes. Whilst the Papacy is the head office, so to speak, the practical power (pastoral power) resides at the local level of the parish church. Individually the local church may appear to be insignificant; however, their effectiveness lies within their sheer numbers! There are approximately 219.583 local churches globally, and they constitute the spider’s web, or octopus tentacles that enshroud the entire globe. They are so pervasive that it is impossible not to be affected by them — one way or the other! As noted in Diagram B, the parish is the lowest level in the command-chain, and it this level that makes the Catholic Church so effective via the Catholic Action Concept. And in this regard, she has no equals and never will. The author reminds the reader that the various levels of governance are intertwined ecclesiastical, politically and civilly. From the lowest level to the highest, they are inextricably bound to one another, and they have but one objective and one objective only! And that is, the expansion of the Mother Church via the propagation of their satanically inspired false gospel, together with hell-taking multiple erroneous doctrines (Transubstantiation, Queen of Heaven, Purgatory, etc.); with the final goal being the souls of men/woman (Rev 18:13). The Oath of a Catholic Priest - John Lyons, Ex-Catholic Priest "I do declare from my heart, without mental reservation, that the Pope is Christ's vicar- general and is the true and only head of the Universal Church throughout the world, and that by virtue of the Keys of binding and losing, given to his Holiness by Jesus Christ, he has power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred Confirmation, and that they may safely be destroyed.

"Therefore, to the utmost of my power, I will defend this doctrine and his Holiness, rights and customs against all usurpers of the Protestant authority whatsoever, especially against the now pretended authority of the Church of England and all adherents, in regard that they may be usurped and heretical, opposing the Sacred Mother, the Church of Rome. I do renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any Protestant king, prince, or state, or obedience to any of their inferior officers.”

I do further declare the doctrine of the Church of England, of the Calvinists, Huguenots, and other Protestants, to be damnable and those to be damned who will not forsake the same."I do further declare that I will help, assist, and advise, all or any of his Holiness' agents, in any place wherever I shall be, and to do my utmost to extirpate the Protestant doctrine and to destroy all their pretended power, regal or otherwise.

I do further promise and declare that, notwithstanding, I may be permitted by dispensation to assume any heretical religion for the propagation of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels as they entrust to me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing, or circumstances whatsoever, but to execute all which shall he proposed given in charge, discovered unto me by you my most Reverend Lord and Bishop.

The Cardinals’ Oath ‘I, ...... …...... , Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, do promise and swear, that from this time to the end of my life, I will be faithful and obedient unto St Peter, the holy apostolic Roman Church and our most Holy Lord, the Pope of Rome and his successors, canonically and lawfully elected; that I will give no advice, consent or assistance against the pontifical majesty and person; that I will never knowingly and advisedly, to their injury or disgrace, make public the counsels entrusted to me by themselves, or by messengers or letters; also that I will give them any assistance in retaining, defending and recovering the Roman Papacy and the regalia of Peter with all my might and endeavour, so far as the rights and privileges of my order will allow it, and will defend against all their honour and state and I will direct and defend with due form and honour the legates and nuncios of the apostolic see, in the territories, churches, monasteries, and other benefices committed to my keeping; and I will cordially co-operate with them and treat them with honour in their 19 combining, aiding and returning and that I will resist unto blood all persons whatsoever who shall attempt anything against them.

That I will by every way and by every means strive to preserve, augment and advance the rights, honours, privileges, the authority of the Holy Roman Bishop, our Lord the Pope, and his before-mentioned successors; and that at whatever time anything shall be decided to their prejudice which is out of my power to hinder, as soon as I shall know that any steps or measures have been taken to the matter, I will make it known to the same, our Lord or his successors, or some other person by whose means it may be brought to their knowledge.

That I will keep and carry out and cause others to keep and carry out the rules of the Holy Father, the decrees, ordinances, dispensations, reservations, provisions, apostolic mandates and constitutions of the Holy Father Sextus, of happy memory, as to visiting the thresholds of the apostles at certain prescribed times, according to the tenor of that which I have just read through. That I will seek out and oppose, persecute and fight (omni conatu persecuturum et impugnaturum) against heretics and schismatics who oppose our Lord the Pope of Rome, and his heretoforementioned successors, and this I will do with every possible effort.’ Ack: Public Domain

By far the most effective religious order within the Roman Catholic Church Structures Is the Jesuits!

Brasil: Francis Xavier in former Jesuit Church, Salvador

Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-Regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.” Professor Arthur Noble Public Domain

According to Jesuit priest, Thomas J Rees (Prof), the priority of the order is the promotion of the

Global Catholic Agenda — summarized as follows:  Promoting refugee freedom via the local church.  Justice and peace — as articulated in Catholic social teaching (catholic action).  Upholding the Position of ‘The Holy See’.  Principal goals of Vatican (Holy See) diplomacy are: Promotion of Catholic teaching, administering the sacraments, teaching children in the faith and charity in the respective countries where they represent the church, universal. Source: Rees’s Utube videos.

Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome - the most prestigious Catholic Jesuit University in the world (Ack: Public Domain)

20 Quotes about the Jesuit Order ("Society of Jesus") from Famous People

“He who thinks he knows the Jesuits by having read all the books that were written in the past century [the Eighteenth Century] to unmask them, would be grossly deceived. The Jesuitism of that day was an open war against the Gospel and society; the Jesuitism of the present is a slow but contagious and deadly disease, which secretly insinuates itself; it is a poison taken under the name of medicine.” {7} [Emphasis added] Cartha “Deke” DeLoach, 1995 (SMOM; Ex-Assistant Director, FBI Hoover’s FBI.). "My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities [and] is very particular and very horrible. Their [the Jesuit Order] restoration [in 1814 by Pope Pius VII] is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, despotism, [and] death. I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of [Ignatius de]Loyola."- John Adams (1735-1826; 2nd President of the United States). "The Jesuits are a secret society a sort of Masonic order with super-added features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous." Samuel Morse (1791- 1872; American inventor the telegraph; author of the book Foreign Conspiracy against the Liberties of the United States). President Thomas Jefferson: “I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits. Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as printers, publishers, writers and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of Loyola’s. Nevertheless, we are compelled by our system of religious toleration to offer them an asylum....” Thomas Jefferson replied to his predecessor, “Like you, I disapprove of the restoration of the Jesuits, for it means a step backwards from light into darkness....” (The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, Rene Fulop-Miller, 390) Thomas. "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country, the United States of America are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe." Marquis de La Fayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general who served in under the command of General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War. Short History of Jesuits A religious order of men in the Roman Catholic Church, founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in 1534, and confirmed by Pope Paul III in 1540. The motto of the order is Ad majorem Dei gloriam (Latin, "to the greater glory of God"), and its object is the spread of the church by preaching and teaching or the fulfilment of whatever else is judged the most urgent need of the church at the time. Education has been its chief activity almost from the outset. It has made notable contributions to scholarship in both theology and the secular disciplines. The preparation required of a candidate, especially for membership as a priest rather than as a brother (temporal coadjutor), is considerably longer than that required for the secular priesthood or for membership in other religious orders. After two years in seclusion and prayer as a novice, the candidate takes simple vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and becomes a scholastic. He then typically spends two years of study in review of classical subjects and three years studying philosophy, mathematics, and the physical sciences. He then spends some years of teaching succeeded by three years' study of theology, after which ordination to the priesthood takes place.

Following a fourth year of theological study and a year of retirement and prayer, the candidate is awarded his final grade, becoming either a coadjutor or a professed. The coadjutors take final simple vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, but the professed take these vows as solemn vows and add an additional solemn vow to go wherever the pope may send them; furthermore, the professed take five simple vows, among them the renunciation of ecclesiastical office beyond their order unless by directive of the order.

The order is governed by a superior general, residing in Rome, (called the black pope) who is elected for life by the general congregation of the order, consisting of representatives of the various provinces; there are well over 100 regional provinces in the world, each under its own father provincial. Ack: ©The Master's Table

21 Summary of the Jesuit Legacy: Infiltration, Subversion, Terrorism, and Education consisting of multiplying agents.

Mat 5:33 Again, you have heard that it has been said to the ancients, "You shall not swear falsely, but you shall perform your oaths to the Lord." Mat 5:34 But I say to you, Do not swear at all! Not by Heaven, because it is God's throne; Mat 5:35 not by the earth, for it is the footstool of His feet; not by Jerusalem, because it is the city of the great King; Mat 5:36 nor shall you swear by your head, because

you cannot make one hair white or black. Mat 5:37 But let your word be, Yes, yes; No, no. For whatever is more than these comes from evil (one).

Jesuit Oath The below oath is taken from the reverend Ian Paisley’s web site. For decades this man has stood against the Mother of Harlots and has proclaimed her great hell-taking errors everywhere. Of course, today, for obvious reasons the veracity of the oath is highly controversial issue. However, the adage, “Can a leopard change its spots?” in the writers is highly applicable to this issue. F. Tupper Saussy’s experience quoted on page 49 is a modern example of Jesuit deceit!

[The following is the text of the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction as recorded in the Journals of the 62nd Congress, 3rd Session, of the United States Congressional Record (House Calendar No. 397, Report No. 1523, 15 February, 1913, pp. 3215-3216), from which it was subsequently torn out. The Oath is also quoted by Charles Didier in his book Subterranean Rome (New York, 1843), translated from the French original. Dr. Alberto Rivera, who escaped from the Jesuit Order in 1967, confirms that the induction ceremony and the text of the Jesuit Oath which he took were identical to what we have cited below.]

When a Jesuit of the minor rank is to be elevated to command, he is conducted into the Chapel of the Convent of the Order, where there are only three others present, the principal or Superior standing in front of the altar. On either side stands a monk, one of whom holds a banner of yellow and white, which are the Papal colours, and the other a black banner with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, with the word INRI, and below them the words IUSTUM NECAR REGES IMPIUS. The meaning of which is: It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical Kings, Governments, or Rulers.

Upon the floor is a red cross at which the postulant or candidate kneels. The Superior hands him a small black crucifix, which he takes in his left hand and presses to his heart, and the Superior at the same time presents to him a dagger, which he grasps by the blade and holds the point against his heart, the Superior still holding it by the hilt, and thus addresses the postulant:

My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope. You have been taught to plant insidiously the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and to incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace; to take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means. You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and the judiciaries and councils of state, and to be all things to all men, for the Pope’s sake, whose servants we are unto death. You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as co-adjurer, confessor and priest, but you have not yet been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labours with the blood of the heretic; for “without the shedding of blood no man can be saved”. Therefore, to fit yourself for your work and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience to your order and allegiance to the Pope, repeat after me: 22 I______, now in the presence of Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul, and all the saints, sacred host of Heaven, and to you, my Ghostly Father, the superior general of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, in the pontification of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear that His Holiness, the Pope, is Christ’s Vice-Regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by the virtue of the keys of binding and loosing given to His Holiness by my Saviour, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical Kings, Princes, States, Commonwealths, and Governments, and they may be safely destroyed. Therefore to the utmost of my power I will defend this doctrine and His Holiness’s right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran Church of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and the now pretended authority and Churches of England and Scotland, and the branches of same now established in Ireland and on the continent of America and elsewhere and all adherents in regard that they may be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or State, named Protestant or Liberal, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates or officers. I do further declare the doctrine of the Churches of England and Scotland of the Calvinists, Huguenots, and others of the name of Protestants or Masons to be damnable, and they themselves to be damned who will not forsake the same. I do further declare that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of His Holiness’s agents, in any place where I should be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Ireland or America, or in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant or Masonic doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise. I do further promise and declare that, notwithstanding, I am dispensed with to assume any religion heretical for the propagation of the Mother Church’s interest; to keep secret and private all her agents’ counsels from time to time, as they entrust me, and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstances whatever; but to execute all that should be proposed, given in charge, or discovered unto me by you, my Ghostly Father, or any of this sacred order. I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions north, jungles of India, to the centres of civilisation of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things, whatsoever is communicated to me. I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants’ heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.

In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false, or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly be opened and sulphur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever. That I will in voting always vote for a Knight of Columbus in preference to a Protestant, especially a Mason, and that I will leave my party so to do; that if two Catholics are on the ticket I will satisfy myself which is the better supporter of Mother Church and vote accordingly. That I will not deal with or employ a Protestant if in my power to deal with or employ a Catholic. That I will place Catholic girls in Protestant families that a weekly report may be made of the inner movements of the heretics. That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the Church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope. All of which I,______, do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed sacrament which I am now to receive to perform and on part to keep this my oath. In testimony hereof, I take this most holy and blessed sacrament of the Eucharist and witness the same further with my name written with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and seal in the face of this holy sacrament.

(He receives the wafer from the Superior and writes his name with the point of his dagger dipped in his own blood taken from over his heart. And the Superior Says:

You will now rise to your feet and I will instruct you in the Catechism necessary to make yourself known to any member of the Society of Jesus belonging to this rank. In the first place, you, as a Brother Jesuit, will with another mutually make the ordinary sign of the cross as any ordinary Roman Catholic would; then one crosses 23 his wrists, the palms of his hands open, and the other in answer crosses his feet, one above the other; the first points with forefinger of the right hand to the centre of the palm of the left, the other with the forefinger of the left hand points to the centre of the palm of the right; the first then with his right hand makes a circle around his head, touching it; the other then with the forefinger of his left hand touches the left side of his body just below his heart; the first then with his right hand draws it across the throat of the other, and the latter then with a dagger down the stomach and abdomen of the first. The first then says Iustum; and the other answers Necar; the first Reges; the other answers Impious. The first will then present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar manner, four times, which the other will cut longitudinally and on opening the name Jesu will be found written upon the head and arms of a cross three times. You will then give and receive with him the following questions and answers:

From whither do you come? Answer: The Holy faith.

Whom do you serve? Answer: The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world.

Who commands you? Answer: The Successor of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.

Who received you? Answer: A venerable man in white hair.

How? Answer: With a naked dagger, I kneeling upon the cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our sacred order.

Did you take an oath? Answer: I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, nor sex, nor condition; to be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my Superiors in all things without hesitation or murmuring.

Will you do that? Answer: I will.

How do you travel? Answer: In the bark (boat) of Peter the fisherman.

Whither do you travel? Answer: To the four quarters of the globe.

For what purpose? Answer: To obey the orders of my General and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfil the conditions of my oaths.

Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He, who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-Regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.

The Jesuits Order is a highly nefarious order and it is not for nothing that throughout the ages they have been referred to as the Pope’s Army — or shock troops! They are by and large seen as a set-apart group; not having to comply with regulations that affect others orders, like the Dominican and Franciscan fathers, for instance. They do not wear the traditional robes of the other orders, but in the main wear the standard white dog-collar, black shirt and black pants. However, they are not confined to this style dress, because when required, they wear civilian clothing which enables them to operate under the radar, so to speak. Currently there are around 15,000 Jesuits priests globally, plus a fair number of Monsignors, Cardinals and Archbishops. And of course not forgetting the Boss-Man himself — Pope Francis. The election of the first publically acknowledged Jesuit as Pope is indeed a massive breakthrough for the Jesuit order. Part of the Jesuit training is the acceptance that white is black, and that the ends justify the means. Therefore, it is possible that in the past there may have been a Jesuit Pope elected, but for the sake of expediency the fact was kept under wraps. Their training is more rigorous than any of the other orders within the church, and it usually takes a minimum of about fifteen years to qualify for the priesthood. Upon acceptance as novices, the initiate take three vows: Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. Once they qualify, depending upon a recommendation from their superior and acceptance by the General of the Society, they then proceed to the fourth vow. The head of the Jesuit order is the Jesuit General, referred to by many as the ‘Black Pope’ because of the trade-mark ‘black’ Jesuit garb. The Jesuit’s play a major role in the governance of the Holy See’s dominions. 24 The fourth vow, which Ignatius himself defined as “our beginning and principal foundation”, expresses what is specific to the Society: total availability to serve the Church wherever the pope sends us. The fourth vow also makes clear the place of the Society in the Church. It gives the Society structural incorporation into the life of the Church by linking its charism (persona) as an apostolic religious order within the hierarchical structure of the Church in the person of the Pope. It is through this vow that the Society participates in the universal mission of the Church and that the universality of its mission, carried out through a wide range of ministries in the service of local churches, is guaranteed. According to their Constitutions, “the entire purport of this fourth vow of obedience to the pope was and is with regard to missions… for having the members dispersed throughout the various parts of the world”. This is the matter of the vow… the Church and for “the one who holds the place of Christ our Lord for us.” This is why we speak of being united with the Pope effectively and affectively. Taken together, the fourth vow and our ecclesial spirituality move us to offer the service asked of us by the Pope.” Given that there is so much hype (disinformation) today regarding the so-called ‘Black Pope’ (Jesuit General) via the Internet and elsewhere, the writer feels it is necessary to spend some time unpacking the legal issues: Canon Law and the Fourth Vow compositely. This understanding should settle the issue of the position of the Jesuit General in relation to the Roman Catholic Church structures — and specifically the Pope. As already elucidated the ‘Fourth Vow’ is the last vow that a Jesuit priest takes, according to their constitution. From the onset, it must be kept in mind that Ignatius Loyola had to seek Pope Paul 3rd permission to formalize his new-found order. He did not one day wake up and say, “Hey! Presto! We are the Jesuits!” What actually happened was this… In 1539, Loyola and his initial six companions formed the Society of Jesus and sort approval from Pope Paul III in 1540, as well as Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises, which was approved in 1548. Loyola realized that without head-office approval, he, and his ideas would go nowhere fast, so to speak! Also, he fully understood that in order for his newly found group to be effective — he needed the structures of the universal church to launch out into the known world of his day. On September 27, 1540, Paul III sealed his approval with the highest and most solemn form of papal pronouncement, a document known as a “bull” (from the Latin bulla, meaning “bubble,” denoting the attached ovoid or circular seal bearing the pope’s name). Paul’s bull ordaining the Jesuits is entitled Regimini militantis ecclesiae, “On the Supremacy of the Church Militant.” The title forms a cabalistic device common to pagan Roman divining. Known as notariqon, this device is an acronym that enhances the meaning of its initialized words, in the way “MADD” tells us that Mothers Against Drunk Drivers are more than “against” drunken drivers, they’re very angry. “Regimini militantis ecclesiae” produces the notariqon “R[O]ME,” the empire whose salvation the Society of Jesus was ordained by this bull to secure through the arts of war. The following April, the original six and a few other members elected Ignatius de Loyola their first Superior General. Saussy: Rulers of Evil – page 51. Obedience in the life of the Society of Jesus: Obedience in the Society is grounded in the desire to be sent effectively, to serve completely, and to create ever stronger bonds of union among ourselves. These three strands come together in the account of conscience. For this reason, the account of conscience is essential to the practice of obedience in the Society. A Jesuit reveals to his superior all that is happening in his soul, the graces that he has received and the temptations he has undergone, so that his superior can more prudently and confidently send him on mission. The account is repeated annually so that the Jesuit and his superior can evaluate and confirm that mission together. GC Decree 4 Vows: Poverty (1st), Chastity (2nd), Obedience (3rd) and Special Obedience to the Pope (4th) The Vow of Poverty: Intrinsic to this vow in the mind of the Jesuit (via his formational training) is that he will never seek high office; in other words, to be an ambitious individual who desires to elevate himself above his peers. This understanding is inculcated into the mind of a Jesuit novice from day one of his extensive training. The ultimate purpose of their lengthy training is to completely and utterly break the self-will component of the novice. Once an initiate is a qualified priest he is completely complaint to his local superior and via him to the Jesuit general. Their motto is to do and never to question the motives of their immediate superior — they are to unquestionably obey the vow of obedience. This blind obedience includes murder if necessary! Regarding the aforementioned, we must not be misled into thinking that these men are stupid — in fact, nothing could be further from the truth! They are highly intelligent individuals, many being top researches and scientist in their chosen fields, along with being professors, doctors, and lawyers, etc. -— the list goes on… Make no mistake! These men know exactly what they are doing... As an organisation they have had around 500 years to perfect their various dastardly techniques. 25 The third vow of obedience (to the Jesuit General and Superior) falls away for the individual that accepts the offer from the Holy See to become a Bishop. In acceptance, technically (legally) speaking they lose their active and passive voice within the Jesuit order and are no longer under the obedience to their Superior and Jesuit General — and in effect they have to leave the order. At this juncture, the vows of poverty and obedience to the Jesuit General and Superior fall away. However, because of their deeply ingrained Jesuit lifestyle (years in many case) it would be naïve to believe that like the chameleon who effortlessly adapts it’s colour scheme to prevailing circumstances — that the priests of Loyola are actually able to change their Jesuitness! So, the question is: How does a Jesuit priest end up being elevated to a higher position within the Roman Church hierarchy? The answer is actually quite simple, and is found in one word OBEDIENCE! Since it is only the Pope who can promote an individual to the next level (Bishop) of the corporate ladder; the individual involved is contacted and an offer is made. Then and there, his concerns and fears are placated in relation to the vow of poverty and he is told it is for the greater good of the universal church. Since the promotion request comes from the Holy See’s office, the individual concerned is bound by his fourth and final vow, which is to serve the Pope. We must never ever lose site of the fact that the Jesuit order, in terms of military jargon, are the crack-troops of the Holy See... just like the SS were to Hitler. It is a well-known fact, that the Jesuit priest, Himmler modelled the SS on the Jesuit order — blind obedience being the cornerstone and order of the day. The Jesuits are the masters of deceit — just like their father, Satan. The picture on the left is one of Pope Francis officiating at the official beautification of the first ever Jesuit saint (making) ceremony wherein he is attired in Jesuit robes. If you expand the picture you will see the official Jesuit logo — the infamous I.H.S! We will develop the meaning of this acronym further on. The Jesuits are masters at wearing many hats… and so we have this absurd situation where the Pope, as supreme head of the Universal Roman Church is dressed up in his Jesuit regalia. What message is he sending out? And understandably the questions fly back and forth! The primary question being: Is he still a Jesuit and subject to the authority of the Jesuit General? There are those who contend that the Jesuit General and the White Pope (Pope of the day) are co-regents in terms of an agreement worked out between Loyola and Pope Paul III that would continue in perpetuity. The author rejects this idea, owing to the facts of the legal position already elucidated. Furthermore, the Global Catholic Agenda, (point number three) precludes this possibility. Francis’ coat of arms (page 12) boldly portrays his Jesuit identity and a highly dangerous game he is playing — flouting the time-honoured traditions of the Catholic Church hierarchy, namely Petrine Authority and Apostolic Succession. The doctrines of Petrine Authority and Apostolic Succession void the possibility of a co- regency scenario. Whilst Francis is enormously popular beyond the walls of the Vatican City/State, there is a powerful right-wing (conservative) lobby of Bishops who are deeply distressed over Francis’ liberal behavior — as they see it. The fact that he refused to reside in the Papal Palace, the Lateran Cathedral (St John’s), in addition to catching busses/trains and driving himself around does not sit well with these Bishops at all. They feel he is degrading the highly esteemed office of the Papacy by his actions. It would not surprise the writer if Francis one day unwittingly partakes of ‘Borgia’s Cup’ as it is known in Vatican circles. Borgia’s cup is the poisoned cup. No autopsies are allowed to be performed on a deceased Pope — so, should he be given the ‘Cup of Borgia’ another reason will be given for his sudden demise. Or, he may suddenly resign, just as his predecessor did. Below is the Jesuit logo featuring the pagan SUN GOD and the three nails. The Hebrew symbol for NAIL is also the number SIX. Three nails in Hebrew literally means SIX, SIX, SIX. www.fossilizedcustoms.com The Jesuit monogram I.H.S The backroom boys in Rome tell everyone that I.H.S. stands for: Iesus Hominum Salvator (Jesus the Savior of men). However, there are other interpretations as well. The following is a quote from a professing Jesuit priest, Gerald T. Floyd: “As a person who graduated from a Catholic grammar school, a Catholic high school and a Jesuit college, with a masters from a Jesuit school of theology and a doctorate from Berkeley’s Graduate Theological Union (which included the Jesuit, Franciscan and Dominican theology schools, along with Episcopal, Lutheran, Baptist and Unitarian). I do not recall hearing at any point in the last sixty years that I.H.S was any kind of monogram of the name of Jesus. What I do recall hearing, repeatedly, was that I.H.S. was in fact an acronym for “in hoc signo vinces” (Latin for “in this sign you shall conquer”) which Constantine, the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity, had emblazoned on the cross that led him into battle. Constantine became Caesar in 306 and defeated other tetrarchs to become sole emperor in 324.” Alexander Hislop says that IHS represents: Horus and . 26 The ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks and Romans worshiped this sign (minus the I.H.S.) as the worship of their sun-god, who went under the name of Ra and Apollo. The Romans used the Greek name. This sign is widely used in the Roman Catholic Church and is known as the Monstrance. Look at the picture of Pope Francis venerating (idolizing) the monstrance. The monstrance usually has a mega Jesus cookie (host) placed in the centre with the sun’s rays (gold) spreading outward in 360 degrees.

So, in this instance, you have Jesus, the fake son (host), directly linked to the paganistic sun-god. Top right is wood-cut drawing of the Egyptian sun-god, known as Ra being worshiped by the priests of Egypt. The ancient Hebrews worshiped the son-god by the name Baal (left hand picture). Notice the round sun-disk between the bull’s horns. Pics: Public domain

In a modern context, given the very nature of the Jesuit order I favour the following explanation: “In this sign you shall conquer” and my! How they have conquered — Nation upon Nation, King upon King, President upon President, etc. All of the above-mentioned have been coalesced into the end-game objectives of this diabolical order! The Jesuits have the blood of millions upon their hands… And via the coming great tribulation this figure will soar to millions, upon millions — primarily owing to the implementation of the mark of the beast! Jesuits Expelled From their inception the Jesuits were feared by Kings and Princes alike, and even a number of Popes. They were feared because of the power they possessed via their organisational abilities. “If the political activities of the Jesuits, of which Pope Clement XIV complained so pathetically, are not a serious problem to civil governments, then why were the Jesuits expelled from so many states, Catholic as well as Protestant, as the following table shows?” Francis T. Morton, Member of the Massachusetts Bar, gives the following: A list of Countries that over time expelled the Jesuit order

Saragossa 1555 Naples again 1810 La Palinterre 1558 France again 1816 Vienna 1566 Moscow, St. Petersburg, Canton Soleure 1816 Avignon 1570 Belgium 1818 Antwerp, Portugal, etc 1578 Brest (by the people) 1819 England 1579 Russia again 1820 England again 1581 Spain again 1820 England again 1584 Rouen Cathedral (by the people) 1825 England again 1586 Belgium, schools 1826 Japan 1587 France, 8 colleges closed 1828 Hungary & Transylvania 1585 Britain and Ireland 1829 Bordeaux 1589 France again 1831 Holland 1596 From entering Saxony 1831 Touron and Berne 1597 Portugal 1834 England again 1602 Spain again 1835 England again 1604 Rheims (by the people) 1838 Denmark, Venice, etc 1606 From entering Lucerne 1842 Venice again 1612 Lucerne again 1845 Amura, Japan 1613 France again 1845 Bohemia 1618 Switzerland 1847 Moravia 1619 Bavaria and Genoa 1848 Naples and Netherlands 1622 Papal States, by Pius IX, Sardinia, Vienna, Austria 1848 China and India 1623 Several Italian states 1859 Turkey 1628 Sicily again 1860 Abyssinia 1632 Spain again 1868 27

Malta 1634 Guatemala 1871 Russia 1723 Switzerland 1871 Savoy 1724 German Empire 1872 Paraguay 1733 Mexico (by the viceroy) 1853 Portugal 1759 Mexico (by Comonfort) 1856 Prohibited in France 1762 Mexico (by Congress) 1873 France again 1764 New Granada since 1879 Spain, colonies, Sicilies, Naples 1767 Venezuela 1879 Parma and Malta 1768 Argentine Republic 1879 All , by bull of 1773 Hungary 1879 Clement XIV Russia 1776 Brazil 1879 France again 1804 France again 1880 Canton Grisons 1804

Jesuits and their colleagues, collaborators and friends and all persons formed by the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius owe a debt of gratitude to Pope Pius VII. Without Pius VII, it is fair to say, there would be no Society of Jesus today, no Jesuit schools, colleges or universities, no Jesuit retreat houses and no Jesuit periodicals. For it was Pius VII who, on Aug. 7, 1814, restored the Society of Jesus, some four decades after its suppression by Pope Clement XIV. 2014 Marked the 200th anniversary of their restoration. Even after the 1814 amnesty granted the Jesuit order by the Pope in 1814, the order was repeatedly expelled by some countries, but nevertheless allowed to return. I am of the opinion that since the order is so well entrenched around the globe today it would be an absolute impossibility to ever again expel the order! Jesuit Provinces and Assistances’ Jesuit communities and apostolic works are organized by 'provinces' which belong to one of ten 'assistances' around the world. Click on the map of the world to see a list of all the provinces that belong to the assistance you have selected; you will find the addresses of the administrative offices of each one as well as links to its web site.

As of January 2005, there were some 21,000 men on six continents and in 127 countries throughout the world. There are about 13,966 priests; 1,921 brothers; 3,054 scholastics; and 909 novices. There are approximately 3,217 Jesuits in the U.S. A 2010 census by CARA confirms a slight drop in the above figures (Map: Public domain). There are also a number of Jesuits who come out of the laity in the form of married couples, singles, etc. They are usually involved in missions work. Jesuit Governmental Structures After his election at the 35th General Congregation (2008) Father General, Adolfo Nicolás appointed 9 Regional Assistants from a list, provided by the Congregation. Of course, the curia in Roma makes the 10th.

United Southern Western Central and Asia States of Europe Europe Eastern Europe Pacific

America (EMR) (EOC) (ECO) (ASP) (USA) South Northern Asia Part of (ASM) South America Africa (ALS) (AFR)

Southern Part of South America (ALM)

Basic map Jesuit web site and expanded by: www.thefinalwordinternetministry.co.cz 28 USA Assistancy (Region) Provinces: California, Chicago-Detroit, Maryland, Missouri, New England, Jamaica, New Orleans, New York (Micronesia) Oregon, Wisconsin North Latin America Assistancy (Region) Provinces: Antilles, Central America, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Venezuela South Latin America Assistancy (Region). Provinces: Argentina-Uruguay, Bolivia, Brasil, West-Central Brasil, South Brasil, North-East Brasil (Amazonia), Chile, Paraguay, Peru. Africa Assistancy (Region) Provinces: Central Africa, West Africa, Eastern Africa, Madagascar, Rwanda-Burundi, Zambia, Zimbabwe. South Europe Assistancy (Region) Provinces: Spain, Aragón, Baetica, Castile, Italy, Loyola, Portugal (Mozambique), Tarragon. Central and Eastern Europe Assistancy (Region) Provinces: Austria, Bohemia, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, North Poland, South Poland, Romania, Russia Region, Switzerland, Ukraine District, Slovakia, Slovenia. West Europe Assistancy (Region) Provinces: South Belgium, North Belgium, Britain South Africa, Guyana, English Canada, France (Maghreb), French Canada, Ireland, Malta, Near East, Netherlands. South Asia Assistancy Provinces: India, Andhra, Bombay, Calcutta, Darjeeling, Dumka-Raiganj, Goa, Gujarat, Hazaribag, Jamshedpur, Karnatka (Kohima), Kerala, Madhya-Pradesh, Madurai, Patna (Delhi, Nepal), Pune, Ranchi, Sri Lanka. Asia Pacific Assistancy Provinces: Australia, China, Indonesia (Malaysia-Singapore, Thailand), Japan, Korea (Cambodia), Philippines, Vietnam. On the right, is the Coat of arms of the "global city" Geneva. This Swiss city headquarters the United Nations, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and hundreds of multinational corporations. Note the I.H.S. symbol at the top? Opus Dei Although Opus Dei is a part of the church's structure, it is not like traditional dioceses, which are defined geographically, but instead is defined by its "worldwide purpose," which is to dominate the church and selected governments while promoting extremist, right-wing policies aligned to a corporate, imperialist, and big business agendas. With roughly 88,000 members worldwide, including about 2,000 priests, the organization spans some 87 countries, including roughly 3,000 members in the United States. Estimated to hold assets of about $3 billion, the free-floating personal prelature, which purports to do "the work of God" (translation of "Opus Dei,"), Opus Dei is beholden to no one but the Pope, whose spokesperson, Cardinal Joaquin Navarro-Valls, is also an Opus Dei member. Appointing its own priests and bishops to rule over the lay membership, it runs 15 universities, 7 hospitals, 11 business schools and a great number of primary, secondary and technical schools, functioning as an underground force for political reaction within the Catholic Church, keen on the tactics of infiltration and "holy deception. Only small percentages are priests. The rest are mostly middle and upper-class businessmen, professionals, military personnel and government officials. Some are university students. The organization’s membership includes elite elements who wield influence at the highest levels of government, the Vatican, and the Vatican Bank. The individuals that Opus Dei chooses to recruit for membership are the cream of American, European and Latin American society. They include owners of big multinational companies, the press and finance institutions, as well as figures at the highest levels of the world’s most powerful governments. US Supreme Court justices Antonin Scalia and Samuel A. Alito have rumored links to Opus Dei, as do Sen. Sam Brownback and former Rep. Rick Santorum. The members contribute regularly to the group’s financial coffers and are encouraged to practice “holy shrewdness” and “holy coercion” in an effort to win converts. Readers please take note It is worth making mention that over hundreds of years, many theories have been propounded regarding the take-over of the RCC by outside sinister forces — be they the Freemasons, Illuminati, etc. Especially in this, the age of the Internet – which is jam-packed with conspiracy theories, that come in all shapes and sizes, so 29 to speak. Irrespective of these aspersions, the bottom line is that Satan is a genius when it comes to branding — he knows exactly how to package the lie! Furthermore, it is evident that the hierarchal RCC is satanic in terms of its origin and goals! And in fact, it is our opinion that it is Satan’s masterpiece, being his bride. We only have to look to the scripture for the answer in relation to the various (conspiracy) theories out there today. Jesus said: “And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand (Mark 3:25). And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then shall his kingdom stand?” (Matt 12:26). Make no mistake! There is only one master of The Holy See, and that is Satan himself! Satan knows he cannot cast himself out as per Matt 12:26 and run the risk of dividing his house. We reiterate that the RCC is Satan’s masterpiece and at the end of the day he is the one that birthed it, and controls it — in order that prophecy may be fulfilled. PART TWO The Colours: Purple & Scarlet — Gold, Diamonds and Precious Stones

This is the place of the 21 century Temple money-changers… And Jesus whipped them…

And when He had made a scourge of small cords, He drove (whipped) them all out of the temple, also the sheep and the oxen. And He poured out the money-changers' money and overthrew the tables. Joh 2:15

This can never be the Church of Jesus Christ 30

And when Jesus heard these things, He said to him, “Yet you lack one thing. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you shall have treasure in Heaven. And come, follow Me.” Luk 18:22

The bronze papal medal on the left of Pope Leo XII was minted to commemorate the second year of his reign, the jubilee year of 1825. The inscription reads SEDET SUPER UNIVERSUM, declaring that her seat of authority is universal. Pic on the right: Papal medal of Pius VIII from 1829 depicting the woman with the cup, notice the cherubs with the papal tiara and Petrine keys. Also, the sign of Baal behind both these the woman’s heads. There are many kinds of medallions in the Vatican depicting the woman holding the cup. (All Pics: www.google.com)

And he carried me away into a desert by the Spirit. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet- coloured beast, filled with names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet. And she was gilded with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. Rev 17:3-4

And on her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. Rev 17:5-6. Rev 17:5 says that this woman is the mother of harlots — therefore it is clear that this woman has offspring — namely daughters (mainline churches).

…she was decked out in gold, precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup (chalice) in her hand full of abominations (sacrament/host) and filthiness of her fornication.

And the Woman was arrayed in Purple & Scarlet

Pics on top row say it all… Pics on bottom row illustrate the colours of purple and scarlet. Centre right are two Anglican priest, their colours identify them as the harlot’s daughters. All Pics can be enlarged and are public domain, www.google.com

The aforementioned scriptures amply prove the following: This woman is arrayed in purple and scarlet. And is gilded with gold and precious stones and pearls, and has a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.

And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of

the martyrs of Jesus. Rev 17:5-6

31 Roman Catholic Inquisitions — Past and Future Methods of Torture And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all those who were slain on the earth. Rev 18:24 And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. Rev 17:5-6. And they overcame him (Satan) because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony. And they did not love their soul until death (Rev 12:11). And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with a great marveling (Rev 17:6) And one of the seven angels who had the seven vials came and talked with me, saying to me, Come here, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot sitting on many waters (Rev 17:1) with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and became drunk with the wine of her fornication, those inhabiting the earth… (Rev 17:2). Because her basic doctrinal premises remain in place, Rome can yet again rise up against her spiritual enemies at some future date when she again wields exclusive ecclesiastical control of a region. In fact, the "Holy Office" of the Inquisition still exists within the Vatican (known today as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith), awaiting the day in which it can stamp out "heresy". Some years ago a popular Catholic weekly declared: Heresy is an awful crime against God, and those who start a heresy are more guilty than they who are traitors to the civil government. If the state has a right to punish treason with death, the principle is the same that concedes to the spiritual authority the power of life and death over the arch-traitor. It is an historical fact that the Roman Catholic Church via the Holy Roman Empire (Papal States) supplanted all civil authority of the European Governments during the inquisition periods (1200-1500). The most common means of torture included burning, beating and suffocating, however the techniques below are some of the more excessive and depraved methods used and enforced by the Roman Catholic Church. Make no mistake, the inquisition continues to this day, in one form or another (Catholic initiated wars, Balkans, etc). Warning! Document contains graphic content - not for the feint-hearted! Pictures can be enlarged/reduced by clicking, and then dragging to desired size.

Torture room in the Inquisition cathedral in Nuremberg

Iron Gag or Mute's Bridle The purpose of this device was to stifles the screams so as not to disturb the conversation of torturers. The iron "box" on the inside of the ring is forced into the victim's mouth and the c ollar fastened behind their neck. A small hole allows the passage of air but this can be stopped up by a touch of the executioner's fingertip, producing suffocation. Often constructed with a long spike that pierced the tongue and the floor of the mouth, protruding from underneath the chin, while the other end penetrated up through the bony palate of the mouth into the sinuses. Often those condemned to the stake were thus gagged because their screams would interfere with the sacred pagan music played during the grandiose public festivities in which dozens of heretics were burnt at one time.

The Pendulum A fundamental torture that was often a precursor in preparation of the more effective torture methods that usually followed. No complex equipment is needed, as the victim's wrists are tied behind their back then a rope is attached to the wrist restraints and the sufferer is slowly hoisted up ripping the humerus from the sockets and dislocating the scapula and clavicle. The agony can be heightened by means of weights progressively attached to the feet until at last the skeleton is pulled apart – similar to the experience of the bench and ladder racks. 32 The Rack The Rack was an instrument of torture often used in the middle-ages, and a popular means of extricating confession. The victim was tied across a board by their ankles and wrists, rollers at either end of the board were turned by pulling the body in opposite directions until dislocation of every joint occurred. According to Puigblanch, quoted in Mason's History of the Inquisition, "in this attitude he experienced eight strong contortions in his limbs, namely, two of the fleshy parts of the arms above the elbows, and two below; one on each thigh, and also on the legs." Bound, the heretic could then be subjected to other forms of torture.

The Rack was extensively used during the Spanish Inquisition. Other forms included the detainee being fastened in a groove upon a table on his or her back. Suspended above was a gigantic pendulum, the ball of which had a sharp edge on the lower section, and the pendulum lengthen with every stroke. The victim sees this engine of destruction swinging to and fro only a short distance from one’s eyes. Momentarily the keen edge comes nearer, and at length cuts the skin, and gradually cuts deeper and deeper, until their life has fully expired.

The Ladder Rack Preparation for the Ladder Rack often started with the crushing of the shins with the screw-activated "Spanish Boots".

With the arms securely affixed behind the victim’s back the person was then put onto the inclined slope of the Ladder Rack. Thus load the executioner would push the 2 heels of the feet forward causing the victim to plummet downward so that the shoulders were immediately and violently wrenched out of their sockets.

The victim is literally stretched by force of the winch with various old sources testify to increases of twelve inches that comes from the dislocation and extrusion of every joint in the arms and legs, of the dismemberment of the spinal column, and of course the ripping and detachment of the muscles of limbs, thorax and abdomen. 33 But long before the victim is brought to the final undoing, he or she, even in the initial phases of the enquiry (in the J 'Question of the first degree"), suffers dislocation of the shoulders because his arms are pulled up behind his back, as well as the agony of muscles ripping like any fiber subjected to excessive stress. In the Question of the second degree the knee, hip and elbow joints begin to be forced out of their sockets; with the third degree they separate, very audibly. After only the second degree the interrogatee is maimed for life; after the third he is dismembered and paralyzed, and gradually over hours and days the life functions cease one by one.

The Stocks The victim with his or her hands and feet locked into the pertinent holes with bracket irons was then set out in the square where the mob in the mildest of cases poked him, slapped him, and besmirched him with faeces and urine or substances supplied by the ubiquitous chamber pots or open jakes. All of these were smeared into the mouth, ears, nose, and hair. Only the most innocuous transgressors could hope to get away with no more than a few black-and-blue marks and a couple of bumps.

Children's books, cinema, and television generally portray the stock in humorous colors centered on a grumpy victim being cajoled and reviled by an always benevolent rough-and-tumble crowd. Reality was very different.With their feet in the stocks, two pieces of timber clamped together, over and under, both across each leg above the ankles. The soles of their feet then having been greased with lard, a blazing brazier was applied to them, and they were first blistered and then fried. At intervals a board was interposed between the fire and their feet and removed once they disobeyed the command to confess themselves of guilt for which they had been charged.

Being more painful, but less fatal than racking, this was the torture most in vogue when the subject chanced to be of the female sex. It was also favored in cases where children were to be persuaded to testify against their parents.

Slighter tortures consisted of binding a piece of iron to a limb and putting a twister mark to force it inwards, as was pressing the fingers with rods between them, or removing a nail from fingers or toes, which were all highly practiced upon persons of not sufficient strength to survive the pulley, rack, or fire.

The Pillory Barrel Inflicted for the most part on chronic drunkards who were exposed to public ridicule in this fashion. The barrels could be either of two kinds: those closed on the bottom with the victim immersed in faeces and urine or merely putrid water, or open so that the victim could walk and be led about the town with the enormous and very painful weight on their shoulders.

Water Torture (CIA water-boarding) The victim's nostrils were pinched shut, and eight quarts of fluid were poured down the victim's throat through a funnel. Other techniques included forcing a cloth down the throat, while pouring water, which made a swallowing reflex pushing it further down into the stomach producing all the agonies of suffocation by drowning until the victim lost consciousness. Instead of water, the torture was sometimes conducted with boiling water or vinegar. The victim did not die quickly from the rupturing of the stomach but very slowly from Peritonitis. This happens when the unclean contents of the stomach combine with the clean organs of the abdominal cavity.

34 The Heretics Fork This instrument consisted of two little forks one set against the other, with the four prongs plunged into the flesh, under the chin and above the chest, with hands secured firmly behind their backs. A small collar supported the instrument in such a manner that the victims were usually forced to hold their head erect, thus preventing any movement.

The forks did not penetrate any vital points, and thus suffering was prolonged and death was always nearly avoided. The pointed prongs on each end to crane the persons head made speech or movement near impossible. The Heretics Fork was very common during the height of the Spanish Inquisition.

The Pear These instruments were used in oral and rectal formats, like the present specimen, and in the larger vaginal one. They are forced into the mouth, rectum or vagina of the victim and there expanded by force of the screw to the maximum aperture of the segments. The inside of the cavity in question is irremediably mutilated, nearly always fatally so. The pointed prongs at the end of the segments serve better to rip into the throat, the intestines or the cervix.

The oral pear was often inflicted on heretical preachers, but also on lay persons guilty of unorthodox tendencies; this item became extensively applied throughout the Spanish Inquisition to force confessions from those accused of Witchcraft.

The Wheel

According to a German chronicler, the victim was transformed into a huge screaming puppet writhing in their own blood. It looked like a sea monster with four tentacles, and raw slimy shapeless flesh, mixed with splinters of bone. After the smashing had taken place the victim would literally be "braided" into the wheel and hung horizontally at the top of the pole.

The wheel was one of the most popular and insidious methods of torture and execution practiced. The giant spiked wheel was able to break bodies as it rolled forward, causing the most agonizing and drawn-out death. Other forms include the "braided" wheel, where the victim would be tied to the execution dock or platform. Their limbs were spread and tied to stakes or iron rings on the ground. 35 Slices of wood were placed under the main joints, wrists, ankles, knees, hips, and elbows. The executioner would then smash every joint with the iron-tyred edge of the wheel--however the executioner would avoid fatal blows to give the victim a painful death.

The Breast Ripper The name of this device speaks for itself. Cold or red-hot the four claws slowly ripped to formless masses the breasts of countless women. This device was highly put into service during the massacre of the Danes.

Hanging Cages These cages were usually hung around the outsides of town halls and ducal palaces; they were also near the town's hall of justice and surprisingly cathedrals. The victim, naked and exposed, would slowly wither from hunger and thirst. The weather would second the victim’s death by heat stroke and sunburn in the summer and cold in the winter.

The victims and corpses were usually previously mutilated before being put in the cages to make a more edifying example of the punishment. The cadavers were left in the cages until the bones literally fell apart. he

Garotte Originally, the garotte was simply hanging by another name. However, during Medieval times, executioners began to refine the use of rope until it became as feared and as vile as any serious punishments. Executioners first used the garotte to end the suffering of heretics broken on the wheel, but by the turn of the 18th century the seed of an idea involving slow strangulation was planted in the minds of lawmakers. At first, garottes were nothing more than an upright post with a hole bored through. The victim would stand or sit on a seat in front of the post and chanting crowd, and a rope was looped around his or her neck. The ends of the cords were fed through the hole in the post. The executioner would then pull on both ends of the cord, or twist them tourniquet-styled, slowly strangling the victim. Later modifications included a spike fixed into the wood frame at the back of the victim's neck, parting the vertebrae as the rope tightens.

Head Crusher With the victim's chin placed on the lower bar, a screw then forces the cap down on the victim’s cranium. The recipient’s teeth are crushed and forced into the sockets to smash the surrounding bone. The eyes are compressed from their sockets and brain from the fractured skull.


This device, although not a form of capital punishment, is still used for interrogational purposes. It was to inflict extreme agony and shock and leave the victim in its grasp for hours. Other methods included the head screw which was placed around the forehead and tighten. The accused became so frantic by the extreme panic of having their head crushed that they confessed to anything.

Burnt at the Stake If the Inquisitor wanted to be sure no relics were left behind by an accused and convicted heretic, he would select death by burning at the stake as the preferred method of execution. With few exceptions, death came from being burned alive. Frequently, burning a victim at the stake was cause for a crowd. Not content to merely learn about the spectacle after it was over, the masses wanted to be entertained.

Reflecting on those facts, and understanding such events occurred "under the law," one can clearly understand how Thomas Hobbes (this is a contemporary biography) came to the conclusions he did about man in a state of nature. If man is capable of such violence and inhumanity in a state of civilization, of what is he capable when there are no laws and there is no society? (Carole D. Bos).

The Iron Maiden The Iron Maiden or Virgin of Nuremberg was a tomb-sized container with folding doors. The object was to inflict punishment, then death. Upon the inside of the door were vicious spikes. As the prisoner was shut inside he or she would be pierced along the length of their body. The talons were not designed to kill outright.

The pinioned prisoner was left to slowly perish in the utmost pain. Some models included two spikes that were driven into the eyes causing blindness. One of these diabolical machines was exhibited in 1892.

The Strappado One of the most common torture techniques. All one needed to set up a strappado was a sturdy rafter and a rope. The victim's wrists were bound behind their back, and the rope would be tossed over the beam. The victim was repeatedly dropped from a height, so that their arms and shoulders would dislocate. This was a punishment of the Secret Tribunal until 1820.

The Boots Also known as the bootikens. The legs of the patient were usually placed between two planks of wood, which they binded with cords and wedges. The torturer used a large, heavy hammer to pound the wedges, driving them closer together. Forceful blows were used to squeeze the legs to jelly, lacerating flesh, protruding the shins, and crushing the bones; sometimes so that marrow gushed out. Once unloosed the bones fall to pieces, rendering the legs useless. This torture was most overwhelming, as one can imagine. 37

Judas Cradle The victim was stripped, hoisted and hung over this pointed pyramid with iron belts. Their legs were stretched out frontwards, or their ankles pulled down by weights.

The tormentor would then drop the accused onto the pyramid penetrating both orifices. With their muscles contracted, they were usually unable to relax and fall asleep. The Guillotine It was the French physician Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, born in Saintes in 1738 and elected to the National Assembly in 1789 who first promoted a law that required that all executions even those of commoners, be carried out by means of a "machine that beheads painlessly". An easy death was no longer to be the prerogative of nobles. Consciousness survives long enough for the victim to perceive the beheading even when removed by the swift slash of an axe or guillotine.

After the execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette on 21 January 1793, the I 'machine' " called only thus until these two events became known also as "lila louisette" or "le loui son", only after 1800 did the term "la guillotine" become established. As such it remained in use in many countries, including the Papal States and the kingdoms of Piedmont and Bourbon Naples until 1860.

Fiery Metal Chair The accused was placed in a metal chair and secured in position, shortly afterwards a fire was lit under the chair. And since the chair was inlaid with hundreds and hundreds of spikes - it was not long before the heat generated was transferred over the entire structure and it became red-hot! And in the process, it became virtually impossible for the individual to remain seated. Understandably they inevitably suffered third degrees of burns and indescribable trauma.

Burning the Soles of the Feet Some form of lard was usually applied to the souls of the heretic prior to commencement of this barbaric form of torture - in order to inflict the maximum amount of pain! This form of torture was excruciating to say the very least! 38

www.seawaves.net and various public domain Internet sources

It was not uncommon for those undergoing the various types of torture exhibited in this article to ‘recant’ (to change their mind) under pressure from the inquisitor/s. Many times an individual could no longer stand the excruciating pain and would cry out to the inquisitor/s for mercy. They would then addmit the error of their ways and ask for forgiveness – hoping for release! Only to discover in many instances that they would be given a short respite and then taken to a more severe torturing device. Thus, they would eventually succumb to their trauma. Because of the advent of electricity, today there are numerous sophisticated devices used to inflect horrendous pain and suffering! In addition to these methods, there are drug induced tortures, etc. etc. Mankind it seems has an insatiable appetite when it comes to devising various methods of inflicting grotesque pain upon others. Don’t think this type of persecution will never happen again. Because if you do, you are chronically deceived! For the book of Revelation prophesies otherwise. During the great tribulation period (3 ½ years) the guillotine will be the preferred instrument of decapitation throughout Satan/Apollyon’s kingdom. The Great Tribulation During the Great Tribulation, millions upon millions of true believers will be martyred by beheading: After these things I looked, and lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, out of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues, stood before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palms in their hands. Rev 7:9 And one of the elders answered, saying to me, Who are these who are arrayed in white robes, and from where do they come? Rev 7:13 And I said to him, Sir, you know. And he said to me, These are the ones who came out of the great tribulation and have washed their robes, and have whitened them in the blood of the Lamb. Rev 7:14 …And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God, and who had not worshiped the beast nor his image, nor had received his mark on their foreheads, nor in their hands… (Rev 20:4).

Modern Portable Guillotine manufactured by Chanel: Public Domain

39 Divine Retribution upon Babylon the Great

Our beloved heavenly Father’s response to the slaughter of millions upon millions of his precious saints — is swift and sure!

Pic: www.churchandstate.org.uk

Rejoice over her, Heaven, and the holy apostles, and the prophets, since Jehovah judged your judgment on her. And one strong angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, So on an impulse the great city, Babylon, will be thrown down and not at all will be found any more. Rev 18:20 …and the ten horns (kings) which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot and will make her desolate and naked. And they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. Rev 17:16 And the woman whom you saw is the great city which has a kingdom over the kings of the earth. Rev 17:18 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air. And a great voice came out of the temple of Heaven, from the throne, saying, it is done! Rev 16:17 And voices and thunders and lightnings occurred. And there was a great earthquake, such as has not been since men were on the earth, so mighty and so great an earthquake. Rev 16:18 And the great city came to be into three parts, and the cities of the nation’s (Mediterranean Sea) fell. And great Babylon was remembered before God, to give to her the cup of the wine of the anger of His wrath. Rev 16:19 And every island fled away, and mountains were not found. Rev 16:20 And a great hail, as the size of a talent (50kg), came down out of the heaven on men. And men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague of it was exceedingly great. Rev16:21 The Ten kings hate the Harlot and turn upon her, and nuke her. Their actions are the precursor to the SECOND COMING!

And I saw Heaven opened. And behold, a white horse! And He sitting on him was called Faithful and True. And in righteousness He judges and makes war. And His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head many crowns. And He had a name written, one that no one knew except Himself. And He had been clothed in a garment dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in Heaven followed Him on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, so that with it He should strike the nations. And He will shepherd them with a rod of iron. And He treads the winepress of the wine of the anger and of the wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His garment, and on His thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. Rev 19:11-16

40 Wealth of the Holy See The wealth of the Holy See/Vatican City, State can be broadly divided into two categories:  Wealth accrued to the Holy See via the Universal Church and the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA), the department which, up to now, has primarily managed the humongous Vatican securities and property holdings (formerly the Vatican Bank (IOR).  Vatican City, State. However, for the purpose of our exercise we will consider the wealth, collectively. It must be understood that the Pope, in his legal persona as the visible head of the Church Universal — is the sole heir of this collective enormous (incalculable) wealth. As the Pope of the day has no physical offspring (that is known) this wealth is legally bequeathed to his successor when he passes on. Given the inseparableness of these two entities on a daily basis, there is naturally a blurring of lines in certain areas when it comes to defining their respective wealth. After a year of concentrated activity to make sure his assets are better managed and under his control, including the creation of four commissions, the hiring of six international consulting firms which service the plutocracy together with appointments of trusted allies, Pope Francis established the Secretariat of the Economy this past Feb. 24, (2014). The Council for the Economy will be coordinated by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, another member of Bergoglio’s G8. Marx was the invited speaker for 300 guests of Opus Dei at a meeting held in the Deutsche Bank, Germany’s central bank (2014). He has presided at Masses celebrating Opus Dei’s founder, Josemaria Escrivá, and visits the Opus Dei center for university students in Munich. The Work is said to be very powerful in Germany’s financial capital of Frankfurt. Der Speigel observed that “There is hardly a German bishop who does not regard the organization with favor.” After his appointment as coordinator of the Council for the Economy, Cardinal Reinhard Marx told the press that the Vatican’s “real bank” would no longer be the IOR (Institute for Religious Works commonly referred to as the Vatican Bank) but will be the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA), the department which, up to now, has primarily managed the humongous Vatican securities and property holdings. Whether or not this decision is a result of pressure from financial regulators on Bergoglio and his predecessor to “clean up” the IOR or else the bank would be prohibited from engaging in international transactions, remains to be seen. Opus Dei/Vatican may have been preparing for this shift under the guidance of Peter Sutherland, managing director and chairman of Goldman Sachs International, former chairman of BP Oil and member of the International Advisory Board of IESE, the flagship Opus Dei graduate business school. Sutherland has been a Vatican consultant for years and was appointed by Bergoglio to the supervisory board for APSA. Public Domain: www:churchandstate.org.uk/dailykos. When Pope Francis established the Secretariat of the Economy he appointed Australian Cardinal George Pell as its head reporting directly to him. With “authority over all economic and administrative activities within the Holy See and the Vatican City State,” this makes Pell de facto manager of the entire Roman Curia since he holds the purse strings. Cardinal George Pell (Sydney), head of Pope Francis’s new Secretariat for the Economy. He has close ties to Opus Dei and is the third most powerful person in the Vatican, with authority over all economic and administrative activities within the Holy See and the Vatican City State. “Cardinal George, so exactly how much is the Vatican worth? It's hard to say. The Catholic Church has a history of opacity about its finances; something Pell says is slowly changing.” Pope Francis appointed Australian Cardinal George Pell to his C9 and then as his “tsar” in charge of Vatican finances. As creator of the “Melbourne Response” and the “Ellis Defense,” Pell’s only financial expertise was cheating clerical sex abuse victims out of a just compensation. As archbishop of Melbourne, in 1996 Pell introduced a compensation scheme for sexual abuse victims. “According to many scholars and commentators, it was in fact, a system ‘designed to control the victims and protect the Church’… Pell intended to ‘minimize the crimes, conceal the truth, manipulate and intimidate the victims’… Some relatives of abused children have called the cardinal a ‘sociopath.’” Public Domain - www.churchandstate.org.uk

41 Much of its assets are near impossible to value because they will never be sold off, such as its gold-laden palatial church property and priceless works of art by the likes of Michelangelo and Raphael. It also owns a global network of churches and religious buildings, many of which contain precious historical treasures, serving the world's 1.2 billion Catholics. Included in their property portfolio are countless income generating assets which are hidden behind front companies: Papacy used offshore tax havens to create £500m international portfolio, featuring real estate in UK, France and Switzerland (David Leigh, Jean François Tanda and Jessica Benhamou). *The Church owns and operates some 200,000 schools around the globe in addition to owing around 100,000 properties in Italy, worth about 9bn euros, of which there are 3,300 hotels run by religious bodies, which have an annual turnover of £3 billion In addition they operate about a quarter of the health services globally. Public Domain - www.churchandstate.org.uk What we do know is that Vatican Bank, (officially titled the Institute for the Works of Religion — now changed), manages €5.9bn ($7.3bn, £4.64bn) of assets on behalf of its 17,400 customers. And it manages €700m of equity which it owns. Another titbit to emerge is that it keeps gold reserves worth over $20m with the US Federal Reserve. Public Domain: www.google An investigation by the Economist estimated that the American Catholic church alone – which has the fourth largest follower base by country, behind Brazil, Mexico and the Philippines – spent $170bn in 2010 on things like healthcare, schools and parishes. Money flows in from individual donations from Catholics, government grants, the church's own investments and corporate donors. According to Georgetown University, the average weekly donation of an American Catholic to the church is $10. There are 85 million in North America, meaning each week the Catholic Church pulls in $850m through donations from individual Catholics. Vatican City itself has a rich economy relative to its size. Though data is scarce, and the exact GDP figure is unknown, the CIA estimates Vatican City's 2011 revenue to be $308m. It only has a population of 800 people, meaning its nominal GDP per capita is $365,796 – making it the richest state on the planet by this measure. Shane Croucher Public Domain:www.google

Vatican radio daily broadcasts in 40 different languages (and costs $25 million per year to run)


Vatican Museum: The contents of the museum are impossible to value given the wide variety and huge amount of exhibits contained within. Most of the treasures housed in the museum are off-limits to the general public. Pic on right and left: We wonder whose sculls these are — perhaps Peter’s or Paul’s? And how much are they worth? $$$!

The archives comprise over 50 miles (80 Km) of shelves that include invaluable artifacts, such as a note written by Michelangelo dated January 1550

This two-story underground bunker houses the secret archives

42 Tapestries are rehabilitated in this immaculate white room

Three restoration laboratories for marble, tapestries and paintings sit beneath the

Vatican's museums and galleries

The Papal Sacristy (the Pope's walk-in closet) holds treasures handed down from previous popes

The Swiss Guard, the world's smallest standing army, stocks its gear under the streets of Vatican City

Acknowledgement: National Geographic and History Channel

Holy See’s Secret Service Private confession was officially sanctioned as far back as 325 A.D. via Canon Law 13 of the First Council of Nicaea The confessional box was, and to this day, is the most extensive and most inclusive intelligence gathering system ever invented! For centuries the Catholic Church has been gathering and dissemination information gleaned via the confessional system for her own advantage. The confessional transcends national boundaries and embraces every tribe, tongue and language. We doubt whether there is any other organization/government that can compete with her in terms of her expertise and geographical footprint in this regard. Information glean from confessional is used to her advantage in many different ways. Therefore, it goes without saying, that over time the Holy See has developed a comprehensive and highly efficient secret service of its own, and in fact is the forerunner of all extant secret services today. Within the confines of Vatican City, State itself — the Swiss Guard is responsible for security in general. There is also a fully functioning judicial system that meters out punishment, as and when required — to this end there is a lock-up (Jail) facility. Owing to the high volume of tourists there is a considerable amount of petty crime that takes place on a daily basis. The judicial process is governed by Canon Law. Canonical law, which is different to state law, international law and religious laws, as it claims not only superior status to state law but also has a centralized full-fledged juridical system with the pope as its highest judge, makes the church also unique among transnational actors, even among religious ones. It has its own validity and is not derived from International Private Law as do multinationals and NGOs. However, beyond Vatican City, State the Italian security apparatus is involved, as well as foreign country services — depending on the Pope’s travel arrangements at the time. Over many, many years Catholic’s have held key positions in the CIA, FBI, and other intelligence agencies in the USA (Navy, Army, Air Force, etc.) and therefore, as already discussed they have power to majorly influence outcomes. Because of this fact, there is very close co-operation between the US and mainly Western nations and certain middle-east countries. Quote: Eric von Phelps on the Vatican Assassins.

 “Jesuit Superior General’s International Intelligence Community. That Community is overseen by the Pope’s Sovereign Military Order of Malta headquartered in Rome and directed by its Grand Master, Andrew Bertie. Thus, the Jesuit General, also known as the Black Pope, controls the entirety of the American Intelligence Community, including but not limited to, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 43 the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Office of Naval Intelligence as well as the intelligence arms of the Army and the Air Force."  This "Unified International Intelligence Community" was built during Rome’s Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945) and perfected during Rome’s subsequent Cold War (1945-1990)

Obama surrounded by Roman Catholic Jesuit Trained Intelligence Leaders President Barack Obama meets with Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, right (Alma Mater St. Mary's University, Texas), in the Oval Office, Sept. 9, 2010. Also attending are, clockwise from left, Robert Cardillo, DIA deputy Director (and now Director of National intelligence for intelligence integration and schooled at Jesuit Georgetown), Deputy National Security Advisor Tom Donilon (Donillon attended La Salle Academy, earned a B.A. at: The Catholic University of America in 1977 and is connected personally to the Biden family). Rodney Snyder, Senior Director for intelligence Program, NSS (Cannot find any kind of BIO on him). John Brennan, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counter terrorism ( Attended private catholic schools from his youth, is Alma Mater at Jesuit Fordham University and is former CIA), and National Security Advisor Gen. James L. Jones (Alma Mater Jesuit Georgetown University). Public Domain: www.granddesignexposed.com Who Really Controls the United Nations? UNEP NEWS Sustainability and Justice: Facing the Environmental Challenges and Choices of Our Age. Address of UNEP Executive Director, Achim Steiner, at the Environmental Justice and Climate Change Meeting, The Vatican Francis says a large part of humanity now has 'second-class status' Pope Francis has called for a “worldwide ethical mobilisation” during a meeting with top United Nations officials. Such a mobilisation, he said, would push technical programmes for justice, peace and development further by promoting respect for human life, “fraternity and solidarity”. “An important part of humanity does not share in the benefits of progress and is, in fact, relegated to the status of second-class citizens,” the Pope said during a meeting at the Vatican with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and members of the UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination. The board includes the directors of 29 specialised agencies and UN departments. The Vatican and Catholic organisations around the world work closely with many of them, such as the World Food Program and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. However, tensions also have arisen with some of the departments and agencies, particularly concerning population control programmes and efforts to broaden access to legalized abortion. While Pope Francis did not dwell on the tensions or mention any of them specifically, he insisted that the promotion of human dignity include recognition that “life is sacred and inviolable from conception to natural. Public Domain: www.google.com The logo on the left is the symbol for the United Nations go-green environmental programme. Of note is the laurel crown of the Caesar’s surrounding a unique rendering of the cross of Christ — which very much resembles the statue of Christ that overlooks Rio de Janeiro. The writer recently purchased a new refrigerator and the UNEP logo was strategically place upon the door of the fridge? And yep! You guessed it — the refrigerator was made in China. It is the writer’s belief that the UN High Commission for Refugees and the Jesuit JRS work hand in glove, so to speak with the purpose of moving millions of people around the world under the guise of their respective missions. And in the case of the Jesuits, the motivation is based on their primary mandate — their so called Social Justice. And why would they do this, one may well ask? Actually the reason is quite obvious! And that is to completely breakdown national identities — the purpose being to create a global multicultural Catholic instigated socialist society, which will ultimately pay homage to Rome. Over the last ten years or so, here in South Africa we have so-called refugees arriving from all parts of the globe. To name a few places: Pakistan, Egypt, in addition to hundreds of thousands from all over Africa — north/east/west. This breaking down outworks on many levels and more or less began with the civil rights movement in the US, and then moved into the homosexual arena, a.k.a gays and lesbians, plus the current gender-bender brigade — that is so pervasive in the news today. Let us not forget the human rights programme — where today everyone has rights! So much so, that parent can no longer discipline their children for fear of prosecution. In our country, criminals in prison have equal rights and may even vote. In fact, it has reached a stage that should criminals break into your home with the intent of violating you and your family — and you decide to use a weapon in self-defense, and one or more 44 of these thugs get killed — you, the homeowner gets charged with culpable homicide and will ultimately be sent to prison. And this is called the rule of law!!! Demographic Shift — Global South Prof Philip Jenkins showed with his vision of the Next Christendom, that the transition of power to the South is a global phenomenon which has, however, a different perspective from a nation state perspective than from the perspective of the Holy See. Whereas the Northern nation states have to stay in the North and watch their decline in population, wealth and power, the Holy See stays in Rome but assembles the world around it. Jan Rob might be right that one of the few things which remain of us Westerners is the Pope. The Holy See might become a crucial arbitrator in this transformation between North and South. The role of an arbitrator, someone who builds bridges, is genuine for the 'pontiff', a term that stems from the pagan heritage of Rome’s Ancient religion thus showing the Catholic ability to integrate and adjust. By 2025, approximately 60 percent of Catholics around the world will probably live in Africa and Latin America alone, not counting the Philippines, China, or India. The proportion should reach two-thirds before 2050. At that point, European and Euro-American Catholics will be a small fragment of a church dominated by Filipinos, Mexicans, Brazilians, Nigerians, and Congolese. While we do not dispute the learned professor’s predictions — our preference is to keep focused on the prophetic scriptures, which centre on the personage of Jesus Christ and His imminent return. It is our belief that Jesus the Messiah will in all probability return before 2050 to judge the earth, and then to set up His millennial Kingdom. In which case, all of the above is merely academic conjecture.

PART THREE How the Holy See/Catholic Church users her Power to Conquer Nations

“The Americans, with few exceptions, do not pay any attention to the dark cloud which is rising (has already risen) at their horizon, from Rome. Though that cloud is filled with rivers of tears and blood, they let it grow and rise without even caring how they will escape from the impending hurricane.” “Long before I was ordained a priest, I knew that my church was the most implacable enemy of this Republic. My professors of philosophy, history, and theology had been unanimous in telling me that the principles and laws of the Church of Rome were absolutely antagonistic to the laws and principles which are the foundation-stones of the Constitution of the United States. ; ‘50 Years in the Church of Rome’ (abridged 1886 edition).

In terms of explaining the MO (modus operandi) used by the Holy See to subdue nations, the writer has decided to use the USA as an example — in order to illustrate how this once preeminent protestant nation has been taken over from within by The Holy See! From the days of its fragile founding by the Pilgrim Fathers it had been the deadly enemy of the RCC. The USA was taken over without a shot being fired and the confirmation of this event occurred in 1984. Furthermore, the MO in relation the USA is the blueprint, which the RCC has applied to virtually every nation upon the earth. So, in other words, the same methodology is generally applied to all nations with allowances for variations, as and where required. Twenty years prior to Ronald Reagan’s election as President of the United States of America, a Vatican insider (ex-Jesuit priest) informed the world that when the Jesuits had completely taken over control of the American Christian Churches and had usurped authority within the American Government. A sign attesting to this fact would be when an American President (Ronald Regan — 2nd term) would be sworn into office facing toward the Washington Monument (an obelisk of the Masons). Jesuit General, Jean-Baptist Janssens (September 15, 1946-October 5, 1964) bragged that he could place men of Jesuit education into the position of influence ANYWHERE he desired (www.Alemattec.com). We believe the official confirmation of the surrender of the USA to the Holy See; became a reality when Ronald Regan signed the executive order approving the exchanging of ambassadors and the establishing bi-lateral relation with the Holy See. This event occurred in 1984 (Regan was a Roman Catholic of Irish decent). This act was the first official recognition of the Holy See in over 200 years. Not long after this, England followed suit and did the same, this event occurred whilst Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister. Hence the two most powerful Protestant nations capitulated to the Holy See — which in effect was the death-knell of the once mighty Pro-Tes-Tant movement that arose hundreds of years before. 45 History Substantiates the Planned Takeover of the USA We now turn to history to substantiate the supposition that the USA over time was purposefully infiltrated and neutralized from within by the RCC, using mainly the Jesuit order (ground troops). The ex-Roman Catholic, priest, Charles Chiniquy; revealed in his classic book entitled ‘50 Years in the Church of Rome’ (abridged 1886 edition) exactly how this infiltration was initiated, wherein amongst many things he unpacked the Jesuit inspired strategy regarding the take-over of the USA. As we mentioned earlier in this document, the reader must keep in mind that the Holy See thinks and plans over hundreds of years… In terms of their political objectives, it is common practice for the Jesuits to raise-up, and back two, or more entities, seemingly with opposing political points of view. For example: the Republican and Democratic parties. Over time both of these parties have been thoroughly infiltrated — so it matters not to the Jesuits who actually win an election, because either party will end up doing the bidding of their Jesuit masters. Also, it is not unlike the Jesuits to raise-up certain so-call independent parties, the purpose of which is subterfuge. Some quotes from ex-Roman Catholic priest Charles Chiniguy’s Book (Pages 288/9/90): Buffalo, in the spring of 1852. “But what was his disappointment, when he saw that the greatest parts of those priests were sent by the Bishops of the United States to oppose and defeat his plans!” “Yes! Then, we will rule the United States and lay them at the feet of the Vicar of Jesus Christ, that he may put an end to their godless system of education and impious laws of liberty of conscience, which are an insult to God and man!” Vicar of Jesus Christ = Pope of the day. "We are determined, like you, to take possession of the United States and rule them; but we cannot do that without acting secretly and with the utmost wisdom. If our plans are known, they will surely be defeated. What does a skillful general do when he wants to conquer a country? Does he scatter his soldiers over the farm lands, and spend their energy and power in ploughing the fields and sowing grain? No! He keeps them well united around his banners, and marches at their head, to the conquest of the strongholds, the rich and powerful cities. The farming countries then submit and become the price of his victory without moving a finger to subdue them.” “So it is with us. Silently and patiently, we must mass our Roman Catholics in the great cities of the United States, remembering that the vote of a poor journeyman, though he be covered with rags, has as much weight in the scale of power as the millionaire Astor, and that if we have two votes against his one, he will become as powerless as an oyster. Let us then multiply our votes; let us call our poor but faithful Irish Catholics from every corner of the world, and gather them into the very hearts of those proud citadels which the Yankees are so rapidly building under the names of Washington, New York, Boston, Chicago, Buffalo, Albany, Troy, Cincinnati, etc. Under the shadows of those great cities, the Americans consider themselves a giant and unconquerable race. They look upon the poor Irish Catholic people with supreme contempt, as only fit to dig their canals, sweep their streets and work in their kitchens. Let no one awake those sleeping lions, today. Let us pray God that they may sleep and dream their sweet dreams, a few years more. How sad will their awakening be, when with our out- numbering votes, we will turn them forever, from every position of honour, power and profit! What will those hypocritical and godless sons and daughters of the fanatical Pilgrim Fathers say, when not a single judge (see pages 26, 49), not a single teacher, not a single policeman, will be elected if he be not a devoted Irish Roman Catholic?” “What will those so-called giants think of their matchless shrewdness and ability, when not a single Senator or member of congress will be chosen, if he be not submitted to our holy father the Pope! What a sad figure those Protestant Yankees will cut when we will not only elect the President, but fill and command the armies, man the navies and hold the keys of the public treasury? It will then be time for our faithful Irish people to give up their grog shops, in order to become the judges and governors of the land. Then, our poor and humble mechanics will leave their damp ditches and muddy streets, to rule the cities in all their departments, for the stately mansion of Mayor to the more humble, though not less noble position of teacher.” “When one knows the absolute, abject submission of the Irish Roman Catholics, rich or poor, to their priests, how the mind, the soul, the will, the conscience, are firmly and irrevocably tied to the feet of their priests; he can easily understand that the Jesuits of the United States form one of the richest and most powerful corporations the world ever saw. It is well known that those fifty Catholic millionaires, with their myriads of employees are, through their wives, and by themselves, continually at the feet of the Jesuits, who swim in a golden sea. No one, if he be not a Roman Catholic, or one of those so-called Protestants who give their daughters to the nuns, and their sons to the Jesuits to be educated, has much hopes, where the Jesuits rule, of having a lucrative office in the United States today (1852).” “It is to San Francisco that you must go to have an idea of the number of secret and powerful organizations with which the Church of Rome prepares herself for the impending conflict, through which she hopes to destroy 46 the schools, and every vestige of human rights and liberties in the United States. In order to more easily drill the Roman Catholics and prepare them for the irrepressible struggle, the Jesuits have organized them into a great number of secret societies, the principal of which are: Ancient Order of Hibernians, Irish American Society, Knights of St. Patrick, St. Patrick's Cadets, St. Patrick Mutual Alliance, Apostles of Liberty, Benevolent Sons of the Emerald Isle, Knights of St. Peter, Knights of the Red Branch, Knights of the Columskill, The Secret Heart, ect. (Unquestionable the most powerful society in the US today (2015) is The Society of Columbus which has millions of loyal members).” “Almost all these secret associations are military ones. They have their headquarters at San Francisco, but their rank and file are scattered all over the United States. They number several hundred thousand soldiers, who, under the name of U.S. Volunteer Militia, are officered by some of the most skillful generals and officers of this Republic. Another fact, to which the American Protestants do not sufficiently pay attention, is that the Jesuits have been shrewd enough to have a vast majority of Roman Catholic generals and officers to command the army and man the navy of the United States. Rome is in constant conspiracy against the rights and liberties of man all over the world; but she is particularly so in the United States.” “Long before I was ordained a priest, I knew that my church was the most implacable enemy of this Republic. My professors of philosophy, history, and theology had been unanimous in telling me that the principles and laws of the Church of Rome were absolutely antagonistic to the laws and principles which are the foundation-stones of the Constitution of the United States: 1st. The most sacred principle of the United States Constitution is the equality of every citizen before the law. But the fundamental principle of the Church of Rome is the denial of that equality. 2nd. Liberty of conscience is proclaimed by the United States, a most sacred principle which every citizen must uphold, even at the price of his blood. But liberty of conscience is declared by all the Popes and Councils of Rome, a most godless, unholy, and diabolical thing, which every good Catholic must abhor and destroy at any cost. 3rd. The American Constitution assures the absolute independence of the civil from the ecclesiastical or church power; but the Church of Rome declares, through all her Pontiffs and Councils, that such independence is an impiety and a revolt against God. 4th. The American Constitution leaves every man free to serve God according to the dictates of his conscience; but the Church of Rome declares that no man has ever had such a right, and that the Pope alone can know and say what man must believe and do. 5th. The Constitution of the United States denies the right in any body to punish any other for differing from him in religion. But the Church of Rome says that she has a right to punish with the confiscation of their goods, or the penalty of death, those who differ in faith from the Pope. 6th. The United States have established schools all over their immense territories, where they invite the people to send their children, that they may cultivate their intelligence and become good and useful citizens. But the Church of Rome has publicly cursed all those schools, and forbidden their children to attend them, under pain of excommunication in this world and damnation in the next. 7th. The Constitution of the United States is based on the principle that the people are the primary source of all civil power. But hundreds of times, the Church of Rome has proclaimed that this principle is impious and heretical. She says that "all government must rest upon the foundation of the Catholic faith; with the Pope alone as the legitimate and infallible source and interpreter of the law." Page 297: “In a very near future, if God does not miraculously prevent it, those laws of dark deeds and blood will cause the prosperity, the rights, the education, and the liberties of this too confident nation to be buried under a mountain of smoking and bloody ruins. On the top of that mountain, Rome will raise her throne and plant her victorious banners. Then she will sing her Te Deums and shout her shouts of joy, as she did when she heard the lamentations and cries of desolation of the millions of martyrs burning in the five thousand auto- da-fes she had raised in all the capitals and great cities of Europe.” The devastating Irish potato famine of 1845 – 1852, was ultimately blamed upon British Government. However, recent DNA sequencing of plant specimens dating from the mid-19th century to identify the pathogen that led to the death of nearly 1 million people; and the mass emigration of another 2 million from Ireland by 1855 was found to be HERB-1, which had originated in the Americas (most likely in Mexico’s Toluca Valley) sometime in the early 19th century — before spreading to Europe in the 1840s (Public Domain). So, we see that the potato famine caused some two million Irish citizens to leave their motherland in search of a better life. The vast majority of these refugees settled in the USA. Also, it is worth noting the date of the end of the famine in relation to the Buffalo gathering of priests (under the orders of their bishop’s) that took place in the spring 1852. 1852 is given as the year wherein the famine 47 officially ended. Therefore, is it not a coincidence that 1852 is the year when around two millions inhabitants of the land leave the country of their birth, and the ending of the famine? The writer believes the famine ended as such because with the departure of two million inhabitants the pressure on the food supply chain was drastically reduced. Again! In all of this, can we not see the hand of the Jesuits and their ability to create upheavals in any given society for their desired outcome? We can be sure that the Jesuits and their business partners scored financially on many levels regarding the relocation of two million individuals. Globally the Jesuits are the originators and the chief architects of the Trade Union movements via their communist affiliations. They are also the architects of the Liberation Theology concept; and to this end, were responsible for the decolonization of former British and French colonial countries throughout Africa. Most of these former colonies are today totally corrupt and bankrupt and cannot survive without foreign donor aid! Zimbabwe is a prime example, whilst under the leadership of devout Roman Catholic, Jesuit schooled and loyalist, Robert Gabriel Mugabe — the country went from being the bread-basket of Central Africa to basket case status. Over the years, Mugabe has donated millions of dollars to the Holy See — hence his ability to fly in and out of Rome in spite of an EU travel bans.(Pic on left: Mugabe & wife talking to Francis)

The Zim$ has no value whatsoever and had to be withdrawn from circulation and was replaced by US$. Currently unemployment is running at around 80% of the population. Because of Mugabe’s failed policies (land grabs, etc.) there are well over 4 million Zimbabweans residing in South Africa — of which over 4000 are in maximum security facilities owing to the extremely violent nature of their respective crimes — so much for helping your neighbour! Currently over three million Zimbabwean’s are starving (forced to eat worms) and the Government is having to rely on urgent humanitarian assistance from the U.N. One can be pretty sure Mugabe does not sit down to a plate of worms in the evenings! Mugabe, via his infamous ‘Red (Filth) Brigade’ slaughtered thousands, upon thousands of Matabele loyal to Joshua Nkomo. He should have been charged with genocide — but no! Thanks to his Jesuit affiliations that is never going to happen… For years he has proclaimed how he secured victory for his people by kicking the white colonists out… Only to let in, and laud the Chinese financial colonists’ — unfortunately he will be long dead by the time his cronies wake up to the fact that the Chinese will have become their masters… And how they will cry out for liberation from their Chinese oppressors! The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is an international organisation (U.N.) with a mission to accompany, serve and defend the rights of refugees and forcibly displaced persons in more than fifty countries worldwide. This is all a subterfuge as they are the ones who orchestrate the mayhem in the first place. Their main areas of work is in the field of emergency assistance, education, and advocacy, income generating activities, pastoral care, social services, reconciliation and community building. Faith & Justice was a concept first discussed at the General Council meeting of 1975, which birthed the liberation theology teaching. Over the ensuing years it was fine-tuned and then adopted (GC 34) in 1995) as the primary focus (calling) of the global Jesuit order, which is encapsulated as follows: Faith belongs to the religious world, and justice belongs to the political and secular world. The Jesuits have successfully married the two with devastating results! Multi-Cultural Societies in order to extinguish the Caucasian Protestant Heritage Via the JRS we see the Jesuits, along with the United Nations carrying forward their socialistic (Catholic) multicultural doctrine around the world today with millions in many continents being moved in all directions — with the sole purpose of destroying the cultural base of the host nations. It is a proven fact that non-Caucasian refugees very rarely assimilate into the host country’s culture; and in relation to the Moslems, they aggressively promote their own culture (religion). And in the case of the USA, predominantly catholic Mexicans/South Americans have been flooding into the US in the past few decades. Owing to the powerful catholic influence over the Obama administration the number of individuals crossing the southern border has reached crisis levels. In addition, tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors are flooding-in, completely overwhelming the authorities. And guess what? The JRS with their ubiquitous offices strewn across the length of the porous border are there welcoming these majority illegal Catholics into the USA. Of course, the JRS priest and laity speak the language of these illegals — literally and figuratively (meaning all the Catholic stuff). The author sees no problem with multi-cultural relations between true Christians as Christ should be their common denominator. Hot off the Press: Over 1,000 Muslim Migrants In Germany Fight, Rape And Sexually Assault On New Year’s Eve : www.NowTheEndBegins 04/01/2016


The Wisdom of President Roosevelt "In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American and nothing but an American ... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag ... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language ... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." - Teddy Roosevelt, 1907. “In other words, what Roosevelt was saying as it is applied to today's America, is that Muslims or any other vetted people group are welcome, but only as it relates to them becoming American citizens. Make allowances for Sharia Law? NO. Change our customs to suit Muslim customs? NO. Ban pork from any restaurant?” NO. Ack: Geoffrey Grinder- www.NowTheEndBegins. Tell women to dress more modestly because it offends Muslims? NO. Make newspapers and magazines stop publishing things offensive to Muslims? NO. Change anything at all because Muslims don't like it? NO. I could go on but you get the idea. Geoffrey Grinder-Now The End Begins. “There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all. This is just as true of the man who puts “native” before the hyphen as of the man who puts German or Irish or English or French before the hyphen. Americanism is a matter of the spirit and of the soul. Our allegiance must be purely to the United States. We must unsparingly condemn any man who holds any other allegiance.” - Teddy Roosevelt, New York City, 1912 Once you allow for multiculturalism, like England has done, the death of your own culture is sure to follow. Mass immigration has left Britain an "unrecognizable" country that many people would not want to leave to their children and grandchildren, Nigel Farage has said. In one of his strongest attacks on immigration policy, he said the arrival of migrants has some British people feeling that parts of the country are now alien to them. Hot Off the Press: An NTEB Special Report, we have recently received information that the Catholic Church received payments totaling almost $80,000000 to facilitate the flow of undocumented and illegal immigrants into the United States in 2014. This is six million dollars more than they were paid in 2013. www.NowTheEndBegins. Now we know why Pope Francis is so eager to push Obama's insane flood of illegal migrants, he's getting paid millions to do it! Currently it is estimated that 26.5% of the vote in the US is Catholic, and that the population of the US is around 321 million. And it is estimated that by 2020 it will be in the region of 332 million. Furthermore, it is projected that the Caucasian race in the US will represent around 50% of the population by 2030. And that shortly after 2030 the Caucasian people will be on the slippery slopes of becoming a minority — thereby signalling the total capitulation of the greatest protestant nation the world has ever seen! And not one shot was fired, so to speak. Also hot off the press: Cuban immigration to U.S. surges as relations warm. The number of Cubans who have entered the U.S. has spiked dramatically since President Obama last year announced a renewal of ties with the island nation. Overall, 43,159 Cubans entered the U.S. in fiscal 2015, a 78% increase over the previous year. Ack: PEW RESEARCH CENTER Today, Catholics command positions of high standing in just about all aspects of American life, directly or indirectly through their myriads of organisations. Even in the Senate they carry the majority vote. And many of Obama’s top advisers in various fields are Catholic — his speech writer, is a Jesuit priest who of course wears normal clothing, thereby fulfilling one the Jesuit norms, that is: ‘to be all things to all men’! Black is white and white is black, right?! As of 1st July 2014, the make-up of the Supreme Court Judges is as followers: Six Roman Catholics serving on the court (Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, and Sonia Sotomayor, and Clarence Thomas) and three Jews (Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Elena Kagen). Therefore, it goes without saying, that any issues brought before the full bench of judges that are contrary to the direct teachings of the mother church are bound for a bumpy ride given that six of the nine judges are biased towards their catholic masters — priests, bishops and Pope. Also it should be mentioned that Obama’s senior Military and Foreign Policy Advisor was Major General Jonathan Scott-Gration, a fighter pilot whose masters’ degree is from Georgetown University, the oldest Jesuit institution in America. He has been asked by Obama to head up the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The following is an excerpt regarding the late, F. Tupper Saussy’s personal experience… “No, originally I’m from New Orleans.” “I have lots of cousins in New Orleans,” I beamed. He seemed to get a little edgy. “Well, the name Saussy is not unknown there,” he said. One of my favorite cousins lives in New Orleans,” I said, 49 and named my cousin. “He’s your cousin? Why, he and I were ordained together.” “Ordained?” I asked. “My cousin is a Jesuit priest. Are you a Jesuit?” “Yes,” said my prosecutor, now visibly agitated. “You know, I might have to recuse myself....” “I’ve got a better idea, drop the charges.” “Oh no, I couldn’t do that.” The dialogue ended suddenly with the hoarse drawl of a bailiff announcing that court was now in session (Saussy: Rulers of Evil, Page 15). Are not the actions of the above priest deceit of the highest order and clearly reveals the insidious and stealthy modus operandi of the Jesuit order? The end justifies the means! Also, the above clearly demonstrates the reality of how effective the RCC infiltration of the US has been in that the prosecutor under the garb of the legal fraternity is a full-on ordained Jesuit priest intent on doing his father’s (Satan) business… and in this case, to unlawfully convict Saussy — a non-Catholic. Seemingly, there is no action of any kind that can be undertaken by the Government, or quasi government institutions without Catholic influence being brought to bear somewhere. 1st Time Ever that a Pope Addresses Congress Another matter worth noting, is that during Pope Francis’s first visit to the USA he was invited to address Congress — this was the first time a Pope has ever address Congress in the entire history of the USA.

Obama’s Cabinet Secretary of State John Kerry Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew Jew (Jesuit trained) Secretary of Defense Ashton B. Carter Attorney General Loretta Lynch Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell Secretary of Agriculture Tom J. Vilsack Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz Secretary of Education Arne Duncan Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert McDonald Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson

Roughly 30% of Obama’s cabinet is believed to be Roman Catholic. And of course, we must not forget that the vice-president, Joe Biden is a Roman Catholic. Obama is not unmindful of the power and influence of Rome in the United States and other parts of the world. He has to deal with the powerful Holy See. So he took steps to address their concerns as best he could, knowing that he was not in harmony with Rome on key social issues. During the recent presidential campaign a web blog was published on the website of the Jesuit magazine America. It listed the names of Obama’s unofficial Roman Catholic advisory team which is called his “Kitchen Cabinet.” The purpose of this particular advisory team is to help Obama navigate the special problems that arise because the Catholic Church is so very influential in American politics. Obviously many Roman Catholics are clearly more liberal than their church when it comes to abortion, same- sex marriage and other social issues. Obama needed advice, but more importantly he needed a solid group of respected Catholics to draw Catholic votes. It should be noted that he did not form a Baptist advisory committee or even and Evangelical advisory committee. They also wield a lot of power in U.S. politics, but not like Catholics. This fact tells us that Rome’s influence and power is obviously far more than the Baptists and Evangelicals, perhaps combined. 50 Obama’s Roman Catholic Kitchen Cabinet is comprised of the following high-profile individuals: National Co-Chairs: Senator Bob Casey and Representative Patrick Murphy (PA-08) Former Congressman Tim Roemer, President of the Center for National Policy Governor Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas, Governor Tim Kaine of Virginia, Tom Chabolla, Assistant to the President, Service Employees International Union, Victoria Reggie Kennedy, President, Common Sense About Kids and Guns, Sr. Jamie Phelps, O.P., Professor of Theology, Xavier University Sr. Catherine Pinkerton, Congregation of St. Joseph. National Steering Committee: Mary Jo Bane, Professor, Harvard Kennedy School, a Graduate of the Foreign Service School of Georgetown (Jesuit) University, Nicholas P. Cafardi, Catholic Author and Scholar, Pittsburgh, PA, Lisa Cahill, Professor of Theology, Boston College, M. Shawn Copeland, Associate Professor of Theology, Boston College, Ron Cruz, Leadership Development Consultant, Burke, VA, Sharon Daly, Social Justice Advocate, Knoxville, MD; Richard Gaillardetz, Murray/Bacik Professor of Catholic Studies, University of Toledo, Grant Gallicho, Associate Editor, Commonweal Magazine,Sr. Margaret Gannon, IHM, Scranton, PA, Don Guter, Judge Advocate General of the Navy (2000-2002) Rear Admiral, Judge Advocate General's Corps, U.S. Navy (Ret.), Pittsburgh, PA, Cathleen Kaveny, Professor of Law and Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame (Jesuit), Jim Kesteloot, President and Executive Director, Chicago Lighthouse; Vincent Miller, Associate Professor of Theology, Georgetown (Jesuit) University, David O'Brien, Loyola Professor of Catholic Studies at the College of the Holy Cross, Peter Quaranto, Senior Researcher and Conflict Analyst, Resolve Uganda (Notre Dame Class of 2006), Dave Robinson, International Peace Advocate, Erie, Pennsylvania, Vincent Rougeau, Associate Professor of Law, University of Notre Dame, Mary Wright, Inter- Faith Liaison, Louisville, KY, National Leadership Committee Governor Jim Doyle of Wisconsin, Former Senator Majority Leader Tom Daschle, Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois, Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, Representative Xavier Becerra of California, Representative Mike Capuano of Massachusetts, Representative Lacy Clay of Missouri, Representative Jerry Costello of Illinois, Representative Bill Delahunt of Massachusetts, Representative Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, Representative Anna Eshoo of California, Representative Raul Grijalva of Arizona, Representative Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island, Representative John Larson of Connecticut, Representative George Miller of California, Representative James Oberstar of Minnesota, Representative Linda Sanchez of California, Representative Carol Shea Porter of New Hampshire, Representative Peter Welch of Vermont. James Martin, SJ (Jesuit priest). One wonders… in such a democratic country as the USA, why is there no Protestant, Jewish, Moslem, Wiccan, etc. kitchen cabinets as well? Although Obama declares himself to be Moslem, he has strong ties to various Catholic institutions — past, present, and no doubt going into the future as well. Remarks by the Obma at the Recent Catholic Health Association Conference: My first job in Chicago when I moved after college to work as a community organizer -- my first job was funded by the Campaign for Human Development, an anti-poverty initiative of the Catholic Church. And my first office was at Holy Rosary Church on the South Side of Chicago, across from Palmer Park. (Applause.) You're clapping there -- she knows Holy Rosary. (Laughter.) And the task was to work with parishes and neighbours and faith and community leaders to bring low-income people together, to stitch neighbourhoods together, clergy and laypeople. And the work was hard, and there were times where it was dispiriting. We had plenty of setbacks. There were times where I felt like quitting, where I wondered if the path I’d chosen was too hard. But despite these challenges, I saw how kindness and compassion and faith can change the arc of people’s lives. And I saw the power of faith -- a shared belief that every human being, made in the image of God, deserves to live in dignity; that all children, no matter who they are or where they come from or how much money they were born into, ought to have the opportunity to achieve their God-given potential; that we are all called, in the words of His Holiness Pope Francis, “to satisfy the demands of justice, fairness, and respect for every human being.” “And at the time, when I had just moved to Chicago, the Cardinal there was Cardinal Bernardin, an extraordinary man. And he understood that part of that commitment, part of that commitment to the dignity of every human being also meant that we had to care about the health of every human being. And he articulated that, and the Church articulated that, as we moved at the state level in the Illinois legislature, once I was elected there later on in life, to advance the proposition that health care is not a privilege, it is a right.” “And that belief is at the heart of the Catholic Health Association’s mission. For decades, your member hospitals have been on the front lines, often serving the marginalized, the vulnerable and the sick and the uninsured. And that belief is at the heart of why we came together more than five years ago to reform our health care system -- to guarantee that every American has access to quality, affordable care.” “So I’m here today to say thank you for your tireless efforts to make health reform a reality. Without your commitment to compassionate care, without your moral force, we would not have succeeded. (Applause.) We would not have succeeded had it not been for you and the foundation you had laid. (Applause.)…” 51 Corporate America Don’t think that corporate America is beyond the pails of the Holy See, either! The Hurst family and many other extremely wealthy families in the US are Roman Catholic. Via the Vatican Bank, the Holy See has major investments in fixed and non-fixed assets around the world — from Fiat Motor Corporation, to the Boeing Aircraft Corporation, to the Internet, etc. The majority of her investments are done through investment houses via front companies. It was recently discovered that Vatican Bank (IOR Division) had purchased shares in a pornographic production house. And when the IOR (Vati-Bank) was questioned over this issue, they said they had no knowledge of the event because in many instances bulk share purchases are made by their agents. Also, they control the media via Fox News’ Knight of Malta media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who is a Jesuit asset. Pastoral Power & Catholic Action in the USA ‘Catholic Action’ (‘Catholic laity in action’) working from grass-root levels up is the most effective intervention by Catholics world-wide in relation to their local communities. They do this by siting on various advisory boards, or governing bodies of the following entities: Municipal Offices, Fire/Police Departments, schools, colleges, day-care facilities, hospitals, clinics, businesses, etc., they are able influence for change. This influence is generally achieved via the voting procedure, which in turn brings about their desired outcomes. The following phrase best describes catholic-action: the power to mobilize, to justify, and to legitimize action! This is achieved via the hierarchal chain of command. Given that there are around 17,644 parishes in the US the exponential factor of catholic-action is mind- boggling! As already elucidated in this document, many of the religious orders have a large laity component to them. Diagram B

Parish Parish Parish

Diocese (Cardinal Parish Parish Archbishop Bishop)

Parish Parish


There are 17,644 parishes/churches in USA, and it is estimated that the Catholic population of the US is around 85 million

The above parish figure exclude the Military Archdioceses of the US Military Services, H/Q in Washington, D.C. Picture on right is of a Catholic chaplain ministering to American Marines and Sailors in Tikrit, Iraq. As of April 2013, about 25% of the U.S. armed forces are Catholics (Wikipedia). The first allegiance of these Catholics is to the Pope, not to their respective commanding officers. And should there be a conflict of interest in this regard — they are bound to the Pope, owing to the fact that according to Catholic dogma salvation is to be found only in the Catholic Church. An integral component of the laity action is the various orders of knights: Knights of the Southern Cross - Knights of Da Gama - Knights of Marshall - Knights of Columbus - Knights of Peter Claver - Knights of St Columba - Knights of St Columbus - Knights of the Southern Cross - Knights of St Mulumba - Knights of St Virgil - Fraternal Order of SS Peter and Paul - Knights of St Gabriel - Knights of St Thomas the Apostle - The Order of Our Lady Queen of Peace - Knights of St Thomas More. The aforementioned are some of the Catholic laity Knights organisation in operation today. These various orders are military orders approved by the Holy See and generally perform voluntary duties in their respective parishes. However, as they are structured on military lines — one order from the Bishop and that posture can very quickly change — make no mistake! “The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of Catholic men with a membership of nearly 1.2 million The Knights bought for $6.5 million the land on which Yankee Stadium in New York stands . . . Thus when in 52 October 1965, Pope Paul [Paul VI] went to New York City to visit the United Nations and later at a pontifical mass in Yankee Stadium, His Holiness in effect was on home ground.” Mark Phillips’ and Cathy O’Brien’s Trance: Formation of America. There are other orders of Knights, namely the Knights of the Order of St John, the Knights of Malta, etc. which has a different function from the above-mentioned and are global orders and are most likely under Jesuit/Opus Dei control, or influence. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, a Christian militia formed in the 11th century, before the first Crusades, with the mission of defending territories that the Crusaders had conquered from the Muslims. The Knights of Malta are a secretive religious order with a long and bloody history and unique status under international law. It prints its own postage stamps and coins and enjoys observer status at the United Nations, which classifies it as a non-state entity like the Red Cross. The Knights maintain diplomatic relations with 104 countries. The Americans, Scott & Kimberly Hahan, originally came from very strong Protestant backgrounds (supposedly knew the Bible well) and converted to Catholicism in the 90’s (I think?). Shortly after, they jointly pursued a ministry aimed at bringing Protestants/Episcopalians/Pentecostals into the Roman Catholic stable (fold). In the ensuing decades they have been very, very successful in that they have deceived tens of thousands of individuals around the world to return to Rome. Another individual that has done the self-same thing is Patrick Madrid. …and souls of men. Rev 18:13. Unless these individuals miraculously repent — I am convinced that they will ultimately end up in the Lake of Fire. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Those who underestimate the wealth and power of the US Bishops err greatly! These individuals, and Bishop’s in general, are referred to by the Holy See as her Princes and by divine mandate (already discussed) are actually Kings of the various provinces they rule over; and therefore, as Kings all individuals are subject to them as well as all the wealth (assets) that the province possess. This is the Law of the Universal (Catholic) Church and is applicable to all nation states that make up the entire world today — whether nation states accept this supposition is irrelevant as far as the Church is concerned! Non-Catholics do not really understand the immense power the priest has over his flock (as an ex-catholic I can vouch for this). In most cases the congregants really love and TRUST their priests, so what he says is generally accepted for the greater good. Below are some of the issues the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops as a whole is involved with. And of necessity are heavily dependent upon the Catholic action concept at grassroots level to bring about many of these desired outcomes. The Government funds many of these endeavours: Anti-Trafficking Program - Canonical Affairs and Church Governance - Catholic Campaign for Human Development - Catholic Education - Catholic News Service - Child and Youth Protection. Children and Migration - Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations - Migration Policy - National Collections - National Religious Retirement Office - New American Bible - Pro-life Activities - Religious Liberty - Resettlement Services - World Youth Day - General Secretariat - Government Relations (see Obama’s kitchen cabinet) - Human Resources - International Justice and Peace - Justice, Peace & Human Development - Laity, Marriage, Family Life & Youth - Media Relations - Migration and Refugee Services - Communications - Cultural Diversity in the Church - Divine Worship - Doctrine Domestic - Social Development - Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs - Evangelization and Catechesis General Counsel. Catholic Bishops — Cultural Diversity o Who We Are - Events - Resources - Videos o Intercultural Competencies: o African American - Who We Are - Demographics - Events - Links - Resources o Asian/Pacific Islander - Demographics - Links - News - Resources o Hispanic/Latino - Who We Are - Demographics - Events o Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees and Travelers - Ethnic Ministries - People on the Move o Apostleship of the Sea - Demographics - Links - News - Resources

Ack: USA Catholics Conference of Bishops


Pope Francis: SuperStar & Statesman

Thanks to the Internet, there are wide-ranging media platforms available to everyone today. And because of the instant nature of these various mediums Pope Francis has to be the most popular individual on planet earth, today. Owing to the aforementioned, Pope Francis is able to reach the entire planet within seconds — thereby making him the most visible Pontiff in the entire 1600 year history of the Holy See.


Francis arriving for Mass whilst visiting Bosnia & Herzegovina Ack: Time Magazine Inc.

Pics: www.google.com Media Hype!

Acknowledgement: Time magazine, Inc. 55 Kingly Role

Joe Biden (vice) President USA President of Argentina, Cristina kirchner Chancellor Angela Merkel Francis receiving a gift from President Putin

President of France King Hussein’s wife, Rania meeting Francis See Islamic Crescent Moon

Obama family meeting Frances

Robert Mugabe

56 Priestly Role

Pics: www.google.com Justin Welby Archbishop of Canterbury Holy Door What is the monetary value of the Babylonian High Priest robes that Francis is wearing? This image is far removed from his so-called humble-pie stance perceived by the general public.

Behold! Beelzebub! “Pope Francis pushed open the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica, formally launching the Holy Year of Mercy, at the Vatican Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2015. Francis stood in prayer on the threshold of the Basilica's Holy Door 57 then walked through it, the first of an estimated 10 million faithful who will pass through over the course of the next year in a rite of pilgrimage dating back centuries.” (L'Osservatore Romano/Pool Photo via AP). Even in Death, Popes Demonstrate their Power over World Leaders

The below dignitaries list applicable to the late pope’s John Paul II funeral service confirms this fact in no uncertain terms. The Pope’s funeral took place on April 8, 2005, and was the largest gathering of statesmen/women in history.

Countries which sent delegates to the funeral of Pope John Paul II shown in purple, as listed on the wikipedia article. List of dignitaries at the funeral of Pope John Paul II and at the vatican site

Foreign dignitaries and world religious leaders who attended Pope John Paul II's funeral Mass at St. Peter's Square. (Sources: Wire News Services and the Vatican):

AFGHANISTAN: Funeral delegation led by: President Hamid Karzai. ALBANIA:: Funeral delegation led by: President Alfred Moisiu, former presidents Sali Berisha and Rexhep Meidani, Prime Minister Fatos Nano; Albanian religious leaders: Selim Muca of the (Sunni) Muslim community, Rrok Mirdita, the Catholic Archbishop, Haxhi Dede Reshat Bardhi of the (Shiite) Bektashi Muslim sect and Orthodox Archbishop Anastasios of the Orthodox community. Pope John Paul II visited Albania in April 1993. ARAB LEAGUE: Funeral delegation led by: Secretary General Amr Moussa ARMENIA: Funeral delegation led by: Prime Minister Andranik Markarian, Head of Armenian Apostolic Church Catholicos Garegin II AUSTRALIA: Funeral delegation led by: Governor-General Michael Jeffery, who represents Britain's Queen Elizabeth as Australia's head of state. Pope John Paul II visited Australia in November 1986 and January 1995. AUSTRIA: Funeral delegation led by: President Heinz Fischer, Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel, Parliament Speaker Andreas Khol. Pope John Paul II visited Austria in September 1983, June 1988 and June 1998. AZERBAIJAN: Funeral delegation led by: Prime Minister Artur Rasizade. Pope John Paul II visited Azerbaijan in 2002. BANGLADESH: Funeral delegation led by: Food and Disaster Management Minister Chowdhury Kamal Ibne Yusuf. Pope John Paul II visited Bangladesh in November 1986. BELGIUM: Funeral delegation led by: King Albert II and Queen Paola, Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt. Pope John Paul II visited Belgium in May 1985 and June 1995.

BENIN: Funeral delegation led by: Foreign Minister Rogatien Biaou. Pope John Paul II visited Benin in February 1982 and February 1993. BOLIVIA: Funeral delegation led by: President Carlos Mesa and his wife, Elvira Salinas Pope John Paul II visited Bolivia in May 1988. BOSNIA: Funeral delegation led by: Chairman of the state presidency, Borisav Paravac. Pope John Paul II visited Bosnia and Herzegovina in April 1997 and in 2002. BRAZIL: Funeral delegation led by: President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Pope John Paul II visited Brazil in June 1980, June 1982, October 1991 and October 1997. BRITAIN: Pope John Paul II is kissed by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, leader of the Anglican Church, during a private audience in the papal library at the Vatican on Oct. 4, 2003. Funeral delegation led by: Prince Charles, Prime Minister Tony Blair, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams. Pope John Paul II visited Britain in May 1982. BULGARIA : Funeral delegation led by: President Georgi Parvanov, Bulgaria's Orthodox Rousse Bishop Neofit and Vidin Bishop Domitian. Pope John Paul II visited Bulgaria in 2002. CAMEROON : Funeral delegation led by: President Paul Biya, Minister of External Relations Laurent Esso. Pope John Paul II visited Cameroon in August 1985 and September 1995. CANADA : Funeral delegation led by: Prime Minister Paul Martin. Pope John Paul II visited Canada in September 1984, September 1997 and 2002. CHILE: Funeral delegation led by: Foreign Minister Ignacio Walker. (President Ricardo Lagos cannot attend as his 108-year-old mother is very ill.) Pope John Paul II visited Chile in March 1987. CHINA: China said Thursday it would not send a delegation to the funeral because of the Vatican's diplomatic relations with rival Taiwan, whose president, Chen Shui-bian, took advantage of a rare chance to meet other leaders at an international event. COLOMBIA: Funeral delegation led by: Vice President Francisco Santos and his wife, Maria Victoria. Pope John Paul II visited Colombia in July 1986. Funeral delegation led by: President Abel Pacheco. Pope John Paul II visited Costa Rica in March 1983. COSTA RICA: Funeral delegation led by: President Abel Pacheco. Pope John Paul II visited Costa Rica in March 1983. COUNCIL OF EUROPE: Funeral delegation led by: Daniel Rotfeld, chairman of committee of ministers; Rene van der Linden, chairman of Parliamentary Assembly; Giovanni di Stasi, chairman council's body overseeing local authorities CROATIA: Funeral delegation led by: President Stjepan Mesic, Prime Minister Ivo Sanader. Pope John Paul II visited Croatia in September 1994, October 1998 and 2002. CUBA: Cuban President Fidel Castro and Pope John Paul II check the time on Castro's watch during a papal welcoming ceremony in Havana on Jan. 21, 1998. The pope spent five days touring the communist country. As a result of the trip, Castro allowed Cuban Catholics to celebrate Christmas. Funeral delegation led by: National Assembly President Ricardo Alarcon and Caridad Diego, head of 58 religious affairs for Communist Party. CYPRUS: Funeral delegation led by: President Tassos Papadopoulos. CZECH REPUBLIC: Funeral delegation led by: President Vaclav Klaus, Foreign Minister Cyril Svoboda. Pope John Paul II visited the Czech Republic in April 1990, May 1995 and April 1997. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Funeral delegation led by: President Joseph Kabila, Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba. Pope John Paul II visited the Democratic Republic of Congo in May 1980. DENMARK: Funeral delegation led by: Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Queen Margaret II and Prince Consort Henrik. Pope John Paul II visited Denmark in June 1989. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Funeral delegation led by: First lady Margarita Cedeno, Secretary of Education Alejandrina German. Pope John Paul II visited the Dominican Republic in January 1979, October 1984 and October 1992. ECUADOR: Funeral delegation led by: President Lucio Gutierrez..Pope John Paul II visited Ecuador in January 1985. EL SALVADOR Funeral delegation led by: Foreign Minister Francisco Lainez, first lady Ana Ligia Mixco de Saca, Interior Minister Rene Figueroa. Pope John Paul II visited El Salvador in March 1983 and February 1996. EGYPT: Funeral delegation led by: Culture Minister Farouk Hosni. Pope John Paul II visited Egypt in February 2000. ESTONIA: Funeral delegation led by: President Arnold Ruutel. Pope John Paul II visited in September 1993. ETHIOPIA: Funeral delegation led by: Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church Abune Paulos EUROPEAN UNION: Funeral delegation led by: European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and his wife, Regional Policy Commissioner Danuta Hubner; Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini and External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner; also European Parliament President Josep Borrell FINLAND: Funeral delegation led by: Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen. Pope John Paul II visited Finland in June 1989. FRANCE: French President Jacques Chiracand his wife, Bernadette, welcome John Paul II to France on Aug. 21, 1997. The pope had traveled to partake in World Youth Days, a religious festival held outside Paris that attracted 2 million young pilgrims. Funeral delegation led by: President Jacques Chirac and his wife Bernadette. Pope John Paul II visited France in May 1980, August 1983, October 1986, October 1988, September 1996, September 1997 and 2003. GEORGIA: Funeral delegation led by: Foreign Minister Salome Zurabishvili. Pope John Paul II visited Georgia in November 1999. GERMANY: German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder signs the condolence book for the late Pope John Paul II at the Papal Nunciature in Berlin on April 5. German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder met with the pope on May 18, 1999, to discuss solutions to help end violence in the Balkans. The date was also the Pope's 79th birthday. Funeral delegation led by: President Horst Koehler, Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder Pope John Paul II visited Germany in November 1980, April 1987 and June 1996 GREECE: In May 2001, John Paul II became the first modern pope to visit Greece, meeting with Greek Orthodox Church leader Archbishop Christodoulos in an effort to ease religious tensions stemming from the "Great Schism" that separated the Christian church over 1,000 years ago. Funeral delegation led by: President Karolos Papoulias and Archbishop Christodoulos GUATEMALA: Nobel Peace Prize-winning activist Rigoberta Menchu had a personal audience with John Paul II during his visit to Guatemala in July 2002. The pope apologized for church abuses against the indigenous population during the colonization of the Americas. Funeral delegation led by: President Oscar Berger and first lady Wendy de Berger, Foreign Minister Jorge Briz and Rigoberta Menchu. Pope John Paul II visited Guatemala in March 1983, February 1996 and 2002. HAITI: Funeral delegation led by: Interim Prime Minister Gerard Latortu. Pope John Paul II visited Haiti in March 1983.. HONDURAS: Funeral delegation led by: President Ricardo Maduro. Pope John Paul II visited Honduras in March 1983. HUNGARY: Funeral delegation led by: President Ferenc Madl and his wife, Dalma, Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany, former prime minister Viktor Orban, Parliamentary Speaker Katalin Szili, Supreme Court Chief Justice Zoltan Lomnici. Pope John Paul II visited Hungary in August 1991 and September 1996. INDIA: Funeral delegation led by: Vice President Bhairon Singh Shekhawat. Pope John Paul II visited India in January 1986 and November 1999. INDONESIA: Funeral delegation led by: Social Welfare Minister Alwi Shihab, Religious Affairs Minister Maftuh Basyuni. Pope John Paul II visited Indonesia in October 1989. IRAN: Iranian President Mohammad Khatami met Pope John Paul II at the Vatican on March 11, 1999. Funeral delegation led by: President Mohammad Khatami. IRELAND : Funeral delegation led by: President Mary McAleese, Prime Minister Bertie Ahern. Pope John Paul II visited Ireland in September 1979. ISRAEL: Funeral delegation led by: President Moshe Katsav, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom. Pope John Paul II visited Israel in March 2000. ITALY: Funeral delegation led by: President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi JAPAN: Funeral delegation led by: former foreign minister Yoriko Kawaguchi. Pope John Paul II visited Japan in February 1980. JORDAN : Funeral delegation led by: King Abdullah. Pope John Paul II visited Jordan in March 2000. KENYA: Funeral delegation led by: Foreign Minister Chirau Ali Mwakwere, Local Government Minister Musikari Kombo. Pope John Paul II visited Kenya in May 1980, August 1985 and September 1995. KOSOVO: Funeral delegation led by: President Ibrahim Rugova. LATVIA: Funeral delegation led by: President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. Pope John Paul II visited Latvia in September 1993 LEBANON: Funeral delegation led by: President Emile Lahoud (Maronite Christian), Prime Minister Omar Karami (Sunni Muslim), Parliamentary Speaker Nabih Berri (Shiite Muslim) and Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir. Pope John Paul II visited Lebanon in May 1997. LESOTHO: Funeral delegation led by: King Letsie III, Foreign Minister Monyane Moleleki. Pope John Paul II visited Lesotho in September 1988. LIECHTENSTEIN :Funeral delegation led by: Prince Hans-Adam II, Princess Marie and Prince Nicholas. Pope John Paul II visited Liechtenstein in September 1985. LITHUANIA: Funeral delegation led by: President Valdas Adamkas. Pope John Paul II visited Lithuania in September 1993. 59

LUXEMBOURG: Funeral delegation led by: Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker. Pope John Paul II visited Luxembourg in May 1985. MACEDONIA: Funeral delegation led by: President Branko Crvenkovski. MADAGASCAR : Funeral delegation led by: President Marc Ravolomanana, Foreign Affairs Minister Marcel Ranjeva. Pope John Paul II visited Madagascar in April 1989. MALAYSIA: Funeral delegation led by: Bernard Dompok, minister in charge of the civil service Abdullah Mohamad Zin, minister in charge of religious affairs. MAURITANIA: Funeral delegation led by: Foreign Minister Mohamed Vall Ould Bellal. MEXICO: Mexican President Vicente Fox speaks with Pope John Paul II in Mexico City on July 30, 2002..Funeral delegation led by: President Vicente Fox. John Paul II visited Mexico in January 1979, May 1990, August 1993, January 1999 and 2002. MONTENEGRO: Funeral delegation led by: President Filip Vujanovic. MOZAMBIQUE: Funeral delegation led by: President Armando Guebuza. Pope John Paul II visited Mozambique in September 1988 MYANMA: Funeral delegation led by: Ambassador Khin Maung Aye, Archbishop Charles Bo. THE NETHERLANDS: Funeral delegation led by: Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende. Pope John Paul II visited the Netherlands in May 1985. THE NETHERLANDS: Funeral delegation led by: Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende. Pope John Paul II visited the Netherlands in May 1985. NEW ZEALAND: Funeral delegation led by: Governor General Silvia Cartwright. Pope John Paul II visited New Zealand in November 1986. NICARAGUA: Funeral delegation led by: President Enrique Bolanos, Foreign Minister Norman Caldera. Pope John Paul II visited Nicaragua in March 1983 and February 1996. NIGERIA: Funeral delegation led by: President Olusegun Obasanjo. Pope John Paul II visited in February 1982 and March 1998. NORWAY: Funeral delegation led by: Queen Sonja, Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik (King Harald is in hospital recovering from heart surgery), and Norwegian Bishop Finn Wagle of the Protestant state church.Pope. John Paul II visited Norway in June 1989 PAKISTAN: Funeral delegation led by: Minister for Religious Affairs Mohammed Ijaz-ul Haq. Pope John Paul II visited Pakistan in February 1980. PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY: Funeral delegation led by: Prime Minister Ahmed Queria. Pope John Paul II visited with Palestinian leaders in Israel in March 2000. PANAMA: Funeral delegation led by: President Martin Torrijos, first lady Vivian Fernandez de Torrijos, Foreign Minister Samuel Lewis. Pope John Paul II visited Panama in March 1983. PARAGUAY: Funeral delegation led by: Foreign Minister Leila Rachid. Pope John Paul II visited Paraguay in May 1988. THE PHILIPPINES: Philippines President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo had an audience with Pope John Paul II on September 27, 2003, at the Vatican.. Funeral delegation led by: President Arroyo. Pope John Paul II visited the Philippines in February 1981 and January 1995. POLAND: Pope John Paul II hugs Lech Walesa, leader of Poland's Solidarity trade union and later the nation's first post-communist president, in Gdansk, Poland, on June 11, 1987. Walesa maintained very close ties with the Polish pope, who was once the Archbishop of Krakow. Pope John Paul II had been a powerful supporter of Solidarity, which played a key role in overthrowing communism in Poland. Funeral delegation led by: President Aleksander Kwasniewski and his wife, Prime Minister Marek Belka, former president Lech Walesa and Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Poland's first post-communist president and prime minister.Pope John Paul II visited his native Poland in June 1979, June 1983, June 1987, June 1991, August 1991, May 1995, May 1997, June 1999 and 2002. PORTUGAL: Funeral delegation led by: President Jorge Sampaio and first lady Maria Jose Ritta, Foreign Minister Diogo Freitas do Amaral, former president Gen. Antonio Ramalho Eanes. Pope John Paul II visited Portugal in May 1982, March 1983, May 1994 and 2000. ROMANIA: Funeral delegation led by: President Traian Basescu, Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu and Romania's Orthodox patriarch Teoctist. Pope John Paul II visited Romania in May 1999. RUSSIA: Funeral delegation led by: Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov and Metropolitan Kirill, head of external relations for the Moscow Patriarchate. (Patriarch Alexiy II -- who repeatedly refused to meet the pope -- will not attend.). Pope John Paul II attempted to visit Russia many times during his papacy, but was never granted permission due to objections by the Russian Orthodox patriarch. During the early years of his pontificate, the communist government of the Soviet Union also refused his requests for entry. RWANDA: Funeral delegation led by: Foreign Affairs Minister Charles Murigand. Pope John Paul II visited Rwanda in September 1990. SENEGAL: Funeral delegation led by: President Abdoulaye Wade. Pope John Paul II visited Senegal in February 1992 SERBIA: Funeral delegation led by: President Boris Tadi. SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO: Funeral delegation led by: President Svetozar Marovic. SEYCHELLES: Funeral delegation led by: President James Michel. Pope John Paul II visited the Seychelles in November 1986. SIERRA LEONE: Funeral delegation led by: Foday Seasay, ambassador to Germany. SINGAPORE: Funeral delegation led by: Deputy Prime Minister Professor S. Jayakumar. Pope John Paul II visited Singapore in November 1986. SLOVAKIA: Funeral delegation led by: President Ivan Gasparovic, Parliament Chairman Pavol Hrusovsky. Pope John Paul II visited Slovakia in June 1995, May 1996 and 2002. SLOVENIA: Funeral delegation led by: President Janez Drnovsek, Prime Minister Janez Jansa, Foreign Minister Dimitrij Rupel. (Rupel will represent the head of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.). Pope John Paul II visited Slovenia in September 1999.


SOUTH AFRICA: South African President Nelson Mandela talks with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican on June 18, 1998. Mandela thanked the pope for the Catholic Church's help with education and health care for black South Africans during apartheid. Funeral delegation led by: Deputy President Jacob Zuma, former president Nelson Mandela Pope. John Paul II visited South Africa in September 1995 .

SOUTH KOREA: Funeral delegation led by: Prime Minister Lee Hae-chan. Pope John Paul II visited South Korea in May 1984 and October 1989. SPAIN: Spain's King Juan Carlos kisses the hand of Pope John Paul II during a ceremony attended by hundreds of thousands of people in Madrid's central Plaza de Colon on May 4, 2003. Funeral delegation led by: King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. Pope John Paul II visited Spain in October 1982, October 1984, August 1989, June 1993 and 2002.

SRI LANKA: Funeral delegation led by: Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse. Pope John Paul II visited Sri Lanka in January 1995. SWEDEN: Sweden's Crown Princess Victoria greets Pope John Paul II at the Vatican on Oct. 4, 2002, and extends an invitation for the pontiff to visit the following year to honor a Swedish-born saint.. Funeral delegation led by: King Carl XVI Gustav and Queen Silvia, Prime Minister Goeran Persson and Swedish Lutheran Archbishop K.G. Hammar. Pope John Paul II visited Sweden in June 1989. SWITZERLAND: Funeral delegation led by: President Samuel Schmid. Pope John Paul II visited Switzerland in June 1982, June 1984 and September 1985. SYRIA: Pope John Paul II shakes hands with Syrian President Bashar Assad as the pontiff departs Syria for Malta on May 8, 2001. During the pope's three-day visit, part of a pilgrimage to walk in the footsteps of St. Paul, Assad asked for assistance in the creation of a Palestinian state. Also, John Paul II became the first pope to enter a mosque when he visited the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus.. Funeral delegation led by: President Bashar Assad. TAIWAN: Funeral delegation led by: President Chen Shui-bian, Foreign Minister Chen Tan-sun and imam Ma Shiao-chi. TANZANIA: Funeral delegation led by: Minister for Cooperative Development George Kahama. Pope John Paul II visited Tanzania in September 1990. THAILAND: Funeral delegation led by: Deputy Prime Minister Surakiart Sathirathai. Pope John Paul II visited Thailand in May 1984. TURKEY: Funeral delegation led by: Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I, Turkey's Armenian Patriarch Mesrob II. Pope John Paul II visited Turkey in November 1979. UGANDA: Funeral delegation led by: Head of Uganda's Catholic Church Cardinal Emmanuel Wamala. Pope John Paul II visited Uganda in February 1993. UKRAINE: Funeral delegation led by: President Viktor Yushchenko. UNITED NATIONS: Funeral delegation led by: Secretary General Kofi Annan. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: President Bush and first lady Laura Bush greet Pope John Paul II at the Vatican on June 4, 2005. The president and the pope were in accord in opposing abortion, but John Paul II was a staunch, vocal opponent of the Iraq war. Funeral delegation led by: President George W. Bush and first lady Laura Bush, former presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Pope John Paul II visited the United States in September 1979, February 1980, May 1984, September 1987, August 1993, October 1995 and January 1999. URUGUAY: Funeral delegation led by: first lady Maria Auxiliadora Delgado de Vazquez and son Aluaro Vazquez. Pope John Paul II visited Uruguay in March 1987 and May 1988. VENEZUELA: Funeral delegation led by: Foreign Relations Minister Ali Rodriguez, Planning Minister Jorge Giordanni.Pope John Paul II visited Venezuela in January 1985 and February 1996. ZIMBABWE: Funeral delegation led by: President Robert Mugabe, who is defying travel restrictions imposed by member nations of the European Union to attend. Pope John Paul II visited Zimbabwe in September 1988. Acknowledgement: The Washington Post Company (2005) Some organizations that were represented: Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta, Council of Europe, NATO, OSCE, ILO, FAO, UNESCO, IFAD, Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, World Food Program, UN Office on Drugs and Crime. There were a great number mayors, senators, etc in their private capacities. Ecumenical & Inter-Religious Movements The beginning of the ecumenical movement is normally reckoned with the 1910 World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. Other aspects of the movement soon followed: in 1921, the International Missionary Council was established, followed by the World Conference on Faith and Order in 1927 (focusing on doctrinal differences); these all led to the establishment of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in 1948. Ack: www.astudyofdenominationalism.org. The primary purpose of this movement was to address the many divisions within the Protestant churches. Through the infiltration of the Jesuits over many, many decades most of these denominations in our day have become apostate (fallen away from the truth) and have returned to their harlot mother. Once again! We see the hand of the Roman Church deceitfully at work behind the scenes.

61 The Inter-Religious Movement has gained a tremendous amount of traction over the last decade or so, so much so, that many religions regularly pray together, they also swop venues. In other words Christian use the Mosque and the Moslems meet in the Christians Churches, etc. Most of the initiative comes from the Catholic Church, via the Jesuit’s ‘Inter-Religious Dialogue’. The Moslem/Christian initiative has been given the title of ChrisLam and there are plans to build a triune building in Berlin as soon as funding has been realized. The building will have three different divisions all linked by a common area. The design is for a brick building with a tall, square central tower. Off the courtyard will be the houses of worship. The building will occupy a prominent site in the heart of Berlin called Petriplatz. One of the leaders involved, Rabbi Tovia Ben Chorin, said the location is highly sufficient: “From my Jewish point of view the city where Jewish suffering was planned is now the city where a centre is being built by the three monotheistic religions which shaped European culture.” The imam involved, Kadir Sanci, believes the House of One will become a sign to the world that the majority of Muslims are peaceful and non-violent. He also stated it is a place where different cultures can learn from each other. Ack: BBC. All of these endeavours are leading to Rome and are the building blocks for the universal church under the leadership of the Pope of the day. We are indeed in the last days! Public domain info corralated by The Final Word. Just what is the Ecumenical Movement? Have you ever heard of the Ecumenical movement? It's the term used to describe the search for fuller unity in bringing all Churches back under the main control of the Universal Church. The Greek word oikumene, from which ecumenical is derived, originally meant "the inhabited world" which suggests the Universal Church. To Protestant leaders who have advanced the modern ecumenical movement with the Catholic Church the term has applied not only to Christian unity but also more broadly, to the worldwide mission of Christianity! Information from Grolier publishing, Inc

The Council of Trent Let's look at some more information that will help us understand more clearly why this movement was formed and where it came from. The Council of Trent, the 19th of the Roman Catholic Church, was held at Trent in northern Italy between 1545 and 1563. It marked a major turning point in the efforts of the Catholic Church to respond to the challenge of the Protestant REFORMATION and formed a key part of the COUNTER-REFORMATION. The council eventually met during three separate periods (1545-47, 1551-52, 1562-63) under the leadership of three different popes (PAUL III, Julius III, PIUS IV). All of its decrees were formally confirmed by Pope Pius IV in 1564. Tradition was declared coequal to Scripture as a source of spiritual knowledge, and the sole right of the Catholic Church to interpret the Bible was asserted. At the same time, the council took steps to reform many of the major abuses within the Church that had partly incited the Reformation: decrees were issued requiring Episcopal residence and a limitation on the plurality of benefices, (a position or post granted to an ecclesiastic that guarantees a fixed amount of property or income.) and movements were instigated to reform certain monastic (monasteries) orders and to provide for the education of the clergy through the creation of a seminary in every diocese."

"The World Missionary Conference of 1910, held in Edinburgh marked the beginning of modern ecumenism. From it flowed three streams of ecumenical endeavor: evangelistic, service, and doctrinal. Today, these three aspects are furthered through the World Council of Churches, constituted in 1948; in the early 1980s it included more than 295 Churches in more than 90 countries. The evangelical concern of modern ecumenism brought about the formation, in 1921, of the International Missionary Council, comprising 17 national mission organizations. It coordinated mission strategy and aided new churches.

The efforts made by Christians across denominational and national boundaries came to fruition in 1925, in Stockholm, when the Universal Christian Conference on Life and Work was convened to study the application of the gospel to industrial, social, political, and international affairs.

This movement also proceeded under the slogan "service unites but doctrine divides." (*) This slogan is very important to note as it is becoming a powerful vehicle for the WCC to bring all Churches together. "Service" meaning helping, serving, and cooperating for the purpose of unity. "Doctrine divides" meaning that we should accept and respect all religions. This means when we denounce anything that they consider doctrine we are being separatist which will put us in the same category as religious extremist.

62 "Change came to the ecumenical movement in 1959, when Pope John XXIII proposed the calling of a second Vatican Council to complete the work of the first Vatican Council of 1870. Renewal and reunion were high on the agenda, and the world followed the proceedings closely. The pontiff created a Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity. Breaking precedent, in 1961 he permitted Roman Catholic observers officially to attend the third assembly of the World Council of Churches. Also through his influence, when Vatican II opened in Saint Peter's Basilica in 1962, Protestant and Orthodox observers were accorded places of honor and included in all working sessions. The 2500 Roman Catholic bishops who attended the four council sessions (1962-65) dealt with Christian unity. Their decree on ecumenism, promulgated in 1964, spoke not of "schismatics" but of "separated brethren," and it deplored sins against unity committed over the years by Roman Catholics and Protestants alike."

Information from T. Tackett Bibliography: Jedin, Hubert, A History of the Council of Trent, trans. by Ernest Graf, 2 vols. (1957-61); McNally, Robert E., Council of Trent, The Spiritual Exercises and the Catholic Reform (1970); O'Donohoe, J. A., Tridentine Seminary Legislation (1957); Schroeder, H. J., Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent (1950) Microsoft® Encarta® 97 Encyclopedia. © 1993-1996

Warning: Another Organization: There's another organization of the Catholic Church that is greatly involved in the Ecumenical movement and they are what I call the enemy in the camp. They go so far as to infiltrate Christian Churches, from the top, for the purpose of taking them over and bring them into the Ecumenical movement. They have set up many Christian Colleges all over the world for hundreds of years, so they could change the minds of the young early on. These colleges have been accepted by most people, mainly because they have been around so long, but the doctrines they teach is not from the Word of God found in the Holy Bible. This powerful organization is the Jesuits. The true intent of the Society of Jesuits is to use ambiguous or unclear expressions in order to be misleading and unclear about issues. The main roll of the Jesuits is to undo all that the Protestant reformation accomplished and they will not quit until they have done just that. The Jesuits attention focuses on churches with hierarchical, juridical, and institutional type government structures. Unification is seen as proceeding from the top to the bottom. Without the hierarchical government structure in the church it would be impossible to infiltrate and control it. As you will find on into this book that God hates the hierarchical government structure in the church and I will prove to you that it is of man and not of God.

Vatican insider, Dr. Malachi Martin has said that, based on a message of Mary in a personal visitation, John Paul believes, "There will come a day, when the heart of Islam – already attuned to the figures of Christ and of Christ's mother, Mary--will receive the illumination it needs…a second Fatima…in which they will recognize him as God's vicar on earth… Then with fellow travelers like the Church of England, the Episcopal Church, and others of like mind, the pope could be worshipped as the infallible Holy Father by over one-half of the world's population."

The writer acknowledges that there is merit in the possibility, but he believes that war is the most likely outcome

The following quotations are taken from John Paul II’s Papal Bull entitled Vatican 2000.

"May the Jubilee serve to advance mutual dialogue until the day when all of us together — Jews, Christians and Moslems — will exchange the greeting of peace in Jerusalem." "May the ecumenical character of the Jubilee be a concrete sign of the journey which, especially in recent decades, the faithful of the different Churches and Ecclesial Communities have been making. It is only by listening to the Spirit that we shall be able to show forth visibly in full communion the grace of divine adoption which springs from Baptism: all of us children of the one Father" Ack: Kenneth M. Hoeck – Public Domain


Gross Error of RCC Teaching & Beliefs The Catholic Church relies on the authority of church tradition for their source of doctrines and teachings which are not found anywhere in the Bible. These doctrines are encapsulated as followers: • The Mass — re-crucifixion of Christ — over and over and the lie of transubstantiation. Idolatry! • Altar (sacrificial) — No New Testament basis for Altar’s — Christ said it is Finished! • Infallibility of the Pope (no biblical basis for this so-called vicar of Christ). • Purgatory. • Penance. • Indulgences. • Celibate Priesthood (Marriage forbidden, which is contrary to scripture). • Confessional. • Rosary — absolute idolatry! • Venial and Mortal sins. • Nuns — Vestal Virgins of Roma. • Paganistic feast days. • Holy Water & Ash Wednesday — Idolatry • Veneration of Mary as the Queen of Heaven, and the lie of her co-mediatory role etc. — Idolatry! • Praying to, and for the dead (the Church as an obsession with necromancy). The dead do not praise Jehovah, nor do any who go down into silence. Psalm115:17 • Too many other unbiblical practises to mention…

True Protestants assert that the Bible alone is intended by God to be the sole source of doctrinal truth (2 Timothy 3:16; Revelation 22:18–19). But Roman Catholics have said, “Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture make up a single sacred deposit of the Word of God . . .” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 97). Ack: GotQuestions.org. Some additions by The Final Word Internet Ministry.

List of Catholic Heresies and Human Traditions — Adopted and Perpetuated by the Roman Catholic Church over the Course of 1600 years.

Heresy Date

OF ALL THE HUMAN TRADITIONS taught and practiced by the Roman Catholic Church, which are contrary to the Bible, the most ancient are the prayers for the dead and the sign of the Cross. Both began 300 years after 310 Christ.

Wax Candles introduced in church 320

Veneration of angels and dead saints 375

The Mass, as a daily celebration, adopted 394

The worship of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the use of the term, "Mother of God", as applied to her, 431 originated in the Council of Ephesus

Priests began to dress differently from the laity 500

Extreme Unction 526

The doctrine of Purgatory was first established by Gregory the Great 593

The Latin language, as the language of prayer and worship in churches, was also imposed by Pope Gregory I. 600 years after Christ. The Word of God forbids praying and teaching in an unknown tongue. (1st Corinthians 600 14:9).

The Bible teaches that we pray to God alone. In the primitive church never were prayers directed to Mary, or to dead saints. This practice began in the Roman Church. (Matthew 11:28; Luke 1:46; Acts 10:25-26; 14:14- 600 18)

The Papacy is of pagan origin. The title of pope or universal bishop was first given to the bishop of Rome by the wicked emperor Phocas. This he did to spite Bishop Ciriacus of Constantinople, who had justly excommunicated him for his having caused the assassination of his predecessor emperor Mauritius. Gregory 610 1, then bishop of Rome, refused the title, but his successor, Boniface III, first assumed title "pope." Jesus did not appoint Peter to the headship of the apostles and forbade any such notion. (Luke 22:24-26; Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:18; 64

1st Corinthians 3:11). Note: Nor is there any mention in Scripture, nor in history, that Peter ever was in Rome, much less that he was pope there for 25 years; Clement, 3rd bishop of Rome, remarks that "there is no real 1st century evidence that Peter ever was in Rome."

The kissing of the Pope's feet. It had been a pagan custom to kiss the feet of emperors. The Word of God 709 forbids such practices. (Read Acts 10:25-26; Revelation 19:10; 22:9).

The Temporal power of the Popes. When Pepin, the usurper of the throne of France, descended into Italy, called by Pope Stephen II, to war against the Italian Lombards, he defeated them and gave the city of Rome 750 and surrounding territory to the pope. Jesus expressly forbade such a thing, and He himself refused worldly kingship. (Read Matthew 4:8-9; 20:25-26; John 18:38).

Worship of the cross, images and relics was authorized This was by order of Dowager Empress Irene of Constantinople, who first caused to pluck the eyes of her own son, Constantine VI, and then called a church council at the request of Hadrian I, pope of Rome at that time. 788 Such practice is called simply IDOLATRY in the Bible, and is severely condemned. (Read Exodus 20:4; 3:17; Deuteronomy 27:15; Psalm 115).

Holy Water, mixed with a pinch of salt and blessed by the priest, was authorized 850

The veneration of St. Joseph began 890

The baptism of bells was instituted by Pope John XIV 965

Canonization of dead saints, first by Pope John XV 995 Every believer and follower of Christ is called saint in the Bible. (Read Romans 1:7; 1st Colossians 1:2).

Fasting on Fridays and during Lent were imposed Imposed by popes said to be interested in the commerce of fish. (Bull, or permit to eat meat), some authorities say, began in the year 700. This is against the plain 998 teaching of the Bible. (Read Matthew 15:10; 1st Corinthians 10:25; 1st Timothy 4:1-3).

The Mass was developed gradually as a sacrifice; attendance made obligatory in the 11th century. The Bible teaches that the sacrifice of Christ was offered once and for all, and is not to be repeated, but only commemorated in the Lord's Supper. (Read Hebrews 7:27; 9:26-28; 10:10-14).

The celibacy of the priesthood was decreed by Pope Hildebrand, Boniface VII Jesus imposed no such rule, nor did any of the apostles. On the contrary, St. Peter was a married man, and St. 1079 Paul says that bishops were to have wife and children. (Read 1st Timothy 3:2,5, and 12; Matthew 8:14-15).

The Rosary, or prayer beads was introduced by Peter the Hermit, in the year 1090. Copied from Hindus and Mohammedans The counting of prayers is a pagan practice and is expressly condemned by Christ. (Matthew 1090 6:5-13).

The Inquisition of heretics was instituted by the Council of Verona in the year 1184. Jesus never taught the use 1184 of force to spread His religion

The sale of Indulgences, commonly regarded as a purchase of forgiveness and a permit to indulge in sin. Christianity, as taught in the Bible, condemns such a traffic and it was the protest against this traffic that 1190 brought on the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century.

The dogma of Transubstantiation was decreed by Pope Innocent III, in the year By this doctrine the priest pretends to perform a daily miracle by changing a wafer into the body of Christ, and then he pretends to eat Him alive in the presence of his people during Mass. The Bible condemns such absurdities; for the Lord's 1215 Supper is simply a memorial of the sacrifice of Christ. The spiritual presence of Christ is implied in the Lord's Supper. (Read Luke 22:19-20; John 6:35; 1st Corinthians 11:26).

Confession of sin to the priest at least once a year was instituted by Pope Innocent III., in the Lateran Council. The Bible commands us to confess our sins direct to God. (Read Psalm 51:1-10; Luke 7:48; 15:21; 1st John 1215 1:8-9).

The adoration of the wafer (Host), was decreed by Pope Honorius. So the Roman Church worships a God made by human hands. This is plain idolatry and absolutely contrary to the spirit of the Gospel. (Read John 1220 4:24).

The Bible forbidden to laymen and placed in the Index of forbidden books by the Council of Valencia. Jesus commanded 1229 that the Scriptures should be read by all. (John 5:39; 1st Timothy 3:15-17).

The Scapular was invented by Simon Stock, and English monk. It is a piece of brown cloth, with the picture of the Virgin and supposed to contain supernatural virtue to protect from all dangers those who wear it on naked 1287 skin. This is fetishism. 65

The Roman Church forbade the cup to the laity, by instituting the communion of one kind in the Council of Constance. The Bible commands us to celebrate the Lord's Supper with unleavened bread and the fruit of the 1414 vine. (Read Matthew 26:27; 1st Corinthians 11:26-29).

The doctrine of Purgatory was proclaimed as a dogma of faith by Council of Florence. There is not one word in the Bible that would teach the purgatory of priests. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sins. (Read 1439 1st John 1:7-9; 2:1-2; John 5:24; Romans 8:1).

The doctrine of 7 Sacraments affirmed. The Bible says that Christ instituted only two ordinances, Baptism and 1439 the Lord's Supper. (Read Matthew 28:19-20; 26:26-28).

The Ave Maria, part of the last. It was completed 50 years afterward and finally approved by Pope Sixtus V, at 1508 the end of the 16th century.

The Council of Trent, held in the year 1545, declared that Tradition is of equal authority with the Bible. By tradition is meant human teachings. The Pharisees believed the same way, and Jesus bitterly condemned 1545 them, for by teaching human tradition, they nullified the commandments of God. (Read Mark 7:7-13; Colossians 2:8; Revelation 22:18).

The apocryphal books were added to the Bible also by the Council of Trent. These books were not recognized 1546 as canonical by the Jewish Church. (See Revelation 22:8-9).

The Creed of Pope Pius IV was imposed as the official creed 1560 years after Christ and the apostles. True Christians retain the Holy Scriptures as their creed. Hence their creed is 1500 years older than the creed of 1560 Roman Catholics. (Read Galatians 1:8).

The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary was proclaimed by Pope Pius IX. The Bible states that all men, with the sole exception of Christ, are sinners. Mary herself had need of a Savior. (Read Romans 3:23; 5:12; 1834 Psalm 51:5; Luke 1:30,46,47).

In the year 1870 after Christ, Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of Papal Infallibility. This is a blasphemy and the sign of the apostasy and of the antichrist predicted by St. Paul. (Read 2nd Thessalonians 2:2-12; Revelation 17:1-9; 13:5-8,18). Many Bible students see the number of the beast (Rev. 13:18), 666 in the 1870 Roman letters of the Pope's title: "VICARIVS FILII DEI." -- V-5, I-1; C-100, I-1; V-S, I-1; L-50, I-1; I-1; D-500, I-l — Total, 666.

Pope Plus X, in the year 1907, condemned together with "Modernism", all the discoveries of modern science 1907 which are not approved by the Church. Pius IX had done the same thing in the Syllabus of 1864.

In the year 1930 Pius XI, condemned the Public Schools 1930

In the year 1931 the same pope Pius XI, reaffirmed the doctrine that Mary is "the Mother of God" This doctrine was first invented by the Council of Ephesus in the year 431. This is a heresy contrary by Mary's 1931 own words. (Read Luke 1:46-49; John 2: l-5).

1950 last dogma was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII, the Assumption of the Virgin Mary 1950

Ack: Tabernacle Baptist Church, E. L. Bynum, Pastor (Texas)

66 This is Gross Idolatry! These are the Popes — not the Altar Boys! Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, but they do not speak; they have eyes, but they do not see; they have ears, but they do not hear; they have noses, but they do not smell; they have hands, but they do not handle; they have feet, but they do not walk; they do not mutter through their throat. The ones who make them are like them, and everyone who trusts in them. The dead do not praise Jehovah, nor do any who go down into silence. Psalm115:4-8,17 And what agreement does a temple of Jehovah have with idols? For you are the temple of the living Jehovah, as Jehovah has said, "I will dwell in them and walk among them; and I will be their Jehovah, and they shall be My people." 2Co 6:16

Watch This Shockingly Idolatrous Video! th Pope Francis Entrusts the Immaculate Heart of Mary to the World (13 Oct 2013) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10pYMQfShTg

Catholic: Queen of Heaven

Previous Archbishop of Canterbury


In the Old Testament Jehovah severely punished Israel — time and time again, for her rebellion (disobedience) in worshiping the pagan idols of the surrounding nations. Owing to her disobedience, multiple times she suffered severe sieges (parents were forced to eat their own children — see Ezekiel) and suffer the humiliation of being carried-off naked to foreign lands. When all along our Heavenly Father’s command was precise: “I am the Lord thy God (Jehovah) worship no other God but me.”

Reader! Grace has no place for idolatry! Make no mistake! All who are misled in this manner are going to face the sever wrath of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ His son. And they will ultimately end up in the horrendous Lake of Fire — for all eternity! If you are involved in these paganistic practices — repent NOW! While there is still time and turn away from these satanic rituals. YOU have been WARNED! You will never be able to say that you were ignorant of the facts. The Harlot’s Profile:  Mystery Babylon (Holy See) headquartered in Roma in our day. √  Of the two Great Cities mentioned in the book of Revelation — one is earthly Jerusalem and the other Mystery Babylon, which equals Roma as per Rev 18:21. Thereby conclusively proving that modern- day Roma (Holy See/Vatican) is the Great City prophesied in Revelation Rev 17:5-6. √  Roma is a city surrounded by seven hillocks. √  The hierarchy are uniquely kitted out in purple & scarlet. √  She has the blood of countless millions of martyrs upon her hands (Inquisitions, etc.). And according to the Revelation — in the near future she will do the self-same thing all over again. Rev 17:6. √  Her wealth is incalculable. √  She is the world’s largest multi-national organisation (transcends national boundaries). Roughly 20% of the world’s population is Roman Catholics. √  She has diplomatic relations with some 170 nations, whereby she fornicates and deceives the nations of the world. Rev 17:18. Didn’t Jesus say that His kingdom was not of this earth? √  She is the biggest customer for the souls of men (hell-taking doctrines). Rev 18:13. √  Plagued with sexual immorality — one scandal and lawsuit after another. √  Just before Jesus’ return, Roma is going to be utterly destroyed! Rev 16:17-21, 17:16-18 √  No biblical justification for her paganistic beliefs and teachings. √  She prostitutes herself as the preeminent Christian denomination, when in fact she is a harlot of the highest order. She intoxicates and deceives her followers with her gross idolatrous practises. √  She is also a mother because she has daughters, which are mainline denominations, and the future non-Christians religions that will bow to her authority. √  She has a kingdom over the kings of the earth (Red Dragon Kingdom). √  Nations that grew fat and rich through trading with her (Christmas is one global example) will weep over her final destruction (7thth bowl judgement and Rev 17:16).√  She is both a recognised political and religious entity — which make her truly unique in this regard. √ Is there any other country or organisation in the world that practically fits the above criteria as the Holy See does? We think not! Now, do we see why sincere Catholics must come out of her in order to not become partakers of her severe judgements? Truth to tell, there is no salvation to be found in the Roman Church — there never was, and never ever will be! She has thoroughly polluted and overthrown the simple gospel of Jesus Christ; and instead has replaced it with man-made doctrines (add-ons) originating from the pit of hell. Her deceptiveness is that she comes in the name of Christ — but in reality she is the bride of Satan. For those Catholics still caught-up in this system who love Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit via the Revelation admonishes them to come out, before it is too late!

Rev 18:4 And I heard another voice from Heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that you may not be partakers of her sins, and that you may not receive of her plagues. Rev 18:5 For her sins joined together, even up to Heaven, and Jehovah has remembered her unjust deeds.


Conclusion In spite of the events currently taking place in Europe (Moslem invasion, etc.) the author wholeheartedly believes the European Super-State will to come into being. It is thus, so that the prophetic scriptures may be fulfilled. The return of Jesus Christ parallels the demise of Satan’s Red Dragon Kingdom. Listen to what Psalm 2 says regarding the coming battle of Jerusalem and the Second Coming: 2:1 Why do the nations rage, and the peoples meditate on a vain thing? 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers plot together, against Jehovah and against His anointed, saying, 2:3 Let us break their bands in two and cast away their cords from us. 2:4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; Jehovah shall mock at them. 2:5 Then He shall speak to them in His anger, and trouble them in His wrath. 2:6 Yea, I have set My king on My holy hill, on Zion. 2:7 I will declare the decree of Jehovah. He has said to Me, You are My Son; today I have begotten You. 2:8 Ask of Me, and I shall give the nations for Your inheritance; and the uttermost parts of the earth for Your possession. 2:9 You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. 2:10 And now be wise, O kings; be instructed, O judges of the earth. 2:11 Serve Jehovah with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled in but a little time. Blessed are all who put their trust in Him.

This brings to an end a project that began some 24 months ago… We trust that our beloved Holy Spirit will open the spiritual eyes and ears of all those who come across this document via the Internet. And may we have the courage of the martyrs that have preceded us, in order to finish the race set before us — so that we become recipients of the incorruptible crowns that await us…

Today, the Holy See is very definitely in her aggressive TIGER position… there is no turning back! Beloved Abba — only you can help us!

The children of the True Light have all fallen asleep… Is it not time for them to once-again stand-up, and become PRO-TEST-TANTS all over again? In order that this satanic master-piece can be SPITURALLY

and PHYSICALLY OVERTHROWN at the coming of Jesus — the hour is so very, very late!


Check-out: Purple & Scarlet, Roman Catholicism the Greatest Hoax of all time… on our web site.

N.B. Whilst this exposition may be freely copied, it remains copyright material: © The Final Word Internet Ministry www.thefinalword.co.za 13/03/16