EDITOR: Jerry Leichter 551 RCA Avenue New York 17 MUrrey Hill 2-5910 ASSOC ED: Alvin Sullum PUBLISHED BY TELEVISION INDEX, INC. WEEKLY REPORT


Monday(1) ?BC- 10:30-10:43am EST, Mon thru Fri; RETURN; One Man's Family; from KNBH(Hlwood) to the net. Sustaining. Pkgr- Carlton B. Morse Productions(H'wood); Prod - Richard Clemmer; Dir- Jack Sleight; Creator -Writer- Carlton E. Morse; Music Dir- Paul Tjatson. The story of the Barbour family and their five children returns to TV as an across-the-board feature. The program made its TV debut Nov 4, 1949, and when it went off the air June 21, 1952, it had been seen Saturdays, 7:30-8pm over NEC -TV, originating in New York. The new series, originating at NBC-TV studios in Burbank, Calif., will feature Theodor (cq) von Eltz as Father Henry Barbour, Mary Adams as Mother Fanny Barbour, as Paul, Linda Leighton as Hazel, Jemes Lee as Clifford, Anne Whitefield as Claudia, Mar- tin Dean as Jack and Jack Edwards as Johnny Roberts.

NBC- llam-12noon EST, Mon thru Fri; DEBUT; Home; from WNBT(NY), to the net. Participations. Pkgr- NEC-TV(NY); Exec Prod- Richard A. R. Pinkham; Prod - Jack Rayel; Assoc Prod & Exec Dir- Richard Linkroum; Dir- Garth Dietrich; Senior Editors- Kay Elliot (fashion, beauty, food, home decoration, gardening, "how-tc- do-it," etiquette, shopping) and August Spectorsky (child care, family affairs, special projects, physical health); Off Camera topical eds- Duncan MacDonald, leisure time activities; Nancy Anne Graham, food; Hazel Arnett, fashion and beauty; Claire Barrows, home decoration; Phyllis Adams, health; Terry Fox, shop- ping; Midwest Ed- Dorsey Connors (WNBQ, Chi); Set Design- Sol Cornberg; Set by - Bill Riggs. Cast on camera includes Arlene Francis, editor -in -chief; Poppy Cannon, food editor; Estelle Parsons, special projects editor; Eve Hunter, fash- ion and beauty editor; Miss Sydney Smith, home decoration editor; Dr. Pose Franzblau, family affairs and child care editor; Elinor Ames, etiquette editor; Will Feigelbeck, gardening and "how -to -do -it" editor. The program will present wo:len's service information in all the fields noted. Arlene Francis will guide viewers from one feature to the next and will also handle the on camera leisure time activities and shopping features. Each of the on camera editors will ap- pear several times each week. In addition to cut -ins from Chicago with Dorsey Connors, other key points around the country will be cut in on the program oc- casionally via mobile units. Elizabeth Haglund is public relations coordinator, acting as liaison between the production staff and departments of NEC -TV. The Home unit's offices are in the Dauphin Hotel, Broadway & 67th St., New York, within a block of the NEC 67th St studio housing the permanent Home set.

- Page 34 - THIS WEEK(More)

Copyright 1954 by Television Index, Inc. Ross Reports On Television, Service Subscription Rates (U.S., Canada, Mexico): $110per year (or $30 quarterly, minimum one year subscription). Additional or multiple subscriptions at lower rates.

Service includes: Unlimited telephone and mail information service, except research; weekly reportson current television production, programming; THIS WEEK(Cont'd) Tuesday(2) CBS- 5:30-6pm EST; DEBUT; The Paul Tripp Party (Color); from WCBS-TV(NY), to the net. Sustaining. Pkgr- CBS-TV(NY); Exec Prod- Richard Lewine; Prod - Burt Shevelove; Dir- Kirk Alexander; Music Dir- Ray Carter; Sets- Jac Venza; Costumes- Bill Griffin; Writer- Max Wilk; Casting- Helen Keane(CBS Casting). Paul Tripp m.c.'s CBS Television's second regular variety show to be telecast in color (in addition to The New Revue, Fri, 5:30-6pm EST). The Paul Tripp Party is a children's program, featuring comedian Kenny Delmar and variety acts, with children's entertainment, games, etc. (The New Revue debuted Nov 13, 1953, as a local WCBS-TV color program, with color on closed circuit only and b & w for public viewers. Late in December it was serviced to WMAR-TV(Balt) and Jan 22, 1954, the sustainer was opened to the net in color).

NBC- 11:45am-12:30pm EST; SPECIAL; Mardi Gras (Rex and Comus Parades); also March 3, 12midnight-lam EST, Rex and Comus Balls; from WDSU(New Orleans), to the net. Sustaining. Pkgr- NBC News & Special Events; Prods- W. A. Garden & Tom Hicks(WDSU). Telecasts of parts of the Mardi Gras Carnival parades and Carnival Balls.

Thursday(4) ABC- 8-8:30pm EST; DEBUT; It's About Time; from WBKB(Chi), to the net. Sustain- ing. Pkgr- Louis G. Cowan, Inc(Chi); Prod- John Lewellen; Dir- Jay Sheri- dan. Dr. Bergen Evans moderates a new panel show with panelists attempting to identify events of the past thru clues in old phonograph recordings, dramatic vignettes and scrPmb/ed headlines concerning the political, business, entertain- ment and sports worlds. Regular panelists include drama critic Robert Pollak, former Quiz Kid Ruthie Duskin, announcer Vin Gottschalk and housewife Sherl Stern.

Saturday(6) CBS- 10:30-11pm EST; SPECIAL; Adlai Stevenson Address; from WTVJ(Miami), simul- cast, to the net. Sustaining. Production personnel not assigned at press time. Adlai Stevenson addresses the Southern States Rally of the Democratic Party at the Municipal Auditorium, Miami Beach. The rally includes party lead- ers from 11 Southern states.


NBC- NEW DAILY SCifEDULE: (Mon thru Fri) 7-9am EST, CST, Today; 10-10:30am EST, Ding Dong School; 10:30-10:45am EST, Cne Family; 10:45-11am EST, Three Steps to Heaven; llam-12noon EST, Home; 12noon-12:15pm EST, Bride and Groom; 12:15- 12:30pm EST, Hawkins Falls; 12:30-1pm EST, The Betty White Show; 1-3 pm, no net service; remainder of daily schedule as before.


NASH-NELVINATOR CORP(Kelvinator Div) thru Geyer Advertising, Inc, will become alter- nate week sponsor of Danger (Tue, 10 -10:30 -cm EST) over CBS -TV, starting March 16. Block Drug Co (Ammident) thru Cecil & Presbrey, Inc., Danger sponsor since its debut, continues as alternate week sponsor.

0 -CEDAR CORP(Mops & Polishes) thru Turner Advertising Agency(Chi) will be alternate week sponsor of Meet Millie, effective March 16, when the program returns to CBS -TV in a new day and time period, Tues, 9-9:30pm. Alternate sponsor, beginning March 23, is Carter Products, Inc., previously announced (See p 15).

GENERAL FOODS CORP(Instant Jello) thru Young & Rubicam, Inc(NY) will sponsor the Wed 3:30-3:45pm segment of Bob Crosby Show (Mon thru Fri, 3:30-4pm) eff March 3over CBS.


WABC-TV(Ch 7) - Your DateWith Sean Downey; DEBUT Mar 1; Mon thru Fri, 7-7:10pm EST. New York Sustaining. Pkgr- WABC-TV; Prod & Writer- Bob Roberts(ABC); Dir- John Paul Jones. Morton Downey, Jr., stars in a musical series, backed by a three-piece instrumental group,with a female vocalist to be announced. Program replaces the Monica LewisShow in this time slot.

WABC-TV - Roger Price,The Weather Teller; DEBUT Mar 1; Mon thru Fri, 7:10- 7:15pm EST. Sponsor- The Savings Banks of N. Y. State thru Muir and Co(NY); Acct Exec- George 0. Muir; Agcy Superv- BU Chain(cq) & Roy Kelly. Prod - Muir & Co in assoc with WABC-TV staff; Dir- LeeDavis & Paul Kane. Comedian Roger Price presents weather information, illustratedwith his own sketches. Program re- places Weather Report with Scotty Scott in thistime slot.

WABC-TV - Your Show; CHANGE Feb22, March 8; Mon thru Fri, 10:30-11:25am EST. Sustaining. Pkgr- Gross -Baer Productions(NY); Prod- Gerry Gross & Norman Baer; Prod Superv- Bobby Sherman; Dir-Roger Shope; Sets- Norman Davidson. Polly Bergen and Bill Tabbert, vocalists, star inthis variety and interview show, with Miss Bergen's husband, Jerome Courtland, taking overthe male vocalist's spot on March 8. Program previously starred Robert Alda, with guest artists.

WNBT(Ch 4) - NEW LOCAL SCHEDULEMar 1: 9-10am, The Herb Sheldon Show, with Jo - New York sie's Kitchen as an insert segment,9:20-9:iOam. William Stein is now producer. 1-1:30pm, The Morey Amsterdam Show, with Ray McKinley and his band added. Francey Tare continues as vocalist. Bob Stewart is now produc- er. 1:30-2pm, Here's Looking At You, with Richard Willis. 2-3pm, The Tex and Jinx Show, featuring Tex McCrary and Jinx Falkenburg, with EthelWaters in a daily seg- ment, and pianist Stan Freeman as a once a week guest. Prod- Eve Sandeffer; Dir- Ted Nathanson. All programs listed above are Mon thru Fri.

WPIX(Ch 11) - Man In Your Life; STARCHANGE Mar 1; Mon, 11:40-5pm EST. Sponsor- New York Dilbert Brothers(grocery chain) thru Paul SmellenAdvertieing(NY). Prod- Paul Smallen Advertising; Dir- TedEstabrook(WPIX). Lily Lodge, daughterof Cov John Lodge of Connecticut, stars as m.c. and interviewer, succeeding RubyHunter. Miss Lodge is a stage, radio and TV actress.

WBBM-TV(Ch 2) - TV Garden Club; CHANGEFeb 28; Sun, 12:30-1pm CST. James H. Burdett Chicago is featured garden expert, in place of George Menard, originally announced. (See debut listing, p 32).

WBKB(Ch 7) - Of :!any Things; LOCAL DEBUTFeb 16; Tue, 7:30-8Dm CST. Sponsor - Chicago City rational Bank & Trust Co of Chicago thru George H. Hartman Co Pkgr- Louis G. Cowan, Inc(Chi). Bergen Evans discusses a wide range of subjects authorities in various fields. Program had been an ABC-TV net show, sustaining, from Oct 5, 1953, to Jan 11, 1954, but has never been seenin Chicago.

KNXT(Ch 2) - Pounds Off; DEBUT Feb18; Thurs, 1C:30-10:45am PST. Sponsor- Carol Hollywood, LA Joyce Cosmetics thru Townsend TV Agency. Dir- Bob Lehman. Flor- ence Pepper stars as instructor -example inthis exercise -variety program. Miss Pepper expects to lose three pounds during each program of the 13 - week cycle, dropping from her present weight of 160 to 121 pounds.

WMAL-TV (Ch 7) - TALENT ADDITION: Milton Q. Ford, leading Washington disc jockey, Washington, DC who has been host on the WKAL-TV Family Playhouse, a movie show- case, joined the talent staffs of WMAL-TV and WMAL,effective Feb 22, on an exclusive basis.

Mr,73,MDM,L, n /cA _ - LnrAT, cTATTON ACTIVITY LOCAL FILM SERIES -- DEBUTS & RE -RUNS (New York, Chicago & )

STA & CEAN SERIES TITLE & DISTEIB SPONSOR & AGENCY START DATE DAY TIME New York WhMT(4) *"Rocky Jones, Space -Gordon Baking Co(Silver 2/27 Sat 10:30-11am Ranger" (United TV Cup Bread) thru N. W. Programs) Ayer Los Angeles KTLA(5) *"Duffy's Tavern" -C V A Corp(Roma Wines) 2/23 Tue 10-10:30pm (MPTV) thru Foote, Cone & Beld ing(S.F.) alt weeks(@) CODE: *First run in market (C)Alternate week is sustaining

1 11 1 It it 1 11 II 11 II II 1 11111 11 II 11 11 N 11 11 11111 I II 11 11 mrirrmirarary 11111 It 111 1 111 1 I H I IITammmmmmmmmnmrninnmMnmnrimmrlrinmmMr


Waterfront CUREENT(Hollywood); Preston Foster stars as the captain of a Los Angeles harbor tugboat, with Lois Moran as his wife; 26 films in current series. Avail- Limited markets (Standard Oil of Cal sponsors on West Coast; oth- ers in several major cities). Cost range- an request. Pkgr-Film Prod- Roland Reed Productions, c/o Eal Roach Studios, 8822 ':,Tashington Blvd, Culver City, Cal.; Exec Prod- Guy V. Thayer; Prod- M. Bernard Fox; Assoc Prod- Arthur Pierson; Dir- Phil Karlson; Prod Mgr- Dick L'Estrange; Art Dir- McClure Capps; Characters created by - M. Bernard Fox; Casting- William Tinsman. Dist- United Television Programs, Inc., 444 Madison Ave., New York 22, N. Y.

mmmmnimmmrNU 111 UM II N11 11 WU 11 41111 NlT 11 II _TrinirL 111111 11 111II SU Si it 11 1 111 11111 II II 11111 SI II 11111 11 11 It1111 It 11111 11

NEWS AND COMMENT: The Pulse, Inc., will double the sample size in some major mark- ets in making its Telepulse surveys, doubling its "cluster points" (areas in which interviewers question viewers), for in- stance, upping the New York total from 40 to 80 cluster points. Pulse asserts that only its direct interview method makes it possible to include ethnic groups in their true proportions thru the use of foreign language speaking interviewers A C. Nielsen Co reports that the average soap orera in TV has the lowest average cost per thousand viewers than any Program type in TV, daytime or nighttime, of any duration, with $3.98. Of the evening TV shows, mysteries have the lowest average per thousand at $6.11 signed a long-term contract with NBC-TV to star in his own one -hour TV show next season, while NBC announced that Caesar's current partner -star on Your Show of Shows, Imogene Coca, is working on a new half-hour series for next season. NBC also announced that Your Show ofShows will again be produced by Max Liebman next season with new performers and anew format. The program will have its last show with its current stars on June 5 NBC will use the EKO Pantages Theatre in Hollywood and the NBCCenter Theatre in New York as origination studios to present Academy Award winnerson its March 25 simulcast of the awards Du - Mont Television Network terminated service over KCTY(Kansas City) as of Feb28. The net recently bought the UEF station from FrTire Coil Co for $1 for use as a field labratory, but market penetration by a T.IL,' station proved too costly. DuMont picked Up KCMG-TV(KC) as a primary affiliate effective immediately. The station is owned and operated by Meredith Engineering Co, operators of three other DuMont affiliates.

PERSONNEL CHAILIES: James A. Stabile named director of ABC's newly created Busi- ness Affairs Dept, responsible for all negotiations and contracts affectingall net radio and TV programs Palrh Kodes named program coordinator for CBS -TV Pacif- ic Net's morning show, Panoram-i Racific, originating from KNXT(LA) Richard C. Ross named news director of NET:G-TV;Seattle) Mrs. Merrell Binkley named assis- tant mgr of promotion and publicity, WIS-TV(Columbia, S.0 Newton E. Meltzer joined Van Praag Productions(NY) as producer -director -writer, for all types of films,


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Changes & additions Most of the shows on February26, 27. 28 were listed in last week's report. the record. Multiple and across-the-board shows are grouped together after are included here for (A) adaptation, the listing for Friday, March5. Script identifications used are: (0) original, (SD) staff -directed. Performers are identified as singer (S), dancer (D), (SW) staff -written, cast, then sub- comic (C), musician (4). Actors who appear regularly are listed in the premiere sequently referred to as regulars. Live shows are listed in caps in the left column;filmed shows are in upper and lower easeletters, underlined. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 26 nuaromn=mmentamm (0) by Jerome Ross; with regulars & glen MAMA CBS 8pm Dagmar and Sersen - (Peggy Wood) Burris, Janet parker, Irene Moore; (SW & SD)

LIFE BEGINS AT 80 DuM 9pm Basil Rathbone & regulars Stefan inner Sanctum WOR 9 :30 Port of Regrets - with Ian Keith, Jeanne Shepherd, (Paul McGrath) Schnabel, Michael Tolan; (SW & SD) SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27 mam=unmnmunmm Canadian film ON THE CAROUSEL CBS 9am Harry Bartron (panto); The Loon's Necklace (SW & SD) ROD BROWN CBS 11:30 regulars & John Vivyan, Marjorie Redmond;

TOM CORBETT(Thomas) DuM 11:30 Jack Lord, Gordon Swen & regulars AN EYE ON NEW YORK WCBS 3pm kill: Charles Collingwood; add: Harry Marble as moderator

Johnny Jupiter WABC 5:30 The Rival -(0) by Jerome Coopersmith & Sam Rockingham, (A) by (Wright King) J.C.; with regulars & John Dutra; (SD)

WNBT 6 :30 Feud at Friendship City -(0) by Buckley Angell; with regulars Bob Woodward(SD) Tack Mahoney) & John Enacilton,, William Fawcett,

WNBT 7pm U.F. O.- (0) by Dewitt H. Copp; with Bill Harrigan, Ken Buck - Man Against Crime (ALSO SEEN () ridge, Bob Carson, Paul Lipson, Guy Raymond; (SD) NBC, NET ONLY, & NM INCLUDING WARD ON SUNDAY10:30pm)

Bradley; MAGIC COTTAGE DuM 7pm: Hal Cooper. Bernard Kates, Skedge Miller, Stewart SHOW) (p -t Melkie) (SW & SD, SPECIAL ONE-SHOT, BROTHERHOOD WEEK

NBC 7:30 regulars & Walter Abel, John Gibson, Cele McLaughlin; (SW & SD) ETHEL AND ALBERT columnists), LEAVE IT TO -GIRLS ABC 7:30 regulars & Frank Conniff, Harriet Van Horne(both (John Henry Faulk) Vanessa Brown NBC 8pm regulars & Margaret Truman (S) (FROM HOLLYWOOD) SPIKE JONES Zabach(M) CBS 8pm substitutes; Dolores Hawkins(S), Florian YOUR SHOW OF SHOWS NBC 9pm regulars & , host; Mata & Hari (D), Keith Textor (Caesar & Coca) & Sylvia Michaels, Jack Russell (all S), PeterConlow (D)

COL. HUMPHREY FLACKruM 10pm The Flower Girl -(0) by Michael Morris, Ed Jurist & S. L. Davis; with regulars & Leona Powers, RosemaryPrinz, Wright (Alan Mowbray) King, Cornelius Frizell; (SD) (A) Ben Zavin; with Eddie MEDALLION THEATRE CBS 10pm Homestead -(0) by Michael Blair, Albert, Richard Bishop, Joan Copeland, Crahan Denton,Ralph Dunn, James Gregory, Clifford Sales, JohnShellie; (SD)

(0) by Peter Berneis; with Colette Mar- Crient Express WCBS 10:30 Portrait of a Lady - chand, Peter Walker, Pierre 07y, Roger Treville,Maia Noel; Dir by Steve Szekely

SUNDAY FEBRUARY 28 mnimammar.mmianun

LAMP UNTO MY FEET CBS 10am Lily of the Mohawks -(0) by Albert J. Nevins; with Henry Sil- (Bill Leonard) va, Scott Moore, Miriam Colon, JonathanHarris; (Sr) YOUR BIG CHANCE WABC 12N Diana Herbert replaces Hildy King as hostess & moderator FRONTIERS OF FAITH NBC 1:30 Gladys Swarthout (S) Dicklnson,others(allM) EXCURSION(Meredith) NBC 4pm(COLOR)Mel Powell,Buck Clayton,Louis Belson,Dick CBS 5pm Captain Jacques -Yves Cousteau in final installmentof Underseas OMNIBUS (0) by Alfred Sutro: (Alistair Cooke) Archaeology; A Marriage Has Been Arranged - with Joan Greenwood, Lorene Greene;Hilde and the Turnpike - (0) by Andy Lewis; with Arthur Storch, Gene Saks, PeggyMcCay, Ludwig Roth, Olga Fabian, Peggy Feury - Stagedby John Stix (both plays) TALENT SHOWSHEET(more) SUNDAY FEBRUARY 28 (Cont'd) mmmmmrammmmaimmmmmmrommunmmmmm

HALLMARK HALL OF NBC 5Pm The Turbulent Air -(0) by Eileen and Robert Mason Pollock; FAME(S. Churchill) with John Hudson, Tony Eustrel, Michael Fox, Ken Patterson, Phil Van Zandt, James Parnell, Robert Dane, LeslieDennison(HID) (0) by Irve Tunick; with Lilia YOU ARE THERE CBS 6:30 The Rise of Adolf Hitler - (Walter Cronkite) Skala, Werner Klemperer, Voytek Dolinsky, Moultrie Patten, Tom McDermott; (SD, LIVE REPEAT OF SHOW ORIGINALLY DONE ON MAY 10, 1953) George Fielding Eliot interviewed by Cronkite (0) by M. M. Raison; with Roy Rogers NBC6 :30 Highgraders of Paradise Valley (& Dale Evans) regulars & Myron Healey, Harry Str-ng, Ruth Lee, Russ Scott, Harry Harvey, Jack O'Shea; Dir by Leslie H. Martinson

OPERA CAMEOS WABD 7:30 Madama Butterfly - scenes from opera by Puccini; with Thomas (G. Martinelli) Hayward, Margaret Roggero, George Cehanovsky, Yolanda Vasquez regulars & Peter Turgeon, Fred Kareman, Jack Warden; (SW & SD) MR. PEEPERS(Cox) NBC 7:30

PAUL WHITEMAN TV ABC 7:30 Judges: Mary Boland, Mrs. Betty Impellitteri, John Roberts TEEN CLUB (commentator); La Sylda Bisel (D), D'Ambrosio Trio (D), the Talisnen (S) (FROM PHILA)

COLGATE COMEDY HOUR NBC 8pm Anything Goes -(0) by Howard Lindsay & Russell Crouse, (A) by Herb Baker; with , , Bert Lahr, Sheree North; Supervised by producers Leland Hayward & Jules Styne; Music Dir - Al Goodman (FROM HOLLYWOOD)

TOAST OF THE TOWN CBS 8pm Betty & Jane Kean (S&C). Les Compagnons de la Chanson (S), (Ed Sullivan) Hilda Gueden (S), Eileen O'Dare (D),Mayo Brothers (novelty); add: Colette Marchand(D), Red Skelton (C), David Rose(composer) Orson Bean (C) (0) by Franz Spencer & Mel Golberg; with THE MASK ABC 8pm The Poison Village - (Gary Merrill regulars & Joey Walsh, Frank Overton, Brandon Peters, Louise & William Prince) Larabee, Lulu Belle Clark, Dona Lee Marans, Larry Robinson Dir by Leonard Valenta((KINE REPEAT ABC(NOT WABC) WED8-9pm5) ROCKY KING,DETECTIVE DuM 9pm The Frame Up - (C) by Bender North; with regulars & Mary Alice (Roscoe & Todd Karns) Moore, Phil S-erling, Alan North, Steve Armstrong, Robert McDonald; (SD)

THE PLAINCLOTHES MAN DuM 9:30 The Smart Guy -(0) te, Norman Sweatman; with Jim Boles, Bea (Ken Lynch) Chilson, Carl Low, Treva Frazee & regulars; (SD)

THE MAN BEHIND THE CBS 9:30 Miami -(0) by Nelson Gidding; with Edgar Stehli, Bernard BADGE(Fred Ut-,a1) Grrl, Will Scholz, Murray Hamilton, Andy Sabina, Harry Worth, Tom Gorman, Stewart Bradley, Dorothy Sands, PatsyCampbell, Doris Davis; (SD) (0) by Sigmund A. Stoler; with Rosalind THE WEB CBS lOpm The Circle Closes - Ivan, Ann Dere, James Costigan, Frank Milan, William Sharon; (SD) by Herbert Hirschman (who will direct all shows untilalt. tel Swift returns from maternity leave)

The Loretta Young Show NBC lOpm The New Ycrk Story -(0) by Marian Thompson; with Billy Chapin, Fr=nk Wilcox, Paul Picerni, Emlen Davies, Theresa Harris, Mabel Albertson, Mary Carroll, Jack Daly, Bobby Diamond,Judd Hoidran, Barbara Thomas, Alphonse Martell

MONDAY MARCH 1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmm (0) by Don Ettlinger; with regu- JAMIE ABC 7:30 The Arrival of Cousin Fred - (Brandon de Wilde) lars & Fred Gwynne, Bruce Marsh,.11, Philip Rodd;(SD)


VOICE OF FIRESTONE NBC 8:30 Thomas L. Thomas (S) Mimi Rohman (S), Ann Rosser (S), Ruth Stein(S), Beryl Booker ARTHUR GODFREY'S CBS 8:30 TALENT SCOUTS Trio (M) on vacation; replaced on this show by MASQUERADEPARTY CBS 9:3 0 (0) by Sandra Michael; with Walter ROBERT MONTGCMERY NBC 9:30 Such a Busy Da:7 Tomorrow - Hampden, Russell Arms, Mary Fickett, RuthDonnelly, Nancy Pollock, Lois Smith, Jahn C. Becher;(SD) by James Sheldon TALENT SHOWSHEET(more) ROSS REPORTS - 2/28/54 - Page B MONDAY MARCH 1 (Cont'd) martunnimmmtr=unnunminntninim Leasing; CBS 10pm Side Street -(0) by Nathaniel Benchley, (A) by Norman STUDIO ONE with Peter Lind Hayes, Mary Healy, JoAnne Linville, tiff me Guire, Mary Grace Canfield, AlbertSalmi, Pud Flanagan, Tommy Hallaran, David Opatoshu, Belle Flower,Dorothy Greener, Gerald Price, Jean Stapleton;(SD) byFranklin Schaffner; Drawing by Jean Pages -(SW); with WNBT 10:30 Sword of the Vagabond - (0) by Alexandrer="10 (A) Adolphe Menlou's others; (SD) Favorite Story Robert Clarke, Jean Powell, TUESDAY MARCH 2 rlm-mmmmirnrnmmTm regulars Tripp, Kenny Delmar; & guests:Danny Dennis(unicycle), PAUL TRIPP PARTY CBS 5:30 Jensen(magic kREMIERE COLOV Capt. Shaw Hosts monkey,(0) by _Norman_ Russell Hughes; wit n Kennedy, Le Cavalcade of America ABC 7:30 The Absent - Britt, Robin Hughes, JohnPatrick, Howard Negley, Nestor Paiva, James Adamson, James Seay;(SD)

The Bandidos - repeat of film seenSept. 1 & Dec. 1, 1953 CBS 8pm Mickey Rooney, Connie Russell ®ulars BUICK-BERLE SHOW NBC 8pm guest panelist; Roger Price(C), John Raitt BUSINESS CBS 9pm Leueen McGrath, THIS IS SHOW (S), Joan Holloway (D) (Clifton Fadiman) (0) by Ruby Wiley,(A) by Brenda Weisberg Fireside Theater NBC 9pm The Desert Answer - & Joyce Cook; with FrancesRobinson, James Millican, Maurice (Gene Raymond) Jara, Anthony Numkema, InezFalange, Victor Millan; (SD)

I Do Solemnly Shear -(0) by James P. Cavanagh; with Nancy Kel- SUSPENSE CBS 9:30 ly, Royal Dano, Russell Hardie, BettyGarde, Lonnie Chapman, George Mitchell; (SD)

(0) by Irene n- , withDolly Haas, Anthony ARMSTRONG'S CIRCLE NBC 9:30 The Fug - Pierre Perkins, Mike .rcel Hillaire, Judith Tutaeff, THEATRE /(414:1k Perre 1 2.7 r.,-.27tA (A) by Arthur Arent; with ABC 9:30 Morning Star -(0) by Sylvia Regan, STEEL Gertrude Berg, Oscar Karlweis,Marilyn Erskine, , (SD) HOUR Pat Breslin, Fred Sadoff,Sid Armus, Anatole Winagradoff; (A) by Albert Hubbell; CBS 10pm Dip in the Pool -(0) by Roald Dahl, DANGER with Harry Townes, Nan McFarland,Robert Harris, Raymond Bram- ley, Lawrence Fletcher, Addison Richards,Kathleen Comegys;(0 (0) by Herbert Purdom; with regulars NBC 10:30 The Ungrateful Killer - tr. and Mrs. North Leavitt, Phil Tead, WilliamO'Neil, (Barbara Britton & & Steve Brodie, Norman Stanford Jolley, Robert Bailey;(SD) ) WEDNESDAY MARCH 3 ammammuummmmmmmum Roosevelt, Ed Cobb, Mike Val- WNBT 6pm regulars & Bruce Edwards, Buddy wild Bill Hickok (SW & SD) (Guy Madison) len, Henry Blair, John Merton; Desire Defauw, guest conductor(FROM CHICAGO) CHICAGO SYMPHONY DuM 8:30 Two Weeks in the Country -(0) by Kathleen & Robert Howard KRAFT TELEVISION NBC 9pm Lindsay; with Frances Reid, PaulLangton, Charles Saari, Ricky THEATRE (SD) Hamilton, Anne Seymour, WinifredCushing, Victor Thorley;

THURSDAY MARCH 4 MInITI=111=1 Pat Flaherty, Ray Kellogg ABC8 :30 regulars & Ida Moore, Charles Halton, gamilalge2 James Logan, Anne Carroll, JamesHyland; (SW & SD) (0) by Sidney Edelstein; NBC 8:30 Me Case of the Pentagon Payroll - T MEN IN ACTION with John O'Hare, Harry Davis, HildyParks, Somer Alberg, Mur- (Walter Qreaza) ray Hamilton, HowardCaine; (SD) (A) by Frederlc Detective's Holiday -(0) by Octavus Roy Cohen, Four Star Playhouse CBS 8:30 Camden, Dick Foran, Tiger Fafar Brady; with Dick Powell, Joan Edward: Barney Phillips, RalphMoody, Chris Olson; Dir by Blake Lukas; Miracle at the Waldorf -(0) by Stanley Paley; with Paul LUX VIDEO THEATRE CBS 9pm (SD, FROM H'WOCD) Jimmy Frank Conniff substitutes aspanelist for columnist WHAT'S THE STORY? DuM 9Pm Cannon for next threeweeks TALENT SHOWSHEET(more) THURSDAY MARCH 4 (Cont'd) mmr=mmtmunnimminmtrmmnimrnmm

(0) by Jean Heavey,(A) by Edward Hope; with Ford Theatre NBC 9 :30 Good of His Soul - , John Beal, Tommy Rettig, RosemaryDeCamp, ; (SD) (0) by Ferenc Molnar, (A) -(SW); with Eli Wal- KRAFT TELEVISION ABC 9:30 Delicate Story - THEATRE lach, Gaby xodgers, others; (SD) by Fielder Cook

PHILIP MORRIS CBS 10pm A Soldiers Homecoming, -(0) by Wyllis Cooper, (A) -(SW); with PLAYHOUSE John Beal, Louisa Horton, others; (SD) (LAST SHOW IN SERIES)

MARTIN KANE NBC lOpm (0) by Pall Monash; with Hugh Reilly, Joe Maross, Lewis Charles- (Mark Stevens) Harold Gary, others; (SD)

Foreign Intrigue WNBT 10:30 F. I. in Dynamite -(0) by Edward Pape,(A) by Harold Jack Wahlgren; (SD) (James Daly) Bloom; with Henrik Schildt, Erik Stranmark, Ivar FRIDAY MARCH 5

THE NEW REVUE CBS 5:30 regulars & (S), The Quinlins (roller skate), (Mike Wallace) the Czernys (D)

Pepsi -cola Playhouse ABC 8:30 Taps for a Hoofer -(0) by Les Crutchfield; with Roy Roberts, (Arlene Dahl) Andrea King, Peggy Knudsen, Rick Jason, Murvyn Vye, Tol Avery; Dir by

Pride of the Family ABC 9Pm (0) by James Allardice; with regulars; (SD) by Robert Finkel

Schlitz Playhouse CBS 9Pm The Great Lady -(0) by Dwight & Dorothy Cummins; with Ann Harding, , Anne 0' Neal, Maudie Prickett, Vera Miles, Mary Carroll, James Lloyd, Glenn Roberts; (SD)by Kellin

TEE BIG STORY NBC 9Pm Vern Lechliter, Wyoming Eagle, Cheyenne - (0) by Raphael Hayes (Robert Sloane) with Douglas Gordon, Florence Sundstrom, Earl George, Paul Lilly, Arthur Kohl, Henry Velez, Bea Chilson, ; (SD)

CAMPBELL SOUNDSTAGE NBC 9:30 An Eye for an Eye -(0) by Robert Esson,(A) by Jesse Sandler; with Dean Harens, Parker Fenneliy, Margaret Hamilton, Frederick Perrson; (SD)

MULTIPLE AND ACROSS-THE-BOARD SHOWS FRIDAY FEBRUARY 26 THROUGH FRIDAY MARCH 5 mmmmmt=mmmramrarzurzurnmummummarimmmmmmmmmmmmnimmumnimmimmmnumnrammm

STRIKE IT RICH(Hull) CBS 11:30 W (am)- Sloan Simpson; F - Ken Remo (S)

GARRY MOORE CBS 1:30 Tu- Jonathan Winters (C); Thu - Michael MacDougal(card detec- tive)

TEX AND JINX WNBT 2pm H thru F - add regular: Ethel Waters (S), Reginald Beane )

KATE SMITH NBC 3Pm M - Arthur Maxwell & Helena Scott (S). Dorothy Day & fashions; (Ted Collins) Tu Snooky Lanson (S); W - Alene Dalton (Story Princess), Al Bernie (C); Thu - in World of Mr. Sweeney; How- ell & Radcliffe (C); F - regulars

MAGIC COTTAGE WABD6 :30 regulars & Truman Smith, Rod Colbin;(SW & SD); M thru F

CAPTAIN VIDEO(Hodge) DuH 7pm n thru F -I:11 Martin, StewartBradley & regulars; (Sr) COKE TIME -E. FISHER NBC 7:30 - (S); F - EddieCantor (FROM HOLLYWOOD) CBS 7:45 M -W -F - Patti Page substitutesfor Como for two weeks

SPOTLIGHT WOR 8pm M thru F - The Tyrant -(0) by Chris Riland,(A) by Thomas Log- an; with Gordon Nelson, Bill Darrid, Betty Buehler; (SD)

HIGH TENSION 'OR 10:30 Thu thru Wed- The pulse of Murder -(0) by Jay Bennett; with Martin Ritt; (SD)

SATURDAY MARCH 6 MITTIMMI172111Mit.MMITIMITI ahnny Jupiter WABC5 :30 The Baby Contest -(0) by William Kendall Clarke; with regulars (Wright King) rfUTUEITITnarke, Reta Shaw; (SD) (C) by William Telaak; with regulars & Jim Ban- The Range Rider WNBT6 :30 Black Terror - (Jack Mahoney) non, Regina Gleason, Stan Joley, Ewing Mitchell; (SD)

ROSS REPORTS - 2/28/54 - Page D TALENT SHOWSHEET(more) SATURDAY MARCH 6 (Cont'd) mmmmmmmemeimmmmmmmmumiummum

(0) by P. Harry Hamster; with J. PatO'Mal- WNBT 7pm Will 0' the Wisp - Man Against Crime ley, Allan Hale, Augusta French,Reedy Talton, Frank Campanella (Ralph Bellamy) Jack Albertson, Jan Leighton,Audrey Swenson, Leo Bayard; (SD) (ALSO SEEN NBC NET ONLY,NOT WNBT, &DUMONT SUN 10:30pm) regulars & Vernon Duke(composer) LEAVE IT TO -GIRLS ABC 7:30 SUNDAY MARCH 7 mmminrmilmmmmmmm (0) by Dwight Babcock; with regulars & NBC 6:30 The Hermit's Secret - Roy Rogers Evelyn Finley, Stan Blystone, HankPatterson, Henry Wills, (& Dale Evans) , James Kirkwood,Fred Graham, Harry Harvey; (SD)

Teresa Brewer (S), RichardTucker (S), Joan Holloway (D) GEORGE JESSEL ABC 6:30 Puccini; with Regina Resnik, Rena- WABD 7:30 Scenes from Tosca - opera by OPERA CAMEOS to Capecchi, Jon Crain (allS) (G. Martinelli) William Holden, , COLGATE COMEDY HOURNBC 8pm Look Awards to: Audrey Hepburn, Brandon de Wilde (FROM HOLLYWOOD) (Eddie Cantor) (0) by ; with James Broderick,Janet NBC 9Pm The Dancers - PHILCO TELEVISION Joanne Woodward, Mary Lou Taylor,Katherine Squire, PLAYHOUSE DeGore, Helen Wagner, Frank Overton,Gloria Jones, William Erwin;(SD) by Vincent Donehue Jerry CBS 9:30 Mass. -(0) by D,vid Harmon; with Carl Fraak, Dick Moore, THE MAN BEHIND THE Jill Kraft, Ralph Dunn, BADGE(Fred Uttal) Eskow, Frank Marth, Martin Huston, Allan Stevenson, Joy Hathaway, Eda Heinemann; (SD)

NBC 10pm Nobody's Boy -(0) by Richard Morris; with Peter Reynolds The Loretta Young Chick Chandler, MorrisAnkrum, Peter Brocco, Norman Oldstead, Show Gene Collins, Leon Burbank,Argentina Brunetti; (SD) TALENT AVAILABILITIES 1 1111 U 1111;111 1 1 11 11 1 1.11 1 111111 1 11 111111 mmrur 1 11. 1 OTHER CITIES NEW YORK

SHIRLEY BOOTH - returns toB'way in By the CEICAGO Beautiful Sea - PRESS: Byram- (All TFORTE7 Chi.) Perlman, CI 5-9125 GEORGIAGIBBS - currently performing at the Edgewater Beach - CONTACT There KITTY CARLISLE - Cuick As a Flashpanelist LO 1-6000 opens on B'way in April in Bracken Anniversary Waltz - PRESS: LYDIA CLARKE - appearing opposite Eddie Nat Dorfman, LO -3-0858 in The Seven Year Itch at the Erlanger, CONTACT There:ST2-2459 LISA DELLA CASA - beautiful newSwiss soprano CAB CALLOWAY- Sportin' Life in Porgy and Bess of the Met - AGT: Columbia opening Marl at the Civic Audito- Artists, CI 7-6900 rium for 4 weeks - CONTACT There ALFRED DRAKE - star of Kismet -PRESS: Barry FI 6-0270 Hyams, CO 5-47E4 LILLIAN ROTH- headlines bill atthe Chez Paree CONTACT There: DE 7-3434 RHONDA FLEMING - arrives March8 to plug yankee 12.1115 - available for NET SHOWS ONLY - PRESS: Al Mendelsohn, LOS ANGELES (All phones, L.A. PL 9-8000 ARTHUR BLAKE- mimic at the Bar ofMusic - CON- TACT There - WE 7811 JOAN GREEN7:100D British film actress locally Clerk seen in The Confidential 2-3443 CONTACT: Maxine Keith, LA 4-2697NORMAN BROOKS - singing at the Mocambo,BR

"Jake" ROSEMARY DE CAMP- favorite of Dr.Christian - ROBERT H.HARRIS - popular TV actor, last MGT: E. T. Somlyo, oh6-2U4T of the Goldberas - AGT: Briscoe & Goldsmith, MU' 2-6244 PRESTON FOSTER -star of Waterfrontseries - AGT: Jaffe, CR 6-6121 MAGGIE McNAMARA - new filmstar(Moon is Blue) - CONTACT: Bill Stutman,C0 5-3320 JAMES MILLICAN - character actor - AGT: Stem- pel-Olenick Agency, CR 1-7141 NANCY OLSON - film actress - AGT: IOnMcCaffrey, EL 5-1076 PHILIP OBER - AGT: PaulSmall, CR 1-5246 films,AGT: Wm Morris, DON TAYLOR - leading man of Ullman, CR 4-5238 JU 6-5100 OLAN SOULE - AGT: George - AGT: Jack Winer,CR 6-7081 - exclusive mgt:Briscoe&Goldsmith TALENT AVAILABILITIES ROSS REPORTS - 2/28/54 -Paa'e E