The Bandwidths of a Matrix. a Survey of Algorithms
DOI: 10.2478/awutm-2014-0019 Analele Universit˘at¸ii de Vest, Timi¸soara Seria Matematic˘a{ Informatic˘a LII, 2, (2014), 183{ 223 The Bandwidths of a Matrix. A Survey of Algorithms Liviu Octavian Mafteiu-Scai Abstract. The bandwidth, average bandwidth, envelope, profile and antibandwidth of the matrices have been the subjects of study for at least 45 years. These problems have generated considerable interest over the years because of them practical relevance in ar- eas like: solving the system of equations, finite element methods, circuit design, hypertext layout, chemical kinetics, numerical geo- physics etc. In this paper a brief description of these problems are made in terms of their definitions, followed by a comparative study of them, using both approaches: matrix geometry and graph theory. Time evolution of the corresponding algorithms as well as a short description of them are made. The work also contains concrete real applications for which a large part of presented al- gorithms were developed. AMS Subject Classification (2000). 65F50, 65F10, 68T, 08, 68R10, 65F15 Keywords. bandwidth, envelope, profile, average bandwidth, an- tibandwidth, system of equations, parallel, preconditioning, par- titioning, load-balancing 1 Introduction The bandwidth, average bandwidth, envelope, profile and antibandwidth op- timization of matrices have been the subjects of study for at least 45 years. 184 L.O. Mafteiu-Scai An. U.V.T. These problems have generated considerable interest over the years because of them practical relevance for a significant range of global optimization ap- plications. A first approach to bandwidth problem was made by Harper in 1964 [58]. The same author introduces the concept of the lower boundary of the band- width in paper [59].
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